Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Arapa Sarf - Nahiv Gramer Eitimi 1. Seviye" |
"Arapa kursuna gidenlerin baarl olamamas ve o kadar almalarna ramen Arapa konuamamas gstermektedir ki ortada bir problem var. Bu problem, Arapann yanl tekniklerle okutulmas ve bunun neticesi olarak rencilerin Arapay bir trl renememesidir. retmenler ve renciler bu problemin farkndadrlar. Hatta lahiyatlarda grtmz btn Arapa retmenleri bu problemi itiraf etmektedirler.Merkezimizde yaptmz Arapa kurslarnda ok ilgin bir ey gryoruz: Kursumuza katlanlarn yardan fazlas ilahiyat mezunu Onlara soruyoruz: Siz okulda Arapay renmediniz mi, bizim kursumuzda ne iiniz var? Onlarn cevab u oluyor: Nerde hocam, zar zor snf getik iteHafza Merkez olarak bizler, Arapa renmek isteyenlerin tamamna sesleniyor ve diyoruz ki: Gelin, problemi telemek yerine zme odaklann. Problem, telemekle zlmez. Hafza Merkezi olarak sizleri, sizler iin hazrladmz online eitime davet ediyoruz!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Real World Salesforce Project - ""The Money Multiplier""" |
"Don't Spend TONS of time trying to learn Salesforce via traditional methods!Learn what you NEEDTOKNOW by creating REAL WORLD projects in a Salesforce Environment!In this course, students will gain real-world Salesforce Skills by creating:A Custom Object filled with Custom fields. You will also design the Page Layout that end users will see when using the Custom Object. By the end of this course, you will be able to say that you know how to design and build Custom Objects for businesses AND end users that you're supporting in the real world. While creating the The Money Multiplier you will learn to:- Create a Custom Object- Create Custom Fields (Including Advanced Formula Fields)- Add Custom Fields to the appropriate Record Types- Design Page Layouts for Record Types"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Time Management for Teachers" |
"Welcome To Time Management For TeachersI am extremely excited to deliver Time Management For Teachers to you. Investing in this course is a great time management move because it means you can dive into the content whenever it suits you. Learn how to tame time, get organised and increase your productivity in the comfort of your own home, at work or indeed anywhere you choose."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling w biznesie" |
"Kurs storytelling w biznesie to 4 moduy wypenione wiedz: definicjami, przykadami, strukturami, procesami. Analityczne podejcie do storytellingu powoduje, e przyswojenie wiedzy jest proste, zastosowanie jej atwe, a efekty w krtkim czasie wida goym okiem.Poznasz zasady opowiadaniaDziki nim Twoje historie bd przyciga waciwych suchaczy, nauczysz si dostosowywa je do okolicznoci, ale przed wszystkim do celu biznesowego. Zdobdziesz nowe umiejtnociPrzeniesiesz swoje umiejtnoci rozmawiania z klientami czy pracownikami na wyszy poziom, niezalenie od miejsca, czasu, wielkoci widowni.Wzmocnisz wasn markZbudujesz wasne, niepowtarzalne i fascynujce portfolio historii, tak jak to robi najlepsi mwcy na wiecie.Opanujesz sztuk storytellinguZamienisz strach przed mwieniem na umiejtno zaangaowania i zachcenia do suchania."
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Comunicao eficaz" |
"Esse curso indicado para aqueles que desejam iniciar seus estudos sobre relacionamento interpessoal, uma vez que visa trazer uma viso um pouco mais simplificada sobre a importncia de se comunicar de maneira eficaz, possibilitando ao aluno colher bons resultados atravs da conscientizao de algumas caractersticas importantes em uma comunicao de bom nvel.O curso oferece noes sobre postura corporal, tom e volume ideal de voz, bem como noes sobre como adquirir credibilidade e segurana junto ao seu pblico ouvinte.Se voc iniciante no assunto e deseja uma noo que possa te ajudar a direcionar seus estudos, seja bem vindo ao nosso curso. Desejamos que tenha uma excelente experincia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Conoce el sistema educativo britnico" |
"Este curso inicial est indicado para aquellas personas sin experiencia previa que quieran conocer cmo funciona el sistema educativo britnico por razones profesionales o personales.Vamos a hablar de los diferentes tipos de colegios, salarios de los profesores, National Curriculum, requisitos para ser profesor, edad y curso acadmico, PP, FSM, pathways, Ofsted y GCSE."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Tarot and mediumship - spiritual development" |
"This is a beginner course in tarot that contains a full meditation to connect with your spirit guides and information on mediumship and tarot cards. We hope that this will help you to begin on your psychic development journey. Should you need any further information or course help please email Loraine Rees is a medium who has worked in this field for over 30 years, thus she is well respected and experienced. She is now guiding others to discover their psychic abilities and go on a journey of self discovery to find out more about themselves. This course has a series of videos and slides and a short question section at the end. It is important that you use the meditation on your psychic development journey as this is key to connecting with your guides and to spirit."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Inovao Sistemtica baseada na TRIZ- bsico" |
