"Chart Reading Whiteboard Trading Course" |
"In this course you will learn time proven techniques of classical technical analysis. Bruce Levy, a Level 1 CMT will take you through the course to show you the most effective and high probability trading scenarios.Each whiteboard course will further increase your chances of success in the markets by preparing the student to succeed by increasing knowledge and understanding of technical concepts."
Price: 199.99

"Master Business Etiquette & Social Skills Essentials" |
"So you are looking to create a lasting positive first impression, either in person, over the phone or in social media? Or maybe you want to improve your communication skills to get ahead of the pack when looking for that dream job, next promotion or business contract? If so, this course is for you.In today's world, it can be difficult to know what the proper business etiquette or communication style should be used for any given scenario. That's especially true when we must deal, in addition to person to person interaction, with a variety of technology platforms and virtual communication. The way you behave is a reflection of how much you care about the people you're interacting with.In this course, you'll learn the appropriate way to behave, speak, or write in the most common business situations, so that they always convey a professional image that elicits trust and respect.In this powerful course we will be covering:Recognize the importance of business etiquette and appropriate communication todayHow to introduce yourself to others concisely and with confidence, so that you give a great, positive first impressionUse the appropriate form of communication depending on the situation (email, social media, text messaging), and communicate in a way that builds trust and clarity, and so you wont be misunderstoodCommunicate effectively and professionally on live calls, such as telephone, Skype, WhatsApp, conference, video, interviews, etc.Participate in meetings and conferences in a way that shows the value you add and your respect for the meeting organizer and other attendees.Attend and interact in business social events appropriately and confidently, regardless of who are attending or the events environment.If you are looking to improve your personal and business etiquette skills, then this is the course for you!Taught by an instructor with over 20 years of management and professional development experience, this course will walk you through the basics of business etiquette so you can put these principles to work for you right away!Your enrollment is backed by Udemy's 100%, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee, so enroll today with confidence and Ill see you inside the course!"
Price: 69.99

"Bessere Audio Aufnahmen am Mac: fr Screenflow/Camtasia" |
"SCHLECHTER SOUND WAR GESTERN! AUDIO ANFNGERKURS (Teil I )Hallo ich bin Ren Steiner, der Autor des Bestseller Audio Kurses fr Screencast und Video fr Fortgeschrittene (Teil II)Jeder Profi wei, der Ton ist beim Video wichtiger als das Bild. Deshalb liefert dieser Kurs alle notwendigen Schritte um von Anfang an auf professionellem Level Sprache fr Screencasts aufzunehmen. Du erfhrst genau welches Mikrofon, welche Software und welches Zubehr Du bentigst. Viele Studenten in meinem Bestseller Audio Kurs haben sich einen Kurs gewnscht, der ohne Theorie ganze schnell Ergebnisse liefert. Dieser Kurs hier ist das Ergebnis aus meinen unzhligen Test mit mehr als 6000 EUR die ich in Soft- und Hardware investiert habe um eine optimale Lsung zu finden und dem Know-How aus mehr als 3 Jahren - alles in diesem Kurs hier zusammengefasst in 5 einfachen Schritten... ... und mit einfach meine ich wirklich einfach - deshalb ist der Kurs auch so kurz. Alles berflssige habe ich weggelassen und verrate Dir die besten Tricks um Geld zu sparen und die gesamte Audio Bearbeitung in einem vollstndig automatisierten Workflow abzubilden. Wie luft das ab fragst Du? Du schaust Dir den Kurs an, folgst den einzelnen Schritten der Videos und baust dadurch den beschriebenen Workflow nach. Fertig! Alle Aufnahmen die Du von da ab machst, werden VOLLAUTOMATISCH bearbeitet - WHREND DU SPRICHST. Das gibt es in keinem anderen Kurs zu finden! Du Startest Deine Aufnahmenimmst Dein Screenrecording mit dem was Du sagen willst auf und sobald Du die Aufnahme stoppst ist ALLES FERTIG! Damit meine vollstndig bearbeitet, Fix und Fertig - Profi QualittOhne Schnickschnack, Ohne Theorie - NUR Ergebnisse. Deshalb das Motto: SCHLECHTER SOUND WAR GESTERN!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DER KURS IST FR ANFNGER UND PROFIS GEEIGNETFR ALLE DIE IHREN WORKFLOW AUF DAS NCHSTE LEVEL BRINGEN WOLLEN--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Falls Dich die dahinter liegende Theorie dann doch interessiert, dann habe ich sogar einen Bonus fr Dich! Fr eine Rezension meines Kurses bin ich Dir sehr dankbar und belohne das Engagement mit einem Sparcoupon fr meinen Fortgeschrittenenkurs - einfach bei mir melden.Hinweis: Die Kosten fr das Mikro werden ca. 125, Software 40 und fr das Zubehr (Popfilter, Mic.Stnder) bei ca. 25 liegen. Falls Du bereits ein Mikro hast, kannst Du das natrlich verwenden. Zustzlich bentigst Du noch die Screencast Software und evtl. eine Webcam. Entsprechende Screen Recording Software Vorschlge stelle ich ebenfalls im Kurs kurz von.Als zustzlichen Tipps zeig ich, wie Du Full HD Aufnahmen mit 1920x1080 oder 1280x720 auf jedem MAC hin bekommst, auch mit Retina Displays oder Laptops wie dem MacBook Pro, obwohl diese Macs das gar nicht als Auflsung anbieten... darber hinaus erfhrst Du noch etwas darber, wie Du das Mikrofon optimal positionierst und richtig reinsprichst ...Also bis gleich im Kurs...Dein KursleiterRenSteinerDER KURS IST FR ANFNGER UND PROFIS GEEIGNETFR ALLE DIE IHREN WORKFLOW AUF DAS NCHSTE LEVEL BRINGEN WOLLEN"
Price: 199.99

"Make A Toy Robot in Zbrush" |
"Ever wanted to create hard surface models in Zbrush, and did not know how?Then check out these educational videos.Using a retro robot, I'll show you how to create it in Zbrush.And step by step.You will get to know and use the most important tools in Zbrush.After that, it should no longer be a problem for you to create your own models.Easy to follow.You use different tools from zbrush, like Live Boolean, Insert Mesh brush, the new gizmo,boole operations, different brushes, Zremesher, subtools, polygon and edge processing, and many more."
Price: 149.99

"Make a Pinball 2D Game in Unity and Playmaker" |
"Do you want to makegames and apps quickly and effectively ?Without learning programming languages like c# or javascript ?And still create professional and good looking apps ?Then take a look at this course.Using an example of ""Pinball 2D"" I show you stepby step the procedure.Easy to follow and imitate."
Price: 149.99

"Math in Real Life" |
"Math should be a fun topic, but unfortunately is too often taught as a process of memorizing facts, formulas and processes. Sure, some memorization is necessary in any academic subject, but far too few math classes that you will see at the high school or college level show you where you're going to use all that you have learned. Math is all around us in the world, in places that you may not even have imagined. In this course, Ihave adopted lessons that I have given in my classroom with the objective of showing you real-life applications of math, and hopefully showing you where it can be useful in your own life.What are the prerequisites? That depends on how deeply you want to go into the topics. But to gain the maximum benefit, I would recommend a basic working knowledge of Algebra, including linear equations, exponents, basic mathematical calculations and ideally, the ability to use a scientific calculator."
Price: 99.99

