"Take the fear out of Twitter and become Twitterpated!" |
"This basic Twitter course will get you started, taking you through creating an amazing profile to attract followers, create lists, find out what the "@" symbol means, mentions are, and how to read your news feed. This course covers, how to tweet, set up your profile, build your network, defines the news feed, create lists, explains the @ symbol, defines mentions, messages, third party as well as mobile applications and how to attract followers. We will also show you how to build your profile for maximum exposure. This course is great for the more advanced user as it will grow with updates using the Twitter search, # search, creating lists of your favorites. The course will update as Twitter changes, and give you design dimensions, and tips to make your profile awesome! Upon completion you'll be able to start TWEETING immediately!"
Price: 19.99

"Build connections with Linked-in" |
"Linked-in is an amazing tool that can connect you to your clients, local, nationally and worldwide. This course will take you through the steps to build the ultimate profile, optimize your profile, and make you visible to those who need you. Yes, those who need the various services you provide, building a complete profile gives you more visibility, showcases your talents, expertise, and gives you the opportunity to build credibility in your field. Don't wait, sign up for this course today, build connections, and generate revenue."
Price: 39.99

"Introvert Marketing Masterclass: More Income, Less Stress" |
"**Note: This is a promotional price. The price of this course will increase to $47 within the next few days As an entrepreneur, business owner, or self-employed professional, you already know that the key to higher income is growing your audience of potential customers. But as an introvert who builds energy when alone and expends energy in social situations, you probably cringe at the idea of marketing yourself. And that's why we created this course -- to help you put an end to the dread and overwhelm that you may have come to associate with the idea of marketing. Increase Your Income by Marketing the Way that Matches Who You Are Learn How To: Identify the perfect audience for your message Speak to your ideal audience in a genuine way that engages and attracts them Build relationships of trust with prospects and turn them into customers and loyal fans Extend your reach, while maintaining your energy Leverage technology to identify what is working best, and maximize the return on every effort Put the fun back into running and growing a business Marketing like an Introvert means Succeeding with more Inspiration and less Drudgery This course is taught by an expert team of business development, marketing, web design and copywriting professionals. We've all succeeded in business as introverts, and want to help you achieve your goals by sharing some of the most important lessons we've learned along the way. What's more, we've created this course as a team, because we understand that despite all the characteristics we share as introverts, each of us is still incredibly unique, and has something different to offer you. This is a course that will help you find new ways of working that better fit who you are when you're at your best -- when you're enjoying your life and naturally attracting people to you in your own unique way. We've designed each lesson in the course from an introvert's point of view. Most lessons present easy-to-follow marketing How-To" instructions, while others offer broader context to create overall success. In all cases, we provide you with practical instruction, spelling out the steps you need to take, and providing hands-on exercises so you can immediately apply what you are learning. Many of the lessons also have handouts you can download with further ideas and insights on how to keep developing your business skills and growing your business. Be sure to watch every lesson and give all the exercises a go. Hey, you may still not want to do some activities even after trying them with an introvert approach, but at least you'll know. At least it won't just be something you gave up on, because it seemed like something that couldn't fit your personality. It will be a choice about what you want, rather than a limitation that makes you feel denied. At the end of this course you will have identified at least one new approach to your marketing that helps you grow your audience and income with enjoyment, instead of feeling drained and depleted. Come on. Meet us in the Masterclass."
Price: 29.99

"Seminario de Neuromarketing e Innovacin" |
"Este curso sumamente prctico est diseado para que empresarios, gerentes comerciales y ejecutivos a cargo del rea de ventas o mercadotecnia aprovechen las herramientas de la neurociencia y la psicologa para entender la mente de su consumidor y as saber cmo venderle ms.Al final del curso: Entenders las razones conscientes e inconscientes que motivan la compra.Sabrs como posicionar tu marca en la mente de tu consumidor.Estars listo para lanzar exitosamente tu producto o servicio teniendo en cuenta el nombre ideal, tendencias, momentos de consumo, etc.Sabrs cul es el medio ms efectivo para tu campaa.Identificars tu nicho psicogrfico para saber a quin le ests vendiendo.Conocers las tcnicas y metodologas ms avanzadas de investigacin, para que puedas tomar decisiones con la certeza de estar innovando. El curso incluye material extra como:Ms 10 casos de xito en innovacin, disponibles para su descarga.1 checklist para el lanzamiento de tu producto o servicio. Debes de tomar este curso si tienes a tu cargo una marca y quieres preparar su lanzamiento o posicionarte de manera permanente en la mente de tu cliente. El curso esta estructurado de manera que puedas ir dando los pasos para lograrlo de manera exitosa."
Price: 69.99

"C Programming For Beginners With Examples" |
"C programming is a popular computer programming language which is widely used for system and application software. Despite being fairly old programming language, C programming is widely used because of its efficiency and control. This tutorial is intended for beginners who does not have any prior knowledge or have very little knowledge of computer programming. All basic features of C programming language are included in detail with explanation and output to give you solid platform to understand C programming.In order to run a C program, you need a compiler. Compiler change source code(code written by programmer) to object code(code that computer understands) and creates executable file. There are many free and professional compilers available. For the sake of this course, GNU GCC compiler is used. All the examples in this course are tested and verified in GNU GCC compiler."
Price: 19.99

"How to Crack the Consulting Case Interview" |
"Management consulting is a great industry to work in: companies like Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group, and McKinsey & Company are all regularly in Glassdoor's Best Places to Work and widely regarded as some of the greatest ways to start and grow a lucrative business career. In order to get that offer, your creativity and business sense will tested against the best and brightest in the consulting case interview. It's the most important interview of your career - are you ready? Master the interview skills you need to work in management consulting What consulting companies look for + resume/cover letter best practices Proven approaches to market sizing and estimation problems Walkthroughs of candidate-led and interviewer-led case questions Structuring a case question with qualitative/quantitative frameworks Summarizing a case with a final recommendation Insider secrets: ~3 hours of content from a former Bain consultant With 27 lectures, you'll learn everything you need to launch your career in management consulting - from getting into the interview room and securing that offer. We'll review actual cases that candidates were tested with, offers on the line - even including copies of the notes that were taken in the interview room. This course is designed without memorization or complicated frameworks: instead, this course focuses on a systematic, proven approach that teaches you how to think - instead of what to think. This course is perfect for an undergraduate or MBA candidate preparing for a case interview and looking for an edge over the stiff competition. At the end of this course, you'll be able to step into the interview room and tackle any case problem with confidence. What's Inside This Course Overview An introduction to the case interview: components of the interview process, breakdown by round, and offer statistics What consulting companies look for in the ideal candidate Tailoring your resume and cover letter (with examples) Fit questions you need to know Market Sizing and Estimation Problems Example problems and mastering the 4-step method Taking effective notes, doing the math, and practicing our approach The Case Interview Structuring case questions with qualitative and quantitative frameworks Pulling out insights from charts and data Summarizing a case and coming up with a final recommendation Candidate-Led Case Interviews Drilling into frameworks effectively Being hypothesis-driven and refining with data Wrapping Up Recommended preparation plan Other recommended resources Don't forget: if you're not satisfied with what this course has to offer, you have a guaranteed 30 days after purchase to get a full refund - no questions asked."
Price: 49.99

"The Castles of Mad King Ludwig" |
"Are you planning a trip to Germany? If so, a visit to at least one of "Mad" King Ludwig's castles is most likely on your itinerary: they're some of Germany's top tourist attractions. This course teaches you background information about each of the castles where the king grew up and later designed. Perhaps you've already taken a European trip and seen the castles, and your interest was piqued. This is the course to take to learn more about the man behind these fantastic buildings. Or, suppose a trip to Europe is the farthest thing from your mind, due to budget or other constraints. This course serves as a wonderful armchair vacation as we explore a fascinating historical figure, and some of the world's most iconic buildings. With 12 lectures, each complete with a transcript, and many photos, you'll find yourself looking forward to spending time each day in the "Land of Ludwig." Once you're a student of the class, you'll have lifetime access to all lectures and materials. You can "visit" Germany as often as you like, and you can test your comprehension with two included quizzes. This course is perfect for all ages, from children to seniors. Let's get started today on a wunderbar trip to Germany. All aboard!"
Price: 19.99

"Create a Super Fundraising Event" |
"Create a signature fundraising event for your organization that will wow your guests, and make loads of money! Follow my proven techniques in easy-to-follow steps.Plan your event to be a huge success that meets your goals!You will learn:to set the goal/s for the eventwho you need on the planning teamto create a budget, with projectionsthe importance of sponsorstips for a successful auctionprice points for tickets saleswho to invitemarketing and promotionThe course contains over an hour of video content, with downloaded support material. Who should take the course?Anyone associated with a non-profit, that wishes to raise fundsI have planned and hosted hundreds of fundraising events of all descriptions which have raised money, and were a great PR opportunity. I have designed this course to be easy to follow, and get right to the heart of the goal: raising money."
Price: 54.99

"Comprehensive Grant Writing for beginners: 7 simple steps" |
"The course is a series of lectures, and includes downloaded forms. In this course we learn which information and documents are essential in order to apply successfully for a breadth of Grant funding so that learners can best prepare to apply for funding. We cover the types of Grants that are available, and for which needs. We review several resources (international) that list available Grants, and learn how to find even more Grants. The course is hands-on and process oriented. Those taking the course will have the tools and preparation to apply for a number of grants. The legal and ethical information applies to Canada and the United States, but also has applications internationally. Karen Young has been a fundraising professional, and an author of books on the topic of fundraising."
Price: 54.99

"EFT Emotional Freedom Technique: Hair Pulling & Skin Picking" |
"****Course updated January, 2016!****Joan Kaylor stopped pulling out her hair in 1989. She has been helping children, teens and adults stop pulling hair and picking skin since 1994 when she became a professional counselor. Trichotillomania and Dermatillomania are body focused repetitive behaviors. They regulate emotions and help to soothe when we are upset, overwhelmed, bored or stressed. Joan considers pulling and picking to be addictions. The treatment is completely different from obsessive compulsive disorders. Healing from an addiction is work. It can be done. In this course, Joan will teach you strategies to let go of the urges and counseling for the shame and depression and family stress that come with Trich and picking. Joan Kaylor has treated 1000's of individuals and families with Trichotillomania and Dermatillomania.There is lots of hope and through EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Joan will take you through a gentle process to relieve your urges to pull your hair or pick at your skin.Trichotillomania and Dermatillomania Trichotillomania (trick-o-til-o-MAY-nee-ah) is a disorder that causes people to pull out the hair from their scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic area, underarms, beard, chest, legs or other parts of the body, resulting in noticeable bald patches. Hair pulling varies greatly in its severity, location on the body, and response to treatment. For some people, at some times, Trichotillomania is mild and can be quelled with a bit of extra awareness and concentration. For others, at times the urge may be so strong that it makes thinking of anything else nearly impossible.Skin Picking Disorder (also known as Excoriation Disorder or SPD) is a serious and poorly understood problem. People who suffer from SPD repetitively touch, rub, scratch, pick at, or dig into their skin, often in an attempt to remove small irregularities or perceived imperfections. This behavior may result in skin discoloration or scarring. In more serious cases, severe tissue damage and visible disfigurement can result.Trichotillomania may affect as much as 12% of the population. Women are four times more likely to be affected than men. Symptoms usually begin before age 17. The hair may come out in round patches or across the scalp. The effect is an uneven appearance. The person may pluck other hairy areas, such as the eyebrows, eyelashes, or body hair.These symptoms are usually seen in children:An uneven appearance to the hairBare patches or all around (diffuse) loss of hairBowel blockage (obstruction) if people eat the hair they pull outConstant tugging, pulling, or twisting of hairDenying the hair pullingHair regrowth that feels like stubble in the bare spotsIncreasing sense of tension before the hair pullingOther self-injury behaviorsSense of relief, pleasure, or gratification after the hair pullingMost people with this disorder also have problems with:Feeling sad or depressedAnxietyPoor self imageFor some, Trichotillomania is a lifelong disorder. However, treatment often reduces the hair pulling and the feelings of depression, anxiety, or poor self image."
Price: 24.99

"World's Greatest Travel Bargains" |
"PreviewGet best airfare to dream destinations with a single click.Rent castles, villas & islands for less than a hotel room.Go on a private safari for less than $1000 per person.Hire world's leading private guides at an amazing price.What you will learn? The aim of this course is to equip students with the skills needed to book and plan their travel using the Internet without relying on travel experts. At the end of this course, students will be able to book their own journeys without expert assistance. In fact, they will likely become a travel authority who are able to help and guide others. Case studies, examples and comparison tables enable students to review the value of learned content by comparing it with the best travel deals advertised on the Internet.. A free preview of lectures on hotel industry should help visitors evaluate if this is a good course to study. Excerpt from the course Hotel BookingsLearn how you can get a room with a view around almost any major landmark at a reasonable price. Airfares Find best airfare deals with a click of your mouse. Visualize the best days to travel, date to travel and compare prices with other weeks and months -- Instantly. Car Rentals Rent exotic cars or any vehicle at a 50% or greater discount than advertised on the popular Internet websites. Tours & Trip Planning Enjoy your own private tour at a better quality and price than similar escorted tours from popular tour operators. & Much More..."
Price: 19.99

"Learn the Basics of BLACK Hat Hacking secrets in Ethical Way" |
"ENTER THE WORLD OF HACKERS Start learning the Hacking world and its secrets! You too can became one of us! LATEST: Course Updated For July 2017 No need of Expensive computer equipment and a shelf full of technical manuals. Hacking is the most exhilarating game on the planet. But it stops being fun when you end up in a cell with a Roommate named ""Spike."" But hacking doesn't have to mean breaking laws. What we're talking about is hacking as a healthy recreation which may qualify you to get a high paying job. You, too, can become one of us. This course can be your gateway into this world which explains the Proper way for hacking followed by every hacker in this world behind the screen. This course can equip you to become one of the vigilantes that keeps the Internet from being destroyed by bad guys. You can also learn how to keep the bad guys from messing with your personal data and the ways for protecting your data. You'll learn how facebook accounts are being hacked and the ways for protecting your account. We see many hackers making a big deal of themselves and being mysterious and refusing to help others learn how to hack. Why? Because they don't want you to know the truth, which is that most of what they are doing is really very simple! Yes hacking is really easy and you may wonder whether hackers need expensive computer equipment and a shelf full of technical manuals. The answer is NO! Hacking can be surprisingly easy! So...welcome to the adventure of hacking! About this course: Full, free lifetime access All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free List of downloadable Hacking tools Also you will get free, full access to my future courses"
Price: 24.99

"CBT for Psychosis" |
"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for psychosis is an evidence-based method to reduce distress and disability related to psychotic experiences, and to support a possible full recovery. Psychotic experiences are conceptualized as being understandable in relationship to an individual's life story, and capable of being altered when people experiment with different ways of thinking and behaving. Learn how to collaborate with people having these experiences, exploring the evidence"" rather than imposing beliefs, and developing coping options so people are not forced to rely entirely on the often limited effectiveness of medication to address problems.The course starts by examining the nature of psychosis and CBT, providing a foundation for understanding how CBT can be helpful. Then the basic style of CBT for psychosis is introduced, followed by an introduction to two of the most important techniques. Finally, applications of CBT are explored for some of the main problem areas, such as hearing distressing voices, paranoia, delusional beliefs, disorganization, and negative symptoms.Included in the course are video lectures, slides with some diagrams, video demonstrations of CBT for psychosis being practiced, and links to additional resources for further study. CBT for psychosis uses a minimal amount of jargon, and the concepts and practices tend to be easily understandable.The course will take 6 hours to complete.6 hours of continuing education credit is available for psychologists and nurses in the US, and also for licensed professional counselors and marriage and family therapists in many states in the US. (See the What am I going to get from taking this course"" section for more details on those. Social workers may be able to use the APA credits even though social work specific credits are not offered: check with the board in your state.)Grievance Policy: Ron Unger LCSW and Commonwealth Educational Seminars (CES) seek to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner. Please submit a written grievance to: Ron Unger, 4ronunger@gmail.com Grievances will receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems."
Price: 159.99

"Spiritual Issues Within Treatment for Psychosis and Bipolar" |
"Mental breakdown, in the form of bipolar or psychotic episodes, may often be experienced as having aspects of breakthrough. Even amidst severe distress and disruption, attempts at deep healing may be detected. Many avoid discussing this for fear of romanticizing disturbed states, but such reluctance can lead to awfulizing experiences instead and can impair engagement in treatment and reduce its effectiveness.Research suggests that in the US, approximately 25-39% of people diagnosed with schizophrenia and 15-22% of those diagnosed with mania/bipolar disorder have beliefs that mental health professionals call ""religious delusions."" But when people are told that their experiences and beliefs have no value and are simply due to an illness, they tend to either fight back and defend their perspectives in a rigid way, or they shift to attempting complete suppression of what they now see as their sick perspectives and experience. Unfortunately, neither of these two reactions have been found likely to lead to lead to recovery.If reality, and our brains, were simple, then simplistic approaches to mental health would probably succeed more frequently.This course is designed for people who are open to considering more complex possibilities. What if its often not possible to clearly distinguish dangerous and unhelpful states of mind from states that may be spiritually significant and helpful, or part of an attempt to heal from past traumas? Is there a way to approach these questions in a less black and white way, helping people to find their own answers, and/or ways of living with questions that dont seem to have answers? Might that work better than trying to impose dominant cultural viewpoints and ways of being organized, which themselves may be flawed?Whatever your spiritual perspective may be, or even if you see yourself as definitely non-spiritual, you can learn to acknowledge that there are deep questions about human existence that are often seen as spiritual, and to recognize the ways mental and emotional crisis often involves confusion around these questions. Then, with that awareness in mind, you can learn how to support people to possibly find their own way to shift from distress and confusion to deep healing and integration.The course will take 6 hours to complete.6 hours of continuing education credit is available for psychologists and nurses in the US, and also for social workers, licensed professional counselors and marriage and family therapists in many states in the US. (See the What am I going to get from taking this course"" section for details on CE credit.)Ron Unger LCSW and Commonwealth Educational Seminars (CES) seek to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner. Please submit a written grievance to: Ron Unger, 4ronunger@gmail.com Grievances will receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems."
Price: 159.99

"How you can ACE Digital Electronics, and become a GURU !" |
"This course is about helping you to make money by becoming skilled in Electronics. This course won't cover everything but this is where you start Digital Electronics. The Electronics field is begging for people who can understand its theory and implement it in hard circuitry that gets jobs done. Electronics knowledge is critical to being the independent self-sufficient person you want to and need to be. This course is about creating, and running Electronics, specifically Digital Logic Gates in CIRCUITS THAT YOU WILL CREATE using excellent electronic-circuit freeware. You gotta have a PC with Windows software to follow me, and an Internet connection, no more. The course will last over an hour, about 71 minutes, and demands involvement on your part. "Demands" is the critical word.You will watch me build simple electronic circuits using sophisticated components like the AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR Gates. You will see me do it step by step and you will closely follow along on your PC and software. That way you will be able to do it yourself, because that is what a Guru does. Gurus can do it themselves easily. You will then learn about and transcribe Truth Tables from right off the circuits that you yourself created while watching me. When you can do all this yourself blindfolded, You own Guru status in this realm. My job is to maximize your understanding of this material and minimize the time it takes for you to reach that Guru status level. So, let me ask you: Do you want to further your career and:Become more independent ? Make electronics that perform meaningful practical tasks ? Sell them ? Make oodles of money doing so ? Become a Guru in Electronics ?Then this is where you begin. So begin now, procrastination is poison. Sign up, and I'll see you in the course !"
Price: 39.99

"Photoshop (budding designers)" |
". , , , , . , Photoshop . . , Photoshopa, ."
Price: 19.99

"eBook creation for indie authors: get that professional look" |
"Thousands of indie authors self-publish their books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks and many other platforms, and there are many courses out there that teach you how to self-publish an eBook. But eBooks differ from traditional books in many regards; many indie authors struggle with putting their novel into a format that is suitable for eBook conversion, and very few of the self-publishing courses give detailed instructions on how to go about formatting a manuscript so that it will produce an eBook that looks great. This course aims to remedy that by showing you, step-by-step, what you need to do to your Word manuscript to create a professional-looking eBook instead of an unreadable wreck. Learn the little-known techniques that allow you to create a truly professional looking eBook from your Word document. eBooks vs. print books - things you must know Quick removal of markup that ruins any eBook Styles - your secret weapon for professional formatting In this course you'll learn, in a series of hands-on exercises, how to fix the issues that get documents rejected by Amazon and other online bookshops. You'll get to try every step of the process with exercise documents designed to show you the most common mistakes that indie authors make when creating their work. By the end of the course you will have a well-stocked toolbox that allows you to find and fix those mistakes. Content and Overview Suitable for anybody with a basic knowledge of Word, this course will guide you, step by step, through the process of formatting a document to make it suitable for eBook creation. First you will learn about the challenges involved in converting a Word document, which has a fixed layout, to an eBook, which does not. Following that you'll find out how to use Word's tools to identify, find and fix anything that will cause issues with your eBook conversion - in a matter of minutes. You'll be able to follow each lesson with the practice documents provided at the beginning of the section to give you proper, hands-on experience on how to use the tools and techniques described in the lessons. After you have mastered these tools, the course will introduce you to one of the most powerful and under-used feature of Word - styles. You'll learn how to use styles to change almost the entire look and feel of any Word document instantly, and how to use styles to create the eBook layout you want for your novel. Again, you'll have the opportunity to put each lesson into practice with the training materials for the section. After finishing the course you'll be able to take your existing novel and format it to create a great-looking eBook."
Price: 19.99

"Healthy Eating in the 21st Century" |
"Eating healthy in the 21st century can be difficult... but it doesn't have to be. This course is the simple practical guide to what to eat, and what not to eat to look and feel your absolute best in our busy world. *Discover How Easy and Enjoyable it is to Eat Healthy in the 21st Century* During this course you will learn 1. About the healthiest food on the planet and how to start including this food into your diet right away! 2. What foods cause sickness and disease and how to avoid them. 3. What foods work best for your unique biochemistry. 4. Proven effective strategies and techniques for making meal planning, food preparation and shopping a breeze. 5. The scary truth about our food production methods and how to avoid them. 6. How to read a health food label and not be misled by vague marketing terms. After this course, you will be able to Apply these strategy's right away to greatly improve your energy, mental clarity and experience optimal health. Eat healthy even when on the go, such as when traveling or attending social events. Cook quick healthy and delicious meals with ease. *Master the fundamentals of healthy eating in the 21st century.* We all eat every day, but somehow, no one really quite knows what to eat. Despite all the nutritional research, diet books and theories, how is it that most people are still baffled about what to eat to achieve a long and healthy life? Well for starters, nutrition is the only field where people can scientifically prove opposing theories and still be right. That being said, we've come a long way in understanding how the food we eat affects our health. By taking this course you to will finally be able to make sense of how the food you eat affects your health and what to do about it. I look forward to inspiring, educated and sharing all I know with you through this course."
Price: 199.99

"Master German Language With Idioms" |
"Why should you learn idioms? Idioms will help students improve their communication skills. The use of idioms has a great influence on the learning process in a new language, especially in German. To develop an understanding of idioms helps you mainly in two ways: 1. The more idioms you master, the more natural the language sounds like 2. When learning the idioms, you will also learn about the country's culture and everyday language Why should you improve your German language skills by using this course? You want to reach to the next level in your language comprehension? Then, this course is the right one for you. Why? Idioms play a very crucial role in the German language. Only those, who developed an understanding of the key idioms in German language, will be able to gain a better understanding of the language and the cultural roots of the German language and society. You will find many helpful idioms in this course, such as: am Ball bleiben alles unter einen Hut bringen ...and many more. Do not try to translate word by word.. stay at the ball get everything under your hat Because like this, all the sentences are nonsense and nobody would understand you if you used the words like this, nor could you follow a conversation in German properly, if you understood these words literally. If you "want to have more on the box" (etwas auf dem Kasten haben) fast, then you should not head into the sand" (den Kopf in den Sand stecken) but "roll up your sleeves" (die rmel hochkrempeln). (Literally translated :) Do not worry: at the end of this course, you will understand all these idioms and you will be able to use them appropriate in your conversations. Enjoy getting a better grip of the German language!"
Price: 24.99

"Become Superfit by creating your own Workout - Learn now how" |
"In the first two days, over 400 people started their training, Dont waste time, start now! There are thousands and thousands of fitness programs out there, but all these programs are created by somebody, but your fitness need to be as individual as you. So who is the best person to create your Workout Plan? YOU! So start this course and learn to take your training into your own hands. At the end of this course You will be able to plan your training for the rest of your life! You will learn everything you need about training science! You will be able to plan high intensity own body workout! You will be able to plan very effective gym workout! You will be able to reach your goals! Your training will be as individual as you! No matter if you are a complete Starter or an Expert a men or a women you want to do an own body workout or workout in the gym It doesnt matter! I did over 100s of workout plans for my customers. And now I will share my knowledge to show you everything. You will lern to plan your training for the rest of your life!!! You also will get a exercise Guide with over 300 exercises!!! Also over 50 exercises on video example!!! And a lot of example workout plans! If you arent able to create your own workout plan, no worries. You will get a 100% refund. So what are you waiting for? Start to take your training into your own hands!"
Price: 24.99

"Comment decrocher un emploi?" |
"Vous tes la recherche d'un emploi? Que vous soyez: - sans emploi; - un jeune diplm visant dcrocher un premier emploi; - un professionnel d'exprience la recherche d'un nouveau dfi; - la recherche d'un stage professionnel; cette formation s'adresse vous! Au travers une approche approche innovante base sur l'individu, nous aborderons les thmes suivants: - apprendre se connatre; - dvelopper la confiance en soi; - oser voir grand; - dcoder les attentes de l'employeur; - btir un CV gagnant; - Faire la diffrence en entretien d'embauche. Suivez la formation ds aujourd'hui et saisissez les cls qui vous ouvriront les portes de l'emploi de vos rves!"
Price: 49.99

"German Made Simple: A Complete Course for Serious Learners" |
"Latest Update: March 2020Join 26,000+ successful students who have already taken this course!Instructor is available inside the course to answer questions and provide feedback_________________________________________________________________________________________________Learn the grammar, vocabulary and communication skills you need in order to become a fluent German speaker.""Just dropping by to say thank you. I've used your German course to jump a few levels and then joined a physical class. Just got my B1 certificate last month (98% B1 proficiency, yay) and your online course had a good part in that."" - Viorel SThis German course is perfect if you want to:master everyday situations in a German speaking countrycommunicate accurately what you want to saybe spontaneous in conversations and discussionsdevelop your reading, writing, speaking and listening skillspronounce German words like native speakersuse German grammar with ease and fluency""Ingo has a ton of experience in German teaching. You can tell all of the best practices and good tips come to life here. His pace is perfect for the beginner so don't be intimidated! Highly recommend."" - Gabriel John RodriguezCover the basics and then progress fastWhether you are a complete beginner, too busy for a language class, or needing to brush up before a vacation or business trip, this is the perfect German course for you. It covers all four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing, and you can enjoy the freedom and flexibility to learn at your own pace. Grammar and vocabulary are taught through texts and dialogues based on everyday situations ranging from talking about interests and hobbies, daily routines to ordering food in a restaurant and making a doctor's appointment. ""This German course was great on many levels. It really outlines the basics and builds a solid foundation. Things are explained and taught in a simple and clear format. The progression is also very encouraging because one continues to build on previous lessons. I highly recommend this course!"" - Peter Hamon Start forming sentences after the very first lesson The language is approached in a functional and communicative way so that you can easily use what you have learned to communicate in German effectively. I have kept the grammatical explanations as simple and user-friendly as possible to allow you to progress at a steady pace but at the same time build up a sound understanding of how the language works and so build up your confidence.""I love the approach the teacher uses. It's all about immediate immersion in to full sentences, then he breaks down the parts of the sentences. He also encourages you to get out of the course to online forums and apps that will help build your vocabulary and connect you with native speakers. It's really great and totally worth the $!"" - Levi BaadeDevelop your skills even further""German Made Simple"" is part of a well thought-out language learning concept, so if you'd like to develop your skills even further after you finish this course, I've got you covered. My other Udemy courses are the perfect complement to ""German Made Simple"" and will help you reach an intermediate and advanced level of language proficiency. The following courses are available:Speak German like a Native: A Practical Conversation CourseRead German like a Native: 10 Inspirational Short StoriesWrite German like a Native: 10 German Dictation ExercisesPerfect Your German: Tips & Tricks to Avoid Common MistakesGerman for Job Interviews: Top 10 Questions and Best Answers""I am an employee at Udemy and a native speaker of German. At Udemy, we take courses in groups to learn together and I recently opted to take this course with my coworkers. Many of my coworkers are interested in learning some basics of the German language for traveling or communicating with friends or family members and this course was perfect for it! Ingo knows exactly what English speakers are struggling with (false friends, pronunciation etc.) and is addressing these points in his course. We enjoyed the course very much and would like to thank you, Ingo!"" - Sarah ZianiThis is what you can expect:Professional, fun and easy-to-understand lessonsEngaging exercises that let you test your comprehensionGuided speaking lessons to build your conversational skillsExceptional support and prompt answers to your questionsDownloadable PDF files of the texts with translated vocabulary listsDownloadable MP3 audio versions of all lessons to listen to on the goA 30-day full refund guarantee, no questions askedAnd last but not least to learn German fast!Are you ready? Then take this course and start speaking German right away! "
Price: 199.99

"Make-up for Beginners: learn doing make-up like a Pro" |
"This Professional Make-up Course will help you master many important make-up techniques to start practicing either on yourself or on other people to enhance anyones beautiful features, disguise minor faults in ones appearance, or express yourself creatively. The course consists of 8 topics and 30 video tutorials, and is designed so that you can master all the techniques gradually, starting from basic and relatively simple techniques before moving on to the more demanding techniques that professional make-up artists use to create contemporary looks in their everyday work. From this course you will learn how to: > Choose your tools, take good care of them, and use them for best results; > Use color theory principles when choosing colors in make-up when working with different people; > Make skin look flawless using different textures of foundations; > Enhance highlights and shadows to create the illusion of depth on the face and create a sculpted look; > Shape eyebrows and enhance their beautiful shape; > Correct eye shapes and master many eye make-up techniques that will draw attention to the most beautiful features of the face; > Work with different textures of lip products to make them either stand out or remain subtle and hidden to make eyes look even more expressive. It will take around 10 hours to go through all the video tutorials. Remember, to acquire a professional range of make-up skills, it is crucial to practice them as much as possible. It might take you 20 hours or more to repeat all the techniques at least once on yourself or on your models. However, for best results, it is recommended to go through them at least 5 times; therefore, properly practicing the skills of this course might take up to 100 hours. In addition to video tutorials, youll also receive a comprehensive workbook and a full list of high-quality professional make-up products that will not only be necessary to practice all of these make-up skills, but also for your future work."
Price: 49.99

"Setting Up Google Analytics the RIGHT Way for Beginners" |
"Data is essential for making informed decisions about your website. You need to know more about your visitors, like where theyre coming from, how they access your website, and what content theyre interested in. This is why Google Analytics is an essential tool for uncovering the data that will provide these insights and allow you to take action. During this course, youll learn the basics of Google Analytics so you can implement on your website, understand the reports available, and begin tracking your visitors behavior on your website. ***Updated Content***Several new guides have been added to the course. After each section, you will find a step-by-step guide to completing important tasks mentioned in the previous videos. Feel free to download these PDFs for later use. If you have any questions about the guides or set-up process, please post them in the discussion area, where Janet Driscoll Miller, a Google Analytics certified expert, can answer your questions."
Price: 29.99

"Entrepreneurship: Do You Have a True Business Opportunity?" |
"Having an idea for a product is not enough to be successful in our fast-paced global market. Understanding who your customers are, what the market demands, how your industry works, and where to find resources are critical skills in order to turn an idea into reality. In this course you will discover the secret to turning a business idea into a viable and sustaining product by developing a sound business idea to attract potential investors and clients."
Price: 49.99

"Five Keys to Building a Successful Business" |
"Business ideas surface constantly in our rapidly changing world just about everybody has one. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of great ideas coupled with people who can actually build a successful business. An idea and a business opportunity are not the same thing. A true business opportunity consists of five components you will learn to master in this course."
Price: 49.99

"Funding Your Business: 3 Ways to Find the Money You Need!" |
"In this course we teach you: Bootstrapping Debt financing Equity financing Youll hear from entrepreneurs, experts, venture capitalists and angel investors sharing examples and advice for all stages of your business. Well show you how to bootstrap which keeps you scrappy, resourceful and efficient while pinching pennies and saving money for what really matters. Well cover debt financing which can help get you the money you need through banks, loans, credit cards and private investors. Well discuss equity financing through friends and family, angel investors and venture capitalists. And finally we will assess all potential funding options that may be right for your business."
Price: 49.99

"Effective Goal Setting" |
"All successful people set and achieve goals. No matter what you do, goals clarify your priorities, enhance your motivation, and help you achieve your long-term vision. This course walks you through a simple, step-by-step process to break down your goals and increase your changes of achievement. Download the study guide, follow along, and complete the worksheets to help you learn a new process for success."
Price: 19.99

"Customer Service Master Class" |
"Customer service is the new battle ground for business. Customers can go almost anywhere for a product or service these days but when they receive service beyond their furthest expectations they rave about it, tell all their friends, come back again and again. In this course we teach you how to do just that with examples and advice from real-world entrepreneurs and business builders from all over America."
Price: 24.99

"Giving Back to Your Community" |
"Making a difference with your business is more important than ever before. Customers, managers and employees want to be part of a company that supports the community in which it serves.This course shows you why serving your community makes sense and shares examples and benefits of giving back, while helping you create your own community giving strategy."
Price: 24.99

"Product Development Master Course" |
"Any truly successful product or service is more than just a good idea. A great product or service emerges from the trends in the market and meets five key concepts to be a successful opportunity with potential for growth. The best business leaders are always looking to improve and expand. This course covers the following topics to help you drastically improve your products and services.Following Trends by Living in the BoundaryIdea GenerationFive Key Concepts of Product Development: N.E.R.C.M.Using Customers, Vendors and Suppliers as PartnersPivoting to New Product Opportunities"
Price: 24.99
