chug-nechamashor |
", , . , , , , , 8 , . , , , , . ? , , , . . , . 3 , , .... , , , , . , , , , , . , , , . , , , . , , , ."
Price: 79.99

"Savvy Social Media For Business Marketers: Twitter" |
"Used effectively, social media can outperform all other types of marketing and communication strategy.That said the way you conduct yourself through your social media channels will have a direct impact on your business. Learn the rules of social media etiquette to maximise the potential of your business through successful marketing strategies.Social media should now be central to any business marketing strategy to maximise marketing opportunities. However, using these tools for business needs a very different and focused approach than for personal use.This course delves deep into the detail on how to shape and map out your tweets so that you are always moving forward, maximising real opportunities and getting a good return on your investment. The majority of the course does not concentrate on the practical application of the Twitter rather the focus is on relating activity to the bigger business picture and how it can fit in as an essential component of a successful marketing strategy. Social media marketing is an integral part of the marketing mix, however, a thorough knowledge of how to use it so that it does not become a time drain and so you leverage content for the best results will drive attention, interest and ultimately sales.Welcome to afresh UK business marketing training platform"
Price: 29.99

"Savvy Social Media For Business Marketers: Facebook" |
"As the social media landscape continues to evolve, competition for audience attention is getting harder. In fact, 40% of marketers say social media marketing has become more difficult for them in the last year, according to reports. So, how do you stand out from the crowd and continue to build impact on Facebook?Whats more, the way you conduct yourself through your social media channels will have a direct impact on your business. Learn the rules of social media etiquette to maximise the potential of your business through successful marketing strategies.Social media should now be central to any business marketing strategy to maximise marketing opportunities. However, using these tools for business needs a very different and focused approach than for personal use.This course delves deep into the detail on how to shape and map out posts so that you are always moving forward, maximising real opportunities and getting a good return on your investment.The majority of the course does not concentrate on the practical application of the Facebook rather the focus is on relating activity to the bigger business picture and how it can fit in as an essential component of a successful marketing strategy.Social media marketing is an integral part of the marketing mix, however, a thorough knowledge of how to use it so that it does not become a time drain and so you leverage content for the best results will drive attention, interest and ultimately sales.Welcome to afresh UK business marketing training platform"
Price: 34.99

"Savvy Social Media For Business : LinkedIn" |
"Master LinkedIn marketing for business and personal brand development. Learn how to setup, optimize your profile and company pages for maximum organic reach. We'll cover Showcase Pages, groups, lead generation and publishing content. Explore best practices for business development, sales, relationship building.Each course comes with their own speciallydesigned Workbook offering exercises between sessions.Peoplebuy from people. Learn how to build the brand of you that empowers you to organically attract your ideal audience to grow your business. Connect the dots between your business and personal brand for business success!That said the way you conduct yourself through your social media channels will have a direct impact on your business. Learn the rules of social media etiquette to maximise the potential of your business through successful marketing strategies.Social media should now be central to any business marketing strategy to maximise marketing opportunities., and LinkedIn is very much a social media channel nowadays.This course delves deep into the detail on how to shape and map posts so that you are always moving forward, maximising real opportunities and getting a good return on your investment.The majority of the course does not concentrate on the practical application of the LinkedIn rather the focus is on relating activity to the bigger business picture and how it can fit in as an essential component of a successful marketing strategy.Social media marketing is an integral part of the marketing mix,however, a thorough knowledge of how to use it so that it does not become a time drain and so you leverage content for the best results will drive attention, interest and ultimately sales.Welcome to afresh UK business marketing training platform"
Price: 29.99

"Tasty Goal Setting & Action Planning For Business" |
"See how good it is when you achieve your goals and feel how good you will feel when you have done it. In business, we need to identify and outsmart the obstacles. Whoever said it was going to be easy, was wrong, but if you know what things are likely to get in the way, then you will be better able to deal with them. If you dont know where you are going, you shouldnt be surprised if you dont get there. This fabulous saying underpins everything in business, but why, how and when should you set your business goals and objectives when there is already so much to juggle every day! The Marketing Menu Tasty Goal Setting and Action Planning For BusinessCourse will give you the insight you need to efficiently and effectively manage your goals so that you always feel you are putting your best foot forward. Learn to identify the obstacles to success and how to plan more effectively to overcome them, which will ultimately save you time, energy and stop you wasting money in the wrong places; for a calmer working environment. The course consists of bite-sized videos supported by a downloadable Workbook where you can work on exercises designed to build upon your learning between sessions. Whether seeking to inspire others you work with, or whether you are just starting out, or you simply need to refresh your ideas, you will find the Tasty Action Planning, Goal & Time Management Course will set the foundations for great business activity. We work through together the individual stages needed so you will be able to effectively plan timed marketing activity, business projects or team opportunities now and in the future. This course is grounded in traditional marketing disciplines, mixed up with common sense business know how that will challenge even the more experienced chef. Topics Include: Interpreting the visionThe whys and wherefores of goal settingIdentifyingvalues and beliefsThe Business MindsetMaking the most of opportunityIdentifying values and beliefsMaking it profitableCreativity linking words to emotionHow can we sell what we do?ThePESTLfactorsPrioritising your timeNavigating distractionsWhich tools should be used?Proven group techniques for generating ideas and actionAllocating priority values to goalsMaking goals believable and achievableIdentifying obstacles to successVisualise and emotionaliseRolling it up into a timed, targeted action planMonitoring progress"
Price: 39.99

"Tasty Time Management: Business Effectiveness & Productivity" |
"How do you decide to juggle priorities in a way that gets everything done? Having time to stop and think is often the greatestproblem!The Marketing Menu Tasty Time Management Course will give you the insight you need to efficiently and effectively manage your time, access your performance and identify the pressures that will lead to reduced stress and a calming working environment.You'll find out which time management issues apply to you, and put together a plan designed to work for you. You will learn techniques to deal with those all-important 'time thieves' and discover ways to delegate and use technology to reclaim an hour a day at least. Learn how to decide your priorities, what is the difference between 'urgent' and 'important', and how to make time for you, so let's face it we can all simply just get on with our lives.The course consists of bite-sized videos supported by a downloadable Workbook where you can work on exercises designed to build upon your learning between sessions.This coursecovers: * Goal setting * How to make time for you * How to decide priorities - the difference between urgent and important * The 80/20 rule * When its right to just do it now * Five ways to delegate, even when you have no direct reports * Dealing with time thieves * How to use technology to reclaim an hour a day - at least! * A simple exercise to help you assess your performance * Identifying pressures and using stress reduction techniques * Time saving tips and exercises"
Price: 29.99

"Professional Networking for Business - Establishing Rapport" |
"Designed to help you understand the role of networking in your marketing mix. The networking world has exploded in recent years with many national organisations springing up as well as a wealth of local business groups. Yet the idea of networking often leaves people cold, so how can we build our confidence so that we can be seen as an influencer and go on to build profitable customer relationships. This course provides you with a logical structure, guidelines, tips and practical exercises to help you develop and hone your skills.The second section considers how to determine the features, benefits and metrics that people want to know about your product or service, and how to wrap it all up into a Juicy Introduction that will leave others wanting to learn more. We aim to leave you neverstuck when it comes to introducing yourself for the first time, or getting to know people better leaving youwalking tall when attending groups for the first time."
Price: 24.99

"Building Trusted Relationships in Business" |
"This course will help you develop better relationships through active listening and effective questioning techniques. We also look at how body language plays a vital role in understanding how well we are communicating. Finally, we all need tact at difficult times so how do we best convey this especially if we are feeling under pressure ourselves. The course provides you with a logical structure, guidelines, tips and practical exercises to help you develop and hone your skills.The second section considers how to value personality styles to build rapport with those we believe different to ourselves so that we can empower others and work with everyone's strengths in mind."
Price: 24.99

"Profiting From Public Relations in Business" |
"If you think Public Relations is all about the fluffy stuff that you really havent got time for with everything else you are doing to run your business, think again.The Chartered Institute of Public Relations state: Public Relations is about reputation; the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you.Public Relations underpins the whole of your business. From the impression you want to give your customers to the way you communicate with your employees. If you go to networking meetings and you are talking to others about your business, you are doing your own PR.Course Aims:To give the tools and knowledge needed to create a strong and effective Public Relations strategyTo ensure your business raises its profileTo maintain your business reputationTo identify opportunities to communicate your business messageTo build confidence when approaching the mediaTo strengthen communication with internal and external audiencesTopics include:Understand what PR really isHow it works and why it sometimes failsIdentify the most appropriate mediaHow to write a good press releaseChoosing headlines that attract attentionCrafting your messageIdentifying your key stakeholders and how to communicate with themHow PR supports your marketing and social media activityHow to develop a campaignUsing the different channels availableWhat is newsworthy?Press Releases and how to build your own media listDamage control and crisis PR"
Price: 49.99

"Create A Customer Persona Identikit Series" |
"Understanding your customer is allabout targeting effectively and removing any barriers to purchase by achieving customer insight and knowing the process they go through when making a purchase. With this knowledge you can work out which activity is going to be more profitable.If you dont know what your customers problems are, and their needs and wants and desires you are practicing what we call anonymous marketingyou need to write compelling copy for each that creates desire, provokes a reaction and in turn reveals a benefit.Heres the thing if you spend quality time understanding your customer before they even visit your showroom, shop or website you can target your activity more cleverly and remove those all-important barriers, in many respects you need to put yourself in their shoes so that you can understand their thought processes even before they doIf we appreciate what the key worries and concerns ourclients have when conversing with them over say one supplier over another wecan weave oursales patter around their needs so that we answer their concerns before they have even voiced them. Imagine that someone identifies what is going on in your heads even before you have raised your concerns!TheCustomer Identikit is designed to help you find out the exact goals, frustrations, fears and dreams of your customer persona in their exact language. Its the first, and most important step in helping you craft bulletproof messaging, campaigns, products and ads that your customers will find irresistible. If youve ever struggled with copywriting or what to say in your marketing or ad campaigns, this creating a customer persona is for you!If you like what you see please check out our other courses covering Marketing, Sales, Customer Care and Business."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to building your own kit car" |
"Building a kit car is an extremely rewarding experience that many car enthusiasts have invested their time and effort in. In this course you will learn the essentials of selecting a kit car to build, what essential research to conduct, how to avoid pitfalls and how to plan to build your car."
Price: 149.99

"C programming : Star Pattern making tricks" |
"This course is created to help students/programmers in codingpatterns in C programming within seconds which are askedduring interviews. This course also helps in creating betterunderstanding of loopbased programming and algorithm development.The Horizontal sectioning &Vertical sectioning learningsection helpin creating better understanding of placement of nesting ofloops.The special pattern section haspatterns which helps in expertisealgorithm development skills. So enjoy coding !!!"
Price: 1920.00

"YouTube Marketing Kurs" |
"Endlich als Videokurs verfgbar! Die Inhalte dieses Videokurses wurden bislang auerhalb von geschlossenen Seminare und internen Schulungen niemals verffentlicht. Hunderte Teilnehmer haben ihren Weg auf YouTube zusammen mit Dave begonnen und haben das Konzept erfolgreich umgesetzt.Der gesamte Prozess wird Stck fr Stck erklrt und aufgebaut, durch Beispiele verdeutlicht und anschaulich erklrt.Fr wen ist der Kurs?Dieser Videokurs richtet sich an Unternehmer, Agenturen und professionelle Online Marketer.In 33 Videos bestehend aus Theorie-Lektionen und sehr vielen Praxisbeispielen von echten Kanlen mit echten Zahlen.Der Kurs wird stndig erweitert und aktualisiert.Zustzlich bekommt jeder Teilnehmer Zugang zur geheimen Facebook Gruppe in der sich nicht nur alle Teilnehmer austauschen knnen, sondern Dave auch mindestens einmal im Monat im Livestream aktuelle Projekte vorstellt und fr Fragen zur Verfgung steht.Einfhrung in die PraxisEinfhrung in die YouTube Praxis: Analyse Content Marketing Beispiele. Was versteht man unter Content Marketing auf YouTube?Was sind Best Practice Beispiele? Wie kann eine Zielsetzung aussehen und welche Strategien werden im Allgemeinen gefahren?Ideen EntwicklungIdee Entwicklung, Recherche der Zielgruppe und KeywordsWelches Format passt zu welchem Unternehmen?Wie kann ich relevante Themen finden? Was sucht meine Ziel-gruppe und welche Keywords trenden? Dieses Modul bildet das Fundament der Formatent-wicklung.Workflow & EquipmentOptimierung fr regelmige Produktion Alle Eckpunkte so gestalten, dass einer kontinuier-lichen Sendereihe nichts im Wege steht.Wie finde ich einen effizienten Weg hochwertig und langfristig zu produzieren? Stichwort: so teuer wie ntig, jedoch so gnstig wie mglich.RedaktionsplanRedaktionsplan aufbauen, Strukturieren, Routine aufbauen Struktur, Planung und Prozess-optimierung.Ein essentieller Bereich des Content Marketing. Lerne diesen ungeliebten Teil kennen und lieben. Das Potential ist riesig und hier findet man die berholspur auf der man den Wettbewerb alt aussehen lsst.GeschftsmodellGeschftsmodell: Reichweite aufbauen und nutzen Geld ver-dienen auf YouTube und mit Video-content.Wie kann man Videos monetari-sieren? Was muss man im Sponsoring beachten? Produziere ich selbst oder kreiere ich einen Branded Channel?AnalyseAuswertung und erweiterte StrategieDaten sammeln, aus-werten und nutzen. Reflektiere die Produktion, wo liegen die Pros und Cons?Was sollte man optimieren? Was ist berflssig? Funktionieren die Call to Actions? Was ist mein Effekt und passt er zu meiner Strategie?"
Price: 99.99

"App Store Optimization for Android and IOS 2018 ( ASO )" |
"Learn the basics ofAppStoreOptimization (ASO) forAndroid &IOSin3Simple Steps to increase the maximumdiscoverability , userengagement and improvisationby using the metric to measure and improve. Do remember AppStoreOptimizationis continuous process and need patience to achieve it.Best ASO Beginner's Course."
Price: 19.99

"Java Basics to A Level" |
"Learn Java with no knowledge of programming at all! Easy to start and fun to learn! This course takes you through all the fundamental skills of Java, in 5 minute videos and powerpoints for starting lessons! Java programming is as great skill to have and it opens so many doors in programming. A fundamental knowledge of Java can help learn other programming languages such as Visual Basic and C#. This course teaches Java to GCSEand A-Level level.This course is fast, and easy to understand. It allows you to pick up the basics and learn quickly how to code Java. Iwill happily add content if asked for, answer any questions and so forth.Thanks Alex"
Price: 19.99

"The Blueprint To Writing Your First Book" |
"Research has shown thatover 80% of people who dreamedof writing a booknever didInstead, they actuallydie with their storiesstill locked up inside of themIts a tragic statistic ...that youdon't want to be apart of.....And if youre a...- Entrepreneur- Service Professional- Consultant- Or anyone who has a story to tell....even if you'veexperienced setbacks/challenges and want to share yourstoryto inspire others...then you NEEDa simple and easy way to finallywrite your book!So let me share with you a little bit about howwriting my first book changed my life forever...I Always Dreamed Of Writing A Book...And When I Finally Did, My Life Changed Forever!When I was a little girl, I always dreamed of writing a bookBut no matter how hard I tried, lifealwaysseemed to get in the way- First, I got pregnant at age 16- And then my Dad died.- I struggled with his death for a long time, asI just couldnt stop thinking, Why ME?...But eventually, I found a way through itWhich is when I began to learn the lessons that formed the basis for my first book, 'Overcoming Your Setbacks'It was a profoundly enlightening experience...and once I began to startwriting about what I had learnedMy life changed FOREVER!The feeling of being able toflip the pages of my very own hard-copy bookwas the most exhilarating thing Ive ever experiencedAnd my journey didnt stop there either...Because pretty soon, I scored an opportunity to write for one of the BIGGEST writing platforms in the world...The Huffington Post!Thats when I realized that writing a book wasthe best possible way to become an EXPERT in your fieldWriting A Book IsThe Best WayTo Build Authority And Become An Expert In Your FieldHeres something you probably dont realizeRight NOWis the BEST possible timeto write your book...And thats because, in todays world, thanks in large part to Amazon and the spread of eBooks all over the world...Writing a bookbuilds your authorityand establishes YOU as an EXPERT in your field in a way thatnothing else can!Here's why...Readers automatically assume that if youve written and published a book, you MUST know what youre talking aboutIt provides massive value for a very low costIt proves you have the dedication and work ethic to write a book from start to finish (and actually have it published!)It pre-frames your readers to buy more from youEssentially, your book serves as yourfront-end offerIt helps youattract NEW followers to your audience...and thenconvert those new followers intopaying customers.All while being able tomake moneyfrom the sale of your bookat the same time!Sounds good, right?The only problem then, is figuring how to actually WRITE your book(especially if youre not a writer!)But thats why my team and I have been hard at work putting togethera simple, step-by-step course that can teach ANYONE how to write their first bookEven if youve never done ANY formal or professional writing beforeSo you canbuild your authorityandbecome an expert in your field!Its calledThe Expert Author Blueprint...Introducing The Expert Author Blueprint:The Simplest And Easiest Way To Write Your First Book (Even If Youre Not A Writer!)...a step-by-step system for budding authors!Heres what youll learn when you enroll in the course:How to achieve the right mindset necessary to see your book through to actually being publishedThe 3 different ways you can get your book written and publishedHow to come up with a catchy and memorable title for your bookHow to craft a perfect outline that makes writing each chapter easier than you thought possibleHow to avoid writers block and actually finish your book on timeHow to create buzz around your book launch and market it to your audience successfullyAnd Much More... What Past Students Are Saying...13-Year Old Author...I am 13 years old. I am the author of the upcoming book, Youths On Fire: Take The Right Action Today To Be The Best Of Yourself Tomorrow. My book is as a direct result of taking this course. I was able to go through the coursewith ease. It is written in simple language and a person of any age can go through this course to write their own book. If at 13 I am able to go through this book writing course and complete my book, you can too!Terrence Fagan Jr.Sophias Course is Phenomenal...Sophia is a very talented and amazing writer and individual. Sophias book writing course provides a step by step process to getting it completed. I was able to go through the course with ease as it was easy to understand and very helpful. Sophias course not only helped me with my book writing but with my mindset as well. I am now able to see myself as an author before my book even gets published. I really started believing in becoming an author thanks to her help and her book writing course.Sophias book writing course is phenomenal, I highly recommend anyone who is serious about becoming an author to take this course.Randeep MannTURN YOUR WRITINGDREAMS INTO REALITY!STARTING NOW...If youve ever dreamed of writing a book and successfully becoming a published authorNOW is the time!Soenroll in The Expert Author Blueprint today and become an expert in your field"
Price: 199.99

"The Guide To Overcome Setbacks And Mindset Blocks" |
"The guy who plays piano with hisfeet.The paraplegic who manages to surf. The 80-year old champion bodybuilder.These people had real odds against them. Yet, they were not stopped from seeing their dreams becomingtheir realities.Thats because nothing can ever stop us.We are the only ones who stop ourselves. Life. Health. Money. Whatever you think is standing between you and your $50K months or the glass corner office (or even seeing a new country each month), isnt!There is absolutely nothing standing between you and those dreams, except you. And Overcoming Your Setbacks will teach you why and how you can rise above every single one of the perceived reasons with ease and grace, with speed and agility, with strength and power. Whatever you face does not have to thwart your path to high-revenue businesses, the position you want to hold or even the body you dream of. Say no to the excuses. Shatter every block. Use the power of your mind and unleash your greatness to conquer all of setbacks. Overcoming Your Setbacks will show you how to.. Establish where you are so you can move swiftly toward where you want to beSet and accomplish your SMART goals which speak to your overall successFind ways to invest in yourself because when you value yourself enough to perfect your game, you cant NOT winUnderstand the importance of having a mentor or coach to navigate the way so you overcome obstacles swiftlyUnderstand why you should never settle for mediocrity because being mediocre is for those comfortable with small and unseenThink big and retrain your mind for success so that creating the impact you want to make is easyFulfill your purpose because getting out of the bed in the morning should be a to-do you LOVESteps to move you forward quickly over any hurdle that throws itself in your path, giving you the tools to overcome ANYTHINGNothing will ever stay for long in your path again when you are completely armed with the tools, techniques, and tactics to harness the power of your mind and your willingness to win at every goal you ever set for yourself in this life. Master, never be your own victim again. If you have ever found yourself giving reasons for why you havent reached your goals or ever answering the question whats holding you back? with anything other than me, this program is for you.Who am I to teach you about Mindset and Overcoming Your Setbacks? Hi! My name is Sophia Davis-Fagan, the life and mindset coach for women and men, just like you. Im also a trainer, speaker and The HuffPost writer. I hold a Master of Science degree in Counselling and Consulting Psychology and a Postgraduate certificate in Global Business Management and Im a trained teacher.So between my work in undergraduate, graduate, and my practices, I have mastered the techniques of using the mind to make myself and my clients do what they need to do to win...consistently. I served my country in the capacity of a police officer and rose to the rank of Sergeant of Police, where I trained police for more than ten years. I was nationally awarded the Medal of Honor for dedicated and efficient service. I also served as a corporate trainer for more than six years after that. Then, I went on to train individuals for the inaugural PanAm Games in Canada in 2015. Training for feats is in my DNA. Its who I am. Its what I do. And this program I created, so you could take every single excuse and/or block you have and circumvent it, so you never have to suffer another setback and even if you do, you will navigate your way to success."
Price: 199.99

"Author's Guide To Marketing Your Book On Facebook" |
"Dear FriendThe fact that you arehere means that you'reserious aboutmaking thesmart decision to invest in the long-term growth of your businessBut if theres one thing that separatessuccessful authorsfrom the rest of pack, its thisKnowingHow To Properly MARKETTheir Book!So, if you want to go one step beyondwritingyour book...and actually focus on getting it into the right hands so you can sell LOTS of copies...then you MUST knowhow to properly market your book!Introducing: Author's Guide To Marketing Your Book On Facebook...The Author's Guide To Marketing Your Book On Facebook Mini-Courseis a masterclass in the most successful book marketing methods available todayHeres what youll learn when you enroll today:How to identify your target market and create a Customer AvatarHow to figure out the best way to reach your ideal customerThe best paid and free ways to market your bookOnline and offline book marketing strategies of successful authorsHow to raise your profile to get people to notice youAnd Much More...What Youll Get With The Author's Guide To Marketing Your Book On FacebookMODULE 1: INTRODUCTIONIn Module 1, youll get a course overview, and lay the foundation for all the material that will be covered in the Author Marketing Blueprint.MODULE 2: YOUR AUDIENCEDiscover why Facebook is the #1 most important social media platform when it comes to marketing your business. See first-hand how powerful Facebooks advertising platform can be in helping you reach your target audience and sell your book.MODULE 3: FAN PAGELearn why having a Facebook Fan Page is a must, as well as how to set yours up and ensure that it becomes a profitable source of revenue for you and your business.MODULE 4: POST FREQUENCYLearn exactly how to time your posts on Facebook for maximum engagement. Discover how to run a split-test to identify the best possible time to post for your audience.MODULE 5: BOOST POSTSDiscover the importance of using the Boost Post option, and how it can help you reach an even bigger slice of your target audience.MODULE 6: GETTING FANS INTERESTEDLearn my best tips and tricks to pique your audiences interest in you and everything that you do.MODULE 7: SECRET STATEMENTDiscover the powerful Secret Statement you must make on Facebook when youre introducing yourself to people for the first time.MODULE 8: MAX ENGAGEMENTLearn how to deliver the kind of value that will produce maximum engagement from your fans. This is the secret to turning raving fans into paying customers as quickly as possible.MODULE 9: GO LIVE!Learn how to captivate your target audience by using Facebooks new Live feature. Find out why this new feature allows you to penetrate a much larger section of your audience than any other free tool on Facebook.ONE More Thing...That's not all...Because when you enroll inThe Author's Guide To Marketing Your Book OnFacebook, youll also receivethis bonus lesson...FREE Bonus #1: Money Is In The ListThis bonus lesson teaches you why you must start building your email list even before your book gets published.When you completeThe Author's Guide To Marketing Your Book On Facebook Mini-Course, youll be a book marketing EXPERTYoull be able to get your bookinto theright handsso you can raise your profile andsell more books!Writing a bookbuilds your authorityand establishes YOU as an EXPERT in your field in a way thatnothing else can!Special Offer:Enroll In TheAuthor's Guide To Marketing Your Book On FacebookToday!The Author Marketing Blueprintis your chance to discover how to grow your audience and sell more books using Facebook...And right now, Im offering you an exclusive offer to sign up forjust $199...So take advantage of this special pricing while you still can, andclick the buttonbelow NOW to getThe Author's Guide ToMarketing Your Book On Facebooktoday!"
Price: 199.99

"pfSense: Firewall Profissional" |
"O Curso pfSense: Firewall Profissional vai ajud-lo a criar um servidor de Firewall de forma rpida, confivel e estvel utilizando o pfSense.Projetado para ajud-lo a gerenciar e manter sua rede usando pfSense como um dos elementos centrais. Voc ser introduzido em cenrios do mundo real usando ambientes de laboratrio virtuais.OBS: o curso ainda est em desenvolvimento!Matricule-se j!"
Price: 249.99

"Astronoma observacional, Rutas del Cielo" |
"""Rutas del cielo"", es un curso prctico para cualquiera que desee aprender una manera fcil de contemplar el firmamento y conocer los fascinantes objetos celestes.En este curso aprenders los conceptos bsicos para observar el cielo y comprender cmo son y cmo funcionan los objetos celestes: La Tierra, la Luna, el Sol, los planetas, los cometas, las estrellas, las estrellas, las galaxias y las constelaciones.El astrofotgrafo Miguel C. Daz Sosa te guiar por el cielo estelar de manera sencilla y humanista, manteniendo el rigor cientfico y aportando un lenguaje potico y vivencial que no solo informa, sino que activa emociones y sentimientos de singular expansin y belleza."
Price: 54.99

"Uygulamal Photoshop CC Eitim Seti" |
"uan bakm olduunuz kurstabtn titizliiye Photoshop eitimi veriliyor.Eitimde bol bol egzersiz yaptrmak amalanmtr.Bu kursu renirken aslnda internette grdnz tasarmlarn ne kadar kolay bir ekilde yaplyor olduunu anlayacaksnz.Kurs, Photoshop programn batan sona retmekle kalmayp, bulunduunuz sosyal medya ortamlarnda kendinize zg benzersiz tasarmlar yapmay hedefliyor(Facebook,nstagram,YouTube,Twitter...).Bu tasarmlarla ilham kayna olmak kim istemez ki!Genel Olarak reneceklerimiz yle;Photoshop arayz ve aralarn kullanmFotoraflarn kulland teknikler(Genel Photoshop Teknikleri)Her ay artan saysyla profesyonel Photoshop uygulamalarYouTube ierik oluturucularna zeltasarm almalarnstagram ve Facebook kullanclarna zel etkileim arttracaksayfa ablonu,reklam grseli,hikaye ablonu tasarmKurs leyiiKursu batan sona srasyla izleyerek gitmenizi tavsiye ederim.Photoshop programn bilseniz dahi her video da yeni bir ey kefedebilirsiniz.Kursumuzu istediiniz anda telefonunuza indirerek seyahat halinde bile bilginize bilgi katabilirsiniz.Kurs rencilerine zel her ay farkl bir almaya imza atarak kursumuz gncel kalacaktr.Derslerde greceiniz tm rnek almalar da size veriliyor, bu sayede grdnz eyleri ayn grsel zerinde pratik yapabileceksiniz.Anlamadnz yerlerde ya da hatayla karlatnz zaman eitmene mesaj atarak aray soutmadan sorununuzu zebileceksiniz.Kurs SonundaUmarm kursumu beenirsiniz.Haydi kendimize yeni bir yetenek katalm ve hayal dnyamzdaki grselleri Photoshop program yardmyla gzler nne serelim!"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe XD ile Kendi Mobil Uygulaman Tasarla" |
"Bu zamana kadar belki birok mobil uygulama fikrin oldu. Ama daha tasarma bile gelemeden iinde kaybolup gitti. Aslnda kafanda bir tasarm hep vard ama nereden balayacan bilmiyordun. imdi ise balaman gereken yerdesin :) Mobil uygulama tasarmnda en yakn arkadan belkideAdobe XD olacak.Bunun iin temel bilgisayar bilgisine sahip olman yeterli bile! Ne yapman gerektiini adm adm anlatyorum. Hemde dnyann en popler sosyal medya uygulamas Instagram'n klonunu yaparken reneceksin!Haydi daha ne bekliyorsun! Kendi mobil uygulaman tasarlamann vakti geldi bile :)Genel Olarak reneceklerimiz yle;Adobe XD arayz ve aralarn kullanmrneklerle beraber size hz kazandracak pratik tekniklerIOS ve Android platformlarna zel mobil uygulama tasarmlarKurs ileyiine gelecek olursak;Kursu batan sona srasyla izleyerek gitmenizi tavsiye ederim.Kursbasit rnekler ile size bol pratik yaptrlarak ileniyor. Size hz kazandracak kullandm btn teknikleri anlatyorum.Kursumuzu istediiniz anda telefonunuza indirerek seyahat halinde bile bilginize bilgi katabilirsiniz.Derslerde greceiniz tm rnek almalar da size veriliyor, bu sayede grdnz eyleri ayn grsel zerinde pratik yapabileceksiniz.Anlamadnz yerlerde ya da hatayla karlatnz zaman eitmene mesaj atarak aray soutmadan sorununuzu zebileceksiniz."
Price: 149.99

"Muitas vezes temosAQUELA ideia, fazemos todos o planejamento mas na hora de realmente tirar do papel, percebemos que precisamosde um apoio financeiro, e ento optamos por tentar um investimento de terceiros. Todos ns sabemos que conseguir um investidor no nada fcil, por mais que nossa ideia parea promissora, sempre difcil conseguir que algum tire dinheiro do seu bolso e invista nela, e no existe uma frmula mgica para conseguir isso.Neste curso voc vai aprender a montar um PITCH para investidores rpido claro e objetivo, para quando voc finalmente conseguir falar com um investidor que esteja disposto a ouvir a sua idia, voc no perca essa chance. E com um bom pitch suas chances iro aumentar consideravelmente."
Price: 99.99

"Italiano para todos" |
"Curso bsico de idioma italiano estructurado en20 captulos. Se divide en unaprimera partetil para familiarizar con el idioma, unasegundapara conocer la gramtica base y unatercerapara aprender los tiempos verbales principales y los usos que se pueden hacer en situaciones practicas; tambin est presente una parte dedicada alvocabulariode las cosas y de los conceptos usados en la vida cotidiana."
Price: 19.99

"RegEx - Wyraenia Regularne od A do Z" |
"Jeeli jeste programist (lub masz ambicj nim zosta) to pewnie syszae ju o Wyraeniach Regularnych, czyli RegEx. Wyraenia regularne s uniwersalnym narzdziem do przetwarzania tekstu. Stanowi integraln cz niemal kadego jzyka programowania - Javy, C#, PHP, Pythona czy JavaScript. Czy Twoja praca ma cokolwiek wsplnego z przetwarzaniem tekstu?Projektujesz interfejsy uytkownika? Twoi uytkownicy pewnie mog wprowadzi dowolny tekst w polu formularza. Jeli go nie zweryfikujesz bdziesz musia liczy si z kosztownymi bdami. Wyraenia regularne mog uratowa Ci skr.Obsugujesz pliki tekstowe? W dziwnych formatach wymylonych przez Twoich klientw? Uywanie prostych komend jzyka programowania do pracy na tekcie to nie zawsze dobre rozwizanie. Uycie wyrae regularnych pozwala Ci pisa programy szybciej i efektywniej.A moe Wasza aplikacja ju posiada dziesitki RegExw rozmieszczone w kodzie? Radzisz sobie z nimi jako tako, ale kade trudniejsze zadanie wymaga od Ciebie aby poprosi koleg o pomoc. Jak mylisz, kto na koniec kwartau dostanie podwyk?Po naszym kursie wyrae regularnych bdziesz potrafi:Sprawdzi poprawno tekstu ze wzorcem - np. czy wpisany przez uytkownika tekst skada si z samych cyfrWyszuka wzorzec w tekcie - np. wydoby szybko wszystkie adresy email z obszernego dokumentuPodzieli tekst na fragmenty - np. wycign z daty urodzenia osobno dzie, miesic i rok. Nastpnie moesz uy tych fragmentw w jzyku programowania, aby wybra tylko klientw z docelowej grupy wiekowejZamieni fragment tekstu na inny - gdy np. zmieni si adres IP lokalnego serwera, a Ty musisz zaktualizowa konfiguracj w 10 plikach. RegEx pozwoli Ci zrobi to kilkoma klikniciami.Wyraenia regularne wcale nie s takie skomplikowane jakie wydaj si na pierwszy rzut oka :) Nie odkadaj nauki RegEx na pniej, bo wanie masz okazj naby kompletny, profesjonalny i wyczerpujcy kurs wyrae regularnych, ktry wprowadzi Ci w tajniki RegEx od samego pocztku do poziomu eksperta.Dziki temu kursowi:Zaczniesztworzy proste i efektywne wyraenia regularne.Poznasz najlepsze praktyki kierujce pisaniem RegEx'w.Dowiesz si jak omin najgroniejsze puapki czyhajce na pocztkujcych adeptw wyrae regularnych. Oszczdzisz swj czas pracy i pienidze Twojej firmy.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Docz do grupy zadowolonych Uytkownikw.Jeli mj kurs Ci si nie spodoba to pamitaj, e masz a 30 dni na to by uzyska pen refundacj. Gwarantuj Ci 100% satysfakcji.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Jeli masz jakiekolwiek pytaniazwizane z poruszonymi tematami w RegEx to pisz miao, zawsze chtnie pomog :)Prosz zanim zakupisz kurs ogldnij darmowe lekcje! Nie kupuj kota w worku! Sprawd jako kursw przed zakupem!Docz dzi i naucz si RegEx w szybki atwy sposb."
Price: 609.99

"GIT od podstaw dla kadego" |
"Gdy pracowaem jeszcze jako junior developer, wiele aspektw gita wydawao mi si dziwnych. Z jednej strony korzystaem z gita codziennie, z drugiej strony popeniaem bdy, ktrych nie potrafiem zrozumie.W krytycznych sytuacjach woaem koleg, ktry uchodzi za naszego lokalnego mistrza git. On czsto te nie potrafi ich zrozumie...Dzi, po wielu godzinach sortowania informacji, poznaem takie rzeczy zwizane z gitem, o ktrych wczeniej bym nie pomyla. Przedstawi Ci w tym kursie w szybki i atwy sposb to, czego dowiedziaem si na temat gita. Zaoszczdzi Ci to ogromn ilo Twojego czasu. Unikniesz typowych bdw, bo przedstawi Ci podstawy GIT w dokadniejszy sposb, ni s one przewanie pokazywane.Interfejs gita jest mao intuicyjny, a jego dokumentacja niespjna. Dziesitki graficznych interfejsw uytkownika tylko pogbiaj ten problem zamiast pomaga, jeszcze bardziej ukrywaj przed Tob drzemice pod spodem struktury gita. To wanie dobre poznanie tych struktur gwarantuje wydajn, bezstresow prac.Rzesza wiernych uytkownikw gita przyznaje, e jest to narzdzie po prostu trudne. Czas z tym skoczy!W tym kursie nauczysz si GIT od zera. Nie musisz wiedzie nic na temat GIT.Dziki temu kursowi unikniesz setki godzin lczenia nad problemami zwizanymi z GIT. Ba, bdziesz mg pomc swoim kolegom w pracy i pokaza jak ten GIT rzeczywicie dziaa.Jeli chcesz pracowa jako programista, to wiedza o zarzdzaniu wersjami oprogramowania jest obowizkowa. Kady pracodawca wymaga, aby zna przynajmniej podstawy GIT.Jeeli wic chcesz pozna GIT i zaoszczdzi swj cenny czas, to jeste w idealnym miejscu!"
Price: 369.99

"Aprende magia profesional desde cero" |
Price: 199.99

"Affirming Your Identity" |
"This course was created with YOUin mind. Life is a journey and it's a lot easier when you are operating and thriving in your purpose and not aimlessly wandering. Thiscourse is designed to be completed over 7 days. Each day has a specific topic, activity, and journal prompt. I always say, ""If you have a pulse, you have a purpose."" Let's get the foundation firm so you can effectively thrive in your purpose."
Price: 49.99

"Food Freedom Mindset Course" |
"I remember so clearly the feeling of complete helplessness after yet again mindlessly binging on a disgusting amount of food. It all was a blur, what brought me into the kitchen to begin with I don't even know, all I know is that I just finished gorging myself uncontrollably for the last 30 mins or so. I wanted to stop so many times during, but literally had zero control over what I was doing. Afterwards, with my stomach swollen and in lots of pain I felt emotionally drained. I would sit there in a state of regret feeling guilty for what I had just done. Telling myself things like I'm hopeless, I will never get past this, I am destined for a life long struggle with food. At my peak this was happening on a daily basis. I had gained about 30 lbs in the last 6 months and I knew I couldn't keep going like this. Can you relate to any of the above? If yes, I wanna help you! I now feel as though I have complete peace with food! The binge eating doesn't happen anymore and I m never in the state of regret or feeling out of control with food. No matter how long you've struggled with food, your past does not define your future and you aren't destined for a life of food struggle - you CAN be one of those people who has a normal HEALTHY relationship with food!After 5 years of helping people lose weight by providing workouts and food plans for them and having most lose the weight in the short term just to eventually gain it all back, go back to their old bad habits, etc. I realized a need for something else. Something that people need help with more than any specific eating or workout plan - their MINDSET! In my FOOD FREEDOM course, I will teach you all of the techniques that I have used to get over my food addiction, emotional eating and binge eating. In this 5 week course I will teach you:WEEK 1 - Debunking old beliefs & myths around diet/educationWEEK 2 - Recognizing your own limited beliefs & internal dialogue around foodWEEK 3 - Reframing your thinking & changing your stateWEEK 4 - Change your focus/practical applicationWEEK 5 - How to enjoy food going forward/set up for success. So if you want to get yourself set up for LIFE to NEVER struggle with food again you'll want to join us! "
Price: 34.99

"Emotional Freedom Technique for Freedom in Life" |
"What would life be like if you could truly live without limitations? What could you achieve if you could silence the negative voices in your head? With this course, we will show you how to perform Emotional Freedom Technique. Which itself is a very useful, dynamic and versatile technique, but we will also show you how to use it. We take you through a comprehensive list of many of the issues that people commonly face, as well as some not so common ones, to allow you to free yourself and others. This is like giving you the car, as well as the skills to drive it! Emotional Freedom Technique is a very gentle, non-invasive technique that anyone can do or have done to them. Once you master this and start to come up with your own issues, there will be no stopping you! In this course we will show you: A brief history of EFT The why what and how EFT works The process of EFT, the steps it takes to perform Using EFT on other people The issues to work on, including: Fears Limiting beliefs Money Body Depression Anxiety Relationships Addictions And more! So what are you waiting for? If you are ready to live you life with more freedom, less negativity and much more passion and joy, then join us on this journey today!"
Price: 24.99

"NLP for Beginners - Simple Techniques for Success" |
"Welcome to NLP for Beginners - Simple Techniques for SuccessIn this course we will be looking at, the very basics of NLP,the presuppositions with which NLP is based, as well as some simple techniques that will help you to change your life.This course is being designed with simplicity as it's key, is NLP can be confusing as it is, so I have designed it so that anybody can access it,understand it and then utilize it to assist not only their own life but the lives of others.The subjects that we will be looking at during this course include:Goal settingMetaphorsTime and Time Line TherapyAnchorsSub modalitiesAs well as many moreSo if you are looking for an easy, enjoyable way to enter the world of NLP, then this is the course for you.I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 24.99
