"Secrets of Powerful, Peaceful & Beautiful Tai Chi!" |
"In this course you'll learn the secrets of powerful peaceful and beautiful Tai Chi. Your teacher? Master Gu - the only English speaking master from the Wudang mountains and a rising YouTube star (search Tea Time Taoism). With Master Gu you get the rare opportunity to learn tai chi directly from a Taoist master. Master Gu is a 15th generation disciple of the San Feng Pai - a tai chi family dating back to the founder of Taiji; Zhan San Feng.You'll study the Wudang Tai Chi 8 form. It's a great form for beginners, it covers many important postures in Wudang Tai Chi and is relatively quick to learn. Master Gu provides practical tuition and explanation of the principles behind excellent Tai Chi. A PDF print off is included to help you with your practice.Master Gu wishes you the best of luck on your journey into Tai Chi!"
Price: 149.99

"Become Master in Ethical Hacking with Android (without Root)" |
"This is extremely helpful for the individuals who need to begin hacking utilizing their Android Phone without Rooting the Device.Have you always been interested in IT? Did you want to be a professional hacker for as long as you remember? If so, then you have come to the right place - in this course, you will learn all about ethical hacking and penetration testing. Youll get the best of both worlds - youll be able to live out your dream of becoming a hacker while not doing anything illegal that could get you fined or - even worse - locked behind bars. But in order to learn how to hack, you must first know what is ethical hacking and penetration testing.What is Penetration Testing?If youve never heard about ethical hacking and all of the other terms associated with it, you might be quite confused. Here I am, talking about hacking people and not being punished for it like its the easiest concept in the world. As a matter of fact, however - it actually is! Ethical hacking and penetration testing have been the go-to terms of every network administrator for the longest time now. This type of hacking is legal because it is concerned about withadvancingnetwork security, rather than breaking it down and breaching it.Any and all IT-based, network activity-oriented companies do require ethical hackers as employees to test out if the network is properly secured or not. This is where penetration testing comes in - the network is bombarded with various different attacks to see if it will break, and if it will, then which of the attacks will be the successful one. This type of a job is perfect for people who want to learn how to hack and are super interested in the topic, yet dont want to get in trouble while practicing / actually doing it. This way, you are able to exercise your passion and even get paid for doing so.What Youll Learn??You might be thinking - Why should I take this course to learn penetration testing? Why should I even bother there are so many free tutorials online! Although that is true as a statement, I offer you a very simple reason to motivate your choice in picking this course as your source of knowledge and information on network security maintenance - experience. The course is based on my own personal experience as a network security researcher. Having already spent some time in the industry, I was able to distinguish the varying trends and requirements for ethical hacking professionals. This course is centered around Android - youll learn Android penetration testing, how to create and test keyloggers, how to use Ubuntu and so on.The only requirements for the course are for you to be familiar with Android (having used it before) and some very basic knowledge on how IT works, in general. Everything else will be provided within the course. Also, ready your passion for learning a new skill - if youre a true IT enthusiast, you will surely appreciate ethical hacking (both from practical and philosophical standpoints) and all of the sub-topics that surround it. So, dont hesitate - dive straight on in and Ill see you on the other side! NOTE: This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test."
Price: 199.99

"React Native Mobil Uygulama Gelitirme Hap Eitimi" |
"React Native ve Javascipt in gcn kullanarak Native Mobil Uygulamalar(IOS ve ANDROID) gelitirebileceksiniz.Bu eitimde kullanlan yntemlerle uygulamanz ok hzl gelitirebilir ve kendi mesajlama uygulamanz hazrlayabilirsiniz. Eitimden sonra bu temellerle kendinize zg farkl uygulamalar da gelitirebilirsiniz. Expo ve React Native ile Ayn anda hem android hem ios iin uygulama hazrlayabilir ve kolayca test edebilirsiniz. Expo sayesinde uygulamanz markete ykledikten sonra gncellemelerinizi kullanclara Expo zerinden(markette tekrar gncellemeden) kolayca gnderebilirsiniz. Eitim hap eitimdir. Sadece uygulamaya ynelik bilgiler ierir.Detayl React Native eitimi deildir. Pratie ynelik hzlandrlm eitimdir."
Price: 44.99

