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"Treinamento InfraWorks - Projeto de Loteamentos" |
"O Autodesk InfraWorks ferramenta ideal para projeto de Urbanismo pois vai alm dos programas tradicionais de software de CAD e GIS. Os engenheiros civis e planejadores podem executar projetos de forma mais eficiente, por meio do gerenciamento de modelos de infraestrutura de grande escala criados a partir de fontes de dados existentes, gerando rapidamente conceitos iniciais do projeto no contexto e criando com facilidade visualizaes de alto impacto das propostas de projetos."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Famlias de Portas com Revit" |
"A necessidade por fazer a criao de famliasespecificas para um projeto, faz com que muitas vezes o profissional trabalhepor horas em busca de uma famlia na internet at conseguir localizar algummodelo que poder atender de forma parcial suas necessidades.Para resolver esse problema e permite que oprofissional tenha mais controle sobre a edio e construo de famlias,formatamos um treinamento especifico para construo de portas com Revit.A partir deste treinamento o usurio podermontar as suas portas de acordo com a necessidade de projeto."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvendo REST / RESTful APIs com Ruby on Rails" |
"O curso visa mostrar aos alunos como construir aplicaes REST/RESTful usando o framework Ruby on Rails API-only. Dentre os assuntos abordados veremos, o funcionamento dos verbos/mtodos HTTP, o uso do Render JSON nativo do Rails, a gem Active Model Serializers, Caching, Versionamento, CORS, Authenticao, TDD, dentre outras coisas.Ao final do curso teremos criado uma aplicao eexercitadotodos os conceitos comentados acima, bem como outros que surjam durante o curso.ATENO!Este curso NO indicado para quem est iniciando no mundo Rails!"
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"Banco de Dados e ANSI SQL para iniciantes" |
"O curso visa mostrar aos alunos os conceitos sobre Banco de Dados e ANSI SQL a fim de permitir criao, pesquisas e manipulao de dados armazenados nos mais diversos tipos de SGDB's. O mesmo est dividido em 4 mdulos que facilitaro a explanao e o aprendizado por parte do aluno."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Programao - Aprenda a programar do zero!" |
"O curso visa mostrar aos alunosos fundamentos da programao, baseando o estudo em fluxogramas, uso do portugol e tambm a linguagem C. Dessa forma ser possvel dar o primeiro passo para quem deseja ser um desenvolvedor ou mesmo entender os princpios que regem a programao. Ao final, o aluno estar apto a escolher qualquer linguagem de programao para seguir em sua carreira."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Iniciando com Ruby e Orientao a Objetos" |
"ATENO: ESSE CURSO TER AULAS PUBLICADAS SEMANALMENTE AT A SUA FINALIZAO!O curso visa mostrar aos alunos os primeiros passos com Ruby bem como conhecer etrabalhar com Programao Orientada a Objetos. O mesmo est dividido em 3 grandesmdulos quefacilitaro a explanao e o aprendizado por parte do aluno. Pretende-se ao final do curso permitir que o aluno conhea as bases do Ruby e da Orientao a Objetos aplicadas linguagem em questo."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"TDD com Ruby on Rails, RSpec e Capybara" |
"O curso visa mostrar aos alunos como utilizar a tcnicas de desenvolvimento de software guiado a testes (TDD) utilizando o Ruby on Rails em conjunto com as ferramentas RSpec e Capybara. O curso estar dividido em 7mdulos que facilitaro a o aprendizado do aluno, sendo o mdulo 1 o bsico que apresentar os conceitos de tudo que estudaremos no curso.Omdulo 2 ser especfico do Rspec onde nos aprofundaremos nessa ferramenta. No mdulo 3 conheceremos o FactoryGirl e o VCR que sero ferramentas importantssimas para o dia a dia do desenvolvimento com TDD. No mdulo 4 aprenderemos como testar Models e Controllers doRails. No mdulo 5conheceremos o Capybara e veremos como fazer testes de Views usando essa ferramenta.No mdulo 6 veremos como testar APIs,e por fim, no mdulo 7, colocaremos em prtica tudo que vimos e desenvolveremos uma pequena aplicao utilizando os conceitos aprendidos durante os mdulos anteriores."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Docker para desenvolvedores Ruby on Rails" |
"O curso visa mostrar aos alunos como dar os primeiros passos com oDocker para seu uso tanto em ambiente de desenvolvimento como em produo. Sero abordados assuntos como:Conceitos iniciais do Docker, Dockerfile, Docker Hub, Docker Compose, Volumes, Networks, Portas, etc. importante perceber que o curso NO abordar ""Orquestrao de Containers"", sendo assim, ferramentas como Swarm e Kubernetes no faro parte do escopo desse curso."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Learn German for Beginners:An Immersive Language Journey A1+" |
"In this course, your teacher Sonja will guide you through important Grammar and lots of words and example phrases, all nicely visualised by colourful and animated texts and icons. Interactive Role Play Tasks: Here you will face multiple real-world challenges where you get the chance to build sentences, using commonly used phrases and expressions, in order to hold up a conversation. Personal Teacher Feedback: Ask any German related questions and your teacher will reply to them personally.A personal journal: Practice vocabulary and learn new words by filling in the gaps in your Germanix travel journey entries. Guided solutions and explanations of sentence structure are provided.Small quizzes and exercises: These are for easy and quick repetition and check-up on what you've retained.A fellow student: Bosco, your classmate, who is in fact a real student, will learn at the same time with you and ask questions you might also have. Travel videos: After completion of the course, you will see your teacher in a more personal environment showing you around the amazing city of Berlin and giving advice on different travel or language-related topics. ""The explanation is clear and crisp. Creative teaching concept and highly interactive. I feel like Im learning with her in real life not just watching the lessons online. A great course for a beginner like me!"" - Le Viet HangWith this German language course, you will jump in at the deep end of language learning and the amount of content covered will be enormous. It has been designed in a way to stray away from standard language teaching, by making it interactive, entertaining and simply realistic. This course is suitable for complete beginners as well as people with already some knowledge of German. To make your journey really exciting, you will follow a storyline throughout the course and enjoy many complimentary extras. This course will be constantly updated and expanded and you can contact your teacher any time if you have questions or need further clarification or even if you have built some sentences and want them checked. Let's make language learning fun and exciting. Enjoy your virtual exposure and jump right in! :)""Amazing course! One thing that makes this course great is how you get more natural learning experiences with the journals, the journey videos, and when you travel with Sonja to Berlin at the end. I hope to see another more advanced course that builds upon the skills in this one with even more cultural insights from Sonja."" - Adam Schlag"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Superb Python Course - Become Certified Python Developer" |
"What will you gain about this course?This python course is more hands-on than theory.Learn latest coding style that can be used in the programming industry.The only Python course that teaches you every detail and with awesome codes.Welcome to Superb Python Course - Become Certified Python DeveloperThis is the best course to fulfill your dream to become Python Developer. I will teach you more hands-on to enhance your programming skills faster. Python is a powerful programming language it can be use in Web development and Desktop application.Python has standard librariesthat offers all the things needed to build a complex application.With this course you can be beginner to professional in just 4 weeks.What will you get in this course?Download and install PythonHow to setup PythonPython in IDLEPython with EclipseFunction and StateBuilt-in FunctionsModuleFilesClasses and ObjectSpecial MethodsPython with JSONPython with Regular ExpressionStandard LibraryGUI (Graphic user interface)Python Simple ProgramCGI(Common Gateway Interface)Django Web FrameworkPython Simple gamePillowPython with AI(Artificial Intelligence)Get this course today and be life changing careers.The quicker you get this course the quickergain Superb Python Course.Thank You :D"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Superior Java Course - Become Outstanding Java Developer" |
"What will you gain about this course?This Java course is more coding than theory.The only Java course that teaches you every detail and with awesome codes. Welcome to Superior Java Course - Become Outstanding Java DeveloperThis is the best course to fulfill your dream tobecome Java Developer. I will teach you more hands-on to enhance your programming skillsfaster. Java is one of the top programming language now a days. java can be use in desktopand android application. If you want to become android developer this course is the best start to learn.With this course you can be beginner to professional in just4 weeks.What will you get in this course?Download and SetupBasic JavaDate and TimeStatements and LoopsRegular ExpressionEssential JavaFile and DirectoryHashMapOOP Classes , Objects and EnumOOP ConstructorOOP - Abstract Classes and InheritanceInterfaces and PackageWrapperMath LibraryMulti ThreadingLambda ExpressionReading Console and ScannerBasic ApplicationApplet and GraphicsAWT (Abstract Window Toolkit)Java ListenerGet this course today and be life changing careers.The quicker you get this course the quickergain Superior Java Course - Become Outstanding Java Developer.Thank You :D"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Rapid Learning to Memorize anything" |
"What will you gain about this course?This Rapid Learning to Memorize anything are more practice and examThe onlycourse that teaches you what you needed.Welcome to Rapid Learning to memorize anythingThis the best course who want to learn fast to apply in their daily life. This course is design to teach you what you really needed. you will memorize anything when you practice everything i teach.What will you get in this course?Human MemoryTypes of MemoryVerbal MemoryImprove your Verbal MemoryVisual MemoryObservation SkillsMemory LociPhotographic MemoryMemorize word ListRemember the names of the peopleLearn to memorize linesPeg System with number rhymePareto principleFoods to boost your MemoryGet this course today and be life changing careers.The quicker you get this course the quickergainRapid Learning to memorize anything.Thank You :D"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Work Productive: Create A Lifestyle of Freedom & Happiness" |
"Do you find that you have a problem with procrastination? Do big tasks easily pile up and overwhelm you? Are you worried that your lack of productivity could be putting you in an insecure position at your job? And do you find that it even spills over into your personal life? Learning effective work productivity isnt just about responsibility; its about learning how to better your life in every aspect. Those who know how to manage their work effectively are able to finish tasks on time and see goals through to the very end. Think of your goals and current obligations as mountains to climb. Some are enormous; some are bunny hills in the backyard. But, regardless of their size, all are easier to climb when you arent trying to juggle while hopping up them on one leg. And though this is a strange example, it easily shows you how important work productivity is. Ultimately, it will decide how far you get in life, from your level of career to how much money you make. And if you already have to climb up daily mountains, you should afford yourself every opportunity for it to be an easy hike. Work Productive is an amazing course that will make you productive in every aspect of your life: how to maintain the needed energy; how to juggle the daily requirement of both work and personal responsibilities; and how to do it all with plenty of time to spare! This is a course that is meant to prepare you for the future. Your potential is great and the places you can go are far above your current level. If your overwhelming tasks are keeping you from conquering daily mountains and climbing to new heights, sign up for my course. I will have you ready for whatever comes your way!Is Work Productive good for me? Are you tired of living your daily life in a prison of clutter? Are you locked into old cycles of this never ending chain of frustration? Are you tired of being told that every step from here on out is going to be long and drawn out when you know that there is a quicker way thats just as effective? Would you like to have more energy? Would you like to be able to focus more? Would you like to have more time to do the things you WANT to do? Would you like to create a lifestyle that allows you to live your passion and get paid for it? Are you willing to put in the effort if only given the right opportunity for the right price?"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Basics Of PHP For absolute Beginners" |
"After this course you are able to know the basics of PHP and you able to develop small website using PHP. We cover all the topics step by step. Php is a very common and easy to use language. you must aware that Facebook is developed by PHP. Now a days all web development companies use PHP for web development. So if you know the concepts of PHP it is very easy to get a job in the field of IT."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Java Programming THEORY Part with 1 Hour" |
"Java World's One of the top most used programming Language is very popular and Easy to Learn. Over 3 million Devices run of Java. Sothe Java knowledge gives you added advantage in the field of computer programming and software engineering. World's top most IT company like IBM, Microsoft, Google, Oracle use Java in millions of projects.Java is a Object Oriented programming Language so if you have the concept of java you can easily move to other Object oriented programming language like C++, C# etc.If in this year you are decide to go in the field of Programming then Java is a perfect start for you. Here we go step by step from the very basic level to advance concept.Here we cover:Java IntroductionBasic OverviewInstallation in Different Types of MachineBasic SyntaxBasic DatatypesVeriable TypesBasic OperatorsLoopDeicision MakingClass & ObjectInheritancePolymorphismInterfacePackage etc."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Scala Programming For Beginners Complete Guide*" |
"Topics Covered:Literals, Values, Variables, and Types String Interpolation If Else Statement and Expression Match Expressions Loops for and while Pattern Matching Functions Recursive Functions Nested Functions Calling Functions with Named Parameters Parameters with Default Values VarArg Parameters Parameter Groups Methods and Operators Higher-Order Functions Partially Applied Functions and Currying Collections List, Sets and Maps Array, Seq, Stream, Tuples In this course you are going to learn Scala Programming. The course is designed to the point and from very beginning. This course is Totally for the Beginners Who do not have any concept in Scala. After completing this course you get a basic overview about Scala Programming.Scala is one of the Hot Demanding Language in 2017!The language is introduce byMartin Oderskyin 2003.This Series explains Scala Programming in the User Friendly and Easy to understand Way!Here In this course we start form very basic Scala Setup and then We move to the Variables, Literals, Strings any Other Advance Concepts.If you do not have any knowledge in Scala that is O. K. We Guide you from the very basic step to the advance concepts.If you have knowledge in Programming Language like C++, Java You get an additional Benifit."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA Networking Security 200-125 Exam Complete Course" |
"Are you interested in CCNA certification? If yes then this is the perfect course for you. Here you get all the basic to advance concepts of Networking. And at the end of the course you get enough confidence to clear CCNA 200-125 Exam. Here we clear all the topics step by step. If you do not have any previous knowledge in networking that's completely OK.In this Course Ms. Pinki Chavra Teach you CCNA Course Step by step. She has 12+ Years of experience in Computer Network.The contents are totally refreshed and we add and update new video content each and every week.In this course you get hands on experience onsuch as; VLANs, VTP, STP, PortFast, EtherChannel, Inter-VLAN etc. We discuss a lot of Key topic of networking like IPv4, IPv6 etc.If you are a freshers or have some experience but want to build your carrier in the field of Networking then this is the perfect course for you !This Udemy course comes under 30 days money back gurantee so if you are not satisfied you can ask for a 100% money back No question asked."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Chess Tactics and Traps - Beginner To Advanced Level" |
"CHESS!It is a very interesting Game originated from India! Here You Learn The Different Chess Tips and Tricks From an Indian Grand master.Science say that if you play chess Your IQ grows day by day and it is totally proven. So it is not only a Game but also a Memory Booster technique.the course is designed for the player who have some very basics knowledge in Playing Chess. Hope you enjoy the course.Chess is a 2 player game and it is played on a chess board. In a chessboard 64 squares are there in a 8x8 grid. In this game there are 1 King, 1 queen, 2rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops and 8 pawns are there. In this game the most powerful is the Queen and less powerful is the Pawns. Each type of six types has different type of movement on the chess board."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python Programming Mini Boot Camp" |
"This is a mini python bootcamp course. From this course you will able to know the basics of python.Topics covered:VeriablesOperatorsStatementsLoopNumberListTupleFunctionExceptionIf you have any questions please ask on the discussion board.This course is designed to give you all the basics concepts. THE COURSE IS NOT DESIGNED FOR ADVANCE PYTHON PROGRAMMER. So if you familier with Python THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR YOU."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Steemit COMPLETE Steemit Cryptocurrency based Blogging Guide" |
"how much hours you spend on Facebook, Twitter, Raddit per week to making post, Uploading Pictures, commenting on Photos, Linking your friends Post???5/10/15/20 Hours Per Week???Do you know how much money Facebook, twitter, Instagram are making just by monetize your post, comment, photos?Yes They are making Billions of Dollar Each and Every For your Contents!I think you are aware of the thing that Facebook and all other Social Networking Sites Are Making money for your Contents.But you spend your valuable time on the social networking site. So why You do not making Any Money From There?Steemita NEW revolutionary Social Networking Site that Pay You for making Post, comment, like, sharing Videos, photos etc.HOW MUCH THEY ARE MAKING?First thing First How much they are making just for there post, comment, like etc on Steemit? I give here some Income Proof of the Profiles How Much They Are Making.Here Look at My Account. I just Started 7 days and This is my Current Account Value."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Ethereum (Cryptocurrency) Guide - Earn Ethereum" |
"Ether is a crytocurrency which has almost $50b market cap. In the cryptocurrency market it is familier as Next Bitcoin. Day by day its value going on and and on.Ether is HOT demanding now. It rank #2 among all the cryptocurrency. The Short form of Ethereum is ETH. ETH based on Block chain technology. Etherium was proposed on late 2013 by a cryptocurrency research scholar. I think you know about BTC and you must have some knowledge about the cryptocurrency. So if you are planning to make some cryptocurrency it is the right time to start. Hope see you in the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solution Architect - Associate 2020" |
"You want to pass AWS Certified Solution Architect ?If yes then this course is for You !Do you know because of Amazon AWS Jeff Bezos is the Richest Person of the World! So think about the opportunity do you have if you know AWS.According to Glassdore the average salary of AWS Certified Solution Architect is$119,233.So it is a good time to grab the opportunity!In This Course We Offer:***17 Hours Of On Demand Video Tutorial ******1000+ MCQ Question ******100+ Study Materials****** 1000+AWS Certified Solution ArchitectQuestion ***What Is In this course about?Welcome to AWS certified solution Architect course. The course is specially designed for the newcomer who is planning to enter the field of cloud computing. No programming knowledge needed and no prior AWS experience required for this course.Nowadays AWS is a must have forIT professional. If you are serious about Amazon web service then the course will guide you. This course is covered all the basic fundamental of AWS everything you need to know about Cloud, cloud service Model, EC2, Amazon simple storage service, Amazon Glacier, Advantage of Cloud computing, Amazon virtual private cloud, Amazon Elastic load Balance, Network Load Balancer, Classic Load Balancer and Auto Scaling.If a candidate never logged by this AWS platform before, at the end of our AWS training he will be able or qualified to take the AWS certified solutions Architect exam. At the end of this course, you will gain indepth knowledge of AWS solution architect and general AWS skill to help your company or your project. With this AWS certification under your grip, you will be high demand in compare to any employers and you can command a superior salary.AWS is constantly evolving their platform in 2017 there has been 1300 new product released, As 2018 progress we will continuously update with new content so you have never worried about missing AWS certified solution architect test, because of new content.Quizzes in order to prepare your exam. Real world scenario and the fantastic support from the instructor in any case of doubt, the great lecture from AWS certified solution Architect all you needed to build a solid career. What will you learn from this course? #1 Cloud Computing Basics #2 AWS Basic steps #3Amazon Glacier #4Amazon EC2 #5 Amazon Virtual Private Cloud #6 Amazon Elastic Load Balance #7 Network Load Balencer #8 Classic load Balance #9 Auto Scaling #10AWS IAM #11 AWS Elastic Beanstalk #12 AWS Relational Databse #13DynamoDBIntroduction to Cloud Computing: Introduction to Cloud Computing consists of the following parts What is cloud computing, Types of Cloud, Cloud Service Models, Advantage of Cloud Computing, Disadvantage of Cloud Computing, Introduction to AWS and AWS Cloud computing platform and accessing cloud computing platform. what is cloud computing? A cloud refers to far from IT environment that is designed for the purpose of remotely providing scalable and measured by IT resource.Metaphorically it is called, Internet which is, in essence, a network of networks providing remote access to set of decentralized IT resource.Types of Cloud: Three type of clouds Public cloud, Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud made the path of Types of Cloud.Advantages of Cloud Computing: Perhaps the most significant cloud computing benefits in terms of IT cost savings.In Cloud computing, you can save substantial capital cost with zero in-house server storage and application requirements.You pay what is used, there is no investment in IT Capital So dont worry about. Cloud services are extremely affordable for both large and small businesses.Disadvantages of cloud computing: The cloud service provider takes care a number of clients each day. This can lead to your business process being temporarily suspended if your internet connection is offline, you will not able to access any applications, server, data from the cloud.Introduction to AWS: AWS is a cloud service from Amazon, which provides services in the form of building blocks, these building blocks can be used to create and deploy any type of application in the cloud.AWS Basic steps to follow: It focus follows this- Prerequisite to create AWS account, Steps to Create AWS account, Step to log into AWS account, Step to create a User in AWS IAM. Prerequisite to create AWS account: Follow this procedure to create an Amazon S3 bucket, an Amazon SNS topic, and an IAM role with attached can then use AWS CLI to specify the bucket, topic, and role for AWS config.Before you begin setting up your Amazon EMR cluster, make sure that you complete the prerequisites in this topic.Contents: Creating an Amazon S3 bucketCreating an Amazon SNS topicCreating an IAM roleSteps to Create AWS account: When you sign up Amazon Web Services, your AWS account is automatically signed up for all services in AWS, including Amazon Polly. You are charged only for the services you used.With Amazon Polly, you pay only for the resources you use. If you are a new AWS customer, you can get started with Amazon Polly for free. For more information see Amazon Free Usage Tier.To create AWS account follow the steps: open Amazon.AWS link and then choose to create an AWS Account.>follow the online instructions>part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a PIN using phone keypad.Note your AWS account Id because you will need for the next steps.Step to login to AWS account: when you first create Amazon Web Services account, you begin with a single sign-in identify that has complete access to all AWS services and resources in the account. This identity is called the AWS account root user and is accessed by signing with the email address and password that you used to create the account.Step to create a User in AWS IAM: you can create one or more IAM users in your AWS account. You might create an IAM user when someone joins your organization or when you have a new application that needs to make API calls to AWS.Amazon Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3): Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3) is storage for the internet. You can use S3 to store and retrieve any amount of data at any time from anywhere on the Web. It gives any developer access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of websites. The service aims to maximize benefits of scale and to pass those benefits on to developers. This guide explains the core concepts of Amazon S3 such as buckets and objects and how to work with these resources using the Amazon S3 application programming interface.(API)Amazon Glacier: Amazon Glacier works for storage service optimized for infrequently data or cold data.It is secure, durable, extremely low-cost cloud storage service for data archiving and long-term backup.Amazon hopes this new service will move businesses from on premises.Amazon Glacier provides three options for access to archives, from a few minutes to several hours.Amazon EC2: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides that secure resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make Web-scale cloud computing easier for developers.Amazon EC2s simple web service interface allows you to obtain configure capacity minimal fiction. It provides you with complete control of your computing resources and lets you run on Amazons proven computing environment.Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC): Amazon VPC is a virtual network dedicated to your AWS account. It is logically isolated from other virtual networks in the AWS cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define.The virtual networks closely resemble traditional networks that youd operate in your own data center, with the benefits of using the scalable infrastructure of AWS.Elastic Load Balance: Elastic Load Balance automatically distributes the incoming application's traffic across multiple targets such as EC2 instances. It monitors the health of registered targets and routes traffic only to the health targets. Elastic Load Balance supports three type of load balance Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, and Classic Load Balancers.Auto Scaling: Auto Scaling is a method used in cloud computing whereby the number of computational resources in a server farm, typically measured in the terms of the number of active servers, scales automatically based on the load on the farm.Auto Scaling monitors your application and manages capacity to maintain steady predictable and performance at the lowest cost.AWS IAM: AWS Identity and Access Management is a web service securely controlling access to AWS services. Using IAM you can create and manage AWS Users and groups and take permission to allow and deny their access to AWS resources.IAM is a feature of AWS account offered at no additional charge. You will be charged only for use of other AWS services.Amazon CloudWatch: Amazon cloudwatch is a monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and the applications you start on AWS.Using Amazon CloudWatch You can collect and track metrics, collect monitor log files, set alarm and automatically react to change your AWS resources.Amazon Cloud Watch can monitors AWS resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon DynamoDB Tables instances, Amazon RDS DB instances and as well as custom metric generated by your applications and services.Amazon provisioned system-wide visibility into resource utilization, application performance, and operational health. You can enable this insight to react and keep your application running smoothly.Amazon SNS: Amazon Simple Notification Service is a notification service provision as a part of Amazon Web Services.It provides a low-cost infrastructure for a mass delivery of message predominantly to mobile users.It is easy to start, operate and reliably send a notification to all your endpoints at any scale.It is flexible, fully managed pub/sub messaging and mobile notification service for coordinating the delivery of push messages from the software application to subscribing endpoints or clients.AWS Elastic Beanstalk: AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an orchestration service offered by Amazon Web services for deploying infrastructure which orchestrates AWS various services such as EC2, S3, SNS, CloudWatch, Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancer.AWS Elastic Beanstalk reduces management complexity without restricting choice or control.You simply upload your application and Elastic Beanstalk handles the deployment and capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling to application health monitoring.Amazon Relational Database service: Amazon Relational Database Service(Amazon RDS) is a web service that makes it easier to set up, operate and scale a relational database in the cloud.It provides cost efficient, resizable capacity for an Industrial standard relational database and manages common database administration tasks.Amazon DynamoDB service: Amazon DynamoDB Service is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability.with AWS DynamoDB Service you can create a database table that can store and retrieve any amount of data and serve any level of request traffic.DynamoDB exposes a similar data model and derives its name from Dynamo, but has a different underlying implementation.Why shall we learn AWS course?AWS is playing the leading role of cloud computing marketing, it holds 31% share in cloud computing market. It has a more mature model of infrastructure though has a full stack of services, which compliments each other. It is used by one of the major businesses like Netflix, the popular video streaming services. It has more job opportunities than any cloud provider. In 2017 it played the highest role, Amazon and Microsoft are the market leaders in this field of cloud computing.Perhaps the most significant cloud computing benefits in terms of IT cost savings.In Cloud computing, you can save substantial capital cost with zero in-house server storage and application requirements.You pay what is used, there is no investment in IT Capital So dont worry about. Cloud services are extremely affordable for both large and small businesses.Software Architect salaries by the company in united states are $123,180 per year.About the author of AWS.How to get Amazon AWS certification?To register for an exam, sign in to answer training and click certification in the top navigation. Next click AWS certification account followed by schedule New Exam.How to get my AWS certification?I must earn a passing score via proctored exam to earn an AWS certification.upon getting the passing score, I will receive my AWS certification.How to study for AWS certification?Knowledge requires to pass the AWS certification is in the following process a)Hands on experience using compute, database, storage, AWS service and networking,b)Professional experience architecting large scale distributed system c) Managing elasticity and scalability concepts d) Understanding of the AWS global infrastructure e) Understanding of network technologies as they relate to AWS f) A strong bonding to client interface to AWS platform g) Hands on experience to AWS deployment and management services h) A good understanding to security features and tools that provides AWS how they relate traditional services.HOW much is AWS certification?AWS Certification Exams cost USD $150, and the Professional Level exams cost USD $300. When arriving at the test center, you must bring a special code that Kryterion emails you after purchasing and scheduling the exam.How to pass AWS certification?The number of questions is different for each, the exams include around 60 multiple choice questions where you can choose one or more correct answers.You have 80 minutes to complete the exam. While no one knows the exact score necessary to pass it (it changes from session to session), you must get at least 70% correct to be safe. Once you submit your exam, you will know immediately whether you have passed or not and the percentage. Later, you will receive an email from AWS with a recap for each exam area and your overall percentage, although it doesnt provide information at the question level, so you wont know which questions you got wrong.How to get AWS certification?You must earn a passing score via proctored exam to earn an AWS certification.upon getting the passing score, you will receive your AWS certification.Why AWS certification important?AWS is secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help business scale and growth. It has more job opportunities than any cloud provider. Here you pay what is used, there is no investment in IT capital, and is extremely affordable for both small or large business.Will AWS certification get me a job?There is a wide range of job opportunities available to the people with AWS expertise such as operational Support Engineer, Cloud Software Engineer, System Integrator Cloud, Cloud Developer, DevOps Engineer, AWS Solutions Architect, AWS Sysops Administrators, Senior AWS Cloud Architect.How much hard is AWS certification?AWS certification is not an easy certification to get, you have to work hard, the professional certification such as solution architect professional and DevOps engineer professional are very difficult compared to the associate level such as solution architect associate Developer associate and Sysops administrators.Which AWS certification is easiest?AWS Certified Solutions Architect is the easiest of AWS Certification course.How to prepare AWS Certification?The period of validity of AWS certification is 3 years.To be eligible for renewal holders of AWS certification must submit their certificate to the AWS certification Department, within 6 months prior to the expiration date of that AWS certificate.AWS may send a notice but if not receive then the holder is fully responsible.AWS-CWI certification renewals are limited to only two consecutive three year periods.What is AWS certification training?AWS is the fast becoming the must have certificates for any IT professional working with AWS. This course is designed to help you pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect(CSA)-Associate exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discrete Mathematics Complete Course" |
"What is this course about?Discrete Mathematics (DM), or Discrete Math is the backbone of Mathematics and Computer Science. DM is the study of topics that are discrete rather than continues, for that, the course is a MUST for any Math or SC student. The topics that are covered in this course are the most essential ones, those that will touch every Math and Science student at some point of their education. Discrete Mathematics gives students the ability to understand Math language and based on that, the course is divided into 8sections. The sections are:SymbolsSetsLogicArithmeticProofsFunctionsRelationsProbabilityandCombinatorics..How is it delivered?I know visually seeing a problem getting solved is the easiest and the most direct way for a student to learn so I designed the course keeping this in mind. The materials are delivered mostly through videos to make complex subject easy to comprehend. More details on certain lessons are delivered through text files to provide more explanation or examples. The course is taught in plainEnglish, away from cloudy, complicated mathematical jargons and that is to help the student learn the material rather than getting stuck with fancy words. ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Guide to Stock Market Passive Income" |
"In this course, I will teach you 2 ways you can start from scratch and generate passive income from the stock market:1) With as little as 15 mins a month or less2) Without any prior economics or finance knowledge3) Without having to read financial statements of pick stocks4) Without staring at charts for hoursInspired by the book Rich Dad Poor Dad which I read at age 13, I spent several years learning and testing different passive income strategies from the stock market. From lot of trial and error, I found what worked and what didnt. Most importantly, I determined how to earn passive income without having to pick 10 or more stocks as everybody seems to recommend.In this course, I share with you how investing works and how you can generate passive income from it. We will finish with taking control of your money so that you can save every month for investing and then create a roadmap to build your target passive income."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"4 Figure Stock Market Passive Income Without Picking Stocks" |
"Reading Rich Dad Poor Dad at age 13, I grew up always bearing in mind that the Rich don't work for money - they learn to make money work for them. Warren Buffett says it too - ""If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.""Thus, after I graduated and got my first job, I went all out in learning investing and how to generate an income from it. I invested $6,000 in seminars, training, mentoring, books etc...Piecing together knowledge from various sources, I devised astrategy to generate a passive income stream from investing in stocks without actually having to read financial statements and pick individual stocks. I also researched ways of automating most of this strategy so I don't have to sit on my computer everyday ""monitoring"" things.You will be hard pressed to find this anywhere else!I used what I learned to grow my investment portfolio to nearly 6 figures and made 1000s of $$$ in passive income.In this course, I will share with you all my strategies and show you a step by step process to:1) Generate a passive income stream from the stock market without any prior finance knowledge and without having to read financial statements orpick stocks even if you are starting from $0.2) How to save money on autopilot with 0 effort on your part so that you always have money to invest3) How to automatethis investing strategy so that you are alerted when its time to invest instead of having to monitor things4) How to create your own personal plan to go step by stepfrom where you are right now to making your first $1,000 in passive income and beyond so that one day, you can stop having to work for money and livingpay cheque to pay cheque and instead be financially free anddo what you love most like....travelling the world!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Paint Realistic Watercolour and Botanicals - MAGNOLIAS" |
"With the autumn leavestutorial complete, its time to explore the glorious new season of Spring! My next stop is to investigate the remarkable beauty of MAGNOLIAS, such a heartwarming sight, marking an end to winter over the world.'Paint Realistic Watercolour and Botanicals - MAGNOLIAS' is a watercolour painting tutorial, placing the spotlight on the gorgeous Magnoliaas a subject. Inspiring an undyinglovefrommost in botanical painting, the Magnolia is certainly one of my all time favourite subjects to illustrate as well.Ican think of no better wayto explorethe Magnolia subjectthanwith than the equally delicate, romantic and beautifulwatercolour medium.... and now is your chance to join me tolearn how for yourself!Following the STUDIOBASICS and the CHASINGAUTUMN tutorials, the Magnolia remains a simple yetslightly morecomplete study of a singlebotanical subject, and isan ideal subject for us to take out next step together. A beautiful subject alone, itpresentsus withmanageableareas of simple wash, glaze anddry brushing in a harmonious colour combination. It isa perfect opportunity to startstepping the complexity of our techniques up from the previous course into some new botanical painting territory.Working in layers, we start the magnoliaswith some beautifulwash work, then develop this furtherwith the use ofbasic glazing to develop some beautifulrichness and texture to our magnolia painting. Finishing off our work, we willtry a littledry brushing to enhance the delicate leatherytexturaleffects of the magnolia petalsto completion. It is a perfect transition for us to exploreon many levels.To illustrate the Magnolia in this tutorial, we will be addressing how to approach a variety of componentsrelevant to this subject and its elements. Fromstems topetals, the intricateflower centre, furryleaf buds and some smallleaf details to complete our painting, this step by step course will help you through every stage of the painting process. This is an ideal subject for exploringbotanical illustration, the watercolour medium, and for students of any level to learn from.For those starting out, or who feel a little nervous about where to begin, Ihave designed and created a series of painting exercises to help you connect with the medium and subject, to familiarise you with the process and to equip you with a clear path and strategy forwards into your finished painting.For those wanting to get deeper into the nitty gritty of this subject, Ive developed a specific 'extension section' that delves deeper into painting the magnolia centre, one of the most challenging aspects of this subject. Many times a painting is lost in the quality of our details, so here we place the spotlight on this element to help expand your knowledge and painting skills even further. This mini NutShell extension tutorial is called 'Magnolia Centre ~ The Heart of the Matter', and is the first in a new line of mini spotlight tutorials called ~ The NutShell Series.It is botanical painting in a Nutshell.With so much diversity, the magnolia is a dreamy playground for botanical artists, and a perfect subject to explore on so many levels. Painting the Magnolia flowers explores creating texture using washes, glazes and dry brushing whilst the flower centre focusses on more detailed work using fine line work, and of course dry brushing techniques. These techniques are so critical to the watercolour painting medium and couldn't be more essential to creating successful Botanical Art across the board.So welcome to the next online 'Paint Realistic Watercolor and Botanicals' tutorial. I am looking forward to seeing you in the wash!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Paint Realistic Watercolour and Botanicals - LOTUS" |
"The fourth course in my collection of'Paint Realistic Watercolour and Botanicals'tutorials focuses on another favourite subject of mine, the utterly elegant, beautifulLotus.Thisis a subject you can never tire of orstop learning new things about, and one Iam really excited to explore with you...There is trulyis something for everyone in illustrating the Lotus, and of coursethere is no better medium for it than watercolour!Following theSTUDIOBASICS,CHASINGAUTUMNandMAGNOLIAStutorials,LOTUScontinues to concrete whatwe've learned so far in my online painting tutorialsanddevelop and refineour techniques and skillsinwatercolour painting and botanical illustration further with the exploration of this wonderful subject. Thisextensive tutorial includes awatercolor techniques exercise section of a lotus bud, a flower and leaf study as our main focuspainting and inthe NutShell Extension Tutorial, we take a closer look atthe strikingLotus Seed Capsule for anyone wishing to explore this subject further.From flower andbud, to their gorgeousleavesand its stunningseed capsule,we willlearnmore aboutthe processes and essentialwatercolour paintingtechniques involved inpaintingeach of theseelements in a realistic style,from start to completion. Through comprehensivestep by steptuition we willexploremany aspects andelements of the Lotus plantin depth together, forming strategy, confidence and practical approachesto equip you welltocomplete somegorgeous paintings of your own.Diverse in its complexity fromsimple, velvety elegance to a delicious, complextangle of texture, colour, structure and fantasticdetail,you will quickly find yourself falling intothe rich beauty ofthis subject just as Ihave!With wonderfulharmonious colours,manageable shapes andareas for usto work with, gorgeousdelicate textures andwonderful diversity in itsform to explore, the Lotus is awonderful topic for any artist in any medium to explore, and isan idealnext stopfor us on our botanical illustration learning journey together.Create beautifulsingle element paintings with our focussubjects, combine the elements to start exploringyour ownmulti elementcompositions this time, this course isdesigned to be versatile inandadaptable to your own preferences,level and needs.Iinvite you tojoin me hereagain, so comeandpaint along withsomeor allof the course topics as you please, allin your own timeand at your ownpace...Its sucha wonderful way to learn!Ilook forward to helping you to learn, grow and keep youmoving forwards on your own painting path,andto share my love of this wonderful, joyfulworld with youagain.Ill see you in the wash ~Heidi"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Hacks de YouTube" |
"En este curso aprenders las metodologa de Growth Hacking aplicado a desarrollar un canal de YouTube, con este mtodo podrs aumentar de manera exponencial el nmero de suscriptores y el nmero de reproducciones en tus videos, vas a poder ganar una mayor exposicin por parte de la plataforma de YouTube al entender el proceso interno de la plataforma para aumentar la audiencia de tus contenidos.Todas las herramientas y tcnicas que podrs ver en este curso son gratuitas o por lo menos tienen una versin gratuita, nuestra intencin es que con esta metodologa puedas sacar el mayor potencial que tiene la plataforma de YouTube, sin necesitar hacer inversin para publicitar tus producciones, la metodologa de Growth Hacking que te mostraremos es usada por muchas Startups de tecnologa que buscan ganar una mayor exposicin de sus productos o servicios sin necesidad de hacer grandes inversiones en campaas de publicidad, el Growth Hacker es capaz de administrar todos los canales digitales necesarios para ganar esa exposicin de una manera orgnica y utilizando la creatividad, la analtica web y estrategias de crecimiento para hacer crecer cualquier proyecto en un entorno digital, hemos aplicado todas estas tcnicas para aumentar el nmero de reproducciones y de suscriptores de algunos canales dentro de la plataforma de YouTube con unos resultados muy sobresalientes, en este curso te mostraremos paso a paso como aplicar esas tcnicas a tu propio canal de YouTube. Algunas de las cosas que vas a aprender sern los Hacks de crecimiento, donde te mostraremos las herramientas y las tcnicas que mejores resultados dan para llegar a un pblico ms extenso con la menor cantidad de recursos posible, otra seccin del curso habla sobre los Hacks de contenido, nuestra intencin es que tengas una fuente ilimitada de inspiracin, informacin, fuentes y recursos para generar tu contenido de una forma ms rpida y con mayor contundencia, logrando as cautivar a tus espectadores con un contenido de gran calidad. Con esta seccin tambin entenders qu tipo de contenido es ms conveniente para tu canal, cul es el contenido que te dar un mayor nmero de reproducciones y qu es lo que espera tu audiencia de tus videos, todo lo anterior aumentara de forma exponencial el nivel de interaccin de tu audiencia, dando como resultado aumentar tus nmeros de reproduccin y suscriptores. En este curso tambin te mostraremos como hacer una campaa de publicidad a travs de las plataformas de Facebook Ads y Google AdWords, con este mtodo tu canal aumentara aun ms la exposicin que tiene en internet y as muchas ms personas van a conocer tu contenido. Una de los puntos principales que vamos a mostrarte es cmo optimizar tus campaas para que llegues a un gran nmero de personas con una cantidad mnima de inversin."
Price: 420.00 ![]() |
"Curso profesional de Marketing Multinivel." |
"Este curso est diseado para ayudarte a obtener ms prospectos para tu negocio de redes de mercadeo, utilizando diversas estrategias efectivas de prospeccin a travs de internet y de forma presencial. Las lecciones estndiseadas para mostrarte las herramientas ms efectivas para inscribir a ms personas en tu proyecto y te mostramos cmo ayudarlos para que puedan desarrollar sus equipos. Este curso busca ayudarte a desarrollar un negocio slido, rentable y duradero, con el potencial de crecimiento que puedes tener con las redes sociales e internet en general,aplicando mtodos y estrategias efectivas para obtener los resultados que ests buscando. Vamos a mostrarte los puntos claves de la prospeccin presencial para volver ms efectivo y contundente tu manera de inscribir personas a tu negocio de redes de mercadeo. Vamos a mostrarte tambin, los puntos ms importantes, los errores y los aciertos en la prospeccin a travs de internet, lo cual te pondr en una posicin privilegiada que te permitir alcanzar todos los objetivos que te haspropuesto en tu empresa de marketing multinivel."
Price: 720.00 ![]() |
"GIS for Beginners #2:Georeference & Digitize in QGIS3 +eBook" |
"QGIS 3.6, Accurate Captions, 87 Page eBook, HD Video & High Quality Audio.Attention Researchers, College Students And Professionals: Do You Want To Digitize Your Own Paper Maps Without Having The Hassle Of Enrolling In A College GIS Course?Learn My Six-Step Process To DIGITIZE YOUR OWN PAPER MAPS Using Equipment Every Office Has.Join 3,150+ students in the Highest Rated QGIS tutorial on Udemy!Have you been trying to learn how to digitize your own map in QGIS without any luck?You have looked around the web, but the digitizing tutorials you find are incomplete, out-of-date, or hard to follow.Thats understandable because most QGIS tutorials are written by time poor volunteers.Fortunately, my QGIS tutorial for Beginners #2:Georeference, Digitize, eBook offers a solution. I teach you the beginners basics of digitizing your own maps in QGIS using videos, an 87 page eBook and a teaching dataset. Its a Step-by-Step Follow-Along style QGIS tutorial.It is as simple as watching the videos on your computer and following along with the exercises using the FREE QGIS SoftwareStart now and you could be digitizing your own GIS maps this time tomorrow.Imagine what would be like to digitize your own field studies in a timely manner, OR to stumble across a paper map thats essential to your project, and KNOW that you can digitize it YOURSELF, TODAY, without the hassle of finding and waiting for someone else to digitize it for you. For researchers, having maps that nobody else has almost guarantees that your research will be ""original"".My name is Ian Allan. I am a Masters graduate from Monash University in Melbourne Australia. While doing my post-graduate research, I co-authored the Universitys first two GIS courses and taught both Grid Cell and Vector GIS to both Undergraduate and Graduate students.Over the last 24 years I have authored and co-authored fifteen peer reviewed publications. I have worked professionally as a GIS researcher, taught GIS to thousands of students, and worked as a GIS consultant on projects as diverse as the followingUnited Nations: Post tsunami strategic planning in Banda Ache.Australian Federal Government: National Broadband strategic assessment.Victorias Department of Premier and Cabinet: Housing affordability modelling.Local Government: Environmental sustainability modelling for planners,Water industry: Buried water pipe condition modelling and 3d ease-of-digging modelling.Digitizing was an essential component in almost all of these projects. It is often impossible to create original maps based solely on off-the-shelf GIS maps.Over 7000 students have enrolled in my GIS Udemy courses alone. Heres what some of them have had to say about my teaching styleIt was very thorough and comprehensive Ian also covered aspects of GIS Analysis - which increases your learning and appreciation of the capabilities of how powerful the GIS tool can be. Brian L""Ian is vast and knowledgeable in what he teaches. I would do another course by Ian if he offered it"" - Umar Y""A very informative course. It helps me review the GIS experience I haven't used in a while and brush up on my skills. Thanks Ian."" - Jayram S""Really great introductory-level course! The examples were simple to follow, but also very useful. All the work can be finished while watching the videos, there was no extra work to be done without guidance. I really look forward to the next course by this instructor. - Cheers and well done!"" - Nathan L.""Very good background, easy to follow and helpful for a foundation of GIS."" - Amelia K""Simple and very clear lectures with the minimum basics/backgrounds to get a taste of what awaits us further and also making us think of what we can do more."" -Boojhawon RHeres what you getFree eBook. 87 pages of screen captures and explanatory text to compliment the videos.A 1.5 hour video based QGIS tutorial. In the videos Ill show you how to digitize a paper map in SIX STEPSCreate a QGIS basemap.Scan a paper map so you're setup for Georeferencing success.Using the QGIS georeferencer to georeference a scanned paper map from being in scanner coordinates to being in GIS coordinates.Create a blank map to digitize into.On-screen digitize a GIS map using the georeferenced scan as a backdrop.Validate your map.There are many tricks to successfully setting up your digitizing environment. I show you these. I also show you how to copy boundaries from other GIS maps into yours. This can sometimes cut your digitizing effort to be a fraction of what it would otherwise be.You get to eavesdrop as I work, and gain insight into digitizing GIS maps that you would otherwise likely overlook or possibly never grasp.A zip file of datasets used. Extract these and follow-along with me in the videosTry it risk free. If within 30 days youre not satisfied with this QGIS tutorial for any reason return it for 100% refund and keep the dataset and the workbook.Be sure to click on the ""Add to Cart"" button on the top right corner to enrol in this QGIS tutorial.All the courses in my QGIS tutorial for Beginners series have been developed by me over the last 24 years. All the Techniques and concepts I teach have been proven in the research and consulting environments during that time.Enrol in any of my QGIS tutorials and you're well on your way to creating your own maps, the way you want them to look, and by your own time-table.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSQ. This QGIS tutorial does not use ARC. Does this matter?A. No, it doesnt matter. I teach you the basics of Georeferencing and digitizing in QGIS. The concepts you'll learn are applicable to ALL GISs, even Arc.Q. I have no experience with QGIS. Does that matter?A. Although no previous Geographical Information Systems knowledge needed, ideally you will be able to do some simple tasks in QGIS. Tasks such as Opening a Map, zooming, panning, etc. I teach these basic skills in QGIS tutorial for Beginners #1.Q. I am worried that this QGIS tutorial will be like many other technical courses - abstract and hard to follow.A. I have based all the exercises on the type of practical every-day GIS problems that I encounter day-to-day in my GIS consultancy. Download the teaching dataset and follow-along with the videos. Pause, rewind, fast-forward, speed up or slow down the videos as you need to.Q. What Work Materials are there to support the teachings?A. An 87 page eBook with screen captures and explanations to compliment the videos. A zip file containing the same teaching dataset that I use in the videos.Q. Do I need to purchase software to do this course?A. No, there is no need to purchase software. Well use the FREE QGISQ. I want to buy this course today, but I dont have time to do the course right now. How long do I have access to the course for?A. You have Unlimited Lifetime Access to the course (including future upgrades)Q. What if I decide this course is not for me.A. I offer an unconditional, no-questions-asked full 30-day money-back guarantee!Q. If I have a problem, can I ask questions?A. Yes. I welcome questions because they help me improve the course. Its best to use the course Q&A area for this."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"GIS for Beginners #4: Learn Geocoding QGIS 3. FREE 86p eBook" |
"QGIS 3, 86 Page eBook, HD Video & High Quality Audio.Attention Researchers, College Students And Professionals: Do You Want To Learn QGIS Geocoding Without Having The Hassle Of Searching the Web To Work Out How To Do It? .Have you been trying to teach yourself QGIS Geocoding without any luck?You have looked for a Geocoding QGIS tutorial around the web, but the information you find is either incomplete or out-of-date.In my ""QGIS tutorial for Beginners #4: Learn Geocoding"" course I teach you how to geocode in QGIS 3 using HD quality videos, a 86 page eBook, and downloadable teaching dataset, Step-by-Step Follow-Along style.Did you know that any data in a spreadsheet that can be matched to a map (zip code, suburb name, street address, census block identifier, etc) is called a geocode. There are so many spreadsheets sitting on so many computers just waiting to be mapped! Perhaps I'm talking about your computer?Geocoding can be as simple as matching a zip code column in a spreadsheet, to a GIS map of zip codes. Or, it can be as complex as matching a column of properly formatted address from a spreadsheet, to a GIS map of addresses.Enrol in this QGIS tutorial now and you could be Geocoding your own spreadsheet by this time tomorrow!QGIS tutorial for Beginners #4: Learn Geocoding will teach you.Generic Geocoding concepts why geocodes are important and how to improve your Geocoding hit rate.How to format your addresses in preparation for Geocoding. I show you some simple spreadsheet formulas and also some basic SQL in QGIS.Three ways to geocode an address in QGIS. Usingthe google maps geocoder,the street line geocoder, andthe address point geocoder.My name is Ian Allan. I am a Masters graduate from Monash University in Melbourne Australia. While doing my post-graduate research, I co-authored the Universitys first two GIS courses and taught both Grid Cell and Vector GIS to both Undergraduate and Graduate students.Over the last 24 years I have authored and co-authored fifteen peer reviewed publications. I have worked professionally as a GIS researcher, taught GIS to thousands of students, and worked as a GIS consultant on projects as diverse as the followingUnited Nations: Post tsunami strategic planning in Banda Ache.Australian Federal Government: National Broadband strategic assessment.Victorias Department of Premier and Cabinet: Housing affordability modelling.Local Government: Environmental sustainability modelling for planners,Water industry: Buried water pipe condition modelling and 3d ease-of-digging modelling.Geocoding was one of the first areas of research I was involved with. I was the first person to geocode my government's Valuer's General database of house sales. My Geocoding hit rate was 95% while others were around 40%.Successful Geocoding is has its foundation inrecognizing patterns in your address data and thenusing some smart tactics to reformat your addresses so that the QGIS Geocoding software recognizes it.A geocoded spreadsheet not only allows you to click-query on your spreadsheet data on a GIS map, it opens up the possibilities of a whole new world of spatial analysis. For researchers, this means that you can relate a dot on a map to any boundary you would care to, and do your own custom analyses. Imagine being able to relate an obscure spreadsheet of data to any census boundary (historic or current)or even your own custom boundaries!Over 7000 students have enrolled in my QGIS tutorials on Udemy. Heres what some of them have had to say about my teaching style""It was very thorough and comprehensive Ian also covered aspects of GIS Analysis - which increases your learning and appreciation of the capabilities of how powerful the GIS tool can be"" Brian L .""Ian is vast and knowledgeable in what he teaches. I would do another course by Ian if he offered it"" - Umar Y .""A very informative course. It helps me review the GIS experience I haven't used in a while and brush up on my skills. Thanks Ian."" - Jayram S.""Really great introductory-level course! The examples were simple to follow, but also very useful. All the work can be finished while watching the videos, there was no extra work to be done without guidance. I really look forward to the next course by this instructor. - Cheers and well done!"" - Nathan L.""Very good background, easy to follow and helpful for a foundation of GIS."" - Amelia K .""Simple and very clear lectures with the minimum basics/backgrounds to get a taste of what awaits us further and also making us think of what we can do more."" -Boojhawon R.Heres what you get in this QGIS tutorial...Free eBook. 86 pages of screen captures and explanatory text to compliment the videos.You get to eavesdrop as I work, and gain insights into Geocoding that you would otherwise overlook or possibly never grasp.A zip file containing the teaching datasets I use in the videos. Extract these and follow-along with me in the videos.2 hours of QGIS tutorial HD quality videos. In the videos Ill show you. . .How to geocode in Quantum GIS,Traps to look out for when you google geocode,How to prepare your data for Geocoding, andHow to improve your Geocoding hit rate.Try the QGIS training course risk free. If within 30 days youre not satisfied with the course for any reason return it for a 100% refund and keep the dataset and the workbook.Be sure to click on the ""Add to cart"" button on the top right corner of this page.All the GIS training courses in my QGIS tutorial for Beginners series have been developed by me over the last 24 years. All the techniques and concepts I teach have been proven in the research and consulting environments during that time. Buying this course is not a risk with my 30 day 100% money back guarantee.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.Q. Your GIS training course does not use ARC. Does this matter?A. No, it doesnt matter. I teach you the basics of Geocoding in a way thats applicable to ALL GISs, even Arc.Q. I have no experience with QGIS. Does that matter? .A. Although no previous Geographical Information Systems knowledge needed, ideally you will be able to do some simple tasks in QGIS. Tasks such as Opening a Map, zooming, panning, etc. I teach these basic skills in QGIS tutorial for Beginners #1.Q. I am worried that this QGIS training course will be like many other technical courses - abstract and hard to follow.A. I have based all the exercises on the type of practical every-day GIS problems that I encounter day-to-day in my GIS consultancy. Download the teaching dataset and follow-along with the videos. Pause, rewind, fast-forward, speed up or slow down the videos as you need to.Q. What Work Materials are there to support the teachings?A. An 87 page Text with screen captures and explanations to compliment the videos, and a zip file containing the same teaching dataset I use in the videos.Q. Do I need to purchase software to do this course?A. No, there is no need to purchase software. Well use the FREE QGIS and 7-zip.Q. I want to buy this course today, but I dont have time to do the course right now. How long do I have access to the course for?A. You have Unlimited Lifetime Access to the course (including future upgrades).Q. What if I decide this course is not for me.A. I offer an unconditional, no-questions-asked full 30-day money-back guarantee!.Q. If I have a problem, can I ask questions?A. Yes. I welcome questions because they help me improve the course. Its best to use the course Q&A area for this.Be sure to click on the Add to cart button on the top right corner of this page.I look forward to seeing you inside!.Ian."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |