"Criao de assets estilizados para games - Armas" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso de criao de assets para games 3D, com o enorme avano do mercado de games no mundo est cada vez mais comum a busca por assets entre desenvolvedores indie e pequenas empresas, esta busca esta movimentando um mercado de artistas que desenvolve peas para os games 3D, os assets, aqui vou lhe ensinar passo a passo de forma simples e sem enrolao a criao de modelos 3D que podem ser usados dentro de uma engine; Assim voc poder sair do curso com o conhecimento necessrio para entrar e contribuir no mercado de desenvolvimento de games."
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda a dar aula de matemtica usando a tecnologia" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender a usar as principais ferramentas do mercado para melhorar suas aulas de matemtica, deixando de lado somente o quadro e o giz, fazendo suas aulas se tornarem mais atrativas e divertidas. Aprenda o bsico de cada ferramenta e assim decole em sua profisso fazendo um diferencial no seu trabalho educacional."
Price: 54.99

"Leadership Masterclass" |
"Do you want to become a more successful leader and develop habits that create a more positive outcome in your work and at home? If you are an entrepreneur, new to management, looking to change careers, feeling stuck at home or in your career, this course for you!My mission is to helpyouachieve positive, lasting measurable change in behavior for themselves, for their people and for their teams. I want to help you make your life a little better.In this five part course, I share my insight from over 4 decades of coaching. Were going to look at a proven process that you can use to develop yourself as a leader. As an executive educator and coach, I will help you understand how your beliefs and the environments you operate in can trigger negative behaviors. Through simple and practical advice, I will help you achieve and sustain positive behavioral change.Research on coaching is clear and consistent. Coaching is most successful when its applied to people with potential who want to improve but not when its applied to people who have no interest in changing. This is true whether you are acting as a professional coach, a manager, a family member, or a friend.When steps in the coaching process are followed, leaders almost always do achieve positive behavioral change. Not as judged by themselves, as judged by their key stakeholders, those important people around them who are most influential in their lives.This course also includesMany activities to help you reach your personal goalsA guide to my Daily Questions SpreadsheetA proven process for leadership developmentI hope you find this course to be practical, useful, help you have a better life, be a more effective leader and even more important, help you help others do the same thing.Enroll inLeadership Success Masterclass with Marshall Goldsmithtoday!"
Price: 24.99

"Advanced Agile and Scrum (PMI 8 Contact Hours)" |
"This course is for people who want to better understand the Agile Mindset and Scrum. I've taught an in-person versions of thiscourse at many top organizations and Universities. The coursehas been refined and continuously improved over several years.Youll start by seeing how Scrum Theory can help your teams embrace a more agile mindset. Then you'll see Scrum as a framework to help improve your team's transparency. Your team will inspect-and-adapt to new ideas and challenges. Youll also see the roles on a Scrum Team. These roles work together in Scrum Events. Thats where the team does all the planning and works in set Sprints. Finally, youll learn about the Scrum Artifacts. Your team will work off a Product Backlog and a Sprint Backlog to deliver in Product Increments.This course includes a handout with over 180 slides that you can use to take notes. Theres also a 30-page exercise packet to practice creating User Stories, Tasks and your Task Board. Finally, theres a 25-question quiz to review the material and see if you have any areas for review. So lets get started learning agile and Scrum!"
Price: 99.99

"Microsoft SQL Server & Azure SQL" |
"SQLGoogleMicrosoftAmazonFacebookSQL.SQLSQLSQL SQLSQL Microsoft Azure Microsoft SQL Microsoft SQL, Microsoft SQLPPTMicrosoft SQLSQL"
Price: 109.99

"How to Record Vocals at Home: A Step-by-Step Course" |
"In this course, I outline a step-by-step approach to recording vocals at home and how to get great sounding results.I cover the entire process, from start to finish, so that even if you know little to nothing about recording, after completing this course, youll be able to record professional sounding vocals tracks at home (in your bedroom, your basement, wherever).Ill cover everything from what gear you need (and even list budget recommendations that still yield great results), cover recording techniques, talk about how to deal with too much reverb in your recordings, and show you how to actually record on your computer using Studio One (which is, in my opinion, one of the best and easiest to use recording programs).On top of that, if there was something I missed, something you wish I went into further detail, or something that you wish I had covered but didnt, youll be able to get in touch with me one-on-one to ask me any questions you have and get help with any trouble you might be having. Youll even be able to suggest some content for future updates to the course (which youll have access to forever after purchasing the course one time).So with all that said, lets take a deeper look at everything Ill be coveringWhat Gear You NeedFirst up, Ill cover exactly what gear you need in order to record quality vocal tracks at home. And no, it wont be thousand of dollars in equipment, I suggest budget-minded gear that you can use to get great results.In this module, I cover:What microphone to choose and the benefits of eachWhat an audio interface is and why you need oneWhat type of headphones to use when recordingMicrophone cablesMicrophone stands and why you should avoid buying cheap standsHow To Position Your Microphone & Yourself When RecordingNext up, I cover how to position your microphone to capture a natural representation of your voice and allow you to remain in a comfortable position during recording. I also cover where to position yourselfwhenrecordingandthe ideal distance to stand away from the microphone.Where To Record & How To Deal With Poor Room AcousticsFrom there, Ill talk about where to record in your room to avoid audio reflections from being captured in your recording and how to deal with poor room acoustics (to get a dry vocal) using cost-effective, DIY methods.How To Record Your Vocals On Your Computer Using Studio OneMoving on, Ill show you how to record your vocals to your computer using a DAW, or in other words, a recording program.Specifically, Ill show you how to do this in Studio One (which has free and paid versions). Ill cover:How to start your first songHow to add a track for recordingDifferent ways you can record multiple takesHow to use presets to create a monitor mix for your vocals (for example, if you want reverb on your vocals when tracking)How To Edit Your Vocals To Create The Perfect Vocal TakeIn addition to showing you how to record your vocals in Studio One, Ill also show you how to comp your vocals.Comping is the process of slicing and editing multiple recording takes to create one perfect take. Ill show you how you can record your vocals multiple times and pick apart the best performance from each section to create a perfect vocal recording.How To Setup Your Audio InterfaceIf you need any help setting up your audio interface, Ill even show you how to set it up on your computer and in Studio One.How To Control Studio One RemotelyLastly, Ill cover how you can use Studio One remotely so you dont need to worry about running to your microphone when you hit record."
Price: 49.99

"How to Record Electric Guitar at Home: A Step-by-Step Course" |
"Are you a guitarist that wants to learn how to record guitar at home and get studio quality results?Or, maybe you know a bit about recording already but havent gotten the results youre looking for (muddy guitar tone, lacking depth or that wide sound, etc).Then, this course will be perfect for you.In my course on recording guitar, I cover everything I can think of on how to record awesome sounding guitar tracks at home.I cover the basics like what gear you need (and even list budget recommendations that still yield great results) and traditional recording techniques like micing your guitar cabinet.But, I also cover more modern guitar recording options like using amp sim software and how to get the best tone when doing so. I even cover how to safely record your tube amp head directly into an audio interface to record at bedroom volume and to give yourself the flexibility to pair your head with hundreds of speaker options (via impulse responses).Lets take a deeper look at everything I cover in the courseEVERYTHING YOULL LEARN:What gear you need in order to get started with each different recording methodHow to mic up your guitar cabinet for the results youre looking forHow to set proper gain level on your audio interfaceHow to dial in your amp tone to achieve the best possible results (especially when it comes to recording metal and rock guitar)How to record to your computer using Studio OneHow to get a wide sounding guitar sound for your songHow to record your tube amp directly into your audio interface for bedroom volume recordingHow to reamp your guitar signal and how to record with reamping in mindHow to record with amp sim software (like Amplitube or Bias FX) and get the best possible resultsOther tips & techniques for recording guitar (like what to know before recording your final guitar takes)"
Price: 74.99

"Aprende Microsoft Excel (Espaol)" |
"Este curso esta designado para aquellos que apenas estan aprendiendo a usar el programa de Microsoft Excel y tambien para aquellos que ahun no saben usarlo y decean aprender como usarlo. Durante este curso aprenderas desde como abrir y guardar un archivo hasta sentirte comodo creando tu propio archivo y darle vida o colores de la forma que decees. El programa de Microsoft Excel es usado mundialmente por millones de compaias, sabiendo como usarlo te puede habrir puertas para nuevas oportunidades."
Price: 19.99

zmyhtwmq |
"3010Do & Dont"
Price: 3000.00

"Your Ultimate PowerPoint Guide To Wow Any Audience" |
"Hello friend!Welcome to Your Ultimate PowerPoint Guide, the only PowerPoint course you needto learn how to create beautiful, professional-looking & engaging presentation slides. If you are in an industry where you need to present your work to other people, then this course is a MUST for you. Chances are, you have been working very hard in preparing your presentation - from the process of finding information, to compiling them, and down to the final selection process of determining which information should be on your presentation slides - youve worked so hard for those information! But the problem is, you might need serious help in preparing your slides so that all your hard work is presented in a professional and beautiful way. You want to RESONATECLEARLY to your audience.You want your audience to UNDERSTAND your message.You want to LOOKGOODin front of your audience, and you deserve your audience attention.You need to CONVINCE your bosses, board members, investors, clients, prospects, students or colleagues.You need to CLOSE those sales.... Worry no more. If you'd like to know the secrets of producing professional-looking presentation slides that creates massive focus from your audience and help you to turn them into sales, customers or fans, this will be the most important video course you'll ever need. This course is designed to help BUSYindividuals like you to create beautiful, professional-looking & engaging slides on your own. These Training Videos will probably change the way you create your presentation slides for good! What you will learn from this course: You will uncover the secrets to producing effective presentation slides You will know how to use just a few of PowerPoint key features to be able to create beautiful, professional looking & engaging slides. You will be able to identify and avoid grave mistakes You will learn design principles that make your slides look amazing and professional You will have the capability to create massive focus from your audienceYou Can Apply This Knowledge toANYTypes of PresentationsThis course is created in such a way that it is concise and easy to digest. This step-by-step guide will help you in creating professional-looking, beautiful and effective presentation slides. This course is specifically designed for people who are absolutely clueless in creating effective presentation slides. By the end of this course, I am confident that you will have the right knowledge to produce amazing PowerPoint slides. SIMPLY TRANSFORM YOUR SLIDES AND NEVER LOOK BACKWow your audience with your presentation slides. Amaze your clients and close more sales. Impress your boss and get that raise youve been waiting for. Start learning today and let us embark together on this journey to becoming better creators of presentation slides! I really hope that you'll enjoy watching and learning all the 65-part video lessons as I enjoyed creating them for you. Sign Up Now. Best,- Mike-p/s: For better audiodelivery, I have recorded a voice over forthe entire video course with the help of my good friend, Miss Waji. Enjoy!"
Price: 54.99

"Design your life(English)" |
"Someone have money but can't take lifestyle. someone don't have enough money for lifestyle. This course give your lifesytle.5 dimension for life1.Healthy2.Money3.Relationship4.Knowledge5.Design Your LifeThis thing is the general people should have all. If don't have 1 thing. Life isn't balance. Life is not successful. Depend your decision. Invest in knowledge for add more value. I'm waiting to reply all. Enjoy class. Thank you."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda na prtica um jogo simples e fcil do zero" |
"DescrioAprenda na prtica um jogo simples e fcil do zeroAprendendo a programa jogos com a unreal engine4Uma das melhores plataformas de todos os tempos aproveitem o curso e muito bom1 - Engine & personagem2 - Personagem & envio3/4 - Adicionando movimentos5 - Movimentos & Animaes6 - Adicionando material & textura7 - Menu8/9 - Finalizando"
Price: 39.99

"Hackerlarn Google'i Shodan' her yn ile renmek." |
"Dnyadaki tm HACKER'larn en byk arama motoru SHODAN' tm detaylar ile renmek ak serverlar,kameralar, trafik k sistemlerini, mail serverlarn, internete bal televizyonlar,playstationlar google'n trafikdeki hartitalama aralarn, meteroloji istasyonlarndan havadaki IHA(insansz hava aralarn) ksacas IOT ad verilen ( INTERNET OF OBJECTS ) yani internete bal olan hemen hemen her marka model nesneyi nasl tespit edebileceinizi ve bunlarn SIZMA(HACK) methodlarn ayn zamanda kendinizi koruma methodlarn reneceksiniz.."
Price: 59.99

"Raliser un Facebook Live Programm en moins de 30min" |
"Grce ce cours, vous allez apprendre raliser un Facebook Live Programm de A Z :Stratgie Facebook de diffusionUtilisation du Facebook programmInstallation du logiciel OBSStudioDmonstration d'OBS StudioStratgie pour promouvoir un vnement via un live programmDans notre exemple nous utilisons le logiciel Prezi au niveau visuel. Si vous voulez apprendre raliser le votre,je vais mettre dans le prochains jourssur cette plateforme un autre cours spcifique.Facebook Live en chiffres:37% des internautes regardent des vidos tous les joursLes vidos reprsentent plus de 1/3 de lactivit en ligneEn 2020, elles reprsenteront 80% du trafic interneOn compte10 fois plus de commentaires sur un Facebook Liveque sur une vido classiqueLes internautes restent3 fois plus de temps sur un Facebook Liveque sur toutes autres vidos"
Price: 99.99

"Creating marketing graphics for business: A beginners guide" |
"Success starts with a great designFrom social media posts to blog images and business cards to event yers, these days everybody needs interesting images that grab attention, increase engagement and turn casual browsers into loyal buyers. Most businesses don't have the resources to hire graphic designers so the onus is on marketers, business owners and freelancers to produce professional, original images quickly, and within budget. On top of everything else they have to do!In this course I use examples from Design Wizardwhile it is not necessary to create an account on Design Wizard in order to complete the course or the assignments, it may be of benefit to students.Learn everything you need to know about creating designs that truly stand out from the crowd. Go from beginner to pro in no time at all with the beginner's guide to creating marketing graphics for business."
Price: 49.99

"The ""Un-Official"" Viral Reach Training Course" |
"Here are 7 ways that you can use ViralReach to dominate with Facebook Fan pages. This course is approximately 35 minutes long and will teach you the basics of how you can automate your content marketing on Facebook using ViralReach.In addition, the bonus training is how to use a cool new software called RSSMasher with Viral Reach to create an autoposting super system."
Price: 19.99

"The ""Un-Official"" BleuPage Training Course" |
"This is the ""Un-Official"" BleuPage Training Course.From social engagement to viral video ads, Bleupage Ultimate does it all.Designed exclusively for Video Marketers and Social Media Managers to show you the easiest way to use Bleupage Ultimate to manage all your social media campaigns.Here is what you'll learn in this 5 part mini-course.How to use Queues to manage ALL your social media engagement campaignsHow to quickly find Viral Content that you can use immediately inside your queues and solo posts.How to use the LIVE Broadcaster announcement feature. This is one of the coolest ways to do announce special events and upcoming live broadcastsHow to use MegaBox to manage all your social media messages in one central placeHow to turbo charge your fan pages, groups and twitter campaigns with AUTOMATION!Plus much more...Get Started TODAY!"
Price: 19.99

"The ""Un-Official"" Reevio Training Course" |
"Here you'll learn 3 advanced video marketing lessons to how master Reevio like a professional video editor. FB Cover VideosLive Ecom MockupsMotion Title PromosYou will learn how I create videosthat get attention, increase viewer engagement and make more sales for both your products and your clients.Plus, as a bonus I am including 12 videos that I made for myself and my clients to be used for Facebook covers, video ads, and product intros. I also show you which templates I used for each video. This is a huge timesaver. If you like my video demos, then simply grab the template I used and start copying my layouts.Purchase this course today and get this ""Un-Official"" Reevio Training Course added to your library immediately."
Price: 19.99

"The ""Un-Official"" Interactr Training Course" |
"The Un-Official training course for building Video Funnels with Interactr. Here you'll find a 4 lessons that will show you how to use Interactr to generate more leads and sales using a very unique video method to engage with your customers using reviews, polls, and surveys.In Lesson 1, Ill show you how to make a simple whiteboard video with hotspots to different videos and return loops at the end of each video.In Lesson 2, Ill show you how to make a video quiz. Using this method, you can walk your customer into your sales funnel with engaging questions in short video quizzes. In Lesson 3, Youll learn how to make a video survey funnel. I used this case study to show you how to make an easy video survey funnel with decision trees and multiple video responses.In Lesson 4, I give you a sneaky trick on how to make a viral video using popular and trending videos on YouTube, into your own lead generation system."
Price: 19.99

"ImprovPal - The Humor Sales System" |
"ImprovPal includes all the tools you need to create fast, funny, and effective sales copy for your sites and social media content.ImprovPal makes it simple for you to:Establish instant credibility and a memorable personality with a simple addition to your websiteBe totally different from your competition, simply by using humor to sell.Professionally written and entertaining sales scripts that you simply cut-copy-paste into VideoPal.Show your customers a totally unique sales page, using a variety of animated avatars, customized voices, and professionally written humor sales scripts.Engage your consumers with humor like never before, you can actually tickle them!Build instant rapport with humor, creating a sense of trust that increases the ability to close the saleAnd what makes this even better...There's never been an easier or more fun way to engage your visitors on your sales page which also means you're not stuck feeling like most marketers, that are solely focused on the sales message that they don't understand the psychology of what it takes to actively engage the visitor.With humor, causes your visitor to release endorphins in their mind, making them happy and subconsciously wanting to BUY from you...PLUS you can be up and running in as little as 30 seconds...And best of all... You'll start seeing results with ""ImprovPal"" almost immediately!So again, if you're a Marketer that wants an easy way to increase user engagement and make more sales, understand this, Simply make a small change on your page. Add ImprovPal today and you will get:G-rated and R-rated versions of highly effective sales copyHow to add personality to the VideoPal avatarsHow to easily modify the VideoPal text-to-speech technology to include emphasis and pauses (which are critical to humor)So go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more!"
Price: 24.99

"Get your Thesis Done" |
"If you are a doctoral candidate, then you probably already know that the thesis is the biggest challenge you must face in order to earn your doctoral degree.Many students quit after spending many years and a lot of money on a doctoral program.Want to avoid being one of many doctoral students who never finishes their thesis?Want to avoid being one of many doctoral students who takes five years or more to finish their thesis project?If so, Get this course for you!This course will help you implement a streamlined method that enables you to quickly develop your doctoral dissertation with less stress and less effort. This is a course that spares you the time, money, and pain involved in developing a thesis project without direction and structure.Don't let stress and frustration keep you from achieving your scholarly and professional goals. Now is the time for you to work on your thesis with confidence. Study the powerful lessons offered in this course and finish a high-quality dissertation sooner. Save tuition money and graduate early!Why you need this courseDoctoral candidates typically experience stress and frustration during their dissertation journey. Some feel completely hopeless, like theyll never finish their dissertationnot because they lack skills and knowledge, but because they have been using the wrong methods. The good thing is that crafting your thesis doesnt have to be like this; there is nothing wrong with you, and you have the skill set and knowledge needed to write a winning dissertation quickly. All you need is the right plan to go from A to B without painful efforts. By taking this course, you will learn a complete, streamlined method for quickly developing your doctoral dissertation with less stress. As a longtime thesis supervisor, I have learned from my students, and I can give you valuable insider tips to ensure you avoid typical failures and get your dissertation done fast. By following the lessons of this course, you will be more productive in your dissertation processmeaning that you will finish your dissertation sooner, and with less stress and less effort. This course will help you produce a high-quality effort, attaining excellence of product and minimum loss of time without pain.Who will benefit from this course?This course is intended for doctoral candidates who are beginning or in the middle of their dissertation process. You can take this course even if you havent yet decided on your research topic, or you can jump in if you have your thesis proposal approved and need to advance in the research stage. This course provides you with resources to help you design your ideal pace and work plan. By following your work plan, you will be exactly where you need to be at any given time. This course is suitable for doctoral students from a wide variety of backgroundsmusicians, computer scientists, nurses, engineers, social workers, etc. Theres no special knowledge or skill required to take this course. If you are ready to start or continue a doctoral dissertation, it means that you fulfilled your school requirements to be one step away from a doctoral degree. You already have all the prerequisites needed to take this course.What this course coversAs you already know, a doctoral dissertation implies conducting a study through appropriate research methods. Youve probably already completed at least one class on research methods; regardless, this course will guide you effectively through the research process, making it simple even if you have no experience in research. Nevertheless, this course is not about research methods, and is not intended to replace your research methods textbook. The six sections and 39 lectures of the course will cover all aspects of your dissertation journey; the course materials are packed with support documents you can review at your own pace and relearn at any time. Check out the course curriculum below to see the lessons and course content."
Price: 199.99

"Making Polymer Clay Jewelry With Metal Foil" |
"This course is perfect for anyonewho wants to learn how to make unique polymer clay jewelry by using interesting technique - applying metal foil. It is suitable for beginners, but also for craftypeople who already work with polymer clay, sincethere is a basic and advanced part of the course. Everything is shown step by step.In this course You will learn:- Towork with polymer clay and metal foil - To create extraordinary jewelry pieces and sets- How to use basic tools needed for finishing jewelry that also includes simply wire worksIn the course, You will be able to see how to make:- Stud earrings- Hanging earrings- Rings- Pendants- BeadsWorking with polymer clay requires a bit of practise, but results are amazing - unique jewelry pieces and sets that You can wear, give as giftsor sell as unique jewelry. After You learn basics, you have a chance to learn next steps and create beautiful jewelry with different metal foil effects and different polymer clay colors. There is also a part with useful ideas of using leftover polymer clay. At the end of this course You will get a lot of ideas for Your next projects, photos of jewelry with different foil colors and combination with other techniques. Since this course is 30-day money back guarantee, You have nothing to lose. Enroll this course today, you will get a great skills andspark your creativity!"
Price: 39.99

"Autoconfiana para RealizAO" |
"um programa de aprendizagem acelerada que visa levar voc a sua mais alta performance, na vida pessoal ou profissional por meio de um autoconhecimento profundo e de tcnicas cientificamente comprovadas que vai extrair o que voc tem de melhor, e vai ajudar voc a usar em direo dos seus objetivos, metas e sonhos, garantindo mais satisfao e realizao.O programa para pessoas que querem agir, dar o prximo passo e esto se sentindo presas em alguma etapa da vida. Aprenda a ter uma postura positiva em suas aes e comportamentos para fazer o que tem que ser feito sem medo e julgamentos."
Price: 249.99

"Intro to Indigo" |
"This introductory course is instructed by expert, Olga Reiche. We not only cover how to create your own vat but also the history behind this magical plant dye and its presence in Central America.Once you take this course you should have a basic understanding of the how to dye your own fibers and/or garments in natural indigo. You will alsolearn some basic techniques in the art of shibori."
Price: 19.99

"Turn Your Forehand Into A Weapon: Effortless Tennis Forehand" |
"*** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 13.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***""DISCOVER ATP PROS SECRETS & TURN YOUR TENNIS FOREHAND INTO A CONSISTENT, POWERFUL & YET EFFORTLESS FOREHAND WEAPON!""(without dropping hundreds of dollars on expensive coaching sessions...)Do you struggle with your Tennis Forehand? Do you keep on loosing your matches and points which you feel like you should have won? Do you lack power and consistency and you lack that needed confidence to be able to win more and enjoy tennis at a better level? I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL... IT IS VERY FRUSTRATING WHEN...You can't rely on your forehand in those crucial moments...You can't hit that Forehand winner when most needed...You feel like you were a better player but your Forehand was just not working as it should...You lose that match due to lack of consistency & power on your forehand side...Your opponent just had that Forehand weapon that YOU would like to have...You had those short balls opportunities, but could not finish the point...OVERALL YOU LACK CONFIDENCE TO HIT THOSE EASY WINNERS AS YOU JUST CAN'T RELY ON YOUR FOREHAND...NOW... Imagine knowing what works for ATP Tennis Pros & How You Could Apply It Into Your Game!? Imagine being able to rely on your forehand, feel the consistency & finally be able to win your matches with your new - big, yet effortless forehand weapon!WOULDN'T YOU FEEL MORE CONFIDENT ON COURT?""I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU STEP-BY-STEP METHOD HOW TO TRANSFORM YOUR FOREHAND, SO YOU CAN PERFORM BETTER ON THE COURT, AND IN YOUR NEXT MATCHES..."" and just enjoy tennis at that higher level you always wanted to!""TURN YOUR FOREHAND INTO A WEAPON"" IS A UNIQUE ""FOREHAND BLUEPRINT"" ONLINE TENNIS TRAINING PROGRAM WITH 4 WEEKS STEP BY STEP TRAINING PLAN THAT IS DESIGNED TO HELP YOU GAIN THAT FOREHAND WEAPON YOU CAN FINALLY WIN YOUR MATCHES WITH!THIS ULTIMATE ONLINE PROGRAM CONSISTING ALL I'VE BEEN TEACHING OVER THE PAST 15 YEARS LETS YOU PUT THE LATEST AND MOST EFFECTIVE MODERN FOREHAND BIOMECHANICS, SECRET TIPS & EXERCISES (WHICH ARE USED BY ATP PROS) SIMPLY INTO YOUR GAME, WITH NOTABLE RESULTS IN FIRST WEEKS OF TRAINING! (without spending thousands of dollars on sessions with a top pro coach)This course is ideal for Medium to Advanced Level Adult club tennis player who wants to reach new level of his game!ARE YOU READY TO UNLOCK YOUR FOREHAND POTENTIAL & FINALLY START WINNING YOUR MATCHES?DISCOVER THE ""FOREHAND BLUEPRINT"" OF THIS ONLINE PROGRAM AND ITS BENEFITS...Inside of this online tennis training program are over 30+ video training sessions with more than 2,5 hours covering every part of modern forehand biomechanics used by ATP Tennis Pros & How to Easy Apply them with my unique and proven PLB Tennis Method! ...+ FREE Training Plan as a Bonus...AND HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT WITH THIS PROGRAM?After completing all sessions and applying all that you Discover inside my most complete training program I've put together you will be able to:HAVE MORE EFFORTLESS POWER...IMPROVE YOUR OVERALL CONSISTENCY...GAIN BETTER CONTROL ON YOUR FOREHAND...PUSH YOUR OPPONENT OFF THE COURT AND WIN YOUR POINTS EASILY...HAVE MORE TOPSPIN AND KEEP YOUR BALLS INSIDE THE BASELINE...HIT THOSE DEEP, POWERFUL AND DANGEROUS FOREHANDFINALLY HAVE THAT NEEDED CONFIDENCE WHEN YOU PLAYYou will finally know:How to apply correct biomechanics used by ATP Pros into your gameHow to get more consistency, power & control on your Forehand!How to generate those effortless ForehandsHow to move better, how to get early into a right position and how to take ball on rise.How to attack those short balls and stop missing them...How to deal with deep and high ballsHow to push your opponent away with your new big Forehand from any position on the courtHow to get more topspinHow to position yourself for hitting attacking forehands with ease!How to correctly use your wrist and ""lagging effect"" to generate more of the effortless powerALSO...I will show you and teach you specific tennis drills and exercises you can apply right now to start improving your forehandYou will get specific fitness exercises which will help you to be able to apply all that tennis pros doYou will get inspired to reach a new highs in your game and you will want to train more and moreI will show you what to start applying into your game next time you are on the courtULTIMATELY YOU WILL WIN MORE OF YOUR TENNIS MATCHES & JUST ENJOY TENNIS AT A NEW LEVEL!HERE IS WHAT YOU GET INSIDE MY ULTIMATE FOREHAND BLUEPRINT PROGRAM >>8 Modules of Incredibly Valuable, Online Training with more than 2 hours of tutorials covering every part of the stroke... ($297 Value)Forehand Biomechanics Exercises & Tennis Fitness Exercises to Enhance Your Forehand Results... ($97 Value)'Tested' Tennis Pros Secrets To Gain More Effortless Forehand... ($197 Value)Systematic ""PLB Unique Tennis Method"" which helped more than 600 club tennis players over the past 12 years to transform their forehand...($97 Value)Proven biomechanics and tennis workout exercises that worked for some top national and ITF tennis players...($57 Value)Lifetime access to online tennis training program and all videos anytime, so you can take them with you on court and start improving TODAY.. ($Priceless)+ THESE 3 HUGE BONUSES IF YOU ENROLL TODAYBONUS 1: Additional Step by Step 4 weeks tennis training plan on how to Turn Your Forehand Into A Weapon ($57 Value)BONUS 2: 1 Month FREE ACCESS To my PLB Tennis Method Academy Golden Level Membership loaded with FREE Tennis Training Sessions & Tips. ($497/year Value)BONUS 3: 3 FREE Video Analysis of your stroke & personal follow up with me ($197 Value)THATS A TOTAL VALUE OF MORE THAN $1,000!*** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 13.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***DON'T JUST TAKE MY WORD FOR IT...See What Some Of Our Members Have Said About Their Experience with This Online Training Program...Lets take Marc, who has done this online tennis training course, here is what he says:""I got frustrated with how I was hitting the ball and said to myself that over the past all I have ever concerned myself with is my arm and never actually thought about worrying about my legs or body rotation and then THAT day I saw your video discussing just that- so I listened to the free videos and liked what I saw and you were giving it for 59 dollars, which is about the same price as a normal in person lesson so I said why not :) I have really enjoyed watching what you have with the forehand program, I just started it a few weeks ago and have noticed a huge improvement in just the two times I have played since, and It has actually been noticed by others too. Thanks a lot!"" MARC D, USAThe PLB Tennis Method from Jan Metelka has improved my game beyond what I thought was possible, together with training plan and the fitness techniques! Now, my forehand is just effortless, more effortless!Andy McCall, Advanced Level Club tennis player, UKIm just starting to play tennis back again after a couple of years without p[laying at all. After using your method for my forehand, everything started to click back into shape and I got even better!Fabio Pires, Intermediate Level Club tennis player, USAExcellent instruction. Applying your techniques has definitely improved my forehand!David Johnston, Medium Level Club tennis player, AUS""Its been lot of struggle over the years, putting lots of effort, but now with Jan's PLB Method its certainly more of an effortless power and much better forehand!""Ian Robertson, Medium to Advanced Club Level Player, London, UK""My son ad I have reviewed your course. Eric is an aspiring ITF player. We have looked for information how to improve his forehand. Your instruction and step by step explanation is excellent. Thank you!"" Robert T., USA""I have seen a very quick improvement on my forehand using the techniques in this course. I have been able to hit many more winners when playing matches. Highly recommended!"" Brian N., Canada""This course is really great, it has it all, I applied all biomechanics Jan shows and now doing the 4 weeks training plan and my forehand is already at a different level! You get what it says. Pure quality and you can feel experience as this guy really has the level to play and to inspire you to reach new tennis levels! Well worth all the money! Thanks Jan, can't wait for next tennis course! Markus"" Markus T., GermanyDiscover ATP Pros Secrets & Finally Start Winning Your Matches With Your New Effortless Forehand Weapon!WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW HOW TO APPLY THE VERY SAME FOREHAND BIOMECHANICS USED BY ROGER FEDERER HIMSELF?After 15 years on court as a pro performance tennis coach using my very own method I have seen amazing results on all of my players. I have created a unique PLB Tennis Method which I have applied on more than 600 (and counting) club tennis players. My unique method works for every player, as when you start applying all I teach and doing all by step by step guidance, you will finally realise and feel the difference and will know what tennis pros on tour do so well, and why they make it look so effortless..In this online tennis training program you will transform your tennis forehand and your tennis game will get to the next level in a matter of weeks. IMAGINE YOU COULD START WINNING YOUR MATCHES THANKS TO YOUR ""NEO"" FOREHAND WEAPON IN A MATTER OF WEEKS!THIS IS YOUR DEFINING MOMENT....*** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 13.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***The price will go up soon, as this is the special price, so if you are really serious about your game and if you want to get better results, then I will look forward to see you on the inside and lets take your forehand to the next level RIGHT NOW! I am looking forward to help you transform your Forehand and your game!Jan MetelkaFounder of PLB Tennis Method"
Price: 199.99

"3 Tips To How To Fix The Late Contact Point" |
"*** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 12.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***Fix Your Late Contact Point & Start Winning More Tennis Matches With Much More Effortless ForehandThis course is now at a special FREE Offer until the end of OCTOBER only. Price will go up after. Lets transform your tennis game now!Do you struggle to hit the ball on time? Up to 95% of club tennis players tend to hit the ball late, either to close to their body or well passing the ideal contact point. If you do hit the ball late, you can never generate good effortless power just like tennis pros do and you will also be hitting balls much more out than if you did manage to hit the ball in front of you at the right place and high. From my years of experience on court working with tennis players I spent countless hours with them to fix this very common problem and at the end I got to the 3 most important steps that I now use to fix this late contact point problem. It proven to be crucial and always working well. When applying my 3 tennis tips to fix the late contact point, all of my players suddenly start hitting ball much more away from their body, well in front and at the right high, which ultimately leads to better and much more effortless tennis strokes.You Will LearnWhat are the main reasons why you hitting the ball late.Why is important to understand relationship between positioning, early preparation and keeping the right distance and importance of all 3 steps working well for you.How to reprogram the late positioning and late preparation to fix this problem.Exercises that will help you to be able to finally stop hitting balls late and be able to hit them nicely in front of you and at the right time.How to practise next time you are on the court or a tennis wall and how to implement my 3 tips to fix this very important part of your game.Full Course ContentsLittle breakdown of what you will learn inside this course.Early Positioning You will learn why is early positioning so important if we are to hit the ball on time and at the right place.You will learn how to fix the late positioning and what to do in order to get used to a new habit, which will help you to finally see the ball well in front of you. Early PreparationYou will learn and will know how to also prepare earlier for the ball.You will be much more confident with more time before the actual impact and I will show you how it can be done just by applying what tennis pros do so well also into your game! DistanceYou will learn correct distance between the ball and your body.You will learn why is important to keep great distance and how it will help you to always hit the ball at the right place and right time, which will lead to much more cleaner strokes. ExercisesI will show you my favourite and most effective tennis exercises that work for my tennis players every day.You will learn what and how to exercise to never hit the ball again and to finally have a ball always at the right place to be able to hit it the way you want to!What Some Of My Students Say:""I've been training with Jan for while now and we initially started to work on my contact point as I was late in the position and I was hitting the ball not at the perfect place which prevented me from having a better strokes. After fixing all following Jan's 3 tips, Im now more confident where to hit the ball and I generate much more effortless power. Highly recommending this course to all as it covers exactly what Jan does on the court and it works very well.""Enrique A., Barcelona""I have applied Jan's 3 tips as I struggled with my forehand and he told me I was hitting a ball a bit late and next to my body. So we worked on it while I trained with Jan in Barcelona and then I keep going following his simple 3 steps that anybody can apply into their game. Really good and simple tips that if done correctly over the time all improves and I now have a early contact point and I generate much more power as its easier to hit the ball now than ever before!""Janne V., - Finland""I applied Jan's 3 tips to fix my contact point as I was hitting ball late with my arm bend and not fully stretched and it worked for me already in about 2 weeks time after applying all Jan talks about and shows in his course. Its working well as Jan has been using this on court for years, so to have it online and have access to his course and other courses is just great and feels like having Jan next to me on court. Thanks, Luis!""Luis B., MexicoI will look forward to see you on the inside and to help you fix your forehand now!Jan MetelkaUSPTR Performance Pro Tennis Coach & Founder of PLB Tennis Method*** THIS WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DEAL WITH 97% OFF - GET THIS PREMIUM ONLINE TENNIS COURSE for JUST 12.99 USE TENNISSEPTEMBER at Checkout ***"
Price: 59.99

"How to make the syrian shawarma ?" |
"Shawarma is a kind of meat, and the favorite of meat is chicken, knowing that the meat is mixed with several types of special spices, to show the wonderful shawarma.The meat of the shawarma is roasted on the direct fire several centimeters away.All this will be explained via video.In this lesson we will learn how to prepare /SHAWARMA/ with a detailed explanation of all the tools and ingredients necessary for this wonderful meal."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Security Series: Key Management Service ( KMS )" |
"This course provides a complete hands onintroduction toAWSKey Management Service(KMS). We have a fast pacedstyle of delivery. The lectures and labs/demo are planned and editedto pack the most content in shortesttime. This is a must take course to pass the AWSSecurity exam. Taught by an instructor who has successfully passed the AWSSecurity Speciality Exam.This course includes Labs/demo using the Management Console and the command line interface(CLI).What the students are saying:""The pace is good, the presenter peaks very clearly, and the information is presented in a very straightforward way - it is clear they thought a lot about how to present the information in the most clear and concise way.""""Very clear Awesome Pace""""I really enjoyed the course. I picked up a thing or 2. I think the topic was covered well.""""Great explanation on basic fundamentals""We will cover topics including:- Customer Master Key creation with Imported Key Materials- Generating and using data keys- Using CMKto import data- Key Rotation- Key Access controls-AWSManaged vs Customer Managed Keys- Key Lifecycle ManagementWhy take this course?1) KMSis integral to encryption of data on AWS. 2) KMSis featured in severalAWSExams andheavily featured in the AWSSecurity exam.3) To get an good understanding ofKMSso you can identify the best solutions whichKMSprovides andfits your need.4) You will get all the future updates we have on the course.5) Get freeCourse Slides that you can use for study6) 30 day money- back guarantee. If you aren't satisfied, we will happily refund you.7) The instructor is 5x AWSCertified including the AWS Security speciality cert where KMSis heavily featured."
Price: 34.99

"Ionic Basics" |
"Ionic Framework is one of the most popular frameworks for cross-platform mobile app development. It lets you build truly hybrid mobile apps for both Android and iOS usingweb technologies like HTML,SCSSand TypeScript. This course covers the latest version of Ionic, Ionic Framework v3 which uses Angular as the backing framework.This course is an essential for Web Developers, Professionals and Students who wish to develop Mobile Apps using the web development skills they have (HTML, SCSS and TypeScript).At the end of this course, you will be ableto develop mobile apps for Android and iOS using the web development skills you already have. We will start by understanding the basics of Ionic and Cordova. We will also understand the role of Angular in Ionic Apps and then move on to learning to create and run Ionic Apps. You will learn to create user interfacesusingbasic and advanced Ionic Components. You will learn to use basic components like Buttons, Lists, Cards, Icons, RadioButtons, CheckBoxes, Inputs and much more. You will also learn to add interactivity to these components using Angular and TypeScript. Lastly, we will move on to using more advanced components like Loading, Toast, Alerts, Popovers and Modals. You will also learn about navigation between different pages within the app.While the course, you will learn how to use Angularto build apps that work on Android and iOS. Later in the course you will work on a real app called, ""WeatherIonic"", that tells weather information for any city in the world. Cool right?Finally, we will learn to buildand publish Ionic Appsto the Google Play Store.And once you have started, sky is the limit."
Price: 49.99

"Desenvolvimento Web - CSS, HTML, JS" |
"- Curso de Desenvolvimento Web com conceitos dinmicos envolvendo alinguagemde estilo (CSS), linguagem de marcao (HTML) e programao (JavaScript).- Aprendizagemde forma simples e intuitiva, fornecendo meios de desenvolvimento claros e objetivos.- Introduo e conceitos do HTML5, fundamentos do CSS, interatividade com menu em JavaScript.- Criando seu site do zero- Deixando seu site responsivo"
Price: 39.99

"Taoist Meditation Course & Guided Meditation" |
"In this course you will learn how to meditate like a Taoist Master! It covers the types of Qi energy, taoistsitting meditationand taoiststanding meditation. In addition, itincludes 15 min and 25 min guided meditation MP3s and a full 30 minute interview with Master Gu.Master Gu is the leading Taoist Wellness Master from the Wudang Mountains, China. He founded the Wudang Taoist Wellness Academy 20 years ago. He is fluent in English which is helping him achieve his lifelong dream of sharing the power of the Tao with the whole world. He welcomes to you his courses."
Price: 44.99
