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"Criar aplicativos com Ionic 3 e Laravel (PHP) com MongoDB" |
"O melhor framework de PHP atualmente em minha humilde opinio o Laravel! Eu j trabalhei com vrios frameworks de PHP, inclusive dei aulas de Zend 1 e Zend 2, porm quando eu descobri o Laravel percebi o quanto ele facilita a vida do Desenvolvedor PHP. Com Laravel voc consegue criar APIs REST com uma velocidade incrvel e ainda conectar-se com bases de dados tanto Relacionais, como NoSQL de uma maneira muito simples!Nesse curso vou abordarvrias coisas interessantes e ainda vamos consumir os servios criados em Laravel atravs do Ionic 3!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"In 30 Minuten schmerzfrei durch Selbsthilfebungen" |
"In 30 Minuten schmerzfrei durch Selbsthilfebungen Erlerne Selbsthilfebungen die jederzeit einfach und effizient anwendbar sind Fr wen ist dieser Online-Kurs erstellt? Fr alle Menschen, die Schmerzen durch Verspannungen haben. Diese gehren durch gezielte Griffe und Anwendungen der Vergangenheit an. Was bekommst du! Durch Kniffs und Tricks erlernst du die bungen zur Selbstanwendung und wendest diese ohne zustzliches Hilfsmittel, berall und jederzeit, wo du bist an. Video-Clips mit bungen! In verschiedenen Clips zeige ich dir genau den Ablauf und die wichtigsten Punkte. Zusatzunterlagen als PDF! In einem mehrseitigen PDF erhltst du den genauen Ablauf zu jeder bung mit Foto und Text. Professionelle Erfahrung! Alle meine Erfahrungen von unzhligen schmerzgeplagten Patienten, habe ich fr dich zusammengefasst. Direktkontakt bei Fragen!Wenn etwas unklar sein sollte oder du Fragen hast, kannst du dich gerne bei mir melden. Warum entstehen die Schmerzen! Durch eine Fehlstellung im Beckenbereich oder einer Beinlngendifferenz steht das Fundament des Krpers schief. Durch das viele Sitzen und wenig Bewegung wird dies gefrdert. Oft verspannen sich die Muskeln und lsen Schmerzen im Nervensystem aus. Es entstehen Spannungen im Gesss, Rcken und Nacken. Lsung! Mit diesen Selbsthilfebungen richtest du in 30 Minuten deine eigenen Gelenke und die Wirbel neu aus. Das Fazit ist Schmerzfreiheit. Ein lockeres und entspanntes Wohlgefhl tritt in wenigen Minuten ein. Dabei entlastest du die eigene Wirbelsule und Gelenke. Zahlreiche bungen! Durch die bungen werden deine Sprunggelenke, Kniegelenke, Hftgelenke, Beckenbereich mit dem Kreuzbein und mit dem Iliosakralgelenk (ISG), Lendenwirbel, Brustwirbel, Halswirbel, Kiefergelenk, Schultergelenke, Schlsselbeingelenke, Ellbogengelenke, Handgelenke und Fingergelenke neu ausrichtest. Anwendbar bei folgenden Schmerzbildern! - Muskelverspannungen - Schmerzen in Gelenken (Fuss, Knie, Hfte, Schulter, Ellbogen, Finger) - Schmerzen im Gesss (Ischias) (ISG) (Darmbein) - Schmerzen im Lendenbereich - Schmerzen im Rcken - Schmerzen in den Schultern - Schmerzen im Nacken - Kopfschmerzen jeglicher Art - Kieferschmerzen Bei allen Schmerzen die Muskulr durch Verspannung festzustellen sind. Informationen! Als Therapeut mache ich die Erfahrung, dass Patienten oftmals zulange warten, bis sie etwas unternehmen und in die Therapie oder zum Arzt gehen. Sie halten den Schmerz eine Zeit lang aus. Wenn es nicht mehr geht, qulen sie sich dann zu mir und erhoffen eine Besserung. Das muss nicht sein. Beim Akut-Fall oder auch prventiv knnen diese Selbsthilfebungen bedenkenlos angewendet werden. Wenn bei den Selbstbungen der Schmerz zunehmen sollte, suche bitte deinen Therapeuten oder Arzt auf. Dies passiert sehr selten, ist aber wichtig zu wissen. Danke fr das Bestellen meines Online-Kurses. Wir sehen uns ;-) "
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Within 30 minutes pain free through self-help exercises" |
"Within 30 minutes pain free through self-help exercisesLern self-help exercises that are easy and efficient to practiceWho can use this online course?For everyone who are experiencing pain through tension. Through specific hand grips and techniques, the pain will become a thing of the past.What are you getting?Through these special techniques and without additional aids you will learn how to do these exercises anywhere.Video clips with exercises!In various clips I will show you the different sequences and the most important points.PDF Files with additional Information!In a multi-page PDF you will receive the exact instructions for each exercise with picture and direction.Professional experience!I have documented all of my experiences from numerous of my patience who have been afflicted with pain, which I will share with you.Available for open questions!If something is unclear or you have questions, you can contact me directly.Why does pain happen?Due to a malposition in the pelvic obliquity or a leg length difference, the fundament of the body is slanted. By sitting a lot and having little movement it will contribute to this. The muscles often become tense and cause pain in the nervous system. There are tensions in the buttocks, back and in the neck.Solution!With these self-help exercises you will align your joints and vertebrae. The bottom line is pain free living. After only a few minutes you will experience ease and relaxation. This will relieve your spine and joints.A variety of exercises!Through these exercises you will align your ankle joint, knee joint, hip joint, pelvic-area with the sacral bone and with the sacroiliac joint, lumbar vertebra, thoracic vertebra, cervical vertebra, jaw joint, shoulder joint, clavicle joint, elbow joint, wrist joint and finger joint.These exercises are useful if you have the following pains!- muscle tension- joint pain (foot, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, finger)- buttocks pain (sacroiliac) (SIJ) (iliac bone)- pain in the lumbar area- back pain- shoulder pain- neck pain- all kinds of headache- jaw bone painUse these exercises if you have muscular tension.Information!As a therapist, I experience that patients often wait too long for them to do something and undertake therapy or visit a doctor. They bare the pain for a while. When they cant endure the pain any longer, then they take an uneasy step and consult me, hoping for an improvement. This doesn't have to be.In an acute case or even preventative, these self-help exercises can be practiced without hesitation. If the pain should increase during the self-exercises, please consult your therapist or doctor. This happens very seldom but it is good and important to know.Thank you for ordering my online-course.See you;-)"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"En 30 minutes libre de douleurs par l'auto-pratique" |