"Social media marketing success for busy entrepreneurs" |
"Still working like a charm in 2020!Join over 30,000 students from 172 countries worldwide taking my courses today!no fluff, no filler content, just straight to the point course that you can start and actually finish in 1 day!It is 2019 and social media is on fire! everything is changing! algorithms are going crazy and businesses are suffering to get engagement...well...not all businesses! there are a few who seem to always survive the changes, always get engagement on their social media posts, always win the likability game with their audience!and after 2 years of being a worldwide entrepreneur and another 5 years before that in the marketing field I wanted to share my secret sauce with you in this course! and help you answer the most frustrating question: ""what to post on social media that actually gets my business the attention it needs?!""and I am here to help you get an answer to this question today!and I am also sharing the tool I currently use named: ""ViralTag"" to save more time with my social media management and giving you 2 months of free access to it instead of paying 2x$99 !excited yet? I know I am!if you want to know how those businesses always survive algorithms and get the reslus you want on social media, you need to join this course today!See you inside! "
Price: 199.99

"Online business foundation for success - start the right way" |
"Still working like a charm in 2020!Join over 30,000 students from 172 countries worldwide taking my courses today!no fluff, no filler content, just straight to the point course that you can start and actually finish in 1 day!Ever wondered why other online entrepreneurs seem to have it all figured out and get results and sales in lightning speed?it is because they did the pre-work everyone else is trying to avoid!and today, I am here to help you get this pre-work done once and for all in less than 1 hour!I'm talking figuring out the entire foundation of your successful passive income business in just 1 hour or less!This is the exact system that is helping me run 6 online businesses of my own + help my coaching clients run their businesses as well!With the system you're about to learn today, running your online business in the future will be so much easier! so grab a spot and join us today!"
Price: 199.99

"Organize your online business for busy entrepreneurs" |
"Still working like a charm in 2020!Join over 30,000 students from 172 countries worldwide taking my courses today!no fluff, no filler content, just straight to the point course that you can start and actually finish in 1 day!A hard drive full of unfinished projects, a head that's spinning from too many things you need to get done, and everything around you seems like a huge mess?It is time to get organized the ""human"" way! to organize your online business tools, links, resources, daily checklists, without being bored and with so much ease and fun!In this course I am sharing with you a few simple steps to get clear on what needs organizing in your business with the help of a piece of paper and a free app called: TrelloThis course is not a Trello tutorial, this course is a simple step by step system to first understand where to start when it comes to organizing your business, then using Trello to keep everything organized digitally and easy to accessThis course is for you if you wake up everyday having no idea how are you going to start your day and what will you focus on todayWhat are you waiting for? get access to the course today and let's get your online business organized!"
Price: 99.99

"How to create viral podcast videos for social media" |
"Still working like a charm in 2020!Join over 30,000 students from 172 countries worldwide taking my courses today!no fluff, no filler content, just straight to the point course that you can start and actually finish in 1 day!Ever seen one of those videos on social media where there's an image and a sound wave moving while someone is talking in the videos? have you seen the numbers of likes, comments, and shares on those videos? ever wanted to create some of these videos but thought it is too much work and need expensive software?Today I am here to help you create those viral podcast style videos in no time and for absolutely no cost at all! I am showing you step by step how to use some free tools to create these videos in minutes and giving you my tips on how to get them to be attention grabbing and shareable on social media!I don't like to waste time and I only teach you what really works! so if this sounds like something that is interesting to you, Let's make some good viral videos! click the ""enroll now"" button and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 99.99

"Manage Your Stress and find Success" |
"This is the ultimate tool to change your life! IMAGINE YOU HAD A ROAD MAP, a step-by-step guide to help you get from pain, loss and disappointment to passion, purpose and success? Your pain, trials and disappointments will actually become the fuel that powers your destiny.. You just need the GPS directions and the turn by turn guidance that Dan Spacagna describes in 5 Keys-How to go from Stress to Success. In 5 easy to apply steps you will be able to * lower your mental and physical stress * overcome fears * break through past limiting beliefs * move quickly towards your purpose Dan will show you how he overcame, divorce, living on government assistance, suffering through a two-year clinical depression and eating disorder, being prescribed drugs for the rest of his life to having success traveling the world teaching life-changing skills to tens of thousands. Dan takes thousands of hours of study and dozens of psychology and personal development books and removes the complicated language and the stuff that doesnt work. Whats left is the 5 Keys to unlocking your purpose, reaching fulfillment and changing your life."
Price: 199.99

"Photography Fundamentals Taught by a Photography Pro!" |
"The following photography concepts are also taught. Light is the most important element to any photograph. Learn what light is, it's 4characteristics, and more.Discover what Exposure is and why it's important to awesome photography.Learn what an Aperture is and how to use it to fulfill your creative vision.Learn how to use your Shutter Speed for additional creative options.ISO, is another important element for capturing your photos. Learn what it is (and isn't) and how to use.Composition is the final key ingredient to fantastic photos. You'll learn a simple technique for perfect compositions every time.As an added bonus, you'll learn about the Exposure Triangle. Not sure what it is? No worries. By the time you're done with this section you'll know more than 95% of photographers."
Price: 19.99

"Photography for Beginners: DSLR Photography Camera Settings" |
"Welcome to the Photography Camera Settings course for beginners.Hello, my name is Chris Parker and Ive been a pro photographer for 30 years. Ive also been teaching other photographers how to take their skills to the next level for 7 years. When youve completed this course, youll know what all the camera settings and different modes your camera has and how to use them. In fact, some of the Lectures include projects to help you retain what you learn by applying what you learn. There is no better way to quickly learn your camera settings by practicing what you learn. Knowing your camera settings will also help you become a better photographer. Throughout the course Ill provide additional tips and suggestions for taking better photos and being more creative. This photography course covers all of the following camera modes. Focusing, Shooting, Drive, Quality, and Metering Modes. Plus, youll also learn what the White Balance mode is and how to use it. Once youve mastered those camera modes, youll learn the 3 different creative modes that will help you be a better photographer. This includes the Aperture Priority Mode, Shutter Speed Priority Mode and the ISO auto mode. Then, Ill share with you a little secret, thats built into your camera, that will make it super easy to shoot in full Manual Mode. But, you may be wondering why youd want to shoot in full Manual Mode? Well, shooting in Manual Mode will allow you to take back creative control from your camera and allow you to fulfill your creative vision. If you're ready to learn about all the different camera settings and modes your camera has and to become a better photographer in the process, please sign up for my course now. I look forward to helping you achieve your creative goals. Thanks for listening and have an awesome day! "
Price: 19.99

"Wedding Photography, Complete Guide From Zero to Profits" |
"Hello and welcome to my Wedding Photography course!Learn how to be a successful and profitable wedding photographer. Plus, you'll learn how to shoot different parts of the wedding day as I show you 870+ photos for inspiration.My name is Chris Parker and I have 30 years experience as a pro photographer. 15 of those years in wedding photography. During that time, I personally photographed over 500 weddings!If you're interested in becoming a wedding photographer, I'll share with you my 15+ years experience on how to not just be successful... but PROFITABLE!There's more to be a wedding photographer than just photography. It requires knowing how to run your business. You'll learn everything you need to know to be successful. Everything from starting up, pricing for profit, marketing,building a network and more.Learn free marketing techniques to grow your business... SEO, Social Media tips and moreLearn advanced, paid marketing opportunities to skyrocket your businessLearn what to do if you're unable to attend the wedding you booked, due to events out of your control...I'll show how/what you need to do to keep this from ruining your reputation and businessLearn the 5 key ""terms of agreements"" you should include with your contractLearn how to book weddings now if you have zero experienceLearn how to easily add wedding images to your portfolio with no experienceLearn the 3 types of insurance you must have before you shoot your first weddingSee what's in my camera bag... it's less than you may thinkLearn the 15 steps to starting a wedding photography business, before shooting your first wedding... action item checklist includedLearn how I booked 62 weddings in my first year of being a wedding photographerLearn how I shot fewer weddings each new year AND increased profitsLearn the steps thatallowed me to earn $1,512,483 in 15 years... and allowed me to work part-timeSee hundreds of my wedding photos and learn from them... photo tips and what you'll need to capture on the day of the wedding... checklist includedLearn how toprice your wedding photography for profitOnce you're done with this course, you'll be well on your way to a successful and profitable career as a wedding photographer."
Price: 199.99

"27 Photoshop CC Projects + 547 Photoshop Essentials Template" |
"27 Photoshop CC Projects for business owners (includes 547 Photoshop essentials templates) and graphic designers ! This Photoshop course will teach you how to use Adobe Photoshop by doing actual, practical, real world projects!************************************************************************************Check out what students are saying...Claudiu Titus Georgescu""I certainly learned a lot about Photoshop by taking this awesome course! This was one of the best courses I ever taken on Udemy, with clear and in-depth explanations on how to use Photoshop's tools in my projects. Highly recommended for beginners in Photoshop!""Robert Faussett""I like the way he systematically explains things, very easy to follow along""Elias Katsaniotis""It is a fantastic course about Photoshop. You learn as you make the projects (learn by example) According to the tutor there is no version limitation. Thank you.""Luminary Figure""Beautifully explained....Really looking forward to watch the rest!"" MD Arifur Rahman""Great course. It's very helpful. I recommend anyone to enroll in this course""Sheraz Ali""Just love the way he explains stuff.""Bobbie Smith""This is an excellent course. Chris Parker's delivery and demos are engaging and to the point. Thank you.""************************************************************************************Apply what you learn for your own business and/or to improve your graphic design skills.Included, you'll find 27 Photoshop CC projects that you can use for your business... right now!Plus, I've included 547 pre-made Photoshop essentials templates to help you get started even faster. You'll even learn how to edit the pre-made Photoshop templates to customize them for your own use. Like, how to change colors, text, and more.In addition to the freePhotoshop CC templates, you'll learn how to create your own custom graphics, logo, flyers, brochures and more... all inPhotoshop.Regardless of your Photoshop experience, you'll learn step-by-step how to create 27 differentdesign projects.Easily get started with Photoshop by learning from a professional graphic designer.... I have 30 years experience in this field and will share all my proPhotoshop tips.************************************************************************************Here is a complete list of all the Photoshop design projects included in this course and what you'll learn in each...Learn how to develop your Brand Identity and how your Brand is different from your logoLearn pro tips on creating your ownlogo in Photoshop, customizing1 of the 92 included pre-made logos, and additional tips about getting a logo.Learn how to retouch like a pro, in Photoshop CC. You'll learn how to remove blemishes, scars, and tan lines. Then, I'll show you how to enhance eyes, whiten teeth and much more. And a practice photo is included too.Next, I'll show you how you can remove anything in Photoshop! Practice photos included so you can apply what you learn with the same image used during the tutorial.Now it's time to take what you've learned and apply it to your own profile/bio photo.Have an image with a bland sky? No problem, you'll learn how to replace a boring sky with a newset of clouds!Love your profile image, but not the color of your outfit? No problem, I'll show you how easy it is to change a green shirt to a blue shirt (or any color of your choice) in Photoshop! Oh, practice photo included too.Taking your own product shots and need to place it on a pure white (or any color) background? You'll learn how to cut out your products, directly in Photoshop and place on a white background.Ready for some business cards? In this project, you'll either use one of the 75 pre-made templates included or custom create your own. Pro tips on how to setup your document, within Photoshop, to avoid common errors when submitting to a printer. Plus, design tips too.Let's not forget about your Letterhead. New design tips included in this project.Next up, your Thank You card. What? Why do you need one of those? I'll let you know during this Photoshop project. This is based off of my 30 years experience as an Entrepreneur myself.It's time to start promoting your business with some custom made flyers. You'll learn how to create custom shapes, add text to a curve and much more!Create a modern style brochure to further promote your business. More Photoshop design tips and more in thisdesign project.Flyers and brochures can be expensive to print. I'll show you how to convert your documents into PDF files, directly in Photoshop!Interested in promoting your brand or custom designs and selling on t-shirts, mugs, etc..? Then, you'll learn exactly how to do that with this T-Shirt design project.Oh, and do you need to promote your new t-shirt designs on your website? Then, this next Photoshop project is for you... I'll show you how to take your t-shirt design (or any design) and add to a product mock-up... in other words, you'll display your artwork on a photo, with a person that is wearing a t-shirt and it will look like you've already printed up your shirts. And you can change the color of the t-shirt too! I'll show you how.Have a design in mind for your website? If so, you'll learn how to create web designs in Photoshop CC!Now that your website is live, it's time to drive traffic to it. Learn how to create ad banners to promote your website.How about custom badges to promote your products/services? You'll learn how to create 2 different badgesin this Photoshop design project. Plus, you'll have access to download 80 pre-made badges/ribbons and over 100 graphic elements to customizeyour own.Another Photoshop project to show you some new tricks. Learn how to create a pennant ribbon, warp it and apply text on a curve!Take your banner ads to the next levelby creating animated GIF's. These are definite attention getters and you'll learn how to create them in this Photoshop project.Take your website branding up a notch by creating a Favicon for your site. Not sure what it is? You'll learn exactly what it is and how to create it in this Photoshop design project.Need to showcase your products/services with multiple photos? How about learning how to create photo collages? You'll learn exactly that in this project. Use your new custom collages on your website or any social platform. I'll show you how to create 1 document that can be used on any site.Everyone is telling you that you need infographics to drive traffic back to your site. Learn how to create one in this Photoshop design project and additional pro resources are shared too.Tired of uploading single images to your Facebook timeline cover? Learn how to create your own custom covers to showcase your brand, products/services and more. Plus, you'll learn something new, in this Photoshop CC project, we haven't discussed yet. Let's also not forget about the 50+ Facebook timeline cover templates included for instant download! You'll also learn how to easily customize these templates with your own content and multiple images.Have a Youtube channel? Confused about what size to createyour channel art? You'll learnhow to create one document, in Photoshop, that will showcase your channel art on multiple devices; tablets, smart phones, computers, t.v., etc..Finally, you'll learn why and how to add your Branding to your Youtube thumbnails.************************************************************************************It doesn't matter if you're brand, spanking new to Photoshop or if your an advanced user. Both beginner and advanced Photoshop tutorials to help you get started quickly.Oh, and if you're ever stuck, I'm here to answer your Photoshop project questions too!"
Price: 199.99

"Develop your innovation - Certified Design Thinking Bootcamp" |
"Why Bootcamp?Problem-solving, their creative solving, and then seamlessly using the results of this process - in short, you can define the essence of Design Thinking, a method developed by the owner of the company IDEO!The goal is to get innovative solutions by using such methods to stimulate creativity. As a result, actions are translated into the business schema. Design thinking is based on project thinking, whose task is to provide creative solutions ready to be implemented.One of the advantages of this training is the ability to use it from start-up to corporation. The universal method is to use it in designing new products and innovative solutions for a given situation.Bootcamp learning philosophy:The course is divided for the phases of the design thinking process. After each step, you can follow up with your project. Do not hesitate to ask questions. Try to implement the knowledge of your project. You will able to challenge yourself with the project and the final exam. After finalizing the whole Bootcamp, you will receive the certificate.Target Groups1. For business and education2. For project managers and their teams3. For Coaches and peoples dreamed of their start-ups4. Project Managers5. For everyone who wants to create new products in an extremely efficient wayLearning objectives1. Learn from scratch how to go through Design Thinking2. Learn Design Thinking tools3. Conduct and manage the Design Thinking process at your daily work4. Create your real case project and implement it directly to workCandidate Profile:1. Can develop the innovation process at the company within the Design Thinking requirements2. Can use Design Thinking tools not only for DT purpose3. Know the value of feedback and how to prepare for feedback gathering task4. Understand the end-user needs and tailor the product for them"
Price: 94.99

"Time Hacking - Time management certified course" |
"How to hack the time? I am showing multiple methods (including my own one ENCUMBER.AR (Never published before))The specific objective of the course is to acquire skills in the area of: ranking tasks, setting priorities, acquisition of practical skills in planning and organizing work, controlling the workload for particular duties at the workplace, raising control over the monitoring of progress in planned activities, practical use of tools that allow you to create an effective time management system, work under time pressure, identification and elimination of disturbing factors.Benefits for the Participant: increasing satisfaction with the work performed, taking over responsibility for effective self-management in time, implementing effective practices of mental work and time management,improving the efficiency of self-management, personal responsibility for timely execution of the task, strengthening motivation to work on yourself and develop professional skills.Recipients of the courseManagers, specialists whose ability to plan and manage their own work time has a significant impact on their effectiveness. Time ""is not rubber"" and the way we work with it is reflected in our well-being, job satisfaction and efficiency. The course is addressed to people who are largely self-organizing their work, who feel a strong need for the change about the negative consequences of living in ""No Time World""Professional captions will be added as soon as possible (English, Polish)"
Price: 89.99

"After Effect Mastery: Logo, Transition and Lowerthirds" |
"Do you want to be a professional Motion Graphic Designer?Do you REALLY want toboost up your Motion Design Skills?And finally,do you want tostart your career as a professional Motion Designer?If YES, Than this course is just created for you guys!This a course just made for boosting up your skills in Motion graphic and After Effect withoutexploring different User interface tools of After Effect which,most of the courses that are created in this field were selected this method of teaching but in in this Course we are going to design real world examples project.We have 4 Sections in this course:Mastering Logo Animation in After Effect:Our goal in this section is to go deep into Logo Intros and Outros and we are going to talk about these topics: Rules of Creating Logo Animations How to create artistic logo Animations Creating a Minimal logo animation using Shapes Creating bouncy Animation Logo intros and much more.. At the end of the section you would have a complete understanding of Logo animations and you would be able to design minimal and smooth logo intro/outros in After Effect. 2.Mastering Shapes Transition in After Effect:Our goal in this section is to go deep into creating shape transition and we are going to talk about these topics: Rules of Creating Shape Transitions How to came up with Ideas for Transitions Creating SImple Transition Creating Bar Transitions Creating Circular Transition How to save them as presets and much more.. At the end of the section you would have a complete understanding of Transitions and specially shape transition which is in trends nowadays,and you would be able to design any type of Transitionsin After Effect. 3.Mastering Lower Thirds Design in After Effect:Our goal in this section is to go deep intodesigning Lower thirds and how to animate them like PRO,we are going to talk about these topics: Rules of CreatingLower Thirds How to came up with Ideas for Lower Thirds Creating SImple Lower Thirds Creating Complex Line Lower Thirds Creating Self Resizing Lower Thirds and much more... At the end of the section you would have a complete understanding of Lower Third Design and Animation and specially Minimal lower thirdswhich is in trends nowadays,and you would be able to designany type of Lower Thirds in After Effect. 4.Bi- Weekly Tutorials:Every 2 week i am going to upload new tutorial related to our topics and general topics of Motion Design. You can also suggest me any type of Tutorial related to Motion Graphic to be created.This is gone be a Mastery course for people who really want to go deep in Motion design and After Effect.Project file is also available for download!So, What are you waiting for? Enrolin this course and become a Master of After Effect:)"
Price: 49.99

"Beat the Wage Gap: Strategies for Women at Work to Earn More" |
"Over3,400 students from 126countries enrolled in Udemyclasses by Katy Caselli since September, 2015! This class was created in 2018.It has been illegal in the United Statesto pay men and women different wages for substantially similar work since 1963and yet the wage gap still exists. The current wage gap research shows us that women make about .80 cents on the dollar compared to men in the workforce. Although some of this can be explained by thecareerfields and other choices men and women make, some of the gap can also be explained by a different set of behavior in the workplace, behavior you can do something about.I'm Katy Caselli, an experienced Human Resources professional, Organizational Psychologist and author of the book Building Giants. Let this course serves as your wake up call. If you are a female in the workplace you may exit this short course a bit angry, possibly with yourself, or with your organization. What Ihope is, that you will walk away with actionable steps to take to negotiate more effectively, to show your value to your organization and to earn what is yours.This course should take you no more than an hour to complete, but it could make a substantial impact in your earnings over your career. Plan to take make lots of notes and jot down inspiration as we go through positive strategies for change.Please note, we briefly go over employment laws that apply to the United States. You can still benefit from this course, but you will need to look up the laws in your specific country if you are joining us from another part of the world. Thank you!"
Price: 24.99

"El Gozo de la Historia del Arte" |
"Por qu tomar este curso?Porque aprenders cmo disfrutarla historia del arte. cmo considerarla un gozo en lugar de una obligacin. Cierto es que sta constituye un tpico bsico entre las Humanidades,porque -entre otras cosas- estimula la creatividad y la innovacin. Adems, la historia del artecontribuye a la apreciacin de nuestra identidad, nuestra historia y nuestra cultura en un sentido amplio, entre los nios, jvenes y adultos, por igual.Si enseas historia del arte y deseas deshacerte de la lista de fechas y nombres que aburren a tus estudiantes,o sideseas un mtodo que te ayude a aprenderla a partir de su tremendo potencial creativo, entonces este curso est dirigido a ti. La historia del arte es para disfrutarla, su gozo est all para hacernos vibrar siempre."
Price: 34.99

"Diseo UX + Historia del Arte" |
"El Diseo UX y la Historia del Artevan de la mano. De hecho, la Historia del Arte tiene mucho que ofrecer al diseador de experiencia de usuario para potenciar su eficiencia y complementar su creatividad. En este curso te mostraremos cmo se vinculan y cmo es posible para el diseador UX obtener un provecho singular de la Historia del Arte. Desde cmo definir a cada disciplina ycmo funcionan hasta cmo seentrelazan en sus procesos particulares. De manera precisa y sin rodeos te mostramos lo esencial que debes tener en cuenta si eres diseador UX y quieres destacarte del resto, haciendo equipo e inspirndote en las obras ms geniales."
Price: 34.99

"Fundamental Copywriting For Beginners" |
"Have you ever considered copywriting? Like, really considered it but you just weren't sure where you could even start?Perhaps you're a small business owner and you know just how important getting the proper message about you and your business is to your customer?...Have you considered exactly WHOyour customer is?Like, do you have a specific target customer in mind? Marketing to specific people is much easier And WAYmore profitable if you know the person you're looking for!Fundamental Copywriting For Beginners will take you on a journey to discover exactly how your target customer is, how to write copy exactly for that person and the message you should be sending to them INTHEFIRSTPLACE!Through this course you will discover:Your Target Customer AvatarThe Voice To Write To ThemSimple Formulas To Tug Emotional ResponsesAnd Get The To A Positive Call-To-Action!This course is designed to take the absolute beginner to a pretty-great copywriting specialist- you know, the kind that normally charges you hundreds of dollars - and it can be done in a few hours of time.You'll get great PDFhandouts, you'll be taught by a certified copywriting specialist, and you can take the course from the conveniece of your own home at your own pace.Have you bought yet? What are you waiting for? This course is value-priced at $20 (but sometimes it's even less) - isn't that a great ROIon a little investment?P.S. Did I mention this course has a complete money back guarantee? (Not that it's needed but) It's nice to know we stand behind our courses!"
Price: 19.99

"Bitcoin & Blockchain Mastery 2020" |
"Join 54,000+ successful students I teach online, be taught by myself a Certified Bitcoin Professional.Remote Jobs are booming in 2020 don't miss out!30-day money-back guarantee!Don't miss out on the enormous Bitcoin and Blockchain eco system and jobs now in cryptocurrency. Easily and quickly get the working knowledge you need in Bitcoin by enrolling now!- Do you want a a quick, and easy way to understand Bitcoin?- Do you want to get a grasp on what Bitcoin is all about? - Do you need to pass the Bitcoin Certified Exam to put on your CV and to quickly learn the key concepts and vocabulary around Bitcoin?You will gain Bitcoin mastery from a Certified Bitcoin Professional.You'll learn the key concepts about Bitcoin and Blockchain, including:What is a cryptocurrency?What are digital tokens?What is a blockchain?What is Bitcoin?What are smart contracts?How to get started with BitcoinGet started today don't waste a minute get the knowledge today to succeed.See you inside the courseNickCertified Bitcoin Professional"
Price: 19.99

"2020 WordPress, YouTube, SEO , Free Google Website!" |
"Join over 58,000+ students who study with me as at July 2020.4 Courses In One Mega Course!After this complete Digital Marketing Course you will become a better WordPress Website Designer, be able to start your own SEO Agency to earn a ton of money, start meaning on YouTube and get a Google website for free and be live on the internet in 5 minutes!30 Days Money Back Guarantee - Just Ask Udemy For A Refund If You Want!In this complete course you will discover:1. WordPress Business Websites No Coding - No Techie Skills Needed - Complete Step-by-Step System Build A Website Fast in 2020.You will need hosting like bluehost, mochahost etc.2. Introducing My 2020 Simple Step-by-Step SEO System For WordPress!3. Learn The Fastest Way To Get Your Free Google Website Live In Minutes In 2020! 4. YouTube 2020 Mastery Quick Start Marketing Course.For Beginners: Finally a simple way to create beautiful WordPress Business Websites in a step-by-step way for those with no time, no money and no patience. No skills needed just point and click the mouse to build your business website today! Ideal for local business owners, consultants and coaches, authors, and those who simply want to earn an income online.Introducing My Simple Step-by-Step SEO System For WordPress!The Step-by-Step SEO Plan to Take You From Zero SEO Knowledge to The 1st Page of Google in 60-90 Days!Everyone want's to get to the first page of the search engines because it is going to bring them more profits because of the increased traffic, and more prospects.Use my simple SEO blueprint to get on page one! No need to spend a fortune on consultants, or go insane with the complexity of SEO.No techie knowledge required! Just download the free Plugin and click a few buttons and that is it the software does the rest on auto pilot!Finally a simple way to create a YouTube channel in a step-by-step way for those with no time, no money and no patience. Ideal for local business owners, consultants and coaches, authors, and those who simply want to earn an income online.In this picture rich video course you will discover YouTube Proof of 10 Easy Ways to Market on YouTube. Plus you can follow along as I easily and quickly create a brand new YouTube Channel and attract viewers, subscribers, and show you each step to follow to market your own YouTube channel.You will discover ten proven ways YouTubers are using right now to market their business easily and quickly from their YouTube channels. "
Price: 19.99

"Bitcoin & Steemit Accelerated Training For Newbies" |
"Certified Bitcoin Professional Nick Walsh Teaches This Course.30 Day Money Back Guarantee!Join 25,000+ Successful Students And Learn The Fastest Way To Discover Bitcoin and Steemit.Course 1 Discover: BitcoinHow to get a Bitcoin Developer Job $100,000+ per year and work from home!How to become a very well paid Bitcoin Educator teaching others.How to keep your Bitcoin private key safe and out of the reach of hackers..How to buy and sell Bitcoin and the best exchanges to do it.Course 2 Discover: How to pass the Certified Bitcoin Professional exam First TimeHow to take the examWhy to take the examExample questionsExample answersExample certificateBitcoin jobs you can getRemote Bitcoin jobs in Sales, Programming, Marketing...Course 3 Discover: SteemitSteemit is soaring in popularity and is like Facebook but YOU get paid for stories, commenting, voting!Earn enough Steem on steemitdotcom or via miningTransfer your Steem to a Steem exchange and convert to BitcoinTransfer your Bitcoins to a Bitcoin exchangeOnce you are fully registered at the exchange you can convert your Steem to your local currency and transfer to your bank accountBitcoin what you will be able to discover and do:In 2008 a website was registered by a computer programmer called Satoshi Nakamoto bitcoindotorg this course will teach you what happened next.Discover:Best wallets to use, where to buy and sell Bitcoin and much more.Bitcoin is a Cryptocurrency that you control with a private electronic key.Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology and operates with no banks or central authority.How YOUcan join the network and manage transactions and issue Bitcoins because all this is carried out collectively by the Bitcoin network who Satoshi gave all his ideas too in an email back in 2008, after he it is rumoured gave himself 1,000 bitcoins!If you want to understand quickly what Blockchain and Bitcoin is this course will teach you all you need to know.How you can get started with Bitcoin within 15 minutes.How Blockchain works and people near you maybe mining Bitcoin in their garage using several graphic cards and some powerful PC's.Where you can buy Bitcoin online, at a local ATM, what shops, stores, big businesses accept it now.How smart contracts are just bits of software written by programmers.How to get small amounts of Bitcoin for free.Let us get started on this fantastic Bitcoin journey which has happened in our lifetime, because it was made possible by the internet, and a genius who wrote the whitepaper for Bitcoin after the collapse of banks around the world in 2008.Don't waste a minute, start with Bitcoin right now, as an early adopter of Bitcoin you will have all the advantages of someone with the Bitcoin Education and Training this course gives you.In 2021 no more Bitcoins will be mined, where will you be in 2021?Future Bitcoin price valuations by experts like Max Keiser and John Mcafee are included in the course.Steemit what you will be able to do:Steemit Is ABlogging Platform That Pays You InSteem!You can trade the Steem on Cryptocurrency exchanges online or convert it to Bitcoin, Ethereum etc.How much time do you work unpaid for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn,etc? You post, share and comment and go unpaid!Steemit PAYS You For Doing What You Do On Facebook!People just like you areearning hundreds or thousands of dollarsfor each post they make about life, business, bitcoin, travel, pets, photographyetc.A post has earned $260.74 for the Steemian called sweetsssj and has1196 upvotes people have given the story and 339comments people have made about the story.Steemit Course What You Will Be Able To Discover and Do!You Do Not Need To Invest Any Money In Steemit! Steemit site is a blockchain that underpins Bitcoin the first cryptocurrency ever!The blockchain is technology withno one person or country or government in total control- no bank fees, no exchange fees, no central banks.The blockchains are run in a decentralized way and the rules are made up and agreed upon by anyone who wishes to use that particular blockchain in this case Steemians!Steemit has no adverts, no censorship and no selling of your personal information to other companies etc.The Steem BlockchainRecordsvalue ($$$) in Steem, Steem Dollars, ReputationRecords content from bloggers just like you even if you are a newbie!Rewards people for content, commenting, upvoting with its cryptocurrency Steem.Where Does The Money Come From?Steem, Bitcoin and Fiat money like the USD is created out of thin air!A system of national fiat currencies has been used since 1972 and the USA and other countries just print money and people believe in that money and it is the same as Steem, Bitcoin etc the more people believe in the currency the more value it has.Steem, Bitcoin, Ethereumand allother cryptocurrencies are traded on exchanges like Bitrex, Poloniexeveryday. Their values go up and down according to thelaws of supply and demand.The Solution To People Not Being Paid For Content On Facebook etc:STEEM Is The Platform Token On SteemitdotcomIt's distributed to the most valuable contributors by community voting.STEEM is a tradeable token that is easily convertible to Bitcoin and Ethereum.You Will Earn Money FromEverything I Show You On This CourseHow to get paid for posting stories about anything! Case studies showing realpeople just like you getting $100 + for posting on the Steemit website.How to quickly go from being a newbie/minnow to increase your voting power and become a Whale faster!What a Whale is and how to join Steemit chat to learn faster off successful Steemits!How to get a ""Steemit Booster Service"" to make your posts earn more and which are the best booster services.How in 15 minutes you can open up a wallet and earn your first small amount of Bitcoin which you can convert to the cryptocurrency Steem.Steemit soars upwards and onwards already in the top 1,500 websites in the world visited by USA citizens.How just as email overtook postal services cryptocurrency is fast overtaking fiat money like the Dollar, Pound or Euro.Discover Step-by-Step:What are the best days to post, best hours to post, best time to vote and comment on posts.Use Steemit to earn your own money and support communities and the poor.As bloggers, artists, video producers, musicians, social media enthusiasts, and entrepreneurs youhave the opportunity of a lifetime today to be one of the first users on Steemit.My fellow ""Steemians"" join me on this amazing journey to financial freedom!Student Reviews Of ThisCourse:AtiQul HoQue MiLon - 5 StarsBorakhan88 - 5 Stars - very good how to do things on steemit i never new about beforeNaz Yousan - 5 Stars - nice short lectures explains steemit wellYacine Chettout - 5 Stars - vidos trs courtes (short videos that gives appety to see them all) Tha,ks a lot Sire Walsh :) you are amazing ;)Dereje Deressa - 5 StarsNesztorasz Zoikasz - 5 StarsIlyas Abdulkarim - 5 StarsFaaz Ali - 5 Stars this courseTom Urbanek - 5 Stars - Very well laid out, clear and concise.Sylvia Dart - 5 Stars - The course was well done and delivered professionally.Grab a course nowto reap the rewards of Steemitbefore price goes up to $197To Your Success!Nick Walsh"
Price: 19.99

"2020 Marketing Mastery With Mailchimp Email & Yoast SEO" |
"You will be successful with Email Marketing and Search Engine Marketing after you take this best selling course!Quickly & easily fill in the gaps in the SEO & Email templates provided and you have an SEO & Email Marketing Plan that consultants would charge you thousands of dollars for!Email Marketing has the highest Return on Investment of any Marketing! Master MailChimp and start to profit from building an email list today!Join the 54,000+ happy students I have taught online! 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!You get constant updated Email Marketing course videos and I teach you everything required for successful marketing on MailChimp!3 Reasons to start right now!You get lifetime access to lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added constantly as updates roll out).You can ask me questions I respond to every single one of them!Master MailChimp and learn the Email Marketing strategies I implement for daily!You will master layout and how to optimize your email content.You will continue to build your email lists and then evaluate key metrics from the data MailChimp provides.In this course, you will learn Email Marketing from beginner level to advanced on MailChimp!You will be able to be able to build squeeze pages and sign up/opt in forms to grow your email lists and increase your potential customers.You will be able to create hyper segmented email capture lists for more effective, targeted email marketing in the future.You will be able to build and design professional email campaigns that drive higher conversions.You will be able to A/B split test emails and analyze the proper data to make your next email even better! Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product or service to the next level with the power of Email Marketing!Start This Course Today The Longer You Wait The More Money You Leave On The Table!You get NEW lectures added every month as MailChimp changes features and adds benefits to their software.You can ask me questions and you get me as your personal email coach in the Q&A section of the course!You get the exact email techniques I use in MailChimp for my own Udemy, KDP Kindle, Merch By Amazon, Shopify passive income businesses and for my clients.What you will learn in this course is used now in 2020. See real campaigns, real email content, you copy and build your email lists and look at the data MailChimp provides.Make the most of your time by quickly learning MailChimp email marketing and save hundreds of hours of work so that you can work on your business not be tied up to repetitive tasks in your businessYou will learn Email Marketing from beginner level to advanced level on MailChimp!Over 54,000 Students Taught Online By Me!30 Day Money Back Guarantee!Newest MailChimp Taught With Awesome Automation Benefits.Marketing automation helps you reach the right people with the right content at exactly the right time, so you can eliminate repetitive tasks and focus on other parts of your business.You can introduce folks to your company with a welcome series, get repeat customers by sharing product recommendations.Re-engage lapsed customers, send happy birthday messages, and more.No matter what type of business you operate, its easy to set up the perfect automation for any situation.Do you want to know how to take and optin for a lead magnet (free optin bribe), deliver that lead magnet, move that person onto an up sell sequence. Well it is all in this course.OVER 54,000 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN MY COURSES ALREADYTake the course for 30 full days, risk free - there's a full, no questions asked ever refund policy!Learn how to use MailChimp email marketing software step-by-step. This course is a hands-on course that walks you through each step required to send out an email to your email list. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner and have never sent an email marketing campaign. Once you are done you'll feel like an expert!This course will teach you how to quickly and easily get started with the powerful email marketing and automaton platform, MailChimp.MailChimp has a free starter plan and leaves other systems like AWeber for dead with its easier dashboard and awesome automaton features that allow you to build automated sequences to respond to your customers behaviour and match them with just the information they are looking for.And you can get started for free with MailChimp! With the automation feature you will need to upgrade to the $10 monthly plan to use all the features of MailChimp.If you run a website or a business and you want to gather leads, and create email marketing to turn them into customers, this course is for you.You will get all the information you need to set up a complete email marketing system for your business.Get the right message, to the right person at the right time.Everyone starts small. But with the right resources, you can execute big plans. MailChimps features are powerful enough for Fortune 500 companies at a price point that works for anyone. You know your business. MailChimp will help you grow it.Connect your store, sell more stuff:Learn how to connect your store with one of MailChimps hundreds of e-commerce integrations, you can create targeted email or ad campaigns, automate helpful product follow-ups, and send back-in-stock messaging.Powerful automation for online sellers:Learn how to use MailChimps robust marketing automation to make sure your emails get to the right people at the right time. Target customers based on behavior, preferences, and previous sales. Trigger a series of emails with a single API request. Learn how to use the built-in segmentation to build custom rules. Delight your fans with a free gift. And when youre finished, get in-depth reporting insights to make every automated series you send better than the lastFlexible design for brands of any size:Learn how to use the easy drag and drop designer to create campaigns that match your style.Streamline your marketing:Learn how to use Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns to give you the power to grow your audience and sell more stuff in just a few steps.Integrations with apps you already use:Learn how to integrate with popular apps and services like Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Shopify. This means you can easily sync your data from those services, import content from other sources, and learn how your campaigns are affecting your business.Start right now see you inside the course that will save you marketing headaches, increase sales, and leave you with more time to build your business.Join 54,000+ Successful Students And Learn The Fastest Way To SEO Success! Introducing My Simple Step-by-Step SEO System For WordPress!The Step-by-Step SEO Plan to Take You From Zero SEO Knowledge to The 1st Page of Google in 60-90 Days!Everyone want's to get to the first page of the search engines because it is going to bring them more profits because of the increased traffic, and more prospects.Use my simple SEO blueprint to get on page one! No need to spend a fortune on consultants, or go insane with the complexity of SEO.No techie knowledge required! Just download the free Plugin and click a few buttons and that is it the software does the rest on auto pilot!My step-by-step process is for getting you on the first page fast!Your first page rankings are maintained by the software so no need to panic about an algorithm change. Search Engine Optimize Your Own Business Or Start Your Own SEO Business.Search Engine Optimization Business - Avoid Hours Of SEO Work With Yoast Plugin Step-by-Step TutorialsCheat Sheets You Get - Just Follow Along and Fill Them In Easy!SEO Sales Forms Just Fill In Client ProposalsSEO PlansSEO BenefitsSEO Cheat SheetsHow to set up your permalinks to blaze past your competition.- You are shown how to use H1, H2, and H3 tags? Its very easy! This quick trick will increase your chance of reaching the first page by 74%.- Your first paragraph is important I show you how to structure it for best rankings.- I'll show you how to get all your images indexed by Google, Yahoo & Bing within 48 hours and how to optimize your images for the search engines super fast.SEO For WordPress: Discover How to Easily Get Your Website on Page #1 of Google, Yahoo! & Bing Fast!How to do:Keyword Research SEO Create a Winning SEO Strategy SEO Audit SEO & Link BuildingSEO Complete Course 2020 Techniques - Using YOAST WordPress Plug-In: Finally a simple way to do SEO for WordPress Websites in a step-by-step way for those with no time, no money and no patience. Over 54,000 successful students study with me online! Learn all about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so you can get your own or your clients websites ranked page 1 in Google to get more sales.Free SEO tools and automation mean that after 2 hours you will be able to do SEO and get great results for your own or your clients websites.No skills needed just point and click the mouse to do SEO on-page and off -page for your website today! Ideal for local business owners, consultants and coaches, authors, and those who simply want to earn an income online. In this picture rich video course you will discover Easy Ways to Make Money with your new, easily and quickly learnt SEO skills.Unlike other beginner SEO courses, we cover topics that are key to creating a professional Done - 4 - U SEO service for websites for others as a service business and charge $500 or more per project. Would you like to see how people just like you earn $500+ for simple WordPress SEO skills? Discover how to set-up everything you need to create awesome WordPress SEO optimized websites for yourself or your clients. This includes all the latest Search Engine Optimization tools and techniques for 2018 this is not a last years outdated course! This is not WordPress SEO theory - this is a look over my shoulder course to get top rankings for key words now.You can follow along by turning on your computer, put the keyboard on your desk, and in seconds start doing Search Engine Optimization on WordPress websites today no coding needed no technical knowledge! Join the thousands of people who are making $1,000+ per month doing SEO on WordPress websites that you can do from home in your spare time with no SEO software costs.Student Reviews For My Courses:""Great CourseThis course certainly deserve appreciation. Easy to understand and complete with perfection, which lead me to understand this course within a short period of time. I thanks for such an amazing course and I enjoyed my learning experience.""by Jebul Rahman""Very well structured and Detailed courseWow...I am blown off with the little minute details this course is structured with. Nick is very prompt to mention that the use of this course knowledge can help you make money by taking action and not false promising that you'll make guaranteed money by showing well-mocked pay reports.I really adore the minute details Nick has covered in the course. Especially the menus and the static page for the site and 7 page website.I've to thank Nick, by following this course I could get my worpress blog online.Thanks for the course and the great value you portray in the course.""by Ashok Kumar N RaoOther Student Reviews Of My Courses:AtiQul HoQue MiLon - 5 StarsBorakhan88 - 5 Stars - very good how to do things on steemit i never new about beforeNaz Yousan - 5 Stars - nice short lectures explains steemit wellYacine Chettout - 5 Stars - vidos trs courtes (short videos that gives appety to see them all) Tha,ks a lot Sire Walsh :) you are amazing ;)Dereje Deressa - 5 Stars Nesztorasz Zoikasz - 5 StarsIlyas Abdulkarim - 5 StarsFaaz Ali - 5 Stars this courseTom Urbanek - 5 Stars - Very well laid out, clear and concise.Sylvia Dart - 5 Stars - The course was well done and delivered professionally. Nick covered alot of wordpress areas that beginners need to know. Can save you a lot of time searching for the information all over the internet. I learned a lot.Enroll now and I'll see you on the course!Nick Walsh"
Price: 19.99

"T-Shirt, WordPress, SEO, MailChimp, Steemit Complete Course!" |
"Updated for July 2020Join 54,000+ Successful Students And Learn The Fastest Way To T-Shirt Design Success On Merch by Amazon, TeeSpring, Cafepress...! 30 Days Money Back Guarantee - Just Ask Udemy For A Refund If You Want!1.The Fastest Way To T-Shirt Design Success On Merch by Amazon.Discover T-shirt designing from the very beginning to expert.You save money on hiring designers by creating your own t-shirt designs.Even if you've never touched Canva in your life, I teach you How To Design Bestselling T-shirt Using Canva Free Software With Easy To Follow Step-by-Step Videos. Join over 19,000+ students who study with me. 2. WordPress Business Websites 2018 No Coding - No Techie Skills Needed - Complete Step-by-Step System Build A Website Fast.You will need hosting like bluehost, mochahost etc.For Beginners: Finally a simple way to create beautiful WordPress Business Websites in a step-by-step way for those with no time, no money and no patience. No skills needed just point and click the mouse to build your business website today! Ideal for local business owners, consultants and coaches, authors, and those who simply want to earn an income online.3. Introducing My Simple Step-by-Step SEO System Course For WordPress!The Step-by-Step SEO Plan to Take You From Zero SEO Knowledge to The 1st Page of Google in 60-90 Days!Everyone want's to get to the first page of the search engines because it is going to bring them more profits because of the increased traffic, and more prospects.Use my simple SEO blueprint to get on page one! No need to spend a fortune on consultants, or go insane with the complexity of SEO.No techie knowledge required! Just download the free Plugin and click a few buttons and that is it the software does the rest on auto pilot!4. Mailchimp Email Marketing Mastery 2018 Course.Discover how to use email marketing to grow your business fast or start a new email marketing business for your clients.Ideal for coaches, business people, someone wanting to start a business from home and anyone that wants to learn mailchimp email marketing.5.Steemit Cryptocurrency, blogging, upvoting, commenting at the worlds first social media site that pays you!The cryptocurrency Steem is used to reward bloggers who can upload videos write a story about any subject and vote for other stories, comment on other stories and earn crypto.Steem is now in the top 1,000 visited sites in the world and is growing fast, have a hobby that you want to write about, start a business etc then use Steem!Grab a course now and you have a 5 course bundle for the price of one course amazing value and great business training for you!See you inside the courses!Nick WalshPassive Income Coach"
Price: 19.99

"Making Money in the Stock Market for the Busy Professional" |
"Learn how to profit and trade safety in the stock market for the busy professional in as little as 10 minutes a month! No matter what level or how much experience you have with the stock market, you can learn how to trade safely, easily, and with little time commitment to get you started on the way to wealth! Start with minimal capital and learn how to increase your wealth over time!This course will teach you multiple stock market strategies to minimize risk and increase profits with little time commitment in the stock market! Dr. Lawson, DC has been trading the market for over 20 years and finally found a method that fits his busy lifestyle for fast profits without huge risk. He will show you stock trading techniques and actual trades on how to increase your success in the stock market."
Price: 19.99

