Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso Completo de Excel. Do Bsico ao Avanado. (LANAMENTO)" |
"* Voc receber um Certificado de Concluso digital ao final do curso. Ele tem um cdigo de verificao para autenticidade.Voc conhece de verdade o Excel?Voc sabe transformar dados em informaes realmente relevantes?O MS Excel um software utilizado em empresas do mundo todo pela sua versatilidade e ampla quantidade de ferramentas para gerenciar dados.Na hora de procurar por alguma oportunidade de estgio ou trainee voc quer estar preparado, certo? Alm das competncias e habilidades comportamentais que as empresas procuram, existem alguns conhecimentos tcnicos que podem ser desejveis e, s vezes, at necessrios no momento de participar do processo seletivo. Um deles, por exemplo, o Excel.Sendo um software extremamente verstil, certamente voc precisa saber usar o Excel, seja para organizar informaes, automatizar clculos, gerar grficos e relatrios, criar painis de gesto e muito mais. Ao aprender usar o Excel, voc se tornar mais produtivo e capaz de tomar decises com maior preciso, qualidades cada vez mais valorizadas no mercado de trabalho.J ficou sem resposta ou gaguejou quando te perguntaram qual o seu nvel de Excel, numa dinmica de grupo ou entrevista? E perguntaram se voc sabe fazer SOMASE, CONT.SE, Tabela Dinmica, MACRO e no tem ideia do que quer dizer?POR QUE IMPORTANTE SABER USAR O EXCEL NAS EMPRESAS?Essa ferramenta no utilizada s por reas financeiras, contbeis, de compras ou vendas. Hoje em dia, utilizamos muito o Excel para compilar e organizar dados, realizar clculos, gerar grficos para apresentaes, relatrios e at para fazer anlises e estatstica.Parabns por procurar se especializar nessa ferramenta fantstica que a planilha eletrnica Excel. Voc ir aprender nesse curso desde o incio de uso dessa ferramenta com as primeiras e bsicas instrues e depois iremos aprofundar o aprendizado utilizando frmulas mais complexas e recursos essenciais para o uso do Excel no dia a dia.Veja como o Excel pode fazer a diferena nos mais diversos estgios da sua carreira:- Estudante: Saber usar o Excel um critrio fundamental para que voc seja aprovado em um processo seletivo- Estagirio / Trainee: Te torna capaz de criar e gerenciar planilhas personalizadas de acordo com as necessidades reais do seu setor- Analista: Te ajuda a desenvolver habilidades para gerenciar e analisar dados de forma mais rpida, gil e produtiva- Coordenador: Para mensurar seus indicadores e melhorar a performance da sua equipe atravs da anlise de dados- Gerente: Para tomar decises assertivas, descobrir o que est acontecendo no seu departamento e aumentar seus resultados- Empreendedor: Para organizar seu negcio, analisando as vendas e documentando os resultados do seu empreendimento"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"C#+SQL +" |
" 450 ..******"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A Practical Approach to FIDIC Contracts" |
"FIDIC contracts are being increasingly used by the international Construction Industry throughout the World. The Multi-Lateral Development Banks, including the World Bank, Inter -American Development Bank & Caribbean Development Bank have adopted the FIDIC Conditions of Contract.The interactive course is based on the FIDIC Approved Module 1 Workshop and introduces the FIDIC Suite of Contracts, with special emphasis on the FIDIC Red and Yellow Book.It examines the roles of both the Employer and the Engineer and highlights the essential differences between the various contract documents. The responsibility for design is dealt with and a substantial amount of time is devoted to the issue of extensions of time, variations and certification.Dispute resolution under the FIDIC Contracts is Emphasised and the issues of notices, claims and time bars are discussed in detail. This practical course is supplemented by true life case studies and group discussions ensure that delegates come away with a good understanding of the FIDIC philosophy.Delegates will be provided with a sound understanding on the practical use of the FIDIC Construction (Red Book) & Design-Build (Yellow Book) Contracts. The procedures and application of the Contract clauses are explored quizzes and cases studies are utilised throughout the training. Delegates will be much more confident in using these complex Contracts after completing the course."
Price: 2100.00 ![]() |
"Foundations of Joy and Success" |
"Are you a high performer who is dedicated and driven but just can't seem to find the motivation to get healthy? Do you wonder how much better your life would be if you had:- A better way to create healthy habits and get the right mindset to crush your goals-Ways of thinking that were empowering and positive-Support and guidance from someone who has been at rock bottom and found a way back on their feetIf you do, I can help.I'm extremely passionate about getting your mind in line with your goals, so I desire to help and serve those who are ready to take their life to the next level.I can help you get on the path to the best version of yourself!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Communicate with Spirits - Psychic Mediumship Course" |
"Transform your life with our Psychic Mediumship Course. Use simple but effective techniques to communicate and sense spirits around you, the tutors are recognised for their work on the UKspiritual scene and have decades of experience and knowledge to share with you. If you want to begin your spiritual journey in safe hands, supported throughout, then this course is for you.With over twenty individual modules, downloads and resources as well as three hours of bitesize tuition videos, this course will provide you with everything you need to become an accurate, knowledgeable medium."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to create an amazing audio player with simple vanilla JS" |
"Have you ever thought of creating your own player for your blog, your website. You copied people's code but still not happy. If so you come to the right place.This course will teach you how you can create an audio player using HTML and CSS, and make it really functional using plain vanilla JavaScript. NO JQUERY."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"El Art : Create Your Own Artwork !" |
"This course will take you to learn the basic drawing and oil pastel coloring skills, step-by-step and inspire your potential in art.With a different idea of art project,and you will learn the skills to create artwork after the course is complete.The teaching process will apply with the simple subtitle + images instructions to take you in the whole process of learning simple and easy.This course is designed for people who are passionate in art or people who want to cultivate interested.Let's join the journey , and you can gain more experience from it to fulfill your lifestyle."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master your Canada Immigration via the Express Entry" |
"Important: This is not legal advice. I am not an immigration lawyer. I am someone who completed his Immigration procedures to Canada using the help of an agency and some friends. I will not be responsible for any error that you make in your immigration application. Not only does this course give you all the information you need to immigrate to Canada but also will talk about what to do after you get your Permanent Residency. The aim of the course is to inform you of the whole process including the minimum requirements to qualify for PR, timelines, list of documents etc.. I also provide before and after landing checklists, job search strategies and tips on improving your IELTS and CRS score!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ASP.NET Core per tutti: costruiamo un'applicazione web!" |
"IMPORTANTE! Questo corso al momento contiene 30 ore di video. Nuovi contenuti vengono aggiunti periodicamente. Il prezzo del corso andr aumentando gradualmente, man mano che vengono aggiunti contenuti.Coloro che hanno gi acquistato il corso riceveranno i nuovi contenuti senza altri costi.Se vuoi imparare a sviluppare un'applicazione web, sei nel posto giusto! Useremo ASP.NET Core, C# e Visual Studio Code per creare un'applicazione web dinamica e moderna. Vedremo come si realizzano le funzionalit pi comuni, che sicuramente ti capiter di implementare anche nei tuoi progetti. Ecco una lista dei temi che affronteremo:Le basi di un progetto ASP.NET Core e come si configura;Creazione di contenuti web con il pattern MVC e con Razor Pages;L'impaginazione responsive in HTML e CSS usando Bootstrap, in modo che i contenuti siano fruibili sia da desktop che da mobile;L'organizzazione del codice in piccoli e semplici componenti, in modo che il progetto resti pulito e manutenibile nel tempo;Strumenti ed estensioni da usare con Visual Studio Code per fare di pi in meno tempo;Accesso al database con due tecnologie diverse: ADO.NET e Entity Framework Core;Elenchi con paginazione, ordinamento e ricerca;Maschere di inserimento, modifica ed eliminazione dei dati;Uso di JavaScript per migliorare l'esperienza d'uso dell'utente;Invio di e-mail, uso di reCaptcha, ricezione di pagamenti con Paypal, ......e qualche suggerimento per diventare un vero professionista!Il corso organizzato su varie sezioni e, per ciascuna, troverai video lezioni, un testo riepilogativo, degli esercizi di codifica e un quiz per mettere alla prova le tue competenze. Lezione dopo lezione, realizzeremo insieme un'applicazione web per l'erogazione di corsi on-line (proprio come Udemy!). Questo corso, quindi, finalizzato alla realizzazione di un progetto reale e non una semplice collezione di esempi. Potrai seguire le lezioni da Windows, Mac o Linux, dato che ASP.NET Core e Visual Studio Code sono tecnologie multipiattaforma.Al momento in corso alla Lezione 16. L'elenco provvisorio delle prossime lezioni il seguente.18. Autenticazione e autorizzazione con ASP.NET Core Identity19. Razor Pages20. Testing automatico21. Pubblicazione dell'applicazione su Windows, Linux, Azure e AWS22. Esporre i dati con ASP.NET Core WebAPI e consumarli lato client con JavaScript23. Realizzare un'area riservata con BlazorSe hai gi una conoscenza base dello sviluppo web o sai gi programmare in qualche linguaggio, sicuramente sarai avvantaggiato/a e non avrai alcun problema a seguire il corso. Comunque, ogni tema viene affrontato in maniera chiara e molto graduale per cui adatto a chiunque abbia voglia di iniziare a sviluppare per il web. Se hai dubbi o desideri chiarimenti, scrivimi pure e ti risponder appena possibile.Se l'idea ti piace, iscriviti subito al corso!A presto,Moreno"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Yoga Alignment and Modifications for Standing Poses" |
"In this course you will learn: proper alignment of yoga standing posescommon misalignments of yoga standing posesmodifications for yoga standing posesbenefits of yoga standing posescontraindications of yoga standing poses This course focuses on the following poses: Warrior 1Warrior 2TriangleSide AngleChairMountain PoseStanding Forward FoldAfter completion of this course you will have a deeper understanding of the alignment of yoga standing poses and how to modify standing poses to meet your needs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
marketingoneclick |
", ! 10 , . 99% . 1% ! , . , , , , , , . , . ? ? , , , , . , , . , 100% , ."
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Curso edicin en Sony Vegas Pro" |
"En este curso aprenderemos las herramientas ms importantes la hora de comenzar en el mundo de la edicin de vdeo, tanto las herramientas tcnicas necesarias para poder realizar distintos proyectos audiovisuales, como creativas e ideas para poder impulsar nuestros proyectos. El curso est pensado para aquellas personas que quieren empezar o que poseen ya algunos conocimientos, e iremos avanzando hacia conocimientos intermedios y avanzados."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Money Mindset Primer" |
"Money Mindset Primer is perfect for anyone ready to reframe their money story. The struggles you face when you try to manifest money are link to old patterns and thinking you were brought up with. What you need now is a new way of thinking! My Money Mindset Primer is all about creating a new way of thinking. You'll see what negative money blocks having been holding you back. How being specific about what you want really does matter. I created my Money Mindset Primer Plus so you could have the tools you need to create the abundance you crave."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Design Banner Ads Easily for Busy Entrepreneur" |
"Are you struggling to get sales in your Dropshipping/ Online Business?In this Digital Era, starting an e-commerce store is no longer a secret or things that a few people do. If it was in a past where technologies is not advance, internet has not been invented, starting a business with a shy personality seems like a Big NOespecially when you have limited budget to get started with.However, with the ease of internet and low barrier entry, a lot of people had venture into Online Business just like You did. This lead to tight competition and give consumers hell lot of choices to pick with. If you're not good in getting them to notice you, even a talented person like you would be hidden by the crowd. So how exactly are you gonna make money if nobody notice how awesome you're and buy stuff from you?The answer for you is to learn how to design ads/ creative that will make people notice you!! You see, Ads is like a token that will decide your future, either it will burn you down or make you rich. If you can create some graphic that would catch people's attention, basically you're gonna strive through the odds. Are you ready to Learn it?In this course, We will be Focus in Banner Ads Design, which is a crucial element in succeeding your business. I also explained why some dropshipper is not getting sales, why your ads cost getting expensive. At the end of this course, You will be able to Design Ads that will help you to catch people's attention that even a beginner or non-graphic designer can design like a pro and stand out among the crowd. Remember, The more people notice you, the more people who likely to buy from you. This Course is intended for Busy Entrepreneur &Complete Beginner who is in their entrepreneurship journey that wanna learn how to design without hire graphic designer. It is an Ideal course for individual who just starting up their business and having a hard time to learn complicated software such as Photoshop. In this course, we show you How to use a FREE Beginner Friendly Apps to create Banner Ads that can achieve the same outcome such as Photoshop which will save up your time and money!What you Get from this Course?-Understand the reason why your ads cost is getting expensive, why you're not getting sales -Save time & money by learning how to design without the need of hire expensive graphic designer that will take a lot of time to do revision to deliver to you.-No expensive and complicated software required to get started (Using FREE+ BEGINNERFRIENDLYAPPS)-Beginner &Busy people can master this skill easily literally in 1 hour or less.Who is this Course for?- Complete Beginner who had no idea how to Design or Create Banner Ads for their Business- Busy Entrepreneur who want to save money and pump more money into their Business- Individual who wanna Learn How to Design without using Photoshop"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How I Hit #1 on Google: Complete SEO Training 2019" |
"SEO Training on SEO factors to rank 1 on Google Search EngineReason why those SEO factors matter in real-timeHow those SEO factors affects the ranking of websites on GoogleRank 1 in Google Search with WordPress SEO 2019 Training: Do's and Dont'sLearn all the 13 Technical SEO factorsSEO your website to bring in more organic traffic from Google & other search enginesMake your website to load in less than 0.5 seconds & increase sales / conversions by 2XGet Page speed insights score of up to 100 for both desktop and mobileLearn the Essential skills to optimize your website for Google, Bing & Yandex search enginesGet indexed by search engines fasterImprove the User experience of your website - The future SEO factorDecrease your website visitor's bounce rate and improve time spent on your siteLearn to use the best free SEO tools across the entire webGet targeted traffic to your site, by using the chosen transactional / informative long tail keywordsGet low competition, high traffic optimized long tail keyword list - Hands onGet demystified on Link building myths and learn what type of backlinks works bestLearn which type of backlinks are not worthy anymoreGet an actionable list of more than 25 White Hat Backlink generation sourcesLearn expired SEO techniques / Myths, which can hurt your websiteImmune your website against Negative SEO attacks and identify bad backlinks to your site"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beauty from Within, Literally" |
"This course is for you if:1. You want healthy, clear skin once and for all, without spending a tonne on products, beauty procedures and medications.2. You are looking for a more natural way towards beauty, from the inside out.3. You enjoy face massages but arent comfortable with people touching your face or dont have the time to visit a spa.4. You have 5-10 minutes a day to spare on these massages. Initiative and consistency are key! Just like we wouldnt get the body we want with a few sessions in the gym. I believe beauty is a lifestyle and a habit.5. You want to know why massages work.How this course came about:I am someone that puts in effort taking care of myself. I am cautious of what I eat, I drink lots of water, I sleep early and get enough rest. I barely have any sleep debt. Yet I still dont have great skin and it actually got worse as I age.Friends of mine who keep worse habits than me, does almost nothing, but have smooth glow-y dewy baby skin. I couldnt help but think they are born this way and is there still hope for my skin?I buried myself in research and books.Over the years, this is what I found out: To get great skin, you are either born into it or work for it from the inside. Great skin, from my understanding, is simply a result of good circulation adequate blood flow delivers oxygen and nutrients to the skin, at the same time efficiently removing toxins.Massaging various spots on the skin encourages that circulation. You could get rollers and other massaging tools, yes, but I find that just our bare hands are enough. And thats what I teach in this course.Whats in this courseIntroduction on the theories, step-by-step massages, tutorial videos on the massages, printables (notes, massage calendar, etc.) for download, access to me if you have any questions.Whats in the modules[Module 01] Secret to Great Skin THE Cleansing Method- A checklist to see if you are unknowingly harming your skin with your current cleansing habits (Hastily washing? Vigorous rubbing? Washing your face while in the shower? Holding your breath while cleansing? Etc etc).- The importance of consciously breathing while cleansing your face. Dont hold your breath!- Steps and tutorial video of THE cleansing method- Printable for download[Module 02] Optimal Absorption of Skincare Products Targeting Meridian Pathways- How to select skincare products that are suitable for our skin.- Simple massages while applying your skincare helps with absorption and also encourages circulation- Steps and tutorial video of quick and simple massages for your daily skincare routine- Printable for download[Module 03] Beauty Without Surgery- Understanding what is meridian massage and how it helps improve skin radiance and vitality, improves facial structure and proportion.- Massage technique tutorials targeting specific areas such as face structure, chin, neck, collarbones, eyes and lips.- Printable for download (including a massage calendar for 5 minutes per day massage routines)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
govorismelo |
"52 , : 01. 02. 03. 04. , . , , . , , -. !"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Modelizacin y anlisis de inundaciones con Hec-RAS y ArcGIS" |
"Este curso prctico inicia desde cero y est diseado paso a paso, con ejercicios prcticos, que permiten conocer los fundamentos esenciales en el manejo de Hec-RAS.Con Hec-RAS tendrs la capacidad de realizar estudios de inundabilidad y determinar las zonas inundables, integrndolo con el planeamiento urbanstico y la ordenacin territorial.Frente a otros cursos que se centran nicamente en explicar conocimientos tcnicos, en este curso se hace tambin una descripcin detallada y sencilla de todos los pasos a seguir desde que queremos iniciar un estudio de inundabilidad hasta su presentacin final, haciendo uso de la experiencia acumulada tras ms de 10 aos realizando dichos estudios para administraciones, promotores privados o proyectos de investigacin."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress, cos' e come funziona" |
"In questo corso impareremo a capire cos' Wordpress, la sua interfaccia, i temi, i plug-in e tutto quello che serve per costruire un sito web base. Scopriremo come diventare padroni di Wordpress e iniziare a guadagnare progettando e realizzando siti web professionali. Tutto molto semplice e immediato, basta un computer e la vostra fantasia."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Full Time Fiverr Success: A Masterclass For Fiverr Sellers" |
"About Your Instructor:In my 2 years as a full-time Fiverr seller, I have created the formula to be a highly profitable sell on FIverr. I am able to consistently generate USD$3,000 - $5,000 per month while only working about 4 hours a day. In my top earning month, I hit 5-figures in revenue. Through my rollercoaster of a journey, I have experienced the highest of highs and lowest of lows, cumulating in wealth of knowledge on how to effectively get sales on Fiverr and how to overcome negative experiences as a seller, which are two of the most sought after answers in the community. About The Course:In this course, I will share with you the no nonsense tips and tricks on how to thrive as a full time seller on Fiverr. The content in this course is packaged such that we cut through the fluff and you learn about key information that matters when it comes to generating big success in Fiverr. This includes:How to get your first orderHow to consistently get ordersHow to promote your gigs effectivelyHow to take advantage of custom offers Buyer's mentalityHow to get promoted in Fiverr's level systemHow to effectively convert leads using powerful psychological methodsHow to effectively manage your orders How to get recurring clients through upsell services How to deal with negative clients and experiencesPlaying within the rules and not getting your account suspended (very important!)Long term sustainability"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to think independently" |
"How to think independently, is a short course which teaches you how to think, not what to think. The course is suitable for all levels of experience and knowledge.All about the courseTo be successful in life you must be different. Welcome to my humble online course of how to think independently. The purpose of this online course is to teach you how to think independently, allowing you to rebel against conformity. I would like to start this description with a word of warning.This online course and my teachings can only take you as far as you allow them. In other words, you must remain open minded, as close mindedness will only hinder your learning and ability to think independently. Thinking independently is not an overnight accomplishment rather, it is a lifelong journey. My job is to prepare you for your life long journey by giving you the tools and ability to think for yourself. I will not teach you what to think, instead I will teach you how to think.Thinking independently is a super power which will allow you to see what others do not. Therefore, as I teach you this power, I encourage you to use it wisely and to use it to benefit society, helping those in need. Within this online course I will share with you the meaning to life and teach you have to find your life purpose. Enabling you to excel and succeed within your life. The benefits you will receive by thinking independently will be paramount compared to those who choose to remain ignorant.Thinking independently will give you access to the following Never ending growth Endless opportunities Will give you a meaningful life purpose Access to advanced knowledge Access to advance self-improvement Personal freedom Increased critical and strategic thinking Seeing what others do not And most importantly your own independenceThe reason I am so passionate about you thinking independently is because it now your time to make a difference. The days of sitting in a cubical from 9 to 5 are ending. A new age stands before us, an age of enlightenment. It is now time to leave greed and corruption behind and truly change the world for the better. We now live in a world where everyone is connected, which allows you and me to make a greater impact upon the world. There is great power within you and now is the time for you to reach your full potential by stepping away from conformity and embracing independence. This online course holds great wisdom and knowledge that will allow you to empower yourself. I encourage you to use the power of thinking independently to change the world for the better. Use it to feed the hungry, build houses for the homeless, to save the environment, to fight greed and corruption, and most importantly ensure that generations to come have a safe place to call home. The time is now, not tomorrow. The present moment is all we have, it is time to make a difference.Are you ready to make a difference?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to recruit volunteers" |
"This is a course for people who want to make a real difference to the environment and their local communities. A course for people who need to increase their capacity by recruiting volunteers to make a bigger impact.Stand out from the third sector crowd by having the best and most committed volunteers. Avoid the common mistakes most organisations make when recruiting volunteers. The course gives you valuable insight and information about volunteering why people do it and why the keep on volunteering. Step-by-step, the course takes you through each of the stages you need to recruit and retain the perfect volunteer.The course also has a free downloadable PDF, 10 ways to keep your volunteers.The 7 modules with supporting videos and case study will take you through the process of finding and recruiting your volunteer and increase your success in retaining them.By the end of the course, you will:Understand why your organisation needs good quality volunteers.Understand the main motivations of people who volunteer.Understand some of the barriers to volunteeringLearn about the crucial things that you need to put in place before you recruit a single volunteer.Learn about 5 different recruiting methods.learn about the various ways you can keep your volunteers, with a take away PDF."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to get free publicity for your charity or business" |
"Learn about why your organisation needs media coverage, how to find and befriend journalists, how to craft the perfect press release, how to milk your success and looking for publicity opportunities.Local media can help promote your products, services or cause.Local media can boost your profile within the communityLocal media can raise your status to expert in the areaLocal media can even help keep up staff and volunteer moraleThis course is a complete guide to getting your company or organization featured in the press. It covers everything from understanding why you need publicity to building relationships with journalists reaching out cold and nailing the pitch to milking your coverage for all its worth.The 5 modules and supporting case study will cover the benefits of publicity and take you through the process of finding the right journalist, writing the perfect press release and managing the subsequent activity."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Design Patterns com SOLID" |
"OSOLID um Design Pattern voltado para linguagens orientadas a objetos e assim como qualquer Padro de Projeto de Software ele veio para ajudar a organizar, estruturar e otimizar seus algoritmos, fazendo com que seu cdigo ganhe:- Credibilidade;- Otimizao;- Organizao;- Estabilidade;- Facilidade de entendimento;- Facilidade de manuteno e atualizaes;- Preparao para reutilizao de cdigo em futuros projetos.Neste curso iremos aprender os 5 princpios do SOLID e como utilizar corretamente cada um bem como o benefcio ganho em cada um deles, atravs de aulas prticas e tericas."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Praktyczny Kotlin - kurs podstawowy" |
"Cze, zapraszam Ci do kursu ""Praktyczny Kotlin"", gdzie w przecigu paru godzin poznasz podstawy tego fantastycznego jzyka. Wtrakcie kursu bdziesz poznawa stopniowo tajniki jzyka a take pod nadzorem instruktora bdziesz rozwija swoj pierwsz aplikacj wdraajc elementy poznane w kolejnych lekcjach. Gorco zapraszam! Przewiduj te rne bonusy dla Ciebie i bd Ci mio zaskakiwa!;)"
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Conversational (Covert) Hypnosis" |
"Before enrolling for this course, ask yourselfWould you like to Build lasting fruitful relationshipsWouldn't it be in your interest to learn to Control and manage your own mind and behaviourWill it be in your interest to Become a more effective communicatorWould you like to Increase your income by growing your opportunities to earnWouldn't you like to Influence people & effectively persuade them to do thingsIf answer for 3 or more of those questions is yes, you must do this course"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"General Data Protection Regulation GDPR , 25 2018 . , , GDPR, 152-"" ""."
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Extjs 6 ile Uygulama Gelitirin" |
"Bu kursumuzda Extjs Framework'n tm ynleriyle renerek MVC mimarisi zerinde kurulu tam dinamik bir uygulama gelitirmeyi reneceksiniz.Uygulamamz tam dinamik bir uygulama olaca iin PHP ve MYSQL dilinden de yaralanacaz. Uygulamamz Sencha Architect ( Extjs iin gelitirilmi bir editr ) ile nasl tasarlayacanz renmenin yannda Sencha Architect'i de detayl bir ekilde tanm olacaksnz. Sencha Architect ve Sencha Cmd ( Command ) ikilisinin entegrasyonunu saladktan sonra uygulamanz Sencha Cmd ile nasl paketleyip rn haline getireceinizi ayrca renmi olacaksnz."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Shipping & Logistics" |
"Firms specializing in arranging transportation of Goods from one point to another point, internationally, on behalf of shipper are Freight Forwarder. They usually hire resources with Skills mostly, in some cases they hire fresh graduates and train them at work. Since providing training on the job is time consuming factor and sometimes the duration also long, depending on profile and staff ability to adopt quickly.Because a Freight Forwarder provides a full range of services including, Inland transportation, Preparation of Shipping and Export Documents, Warehousing, Booking cargo space, Negotiating Freight Charges, Freight consolidation, Cargo insurance,Cargo Tracking and more.However, things have changed lately. Resources with qualification on Shipping and Logistics have started to storm the industry, which is a welcoming sign. Since International Forwarding working process is sensitive and require skilled resources with different capacities. So anyone can choose International Logistics as career, depending on their capability they can choose their job profile. However it is necessary that a clear understanding of the procedure from Point A to Point B, is highly recommended, because usually it take long time for a new recruit to understand the procedure at workplace due to time pressure.Understanding the subject and handling job interview, make the new entrant more confident and chances of securing the job is high.In order to extend our hand to all aspiring new entrant, after observing the progress in International Logistics, we have developed a content which is simple to understand. The information understood by learner is also retained because it is an animated series. A learner can take notes about the contents, and use them at work place or they can reach us for clarification."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Programao reativa em Flutter com Bloc" |
"Esse curso se foca utilizar programao reativa para o gerenciamento do estado de aplicativos mobile em Flutter , estaremos aprendendo no s a utilizar os diversos operadores das extenses reativas (RX) , como tambm o mtodo de gerenciamento de estado recomendado pela Google , a Design pattern Bloc (Business Logic Component) para gerenciamento eficiente do estado da aplicao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Painting in Oils with Michael Schutte, Chrome Island" |
"We will set up a drawing of the beautiful Lighthouse Island, Mixing our own colors in the style of the Dutch Masters. We will learn how to paint in Layers. Create a drawing in Perspective and do some warming up excercises. Above all how to create Water reflections. Taking a little tour through Holland and show you a little lighthouse and of course tell you about my favorite place the North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre in Coombs, BC"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |