Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso de Excel Avanado - Relatrios Usando Controles" |
"Aprenda a trabalhar com os controles de formulrio no Excel para criar relatrios dinmicos. Use frmulas avanadas e programao VBA para gerar relatrios automatizados. Crie grficos dinmicos combinando os controles e os conceitos de visualizao de dados.Crie relatrios com base em critrios por vendedor, produto e ms. E ainda filtrar pela opo ""Todos"".Voc tambm aprender a associar os controles aos grficos, para torn-los dinmicos. Tudo isso com videoaulas, download dos arquivos e exerccios passo a passo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel Fundamental - do Bsico ao Intermedirio" |
"Aprenda o programa de planilha eletrnica mais usado no mundo, com videoaulas e exerccios em pdf para voc praticar!Se voc est acostumado a pegar planilhas prontas e aliment-las, mas no sabe fazer uma alterao, criar uma planilha do zero ou editar frmulas, este curso para voc.Voc aprender desde o bsico ao intermedirio, passando por criao e edio de planilhas, construo de frmulas, grficos e hiperlinks.Tambm aprender a analisar dados usando tabelas e grficos dinmicos. formatar a planilha de uma forma apresentvel, proteger os dados e imprimir."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel Avanado - Na Prtica!" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender tcnicas avanadas para criao de relatrios, tabelas e frmulas dinmicas, anlise de dados com Power Query e o uso de macros para automatizar tarefas.Criar frmulas inteligentes usando a funo SOMARPRODUTO, que extremamente verstil. Voc aprender a resumir valores, comparar dados, extrair informaes de clulas, entre outras coisas. Ainda entender o conceito da lgica 0 e 1 da funo.Tudo isso com videoaulas, download dos arquivos e exerccios passo a passo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel Frmulas Dinmicas" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar frmulas dinmicas usando funes da categoria pesquisa e referncia. Trabalhe corretamente com as referncias, crie frmulas dinmicas e use os recursos de auditoria para identificar erros.Aprenda a criar intervalos, endereos e referncias dinmicas, em planilhas e pastas de trabalho, usando funes como: HIPERLINK, ENDEREO, INDIRETO, DESLOC, entre outras.Tudo isso com videoaulas, download dos arquivos e exerccios passo a passo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel Frmulas - Treinando a Lgica" |
"Neste curso, voc vai aprender a usar seu raciocnio lgico para resolver problemas envolvendo frmulas. Entre as funes apresentadas, est a Funo SE, uma das mais usadas no Excel.A funo SE uma das funes mais importantes do Excel. Voc aprender a fazer testes com nmeros, datas e textos.Aprenda a combinar duas ou mais funes em uma frmula e a trabalhar com frmulas matriciais.Tudo isso com videoaulas, download dos arquivos e exerccios passo a passo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel Frmulas - Dominando a PROCV" |
"O curso vai lhe ensinar a pesquisar dados usando uma das funes mais importantes do Excel. Voc aprender a fazer pesquisa exatas, aproximadas, inversas e dinmicas. uma verdadeira imerso na funo PROCV.Retorne todos os resultados com a PROCV e aprenda a criar um relatrio com filtro de datas.Aps dominar a PROCV, voc conhecer a poderosa combinao de Funes NDICE e CORRESP. Aprender tambm a criar imagens vinculadas, listas exclusivas e classificar listas automaticamente."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Word Fundamental - do Bsico ao Intermedirio" |
"O Microsoft Word um poderoso editor de textos. um software considerado de fcil entendimento, mas no se engane: a maioria das pessoas no conhece toda a gama de ferramentas que o programa oferece. No Curso de Word Fundamental, voc aprender as principias ferramentas para criar documentos profissionais, incluindo currculos, jornais, relatrios, circulares, panfletos, entre outros.Neste curso, voc vai conhecer todo o poder da criao, edio e formatao de documentos do Microsoft Word. Aprender a trabalhar com ilustraes, tabelas, listas, cabealho e rodap e muito mais."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de PowerPoint Fundamental - do Bsico ao Intermedirio" |
"O curso vai lhe ensinar a usar recursos que vo deixar suas apresentaes mais ricas e dinmicas, tais como: Imagens; SmartArts; Grficos; Tabelas e Hiperlinks. Voc tambm aprender como inserir vdeos na apresentao e como transformar os slides em vdeos.Aps a concluso do curso, o aluno estar capacitado a criar apresentaes usando o software PowerPoint. Conseguir apresentar suas ideias usando as principais ferramentas para elaborao de apresentaes. Usar elementos grficos, vdeos e trabalhar o layout e o design."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel Avanado Grficos - Meta, Previsto, Realizado" |
"O curso de Excel Avanado Grficos - Meta, Previsto, Realizado vai lhe ensinar a criar grficos incrveis. Voc aprender a criar o grfico certo de acordo com a mensagem que deseja passar. Com uma combinao da ferramenta Excel e os conceitos de visualizao de dados, voc criar grficos realmente profissionais.Voc aprender a combinar ferramentas do Excel para criar grficos de meta, previsto x realizado, grficos condicionais e grficos de fluxo de caixa."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Lessons from Sports Applied to Real Life" |
"This course is an exciting discovery into sports lessons that we learned as kids or as adults while having fun and playing. We cover lessons from sports like soccer, baseball, basketball, softball football, running, cycling and other sports. It is a fun way to think about how those sports can help us and motivate us in our lives today. The course is a great way to find out more about yourself and your accomplishments and how those accomplishments can help you in your life today. We also bring in important characteristics of sports and how those characteristics can be applied to a tough time or a tough moment that someone is experiencing.All in all, the course is about having fun and how sports and doing things we love can make our lives more meaningful and purposeful."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Video Game Design with Adobe Photoshop CC" |
"This course teaches students new to Photoshop how to use the program, while teaching the process of game design in the process. Students will learn the basic behind Photoshop and its short cuts. It's broken down into nearly a hundred videos, and will break down how to do all of the things in this course. If the idea of designing and creating artwork for video games, from environments to characters to UI is something you would enjoy doing, this course is for you. If you are not sure if you want to invest in Photoshop or are new to the program and would like to learn it in a fun and engaging way, this course is for you.It will take about 15 hours to fully complete this course.By the end of this course you will be able to work on larger and more difficult projects for Photoshop, whether it be graphic design, web design, game design, or even photo editing, or any number of those combined. Students will also be able to work in design studios and know what and how the process works generally. This course is aimed at teaching people new to Photoshop how to use the program, while teaching the process of game design. This course is also aimed at people who are curious to know what it is like to work at a design studio making artwork for games. If you are advanced at Photoshop, you are welcome to simply go through the course for the design portion of it.It is highly recommended that you have a USB Drawing Tablet to take this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Become a Blockchain Developer with Ethereum and Solidity" |
"February 2018UpdateWe released the first version of this course in September 2017. Back then, the latest version of Truffle was version 3, and the best Ethereum node emulator was testrpc, on the command line.Then, in November 2017, the Truffle team released both Truffle 4 and a new user interface for testrpc called Ganache. Those tools had a big impact on the development lifecycle, so we took this opportunity to completely rewrite and re-shoot the practical part of this course.We also took this opportunity to integrate most of the comments and feedbacks we got in the Q&A section of this course. So all the details you needed to troubleshoot issues are now part of the content.This results in a consequent update with quite a few improvements:Full Truffle 4 coverage, including Truffle debugand Truffle developFull Ganache coverageMetaMask workarounds, tips and tricksAll the content has been tested on MacOS, Linux and Windows (PowerShell)Code is not copy-pasted anymore, we type everything live to make it easier to follow alongNote that the old content will remain online for a few weeks, and then we will unpublish them so that students don't need to watch all the old content to complete the course and get the Udemy certificate.If you notice any issue, bug, outdated content,missing link or resource, please let us know in the Q&A section of this course.Welcome to ""Become a Blockchain Developer with Ethereum and Solidity""!This course is a complete introduction to decentralized application (Dapp) development on the Ethereum blockchain using the Solidity language and the Truffle build framework.No need to know anything about the blockchain, you should just have some basic software development experience. Whether you have already written some code for backend, web or mobile applications, it should be enough to become a blockchain developer thanks to this course.The blockchain is all the rage these days, and there is a lot of theoretical or anticipative talk around it, but this course will help you get your hands dirty with actual code in order to build your first decentralized application. This is the kind of skill that can get you an actual job as a blockchain developer, something that is in skyrocketing demand right now.Have you ever looked back on the nineties, thinking you would have loved to be a part of the web revolution. Well, stop dreaming: the blockchain is here and it promises to be even bigger than the web or even the mobile revolution.What wecoverWe briefly cover the philosophy of the blockchain, both as a crypto-currency system and as a development platformThen we will explain how blockchains work, what are their main components and how its ecosystem is structuredAfter that we quickly go over the main cryptographic tools you need to understandWe continue with a description of the perfect development environment, including tools that are used by most professional blockchain developersAnd the biggest part of the course is dedicated to guiding you through the iterativecreation, development, testing and deployment of the ChainList decentralized applicationThe tools we useEthereum of courseThe Metamask Chrome extensionThe Solidity smart contract languageThe Truffle build and test framework (Truffle 4)The Ganache Ethereum node emulatorGithub PagesAtom (text editor)The Rinkeby test networkWe deliberately don't reinvent the wheel or develop our own build tools because it didn't seem very pragmatic to do that. That's why we demonstrate the use of development tools like Truffle and Ganache that offer a lot of very powerful features, even though they evolve very often.Most of the videos were shot on a Mac, but we give detailed instructions on how to set up your environment on Linux and Windows, and all the other lessons have been tested and adaptedwith a few OS-specific instructions."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Manage Your Stress Energy" |
"BackgroundOccurrence of burn-outs"" and anxiety attacks is becoming more and more critical in developed countries as the number of people with such disorders is steadily increasing and have negative effects on their professional and personal lives, as well as on the lives of people around them. The World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Burden of Disease Survey estimates thatby the year 2020, stress-related mental health conditions including anxiety and depression will be highly prevalentand will besecond onlyto ischemic heart disease in the scope of disabilities experienced by sufferers. This program is designed to protect youfrom being part of thisstatistics by providing thetoolkit of essential stress management skills and clear instructions of how to makethem part of yourdaily routine. According to the extensive research performed by Canadian Institute of Stress there are five core stress management skills, which should, in the proper personalized mix, be in everyones wellness toolkit. However,many people who start with the wrong skill actually increase their stress levels. During this program, you will identify your dominant personalStress Type and will focus on developing only those skills, which proved to be most efficient in handling stress, so you will avoidwastingyour time on false starts. After this program you will: restore your productivity and efficiency levels. use stress as a powerful energy source to support high levels of health, performance and satisfaction. recognize your personal Early Warning Signs of your stress building up to an unhealthy or disruptive level. identify your unique Stress Type. develop the focus, the motivation and the staying power that are essential to break free from the stress cycle and create winner results. break free of wheel-spinning worry, distinguishing between those stressors, which actually can be changed vs. those that cant and develop a realistic plan for dealing with it. practice a powerful mind-body relaxation techniques for managing your on-the-spot stress and anxiety at a productive and healthy level. identify your main life and work satisfiers (elements, which makes your day joyful and fulfilled) and actively pursue them. identify your core values, goals, tolerations and unresolved matters. apply a simple yet powerful communications method for preventing or defusing conflict and misunderstandings. apply 8 golden rules of nutrition, which strengthens your bodys resilience. understand the importance of physical activities to stress management and identify number of needed to be spent in gym. develop individual action plan, which secures sustainable changes in your behavior. Why this program: It is an evidence based training program, so you will focus on developing skills, which have the most significant impact in managing stress energy. The program follows three vital stages of self-discovery, self-motivation and self-management, which makes your new skills sustainable in a long run. You will learn quick fixes, which will allow you to enjoy increased productivity and satisfaction already within first weeks of your enrollment. You will target the cause of your stress and not only theconsequences, such as burn-outs"", anxiety attacks or depressions. The program has a very clear road-map. You will access to the same training materials and content as if you were participating in full 2-day workshop. The program's outcome is genuinely personalized just for you."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Mesmerizing Belly Dance - Foundations 1" |
"It's time to discover the magic of Belly Dance!Belly dance is the sensual dance art form that women have enjoyed for thousands of years to discover and unleash their spirit. In this 2 1/2 houronline dance courseyou'll learn the basics of belly dancing while working every part of your body.... Yes - a side benefit of belly dance is how it naturally strengthens and tones our muscles and firms our curves.Mesmerizing Belly Dance - Foundations 1 is an excellent first online videocourse for beginners and any dancer who wishes to learn dance move isolations.In this first online dancecourse, Stephanie presents an accurate and detailed description of manybelly dancing moves and combinations as follows:Upper Body Belly Dance Moves:Horizontal Rib Slides R/L, and F/B, Chest Raise & Release, Horizontal Rib Box,Vertical Rib Box, Chest ""V's"", Horizontal Chest Figure 8's F/B,Vertical Chest Figure 8s up/down, and Snake ArmsLower Body Belly Dance Moves:Horizontal Hip Slides R/L and F/B, Pelvic Squares,Hip Twists, Hip Ups, and Pelvic Tilts,Horizontal Hip Figure 8 F/B, 4/4 Hip Shimmy, and theLoose Hip ShimmyBelly Dance Drills:7 different sets of drills designed to lock in your learningBelly DanceCombinations: 3 upper body belly dance combinations, 3 lower body belly dance combinations, and 2 challenge dance combinations that incorporate upper and lower body belly dance movesBelly DanceChoreography:Original choreography set to drum rhythms that will incorporate many of the moves learned throughout the coursePDF Resources:Several PDF resources documenting the moves, drill sets, combinations, tips,and final choreography.After watching this course, you will be able to...1. Know how to perform many basic belly dance moves2. Be able to dance through 6 different belly dance combinations, along with 2 challenge dance combinations3.Have at your fingertips several dance drills to continue your ongoing practice4. Be able to perform an original belly dance choreography that puts several of the moves together!When you are finished with this course, you will have a good comfort level with beginning belly dance moves and feel more energized knowing that you are abeautiful belly dancer!Now I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free previews for you to view at any time.Also, I offer you a 30-day money back guarantee. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO RISK AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN!Go ahead and click the ""Take this course now"" button and I will see you in the course. Thanks for enrolling!So what are you waiting for? Now is the perfect time to feel the power and magicof Belly Dance andgive yourself a superior workout with energy to spare!Your's sincerely,Stephanie Smith"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mesmerizing Belly Dance - Foundations 2" |
"Ready to step up your dance game?Mesmerizing Belly Dance - Foundations 2 is an amazing online dance coursethatwill challenge you with a ton ofnew belly dancemoves and combinations, 21 dance drill sets, and abrand new original bellydancechoreography -- a triple delight!This online dance course is the 2nd in the Mesmerizing Belly DanceFoundations series, and isdesigned to be challenging, exciting, and a little bit sexy! So get ready tounwind and play... this 4-1/2 hour onlinebellydance course will not only enhanceyour dance skills, but will increase your fitness endurance and give you an excellent workout!Here's the details about the new dance moves you will learn:Dance Positions: Hand movements (wrist circles, hand figure 8's, hand ripples), arm movements (5 classic ballet positions),leg positions (3 beautiful picture poses!), and feet positions (demi-point and releve)Traveling Dance Footwork:Side-Together-Side;Cross-tap, Continuous Crosses, Step-tap,and the Grapevine.Upper Body Belly Dance Moves: Horizontal Rib Circles, Vertical Rib Circles, Chest Arc, Undulation, Reverse Undulation,Shoulder Rolls, Shoulder Thrusts, Shoulder Shimmies, Chest Shimmies, Chest Drops, Chest Raise + 3 Drops, Waterfall Arms, and the Arm Trace.Lower Body Belly Dance Moves: Hip Circles, Ronde, Hip Crescentsforward, Hip Crescents backward, Pelvic Circle,Hip Lift, Hip Pivot, Egyptian Basic, and the3/4 Hip Shimmy - UpBelly DanceCombinations: 3 upper body belly dancecombinations plus 2 upper body belly dance challenge combinations, 3 lower body belly dance combinations, and2 challenge belly dance combinations that incorporate both upper and lower body belly dance moves!Dance Drills: 21 belly dancedrill sets will help lock in your learningsFun Belly Dance Choreography: Theoriginal bellydancechoreography at the very end is a little bit spicy andwillincorporate many of the dancemoves learned in this courseAfterwatching this course, you will be able to...1. Buildupon the foundations gained in the last course and be able to perform many morebelly dance moves2. Be able to dance through 6 different belly dance combinations, along with 2challenge dance combinations3. Feel comfortable with different hand, arm,leg, and feet positions and incorporate them into your dance4. Feel comfortable with some initial travelingdance footwork and incorporate them into your dance5. Have atyour fingertips 21 belly dance drills to continue your ongoing practice6. Be able to perform an original belly dance choreography that puts several ofthe moves together!When you arefinished with this course, you will have an increased level of confidence withyour belly dancing and a good deal of moves and drills to continue yourpractice. Remember that you have lifetime access to this course!Now I wantmy students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why Ihave uploaded multiple free previews for you to view at any time.Also, Ioffer you a 30-day money back guarantee. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO RISK ANDEVERYTHING TO GAIN!Go ahead and click the ""Take this coursenow"" button and I will see you in the course. Thanks for enrolling!So if you are looking for a great way to stayhealthyand make yourbellydance more fun, rev up the party and get movin' and groovin'with this amazing class!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Splunk Admin & Architect: Complete Tutorials + 30 Days Lab" |
"In this course we will be using Amazon AWS to build our Splunk Environment and has a bonus lecture you will learn how to build Splunk Environment within 60 Minutes on Cloud environments.This course is designed for complete beginners and experienced splunkers who are totally new or familiar to Splunk. As part of this course you will get free 30 days access to labs to practice your Splunk searches. This course will be able to give you a expert understanding of the Splunk and its products and the huge benefits of learning Splunk.Reviews By Students:...""I was a little apprehensive about purchasing a course when there is so much free information out there. This course is definitely worth the money for the effective approach and pace of learning Splunk from the technical side. It could save someone a lot of time."".........""One of the best well taught job so far I have taken.""......""Worth every penny !!! Great course!""....Are you ready the learn the number one Skill in IT as of Today?!!!Splunk is totally domain independent and least unemployment skill. It is reported from past two years (2015 and 2016) as one of the must have skill In IT industry and zero unemployment of people who hold this skill. Don't believe me? (Google it and check out opportunities on Linkedin). By learning Splunk you will be able to demand the packages,hikes and switch domains without need of domain expertise all you need is Splunk expertise.Get ready to become a IT Super Hero by learning Splunk.As part of purchasing this course along you will be eligible for 30 days Free lab access for practicing your Splunk searching by creating alerts reports and dashboards on AWS cloud of yessplunk instance."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Installation of Splunk Components" |
"In this course we will be using Amazon AWS to build our Splunk Environment and we will be on track to build Splunk Environment within 60 Minutes on Cloud environments.This course is designed for intermediate level of Splunkers and are familiar to Splunk basics. As part of complete course program including other Udemy Splunk courses by me you will get free 30 days access to labs to practice your searches. This course will be able to give you a expert understanding of the Splunk Installation and its products and the benefits of learning Splunk.Are you ready the learn the number one Skill in IT as of Today?!!!Splunk is totally domain independent and least unemployment skill. It is reported from past two years (2015 and 2016) as one of the must have skill In IT industry and zero unemployment of people who hold this skill. Don't believe me? (Google it and check out opportunities on Linkedin). By learning Splunk you will be able to demand the packages,hikes and switch domains without need of domain expertise all you need is Splunk expertise.Get ready to become a IT Super Hero by learning Splunk."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Splunk Knowledge Objects" |
"In this course we will be using Amazon AWS to build our Splunk Environment and we will be on track to build Splunk Environment within 60 Minutes on Cloud environments. This module will be dealing completely with splunk knowledge objects which includes tags, eventtypes, macros, reports, alerts and dashboards.. etcThis course is designed for intermediate level of Splunkers and are familiar to Splunk basics. As part of complete course program including other Udemy Splunk courses by me you will get free 30 days access to labs to practice your searches. This course will be able to give you a expert understanding of the Splunk Installation and its products and the benefits of learning Splunk.Are you ready the learn the number one Skill in IT as of Today?!!!Splunk is totally domain independent and least unemployment skill. It is reported from past two years (2015 and 2016) as one of the must have skill In IT industry and zero unemployment of people who hold this skill. Don't believe me? (Google it and check out opportunities on Linkedin). By learning Splunk you will be able to demand the packages,hikes and switch domains without need of domain expertise all you need is Splunk expertise.Get ready to become a IT Super Hero by learning Splunk."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Splunk Advanced Visualization" |
"In this course we will be using Amazon AWS to build our Splunk Environment and we will be on track to build Splunk Environment within 60 Minutes on Cloud environments. This module will be dealing completely with splunkdashboards and custom visualization of Apps and dashboards in Splunk. And also we will see how to import OOB dashboards in Splunk.This course is designed for intermediate level of Splunkers and are familiar to Splunk basics. As part of complete course program including other Udemy Splunk courses by me you will get free 30 days access to labs to practice your searches. This course will be able to give you a expert understanding of the Splunk Installation and its products and the benefits of learning Splunk.Are you ready the learn the number one Skill in IT as of Today?!!!Splunk is totally domain independent and least unemployment skill. It is reported from past two years (2015 and 2016) as one of the must have skill In IT industry and zero unemployment of people who hold this skill. Don't believe me? (Google it and check out opportunities on Linkedin). By learning Splunk you will be able to demand the packages,hikes and switch domains without need of domain expertise all you need is Splunk expertise.Get ready to become a IT Super Hero by learning Splunk."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Splunk Apps and Add on's: Create Your Own Splunk Application" |
"In this course we will be using Amazon AWS to build our Splunk Environment and we will be on track to build Splunk Environment within 60 Minutes on Cloud environments. This module will be dealing completely with splunk applications and add on's we will be creating some of own custom applications and add on's as part of this course.This course is designed for intermediate level of Splunkers and are familiar to Splunk basics. As part of complete course program including other Udemy Splunk courses by me you will get free 30 days access to labs to practice your searches. This course will be able to give you a expert understanding of the Splunk Installation and its products and the benefits of learning Splunk.Are you ready the learn the number one Skill in IT as of Today?!!!Splunk is totally domain independent and least unemployment skill. It is reported from past two years (2015 and 2016) as one of the must have skill In IT industry and zero unemployment of people who hold this skill. Don't believe me? (Google it and check out opportunities on Linkedin). By learning Splunk you will be able to demand the packages,hikes and switch domains without need of domain expertise all you need is Splunk expertise.Get ready to become a IT Super Hero by learning Splunk."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Splunk MultiSite Clustering Setup Under 60 Minutes on AWS" |
"In this course we will be using Amazon AWS to build our Splunk Environment and has a bonus lecture you will learn how to build Splunk Environment within 60 Minutes on Cloud environments.This course is designed for experienced splunkers who are totally familiar with Splunk. As part of this package course which is $149 you will get free 30 days access to labs to practice your searches. This course will be able to give you a expert understanding of the Splunk and its products and the huge benefits of learning Splunk.Are you ready the learn the number one Skill in IT as of Today?!!!Splunk is totally domain independent and least unemployment skill. It is reported from past two years (2015 and 2016) as one of the must have skill In IT industry and zero unemployment of people who hold this skill. Don't believe me? (Google it and check out opportunities on Linkedin). By learning Splunk you will be able to demand the packages,hikes and switch domains without need of domain expertise all you need is Splunk expertise.Get ready to become a IT Super Hero by learning Splunk."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Science of Happiness: The Happiness project" |
"Happy, fulfilled people are more successful, more effective, more productive at work, it pays to invest in Happiness.This Science of Happinesscourse is based on ideas from Positive Psychology and makes Science of Happiness personally relevant and applicable.We will do Happiness Audit together and proceed to createpersonal Happiness projects, good mix of theory and practice will empower you to use evidence based science to make your own life happier."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Rhino 3D tutorials v5 & v6 Beginner Level to Advanced Level" |
"I have been teaching Rhino for the last 6 years at the university at a Master's level for people interested in transportation and product design. I used Rhino for 20 years and also work as an industrial designer in the aerospace industry for one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world for the last 17 years.In the first couple of weeks I will show you step by step on how to get around in Rhino 3D and use basic 2D and 3D tools. From then on, I will share with you how you can edit and modify surfaces to add a greater level of details. As we progress through the lessons you will then learn on how to render with the basic Rhino render followed by quick examples using industry standard rendering plug ins like Maxwell Render. Finally towards the end of the course I will show you how to fix corrupted surfaces from imported files as well as initiating you to the principles of reverse engineering techniques based on a scanned clay model. Overall the course contains 10 weeks session. Each lecture are about 2 hours and 30 minutes long. I 'll also make many demos , simple to follow and understand. These exercises will be made available for you to follow.Even though my tutorials are done on the v5 version, those of you who wish to use V6 version will have no problems to follow along.Also don't forget to follow me on Facebook as well , as I regularly communicate to my students new exercises, announcements, and projects done with Rhino. Just look me up in Facebook for Rhino 3D tutorials Alexandre Galin.Whether you're an industrial designer, architect, interior designer, engineer , technician or simply a hobbyist, I can help you in your personal growth.So I hope you'll tag along.Thanks for your attention and kind regards,Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.Alexandre"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Rhino 3D V6 : Supermarine Spitfire Level 2" |
"In this third installment of Rhino 3D tutorials, you will expand your knowledge on freeform surfacing through a specific project. You will practice using the different surfacing, texturing and rendering tools using Rhino V6. Those of you who own a Rhino V5 license can easily follow as well.This video contains 50 lessons and explain step by step on how you can create a WW2 aircraft and become more proficient using Rhino 3D."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Paradigm Shift: Re-Train Your Brain for Success" |
"Takinginspiration from some of the greatest minds in personal development, my course, Paradigm Shift Re-train your brain for success, is for anyone who is looking to take their results to the next level. Whether it be your income, marriage, health, or even your career, if youre looking to make a dramatic change in your results, this course is for you.Most people have no idea that their habitual ways of thinking (their paradigms) are whats holding them back. My goal is to help you take control of your mind so you can reach your personal, financial, or business goals. Throughout the course, Im going to teach you what every person wants, how to understand your results, how to develop goals and change your paradigm. I know that sounds like a lot, but dont worry. I have broken down each section so it is easy to follow and understand. I have also provided a worksheet that allows you to practice what you learn and put it to use in your daily life. Over the past four years, I have learned the importance of understanding the mind. Bob Proctor, my mentor, was the inspiration for this course and using what I've learned I'm going to teach you time tested principles that will drastically change your results."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Connect With People in 90 Seconds" |
"In this course, I'll show you how to connect with people in 90 seconds or less using techniques that have helped me make connections across the world!Because if you're an entrepreneur, recruiter, or just want to expand your company's business, this course is for you.After starting my business career in a non-profit, I was tasked with creating business connections across my city. The only problem was...I didn't know how to connect!See, when I first started attending networking events, I was like a deer in the headlights; confused, dazed, and bound to get run over. It was only through practice and having a great mentor that I was able to start creating lasting business connections. Now, as an entrepreneur who has connections in over 50 countries, I am going to teach you what my mentor taught me and help you expand your business and make lasting connections! Here's a sample of what you'll learn inside:1.What business networking is2.The importance of business networking3.How to connect with people in 90 seconds or lessAnd much more...So if you're ready to make new connections, expand your business, and master networking events,just click the ""Buy Course""button and I'll see you inside.To your success,Jacob Lethbridge"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bestimme dein Leben selbst mit dem Gesetz der Anziehung" |
"Du lernst das Gesetz der Anziehung FRdich arbeiten zu lassen.Du kannst es auf alle Bereiche in deinem Leben anwenden, egal ob du deinen Traumpartner suchst, Geld in Hlle und Flle haben willst, in deinem Traumjob arbeiten willst oder gesund und fit leben willst. Das Gesetz der Anziehung liefert dir alles. ""Dein Wunsch ist mir Befehl!"", kennen wir ja Bereits aus Alladin und die Wunderlampe. Das Gesetz der Anziehung arbeitet genauso.Du lernst das Geheimnis kennen, das Gesetz der Anziehung zuknftig auf deiner Seite zu haben und mit den bungen auch recht schnell Erfolge zu erzielen.Auch wenn du dir nicht vorstellen kannst, wie das alles funktionieren soll, wirst du mit regelmigem ben auch erfolgreich beim Wunscherfllen sein.Du wirst der Powermagnet fr DEIN positives, gesundes und glckliches Leben.Wir legen mit diesem Kurs den Grundstein dazu."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Modern Auto Shopping: Drive Your Confidence" |
"Modern Auto Shoppings purpose is to save the average auto shoppers time, money and sanity by delivering a 90 minutecourse filled with evergreen content that would typically takemany of hours of researchto compile during the auto shopping journey.By taking this course you will drive your confidence, discover the Best Fit and the Best Dealfor your uniquevehicle needs.Modern Auto Shopping covers (7) smart steps that will remain relevant to the auto shopping experience as long as the existing new vehicle franchise model remains in place.Set BudgetNeeds AssessmentCreate ShortlistResearch IncentivesResearch DealersTest Drive and EvaluateNegotiate and DecideThis course is not designed to disparage auto retailers, but rather equip the average auto shopper with the knowledge needed to ensure a satisfying auto shopping experience. I truly believe a more educated consumer makes the process enjoyable for both theconsumer and retailer.Iveincluded evergreen content, that is; content that will remain relevant for years to come, and I mention a few dates but don't let that nor the publication date lead you to believe this course is outdated."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vectors: Basics of Mechanical Engineering" |
"This course will teach you what is a vector and a scalarquantity and how you can differentiate between the two.We will analyse the motion of vectorand see triangle and parallelogram law. We will talk about inertial and non-inertial frame and based on thathow to find the sum and difference of vector quantities."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator CC de Novato a Profesional en 70 clases" |
"Este curso ha sido creadoen base a mi propia experiencia como usuario Adobe desde hace ya ms de 8 aos.Por ello impartir las clases partiendo desde cero aplicando en cada una de ella ejemplos y ejercicios de forma clara y sencilla con la intencin de hacerte lo mas fcil posible la comprensin de cada uno de los temas tratados en cada una de las clases y con el fin de conseguir que a la conclusin del curso seas capaz de dominar Adobe Illustrator por completo.Partiendo desde lo mas bsicoiras adquiriendo conocimientos tan variados en cuanto a herramientas, formas, color, textos, efectos, etc. que una vez aprendidos y combinados entre si te ofrecern la posibilidad de llevar a cabo diseos tan complejos como tu creatividad te permita."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"React and Redux - Building a Production E-Commerce" |
"In this course we will build a production E-Commerce shop of mobile phones using React and Redux. This course is fully focused on fast and deep dive into creation of frontend part of real application with React and Redux without spending time on building css or implementing backend. We will start from scratch and step by step you will get close to finished real application. You will deeply understand how to structure your application, build reusable and understandable React component split code into smaller chunks of code. We will write code together in more functional way to make it pure and avoid data complexity.For each lesson you'll get source code is two states: before and after completing the lesson, so it's easy to see the progress and get a working app on any lesson you want. What you will learn in this course:Structure and configure projectWrite high quality code with React and Redux on real projectCreate reusable selectors and componentsDecouple API layer from actionsUse Ramda library for comfortable data transformationsGetting data from APIIf you are feeling like you learned React and Redux but you still can't use it effectively or build your own real application this course is what you need. This course is fully focused on creating the application without getting deep into basic knowledge of React and Redux!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |