"Cold Calling: Tips & Tricks to Become Successful" |
"Cold calling seems like its no-brainer. You may think that, its just picking up the phone and start dialing companies. Well that may work to some extent, but it's definitely not a well thought out process and eventually you waste a lot a time in the long run. Cold calling is a very crucial step in the whole sales process. If you have an effective workflow, then everything speeds up from getting to your prospective clients to acquiring new buying accounts, hitting the kind of goals you have set and eventually make the kind of money you want. This course will provide you with tips & tricks to create an efficient Cold calling workflow."
Price: 19.99

"2018 - Magic Secret Revealed - 60+ Impromptu Magic Tricks" |
"********************** New Tricks will be added every month. Course updatedNovember 2017 ********************** Do You See Magic and always be amaze and how this is done? How can Magician make a coin disappear and appear as and when they want? You will learn this in this course. Full of magic tricks involving fire, Some tricks are dangerous so be careful when performing Coin Tricks that i have revealed! Learn to do these tricks and really impress your friends and family. Learn All the Tricks You Can Impress Your Friend. A Bonus Iphone tricks for all the Iphone fan. Variety of trick including Card, Coins, Money, Mind Reading. Trick Can be learn in a few minutes, if you need a quick card trick just see the card session. if you do not have a card but have some water there is a trick on water. Some trick is done impromptu with no preparation needed. With Udemy you access the lecturers anytime you want. Take a 5 min break and excuse yourself to somewhere quiet watch 1 trick and the next moment, everyone is surrounding you watching you perform. Some trick just cannot fail, it is mathtematics driven while some may need practice and slight of hands. Be a Magician for all occasion. Be a Mentalism If you only buy 1 Magic Course then this will be the one"
Price: 74.99

"Project Management: The Planning Phase" |
"Project ManagementProject Management Courses:Planning Phase is designed for aspiring project managers and project team members wanting to get more involved inproject management.This project management course is structured around the premise that all projects have a beginning, a middle and an end and that all successful projects follow a standardised project management methodology.Learn how to plan your projects using simple, repeatable processes guided by an easy to implement project management methodology.Project Management as a CareerEnhance your career prospects, supercharge your project management skills and bring all your projects to successful conclusions - in time, under budget and to the delight of your key stakeholders.Learn all the project managementprocesses needed to complete the planning phase of your projects making sure all aspects of project execution and closing are includedDiscover a project management methodology that is easy to implement, manage and controlDownload a complete set of the only project managementdocument templates you will ever need to manage your projects successfullyProject Management MethodologyBecome a successful and practical project manager by introducing My Practical Project Management Methodology into your projects today so that you can plan, implement and bring all your projects to a successful conclusion.Project Management TrainingIn this project management course you will learn:What project management is all aboutThe characteristics of a successful project managerHow projects fit into organisationsWhat is and what is not a project life cycleWhy some organisations do not want and do not need a project management officeWhat is and what is not a project management methodology - The attributes of a practical and useful project management methodologyThe five critical project managementdocuments every successful project manager needsYou will learn the project managementprocesses and techniques used during the planning phase of every successful projectThis project managementcourse will teach you:How to initiate a project correctly with a sponsor and an approved project assignmentHow to identify the key stakeholders and engage with them to make sure they are on your sideHow to identify your key project team membersHow to make sure all the project scope is included in the scope of workHow to define your project organisationHow to develop your project schedule through activity sequencing and duration estimatingHow to identify the critical path through a project network diagram How to estimate project costs and convert the costs into a time phased cost baseline, a budgetHow to manage a risk identification workshop and identify the risks involved in the projectHow to plan-in"" quality into your projectHow to develop your procurement strategy for all the goods and services you will need to buyHow to decide what information is to be distributed to what stakeholder at what timesThe project managementcourse consists of:Video presentationsEasy to do quizzes to keep your attention aliveComplete set of downloadable project managementdocument templatesStudents can ask and comment on questions in the discussion area and I will also be available to advise on any aspects of the planning phase of a project.See you on the insideJeb Riordan, PMP"
Price: 74.99

"How to Calculate Earned Value for Your Project the Easy Way" |
"Astound your project steering team when you include Earned Value Analysis into your project status reports Earned Value Management and Analysis is a process for monitoring and reporting the true health of a project By combining the planned scope, schedule and cost with the actual work complete you can assess project performance, estimate the cost at completion and a probable completion date based on current project performance Learn How to Introduce Earned Value Metrics Into Your Project Today Identify negative trends before thy become a problem Estimate the true project cost at completion Measure the efficiency of your project teams Gain the respect of your Stakeholders by knowing the true progress of your project Learn and Master the Process of Measuring and Reporting the Real Health of Your Project Using Earned Value Management Earned Value Management was developed by the US Department of Defence way back in the 1990s. However the real benefits of using the technique were not fully realised. Maybe because the DoD contractors considered it just another requirement that needed to be fulfilled. Nowadays most US Government contractors, DoD, Dept Energy, NASA, etc, include EVM as standard in their project communications Earned Value Analysis can be complex or relatively simple depending on who you ask. By following the practical steps outlined in this course you will be able to introduce EVA into your project and extract the real meaningful metrics that will allow you to keep your project on track and maybe ahead of the game. The course content is based on short videos; with some multiple choice quizzes to keep you awake. There is also a downloadable excel worksheet that you can use to record your project's progress and calculate the key EVM metrics. What This Course is NOT: This course does not teach you short-term memory techniques to enable you to answer multiple-choice questions The course content is not influenced by the outcome of examination exit polls and previous examination questions Although the course content is relevant to any certification examination it is not designed to prepare you to take a certification exam Ive been there, done that! Plenty PMP Prep courses available on Udemy if that is your want What this course IS: This course is designed for practical project managers, project team members and stakeholders who want a solid, repeatable solution to their project controlling and status reporting needs By the end of this course you will become a valued member of your project team by demonstrating your knowledge of Earned Value Management and Analysis by introducing EVM into your projects Well done!"
Price: 49.99

"Master Personality Power For Influence And Success" |
"Do you wonder why some people abhor change, miss deadlines, never listen, get distracted or bored, talk too much, are abrupt, irritatingly detailed, seldom praise?Are you frustrated due to misundersandings, conflict, and arguments?Do you ever wonder... why can't we all just get on? This course will guide you through the steps to build win-win business and personal relationship, and you will learn skills to motivate and encourage others both in their career and personal lives. Imagine....greater life skills that can lead to improved productivity, increased profits, enhanced business or career success. This course provides powerful insights into your social style, both your strengths and weaknesses. It will also help you appreciate other people's social styles and how to best relate to them. You will learn the value of versatility, specific steps you can take to better relate to others, and how to apply the principles taught to great advantage both in your personal and business life. The Course The training consists of 7 sections consisting of a series of videos and written material. There are quizzes and also exercises for you to complete, each designed to help reinforce what you have learned and to help you develop your skills in this area. There are also resources for you to download. The highlight of the course is an Action Plan where you map out how you will apply in your life what you have learned. Course Duration This course is best spread out over several weeks to allow time to consider your own behaviors and explore the personality styles of colleagues, staff, and other people you interact with on a regular basis. No Prior Requirements Personality Profiling for Business and Career Success is simple to understand and requires no former training or preparation. If you haven't done any personality related studies before, or are wanting a refresher, you will find ""Personality Matters"" insightful, powerful, and loaded with strategies, tools, and techniques you can implement. Money Back Guarantee If during the month after payment for this course, you are not completely satisfied and wish to discontinue, you may email me letting me know what it is you are dissatisfied with and I will refund you your money. The resources you have accessed will be yours to keep. Bonuses As a way of value-adding I will be creating bonus videos that will be added to the course. "
Price: 169.99

"Workplace Praise: Make it Effective!" |
"Praising an employee for a great job sounds like a simple exercise, but not all managers get it right, and ineffective praise can do more harm than good.Done properly, recognition is a great tool for boosting employee morale and for increasing workers engagement and productivity.In this course you will learn exactly how to go about recognizing and showing your appreciation for a great job so that you engage, energize and help build employee confidence in their own abilities and greatness.You will learn when to express your appreciation, how to tailor your recognition so it produces the greatest impact for each individual. You will be shown how to get the balance right, both in terms of frequency and when and if to acknowledge the team or just the individual.It is also important of acknowledge the unsung heroes within your direct reports. This course will show you how to do this.You will also learn what the common pitfalls are that you need to avoid to ensure your praise doesnt backfire. This will ensure you dont end up discouraging instead of encouraging.How you go about delivering praise will determine its impact and effectiveness. This course guides you through the process to ensure you achieve the right outcomes."
Price: 79.99

"Turn Your Love And Passion for Animals Into A Career!" |
"Welcome! My name is Andrea Infante, owner of A Bark And A Meow Pet Care Service in Chicago, Illinois USA. I have created and thrived for over 9 years in the Pet Care Business and I want to share it with you! Are you an animal lover? Have you always dreamed of putting your passion for animals into a career? The Pet Care Service Business is a growing trend of animal lovers who wish to help pet owners and their pet(s) receive great love and care while they are at work, on vacation or any emergency arises. Learn from an active Pet Care Business Owner who has thrived in the business for over 9 years. This course will teach you the important steps in creating your "dream come true" pet care service business that will have you ready to go once you complete the course. You can work just for yourself and take on as many clients you choose or you can expand into a small to large pet care service company. If you apply yourself daily and follow my steps, you will be ready to go in a week to owning your own pet care business. All you need is a computer, speakers, pen and paper. I look forward to helping you live your dream!"
Price: 19.99

"Entrepreneurs: Building a profitable business begins here..." |
"Are you an entrepreneur or freelancer looking to launch a new business idea? Do you have an existing business that isnt working so well? Want to learn the correct way without spending a dime?If so, this course was designed for you.This course was designed specifically for people who want a quick, effective, and economical way to build a profitable business model. And guess what? You dont need an MBA to get it right!Its ideal for those who want a plug-and-play method to take an idea from conception to final product. You also dont need to create an elaborate business plan (hint: this is an outdated method).Before you launch your idea, you need to start here.Learn how to:Design a business model that GUARANTEES customer demandCreate an evergreen process that helps your business evolve with changeUncover what drives value for your customers, putting more money in your pocketEnsure your business model is profitable BEFORE investing resourcesLower risk & shorten your learning curveImportant:You DO NOT need to have a deep understanding of business. Literally, anyone can master thisprocess using the framework from this course.You can create your own business model from start to finish in ONE sitting.Case Study included follow along with practical examples.The system used in this course is based on the international bestseller, Business Model Generation by Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur. It covers the key elements to designing the perfect business modelone that not only works, but also helps you maximize value AND profits in your business.At the end of this course, you will walk away with a powerful foundation that allows you to get your business up and running as quickly, effectively, and inexpensively as possible. I will show you how you how new age entrepreneurs are testing their market assumptions using quick, iterative, and lean business principles to launch multi-million dollar businesses.Why you should take this course:I want you to make the investment in yourself and your business by developing the CORRECT framework needed to build a profitable business from scratch (or improve upon an existing one).In just 1 1/2 hours you can walk away with the necessary skills to create your own successful business model quickly, effectively, and with little-to-no cost. The modules are designed for you to follow along with me. By the end of the course, you will have a first draft of your business model already finished!And remember, you dont need a business degree for this framework to be effective. In fact, this course sums up the best elements of an MBA program in less time than it takes to watch your favorite movie.Click the Take This Course button above and join the 4,300+ students who are mastering the art of Business Model Design!P.S. Ive made myself personally available to students within the course (for free) something I generally charge my clients lots of money for. This alone is worth 100x the price of the course.Some of the material in this presentation was used under a under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. It is attributed to Business Model Generation, and the original work can be found at Strategyzer[dot]com."
Price: 44.99

"Apprenez dvelopper des applications iOS professionnelles" |
"Apprenez dvelopper une application iOS complte avec galerie photo, affichage de donnes, golocalisation et interface personnalise ! Le dveloppement d'applications iOS est possible grce au langage Objective-C. Dans ce cours, nous allons vous guider pas pas pour vous aider comprendre les concepts de programmation spcifiques Objective-C et la programmation oriente-objet. Ensemble, nous allons couvrir la structure, le fonctionnement et le dveloppement d'une application iOS autour des thmes suivants : Afficher du texte, des images et des donnes l'cran Grer les interactions tactitles Crer une navigation et des transitions entre les diffrents crans de votre application Intgrer la golocalisation et l'affichage d'une carte Personnaliser et customiser le design de l'application Les concepts sont expliqus avec de nombreuses animations et exemples que vous pourrez suivre et mettre en pratique immdiatement en utilisant Xcode, le logiciel de dveloppement d'Apple. A la fin de ce cours, vous saurez maitriser le dveloppement d'une application iOS multi-crans et vous saurez intgrer et grer les fonctionnalits essentielles pour crer des applications riches en contenus et en interactions. A travers 25 leons vidos, je vais vous guider pas pas et vous permettre de faire vivre vos ides sur iPhone et iPad !"
Price: 19.99

"Time Management: When and How to Say No" |
"Are you sometimes not in control of your life?Do you sometimes find yourself agreeing to things... and then regretting it?Are you sometimes overwhelmed by life's choices and want to know which to take?Of course.But now there are answers. . .'Time Management on Steroids' is how one person described this programme.But that's wrong. You won't learn to manage your time. You'll learn how to TAKE BACK CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE. This means that you can start to say Yes to the right things and No to the rest. And that means more time for what matters and less stress from what doesn't. Too many people find they need more time in their lives to do the things they want. And time management is not giving them enough of an answer. Focusing on doing things effectively, just means you get more things done. Learning what to say Yes to and what to say No to, means getting the right things done and achieving more... by doing less. But do you find the tiny little word 'No' alarmingly difficult to say? If you worry that it sounds negative, that people won't like you, that you'll miss an opportunity, or that something will go wrong if you say No, then you need this course. Because these fears mean that you are no longer in control of your life. Learn when to say NO and how to say NO. If you don't, you'll regret it, every time you feel trapped into saying 'Yes'. This course is delivered entirely as high quality videos delivered by author and professional speaker, Dr Mike Clayton. You will get unlimited lifetime access to 27 videos with nearly three-hours of high quality content. And I'll be adding more bonus videos from time to time too - which will appear, at no extra cost, in your course library. Your Unconditional, No-questions, 30-Day Guarantee I am so confident that this course will change your life that I offer you an unconditional, no questions asked, full 30 day money-back-in-full guarantee. Please compare this course... ... with other courses promising to teach you how to say No. I think you will find far more breadth, depth, and psychological rigour in this course. And if you enroll and you don't agree: there's always my 30-Day Guarantee. I will also be on hand to answer your questions if you get stuck, puzzled, or just want to know more. As a professional trainer, this is what I do, and I promise to respond within 24 hours of your question arriving with me from Udemy. Enroll Now Enroll for this course now, so you can start to regain control of your life straight away."
Price: 99.99

"How to Write Your Non-fiction Book with the Flat Plan Method" |
"You are closer to your first book than you think...Do you need to write a non-fiction book to support your business, authority, eminence, or reputation?Or are you just burning to get your ideas in print?Either way, you are one of the vast numbers of people who want to write their first book.And the good news is that writing a book has never been easier.It's not just the revolution in publishing and technology that have transformed your ability to get your thinking out to a readership. The tools are now easily and cheaply available to make the writing process quicker and easier too.Hi, I'm Dr Mike ClaytonI have written 14 books that have been published by international mainstream publishers like Macmillan, Pearson, and Wiley. My books have been translated into 11 additional languages and are licensed all over the world. I've also written ebooks to commission and self-published my own ebooks too.So, I do know what I am doing, and I have a method that makes it easy.It's called the Flat Plan Method and in this course, I'll share it with you.It isn't the only way to write a book. And it won't suit everyone. But I am sure that, if you follow it, you'll find writing your first non-fiction book easier than you ever thought.So, why not get started?If you want to become a non-fiction author and writing a book is your goal, then start here."
Price: 89.99

"Listening Skills 101: The Power of Listening" |
"Communication makes up around 80 percent of the work of any manager and leader.This makes listening your single most important skill. So in this course, well look at why this is true, and seek to understand what listening really is.Hone Your Listening SkillsAt the core of this powerful course, well learn something nobody ever teaches at school despite being so valuable How to really listen.And well close by tackling the three main challenges every listener faces.Want to know more? Listen in.Note: Because this course is about listening, we've removed as many distractions as possible. There are no flashy animations of cool videos. But the course, short, to the point, and powerful. So dedicate half an hour to listening, and then put the ideas to work, for the rest of your life.Bonus: I've tested this program out in a live webinar, so the last lecture contains my answers to the two best questions my audience asked._____Your Tutor Your tutor is Dr. Mike Clayton. As a senior project, program and change manager at the international consulting firm, Deloitte, Mike led large and complex change projects for his clients. This meant learning how to listen hard to the needs, wants, worries, and opinions of a vast range of different stakeholders.Now, as a trainer and facilitator, he has been applying what he learned and teaching it to others. This course represents 20 years' experience of what students find most helpful, and 25 years experience in business, managing change, large and small.And What if you have questions? I will be on hand to answer your questions if you get stuck, puzzled, or just want to know more. As a professional trainer, this is what I do, and I promise to respond within 24 hours of your question arriving with me from Udemy. Enroll Now Enroll for this course now, so you can start to regain control of your life straight away."
Price: 49.99

"Create Computer Models for 3D Printing" |
"Unlock the true potential of 3D Printers by learning how to create computer models. We'll go step by step through the free modeling software Blender as we create our first model: a Bobblehead Robot. You'll start by learning the basics of the Blender program. Then begin building your own Bobblehead Robot. You'll discover how to model to avoid printing problems that can pop up later. We look at how 3D printers work and I'll show you the printing of the Bobblehead Robot. When done you'll see the quick and easy assembly process. No experience necessary. My videos show you each mouse click and keystroke of the modeling process. I'll explain what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. Use the included illustrated PDF document as a ready reference. If you have a 3D Printer, have access to one or ever wondered what these amazing machines can do for you, YOU NEED THIS COURSE."
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp - Beginner to Expert" |
"This complete course is designed to educate and transform you into a job-ready, employable web developer. You'll learn by building real applications with features found in sites like Facebook, Hulu, and Dropbox. You'll also build and launch a real startup that you can customize for your own business idea or online store. This course includes a downloadable ebook that details the steps to get hired as a freelancer or full-time web developer. By the end of this course, you'll have learned HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, e-commerce and more. You'll have built and launched a startup from scratch and your own portfolio of sites to share with employers and get hired. Why learn Rails? It's one of the highest paying programmer job titles out there with an average salary of over $100,000 in many cities and an entry level salary of approximately $77,000. It's easy to learn with the right instructor and the job market is excellent because there are simply not enough developers right now. The included ebook will show you exactly where to find the best, flexible jobs and how to do well with the interviews. How does the course work? Duration: Over 175 lectures and 22+ hours of videos and over 30 hours of exercises. The course is designed to also point you to a curated set of even more advanced topics to continue your learning and fill out your knowledge. Learn: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby, Rails, Git, E-Commerce with Stripe, Servers, Heroku, Bootstrap, Databases, and more. Build: You'll create your own portfolio of 14 sites (from the exercises) and you build and launch a startup that can sign users up and earn money by charging for premium memberships. You'll be able to customize this to launch your own business, online store, or startup and earn money around the clock. Get Hired: The included ebook walks you through everything you need to find jobs, do well in the interviews, and get hired and paid entry level or more. Take this course if you want an amazing, flexible job and lifestyle. Half-day Fridays, free food and beer, working from home are all common perks for Ruby on Rails web developers. And, if you have great startup ideas, this course will show you how to build them. I tried so many courses, books, and tutorials when I was learning, but I was disappointed with what I found. That's why I made this course - so that you have one place to learn everything you need to become job-ready. Join me inside!"
Price: 189.99

"Photoshop Actions Beginners To Advanced With Live Projects" |
"What is Photoshop Action? An action is a series of tasks that you play back on a single file or a batch of filesmenu commands, panel options, tool actions, and so on. For example, you can create an action that changes the size of an image, applies an effect to the image, and then saves the file in the desired format. Actions can include steps that let you perform tasks that cannot be recorded (for example, using a painting tool). Actions can also include modal controls that let you enter values in a dialog box while playing an action. In this course i'll show you how to create photoshop actions By Creating 5 Projects ! Project 1 - Create a HD Qulity Image Retouch action Into our 1st project we'll create a Image retouch action which make any image look like a HD Image. Project 2 - Create a 3D Image Action Into our 2nd project we'll create a 3d image action which make any image look like a 3d image. Project 3 - Create a Hand Sketch Image Action Into our 3d project we'll create a Hand Sketch Image Action which make any image look like a Pencil Sketch potrate. Project 4 - Create a Oilpaint Image Effect Action Into our 4th project we'll create a Oilpaint image Effect Action which make any image look like a oil painted. Project 5 - Create a Glowing Text Action Into our 5th project we'll create a Glowing Text Action which give us a nice glowing text effect. ...and after these projects end i'll show you how to sell these actions for profit. There is nothing to lose in these course but you Learn Some Solid Skill."
Price: 149.99

"Simple Customer Development - Get your first 100 customers" |
"Most people go through the process of starting their business or blog blind. They have no idea whether or not what they create will be popular with their potential customers. It's a shot in the dark. You don't want start your business like that, do you? I should hope not! In this course, I walk you through every step that you need to take in order to find your potential customers and begin communicating with them in order to create products and content that they will love. This will allow you to: Get your first core group of loyal customers and subscribers Launch your website the right way with customers and readers waiting to see what you create Break into any niche and be successful Increase conversion rates to your email list and sales to your products beyond ""normal"" rates Start your business, even if you don't have a product yet And more! If you have been struggling to take action in your business or you don't know where to start, you've found your answer. In this video training I am starting a business and going through the process that I am teaching. Watch right over my shoulder as I am actually talking to customers, getting feedback and building my business using this strategy. No more ""methods"" that are not in practice. I will be talking to customers, showing you real feedback, and tweaking my business based off of it to create something that my market will love. I will also show you how this strategy doubles as your tool to get your first 50-100 subscribers and use them as a launchpad for the rest of your business. Use this as your quick start guide to start your business with only 1.5 hours of video that cuts the fluff out and gets straight to the point of what you need to do. Don't go and sit through 20 hours of video and pay hundreds of dollars only to learn out of pracitce methods. Start talking to your customers now!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a crear animaciones SVG: con Iconos." |
"SVG es una tecnologa muy usada en estos das por la mayora de sitios web,por ejemplo para crear botones de formularios animados o iconos animados con transiciones de formas o colores. Ahora puedes crear cualquier diseo SVG (iconos, botones, grficos) y animarlos de manera sencilla, por eso en este curso te guiaremos a travs de todos los conocimientos necesarios para que puedas crear animaciones para presentaciones o para web (botones, iconos, grficos,etc).Al terminar el curso podrs ser capaz de animar cualquier contenido grfico (SVG) para tu web y aprenders ademas las diferentes opciones que tenemos para crear las animaciones: con propiedades SVG, usando Keyframes o con libreras Javascipt.Para seguir correctamente el curso solo necesitas conocimientos bsicos de CSS y mnimos de Javascript."
Price: 24.99

"Get Wine-Smart" |
"You can find a million books and articles, thousands of websites, and hundreds of courses on the topic of wineand all promise to "give you a set of new skills" or "get you tasting like a wine expert" or "prepare you for the rigors of wine tasting" or even to train you to do a proper "sensory evaluation" Umwhat? Taste wine like an expert? Learn how to do a proper sensory evaluation? Who the hell cares about that! What about us real people? I'm not trying to be a professional wine judge, nor a snobby wine critic, or even a master sommelier, whatever the hell that is. I just want to enjoy wine to the fullest, and be able to walk the walk, and talk the talk of wine, at least to know enough to totally diss those country-clubber types! I just want to drink this stuff and not look like a goober doing it! And I want to do it right now. That's what Professor Boyer and this course is all about. Real talk to real people about the real deal of this most awesome beverage. This is a truly practical and tactical introduction to the enjoying and understanding wine. Wine is the beverage of moderation, of education, of socialization, and of civilizationand that is no exaggeration. A radical move from beer and hard spirits to wine is underway here in the US, and is creating a younger generation of drinkers that enjoy wine as part of their diet, social interactions, and lifestyles. And they are thirsty for the wine knowledge!!! Stop dipping your toe in the water, let's get wetwith wine!"
Price: 49.99

"Conoce La Verdadera Personalidad, A Travs De La Grafologa" |
"Se entiende por grafologa a la ciencia que tiene como objetivo el estudio del carcter, temperamento y personalidad mediante el anlisis e interpretacin del conjunto deaspectos de movimiento, espacio, forma en la escritura manuscrita. La grafologa es una rama derivada de la psicologa la cual ayuda adescribir la personalidad de un individuo. Mediante el examen de la escritura manuscrita determina caractersticas generales del carcter, conducta, la naturaleza de las emociones, tipo de inteligencia y aptitudes profesionales del individuo en cuestin. El estudio grafolgico es aplicable a prcticamente todas las personas sin importar su condicin social, acadmica, gnero, edad, etc. De igual modo la grafologa disfruta de grandes beneficios significativos al ser un instrumento neutro, no tensional y difcilmente manipulable, es decir, no somete a la presin y/o tensin caracterstica que cualquier otra prueba psicotcnica puede crear en un individuo. Al no generar tensin, el sujeto no generar defensas psicolgicas al aplicar el instrumento grafolgico."
Price: 19.99

"Acting for Film, Television and Theatre: Introductory Course" |
"Jeffrey Meek's Acting for Film, Television and Theatre is a powerful step-by-step course to guide actors from the script to the screen and stage, creating fully realized, dynamic and authentic characters. Whether you are preparing a television audition, playing Shakespeare or just starting out, Jeff offers a simple way to break open your characters and bring out your best performance. Learn from one of Hollywood's successful professionals who is determined and prepared to lead you toward your highest goals as an actor. The course is structured so that each lecture addresses a specific requirement in breaking open a character. Following each lecture is a screenshot lesson to give specific examples of each step so you clearly understand how to apply the lesson to your own script. There is also a short quiz to help review the major concepts following each lecture. It's recommended but not required to follow along with your own monologue or scene. The course should take no more than several hours to complete. Jeffrey Meek has over 36 years experience as a professional actor, writer, director, and acting teacher in virtually every genre. Jeff currently teaches classes at his studios in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara, California, as well as, privately online via Skype with students from all over the world. As the lead actor in many movies, five television series, scores of episodic television and over a hundred stage plays and musicals, Jeff has had the privilege to work with hundreds of actors, playing opposite such greats as Academy Award winners Denzel Washington and Mickey Rourke to Bonnie Hunt, Kurt Russell, Kelly McGillis and Matthew Morrison. Jeff has learned from some of the greatest directors and studied with the best coaches in the entertainment business, and is here to share his wealth of acting knowledge with you."
Price: 49.99

"Stock Market - Swing Trading Strategies for Wall Street" |
"In this fast pace course you will learn the everything you need to trade the stock market from me, a man who has actively traded shares and futures for a living and managed funds for high net worth individuals. You will Learn the important of Exit Strategies when trading. I will start with Exit strategy before I show you the road maps to Swing Trading. Swing Trade your way to a millionaires. I welcome you to come on board with me in this millionaires journey Millionaire Exit Strategiest: Learn How to Protect Your Profits How You Can Get Rich Swing Trading"
Price: 49.99

"Excel 2013 Essential Training" |
"Whether you're a novice or an expert wanting to refresh your skillset with Microsoft Excel, this course covers all the basics you need to start entering your data and building organized workbooks. Author teaches you how to enter and organize data, perform calculations with simple functions, work with multiple worksheets, format the appearance of your data, and build charts and PivotTables. Other lessons cover the powerful IF, VLOOKUP, and COUNTIF family of functions; the Goal Seek, Solver, and other data analysis tools; and how to automate many of these tasks with macros. Topics include: What is Excel and what is it used for? Using the menus Working with dates and times Creating simple formulas Formatting fonts, row and column sizes, borders, and more Inserting shapes, arrows, and other graphics Adding and deleting rows and columns Hiding data Moving, copying, and pasting Sorting and filtering data Printing your worksheet Securing your workbooks Tracking changes"
Price: 39.99

"Diamond basics & Details the retailers aren't telling you!" |
"Do you think it's important to have an understanding of diamonds? Everyone buys jewelry with diamonds in them and most have no idea if there is a value in the diamonds! Are you confident about the true quality of the diamond you are buying? How do you know it's really what the seller is saying it is! If the average person spends TWO MONTHS salary on an engagement ring, isn't it worth the small change and the little bit of time, to make the ring a REAL investment? For just $69 you can better understand what you are buying and increase the value of the $$$THOUSANDS$$$ you are spending! Start here and learn the all the Fundamentals of a Diamond! SIT BACK!!! WITH THESE FULLY ANIMATED VIDEOS YOU WILL LEARN AND ENJOY!!! LEARN ALL THE TRADE SECRETS AND WALK INTO THAT STORE WITH CONFIDENCE!!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Music Theory - Figured Bass in 3 Hours - ABRSM Grades 6 & 7" |
"Become a Figured Bass Pro in 3 Hours (Music Theory)This course explains in clear steps how figured bass works and more importantly how you can master it. We'll also take a quick peek why it exists in the first place!Perfect for ABRSM Grade 6 and Grade 7 Music Theory CandidatesStep-by-step methods for acing figured bass exam-style questionsLearn how to realize a figured bassUnderstand all chord inversions including 7th chords and suspensionsLearn how to create a figured bass line to fit a given melodyAll the fundamentals of musical harmony are explained to you, and you'll get plenty of tips on best practice as well, so your harmony will sound great. The course also covers specific exam questions which come up in the ABRSM music theory exams (grades 6 and 7), as well as in the UK A Level Music (technical study paper) and AP Music theory. Each lesson contains real music examples and you get to watch me working through the exam questions in real time. I'll share with you the best way to think through the questions, which rules of harmony have to be obeyed and which are simply guidelines, and how to check through your work to maximize your success. Each musical example is worked through as per the exam question rubric, but I then show you how that music could be further decorated in practice to produce beautiful music - all audio is included of course! Figured bass doesn't have to be difficult. Why not take a look at the free preview lessons to get an idea of how a few rules can be transferred into writing the best possible harmony! The music fundamentals of figured bass take a little time to learn, but once you have mastered the theory, putting it into practice is the fun part. Join me now and take your music theory to the next level!Keywords: music theory, music fundamentals, figured bass"
Price: 104.99

"Personal Resilience in an Hour" |
"This course introduces seven practical strategies to strengthen your resilience, with step-by-step practices that help you deal with and/or recover from setbacks, adversities and challenges. It includes an hour of video content presented in 18 engaging episodes, with downloadable supporting pdf handouts for each strategy. The course is based on research proven methods and the trainer's three decades of experience teaching resilience skills. Develop your ability to deal with the dips, knocks and bumps in life. The course shows how inspiring examples of resilience in stories and the news can help you identify key elements of resilience draws on a range of sources, including the Penn Resilience Program which has been shown by research to protect against anxiety and depressionintroduces emotional first-aid practices to steady your nerves when you're feeling on edge. teaches you to use a storyboarding process to design resilient responses in situations you find difficult Resilience strategies help you cope with stress, make the best of things and rise to the occasionFeedback from past participants includes:"Chris Johnstone has a way of explaining things that makes it crystal clear. His style is professional, authentic and warm.""This trainer has an amazing ability to deliver the psychology of wellbeing in a highly digestible, lucid and relevant way".The goal of this course is to help you develop your personal resilience toolkit, offering insights and practices to help you bounce forward when knocked back so that you can get more from life."
Price: 19.99

"The Most Important Techniques of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu" |
"Super current content! This is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu martial arts course that will give you the confidence you need to enter the mats knowing your basics are solid. Why is this course different than all the other ones out there? The answer is simple: efficiency! Efficiency is a key element for Jiu Jitsu, and this is what we had in mind when we created this course for you. The average video lasts about 2 minutes! The techniques are detailed yet the videos are quick and to the point. They were made to be watched multiple times according with your need to revisit them. So there is no need to waste time watching a 10 minute video covering a 1 minute technique! If you suffer from gaps on the basics and do not feel confident with larger, stronger, faster opponents on the mat this course will help solve your doubts and allow you to start getting the success you deserve! Not only for beginners... This course will also give any blue belt who doubts their knowledge or ability added confidence in class or competition, or an advanced student from a school that doesn't benefit from having an official curriculum. This course is for you! If you are a parent who wants their child to have an extra edge in class or competitions use these videos to take them to the next level! In 2014 Professor Felipe created 5 World Champions in youth divisions in the most dense area for children's Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the world: Southern California. His team of 25 youth competitors has amassed over 200+ podium finishes during the last calendar year! These videos will give you and your child all you need to make sure they know the basics; because as we know the ones who make less mistakes wins. Professor Felipe Guedes is a First DegreeBrazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt under Prof. Flavio ""Cachorrinho"" Almeida, and Master Carlos Gracie Jr. He is a Pan American Absolute division champion, a Bronze medalist at the NoGi World Championship, and a 4 time American National Champion. We are confident you will enjoy watching the high definition videos from this course and learning techniques that were recorded from 3 different angles with professional voice over technology. Check out the promo video and see for yourself! This course covers techniques to be used in daily classes and regular tournaments for all ages and abilities, and is not intended to be a self defense instructional."
Price: 44.99

"Build 11 Engaging eLearning Scenarios - Now!" |
"No more boring, ineffective eLearning! It doesn't have to be that way. Build 11 Engaging eLearning Scenarios - Now! presents current and aspiring eLearning designers with instructional design techniques for eLearning development and hands-on projects for how eLearning can and will drive change in your organization. By the end of this course, you will have design ideas that turn common, but ineffective activities into transferrable and memorable training experiences, and you will understand what makes an activity truly effective for on-the-job performance. Break away from the old ways of training! We will be using Articulate Storyline, but you can use any authoring tool you have access to, including PowerPoint with iSpring. Note: this course does not teach how to use Storyline or any other authoring tool! However, I will be more than happy to answer questions about how a Design Challenge was designed. In this course, you will: 1. Be provided with the opportunity to take part in 11 Design Challenges using the interactive and modern eLearning principles you learn in this course. Then, compare your results to the instructor's and other students' projects! 2. Expand your Portfolio as you complete 11 Design Challenges 3. Receive an overview of Agile instructional design techniques to stay current with eLearning trends 4. Explore the principles of effective eLearning design 5. Learn how to think through the process of recognizing an ineffective instructional method, and then improving it to a highly authentic training experience ."
Price: 19.99

"Ninja Self Defense for Peaceful People." |
"Join over twelve hundred satisfied students and learn real Self Defense from the comfort of your home ! In this course, I will teach you how to effectively protect yourself and your loved ones from ""bad people"". If you feel insecure in any way, are not a martial artist, and do not wish to join Self Defense classes, would consider yourself at a disadvantage in a fight with a larger or hostile opponent, this is THE self-defense course for you. Strength is not a primary tool is this course, nor are speed or flexibility. Understanding the human body is what gives these techniques an unparalleled edge, especially as a system of self defense for women. I use easy to follow instructions to make everything very clear, and I only teach what works in real life. Today's society is wild, so we need to be ready for those times when fighting back is the only option, and this is exactly what this course shows you how to do in logical, progressive steps, especially if you have never trained before. The course is structured in progressive topic-centered lessons at first, then moves into more complex situations to offer more advanced options. Everything is laid out very simply and clearly to maximize information retention and lesson effectiveness. By the end of the course, you will be able to dodge any incoming punch or kick, free yourself from various grabs & locks, target weak areas of the human body, and apply control techniques on larger and faster opponents, as well as punch, kick, apply basic locks and joint reversals, and get your opponent into submission if you have to. You will also have a strong knowledge of how to ensure maximum awareness at all times and never be taken off-guard. You will also learn to use everyday, commonly available items as weapons to improve your odds in a tricky situation. This course relies on bio-mechanics to ensure maximum effectiveness of the techniques, it's actually science applied to personal safety. I have been teaching self-defense and martial-arts for over 30 years, and practicing for over 43 years. I have Black Belt ranks, instructor level, in 9 styles of combat schools, and currently teach non-professional, everyday folks from all walks of life, as well as police, personal security and army people at all levels of proficiency. I give seminars on self-defense, and my work on this topic has appeared in the news and magazines. In this course you get the same pro-level teachings I give during those seminars in a super simple, ""designed-for-online-learning"" format. The content of this course, although easy to grasp for beginners, is the foundation to a system used by security professionals all around the world. It's not about learning 1000 ways to punch or kick, and it's not designed to teach you ""that perfect movement"". It's designed to teach you how to react, do what's necessary and stay in one piece in case of problem. This is the very same content I teach to hundreds of people every year to help them be as safe as possible. This is the best self protection system you'll ever come across as a non-fighter. The course is 27 video lectures for close to 3 hours of video content and is constantly updated with new and revised lectures for maximum learning efficiency, this course will never be outdated. Learning materials include videos and quizzes."
Price: 149.99

"Learn How To Brew Beer At Home In 5 Easy Steps" |
"Do you love Craft Beer? Do you like to cook? Master How To Brew Beer At Home In 5 Easy Steps. Learn how to use a boil kettle, fermenting container and bottling bucket Produce 5 gallons of quality home brewed craft beer Master the art of fermentation and proper temperature control Recognize what turns good beer into great beer You WILL gain the knowledge to brew your own craft beer We go over all of the basics and even little tips and tricks to make your brew day a huge success! Brewing beer dates back to the 5th century BC. It's the most consumed beverage in the world today. Home brewing has also come a long way. Since it became legal in 1978, the quality of ingredients have become so good that anyone with no prior brewing experience can make outstanding beer right on their stove top! We start you at the very beginning and step you through the easy to understand process of brewing in your kitchen with basic equipment. 28 Lectures 2 Quizzes 2+ Hours of Video Content Pale Ale Recipe (PDF) Equipment List (PDF) Limited time course discount: 75% off! Normally $99. Enroll today for only $25."
Price: 19.99

"Crush Kickstarter: The Crowdfund Academy" |
"Crush Kickstarter is YOUR intro course into the world of crowdfunding success. Our short mini course is designed to show you the ropes of Kickstarter, create a strong foundation from which to build your crowdfunding campaign and save the time and hassle of researching everything yourself. The video course includes screencasted guides, video discussions and highlight summaries to take even the novice crowdfunding creator up to a level of campaign success and prominence. The entire mini course can be completed in a day or two if your crowdfunding campaign is rushed but it's really advisable to spend more time fine tuning and researching your product success. Take this course only if you are serious about building a business and launching a product and want to use Kickstarter or Indiegogo to make this dream happen!"
Price: 94.99

"Crowdfund Academy: 101 Kickstarter Successes" |
"The Crowdfund Academy is YOUR step-by-step video guide, walking you through EXACTLY how to crush your Kickstarter campaign. The strategies and hacks covered in the detailed videos come from over 101 campaigner interviews, dozens of Kickstarter case studies and numerous crowdfunding clients to bring the most robust, actionable and proven strategies for crowdfunding success straight to you. The Academy instantly provides you with a proven template and timeline to keep your campaign preparation on schedule and force you to hit deadlines and deliver on the all-important activities which help you make MORE money. The high octane course begins 3 months prior to launching your Kickstarter and covers ANY and EVERYTHING you need to do before you hit that launch button. The comprehensive course includes: Crowdfunding 101 Your introduction to Kickstarter, Indiegogo and how the game of crowdfunding is won. Outsourcing For Inventors A guide to building your virtual team and leverage income to accelerate your campaign and business growth. Research Reimagined - The strategies to corner the market and understand the audience and industry youre targeting. Social Media Samurai A detailed module describing exactly how and why well use social networks to nail our launch day funding. List Building Launches Our perfect plan to fuel the fires of your campaign come launch day. Press, PR and Marketing Madness A robust and in-depth deep dive into crowdfunding publicity and strategies to get the absolutely essential exposure you NEED to have. Viral Video Secrets Top tips to create a killer Kickstarter video that brings backers along for the ride Captivating Kickstarter Copywriting Salesman secrets to a campaign page that connects with and converts backers Pivotal Pivots Analyzing crowdfunding analytics to keep your campaign focused on the critical keys to funding. Sustainable Success An overview of post-crowdfunding pushes to maximize your momentum and build long lasting, profitable businesses. and so so MUCH More! Enroll today if you're serious about starting something and want crowdfunding to be your catapult to startup success. 101 campaigns and over $15 million in funding later, this is your shortcut to startup crowdfunding success. Here's just some of the INCREDIBLE crowdfunding interviews the course is based off of: Nomiku Sous Vide $1,336,253 Occipital 3D Scanner $1,290,439 Fuz Designs $1,180,888 thingCharger $727,112 FlyKly $701,239 Synek System $648,535 Plus 29 other $100k+ Kickstarters, dozens of in-depth case studies and tons client work creating success. Take action TODAY, it's YOUR turn."
Price: 94.99
