"Film Screenwriting For Beginners - Film Scriptwriting Plan" |
"Screenwriting - How To Write A Screenplay Outline : How To Outline A ScreenplayIt's common for a new screenwriter to attempt to write a movie script without a firm idea of the overall script structure. This is a mistake, born of enthusiasm and a blind belief that the script can be developed as we write. The fact is that a screenplay must have a definite structure - a Script Outline Template is essential, if it is to have any chance at all of being made into a movie.Aristotle's original concept of a 3 Act Story is still valid, but modern screenplay writers have further developed the basic idea into a precise craft. Building on the idea of beats, or scene sequences, a modern script consists of a series of events and turning points which need to be in the right proportions and relationship if the movie script is to be of interest to the money-men in Hollywood.Against conventional wisdom, the movie script pitch letter normally created at the end of the process when the screenplay is ready for submission should be written before even starting to plan a script. How to use this is just one of the gems you will find inside the course.Inside the course 'How To Write A Screenplay' you will learn:How to build a reusabla Screenplay Outline Template for maximum audience appealHow to write and use your movie script pitch letter as a powerful creative toolHow to transfer your scene ideas to a visual planning boardHow to create and use a 'beat' planning tool using FREE online presentation softwareAt the end of the course you will have in your hands a strategy enabling you to effortlessly create viable movie screenplays in the correct format adored by Hollywood, giving you the best chance of success.Sign up now!#howtowritescreenplay #writemoviescript #screenwriting #screenplayoutlinetemplate #howtooutlineascreenplay"
Price: 34.99

"Natural Medicine and Natural Healing For Natural Good Health" |
"Natural Medicine and Natural Healing For Natural Good HealthNatural Medicine - Stroke Prevention : Natural Healing - High Blood Pressure : Natural Medicine & Healing For Back PainNatural healing is a multifaceted system of care, which is primarily gentle and non-invasive. Natural healers often speak of the subtle energy or aura, which emanates from the human body with layers of color. All of the colors combined form the auric field or the rainbow body. When a person is healthy and balanced, these colors are said to be clear and radiant. When a person is ill or out of balance, the colors may appear faded or dim.The chakras are another primary component of natural healing. Chakras are energy centers situated along the spine, just outside the physical body, in an area called the etheric sheath. Each chakra, with its corresponding aura, correlates with a specific area of the body and specific emotional issues. #natural #medicine #healing"
Price: 34.99

"Die Digital Marketing Masterclass: Lerne alles von A-Z" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du alles berDigitales Marketing,SocialMedia Marketing und E-mail Marketing.Wie du eine fr dich passende Strategie entwickeln und diese dann auch in die Tat umsetzen kannst. Erfahrung im Bereich Digitales Marketing musst du keine haben - wir bringen dir alles notwendige bei.Von den Grundlagen wie dasErstellen einer Website und der Theorie hinter der Inbound Marketing Methodik, ber Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO)und E-mail Marketing erfhrst duhieralles, um nach Abschluss dieses Kurses, deine Zeit,Arbeit und dein Werbebudget sinnvoll investieren zu knnen.Auerdem haben wir ein komplettes, eigenes Kapitel zur DSGVO, der neuen europischen Datenschutzgrundverordnung, in dem wir euch genau erklren, was es damit auf sich hat und welche Schritte ihr ergreifen solltet, um auf der sicheren Seite zu sein.In diesem Kurs lernst du:Beeindruckende Beitrge fr Social Media selbst zu erstellenEine eigene Website von Grund auf zu erstellenDomain und Hosting zu verstehenWordpress als Content Management System zu benutzenMit einem Page Builder atemberaubende Seiten zu erstellenEinen Business Blog zu erstellenModernes Inbound MarketingBest Practices zu Calls to Action, Landing Pages und ConversionKlassische SEO mit Keywords, On und Off Page Massnahmen und Link StrukturenModerne SEO fr Featured Snippets, Pillar Pages und Content ClusterEffektives Email Marketing mit geringen KostenMarketing Emails zu optimierenGrundlagen des Social Media MarketingsFacebook Marketing vom Erstellen einer Seite ber Design und Optimierungbis zumMessengerInstagram MarketingYoutube MarketingLokale Geschfte mit Google MyBusiness zu vermarktenWann bezahlte Werbung Sinn machtAdWords Kampagnen zu erstellen um Suchnetzwerk Anzeigen zu schaltenWerbung auf Facebook und Instagram mithilfe des Facebook Werbeanzeigenmanagers zu schaltenBeeindruckende Vollbild Werbeerfahrungen mit Canva zu meisternRemarketing und Conversion Tracking fr unsere Website mit Google AdWords und Facebook zu implementieren und zu benutzenWann ein Facebook Business Account Sinn machtWebsite Daten mithilfe von Google Analytics zu sammeln und zu bewertenWichtige Informationen zur DSGVOZu allem Themen bekommt ihr von uns wertvolle Tips, Ressourcen und Schritt fr Schritt Anleitungen, sodass ihr kinderleicht einen erfolgreichen und skalierbaren Digitalen Marketing Plan auf die Beine stellen knnt. Solltet ihr jemals bei irgendetwas Fragen oder Probleme haben, dann stehen wir euch beide immer persnlich zur Verfgung und helfen euch gerne weiter!Digitalisierung und damit auch Digitales Marketing sind ein Thema, dass immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnt und wer heutzutage noch bei den Kunden und potenziellen Kunden ankommen mchte, muss modern denken und klassische Massenwerbung hinter sich lassen.Wir wollen mit diesem Kurs jedem die Mglichkeit geben, diesen Wandel als Chance zu sehen und sich fr die Zukunft perfekt aufzustellen, daher wrden wir uns sehr freuen, auch dich gleich als Studenten bei uns begren zu drfen und gemeinsam mit dir Digitales Marketing zu meistern!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Create Animated Videos with Powerpoint" |
"Video creation skills are becoming more and more important these days. Video content is growing fast, people prefer to watch videos for all kinds of purposes, and marketers are jumping on this trend. And while there is a lot of complex video software out there, you can actually create pretty beautiful videos with PowerPoint only!The quality of PowerPoint videos is good enough for all kids of informative/educational videos. These can be marketing videos for businesses, videos for online courses or for a YouTube channel for example. There are a lot of YouTube channels with millions of views which have their videos created with PowerPoint!So if you want to use video for business purposes, you don't need fancy/complex software and long training anymore - You can use PowerPoint. And with the right techniques that I will teach you in this course, you can realize beautiful videos which will definitely look like ""real videos"" and not PowerPoint presentations.This course is full practice, full hands-on. We will create 3 videos together completely from scratch, and every single step will be clearly explained. By then end of it you will master PowerPoint video creation and will be able to produce animated videos at will. And with more experience you will become more efficient. It is totally possible to produce one video per day!Creating video with PowerPoint is a great compromise between the quality of the video (in terms of ""complexity"") and the time it takes to do it. You can create hours and hours of video relatively fast compared to most specific software."
Price: 194.99

"Curso de Ansible: Automatizacin de principiante a experto." |
"Ansible se ha convertido en la herramienta de automatizacin ms famosa en la actualidad. Gracias a la no necesidad de agentes y basndose simplemente en SSHy Python, unido a la facilidad de su sintaxis, la convierte en la solucin ideal tanto para administradores de sistemas, de red y programadores.Este curso va desde lo ms bsico hasta elementos avanzados, facilitando el aprendizaje de todas las personas que quieran aprender a utilizar Ansible. El curso cubre desde la instalacin, configuracin y el uso de Ansible Tower, la interfaz web para administrar trabajos y playbooks."
Price: 149.99

"Curso Wordpress para triunfar en Internet y ganar dinero ya" |
"Con Wordpress instalado enla mayora de los Sitios Web.Nunca haba sido el momento oportuno para construir ingresos provenientes de la red de redes. Son miles las personas comunes que han construido sitios web o blogs exitosos y que gracias al uso correcto, instalacin y administracin de Wordpress obtienen ingresos de mas de 5 cifras. Esto se debe a que Internet ha democratizado el dinero y lo ha puesto a fluir por la red. Pero no es cosa fcil acceder a estos recursos. Un mtodo para ingresar a este prestigioso club de personas que han encontrado su libertad financiera es con Wordpress.En este curso de Wordpress aprenders a crear tu propio blog y como obtener dinero de tus publicaciones. Actualmente no basta con tener una profesin, es por esta razn que hoy en da los bloggers y los youtubers estn ganando dolares a raudales. El mayorproblema que encuentran las personas es que no saben construir un sitio Web. Ya que tiene muchos pasos tcnicos que nadie te explica porque lgicamente es uno de los secretos mejor guardados en Internet. Este curso de Wordpress devela para ti todos los secretos y metodologas para construir sitios web y blogs de forma profesional con Wordpress.Ademas aprenders a crear artculos SEO para que Google indexe todo tu contenido y te genere miles de visitantes. No seas de aquellas personas que quieren iniciar un proyecto y fracasan porque no tienen el conocimiento necesario. En este caso crear sitios web y blogs exitosos.Porque yo te puedo ensear Wordpress?Este curso recopila aos de estudios, pruebas y error. Que tu ya no cometers. Pues es aqu en donde entra todo el conocimiento que he obtenido por aos para que hagas de Internet tu modo de vida con la libertad financiera que requieres. En el curso veremos el ejemplo de un sitio web que he realizado con Wordpress y que ya tiene potencial de visitantes en Internet. Ademas desde el ao 2000 estoy inmerso en el negocio de Internet. Pues djame decirte que estos aos me han dado amplia experiencia para decirte como, cuando y donde instalar tu Wordpress para que sea exitoso.Beneficios que he encontrado de Internet?A traves de los aos he visto con mucho orgullo que Internet me ha servido para mejorar mis ingresos. Pues con los sitios web de Wordpress he obtenido dinero extra que me ayuda a mejorar mi calidad de vida. Un blog o sitio web con Wordpress necesita cumplir con ciertos aspectos tcnicos para que sea exitoso. Si desconoces la parte tecnica. Te lo digo honestamente te sera muy difcil triunfar con un sitio web o un blog.Crear un blog es uno de los negocios que puedes llevar a cabo desde la comodidad de tu hogar. Sin salir a las 7 de la maana todos los das y regresar ya entrada la noche. Para que al final tu salario no resuelva tus deudas. Un blog o un sitio web debe estar bien diseado en los primeros das de su lanzamiento y cumplir con todos los requerimientos de Google para obtener miles de visitas diariamente. Y creeme que si das un paso en falso sera frustrante no ver resultados. Es por esta razn que este curso esta dirigido a todos aquellos emprendedores que quieren Aprender Wordpress para crear sitios y ganar dinero como freelance. O crear un blog para triunfar como blogueros.NO ESPERES MAS, SI QUIERES SER UN DESARROLLADOR CON WORDPRES!NO NECESITAS CONOCIMIENTOS EN PROGRAMACIN, SOLO MUCHAS GANAS DE TRIUNFAR!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso Python de cero a profesional. Conviertete en maestro" |
"En este 2018 convirtete en un Programador Pythony aprende una de las profesiones mejor pagadas y requeridas en cualquier industria!Este es por mucho el mejor curso para aprender Python de forma rpida y sencilla. Aprender Python de un libro puede ser demasiado tedioso. Ya que no hay alguien que te apoye cuando tengas dudas. No necesitas ser un genio de las matemticas ni tener conocimientos previos. Tan solo debes tener las ganas necesarias de tomar este maravilloso curso. Pues todo el contenido fue desarrollado para que aprendas de la forma mas didactica que puede existir.Porque aprenderPython?Si eres una persona que esta buscando adquirir conocimiento para obtener un mejor ingreso o para superarse. El aprendizaje de este Lenguaje de programacin es para ti. Python es por excelencia el lenguaje de programacin para los cientficos de datos. En la Ciencia de Datos. Python es quien manda. Pues un programador de Python gana alrededor de $100,000 dolares americanos al ao. En moneda mexicana son alrededor de 2 millones de pesos mensuales.Un desarrollador en Python no puede obtener un menor salario pues es una de las carreras mas demandadas de la industria. Pero muchas personas desisten de aprender a programar porque quienes ensean no ayudan mucho con su metodologa. Este curso fue diseado para que aprendas rpidamente. Es ms te aseguro que a los pocos das de tomar este curso. Ya estaras programando como un profesional.Ademas obtendras acceso ilimitado de por vida. Para que cuando lo desees puedes consultar este curso de Python.Para reforzar tu conocimiento se han agregado diversos desafos para ayudarte a comprender mejor los conceptos y videos que te muestran como programar con Python.Toma este curso con la plena confianza de que haz encontrado el MEJOR CURSO DE PYTHON en Udemy. No esperes ms. Recuerda que cada minuto que no estas aprendiendo Python es una potencialoportunidad desperdiciada.Ten la confianza de que en un 2 por 3 aprenders Python!Presiona en el botnComprar ahora para empezar a aprender ahora!"
Price: 19.99

"Anlisis de datos y paneles usando Google Data Studio" |
"En este curso aprenders a cargar tus Hojas de calculo de Google en Paneles interactivos e impresionantes reportes.Google Data Studio es la herramienta que usan los profesionales de Google para crear sus sorprendentes reportes. Esta es la herramienta increblemente fcil de usar que permite varias formas de visualizacin de datos tan solo con tomar y soltar las herramientas. Google Data StudioTambin te permite filtrar datos para producir reportes sorprendentes que llevaran tus anlisis de datos a otro nivel.Google Data Studio es una herramienta totalmente gratuita para todas las personas que tienen una cuenta Google.Y porsi esto no fuera mucho los reportes y los paneles pueden ser compartidos se tenga o no una cuenta de Google.En este curso aprenders varios tpicos como:"
Price: 19.99

"Kali Linux para principiantes y Ethical Hacking Bsico" |
"Siempre has querido iniciarte en el mundo del Ethical Hacking y no sabes por dnde empezar? Lo primero que deberas aprender es el uso correcto y profesional de Kali Linux. Desde su instalacin hasta su uso con la lnea de comandos (Shell). En este curso comenzaremos con la idea de que no sabes absolutamente nada acerca de Kali y sus comandos Linux. Es por esta razn que este curso es para ti. Ya que con esta primicia de curso te iras convirtiendo en un Profesional en Ethical Hacking.=======================================================================================================No existe en Internet un curso en Espaol para el aprendizaje de Kali Linux. De hecho, el grupo de personas que dominan este Sistema Operativo se cataloga selecto y reducido. Fundamentalmente el aprendizaje de Kali Linux es en idioma Ingles. Y en esta ocasin lo pongo a tu disposicin completamente en Espaol.Aprenders a utilizar la lnea de comandos como un profesional, olvida todo lo que has visto en las pelculas de hollywood acerca de ser un Hacker, este es un curso 100% de la vida real, veremos cmo acceder a un Smartphone desde tu computadora, aprovechando las vulnerabilidades en estos dispositivos.Qu esperas para iniciarte en el maravilloso mundo del Ethical Hacking? Sorprndete al aumentar y potenciar tus habilidades que solamente son exclusivas para los genios del mundo virtual. Actualmente todo el mundo se encuentra interconectado a Internet, es por esta razn que aprender esta habilidad te dar una ventaja competitiva ante los dems.Para iniciar el curso de Kali Linux, no necesitas ser ningn experto o experta en informtica. El curso est diseado para iniciar de cero y llegar a cien en poco tiempo."
Price: 19.99

"Physics - Static Electricity for High School and AP Physics" |
"This course on static electricity is a continuation of a series of courses designed for APPhysics 1 & 2 and Regents Physics.Static electricity, also known as electrostatics, is the first topic within the broader electromagnetism category. The course leads off introducing students to the electric charge. Students will learn the various methods of charging, including charging by conduction, polarization, and charging by induction.We will work our way into a vectorview on electrostatics throughColoumb's law where we will build a conceptual and quantitative understanding of the electric force. We will also deeply investigate the electric field through ample examples of field line patterns for a multitude of charge combinations including electric dipoles and parallel charged plates.We wrap up this course exploring the scalar topics of electrostatics. Here we will discuss electric potential, potential energy, work, and equipotential lines.Upon completion of this course students should look to complete my other courses regarding the other content areas in AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2."
Price: 19.99

"Easiest Preparation Material for CBAP" |
"This Excel file is prepared for the International Institute ofBusiness Analysis(IIBA) , Certified Business Analysis Professional, CBAP Certification aspirants.This file is a very well-thought, easy-to-use, effective visual-learning preparation material. It enables you to take a grasp on the concepts of BABOKv3 and helps you to understand &memorize them in an structured &easy approach. The instructor created this file during his journey towards IIBA-CBAP, and this has proven extremely valuable in clearing the exam."
Price: 24.99

"Javascript dbarque dans notre Navigateur" |
"Ca y est , comme son nom lindique, dans ce cours Javascript debarque dans notre navigateur.Depuis le dpart, je vous ai dit que nos page web sont composes de 3 langages:HTML pour la structure, CSS pour le style et la mise en page, etJavascriptpour linteractivit de nos pages WebEt bien justement cest maintenant que vous allez tout comprendre sur cette interactivit !On va commencer par parler de lobjet global: window, puis de location et surtout on va dcortiquer bien comme il faut ce quon appelle le DOM.DOMCest quoi le DOM ?Cest la reprsentation de notre code HTML et cest lui que Javascript pourra manipuler pour modifier le HTML et le CSS de nos pages Web.Tous nos lments HTML sont bien organiss dans le DOM et on pourra modifier leurs attributs, leur style CSS, leur ajouter ou leur enlever des classes CSS.Je vous montrerai les diffrentes facons de slectionner les lments xistants du DOM et aussi comment on va pouvoir en crer de nouveaux trs facilement.vnementsEt biensur la base de linteractivit: ce sont les vnements: vous pouvez excuter du code en raction un vnement.Par exemple: Quand lutilisateur clique sur un bouton, appuie sur une touche du clavier ou encore quand il soumet un formulaire.Alors je vais vous montrer les diffrentes faons de ragir aux vnements: les event handler et les event listener.Mais pour bien comprendre tout a, on va examiner lobjet Event qui possde des proprits particulires en fonction de la nature de lvnement .On va voir comment les vnements se propagent: on parlera de phase de bouillonement et de phase de capture.Et aussi comment stopper ou modifier leur propagation avec les mthodes stopPropagation et preventDefault.Requtes HTTPUne autre chose dont on va parler: ce sont les requtes HTTP, cest ce quon appelle Ajax.Ca va par exemple nous permettre dchanger avec un serveur, on pourra recevoir, envoyer, modifier et supprimer des donnes de ce serveur.Un des gros avantages cest quon pourra traiter les donnes quon rcupre directement en Javascript et mettre jour uniquement certains lments de notre page Web sans avoir recharger toute la page.Une des faons pour un serveur dtre capable dintragir avec ces requtes cest dutiliser ce quon appele une API REST.Dailleurs on va en utiliser une et je vous montrerai comment rcuprer des infos avec les requtes GET et comment en envoyer avec les requtes POST.Objet et Fonctions utilesAlors ce cours cest aussi pour moi loccasion de parler tout ce dont on na pas parl jusqu prsent et qui fait partie intgrante de Javascript.Je vais vous parler de lobjet Math, de lobjet Date, des expressions regulires.On va revenir sur les mthodes setTimeout et setInterval.Je vais vous prsenter aussi loprateur ternaire et on passera en revue les fonctions quon peut appliquer sur les strings mais surtout sur les arrays: comme map, filter, etcBien evidemment pour chacune de ces parties, vous pourrez tester vos connaissances avec des quiz.World Bucket ListEt alors une fois quon aura fini tout a: ce sera lheure du dessert, de la cerise sur le gteau de ce cours.On va raliser ensemble un projet gnial de A Z.Vous allez mettre en pratique tout ce que vous avez appris directement dans ce projet.Cest parti pour le rve ! Crons ensemble lappli World Bucket List.Pour ceux qui ne le savent Bucket List cest une liste de choses quon souhaite faire.Et bien vous allez crer la votre et vous allez situer vos rves sur la carte du Monde !On va utiliser lAPI de Google Map pour pouvoir faire des choses fantastiques.Vous allez localiser vos rves: Maison sur Pilotis aux Maldives, Safari au Kenya, Monter sur la Tour Eiffel.Grce aux vnements, vous pourrez automatiquement zoomer sur un de vos rves en cliquant sur les marqueurs de la carte.Vous pourrez aussi intragir avec vos rves en indiquant ceux que vous avez dja ralis et ceux que vous souhaitez encore raliser: Qui a dit quon pouvait raliser ses rves quune seule fois ?Et pour une meilleure immersion, vous allez aussi coder la visite interactive de vos rves grce Google Street View.Cest--dire quon pourra se balader lintrieur de vos rves quasiment comme sy on tait.Bref, je peux vous en parler encore longtemps: ce projet est tout simplement magique !Et vous allez voir que mme si a parait impressionnant, vous allez y arriver trs facilement, tape par tape je vais tout vous expliquerBon vous tes prts, allez cest parti !"
Price: 149.99

"Votre Futur et Javascript" |
"Dans les cours Javascript prcdents, on tait focalis sur lapprentissage de Javascript son tat pur.Dailleurs on va prendre le temps de bien se remmorer, de faire un petit bilan sur tout ce quon a accompli ensemble dans chacun de ces cours.Mais dans ce cours, on va surtout parler de Javascript et de votre futur !Cest--dire quon va parler des frameworks Javascript.Frameworks Javascript Quoi ? Pourquoi ? Et comment ?Dj, je vais commencer par vous expliquer ce quest un framework.Quelle est la diffrence entre une librairie et un framework ? Vous savez ? Parce que oui il y a une diffrence.Et on va voir les types de framework: Front-End, Back-End, Full-Stack.Dailleurs, on verra que certains frameworks sont utiles pour structurer notre code.Et en parlant de structure, je vous expliquerai ce quest le design pattern MVC.Mais on verra surtout pourquoi les frameworks ?Quelles sont les raisons qui vont nous motiver les utiliser.Et je vous montrerai que oui cest important de maitriser Javascript avant de maitriser les frameworks Javascript. Je vais vous le prouver avec un beau dessert gastronomique faon Top-Chef.Alors une fois quon aura expliqu le quoi ? le pourquoi et le comment, il sera temps de vous prsenter les frameworks Javascript les plus populaires.Dcouvrons les principaux Frameworks JavascriptJe vous expliquerai quoi chacun de ces frameworks sert. Quelle est son histoire ? Quelles sont ses particularits ?Et on ne va pas que papoter sur ces frameworks, on commencera mme une petite prise en main: cest--dire quon va installer chacun de ces frameworks ensemble et on lancera un dbut de projet avec.Il ne sagit pas dun cours approfondi sur chacun de ces frameworks mais un avant-got pour que vous puissiez vous en faire une ide.Je vais parler avec vous des frameworks Front-End comme Angular, React et mme Vue.js.Dailleurs on va les comparer pour vous aider decider lequel vous devez choisir en fonction de vos besoins.Ensuite, on passera du ct serveur et je vous parlerai de Node.js et de son framework Express.On parlera galement de base de donnes NoSQL avec MongoDB.Et je finirai en vous prsentant des frameworks Full-Stack, cest--dire qui soccupent la fois du ct client et du ct serveur. On parlera de MEAN et de Meteor.Bon vous tes prts, allez cest parti !"
Price: 74.99

C# |
"C#C#C#C#C#Have you always wanted to learn computer programming but are afraid it'll be too difficult for you? Or perhaps you know other programming languages but are interested in learning the C# language fast?This course is for you. You no longer have to waste your time and money learning C# from boring books that are 600 pages long, expensive online courses or complicated C# tutorials that just leave you more confused."
Price: 134.99

"5 Ways To Build A Successful Salesforce Consulting Practice" |
"** This course is perfect for anyone wanting to build a Salesforce Consultancy from scratch****ACCORDING TO BURNING GLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: ""Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite,Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforce demand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python, .Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop""**Every year, companies spend thousands of dollars on Salesforce consultants to conduct Administration, Developer or a range of other tasks.Why not get a piece of the pie through your own consultancy? Build your financial success on the Salesforcecloud today!This course is perfect for:--Salesforce Admin or Developerslooking to boost their income and take control of their time--Freelancers who want to add Salesforce to their offered services--Those with a passion for Salesforce and want to turn that passion into a business empireBy the end of this course you will know and be able to do the following:1. Follow five simple steps to build a Salesforce consultancy from scratch.2. Learn how to plan your business, build powerful processes, market to customers, sell your value and support customers3. Get great tips to optimize your skills as a Salesforce freelancerI will work with you throughout the course to support your journey to mastery!Ready to build your future? Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!"
Price: 49.99

"Train Adults in 8 Simple Steps - Free Workbooks Included" |
"++This course is perfectfor anyone who wants to successfullytrain adults to achieve success++Learning never ends.Despite what we learn in school or college we know that the bulk of our learning happens everyday: In the workplace, underground, on the factory floor. And, while most teachers land up in schools, the majority of training is done by those without explicit skills to train adults.That's why this course is so valuable: It teaches you step-by-step how to train adults AND how to train other trainers.By the end of this course you will be able to:Follow five simple steps to build a train the trainer programUse helpful tips to boost trainer success and avoid burnoutWork with adult learners to achieve learning successJoin countless trainers, facilitators, instructional designers who have benefited from the helpful tips, workbooks and instructional videos in this course.Interested to learn more? Take a free preview lecture to get a feel for the course."
Price: 24.99

"Ace the Salesforce Administrator Spring 18 Release Exam" |
"**This course is perfect for anyone who wants to pass theSalesforce Certified Administrator Spring 18 Release Exam**In this course you will learn:1. Practice answering questions from the actual test.2.Describe the features and benefits of Files.3.Describe the capabilities of lead automation tools and campaign management.4.Apply the appropriate sales productivity features using opportunity tools, and know when products and pricebooks should be used.5.Distinguish and understand the implications of using the various UI features that an administrator controls.6.Describe the options available when creating and modifying dashboards (e.g., dashboard components, data sources, chart types, scheduling, running user).7.Describe the capabilities of case management."
Price: 19.99

"How a Building is Designed and Built - Part 1 of 6" |
"No matter which role you have in a building construction project,it is vital that you understand the ""guts"" of a building in order to make a positive impact. For contractors, engineers, architects, real estate developers and facilities managers, it takes years or even decades to learn the materials and systems in a building. The typical source of this education is on-the-job because this material is not taught in schools. Young professionals spend an extraordinary amount of time trying to understand the complexities of a modern building. Every project is different and the materials and systems can change drastically from one building to the next. Time can be better spent by adding value to projects instead of learning terminology and construction sequencing. The lessons in the course have been developed to boil down years of on-the-job training into high-impact, bite-sized classes."
Price: 149.99

"How a Building is Designed and Built - Part 2 of 6" |
"No matter which role you have in a building construction project,it is vital that you understand the ""guts"" of a building in order to make a positive impact. For contractors, engineers, architects, real estate developers and facilities managers, it takes years or even decades to learn the materials and systems in a building. The typical source of this education is on-the-job because this material is not taught in schools. Young professionals spend an extraordinary amount of time trying to understand the complexities of a modern building. Every project is different and the materials and systems can change drastically from one building to the next. Time can be better spent by adding value to projects instead of learning terminology and construction sequencing. The lessons in the course have been developed to boil down years of on-the-job training into high-impact, bite-sized classes."
Price: 149.99

"How a Building is Designed and Built - Part 3 of 6" |
"No matter which role you have in a building construction project,it is vital that you understand the ""guts"" of a building in order to make a positive impact. For contractors, engineers, architects, real estate developers and facilities managers, it takes years or even decades to learn the materials and systems in a building. The typical source of this education is on-the-job because this material is not taught in schools. Young professionals spend an extraordinary amount of time trying to understand the complexities of a modern building. Every project is different and the materials and systems can change drastically from one building to the next. Time can be better spent by adding value to projects instead of learning terminology and construction sequencing. The lessons in the course have been developed to boil down years of on-the-job training into high-impact, bite-sized classes."
Price: 149.99

"How a Building is Designed and Built - Part 4 of 6" |
"No matter which role you have in a building construction project,it is vital that you understand the ""guts"" of a building in order to make a positive impact. For contractors, engineers, architects, real estate developers and facilities managers, it takes years or even decades to learn the materials and systems in a building. The typical source of this education is on-the-job because this material is not taught in schools. Young professionals spend an extraordinary amount of time trying to understand the complexities of a modern building. Every project is different and the materials and systems can change drastically from one building to the next. Time can be better spent by adding value to projects instead of learning terminology and construction sequencing. The lessons in the course have been developed to boil down years of on-the-job training into high-impact, bite-sized classes."
Price: 99.99

"How a Building is Designed and Built - Part 5 of 6" |
"No matter which role you have in a building construction project,it is vital that you understand the ""guts"" of a building in order to make a positive impact. For contractors, engineers, architects, real estate developers and facilities managers, it takes years or even decades to learn the materials and systems in a building. The typical source of this education is on-the-job because this material is not taught in schools. Young professionals spend an extraordinary amount of time trying to understand the complexities of a modern building. Every project is different and the materials and systems can change drastically from one building to the next. Time can be better spent by adding value to projects instead of learning terminology and construction sequencing. The lessons in the course have been developed to boil down years of on-the-job training into high-impact, bite-sized classes."
Price: 199.99

"How a Building is Designed and Built - Part 6 of 6" |
"No matter which role you have in a building construction project,it is vital that you understand the ""guts"" of a building in order to make a positive impact. For contractors, engineers, architects, real estate developers and facilities managers, it takes years or even decades to learn the materials and systems in a building. The typical source of this education is on-the-job because this material is not taught in schools. Young professionals spend an extraordinary amount of time trying to understand the complexities of a modern building. Every project is different and the materials and systems can change drastically from one building to the next. Time can be better spent by adding value to projects instead of learning terminology and construction sequencing. The lessons in the course have been developed to boil down years of on-the-job training into high-impact, bite-sized classes."
Price: 99.99

"Machine Trading Analysis with Python" |
"Learn machine trading analysis through a practical course with Python programming language using S&P 500 Index ETF historical data for back-testing. It explores main concepts from basic to expert level which can help you achieve better grades, develop your academic career, apply your knowledge at work or do your research as experienced investor. All of this while exploring the wisdom of Nobel Prize winners and best practitioners in the field.Become a Machine Trading Analysis Expert in this Practical Course with PythonRead or download S&P 500 Index ETF prices data and perform machine trading analysis operations by installing related packages and running code on Python IDE.Define target and predictor algorithm features for supervised regression machine learning task.Select relevant predictor features subset through univariate filter methods, deterministic wrapper methods and embedded methods.Implement false discovery rate, family-wise error rate for univariate methods, recursive feature elimination for deterministic wrapper methods and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator for embedded methods.Extract predictor features transformations through principal component analysis.Train algorithm for mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features through ensemble methods, maximum margin methods and multi-layer perceptron methods.Apply gradient boosting machine regression for ensemble methods, radial basis function support vector machine regression for maximum margin methods and artificial neural network regression for multi-layer perceptron methods.Test algorithm for evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent metrics.Assess mean absolute error, mean squared error and root mean squared error for scale-dependent metrics.Calculate machine trading strategies for algorithms with highest forecasting accuracy.Generate buy or sell trading signals based on target feature prediction crossing centerline cross-over threshold.Produce long-only trading positions associated to trading signals.Evaluate machine trading strategies performance against buy and hold benchmark using annualized return, annualized standard deviation, annualized Sharpe ratio metrics and cumulative returns chart.Become a Machine Trading Analysis Expert and Put Your Knowledge in PracticeLearning machine trading analysis is indispensable for finance careers in areas such as computational finance research, computational finance development, and computational finance trading mainly within investment banks and hedge funds. It is also essential for academic careers in computational finance. And it is necessary for experienced investors computational finance trading research and development.But as learning curve can become steep as complexity grows, this course helps by leading you step by step using S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data for back-testing to achieve greater effectiveness.Content and OverviewThis practical course contains 41 lectures and 6 hours of content. Its designed for all machine trading analysis knowledge levels and a basic understanding of Python programming language is useful but not required.At first, youll learn how to read or download S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data to perform machine trading analysis operations by installing related packages and running code on Python IDE.Then, youll define target and predictor features for supervised regression machine learning task. After that, youll select relevant predictor features subset through univariate filter methods, deterministic wrapper methods and embedded methods. Next, youll implement false discovery rate, family-wise error rate for univariate methods, recursive feature elimination for deterministic wrapper methods and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator for embedded methods. Later, youll extract predictor features transformations through principal component analysis.Next, youll train algorithm for mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features through ensemble methods, maximum margin methods and multi-layer perceptron methods. Then, youll apply gradient boosting machine regression for ensemble methods, radial basis function support vector machine regression for maximum margin methods and artificial neural network regression for multi-layer perceptron methods. After that, youll test algorithm for evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent and scale-independent metrics. Later, youll assess mean absolute error, mean squared error and root mean squared error for scale-dependent metrics.After that, youll calculate machine trading strategies for algorithms with highest forecasting accuracy. Then, youll generate buy or sell trading signals based on target feature prediction crossing centerline cross-over threshold. Next, youll produce long-only trading positions associated to trading signals.Finally, youll measure machine trading strategies performance against buy and hold benchmark through annualized return, annualized standard deviation, annualized Sharpe ration and cumulative returns chart."
Price: 24.99

"Deep Learning Regression with R" |
"Learn deep learning regression through a practical course with R statistical software using S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data for algorithm learning. It explores main concepts from basic to expert level which can help you achieve better grades, develop your academic career, apply your knowledge at work or do your business forecasting research. All of this while exploring the wisdom of best academics and practitioners in the field.Become a Deep Learning Regression Expert in this Practical Course with RRead or download S&P 500 Index ETF prices data and perform deep learning regression operations by installing related packages and running script code on RStudio IDE.Create target and predictor algorithm features for supervised regression learning task.Select relevant predictor features subset through Student t-test and ANOVA F-test univariate filter methods and extract predictor features transformations through principal component analysis.Train algorithm for mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features through artificial neural network, deep neural network and recurrent neural network.Regularize algorithm learning through nodes connections weight decay, visible or hidden layers dropout fractions and stochastic gradient descent algorithm learning rate.Extract algorithm predictor features through stacked autoencoders, restricted Boltzmann machines and deep belief network.Minimize recurrent neural network vanishing gradient problem through long short-term memory units.Test algorithm for evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent and scale-independent metrics.Assess mean absolute error, root mean squared error for scale-dependent metrics and mean absolute percentage error, mean absolute scaled error for scale-independent metrics.Become a Deep Learning Regression Expert and Put Your Knowledge in PracticeLearning deep learning regression is indispensable for data mining applications in areas such as consumer analytics, finance, banking, health care, science, e-commerce and social media. It is also essential for academic careers in data mining, applied statistical learning or artificial intelligence. And its necessary for business forecasting research.But as learning curve can become steep as complexity grows, this course helps by leading you step by step using S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data for algorithm learning to achieve greater effectiveness.Content and OverviewThis practical course contains 33 lectures and 4 hours of content. Its designed for all deep learning regression knowledge levels and a basic understanding of R statistical software is useful but not required.At first, youll learn how to read or download S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data to perform deep learning regression operations by installing related packages and running script code on RStudio IDE.Then, youll define algorithm features by creating target and predictor variables for supervised regression learning task. Next, youll only include relevant predictor features subset or transformations in algorithm learning through features selection and features extraction procedures. For features selection, youll implement Student t-test and ANOVA F-test univariate filter methods. For features extraction, youll implement principal components analysis. After that, youll define algorithm training through mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features within training range. For algorithm training, youll define optimal parameters estimation or fine tuning, bias-variance trade-off, optimal model complexity and artificial neural network regularization. For artificial neural network regularization, youll define node connection weights, visible and hidden layers dropout fractions, stochastic gradient descent algorithm learning and momentum rates. Later, youll define algorithm testing through evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent and scale-independent metrics. For scale-dependent metrics, youll define mean absolute error and root mean squared error. For scale-independent metrics, youll define mean absolute percentage error and mean absolute scaled error.Next, youll define artificial neural network. Then, youll implement algorithm training for mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features. For algorithm training, youll use only relevant predictor features subset or transformations through principal components analysis procedure and nodes connections weight decay regularization. After that, youll implement algorithm testing for evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent and scale-independent metrics.After that, youll define deep neural network. Next, youll implement algorithm training for mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features. For algorithm training, youll use only relevant features subset or transformations and visible or hidden dropout fractions regularization. For features extraction, youll use principal components analysis, stacked autoencoders, restricted Boltzmann machines and deep belief network. Later, youll implement algorithm testing for evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent and scale-independent metrics.Later, youll define recurrent neural network and long short-term memory. Next, youll implement algorithm training for mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features. For algorithm training, youll use stochastic gradient descent algorithm learning rate regularization. Then, youll implement algorithm testing for evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent and scale-independent metrics. Finally, youll compare deep learning regression algorithms training and testing."
Price: 24.99

"Deep Learning Regression with Python" |
"Learn deep learning regression through a practical course with Python programming language using S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data for algorithm learning. It explores main concepts from basic to expert level which can help you achieve better grades, develop your academic career, apply your knowledge at work or do your business forecasting research. All of this while exploring the wisdom of best academics and practitioners in the field.Become a Deep Learning Regression Expert in this Practical Course with PythonRead or download S&P 500 Index ETF prices data and perform deep learning regression operations by installing related packages and running code on Python IDE.Create target and predictor algorithm features for supervised regression learning task.Select relevant predictor features subset through Student t-test and ANOVA F-test univariate filter methods and extract predictor features transformations through principal component analysis.Train algorithm for mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features through artificial neural network, deep neural network and recurrent neural network.Regularize algorithm learning through nodes connections weight decay, visible or hidden layers dropout fractions and stochastic gradient descent algorithm learning rate.Extract algorithm predictor features through stacked autoencoder.Minimize recurrent neural network vanishing gradient problem through long short-term memory units.Test algorithm for evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent metrics.Assess mean absolute error, mean squared error and root mean squared error scale-dependent metrics.Become a Deep Learning Regression Expert and Put Your Knowledge in PracticeLearning deep learning regression is indispensable for data mining applications in areas such as consumer analytics, finance, banking, health care, science, e-commerce and social media. It is also essential for academic careers in data mining, applied statistical learning or artificial intelligence. And its necessary for business forecasting research.But as learning curve can become steep as complexity grows, this course helps by leading you step by step using S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data for algorithm learning to achieve greater effectiveness.Content and OverviewThis practical course contains 35 lectures and 4 hours of content. Its designed for all deep learning regression knowledge levels and a basic understanding of Python programming language is useful but not required.At first, youll learn how to read or download S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data to perform deep learning regression operations by installing related packages and running code on Python IDE.Then, youll define algorithm features by creating target and predictor variables for supervised regression learning task. Next, youll only include relevant predictor features subset or transformations in algorithm learning through features selection and features extraction procedures. For features selection, youll implement Student t-test and ANOVA F-test univariate filter methods. For features extraction, youll implement principal components analysis. After that, youll define algorithm training through mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features within training range. For algorithm training, youll define optimal parameters estimation or fine tuning, bias-variance trade-off, optimal model complexity, artificial neural network regularization and time series cross-validation. For artificial neural network regularization, youll define node connection weights, visible and hidden layers dropout fractions, stochastic gradient descent algorithm learning and momentum rates. Later, youll define algorithm testing through evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent metrics. For scale-dependent metrics, youll define mean absolute error, mean squared error and root mean squared error.Next, youll define artificial neural network. Then, youll implement algorithm training for mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features. For algorithm training, youll use only relevant predictor features subset or transformations through principal components analysis procedure and nodes connections weight decay regularization. After that, youll implement algorithm testing for evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent metrics.After that, youll define deep neural network. Next, youll implement algorithm training for mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features. For algorithm training, youll use only relevant features subset or transformations and visible or hidden dropout fractions regularization. For features extraction, youll use principal components analysis and stacked autoencoders. Later, youll implement algorithm testing for evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent metrics.Later, youll define recurrent neural network and long short-term memory. Next, youll implement algorithm training for mapping optimal relationship between target and predictor features. For algorithm training, youll use stochastic gradient descent algorithm learning rate regularization. Finally, youll implement algorithm testing for evaluating previously optimized relationship forecasting accuracy through scale-dependent metrics."
Price: 24.99

"Advanced Forecasting Models with R" |
"Learn advanced forecasting models through a practical course with R statistical software using S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data. It explores main concepts from proficient to expert level which can help you achieve better grades, develop your academic career, apply your knowledge at work or do your advanced investment management or sales forecasting research. All of this while exploring the wisdom of best academics and practitioners in the field.Become an Advanced Forecasting Models Expert in this Practical Course with RRead S&P 500 Index ETF prices data and perform advanced forecasting models operations by installing related packages and running script code on RStudio IDE.Identify Box-Jenkins autoregressive integrated moving average model integration order through level and differentiated time series first order trend stationary augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron unit root tests.Recognize autoregressive integrated moving average model autoregressive and moving average orders through autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions.Estimate autoregressive integrated moving average models such as random walk with drift and differentiated first order autoregressive.Identify seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model seasonal integration order through level and seasonally differentiated time series first order seasonal stationary Hylleberg-Engle-Granger-Yoo seasonal unit root test.Estimate seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models such as seasonal random walk with drift and general seasonal.Automatically select non-seasonal or seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model with lowest information loss criteria.Estimate autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average models such as fractional random walk and fractionally differentiated first order autoregressive.Evaluate autoregressive integrated moving average models forecasting accuracy through mean absolute error, root mean squared error scale-dependent and mean absolute percentage error, mean absolute scaled error scale-independent metrics.Identify general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity modelling need through autoregressive integrated moving average model squared residuals or forecasting errors second order stationary Engle autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity and Ljung-Box autocorrelation tests.Recognize non-Gaussian general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity modelling need through autoregressive integrated moving average and general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model with highest forecasting accuracy residuals or forecasting errors multiple order stationary Jarque-Bera and Q-Q plot normality tests.Estimate autoregressive integrated moving average models with residuals or forecasting errors assumed as Gaussian or Student-t distributed and with Bollerslev simple, Nelson exponential or Glosten-Jagannathan-Runkle threshold general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity effects such as random walk with drift and differentiated first order autoregressive.Assess autoregressive integrated moving average model with highest forecasting accuracy standardized residuals or forecasting errors strong white noise modelling requirement.Become an Advanced Forecasting Models Expert and Put Your Knowledge in PracticeLearning advanced forecasting models is indispensable for finance careers in areas such as portfolio management and risk management. It is also essential for academic careers in advanced applied statistics, econometrics and quantitative finance. And its necessary for advanced sales forecasting research.But as learning curve can become steep as complexity grows, this course helps by leading you step by step using S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data for advanced forecast modelling to achieve greater effectiveness.Content and OverviewThis practical course contains 48 lectures and 6.5 hours of content. Its designed for advanced forecasting models knowledge level and a basic understanding of R statistical software is useful but not required.At first, youll learn how to read S&P 500 Index ETF prices historical data to perform advanced forecasting models operations by installing related packages and running script code on RStudio IDE.Then, youll define Box-Jenkins autoregressive integrated moving average models. Next, youll identify autoregressive integrated moving average models integration order through level and differentiated time series first order trend stationary augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron unit root tests. After that, youll identify autoregressive integrated moving average models autoregressive and moving average orders through autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions. For autoregressive integrated moving average models, youll define random walk with drift and differentiated first order autoregressive models. Later, youll define seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models. Then, youll identify seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models seasonal integration order through level and seasonally differentiated time series first order seasonal stationary Hylleberg-Engle-Granger-Yoo seasonal unit root test. Next, youll identify seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models seasonal autoregressive and seasonal moving average orders through autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions. For seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models, youll define seasonal random walk with drift and general seasonal models. After that, youll automatically select non-seasonal or seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model with lowest information loss criteria. For information loss criteria, youll define Akaike, corrected Akaike and Schwarz Bayesian information criteria. Later, youll define autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average models. Then, youll identify autoregressive integrated moving average models fractional integration order through level and fractionally differentiated time series first order trend stationary augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron tests. Next, youll identify autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average models autoregressive and moving average orders through autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions. For autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average models, youll define fractional random walk and fractionally differentiated first order autoregressive models. After that, youll automatically select autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average model with lowest information loss criteria. Later, youll evaluate autoregressive integrated moving average models forecasting accuracy. For forecasting accuracy metrics, youll define scale-dependent mean absolute error, root mean squared error and scale-independent mean absolute percentage error, mean absolute scaled error.Next, youll define general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models. Then, youll identify general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity modelling need through autoregressive integrated moving average model squared residuals or forecasting errors second order stationary Engle autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity and Ljung-Box autocorrelation tests. After that, youll identify general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model autoregressive and moving average orders through autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions. Later, youll define autoregressive integrated moving average models with residuals or forecasting errors assumed as Gaussian or normally distributed and with Bollerslev simple, Nelson exponential or Glosten-Jagannathan-Runkle threshold general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity effects. For general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models, youll define random walk with drift and differentiated first order autoregressive. Then, youll evaluate general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models forecasting accuracy.After that, youll define non-Gaussian general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models. Next, youll identify non-Gaussian general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity modelling need through autoregressive integrated moving average and general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model with highest forecasting accuracy residuals or forecasting errors multiple order stationary Jarque-Bera and Q-Q plot normality tests. Then, youll define autoregressive integrated moving average models with residuals or forecasting errors assumed as Student-t distributed and with Bollerslev simple, Nelson exponential or Glosten-Jagannathan-Runkle threshold general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity effects. Later, youll evaluate non-Gaussian general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models forecasting accuracy. Finally, youll evaluate autoregressive integrated moving average and non-Gaussian general autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model with highest forecasting accuracy standardized residuals or forecasting errors strong white noise modelling requirement"
Price: 24.99

"Business Strategy A-Z (With Case Studies)" |
"What is the general idea of this course?You have probably already heard about Business Strategy. Every business or organization that is on the market needs to have one. Often, we see successful business executives making significant decisions, seemingly using pure intuition. That is only partially right. Great Business Strategy intuition can develop once you see and understand several of famous business models. Gaining intuition is precisely the aim of this course. Once you can establish such a hunch, you can be a rockstar of any job interview or business meeting.How detailed is this course?This course does not go too much into details of some specific subject as it was built with a holistic idea in mind. In less than 4 hours of video content, it will take you through all five important topics within Business Strategy! If you would like to go into detail, Robert always encourages to do so if he stumbles upon an interesting idea which, if explained in too many details would be out of the scope of this course. You can always interact with the lecturer via comments or messages.Does this course offer practical examples?Of course. While Robert talks about business models, he always tries to relate them to practice with various examples. Moreover, there are several case studies in the form of assignments that you can work on. Practice tests accompany all of this."
Price: 19.99

"How to Create a Course Outline Fast - For Online Instructors" |
"More than 1,900 students already enrolled.22 lectures1 hour 10 minutes video instructionHi. My name is Ian Stables. I love to help online instructors become more successful.This simple step-by-step method will allow you to create online course outlines easier and faster.The method is designed to create the type of course many people say they want.The structure also makes it really easy to record all your lectures.Course outline creation is often taught as a complicated process. It doesn't have to be.I used to follow the common advice. Spend hours brainstorming. Try to come up with as much information as I could to include in the course. Then I would spend ages sorting it all into a logical order.I thought about what it is students really want. What type of course do they really want?When I had the answer, it became very clear how to create future course outlines.I now find it a lot easier. I can quickly decide on a new course topic and then put together everything I need to teach.It's really easy when you have a simple plan. This is what this course will show you how to do.All you need to do is follow each simple step. The last step in the process will make your course even more desirable to students.To be successful, you need more courses. This is especially true on Udemy.This method is easy to learn. Once learned, creating quality course outlines will be quick and simple. Just follow the steps every time you need a new course.In addition to the method, I have also included some valuable extras.You also get these bonuses:- How to Create an Analogy- The Best Picture Size for Slides- Use Stories to Convince, Demonstrate, and WarnEnroll now."
Price: 94.99

"Book Marketing That Sells Books on Amazon: My Proven Methods" |
"Hi. My name is Ian Stables, author of more than fifty Kindle books.I consistently earned more than $1,000, every month on Amazon. In this course, I reveal how I did it.There are lots of book marketing and promotion methods out there. I tried most.I have tried all sorts of different book marketing methods. I tried keyword ranking, paid advertising, YouTube, blogging, article marketing, and all the other supposedly breakthrough methods. I stopped using most of them as the results were poor. However, I eventually found a handful of methods that did produce the best results. I continued to use only these. They are the ones responsible for the high royalties I received. Therefore, I only teach these in the course.I am going to show you...- The one thing you must have. Without it, everything else won't work.- The thing that makes the most difference in book sales.- What every successful author has. You must have one. I'll show you how.- How to create a crowd of avid buyers. They'll buy every book you produce.- My one and only marketing method that gave me most of my results. Plus, my personal resource that made a huge difference.- Something not many authors realize. It really boosts your book sales.You also get these very helpful bonuses:- How to create fiction and nonfiction book titles that sell. You'll find these simple but powerful.- The easy way to get readers to buy your other books. Very effective.I didn't just create courses to make money. I genuinely made them to help others. If you need any help, you can contact me personally inside the course. I will always be available to help you.Enroll now, by clicking the button on the right, and let me improve your Kindle book sales."
Price: 99.99

"Udemy Course Marketing That Gets Real Results - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.Would you like to increase your Udemy income?Are you interested in knowing the techniques I use to earn more than $1,000 every month?Would You Like To Learn How I Do This? My name is Ian Stables. I am a Udemy course instructor with more than twenty four thousand students.I have noticed a lot of courses where the instructor is not getting the results they should get.My aim is to help you get great results, as I have.I teach what I know works. the methods I use myself. Let me show you what they are.You will be able to:- Get Udemy to promoteyour courses for you- Get great results from self-promotion- Build a large student audience very quickly- Get students to easily find your courses- Get students to enrol in your coursesYou will learn:- The most important thing- The key to success- The proven way to your course found- How to get them to pick your course- What you must build- Top two self-promotion methods for the best results- How to get Udemy to promote your courses- Other effective ways to promote your coursePersonal help within the courseI want you to succeed. If you have any questions or need help, leave a question in the Q7A section. You can also send me a message on Udemy.Let me help you get top results. Click the button and enrol now."
Price: 144.99
