"Kriptopara Eitimi - Bitcoin ve Altcoin'ler ile alm-satm" |
"Kresel Finansal Sisteme alternatif olma yolunda hzla ilerleyen kriptopara 2017 yl ile beraber mthi bir ykseli yakalad. u an itibariyle market deeri 800 milyar dolarn zerine kan kriptoparalar 7'den 70'e herkesin gndeminde. Blockchain Teknolojisi ile gelitirlen Bitcoin ve onun ardndan gelen Altcoin'ler adeta yeni bir finansal sitemin kapsn aralyor.Siz de bu deiime ortak olmak ve yeni dnya'da kazanmak istiyorsanz bu eitim seti ile bunu baarabilirsiniz.Eitim Setinde batan sona kriptopara'nn ne olduunu renecek ve hem Trk Kriptopara Marketlerinde hem de yabanc marketlerde bitcoin ve altcoin alm-satm yapabileceksiniz."
Price: 79.99

"Europa para Mulheres" |
"Bem vindas mulheres que amam viajar!Hoje algumas mulheres esto comeando a viajar sozinhas e muitas ainda tm medode fazer um mochilo, por insegurana ou falta d companhia, mas muitas vezes tudo que precisa um bom planejamento e conhecer histrias de pessoas que j fizeram.Pensando nisso, preparei um treinamento contendo o passo a passo para todas as mulheres que tambm sonham em conhecer vrios pases, aproveitar o melhor de cada cidade na Europae principalmente gastar pouco fazendo isso!Se voc tambm ama viajar junte-se a centenas de mulheres que esto perdendo o medo e se permitindo ter experincias nicas ao redor do mundo!Meninas vocs aprenderoneste treinamento:MDULO 1 - Apresentao (Vou contar um pouco da minha histria e do meu mochilo, por mais de 15 pases, as melhores cidades e como fiz pra economizar e curtir cada lugar).MDULO 2 - Passaporte ( Vou mostrar como voc faz para tirar seu passaporte, caso ainda no o tenha, com tutorial).MDULO 3 - Planejamento (Vou mostrar como planejar e escolher os melhores pases, bem como seleo de rotas, passagens e roteiros)MDULO 4 - Pases ( Vou mostrar como escolher os pases, com a utilizao d uma planilha bem simples e informativa que voc tambm ter acesso)MDULO 5 - Dicas ( Vou passar dicas imperdveis para voc no perder tempo na sua viagem, dicas para diminuir os gastos, aumentar ospasseios e conseguir bons preos naspassagens)Bnus Exclusivo: E-book Guia do Intercambista MDULO 6 - O que fazer em... (Selecionei mais de 15 cidades na Europa onde passo detalhes sobre passeios, alimentao, hospedagens, e vida noturna, voc no vai perder isso por nada no mesmo?!)MDULO 7 - Concluso (Agradecimentos e hora de botar o p na estrada)BNUS: Planilha de planejamento, indicao desites de viagens com os melhores preos, site de acomodao com os melhores preos. Alm de uma orientao personalizada para as 20 primeiras pessoas que entrarem em contato via mensagem.Aps ver todas as aulas tenho certeza que vocs no teromais insegurana, a nica coisa que vai surgir uma vontade imensa de pegar a mochila e sair para o mundo!Faa parte da nossa rede no Instagram: Amamos Turistar"
Price: 54.99

"Como Criar uma Startup - Produtos e Servios" |
"Muito bem-vindos meus caros!Este um treinamento para quem quer criar uma Startup de produtos ou servios, a finalidade auxiliar pessoas que queiram fundar uma Startup mas no sabem por onde comear. Todo treinamento em formato de tutorial.Segundo uma pesquisa recente 2 em cada 3 jovens desejam empreender no Brasil e o principal motivo realizao pessoal, com base nesses dados, o treinamento foi desenvolvido no formato de tutorial para facilitar o entendimento e a utilizao das ferramentas demonstradas.Sero explicados os conceitos bsicos de uma startup, o planejamento com base no Canvas e no Plano de Negcios que so metodologias testadas e reconhecidas, por fim a aplicao prtica, contendo um dos meios da regularizao de uma startup e exemplos baseados em casos reais, sendo uma startup de produtos com base no Canvas e outra de servios com base no Plano de Negcios.Ao final deste treinamento voc ter entendido os recursos primordiais para que sua startup de produtos ou servios saia do mundo das ideias e se torne real.Pontos-chave:INTRODUO E CONCEITOS - Definies necessrias para se entender o que uma startup;PLANEJAMENTO - Apresentao no s de uma, mas duas metodologias sendo uma delas o Canvas e outra o Plano de Negcios, possibilitando que voc possa escolher qual mais se identifica;APLICAO PRTICA - Explicao de como legalizar uma startup, demonstrao do planejamento de uma startup de servios com a metodologia Canvas e demonstrao de uma startup de produtos com base no Plano de Negcios.Alm de ter todos esse direcionamento voc tambm ter oportunidade de manter contato com pessoas que j criaram startups de produtos e servios e podem auxiliar principalmente no esclarecimento de dvidas e segmentao. Se voc no quer comear um negcio do zero por medo ou falta de verba, esse treinamento essencialmente para voc!"
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Express And NodeJS Developer Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Express And NodeJS Developer Course. Express is a minimal and flexible node.js web application framework, providing a robust set of features for building single and multi-page, and hybrid web applications. APIs are at the core of every serious web application. Express.js is the most popular framework for building on top of Node.js, an exciting tool that is easy to use and allows you to build APIs and develop your backend in JavaScript. It provides a thin layer of features fundamental to any web application, without obscuring features that developers know and love in node.js.In this course, you'll learn:Understand the core concepts and objectsServe different kinds of responses and handle various kinds of errorsImprove code quality using existing toolsCreate routes for an Express app and handle themUnderstand the inner workings of the middleware system and build your ownLearn about the Jade HTML templating language in detailCreate RESTful APIs using ExpressOptimize the performance and throughput of Express web applicationsCreate Jade-based views for Express apps and render themAt the end of this course, you will have a good understanding of how Express works and how to integrate it with other technologies to build powerful web applications. So let's get started."
Price: 149.99

"The Complete Apache Accumulo Developer Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Apache Accumulo Developer Course. Accumulo is a sorted and distributed key/value store designed to handle large amounts of data. Being highly robust and scalable, its performance makes it ideal for real-time data storage. Written in Java, Accumulo has cell-level access labels and server-side programming mechanisms. Apache Accumulo is based on Google's BigTable design and is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift.In this course, you'll learn:Apache Accumulo Installation And ConfigurationSecure your data in AccumuloUse the Accumulo command-line shellMonitor clusters - both performance and application logsUnderstand what tools are needed to optimize Accumulo performanceLearn to develop highly scalable big data applicationsAt the end of this course, you will be able to leverage Apache Accumulo to develop highly scalable big data applications with minimal effort. So let's get started."
Price: 149.99

"The Complete Apache HBase Developer Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Apache HBase Developer Course. Apache HBase is a non-relational NoSQL database management system that runs on top of HDFS. It is an open source, disturbed, versioned, column-oriented store and is written in Java to provide random real-time access to big Data. It facilitates the tech industry with random, real-time read/write access to your Big Data with the benefit of linear scalability on the fly.In this course, you'll learn:Understand the fundamentals of HBaseGrab data from various RDBMS/Flat files into the HBASE systemsUnderstand the prerequisites necessary to get started with HBaseUnderstand table design and perform CRUD operationsInstall and configure a new HBase clusterFind out how the communication between the client and server happens in HBaseOptimize an HBase cluster using different Hadoop and HBase parametersGet to know the concepts of scaling with HBase through practical examplesAt the end of this course, you will have learned how to use HBase with large data sets and integrate them with Hadoop."
Price: 149.99

"The Complete Apache Phoenix Developer Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Apache Phoenix Developer Course. Apache Phoenix is an open source, massively parallel, relational database engine supporting OLTP for Hadoop using Apache HBase as its backing store. Phoenix provides a JDBC driver that hides the intricacies of the noSQL store enabling users to create, delete, and alter SQL tables, views, indexes, and sequences; insert and delete rows singly and in bulk; and query data through SQL. Phoenix compiles queries and other statements into native noSQL store APIs rather than using MapReduce enabling the building of low latency applications on top of noSQL stores.In this course, you'll learn:Understand the fundamentals of Apache PhoenixLearn and understand the use of Apache PhoenixLearn how to obtain and configure Apache PhoenixLearn how to structure data to get maximum performance from NoSQL solutionsLearn how to create Phoenix tables, load data, and execute queries against that dataLearn how to retrieve data from Phoenix by using a JDBC connectionAt the end of this course, you will be an expert in using Apache Phoenix. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"The Complete Shell Scripting Developer Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Shell Scripting Developer Course. The shell being the native interface to communicate with the operating system is capable of controlling the entire operating system. It is a program that gives the user direct interaction with the operating system. Scripts are collections of commands that are stored in a file. The shell can read this file and act on the commands as if they were typed on the keyboard. Using a combination of simple commands, we will see how to solve complex problems in day to day computer usage.In this course, you'll learn:Use different kinds of tools together to create solutionsExplore a variety of regular usage tasks and how it can be made faster using shell commandUnderstand file systems, file types and manipulationsWrite shell scripts that can dig data from web and process it with few lines of codeCreate and maintain file/folder archives, compression formats and encrypting techniques with shellMake informed choices by comparing different script languages such as Perl and Python with BASHPerform and automate tasks such as automating backups and restore with archiving toolsAt the end of this course, you will be able to write shell scripts that can dig data from the web and process it efficiently. So let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Mastering Autodesk AutoCAD: Learning Advanced Skills" |
"Welcome to this course: Mastering Autodesk AutoCAD - Take Your AutoCAD Skills To The Next Level. AutoCAD is a commercial computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software application. Developed and marketed by Autodesk. AutoCAD supports both 2D and 3D formats. It is a computer-aided drafting software program used to create blueprints for buildings, bridges, and computer chips, among other things. AutoCAD is used in a range of industries and is utilized by architects, project managers, and engineers, and many other professionals.In this course, you'll learn:Learn about drawing navigationApply user coordinate systems to define workplanesLearn about advanced text featuresCreate 3D models from 2D drawingsLearn about advanced operations and toolsApply 3D basic shapes and modify 3D modelsMaster AutoCAD Lighting and materials effectsLearn how to use dataAt the end of this course, you will be an expert in using Autodesk AutoCAD. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Adobe Premiere Pro CC: Guide you to Enjoy Video Editing" |
"This course can take you from the beginners to learn a variety of video processing skills, including various basic editing techniques, video effects, audio effects, transitions, subtitles and so on.After a few days you will find that you can not only be familiar with using various processing skills, but also increase your creativity and be able to add your own design ideas to your works. Then you can publish your works to YouTube or give them to your friends. You can see their satisfied smile and you can enjoy the surprise that art design brings to you. In this course, I will use my experiences in learning and using these video and audio processing software to guide you to use various techniques in less time. At the same time, I will add some attractive special effects to my courses. Some may be more humorous, some are more elegant, some are more passionate, and some are more horrible. We hope to use a variety of interesting ways to let you learn these skills faster and better. I hope that I can guide you not only to learn these audio and video processing software, but also to enhance your creativity and inspiration, and to design some works with connotations and ideas.From this course, you will learn: Start a new project Organize your video, audio, image, sequences and assets Edityour video Use important skills such as keyframe, mask Add visual effects such as keying, color replacement, distortion and so on Add video and audio transition Adjust the color of your footage Add titles and graphics to your footage Sweeten the audio and add some audio effects Export your videoGet started right now with Premiere Pro CC to create amazing and wonderful works! Enroll now. See you in the first lecture."
Price: 19.99

"HTML5 for Beginners (2018) Starting place for Web Developers" |
"Technology is growing and is having an impact on many industries along with the jobs of tomorrow.Now has never been a better time to orient yourself towards development and give it a try! As a developer, you'll be better prepared and suited to tackle theincreasing number of technical jobs. If you have an idea or manage something that revolvesaroundtech, you'll be able to handle it much more efficiently since the technicals are now made clearer.HTML is a simple language that is a great starting point for many beginners but can get you far as it is applicable for helping you structurealmost ANYTHING you need, that needs to be shown a screen with clickablebuttons to interact with it.By learning HTML, you will start a path towards web development which not only just allows you to create any website you want, but can alsohelp you create real mobile apps and desktop apps. This is because web developers alsoget the benefit of having developer services such asIonic and Electron that allow them to repurpose their web code and automatically convert it to code that mobile apps and desktop apps need to use.So try out web development and get to use it's advantages in helping you accomplish your goals! This course is geared for total beginners and is for ANYONE without any prior coding knowledge.After learning this course you will have gained the knowledge to:Have the proficiency to adequately code in HTMLLearn about Markdown as an added bonusBe shown where to go when you need toreference HTML documentationBe prepared to try out the next 2 major languages, CSS and JavascriptDisclaimer:This course isintended to get people to try out web development and motivate them to pursue it.After taking this course you will notmagically be a superb web developer that can makewebsites, mobile apps, and desktop apps. This course only teaches HTMLand you will need to still learn other skills such asCSS, Javascript, and other web technologies depending on your development style."
Price: 19.99

"- Photoshop UI" |
"- .-- , , -, , . , , . 7 . . , Adobe Photoshop."
Price: 129.99

"Elimina Pensamientos Obsesivos Recurrentes" |
"EL MEJOR MTODO PARA LIBRARTE DE LAS OBSESIONES, RECUPERAR LA PAZ MENTAL Y TRANSFORMAR TU VIDA.En ocasiones, el dialogo que mantienes con tus pensamientos puede entrar en una dinmica recurrente negativa. Intentar salir de tal situacin de la forma equivocada, contribuye a poner en marcha una inercia que se hace cada vez ms fuerte y de la que solo podrs salir utilizando las estrategias adecuadas. Y estas, ten con seguridad que no estn en la lnea de tus razonamientos lgicos actuales.En este curso, te sern reveladas algunas de las mejores estrategias probadas para iniciar los cambios que te permitirn, si tomas accin con los ejercicios que aparecen aqu, cambiar tu percepcin del problema y salir del laberinto mental despus de aprender a gestionar el trfico de pensamientos intrusivos de una forma original, sorprendente y hasta divertida. Puede ser el inicio de un proceso de cambio que te lleve a vivir mejor de lo que nunca hubieras imaginado... Todo depende de ti, solo tienes que llenarte de decisin y valenta y dar los primeros pasos.Entre otras cosas, aprenders a... Entender cmo funciona el bucle de pensamientos obsesivos y qudebes hacer para detener su inerciaDetectar que actitudes no funcionan para no recurrir ms a ellasUsar nuevas estrategias para reeducar a tu cerebro y crear nuevas pautas sanasde pensamientoIniciar un proceso que te lleve a vivir mejor de lo que nunca hubieras imaginado y que te mantendr lejos de recaer en un problema obsesivo en el futuro.APORTODAS!"
Price: 64.99

"Consigue tus Objetivos con una Planificacin Imparable" |
"UNMTODOSENCILLOYEFICAZPARADEFINIR, PLANIFICARYAVANZARHACIATUSMETASYOBJETIVOSDEUNAFORMAIMPARABLE.La mayora de personas se pasan la vida ocupados haciendo cosas que no son coherentes con lo que realmente desean. Como resultado, no consiguen lo quieren y viven una vida que se aleja mucho de la que les gustara tener; no hay realizacin ni propsito en su da a da.Para evitar caer en lo que hace la mayora, hay que actuar de una forma diferente y hacer cosas que no todo el mundo esta dispuesto a hacer. Una de estas cosas es definir unos objetivos y ACTUARde forma coherente con lo que te has propuesto cada da.Con este curso vas a aprender a definir, planificar y avanzar de forma imparablehacia unos objetivos concretos para conseguir lo siguiente:Vivir de forma coherentecon lo que realmente deseasSentirte realizado en tu da a daSentirte una persona de xito des del principio y proyectar eso mismo al exteriorTener una vida equilibrada y sentirte bien contigo mismoConseguir tus objetivosDepende de timarcar la diferenciay crear un futuro acorde con lo que quieres.Con este curso de planificacin vasa aprender a dar el primer pequeo gran paso hacia un nuevo futuro.A quesperas?APORTODAS!"
Price: 24.99

"Desarrollar Proyecto Animado 3D desde Cero" |
"En este Curso de Desarrollar Proyecto Animado 3D desde Cero adquirirs todos los conocimientos necesarios para crear tu propio cortometraje en 3D, en un proyecto basico aplicaremos todo lo aprendido y podremos aplicar el mismo flujo de trabajo para comerciales, videos musicales, entre otrosEl proceso de desarrollo de proyectos en 3D es un arte relativamente nuevo, pero ha venido impactando cada vez mas con el avance de la tecnologia, en cualquier produccin de animacin, cine o videojuegos, no es realmente necesario que seas un experto en todas las areas, pero es indispensable que conozcas el proceso de inicio a fin. En este proyecto comenzaremos desde un concept, pero cada uno de nosotros puede que quizas tenga un guion, un story board, el diseo de algunos personajes o una imagen, como veremos en el ejemplo, lo importante es tener claro lo que queremos crear, basado en nuestros conceptos modeladoremos nuestro personaje, en maya y zbrush, luego lo texturizaremos en la herramienta que mejor nos acomodemos, pasaremos al preceso de agregarles materiales en una simple escena iluminada, luego les aplicaremos un rig, aprenderemos a crear un rig sencillo para un proceso mas ligero, seguidamente lo animaremos basado en nuetras idea, pero en este caso usamos un story board para un poco mas de claridad, luego crearemos nuestras secuencias de la animacion haciendo render con el motor de render de arnold, finalmente haremos una composicion y edicion.El curso Desarrollar Proyecto Animado 3D desde Cero se realizar con el software Autodesk Maya, Zbrush, Photoshop, After effects, Premier. Maya hara las veces de nuestro sotfware principal, ya que es uno de los estndares en la industria de la animacin. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de los conocimientos adquiridos en este curso son aplicable a cualquier otro software."
Price: 69.99

"21 Body Weight Exercises You NEED to Master Before You Start" |
"FACT: ""People Are MORE INTIMIDATED By Going to the Gym than Meeting Their In-Laws!""The latest statisticsrevealthat:""Fourout of 10 Canadians are intimidated to go to the gym, and nearly two of those four (19 per cent) found the experience to beveryintimidating"" (CNW)What are the Top3 Reasons why people procrastinatebefore joining a gym or a fitness class for the first time?38%were afraid other people would watch them33% were worried because they don't know what they're doing30%are intimidated because they don't know anyone -Ipsos Reid PollSounds Familiar?That's right...You're not Alone!The ""Top 21 BodyWeight Exercises You NEED to Master is the perfect starters kit for anyone who wants to learn perfect form for the MOST IMPORTANT body weight exercises instructed in a fitness class.From the comfort of your own home, you can practice these must have skills the RIGHT WAY THE FIRST TIME . ""Push Ups"", ""Squats"", ""Burpees"" and ""Planks"" theyre all included.Who will benefit from this must have fitnessstarter kit? -Anyone who isNEW to fitness -Home workout enthusiasts - Kids and young athletes - People getting back into shape - Teachers,trainers andcoachesWhat You'll Getfrom thiscourse?The""Top21 Most Important Body Weight Exercises You Need to Master!"" video seriesRegressions and progressionsfor every moveList of allmajormuscle groups targeted for every exerciseALSO....7 Things You Need To KnowBefore JoiningYour First Fitness Class(3) x 15 minutes JIKOFIT HIIT Full Body Interval Home Workouts -Beginners(1) x 15 minutesJIKOFITHIIT""Gut Blasting Core & absWorkout""- BeginnerComplete ""Full Body Warm Up"" routineComplete ""Full Body Stretching"" routineABOUT THE TRAINERGuy Soucy -PTS, HWL, NLP Prac., C.Ht.Bilingual English/FrenchGuy Soucy is a multidisciplinary coach and trainer who's storyinspired thousands of people all over the world. For over 12years now, his greatest passionis to promote the positive benefits of physical activity, good nutrition and mental training as effective ways to relieve people from stress,anxiety and depression. With over 3000 + fitness classesinstructed and hundred'sof coaching clients, Guy Soucyhashelpedpeople fromall walks of life MAKING THEM FEEL BETTERphysically, spiritually and emotionally;athletes of all ages, business owners, law enforcement officers, mom and dads, retirees,teachers and studentsand prohockey players.MajorCertifications:-Certified fitness instructor (CANFITPRO)- Certified Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach (CANFITPRO)- Certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner (American Board of NLP)- Certified Hypnotherapist (American Board of Hypnotherapy)- Black Belt in Shotokan Karate (International Shotokan Karate Federation)Other:- Founder of JIKOFitness Canada- Creator of JIKOFITHIIT Sport Conditioning HIITClasses- Canadian trainer at the 2008 World ISKFShotocup (International Shotokan Karate Federation)- Silver medalist at the 2007 ISKFCanadian Karate Championship"
Price: 64.99

"Surviving Life's Scars" |
"Have you ever been scarred. Here is a 23 video series on how to experience the best of life after heartache, abuse, lost of loved one, divorce, or any other life circumstance that has caused you pain. Dr Dwight Shawrod Riddick brings years of experience, biblical insights, and provides practical tips on how to live life forward as a SCAR SURVIVOR. ** 65% of all proceeds go towards scholarship funding for the CMI Emerge Foundation"
Price: 34.99

"Golf Yardage Book creation using GoogleMaps" |
"A practical guide to preparation of new or unfamiliar golf layouts. Students will learn about strategy on golf course management and how to improve scores by have pocket guides for professional analysis. Learning about ball flight in the yardage tracking is fundamental to being more consistent, and repeatable in the long term. Have the basic theory that comes to making executive decisions to avoid the compounding effect that golf errors precipitate."
Price: 19.99

"Speak English today! - Become Fluent!" |
"This course was created especially for students want to progress rapidly to fluency in the English language andwho already know the basic elements of the English language, such as the auxiliary verb DO, the verb TOBE,have good general vocabulary, and have anunderstanding of the English tenses. Through participating in these classes, by doing and practicing all the suggested exercises included in the course,and always looking to use the new elements in practical real-life situations, you will progress quickly.I suggest that you schedule 30 minutes of study time (at least 4times a week) into your daily agenda to develop the habit of studying and practicing English every day because then fluency will be the result!To achieve fluency, it is imperative that you;a) do all the exercises available in this courseb) actively read books in English to assimilate fasterthe grammar structures, the vocabulary, expressions, and learn how to properly construct sentences in English.c) reserve 30 minutes on FOURdifferentdays of the week to do the various tasks that are set out and need to be done.d) pro-actively look for opportunities to practice the four skills; READING, WRITING, LISTENING ANDSPEAKING.NOTE: This course is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS and other elements will be added in the coming days, weeks and months."
Price: 19.99

"How to Rhyme 's Audio Drills" |
"These videos are for students who have already purchased or borrowed How to Rhyme Volume 1.As stated in How to Rhyme Vol.1 ""HEARING a writers own recitation of his/her rhymes is often a more accurate approach than just reading them out yourself.Get this to hear the audio version of all of the rhyme examples that are written from this point until the next message like this to maximize your comprehension of this lesson being taught. The reason is that poetry often only considers a rhyme to be a rhyme if the ending suffixes match. So, many people are trained to listen for that before they will perceive or consider a set of words to make a rhyme."""
Price: 19.99

"Equipo profesional para hacer streaming en vivo" |
"Este curso te dar las herramientas necesarias para lograr transmitir en vivo por internet video de cualquier tipo de evento, como conferencias, conciertos, eventos deportivos, pasarelas y alfombras rojas con calidad y produccin televisiva.Es una oportunidad para revisar los equipos necesarios para realizar streamings en vivo a redes sociales como facebook, youtube y twitter o para transmitir a plataformas de streaming con la mejor calidad.El streaming es una herramienta de difusin, comercializacin y marketing que cada da toma ms relevancia, lo podrs hacer en video en vivo como veremos en este curso.El streaming en vivo es fcil teniendo en cuenta todos los factores como el video, el audio, la codificacin del video, los equipos y softwares que te ayudarn a transmitir video y audio en vivo de manera profesional.En este curso se revisar todo el equipo necesario para transmitir video y audio con calidad de produccin televisiva, veremos como transmitir con una dos, tres o ms cmaras a facebook live, youtube, periscope o a un servicio de streaming especializado para eventos."
Price: 99.99

"Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing" |
"Learn how to start email marketing WITHOUT paying for tools or software. Ok, so you might need to spend a little ona domain name and hosting awebsite, but that's it! You'll be using industrial-gradetools like Amazon AWSSES, MailChimp, WordPress, SendGrid,phpList and more without the fees.Compared to other courses, this course offers lots ofdetailswith real-life examples and case studies. Some are from the instructor's 14years of experience as an entrepreneur. He ran his ownemail marketing campaigns without paying much.His motto is""Idon't justteach you how to pass your driver's license test, I teach you how to drive"".He's not an instructor that tells you what others are telling him. He'steaching you based on hisown hard-earnedexperience as a real-life entrepreneur, mostly via trials and errors.You can search for himon Wikipedia.Note: There's a little bit of echo in the audio, but the instructor has fixed this issue in future courses.Credit:Presentation slideused in this course is provided by SlidesCarnival for free."
Price: 99.99

"Build WordPress Website With The Lowest Cost" |
"Learn to build your own website using WordPress in 5hours WITHOUT paying for tools or software. We will show you how to use premium-grade tools, WordPress themes and 6plugins all downloadablefor free!Learn to install WordPress on your PC or web hosting server via the popular cPanel. Use and customize two trendy and premium-quality themes from top to bottom. Install must-have WordPress plugins that have been tested and recommended by us and many. Discover how to optimize your website to rank high on Google and improve its loading speed by 2times or more. All done without any programming work.BONUSCreate animage withtransparent background with afree online toolDownload thousandsof images and photos without copyright restrictionsDiscover asupereasy-to-use free photo editorFind the most recommendedfree explainer video online tools"
Price: 49.99

"Start a Freelance Business: Take Back Your Freedom Now!" |
"WARNING: This course is not for people with poor mindsets. If you have a history of action-faking, time-wasting, procrastinating, and generally not following through in life, then this probably isn't for you. This course is only for those who are ready to take action, apply the material and get results. Winners only!Are you done with corporate slavery? Sick of nasty bosses? Tired of burning 8 hours a day 5 days a week to pay for gas for next week? Do you wish things could change? Do you crave freedom? Do you want more control over when you work, what you do, and how much you earn? It is possible. You CAN break the chains around your wrists, ankles, and neck! What is Freelancing? Imagine you could take your favorite skill: drawing, piano, writing, design...and just do that ONE thing and that was your job. Now imagine you could set your own hours, pick your own pay, and work with really awesome people. That's freelance. It's like a job with no bosses, pay caps, or time cards, and you make all the rules. As a freelance, you are not an employee. You are a contractor, kinda like a hitman but you don't kill people! How Much Can You Earn? Since freelancers aren't employees, you aren't bound to a single employer. Nobody slaps your wrist if you work for more than one person at a time. And since one client can pay full-time rates, and you can work with multiple clients, you can start to see how it adds up. What this means is you can potentially earn full-time pay with part-time work while enjoying more time, freedom, and control in your life. What Will You Learn? When you join this course you will learn how to Start a Freelance Business. Inside I've done my best to share the exact process I used to go from $0 to full-time pay MULTIPLE TIMES, even though I had NO Degree, NO experience, and NO portfolio. I went from nothing to the highest income I'd ever earned...and that's what I teach in this course. Inside you will discover:How to become a full-time freelancer even if you don't have many skills right nowHow to earn your first paying clients even if you have no degree and no portfolioHow to go from nothing to full-time rates and beyond in the shortest time possibleHow to forge a powerful freelance mindset even if you're unsure of yourself right nowHow to create a successful freelance business using proven systems and processesWhat Other People Say""Probably the best course I've ever taken on Udemy. Incredible value for the price: great material, tips, and insights. Also, Lex (the instructor) is awesome. This is the one course in freelancing you need."" - Ruben Avalos""I have taken several Udemy courses on freelancing, and this is the best, hands down. I learned so many new things, especially about writing the profile and proposals, that just wowed me. Lex has a clear speaking voice, and is easy to understand, and i feel like the course was very comprehensive."" - Susan Slaughter""My experience with this course in a word... Wow! So much value packed into a course with such a low price tag. The topics in it are dead-on and overcome the issues and the concerns all new freelancers experience. In it you'll find practical, no BS advice that takes the budding freelancer by the hand, and into the challenging world of freelance. It equips him with the tools he needs to shift the odds in his favor and earn a tidy income. Now to avoid sounding like a paid review, I'll just say that this course was way different from others I've taken, and was worth every cent. Thank you Lex!"" - Ivan DavidovskiIt's time to change your life. But change doesn't happen automatically. It takes action. I put the info out there. You have to decide to enroll and use what you learn. If you're ready to transform your life, and learn to start your freelance business.. Scroll up and enroll in this course now!FAQQ - Can I do this even if I'm not a native English speaker?A - Yes, anyone with internet access can become a freelancer.Q - Can I really replace my full-time income?A - Yes, most people can replace their full-time income once they get the hang of it.Q - How long will it take me to generate $1,000 per week?A - That depends entirely on you. Some do it in a month, some in six months, and some never get started, so they don't do it at all.Q - What if I don't have any skills that clients need?A - I cover this in the course, but in short, if you don't have skills, you will have to learn one just like I did.Q - Can I freelance without quitting my full-time job?A - Yes, and I recommend you keep your job for now unless you have a nest-egg. Keep your job until you earn enough with freelancing to make the switch.If you have any other questions, you're welcome to ask them inside. I try to respond fast, and thoroughly. If that's what you need, then go ahead and put yourself in this course now!Friendly,Lex DeVille"
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Upwork Proposals: Tips to 10X Client Responses Fast" |
"WARNING: This course is not for everyone. If you are looking for a bunch of spammy proposal templates to copy and paste, then this course isn't for you. If you have a history of action-faking, time-wasting, procrastinating, and generally not following through in life, then this isn't for you. If you don't intend to use the techniques in this course to help other people, then this isn't for you. This course is only for those who are ready to take action, apply the material, help clients and get serious results. This course is for winners only. Are you a winner? Keep reading.Do you struggle to get Upwork clients to respond? Does it feel impossible to land interviews? Do you know 100% for sure you're qualified for the job...yet still you get ignored? If so this course might help. Freelancing is hard work. Especially when it comes to attracting high-paying Upwork clients. Just when you find a good one, you're up against 20 to 30 proposals. So how do you get ahead, and how do you get stand out?Do you:Send proposals every day but clients just won't give you a chance?Have relevant experience, even a degree, but nobody cares?Feel sick of getting passed over for other, less-qualified freelancers?These exact problems lead many freelancers to give up or quit. They send templates to be faster - to try to get their proposal in first, and they still don't get a response. They talk about their experience but it's crickets. The real problem? It's not the effort you're putting in. It's your process. Because clients are looking for something VERY specific from you. It's not a template. It's not your experience. It's DEFINITELY not your degree. Instead, clients want to know that you are someone who can really help them. They want to know that you can get the job done, and done right!Okay, so I need to prove I'm the best, but how do I do that? Simple, you have to change your process. You have to approach proposals differently from everyone else. You have to show you care about the client, and prove you're someone competent and trustworthy. In short, you have to:Prove you can get the job done quickly, well and without a lot of instructionShow clients you are a credible authority without talking about your experience or degreesHelp clients see that you are competent, so they feel comfortable hiring youInside, you will discover how to:Stop making the same instant-reject mistakes as every other freelancerCraft proposals that ONLY give clients exactly what they need from youImprove your process to boost proposal responses fast!In this course I'll show you a simple, repeatable process that continues to work to this day! Once you learn this method, and properly apply it, your results will change. Instead of burning connects faster than a blowtorch burns gasoline you'll send way less proposals and get way more responses. You'll stop spamming clients and come across authentic and useful. Plus, you'll show clients you really care, and make yourself stand out even when there are already 50 proposals and 10 interviews lined up.This is the EXACT system my students who broke six-figures use. It's the EXACT system I used to go from $0.00 to $100.00 an hour in my first month freelancing. It's also the system I used to build a second Upwork account to full-time income levels in less than a month from scratch with NO DEGREE, NO PORTFOLIO, AND NO EXPERIENCE LISTED. Thousands of my students use this system to get results every single day. And when you learn to properly apply it you will get results too.ONE QUICK NOTE To really stand out, you MUST go beyond templates. You must ACTUALLY CARE about helping clients get the results they want. You need to want to go the extra mile to show them that difference. That means customizing each and every proposal. It means trying harder and taking your time on each one. As a result, you will spend LESS time applying overall.That's what I'm going to teach you here. How to prove your worth in words. How to grab attention like a gun to the forehead. How to give clients a clear, direct path to view you as the best person for the job.Let other freelancers blab about their skills and experience. When you take this course, you can beat every one of them, even when a ton already applied. Because inside this course I will show you a better way. A proven system that teaches you:How to send fewer proposals than ever and get way more responses in less timeA simple technique I use to attract high-pay clients even when 20-30 people already appliedProfound psychological techniques to get noticed and stand out like a beacon in the nightUseful NLP tactics that help you bypass client objections and compel them to respondHow to prove you care about your clients and that you can help them better than anyone else!There ARE templates in this course, but this ISN'T a template course!!!!!!! Do NOT expect to win gigs by copying templates!!!!!!!! Instead, I'll show you what works for me, and how you can apply it to your own proposals to get better results. If that makes sense for you, scroll up and enroll now!Friendly,Lex DeVille"
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Upwork Interviews: A Simple Way to Earn High-Pay!" |
"Are you terrible at freelance interviews?Does the thought of getting on a call make you curl up in a little ball?Do you hate high-pressure sales tactics?If so, then this course is for you!When it comes to interviews, most freelancers are scared sick. So many questions and worries run through your mind.What if they see right through me?What if they ask questions I'm not ready for?What if they discover I'm a total fraud?!These exact questions lead freelancers to avoid phone calls. Instead, they stick with text chat. The problem is, you won't EVER win $1,000, $5,000 or even $10,000 gigs through text chat.Why?Because no client in their right mind hands a freelancer loads of cash without a live call. When clients come to Upwork or any other freelance platform, they're skeptical. They've heard all the stories about how those sites are filled with foreigners who don't speak English. Since we fear what we don't understand, it's only natural that clients have their own anxieties.Does that mean clients never hire freelancers without a call?No. Clients regularly hire freelancers for low paying work without getting on phone calls. But not for high pay. It's because low pay work carries lower risk. Even if things don't work out, the client doesn't lose much money. So it's not a big deal. But when it comes to thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars, they have to be sure you're the right person for the job.Okay, I need to do calls, but I'm terrified and I hate sales!Every freelancer I've ever met hates sales. They hate calls. They can't stand how: Itfeels like you're being interrogated even though you're just there to help You nervously answerquestions, and pray clients don't see right through you You struggle to get paid your worth, and you don't even know how to sellThe good news is, I can help you, and that's what this course is for. Inside you will discover how to: Talk way less on calls and stop trying to prove you're an expert Ask the exact right questions and say exactly what they need to hear Prove your value and show your worthwithout giving discountsIn this course I'll show you exactly how Ido it. It's a simple method with NOHIGH-PRESSURESALES. Instead, you get to be yourself. Be authentic. Relax. You don't even have to sell. Not only will Ishow you how Iclose$3,000 to $8,000 contracts, I'll show you how to do it even if you don't havemuch proof to back you up! Thisis the exact system used by coaches selling $30,000programs. The exact process web designers selling $50,000 websites use. Iuse it to sellmyself as a freelance copywriter and marketer. Bottom line, if you're willing toATLEAST get on a call, you can learn this method.ONE QUICK NOTE...It's scary. You almost certainly WILL feel fear. Your fight or flight instincts will kick in at the thought of talking to clients. It happens to me every single call. You have to dig deep and find the courage to pick up the phone or start the video chat. But once you're on the call, everything changes.So my goal is to show you the exact steps to own the call. To give you a clear process. To prepare you to win. To make the interviewas easy and smooth as possible so you can charge higher rates than ever before, and actually get clients to pay.Just think about that for a moment.Wouldn't life be better if you could do almost no talking, and make an $8,000 sale?How many calls would you have to do before you were done for the year?How many calls would you have to take before you reached your goals? How fast would you pay off your debts, and how much would you stash away for later?Let other freelancers nervously try to prove their value on the call.When you take this course, you will beat every one of them without proving anything at all.If that makes sense for you, scroll up and enroll right now!Friendly,Lex DeVilleP.S.Enjoy FREEbonus material added 2-16-19 when you enroll today! P.P.S.100% GUARANTEED WHEN YOU APPLY MY TRAINING YOU WILL EARN BACK YOUR INVESTMENT INTHIS COURSE!"
Price: 199.99

"Deseasser feliz y vivir en abundancia? Si la respuesta es SI, este programa es para ti!Hoy puedes transformar tu vida y encontrar races que bloquean tu prosperidad a travs del coaching transformacional. En este curso comparto contigo las herramientas que han cambiado la vida de ms de treinta mil graduados de mis seminarios alrededor del mundo. Transformars paradigmas limitantes y crears una nueva visin financiera.Podrs ser testigo de cmo los lderes participantes de este seminario transforman sus vidas y a travs de ellos logrars soltar tu pasado y sanar tu relacin con el dinero.La motivacin por s sola no funciona, el coaching de esencia genera resultados permanentes. En este entrenamiento tendrs acceso a una vida sin limitaciones libre de miedos. El mundo espera por t! Caminemos juntos, encuentra y vive tu propsito en abundancia.Recuerda: Sin accin no hay reaccin! Abre tu corazn, tu mente y toma el paso para cambiar tu vida para siempre.Es un honor para mi ser tu coach.Karen Hoyos"
Price: 99.99

"The Magic of Manifestation" |
"This transformational training will lead you to discover, fulfill, and manifest your life purpose.> Lifes PurposeThere are three types of people through this transformative process:People that dont know what their purpose is. They are seekers looking for answers on their life journey.Others know what they're here for, just don't know HOW to fulfil their vision.Some few are already living their life purpose doing what they really love to and they are ready to expand their impact in the world.This course will facilitate coaching for participants in all paths of life.YOU WILL DISCOVER:How to manifest miraclesHow to heal your life How fulfil your legacy Be the version of yourself in life and businessThe power of consciously manifesting your destiny YOU WILL MASTER:Living in the PresentHow to use the power of your words to create powerful results in every area of your life: relationships, finance, health, and spiritualityThe art of surrendering and letting go of control. Allowing yourself to receive what you really deserveHow to embrace challenges and find the gift behind every one of them> TrustIn order to create a life you love, you must learn to trust the universe first. Faith is the foundation of the magic of manifestation. YOU WILL DISCOVER: The confirmation that Life is there to serve youHow to embrace the now and transforming the futureThe access to a life of infinite joy YOU WILL MASTER:The art of surrendering The power of universal conspiracy The practice to recognize your own ego and stop letting it sabotage your life.Being free of the past and manifest a new and fulfilling future> Sex and Taboos There is an extraordinary connection between you and your body and how it impacts the dynamic between you and the manifestation of your results. YOU WILL DISCOVER: The powerful link between your sacred sexual energy and the quality of your life .The essence of manifestation How to use the masculine and feminine energy to create harmony in your lifeThe power of choice and the impact on your relationships YOU WILL MASTER: How to channel your feelings and emotions Commitment vs attachment How to heal the relationships of your past Self love and acceptance so you can attract a matching vibration around you > The power of letting go Yesterday has already passed, tomorrow we do not know what is coming, today is a gift, that is why its called the presentYOU WILL DISCOVER: How to stop the suffering in your life A life of freedom How to lead from your heart vs ego The gateway to your inner wisdom YOU WILL MASTER: How to protect your energy space from negative vibration How to Align yourself with like minded people Being present here and now The power of creating from your essence > Unleash the courage within Defining Courage The quality of the mind or spirit that enable a person to face difficulty, danger, pain without fear. BraveryYOU WILL DISCOVER: The strength within your heart. How to go beyond your mind programmingHow to embrace who you are How to heal your powerful connection with your inner child YOU WILL MASTER:How to face your fears How to recognize the voice of your ego vs the guidance of your higher self The art of honoring who you really are The power of being an excellent receiver The magic of manifestation"
Price: 199.99

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Price: 1000.00

"7'den 70'e Temel Wordpress Eitimi I Wordpress Eitimi" |
"Bu eitim setinde hibir gereksiz bilgi yok. Ayn zamanda sadece video deil baz gerekli bilgileri de kaynak yaz eklinde sizlere sundum. Eitimlerin temel ksmlarn video eklinde ve dier ksmlar makale eklinde sizlere sundum. Sadece profesyonel bir web sitesi kurmann yannda kurduunuz site zerinden de kazan salama yntemleri hakknda bilgi verdi. Verdiim bilgiler ise benim hala kazan saladm yntemleri iermektedir. Bunlarla beraber eitim sonunda aada verdiim yetkinlikleri kazanm olacaksnz.<<<Bonuslar Olmadan Olmaz>>Ayrca on bir adet premium Wordpress temas hediyeniz...>>> imdi zaman kaybetmeyin, hemen kaydolun ve balayalm! <<<"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Dynamics Gp 2015, desde cero(0)" |
"Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015, es el software ERP idneo para las pequeas y medianas empresas(Pymes), con el que usted podr potenciar y optimizar todos los procesos de cada rea de su empresa u organizacin y poder sacar el mejor provecho a la herramienta obteniendo el mayor control sobre sus finanzas y simplifica su cadena de suministros, fabricacin y operaciones."
Price: 99.99