"Description du coursEn 30 minutes libres de douleurs par leffort personnelApprend des efforts personnels qui sont chaque moment faciles et efficacesPour qui sont faits ces cours On-line?Pour toutes les personnes qui souffrent de tensions articulaires suite de mauvais mouvements ou postures du pass.Que reoit-tu!De fil en aiguille tu apprends les exercices pratiquer soi-mme sans moyen daide supplmentaire, partout o tu es.Video-clips avec exercices!Dans divers clips, je te montre exactement la procdure, et les points importants.Documents supplmentaires en PDF!Dans un dossier PDF de plusieurs pages tu peux voir le droulement exact de chaque exercice comment avec photos et texte.Experience professionelle!Jai aussi numr toutes les expriences sur dinnombrables patients qui sont dans la tourmente de la douleur.Demander un contact direct!Si quelque chose n'est pas clair ou si vous avez des questions, n'hsitez pas me contacter.Pourquoi ces douleurs!Par un mauvais positionnement de la rgion du bassin, ou une diffrence de longueur des jambes, toute la fondation du corps est oblique. Par le fait dtre souvent et longtemps assis, de faire peut de mouvement, le processus peux sacclrer. Souvent les muscles se tendent et dclenchent des douleurs dans le systme nerveux. Des tensions sont prsentent dans les fesses, le dos et la nuque. Solution!Avec ces efforts personnels et la thrapie douce des vertbres tu aligne nouveau en peu de temps tes articulations et vertbres correctement. Le rsultat est dtre libr de tout mal. Un sentiment de bien-tre se produit en trs peu de temps.Nombreux exercices!Par ces exercices, les ligaments, les articulations (du genou, des hanches, du bassin avec le sacrum et lIlliosacral), les vertbres (lombaires, dorsales, cervicales), les articulations (du menton, de lpaule, de la clavicule, du coude, des mains, des doigts) seront nouveau redresss.Ces exercices personnels peuvent tres pratiqus pour les douleurs suivantes!- Tension des muscles- Douleurs aux articulations (pied, genou, hanche, paule, coude, doigts)- Douleurs aux fesses(Ischias) (ISG) (coccyx)- Douleurs aux lombaires- Douleurs dans le dos- Douleurs lpaule- Douleurs la nuque- Toutes sortes de maux de ttes- Douleurs au menton- Toutes les douleurs musculaires sujettes tensionInformations!Mon exprience commethrapeute ma dmontr que beaucoup de patients attendent trop longtemps avant dentreprendre une thrapie ou de voir un mdecin. Ils supportent les douleurs un certain temps, lorsque cela ne va plus, ils viennent dans la tourmente chez moi et espre une amlioration.Cela ne doit pas tre, en cas extrme (douleurs aigues) et mme prventivement, les exercices personnels peuvent tre appliqus sans hsitation. Si les maux persistent malgr lauto-thrapie, il est conseill daller voir ton mdecin ou thrapeute. Cela narrive que rarement, mais il est important de le savoir.Merci davoir command mes cours On-lineNous nous reverrons"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Complete Certificate Authority (ADCS) Server 2016 Course" |
"Most employers want Network professionals who have complete knowledge of Digital network security including the practical know-how due to the increasingcyber-attack in recent times. Computer Security Personnel or Security Specialist earn an average of $76,667 per year. Digital network security knowledge is a must requirement.Undertaking this boot-camp will equip you with the following knowledge; Build a secured domain network issuing digital certificate to all users Build a secured domain network issuing digital certificate to all computers Configure Key Recovery Agent to recover lost certificate keys Build an Offline Root Certificate Authority for any Enterprise network Build a Subordinate Certificate Authority for any Enterprise network Configure Certificate Web Enrollment Service for any Enterprise network Configure Certificate Web Enrollment Policy for any Enterprise network Configure Network Device Enrollment Service for any Enterprise network"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mastering ADRMS Windows Server 2012 Bootcamp Course" |
"Most employers want Network professionals who have complete knowledge of Data access rights managementincluding the practical know-how due to the increasingcyber-attack in recent times.Computer Security Personnel or Security Specialist earn an average of $76,667 per year. Data access rights management knowledge is a must requirement.Undertaking this boot-camp will equip you with the following knowledge;Building a Rights Management Server for any Enterprise networksConfiguringRMS Policy templates for usersConfigure User accounts to Restrict documents"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Create an Automated Invoice or Receipt - Excel 2016" |
"Getting an automated invoice or receipt is a lot easier with Microsoft Excel. You dont have to be a guru in Excel, all you need to do is buy this courseThe Course will also show us how to automatically generate our totals and further calculation.ContentsIntroductionPart 1 Shows how to style your Invoice or ReceiptPart 2 Shows how to Add the Totals for our Price, Cost and Tax CellsPart 3 Shows How to Automatically generate the Invoice or Receipt No., also how how the prints out is done including how to save your invoicePart 4 Shows how to add Print button into our excel sheet"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo encontrar trabajo en Alemania" |
"""Cmo encontrar trabajo en Alemania"" comprime todos los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de cinco aos viviendo y trabajando en Alemania en una hora de material audiovisual. El curso se divide en diferentes apartados:1) Informacin bsica2) Formas de encontrar trabajo3) Documentos necesarios4) La entrevista5) Vivir en AlemaniaEl curso incluye documentos propios clave para la bsqueda de empleo (currculum, carta personal...), as como enlaces externos a portales gratuitos de bsqueda de trabajo."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn the basics of Catalan in 10 lessons" |
"In this course you can start learning Catalan from scratch or refresh it if you have learned it long ago and you have forgotten a lot. The course is divided in two:1)The first part is very basic and it advances slow, so that you can learn the very basics. 2)The second part has a faster speed. It aims to give you a basic overview of the Catalan language to help you become an autodidact learner. If you want to make the most of this course, it is very important for you to use the extra material. Every lesson includes autocorrective PDFmaterial, and some lessons also include a quiz or extra audio material. Some learners might need repeating some parts of the course, others might advance faster. This depends on several factors, such as your start level, the other languages that you speak or the type of learner you are. I wish you a lot of fun with this course! If you have any questions, just send me a message!Laura"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Continuous Integration concepts and tools" |
"Continuous Integration is becoming the de-facto standard in the software development process.This course will explain the continuous integration concepts and provide an overview of the tools that are used in setting up a continuous integration process.It will also feature hands-on technical basics for a selected number of tools and provide hands-on training on how to combine these tools for setting up your continuous integration process.During this course we will do a technical overview of some continuous integration tools such as: git, maven, jenkins, Docker and Selenium.We will build together a continuous integration pipeline using thesetools on a sample web application."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Perfect English! Phrases for Better English Speaking" |
"Are you tired of studying the same old expressions over and over again? Frustrated with phrasal verbs? Worried that you will sound foolish by using idioms? If so, then Advanced English Conversation is the course for you!In this course, we will study common everyday language that every native speakers uses but no traditional English class ever talks about. Sometimes these are very simple two word expressions, other times, this is a highly complex structure which many non-native speakers have never heard or nor understand!Here's how it works:At the beginning of each lesson, I will introduce the topic. Then, you will watch two animated conversations that contain the lesson's target language.The first time you see it, it will be fast and hard to understand.The second time, it will be much slower and with the target language highlighted.Then, after a few comprehension questions, I will begin the main lecture that has text, graphics, and visual reminders.After that, there is some guided practice. This is where I present you with an exercise and give you a little time to do it on your own before we then do it together.Next, there is the vocab builder section...although it's usually phrases instead of just single words.Then, there is some more guided practice and my final thoughts.When you have finished all of that, there is some simple homework to complete which you can then send to me to be checked.Simply put, if your English has stopped improving and you are desperate to sound like a native speaker, then this course is definitely for you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Animation in a day." |
"Step by step instruction and guidance to create animations. Free software download options. All tools available in the software are explained for their use and utility. Suitable examples are provided. Even a complete novice will be able to learn very comfortably. Animation revolutionizes the way you communicate. Let it be any field ... education, entertainment , web or TV."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 60 Minute Life Changing Morning Routine" |
"For yearsI've listened to, studied, and meet with some ofthe most successful people in the world and learned what they do for their daily habits and their Morning Routine.Through trial and error I have tested and found out what pieces of their Morning Routines have the greatestimpact. I've taken only the best parts from all these Morning Routines and have created a simplified routine that you can do every morning in an hour or less to help you accomplish more and feel great about your day.I've spent years perfecting this Morning Routine for myself and now I'm ready to share it. I truly believe this Morning Routine can help you accomplish more, become happier, andchange your life like it has for me.Thank you for taking an interest in mycourse. I look forward to helping you achieve everything and become anything."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Meteor.js" |
"Meteor JS is a Javascript framework that makes it easy to build modern, high quality, realtime mobile and web apps, entirely in JavaScript from one code base.In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of MeteorJS and along the way you'll be learning it by creating a real-time web application using the MeteorJS framework.This course is designed to take you through the process of developing a web application in Meteor using JavaScript and deploying that application to a real production system.Well start off by learning about Meteor and learning about the technologies that it uses.Then, well create web application using Meteor, and along the way well cover some of the code concepts of Meteor needed to create a basic application.After that well expand our application and get into more advanced concepts of the platform that really allows us to utilize the power of Meteor."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
manamana |
"I can speak English."
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
bahasatiga |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
555phrases |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
Mockito |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du alle Features des Mockito Frameworks sowiedie Hintegrnde und Konzepte. Der Kurs ist darauf ausgerichtet, dass du sofort einen schnellen Einstieg hastund dichSchritt fr Schritt verbesserst. Am Ende jedes Abschnitts gibt es bungen, um dein Wissen zu prfen. Du solltest Grundkenntnisse in der Java Programmierung mitbringen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Professionelle Restful APIs mit Java und Spring Boot 2" |
"Um kosteneffizient und ber mehrere Teams verteilt arbeiten zu knnen, teilen wir Software in immer mehr Module auf und vernetzen sie dann ber Schnittstellen. Sobald ein unsicheres Netzwerk wie das Internet ins Spiel kommt, stehen wir vor einer besonderen Herausforderung. Hier haben sich Restful Service Schnittstellen (APIs) bewhrt.In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie man RestfulAPIs mit Hilfe des Frameworks Spring Boot entwickelt.Sowohl die Implementierung als auch das Hintergrund- und Architekturwissen werden dir in diesem Kurs vermittelt."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"A Beginner's Guide To Modes On The Guitar" |
"Modes have often been ""scary"" subject matter for many of my students over the years. This is mostly attributed to it repeatedly being taughtin a theoretical manner with little application and context. This can leave students and would be learners stumped, intimidated and often unmotivated.My course is all about creating an understanding of ""hearing"" the mode and the ""mood"" that is created when you hear it.It mayeven help you with the kinds ofmoods you are trying to convey in your compositions.In this course we'll cover the 7 modes as 1 octave scales, to covering the whole fretboard, as well as creating lead licks and understanding modal chord progressions."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PMP Online Course" |
"The Project Management Professional (PMP) is the most important industry-recognized certification for project managers.You can find PMPs leading projects in nearly every country and, unlike other certifications that focus on a particular geography or domain, the PMP is truly global. As a PMP, you can work in virtually any industry, with any methodology and in any location.The PMP can also provide a significant advantage when it comes to salary and earning potential. Among survey respondents to PMI's Earning Power Salary Survey, those with a PMP certification garner a higher salary (20% higher on average) than those without a PMP certification.Employers benefit as well. When more than one-third of their project managers are PMP-certified, organizations complete more of their projects on time, on budget and meeting original goals. (Pulse of the Profession study, PMI, 2015.)The PMP signifies that you speak and understand the global language of project management and connects you to a community of professionals, organizations and experts worldwide. Become a PMP and become a project hero."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Legendary Course - Become a Hearthstone Legend!" |
"Welcome to The Legendary Course! We'rehere to help you reach new heights in your favorite game - Hearthstone!We're here to help both new and advanced players reach new heights. This course has been lovingly createdto grant out students a deeper understanding of the game's core concepts and principles, help buildawareness of various in-game situations and make correct plays based on it.2.5 hours of content, over 60 exercises(and more coning soon!), great feedback from players and coaches alike. You won't find a better all-in-one educational Hearthstone course/guideon the whole web!The course has been created in cooperation with Asmodeus, a professional Hearthsone coach. For private coaching and more info about the author, visit Asmodeus' instructor page!Complete the Legendary Course, and become a true Hearthstone Legend!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creating The Drop in 1 hour: Stay by Zedd & Alessia Cara" |
"This CScales course will cover the composition, sound design, and overall fundamental production for the dropofStay byZedd and Alessia Cara. The goal is to make music production less confusing and more an intuition so students will be able to make their own original music fast and efficiently.Instead of just focusing on teaching you how to turn knobs and adjustlevels, we'll be teaching you the whys: the decisions and reasoning behind the production. By re-creating the dropofStayyou will learn:How to use FL Studio, a powerful DAW used by many mainstream artistsHow to create a dropfrom scratch.How to designsoundsintuitively.The secret to making compositions instead of 8 bar loopsHow to produce in a way that is easy to understand, creating a REALprojectWe make music simple. You will walk away with skills and confidence of how to work with FL Studioandcreate your first drop. It doesnt require any musicalexperiences at all. Just learn and have fun!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sound Design + Arrangement: The Mainstream Top 40 Case Study" |
"ThisCScalescourse will cover the sound design and arrangementof 4Mainstream Top 40 songs from different genres and years.The goal is to make sound design easier to understand in the context of a song's composition. We will be covering design in a way that is abstract and easy to replicate. Students will be able to learn the sound design concepts and re-create their own unique songs in relation to their own.By re-creating the sounds and understanding the composition of top 40 songsyou will learn:How to use Harmor and Sytrus, two of the most power synthesizers Native to FL StudioHow to create sounds using Additive, Subtractice, and FM synthesis.How to designsoundsintuitively.Exercises that teach you fundamentals of sound designUnderstand basic song arrangementHow to produce in a way that is easy to understand, creatingREALsoundsWe make music simple. You will walk away with skills and confidence of how to work with FL Studioand create your own sounds. It doesnt require any musicalexperiences at all. Just learn and have fun!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Fl Studio Music Production Deconstructed: Bruno Mars (2018)" |
"ThisCScalescourse will cover the overall core production techniques for theMainstream Top 40 song, That's What I Like by Bruno Mars.The goal is to make music production easier to understand and get you producing at a higher level. We will be covering design in a way that is abstract and easy to replicate. Students will be able to learn production concepts and apply skills learned on their own songs.By re-creating and understanding the production of That's What ILike by Bruno Mars,you will learn:How to make sound design decisions on a Grammy winning trackUnderstand fundamental music theory and composition techniquesUnderstand the core thought process of mixing and mastering a trackUnderstand song arrangement and energy progressions in a trackHow to produce in a way that is easy to understand, creating full length musical ideasWe make music simple. You will walk away with skills and confidence of how to work with FL Studioand create your own full track."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Music Production in FL Studio - The Production Fundamentals" |
"In this CScales course were going to be showing you the comprehensive guide to all the basic fundamentals of music production. First we take a look at FL Studio and its important settings and workflow options that are essential for production. Then we cover the music production foundations and show you how to understand the major parts of Image and Core. By the end of this course, youll have a solid understanding of the parts of the production to help build your production process. By understanding the fundamentals of music production,you will learn:The essential workflow and settings of FL Studio Understand fundamental music theory and how it applies in compositionUnderstand the core thought process of mixing and masteringUnderstand song arrangement and energy progressions in a trackHow to create and design sounds for a productionLearn the how image ultimately defines your productionWe make music simple. You will walk away with skills and confidence of how to work with FL Studioand create your own process."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Low Sodium Cooking Secrets! Attack Sodium in Recipes!" |
"Learn Tips & Tricks that will help to significantly lower your sodium intake! This course provides information on where sodium hides, how to create low sodium spices for your favorite meals, and which snacks are naturally low in sodium!!Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with a condition that requires lowering sodium levels? Have you struggled to understand how to cook low sodium meals? Have you tried to lower your sodium levels only to see small changes instead of the big drops you had hoped for? Do you feel like there is too much information on the internet about sodium, but not the information you need to create a good meal plan? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place! In this course, I'll provide the basics you'll need to create delicious low sodium meals and a few recipes to get you started. This course will provide the information you need to start your journey to becoming a low sodium chef! Judy, The Sodium Attacker, is always looking for ways to reduce sodium and keep the flavor!. You will become the sodium attacker for your family.Upon completion of this course, you will learn:Where sodium hidesHow water softeners affect sodium intakeSodium levels in salt varietiesWhy it is critical to read food labels, and what you can learnItems that should be banished from your kitchenWhich spices, snacks, baking ingredients, canned foods, and condiments are low sodium, and where to purchase themWhich restaurants include sodium mg. details in the meal nutrition factsLow sodium cooking DOES NOT have to be blandWhere to purchase Low Sodium Cheddar Cheese - 24 mg per weighed ounce - very close to 1/2 cup finely shreddedRecipes for Spice & Dry Mix Replacements:Pork Chop Rub (2 mg. 1 teaspoon)Chili Powder (5 mg. 1 Tablespoon) vs. store brand = 240 mg.Ranch Dressing & Dip Mix (3 mg. 8 teaspoons) Onion Soup Mix (3 mg. 1 Tablespoon) vs. Lipton = 610 mg.Low Sodium Sour Cream Dressing and Dip - Less than 5 mg sodium per tablespoonRecipes for meals:Chili (40 - 45 mg. 1 cup)Mediterranean Salsa (5 mg. 1/2 cup) Mexican Salsa (36 mg. 1/2 cup) vs. store brand = 660 mg. Beef Broth (10 mg. 1 1/2 cups) vs. store brand = 160 mg.Aus Jus (33 mg. per cup) vs. McCormick's = 3600 mg.Alfredo Sauce (125 mg. 1/2 cup) Classic Alfredo = 820 mg.Basis for Cream Soup - Add your favorite low sodium vegetables or meats (83 mg. 1 1/2 cups - before additions)Sisters Roasted Potatoes (0 mg. You choose serving size!) Low Sodium Phili Cheese Steak Sandwich RecipeJoin me to learn how to manage your sodium, and create low sodium meals your family will love!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn Low Sodium Cooking Tips & Recipes for Breakfasts!" |
"Learn how to make your favorite breakfast foods AND stick to your low sodium diet! If you thought you'd never eat bacon, sausage, chorizo, pancakes, and biscuits again... this course is for you!!Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with a condition that requires lowering sodium levels? Have you struggled to cook delicious low sodium breakfast meals? Have you tried to lower your sodium levels only to see small changes instead of the big drops you had hoped for? Do you feel like there is too much information on the internet about sodium, but not the information you need to create a good meal plan? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place! In this course, I'll provide the basics you'll need to create delicious low sodium breakfasts and a few recipes to get you started. This course will provide the information you need to start your journey to becoming a low sodium chef! Judy, The Sodium Attacker, is always looking for ways to reduce sodium and keep the flavor!. You will become the sodium attacker for your family.Upon completion of this course, you will learn:Recipes and tips to create delicious low sodium breakfast mealsWhy it is critical to read food labels, and what you can learnItems that should be banished from your kitchenWhere to purchase low sodium replacements (5-page list included!)Low sodium cooking DOES NOT have to be blandYou can enjoy no sodium or low sodium syrups for your pancakes and French toastRecipes for breakfast:Recipe for low sodium Bacon at 155 mg per POUND - lowest at my store has 1440 mg per poundRecipe for low sodium Biscuits at 7.5 mg per biscuitRecipe for low sodium Chicken Fried Steak - less than 77 mg for 4 ouncesRecipe for low sodium Chorizo (spicy & mild) - 65 mg to 70 mg sodium per 4 ouncesRecipe for low sodium Chili Powder (homemade) - less than 5 mg per Tablespoon - store bought has 240 mgRecipe for low sodium Pancakes - Less than 15 mg sodium per pancakeRecipe for low sodium Pork Sausage has 65 mg sodium per 4 ouncesRecipe for low sodium Quiche - 85 to 114 mg per serving, depending on how hungry you are.Can add bacon, sausage, or chorizoZero sodium Pie Crust recipe for QuicheZero sodium per serving Granola Bars - Soft or Crunchy - Better tasting than store bought! Recipe for Eggs In A Nest - 70 mg for the egg plus what is in your bread choice Recipe for Low Sodium Steak and EggsJoin me to learn how to manage your sodium, and create low sodium breakfasts your family will love!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Cook Low Sodium Meals with Your Air Fryer!" |
"Cooking with an Air Fryer is Fun!!!This course will teach you how to use your Air Fryer to cook low sodium meals your entire family will love!! Find out what pans can be used in an Air Fryer.I created this course for people just like you. Why?Because when my husband was diagnosed with congestive heart disease I was DESPERATEfor an answer to ""How can Icook for him?"". After months of research, tweaking recipes with low-sodium ingredients, and testing the results on my family (some great... some not so great) Ihave a enough heart healthy, low sodium recipes to fill a cook book!!I'm so excited to share what I've learned with you!!My goal is to make your journey to cooking low sodium easier, and to provide you with heart healthy recipes that will be your family's new favorites!In this course, l provide the recipes you'll need to create delicious low sodium air fry food, and the information to start your journey to becoming a low sodiumchef for your family and friends!I'm Judy, The Sodium Attacker, and I'm always looking for ways to reduce sodium and keep the flavor! Iam constantly testing new recipes for my family, and I add them to my existing courses when they pass the family taste test. YOU will become the sodium attacker for your family!Enroll today to receive immediate help in lowering the sodium for your family, while keeping the flavor!For those of you who like to know the details of what this course provides... please see the sodium counts of all of the recipes in this course below:Not all Air Fryers are equalDifferencebetween oil sprayersWhy it is critical to read food labels, and what you can learnItems that should be banished from your kitchenLow Sodium kitchen necessities, and where to purchase themSpices, fryingingredients,and some condiments thatare low sodiumHow to Air Fry entrees & side dishes(some have 2 downloadablerecipes)How to have great tasting, low sodium meals that promote heart healthLow sodium cooking DOESNOThave to be blandRecipes for Dry Mix Replacement.Ranch Dressing &Dip Mix ( has less than 3 mg sodium per Tablespoon) Onion Soup Mix (3 mg. 1 Tablespoon) vs. Lipton = 610 mg.Recipes for Air Fryer entrees and sides:Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fryied Cauliflower (5.65 MG per floret)Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Fried Chicken (61 MG per 4 ounces)Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Egg Plant (98 MG per 1 1/4 pound)Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fried French Fries - Russet (0 sodium per potato)Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Green Bean Straws (2.88 per green been straw)Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Hash Browns- Russet (0 sodium per potato)Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Mushrooms (5.53 MG per whole mushroom)Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Okra (120 MG per 13 ounces) it's a whole lot of okraRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Onion Rings (79MG per 24 rings - 1 medium onion) 3.3eachRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries (72 per 1 medium potato)Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Vegetables - not battered - no sodium added - only has what comes naturally in themRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Zucchini Rounds (71 MG per 20 Rounds)Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Steak Fries - ZERO sodium - Make them as spicy as you likeRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Pickles - Panko 83 mg sodium for 21 slices (3.96 mg each slice)Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Pickles - 4C Bread Crumbs 56 mg for 21 slices (2.67 mg per slice)Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Bell Peppers - 4C Bread CrumbsRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Bell Peppers - PankoRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Bell Peppers - Cracker MealRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Roasted Corn on the Cob - 1 mg sodium or no sodium - depends on site you look at.Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Biscuits- Whole batch 90 mg sodium. I get 12 or 13 biscuits.Join me to learn how tocreate low-sodium Air Fryer entrees your family will love!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Create Low Sodium Spices-Condiments-Sauces-Mixes" |
"Enroll today for tips that will help to significantly lower your daily sodium intake! This course provides information on where sodium hides, how to create low sodium ingredients needed to prepare your favorite meals, and how to spice up entrees!! It provides lectures, recipes, tips, and descriptions to help you along your low sodium journey.Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with a condition (my husband has Congestive Heart Failure or CHF) that requires lowering sodium levels? Have you struggled to understand how to cook low sodium meals? Have you tried to lower your sodium levels only to see small changes instead of the big drops you had hoped for? Do you feel like there is too much information on the internet about sodium, but not the information you need to create a good meal plan? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place! In this course, I'll provide the information you'll need to create delicious low sodium spices, condiments, sauces, and mixes, and some recipes to get you started. This course will provide the information you need to start your journey to becoming a low sodium chef for your family or when entertaining a group of friends! Judy, The Sodium Attacker, is always looking for ways to reduce sodium and keep the flavor! You will become the sodium attacker for your family. Enroll today to receive immediate help in lowering the sodium for your loved ones!Upon completion of this course, you will learn:Where sodium hidesWhy it is critical to read food labels, and what you can learnThe importance of knowing sodium content of every ingredient in every recipeHow to prepare some low sodium Entrees, Dips, and AppetizersWhat low sodium goodies we can dip in the dipsLow sodium cooking DOES NOT have to be blandWhere to buy no sodium or low sodium spicesItems to banish from your kitchenThere are a lot of low sodium items we can cook withHow to keep (and add to) the flavor while substantially reducing sodium in food Low Sodium Recipes and Lectures:Recipe for low sodium Pico De Gallo and Cooked Salsa - 11 to 17 mg for 1 1/4 to 1 3/4 cupStore bought has 300 mg to 960 mg per cupRecipe for low sodium Au Jus and French Dip Sandwiches - Au Jus has only 33 mg sodium for 4 cupsMcCormick Au Jus package has over 3000 mg sodium for 3 cupsRecipe for very low sodium Baked Tortilla Chips - 30 mg sodium for 96 (6 ounces) chipsStore bought ranges from 105 to 200 mg PER OUNCERecipe for almost no sodium Beef Broth - 10 mg sodium for 1 1/2 cupsStore bought low sodium beef broth has 440 mg sodium PER CUPRecipe for low Sodium Chili Powder Blend has less than 5 mg sodium per TablespoonMcCormick chili powder has 240 mg per TablespoonRecipe for low Sodium Guacamole - Dip or Garnish - 15 mg sodium per 1 1/4 cupStore bought goes up to 840 mg PER CUPRecipe for low Sodium Onion Soup Mix - Has less than 3 mg sodium per tablespoonLipton Onion Soup Mix has 610 mg sodium PER TABLESPOONRecipe for low Sodium Marinara Sauce - Sooo Good!! 43 mg sodium per cupStore bought - 72- to 980 mg sodium PER CUPRecipe for low sodium Sweet and Sour Sauce - Less than 5 mg per tablespoon.Store bought - lowest at my store has 60 mg sodiumRecipe for low sodium pork Chop Rub - 4 mg for 8 teaspoons - Only need to use a sprinkle on each side of the chopIncludes what to look for on the nutrition label - some chops are packed in saltRecipe for low Sodium Ranch Dip and Salad Dressing Mix - 3.25 for per tablespoon - Dip is less than 20 mg -Dressing less than 21 per tablespoonStore bought ranch dip 135 mg and ranch dressing from 120 to 145 mg sodium per tablespoonRecipe for my newest and I think best Ranch Dip and Salad Dressing. Only 14 mg sodium per Tablespoon. Recipe for low sodium & very low sodium Potato Chips - Add spice of your choiceRecipe for low Sodium Sour Cream Jalapeno Dip - 42 mg sodium for a little over 1/2 cupStore bought goes up to 840 mg for 1/2 cupRecipe for low sodium mayonnaise - We can decrease sodium from 70 mg per tablespoon to less than 49. For mayonnaise lovers - it can make a substantial difference in daily sodium count.Recipe for low Sodium Garden Dip and Salad Dressing - You choose from the list of vegies - Your vegie choice will determine total sodiumRecipe for low sodium Sour Cream Salad Dressing and Dip - Less than 5 mg sodium per tablespoonLots of flavor, easy and quick to make, and wonderful to eatRecipe for low Sodium Steak and Burger Rub - 7.5 mg sodium for 3 Tablespoons- Sprinkle a little on both sides of a burger & cookSprinkle on steak, rub it in, and let it sit for several hours - Great on the grillRecipe for Low Sodium Taco Seasoning Mix - Less than 40 mg sodium for 20 teaspoons - Mrs. Dash has zero sodium, but not my favorite.Old El Paso has 1920 & McCormick 30% less sodium has 1500 mg sodiumRecipe for Low Sodium Pizza Sauce - less than 25 mg per 1/4 cupStore bought from 200 to 320 for 1/4 cupRecipe for Low Sodium Medium Spicy Pork Sausage - 67 mg sodium per 4 ouncesStore bought 620 per 4 ouncesRecipe for Low Sodium Zuchinni Appetizer or Side DishLow sodium goodies to dip in our low sodium dipsList of items to choose fromRecipe for Roasted Green Chilis - ZERO SODIUM - Canned has 480 mg per 1/2 cupLow Sodium Lecture only - Can we buy no sodium spices - Yes we can. Check out the lecture.Lecture on how to add crunch to your food, and reduce the sodium substantially Recipe for Mexican Seasoning. Pure flavor with no thickeners. 6 Tablespoons has 19 mg sodium."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Make Delicious Heart Healthy Desserts Low Sodium Desserts" |
"Are you struggling to find ways to cook low sodium Desserts to serve your family? If you answered yes, then this is the course for you!I created this course for people just like you. Why? Because when my husband was diagnosed with congestive heart disease I was DESPERATE for an answer to ""How can I cook for him?"". After months of research, tweaking recipes with low-sodium ingredients, and testing the results on my family (some great... some not so great) I have a enough heart healthy, low sodium recipes to fill a cook book!!I'm so excited to share what I've learned with you!! My goal is to make your journey to cooking low sodium easier, and to provide you with recipes that will be your family's new favorites!In this course, l provide the recipes you'll need to create delicious low sodium desserts, and the information to start your journey to becoming a low sodium chef for your family and friends! I'm Judy, The Sodium Attacker, and I'm always looking for ways to reduce sodium and keep the flavor! I am constantly testing new recipes for my family, and I add them to my existing courses when they pass the family taste test. YOU will become the sodium attacker for your family!Enroll today to receive immediate help in lowering the sodium for your loved ones!Upon completion of this course, you will learn:How to prepare truly great desserts that can be used as snacks or appetizersWhere sodium hidesWhy it is critical to read food labels, and what you can learnThe importance of knowing sodium content of every ingredient in every recipeLow sodium cooking DOES NOT have to be blandWhere to buy no sodium or low sodium productsItems to banish from your kitchenHow to interpret the Nutrition Fact Labels that are on our foodWhere to purchase Egg Thins (25 mg each) and recipes for using themFor those of you who like to know the details of what this course provides... please see the sodium counts of all of the recipes in this course below:Recipe for low sodium Yam (Sweet Potato) cookies at 1.33 gm sodium per cookieRecipe for low sodium Banana Cookies - 24 cookies for a total of 2 mg sodiumRecipe for low sodium Peanut Butter Cookies at less than 2 mg sodium eachRecipe for low sodium Old Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies with variationsLess than 2 mg sodium per cookieRecipe for low sodium Chocolate Cake - Whole cake has 240 mg sodium12 generous slices have 20 mg each - 10 large slices have 24 mg sodium eachRecipe for low sodium Sweet Potato Cake - 9 x 13 inch cake has less than 311 mg sodium12 very hearty slices have less than 30 mg sodium eachRecipe for Orange Bundt Sponge Cake - Whole cake has 138 mg sodium12 large slices have less than 12 mg sodium eachRecipe for NO SODIUM pie crust and tea cookiesTea Cookies are a favorite with childrenRecipe for low sodium Sweet Potato Pie (made with yams) - Whole pie has 234 mg sodium8 slices have only 30 mg eachRecipe for low sodium Pecan Pie - whole 9 inch pie has 390 mg sodium8 slices have less than 49 mg sodium6 slices have 65 mg eachRecipe for low sodium Chocolate Fudge Pie - whole pie has 376 mg sodium8 slices 47 mg each6 slices 63 mg eachRecipe for low sodium Lemon Bread - 5 x 9 inch loaf has 200 mg1/2 inch slices have less than 12 mg3/4 inch slices have less than 17 mgRecipe for low sodium Zucchini Bread - 5 x 9 inch loaf has 226 mg sodium3/4 inch slices have less than 19 mg sodium each1/2 inch slices have less than 13 mg eachRecipe for low sodium Banana Nut Bread - 5 x 9 inch loaf has 154 mg sodium1/2 inch slices have less than 9 mg each3/4 inch slices have less than 13 mg eachLow sodium recipe for Apricot Pecan Bread - 5 x 9 inch loaf has 115 mg sodium1/2 inch slices have less than 7 mg sodium each3/4 inch slices have less than 10 mg eachRecipe for low sodium Date Nut Bread - Whole 5 x 9 inch loaf has 40 mg sodiumRecipe for low sodium Brownies - whole pan has 140 mg sodium - Each slice has less than 16 mgRecipe for no sodium Granola Bars - Makes a 15"" x 10"" pan - A lot of wonderful bars - NO SODIUMRecipe for Strawberry Shortcake - 26 mg sodium each Recipe for Low Sodium Pecan Bars - 10 mg sodium for the WHOLE PAN - Tastes like Pecan Pie Recipe for Low Sodium Lemon Bars - Less than 8 mg per bar Low and NO SODIUM desserts in the Ice Cream Aisle of my store.#LowSodiumDesserts #HeartHealthyDesserts #HeartHealthy #HealthyHeart #HeartHealth #LowSodiumDiet #LowSaltDiet #LowSodiumFood #LowSaltFood #LowSodiumRecipes #LowSaltRecipes #LowSodiumRecipe #LowSaltRecipe #LowSodiumCondiments #LowSaltSnacks #LowSaltDesserts #LowSaltAppetizers #LowSodiumSnacks #LowSodiumAppetzers"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |