"Life Changing Motivational sessions" |
"This Course will make you expert in using The power of Gratitude,Affirmation, The law of Attraction, The Secret . Daily use of these amazing techniques will improve your personal and professional life. These tutorial will boost your life in terms of Wealth, Health, Relationship, Confidence, Business andCareer development etc."
Price: 12800.00

"Angular5, Angular6, Angular7 Custom Library: Guide" |
"In this course, you will learn of the fundamentals of how to make Angular5 and Angular6 library.You will learn how to make a chart library in Angular6You will learn how to make a service library using HttpClient in Angular6You will learn how to publish your own library by npm.You will learn how to install Angular5 and Angular6.You will learn how to sign up for GitHub.You will learn how to use Visual Studio Code and its extensions.You will be familiar with npm command.You will learn how to use ng-packagr.You will learn how to install Angular Material in Angular6.You will learn how to make and test Pipe library.You will learn how to make and test Directive library.You will learn how to make Component library.You will learn how to make Bootstrap4 Component library.You will learn how to send data to your own component and get data from it.You will learn how to make local packageby npm.You will become familiar with markdown syntax.You will learn how to print out mark down files.By the end of the course, you will have built a Bootstrap4 Navigation Header component with logo brand. pulldown button and search box."
Price: 184.99

"SAP FICO (Financial Accounting & Management Accounting)" |
"SAP FICO Course will preparethe studentsto learn andunderstand all theend-to-end implementationsteps toconfigureSAPFI and CO modules for any organization.The course also highlights the necessary documentationand methodology which are used in SAPFICOimplementation projects.After this course, the students will be able to identify andanalysethe business requirements of any organizationfor Record to Reportprocess cycle and to configure SAP FICO modules accordingly.Disclaimer: SAP and other products of SAP mentioned in the training is a trademark or registered trademark of SAP SE, Germany. I am not related or affiliated to that."
Price: 199.99

"SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) - Configuration and End User" |
"SAP SDCourse will preparethe studentsto learn andunderstand all theend-to-end implementationsteps toconfigureSAP SDmodules for any organization.The course also highlights the necessary documentationand methodology which are used in SAPimplementation projects.After this course, the students will be able to identify andanalysethe business requirements of any organization for Order to Cash process cycleand to configure SAP SDmoduleaccordingly.Disclaimer: SAP and other products of SAP mentioned in the training is a trademark or registered trademark of SAP SE, Germany. I am not related or affiliated to that."
Price: 199.99

"SAP MM (Materials Management) - Configuration and End User" |
"SAP MMCourse will preparethe studentsto learn andunderstand all theend-to-end implementationsteps toconfigureSAP MMmodules for any organization.The course also highlights the necessary documentationand methodology which are used in SAPimplementation projects.After this course, the students will be able to identify andanalysethe business requirements of any organization for Procurement to Paymentprocess cycleand to configure SAP MMmoduleaccordingly.Disclaimer: SAP and other products of SAP mentioned in the training is a trademark or registered trademark of SAP SE, Germany. I am not related or affiliated to that."
Price: 149.99

"Start E commerce business -Guide for Beginners - A TO Z Info" |
"in these videoswe haveprovide you a complete detail about-What is Right Strategies to Start Online Business with 0 Investment ! new seller Strategies ! Tips !in these videoswe haveprovide you a complete detail abouteCommerce, marketplacesto understand all details pl watch starting till end .after complete this courseyou will able to understand abouteCommerce, marketplaces , we have also explain in this videos how you can start eCommercebusiness in min investment .."
Price: 19.99

"Jak prowadzi biznes bez zakadania firmy?" |
"Marzysz o wasnym imperium, ale boisz si, czy zarobisz na podatki i ZUS?Masz produkt, masz pomys na siebie, ale nie wiesz jak zabra si za firm?Dobrze, e tu jeste. Poka Ci jak moesz sprzedawa swoje produkty i usugi bez zakadania dziaalnoci gospodarczej!!!6. 03. 2018 Prawo Przedsibiorcw - jedna z ustaw wchodzca w Konstytucj Biznesu zostaa przyjta przez Sejm i przekazana do podpisu Prezydenta. Wejdzie w ycie w cigu 30 dni od ogoszenia. Wszyscy z utsknieniem czekamy, kiedy bdzie mona sprzedawa bez dziaalnoci.Ale.....pojawia si wiele pyta zwizanych z dziaalnoci nierejestrow:Czy mog skorzysta z dziaalnoci nierejestrowej?Czy trzeba i jak si rozlicza z urzdem skarbowym?Jak liczy przychd, by nie przekroczy progu50% wynagrodzenia minimalnego?Czy mog zatrudni pomocnika prowadzc dziaalno nierejestrow?Jak maj si przepisy dotyczce reklamacji w dziaalnoci nierejestrowej?Odpowiedzi na wszystkie te pytania zebraam w jednym miejscu i oddaj Ci w ramach tego kursu."
Price: 69.99

"To straszne RODO. Pakiet dokumentw i kurs w jednej cenie!" |
"Z kadej strony na strasz - zaraz wejdzie RODO!!!Strasz, ale czy jest naprawd czego si ba?RODO to rozporzdzenie, spisane w do obszernej formie, jednak nie ma w nim nic takiego, czego by nie moga sama zrobi w swojej firmie. Owszem wymaga pochylenia si nad tematem, ale z moim kursem krok po kroku wdroysz najwaniejsze aspekty dotyczce ochrony danych osobowych wg nowych wytycznych.W ramach kursu otrzymujesz gotowe wzorydokumentacjido RODO:Rejestr czynnoci przetwarzania i kategorie zbiorw.Ewidencja narusze.Umowa o powierzenie przetwarzania danych osobowych.Wzory arkuszy i checklist do audytu - oceny ryzka wg RODO.Wzr obowizku informacyjnego dla Twoich klientw.Checklist jak sporzdzi polityk prywatnoci."
Price: 294.99

"Boty na Facebooku. Po polsku i prosto jak tworzy boty !!" |
"Kady to wie - trzeba si skupia na tych elementach dziaalnoci, ktre przynosz nam pienidze a eliminowa ""wykradaczy czasu"". Odpisywanie klientom z pewnoci pienidzy nie tworzy, ale .... o klientw trzeba dba.I tu z pomoc przychodzi may pomocnik - bot i mj kurs - w caoci po polsku !!!Wszdzie tam, gdzie tracisz czas na odpisywanie, witanie, zachcanie do kontaktu, przesyanie formularzy itp - moesz wykorzysta w peni darmowego asystenta.Poka Ci jak tworzy boty - od najprostszych, ktre bd wita Twoich klientw i przekierowywa do sklepu czy na stron, do tych bardziej rozbudowanych, ktre bd prowadzi konwersacj z klientem. A to wszystko jzykiem prostym i zrozumiaym, nawet dla nieznajcych angielskiego.Zajmie Ci to niewiele czasu, ju teraz zaplanuj jak wykorzystasz zaoszczdzone minuty :)"
Price: 69.99

"Forex MetaTrader 5: Master MT5 - Trading Like a Professional" |
"Interested in Forex Trading?Then this meantcourse is for you!Here you will learn everything about MetaTrader 5and more!In these tutorials I reveal EVERYTHING you need to know about the MetaTrader 5 Platform! + Becoming a consistent Forex Trader!You will learn all the BasicANDExpert features of MT5like:How to find a RELIABLE Brokerage that offers Trading through the Foreign Exchange Market!How to execute Trades like a Professional Traders - and ALL the various ways to do so!How to personalize the platform to YOUR needs!How to Journal your trades!And more!I learned all of this through my hands-on experience, and through professional retail traders(my mentors)! Years of experience all put into one course!You can learn all the same things in a couple of hours in this course! I WISHI had this when I first started!So what are you waiting for?Every minute you wait is costing you money and most importantly, TIME!Enroll today and join me on this journey towards effectively usingMetaTrader 5 to become a profitable trader!I look forward to seeing you in class!Regards,Sangev"
Price: 199.99

"Learn After Effects CS6 from Scratch to Professional" |
"In this course you can to learn:-to use after effects-text animation-transitions-easy and difficult motion graphics-logo animations-and much more...About me:My name is Benchea Ionel (JOHN), and i work with After Effects more than 5 years. I'm working as freelancer to edit any style of videos or to create any promo videos, and also i'm after effects templates artist. I'm selling my projects to websites like Pond5, and also i'm selling alpha animations or motion graphics.Today creating or editing videos is a great job because all people like a blogger, youtuber, or small/big companies need great promotion videos or just for fun to use for youtube or social media places.You want a new carrer or you want just to know for fun After Effects, enroll to this course and your succes is guranted."
Price: 19.99

"Mobirise - Crie teu site e publique em 1 semana (COMPLETO)" |
"O CursoCriar e publicar siteem 1 semana um curso desenvolvido para quem deseja criar um website do zero sem ser um expert em informtica ou sem saber nada de programao web. Voc ver que possvel criar rapidamente um site apenas arrastando, soltando e ajustando cores, margens, tamanhos de imagens e textos.No precisa saber lidar com imagens.Neste curso voc tambm vai aprender a publicar o website em um domnio prprio, contratando um servidor de hospedagem e quais os custos R$.Objetivos do Curso- Conhecer, baixar e instalar o programa gratuito para criar seus websites;- Aprender sobre os custos (R$) de como obter um domnio (www) prprio;- Aprender a publicar, deixar no ar sua produo, para os clientes na internet;- Integrar Whatsapp como atendimento online, vender e receber por seus produtos e servios pelo site.Pblico AlvoPessoas com pouco ou muito conhecimento em informtica que desejam aprimorar suas habilidades ou que possuam uma ideia, negcio, produto ou servio que desejem divulgar atravs de um website.Este curso tambm voltado principalmente para as pessoas com pouco tempo disponvel para ento, estudarem de modo rpido em suas horas vagas."
Price: 39.99

"Ribbon Reading" |
"Forget about Tarot Cards and Crystal Ball, Learn how to Read Ribbons. Ribbon Reading is easy and fun way to entertain friends, family & even clients.Learn what colors ribbons you need. What each Ribbon respects, also all the ribbon meanings. I hope you will follow me on my journey to Ribbon Reading and have fun.."
Price: 19.99

"Gentle Yoga for Beginners Vol. 1: Moving Towards Bliss" |
"In this course, you will learn to unwind and melt stress QUICKLY so that you can move toward bliss.In as little as 15 minutes, using super gentle movements, youll connect with your body to relax your muscles and calm your mind so that you can enjoy more flexibility, peace of mind and energy throughout your day!Even if youre as flexible as a lead pipe, you can receive the benefits of yoga without twisting yourself up like a pretzel. What will I be able to do after I enroll?PREPARE yourself and your space for an at home yoga practiceBE COMFORTABLE sitting for short meditationsUNITE your body, breath & mind anytime you need to so that your mind can get a break from stressful racing thoughtsIMPROVE POSTURE with gentle yoga poses to reverse the hunched shoulders syndrome common in society todayRELEASE tension in your body from holding stressBREATHE deeper and easier with your improved posture and relaxed musclesIMPROVE FLEXIBILITY so aches and pains just melt awayCARRY peace of mind with you throughout your day and be able to stop sweating the small stuff SLEEP better at night, and have more ENERGY in the day!Learn to shift old disease causing patterns and create healthy new ones.Before I began my yoga journey, it was impossible for me to relax and I held on to a lot of stress in my shoulders and neck. I was a bundle of nerves and anxiety with thoughts running around my mind all day.I tried seeing a chiropractor, but the relief never lasted longer than a couple days. I tried so many suggestions from the internet about how to quiet your mind, but they never worked consistently.After starting a regular yoga practice, I noticed that my neck pain decreased. I also noticed that as my muscles relaxed, so did some of the racing thoughts I had did also.I went on to take over 500 hours of yoga teacher training, but I feel my most valuable training has come from my students.I want to share the methods I have learned, experimented with, and had success with, so that other people can experience peace and relaxation during their day and sleep better at night.What will I learn specifically?What Do You REALLY Know About Yoga?3 Benefits of Yoga That Will transform Your LifeHow to Avoid Pain in Your Yoga PracticeThe Art of Creating Intentions to Balance Your LifeHow to Easily Prepare Yourself for Gentle Yoga with Everyday Household ItemsSimple Tips for Sitting Comfortably...Even If You Have a Bad Back6 Methods to Quickly & Easily Relax Your Mind.Even If You Struggle to Stay PresentQuickly Master the Most Difficult Pose in a Yoga PracticeMy 3 Step System to Move Toward BlissIn short, you will learn to use gentle yoga to move from feeling scattered, stressed out and tired to feeling focused, calm and relaxed.So you can click the red buy now button on the right hand side, to begin a cycle of releasing tension, getting a more restorative and healing nights sleep, and feeling energized & focused the next day.A little step may be the beginning of a great journey. Are you ready to take that step?Let me make this an easy decision for you. If you dont love this course, you can get 100% of your money back, so theres no reason not to enroll.Once you enroll, you will be able to take a yoga class in the comfort of your own home at whatever time you choose (rather than walking into yoga studios where everyone seems to know what they are doing but you :-)Best of all, you will have my help if you have questions or need specific help in adjusting any yoga poses for your body."
Price: 149.99

"How to prepare the amazing Moroccan tea!" |
"This free course is recorded/filmed in Englishandis made up of six lectures from which you are going tolearn how to prepare the most popular and amazing drink in Morocco ""Moroccan Tea"". These six lectures are practical lectures, and in each one of them I am teaching you one of the steps to preparingthe Moroccantea. So, each lecture for a step. There is a promotional video with the course, but I just want to tell you that that is not the way I am teaching how to prepare the Moroccan tea. It is just a promotionalvideo. The lectures are videos of me in the kitchen: I am filming myself in the kitchenpreparing the Moroccan tea with the right ingredients and the right kitchen tools needed.Enjoy it!"
Price: 19.99

"Science Class X (Simplest way to learn)" |
"These videos are comprehensive and easiest tutorials for leaning science. However the course has been designed keeping in mind of class X (10th) students in Hinglish language (Hindi and English, mixed), but the concepts are quite easy for other classes and learners. After these videos, we believe no tutions shall be required. At home or on the go course can be completed in very short span avoiding travel, hectic andother time wastage in coaching and tutions."
Price: 1280.00

"ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level CTFL 2018 Syllabus" |
"Sample reviews from various students of this course:""The course covers the content for the CTFL certification in a clear and well-explained manner. Also, the explanations have a calm pace and are free of strong accents, which greatly helps to improve its comprehension.""""I used this course as a supplement to studying I was doing from books (I know; how old-fashioned). I took the test on Friday 13th July and passed with 36/40. I found the course very VERY helpful.""""everything is clear and well explained"".""Instructor was straight to the point""""The training was pretty clear and the pronunciation of trainer was very well.""""Easy to understand. The content of the information is easily explain. I believe this was a good investment.""""This course provided a sane counterpoint to some of the jargon-laden books on the subject.""""The whole course is designed and delivered with clear structure, rich content and real-world examples.""""The core section on test design was especially helpful and explains the various types of tests without an overburden of jargon.""""There are tips on how to prepare for the exam, which are so helpful!""""highly recommend for those who are new to testing, or experience testers who would like to get some quick training before the ISTQB exam.""""The pace of the course is steady, clear and engaging.""Course Description: In this software testing course, you will get to understand software testing basics, approaches, concepts and techniques. It is based on the ISTQB Foundation Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) 2018 syllabus and prepares you for the certification exam, which you should sign up for separately. This course includes quizzes at the end of each module and links to download sample exam papers. This course and is suitable for anyone entering the software testing career, or software testing professionals wanting to regain fundamental basic knowledge on software testing. While there are other similar ISTQB Foundation courses in Udemy, mine has these features which set me apart:The lectures are designed for just the right amount of information you need, especially to pass the exam. There is no need for me to pad this course with hours and hours of unnecessary content that may just confuse you. In fact in revising this course for the latest 2018 syllabus, I took some effort to remove content related to the older syllabus.The lectures are concise. I use crisp straight-to-the-point language to impart the knowledge, without unnecessary and lengthy elaborations.I am a native English speaker, and I try to ensure that my communication is clear in a neutral accent, so that even students from non-English speaking countries may follow easily."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Black Box Software Testing Techniques" |
"Some Review Comments by Course Students:""The examples used for the four types of testing were useful.""""Really good starting point for ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level CTFL course.""""a clear and precise presentation delivery which is easy to understand and digest.""Course Description:In this software testing course, you will get to understand software testing basics, with an introduction to concepts and examples of black-box testing. Suitable for anyone entering the software engineering or software testing profession. Also great for existing software testing professionals wanting to refresh their fundamental knowledge on software testing or technical managers supervising software testers. This course is a good starting point for those studying for the ISTQB Certified tester Foundation Level CTFL exam. This is a basic course and probably not suitable for those seeking more advanced level content."
Price: 69.99

"Software Testing - Freelance, Crowd-sourced and Bug Bounties" |
"Students' review comments:""Well researched and concise. Great information for beginners level to advance level testers.""""It has opened my eyes to the opportunities offered on-line for alternative employment - gigs.""Course Description:In this software testing course, get introduced to 18 amazing platforms that support freelance, crowd-sourced and bug bounty software testing, where you can work from home.Learn which ones are suitable for you. Start earning extra income on the side, or even grow this to be a full time business.This coursereveals 18 amazing work from home job ideas for software testers. Each of the 18 ideas, is in individual lectures, where I navigate around the platform to show you important features and explain how to register, how to get the projects, how much they pay and how to get paid. Will also end each lecture with a summary. Not to be missed is the guidance on which platform to sign up for, and the very special bonus lecture.This course is suitable for anyone wanting to earn extra income from software testing freelance work, includingpeople in-between jobs, stay-at-home parentsand computer software enthusiasts, and those wanting to start a successfulentrepreneurial journey by freelancing.The contents of thiscourse is accurate at time of publishing. Do refer to the individual platforms for more up to date information."
Price: 59.99

"Japanese language course for beginners based on MISJ" |
"First five lessons of the MISJ WELCOME PROGRAM.Pronunciation, writing and reading of basic characters, how to make NOUN-based sentences, and how to ask and answer questions using these sentences. Conversational topics include: greetings, self-introductions, finding locations, asking for personal information such as names, home countries, occupations, ages, and telephone numbers, talking about family, ordering things, and shopping."
Price: 24.99

"Website erstellen mit Divi / Designers Inn WordPress Theme" |
"** MIt dem GutscheincodeBESTPREIS nochmal krftig sparen **Es ist leichter als die meisten denken, eine eigene Website zu erstellen. Du brauchst weder Programmierkenntnisse noch ein groes Budget. Im Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du fr weniger als 50 eine Unternehmenswebsite aufbauen kannst.Egal obBlogFirmenseiteOnline-ShopPodcast SieteMit WordPress ist alles mglich und mit Divi bzw. der deutschen Version von Designers Inn kannst du per Drag und Drop deine Seite selbstgestalten. Deiner Fantasie sindkeine Grenzen gesetzt.Ich fhre dich Schritt fr Schritt durch die einzelnen Einstellungen und zeige dir, wie du es in ca. 8 Stunden schaffen kannst von einer Idee zur eigenen Website zu gelangen.Ich habe mittlerweile ber 10 Webprojekte darunterKursersteller,de, Kursempfehlung,de, Marcoillgen,de und ich erstelle die Startseiten in 45 min.Wir gehen zusammen detailliert die 4 Schritte zur Website:Webhosting einrichten:Domain sichern undServer einrichten, wodeine Inhalte gespeichert werdenWordpress installieren: Mit wenigen Klicks installieren und wichtige Einstellungen treffenWebdesign anpassen: Professionelle Website mit deinem Design gestaltenWebsite aufbauen:Homepage und Inhalte auf deine Seite bringenSchon ber 125 Teilnehmer haben sich diesen Kurs gesichert!Die Zeit ist jetzt!Starte heute und schon Ende der Woche knnte deine Traumwebsite Realitt sein. Wie lange willst du die Idee noch im Kopf haben?Deswegen fordere ich dich heraus:CHALLENGE:Bringe innerhalb von 7 Tagen deine Website online und erhalte eine berraschung!"
Price: 129.99

"Organisation Guide: Ordnung & Ziele fr dein Online Business" |
"Du hast Probleme dich zu organisieren? Fr Dinge wieZeitmanagement und Selbstmanagementhttest du gern eine Assistentin?Du bist gestresst, wenn du an die nchste Woche denkst?Mit dieser Challenge bekommst du die Lsungen fr diese Fragen.Vor 1 Monat noch konnte ich nicht einmal regelmig eine Podcastfolge pro Woche verffentlichen. Und das obwohl ich immer gearbeitet habe. Ich konnte meinerFreundin nie sagen, wann ich morgen mit der Arbeit fertig sein wrde.Es war Zeit etwas zu ndern!Ich setzte mich 1 Woche lang hin und entwickelte mein Zielplanungssystem, mit dem ich nun folgendes erstelle:2 Podcastfolgen pro Woche4 Blogbeitrgealle zwei Wochen einen Online-KursAuerdem habe ich vielmehr Klarheit und weniger Stress, da ich im voraus produziere und genau wei, was ich wann verffentliche.Mit dieser Challengewirst du in krzester Zeit wissen:wie du dir SMART Ziele steckst, die du auch erreichen wirstwie du KPIs fr deinBusiness und Privatleben aufstellst, sodass du stressfrei weit, was du produzieren musstwie du dich organisierst, sodass du in weniger Zeit mehr schaffst und wieder entspannte Wochenenden verbringen kannstwie du deine KPIs verfolgst, sodass du immer genau weit, ob du auf Kurs bistIch wende dieses System bei all meinen Coaching Klienten an und sie lieben es!Sicher dir jetzt deinen Zugang zur Organisations-Challenge und habe schon nach 30 min mehr Klarheit ber deine Leben und BusinessWillst du weiterhin stndiggestresst sein und nicht wissen, was du nchste Woche posten sollst?Also worauf wartest du?Kauf dir jetzt den Organisation Guide und starte in den nchsten 30 min durch!"
Price: 49.99

"Evolutionary Algorithms - AI Tetris Bot" |
"Our goal is that you become familiar with Evolutionary Algorithmsand be capable of applying Evolutionary Algorithms to real life problems.In this course you will learn how to built an AI playing tetris bot from scratch using Evolutionary Algorithms. The course is built by teaching Evolutionary Algorithms on a theoretical level and then implementing code to build the AI bot. By puttingthe theoretical knowledge into practice step by step you will be able to confirm your understanding of the concepts learned."
Price: 24.99

"PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice Test" |
"This is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of200hand-selected questions, the current major certification examand limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get aGood Score at least 80% on the OfficialPRINCE2 Foundation CertificationPractice Exam.Exam InformationExam Title :PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice Exam.Exam Number :300-209Duration of Exam :240minutesNumber of Questions :200(Multiple Choice)Passing score :75% (150out of 120)Exam Format :Multiple-ChoiceWhy take this course?The questions in the practice tests always stay current. We ensure this by taking the OfficialPRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice Exam.We always prepare/update questions for practice accordingly.These questions will helpyou will get a good score at least 80% on the main exam.Guaranteed passing the exam in the first attempt.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked."
Price: 169.99

"How to Master SHSAT Math" |
"This course was last updated in May of 2018.Who should enroll in this SHSAT math course?A 7th or 8th grade student who will be taking a high school placement exam.A 7th or 8th grade student who is struggling in math class and needs a boost.An international student who is planning to study in the U.S.An adult who is planning to go back to school and needs a starting point before entering a math program.What is the SHSAT?The Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT) is a high schooladmissions test that students in New York must take to be accepted into one of the specialized high schools. The SHSAT is composed of aRevising/Editing section, a reading comprehension section, and a math section. This course focuses solely on the math portion of the SHSAT.Most students take the SHSAT in the beginning of their 8th grade year. The majority ofmath concepts on the SHSAT are taught in 7th and 8th grades. For that reason, this course is useful forany7th or8th grade mathstudent who is looking for extra practice. A math student may use this course to supplement what they are learning in school or as a crash course to prepare for an entrance exam, like the SHSAT. While this math course was designed specifically with the SHSATin mind, any 7th or 8th grade mathstudent would benefit from the knowledge contained in this course.What is included in this SHSAT math course?There are lectures on over 20 SHSAT math topics. Each lecture includes video instructions, a four question assignment to provide extra practice, and a quiz to confirm understanding. There is also a final exam in the bonus section of this SHSATmath course. Currently, the math topics include:ProportionsVolume ScaleGeometry (angles)Solve for variableLogicConsecutive integersUnit conversionMean with variableMulti-step story problemsPercentagesRatiosInequalityProbabilityTranslate and solveAdding mixed numbersFactorsConstant ratebar graphsAlgebraNumerical expressions"
Price: 49.99

"Decimals and Fractions 101" |
"This course was last upgraded in April of 2018.What is our goal?Decimals and fractions 101 was designed to teach the fundamentals of decimals and fractions in math class. Students and parents often become frustrated, stressed, and overwhelmed by fractions and decimals. My primary goal with this course is to change the feeling students have when they see decimals or fractions in math class. We want a student who is stressed to feel a boost in self-esteem. We want a parent whois overwhelmed by helping with decimals and fractions on math homework to feel confident that their child will succeed. We want everyone who is frustrated by fractions and decimals in mathto feel an incredible boldness about their abilities to succeed with math. People shouldn't be afraid of decimals or fractions.Who should take this course?The math skills in this course are first brought up in the 3rd grade. The topicsare fully introduced in 4th and 5th grades. The fundamentals of fractions and decimals should be mastered by the 6th grade.Any student in 3rd to 5th grades would benefit from this course.Any parent or guardian would benefit by learning the skills needed to help their students improve in math by learning more about fractions and decimals. Students in 6th to 8th grade would also benefit from this course if they are struggling with decimal and fraction basics.How do you succeed in this course?There is only one way to guarantee a win in this course. That way is to finish all the lectures, assignments, quizzes, and tests. Each topic contains a four question assignment, a quiz, and aworksheet on fractions and decimals. At the end of the math course there are two exams that cover all of the fraction and decimal materials presented in this math course. Yes, it is a lot of work, but the confidence your student will feel is worth it.Start today and learn everything you need to know about fractions and decimals in math."
Price: 49.99

"Master percentages in math" |
"*** Last updated May, 2018Welcome to ""Master Percentages in Math"". My name is Scott Grierson and Iwill be leading you through this math course. Ihave been teaching math and creating curriculum for over a decade.Who should take this math course?This math course is intended for parents who want to help their children in 5th, 6th, or 7th grade math through percentages. 5th graders will have the chance to get ahead in school by learning about percentages, 6th graders can stay on pace, and 7th graders can catch up to their math classmates. Some adults choose to take this math course with their kids, however the course was designed so that students could complete the work independently on percentages.What is in this math course?Every topic in this math course has a video tutorial with practice problems for percentages. Then there is a short quiz to check for understanding of percentages. There are also two video practice tests to help you prepare for the final percentages exam at the end of the course. In addition, there is a bonus section with 7 worksheets and a pdf ebook using percentages in word problems. If you get stuck at any point, Iam there to help. Simply click on the question and answer and I will be there to help you with percentages.Why take this math course?If your child is struggling with math percentages or you want to see your child get ahead, this course is for you. Students who take this course not only learn how to use percentages in math, but they also gain self-esteem and confidence.Percentages are very confusing, percentages can be very hard to learn. and math class can be a frustrating experience for many children, but it doesn't have to be that way. When a student understands the fundamentals of math, the classroom transforms from a place of stress and anger into a place full of exciting adventures. The confidence that my students earn can be used each year as they conquer new math topics."
Price: 19.99

"Master 3rd Grade Math" |
"*** Last updated June, 2018Welcome to ""Master 3rd grade Math"". My name is Scott Grierson and Iwill be leading you through this math course. Ihave been teaching math and creating curriculum for over a decade.Who should take this math course?This course is intended for parents who want to help their children in 3rd grade math. The confidence and self-esteem students will gain during this course will shine through in the math classroom.Some adults choose to take this course with their kids, however the course was designed so that students could complete the work independently.What is in this math course?This course has over 5 hours of video instruction, covering the most important math topics for 3rd grade. There are 16 units, each with a math quiz to check for understanding.Each unit is broken into several lectures, with video instructions, that contain practice problems. The units are grouped into 4 chapters. At the end of each chapter you will find a video practice test. These tests will help students prepare for the final exam at the end of the course.If you get stuck at any point, Iam hereto help. Simply click on the question and answer tab.Why take this math course?If your child is struggling in 3rd grade math or you want to see your child get ahead, this course is for you. Students who take this course not only learn the fundamentals ofmath, but they also gain self-esteem and confidence in the math classroom.Math class can be a frustrating place for many children, but it doesn't have to be that way. When a student understands the fundamentals of math, the classroom transforms from a place of stress and anger into a place full of exciting adventures. The confidence students earn from this course can be used each year as they conquer new math topics."
Price: 99.99

"Analog to Digital Converter" |
"This course will teach the basic concept behind Analog to Digital circuits and Digital to Analaogand the various types of the circuits.DAC Circuits like -Binary Weighted DAC ,R-2R Binary Ladder DAC are discussed.ADC Circuits like -Flash ADC,Counter Type ADC.Successive Type ADC ,Integrating Type ADC -Single slope and Dual Slope."
Price: 19.99

"555 Timer IC and Application Circuits" |
"This course will help you to undertsand the working of 555 Timer IC ,its Features and exploring the different ways of connecting it to realize various Applications like Astable ,Monostable ,Bistable Multivibrators ,PWM ,Motor speed controller ,Light Dimmer etc.This IC has been very popular with Electronic Hobbyists .At the end -the datasheet of this IC is studied for features."
Price: 19.99

"2D Adventure Game Creation: Art, Music, Programming and More" |
"In this course we will go through the process ofcreating your own 2-D storybook-style ""Point and Click"" Adventure Game, including story, game world and character design, creating your own art assets in manipulable layers, animating your character, bone-rigging your 2D character in multiple angles for quick animating of an 8-pose walk-cycle. We will also cover practices for creating original music for your game, voice acting and recording dialogue for your characters, and finally bringing all of your original assets together and programming them into a functional scene for an adventure game (in an artist-friendly programming environment).You can follow along using the same software titles in the course, or apply the concepts learned to your own music and art creation software choices.The software used in the course will be...Adobe Photoshop: for background art and character creation.Moho Studio Pro: for character animation.Logic Pro X: for music and voice recording/ editing.Adventure Creator Game Toolkit for the Unity Game Engine for bringing all of the game assets together and programming your game! (Don't worry, you can program your entire game without needed to type out a single line of code, it is very artist friendly).Additional Topics Covered:Light music and art theoryBrief history of instrument samplingDiscussing effective hardware and software tools"
Price: 74.99
