"Sfrdan Uzmanla Profesyonel Satran Eitimi! Satran" |
"23 yldr satran oynayan, Trkiye Satran Federasyonu (TSF) lisansl bir satran oyuncusuyum. Bu sporu merak eden, renmek isteyen ve kendini gelitirmek isteyen herkesin keyifle izleyecei bir seri oluturdum. Satran kurallarn, turnuva kurallarn anlattm,Shredder Classic 5 gibi mthi bir programla ok sayda oyunlaroynadm, allar ve oyun sonu matlarngsterdim. Satran iin kritik dnme eklini ve eitli stratejileri sizlerle paylatm. Dnyann en byk satran ustalarn tanttm, lichess online platformunda oynadm eitli oyunlar size aktardm. Alternatif satran programlarn sizlere tanttm. Satran saatini, satran adabn, satran ile alakal genel kltre giren konular da elenceli ekilde sizlerle paylatm.Tm satran severlere, bireyler katabilecek seviyede bir eitim oluturdum. Satran beyni dinamik tutar, satran zihinsel bir spordur."
Price: 49.99

"Aprenda a falar corretamente" |
"Nesta obra, a gramtica apresentada na mais produtiva e racional ordem didtica, possibilitando a assimilao natural de seus contedos. Trata-se de material j testado e aprovado na preparao para concursos pblicos, vestibulares, ENEM e em escolas de ensino mdio e superior. Constitui, ainda, base de consulta para as dificuldades do dia a dia."
Price: 54.99

"Natural modeling clay for kids" |
"In this course I will share with you a successful recipe of the natural modeling clay, Ideal to develop the touch and to solicit the imagination of children.flexible and easy to work ,100% natural without chemicals products, non toxic ,ecological ,and economic at the same time.And I will also show you all the secrets and natural ingredients to color your clay .and get 10 differentscolors whose objective is to satisfy your children.this courscontains: - How to prepare the pasta of the modeling paste. - The secrets to get a dough with a good texture and flexible. - How to get 10 naturals colors to color the dough, and with good smells. - The secret to keepthe modeling clay.go ,Join my course and let me help you to have fun you and your children to make the natural modeling clay to preserve and maintain the health of your children."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Orbital Mechanics" |
"This course will help you understand the nature of orbits and trajectoriesat a fundamental level.I focuson the concepts you need to describe and define orbits. I use Earth as an example, but the conceptsapply equally well to other bodies, such as Mars or the Sun.My approach is light on math.Ialso cover key terminology that will help youmake sense of this jargon-rich field."
Price: 19.99

"How to Become a Freelance Business Consultant" |
"This is a step by step guide to launch your Freelance Consulting Business. We all know a freelance graphic designer, copywriter, photographer, and coach. There is a great business space for the freelance business consultant as well. And this course will get you there. Join to learn how to:Turn consulting into a simple product you can sell easilyMake a first impression that convertsCreate your network of clients and referralsIf you are itching to launch your own business after your time in the corporate or business world, then this course is for you. ""Consulting"" can feel like a broad, nebulous thing, and you can have many consultants in a room who are not actually in competition with one another. This course shares a method to define what your particular skill and expertise is, and how to take that to the market. We will also get you ready to present yourself to the world, and then build a network of contacts that will keep you in business for the long term. This course will get you - the independent business consultant - up and running so you can focus on client growth right from the start. Student Reviews""Very informative. Excellent strategies for creating a successful consulting business."" ""Rebecca was really great, she clearly knows her stuff. I hope to keep in touch with her, as I feel like she would be a very good resource!""Course OverviewThis course is structured in sections to address all the areas needed to launch your consulting business. Whether this is your main gig or a side income, this course will get you up and running, quickly. We will start by creating a concrete definition of your service, so you have something to pitch right away. Then we will go through various steps to get your collateral, your marketing, and how to make your first contacts. Then we will talk about the value of your network and how to use it for continuous business growth. Check the Bonus section for new videos addressing different areas of work helpful to the freelance consultant."
Price: 134.99

"Entrepreneurs: Improve your Decision Making" |
"Analyzing your situation, evaluating pros and cons, predicting future outcomes, ... these are all skills needed to make good decisions. And considering how many decisions you have to make in your business, it's a lot to handle. But:Good Decision Making & Problem Solving are essential to business success. You have to:Know how each decision impacts your whole businessUnderstand what you can and can not controlEvaluate your optionsThis course is a step by step guide in Problem Solving with simplicity. You will learn a simple decision making framework that you can apply in a multitude of scenarios. Every decision means a change, and a change means that something will be gained and something will be lost. This framework makes it easy to find out what is changing and know you are making the right decision about it. If you are running a business, managing a business, or directing a business team, you are responsible for strategic decisions and their success (or failure). Course StructureThe intro section will provide a detailed guide to what constitutes Decision Making, including the types of decision a business encounters. We will then dive into the three areas of effective decision making in Pre Game - understanding your current positionGains - understanding the upsides to your decision optionsLosses - understanding the downsides to your decision optionsFinally, we will review how to use all of the above, and check out the new bonus section Decision Making Models for new videos explaining traditional decision making models, and how they fit in with the above framework."
Price: 74.99

"Con este curso tendrs la capacidad para identificar, afrontar y superar los estados o patrones mentales negativosque te afectan en cualquiera de las 8 reas que desarrollan de tu vida y la felicidad que te mereces. Estars en capacidad de eliminar en 21 daslos paradigmas que no te dejan triunfar y adems"
Price: 79.99

"ServiceNow Certified System Administrator CSA Practice Exam" |
"Hello!!!This Course is intended to help you to pass the ServiceNow Exam.This is not the real certification exam, rather it is a practice test. This course contains 4 exams with 240 questions on ServiceNow Administration covering almost every topicrequired in the ServiceNow CSA Administratorexam. If you are looking for ServiceNow Admin Training, we offer live classesseparately. If you need Live Training in ServiceNow Admin, Developer you can contact me at Mike@truetechconsulting.net.The topics which are covered in thesemock tests areUser Interface and NavigationA. Understand the key UI components of ServiceNowB. Explore lists and forms, as well as their respective featuresC. Identify the importance of branding, as well as how to apply it to the platformUsers and TasksA. Know how users are organized in ServiceNow, including how they are added to theplatform and access different areasB. Identify practices related to task management, including features/tools available toleverageC. Know what notifications are and what they are used forData AdministrationA. Understand the database schemaB. Identify how to utilize a configuration management database and whyC. Know how to populate the databaseD. Understand basic reporting and the benefits of performance analyticsE. Know how to protect data in ServiceNowService AutomationA. Know about the Knowledge Base and its content creation processB. Explore the Service Catalog and its componentsC. Understand what Workflows are and why they are usedD. Identify how Service Level Agreements are usedIntroduction to Scripting and DevelopmentA. Identify various script types available in the platform and what they enableB. Understand what features are available for instance maintenanceC. Know about instance upgrades, performance, and cloningD. Know about application development and general guidelines"
Price: 99.99

"Learn the Basics of Macronutrients" |
"You will learn some basic principles in regards to the roles that the 3 main macronutrients play in the body.Fat is one of the three main macronutrients, along with carbohydrate and protein.Proteins are large biomolecules, or macromolecules, consisting of one or more long chains of amino acid residues.Carbohydrates are essential for a well-balanced diet and healthy body. They provide the only fuel source for many vital organs, including the brain, central nervous system and kidneys. The digestive system breaks down carbohydrates into glucose and the pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin to help the glucose move from the blood into the cells"
Price: 24.99

"Statistique descriptive : cours et exercices" |
"L'Enseignement de la Statistique est un enseignement de base pour les conomistes, les gestionnaires mais aussi les sociologues, les ingnieurs, Les juristes etc... Dans chacune de ces formations, la statistique est devenue l'un des outils De base qui permettra d'observer - de mesurer - de rsumer - de comparer- Pour mieux comprendre la ralit et prendre des dcisions. Ce cours s'adresse destudiants qui sont au dbut de leurs tudes d'enseignement suprieur maisAussi ceux qui dsirent s'initier aux techniques de base de la statistique."
Price: 34.99

"Apply the 80/20 Principle to your business [with templates]" |
"The 80/20 program is a proven specific step by step system used by hundreds of successful companiesaround the world to build profitable businesses.The program consists of 8 steps that put you on your way to create a profitablebusiness.In each section, you will learn one important aspect of optimizing your business and by the end of the class, you will get a simple homework.Each homework should take about 1 to 2 hours to complete during the week.By following these steps you will be able to:Know exactly what you must focus your resources on and what you must ot focus on.Find where to spend your time and money to make a Massive difference in your business and life style.Create the right business that is aligned with your business goals, life style ,and your customer demands. A business your customers want to invest in on a daily basisDociver how to literally work less and bring in more sales and profitsThe 8 Steps to Supercharge your businessComponent 1: Clients Plan how to utilize your client list properly and profitably in your harmonized business model Define the financially viable niche market that you are also passionate to work with Discover the part of your market you want to focus on to create the biggest impact in other people's lives while growing your business successfullyComponent 2: Services & ProductsFind the most in-demand products for your target marketDiscover how to double your profits in a short amount of time Learn where to focus your time and resources to maximize client satisfaction and profitsComponent 3: Your team Plan your team structure base on their performance and KPIs Identify who to focus on and spent your time with more often to double your team's resultsin 3 to 6 months Identify the best members of your team and learn how to refocus training to make the biggest impactComponent 4: Marketing Activities Discover the fastest scientificway to find out which marketing activities are working and which ones are notFind the strategies and which ones to invest in to double the number of your leadsComponent 5: Expenses Find out the fastest way to reduce theexpenses Get feedback on your content from your beta users and improve the training as you go if needed Continue building relationship with influential people in the market and get their feedback on your coursesComponent 6: Time Management Learn how to build and focus your daily activities on the items that make 80% of your results Drag and drop your videos, PowerPoints, audio files and documents as you build your content; the easiest way to have your training site with no technical issues Setup your payment system to get paid online when you launch your program publiclyComponent 7: PriceGet the simplest method to make priceirrelevantFind out how you can setup your service offering so customers are leastresistant to your price Prepare your promotional emails by using Ultimate Course Formula tested email series to invite people to your landing pages and sales pagesComponent 8: Processes and procedures Find the fastest way on the planet to find the bottlenecks in your processesand procedures Find areas of your process thatcan improve time by 80% Optimize your business processes in a few simple steps"
Price: 159.99

"Aprenda a Criar Sites Responsivos Com HTML5 e CSS3" |
"A Arquitetura Da InformaoMuito alm dos cdigos de programao est a Arquitetura Da Informao, intimamente ligada forma com que seu contedo apresentado aos clientes(usurios). Ela leva em conta a forma como os dados so classificados, o que vai dentro de cada item de menu, o que deve estar visvel na pgina inicial, entre muitos outros elementos.A arquitetura da informao considera que uma boa estrutura aquela que consegue construir um sistema de navegao agradvel e que oferea uma boa experincia. Essa , justamente, a alma do layout responsivo: seu pblico quer acessar seu contedo de diferentes lugares e, portanto, preciso oferecer uma boa navegabilidade para todos eles.E isso o que voc vai aprender com este curso, ministrado por Fbio Souza. Proprietrio da FSN Projetos Web, e criador do Canal FSN Cursos Online no Youtube.Vamos s aulas."
Price: 69.99

"Curso de PHP Orientado Objetos." |
"Pra esse Treinamento(Curso), voc vai precisar de:Um Servidor Local que ""rode"" o PHP e ApacheUm Editor de Cdigos ou, uma IDE(Ambiente de Desenvolvimento Integrado).Um Navegadore vontade de AprenderVoc precisa tambm ter familiaridade com as linguagensHTML5PHP BsicoAssim voc tem um bom aproveitamento do curso.Nesse Treinamento(Curso), vamos aprender:Classes e ObjetosAtributos e mtodosVisibilidadeModificadores de AcessoRelacionamento entre classes(Associao, Agregao e Composio)EncapsulamentoHeranaPolimorfismo"
Price: 69.99

"Learn to set your goals correctly so that you achieve them more easily, enjoying the way. You can find your correct and very personal way to improve your approaches, deepen optimization of time, resources, increase in perseverance and productivity in different aspects of your life. Be at the end of the course a person, who can inspire others, achieving everything that is proposed."
Price: 19.99

"Valor Ganado y Tiempo Ganado Aplicado a Construccin" |
"En este curso revisaremos los conceptos de valor ganado y tiempos ganado.Aprenderemos a utilizar el CPI,SPI, SV, CV, SPIt, EAC, BAC, EAC, TCPIAs como la creacin de reportes de valor ganado en excelexplicados paso a paso. (Resumen de Estado Semanal, Curva S valor Ganado, Curva S tiempo Ganado)"
Price: 59.99

"Introduction to CNC Programming" |
"Increase your hourly rate as a CNC Machinist by learning to program CNC machines.CNC Router owners often struggle learning to program their machine, This introduction course will teach you what you need to know.GCode is the basic fundamental language of CNC Machines. It is a skill every machinist needs to have a full understanding of their machine. Whether a hobbyist or an Aerospace machinist. It is often an area where machinistapprentices and DIY router enthusiasts get stuck on.With my course, I will take you through the basics of understanding the G Codelanguage to programming your first part in aneasy to understand, step by step process.Each G-CODE command is discussed in an easy to follow manner with example programs written around each lesson to make learning to program GCODE easy.The course also coversMCODESCyclesUnderstanding the cartesiancoordinate systemToolingCutter compensationClimb milling vs conventional millingAnd many moreWith 5 full CNC programs explaining each section in a real-world environment.Say goodbye to expensive CAD software and program your CNC machine like the experts.After completing this course you will be ableto program any shape using GCODE, as well as knowing tips and tricks used by professional CNC machinists to get the results they need."
Price: 39.99

"CNC Lathe programming using G Code" |
"Programming CNC Lathes and machining centres is a critical skill needed to work in a machine shop.This course will teach you how to program the operations needed to machine a part on a CNC lathe.Whether you are new to the world of CNC turning or need to brush up on your skills this is the course for you.I cover everything from a simple drilled hole in the centre of the work piece up to machining screw threads, working with sub-spindles, driven tooling, milling and drilling using the Y-axis and many, many more.Learn to program everything from a 2 Axis lathe to a multi-spindle, multi-turret 8 Axis machining centre with driven tooling!This course includes:Program LayoutCentre line drilling and tappingBoringRoughing cyclesFinishing cyclesScrew cuttingParting offUsing driven tooling to mill on the Y and Z AxisUsing driven tooling to drill and tap on the Y and Z AxisUsing the Sub-spindleLots of handouts to print or save on your phone to use as a reference when at your machineAnd much, much more!The techniques and practices used in this course will set you up for a lifelong career as a CNC machinist.If you are totally new to the world of G Code programming I would suggest that you enrolin my foundation course before this one.Foundation to CNC Programming using G CodeWhat this course is not:A setup tutorialAt the machine instructionsHow to operate a CNC machine course"
Price: 34.99

"Bangladesh: The next hot spot in apparel sourcing 2020" |
"A 400 years old producer of Cloths in the world is also a home of 200 Million People, Bangladesh. Maybe you are brand new in the fashion business or maybe you have some experience but need help growing your business.The fashion business is the perfect way to make a good income online. And this is the perfect course for you to jumpstart your fashion business.What makes us qualified to teach you?We have used real data, we will show you from where Nike bought a dress for a 3$ and sold to you for 100$. (It's a fact! )We have spent over 1000 hours together to gather data and analyzing data, what you can know in just under 2 hoursWe have shown you the whole outsourcing process from 0This course will take you through the different stages of the buying process. It will give you a view of Bangladesh's RMG industry, market statistics, and insights. It will give you detailed information about finding suppliers, evaluating costs and profits, the payment process and the shipping process. You will also get to know about the rules and regulations. With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,RobinYou can buy the product from Bangladesh through Alibaba"
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Masterclass 2020 - Your Complete Guide to YouTube" |
"Do you want to grow your own successful YouTube channel? If so then this is the course for you.With modern YouTube Marketing techniques, you can find new customers, boostyour conversions, andultimately increase your revenue.Whether you run your own business, are helping someone else's businesses, or want to learn an in-demand skill that can help you get hired,this is the perfect course for you!ALSO, NEVERGIVEUPIn this YouTube marketing course you will learn:The basics of YouTube marketingHow to make top videos for YouTubeHow to rank at the top of YouTube search resultsHow to get recommended by YouTubeHow to use SEO for organic growthHow to use Advertising Campaignfor boosting growthHow to market through YouTube andSocial MediaHow to grow your ownchannel, brand or businessHow to make money through YouTubeAnd 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like our work .The tools and techniques needed for achieving your target be it your own channel, your brand,your website or any other business. I will guide you through all the details you need from start to finish.30 Day Money Back GuaranteeThis course come with a 30-day money back guarantee with no questions asked."
Price: 199.99

"Instagram Masterclass 2019 - Complete Instagram Marketing" |
"OVER5,000 amazing HAPPY students have taken THIS courseSo you are here to be famous on Instagram right?Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service which allows you to market your business to hundreds of new customers everyday! There are more than 1 billion instagram users and it is a huge market to be famous or acquire new customers easilyIn this course, we start with the very basics and you will learnhow to create a powerful Instagram profile for yourself or for your business designed to effectively appeal your target followers . Even for people who have already established an account, it is imperative to know that you have done this in the optimal way for Instagram growth!So, what are the instagram marketing strategies for success? Well, here they are:Introduction to Instagram MarketingHow to Plan for your Instagram MarketingHow to Create Great ContentMaking Money from InstagramGet Featured on Instagram's Explore PageSo, if you are an individual, a business, group or any type of organization that wants really make it to the top,then this Instagram Marketing is for you!Instagram Masterclass - Complete Instagram Marketing with an unconditional, Udemy backed, 30 day money-back guarantee so you can try the course risk free.So sign up for this Instagrammarketingcourse, and begin making yourbusiness more successful starting today."
Price: 199.99

"YouTube: Einnahmen durch Produktplatzierungen generieren" |
"Willst du deinen YouTube-Kanal endlich zu barem Geld machen, hast aber keine Ahnung, wie das geht?Oder willst du Sponsoren finden, die deinen Kanal attraktiv finden und dich finanzielluntersttzen?In seinem zweiten Udemy-Kurs erklrt dir Profi-YouTuber Julez (ber 165 Mio. Klicks), wie du auf YouTube durchstartest und dich dafr auch noch bezahlen lsst.Du erfhrst, wie du deinen Kanal aufbauen musst, damit er fr Unternehmen und Co. attraktiv wird und du serise Angebote erhltst. Auerdem bekommst du eine klare Schritt-fr-Schritt Anleitung, um Sponsorenvertrge auszuhandeln und Angebote zu unterbreiten.Also:Worauf wartest du?Mchtest du mit deinem Kanal durchstarten und endlich Abonnenten zu zahlenden Zuschauern machen oder durch passende Produkte regelmige Einnahmen erzielen?Dann ist dieser Kurs mehr als der Richtige fr dich.PLUS:Ein viertelstndiges Q&A mit euren Fragen an YouTuber Julez!"
Price: 99.99

"Spiele Bluespiano und begeistere deine Zuhrer" |
"Erstelle dir deinen eigenen Blues mit Blues-Begleitpattern!In PianoPatternBlues Vol 1 erhltst du eine Einfhrung in das Bluespiano-Spiel mit zahlreichen Bluespattern und Blueslicks.Lerne es, zahlreiche Bluespattern nach dem blichen Bluesschema aneinander zu reihen und spiele in kurzer Zeit deinen ersten Blues am Klavier!16-teiliger Videokurs(+ Bonuskapitel)unterschiedliche Schwierigkeitsgrade (Anfnger bis Fortgeschritten)Erklrungs-Video zu jedem PatternMP3-beplayback zu jedem PatternMidifiles/MidiplaybackNotenbeispiele der Licks in PDFsBlueslick-bersicht in allen TonartenSpiel mit Blueslicks in 7 Patternblues-KombisBonus: Blues-EndingsBonus: Training fr die Unabhngigkeit beider Hnde im freien Klavierspiel"
Price: 99.99

"Corso avanzato in SEO Copywriting 2019" |
"Scrivere per il web diverso dalla scrittura per la stampa. Per la SEO importante seguire determinate logiche per ottenere il massimo dai tuoi contenuti. In questo video corso di oltre 40 minuti ti mostrer il mio metodo di SEO Copywriting che utilizzo in ambito professionale per scrivere contenuti, sia commerciali che informativi, destinati a ottenere buoni posizionamenti nei motori di ricerca e quindi traffico organico.Il metodo mostrato pratico e utilizza diversi strumenti disponibili online, tutti gratuiti ad eccezione di uno premium. Gli strumenti, tuttavia, non fanno il lavoro, sono mezzi per raccogliere informazioni che poi devono essere organizzate e trasformate in testo.Alla fine del corso avrai spunti e competenze e le informazioni necessarie per sviluppare contenuti di qualit che si posizioneranno bene su Google per ottenere traffico SEO."
Price: 19.99

"Python 3.5 ile Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Programlama" |
"Python 3.5'i renerek Programlama Dnyasna lk Admnz AtnBu kursta sfrdan Python' renerek farklkonularla ileri seviyelere kadar ilerleyeceiz. ster programlamaya yeni balyor olun isterseniz daha nce farkl bir dil renmi olun, Python renerek yeni dnyalara almak istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz!** Kurs hakknda fikir sahibi olmak iin cretsiz rnek anlatm videolarn izlemeyi unutmayn **Gelin Kurs Programnn Genel Yapsna Bir Gz Atalm:Konuyu nce teorik olarak anlamaya alyoruznteraktif kodlama egzersizleriyle konuyu anlayp anlamadmz test ediyoruzKonu sonunda ise size devler veriyorum ve daha sonra zmn birlikte yapyoruzArayz tasarm gibi nemli blmlerin sonunda ise geni projeler yaparak konuya tam hakim hale geliyoruzYardma htiyacnzOlduunda BuradayzEitim boyunca takldnz yerler mutlaka olacaktr. Endie etmenize gerek yok. nk hem eitmeniniz olarak ben hem debirlikte eitim aldnz kurs arkadalarnz size yardm etmek iin bekliyor olacaklardr. Bu kursta sorunlar zmszkalmaz ;)Kursa Balamay Dnyor Ama Kararsz Msnz ? rencilerimden GelenYorumlarSize Yardmc OlabilirTark Harun - (5 Yldz) - Mays2018Tm itenliim ile belirtmek istiyorum ki ben bu kadar gzel, sade ve nokta at olan bir eitim grmedim. Mrn krn bir anlatm ile bunaltma yok ar detay ile boulma yok. Keyif alarak Python3 reniyorum resmen. Tek olumsuz yan eitmenin tek bir kursunun olmas udemy zerinde. Youtube zerindeki ingilizce eitim videolarn izleme listeme aldm. Kendi adma eitimler iinteekkr ederim hocam.***Kenan zgr zgrler - (5 Yldz) - Mays2018Harika! Hibir ey bilmeden bu kursa kayt oldum, kursun yarsna gelmi olmama ramen ok sade bir dil ile ar basitletirilerek anlatlyor. Enes hocama ilgisi ve alakasndan dolay ok teekkrler! yi ki varsnz! (Dipnot: Eer kursu almay dnen varsa, daha fazla dnerek vakit kaybetmesin.)***Yunus Emre Alpak - (5 Yldz) - Mays 2018Yapay Zeka ve Deep Learning e olan merakm beni Python a itti. Aratrdm kurslar arasnda kendime en uygun kurs olarak bunu setim ve hi piman olmadm. Ders anlatm gzel ve anlalr. Hocann anlatm hzn sorarsanz buna cevap verecek kii ben deilim. nk sahip olduum btn eitim setlerinde videolar x2 hzla izliyorum :)***Yusuf Karaku - (5 Yldz) - Nisan 2018ok sade ve anlalr bir dille anlatlm. Gerekten neredeyse aradm her eyi bulabildiim bir kurs oldu. Proje yaparak uygulamal anlatmas da iyice pekitirmemizi salyor. ok baarl bir eitim, tebrikler... TM YORUMLARI OKUMAK N KURS SAYFASININ ALTINA BAKABLRSNZ imdi kurs ieriimizde hangi konular olduuna gz atalm:Python Ortamlarnn KurulmasPython'daki Veri TipleriIf-Else Gibi Koullu DurumlarDng YaplarFonksiyonlar ve zellikleriModllerle almakGml Python ModlleriHatalarla McadeleNesne Ynelimli Programlama (OOP)Python ile Veritaban lemleriPython ile Dosya lemleriPyQt Modl ileArayz TasarmKtphane Sistemi ve Not Defteri Uygulamas(Arayz Projeleri)Iterator ve Generatorlarn KullanmItertools Modl ve Gelimi terasyonlarBeautifulSoup ilenternetten Veri ekmePillowile Resim DzenlemePyAutoGui ile Bilgisayar OtomasyonuKurs HakkndaBu kurs 10.000'in zerinde rencisi bulunanEDUKEY Eitim AkademisiDanmanlnda Uzman Eitmen Enes Tuzlu tarafndan hazrlanmtr.Kurs Gncellemesi HakkndaBu kurs zellikle rencilerden gelen talepler dorultusunda sk sk gncellenmekte ve yeni bilgiler, yeni uygulamalar kursa dahil edilmektedir."
Price: 389.99

"Sfrdan PSD to CSS & PSD to Bootstrap 4 ile Web Tasarm" |
"Bu kurs 10.000'in zerinde rencisi bulunanEDUKEY Eitim AkademisiDanmanlnda Uzman Eitmen Koray Sadklar tarafndan hazrlanmtr. Kursta yer alan mfredat konunun bandan sonuna kadar rencinin renme disiplininde ilerlemesi baz alnarak ve proje retmesini salamak zere kurgulanmtr.Sizde internet'te grm olduunuz ve tasarmharikasdediiniz web sitelerinden yapmak ister misiniz ?PSD tasarmlara hayranlkla bakmay brakp artk onlar bu kursta rendiiniz bilgilerle kod'a dkp projeler oluturma zaman sizce de gelmedi mi? Bu kurs boyunca rendiiniz bilgileri gerek hayat projeleri ile kodlayp harika tasarmlar oluturabileceksiniz.ster sfrdan zel bir tasarm olarak CSS ve HTMLile PSD tasarmkodlayn, sterseniz Bootstrap'n son srm ile responsive PSD tasarm kodlamay renin. Ya da her ikisini de renebilir, tasarmlarn artk kendiniz oluturabilir ve ilerleyen srete bu bilgileri kullanarak gelir elde edebilirsiniz.Kursta Yaplan ProjeEDUKEY kurslar rencilerin temel eitimi aldktan sonra proje gelitirmeye odaklanmasn salamak zere mfredatlarn kurgular. Eitmen Koray Sadklar Sfrdan PSD to CSS & PSD to Bootstrap 4eitiminde temel eitimi rencilerine sunduktan sonra rendiklerini uygulayabilecekleri ve zorlanmadan yapabilecekleriprojeleri bu kurs ierisinde rencilerine sunmutur.Kurs Gncellemesi ve Yaplacak ProjelerEDUKEY Yaayan eitimler sunmaya her zaman devam etmektedir. rencilerinin gr ve nerilerini srekli dikkate alan EDUKEY rencilerinden gelen talep ve isteklere gre kurslarnda gerek grld durumlarda gncellemeyi srekli hale getirmitir. stelik rencilerin ek gncelletirme ders ve projelerine cret demeside gerekmez.Bu kapsamda kurs ierisinde kaytl renciler arasnda yaplacak anket neticesinde bu kursa seilen bir proje eitmen tarafndan anlatm ekilerek yklenecektir.Bu kurs ift Sertifika SunmaktadrEDUKEY kurslarn Udemy zerinden rencilerine ulatrmaktadr. Tm dersleri izlediinizde Udemy sertifikanz dijital olarak size sistem tarafndan sunulmaktadr. Dijital olarak aldnz bu sertifikay EDUKEY.COM.TRsitesi zerinden sisteme kayt olarak yklediinizde seeceiniz bir projeyi eitimeniniz mentrlnde tamamladktan sonra Basl EDUKEY kurs bitirme sertifikanzda tarafnza ulatrlacaktr."
Price: 49.99

"Photoshop CC 2018 : Profesyonel ekilde Batan Sona renin!" |
"Bu kurs 12.000'in zerinde rencisi bulunanEDUKEY Eitim AkademisiDanmanlnda Uzman Eitmen Batuhan AKGN tarafndan hazrlanmtr. Kursta yer alan mfredat konunun bandan sonuna kadar rencinin renme disiplininde ilerlemesi baz alnarak ve proje retmesini salamak zere kurgulanmtr.Kursta Yer Alan Blm BalklarEitime GiriTasarm Alglama & TanmlamaEitim Balangc KurulumlarArayz levleriArayz TantmGenel Bak BalangGenel Bak BalangDier Aralarn KullanmAriv Oluturma & rnekleriGelitirelim & Pratik YapalmBilinmesi Gerekilen TerimlerBilinmesi Gerekilen TerimlerPf Noktalarna alalmWeb Tasarm DersleriWeb Tasarm Basit Haber Sitesi YapmSosyal Medya TasarmlarAnimasyon Banner YapmDerin Terimler & rneklerMeslek Srr BlmTasarmc Aday Seviye 1Tasarmc Aday Seviye 2Tasarmc Aday Seviye 3Eitim DenetimiFreelancer Bulmakrnek Bir Freelancer e Beraber Katlalmnsanlar(da) Bir TasarmcGrafik Tasarm Peki in DeriniManiplasyon Dersleri ( zel )- Bu Kurstan Sonra Neler YapabilirimBu kurs Sertifika SunmaktadrEDUKEY kurslarn Udemy zerinden rencilerine ulatrmaktadr. Tm dersleri izlediinizde Udemy sertifikanz dijital olarak size sistem tarafndan sunulmaktadr."
Price: 379.99

"How to create expert video content on a budget" |
"Got An Idea?Are You An Expert At Something?How About Turning What You Already Know... Into Cash?That's right.I am going to show you how you can turn your knowledge or expertise into a cash making machine...... And even if you don't consider yourself an expert, that shouldn't stop you from doing this.Because I am sure you know of at least a friend or two who are experts at something...And you CAN leverage on them to create a sellable product on the Internet...... That makes money hand over fist!That's why I am announcing the...EXPERT CONTENT VIDEOSExpert Content Videos is a collection of 30 on-screen, step-by-step video tutorials on how to turn your expertise and knowledge into a sellable, profitable product.This is exactly what top online marketers, experts, and gurus are doing - and have been doing - for years.With this, there's nothing to second guess or figure out.Pick your favorite product format and just follow!"
Price: 24.99

"How To Create A Profitable Youtube Channel" |
"This course is a complete overview of everything you need to conceptualize, brand, prep and produce a Youtube channel that grows authentically. Learn the process I used to gain 1000 subscribers and over 4000 hours of watch time in only 90 videos.How can the course set such a lofty goal? This course is the exact process I followed in order to take a completely new Youtube channel to partnership in 90 videos!"
Price: 59.99

"JAVA 2018 aprenda para Desktop,Java Web,Android e WebService" |
"Bem vindo ao curso de Java para programao em ambiente desktop, web e mobile.Este curso sopara pessoas que esto comeando a programar e querem aprender a linguagem JAVA, que a mais utilizadano mundo hoje, desde o bsico ao avanado. Para quem est buscando melhorar seu conhecimento na linguagem e quer aprender a programar em diferentes plataformas como desktop, para web e para Android Mobile, este o curso.Seropassados todos os conceitos da linguagem em vrios tpicos e com aulas prticas para voc comear a criar seus prprios programas em Java.Pessoas que buscam conhecer mais a fundo a construo de programas e buscam aprender novas tecnologias da linguagemde forma simples e bem didtica.Sou do interior de So Paulo e com meu jeito caipira de falar, vou ensinar voc a programar e a trabalhar com banco de dados para voc obter o conhecimento inicial e prosseguir na sua jornada de estudo para projetar qualquer tipo de aplicao para os mais diversos dispositivos, principlamente integrar atravs de webservice."
Price: 39.99

Price: 39.99

"Criao de Personagens para games" |
"Se voc apaixonado por personagens 3d e games e gostaria de trabalhar na indstria de jogos este curso para voc;Muito prazer meu nome Danilo sou artista 3D trabalho com criao de personagens para Games e criei este curso pensando em ajudar voc que gostaria de trabalhar na indstria de jogos 3D, reuni minha experiencia na rea, diversos estudos e meu conhecimento como artista e montei este material que mostra todo o processo de criao de personagens 3d para os jogos atuais, vou apresentar de forma simples e direta o caminho para a criao de um modelo 3D de alto nvel. Todo o material foi pensado em passar o mximo de informao e tcnicas para te ajudar a compreender da melhor maneira possvel cada etapa do processo, passando pela modelagem anatmica do personagem, criao de roupas e acessrios, da blocagem at o detalhamento final de cada pea, o mapeamento UV, vou mostrar a diferena entre o modelo highpoly e lowpoly, bake e texturas do modelo 3d, a criao de haircards (fios e cabelo) e por fim uma apresentao do personagem finalizado em um render Realtime.Ento o curso completo e bem detalhado para que voc entende de uma vez todo o processo de criao de personagens para games!"
Price: 354.99
