Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Facebook AnzeigenStarter" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst DuSchritt-fr-Schritt,wie Du DirDeine erste Facebook Kampagne aufbaust, um damit neue Interessenten & Kunden fr Dein Produkt / Deine Dienstleistung zu gewinnen.Dabei ist keinVorwissen oder Marketingstudiumntig!Zustzlich bekommst Du noch wertvolle Tipps & Tricks aus der Praxis und meinen eigenen Erfahrungen aus zahlreichen Onlineprojekten ........ und hast die Mglichkeit im Chat jederzeit deine Fragen zu stellen!Erstelle Dir von 0 auf 100 Deine erste Facebook WerbekampagneMit dieser 1:1 Anleitung bist Du am Ende des Tages in der Lage dir eine Facebook Kampagnekomplettaufzusetzen, damit neue Interessenten & Kunden fr Dein Produkt / Deine Dienstleistung zu gewinnenund die Anzeigen auch zu optimieren.Starte noch heute mit Deiner ersten Facebook Kampagneund lerne die Macht des grten Sozialen Netzwerkesfr Dein Business kennen!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dein Expertenblog - Gewinne neue Kunden mit Deiner Expertise" |
"Kunden kaufen von Experten! Also brande Dich auch als einer!In diesem Kurs lernst DuSchritt-fr-Schritt,wie Du Direinen Expertenblog im Internet aufbauen kannst, um somit neue Kunden zu gewinnen und Deinen Umsatz zu steigern!Dabei ist kein technisches Vorwissen ntig!Mit dieser 1:1 Anleitung bist Du am Ende des Tages in der Lage einen Blog mit WordPresskomplett technisch aufzusetzen,zu designen und das Herzstck - die Marketingautomatisierung zu installieren,um damit neue Interessenten und Kunden zu generieren.Starte noch heute mit Deinem Expertenblogund lerne die Macht des Onlinemarketing fr Dein Business kennen!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Getting new Customers with Google Adwords" |
"Google gets millions of searches every day. People are searching for products, services and solutions for their problem. That means people are searching for YOUR products and services! There are lots of marketers who have heard about Google Adwords but arent sure if and how it will work for them. Being an enermously successful pay-per-click (PPC) advertising system, this works for almost any type of business. If you are looking forward to learn from an expert about a platform that is scalable, measurable, flexible while being faster an easier than SEO you are at the right place. In the first two sections of the course, I am going to give you a warm welcome, explain the basic but key elements of Google Adwords that you must know before starting your journey on this platform. In the third section, we are going to talk about the first steps you need to take and of course we will take action! We will set up your account, you will learn about several important terms, keyword types and my special keyword research tactics. In the fourth section, we will create your first Google Adwords campaign like a professional marketer while you will learn about several important tricks where most newbies and your competitors usually fail. In the other sections, we are going to talk about how you can get a perfect landing page, write killer Adwords ads that sell, setting up your payment and optimizing your account. At the end of the course, you will have access to two secret adwords hacks as a bonus. By completing this course, you will learn step-by-step how to create your first successful campaign and optimize it afterwards to get new customers and the most out of your marketing dollars! :) P.S.: The course is going to be updated regularly to make sure it's always up-to-date!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build your high converting Landing Page with Thrive Themes!" |
"The Online Marketing Revolution is HERE! More and more business start to invest time and money to acquireLeads and Customers over the Internet!A Landing Page is one of the most important tools in Online Marketing. It is often also the first touchpoint to convert your visitor into a lead.In this course I will show you step-by-step how to create a highly effective Landing Page for your business to collect Leads and make Sales afterwards.This course is 100% practical - that means I show you every single step on my computer and you just must do exactly the same things I did in front of you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Einfhrung in Go" |
"Dieser Kurs ist ein spannender Workshop, welcher Dir die Grundlagen von Googles Programmiersprache Go vorstellt. Anhand von vielen gefhrten bungen lernst Du diese Sprache praktisch kennen. Am Ende kannst Du ohne groe Anstrengung Go Anweisungen schreiben und Go Code verstehen.Der Kurs richtet sich an alle, die Go kennen lernen mchten oder Grundlagen in Go bentigen. Dieser Workshop bringt dich auf spielerische Weise soweit, dass Du danach auch an Go Projekten mitarbeiten kannst.Fr den Kurs mssen keine Programme installiert werden. Alle Aufgaben und Beispiele sind Online verfgbar."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Docker Developer Course" |
"Docker has been a game-changer when it comes to how modern applications are deployed and architectured. Docker allows you to create a robust and resilient environment to generate portable, composable, scalable, and stable application containers. It has now grown into a key driver of innovation beyond system administration, with an impact on the world of web development and more. Using Docker, you will be able to build, ship, and run many distributed applications in real time. This course shows you how it not only demonstrates how to use Docker more effectively, it also helps you rethink and reimagine what's possible with Docker.In this course, you will start with quickly installing Docker and start working with images and containers. We will then define multi-container applications and understand the advantages of using containers locally. You'll find everything related to extending and integrating Docker in new and innovative ways. Docker Swarm and Docker Compose will help you take control of your containers in an efficient way.At the end of this course, you will be well equipped in deploying your applications using Docker and will have a clear understanding of concepts, techniques, and practical methods to get it running in production systems. So let's get started."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Certification (70-741)" |
"Welcome to this course: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Certification (70-741). In this course, you'll learn how to handle the essential administrative tasks in Windows Server 2016. Windows Server 2016 is the server operating system developed by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems, developed concurrently with Windows 10. Windows Server 2016 DevOps is the solution to these challenges as it helps organizations to respond faster in order to handle the competitive pressures by replacing error-prone manual tasks using automation. Microsoft has gotten us thinking outside of the box for what it means to be a system administration, and comes with some interesting new capabilities. These are exciting times to be or to become a server administrator!In this course, youll learn:Learn the Network KnowledgePass the Microsoft 70-741 examLearn how to configure and use IPv4 and IPv6Learn how to deploy DHCP and enable DHCP high availabilityLearn how to configure and install DNSLearn how to manage IP services with IP address managementAt the end of this course, you will know how to take your Windows Server 2016-powered server and turn it into any common infrastructure role that might be required in your company. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Unity Game Development: Make 3D VR Games" |
"Google Cardboard is a low-cost, entry-level media platform through which you can experience virtual reality and virtual 3D environments. The Unity engine has revolutionized the gaming industry, by making it easier than ever for game developers to create quality games on a budget. Along with Unity's stunning 3D animation capabilities, it is one of the best choices for game developers to create out-of-the-box Virtual Reality games for different platforms such as Google Cardboard, Oculus Rift, and Samsung Gear VR.In this course, you'll learnHow to interact in VRNavigate the Unity interfaceLay out a simple UI for your appCreate 3D scenes with Unity while learning about world space and scaleExperiment with various User Interface (UI) techniques that you can use in your VR applicationsThis course is for those who are interested in virtual reality and game development and would like to start from scratch. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Unity VR Developer Course" |
"Are you looking at getting started in the world of Game development with Unity? This course is perfect for you to create mesmerizing games with lifelike features and amazing game play. You can use this powerful engine to build games, to play, distribute, and even sell for free!In this course, you will learn what you need to build the games you want to build, without sacrificing quality. This course takes an in-depth focus on a practical project with Unity, building a first-person game with many features. You will build a solid understanding of Unity 5.x, by focusing with the embedded tools to develop VR games. Youll dive deep into the architecture of a Unity game, creating expansive worlds, interesting render effects, and other features to make your games special. Each lecture in this course is structured to give you a full understanding on a specific aspect of the workflow pipeline. Each of these aspects are essential for developing games in Unity. You will create individual game components, use efficient animation techniques, and implement collision and physics effectively.At the end of this course, youll have developed sufficient competency in Unity development to produce VR games with confidence."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Vaincre langoisse avec la mditation" |
"Ce cours est compos de trois parties :- L'apprentissage de la gestion des crises- Les leons entires de mditation- Les musiques de relaxation/mditation.La mditation peut tre pratique partout et par tout le monde, il suffit simplement de savoir s'y prendre et d'effacer les ides reues surla mditation.L'auteur du cours a actuellement plus de 5000 tudiants !Ce cours est pour vous si vous souhaitez :- Apprendre la mditation simplement et rapidement de manire naturelle et sans aide extrieure- Vivre sans stress ou avec moins de stress au quotidien- Avoir une mditation a suivre pour chaque moment de la journeAvec ce cours, vous apprendrez :-La bonne faon de mditer- Comment viter de penser ngativement- Atrouver la bonne mditation pour chaque crise de panique- Anoter les progrs dans vos symptmes et vos crisesPourquoi prendre ce cours?Ce cours vous permettra de trouver une paix intrieure qui vous convient, vous apprendrez a pratiquer de manir discipline une mditation pour chaque moment important de la journe. Pratiquer la mditation correctement rduira votre stress progressivement et vous permettra de vivre une vie plus saine. Vous ne serez plus bloqus par les penses ngatives qui interfrent avec votre travail ou votre vie de famille.Une mditation correctement ralise peut changer compltement l'existence de quelqu'un."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Lessons for Beginners - Learn How to Play Guitar" |
"Welcome to this Beginner Guitar Course. Through this six video course you will learn the skills necessary to start playing guitar. If you have never played guitar or any other musical instrument before that is ok, if you slowly work your way through the videos. Making sure to practice what you have learned before moving on, I know that you can master the guitar in no time.This course is six main videos long and begins with the common terminology used when talking about the guitarwhat is the neck?...What are frets?Then we will show you how to tune the guitar so that it is playing the notes that it should. From there we get into actually playing the guitar. First we take a look at playing first position notes. This is just a fancy term for playing single notes with all of your fingers. Guitar is similar to typing at a computer, you might find that it is fine to get by with only using 2 fingers and pecking around, but you will find that you can type faster and more smoothly if you learn how to use all of your fingers together. After learning how to play single notes we take a look into playing more than one note at a time, which is called a chord. We will teach you to play open chords, which are the basic chords that comprise a large majority of acoustic guitar music. There are many different types of chords but will learn how to play what is called major and minor chords. These two types of chords are very common in music and are huge basis for many songs. Along with learning the notes to play a chord we also take a look at the groove, or rhythm that accompanies chords. This rhythm is called strumming, and it is helpful to learn as you learn to play your first chords.Then we move into a little bit harder but still manageable area of moveable scale patterns. We will take a look at the major scale as well as the blues scale. These are simple shapes on the guitar that you can memorize, and can then be moved all up and down the neck to give you the major and blues scales starting on any note. We will talk about what keys are and how you can use your moveable scale patterns to play the scales in any key.Lastly we will take a look at Bar Chords. Bar chords are a little bit trickier than open chords but they have the same advantage as the moveable scale patterns, as one chord shape with your hand can be moved all over the guitar to allow you to play any number of different chords. Armed with this knowledge, I know that you can work on these guitar principles and be playing guitar in no time. It may seem daunting at first, but broken up into manageable pieces you can learn to play the guitar. I hope that the things that this course covers are interesting to you, so that together we can help you start playing guitar today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"6 Easy Steps to a Strong Forehand Shot" |
"Perfect the Most Widely Used Shot in Tennis To be an exceptional tennis player, you need to be well-rounded in all areas, and the forehand shot is a great place to start. The forehand is the most widely used shot in tennis, and lousy technique will plague your game. Sure, you could get private lessons with a pro to help your forehand, but theyre extremely expensive, and the solution is actually a lot easier than many will tell you.What Youll Gain from This Course Learn to correctly hit the""loop"" motion to gain more topspin on the ball Increase your margin of error with every shot Hit the ball effortlessly to conserve energy while maintaining pace on the ball Easy tricks to help develop consistency in your game Your Instructor My name is Chris Bdulescu, I've been playing tennis for most of my life, and over the last 8 years, I've been coaching kids and adults on the secrets to better technique. Im certified by the Professional Tennis Registry to teach this advanced forehand technique. I created this course because I was tired of seeing phony guides online that were way too complicated without showing real results. I break the forehand technique down into simple steps that anyonecan learn. Even if youve been playing for years, I guarantee youll learn something new from this course.What My Past Students Are Saying Nicole G, Montreal, Canada Chris is an amazing teacher! He made learning the forehand much easier by breaking it into smaller parts. I've gotten much better since taking his course. Thank you! Mahesh A., Mesa, AZ, USA This course is simple and to the point. Chris is a good instructor, and I have enjoyed taking this course and taking private lessons with him. Overall, I recommend this course to anyone who wants to hit a better forehand. Iryna K., Gilbert, AZ, USA From this course, I have learned how to add topspin to my forehand and have gotten rid of my flat shot. My forehand now has a proper low-to-high motion, and I no longer hit so many balls in the net or out."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Tipps und Tricks fr lernfrderliche Vorlesungen" |
"Haben Sie manchmal auch das Gefhl, dass Sie eigentlich keine Vorlesungen halten sollten, weil Sie eigentlich ja ihre Studierenden aktivieren sollten? Haben Sie auf der anderen Seite aber auch das Gefhl, dass Sie eigentlich nur durch Vorlesungen Ihre Inhalte wirklich umfassend genug darbieten knnen? Und mchten Sie Ihren Studierenden gerne auch Vorlesungen zumuten, weil das auch dazu gehrt? Dann ist es fr Sie gewinnbringend sicherlich gewinnbringend, sich intensiver mit der Gestaltung von Vorlesungen auseinanderzusetzen, darber zu reflektieren, was Vorlesungen leisten knnen und was nicht, unter welchen Voraussetzungen und wie sie so gestaltet werden knnen, dass sie das Lernen der Studierenden untersttzen. Dieser Online-Kurs gibt Ihnen Impulse fr eine solche Reflexion und zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Vorlesungen lernfrderlich gestalten, so dass Vorlesungen Mehrwerte fr die Studierenden bieten und ihren schlechten Ruf verlieren. Konkret lernen Sie zahlreiche aktivierende Methoden fr Vorlesungen kennen. Sie haben im Kurs die Mglichkeit, an einer konkreten Vorlesung zu arbeiten, diese neu zu konzipieren oder zu berarbeiten. Dabei erhalten Sie auf Wunsch individuelles Feedback der Kursleiterin.Auerdem wird thematisiert, wie Vorlesungen in die reine Online-Lehre didaktisch sinnvoll und lernfrderlich eingebunden und gestaltet werden knnen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aktivierende Methoden fr Einstiege in Lehrveranstaltungen" |
"Mchten Sie Ihre Studierenden gerne gleich zu Beginn einer Lehrveranstaltung ins Boot holen? Mchten Sie sie aktivieren und fr das Thema gewinnen? Mchten Sie Ihre Studierenden zu einer aktiven Teilnahme an der Lehrveranstaltung bewegen? Dann ist es wichtig, dass Sie den Einstieg in Ihre Lehrveranstaltung, also den Anfang bedacht gestalten. Gelingt Ihnen der Einstieg, so wird Ihnen auch die restliche Lehrveranstaltung sehr wahrscheinlich gut gelingen. Im Anfang liegt die Kraft. Aus diesem Grund lernen Sie in diesem Online-Kurs, warum die Einstiege in die Lehrveranstaltungen so bedeutsam sind, welche zentralen Elemente jeder Einstieg umfassen sollte und wie, d.h. mit welchen Methoden Sie Einstiege konkret gestalten knnen, damit Sie die Aufmerksamkeit und das Interesse Ihrer Studierenden gewinnen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bibliotheksdidaktische Grundlagen fr Schler-Fhrungen" |
"Fragen Sie sich manchmal auch, wie man in Fhrungen Schler/innen fr die Bibliothek begeistert? Oder wie man die Fhrung so gestaltet, dass die Schler/innen etwas lernen? Und fragen Sie sich auch, wie man Fhrungen ganz allgemein sinnvoll strukturiert und reibungslos durchfhrt? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau der richtige fr Sie.Sie lernen hier die Anstze des sogenannten Classroom-Managements und der Bibliotheksdidaktik kennen und fr Ihren Fhrungs-Alltag zu nutzen. Sie lernen, wie Sie gute Grundlagen fr den reibungslosen Ablauf von Fhrungen schaffen und wie Sie Fhrungen motivierend und lernfrderlich gestalten, damit die Schlerinnen und Schlerfrs Lesen und die Bibliothek begeistert werden und Informationskompetenz erwerben. Dazu lernen Sie eine flexibel einsetzbare Lehrstrategie kennen, die einen klaren roten Faden in Ihrer Fhrung sichert. Auerdem lernen Sie Arbeitsauftrge unmissverstndlich zu formulieren. Des Weiteren erhalten Sie zahlreiche Beispiele fr Fhrungen fr die unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen vom Kindergarten bis zur Oberstufe. Auerdem lernen Sie, wie Sie professionell mit Strungen umgehen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Leistungsnachweise und Prfungen fair gestalten und bewerten" |
"Mchten Sie lernen, Leistungsnachweise und Prfungen systematisch zu konzipieren und zu bewerten? Mchten Sie Ihre Prfungspraxis optimieren und die Leistungen Ihrer Studierenden fair bewerten? Dann ist dieser Kurs richtig fr Sie. Hier lernen Sie auf der Grundlage des Zusammenhangs von Lehren und Prfen, Aufgaben fr Prfungen und Leistungsnachweise zu stellen und Bewertungssysteme zu entwickeln. Dafr lernen Sie grundlegende Prinzipien des Gestaltens von Aufgabenstellungen und Bewertungssystemen kennen, die es Ihnen ermglichen, verschiedenste Formen von Prfungen und Leistungsnachweisen reflektiert zu konzipieren und zu bewerten. Der Kurs fokussiert deshalb nicht auf bestimmte Prfungsformen, sondern thematisiert Klausuren ebenso wie Aufgabenstellungen und Bewertungssysteme fr Abschlussarbeiten, mndliche Vortrge, Hausarbeiten/Seminararbeiten, Projektarbeiten und mndliche Prfungsgesprche. Dabei geht der Kurs jedoch NICHT genauer auf die Gestaltung von Multiple und Single-Choice-Fragen und auf die Durchfhrung mndlicher Prfungen ein.Im Kurs erhalten Sie auerdem viele Vorlagen und Hilfsmittel, die Sie fr das Gestalten von Aufgaben fr Prfungen und Leistungsnachweise und das Entwickeln von Bewertungssystemen nutzen knnen.Im begleitenden Forum haben Sie jederzeit die Mglichkeit, Fragen zu stellen und sich mit der Dozentin und anderen Teilnehmenden ber Herausforderungen beim Prfen auszutauschen.Sie lernen auerdem, wie Prfungen und Leistungsnachweise unter den Bedingungen der reinen Online-Lehre/Fernunterricht gestaltet werden knnen."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Astrological Forecasting for Everyone" |
"For Whom Is This Course?This course is a result of my decades of teaching astrology to many very different audiences. I am always looking for a wayto make complex concepts as simple as possible, and here I am addressing the audience withno, or very little, previous knowledge of astrology.What's So Special About It?Very gently, carefully avoiding any unnecessary technicalities, I will introduce to you the main building blocks of astrology signs, houses, and planets. As a result,after only a few lessons you'll begin to write competent astrological forecasts something that would normally be only possible for a professional astrologer.What Should You Expect In The End Of This Course?By the end of the course you will acquire not only all the knowledge that is necessary towrite detailed popular astrological forecasts (so called ""horoscopes"", like those published in newspapers and magazines), but also a decent amount of experience provided you'll do all the recommended homework.What's Inside The Course?The course consists of52 video lessons. Each lesson comes with a full transcript, which you can download and read at your convenience. Most lesson have a quiz to help you test your knowledge, and there are many different handouts: keywords, templates, and so on.The Curriculum Looks Unusual. Why?The approach to teaching I took in this course is unusual, innovative. Superficially, it looks like lessons follow in no particular order, but in fact this order was very well thought-through. My aim isto keep you interested and excited at every step through the course, so I give you something to do, and to start gaining confidence, in the very early lessons. I then gradually add carefully selected ideas in a way one would make a fire in a fireplace: first I add only small pieces of wood and make sure they burn brightly, then bigger and bigger ones, until finally I have a roaring fire then I can throw in any logs, and they will burn easily and happily!Do You Have Questions?Please feel free to ask me whenever you'll have any questions or doubts."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python Fundamentals" |
"Becoming an awesome programmer is a bit like building a large tower of knowledge in that solid foundations are the key to your success. Completing this course will provide you with mastery over these foundations. Here is a quick summary of the journey that awaits you: Curriculum The course will focus on mastering the following concepts variables (integers, floats and strings) control structures ( loops and if statements) functions data structures (lists and dictionaries) Learning Process The course incorporates principles known to help humans learn better, namely: multiple perspectives, revision, feedback and real world application. The following three step process will help you retain and master all the topics covered in this course: Step 1: Demonstrate concept with both visual and text outputs: this is achieved by first writing a program with a text output and then writing another where the output is created visually using turtle. Step 2: Test your understanding with 10 coding exercises: all of these are automatically marked using the python unittest module giving you instant valuable feedback. Step 3: Apply your understanding to write useful and interesting programs: The core concepts you have learned will be put together into programs which do useful and interesting things like: User authentication with a dictionary Guessing number game Human reaction time measurement Human memory training Palindrome Discovery (all single word palindromes in English)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Computational Thinking In Python" |
"What is Python and why is it important?Python is an interpreted text based general purpose programming language, which has a wonderfully simplified syntax, dynamic typing and an awesome open source community constanly creating more and more amazing libraries and modules. This makes python an awesome tool for someone just getting into proramming as well as someone with serious ambitions in fields likedata analysis web development or the Internet of Things.What is special about this course?Quite simply thisis the ultimate second programming course for the everyman!. The approach taken demonstrates some theoretical concepts and then asks the student to solve an open ended problem. Much like lifting heavy weights tends to make your muscles bigger, solving hard problems improves your thinking!! Perhaps more importantly these types of problems prompt creativity and create original solutions. Completing this course with an understanding of multiple solutions for each problemwill endow the student with a conceptual mastery of Python and thus prepare them to use Python and a professional setting and create real world applications!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Games and Simulations: The Scratch Masterclass" |
"Module 1: Challenges in Core Concepts (Integrated Mathematics)This module consists of five challenges, each of which presents several programming concepts and then challenges the student to solve a coding problem by applying these very concepts. A fantastic aspect of Scratch is that in its very DNA coding are contained three important mathematical algebraic principles, present in every single mathematical curriculum from year 6 to year 10. We are more deeply exploring the Cartesian plane across which the Scratch Sprites move and the variables that keep score and object location in Scratch games. We are also investigating equations which are necessary to bring realism to the movement of objects.Module 2: Open Ended ActivitiesAfter learning the fundamentals in Module 1, a whole new world of possibilities opens up. Each lesson in this module takes students to the brink of creating a playable game in Scratch and leaves them with a set of improvement suggestions that would take the game to the next level of playability. The idea here is that each student in class can complete a different amount of upgrades and in a different fashion. There is no finishing line and there is an infinite potential for improvement. In a way, this ensures that advanced students dont sit around and wait for the next lesson (low entry high ceiling).Module 3: Advanced ConceptsWhen students arrive at this module, they are comfortable with Scratch. They begin to make a brilliant realisation that an advanced concept is simply three or four basic concepts put to use all together at one time. So, some examples of what we cover in this module are:1. Projectile Motion equations which are brought to life in a doughnut shooting game.2. Zero G Equations (Newtons Laws of Motion) which are brought to life in a spaceship which moves just like objects do in outer space3. Custom Blocks which amount to functions with parameters which are used to create a program that simulates fireworksModule 4: Complex ProblemsIn order to maximise students potential and achieve a level of excellence students need to take on big challenges which in all likelihood will not be solved at the first attempt. After all, professional mathematicians do not spend their day solving easy math problems. Rather they spend most of their time taking on world changing difficult problems, often without success. Still, it is this experience of pushing your limits and attempting amazing things that is so much fun and helps those who do it to become a little smarter every day! In this module, you have three complex problems to choose from. We recommend you cover at least two.Option 1: Ski Racing GameSetting up ski races is something that could be performed really well by a computer program. We have some 40-60 sets of gates that the skier has to go through. These need to be positioned at different angles and distances, which we can do using random number ranges. Then there is an issue of the skier; here the students learn how to perform two different movement dynamics (mouse following and arrow activation). The main goal of the students is to fine tune the game dynamics and find a way to measure and record the times of the skiers so that they can challenge their friends to beat their best times.Option 2: Fruit Slicing GameWhat if you could interact with Scratch by waving your hands around? Well you can, and all you need is an ordinary webcam! Scratch has a way of measuring the movement of your hands and any other object you bring into the room being viewed by the webcam. The game you will see is similar to the popular game called Fruit Ninja, but its a whole lot more fun to wave your hands around than swipe a phone screen. The ultimate goal is to slice up a specific number of apples and oranges.Option 3: Physics EngineThis is the hardest challenge, designed for the students who are doing really well with coding and also enjoying the integrated mathematics. The idea here is that every popular 3D game uses physics to simulate the real world and make the game feel realistic. This is precisely what the students will be asked to do with a ball object which should bounce off the walls in natural arcs and eventually come to rest. Once this big challenge is solved, students can easily create realistic soccer or volleyball games"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Fundmentals in Robot C and VEX Robotics" |
"Why Vex Robotics?VEX Robotics is the ultimate robotics platform for the 7-10 Digital Technologies Curriculum. VEX has text based coding in the most universal programming language: ""C'. It also has a capacity for data management and analysis and finally, VEX has a capacity to use coding and robotics to solve real world problems.What is special about this course?After eight lessons, students complete several quite advanced examples of INPUT / OUTPUT programming whereby they control the speed and the direction of a motor by bringing their hand closer to and further from a distance sensor. This task is broken down into the simplest possible steps; in each step students add two to three lines of code, experiment with changing variables and observing the output of the robot. This ensures that they understand not only what each line of code does, but how it does it and what will happen when it changes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zero to Hero in Vex Robotics" |
"Why Vex Robotics?VEX Robotics is the ultimate robotics platform: powerful micro-controller (ARM Cortex) together with high power high torque motors, precise sensors and a metal frame. Best of all it is programmed in a very user friendly interface (CodeBlocks) using Robot Cwhich is essentially the Cprogramming language with a host of new robotics related functions.What is special about this course?In the first modulestudents complete several quite advanced examples of INPUT / OUTPUT programming whereby they control the speed and the direction of a motor by bringing their hand closer to and further from a distance sensor. This task is broken down into the simplest possible steps; in each step students add two to three lines of code, experiment with changing variables and observing the output of the robot. This ensures that they understand not only what each line of code does, but how it does it and what will happen when it changes. In the second module students create functions that move the robot forward and backward a precise number of degrees. They also learn to control the robot arm, performing both grabbing and lifting. The module contains key concepts like booleans, while loops and various varieties of functions.In the third module student learn how to follow lines both using a basic Zig Zag algorithm and a much more advanced proportional algorithm which uses a sensor feedback loop. They also use fedback to create a program which gets the robot to keep constant distance between itself and the nearest object.In the fourth module students apply everything they learned into two advanced tasks, the first of which is to follow a line and pick up cans along the way taking them to the bin at the end of the line. The second is an environment scanner which looks for rubbish (cans) , picks them up and drops them off at the bin."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Zero to Hero" |
"Arduino is an open-source microcontrollerused for building electronics projects. Since it arrived on the scent,Arduino completely revolutionized DIY electronics, making it possible for artists, teenagers and hobbyists to create a vast array of projects which interact with people and the environment.This course is a product of my 5 years of playing and teaching with Arduino's. The learning sequence ofSections 1-3 introduceArduino andbuild student confidence by first learning how to just build circuits and afterwards how to write programs.Section 4teaches the fundamentals of analog circuits and applies those to sound sensors, temperature sensors, light mixers and musical instruments.Section 5 takes on digital circuits, starting withbutton inputs being used to create sound effects, memory games, guessing games with a 7 segment display and measure human reaction time.Section 6is all about installing and usingsensor libraries with Gyro Accelerometer Circuits and Remote Control Circuits.Section 7Wraps up the course with some spectacular visualizations of sensor outputs using a software called Processing."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin/Crypto 2018-2019" |
"2018 Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency mindset Bitcoin, cryptocurrency Full-time crypto trader Bitcoin 3,000 ------------------ 2018 Bitcoin/ ------------------ blockchain, bitcoin ( / youtube ) ( ) (Entry ) (Take Profit / Stop Loss )( ) ( youtube ) cloud mining ICO - exchange ------------------.. 1-2 ------------------ ( 555 )------------------"
Price: 1400.00 ![]() |
"Margin Bitcoin Bitmex -" |
"Short Bitcoin Margin short Bitcoin Bitmex - mindset - Margin Position Leverage -"
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Financial Independence: Beginner's Crash Course" |
"Imagine being able to do only the things that give you the most fulfillment without worrying about money. What would you do with your time if working wasnt necessary?This course consolidates all the information you need to reach financial independence and focuses you on the key levers to supercharge your path to financial independence. You will learn the best mindset to enjoy life while saving money, how to maximize real earnings, when you can retire, and how to invest. You will be saving ridiculous amounts of money each month, but still enjoying your life so much you will wonder where all the money you used to spend went. You will start to value your time and require that your employer or customers start to value your time as you do. You will have a concrete goal letting you know exactly when you will never have to worry about money, and you will know exactly what and where to invest your excess savingswhich will be big. This course is simple and even my most remedial high school students can and do follow it. However, some of my smartest friends and students dont follow it and are getting left behind to live an unfulfilled life worrying about money. The point is, if you are willing to take action, you will be successful. You can be earning minimum wage and still reach financial independence in a relatively short time. You dont need to be a typical American working into your 70s.I look forward to having you as a student so you can tell me your success story."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende MacOS a Fondo" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a utilizar desde cero el sistema operativo MacOS (antes OS X) y todas sus aplicaciones.El curso se divide en secciones, cada una de estas secciones estar dedicada a una aplicacin del sistema como Mail, Safari, iTunes, Fotos y muchas ms. Pequeas aplicaciones que nos harn descubrir un sistema gil, moderno y perfectamente integrado entre si.El nivel ira aumentando, a medida que el curso avance, sin olvidar en ningn momento el espritu que me lleva a iniciarlo, que cualquier persona pueda utilizar una computadora Macintosh desde el primer da."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Iniciacin a Scrivener, cmo escribir tu libro" |
"Scrivener es una poderosa herramienta de generacin de contenidos para escritores, que te permite concentrarte en componer y estructurar documentos largos y difciles. Mientras que te da el control completo del formato.Su foco est en ayudarte a conseguir por fin ese complicado primer proyecto. Novelas, Relatos de ficcin, Guiones de cine y teatro, poesa, canciones, todo tiene una plantilla dentro deScrivener.Y en ese camino quiere colaborar este curso. En conseguir que dejes atrs aplicaciones como Microsoft Word o Apple Pagesy te pases a Scrivener. En las primeras lecciones deeste curso nos iniciaremosen el uso de la aplicacin. Aprenderscomo movertepor sus mens y sus paneles, el uso adecuado de las plantillas,las diferentes herramientas de que dispone la aplicacin para organizar tuentorno creativo, cmo exportar tuobra a formatos digitales comoePub y Kindle, y tambin como realizar la maquetacin del mismo para ser enviado a plataformas de autopublicacin, tiendas on-line como Amazon, Lulu o Bubok.Entra y descubre, que tu tambin tienes el potencial para crear una obra que transcienda, si usas la herramienta adecuada, y esa herramienta es sin duda Scrivener."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Crea imgenes espectaculares con Aurora HDR" |
"Si siempre quisiste sentirte como un profesional, entra y descubre lo fcil que es conseguirlo con la ayuda de este curso y la aplicacin de moda. Aurora HDR es una potente aplicacin que es usada por profesionales de la imagen, a modo de plugin para Adobe Photoshop,en sus Workflows, o rutinas de trabajo.En este curso trataremos la aplicacin como un Stanalone o aplicacin independiente. Ya que la potencia de sus ajustes y presets es tan altaque no echars de menos ajustes externos. Adems es una aplicacin que permite ser compartida con otras aplicaciones de Macphun."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SuperHuman Motivation: 100 Ways to get yourself Motivated" |
"Having the best IDEAor being the most TALENTED person in the world mean nothing without MOTIVATION.Motivation is the word derived from the word motive which means needs, desires, wants or drives within the individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals. In the work goal context the psychological factors stimulating the peoples behavior can be -desire for moneysuccessrecognitionjob-satisfactionteam work, etcThis course will give you 100 ways to get and keep yourself motivated in the long run and win in the game of life. The course will teach you to have motivation in 10 areas and help you:Reach your true potentialDevelop yourselfManage your timeHave self esteemBe full of energyLive life with purpose Attract things that you wantCreate goalsSeed your successExecute to get them doneWho is the target audience?This Course Is Meant for Beginners and Anyone Who Is Lacking Motivation to Achieve Their GoalsEveryone Who Wants to find long lasting motivationSomeone Who Knows What They Want but Lack Motivation to Make It HappenSomeone Who Feels Stuck in Life and Wants to Get Unstuck and MotivatedThis Course Is for Anyone Looking to Establish a New Goal or Re-Visit an Old Dream"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PHP Interview Questions with Solutions - Part 1 (Core PHP)" |
"In this course you will be introduced with some tricky questions that everyone face during their interview. In each solutions I have included some useful functions which we generally use at the time of development also. I have covered the following area in my course with Questions, Attractive Presentations and Practical Solutions that will help you to understand the logic behind PHP in a different way.1. Some useful functions2. PHP error types3. Class concept4. Access specifiers public, private and protected5. Set variable with php.ini file6.Operators introduced in PHP77. Logic and its output behind some code segment"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |