"Company Law: A Comprehensive Summary" |
"Company Law: A Comprehensive Summary!Whether you are a new student or someone who is just about to sit for your Company Law examinations, ""The Law Simplified"" course on Company Law will give you an in-depth summary of the subject. Many students who study the Law, find it difficult to connect all of the pieces together. Thus, this course will give you a ""bird's eye"" overview of the entire subject. What's more, you will have access to 50+ pages of case summaries, specifically designed to help you understand all the legal principles. This course has been adapted to suit the needs of LLB students worldwide! Remember, this is not a substitute for thorough learning, but it will be a great resource for students who want to recap the entire syllabus and for those who want a better, clearer and more concise understanding of the principles - or simply anyone who's interested in learning Company Law!Features:- Digestible chunks of knowledge: everything you need to know on each topic, simplified - Downloadable Slide Decks that will give you the bigger picture of the subject - 50+ pages of case-law, developed in a simplified and direct manner."
Price: 49.99

"Word 2019 Intermediate" |
"This is the intermediate course in the Microsoft Word 2019 series. This course expands upon the topics covered in the Word 2019 Introduction course. In this course, students will work with, create, manage, and customize Styles, Templates, and Themes. Students will also work with various types of data in Word using Tables, advanced Copy and Paste commands, and Charts. Students will then review advanced document layout options in Word and various collaboration tools. Lastly, students will work with graphic elements such as pictures, text boxes, shapes, the Drawing Canvas, SmartArt, Text Effects, Typography Effects, WordArt, and Equations. Additional graphic element features such as grouping, layering, and moving objects will also be covered.This IAAP-certified counts for 5.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"SSL Complete Guide 2020: HTTP to HTTPS" |
"This course is all about securing websites with SSL/TLS certificates. Become a master of HTTPS, Let's Encrypt, Cloudflare, NGINX and SSL/TLS Certificates.This is the most complete practical SSL guide here on Udemy that includes tons of practical activities. All practice exercises are performed on a real domain and real hosting and finally you will get production ready solution with HTTPS setup and redirection of HTTP to HTTPS. You can have zero knowledge about computer networks, encryption, configuration of web servers. All will be taught from scratch, from simple setup to complex solution. If you want to get deep knowledge of SSL and HTTPS this course is for you!We will start by exploring basics of symmetric encryption algorithms like AES, asymmetric encryption RSA, hashing protocols MD5 and SHA. Also I will explain you fundamentals of computer networks, TCP/IP stack and for that we will use Wireshark traffic analyzer.You will learn what is the structure of the SSL/TLS certificate. Also you will understand why CAs (Certificate Authorities) are needed and how chain of trust is built.In practice sections we will perform multiple practice activities:Buy a domain and configure DNS settingsUse Certbot ACME client to automatically obtain free SSL certificate from Let's EncryptWith help of OpenSSL generate RSA keys, self-signed certificatesSecure Wordpress with Apache using SSL/TLS certificatesCreate CSR (Certificate Signing Request) by OpenSSL and submit CSR to CA serverConfigure Cloudflare for your domain and setup different SSL modes of operationsInstall and configure NGINX web server for SSL/TLS certificatesMigrate from HTTP to HTTPSRedirect all traffic using HTTP 301 redirect from HTTP to HTTPSWith this course you will get lifetime-long access to 100 lectures and tens of practical exercises. After the course you will become a guru of SSL and TLS encryption and will be able easily obtain and install SSL certificates on your web servers.You will also get 30-days money-back guarantee. No questions asked!Don't wait and join the course now!"
Price: 139.99

"Wireshark: Packet Analysis and Ethical Hacking: Core Skills" |
"Learn Wireshark practically. Wireshark pcapng files provided so you can practice while you learn! There is so much to learn in this course:- Capture Telnet, FTP, TFTP, HTTP passwords. - Replay VoIP conversations. - Capture routing protocol (OSPF) authentication passwords.- Troubleshoot network issues.- Free software.- Free downloadable pcapng files.- Answer quiz questions.The course is very practical. You can practice while you learn!Learn how to analyze and interpret network protocols and leverage Wireshark for what it was originally intended: Deep Packet Inspection and network analysis. I also show you have to hack network protocols using Kali Linux! Hack network protocols like DTP, VTP, STP and DHCP using Ethical hacking tools included in Kali Linux.Updates: Now includes Python scripting to automatically capture packets from the network using tshark. Lean how to automate your captures and learn how to hack the network using Python and Wireshark.Protocols we capture and discuss in this course include:- Telnet- FTP- TFTP- HTTP- VoIP- OSPF- EIGRP- DNS- ICMP- DTP- VTP- STP- DHCP"
Price: 19.99

"Metas e indicadores para equipes e funcionrios" |
"Defina metas e melhore o desempenho de toda a organizao!O estabelecimento de metas a chave para impulsionar o comportamento e alinhar todos os colaboradores de forma a alcanar o desempenho desejado. Brinde: Formulrio para criao e validao de metas.Planilha para clculo de NPS . Programa:Objetivos, metas, e indicadores.Como definir atividades.Como validar uma meta.Metas SMARTEtapas para criar metas e indicadores eficazes.KPI's.KPI's Financeiros.KPI's de Clientes. KPI's de Pessoal.O que so OKR's.Evoluo histrica.Recursos disponveis.A melhor forma de como comunicar a um funcionrio que ele est abaixo da meta.e muito mais."
Price: 39.99

"VSD - Embedded-UVM" |
"Of course, there is a requirement for open-source verification, but thats not the only thing we want to cater to. There are other verification trends and challenges which system Verilog and other verification platforms are not able to meet. So, we want to position Embedded-UVM for that. In the past decade or so, the major thing which is making verification tougher than it used to be, is the death of Moores law.As far as processor frequency goes, it stabilizes at 4GHz and it's coming down as we move to multi-core processors. So, when you look at it from a simulation perspective, post-2005 it is becoming increasingly difficult to run simulations on bigger chips.Chip size keeps increasing, while processor speed is stagnant and hence, simulation is a limiting factor. Simulation speed is going to be limited unless we move to multi-core processors. Contemporary EDA tools run RTL simulations in a multi-core environment. System Verilog doesnt run in a multi-core environment.Therefore, test-bench runs on one thread and RTL runs on multiple threads. RTL is more formal in nature, in sense, it can be synthesized, it can be partitioned, different partitions can run on different processors, while test-bench is behavioral in nature and it cannot be partitioned the way RTL can be.About Speaker:Puneet Goel is a 1994 graduate in Electronics from Punjab Engineering College. He has 24 years of experience in the VLSI industry where he worked for STMicro, Motorola, Texas Instruments and TranSwitch.For the past 8 years, he has been working for Coverity Systems Technology, where he provides verification services and works on creating viable opensource solutions for chip verification. Puneet is the main developer of Embedded UVM."
Price: 94.99

"Como Hacer Un Anuncio o Spot Publicitario Con Camtasia 9" |
"Mi nombre es Mauro Martnez y te invito a sumarte a mi curso de Motion Graphics y Audacity en su ultima versin. Espero contar contigo en este curso dirigido a todas las personas que quieran dar los primeros pasos dentro de la animacin y edicin audiovisual digital..Motion Graphic es el arte de la creacin de vdeos o animaciones digitales, creando la ilusin de movimientos mediante imgenes, fotografas, ttulos, colores, textos y diseos, etc. En este curso aprenders a realizar Motion Graphic con el popular programa Camtasia Studio 9. Pero tambin utilizaremos otro programa de edicin, Audacity 2.3 donde grabaremos la parte auditiva de nuestro proyecto que combinaremos con la parte visual en Camtasia Studio. As que en realidad es como tener dos cursos en uno. Que te parece? Hemos divido la produccin de nuestro proyecto en tres partes. Preproduccin - Produccin y Postproduccin, para que puedas aprender todos los pasos para crear tus propios vdeos ya sea con un fin comercial o personal.Muchas empresas estn eligiendo este tipo de vdeo por las ventajas que tienen este tipo de presentaciones, as que incluso puedes tomarlo como una salida laboral. Ademas no hay como este tipo de productos para explicar conceptos de forma sencilla y divertida, animar logos, vender servicios, cursos, y por supuesto crear producciones comerciales, que es lo que desarrollamos desde cero en este curso: La produccin de un comercial para TV a modo de ejemplo, pero la realidad que las limitaciones de su uso estn sujetas a nuestra imaginacin, pues su uso es ilimitado...Un buen saludo y hasta pronto!Mauro!"
Price: 34.99

"Artificial Intelligence for Pragmatic Business Solutions" |
"Considered the Holy Grail of automation, data analysis, and robotics, Artificial Intelligence has taken the world by storm as a major field of research and development.Artificial Intelligence is one of the hottest fields in computer science right now and has taken the world by storm as a major field of research and development. Python has surfaced as a dominant language in AI/ML programming because of its simplicity and flexibility, as well as its great support for open source libraries such as Scikit-learn, Keras, spaCy and TensorFlow.This comprehensive 3-in-1 course is designed to explore the fascinating world of intelligent applications with Artificial Intelligence using the Python programming language. To begin with, youll create your own model that is able to recognize objects on a raw image with accuracy. Youll also understand AI and different areas of application in the business to manage workflow, optimize operations & predict trends. Finally, youll use not only the SpaCy and textacy libraries for NLP but also Deep Reinforcement Learning to build an AI that plays arcade games.Towards the end of this Course, youll explore the foundations of AI in less than 3 hours. Drive your business with faster, smarter solutions and services using the power of Artificial Intelligence.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 3 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The first course, Artificial Intelligence in 3 Hours, covers exploring the foundations of AI in less than 3 hours. In this course, you will progress to advanced AI techniques and concepts, and work on real-life datasets on how training works, model evaluation and how to process their first dataset in Supervised and Unsupervised Learning. You will be introduced to neural networks, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. You will understand the concept of Artificial Intelligence and how it is applicable in the enterprise context. You will then cover the basics of machine learning relate how Deep Learning and AI fits with them. Finally, you will see understand, Deep Reinforcement Learning and will be able to implement AI in your applications.The second course, Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Small Businesses, covers smart business innovations and solutions with AI. This course will teach you to approach AI from a leaders perspective using practical, data-driven methods to identify and quantify business opportunities. You will learn to use several varieties of machine learning techniques, improving the capability of your business to deliver better and faster solutions to its customers and clients. By the end of the course, you will have the skills to improve and innovate the services of any business using the power of AI.The third course, Advanced Artificial Intelligence Projects with Python, covers intelligent applications projects with Artificial Intelligence using the Python programming language. This video course is built for those with a basic understanding of artificial intelligence, introducing them to advanced artificial intelligence projects as they go ahead. The first project introduces natural language processing including part-of-speech tagging and named entity extraction. Wikipedia articles are used to demonstrate the extraction of keywords, and the Enron email archive is mined for mentions and relationships of people, places, and organizations. The spaCy library is used. The next project introduces genetic algorithms. The DEAP library is used. A music data set is used in a genetic algorithm that generates a music playlist satisfying multiple criteria such as song similarity and playlist length. The last project introduces reinforcement learning and deep reinforcement learning. The OpenAI Gym platform and Q-learning algorithm are used to build a game-playing AI.By the end of this training program, youll get hands-on experience with Python recipes and build artificial intelligence applications with different Artificial Intelligence techniques and neural networks.About the AuthorsLuka Anicin is a passionate and experienced Artificial Intelligence Engineer and he loves to share knowledge with others! In his career, he had worked on many different and exciting projects where he had an opportunity to apply some of currently most advanced AI algorithms. Some project that Luka has in his portfolio: Electricity grid optimization for multiple countries, OCR for car chassis numbers, deploying chatbots for multiple customers, object detection pipeline for image search system, etc. He is putting his knowledge and experience into one, to create courses for people interested in Data Science.Sam Saarinen is an artificial intelligence researcher with a graduate degree from Brown University. He also has a passion for teaching and plans to use AI to improve education worldwide. When hes not making video games, freestyle rapping, or telling bad jokes and even when he is he enjoys spending time with his wife.Joshua Eckroth is Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stetson University, where he teaches Big Data Mining and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Software Engineering. Dr. Eckroth joined the Math and Computer Science Department at Stetson University in Fall 2014. He earned his Ph.D. from Ohio State University in the areas of AI and cognitive science, focusing on abductive reasoning and metareasoning. He is an active researcher with numerous refereed publications in the fields of artificial intelligence and computer science education. Dr. Eckroth also serves as Chief Architect at i2k Connect, LLC., whose mission is to revolutionize the ability of companies to find, filter, and analyze data in documents by extracting essential information from data clutter. In addition, Dr. Eckrothis co-editor of AITopics, the Internet's largest collection of information about the research, the people, and the applications of Artificial Intelligence."
Price: 199.99

"A Practical Guide to Google Cloud from Scratch" |
"The Google Cloud Platform provides auto-scaling compute power and distributed in-memory caches, task queues, and datastores to write, build, and deploy cloud-hosted applications. So are you willing to learn how to architect and deploy applications on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)? Then this course is for you!With this practical course, you will begin with learning about GCP basics where you will mainly focus on how to run the same application in different ways on GCP, choosing the right package and take advantage of the scale and reliability of GCP & much more. Once you are clear with basic, then you learn to launch your 1st Web Stack on GCP. Moving further, you will be learning to deploy your application on an infrastructure protected by more than 700 top experts in network security.By the end of this course, youll know how to architect and deploy applications on GCP & migrate your application to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and choose between different features when designing an application.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 2 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The first course, Learning Google Cloud Platform you will run the same application in different ways on GCP. Then youll learn how to choose the right package and take advantage of the scale and reliability of GCP. Moving on, youll work with App Engine and Containers with a dash of Cloud Functions to discover the future of cloud computing. By the end of this course, youll know how to architect and deploy applications on GCP.The second course, Google Cloud Platform Development Essentials you will see how to interact with Google Cloud Platform services and explore ways to use Google Cloud Platform. The course teaches you how to grow your application in GCP without considering capacity, reliability, and performance. You'll see how to launch your web stack on Google Cloud Platform, and how to deploy your application on an infrastructure protected by more than 700 top experts in network security. By the end of the course, you will be able to take advantage of the most popular cloud computing services that run on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-users.About the Authors:Zandre Schalkwyk is a full-stack developer, a team lead, mentor, wannabe data engineer, and machine learning expert. He has more than 3 years experience in the field of technology. He is a certified GCP specialist and has recently started conducting lectures on it, where he trains others on how to pass the certification examAdam Frisbee is an instructor at a major US university, a course author on Udemy for Business, a former cloud system engineer, and a current director of information technology at a large biotech organization. He is passionate about education and enjoys creating and deploying cloud solutions."
Price: 199.99

"Learn React Native Tips, Tricks & Troubleshooting Techniques" |
"React Native is a cross-platform application development framework built by engineers at Facebook which will help you to get out of the pain of maintaining a Swift and Java code base by learning once and applying it anywhere. Also, it bridges the gap between JS, Android, and iOS.With this hands-on course, you will begin with building React components for mobile devices where youll learn to configure Firebase to store your data while coding your applications & and see the changes youve made without re-compiling your application again and again. Moving further, you will gain tips about reusable logic with Higher Order Components, tips for better upgrading, tips on styling and separation of concerns. Then youll learn to overcome the most common bugs and pitfalls that plague React Native developers, solving complex navigation patterns with redux as well as troubleshooting complex operations in JavaScript while keeping your app UI running smoothly.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 3 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The first course, React Native in 7 Steps youll be able to create visually stunning and high-performing applications. This course will get you started with React Native quickly by building React components for mobile devices. Youll learn to configure Firebase to store your data while coding your applications. Youll be able hot-reload applications and see the changes youve made without re-compiling your application again and again. By the end of this course, youll be able to develop highly functional iOS and Android applications on your own and deploy them to both the App Store and the Play Store.The second course, React Native: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques help to provide you with valuable tips and tricks to help make your development process easier, and less tedious. You will find tips about reusable logic with Higher Order Components, tips for better upgrading, tips on styling and separation of concerns. You will be getting some useful & cool tips on using tools for faster React Native development, such as reactotron, react-native-debugger and making your own logger for debugging and analytics. Finally, some tips and useful scripts you can use, and a nice way to use feature flags for your application. By the end of this course, you would have added useful skills to your arsenal, a plethora of valuable tips and tricks to make your development process with React Native more effective and efficient.The third course, Troubleshooting and Supercharging React Native youll learn how to find memory leaks and cease unwanted applications in the background. Youll reduce the CPU usage of your application. Youll optimize APIs and third-party libraries to minimize the size of your application. Most developers complain about performance issues while implementing navigation components, so youll learn how to solve them once and for all. Finally, youll minimize your application's launch time and improve its overall performance.At the end of the course, youll supercharge your productivity in React Native, by spending less time debugging and more time coding.About the Authors:Christopher Reyes is a software engineer in Southern California with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems with a specialization in software development. He has multiple years of experience working across multiple technologies including proprietary programming languages, and full stack JavaScript. He has experience on the back end with Node.js developing Restful APIS with typescript, and exposing data through GraphQL and Apollo while utilizing React on the front end. Chris has utilized to React Native to develop versatile mobile applications that can be utilized across multiple devices and platforms. Chris has mostly worked in the financial sector and has also freelanced for a telematics company. Chris is passionate about test-driven development and writing clean code.Pavlos Vinieratos is an experienced iOS and macOS Developer using React Native, Swift, Objective-C. Enjoys using Clojure and Ruby. He enjoys working with React Native and works with it on a regular basis. As an experienced React Native developer, Pavlos Vinieratos brings hands-on working experience to this course that helps viewers to get effective and practical guidance from a developers point of view.Atul Sandilya Tiwari is a software developer. He has 5 years of experience building mobile applications for companies ranging from startups to fortune 500 companies. He has been working in both React native and Android since the early days of their releases."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Guide to Android UI Design, Styles & Animations" |
"Material Design is a visual language developed by Google that brings new attractive ways for a user to interact with apps. Enhance UIs to create dynamic and responsive Android applications with consistent styles and appropriate themes. Add animations to your Android apps to make user experience more dynamic, fun, and effective. If youre an Android developer who wants to give a seamless experience to users by implementing these features into your apps to make it visually beautiful, then go for this course.This course is a practical guide to applying the latest Material Design 2 specifications into your application development. Ranging from creating realistic visual cues to give meaning to your UI using motion and animations, you will make your application more engaging and useful for your users. You will learn the best practices of material design, colors, styles, and themes to build attractive, user-friendly, and responsive applications with backward compatibility. You will also learn different types of animations that can be applied to different app scenarios to make your apps more dynamic.By the end of this course, you will be able to create visually beautiful UI/UX for your Android apps by implementing Material design specifications and animations into your Android applications.Meet Your Expert(s):We have the best work of the following esteemed author(s) to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Mona Vafatabar is an energetic mobile developer with 4+ years of robust code experience in Java-Android and iOS. She enjoys every minute spent developing apps on her computer. There is always something new to learn so what she loves the most is being challenged and sharing her experience. Currently, Mona is working as a freelance software developer and is a proud online trainer. Apart from this, she loves to travel, explore new places, and read books.Ehsan Mashhadi is an experienced mobile developer with 5+ years of experience in Java, Kotlin, and Swift. He loves his work and is always passionate to learn new things. He loves challenges, and always tries to do his job better, faster, and without bugs. Currently, he is working as a team lead developer and freelance technical author. Outside of his technical life, he loves food, trips, and movies.Annapurna Agrawal is an Android developer. She has also tried her hand at JavaScript, Kotlin, PHP, jQuery, CSS, and HTML. She is a software engineer from India and likes teaching. She is a trainer in the Google Developers Group at Bhubaneswar, Odisha in India. Besides all this, she practices yoga and meditation, YouTubing, and hanging out with friends."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Ansible 2.x for Continuous Delivery and DevOps" |
"Designed for multi-tier deployments since day one, Ansible helps take software updates from testing to deployment in a short period of time. It is a great solution for orchestrating DevOps pipelines. Whether you want to manage an entire cloud region, configure network devices, or orchestrate configuration changes across Linux or Windows machines, Ansible is up to the challenge!This comprehensive 3-in-1 course follows a practical, informative, step-by-step approach to safeguard your system with advanced features of Ansible as well as automate your DevOps and Continuous Delivery process. Youll begin with configuring and managing your infrastructure using Ansible Playbooks. Youll then get a deeper understanding of Ansible design and usage, paving the way for designing and managing your own automation using Ansible. Moving further, youll deploy and configure your own Git repository server to serve as the basis for your DevOps pipeline.Towards the end of this course, you'll learn Ansible 2 and perform security automation, CI/CD for software delivery using DevOps with Ansible.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 3 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The first course, Getting Started with Core Features in Ansible 2, covers how to automate your infrastructure like a pro using Ansible 2. This course teaches you the key new features in Ansible 2 and gives an introduction to how to create Ansible playbooks and modules. You will also learn modular configuration using roles to simplify your tasks even more. You will learn to overcome security, automation, and deployment concerns by implementing Ansible playbooks. By the end of this course, you will have learned how to create and install custom modules and plugins which can be integrated to automate processes. You will speed-up software delivery from development to production by automating tasks and deliver applications much more efficiently.The second course, Practical Ansible Solutions, covers real-world examples and methodologies to automate common IT tasks easily and effectively using Ansible. In this video course, we'll focus on getting things done quickly, using real-world examples and a hands-on teaching style rather than focus too much on theory and conceptual ideas once the basics are covered so you can get the job done. Core conceptssuch as setting up the inventory and playbooks, ad-hoc commands and quick and dirty heavy lifting will get you up and running quickly. We'll then dive into proper playbook organization and using handlers, variables, conditionals, and logic for maximizing the efficiency of your automation workflow. We'll also dive into handling growth and multi-role playbooks and stack orchestration. As we move onward to victory, we will dive into systems lifecycle management so you can handle users, software and packages, authentication, services and application/web content with ease as well as touch on Ansible Tower/AWX. We'll end the journey with consuming and using Ansible Galaxy so you can borrow, share and collaborate with the vibrant Ansible Open Source community and the plethora of community roles and playbooks available on the internet. At the end of this course, you will attain a deeper understanding of Ansible usage and design and be empowered to create your own playbooks, properly growing and scaling them to adapt to the ever-changing needs of your IT landscape.The third course, Hands-On DevOps with Ansible, covers automating your DevOps and Continuous Delivery software delivery process using Ansible 2.x. In this course, we show how a DevOps pipeline can speed up your software development. We will use DevOps practices to automate your building and testing environments to push software into production. You will use Ansible to automate your DevOps pipeline. Whether you test and deploy applications on-premise or in the cloud, and whether you build full systems or containers with Docker and Kubernetes, by the end of the course you will be able to develop and deploy reliable applications with speed using Ansible.Towards the end of this course, you'll learn Ansible 2 and perform security automation, CI/CD for software delivery using DevOps with Ansible.About the AuthorsPrateek Jain is an enthusiastic DevOps Engineer with the necessary drive and determination to work with organizations to build large platforms, with a focus on end-to-end automation, the cloud, continuous delivery, and infrastructure automation. He is a senior DevOps Engineer and Security Chief in the current organization. He specializes in security and automation.The primary course author, Will Foster, has been in the IT industry for the past two decades helping organizations build, automate and streamline platforms for business success. He is currently working as a Systems Engineer / DevOps professional in the realm of Performance and Scale Engineering. Will also leads and maintains several Open Source upstream projects.Alan Hohn is a Software Architect who primarily works in Java, Go, and Python. He has a lot of experience re-architecting embedded systems and in combining embedded and enterprise approaches. Currently, he works as a Lockheed Martin Fellow encouraging the adoption of virtualization, DevOps, and cloud technologies. This also means that he frequently tries out new technologies and new approaches. He enjoys teaching on technical topics and enjoys hearing from those who find his courses useful. He is employed by Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems and his personal blog is called Variegated."
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning and Deep Learning with JavaScript" |
"Machine learning and Deep Learning have been gaining immense traction lately, but until now JavaScript developers have not been able to take advantage of it due to the steep learning curve involved in learning a new language. Here comes a browser based JavaScript library, TensorFlow.js to your rescue using which you can train and deploy machine learning models entirely in the browser. If youre a JavaScript developer who wants to enter the field ML and DL using TensorFlow.js, then this course is for you.This course takes a step by step approach to teach you how to use JavaScript library, TensorFlow.js for performing machine learning and deep learning on a day-to-day basis. Beginning with an introduction to machine learning, you will learn how to create machine learning models, neural networks, and deep learning models with practical projects. You will then learn how to include a pre-trained model into your own web application to detect human emotions based on pictures and voices. You will also learn how to modify a pre-trained model to train the emotional detector from scratch using your own data.Towards the end of this course, you will be able to implement Machine Learning and Deep Learning for your own projects using JavaScript and the TensorFlow.js library.Meet Your Expert(s):We have the best work of the following esteemed author(s) to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Arish Ali started his machine learning journey 5 years ago by winning an all-India machine learning competition conducted by IISC and Microsoft. He was a data scientist at Mu Sigma, one of the biggest analytics firms in India. He has worked on some cutting-edge problems involved in multi-touch attribution modeling, market mix modeling, and Deep Neural Networks. He has also been an Adjunct faculty for Predictive Business Analytics at the Bridge School of Management, which along with Northwestern University (SPS) offers a course in Predictive Business Analytics. He has also worked at a mental health startup called Bemo as an AI developer where his role was to help automate the therapy provided to users and make it more personalized. He is currently the CEO at Neurofy Pvt Ltd, a people analytics startup.Jakub Konczyk has done programming professionally since 1995. He is a Python and Django expert and has been involved in building complex systems since 2006. He loves to simplify and teach programming subjects and share them with others. He first discovered Machine Learning when he was trying to predict real estate prices in one of the early stages startups he was involved in. He failed miserably. Then he discovered a much more practical way to learn Machine Learning that he would like to share with you in this course. It boils down to Keep it simple!"
Price: 199.99

"Build Dynamic Applications with GraphQL" |
"Are you a frontend developer looking for a simpler way to interact with the server side? Look no further, as this Course is perfect for you!GraphQL is a data-fetching API developed by Facebook. It powers millions of devices and most components of the Facebook and Instagram website. In this course, you will get an introduction into GraphQL as a bridge to React client application to communicate with servers as the missing data-fetching or query language. You will then learn to add features to your board such as adding or editing a task, implement the shared whiteboard functionality by populating the changes into other sessions and much more. Moving further, build a job board application using Apollo Client to React. Create a chat application and dive deep into its advanced topics such as Authentication/Authorization and Real-time Subscriptions. In the last application, we will look at how you can use Apollo client in combination with REST APIs.By the end of the course, you will know how to create real-world GraphQL effectively and apply those skills at your job, efficient in using GraphQL for API development.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 2 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The first course, Hands-on Application Building with GraphQL you will learn how to build your own Trello-like web application using GraphQL. The course starts by teaching you GraphQL basics and comparing it with REST; you will then learn to run queries and specify types in its schema system. The course then shows you how to build a Graphql server and a client UI and connect this Apollo-based client to the server. You will then learn to add features to your board such as adding or editing a task. You will then see how to implement the shared whiteboard functionality by populating the changes into other sessions and how to solve the conflicts in this real-world scenario with concurrent changes from different users. The course then shows you how to add authentication to your application to prevent unwanted access to it and user-centric web service. Finally, you will learn troubleshooting typical problems that may occur while running your app, and how to fine-tune the schema and communication of client-server. By the end of the course, you will be able to build your own applications using GraphQL.The second course, GraphQL Projects you will learn GraphQL design principles and what makes it different from REST while creating real-world projects. You will build a job board application using Apollo Client to React and know how to use it. Create a chat application and dive deep into its advanced topics such as Authentication/Authorization and Real-time Subscriptions. In the last application, we will look at how you can use Apollo client in combination with REST APIs. By the end of the course, you will know how to create real-world GraphQL effectively and apply those skills at your job.About the Authors:Robert Hostlowsky (@rhosts) has been gaining experience in various roles in software development. He currently works at codecentric AG as a senior consultant and as a developer and technical coach, following the goals of high quality and efficiency. Since 2012 He has been an enthusiastic supporter of the software crafts movement. For more than 2 years he has been working with GraphQL. As a speaker at various conferences and meetups, he has presented this topic to more than 500 people.Maxim Filimonov is a full-stack software engineer with over a decade of experience in various industries. He has been part of large enterprises and world-renowned consultancies, and a core team member of multiple startups. For the last 2.5 years Maxim has been focusing on mentoring other developers as part of the Thinkful Inc. online coding bootcamp and his own company: Reify Academy. Maxim has been using GraphQL on various projects for the last 1.5 years and have also helped several of his students implement GraphQL projects. He holds a Master of Computer Science degree from Bauman Moscow State Technical University and has spoken about GraphQL at several meetups in Australia. Outside his work, his main passion is personal development, mindfulness, and travel. You can find him meditating/dancing all over the World."
Price: 199.99

"Certificao Amazon AWS Solutions Architect SAA-C02" |
"Seja muito bem vindo(a) ao Curso preparatrio para a Certificao Oficial Amazon AWS Solutions Architect O curso preparatrio para a Certificao AWS Solutions Architect vai do nvel Bsico ao Avanado.Esse curso ideal para todos aqueles que tem o objetivo de administrar e tirar a Certificao na plataforma Amazon AWS.Mesmo que voc tenha conhecimento ZERO, no se preocupe. Esse o seu curso!Por quase 14 anos, a Amazon Web Services a plataforma de nuvem mais abrangente e amplamente adotada do mundo. A AWS oferece mais de 175 servios completos para cloud computing, como machine learning e inteligncia artificial (IA), alm de internet das coisas (IoT).Presente em 22 regies geogrficas, entre elas, o Brasil (So Paulo), a AWS atende milhes de clientes incluindo startups em rpido ritmo de crescimento. As maiores empresas e as principais agncias governamentais confiam na AWS para viabilizar suas infraestruturas, agiliz-las e reduzir custos.Em uma publicao americana sobre as 15 certificaes de TI mais bem pagas em 2019 nos EUA, a Certificao Amazon AWS ficou em primeiro lugar! No Brasil a histria est se repetindo e sites de oferta de emprego esto oferecendo salrios acima de R$6.500 mensais.A pesquisa apontou que todas as cinco certificaes da AWS disponveis pagam acima do mercado, com o salrio mdio sendo US $125.591. A escassez de associados da AWS Certified Solutions Architect continua nos EUA, aumentando os salrios e os incentivos para recrutamento. O domnio da AWS como uma plataforma de nuvem pblica o catalisador que impulsiona a demanda por todas as cinco certificaes da AWS para nveis mais altos este ano. As empresas tambm esto optando por criar seus aplicativos em nuvem internamente, confiando na AWS como suas plataformas de desenvolvimento. As equipes de TI buscam recrutar profissionais de tecnologia com a certificao AWS Certified Developer Associate, pagando um salrio mdio de US $ 114.148 para obter o conhecimento necessrio para criar novos aplicativos internamente. H uma escassez de arquitetos certificados da AWS disponveis hoje, j que as organizaes de TI geralmente competem para contratar profissionais de TI com essa e mais certificaes da AWS.O exame Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect demonstra a especialidade de um profissional em projetar e implantar sistemas escalonveis na estrutura AWS. No surpreendente ver essa certificao no top 15 deste ano, devido necessidade do mercado por arquitetos de solues AWS qualificados e certificados.Hoje o dia Perfeito para voc iniciar seus estudos para tirar a sua certificao Amazon AWS! Esse curso ideal para todos aqueles que tem o objetivo de administrar e tirar a Certificao na plataforma Amazon AWS. O que est incluso no curso:- Aulas sem slides! 100% prticas!- Videos gravados em HD 1080i de resoluo!- Tira-dvidas pelo Chat!- Certificado de Concluso do curso!- E muito mais...Mesmo que voc tenha conhecimento ZERO em Amazon AWS, no se preocupe. Esse o seu curso!Comece a estudar hoje mesmo para a certificao mais valiosa e mais remunerada do Mercado de Tecnologia atualmente."
Price: 579.99

"MikroTik Switching - Spanning Tree Protocol" |
"This is the first course in the market discussing about switching in MikroTik. Since RouterOS version 6.41 and above, MikroTik has very reliable Switching features that you can profit from: One of the feature is the Spanning-Tree Protocol.Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP) help your redundant switching networks to avoid having loops and to wok efficiently. Without STP your network would end up not working. In this course, I am going to discuss in details how STP works and what are its features, also I am going to discuss about the RSTP and the MSTP (MSTP is only available on RouterOS version 6.41+).To be able to do the LABS in this course, you need 3 MikroTik routerboards having a switch chip, or you can use MikroTik CRS models. You also need 2 end devices such as PC's.I look forward to see you in my course."
Price: 19.99

"Line By Line Resume Writing: Write A Resume &Cover Letter" |
"See how to write every line of your resume in a way that makes your resume well-rounded by showing you as a potential leader, competent in your core skills, and that you have many core skills needed for the job. The course will also show you how to make your resume highly discoverable on job sites, and how to have a professional-looking cover letter.The course also covers two ways of writing your resume and cover letter. The first way is in a common Word document, and the second is in Canva if you want to have a nicer visual design for your resume and cover letter.WHAT MAKES THIS RESUME WRITING COURSE UNIQUEThis course is a complete screen-sharing walk-through so you see how I think about and write every single word and line of a resume. You will see how to put your experience and skills in their best light and the important thing is that don't just explain it theoretically, but I show it all you on my screen so you see me making each part from scratch.DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A COVER LETTER AND A RESUMEA resume tells the potential employer about your past experience. A cover letter gives you a chance to explain to the potential employer why your experience is especially relevant to their position. In this course, I'll show you how to write a professional cover letter that convinces the potential employer to consider your resume and increase your chances of being called for an interview.NEW SECTION IN THE COURSE ON LINKEDIN You can use LinkedIn as your online resume because LinkedIn is one of the first websites that comes up in Google when people search for your name. I added an entire section which is a hands-on, screen-sharing walk-through of how to make every part of your LinkedIn profile act as your online resume and reinforce your online profile. You can complete the section on how to make your LinkedIn your online resume in under 1 hour and implement the strategies to turn LinkedIn into your online resume in only an additional hour or two. After that, your LinkedIn profile will help you come across as a great professional in your industry.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THIS RESUME WRITING COURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this resume and cover letter writing course on how to write a resume, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your resume writing expertise, and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction resume writing.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis resume and cover letter writing course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students.Invest in your future. Enroll now and learn how to write a great resume and use LinkedIn to impress potential employers looking at your profile."
Price: 49.99

"Data Science with Python 3.x" |
"Python is an open-source community-supported, general-purpose programming language that, over the years, has also become one of the bastions of data science. Thanks to its flexibility and vast popularity that data analysis, visualization, and machine learning can be easily carried out with Python.This practical course is designed to teach you how to perform data science tasks such as data analysis, data manipulation, and data visualization. You will begin with performing data analysis on real-world datasets. You will then work on large datasets and perform exploratory data analysis to investigate the dataset and to come up with the findings from it.You will also learn to scale your data analysis and execute distributed data science projects right from data ingestion to data manipulation and visualization using Dask. Next, you will explore Dask frameworks and see how Dask can be used with other common Python tools such as NumPy, Pandas, matplotlib, Scikit-learn, and more. Finally, you will perform data visualization using Python and Matplotlib 3.By the end of this course, you will be able to use the power of Python to analyze data, create beautiful visualizations, and use powerful machine learning algorithms.Meet Your Expert(s):We have the best work of the following esteemed author(s) to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Mohammed Kashif works as a Data Scientist at Nineleaps, India, dealing mostly with graph data analysis. Prior to this, he worked as a Python developer at Qualcomm. He completed his Master's degree in Computer Science from IIT Delhi, with a specialization in data engineering. His areas of interest include recommender systems, NLP, and graph analytics. In his spare time, he likes to solve questions on StackOverflow and help debug other people out of their misery. He is also an experienced teaching assistant with a demonstrated history of working in the Higher-Education industry.Jamshaid Sohail is a Data Scientist who is highly passionate about Data Science, Machine learning, Deep Learning, big data, and other related fields. He spends his free time learning more about the field and learning to use its emerging tools and technologies. He is always looking for new ways to share his knowledge with other people and add value to other people's lives. He has also attended Cambridge University for a summer course in Computer Science where he studied under great professors and would like to impart this knowledge to others. He has extensive experience as a Data Scientist in a US-based company. In short, he would be extremely delighted to educate and share knowledge with other people.Harish Garg is a co-founder and software professional with more than 18 years of software industry experience. He currently runs a software consultancy that specializes in the data analytics and data science domain. He has been programming in Python for more than 12 years and has been using Python for data analytics and data science for 6 years. He has developed numerous courses in the data science domain and has also published a book involving data science with Python, including Matplotlib."
Price: 199.99

"A Complete Guide to Data Visualization with D3.js 5" |
"This course seeks to take you on a journey to learn to create beautiful visualizations of information using D3.js which is an amazing JavaScript library known among data analysts, engineers, mathematicians, and developers worldwide as an advanced data visualization tool.If you want to create interactive charts, data trees, infographics, geospatial charts, and maps efficiently, then this course is your ideal choice to master interactive data visualization with D3.js V5.This course includes several extensive examples to help you hone your skills with data visualization using D3.js.You will begin with loading load data internally or externally while creating stunning data visualizations using D3 and SVG. You will then create line graphs, scatter plots, bar charts, area charts, interactive tree diagrams, and customize your own map. Next, you will learn to add transitions and animations to your graphs to make them more interactive. Finally, you will master advanced elements of the D3 API with choropleth mapping, developing interactive features, designing responsively adaptable visualizations, and more.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 3 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.In the first course, Learning D3.JS 5.0, youll learn about SVG, see how D3.js offers a comprehensive set of visualization tools for your data analysis goals, and how to use these tools. Youll then load data internally or externally while creating stunning data visualizations using D3 and SVG. Youll also draw line graphs, scatter plots, area charts, interactive tree diagrams, and customize your own map. Next, youll understand and use methods, functions, layouts, and selections to manipulate the DOM using D3. Finally, youll understand the enter and exist modes, the click and update functions, projections, and the Geojson format in D3 V5.In the second course, Hands-On Data Visualization with D3.js 5.0, you will learn to add many transitions and animations to your graphs to make them more interesting and appealing to users. This course will also help you build interactive bar charts, scatter plots, and force layouts by manipulating large amounts of data. You will also create choropleth maps and layouts to display visual patterns on geographical locations.The third course, Mastering D3.js 5, will help you learn advanced D3.js features and master you in creating responsive visualizations, integrating 3rd party API data into visualizations, interactive and color-coded mapping, linking charts together for updates across visualizations, and more.By the end of this course, you will have developed a strong foundation in the latest version of D3.js and would be able to create breathtaking visualizations of data using its vast library.Meet Your Expert(s):We have the best work of the following esteemed author(s) to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Eleftheria Batsou is a passionate front-end developer and UI designer. Her first studies were in the field of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering and later in Graphical Arts and Multimedia. She likes to teach and share, is self-motivated, and is working hard to make this world a little bit better every day. When she isn't glued to a computer screen, she spends time working out and strolling in nature. Her friends would describe her as easy-going and passionate about life.Colibri Digital is a technology consultancy company founded in 2015 by James Cross and Ingrid Funie. The company works to help their clients navigate the rapidly changing and complex world of emerging technologies, with deep expertise in areas like Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing. Over the past few years they have worked with some of the world's largest and most prestigious companies, including a tier 1 investment bank, a leading management consultancy group, and one of the world's most popular soft drinks companies, helping each of them to better make sense of their data, and process it in more intelligent ways. The company lives by their motto: Data -> Intelligence -> Action.Eric Laursen is passionate about helping people and organizations make better decisions by understanding information. He works with D3 every day for parts of the American farming industry, building data visualizations to communicate details about products, crops, telemetric data of hardware, process & transactional information for shareholders, and more. Eric enjoys making meaningful, clear, and easy-to-use tools for communicating information in the browser. He enjoys teaching several disciplines including music, personality strengths in the context of community living, and javascript software development skills."
Price: 199.99

"Microservices Architecture on AWS" |
"Microservices are a popular new approach to building maintainable, scalable, cloud-based applications. AWS is the perfect platform for hosting Microservices. All major companies are now evolving from a monolithic to a microservices architecture in their websites and applications due to its many advantages.As this course follows a practical approach, you will begin with learning where to use microservices and understand the things you should take into account when building your architecture. Advanced tasks - with concepts such as Serverless computing and DevOps using AWS - will also be undertaken to help you in your next venture with confidence. Then you will learn how to build Microservices-based applications on AWS, overcome the limitations and challenges you experience in traditional monolith deployments & much more.By the end of the course, you would have set a solid foundation for you to start implementing Microserviceslearnt for daily tasks, test & monitor your application for improving the performance and deploy your Microservice to the cloud, be ready to migrate to a microservices architecture in your organization.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 2 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The first course, Microservices Architecture you'll be exploring the intricacies of the microservices architecture you will understand its advantages over a monolithic and other related architecture. By going through multiple scenarios you'll learn where to use microservices and understand the things you should take into account when building your architecture. Advanced taskswith concepts such as Serverless computing and DevOps using AWSwill also be undertaken to help you in your next venture with confidence.The second course, Building Microservices on AWS shows you how to build Microservices-based applications on AWS. It will help you overcome the limitations and challenges you experience in traditional monolith deployments. It will provide you with technological freedom and help you choose the best tool for each job. By the end of the course, you'll have learned to apply AWS tools to create and deploy Microservices-based applications. You'll be able to make your applications cost-effective, easier to scale, and faster to develop.About the Authors:Dimos Raptis is a professional Software Engineer with several years of experience, designing and developing software systems for various companies, ranging from small software shops to big tech companies. His expertise lies in the Java and Linux ecosystems, having built highly concurrent, multi-threaded applications and deployed them both in the public cloud and in on-premise data centers. He is a big fan of XP practices, such as test-driven development and continuous improvement processes. His technical expertise lies in the Java and Linux ecosystems; he has some hands-on experience with emergent open-source technologies. Also, he has a soft spot for the fields of big data and Machine Learning.Alan Rodrigues has been working on software components such as Docker containers and Kubernetes for the last 2 years. He has extensive experience working on the AWS Platform, currently being certified as an AWS Solution Architect Associate, a SysOps Administrator, and a Developer Associate. He has seen that organizations are moving towards using containers as part of their Microservices architecture. And there is a strong need to have a container orchestration tool in place. Kubernetes is by far the most popular container orchestration on the market."
Price: 199.99

"Moodle 3.7. para profesores" |
"Moodle es la plataforma gratuita para educacin a distancia o eLearning ms utilizada en el mundo. Usted podr construir cursos en lnea con o sin fines de lucro. En este curso aprender a instalar Moodle en un servidor o en una computadora personal, ya sea Mac o Windows. Crearemos desde un inicio los cursos en sus diferentes modalidades: curso social, de tpicos, semanal o de una sola actividad. Asimismo, daremos de alta alumnos, tanto en forma manual como de un archivo, y los inscribiremos a los cursos. Agruparemos los cursos en categoras para una mejor gestin de nuestra plataforma. (incluye el eBook del curso).En la versin 3.7. de Moodle tendremos:Para todos los usuariosForo: Destacar (marcar con estrella) y ordenarMensajera: Interface mejoradaMensajera: Su propio espacio privadoExamen: Borra mi opcinLeccin: Aada medios a un ensayoLibro: Mejor impresinCompetencias y planes de aprendizajePara los profesoresMensajera: Eliminar conversaciones en gruposForos: Ms controlInsignias: Competencias como un criterioCampos personalizados en cursosLibro: Ver captulos ocultosTarea: Rotar PDFs enviadosCompetencias: Filtrar por actividadLeccin: Incluir medios al calificar ensayosCambios para administradoresNuevo tema: Classic (Clsico)Analtica del AprendizajeOcultar lista de cursosMensajeraSoporte mejorado para Open Badges v 2.0LTI 1.3 y Advantage (Ventaja)Respaldos asincrnicosProbar emailConstruiremos los cursos con ""recursos"" que son material que no interacta con el usuario, como son textos, archivos PDF, vdeos, pginas web, que forman una parte importante en el aprendizaje del estudiante.Tambin crearemos actividades, en las cuales el alumno tendr comunicacin con la computadora, el profesor u otros compaeros de curso, como son tareas, lecciones, encuestas dirigidas y lecciones.Elaboraremos un banco de preguntas y revisaremos cada uno de los tipos de preguntas disponibles en Moodle 3.7. Posteriormente crearemos los exmenes o quizes (llamados cuestionarios en algunos pases).Aadiremos actividades sociales a nuestros cursos, como son el chat, el foro, los wikis, glosarios o los talleres (workshop). En la ltima seccin revisaremos las actividades propias del profesor cuando inicia el curso, como son los reportes de seguimiento, las bitcoras, las calificaciones, crear grupos y agrupamientos. Tambin crearemos actividades condicionales, con las cuales tendremos todas las herramientas para crear poderosos cursos e-learning con Moodle 3.Este curso no es un curso sobre diseo instruccional, ni abordamos los aspectos del administrador, como respaldos o manejo de los crons de la plataforma. Est enfocado a profesores que deseen construir cursos en la plataforma Moodle 3.x.Este curso est dirigido a cualquier persona que deseen crear cursos en lnea en la plataforma eLearning ms utilizada en el mundo: Moodle."
Price: 270.00

"successive differentiation" |
"In this course you will learn techniques of finding higher order differentiation of any function.The problems are divided in types for better understandingDo solve the practice questions to ensure better understanding of the method.I have covered different types of questions to give you full and in-depth understanding of the topic.Successive differentiation is an important topic for advance math applications in engineering and pure sciences."
Price: 34.99

"Differential Equations" |
"In this course you will learn techniques of solving differential equations.The problems are divided in types for better understandingDo solve the practice questions to ensure better understanding of the method.I have covered different types of questions to give you full and in-depth understanding of the topic.differential equations is an important topic for advance math applications in engineering and pure sciences."
Price: 24.99

"ASP.Net Core MVC" |
"This course, introduces the basics to get you up and running with ASP.NET Core, and creating your own professional quality applications.In this course we will be covering the following topicsBuilding blocks of ASP.NET Core applicationsCreating a new projectResponding to HTTP requestsServing static filesUnderstanding the MVC patternHandling requests with controllersRoutingRendering HTML with RazorRendering data, view markup, and view logicCreating HTML formsValidating form dataReading and writing from a database with Entity FrameworkImproving the user experienceExposing data with a web APISecuring your ASP.NET applicationDeploying ASP.Net Core MVC on IIS (Internet Information Services)Let's start learning ASP.Net Core MVC"
Price: 49.99

"A Practical Guide to Deep Learning with Keras" |
"Keras is an Open source Neural Network library written in Python. It is a Deep Learning library for fast, efficient training of Deep Learning models. It is a minimal, highly modular framework that runs on both CPUs and GPUs and allows you to put your ideas into action in the shortest possible time. Because it is lightweight and very easy to use, Keras has gained quite a lot of popularity in a very short time.This comprehensive 3-in-1 course takes a step-by-step practical approach to implement fast and efficient Deep Learning models: Projects on Image Processing and Reinforcement Learning. Initially, youll learn backpropagation, install and configure Keras to understand callbacks and customize the process. Youll develop a deep learning network from scratch with Keras using Python to solve a practical problem of classifying the traffic signs on the road. Finally, youll get to grips with Keras to implement fast and efficient deep-learning models with ease.Towards the end of this course, you'll use AI with Keras for building complex Deep Learning networks with fewer lines of coding in Python.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 2 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The first course, Deep Learning with Keras, covers implementing deep learning neural networks with Python. Keras is a high-level neural network library written in Python and runs on top of either Theano or TensorFlow. It is a minimal, highly modular framework that runs on both CPUs and GPUs and allows you to put your ideas into action in the shortest possible time. This course will help you get started with the basics of Keras, in a highly practical manner.The second course, Hands-On Artificial Intelligence with Keras and Python, covers how to use AI with Keras for building complex Deep Learning networks with fewer lines of coding in Python. This course will help you learn by doing an industry relevant problem in image processing domain, develop and understand automation and AI techniques. You will learn how to harness the power of algorithms by creating apps which intelligently interact with the world around you, addressing common challenges faced in AI ecosystem. By the end of the course, you will be able to build real-world artificial intelligence applications using Keras and Python.Towards the end of this course, you'll use AI with Keras for building complex Deep Learning networks with fewer lines of coding in Python.About the AuthorsAntonio Gulli is a software executive and business leader with a passion for establishing and managing global technological talent, innovation, and execution. He is an expert in search engines, online services, machine learning, information retrieval, analytics, and cloud computing. So far, he has been lucky enough to gain professional experience in four different countries in Europe and has managed people in six different countries in Europe and America. Antonio served as CEO, GM, CTO, VP, director, and site lead in multiple fields ranging from publishing (Elsevier) to consumer internet (Ask .com and Tiscali) and high-tech R&D (Microsoft and Google).Sujit Pal is a technology research director at Elsevier Labs, working on building intelligent systems around research content and metadata. His primary interests are information retrieval, ontologies, natural language processing, machine learning, and distributed processing. He is currently working on image classification and similarity using deep learning models. Prior to this, he worked in the consumer healthcare industry, where he helped build ontology-backed semantic search, contextual advertising, and EMR data processing platforms. He writes about technology on his blog at Salmon Run.Sandipan Das is working as a senior software engineer in the field of perception within the Autonomous vehicles industry in Sweden. He has more than 8 years of experience in developing and architecting various software components. He understands the industry needs and the gaps in between a traditional university degree and the job requirements in the industry. He has worked extensively on various neural network architectures and deployed them in real vehicles for various perception tasks in real-time."
Price: 199.99

"Practical Guide to Penetration Testing with Kali Linux" |
"Are you a System Administrator, Penetration tester, or Network engineer looking to take your penetration testing skills to the next level? Then this course is for you! It is your one-stop solution to safeguarding complex network devices and modern operating systems from external threats using Kali Linux.Kali Linux is rated as the #1 security operating system. In view of all this, companies are hiring ethical hackers just like you to perform network and website vulnerability testing to help prevent hackers from getting in. With the Linux operating system and its core structure based on Debian, it comes jam-packed with all the tools you need to penetration-test your websites and infrastructures.This comprehensive 3-in-1 course follows a step-by-step practical approach to discover the secrets of Pentesting using Kali Linux and gain access to a system using a portfolio of different techniques. To begin with, youll create a persistent reverse shell to perform penetration testing on your websites. Youll also perform de-authentication attacks on Wi-Fi routers. Youll get familiar with the post-exploitation attacks on Windows and Linux to maintain access to a target. Finally, youll not only perform server-side and client-side attacks but also master major Kali Linux tools and techniques.Towards the end of this course, you'll not only discover the secrets of Pentesting using Kali Linux but also gain access to a system using a portfolio of different techniques!Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 3 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The first course, Hands-On Infrastructure Penetration Testing, covers how to defend your systems from methodical and proficient attackers. This course will provide you with advanced penetration testing techniques with Kali Linux that will help you exploit databases and web/application servers and perform network penetration. With this course, you will prevent your system from being exploited by using techniques such as reverse shells. Moving on, this course will not only walk you through managing vulnerabilities but will also show you how to protect endpoints. You will explore web pentesting, learn how to set up your LAB environment, and explore the various vulnerabilities that exist nowadays. Towards the end of this course, you will also perform wireless penetration testing to defend against the wireless assets. Finally, you will have mastered the skills and methodologies you need to breach infrastructures and provide complete endpoint protection for your system via Kali Linux.The second course, Practical Web App Pentesting with Kali Linux, covers discovering the secrets of Pentesting using Kali Linux. You will learn how to test your network against various types of attack and develop a network-testing environment that can be used to test scanning tools and techniques. Employ methods effectively used by real hackers to ensure the most effective penetration testing of your network; select and configure the most effective tools from Kali Linux to test network security; employ stealth to avoid detection in the network being tested, and recognize when stealthy attacks are being used against your network. Exploit networks and data systems using wired and wireless networks as well as web services. Identify and download valuable data from target systems and learn to maintain access to compromised systems. Use social engineering to compromise the weakest part of the networkthe end users. Use port scanning for UDP scanning, stealth scanning, and connect/zombie scanning using pen testing tools. You will learn how to utilize the arsenal of tools available in Kali Linux to conquer any network environment. By the end of this course, you will be a pro with the Kali Linux tools you need to perform advanced penetration testing; you will know how to exploit vulnerable systems and how to patch them.The third course, End-to-End Penetration Testing with Kali Linux, covers performing vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. You will learn how to test your network against various types of attack and develop a network-testing environment that can be used to test scanning tools and techniques. Employ methods effectively used by real hackers to ensure the most effective penetration testing of your network; select and configure the most effective tools from Kali Linux to test network security; employ stealth to avoid detection in the network being tested, and recognize when stealthy attacks are being used against your network. Exploit networks and data systems using wired and wireless networks as well as web services. Identify and download valuable data from target systems and learn to maintain access to compromised systems. Use social engineering to compromise the weakest part of the networkthe end users. Use port scanning for UDP scanning, stealth scanning, and connect/zombie scanning using pentesting tools. You will learn how to utilize the arsenal of tools available in Kali Linux to conquer any network environment. By the end of this course, you will be a pro with the Kali Linux tools you need to perform advanced penetration testing; you will know how to exploit vulnerable systems and how to patch them.Towards the end of this course, you'll discover the secrets of Pentesting using Kali Linux and gain access to a system using a portfolio of different techniques.About the AuthorsParvinder Yadav has worked with wireless penetration testing for more than 4 years and has a deep knowledge of networking. He has created a lot of projects such as a Wi-Fi jammer using shell scripting and the Raspberry Pi 2; a portable hacking device which just weighs 100 grams and can hack almost any Wi-Fi router; a portable wireless CCTV camera (using the Raspberry Pi) that is the same size as a mobile; a portable media server; a radio station using the Raspberry Pi; and a lot more. He is the author of PNPtutorials, he is a geeky YouTuber and a Tech-Freak, and has more than 55K subscribers to his channel on YouTube.Paul Olushile graduated with a diploma degree in computer science and is currently working as a Cyber Security Expert. He loves teaching and hence he is freelancing to share his expertise with the students for over 4 years now as a Unix/Linux Administrator. He has a diverse set of certifications, interests, and experiences including server administration.Sunil Gupta is a certified ethical hacker. Currently, he teaches 45,000+ students online in 150+ countries. He is a specialist in ethical hacking and cybersecurity. His strengths lie in vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, intrusion detection, risk identification, data analysis, reporting, and briefing."
Price: 199.99

"A Practical Guide to App Development with Scala" |
"Are you willing to build real-world Scala applications & contribute to Scala programs, recognizing common patterns and techniques used with the language? Then this course is for you! Scala is a functional programming language that supports OOP principles and its quite challenging to develop scalable and reactive applications without any framework/library support.With this practical & hands-on course, you will begin learning basic of scala such as strings, classes, types, methods, & arrays, functional programming techniques & how to handle files and processesbefore getting into concepts such as Object-Oriented Programming. Once you are comfortable with basics you will learn to build real-world applications such as building a customer data entry application, a string processing application to get a word count & much more. Then you will also learn Scala REPL to achieve a better feedback mechanism.By the end of the course, you will not only be empowered by knowing the ins and outs of Scala, but you will also be able to apply them to solve a variety of problems.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 2 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The first course, Scala Beginner Programming Recipes starts with recipes that explore core language principlescovering topics such as strings, classes, types, methods, and arraysbefore getting into concepts such as Object Oriented Programming. From there, you'll learn about functional programming techniques and how to handle files and processes. You'll go on to master concurrency in Scala, making use of the Akka framework. You'll learn about working with databases, and then about Reactive programming in Scala and how to use it to build robust microservices and distributed systems. You'll also use the Scala REPL to achieve a better feedback mechanism.The second course, Scala Projects you will learn various features of the Play and Akka frameworks by building 5 real-world applications with increasing complexity. Beginning with a simple project, a product catalog-listing application, the course will take you through building a customer data entry application, a string processing application to get a word count, a message passing app like Ping pong actors example and Dining-philosophers problem-in humus. Each project will help you master the programming and data capabilities of Scala. By the end of the course, you will not only be empowered by knowing the ins and outs of Scala, but you will also be able to apply them to solve a variety of problems.About the Authors:Antonio Salazar Cardozo is a developer who has led small teams from his classes at Georgia Tech and through each company he has contributed to. He is a software pragmatist and perfectionist who values great software that is written for humans first and loves to help teams find the development and interaction styles that make them deliver the best software to solve the problems they are solving. Between startups and larger companies, he has worked on most aspects of web and non-web systems and loves to see how each piece of software is received and how it can improve. When he's not leaving honest, extensive code review, he's been known to travel and enjoys visiting both new and old places far from home.Kapil Sanghvi is a postgraduate with an MSc in Business Information Technology from Middlesex University, London. He has worked on Java and Scala projects with different multinational organizations for the last, years in India and UK. His passion is to learn new things and share his expertise with the programming community out there. Currently, he works as a Scala Developer in a UK-based organization developing an in-house product."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Python 3 Programming" |
"Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. Its elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, makes it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas and on most platforms. If you're a developer who wishes to build a strong programming foundation with this simple yet powerful programming language Python, then this learning path is for you.This practical course is designed to teach you the programming aspects of Python 3.x and use them to build powerful applications. You will begin with exploring the new features of this version and build multiple projects to get hold of the topic. You will learn about event-driven, reactive programming, error handling, asynchronous programming, decorators and non-type annotations, descriptors and distributed computing in Python. You will also build high-performance, concurrent applications in Python and also work with some of the powerful libraries such as NumPy and SciPy. Next, you will perform large-scale computations using Dask and implement distributed applications in Python. Finally, you will learn reactive programming with Python to construct robust and responsive applications.By the end of this course you will be well-versed with the programming concepts in Python 3.x to build Python applications in a better and efficient manner.Meet Your Expert(s):We have the best work of the following esteemed author(s) to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Matthew Macarty has taught graduate and undergraduate business school students for over 15 years and currently teaches at Bentley University. He has taught courses in statistics, quantitative methods, information systems and database design.Daniel Arbuckle holds a Doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Southern California, where he specialized in robotics and was a member of the nanotechnology lab. He now has more than ten years behind him as a consultant, during which time hes been using Python to help an assortment of businesses, from clothing manufacturers to crowdsourcing platforms. Python has been his primary development language since he was in High School. Hes also an award-winning teacher of programming and computer science.Mohammed Kashif works as a Data Scientist at Nineleaps, India, dealing mostly with graph data analysis. Prior to this, he was working as a Python developer at Qualcomm. He completed his Master's degree in computer science from IIIT Delhi, with specialization in data engineering. His areas of interest include recommender systems, NLP, and graph analytics. In his spare time, he likes to solve questions on StackOverflow and help debug other people out of their misery. He is also an experienced teaching assistant with a demonstrated history of working in the higher-education industry."
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning Algorithms: Basics to Advanced" |
"Are you really keen to learn some cool Machine Learning algorithms along with mastering advanced data analysis using financial examples in Pandas? Then this Course is for you!To address the complex nature of various real-world data problems, specialized Machine Learning algorithms have been developed that solve these problems perfectly. On the other hand, the Ensemble is a powerful way to upgrade your model as it combines models and doesn't assume a single model is the most accurate.This well thought out sequential course takes a practical approach to Mastering Python Data Analysis with Pandas helping you exploring various Machine Learning algorithms to develop your own Ensemble Learning models and methods to use them efficiently. Then, you will learn how to pre-cluster your data to optimize and classify it for large datasets. Along with this, you will also focus on algorithms such as k-Nearest Neighbors, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Random Forest, k-Means, and much more. Finally, you will combine various models to achieve higher accuracy than base models can and develop robust models using the bagging technique.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 3 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The first course, Mastering Python Data Analysis with Pandas, you will learn how to apply Pandas to important but simple financial tasks such as modeling portfolios, calculating optimal portfolios based upon risk, and more. This video not only teaches you why Pandas is a great tool for solving real-world problems in quantitative finance, it also takes you meticulously through every step of the way, with practical, real-world examples, especially from the financial domain where Pandas is a popular choice. By the end of this video, you will be an expert in using the Pandas library for any data analysis problem, especially related to finance.The second course, Machine Learning Algorithms in 7 Days you'll learn about 7 key algorithms in the realm of Data Science and Machine Learning. You will learn how to pre-cluster your data to optimize and classify it for large datasets. You will then find out how to predict data based on existing trends in your datasets. This video addresses problems related to accurate and efficient data classification and prediction. Over the course of 7 days, you will be introduced to seven algorithms, along with exercises that will help you learn different aspects of machine learning. This course covers algorithms such as k-Nearest Neighbors, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Random Forest, k-Means, Regression, and Time-Series. On completion of the course, you will understand which machine learning algorithm to pick for clustering, classification, or regression and which is best suited for your problem. You will be able to easily and confidently build and implement data science algorithms.The third course, Ensemble Machine Learning Techniques will show you how to combine various models to achieve higher accuracy than base models can. This has been the case in various contests such as Netflix and Kaggle, where the winning solutions used ensemble methods. If you want more than a superficial look at machine learning models and wish to build reliable models, then this course is for you.About the Authors:Prabhat Ranjan has extensive industry experience in Python, R, and Machine Learning. He has a passion for using Python, Pandas, and R for various new, real-time project scenarios. He is a passionate and experienced trainer when it comes to teaching concepts and advanced scenarios in Python, R, data science, and big data Hadoop.His teaching experience and strong industry expertise make him the best in this arena.Shovon Sengupta is an experienced data scientist with over 10 years' experience in advanced predictive analytics, machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning. He has worked extensively in designing award winning solutions for various organizations, for different business problems in the realm of Finance. Currently, he works as Senior Lead Data Scientist at one of the leading NBFCs in USA. Shovon holds an MS in Advanced Econometrics from one of the leading universities in India.Arish Ali started his machine learning journey 5 years ago by winning an All-India machine learning competition conducted by the Indian Institute of Science and Microsoft. He worked as a data scientist at Mu Sigma, one of the biggest analytics firms in India. He has also worked on some cutting-edge problems in Multi-Touch Attribution Modeling, Market Mix Modeling, and Deep Neural Networks. He has also been an Adjunct faculty for Predictive Business Analytics at Bridge School of Management, which offers a course in Predictive Business Analytics along with North-western University (SPS). Currently, he is working at a mental health startup called Bemo as an AI developer where his role is to help automate the therapy provided to users and make it more personalized."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Neo4j Database and Graph Algorithms" |
"With increase in complexity of data relationships, graph databases are quickly becoming the de-facto standard for organizations who manage large volumes of connected data. Neo4j is a graph database that allows traversing huge amounts of data with ease. It is the world's leading graph database management system which is designed for optimizing fast management, storage, and traversal of nodes and relationships.Starting with a brief introduction to graph theory, this course will show you the advantages of using graph databases along with data modelling techniques for graph databases. You will gain practical hands-on experience with commonly used and lesser known features for updating graph store with Neo4j's Cypher query language. You will learn to use it for artificial intelligence, fraud detection, graph-based search, network ops & security, and many other use cases.Furthermore, you will learn the important graph algorithms which are used in Neo4js graph analytics platform wherein you will explore various high-performance graph algorithms that help reveal hidden patterns and structures in your connected data. You will also gain skills to use the algorithms efficiently to understand, model, and predict complicated dynamics.By the end of this course, you will be confident using graph analytics with Neo4j to effectively handle large volume of connected data and to use its quick insights to wield powerful results.Meet Your Expert(s):We have the best work of the following esteemed author(s) to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Shehzad Ahmed is an enthusiast software engineer having a great grip and hands-on experience with multiple programming languages i.e. C/C++ Java and C#.NET, JS, PHP. He has worked on web and mobile development with various APIs and open source libraries. Currently, he is working as a Magento 2 E-commerce developer at fmeextension. Besides that, he is also a freelancer on Fiverr since the last 2 years and has completed over 200 projects with 4.9/5.0 rating and has worked on Neo4j extensively.Estelle Scifo has more than 7 years of work experience as a data scientist. As a Neo4j certified professional, she uses graph databases on a daily basis and takes full advantage of its features to build efficient machine learning models out of this data. Besides that, she is also a data science mentor to guide newcomers into the field. The domain expertise and the beginners mind make her an excellent teacher."
Price: 199.99

"Kubernetes for Microservices and Managing Distributed Apps" |
"Kubernetes is a powerful tool which helps you in orchestrating, automate, deploy, scale, and manage containerized applications, giving you the freedom to take advantage of on-premise and cloud infrastructures. With Docker containers, your applications can run smoothly without you worrying about the environment where they run!This comprehensive 3-in-1 Course is packed with step-by-step instructions, working examples and focuses on how to deploy, scale, and maintain your distributed applications with Kubernetes. To begin with, youll get an introduction to basic concepts (Nodes, Pods, Replica Sets, Containers, etc) with which youll learn to write cloud-native applications that can run anywhere. Youll create a continuous delivery pipeline with the power of Kubernetes and learn how to troubleshoot your application deployment on Kubernetes. Finally, youll build resilient, scalable and highly available distributed applications running on any platform on-premise or in the cloud using Kubernetes and Docker.By the end of this course, you'll learn all about Kubernetes and Docker to deploy, scale, maintain and secure your distributed applications.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 3 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The First Course, Kubernetes for Developers covers how to develop, run, test, and deploy your applications in the cloud. This course will give you detailed instructions, real-world examples, and helpful advice. We will begin by learning to set up the development environment on your local machine. Then move on to package your code into Kubernetes and manage container lifecycles. Once you get a grip on understanding the RBAC Authorization, very easily explore the monitoring techniques with Prometheus and troubleshoot your service account. Finally, you will learn to create a cluster in your Google Cloud Environment and deploy your application in production. By the end of this video, you will develop, run, test, and deploy your application in the cloud, utilizing the power of Kubernetes to its full potential.The Second Course, Develop and Operate Microservices on Kubernetes, covers how to deploy, scale, and maintain your distributed applications with Kubernetes. The goal of this course is to walk you through the process of getting familiar with Kubernetes and its way of doing things. The course is designed to get you through the process of becoming familiar with the Kubernetes environment in order to be able to deploy, configure, and manage the environment where the services are going to run. You will go through examples based on the authors real-world experience in working with Kubernetes while building complex distributed architectures. We focus on deploying services that need to store data and learn how Kubernetes Persistent Volumes can be used to create deployments that guarantee data resiliency. Moving on, we learn how to give services access to connection strings, usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information using Kubernetes Secrets. By the end of the course, you will have mastered the best practices and leveraged some of the latest DevOps technologies to increase agility and decrease time-to-market for the services you have built.The Third Course, Hands-On Kubernetes and Docker for Distributed Applications, covers how to ship and run distributed applications anywhere with Docker. This course shows you how Docker can be used to isolate your application services and their dependencies into a single self-contained unit that can reliably run anywhere. You will learn to build, ship and run distributed applications on any platform using Kubernetes as the orchestrator. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Docker and Kubernetes to build distributed applications that are scalable, resilient, fault-tolerant and secure. Furthermore, you will be able to deploy these applications to any Kubernetes cluster running on any platform on-premise or in the cloud.By the end of this course, you'll learn all about Kubernetes and Docker to deploy, scale, maintain and secure your distributed applications.About the Authors Jan Stomphorst is a senior solution architect with more than 20 years' experience in the automation industry; he creates the best solutions for his customers. He uses advanced technology solutions to help developers create stable continuous pipelines and develop systems for 100% uptime. He is a Docker and Kubernetes expert. He supports several customers with on-premise and in-the-cloud Kubernetes strategies. Anand Totala is a software developer in India, with a bachelors in computer science. He has Programmed in C, C++, Python and well versed with containerization technology and DevOps Tools like Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Ansible, etc. He is also contributing to OpenStack cinder component. Gabriel N. Schenker has more than 25 years of experience as an independent consultant, architect, leader, trainer, mentor, and developer. Currently, Gabriel works as Senior Curriculum Developer at Confluent after coming from a similar position at Docker. Gabriel has a Ph.D. in Physics, and he is a Docker Captain, a Certified Docker Associate, and an ASP Insider. When not working, Gabriel enjoys time with his wonderful wife Veronicah and his children."
Price: 199.99
