"Desenvolvimento de Web APIs .NET Core com MySQL" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo capacitar o aluno para odesenvolvimento de Web APIs e Aplicaes Web para consumir servios webutilizando a tecnologia.NET CORE nalinguagem C# com banco de dados MySQLseguindo o estilo arquitetural de programao em camadas.O curso ir abranger os seguintes tpicos:Utilizao e dicassobreo ambiente do Visual StudioArquitetura WebIntroduo Programao WebArquitetura MVCIntroduo ao .NETCOREModelagem de Banco de DadosConstruo de uma Web API (CRUDCompleto)Construo de uma Aplicao Web para consumir a Web API (CRUD Completo)Criao de pgina de Help para Web API utilizando Swagger.Configurao de Servidor IISPublicao no Windows AzurePara ilustrar todos os conceitos e exercitar os itensde aprendizado, uma Web APIser construda, do zero,para um cadastro de clientes,apresentando aoaluno todos osdetalhes de implementao de um projeto profissional. Alm disso, tambm serdesenvolvida uma aplicao web em ASP.NET CORE MVC para consumir todos os servios implementados. Tudo explicado no mnimos detalhes, desde a construo da arquitetura, camada de viso, camadadenegcios at a camada de dados.Ao final do desenvolvimento deste curso, o aluno estar apto construo de Web Services RESTfulutilizando a tecnologia.NETCORE 2.0 MVCcom Banco de DadosMySQL.Alm disso, o mesmo ser capaz deconfigurar um servidor para hospedagem completada aplicao."
Price: 129.99

"Test Your C Programming Skills & Become Expert in C" |
"The C programming language has spurred many language developments since its invention by Dennis Ritchie in the early 1970's. Many modern programming languages owe their syntax to C: learning C first makes learning other languages such as Java, php, and Swift much easier. C is still a very popular programming language after over 40 years.This Course Covers Tricky C Programming Questions Which Helps In Your Interview preparation.This Course Will Test Your In Depth Knowledge in C, At the End You Will Learn More Things That You Are Not Even Aware About..Please Enroll in this Course if You Already know C Programming, Otherwise Please Don't enroll, Because this is a Practise Test Course to Test Your C Programming Skills.What People Have Said About This Course:"" It is a Great course! It teaches the skill by testing the knowledge of the learners! "" - Daniel Silva Ferreira Bruno"" I like the fact that you can learn a lot from such simple yet kinda hard tests "" - Alexis Miguel Duarte"" The test covered a very wide range of techniques used in the c language. I liked that! "" - Saul Flores""I thought I knew C language very well, however, this test made me find out that I still need to learn many things about this language, thank you"" - Karour Nasreddine"" Questions are unique and tests our in-depth knowledge.. Hope more questions will be added.. will suggest this course to my friends.. "" - Murugan S"" Non standard questions. Which answers is good to know. "" - Boyan Bonev""Wow it's really awesome I'm enjoying these tests !"" - Ramkishan Pawar""Yes it was good match for me , and these questions were challenging to me "" - Aman GroverQuizzes cover following topics:-Input and OutputVariable Declaration and ScopeData TypesOperatorsFunctionsDynamic Memory AllocationLoops & Control StructureStructure & UnionMacro & Pre-processorArraysPointer BasicMiscFile HandlingStringStorage Classes and Type QualifiersAdvanced PointerMore Questions Will be Added Regularly.."
Price: 1280.00

"Pinterest : La puissance d'un rseau sous estim" |
"Savez vous que les gens dpensent plus dargent sur Pinterest que sur les autres rseaux sociaux ? Oui - mme plus que Facebook! Vous souhaitez vous lancer dans laventure Pinterest ? Comment commencer ? Qu'pingler et quel moment ? Comment faire pour que les gens vous suive et quil sintressent votre activit? vous avez besoin de plus de trafic et de ventes ? Vous souhaitez gagner du temps et apprendre utiliser Pinterest facilement et rapidement ? Vous voulez que quelqu'un dcompose tout pour vous? un cours simple et efficace ?pour vous simplifier la tche, ce cours vous accompagne pas pas pour vous aider crer un compte Pinterest de qualit et obtenir plus de clients en ligne! Ce cours ne sera pas seulement ax sur le rseau social en lui-mme, mais galement sur les outils (externes et internes) qui vous permettront doptimiser votre Pinterest. ATTENTION: ce cours ne couvre pas la publicit payante de Pinterest, mais sintresse uniquement loptimisation de loutils via diffrentes techniques."
Price: 79.99

"Composite Materials using Autodesk Helius Composite Software" |
"This Course is meant to be a through outline on using the Autodesk Helius Composite software for designing and performing basic analysis of composite materials. Starting from the design and calculating the properties of the compositelamina up to performing the basicprogressive failure analysis of composite laminates made out of several different lamina's can be learnt with handson examples in this course."
Price: 64.99

"Speak Arabic fluently" |
"My name is bhd safaa, a passionate and eagerinstructor.I work in Engineering, Marketing, Websites, Promotional material and Blogs. Teaching andpeople are my passions.I am a very relaxed person who is interested in thedifferent lives of people around the world. I lovesports, soccer, simple living, cooking, extremeadventures, discovering new food, alternative ideasand philosophy.Anyone can speak another language - you just need tohave a strong desire and to be brave enough to try!"
Price: 39.99

"Professional Project Management By A Top 1% Project Manager" |
"Doyou see other people getting their projects done while you struggle with scope creep and are late on deadlines?Do you want to know how to keep your projects organized and have realistic estimates?At the beginning of my project management career, I read all the project management books, articles, andcase studies that I could handle. BUT the realityof day to dayprojectswas that after few weeks in a project, all the estimates wereobsolete andthings were getting out of control.What am I doing wrong? -I was continuously asking myself.Why are we bad in doing estimates?How do I stop the clients from changing their mind and continuously adding to the project scope?Isitbecausetrackingchange requests doesn't keep meaway from scope creep, but pushes meaway of project completion?It took me yearsto truly learn what it takes to keep a projects on track and tosuccessfully deliver them.The key for my project management success has been ""stealing the job"" from the other successful project managers. I learnedand I asked the other project managers who I admired, HOW they do it? How they literally define the scope, how they lead a meeting, how they manage the team, how they do the estimations so they can completethe project up to the client's satisfaction?Learning how others do it iswhat made mea successful project manager.So I made this course to start giving back from my knowledge which isthe product of many years of work.This course is a strictly practical course. I use 3 different projects examples:Opening a coffee shopLaunching a coaching business An IT projectUsing real examples, I'll walk you through everything you should to consider in your projects: How to define the scope and manage your scope to avoid scope creep? I'll take exact examples of scope components, define them and show you how to manage it in real life situations. You'll see how I manage the scope in different situations.How important it is to define the quality of your project deliverables and how to do it so it doesn't look overwhelming.Team management from the projectperspective.Who are the stakeholders, who we should consider? Who are the ones you should focus your energy on?Time management in practice. This will not be about methods and formulas. I will show you how to move from ""we made bad estimations"" to an objective analysis of the assumptions we make when making estimations and how to see that information for a better time management in projects.What we should communicate in projects and how? How to share the information with the team so it makes their work more enjoyable, andhow defining the communication expectations can prevent so many issues.What are the positive risks and how to maximize them and how risk assessment can take your project to the next level.I'll show you all that withstep-by-step examples ofhow to do it. No theory, no stories, BUT real life successful and failing projects. This is what makes this course perfect for both professional project managers but also for entrepreneurs and team members.For whom is this course?Business OwnersEntrepreneursProject managersTeam membersEVERYBODY who works in projectsWhat this course can do for you?You can take your own projects and work with me in the same time to all the asptects of the project.At the end of the course you will have a completely defined project scope, an organised project and you will know how to manage it.You can also take a running project and work with me to update it while taking the course.In that case, at the end of the course you will have an organized project and you will know what you need to do to keep it on track.30-day money back guaranteeAll Udemy courses come with a 30-day money back guarantee. So there is no risk to try the course. Go ahead and sign up today, and have this course help you be more successful managing all your projects for the rest of your career."
Price: 199.99

"Project Management: How to create a complete Plan in 1h" |
"****CLASSUPDATE ****I've added 1 more proven method that will help you to create a complete project plan in 1h - check it at the end of the course*********************The number one cause of project failure is the project timeline! Having an updatedproject schedule at any time in the project lifecycle is vital for project success. The project plan makes the difference.I've been working in project for more than a decade, I lead projects for big corporations, startups, growing businessesThroughout my project management career I experienced that the project timeline is created at the beginning and updated ONLY when the project gets in trouble. And this happens because keeping the project timeline up to date every day or week can be a very time consuming activity. But since it is so important to do, I came up with a very very simple way of creating the project plan and of course easy to maintain it, so it ONLY takes 1 hour to create and less than few minutes to maintain.This is more than a course you take to learn a new skill. It is a an workshop you can take over and over again you need to create or update a project plan. Because you start the course, you do the exercises and you know that at the end of 1 hour you'll have your project plan up to date.1. Do you want to define the project goal now?2. Do you want to define all the activities of the project?3. Do you want somebody to guide youthrough all the different aspects that you have to include in your project plan?4. Do you want to learn to organize your project activities in a strategic way?5. Do you want toadd duration, assignresponsible and start dates for your project tasks in a simple way?6. Do you want to create your project GANTTnow?7. Do you want to start NOW?If your answer is HELLYES! Then, this course is for you!I prepared examples, templates, guiding questions, and a lot of other support materials for you.At the end of this 1 hour course, you'll have your project timeline created and ready to use."
Price: 24.99

"How to select a Project Management Software? Asana or Jira" |
"Using the right project management tool makes the difference for your projects, business, and team success. But it does NOT do the work for you, so faster you take the right decision more time you have to focus on getting the work done.In my career as professional project manager, I helped tens of entrepreneurs and teams to select the perfect project management tools for them. And in this course, I put together for you the process I take my clients to select the right project management tool.There are 4 simple stages in this process:1. We define your need and the benefits that you want the project management tool to bring you, to your team or business.2. Define who will use the tool - you want to select a tool which fits the needs of the ones who most use it.3. You select the features you need from the project management tool. I put together a full list of the features that the existing project management tools offer so you do not have to lose time in researching online. This course contains a FULL assessment of the most used Project Management Tools! You just have to fill in the attached excel file and it will show you the recommended project management tools that fit your needs.At this stage, you'll have a shortlist of tools which best fit your needs.4. Evaluate 1-3 tools from your shortlist and select the right project management tool for you."
Price: 24.99

"Effort Estimation: how to estimate and get better every day" |
"When I started my career effort estimates were such a nightmare for me. They were really keeping me up at night and I was thinking what can I do to get it right. In the last decade since I've been working as a project manager, I tried a lot of effortestimation techniques. Some have been working for me, some didn't.In this classI'm sharing with you theknowledge and experience that I learn in over 10 years:Methods of estimations which Iuse and that gave me the best results in over 100 projects that I managedMy methods of crosschecking that the effort estimated in projects are covering the team effort and entire company is sustainableMy secret principle that Iuse every day to estimate and to get better: bases of the estimation principleAnalysis of the most common causes of effort deviations and how to apply the bases of the estimation principle in each situationHow to can improve your effort estimationsIn this class I bring 2 innovative principles:1. Document your estimations - bases of the estimations principle2. Keep the baseline you based your estimations on - because if the conditions don't change there is a high change your estimations will be rightIs this course for you?Do you want to learn the most effective and proven estimation techniques?Do you want to learn to verify if your effort estimations are correct?Do you want to learn what's the bases of the estimation principle and how did I applyit successfully in over 100 projects?Do you want to learn how the bases of the estimation principle can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars?Do you want to learn how toprevent deviations from the estimations?Do you want to learn how the environment will affect your estimates and will ruin your project budget? And HOWTOAVOIDTHAT?YES! YES!YES!Let's do it!See you in the class.Anca"
Price: 24.99

"Project Management Certifications Demystified. PMP or SCRUM?" |
"What Project Management Certification is the best for you? How can PMP, CAPM, PRINCE2, Scrum Master, IPMA boost your career?When I first decided to get my PM Certification was very very hard for me to understand what are all these certifications about, which one to take, why there is so much information, can there be a place to have an overview on everything? So now I made a course accessible for everyone in which you'll get the FULL picture of what are the certifications available, where to find the right info. This is an INTRODUCTIONOVERVIEWcourse.Is it worth it to do get a project management certification? WHY?How can you use a project management certification? How to study for it, where to find the right information? Are you considering to take a project management certification? Do you wonder how it can help your career? Does it matter? Will it make you a super start or is just checking a box to can pass to the next level of your career?When I first started my project management career I had the same questions. It took me a very long time to research about all the available project management certifications. Then what was even more time consuming was to understand the differences between different certifications andto decide which one is the right one for me.In this course I put together all the information you need to have a full picture of what are most known project management certifications, what you need to get certified and how to use your certification. You'll find:A simple way to understand:the levels of certification,organizations which offer the certification,Agile vs classic certificationswhich certification you should goOverview of the most know project management certifications:where to find the information directly from the sourcesunderstanding the certification levels and which one you should take firsthow to prepare for the exam, success formulasHow to useyour project management certification!CAPTIONS: This course has captions in:ArabicChinese (Simplified +Taiwan)FrenchEnglishPortuguese (BR +PT)Spanish (ES+LA)PolishI don't speak all those languages (of course), so if you find any issues with them, be kind and drop me a message, I'll correct any issue.Let's rock!"
Price: 24.99

"Program Management Introduction: What is it, WHY do it, How?" |
"Let me tell you my senior program manager golden rule: If you have a program, manage it as a program, NOT as a project or as multiple projects. WHY? Because if you group the related projects together you'll skyrocket the benefits of your program! And you can plan and optimize the resources.If you are a business owner, you should definitely consider managing your projects as programs. Just think about it: if you align all the projects, into one umbrella, one common goal, higher. What would be your level up goal that you can reach ONLY by grouping all the projects together ?But HOW do you do that? Here is where this course comes into place.Do you want to optimize your resources?Do you want to have more profits from your projects?Do you want to know if you need to hire a program manager? Or to be a program manager?Do you want to learn HOW a program manager can help you achieve all that?Do you want to learn what is different between managing programs than projects or project portfolios?You'll learn what is program management, the difference between program, project management and projects portfolio management.1.What is a program, What is not a program?2.Whats the difference between program vs project vs projects portfolio3.Why doing program management and not just managing multiple projects4.Who: what is the role of a Program management vs the project manager5.How can you manage a program?6. How to create a program management plan from scratch using ExcelThis course is the starting point in program management. If you'd like to learn more about Program Management, feel free to drop me a message."
Price: 24.99

"Gestion de Proyectos: Haz tu plan de proyectos en 1hora" |
"La causa principal del fracaso del proyecto es la lnea de tiempo del proyecto! Tener un cronograma de actualizacin del proyecto en cualquier momento del ciclo de vida del proyecto es vital para el xito del proyecto.Llevo ms de una dcada trabajando en proyectos, lidero proyectos para grandes corporaciones, startups, negocios en crecimientoA lo largo de mi carrera en administracin de proyectos, experiment que el cronograma del proyecto se crea al principio y se actualiza NICAMENTE cuando el proyecto tiene problemas. Y esto sucede porque mantener el cronograma del proyecto actualizado todos los das o semanas puede ser una actividad que consume mucho tiempo. Pero como es tan importante hacerlo, se me hice una forma muy simple de crear el plan del proyecto y, por supuesto, es fcil de mantener, por lo que SOLO toma 1 hora para crear y menos de unos minutos para mantener.Esto es ms que un curso que tomas para aprender una nueva habilidad. Es un taller que puede realizar una y otra vez, necesita crear o actualizar un plan de proyecto. Debido a que comienzas el curso, haces los ejercicios y sabes que al cabo de 1 hora tendrs tu plan de proyecto actualizado.Esta clase es para ti si:1. Quieres aprender a definir el objetivo de tu proyecto?2. Quieres definirtodas las actividades del proyecto? 3. Quieresguiaciona travs de diferentes aspectos que debe incluir en la lnea de tiempo del proyecto?4. Quieresorganisarlas actividades del proyecto de una manera estratgica?5. Quieres una manera simple de agregue fechas de duracin, responsabilidad e inicio?Prepar ejemplos, plantillas, preguntas orientadoras y muchos otros materiales de apoyo para usted.Al final de este curso de 1 hora, tendr su lnea de tiempo del proyecto creada y lista para usar."
Price: 24.99

"How to write technical IT requirements to get what you need" |
"*** UPDATE 2019: FULL REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT INCLUDED ***Did you ever request something a (development) team and they delivered something else? ORDid you have had a client who said (s)he wants something and then never wanted to accept the deliverable?Did you ever had discussions about ""obvious"" things not being understood or not being delivered?Did you ever waste your time in scrolling back through emails of things agreed but not implemented?Did you ever had to pay for work to be redone because of poor quality? ORDid you ever worked for free because your client change his/her mind?Then this course is for you.In this course I'll show you how I create specifications for my projects EFFICIENTLY! I put together in 1 course my cumulated best practices of +100 projects managed in multiple industries around the world in almost 10 years of managing projects.I'll show you HOW to GATHER REQUIREMENTS. I'll walk you step by step how to write specifications so that you spend your time wisely, the development team is clear of what is expected to be delivered!Step by step this what we do:Define high level scopeDefine the list of functionalitiesDefine the user journeys for EACH functionalityBuild structure to your requirements - learn to add for each functionality Write detailed description to each functionalityMake a complete list of deliverablesWrite acceptance criteriaWhat technical aspects you have to specifyLegal requirementsPeer reviewOr, in short, you'll master these 3 keywords:List of functionalitiesDescriptionAcceptance criteriaSee you in the class!"
Price: 24.99

"Ausbilder nach AEVO (IHK)" |
"Jedes Unternehmen, welches Auszubildende beschftigen mchte, muss ber Mitarbeiter, die die Prfung nach AEVO bestanden haben mit den entsprechenden fachlichen Kenntnissen verfgen. Da in unserer Wirtschaft ausgebildete Fachkrfte immer wichtiger und auch immer seltener werden, wird der Wert von Ausbildung in Zukunft immer weiter steigen. Doch da du diese Zeilen liest, ist dirdies sicherlich bereits bekannt. Mit dem Erwerb des umgangssprachlichen Ausbilderscheines entscheidestdu dich fr eine Weiterbildung, welche eine langfristig starke Aufwertung deines Lebenslaufes darstellt und gleichzeitig in vergleichsweise kurzer Zeit und zu berschaubaren Kosten erhltlich ist.Das bietet dir dieser Kurs zustzlich:ber 100 PrfungsfragenAuf denPunkt gebrachte hochwertige Skripte zu jeder Lektion, damit du keine unntige Zeit beimLernen verlierstEineAbschlussprfung, angelehnt an die IHK-PrfungEinedigitale Lernkartei um diePlanung der Wiederholung zu automatisieren"
Price: 199.99

"Positionierung und der digitale Fuabdruck fr Angestellte" |
"Die Zeiten, in denen eine schne Bewerbungsmappe und ein netter Text ausgereicht haben, um an eine attraktive Position zu kommen, sind lngst vorbei. In der heutigen Zeit werden ber Persnlichkeit und Image die wirklich interessanten Positionen vergeben.Der Arbeitsmarkt hat sich dabei in zwei Arten von Angestellten aufgeteilt: Diejenigen die um einen Job bitten mssen und diejenigen die darum gebeten werden einen Job anzutreten. Der heutige Arbeitsmarkt scheint dabei total verrckt zu spielen. Da werden Mittzwanziger auf Fhrungspositionen gesetzt, die noch vor zehn Jahren altgedienten Managern vorbehalten waren. Doch wie schaffen diese scheinbar unerfahrenen Leute es, geschulte Personaler zu beeindrucken?Indem sie einen Ihren digitalen Fuabdruck optimieren und dafr sorgen, dass sie innerhalb ihrer Branche Prominenz und Bekanntheit, sowie ein vertrauenswrdiges Image erlangen.Du wirst in diesem Kurs lernen wie du dir kraftvolle Referenzen aufbaust, welche dich in jedem Bewerbungsverfahren aus der Masse herausstechen lassen. Auerdem hast du nach dem Kurs die Mglichkeit, jedem der sich ber dich informiert, den Eindruck zu vermitteln, dass du die Lsung fr die Probleme seines Unternehmens bist.Es geht hier um Techniken, die jeder unabhngig von den Vorkenntnissen anwenden kann und die es jedem unabhngig von der jetzigen Position ermglichen, sich innerhalb einiger Monate zu positionieren und so fr den Arbeitsmarkt der Zukunft schon heute gerstet zu sein. Doch zwei Dinge muss ich dir im Vorfeld schon versprechen: 1.Ohne regelmig Zeit aufzuwenden wird keine der hier angewandten Techniken funktionieren.2.Wenn du die hier gezeigten Tipps beherzigt, kann es gar nicht anders kommen, als dass sich deine berufliche Situation verbessern wird.Wenn Du dazu bereit bist, freue ich mich auf deinem Weg zu einer erfllten Karriere einige Schritte dieses Weges mit Dir gemeinsam gehen zu drfen."
Price: 59.99

"Medienfachwirt - Digital (IHK) Rechtsbewusstes Handeln" |
"Mit einer erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Prfung zum Medienfachwirt erhltst du nicht nur einen Abschluss auf Bachelor-Niveau, sondern auch einen echten Schub in deiner Karriere.Die meisten erledigen diesen Abschluss berufsbegleitend. Oft ist das aber schwer zu managen. Durch einen Videokurs bleibst du frei bei der Einteilung deiner Zeit. Da Udemy auch mobil verfgbar ist, kannst du immer dann, wenn du die Mglichkeit hast, einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Erfolg gehen.Die Inhalte sind so aufbereitet, dass du selbst ohne Vorkenntnisse alles einfach aufnehmen kannst. Zusammenfassungen und bungsaufgaben erleichtern dir die Festigung zustzlich."
Price: 199.99

"Medienfachwirt - Print (IHK) Rechtsbewusstes Handeln" |
"Mit einer erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Prfung zum Medienfachwirt erhltst du nicht nur einen Abschluss auf Bachelor-Niveau, sondern auch einen echten Schub in deiner Karriere.Die meisten erledigen diesen Abschluss berufsbegleitend. Oft ist das aber schwer zu managen. Durch einen Videokurs bleibst du frei bei der Einteilung deiner Zeit. Da Udemy auch mobil verfgbar ist, kannst du immer dann, wenn du die Mglichkeit hast, einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Erfolg gehen.Die Inhalte sind so aufbereitet, dass du selbst ohne Vorkenntnisse alles einfach aufnehmen kannst. Zusammenfassungen und bungsaufgaben erleichtern dir die Festigung zustzlich."
Price: 199.99

"Industriemeister (IHK) Rechtsbewusstes Handeln" |
"Mit einer erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Prfung zum Industriemeister erhltst du nicht nur einen Abschluss auf Bachelor-Niveau, sondern auch einen echten Schub in deiner Karriere.Die meisten erledigen diesen Abschluss berufsbegleitend. Oft ist das aber schwer zu managen. Durch einen Videokurs bleibst du frei bei der Einteilung deiner Zeit. Da Udemy auch mobil verfgbar ist, kannst du immer dann, wenn du die Mglichkeit hast, einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Erfolg gehen.Die Inhalte sind so aufbereitet, dass du selbst ohne Vorkenntnisse alles einfach aufnehmen kannst. Zusammenfassungen und bungsaufgaben erleichtern dir die Festigung zustzlich."
Price: 199.99

"Gehirngerechtes lernen" |
"Verschwende deine kostbare Energie nicht, sondern optimiere deine Lerneffizienz!Wir knnten so viel erreichen, aber was machen wir stattdessen? Wir verschwenden wertvolle Lebenszeit mit ineffizienten Techniken, die uns nichts bringen. Auerdem qult man sich durch den Stoff und hofft nur, dass der ganze Spuk so schnell wie mglich vorbei ist.Aber stell dir vor du knntest das Wissen, das du dir aneignen willst, in krzester Zeit und sogar mit Spa erlernen.Genau das ist mein Ziel! Du sollst mit so wenige Aufwand wie mglich berragende Ergebnisse erzielen. Ich mchte, dass wir alle den Spa amLernen wieder entdecken.Deswegen erfhrst du hier Lerntechniken, mit denen du die eigene Lernleistung massiv steigern kannst. Sei einzigartig!Eine zweijhrige Weiterbildung entspannt nebenberuflich in sechs Monaten schaffen?Von Note fnf auf Note eins? Oder einfach nur eine Fhigkeit, die dich und deinUmfeld weiter bringt, inRekordzeit meistern?Das alles ist mglich und zwar fr jeden.Lass dir von niemandem erzhlen, dass das fr dich nicht geht.Du hast eine der kompliziertestenSprachen gelernt, sonst knntest du diesen deutschenText nicht lesen. Also kann dein Gehirn komplexe Dinge verarbeiten, denn die meisten Sachen sind weniger kompliziert als die deutsche Sprache.Sprenge also die angeblichen Grenzen, die dir in der Schule gezeigt wurden und werde ein echter High-Performer!Durch diese einzigartige Kombination aus Motivationstechniken, Meta-Lernmethoden und den perfekten Lernbedingungen bekommst du ein schlagkrftiges Paket fr deinenErfolg."
Price: 199.99

"Medienfachwirt - Digital (IHK) Betriebswirtsch. Handeln" |
"Mit einer erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Prfung zum Medienfachwirt erhltst du nicht nur einen Abschluss auf Bachelor-Niveau, sondern auch einen echten Schub in deiner Karriere.Die meisten erledigen diesen Abschluss berufsbegleitend. Oft ist das aber schwer zu managen. Durch einen Videokurs bleibst du frei bei der Einteilung deiner Zeit. Da Udemy auch mobil verfgbar ist, kannst du immer dann, wenn du die Mglichkeit hast, einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Erfolg gehen.Die Inhalte sind so aufbereitet, dass du selbst ohne Vorkenntnisse alles einfach aufnehmen kannst. Zusammenfassungen und bungsaufgaben erleichtern dir die Festigung zustzlich."
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop CC per aspiranti grafici e graphic designer" |
"Quella che hai a disposizione una guida completa per aspiranti grafici, o per grandi appassionati desiderosi di poter usare Photoshop in autonomia e senza andare nel panico.Se hai avuto modo di provare Photoshop per qualche tuo lavoretto, vedendo linterfaccia e la miriade di opzioni e funzioni che ti mette a disposizione questo programma, sono sicuro che limpatto non sar stato dei migliori ma ti assicuro che grazie a questo corso, in breve tempo potrai prendere confidenza con linterfaccia e con tutti gli strumenti che Photoshop mette a tua disposizione.Con 20 anni di esperienza nel settore Grafica e Stampa so bene quali sono le difficolt di chi si avvicina per la prima volta a Photoshop, anche perch allinizio del mio percorso lavorativo ci sono passato anchio.Il mio obbiettivo quello di accompagnarti lungo tutta la tua esperienza ed aiutarti ad evitare gli errori comuni che di solito fa chi non si costruito solide basi per quanto riguarda Photoshop.Quello che far mostrarti brevi video dove spiego, mostrando il mio schermo, tutti i passi necessari per ottenere un certo risultato o per usare un certo strumento, usando un linguaggio semplice, parlando abbastanza lentamente e cercando sempre di spiegare con chiarezza nuovi termini tecnici che ogni tanto dovr introdurre.Cos che anche tu possa sentirti a tuo agio e pian piano acquisire pi sicurezza, sia nellutilizzo dei vari strumenti di Photoshop, sia nella gestione completa delle tue immagini,attraverso luso dei livelli, la creazione di selezioni, di maschere, la correzione cromatica, e tanto altro.Insomma: alla fine di questo corso saprai realizzare o modificare le tue immagini proprio come farebbe un vero professionista.Ad esempioSaprai scontornare un oggettoSaprai eliminare o sostituire lo sfondo delle fotoSaprai ritoccare un immagine per correggere i difetti dei visi e di altri soggettiSaprai eliminare oggetti dalle fotoSaprai inserire del testoSaprai migliorare i coloriSaprai fare dei fotomontaggi e delle composizioni graficheSaprai creare effetti specialiE molto altro ancora.Condivider con te tutta lesperienza acquisita in oltre 20 anni di lavoro nel campo della grafica pubblicitaria e della stampa. Questo corso ti fornir solide basi su cui costruire la tua nuova esperienza creativa e professionale, e una volta terminato sarai pronto ad affrontare qualsiasi progetto ti si presenter davanti. Prima di tutto ti aiuter ad orientarti nellinterfaccia e nello spazio di lavoro di Photoshop, per poi passare ad argomenti basilari che ogni Photoshoppista che si rispetti deve conoscere come le sue tasche, ovvero la gestione dei livelli e luso delle selezioni e delle maschere.Vedrai come correggere il colore e lesposizione delle tue foto, scoprirai diverse tecniche di fotoritocco e imparerai ad automatizzare gran parte del tuo lavoro con le automazioni.Inoltre ho riservato per te anche unampia sezione con le migliori tecniche, trucchi e scorciatoie per diventare ancora pi veloce in Photoshop.Tutto questo ti consentir di realizzare immagini dallaspetto professionale, sia operando con il semplice fotoritocco su foto esistenti, sia realizzando le tue immagini o parti della tua immagine, partendo da zero.Quindi: se sei un grafico alle prime armi, o un principiante del fotoritocco o se conosci gi Photoshop ma non lo usi con sicurezza e vuoi ripartire col piede giusto, iscriviti subito e iniziamo insieme questo fantastico viaggio in Photoshop."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Catia V5 with a fully practical approach" |
"CATIA is expanded as a Computer-Aided Three-dimensional Interactive application Catia Cad software is developed by Dassault Systemes, one of the world-leading CAM/CAM/CAE software designers. CATIA provides three basic platforms: P, P2 & P3. P1 is for small & medium-sized process industries. P2 is for advanced engineering companies. P3 is for high-end design applications, in particular automotive & aerospace industries.CATIA is used by various automotive, aeronautical, auto manufacturing companies, in architectural projects to develop blueprints. Various companies using CATIA are Airbus, Bombardier, Bentley, Ford, Hyundai, Volkswagen etcetera. If you intent of working in any such company, then you are at the right place. My Excel Class has brought you this unique opportunity to learn CATIA V5. Being an expensive course, you won't be able to find its training in institute or college easily. Here is the right platform, here is the right time to take up the right thing. Being a Mechanical Engineer, CATIA V5 is like adding a feather in your cap and helps you in getting a much better job. If you go in for an interview with CATIA mastery, you have times more chances of getting selected than any other candidate. What you will get from this course?Lifetime access to the course My Excel Class provides you lifetime access to the course. You can study whenever you want without any time boundary which usually persists in classroom lectures. You can repeatedly watch lectures as per your requirement.Efficient and effective teaching Here you get complete and clear knowledge of all the concepts and additional tips and tricks for recalling various tools in their absolute manner. These lectures cover all the concepts and their relations efficiently and thoroughly.Interactive process Learning is not just listening to what the teacher says but its a two-way process requiring the learner to follow up with what the teacher teaches. This is an interactive solution and clarifies all your doubts at the earliest.Economical product This product is priced at rock bottom level keeping in view educational value. My Excel Class provides standard products at a low price for maintaining friendly relations with customers.Entry to intermediate level This course is compatible with novices as well as with the people possessing some knowledge. To build a strong foundation of the course and learn complex features, all the fields are explained in detail.Cost, time, and effort saving This course saves your hefty amount of fees which you could have paid in coaching centers, time spent on reaching classes leaving all the important work, the effort you could have made in all this process and making notes. My Excel Class provides solutions to all your problems, here you get low priced but the high-quality course which is time flexible and places suitable and you need not make any extra effort preparing notes as all the concepts are divided into a series of lectures so that you can switch to any. So, with this course, you are in a win-win position. This course provides you quick and effective learning. It is like having a personal tutor. These lectures are prepared by a team of 20 professionals who researched the world over and compiled this series of lectures. This course is specially designed keeping in view trainee's requirements which they encountered during research. All the topics are divided into a series of lectures in order so that you can switch to any lecture that you want."
Price: 19.99

"AutoCAD Electrical from beginner to expert" |
"AutoCAD Electrical Difference between CAD and CADE (CAD Electrical):-Tells about the basic advantages of AutoCAD electrical over normal CAD. Different types of wires and wire layers:-This session is the first step for an electrical engineer to get into ACADE. Inserting components from CAD library:-Must know function to set component scale and rotation angle. Source and destination arrows:-This is one of the most useful features in AutoCAD Electrical, which enables to do easy wire cross referencing (From and To). Creating intelligent title blocks with ladder cross referencing:-Many times people do manual editing in each title block individually and with thorough understanding in title block function within ACADE one can do the changes in all sheets in one go. Component and source destination arrow cross referencing:-In electrical circuits we use parent and child components (eg. Coil and Contacts of a relay) in different parts of a project. In order to study and read one circuit it is always necessary to trace the locations of all the parts of one component. This automatic cross referencing is another major advantage of ACADE. Project Manager functions:-Managing a project in proper way is as important as creating a set of drawings. This skill makes you a perfect professional design engineer. How to create new symbols and user circuits:-The more and more you use ACADE, you may require more components and circuits which is not there in the standard CAD library. By creating new standard user circuits and symbols you will become master of this art. NEMA and IEC electrical circuit:-These are the two major standards which normally use to design electrical circuits. In this session we will use both the standards to design the same circuit and will spot the difference.Finally we will do one sample project covering Single Line Diagram, Panel Layouts, Cable tray layouts, Room layouts, Schematic (Wiring) diagram and generating Bill of Materials.1. Introduction and WiresA) About ACADEB) Inserting WiresC) Different Wire TypesD) Trimming WiresE) Wire Numbers2. ComponentsA) Inserting ComponentsB) Editing ComponentsC) Copying ComponentsD) Deleting ComponentsE) Component Cross Reference3. Customizing Wire NumbersA) Different types of Wire NumberingB) Adding prefix to Wire Numbers4. Customizing Component Cross ReferenceA) Different types of Cross ReferencingB) Customizing TaggingC) Customizing Cross Reference5. Creating Circuits (PRACTICAL)A) Sample circuit using Wires & Components6. ReportsA) Creating Reports from Schematic7. LaddersA) Basic LaddersB) Inserting Components in LaddersC) Ladders for Title Block8. Symbol BuilderA) Adding AttributesB) Creating New Components9. Title BlocksA) Adding AttributesB) Making BlocksC) Creating Standard Title Blocks10. Customizing Title BlocksA) Different types of Title BlocksB) Creating Title blocks with different X & Y Axis11. Incomer & Drive Panel (PRACTICAL)A) Single Line Diagram ConceptB) Creating Schematic from SLDC) Schematic of Main Incomer PanelD) Schematic of Drive Panel12. Drive With Bypass (PRACTICAL)A) Schematic of Drive With Bypass13. Control CircuitsB) Inserting LaddersC) Inserting Components in LaddersD) Cross Reference14. PLC Modules (Part 1-3)A) Inserting PLC ModulesB) Connecting Wires to ModulesC) Selecting Modules from Catalogue15. Basic Panel LayoutA) Basic Concept of LayoutB) Creating internal Layouts manuallyC) Creating Side View from Front View16. ACADE Panel LayoutA) Panel Layout TABB) Footprint from SchematicC) Terminal Strips from SchematicD) Bill of Materials from footprint17. Recap SessionA) Project ManagerB) JIC and IEC Directory SettingsC) IEC SchematicD) Converting JIC projects into IECE) Wires and Wire NumberingF) Components and Cross ReferencingG) Source and Destination ArrowsH) Inserting Images in Customized Title BlocksI) Project Wide UtilitiesJ) Other Commands at a Glance"
Price: 19.99

"Fractions Made Simple" |
"This course is for students who want some clarity on how to work with fractions. The course covers topics like:Greatest Common FactorLeast Common DenominatorReducing FractionsComparing Fractions and DecimalsMathematical Operations with Fractions - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and DivisionAt the end of this course, the student will feel comfortable dealing with any questions involving fractions"
Price: 29.99

"Stresle Ba Etme Teknikleri Kursu" |
"2010 ylndan bu yana onlarca sektrde binlerce alana ""Stresle Ba Etme"" Eitimleri verdim ve vermeye devam etmekteyim. Udemy de hazrladm bu eitimle daha ok insana stres ile nasl ba edebilecekleri konusunda uygulanabilir pratik bilgiler vermeyi amalyorum. Kursumuzu daha da gelitirmek adna yeni ierikler ile zenginletirmeye devam edeceiz. Bu eitim sresi iinde aklnza taklan sorular da rahatlkla sorabilirsiniz. "
Price: 139.99

"AutoCAD Basiskurs" |
"In diesem Kurs lernen sie schnell den Umgang mit AutoCAD. Vom Erstellen einer einfachen Linie, bis hin zu Blcken werden die wesentlichen Elemente der Software erklrt. Danach werden Bemaungen und Texte abgesetzt und zu guter Letzt ein Layout erstellt und geplottet.Die einzelnen Lektionen sind meist um die 10 Minuten lang und knnen somit auch bei etwas weniger verfgbarer Zeit angesehen werden."
Price: 29.99

"L'art de communiquer efficacement" |
"A travers ce cours, nous allons procder :-montrerdansl'introductionlimportance et lintrt de la communication pour lesindividus, travers la satisfaction de diffrents besoins, enl'occurrence les besoins physiologiques et psychologiques, les besoins sociauxet les besoins relatifs lidentit;-mettre dabord en vidence le processus decommunication,parce quon ne peut pas amliorer la qualit de lacommunication si on ne connat pas le processus de droulement de celle-ci etles lments qui la composent; -montrer comment amliorer lefficacit de lacommunication,en examinant le rle de chaque composante de celle-ci eten cherchant l'amliorer;-montrer quune communication russie passe parlatteinte des deux composantes du but de la communication, en loccurrence lebut communicationnel et le but relationnel ;-montrer que latteinte du but dune communicationefficace passe par la bonne utilisation des outils de la communication, savoir : * La communicationverbale, et surtout* La communicationnon verbale ;-montrer le rle et limportance de lcoute dansle processus de communication, tant donn que sans lcoute et linteractionde linterlocuteur, la communication ne peut avoir lieu;- et enfin, la conclusion."
Price: 199.99

"Cryptocurrency 101: Investing in the Future of the Economy" |
"This course's aim is to familiarize you with the basic elements of what Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency. Within it, I explain how these technologies function, how they are poised to innovate the future economy, and what the risks and benefits are of potentially investing in these technologies. The course will also cover some core concepts of what it means to invest, what speculation is, and how purchase/exchange/trade in these currencies."
Price: 24.99

"Como Comprar e Vender Qualquer Moeda Digital Bitcoin Iota XR" |
"Ol pessoal, tudo bem?Esse curso, tem como objetivo ensinar como comprar qualquer criptomoeda de seu interesse.O objetivo, te tornar uma pessoa Independente no assunto Criptomoedas, onde voc saber por conta prpria como comprar e vender QUALQUER Moeda Digital em que tenha interesse.Nesse curso, no ser abordado o funcionamento de cada moeda e tambm no ser abordado conceitos a fundo.O objetivo te ensinar como voc pode comprar qualquer criptomoeda do seu interesse, como por exemplo, RaiBlocks, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Iota, Dash, Decred dentre outras diversas moedas digitais. Aps o curso, voc estar apto para comprar qualquer criptomoeda de seu interesse, ser abordado tambm, como voc aps a compra da sua moeda digital, poder transformar suas moedas novamente em real ."
Price: 54.99

"Accelerated Learning - Acquire any Skill at 10x the speed" |
"Accelerated learning is one of the most valuable skills you will ever possess because it unlocks everything you want in life.We human have infinite potential, but we dwarf our capabilities by applying wrong strategies to acquire new skills. Imagine learning any skill, hobby, or passion in just days versus months, and becoming good enough to make money with it. This is the power of accelerated learning.I am a self-made entrepreneur who has founded multiple startups. I have been building profitable businesses for last 12 years. In that span, I have run and sold multiple internet companies, and have also raised millions of dollars in venture capital.I started as a solo entrepreneur, and at peak, I was running a company with over 100 employees. I learned programming, marketing, content creation, hiring, book-keeping, etc. all on the job.I taught myself various skills in different phases of my life.In the process, I have developed a unique seven step framework for rapid skill acquisition that has helped me in accelerating my learnings.Accelerated learning is one of the most advanced and effective learning methods in use today.--------------------------What makes accelerated learning so effective is that its based on the brains natural learning cycle. It takes into account of how our brain acquires, retains and recalls information. --------------------------Accelerated learning helps you maintain a pleasantly relaxed, yet receptive state of mind so that you learn new information in ways that actively involves both the left and right brains.The good news is that this learningmethodology is pretty straightforward and easy to learn. In fact, you can master it in just a few days and can start implementing it immediately.This is exactly what this course will do for you.This hands-on course will teach you how to master the art of accelerated learning and become a superlearner,by breaking down the steps in concise and to-the-point lectures.I have done extensive research on accelerated learning and have developed a seven-step framework, using which I have taught myself multiple skills ranging from content writing, video production, marketing, programming, finances, etc.By the time you will be finished with this course, you will learn a systematic and actionable technique to learn any skill at a much faster pace and become a super learner. You willdrive an exponential growth in your career, business, and personal life."
Price: 59.99

"Competitor Analysis for Business Growth Opportunities" |
"Every business has competitors, whether direct or indirect. Your competitors greatly affect your business environment and how they react to changes in the market can either favor you, or put you at a disadvantage.A competitor analysis helps you:Make strategic decisionsHighlight the strengths and weaknesses of your business as well as those of your competitors.Uncover potential opportunities in the market where you can increase your market share, gain a competitive advantage etc.Enable the whole of your business to better understand the competitive landscape in which your company operatesInform your value proposition, that is, how you stand out in the market compared with your competitors. Really helps you understand what makes you different, why your customers choose you over the rest.The goal of this course is to learn how to use your competitors to identify opportunities to improve your offering and grow your business."
Price: 19.99