"How To Write A Novel For Beginners" |
"How To Write A Novel Step By Step With The Correct Structure : How To Write A Novel OutlineFirst of all, an author has an idea: it may be small but it grows over the weeks and months until he or she decides it's time to get the story down on paper! This is the start of a long and exciting road, and it can be quite daunting.The good news is that learning how to write a novelis a skill than can be learned, and the best way of learning it is to do it. However, the process is much easier if you have guidelines, a kind of road map to success with your first novel. This course is the road-map you need. You will learn the following novel writing essentials:How to write novelswitha viable main plotHow to write a novel outline withsubplots to augment and improve your main plotTo represent your novel in the form of a Story ArcTips for writinggreat maincharacters with realismAdvice for writing support charactersHow to apply backstory, conflict and tension into your novelHow to write dialogue to support characterizationHow to self-edit your first novel using online toolsHow to publish after writing your first novelRecent Reviews:Easy to understand and goes in to a lot of detail about terms and what they mean. I really appreciate that in a course! Ended up learning more even though I thought I knew it all going in to the course! I would recommend his course if you want to get a better knowledge of character creation, story telling, and overall things you might have missed. (Especially, if you're like me and think you know everything.) All in all the instructor presents a wealth of information and what you should do in your novel writing! It is very helpful and easy to understand! (Donalda Feith) *************Much better than the run of the mill. Gives useful information that can be used right now to begin writing. I like the way the course is organized, taking nothing for granted but not talking down to students either. The pace is great. All in all, thoroughly recommended. (Lars Peterson) *************I was looking for a good grounding in novel writing, and this gives a really good outline of the process. I've learned new things(Perry Carver) *************I like the way James spends time on each topic.English is not my language (French) and I need somegood tips for writing good prose. 'How To Write A Novel' looks good, and contains somesolid tips. (Benoit Fourrier)How To Write A NovelThe Structured WayWhew! There's a lot to take in, but it really does flow logically once you see how all the elements of a modern novel fit together and help to improve your novel writing skills. Even beginners can succeed at novel writing if youare well organized and the manuscript is planned well.The course 'How To Write A Novel' will guide you through the essential steps to a successful novel, even if you have no experience. You need to bring your idea and the willingness to want to learn how to write your first novel, that's the main thing.How To Write A Novel(without having a break-down)The title of this course isself-explanatory, in that it is designed to help you write the story you have always wanted to write, through explaining the various elements of novel writing through the course of its lectures. I would like to applaud you for taking your first step towards novel writing; writing your first novel is not easy, andacknowledging that you even want to do something about the story that you have in your head is a huge event.I understand that this cant be easy, mainly when the idea of novel writing seems to stand out scarily and appears to present pictures of people sitting in dingy rooms, furiously typing away on their rusty typewriters with no sense of time or anything else just writing (or trying to write) their first novel book.This stereotypical image associated with writing can often put people off learning how to write a novel in a structured manner,because they begin to fear the amount of work related to it. However, this courseis designed in a manner that allows you to be able to consume small parts of the novelwriting processwithout it becoming an overwhelming experience for you - you will learn how to write a novel painlessly!Quite often, aspiring writers tend to think they lack the expertise required and don't know how to write a novel-length story successfully but thats where youre wrong. Armed with enough dedication and information, there is no reason you shouldnt be able to do this!Through the course of this course, various lecturesoutline and attempt to answer any questions you might have had about the various aspects of novel writing. It doesnt matter if you are a beginner we begin right with the basics, and go all the way to novel completion, with the additions of suggestions regarding editing and publishing as well. The lectures focus on a wide range of topics, from dialogue use, to world building and structuring your narrative giving you everything you need to get started on that novel you always wanted to write. Be open to learning on this journey towards becoming a more efficient and thoughtful writer and you will be surprised by what you discover about yourself (and yournovel writing skills) by the end of this journey.Sign Up Now!#NovelWritingEssentials #howtowriteanovel#writefirstnovel #writeyournovel #creativewriting #novelwriting #howtowritenovels"
Price: 24.99

"How To Create Online Courses-Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, IncHow to create online coursesFinding Online Course Ideas : Online Course Topics : How To Choose Topics : Finding Ideas For Online CoursesCreate Online Courses : Profitable Online Courses : How To Create Online Courses : Create Online Courses For ProfitHow To Create A Profitable Online Course On UdemyThere are thousands of courses on Udemy in hundreds of niches. Some are profitable and others are not - what's the difference?Learn how to create a high-quality and profitable online course quickly with Jim Bruce, 5 year veteran of creating courses on 6 different eLearning platforms.The course breaks down the steps need to create a profitable course, and begins with choosing the niche. This is vital. Yes, you may be passionate about fermenting Mongolian Yak milk, and create a stunning course, but if no-one searches for it, it's a complete waste of time.If you aim is to make money from online courses (and it should be) than each part of the process needs to be considered, and it's impact on the bottom line.The process starts with choosing the niche and flows on from there. This is what you will learn in the course:How to choose a profitable course topicHow to choose the correct URLHow to choose the a cluster of very relevant keywords for your courseIntegrate a keyword cluster into your course textHow to create course content even if you have no skills for the topicLearn recording tips that create stunning promotional videosHow to record appealing and effective lecture videos quicklyThe correct way to promote and use course couponsDevelop multiple income streams - the key to building an online incomeEverything you need to start making money in days with online course is here.Sign up now - you won't be disappointed.#Udemy #course #create #howto"
Price: 39.99

"How To Write A Movie Script : Movie Script Writing Basics" |
"How To Be A Movie Script Writer : Film & Movie Script Writing : How To Write A Script For A Movie : How To Write A Movie ScriptFor beginners, the idea of screenwriting seems to be way beyond anything that we're capable of, but like many things in life that we know very little about, the opposite is true - scriptwriting is for anyone!There's a saying in Hollywood that goes something like this: ""Nobody knows anything and anybody can do anything"" , which just about opens it up for everyone! To succeed at movie scriptwriting you need these basic essentials:How to develop a great idea and produce a scriptwriting gemHow to Write a Movie Script from a great ideaUnderstand what movie producers are looking for in Movie Script WritingHow to structure your screenwriting so that it hooks the readerBeginners should know how to present the results of their screenwriting in industry formatHow to write the pitch for your screenwritingWhere to pitch your movie scriptThis course shows you the basics of screenwriting in detail and covers all the points above. Script writing is a craft - great news for us, beginners and all, because it means that anyone can learn it! All you need is this course ' How To Write A Movie Script : Scriptwriting Basics ' and you're half-way there. Information is the key to your success.Good grounding for a beginner. Explanations are basic and structured, but he doesn't talk down to you. Jeremy GainesThese are great basic explanations of what makes a movie tick and how to put a script together. Tells you what keeps an audience on the edge of their seats. The script analysis alone is worth the price. Ben KramerHow Do You Write A script For A Movie For Success?In another course 'How To Write Novels' I describe the structure behind 99% of modern novels. This same structure also applies to the movies, with some subtle differences. One of the essential tools for any budding scriptwriting genius is script analysis, and we pull apart the movie Die Hard to see what makes it tick - exactly what makes a movie like this so successful? This is how it works - analyse something that's successful and then apply the principles to your own work. It's true that the best way to learn how to write a script for a movie is by doing it!Finally, I cover the best way to pitch your idea to producers or agents to get the best results. The industry appetite for new material is surging upwards over the last couple of years and studios need new writers. Script writing isn't such a difficult thing - if you're organized and understand the industry requirements.You can do it - I'll show you how to write a movie script! Sign Up Now!Movie script writing has come a long, long way since film-going became popular. Just like novel writing, the early writers didn't exactly fly by the seat of their pants, but they suffered from not having a solid structure as a basis for writing screenplays>Basically, a movie is a story. Sometimes it might not seem so simple. Let's face it - some movie plots can get very complex, which can be a bad thing. It dawned on screenwriters that all successful movies had certain things in common. This correct proportion of hero (protagonist), villain (antagonist), quest, challenges and climax is what makes a movie tick. This is what we have to capture if we want to write a screenplay that sells.#howtowriteamoviescript #howtowriteascreenplay #moviescriptwriting #scriptwriting #howtowriteascriptforamoviepdf #scriptwritingbasics"
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