"Curso bsico: como investir em aes e renda fixa" |
"Sobre o cursoCurso investimento em aes e renda fixa especializadoem treinamentos para quem deseja aprender a investir no mercado financeiro. Com a misso de tornar possvel a qualquer pessoa investir de forma bem-sucedida em renda varivel, oferecemos cursos sobre Fundos Imobilirios, Bolsa de Valores e Forex. Contamos com uma equipe que no mede esforos para atender aos alunos com eficcia e eficincia."
Price: 39.99

"Sfrdan leri Dzey Etik Hacker Kursu (Uygulamal)" |
"Bu vermi olduumuz kurs tek olup btn seviyeleri ierisinde barndrmaktadr.Hacker'larn nasl saldr yaptnve bunlara nasl kar konulacan btn konulara deinilmektedir ve ayrca Python dilini bu kursda ok ileri seviyeye tayacanza phem yoktur.Herhangi bir dil bilmenize gerek yok sadece bu kursu izleyin sonunda Python gibi ok nemli bir dil renmi ve hacker'larn gizli saldrlar konusunda ok ileri seviyelere gelmi olacaksnz.Saldrlardan korunmay ok iyi bir ekilde reneceksiniz.Hadi ne duruyorsunuz Balayalm yleyse :)"
Price: 409.99

"Teoria Musical Aplicada na Guitarra" |
"Se voc um guitarrista e sente necessidade de aprimorar seus conhecimentos e se tornar um profissional completo de uma forma rpida, clara e objetiva, esse curso para voc.Com quatro mdulos, cada um com aulas de 3 9 min, passando sobre todos o tpicos que so essenciais para um guitarrista. Todas aulas so acompanhadas com a explicao da teoria e a colocando em prtica.Confira tambm no acesso uma aula totalmente gratuita introdutria ao curso e para sentirem como o caminhar das aulas.Os mdulos esto divididos em:1- Intervalos & Escala Maior2 - Acordes - Tetrades & Extenses3 - Escala Menores4 - Modos GregosAdquira seu primeiro mdulo e comece a enriquecer seus estudos."
Price: 84.99

"Candlestick Patterns to Master Trading Price Action - HINDI" |
"Candlestick charts are the number one way to present financial price data. I love them because they allow me to quickly and easily visualise the market and analyse recent price actionbefore placing a trade.Whether its in a particular stock, a currency pair, or a commodity, once you know how to read candlestick charts you can very quickly gauge strength or weakness in the market of your choice.Now, candlestick charts have been around for centuries and there are numerous books and courses that detail specific candlestick patterns. Patterns such as the shooting star, the Doji and the Hammer.However, most of these books and courses fail to address just how good these patterns really are.On this course, not only will I teach you all about Japanesecandlestick charts and how to find the most popular candlestick patternsThrough this Course, Youll learn preciselyHow thesepattern looks and works. These Pattern are easy to understand but hard to analyze. Yes read it right!I will teach you through Charts & Presentations.I will present them on Real Charts and show you how they look in real charts.n ThisCourse, Iwill Teachyou number of recognized patterns that can be split into simple and complex patterns.No Other Course Does that........."
Price: 24.99

"Stock Trading A-Z: Become An Expert Intraday Trader in Hindi" |
"Double your Account using the NO Loss Trading Strategyis my advance trading setup that works 80%. this setup is used by professional traders.if you learn this setup you be able to trade with successfully.This Lecture Contain Professional day trading SetupLearn the secrets of professional Intraday trading.No Other Course Does that........."
Price: 29.99

"MCX CrudeOil A-Z Intraday Trading Setup in Hindi" |
"Learn MCX CrudeOil A-Z Intraday Trading Complete SetupIn this course i give you some good trading strategy for day trading . This strategy helps you to make good profit in mcx market. The key point of this setup is its easy to understand everyone. This setup is tested on indian MCX market ."
Price: 34.99

"The UNIQUE Intraday trading strategy for NSE (in Hindi)" |
"hello everyone, in this course i will give you my unique strategy setup on which im working in share market and earn lot of money.this is very simple and easy to understand strategy thatgives outstanding result.Gain the ability toMake Money in Stock Market,this strategy is the combination of price action technique and the best indicators ,indicators are using for supporting purpose.thank you..."
Price: 8640.00

"Beginners DSLR Photography: Understanding Your Camera" |
"What will youlearn?Learn how to make your DSLR camera work best for you in any light situation with no prior experience and NOT using automatic mode.How will youlearn?With both written content and detailed conversational style videos you can choose how you learn. I am an established photographer but did not learn the conventional way so the way I teach is ideal for beginners who do not want to be confused with pro language. I also offer FREE access to an online community of like-minded people where you can ask both your peersand myself anyquestions, at any time of day.What does the course include?I will explain the age-old principals of photography in plain, easy to understand language and back it up withdownloadable, printable resource that you can continue to refer to as you grow in experience and knowledge. I will also tell you my best tips on which camera setting to use as you leave the course and put what you have learnt into action. Each main Lesson in the course includes a Quiz which will help you ascertain if you have fully understood the point orif you should go back and re-sit the video and/or hop onto the online community and ask some questions."
Price: 19.99

"Minerao de Bitcoins e Altcoins 2020" |
"Curso 2020!Um curso objetivo para voc que mesmo sem entender nada de bitcoins e altcoins comece ainda hoje a minerao de Bitcoins e Altcoins com seu equipamento!Veja os mtodos mais simples at os mais usuais e rentveis para minerar suas criptomoedas, curso feito para iniciantes que prope lhe mostrar desde como fazer uma carteira seja online ou offline, como comear a minerao destas diversas moedas por mtodos diferentes usando sua CPU ou placa de vdeo onboard e at como minerar direto na pool.A corretora caiu, o preo do bitcoin oscilou demais para baixo? Isso no interfere na sua minerao que cai o pagamento direto na sua carteira! Tambm corrija aqueles que lhe dizem que minerao no compensa pela energia eltrica, pois imagine quem minerou com extrema facilidade a moeda desde 2010 quando o preo disparou de uma centena at os milhares de dlares de hoje, ou mesmo o Bitcoin Cash logo aps o lanamento?!Foi acrescido uma tabela sendo disponibilizada no curso para seu clculo de consumo de energia e muitos outros mtodos recentes e confiveis para minerao de Bitcoins e altcoins, no perca tempo e comece agora!"
Price: 39.99

"Conhecendo melhor o Instagram comercial (for business)" |
"Voc j percebeu que as pessoas procuram informaes sobre produtos e servios pelo Instagram? Que aprender mais sobre o Instagram e comear a vender pela rede social?O Instagram um forte canal de marketing. Se a sua empresa ainda no est usando a rede social para obter mais resultados e se comunicar com seus clientes, esta sua chance. Afinal, so 50 milhes de contas ativas somente no Brasil.Alm de um minucioso passo a passo de como criar e configurar sua conta pessoal, aprenda a como transform-la em um perfil comercial e quais as vantagens do novo recurso: botes interativos, Instagram insights e muito mais!Se voc ainda tem dvidas se deve investir na rede social, e comear a assistir ao curso Conhecendo melhor o Instagram comercial (for business), confira abaixo os dados que vo te convencer a comear uma estratgia de marketing no Instagram para a sua empresa agora mesmo:- 80% dos usurios seguem um perfil comercial- 15 milhes de perfis comerciais- 2 milhes de anunciantes no mundo todo"
Price: 19.99

"Meditation for the Workplace" |
"Tailored meditation program designed exclusively for the needs of today's busyprofessionals.Regular meditation practice helps reduce stress and anxiety while also promoting personal growth. You can transform the way you work and live by developing a steady meditation routine.This course features 5 simple meditation techniques that are easy to learn and effortless to practice both in and out of work:Ambient sound meditationGazing meditationWalking meditationMindful breathing meditationSilent word meditationCURRICULUMUPDATES29-MAR-18 - Updated counting meditation17-APR-18 - All meditation videos updated"
Price: 99.99

"Launch Your Airline Career and Travel the World" |
"Every year, over threemillion resumes aresubmitted to thetop three airlines in the USA from candidateshoping to snag a spot among their collective 288,000 employees. Globally, all the airlines in the worldemployabout 2.7 million people. And while the competition may be tough, there is an abundance of opportunity in this industry for those who are passionate and persistent.This course will take you step-by-step through the best strategies and techniques to get a job with any airline, all told by a former airline hiring manager. You'll learn what it's like to work for an airline, how to find the right opportunity inside an airline, how to engage and network with the airline community, how to write a stellar resume that airline hiring managers will love, and how to prepare for an airline job interview.This course is designed for frontline employees in mind. If you're seeking a job as a flight attendant, reservations agent, or a ticket / gate agent, then this course is for you. However,if you're looking for a corporate airlinejob or a position as a pilot or mechanic, then this course does offer best practices and tips that you won't want to miss.Pack your bags, and get ready to travel the world!"
Price: 99.99

"Career Planning Masterclass for Young Professionals" |
"Every year, 2 million college graduates enter the job market hoping to snag a great job and jumpstart their career. However, figuring out what to do for a living, where to work, and how to build your brand is not easy. Career planning takes work, and this course is your shortcut! Join Jacob Morris, a career coach and experienced Fortune 100 hiring manager in this masterclass that will take you step-by-step through everything you need to do to be find a job you love and excel to the next level in your career.This masterclass features 184 lectures with over 4 hours of learning and a proprietary 68 page workbook that will change your life and set you up for career success.You will learn to:Discover yourself - your strengths, values, and how they relate to your workExplore your career options - explore the types of careers and Holland's theory of career choiceRefine your career options - nail down your top career opportunitiesBuild your personal brand - follow the 3-steps to personal growthWrite a winning resume and cover letter - get the resume template that Fortune 100 employees use mostCreate a compelling LinkedIn presence - leverage social media to sell your talentsDiscover the best employers in your industry - review award-winning companiesOptimize the job search process - stop scouring the web and setup automatic alertsBuild your network - learn 7 powerful steps to rock star networkingCreate your job search action plan - keep yourself accountable with your own action planPrepare for your interview - what to wear, what to bring, create a 90-day plan or portfolioStudy the most common interview questions - review and examine 34 questions one by oneNegotiate the best salary - 9 important parts to negotiating and accepting a salary (or not)Navigate your first 90 days on the job - review best practices for the first 30-60-90 days on the jobSet yourself up for your next promotion - learn the mindset of high performersThis course is designed recent college grads, college students, emerging professionals already in the workplace, Fortune 500 job seekers, high school graduates, and even young adults who may be exploring professional careers without a college education. This course is designed for the next generation of leaders who want support navigating the career planning process."
Price: 199.99

"Discover Yourself: Values, Strengths, Vision, EQ, and more" |
"This course will help you transform your life by getting clarity on the things that matter most to you. Once you complete all the assignments in this course, you will have sharpened your lens on life, helping you make better decisions and ultimately live your best life.This course will help you:Explore your ideal lifeDiscover your personal valuesDiscover your strengthsDiscover your personality typeAssess your emotional intelligenceDiscover your career interestsTackle your fearsDefine your personal mission statementDefine your personal vision statementSet goals for work and lifeYou will receive a comprehensive workbook with activities and assignments to complement the instruction offered in this course."
Price: 19.99

"4 Questions- Taking Control of Your Thoughts" |
"Your course will give you a better understanding of yourself, specifically how your brain processes. But more importantly, it will give you lab and experience time to get this information into your nervous system. Information in your head is dead. You have to live something to understand it.Each day will provide you with understanding and time to integrate your understanding into you body mind."
Price: 19.99

"Changing Beliefs" |
"Change is something a man cannot do without base or core beliefs, and now in this lecture, we will talk about how to change beliefs, how to make it work and how to maintain these changes in your life. We will study how our brain works and patterns that we can tweak to start the process of change."
Price: 49.99

"Cmo construir y medir tus KPI's de RRHH en tu Organizacin" |
"Te presento una Herramienta Prctica para definir, construir, medir y evaluar el comportamiento de los KPIs ms adecuados en la Gestin de RRHH de tu empresa.Esta herramienta te ayudar a construir tus propios KPIs, a partir de una metodologa prctica, que incluye un listado predeterminado, con 180 KPIs de los ms utilizados en el mundo y sus frmulas de clculo. Teniendo en cuenta que nuestro propsito fundamental, es que este curso, lo pongas en marcha, en el menor tiempo posible, sin distracciones, de la forma ms econmica, prctica y con un rigor cientfico adecuado, comenzar contndote brevemente, cmo aprend lo que ahora te enseo, te explicar las 5 razones fundamentales del por qu necesitas medir en RRHH, repasars algunos conceptos importantes sobre KPIs y conocers el principal obstculo que debers derribar, para no fracasar en tu empeo. A lo largo del Curso, te explicar con detalles y con ejemplos prcticos, la Metodologa Propia que he utilizado para construir y medir indicadores, que incluyen, herramientas para identificar tus Objetivos en RRHH y para identificar los FCE o Posibilitadores de una buena gestin de personas, adems de una Gua Prestablecida con 180 de los KPIs ms utilizados en el mundo, con sus frmulas de clculo, organizadas por los subprocesos de RRHH y por cada una de las 4 perspectivas del CMI, esa efectiva y popular herramienta de gestin, creada por los norteamericanos Robert Kaplan y David Norton. Adicionalmente te brindo algunas herramientas para la recogida, procesamiento, clculo y visualizacin de los indicadores a medir y finalmente, te ofrezco 17consejos y sugerencias desde mi experiencia, para que desarrolles un adecuado sistema de medicin en la Gestin de RRHH. Al final del curso te convertirs en un Profesional Experto y respetado en temas de mediciones de RRHH, con el suficiente conocimiento, experticia, confianza y capacidad, como para elaborar e implementar de manera inmediata, una propuesta de sistema de indicadores de RRHH, alineado a los objetivos e intereses de tu organizacin."
Price: 199.99

"Cmo medir la Efectividad en RRHH? 9 Mtodos prcticos" |
"Te presento una Metodologa Propia que incluye, 9 herramientas poderosas que te facilitarn, la medicin, anlisis y evaluacin de la Efectividad de tu Sistema de Gestin de Recursos Humanos. Comenzar explicndote las 3 razones fundamentales del por qu necesitas medir y evaluar la efectividad en RRHH, repasars algunos conceptos importantes sobre efectividad y te expondr las 5 premisas fundamentales que debes garantizar en tu organizacin, para que no fracases en tu empeo. A lo largo del Curso, te explicar con detalles y con ejemplos prcticos, una Metodologa simple y propia, que incluye 3 mtodos o variantes de anlisis que puedes utilizar para medir la efectividad de cualquiera de tus prcticas o subprocesos de RRHH, por separado y 6 mtodos o variantes de anlisis que yo he utilizado para medir la efectividad de todo el Sistema de Gestin de RRHH y que estoy seguro podrs aplicar inmediatamente, en tu organizacin. Adicionalmente te explico, cmo puedes elaborar un Informe Final de Efectividad, detallndote los componentes o partes del Prototipo o Plantilla de Informe de Efectividad, que puedes utilizar para exponer y explicar a tus directivos, mandos medios y trabajadores en general, de una manera visualmente atractiva y comprensible, los resultados ms importantes de tu gestin en RRHH. Finalmente, te ofrezco algunos consejos y sugerencias desde mi experiencia, para que analices correctamente la efectividad de tu Sistema de Gestin de RRHH. Al final del curso, te convertirs en un Analista Profesional Experto y respetado, con el suficiente conocimiento experticia, confianza y capacidad, como para hacer de forma precisa e inmediata, anlisis profundos y certeros de Efectividad en la Gestin de RRHH y a la misma vez, proporcionar soluciones centradas en las prioridades de tu negocio."
Price: 199.99

"Passive Income - A Beginner's Guide" |
"Learn the easy step-by-step process for creating extra income with the skills you already have. You'll discover the wide range of product options and available resources, along with the process to uncover your best ideas.Find out how the 'new' Passive Income can help you earn extra income and start a fun and profitable business of your own!"
Price: 19.99

"Start Your Passive Income Side Hustle This Weekend!" |
"Learn the step-by-step system to start your Passive Income business this weekend. Find out if a Passive Income Side Hustle is right for you, define your niche, choose your platform and identify your future customers. Plus, the best Tips & Tricks I used to build my 9 Passive Income businesses that allow me to travel the world full time!"
Price: 19.99

"Profit from Your Art" |
"Learn the step-by-step process for taking your creative skills into the marketplace. You'll discoverhow to create best selling products, build a store your customers will love and grow your business into a fun, easy income source.Get startedthe right way by identifying what your customers are looking for and develop a simple plan to keep them coming back for more. Creating extra income with your talents is fun, easy and profitable when you know how. Get started today!"
Price: 19.99

"Angular5, Angular6, Angular7 :" |
"Angular5, Angular6Angularng-packagrAngular6Angular MaterialAngular6Angular6HttpClientGitHubVisual Studio CodenpmAngular5Angular5Bootstrap4AngularnpmReadmeMarkdownMarkdownBootstrap4"
Price: 18000.00

"Excel Basics 101" |
"This course is for the Excel starter or Excel users before 2016 version of Microsoft Products. Whether you are just starting with Excel, or even a retiree looking to advanced some computer skills, this course will get you up to speed on the basics of Microsoft Office Excel 2017.This is part one of a three-part course, as your progress from beginner to master."
Price: 350.00

"Yoga Flow for Weight Loss & Flexibility by an Indian Yogini" |
"Unlike yoga poses that are done in isolation, this video course has yoga poses that are done in a choreographed sequence. We move from one asana to another in a gentle manner along with breathwork. There are videos on yoga flow both for the beginner and the intermediate level. You could do this yoga flow even if you dont have any knowledge of Yoga. Also you could do this if you have been doing yoga for a while, since there are separate videos in this course for both beginners and intermediates. And you could start the yoga flow as a beginner and move on to the intermediate level.This Yoga Flow is for everyone - people who want to lose weight, people who want more flexibiluty, people who have long hours on the desk, people who cant leave home to excercise, people who are suffering from injuries, or lifestyle diseases like thyroid, blood pressure, migrane."
Price: 19.99

"Unity Android Game Monetisation Tutorials (Admob Ads)" |
"Mobile Phone Games are good source for handsome passive income. But strangely, most of developers unable to integrate Mobile ads into android games. We are going to learn how to integrate admob ads such as Banner ads, Interstitial Ads and Rewarded Video ads into our Android Games developed in Unity 3dEngine. And also We are going to learn how to integrate Unity Interstitial Ads and Unity Rewarded video ads."
Price: 5120.00

"Unity 3d Tutorials : Learn how to make simple video game" |
"One can develop video games in computer system using Unity 3d. Unity 3d is a powerful engine helps to create video games easily. It has simple interface provides better controls to create game objects, attach script files and design each level easily.In this unity 3dtutorials series, we are going to learn how to create a simple 3d video game in the latest version of Unity 3d. First we are going to explore interface and basic controls of the unity 3d engine. Then we are going to learn how to create game objects for the game scene. Then we are going to learn how to create script files and define various required functions. Then we are going to create platform for our game scene. Then we are going to learn how to apply textures to various game objects in the video game scene. Then we are going to learn how to define goal point in a game scene. Then we are going to learn how to add sound effects to our game scene. Then we are going to learn how to set text information in the game scene. And atlast we are going to learn how to show game over screen.These tutorials are step by step guide to develop a complete video game in unity 3d. Best part of this unity 3d tutorials series is topics are straight to the point. Hence each tutorial are short in length and easy to learn."
Price: 1280.00

"After Effects - Motion Graphics Title Sequence for beginners" |
"Motion graphics is part of my everyday working life and in this After Effects tutorial I will be sharing some of the techniques I use on a regular basis.You will learn how to create a dark and rainy motion graphics title sequence using After Effects and a little bit of Photoshop.The easy going, step-by-step, walk through pace of this After Effects tutorial is ideal for advanced beginners whohave already completed a few motion graphics courses and now have basic After Effects knowledge and skills.If you feel ready to take your After Effects skills to the next step and move onto making your own motion graphics title sequence then this course will be a great place to start.Throughout this After Effects tutorial you will develop further understanding of3D Spaceworking with multiple pre-comps inside your scenescreating rain using the built in particle systemscene and text transitionsscene design filters that improve the atmosphere of your sceneproblem solving(Note: Recorded on an iMac so on-screen short cuts are for mac but PC users can still follow along. After effects cc 2018 was used. I also used a Wacom Tablet. Preview musicnot included)"
Price: 19.99

"How to make a Facebook chat bot from beginner to expert" |
"Chatbots are computer programs that can interact with humans through a simple conversational interface. They are designed to simulate an interaction with another human. Couple this with the fact that more than 90% of smartphone users spend most of their time in messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger and you have an excellent opportunity to build highly interactive chatbot based services that can empower business and enterprise like never before.In this course, we will go from zero to pro as we build multiple chatbots using a variety of techniques and platforms. We will explore chatbot platforms that do not require you to write code, and all the way to code intensive chatbots that can be built for specialized scenarios.We will learn about the brain behind a chatbot, as we go from simple pattern recognition to natural language processing and AI.This course features an ever evolving project basedcurricula that will see new sections, case studies and examples being added on a regular basis. This is critical because this technology space is growing by leaps & bounds and consequently this course aims to keep up with the pace. All of this comes with personalized help, hand holdingand support.You will need to be familiar with JavaScript and NodeJS to accomplish the coding projects in the course.And even before reaching the end of the course, you will be able to build anddeploy chatbots and offer this brand new way of reaching out to the world, to your customers and business.Chatbots can help people shop, order food, entertain, provide help, advice, information,support and more, through a simple chat interface. Imagine chatting with a friend on Facebook Messenger. No learning curve needed, no apps to install. As a matter of fact, when Facebook launched their Messenger platform in early 2016, they ushered in the era of chatbots. As a result, huge investments are being made in this space and it is poised to exponentially grow in the next few years.Almost all industries, ranging from entertainment, medicine, hospitality, performing arts, banking, aviation and more are already eyeing the chatbot space to enhance customer engagement for business and marketing. And it is no wonder that Google, Facebook and Microsoft are leading the pack with dedicated divisions and projects being incubated at the moment.The bottom line is - we're at a stage in the evolution of chatbots where mobile apps were back in 2007 when Apple announced the first iPhone. Grasp the opportunity today.Join me, as we understand, design and build incredible chatbots!Who is the target audience?Beginners and Facebook page ownerMobile developers who're keen on integrating conversational agents in their appsBusiness managersProfessionals who want to be at the cutting edge of technologyYou don'thave to worry if you're not a coder it requires no knowledgeNo coding required"
Price: 19.99
