"Effective Front-end Development with Vue.js" |
"Vue.js is a JavaScript framework that has taken some of the best practices and features of the most popular JavaScript frameworks. Its purpose is to build a lightweight, progressive framework that can be used for rapid web design and development as well as for building enterprise-level applications. Vuex is the official state management tool for Vue.js, that makes your applications state architecture easier to understand, maintain and evolve.This course is a practical guide to designing and developing stunning applications using Vue.js. You will begin with creating the user interface for your application using Bootstrap-Vue. You will then delve into styling your application and making it more responsive and engaging for users with the help of Element and iView. You will also learn how to improve your applications architecture and overall user experience using Vuex. Next, you will learn all about the Vuex API, including the Vuex store, changing application state, carrying out asynchronous operations, and persisting state changes to a server by building a reading tracker app. Finally, you will learn advanced techniques for testing and organizing complex Vuex applications.By the end of this course, you will be able to design and develop your own Vue.js applications that are powerful, consistent, and maintainable.Meet Your Expert(s):We have the best work of the following esteemed author(s) to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:Haider Rehman works as a DevOps and a Software Engineer for a well-known software company and has over 8 years of experience as a developer. He has a masters degree in telecom systems and a bachelor's degree in telecommunication. After obtaining these, he switched to programming in IT and telecommunications to get a feel for the industry. Haider enjoys music, coding, and hanging out with friends.Matthew Dangerfield started out as an Angular developer but grew to love Vue and its ecosystem after attending a workshop with its creator, Evan You. Since then, hes built several applications with it, and presented to hundreds of people about its state management system, Vuex."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Vedic Astrology Part 4" |
"Add Career Assessment to your Vedic Astrology repertoire of ""tools"". Use the principles in this course to provide more guidance to your clients, friends, or family when they ask you which career would better suit them. This course will seamlessly navigate you through a series of factors, such as, planets, houses, and particular house rulerships that promote unique traits and skills necessary for various careers.You will also learn more about how to look at Planetary Transits (Gochara), their speed, movement and how to apply this to chart interpretation. Planets go around to deliver a ""message"", and different planets have different ways to deliver. Keep in mind that planets do not ""deliver"" something to everyone's house, only those who have the karma to get the supposed 'gift'."
Price: 199.99

"Learn 7 simple easy fun 'imPro' techniques on harmonica now!" |
"Do you want to play with your favourite music, or with a band? Of course. So do I. That's why we play music.But it can be a jungle - what do we do? What key is the music? Which harmonica to use?Here I will give you seven precise paths through that jungle in this course and also five directional signposts to help you.After this you should have a good handle on basic improvising on the C harmonica in all 12 keys.You can also transfer all this to all the other 11 keys of diatonic harp as well so it's gold dust!So watch the free 10 minutes and see if you think you will benefit.Ben"
Price: 74.99

"Microsoft Word 2016 for Beginners: Streamline Your Writing" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn Microsoft Word 2016 to the point that you can edit efficiently and effectively. Well, now's your chance to learn my favorite tricks and techniques for streamlining my writing process.In this course I'll teach you how to use Microsoft Word 2016 optimally by configuring your workspace, using document formatting and accelerating document navigation and editing.In this short course you'll learn:o How to configure Word to optimize screen real estate.o Fast text selection and accelerated editingo Using style formats and the navigation bare to outlineo Formatting your document for publicationIf you ever wanted to know how to use Microsoft Word 2016 like a pro then you owe it to yourself to take this course.---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Write a Book with Me: Creative Writing Skills for Beginners" |
"In this course I demonstrate how to write a book by recording my computer screen while outlining, writing and editing a book in real time. Become a better writer by watching me and then pausing the video and replicating the step that I just demonstrated. These writing sessions are recorded in real time all the way from outlining a book, to writing the book and even self-editing the book using visual editing techniques and Grammarly grammar checking software . Watch as I create a book from scratch without having any prior idea of what I'm going to write. You can eve watch me scratch my head and think since a head shot video of me is displayed in the lower right of each lecture.Whether you're new to writing, experienced or English isn't your native language, this course is for you. The course is based on the simple principle that people learn fastest by copying the actions of others. Once you've internalized the techniques outlined in the course then you'll be ready to write your own book employing your unique writing style.A Real Time Writing Session in Microsoft Word 2016Each lecture features a blown up screencast of a Microsoft Word 2016 writing session with me in the lower right hand corner of the screen as a green screen talking head video. The course is recorded in real time capturing all my mistakes and success from which you can learn. Watch as I actually write a book (or at least part of one), then pause the video and do what I just demonstrated.Digest the Course Material By First Watching and Then DoingThe recommended way to internalize the material contained in this course is to watch a lecture and then pause the video and go replicate what I just demonstrated. You can replay the lecture at any time if you can't remember each step. I recommend that you try to duplicate my exact outline, writing and editing process as demonstrated. In the end you'll have a finished manuscript and will have improved your writing skills by following along with the course.Want to Learn How to Write? Let Me Show You HowThis course is unique for me in the sense that I've done very little editing to the recorded video. This has allowed me to produce the course fast and allows you to watch the entire process in real time.In addition, I plan to release this course early in the development process. In fact, I'd like to release it after the first day of recording. I'll then come back to the course and continue adding material until the book is finished or the course is long and has provided a sufficient demonstration of the book writing process.Enroll Now!Don't forget Udemy's 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee. This should make enrolling an easy decision.Please enroll now if you're ready to begin writing a book with me and by doing so improve your writing process and skills.I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Create a Book Cover with Me: Microsoft PowerPoint & Pixabay" |
"Are you in need of a free book cover? Do you want to save money by doing it yourself? How about using the simplest tool and process available for creating your book cover? How about creating a book cover with me using Microsoft PowerPoint 2016?In this course you'll learn how to use Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 to make free professional looking book covers. This course teaches you how to combine text, colored boxes and images to produce stunning images suitable for use in self-publishing books. The course teaches by demonstrating each technique required after which you're expect to pause the video and replicate what was just demonstrated. By the end of this course you will have created three book covers with ease.This course covers the following topics:o Configuring PowerPoint to export images at 300 dpio Inserting and configuring texto Inserting and configuring colored boxes to emphasis your texto Inserting background and inset imageso Downloading free images from Pixabayo Downing free fonts from Dafonto Saving and exporting book coverso BrandingIf you're in need of a free book cover or are just interested in brushing up your PowerPoint skills then this is the course for you. You'll learn everything you need to know to use PowerPoint as a general purpose graphic design tool sans all the presentation slide and animation stuff addressed by most PowerPoint courses.Learn by watch and then reinforce your learning by doing.Don't forget Udemy's 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee. That should make your decision a simple one.I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Redaccin de Tesis y Trabajos de Investigacin" |
"Hola! Yo soy Sandra Burgos, docente de la Universidad LiberQuar y docente e investigadora en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, en el rea de Ciencias de la Educacin. Formo parte del Grupo de Investigacin y Diagnstico en Educacin y Evaluacin de la USC y participo en proyectos del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacin.Quiero presentarte este Curso de Redaccin de Tesis y Trabajos de Investigacin en Ciencias Sociales. Se trata de un programa de formacin en el que aprenderemos algunos aspectos bsicos en relacin con la elaboracin de informes y trabajos de investigacinTrabajaremos en torno a tres temas principales que engloban todo lo ms importante que vas a necesitar saber para empezar a ponerlo en prctica.En el primer bloque veremos cmo es y cmo se organiza el contenido en un manuscrito de investigacin. Estudiaremos las caractersticas del contenido y veremos las partes de las que se compone un trabajo cientfico de diferentes tipos: reportes de investigacin, ensayos, monografas y trabajos finales.En el segundo bloque trabajaremos en torno a la expresin de ideas, sobre todo nos pararemos en el estilo de escritura y la gramtica.Y en el tercer bloque veremos a fondo el estilo editorial de la American Psychological Association, o como la conocemos habitualmente, la APA. Ah estudiaremos sus normas editoriales y veremos un montn de ejemplos.Si tienes que elaborar un proyecto de fin de carrera o de mster o si ests comenzando tu tesis doctoral, este curso te va a facilitar el trabajo enormemente. Espero que lo disfrutes! Empezamos a trabajar."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Personal Development Personal Transformation Course" |
"Personal Development, Personal Transformation, and Finding Your Life Purpose - All humans grapple with these topics, but only some create a meaningful process for living life to its full potential. This is the longest, most thorough and detailed Personal Development and Personal Transformation course available on this platform!TJ Walker has been leading personal development seminars around the globe for more than 30 years. His unique approach to becoming a creative and fulfilled human being takes the best of traditional self-development world and fuses it with 2020s realities and unique technology solutions using your cell phone in a liberating rather than enslaving manner.We live in a modern world of overabundance everywhere. We face an overabundance of stimulation and content coming at us from our cell phones and screens. We our drowning in an overabundance of stuff, junk, and possessions that arrive cheaply and near-instantly from Amazon and your favorite superstore. And we are overwhelmed with giant portions of fat and sugar filled food and snacks made avail to use every waking moment. Modern overabundance is fueled by a digital delivery system that makes traditional self-help techniques impotent. In the modern, attention-driven economy, everybody is fighting for our mind space. This course will teach you how to aggressively take back control of your own mind, your own habits and your own creativity by counter-programming your brain with your own wipes, dreams and goals. The world is splitting into two groups at greater acceleration: The creators versus the consumers, those who take action versus those who are passive, the haves versus the have-nots, the fulfilled versus the empty,the ones who create a lasting legacy and those who are soon forgotten.Which group do you want to be a part of?You can take 100% control over your present and future. You have the ability to condition your thoughts, actions, and methods of living life for more fulfilling results.TJ Walker is the founder of Createocracy and the developer of Selfie-Speaking Programming audios, a system where you create your own audio ""infomercial"" to rewire your brain.If you are ready to live a more active life, develop your own creative projects and live a healthier and more meaningful life, then sign of today for this Complete Personal Development Personal Transformation Course on Createocracy.TJ Walker has conducted personal development workshops in more than 30 countries around the globe. He is the author of 6 books on personal development and is one of Udemy's most popular personal development instructors with more than 200,000 students here."
Price: 199.99

"A Complete Guide to Modern DevOps Implementation" |
"If youre facing issues of decreased frequency of deployment, high new releases failure rate and longer lead time between fixes than modern DevOps is the answer to your problems. DevOps enables rapid application development and follows a traditional way of performing security checks. It helps an organization deploy software while maintaining service stability. If youre looking to protect your organization with the collaboration of DevOps and security then, this is the perfect Course for you!This comprehensive 3-in-1 course takes a step-by-step practical approach to automate your infrastructure and overcome day-to-day IT infrastructure challenges as well as protect your organization with the collaboration of DevOps and security using DevOps tools and technology framework. Youll initially implement a complete DevOps cycle with use cases and explore continuous integration and different configuration management tools using Chef, Puppet, and Ansible. Youll also implement DevOps using Docker containers. Moving further, youll add resilient services to your app or infrastructure using configuration management, continuous deployment, and other DevOps techniques. Finally, youll build a continuous feedback loop by automating all security checks throughout the Continuous Delivery pipeline.Towards the end of this course, you'll implement configuration management, monitoring, and security using DevOps tools and technology framework.Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 3 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The first course, Professional DevOps, covers DevOps tools and technology frameworks to implement DevOps for your organization. This course helps you implement a complete DevOps cycle in your existing IT environment. Each section of this course will help you implement the DevOps culture in your professional environment. With the help of source control, continuous build, continuous integration, automated test with quality controls, and container technologies, this course will be your perfect guide to learn and apply DevOps in your organization. By the end of this course, youll be able to identify and choose the appropriate tools and technology framework to implement DevOps in your organization.The second course, Modern DevOps in Practice, covers how to implement cutting edge solutions to improve your development operations. Modern DevOps in Practice will introduce you to modern Development Operations (DevOps), how to utilize it in your development environment work with tools (Terraform and Azure DevOps). After this course youll be able to bring more automation and standardization to the development process, human errors can be significantly reduced and it will be best practices more efficiently shared across teams. Continuous delivery will help you save time setting up and fixing your working environments. Additionally, you will learn about the fundamental principles of DevOps and how to transform your team into one that follows the core of DevOps. By the end of this course, you will feel comfortable with what DevOps learn how to utilize modern day tools to better ship code and provide high availability environments.The third course, Practical DevOps Security, covers protecting your organization with the collaboration of DevOps and security. This course shows you how to apply DevOps security best practices at every stage in your DevOps pipeline. You will learn proven approaches to reducing vulnerability and strengthening your defenses against attack. You will understand using security as code with the intent of making security and compliance consumable as a service. This course explains how DevOps security practices differ from traditional security approaches and provide techniques to embed governance and cybersecurity functions throughout the DevOps workflow. By the end of the course, you will have learned best practices in DevSecOps, the core concepts of secure DevOps, and how security can be integrated into the development pipeline.By the end of this course, you'll implement configuration management, monitoring, and security using DevOps tools and technology framework.About the AuthorsUmar Murtaza has more than 25 years experience of System Administration in implementing, commissioning development, testing, and production environments. He has designed and implemented a number of DevOps environments, conducted 4- day hands-on DevOps training sessions at a number of private and government telecommunications and software companies/institutions.Cory W. Cordell is a focused technologist that has a great passion for Software Engineering and DevOps. He believes that the application of DevOps principles is essential in staying competitive in today's technologically sophisticated market.Gurpreet Sachdeva is a Technology Executive with 21+ years' experience working on some of the most challenging technologies related to Cloud Computing, DevOps, and Security. Gurpreet did his B. Tech (C.S.) from NIT, Kurukshetra, and M.S. (Software Systems) from BITS, Pilani. He is currently working as Assistant Vice PresidentTechnology with Aricent, Gurgaon. He is a keen Java enthusiast and co-founder of Delhi NCR Java User Group. Gurpreet is an invited speaker in prestigious conferences such as Oracle Java One, Great India Developer Summit. He blogs at thistechnologylife and has written a book on Elastic stack."
Price: 199.99

"Create Online Courses with Camtasia 2019 and PowerPoint 2016" |
"This course is unlike any other on the Internet. Please read the following description and see if you agree.In this course, I record myself recording and editing a 30 minute sample course on how to create online courses. I use Camtasia 2019 to record the sample course and Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 to prepare presentation slides and the course card image for the course. I use Camtasia 2018 to record myself doing this -- preparing all the materials from scratch all the way from PowerPoint sides through recording to editing and rendering finished MP4 lecture videos. I then record the process of publishing a sample lecture video on YouTube and the entire sample course on Udemy, Skillshare and Teachable. Periodically you'll be prompted to perform a project to reinforce your learning. A green screen talking head image of me will be in the lower-right-hand corner of the screen the whole time.In this course you will see me record, edit and publish a 32-minute, 3 section and 5 lecture course from scratch in real time.The course that I create is available for free on Udemy (it is also included in this course) and is named:Introduction to Online Course CreationThrough watching this course, and then pausing the video to repeat what I just demonstrated, you will develop the following essential online course creation skills:Record and edit screencast software demonstrations with Camtasia 2019Record and edit PowerPoint presentations with Camtasia 2019How to render MP4 videos of your lecturesPan, zoom and add transitions in the Camtasia Video EditorAdd a canned introduction, music and lower thirds from the Camtasia LibraryImport external images, video and music to your recording with Camtasia 2019Record and edit webcam and green screen video with Camtasia 2019Create presentation slides and course card images with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016Publish a sample video on YouTubePublish the sample course on UdemyPublish the sample course on SkillSharePublish the sample course on TeachableIf you want to not only ""learn"" how to create and publish online but ""see"" the entire process, then this is the course for you. You know it works because you'll see everything I do to prepare, record, edit and publish a sample course.Don't forget Udemy's 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee. That should make your decision to take this course a no-brainer.So, I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"The Salsa Bible - Salsa On1 - (Part 1 of 5) - OnSean Zion" |
"SALSA ON1 - With extreme detail in mind. I took time to create a special course with ALL moves, elements and musicality for learning Salsa from the BEGINNER TO ADVANCED! The Salsa Bible is an on-going video series containing FIVE PARTS! This is just PART 1 (PART A). Here you will learn your basic, side basic, around basic and special footwork/shines to get you comfortable with moving to salsa music. Take time to practice the groove and understand these steps before moving on to Part 2/Part B."
Price: 24.99

"Mobile App Localization for Translators" |
"In this course you will learn how to translate and localize mobile apps and find out what tools to use to make this process easier. You will also see a few sample projects and real-life scenarios to get you started on your path to a new specialization. Finally, you will have a sneak peek into the workflows of your potential customers to be able to draw up a marketing plan for your freelance business. Sounds interesting? Here is exactly what we will cover: Mobile app localization processOverview of mobile app operating systems Features of app stores The most common challenges and solutions Introduction into programming languagesMobile app localization toolsSample projects Mobile app testingHow to find customers (for freelance translators) Are you ready? Lets get started! "
Price: 174.99

"Liderazgo Aumenta tu Nivel de Influencia Poder y Autoridad" |
"Si bien este curso trata sobre el liderazgo en las organizaciones, no es otro curso ms de liderazgo. Su principal foco de atencin es la influencia. En l se presenta una investigacin minuciosa de la influencia, sus fuentes y sus tcticas ms eficaces. Por lo tanto se trata de un curso netamente sobre la influencia y cmo aumentar el poder y la autoridad, independientemente del cargo ocupado en la organizacin.El contenido del curso refleja una preocupacin dual por la teora y la prctica, siempre sin perder enfoque en el tema principal: la influencia. Por tal motivo cada seccin se encuentra orientada a conducir al profesional hacia un desenlace prctico.Al igual que la mayora de los acadmicos me muestro escptico ante consejos rpidos y fciles, sin embargo entiendo que los profesionales en las organizaciones de hoy necesitan respuestas rpidas que den soporte a su gestin laboral. Por tal motivo en cada seccin presento lneas directrices para la efectividad de los intentos de influir, una suerte de consejos sobre lo que puedes hacer y cmo resultar mejor hacerlo.El propsito de las directrices es ayudar al profesional a comprender las repercusiones prcticas de la teora e investigacin de la influencia y no prescribir formas exactas de cmo hacer las cosas.En cada seccin se describen al inicio los objetivos de aprendizaje de la misma, luego de las clases se realiza una serie de preguntas para su debate, finalmente se presentan casos de estudio diseados para llevar la teora a la prctica de manera ordenada y que facilite la comprensin total de los conceptos estudiados. Tales casos describen acontecimientos que han ocurrido en organizaciones reales, pero se han modificado detalles para que sean ms tiles en el aprendizaje de los conceptos, teoras e investigaciones sobre la influencia. Los casos piden al profesional que analice los procesos de conducta, identifique ejemplos de conductas eficaces e ineficaces y sugiera mejores formas de abordar la situacin.Este curso est dirigido a lderes en ejercicio y a profesionales que aspiren a serlo, ms all de la posicin actual en la que se desempeen."
Price: 39.99

"Practical Steps for Angular Front-End Development" |
"Angular is one of the largest and most widely used frameworks for front-end and full-stack application development. The latest Angular features embrace a mature UI component architecture, a powerful tool when developing scalable application interfaces. Angular CLI is a command-line interface tool helping you initialize, develop, scaffold, and maintain Angular applications. It provides you with boilerplates and therefore saves you time and effort!This comprehensive 2-in-1 Course is packed with step-by-step instructions, working examples and focuses on how to build component-based user interfaces using Angular 8. Youll initially explore the Angular framework by having the Angular CLI generate different pieces of code. Youll design your own schematics so you can boost productivity when writing repetitive code specific to your app. Next, youll discover the foundations of Angular Routing and improve the performance of your Angular application using lazy loading. Finally, youll create modern user interfaces using Angular 8 and its component-based architecture.By the end of this course, you will be confident in building your frontends in Angular and will be able to build component-based enhanced UIs using Angular CLI, routing and the features of Angular 8. Contents and OverviewThis training program includes 2 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.The First Course, Angular CLI Recipes, covers how to skip writing boilerplate code and boost your productivity. This course will teach you how to generate an Angular application from scratch within seconds, showing you the tips, tricks, and techniques, you need. You will learn all about the CLI, ranging from generating a new app to quickly adding a component, directives, modules, services, guards, and other features effortlessly. The command-line interface provided by the Angular team will help you generate your Angular applications more effectively than ever. It will also teach you how to run a development environment, run tests for your project, easily add new features and keep your dependencies up to date. By the end of the course, you'll find a plethora of tips and tricks to improve performance and write better components. You will master using the Angular CLI and generate entire applications from scratch in a matter of seconds.The Second Course, Hands-On Angular Routing, covers how to harness the power of Angular Router in your applications. This course is a simple way to get started with Angular Router and harness its full power for your applications. Its a JavaScript router implementation thats designed to work with Angular and is packaged as @angular/router. By using Angular Router, you will activate all required Angular components to compose a page when a user navigates to a certain URL. Youll learn to set up routing so that it lets users navigate from one page to another without page reload. Instead, it updates the browsers history so the user can use the back and forward buttons when navigating between pages. In addition, youll do tasks such as redirect a URL to another URL, resolve data before a page is displayed, run scripts when a page is activated or deactivated, and lazy load the parts of our application. By the end of this course, youll be ready to work on projects with Angular Router and make routing configuration work in your Angular application.About the AuthorsOrestes Carracedo is a full-stack software developer and has been working on the web since 2005. He's continuously worked with Angular since their first public versions and he has comprehensive knowledge of the framework's features and inner workings, including the Angular CLI.Haider Malik is the founder of fullstackhour. He is a full-stack JavaScript developer. He is passionate about everything JavaScript, and he loves exploring new libraries. Hes had extensive experience developing software and working with teams to improve how software is developed to meet business objectives. Although his primary focus is on outcomes, implementation often includes technical competency."
Price: 199.99

"Social Media Etiquette" |
"In this course you will learn the dos and donts of various social media websites. I will focus on the following networking platforms: Twitter Facebook Linkedin Pinterest Youtube GooglePlus Blogging The course is well structured. First, I will always provide you with a short general introduction about a particular social media networking site. Then you will learn many rules of dos and donts from the online world, presented in a "dilemma" and "solution" style. I will share some of my personal experiences that I made on various networking websites too. This course consists of videos with slides that you can also download. It has a duration of 2 hours. At the end of each section you can test your skills by answering in total 42 questions. Upon completion of the course you will receive a nice certificate of completion that is ready to be put up on your wall :-)"
Price: 19.99

"Business Mathematics for CA & CMA Foundation Exams (Part 1)" |
"Are you a student pursuing CA Foundation / CMA Foundation?Are looking for online course in Business Mathematics presented with logical explanation of concepts & problems in simple English? Then this course is for you!Welcome to this course Business Mathematics for CA & CMA Foundation Exams (Part 1)In this course, you will learn abouta) Ratiosb) Proportionsc) Indicesd) Equationse) Arithmetic ProgressionTo have better learning experience, please follow these instructions:i) Listen to the lectures using headset.ii) Please have your note pad and pen to take note of key points and practice along with lecture flow.This course is structured in self paced learning style. All efforts have been taken to ensure adequate number of problems are covered to equip you for CA / CMA Foundation exams.You can also take this course, if you have Business Mathematics in your Graduation curriculum.See you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Data Science Projects with Python" |
"Data Science Projects with Python is designed to give you practical guidance on industry-standard data analysis and machine learning tools in Python, with the help of realistic data. The course will help you understand how you can use pandas and Matplotlib to critically examine a dataset with summary statistics and graphs and extract the insights you seek to derive. You will continue to build on your knowledge as you learn how to prepare data and feed it to machine learning algorithms, such as regularized logistic regression and random forest, using the scikit-learn package. Youll discover how to tune the algorithms to provide the best predictions on new and, unseen data. As you delve into later chapters, youll be able to understand the working and output of these algorithms and gain insight into not only the predictive capabilities of the models but also their reasons for making these predictions.About the AuthorStephen Klosterman is a machine learning data scientist at CVS Health. He enjoys helping to frame problems in a data science context and delivering machine learning solutions that business stakeholders understand and value. His education includes a Ph.D. in biology from Harvard University, where he was an assistant teacher of the data science course.Barbora Stetinova works in an Automotive industry earned experience in data science and machine learning, leading small team, leading strategical projects and in controlling topics for 13 years. Since Sept 2018 she is a member of IT department participating on the Data science implementation in an automotive company.In parallel, since Aug 2017, she is also engaged in strategical group projects for the automotive company and with side contract as an analytical external consultant for different industries (retail, sensorics, building) at Leadership Synergy Community. She is also a data science trainer for Elderberry data, specialized in MS Excel and Knime analytics platform in both face-to-face and elearning forms (available on Udemy)."
Price: 199.99

"Applied Unsupervised Learning with R" |
"Starting with the basics, Applied Unsupervised Learning with R explains clustering methods, distribution analysis, data encoders, and features of R that enable you to understand your data better and get answers to your most pressing business questions. This course begins with the most important and commonly used method for unsupervised learning - clustering - and explains the three main clustering algorithms - k-means, divisive, and agglomerative. Following this, you'll study market basket analysis, kernel density estimation, principal component analysis, and anomaly detection. You'll be introduced to these methods using code written in R, with further instructions on how to work with, edit, and improve R code. To help you gain a practical understanding, the course also features useful tips on applying these methods to real business problems, including market segmentation and fraud detection. By working through interesting activities, you'll explore data encoders and latent variable models. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of different anomaly detection methods, such as outlier detection, Mahalanobis distances, and contextual and collective anomaly detection.About the AuthorAlok Malik is a data scientist based in India. He has previously worked on creating and deploying unsupervised learning solutions in fields such as finance, cryptocurrency trading, logistics, and natural language processing. He has a bachelor's degree in technology from the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur, where he studied electronics and communication engineering.Bradford Tuckfield has designed and implemented data science solutions for firms in a variety of industries. He studied math for his bachelor's degree and economics for his Ph.D. He has written for scholarly journals and the popular press, on topics including linear algebra, psychology, and public policy.Bert Gollnick is a Diploma in Aerospace Engineering and has pursued MSc in Economics.He is also a Data Scientist and has 10 years experience in R. He is also an online trainer for Data Science and Machine Learning."
Price: 199.99

"Modern Web Design Patterns in Angular 8" |
"Angular is one of the largest and most widely used frameworks for front-end and full-stack web development; the Angular community is very eager to get hands-on with its latest features. Design patterns allow for a structured and more intuitive way to build applications that are modular, highly scalable and fault-tolerant.This course will serve as a practical and insightful journey through the most valuable design patterns in use, and provides clear guidance on how to use them effectively in Angular. You will explore the best ways to work with Angular and how to use it to achieve the stability and performance required in today's web development world. You'll get to know best practices to improve your productivity and your application's code base.By the end, youll be capable using Angular 8 (and future versions) to build better applications that are scalable and high-performing.About the AuthorDavid Acosta is a professional software developer with a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology Management and more than three years' experience in web development. As a developer for CollaborateMD Inc., David develops web-based medical billing and practice management software services for independent practices and hospitals. His work mainly focuses on JavaScript, TypeScript, and Java-based technologies such as all the versions of Angular right up to Angular 8, Spring, Swing, and JQuery. He also has extensive knowledge of many other libraries and frameworks such as Laravel, React.JS, Vue.js, Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, and more."
Price: 124.99

"Alexa Skills Desde Cero Crea apps de voz con Amazon AWS" |
"*Curso actualizado una vez ms el da 23 de Octubre de 2019.En este curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones de voz llamadas Skills, iniciando desde cero (suponiendo que no conoces nada de aplicaciones de voz) y terminando hasta subir tu propia aplicacin Alexa Skill a la tienda de aplicaciones de voz de Amazon.Algunos de los temas que aprenders son:La teora detrs de una aplicacin de voz Alexa Skill en la nube (Interaction model, Intents, Utterances, slots y mucho ms).Crear y manejar cuenta de Amazon Developer y AWS.Crear interfaces de usuario de voz (Voice User Interfaces).Manipular el cdigo del backend en el portal Alexa Developer Console.Manipular y vincular el cdigo del backend de la app de voz en AWS.Instalacin y uso de ASK CLIInstalacin y uso de Visual Studio Code para programar aplicaciones de voz con AWS y Alexa Developer Console.Las bases de programacin con Node JSManejar tus apps de voz en la tienda de aplicaciones y hacer presupuestos en los gastos del lado del servidor.Este curso cuenta con garanta completa de 30 das, te invito a tomar el curso y si no obtienes ningn valor de sus lecciones puedes pedir reembolso de tu inversin sin compromiso.Muchas Gracias."
Price: 199.99

"Ethical Hacking - Kali Linux for beginners with an e-book" |
"Join the most beginner-friendly tutorial to Ethical Hacking! Learn how to install and use Kali Linux, the most popular network assessment tool and protect your network using the best Linux firewall - pfSense. Learn all the basics of ethical hacking in less than 4 hours.Step-by-step instructions and easy-to-understand lectures for beginners! A unique ebook will allow you to copy and paste all commands!What will you learn?Install Kali Linux using VirtualBoxCreate a perfect lab for ethical hackingCapture packets using WiresharkExecute a denial-of-service attackUnderstand a man-in-the-middle attackCreate your own backdoorCrack WPA wireless passwordCreate a fake website to capture login detailsCrack passwords and hashesProtect your network using the pfSense firewall with SnortAttack DHCP, DNS, SSH, and MD5Command execution and proxy attacksand more...Learn all the basics when it comes to ethical hacking and Kali Linux.Join now!"
Price: 24.99

"Excel Power Query Crash Course" |
"This short course will give you the base level introduction, and a few tips and tricks, that will embolden you to explore the new ""Power Query"" tool. It was first launched in Excel 2010 and has only gotten better and easier since then. It's purpose is for redundant data clean-up that will then be used in data analysis, charts, and pivot tables. Set up the clean-up steps once-and-for-all, then just refresh each time you need it.*** Course access includes project files, homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access and a 60 day money-back guarantee!***Hear why this is one of the TOP-RATED Excel Power Query course on Udemy, and the #1 Excel Power Query course:Excellent Instructor, Explained very key concepts succinctly and with clarity. Looking forward to more learning!-AjayI am an Advance Power Query user and was able to pick up a trick or 2. it was quick, no messing around, and engaging.-Ngoe Royce MekolleGreat crash course! I already knew Power Query, but still learned several extremely valuable things. LOVED the Advanced Editor section.-John AdairVery fast, easy and interestingly explained.-Natalia Pankoke"
Price: 99.99

"PowerPoint 365 Beginner" |
"In this Intellezy course taught by David LaLonde, students will get started with Microsoft PowerPoint 365. This is the first level of a two-part series that is followed by the optional PowerPoint 365 Advanced course. Throughout this course, learners will become familiar with the basic Ribbon, interface, and navigation options. Additionally, students will create a presentation on their own and work with various features as well as commands to make it easier on themselves to work in PowerPoint. Students will also review all presentation editing options, text formatting options, various graphic options, as well as insertion methods for those objects and other topics such as including bulleted and numbered lists. Students will also learn how to add, edit, and format tables within PowerPoint. As the course concludes, students will learn how to create, work with, and format charts in a presentation as well as learn various presentation preparation, printing, and delivery options.Like most of our courses, closed caption subtitles are available for this course in: Arabic, English, Simplified Chinese, German, Russian, Portuguese (Brazil), Japanese, Spanish (Latin America), Hindi, and FrenchThis IAAP-certified counts for 4.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"DBT Emotion Regulation" |
"Interested in learning Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) but struggle with finding a clinic, unable to wait on the long waitlist or unable to pay out of pocket? This complete DBT course covers the Emotion Regulation module of DBT with a video from a DBT therapist for every Emotion Regulation skill. Learn through a video format with examples as well as handouts for skills, engage with other students and ask questions as you learn. This is the entire DBT Emotion Regulation module in video form! Learn 50 skills for handling difficult emotions and gain better control over your life!***This isn't a professional training course for those with the intent to teach DBT in a professional setting. ***"
Price: 99.99

"How to Understand Music Better and Unleash Your Creativity" |
"This Course is Guaranteed... to Get You Results in 8Unique Ways...******************************The 8Crucial Things this Course Will Help You Do ... Teaching music (formal and informal) for 17 years I've noticed one thing .... Learning music does NOT have to be difficult to be effective.In fact, most would agree some of the best music iseasy to play (3 chords). Am I right?? Simple is good...but this is even better... When your done with just a few lessons you'll be able to play and writesome great sounding songs bysimplyapplying what you learn. If your a beginner you'll be amazedat how quickly long hidden concepts ""snap"" into place.You'll learn to connect ALL the dotsand inspire you to masteran instrument. This PROVENcourse will show you how to: Quickly begin playing cool chords and songs (NO twinkle little star) Figure things out by ear and create your own tunes with what you learn Learn to write REAL songs with my fail-safe songwriting stencil Easily get scales/chords and how to use them to play in any key fast Avoid common pitfalls of learning an instrument and jump WAY ahead Grab 100+ custom PDF's to help you better comprehend through visuals Save $thousands$ in lessons by getting 'how it all fits together' 100%Your friends will literally FREAK out when they hear you play after the course You'll be surprised when you discover... When you get done with this course you'll have a better more sturdy grasp on the musical system than most people get in a lifetime. I am spilling the beans and not holding back anything in this course. Here are ALL the tricks and tips I learned from pros in the industry taken from over 25 total years of total experience. Also, enjoy all the extra free stuff I've included for you! I'm looking forward to your testimonial and enjoy the course! Cheers, Stu PPS - You don't have to decide right now - take 30 days to preview the course with Udemy's guarantee to ensure your getting what you want and need out of it. :) PPS - Do NOT listen to folks that tell you your too old <= thats b********t!"
Price: 29.99

"Facebook Ads: Business Manager, Ad Manager, And Retargeting" |
"Run Facebook ads that actually work! Cold traffic ads (that most people run) are not effective because most people who don't know about your business won't buy after seeing your initial ads.In this course, you will learn how to set up custom audiences based on people who have used your site before and have bought from you. Based on that, you will be able to create lookalike audiences and retarget website visitors, which are more effective Facebook ads strategies.WHEN IS THE RIGHT TIME TO RUN FACEBOOK ADS?If you've launched a product or service, it might be tempting to run Facebook ads. And everywhere you look around the web, people tell you to run Facebook ads. But there are a few things you must do before you run Facebook ads. If you are selling something, and you take leads to your site, make sure the site sells well and has a high sales conversion rate. If it doesn't, you will lose many leads and your Facebook ads may not be profitable.FACEBOOK ADS VS. GOOGLE SEARCH ADSGoogle knows what people want right now because they are searching for it. Facebook does not know that. So your Facebook ads must grab people's attention and make them want what you are promoting. This can be done with videos, interesting copyrighting, or vivid images. In the Facebook Business Manager, you will be able to set up different campaigns and ad groups to manage different ads so you can experiment with creating Facebook ads that attract your potential clients.WILL PEOPLE BUY AFTER THEY SEE MY FACEBOOK ADS?People don't usually engage with a brand after the first time they see it. You must re-engage potential clients and have your Facebook ad show up for them many times. You should run a special kind of Facebook ads called retargeting ads which are only shown to people who have already visited your website which means they are aware of your brand and have shown some level of interest.CREATE AND TARGET CUSTOM AUDIENCES WHO BUYIn the Facebook Business Manager, you can create Facebook ads that target custom audiences which are the types of people who you know would buy from you because similar people have already bought from you. I'll be showing you how to set that up.FACEBOOK PIXEL AND FACEBOOK RETARGETING ADSYou will learn to use the Facebook Business Manager to set up your Facebook Pixel which is necessary to run Facebook retargeting ads. Facebook retargeting ads are effective and profitable because they only target warm leads who have already engaged with your business. The way to create Facebook retargeting ads is to first set up the Facebook Pixel. Many people get confused by the Facebook Pixel so in this course, I'll walk you click by click how to first create your Facebook Pixel and then run Facebook retargeting ads. INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.I am an expert growth marketer. I create winning marketing strategies for my clients all the time. Now it is your turn to grow your business and fulfill your dreams.BONUSES INCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute coaching call (I don't sell anything and don't collect your email, just answer your questions) * Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course* My list of 50 business-success skills when you complete the coursePERSONAL TOUCH LIKE NOWHERE ELSEMy goal is to help you succeed with your Facebook ads. I go out of my way to help students however I can. In addition to the course lectures, students can start discussions and message me with private questions. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you with your Facebook ads journey. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THE COURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this Facebook Ads course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic. You'll be able to show potential employers that you are proficient with the Facebook Business Manager and Facebook Ads.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE The Facebook ads course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Enroll now and learn to use Facebook ads to promote your business."
Price: 39.99

"IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook" |
"Python is one of the leading open source platforms for data science and numerical computing. IPython and the associated Jupyter Notebook offer efficient interfaces to Python for data analysis and interactive visualization, and they constitute an ideal gateway to the platform.This course is equipped with several ready-to-use, focused recipes for high-performance scientific computing and data analysis to help you write better and faster code. Youll be able to apply your learnings to various real-world examples, ranging from applied mathematics, scientific modeling, to machine learning. The course introduces you to effective programming techniques such as code quality and reproducibility, code optimization, and graphics card programming. Youll also learn how to use different features of IPython and Jupyter Notebook in data science, signal and image processing, and applied mathematics.By the end of this course, youll learn how to easily analyze and visualize all types of data in Jupyter Notebook.About the AuthorCyrille Rossant, Ph.D., is a neuroscience researcher and software engineer at University College London. He is a graduate of cole Normale Suprieure, Paris, where he studied mathematics and computer science. He has also worked at Princeton University and Collge de France. While working on data science and software engineering projects, he gained experience in numerical computing, parallel computing, and high-performance data visualization.Fawaz Sammani has a first class degree in Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation engineering. He is a 2017, bronze medalist from International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences. He was also a second runner up for Infenion Week 2018, for the project on Development of Virtual Reality in Hospital.He has been a course instructor with Udemy and freeCodeCamp. He currently is working as a Research assistant in a Multimedia University, Malaysia."
Price: 199.99

"Natural Language Processing Fundamentals" |
"If NLP hasn't been your forte, Natural Language Processing Fundamentals will make sure you set off to a steady start. This comprehensive guide will show you how to effectively use Python libraries and NLP concepts to solve various problems.You'll be introduced to natural language processing and its applications through examples and exercises. This will be followed by an introduction to the initial stages of solving a problem, which includes problem definition, getting text data, and preparing it for modeling. With exposure to concepts like advanced natural language processing algorithms and visualization techniques, you'll learn how to create applications that can extract information from unstructured data and present it as impactful visuals. Although you will continue to learn NLP-based techniques, the focus will gradually shift to developing useful applications. In these sections, you'll understand how to apply NLP techniques to answer questions as can be used in chatbots. By the end of this course, you'll be able to accomplish a varied range of assignments ranging from identifying the most suitable type of NLP task for solving a problem to using a tool like spacy or gensim for performing sentiment analysis. The course will easily equip you with the knowledge you need to build applications that interpret human language.About the AuthorDwight Gunning is a data scientist at FINRA, a financial services regulator in the US. He has extensive experience in Python-based machine learning and hands-on experience with the most popular NLP tools such as NLTK, gensim, and spacy.Sohom Ghosh is a passionate data detective with expertise in Natural Language Processing. He has publications in several international conferences and journals.Anthony Ng has spent almost 10 years in the education sector covering topics such as algorithmic trading, financial data analytics, investment, and portfolio management and more. He has worked in various financial institutions and has assisted Quantopian to conduct Algorithmic Trading Workshops in Singapore since 2016. He has also presented in QuantCon Singapore 2016 and 2017. He is passionate about finance, data science and Python and enjoys researching, teaching and sharing knowledge. He holds a Master of Science in Financial Engineering from NUS Singapore and MBA and Bcom from Otago University."
Price: 199.99

"CCNP SECURITY - SVPN 300-730 PART 2/3" |
"This is the first part of the 3 Parts for new CCNP SECURITY Concentration Exam SPVN-300-730 covers topics in 3 Parts as given belowPart 1 - CryptoGraphy Concepts , VPN FOundations, IPSEC, Site to Site IPsec VPNPart 2 - covers DMVPN Concepts & IPSec over DMVPN , FlexVPN Part 3 - Focusses on Remote Access VPN on ASA and Routers.====================================================================================Available February 24, 2020: Updates to the CCNP certification and training programOn February 24, 2020, Cisco will release new certification exams. New training will roll out over the next several months.If you have started working toward the current CCNP Security certification, keep going. In the new program, youll receive credit for work youve already completed.======================================================================================Implementing Secure Solutions with Virtual Private Networks (SVPN 300-730)This exam tests your knowledge of implementing secure remote communications with Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions, including:Secure communicationsArchitecturesTroubleshootingTo earn CCNP Security, you pass two exams: a core exam and a concentration exam of your choice. The core exam, Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies v1.0 (SCOR 300-701), focuses on your knowledge of security infrastructure including network security, cloud security, content security, endpoint protection and detection, secure network access, visibility, and enforcements. You can prepare for this exam by taking the training course, Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (SCOR).Concentration exams focus on emerging and industry-specific topics such as Cisco Firepower, identity services, email security, web security, VPNs, and automation. You can prepare for concentration exams by taking corresponding Cisco training courses."
Price: 19.99

"CCNP SECURITY - SVPN 300-730 PART 1/3" |
"This is the first part of the 3 Parts for new CCNP SECURITY Concentration Exam SPVN-300-730 covers topics in 3 Parts as given belowPart 1 - CryptoGraphy Concepts , VPN FOundations, IPSEC, Site to Site IPsec VPNPart 2 - covers DMVPN Concepts & IPSec over DMVPN , FlexVPN Part 3 - IKEv2 Focusses on Remote Access VPN on ASA and Routers.FlexVPN ====================================================================================Available February 24, 2020: Updates to the CCNP certification and training programOn February 24, 2020, Cisco will release new certification exams. New training will roll out over the next several months.If you have started working toward the current CCNP Security certification, keep going. In the new program, youll receive credit for work youve already completed.======================================================================================Implementing Secure Solutions with Virtual Private Networks (SVPN 300-730)This exam tests your knowledge of implementing secure remote communications with Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions, including:Secure communicationsArchitecturesTroubleshootingTo earn CCNP Security, you pass two exams: a core exam and a concentration exam of your choice. The core exam, Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies v1.0 (SCOR 300-701), focuses on your knowledge of security infrastructure including network security, cloud security, content security, endpoint protection and detection, secure network access, visibility, and enforcements. You can prepare for this exam by taking the training course, Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (SCOR).Concentration exams focus on emerging and industry-specific topics such as Cisco Firepower, identity services, email security, web security, VPNs, and automation. You can prepare for concentration exams by taking corresponding Cisco training courses."
Price: 19.99

"Write A Non-Fiction Book In A Day" |
"Is writing a book on your bucket list?Has it been on your bucket list way too long? Do you find yourself procrastinating over getting it done? Perhaps it feels like it is too big a project?What if I could show you a way to create a simple book with content that you already have? You could become a published author in a short space of time and use this new found confidence and learn how to create other books. Perhaps a series of books?My name is Dale and I have written and published lots of non-fiction books. I typically write a book, develop a course and online program at the same time. This naturally takes time. There are occasions when I get great ideas and then let them go. That was until I designed a step by step approach to writing one day books. This step by step approach:-Makes it easier for you to become a published authorSimplifies writing a bookMeans that you can become a published author quicklyBy following the steps in this course you will be able to take existing content that you are sitting on, create new content easily to fill the gaps and create a book in a day. Once you have done this once, you can do it time and time again.My goal is to make this as easy as possible for you. How much great content are you sitting on?I confess that I have way too much stuff on my computer that I have done nothing with. Perhaps you are the same?Can you think of a 101 reasons why you shouldn't convert your content into things like books, journals, and workbooks?If you can put all of your misgivings to one side, and follow these steps you will be able to easily turn your content into a series of short books which you can sell on Amazon - maybe as your side hustle.In this course, I am going to help you to brainstorm ideas, then take you through a process that will enable you to turn your valuable content into books which you can sell within a short space of time.My question is what are you waiting for? How much great content do you have that you could turn into a book?Come on in and let's get your book written and published."
Price: 49.99
