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"Excel - Los trucos que debes dominar" |
"Quieres mejorar tu productividad de manera exponencial con atajos de Microsoft Excel desde cero?Ningn trabajo se escapa de la importancia de manejar las hojas de clculo con soltura. Es por tal motivo que he creado este curso para ensearte los mejores consejos, herramientas y frmulas de Excel, que te permitirn ganar tiempo, productividad, soltura y organizacin. No importa si eres estudiante, autonomo, independiente, freelancer o asalariado, el manejo de Excel es prcticamente materia obligatoria, con mltiples usos y aplicaciones en torno a la contabilidad, la planificacin de tareas o la gestin de proyectos..Actualmente existen multitud de herramientas de productividad y organizacin de datos, sin embargo, en la mayor parte de las actividades y sectores, la herramienta preferida es Microsoft Excel en sus mltiples variantes debido a la gran flexibilidad que aporta y sus posibilidades de automatizacin y mejora de la eficiencia.Los atajos de teclado, tambin conocidos cmo SHORTCUTS, son combinaciones de teclas, que realizan una accin en particular.Todos los conocimientos incluidos en este curso y que ir adquiriendo, es justo lo que me hubiera gustado tener al inicio de mis tiempos con la herramienta Excel en al mbito profesional, por tanto estoy seguro que le ser de gran utilidad para obtener las destrezas que desea.La herramienta Microsoft Excel en sus mltiples variantes es utilizada por ms de 1000 millones de personas en todo el mundo debido a su gran versatilidad, es por ello que, si quiere aprender una habilidad muy importante tanto en su compaa como mbito personal, este es su curso para convertirse en un maestro de Excel. Evitar el uso del mouse ?Esto provoca disminuir el cansancio en la mueca, hombro y antebrazo por el movimiento. Absolutamente esto no significa que dejemos de usar el ratn por completo, sino que evitar el uso del mismo constantemente, Aunque no lo parezca el uso de mouse, incrementa los tiempos de trabajo, debido a los movimientos del brazo para sujetar y desplazar el ratn. Ser ms rpido en Excel.?Al evitar el uso del ratn, y reducir los tiempos de trabajo, automticamente te volvers ms rpido y eficiente dentro de Excel. Por lo que tambin favorecer a que trabajes menos, lo que se traduce en menos estrs y podrs hacer ms cosas en menos tiempo, e incluso te ayudar para que disfrutes de otra actividad sin preocupaciones.Aprender a usar atajos y ser mas eficiente al trabajar con excel te dar la oportunidad de realizar ms tareas o bien, evitar retrasos en las entregas de reportes peridicos.Si quieres mejorar en el uso de Microsoft Excel te explico cuales son los mejores atajos de Excel y tcnicas que debes aprender para sacarle el mximo jugo posible a uno de los programas ms complejos y usados del mercado. Vamos!Accede a mi sitio web. Suscribete"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bases de Datos con SQL Server Desde Cero a Nivel Profesional" |
"En el curso de Bases de Datos, Los fundamentos que debes dominar para poder disear e implementar bases de datos completamente desde cero, conocers todo lo necesario para disear y estructurar bases de datos relacionales para tus proyectos. Aprenders desde los conceptos bsicos hasta la el uso del modelo entidad relacin y el Modelo relacional, tambin aprenders sobre SQL (Structured Query Language), en espaol lenguaje de consulta estructurada, es un lenguaje de dominio especfico utilizado en programacin, diseado para administrar, y recuperar informacin de sistemas de gestin de bases de datos relacionales.La principal caracterstica de SQL es el manejo del lgebra y el clculo relacional para efectuar consultas con el fin de recuperar, de forma sencilla, informacin de bases de datos, as como realizar cambios en ellas. Originalmente basado en el lgebra relacional y en el clculo relacional, SQL consiste en un lenguaje de definicin de datos, un lenguaje de manipulacin de datos y un lenguaje de control de datos. Aprende a fondo a manejar una base de datos relacional y conoce a detalle el lenguaje SQL.Con este curso aprenders desde los fundamentos de las bases de datos, hasta la gestin de base de datos.Aprende desde Consultas SQL, transacciones, clculos, consultas, vistas, procedimientos almacenados y mucho ms.Es un curso que te lleva desde cero hasta analizar y disear tus propias base de datos.Quieres aprender a Disear e Implementar una Base de Datos Relacional totalmente funcional?Este curso es para ti.No necesitas ninguna experiencia previa, ni ningn conocimiento especializado en el rea. Solamente ganas para aprender.Este curso consta de mucha informacin terica importante para cualquiera que desee incorporarse al mundo de las Bases de Datos, ya que se explican desde conceptos bsicos hasta conceptos avanzados para el diseo de bases de datos.En este curso utilizaremos una implementacin del Gestor de Bases de Datos Relacionales Microsoft SQL Server y usaremos la interfaz grfica SQL Server Management Studio de este mismo proveedor.Accede a mi sitio web."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"spring Framework for Beginners with Spring Boot" |
"Spring 5 is a functional web framework for back-end development and is quite famous among Java developers when it comes to designing an enterprise-based application.It consists of lots of modules and projects which makes it very huge.The Spring Framework and Spring Boot enable developers to create high-performing, reusable, easily testable, and loose coupling enterprise Java applications.It can be used to develop any Java application.Knowledge of Spring framework has a huge demand in the enterprise market and Spring frameworks developers are paid handsomely.Having Spring Framework on your resume will highlight you amongst other Java developer.This course offers hands-on experience building Spring Framework applications using Spring Boot.This course will be interactive and fun as I will code all the projects from scratch.By taking this course you will have the latest skills that you need to build real applications using the Spring Framework.Requirements for this Course:Basic Java knowledge is requiredBasic Knowledge of Servlet, JSP, and HTML is helpfulKnowledge of SQL and databases is helpfulLearn these super trending topics in Spring 5 and Spring Boot 2:Spring BootSpring Core - IoCSpring MVCSpring AOPSpring Data JPASpring RESTSpring SecurityWho this course is for:The course is for all Java developers: beginners to advanced who want to master Spring framework modules with Spring BootThis learning path is for developers who wish to create their own web applications with Spring 5This course is ideal for developers who wish to use the Spring Frameworks for enterprise application development"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
howtoworkoverseas |
"Do you want to work abroad, but dont know where to start?Do you want to work abroad, but dont think its possible because of your English?Do you want to know how the visa process works?Do you want to prepare an attractive resume?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the right course for you.:This course will be broken down into the followingtopics.Self Analysis and Mind Set Thoughts on Changing Jobs Work Visas Ways to Find a Job Resume Writing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Sell Your Self Published Book on Amazon" |
"Once you hit the button to publish your self published book on Kindle Direct Publishing, youre not at the end of your publishing journey. In fact, youve just started it! The most difficult thing about self publishing is selling your book. And its only getting tougher to do so.How selling self published books really works (or doesnt!) is explained. While many of the principles apply to all self publishing platforms, the main focus will be on Amazons Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) self publishing platform for your print books and Kindle eBooks.Heres just some of what well discuss:How many people could realistically buy your self published book.Why is selling self published books so difficult?What do self published authors really make from their books? (Real survey data!)What is your author platform? And how do you build it?How to figure out how big your author platform is. (The included worksheet is a helpful tool youll use again and again.)Using Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) for advertising your books on Amazon.Kindle Free eBook and Countdown Deal promotions, and Pre-Orders.Selling games that actually hurt your sales.Is This Course for You?This course is for new authors using Amazons Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for self publishing their print books and/or Kindle eBooks. It will not cover how to prepare or format your manuscript for uploading to KDP. (I have another course here on Udemy, How to Self Publish a Nonfiction Kindle eBook Like a Pro, which covers that.) This course is also for self published authors who are struggling with their book sales on Amazon. Well concentrate solely on issues relating to selling your book after publication.About MeIm your instructor, Dr. Heidi Thorne, MBA/DBA, a self published author of several business books and host of The Heidi Thorne Show podcast on self publishing (on iTunes and YouTube). In addition to my personal publishing endeavors, I was a trade newspaper editor and advertising director for over 15 years, and spent the majority of my career in sales and advertising. I hold a masters and doctorate in business, and taught at the college level for 5 years.Disclaimer: The information provided is in this course for educational and informational purposes only and your results are not guaranteed.Disclosure: Heidi Thorne and her company, Thorne Communications LLC, are not associated with or hired by Amazon or Kindle Direct Publishing. However, she and her company receive royalties and revenues from sales of their products on Amazon and its companies."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Chakra System in Real Life" |
"Sometimes learning about the chakra system can be extremely complicated and seem esoteric and unreachable. In this course, I break down the 7 major chakras- explaining what each does, what it looks like in real life when they are imbalanced, and easy and practical ways to bring them back into balance. Some of these include food, lifestyle suggestions, affirmations, mantras, healing practices, as well as essential oils, crystals, and more. Each chakra has a handout that you can download and print if you choose that breaks it all down for you that you can reference quickly and easily. Also as a bonus, I have provided an additional handout covering some of the minor chakras if you are interested. Enjoy!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MVC Net Core 3 y 2.2. La Gua Inicial" |
"Basado en la ltima versin de ASP.NET Core 3 y 2.2, MVC soporta el desarrollo multiplataforma y puede ser implemento en los sistemas operativos Windows, Unix y Mac.Entre las ventajas de MVC podemos mencionar las siguientes:Es un framework ligero y flexible.Le proporciona al desarrollador el control total del HTML renderizado.Permite tener control total del desarrollo, as como definir tus propias funcionalidades, al contrario de las versiones anteriores del framework de MVC.Quin debera aprender MVC?MVC es adecuado para todo tipo de programadores, desde principiantes, hasta profesionales. Est basado en un modelo de desarrollo centrado en el patrn de diseo Modelo-Vista-Controlador, lo cual nos obliga a seguir buenas prcticas de desarrollo. Es relativamente fcil de aprender e incluye todas las funcionalidades avanzadas de ASP.NET Core, hacindolo adecuado para proyectos empresariales complejos.Hola, mi nombre es Jimmy Javier y te invito a conocer este framework de .NET Core que te permitir crear aplicaciones Web de manera sencilla."
Price: 2070.00 ![]() |
"Creando Web APIs Profesionales con .NET Core 3 y 2.2" |
"ASP.NET Core soporta la creacin de servicios RESTful tambin conocidos como Web APIs, usando el lenguaje C#. A diferencia de las versiones anteriores de .Net, en las cuales Web API exista como un framework separado, en .Net Core, esto ha cambiado y se ha unificado el framework.Adems, con Net Core, el desarrollo ahora es multiplataforma y podemos desarrollar nuestras aplicaciones desde el sistema operativo que queramos, ya sea Linux, Mac o Windows.A quin va dirigido el curso?Este curso est diseado para personas que deseen crear sus proyectos Web API con buenas prcticas en mente, as como utilizar este proyecto con mltiples clientes, ya sea dispositivos mviles, aplicaciones de escritorio, Web o inclusive el Internet de las Cosas, entre otros.Contenido del CursoEl proyecto que vamos a crear en este curso est basado en una situacin de la vida real, y en ste reforzaremos la separacin de responsabilidades con repositorios, inyeccin de dependencias, as como dividiremos nuestra lgica de acceso a datos, los modelos y la aplicacin web en proyectos separados, entre otros tpicos.Adems, nos conectaremos a una base de datos ya existente, as que utilizaremos Ingeniera Inversa con Entity Framework Core para obtener nuestras clases Modelo.Implementaremos la seguridad con Json Web Tokens, as como utilizaremos el cliente HTTP Postman para probar nuestros controladores, y estableceremos restricciones para distintos perfiles de usuario.As como utilizaremos buenas prcticas de implementacin para la creacin de nuestra aplicacin Web API.Te invito a tomar este curso y dar un paso adelante en la creacin de tus proyectos con ASP.NET Core 3 y 2.2."
Price: 2220.00 ![]() |
"Get PMP Certified in 1st Attempt - Exam Questions" |
"Get PMP Understanding - Before Taking PMP Exam - Not After Failing Exam.In this course, 80 Questions(+10 Bonus Questions) are offered to give ""would be PMP""a kick start on the Preparation. You will encounter High Quality Questions than the Volume itself.What to Expect?Scenario QuestionsMathematical QuestionsSurprise QuestionsDifficult QuestionsDilemma QuestionsOnce you have experienced these High Quality Questions and are Satisfied, please look upto 5 Mock Set Series with 1000 Questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Report Writing Class II" |
"Harness the power of the written word to transform your business. While one class cant transform your writing overnight, we will present tools for improving your writing instantly and plant the seeds for finding your own style and writers voice over the long-haul. The class will cover:Techniques to improve your general writing skillsExamples of poorly written statements and how to improve themA review of frequently misused home inspection wordsA look at report writing techniques such as using qualifiers, following the SOP, writing representative observations and how to write a descriptive report.A chance to compete in the report writing contest"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Holistic Goal Setting (Urdu/Hindhi)" |
"Challenges1. I am unable to achieve my dreams2. I do not have clear goals for all areas of my life3. I set goals every year but I am unable to achieve them Content1. Personal Goals2. Professional Goals3. Business Goals4. Health Goals5. Converting dreams into goalsBenefitsYou will witness yourself not only setting motivational goals but taking massive actions to fulfill your long list of wishes & dreamsProcedure1. Online Videos 24/72. Activities 3. 1 to 1 coaching4. Follow up SessionsWho should attendAny one who wants to make best of his/her remaining days on the earth."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to make new friends anywhere you go" |
"Its not what you know, its who you know.In this course you will learn many ways to meet people anywhere in the world.Where do you meet new people?How do you start a conversation with a stranger?Who do you add to your circle or tribe?Using all the ingredients of this course, students have met amazing people and made connections and friends all around the world, and so can you.I learned exactly how to do this easily, and thats what I want you to experience as well.Every time I move to a new country, I get the feeling of being alone and missing friends. Then comes the urge of making connections and socializing fast! In some countries, meeting new people happens pretty fast, but sometimes it takes a while, depending on the culture and the area you move into. That's when this course can help you a long way. With this course, you will be able to choose which way(s) you will put into practice right away, so that you feel connected right away in any city.The value of this course is immense, because having the right people around you gives you a sense of worth and fulfillment that cannot be put into a dollar amount."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Feel At Home Abroad" |
"The world is too big to stay in one place and life is too short to do just one thing. A.N. OnymousImagine you left all your loved ones back home and you landed in a new country. First you feel like you're on your honeymoon. Everything is rozy.....After a little while, you realize this is your new home now and:Everything and Everyone is DIFFERENTYou have to start your life over again.You have to Re-Identify yourselfYou have to Re-design your lifeHow will you every adjust and feel comfortable? The Answer is in this course.Shift from EXpat to INpatI've been there, many times, landing in a new country, feeling excited but also terrified.Trying to adjust to the ''new'', but still missing the ''old''.Trying to find familiar foods, familiar views, familiar clothes, familiar habits.Trying to create a routine. Worry no more. This Step by Step guide to settle abroad will help you feel familiar and comfortable wherever you are, easily and quickly.Moving abroad is a life changing experience and can be challenging, but a journey of learning, self-development and living a life you will never regret.Find out how to have the right mindset, understand the new, get social, feel familiar, and be the person you want to be in a new country."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"French for Beginners. The Complete Method. Course 1." |
"MASTER THE ESSENTIALS OFFRENCH IN A MATTER OF WEEKS, NOT YEARS!NOBORING""STUDY"", ONLYNONSTOPSPEAKING.The method allows you to: Speak French, non-stop, from the very start. Produce thousands of practical phrases for daily use. Painlessly absorb grammar and vocabulary. Progress without effort, without the need to memorise or ""study"" in the traditional sense.ALLOWTHEMETHODTOGETTOWORK - ONYOU!""Tell me and I willforget, teach me and I may remember, involve meand I learn .""(Benjamin Franklin)LAMTHODEwill allow you to use and understand basic French in a matter of hours, without the need for memorisation or lengthy explanations. This is achieved through a carefully designed method that builds up and practices the language, step by step, until you are able to form relatively complex sentences with ease.From the very start, you will be speaking your own sentences, effortlesslyabsorbing structures without even realising it. The method guides you through basic French in a motivating and stimulating way.LAMTHODE does not teach you theory, itteaches you to speak French and helps you achieve this in much less time than traditional methods.LEARN NATURALLY AND RAPIDLYIn LAMTHODE as in real life,learning is a continuous process, not a series of separate topics. Each new word or structure is preceded by a clear and precise introduction. The processcontinues as the students use the new word in a variety of different contexts. Repeated exposureto new words and structures over time, in a wide variety of situations and associations, means that these are acquiredfor life.HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?LAMTHODE, level 1, consists of 20 video lessons of spoken French. After everylessonthere is a series of written exercises as well an optional musical task.We will engage you in a spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. Just talk, talk and talk. You won't stop speaking French from start to finish. This is the ideal system for beginners to learn French.My goal with LAMTHODEis for you to become ""hooked"" on the course, therebymastering basic French as quickly as humanly possible.Best of luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unity ile 2D/3D Oyun Tasarm" |
"UNITY kullanarak oyun gelitirme eitim programna Hogeldiniz.Eitim boyunca toplamda 26 saat ierie sahip olacaksnz.104 ders programnda anlatlan tm konular sayesinde oyun yapm konusunda birok detay reneceksiniz.Bunlardan bazlar ;Oyun iinde karakter hareketiAnimasyonlarYapay yerekimiSprite sheet konusuAsset StoreCollider , Trigger konularDosya kaydetme konularParticle sistemlerZaman-Saya tasarmOtomatik dman retmekGameOver ekran tasarmPause Menu tasarmAna Menu tasarmIndie oyun gelitiricilerin oyunlar ykledii platform olan itch-io 'ya oyununuzu ykleme aamalar.PC ortamnda alacak oyun yapmMobile Android platformunda alacak 2D oyunMobil platform iin Google reklamlar Mobil platformda kullanlacak butonlar ekleme sreci.Kamera hareketleriLevel TasarmParallax EfektiLoading Ekran hazrlamaOyun sonu Big Boss planlanmasQuaternion Konusu3D RotasyonCoroutines KonusuBonus - TileMap ve Cinemachine1.Blm' de Unity kurulumu, tantlmas ve program boyunca yapacanz oyunlar almaktadr.2.Blm' de bir uzay oyunu olan Space-Shooter isimli oyunumuzun A'dan Z'ye yapmn reneceksiniz. Animasyonlar, Menu tasarm ,Gemi hareketi gibi birok konusunda detayl bilgiye sahip olacaksnz.3.Blm' de 3D Takip isimli oyunda Karakter rotasyon, coroutines, Quaternion gibi konular hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.4.Blm' de boyutlu bir kre zerinde kendimizin yarataca yapay yerekimi sayesinde hareket etmeyi , Ate etmeyi , Salk kontrol , Skor kontrol , Zamana kar yar , oyun ii Restart, Options gibi zelliklere sahip Defenders isimli oyun yapmn reneceksiniz.5.Blm' de ise Mobil Android platformu iin oyun yapmn A'dan Z'ye reneceksiniz. Hazrladnz oyuna Google reklamlar eklemeyi, kamera hareketleri , mehur Parallax efektini yapmay , dosya kayt sistemlerini , Loading ekranlar gibi toplamda 56 ders sayesinde Big Head's Adventure isimli oyunumuzun yapmn reneceksiniz.Her blm ierisinde yer alan dersler iin oyun ierisinde kullanacanz(Game Asset) indirilebilir ierikleri kullanabileceksiniz.imdiden baarlar, bol kodlamalar."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Blender 2.8 x" |
"O Blender um software gratuito e open source de modelagem e animao em 3D. Leve e poderoso, ele atende a todas as etapas do processo de produo de uma animao em 3D. Neste curso voc conhecer a interface e os conceitos fundamentais do Blender. Alm disso voc aprender a:Criar e transformar objetos;Utilizar ferramentas de modelagem poligonal para criar seus prprios objetos;Mapear, texturizar e criar materiais de diversos tipos, incluindo materiais com texturas PBR;Iluminar e renderizar cenas utilizando a EEVEE e o Cycles; Iluminar cenas utilizando imagens do tipo HDR;Configurar hierarquias entre objetos;Criar animaes simples;Configurar um esqueleto de animao utilizando o Rigify Addon.Todos os tpicos so abordados tanto do ponto de vista terico como do ponto de vista prtico."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Spring Boot 2 Microservice Messaging in RabbitMQ and AWS SQS" |
"Welcome to a solid hands on development course about with Spring Boot Messaging Application Development . In this course, we use RabbitMQ locally to send messages from a Producer directly to a Single Consumer, using RabbitMQ Direct Exchanges and Queues. We have two applications , one producer and one sender both complete separate to demonstrate the use case. Second, we demonstrate a RabbitMQ Fanout use case with one Sales Order Application REST API persisting the SalesOrder to a Local MySQL Database and sending a message through the RabbitMQ FanOut Exchange to a couple of consuming applications such as a Accounting and a Fulfillment one.Finally, we show a TODOService pair of applications using AWS SQS to send and receive messages. In addition, we describe AWS Cloud Computing Infrastructure to make AWS easy to understand and navigate."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Gnmzde Ihracat yapamayan firmalar ilerini srdremez hale geldiler. Gelecek Dnya pazarlarna alan firmalarn rekabetiyle devam edecektir. Bu bakmdan ihracatta pazar aratrmas konusu hayati derecede nmeli bugn Dnyann retim problemi yok pazarlama problemi var ve bu pazar yakalayamayan firmalar oyundan ekilmek zorunda kalacaklar. hracat bir lkenin kalknmas nn tek yoludur.Gnmzde Ihracat yapamayan firmalar ilerini srdremez hale geldiler. Gelecek Dnya pazarlarna alan firmalarn rekabetiyle devam edecektir. Bu bakmdan ihracatta pazar aratrmas konusu hayati derecede nmeli bugn Dnyann retim problemi yok pazarlama problemi var ve bu pazar yakalayamayan firmalar oyundan ekilmek zorunda kalacaklar. hracat bir lkenin kalknmas nn tek yoludur."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gnmzde giriimcilerimiz nerden balayacaklarn ve nereye gidecekleri hakknda ok bilgiye sahip olmadan giriimlerde bulunuyorlar buda kurduklar o haylin kt senaryosunu yaamak durumunda kalabiliyorlar. Bunun iin yaln basit ve inovatif modellerle ilerlenebilir. Bu eitimde pazarlamadan retime, finanstan ynetime kadar gl bilgiler paylatk giriimciyle girikenlik arasnda ok farkn olduunun altn izdik.Gnmzde giriimcilerimiz nerden balayacaklarn ve nereye gidecekleri hakknda ok bilgiye sahip olmadan giriimlerde bulunuyorlar buda kurduklar o haylin kt senaryosunu yaamak durumunda kalabiliyorlar. Bunun iin yaln basit ve inovatif modellerle ilerlenebilir. Bu eitimde pazarlamadan retime, finanstan ynetime kadar gl bilgiler paylatk giriimciyle girikenlik arasnda ok farkn olduunun altn izdik"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Dnyann geldii son trendlere baktmzda i Dnyas geleneksel ve yeni nesil i yapma ekilleri arasnda bir sava veriyor, oyunda kalabilmek iin ba dndren hzla ilerleyen i yap ekillerine ayak uydurmaya alyor. Artk markalar Dnyasndayz ve Dnya bir yandan marka plne dnmken bir yandan da yeni nesil markalar i dnyasnn nabzn tutuyor ve yeni nesil i modellerini hayatna geiren ok eski markalarda gnmz hzna yetimi durumda. Fakat bu hzn ruhu bize unu gsteriyor ki artk Dnya markalar karmak iin ok yllar gemesine gerek kalmad bugn ayda 50.000 kullancya ulaan angrybirds ler var ve hatta 116 yllk Ford Company otomobil irketini 15 yllk Tesla Company geti, burada baktnzda mevcut markalarmzn bugn ilerini ok iyi yapmalar sadece bugn kurtarr, gelecei tasarlamak yaptnz iin ok ilerisinde bir tasarm gerektirir."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Problem zme ve Karar AlmaKurumsal dnyann en nemli iki unsuru olan Problem zme ve karar alma i dnyasnn varolu mcadelesi iinde kanlmaz gnlk becerilerden biridir. Bu eitim programmz i konularn analiz edebilmek, yaplandrmak, riskleri deerlendirmek, pratik ama etkin zmler retme becerilerini gelitirmek ve alternatif zm iin yardmc olan problem zme tekniklerine odaklanmaktadr.Getiimiz birka on ylda psikologlar ve i adamlar, baarl problem zclerin ayn trden bir sreci kullanma eiliminde olduunu kefettiler. zmleri kendi problem alglarna gre tanmlyor ve zm modellerini uyguluyorlar. Bu sre, byk ya da kk her trl sorun iin alyor. Burada temel olan kiinin problem zmnde pro-aktif olmasn salayacak teknikleri kendine gre yorumlamas ve uygulama tekniklerini gelitirmesi esasna dayal olmasdr.Problem zme ve Karar Verme Eitimi katlmclara her gn yaratc problem zme srecinin yan sra her gn kullanabilecekleri temel sorun zme aralarna genel bir bak as katacaktr. Eitim sresince beyin frtnas, bilgi toplama, veri analizi ve kaynaklarn belirlenmesi gibi fayda salayacak dier etkenleri ele alnr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gnmzde Ihracat yapamayan firmalar ilerini srdremez hale geldiler. Gelecek Dnya pazarlarna alan firmalarn rekabetiyle devam edecektir. Bu bakmdan ihracatta pazar aratrmas konusu hayati derecede nmeli bugn Dnyann retim problemi yok pazarlama problemi var ve bu pazar yakalayamayan firmalar oyundan ekilmek zorunda kalacaklar. hracat bir lkenin kalknmas nn tek yoludur. Bununla beraber D ticarette teslim ekillerini bilmek hayati derecede nemlidir.Gnmzde Ihracat yapamayan firmalar ilerini srdremez hale geldiler. Gelecek Dnya pazarlarna alan firmalarn rekabetiyle devam edecektir. Bu bakmdan ihracatta pazar aratrmas konusu hayati derecede nmeli bugn Dnyann retim problemi yok pazarlama problemi var ve bu pazar yakalayamayan firmalar oyundan ekilmek zorunda kalacaklar. hracat bir lkenin kalknmas nn tek yoludur."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"D ticaret, irketlerin ve lkelerin gelimesi ve kalknmas iin ok nemli bir konudur. D Ticaret Uzmanl Eitimi, bata iletmelerin ithalat ve ihracat departmanlarnda almay hedefleyen profesyoneller, d ticaret ve gmrk mavirlik firmalarndaki pozisyonlara bavurmay planlayanlar ile kendi ilerini uluslararas alana tamak isteyen giriimcilere uygun gncel bir eitim programdr. Dnyann geldii son trendlere baktmzda i Dnyas geleneksel ve yeni nesil i yapma ekilleri arasnda bir sava veriyor, oyunda kalabilmek iin ba dndren hzla ilerleyen i yap ekillerine ayak uydurmaya alyor. Artk markalar Dnyasndayz ve Dnya bir yandan marka plne dnmken bir yandan da yeni nesil markalar i dnyasnn nabzn tutuyor ve yeni nesil i modellerini hayatna geiren ok eski markalarda gnmz hzna yetimi durumda. Fakat bu hzn ruhu bize unu gsteriyor ki artk Dnya markalar karmak iin ok yllar gemesine gerek kalmad bugn ayda 50.000 kullancya ulaan angrybirds ler var ve hatta 116 yllk Ford Company otomobil irketini 15 yllk Tesla Company geti, burada baktnzda mevcut markalarmzn bugn ilerini ok iyi yapmalar sadece bugn kurtarr, gelecei tasarlamak yaptnz iin ok ilerisinde bir tasarm gerektirir."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mteri likileri ve Deneyim Ynetimi Eitimi" |
"Mteri memnuniyeti, sadk bir mteri kitlesi oluturmak iin en temel unsurdur. Salesforceun paylat bilgiye gre, bir aratrmaya katlan tketicilerin %89u, olumsuz bir mteri deneyimi yaadktan sonra bir irketle i yapmay brakm. Bu nemli konuyu i hayatnda zemediimiz srece irketlerin yaam damarlar kesilecek ve mterisi olmayan bir irket nefes alamayan insana dnecektir, tamda burda bu eitimde bunlarn altn ok arpc rneklerle paylayor olacaz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gnmz irketlerimizin son zamanlarda zamann ruhunu yaayamadklar iin ok ciddi problemler yaadklarn gryoruz, bu bakmdan irketlerimizi ynetmek dahada nem kazanyor, mademki i Dnyasndayz irketlerimizi uluslararasi rekabette yaatabilmemiz iin ok akll almamz gerekiyor. burada ortalama irketlerimizin ihtiyalar olan Pazarlama, ynetim, giriimci ruh, problem zme, ihracat vb konular srekli gelitiriyor olacaz bu Online Mini MBA srekli yeni konu balklaryla kendini gncelliyor olacak ve hep beraber bu topraklardan Dnya markalar karmay hedefleyerek yeni nesil almalar yapacaz, istenildii taktirde ONLINE MINI MBA sertifikanz iGeme Business School onayl gnderiyor olacaz imdiden baarlar diliyoruz"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Forex strategy that make constant profit" |
"Forex is largest financial market and if we talk about the turnover of this gigantic market that is $5 trillion per day. Forex market involve unexpected larg market that involve stock and bonds.Here one thing need to be add that forex market was not accessible for lot of small trader but due to advancement of technology now everyone can come with little amount and sharp skill who can get good amount of money and enjoy luxurious life.This course will not only help you but fatch you to become you successful trader"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Animaes com Unity 3D" |
"Durante o curso aprendemos a trabalhar com animaes humanoides e no orgnicos. Criamos um personagem no software Fuse e animamos atravs do site da Mixamo, por fim, importamos as animaes na Unity para criamos todas as configuraes e programao, afim de dar vida aos personagens.Este um curso focado em animaes e configuraes de componentes de animao, sendo assim, voc precisa conhecer a ferramenta Unity e ter uma noo bsica sobre criao de scripts.Alguns dos tpicos que sero abordados:Baixar e instalar o Mixamo Fuse atravs da Steam;- Criar um personagem Zombie e um soldado usando o Fuse;- Fazer o upload dos personagens para o site do Mixamo;- Animar os personagens e fazer o download das animaes;- Importar as animaes para a Unity e configur-las;- Animaes para ciclo de caminhada;- Animaes para o Zombie;- Animaes de andar, mirar e atirar;- Ainda vamos aprender um pouco sobre o uso da IK, na qual vamos ajustar a arma corretamente na mo no player;- Trabalhar com Blend Tree.- Outros assuntos sero abordados.Ao trmino do curso, voc ter acesso ao seu certificado de concluso totalmente online e gratuito, alm dos recursos disponveis para download.Ateno: No vamos criar as animaes humanoides de forma manual, vamos usar os servios do Mixamo, pois atravs dele ser feito o rig e aplicado as animaes.Qualquer dvida, basta me enviar uma mensagem, e no se esquea, consulte a grade do curso antes de adquiri-lo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento 3D com Unity 2019 + Multiplayer" |
"Esse um curso dedicado em desenvolvimento 3D, com foco para todos os tipos de alunos, desde quem est migrando de outra engine, at para quem est iniciando no mundo de desenvolvimento de jogos.Aqui temos diferentes aulas, desde o bsico, at um projeto bem complexo de multiplayer online. Nossas aulas esto divididas e organizadas por mdulos, na qual temos mdulos que discutimos apenas iluminao, fsica, udio, level design, editor de Shader, introduo a programao, mdulos para criar alguns jogos, entre muitos outros.Alm de todo o contedo sobre a Unity, durante o curso voc confere vrias dicas e contedos extras sobre como publicar seus jogos, conseguir modelos 3D, documentao, planejamento, entre outras informaes importantes para que voc possa ingressar em equipes e at mesmo convidar outros desenvolvedores para se juntar ao seu projeto.No se preocupe se voc no entende de programao, temos um mdulo introdutrio e vrias aulas prticas, com elas voc vai conseguir enter as suas aplicabilidades criando os seus prprios jogos.Criamos trs tipos de jogos, que so eles: Adivinhao: Um jogo bem simples usando o Canvas UI, na qual o jogador precisa adivinhar qual carta o computador escolheu, assim contabilizando pontos para o jogador.Espao nave: Um jogo de tiro em ambiente estrelar. O jogador precisa abater um nmero X de naves que so criadas em diferentes cores, e aps um determinado perodo, um boss criado para uma luta final. O jogador no recebe dano, apenas pode atirar nas naves inimigas e ganhar pontos mantendo ou atualizando o seu max score.Multiplayer Tanks: Esse o nosso projeto final, nele criamos um jogo de tank online usando o Photon Network. um projeto um pouco mais complexo que os dois jogos anteriores, pois nele criamos e se juntamos a salas, atualizamos a lista de salas disponveis, entramos em uma partida, criamos dois times, sempre que o Player abatido computado pontos para o time adversrio, implementamos um sistema de chat, entre muitas outras funcionalidades. Aps toda a programao e ajustes, finalmente criamos todo o level design em uma ambientao de deserto.Qualquer dvida basta entrar em contato.At breve! :D"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Modelagem de Assets Low Poly Com Blender 3D" |
"Modelagem Low Poly nada mais do que criar os modelos com reduo de polgonos, afim de gerar modelos mais otimizados. Muitos jogos no mercado usam essa tcnica para criar objetos mais quadrados, assim, criando um padro para seus jogos, como por exemplo, Subsway Surfs, Ashen e Lara Croft Go.Durante todo o curso, vamos trabalhar exclusivamente com essa tcnica, na qual vamos criar diferentes assets, dentre eles: cidades, veculos, vegetao, armas, estao de trem e muitos outros. um diferencial que o aluno tenha um breve conhecimento sobre o Blender, isso vai ajud-lo bastante durante todo o curso. Caso o aluno nunca tenha tido contato com o Blender, no h com o que se preocupar, pois durante todas as aulas ser detalhado cada atalho, ferramenta e recurso utilizado, alm de que temos um curso completamente gratuito de Blender para ajud-lo.Por que criar modelos Low Poly? Criar cenrios realistas e muito bem otimizados demora muito tempo, pois dependendo da tcnica do desenvolvedor, ele necessita criar diferentes verses para os modelos, realizar a Retopologia e fazer a texturizao, por exemplo. Modelar objetos Low Poly muito mais rpido e possibilita que os desenvolvedores gastem mais tempo em outras reas do projeto, como sonorizao, programao e roteiro.Esse curso ainda receber no mnimo mais trs grandes atualizaes, incluindo assets para armas, aeronaves e embarcaes. Todos os projetos e recursos esto disponveis para download.Por hora isso, espero v-lo em breve! :D"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
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Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Agile for Project, Iteration and Change Management" |
"Agile for PM/IM/CM helps Agile team, project and program leaders refine and develop the skills required to support self-directed teams to continuously adjust and refine their efforts to increase efficiency and effectiveness. While some Agile approaches diminish the role of the the Project Manager, this course will illustrate the importance of the foundational project and change management principles, while teaching you some of the core Agile practices that will bring these principles to life. You will learn that it is critical to have these skills in order to help your team work more cohesively, communicate more effectively and provide support to the team with an appropriate level of leadership, coaching, coordination and facilitation."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |