"SAP ABAP OO ALV with Real time examples" |
"The Original Price of the Course is $99, But If you join now it is only $19, This Offer is Valid until this month end till 30-09-2015 ALV stands for ABAP List Viewer. ALV gives us a standard List format and user interface to all our ABAP reports. ALV is created by a set of standard function modules provided by SAP. OOALV is ALV using object oriented ABAP, SAP has created standard classes and methods which can be used for the ALV, Which makes programmers in abap to write ALV Programs easily without need to write long codings. SAP has introduce a class called cl_salv_table which has all the methods required for writing ALV reporting, In this course you will learn how to use this methods in your programs to write out the output with formats required. You will learn all the functionality and methods with example programs in this course."
Price: 19.99

"Develop Android and iphone apps without coding" |
"Content will be added once in a week, so who enrolled this course earlier will be getting this content without paying any extra once uploaded as this course once enrolled will be in their library forever. This course will teach you how to develop android, iPhone and iPad apps with zero programming experience. This course teaches you by building several apps live using several portals available, By the end of the course you will be able to create your own apps for both android and iphone without any programming or coding. so lets get started."
Price: 19.99

"SAP OO ABAP Objects with Real Time Examples and OOALV" |
">>The price will go up from $29 to $129 on September 30th so join now and save $100<< OOALV also included in the course SAP OO-ABAP is object oriented programming approach to ABAP developed by SAP and traditional approach is now becoming obsolete, Every one who learned abap and who are learning abap should learn the object oriented approach because all the application are going to build by SAP in abap objects, This approach is very simple to learn, All the concepts will be on classes and objects which are very near to the real life scenarios. This course is well explained with every concepts covered with examples. You will learn SAP ABAP Objects from the ground up, building on your procedural coding knowledge to ensure you have a thorough grasp of the how best to make use of OO programming techniques in SAP enterprise systems. You will slowly work through all the key aspects of ABAP Objects such as attributes, methods, class definitions and visibility scope all the way through to more advanced concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism and interfaces. This training course not only gives you an a thorough insight into how SAP ABAP Objects works but is delivered in such a way that everyone who takes the course will have absolutely no problem in understanding all the topics discussed."
Price: 19.99

"Master the Art of Screenwriting" |
"How many ideas for a great short film do you have in your mind but not in a script!? Take this course and learn everything you need to know to get those ideas not only into a script but into a film you can be incredibly proud of. From coming up with original ideas and nailing the most crucial elements of the script to rewrites, feedback that will get your script to stand out this course will have you writing the type of scripts you always dream of. The course contains information on: Coming up with Original ideas Planning a script Getting all the essential parts of your story before you start Finding problems early on and how to fix them Building your stories bullet point and action points Writing the script itself Getting the right kind of feedback in the right way Rewriting your script Working with your script through production You dont need any prior knowledge of screenwriting to take this course. All you need is a something to write with and your imagination! This course contains 20 video lessons presented by Adrian Mead, an accomplished writer and director who has worked with major networks in both the UK and US. The course runs for 01.55.56"
Price: 34.99

"Android - Create A BlogReader App with Android and WordPress" |
"After getting a good response on this course, I am changing the price to 10$ original was 30$ for a limited time only.Hello, In this course we are going to learn a new thing in Android Development. We will create an app using the Android Studio, which is now the official IDE of Android. In this app, we will use a feed from a WordPress blog that will show its recent post and they will be sent to the app. A user will have the option to choose any post he wants to read and he can share it as well. There are no special materials, you are going to need for this course. You will only going to need the Android Studio, Java Development Kit (JDK), Android SDK (comes with Android Studio), and Genymotion emulator. All the things are free and can be downloaded easily from their official site. I will teach you how to setup the Android Studio, how to set up the WordPress to show the JSON feed and after that how to setup the Genymotion Emulator to work with Android Studio.This course is not that big and I have also omitted the materials which are not necessary. You can easily complete this course in a week and if you got any doubt then I will be there to solve it as well.You do not need to have a working knowledge of Android for this course. Anyone who is willing to increase their knowledge about Android programming can this course. Making an app like this will be fun and you will also learn some very interesting things out of this course as well.You will learn to parse the JSON data, how to handle the errors, how to make alert dialog box, how to use intent and how to use the Webview and process bar. It will going to be a great journey, so click the button and start the course !!"
Price: 19.99

"Read and Write (Hangul): The Korean Alphabet" |
"Learn the basic structure, shapes, and sounds of the Korean alphabet! There are 40 letters in Hangul (the Korean alphabet). This course will teach you all of them along with their shapes and sounds. No previous Korean knowledge necessary! This is a quote unquote crash course in Hangul. Even if you have zero experience with Hangul, or Korean in general, this course will guide you step-by-step as you learn to identify, write, and pronounce the letters of Hangul. In this course, you will learn how simple it is to write in Korean while learning the sounds each character makes. Tested by History Prior to the 1440's, Korean was only read and written in complicated chinese characters (hanja) making it very difficult for anyone outside of high-class individuals to become literate. In 1446, King Sejong The Great announced the creation of a simpler alphabet (Hangul) to try and fix that problem. His goal for creating the new alphabet was to make it easy enough for anyone to learn to read and write Korean in the matter of a few hours. That's exactly what he did and that's exactly what we intend to do in this course. Content and Overview You will begin your journey with a brief history of Hangul and an overview of the structure of Korean words. Once you have a basic understanding of how Korean is structured, we will learn the 10 basic vowel letters and 14 basic consonant letters. After that, we will learn the 5 double consonants and 11 compound vowels. Throughout the course, you will learn how to properly write and structure these letters to form words. It is crucial that you write each character on your own and practicing the pronunciation as we go along. Doing so will help you master each one faster and make it easier when we learn to read and write a few fun words in the final section. Personalized Help As the leader of this course, I understand I have a great responsibility for the learning of my course participants. I take that responsibility seriously and will work hard to see that all of your questions are answered to your satisfaction. It is my goal to answer any question you ask within 24 hours. At the end of the course, there is also a section dedicated to answering your questions where I can answer with a video if necessary. Remember, at the end of the course you will be able to read and write basic words in Korean! Throughout the course there are supplementary documents that you can use to further your study of Hangul. If you take this serious, you will find yourself with a newly acquired skill in Korean in a matter of hours! Let's get going!"
Price: 19.99

"Webinar Success Templates" |
"I ran an email campaign to a tiny list of prospects and it resulted in 256 prequalified webinar sign-ups. These customers were located all over the US, there is no way I would have been able to visit them all and make a sales presentation. Leveraging the power of a properly planned webinar I was able to do in one month what many of my competitors won't accomplish this entire year! In the last year THOUSANDS of people have bought training on how to setup, conduct, and succeed with Webinars, THOUSANDS! There was just one critical element missing that everybody needed... A "WEBINAR GAME PLAN" IN TEMPLATE FORM. "Webinar Success Templates" is a step-by-step set of time saving templates that you can print out and slap in a binder, that tells you what to do and when to do it. This is the missing link to Webinar success. My name is Anthony Flatt and my friend Jerry Roberts and I have put together an awesome product called "Webinar Success Templates". In a nut shell "Webinar Success Templates" is a complete series of fill-in-the-blank- time saving templates, agendas, and checklists we use for hosting webinars. The "Webinar Success Templates" includes an eBook and Video training on how to use each of the more than 25 individual fill-in-the-blank templates, agendas, and checklist. Webinars are one of the most powerful and cost-effective ways to quickly get your message across. They allow you to reach a large group of people all at once, ensuring your message reaches a maximum amount of people. Webinars are great relationship builders. They allow the host to connect and interact live with their followers so there's no guessing at what topics to cover. Webinars most importantly are a great way to have a large number of potential customers hear your sales message and take action to purchase your products and services."
Price: 44.99

"Setup and manage your WordPress website today" |
"Follow our step by step tutorials to learn everything you need to know about setting up and managing a WordPress website. If you have never set up a website before and wouldn't know where to start, then this course is perfect for you. You do not need any prior experience to follow our course, in fact all you will need to have is a domain name and hosting and we'll talk you through the rest. This course will ideally suit someone who wants to learn how to set up a website and build up a good following for it as we will also take you through some good techniques to start your email marketing and SEO campaigns in the right way. So whether you have a business that you want to setup up online or you just want to setup a website to share some knowledge, this is the course for you. Don't be one of the 'I wish I had' people out there as there really are enough of them. Make the decision now to learn the techniques you need to learn to give yourself a head start in the online industry. The best thing about our course is that we know where you are because we have been there to and we will always answer any questions as we want to help you get started up online. If a certain aspect of this journey is really troubling you, be sure to leave us a comment and that could be the next subject of any additions that we make to our course. So start now and let's get you on the road to building up your very own online presence with your first WordPress website."
Price: 19.99

"A Matriz do Sucesso [Coaching]" |
"Est cansado de fracassar?No incomum nos dias de hoje ver pessoas frustradas. Por mais que lutem, simplesmente no conseguem concretizar os seus objectivos. Se voc continua a batalhar e simplesmente no consegue obter os resultados esperados, no est sozinho.So milhares de ideias e sonhos que todos os dias ficam arrumados numa gaveta.O sucesso chega a muitas pessoas sem esforo. Mas ento o que que as pessoas de sucesso sabem que a maioria das pessoas desconhece? Se procura este conhecimento, chegou ao local certo.No curso A Matriz do Sucesso"" aprender o passo-a-passo necessrio para que possa transformar por completo a sua vida. Foi esta mesma frmula que me permitiu somar muitas vitrias ao longo da minha vida no campo pessoal e profissional.Se procura concretizar todos os seus sonhos, neste poderoso curso encontrar todas as ferramentas necessrias para despertar o guerreiro que existe dentro de si.Comece com uma ideia e termine com algo real, este o meu compromisso para consigo!No curso encontrar aulas em vdeo, apresentaes, udios, documentos e exerccios vrios que facilitaro a aprendizagem. Trata-se de um curso semelhante a um programa de desenvolvimento humano e que poder ver e rever sempre que desejar.Est preparado para comear a sua escalada do sucesso e romper todos os seus limites?"
Price: 99.99

"Como vivir la vida que deseas" |
"Te encuentras bloqueado/a? Te gustara dar un giro total a tu vida pero no sabes por donde empezar? Ests en el sitio correcto y en el momento necesario. A punto de adentrarte en el curso que har que despegues, que consigas ser aquello que piensas cada da. Con una terminologa fcil y adaptada para todos los pblicos, el objetivo principal es que adquieras esos hbitos para que seas una mejor persona, consigas tus metas y ese estilo de vida que quieres sin olvidarte de mejorar la vida de toda persona que te encuentres en tu camino."
Price: 44.99

"Write a Novel Outline from Scratch (Novel Writing Success)" |
"OVER 1,500 STUDENTS ENROLLED IN THE FIRST WEEK! UPDATED TO INCLUDE DOWNLOADABLE MP3s OF LECTURES Do you have a story idea inside you that you're dying to write, but you're not sure where to start? Are you already writing a novel, but the story has become too complicated and you don't know how to make progress? Maybe you already have your own novel outlining process, but you simply want to improve it? Or ... it's possible you don't even have a story idea yet, but you just love the thought of writing a novel. Well, in this novel outlining course, you'll learn how to: Generate story ideas and expand them into a complete book outline from SCRATCH! Weave plot lines together with such intricacy it will blow your readers' minds Create vivid story locations that will transport your readers into your story world Create fully developed characters your readers will love (or love to hate!) Implement BONUS outlining tips that will forever change your writing process Gain confidence in your writing by effectively outlining your story first It doesn't matter if you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced writer. It only matters that you're interested in outlining an intricate story that will wow your readers. On top of that, learning to effectively outline your novel means that when it comes to writing your book, you will write it faster, write it better, it'll need less revision, and best of all, you'll get it published sooner! And this course has so much content in a wide variety of formats: Video presentations, audio lectures, and screen-captured video. Plus, there are loads of downloadable files to supplement your learning. There's even a FREE Scrivener template, so that if you're a Scrivener user you can benefit from the exact template I use for outlining my novels! But don't worry, if you're not a Scrivener user, you can still take this entire course. By the end of this novel outlining course, you'll feel ready to write your own novel. And if for some reason you're not satisfied, you get a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. So, you can enroll in this course assured with the knowledge that if it's not what you expected, you can get a full refund. No questions asked. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start outlining your novel today. I'll see you inside the course. =) - Andrew Butcher"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende expresiones lambda con Java 8 fcilmente." |
"Aprende fcilmente y en tiempo rcord como crear cdigo ms consiso, claro y flexible utilizando las novedosas expresiones lambda que Java 8 te ofrece. Construye una base slida de conocimiento con las expresiones lambda y da tus primeros pasos en el paradigma de la programacin funcional. Java 8 pone al alcance de tus manos la combinacin de dos sorprendentes paradigmas: la programacin funcional y la programacin orientada a objetos. Mediante esta combinacin de paradigmas, puedes crear definitivamente sorprendentes aplicaciones, con cdigo ms legible, fcil de entender y sobre todo reutilizable. En este inigualable curso, en menos de dos horas aprenders como las expresiones lambda te permitirn implementar de forma ms sencilla uno de los temas ms complicados de la programacin orientada a objetos: el polimorfismo. En trminos generales, aprenders rpidamente: Como instalar correctamente el entorno de programacin. Fundamentos de las expresiones lambda. Fundamentos de las interfaces funcionales. Pondrs en accin a las expresiones lambda junto con las interfaces funcionales. Que son las referencias a un mtodo y como implementarlas correctamente en el contexto de las interfaces funcionales. A qu tipo de variables tienen acceso las expresiones lambda y sus restricciones. Aprenders a crear tus propias interfaces funcionales hechas a la medida."
Price: 34.99

"Tax Strategy: Financial Planning for Beginners" |
"We've all heard the story before. Mitt Romney, multi-millionaire congressman, paid an effective tax rate of roughly 14%! How is it possible that the someone making that amount of money pays a lower tax rate than most Americans?The answer? Proper tax planning.Proper tax planning is perhaps the most important step to the promised land of financial freedom. The strategy is simple- the more income that you generate at a tax free or a lower tax rate means the more money you get to keep. If you reinvest this money, your money works for you, generating a stream of passive income ultimately accumulating wealth.There seems to be this misconception that the wealthy are cheating the system. This is simply not true! The wealthy simply structure their income to take advantage of the favorable provisions outlined by the government.Anyone can apply these strategies- not everyone knows about them.That is where this course comes in. Students will learn how to :Generate passive incomeIdentify investments with the best return on tax savings and earnings potentialUnderstand loopholes of the tax systemReduce their tax bill on their very next returnProperly plan their finances for the futureBuild wealth in the long termWith a 30 day money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose!"
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Copywriting Strategies for Online Sales" |
"Advanced Copywriting Strategies for Online Profits The step-by-step framework for turning online leads into buyers with advanced copywriting techniques Who is this for: Coaches, information product creators and internet entrepreneurs that are looking for a follow-along system to increase sales of product or service What's inside: Copywriting law: ""Pill in the meat"" (How re-positioning can fix this problem) ""Interpretive vs Definitive Language"" The most common, overlooked copywriting mistake A simple ""tweak"" in communication to increase product sales Selling without being salesy - The ""Copy n' Paste"" strategy Step-by-step to helping customers ""realize"" why they need your product Incorrect use of ""Features vs Benefits"" - Why most novices screw this up How to double the value of products in the customer's eyes through product description ""Airplane Assembly"" - How to never run in to writer's block when writing copy The ""no-brainer purchase"" sales offer examples The ""Hollywood Method"" to entertain, motivate and profit The use of the ""Obligation"" factor for getting customers to sell themselves Tony Robbins' Method of influence Walk-through and tear down of 2 ""cold-leads-converting"" sales letters The 1 prerequisite for writing mind-reading, trust building sales copy Warning: The dark side of copywriting Examples of ethical and effective use of the ""Scare Tactic"" ""Emotional trigger-words"" archive for ""spicing"" up your copy BONUS - The fill-in-the-blank minimalism sales letter template for info-products BONUS - Top 10 Udemy course copywriting mistakes And much more! Who this is NOT for: Brand consultants that are looking to create brand awareness for clients Commercial advertisers working for AD firms What this system is NOT: Marketing 101 theories (AIDA, Maslow's etc.) Directions or benefits on becoming a copywriter Copywriting ""best-practices"" for novices Directions on becoming a freelance writer"
Price: 124.99

"YouTube Info-Business 2.0 - Turn Hobby Into An Info-Business" |
"The Advanced, Step-by-Step System for Packaging Your Existing Knowledge into Information Products and Selling it through YouTube Discover how 1000's of "niche" YouTube video publishers are making passive-income through turning their knowledge and expertise into digital-goods that people pay for You've heard of the YouTube success stories - The stories of people making a living from publishing simple videos on the topics they love to talk about. Ever wonder if you have what it takes? About 4 years ago, I started my own YouTube channel over "dance"! A few months later, I was able to turn this channel into a passive-income info-business. This business allowed me to travel all over the world and fund my many other online ventures. From there, I branched out to creating channels over art, writing and even creative thinking! Just a few months ago, I started on a brand new subject of Kindle Publishing and writing! Many people come to me with these questions: "Where exactly does the revenue come from?" "What are some examples of niches that you can still make income in?" "How do I keep myself accountable and create video consistently?" "There are so many massive channels out there, how do you even compete?" "People click off my videos after 42 seconds - How do I get them to stick around?" "Royalty free music? Copyright issues? Ads?" "Why would anyone want my knowledge? I don't have any credentials!" "Is it even possible to build a subscriber-base nowadays?" "Is this going to even be worth the time or effort? Have I missed the opportunity" In response to these things, I've created this advanced, step-by-step system that will show you how to take your existing knowledge and package it in to an online course that people are searching for, and sell it through the YouTube platform. What's inside: "Why would people buy if I give away content on YouTube?" - Overcoming this challenge 3 Novice productivity mistakes that makes consistent video creation impossible (And what to do instead) The MRSPE content creation checklist that gains trust and turns subscribers into customers The "4 Point Reference" - Technique for identifying your profitable, personally-tailored YouTube niche "Presentation hacks" for quickly getting used to speaking on camera The "Minimalist Product Framework" for quickly creating products that sell itself The "Response Method" - How to gain credibility in your niche, have people listen and learn from you even if you have no credentials Niche channel building best practices for long term recurring income Passion niche or profit niche? Combining the both to stay motivated Plug n' play minimalist sales letter template that sells your product without being scammy, annoying or pushy "Macro optimization" and "Micro optimization" techniques for dual-ended subscriber-base building NVCC + CB + PC + SG = Self-sustained channel ---- The 4-part framework for turning your expertise in to a long-term passive-income "muse" business "Video Topic Alchemy" - 16 strategies for creating subscribers-attracting content 2 Case studies of 7 month old YouTube info-businesses and how to model over them (Bonus - Post release) And much more!"
Price: 94.99

"Clean Your Computer & Make It Run Fast - with No Cost Tools" |
"Take back your power! Speed up your computer - for free. ***This course is ideal for beginners in the world of taking care of your computer. It is designed to take you step by step through the very basics of working with your computer.*** Join now for ongoing access to all lectures and interaction with more than 1,500 students. Learn how to keep your computer running as fast as it can. Even if you are afraid to look at anything other than your email or Facebook, you can learn how to use completely free tools to fix those things that destroy your surfing pleasure. Have you ever tried to look at a website only to find your computer screen completely unusable because it is covered with pop-ups? Do you get big bright messages telling you that you have hundreds of viruses? Are you tired of taking your computer to the repair shop to pay hundreds to have it cleaned and speeded up? Then this course is for you. You will take a gentle peek at your computer and learn a bit more about it than you ever thought you wanted to know. Then you'll discover the truth about how you can surf the 'net and how to protect yourself from brutal attacks and hijacked webpages. You'll learn about the different programs available and how to safely and properly use antivirus and antimalware programs to protect yourself. The course can be finished in a weekend if you want to plunge right into it. The best thing is, you can see immediate improvements in your computer's performance before you are half-way through the course."
Price: 29.99

"Ghostwrite - Live the Writer's Life" |
"Interact with more than 900 students in the quest to understand whether ghostwriting is your kind of dream work. One of the most urgently needed online services is ghostwriting. it's a great way to carve out your own niche and offer a much needed service. Whether you want to write blogs or romance novels or technical articles or speeches or - well the list is endless, there are people who need ghostwriters all the time. Wondering where to start your ghostwriting career? Let me guide you through the basic things you should do to get started. This course starts at the very beginning with the basics you need to know before taking the big leap into ghostwriting. You will be shown the inside world of ghostwriting. For people who like to write and are interested in making a good living working from home, ghostwriting is an ideal career. The big question is - where do you find clients? The next big question is - how much should you charge? One of the most valuable lessons about ghostwriting is that you can choose your niche and become a highly sought after service provider. You will learn how to to deal with difficult clients and how to meet deadlines."
Price: 19.99

"Leaders must own everything in their world." |
"Hi my name is Alan and I am teaching this online course to teach the underlying principle of the extreme ownership mindsetthe extreme ownership mindset provides the foundation for all the rest of the principles to have a successful life. Leaders must own everything in their world. There is no one else to blame. At the end of this course, youll be able to talk confidently about the underlying principle that Leaders must own everything in their world. There is no one else to blame.In this online course, I will share the approach of owning absolutely everything in your world. Taking 100% responsibility for the success and failure of your goals and objectives and blaming no one and constantly seeking ways to improve. Learning these leadership ideals will allow you to Lead and Win. The key? EXTREME OWNERSHIP. The ideal student for this course is an existing life learner or entrepreneur who wants to expand on there current skills and knowledge or an entrepreneur who wants to launch a start up or product of there own. There are no requirements necessary to enroll I only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn. Feel free to take a look through the course description and I look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to exercise with bodyweight exercises." |
"Welcome to the Bodyweight exercises 101, where Ill take you through the entire process of bodyweight exercises. My name is Alan Perez and Ive been an avid enthusiast of bodyweight exercises to achieve my weight loss goals, an enthusiast of everything that pertains to optimizing life. Bodyweight exercises 101 is an introductory course for health and fitness life learners seeking to improve their health and fitness skills. Throughout the course we will cover bodyweight exercise techniques used by health and fitness enthusiasts throughout the world, and walk you through a hands on step-by-step process that you can implement immediately for reaching your weight-loss goals.Because our goal is to get you up to speed as quickly as possible, well cover the different kinds of bodyweight exercise optimizing techniques, methods, and some of my favorite bodyweight exercises. At the end of the course youll be an unstoppable with enough confidence to do bodyweight exercises everyday, This course is designed for enthusiastic health and fitness life learners who want to take their skills to the next level. Or if Youre a beginner health and fitness life learner, who wants to know more. or if You have an itch to expand on your current skills, and a real love of optimizing your life through health and fitness.Thanks for your interest in bodyweight exercises 101- I hope youre as excited as I am! If youre ready to learn more and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button, or take a test drive by using the Free Preview feature. See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99

"transform your mindset about habits to achieve your goals." |
"Welcome to habit creation 101, where Ill take you through the entire process of How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential. My name is Alan Perez and Ive been an owner of a restaurant, a real estate brokerage, a contractors business and an enthusiast of everything that pertains to optimizing life. I also currently hold a Real Estate brokers license, contractors license and a bachelors degree in Finance. Habit creation 101 is an introductory course for life learners seeking to improve their life skills. Throughout the course we will cover techniques used by executive and entrepreneurs throughout the world, and walk you through a step-by-step process for creating a masterpiece life , and well even include a few secrets of the pros.Because our goal is to get you up to speed as quickly as possible, well cover the different kinds of optimizing techniques, methods, and some of my favorite life optimizing recipes. At the end of the course youll be an unstoppable- maestro, with enough confidence to change your life, This course is designed for enthusiastic life learners who want to take their skills to the next level. Or if Youre a beginner life learner, who wants to know more. or if You have an itch to expand on your current skills, and a real love of optimizing your life. Thanks for your interest in Habit creation 101- I hope youre as excited as I am! If youre ready to learn more and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button, or take a test drive by using the Free Preview feature. See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Do What You Love. Discover Your Passion or Dream Career." |
"Join the 600+ students who signed up in the first 24 hours --- Are you a bit confused and don't know which direction to go, in relation to your career? Are you unhappy in your job but you don't know what you want to do? Would you like to have a more meaningful career?` You are not the only one, I have many clients who have an office job, money, the lifestyle they want, however they feel there is something missing in their life. If you are unhappy in your job, if you know you could be doing something more and you feel you are not reaching your full potential, this is the course for you. 21 Days challenge to job satisfaction is a series of videos with fun exercises that will lead you to discover what your dream job is. The videos and exercises will help you to get clarity on what you want to do, what is important for you and what makes you happy. In the course I will ask you questions, these questions are there to make you think and they will help you to discover insights about yourself that maybe you never thought about before. Also you will also discover your personality type and career options for your personality type. The exercises will help you clarify and find out what you want to do that will make you feel happy and fulfilled. And we will finish by creating a plan that works for you. A plan that will lead you to land the meaningful job and career that makes you happy and fulfilled If you have had enough of feeling unhappy and unsatisfied in your job then enrol this course now, you can start right away. Nobody can make you feel happy, only YOU can. Enrol this course now. Click the "take this course" button, so that you can start creating your own website straight away. 30 days money back guarantee. Take the course for 30 days and if you are not happy, we will give you the money back, no questions asked. See you on day 1 of the 21 days challenge job satisfaction."
Price: 19.99

"Quickly Create YouTube Marketing Videos" |
"Learn to create YouTube marketing videos that people will take action on. This video course covers planning, production and post-production. Planning - learn how to set your goals, and use the HASRA formula to plan & write your script. Production - learn the best (and affordable!) equipment to get, and how to use Google Hangouts for quickly creating great videos. Post-production - learn how to edit and optimize the videos to pull in your target audience. You can easily go through this course in a few hours - or take several days. It's spread out over several sections."
Price: 19.99

"Complete MS Word 2013 Mac: Advanced Tactics for New Careers" |
"THE PRICE IS REDUCED TO $10 FOR A LIMITED TIME!Are you looking for a Complete A-Z Microsoft Word course on Mac?Do you want to know how to make a Professional CV and Stand Out?Are you an author that want to have a good understand of all functionalities of Microsoft Word?Well this course will give you a complete understanding of Microsoft Word inside out. You will become expert at this software in no time. Not only that this course will also benefit you in many ways if you are using Microsoft Word on day to day basis but you are still a beginner. Master Microsoft Word 2013 in Less Than 2 Hours Lectures and Step by Step All Commands in Complete Microsoft Word 2013 MacBe a better Report/ Book writer by styling your work yourselfStart Earning on Fiverr and PeoplePerHourCreate Professional CVs This course has Video lectures, External Links, Readings, Challenges & Quiz. The course starts with simple Commands and end it at Menu Bars where very useful commands can be found.At the end of the course, you will receive a Verifiable Certificate of Completion once completed all the lectures."
Price: 19.99

"Humor at Work: Better Results. More Fun." |
"Learn how to reduce stress, improve morale, and enjoy your work more by using humor in the workplace. Just because you have a job, it doesn't mean you have to hate it. In this course, you'll learn the ins and outs of how to use humor at work. Using humor in the workplace can help you: Relieve stress and increase overall workplace happiness. Improve office morale and build trust among team members. Deliver more effective presentations and influence people. And make work more pleasant and fun. Despite these powerful benefits, less than 1/3rd of people use humor at work regularly. Maybe you don't think you have the time or just don't have any ideas. Or maybe you've tried it before and it didn't go so well. Or you're afraid you won't be taken seriously or you'll say something inappropriate. Or maybe you're shy or introverted and don't feel like it's part of your natural personality. This course will help you overcome those challenges and teach you everything you need to know about using humor at work. Whether you already use humor and just want to be more intentional, your team has no humor and you just want to help people loosen up, or you've never tried humor at all, you'll learn the necessary skills to bring levity to the office. You'll learn: How to use humor in different situations and how to "know" your audience. How to confidently present your humor. When humor is and isn't appropriate, what subjects are "off-limits," and how to avoid saying anything inappropriate. How use humor effectively without being seen as a clown or a jester. How to incorporate humor on a regular basis so that is has a positive impact on the culture at work. How to teach other people about the benefit of humor so they can embrace it as productivity tool. What This Course is Not This course is all about using humor to be more effective at work. This course is: NOT a course in stand up comedy. You will learn about basic joke structure, but the course will not cover things like how to create a set list, the business of stand-up, or how to get on the Tonight Show. NOT a course in humor theory. We do touch on basic humor theory, but you will not learn that ins and outs of what makes us as humans laugh. NOT a course in zombie apocalypse survival strategies, although I do mention it."
Price: 49.99

"Solve both 3x3 and 2x2 Rubik cube by ONE simple algorithm" |
"You will learn to solve both3x3 and 2x2rubik cube in about 45 min timeOnce you learn, you will be able to solve the cube in about 5 min timeThe course is divided into very small videos (~ 2 min) for easy and better understandingInstruction is based on the real Rubik cubeNo need for any prerequisite No need to remember any complex algorithmNow solving 2x2 also available"
Price: 19.99

"Primeros Auxilios" |
"Tal vez nunca te ha pasado, pero que haras el da que algn familiar o amigo este en peligro de muerte? SALVA SU VIDA!! Es un curso sumamente sencillo, en donde adaptamos los primeros auxilios a todo publico, no necesitas tener experiencia previa, y puede ser aprendido desde los 11 aos hasta los 85 aos de edad. Sin tecnicismos, y con un lenguaje sumamente sencillo, aprenders a SALVAR UNA VIDA. No esperes mas, no sabes si el da de maana tendrs la necesidad de utilizar estas maniobras. Impartida por Jos Alfonso Muoz Carrasco, con experiencia de 16 aos en el servicio y quien a sus 23 aos de edad logro ser Jefe de Bomberos y Proteccin Civil de su ciudad teniendo a su cago mas de 50 bomberos. Este curso es nico, y podrs aprender fcilmente a SALVAR UNA VIDA. Tendras la oportunidad de contactarme y hacer cualquier pregunta sobre el tema a cualquier hora del dia. Ademas te dare tips y sugerencias para prevenir accidentes en el Hogar."
Price: 19.99

"Algebra I : Key Concepts for High School Students" |
"This course is ideal for high school students taking Integrated Algebra I & students about to take Integrated Algebra I . The course covers Word Problems, Basics of Solving Equations, Word Problems and Solving Equations, Tricky Word Problems, Rates & Units of Measurement, Rules for Exponents, Binomials & Factoring, Solving Binomial Expressions, Radicals, Triangles, Area, Perimeter & Volume, Line Equations and Slopes (Including finding parallel lines and perpendicular lines), Functions, Graphs and Linear Regression, Graphs of Absolute Functions, Manual Graphing, Crafty Word Problems, Inequalities, Statistics & Percentages & Probability. The course assumes the you have completed all math courses up to Integrated Algebra I and is organized in eight sections with 46 lectures and 8 quizzes. The goal is to give you increased confidence by covering the key concepts typically covered in the high school course with detailed step by step examples on how to solve such problems. The focus is on key concepts so you not overwhelmed and at the same time will have enhanced confidence when taking the course at school."
Price: 19.99

"Sage 300 ERP: Installation and Setup Guide for Beginners" |
"Sage 300 ERP: Installation and setup guide for beginners course is an exciting practical course on installing, setting up and configuring the Sage 300 ERP. The course is taught by a qualified trainer and expert in Sage 300 ERP implementations who boasts over 10 years in the IT industry in general and 8 years experience in Sage 300 ERP project implementations. The key areas covered by the course are as follows: Windows 7 environment preparation Software download and installation Database creation and setup Company setup and configuration System administration This course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn about Sage 300 ERP installation and setup, but more specifically the following audience: Newbies to Sage 300 ERP (Consultants and Administrators alike) Computer Science graduates Business Studies/Accounting graduates Semi-experienced consultants and administrators of Sage 300 ERP Seasoned ERP consultants intending to learn a new ERP Returning Sage ERP Consultants intending to get a refresher course ERP enthusiasts who would like to learn a new ERP This course is very practical hence the need for a computer to use to follow along and perform the tasks and activities provided inside. The required software is available as a free download whose URL is provided inside, so the requirements of the course are within everyone's reach. The course is made up of mainly video lectures incorporating slides with course topics and objectives but mostly screencasts walking you step-by-step through the activities and tasks required to achieve the set out objectives. By the end of this course, youll not only have the skills, but the confidence to setup your own company, or seek employment as an administrator in a firm using Sage 300 ERP or work as a junior consultant in a Sage Business Partner, or work as an independent consultant implementing Sage 300 ERP projects for your own clients."
Price: 49.99

"You Can Make Cheese At Home Today! Impress Your Friends Now!" |
"How to make a cheese you love in one weekend flat! Find out how to amaze your friends, your loved ones, and most of all, YOURSELF by creating cheese from your own kitchen in as little as one weekendeven if you've never touched a pan before, have trouble following recipes or have never cooked a day in your life.I promise after just one weekend with cheesemaking 101 you will be inspired and thrilled with how satisfying cheese making can be! And once you've gotten taste of IMPRESSING your friends and family by having them taste your cheese, you will be completely STOKED!The art of crafting cheese is in an easy to follow video format that is CLEAR, CONCISE, and geared to give you QUICK RESULTS that will keep you engaged and excited about your developing skills:In Cheesemaking 101, I reveal secrets like: My one-weekend, step-by-step simple tools," method to start making cheese today. The cheesemaking equipment a beginner can't do without. The best tasting cheese recipes that anyone can master. The secret technique to create cheese starter cultures that can last you forever and save you MONEY. The two yogurt recipes a beginner can't do without. Video by video instructions for every aspect of the cheesemaking process. The indispensable secret for actually creating nut based milk lactose free Kefir drinks. The best party cheese recipes that everyone will instantly love. Bonus: $49 Cheesecake Making 101 Recipes And LessonsAs an additional bonus for FREE I have included from my Cheesecake 101 Course: The six best cheesecakes I have ever tested, tasted, and created. The number one New York Cheesecake recipe from a high end bakery. It is literally the best cheesecake I have ever had! After you try it you will agree! 720 HD video instructions showing the techniques for making the best cheesecake. The techniques for a perfect home made pie crust! The biggest secret I was ever taught about the cream cheese and sour cream that you will never forget and you will always follow after learning. So you can capture the magic of creating cheese, even if you never dreamed you could! Click to order CHEESEMAKING 101 now!Your satisfaction is assured through Udemy's no risk, you-can't-lose, 100%, no-question-asked. Ironclad money back guarantee.If for any reason, you aren't thrilled and satisfied with your purchase, just contact Udemy directly within 30 days and they will refund 100% of your purchase price.What I'm saying is don't decide now if CHEESEMAKING 101 is right for you.Try it out for a full monthrisk free.If it doesn't help you overcome any stumbling blocks to learn to create cheese from your own kitchen, if it doesn't guide you step by step through the cheesemaking process, if it doesn't take you by the hand and teach you exactly how to create simple easy to make cheese in your own home even if you have been labeled a bad cook or never thought you could make cheeseif it doesn't show you the easiest way to create cheese, easier than you ever dreamed possible, and if it doesn't inspire you to be confident to make cheese, then I don't want your money.You have nothing to lose!So how much is this tremendous experience going to cost you? Well, the regular price for Cheesemaking 101 is $197. However for a limited time, we are running an introductory offer and you can have it at a discount for only $99. Thats nearly 50% off-but you must act now!Plus, because you stream the course, you can have this information immediately, and get started learning how to make cheese today! AndIt doesn't matter if it's 2 in the morning!Click to order CHEESEMAKING 101 now!"
Price: 19.99

"Puppy School ""El buen inicio de tu cachorro""" |
"En el curso Puppy School "El buen inicio de tu cachorro" encontraras las herramientas bsicas para conocer el por que de los comportamientos caninos, aprenders a entender como relacionarte con tu perro mejor que nunca. Es un curso en el cual se ensea al amo (humano) el como entender a su perro para que la relacin que se desarrolle sea una relacin llena de satisfaccin y felicidad para ambos (humano-perro). Es un curso con mas de 2 horas de consejos prcticos y explicaciones didcticas en video para que no queden dudas de que aunque somos dos especies distintas y no hablamos el mismo idioma, podemos comunicarnos y entendernos a la perfeccin. El curso fue diseado para cualquier edad, lo podrs ir viendo por temas (mencionados a continuacin) y al final tendrs las herramientas para iniciar o retomar la relacin ideal con tu perro para que sea excelente y duradera. *Introduccin *Puppy School *El Mundo de los Perros *Madriguera *Bienestar Animal *Necesidades Fisiolgicas *Alimentacin y Comida *Juego *Frustraciones *Ansiedad por Separacin *Instintos *Comunicacin *Aprendizaje *Correctivos *Reflexiones Finales"
Price: 59.99

"Cobranza en el transporte de carga: Recupere eficientemente" |
"I. Introduccin y conceptos bsicos del transporte II. La Ley y su aplicacin en el transporte Las leyes del transporte martimo y terrestre Carta Porte - Actual y opciones de actualizacin Bill of Lading - terrestre y martimo III. Agentes de carga y su situacin actual en Mxico Qu es un Reexpedidor de Carga? Qu es un Agente de Carga? Qu debo hacer para protegerme? Qu hacer despus de entregar la carga? Qu hacer si un Intermediario se niega a pagar? IV. Etapas del proceso de cobranza Cobranza Eficiente en el Transporte Cuentas Confundidas V. Procesando nuevas cuentas Polticas de crdito y cobranza ptima recopilacin de informacin para investigacin de crdito Procesamiento de solicitudes de viaje Formalidad al responder solicitudes de crdito Solicitud de crdito Solicitud de crdito y garanta Verificacin crediticia Cartas de Bienvenida VI. Procesando cobranza regular Clasifique sus cuentas Factoraje de cuentas por cobrar Organice su da Llamadas telefnicas efectivas Manejo eficiente de las excusas VII. Procesando cobranza vencida El costo real de una cartera vencida Aplicacin de las polticas de crdito y cobranza Visitas a clientes Cartas de cobranza VIII. Asignacin de cuentas a las agencias de cobranza La necesidad de una Agencia de Cobranza Cundo asignar mis cuentas? Cmo elegir una agencia de cobranza? IX. Beneficios de la tecnologa en la cobranza Sistemas de control Grabando las conversaciones Guiones de crdito y cobranza Medicin de acciones y desempeo X. Casos prcticos Revisin de casos de xito XI. Conclusiones"
Price: 99.99