"O curso tem como objetivo principal garantir aos participantes habilidades para gerar alternativas inovadoras para a soluo de problemas tcnicos de forma sistemtica e sob demanda. Ou seja,prope inovar sem depender, exclusivamente, de momentos geniais de inspirao. Estes se ocorrerem, sero naturalmente incorporados ao fluxo. Para tanto, sero utilizados os conceitos e ferramentasda Inovao Sistemtica baseada na TRIZ(Teoria da Soluo de Problemas Inventivos) em seu estgio bsico, cobrindo desde a definio do problema, a ideao e a avaliao e priorizao das propostas. Tal metodologia tem origem no sculo passado a partir da pesquisa exaustiva de patentes para identificar como os inventores naturais resolviam os problemas alvo de cada patente e, a partir da, estruturar e disponibilizar as mesmas estratgias para outros usurios. A TRIZ j utilizada por grandes corporaes com forte demanda por inovao, mas tambm pode ser utilizada por pequenas empresas e tambm por aqueles dentre ns que no se enquadram na definio de gnios inventivos. Entretanto, aqueles com talentos inventivos pronunciados tambm podero acrescentar maior foco e efetividade sua atuao. O formato apresentado no curso pode suportar profissionais e estudantes de reas tcnicas envolvidos com melhorias de qualidade e produtividade de sistemas ou redues de custos em geral. Alm destes, profissionais dedicados ao desenvolvimento de produtos/sistemas e inventores tambm podem se beneficiar, uma vez que suas atividades requerem a soluo sequencial de problemas diversos. Se voc j tem conhecimento superficial da TRIZmas precisa passar rapidamente deste nvel para o domnio consistente das ferramentas bsicas para aplicao prtica, a estrutura oferecida certamente lhe ser til. O curso formatado em slides com o contedo conjugados aos vdeos explicativos, grande nmero de ilustraes, exemplos prticos e farto material de apoio para suportar a aplicao autnoma (tabelas, planilhas e exemplo completo desenvolvido para referncia). A autoavaliao da evoluo do aprendizado ser realizada atravs de questes tipo mltipla escolha para cada seo. Concludo o curso, ao se deparar com situaes em que as solues tpicas no so mais satisfatrias, voc dispor de uma sequncia orientativa de ferramentas para definir o problema, gerar alternativas inovadoras e avaliar/priorizar taisalternativas de forma objetiva. sua base tcnica existente, voc agregar ahabilidade de buscar novas solues de forma gil e estruturada, utilizando informao de reas de conhecimento diversas daquela em que o problema surgiu. Avance do simples discurso sobre a importncia da inovao para uma abordagem objetiva com gerao efetiva de novas alternativas inventivas. Contribua decisivamente para maior competitividade solucionando de forma inovadora as demandas por melhor qualidade, maior produtividade e menores custos.O domnio do mtodo em seu estgio bsico j lhe proporcionar melhores condies de atuar no snos problemas corporativos como tambm naqueles relacionados com sua atuao independente."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"ISO 31000 - Enterprise Risk Management for the Professional" |
"Use risk to your advantage based on the internationally acclaimed ISO 31000 standardBegin applying risk management to your organization within days, not months!Learn how to motivate your employees/colleagues to manage risk on their own without constant prodding, cajoling and reminders!Bolster your image as an authoritative, confident decision-maker by managing risk instead of letting it manage you!Earn a certificate from Udemy upon course completion and use it in a LinkedIn post!This course is backed by a 30-day refund policy. If you're not completed satisfied, simply request a refund through your dashboard. Last updated May 2020"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Zapier Visual Builder" |
"Zapier has an impressive catalog of supported apps and workflows for automation. However, I still regularly run into use cases where either the app is not supported or some of the API capabilities are missing. For this I use the Zapier Visual Builder to create my own App Zaps.In this course you will learn to create custom Triggers, Actions and Authentication for any app with an API. I will wlak you through step-by-step how to use the Zapier Visual Builder."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Segurana da Informao e Hacking 1" |
"Curso focado na base da Segurana da Informao e Hacking, apresentando ferramentas e tcnicas a estudantes e profissionais que desejam conhecer e se profundar nesta rea de atuao que cresce a cada dia.Redes, Hardware, Sistemas Operacionais, Banco de Dados, Programao, Hacking e Engenharia Social fazem parte da ementa do curso que leva voc do 0 ao nvel Introdutrio(Jr), lhe encaminhando para uma nova fase de estudos e conhecimento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Convirtete en Influencer y colabora con marcas" |
"Bienvenid@ a este curso para influencers. Este es el nico curso que necesitas para hacer crecer tu cuenta de Instagram, encontrar las colaboraciones adecuadas y ganar dinero como influencer.Cada vez ms empresas estn profesionalizando el marketing de influencers y se demanda esa profesionalidad a los influencers. Ahora, ms que nunca, es el momento de aprender a trabajar como influencers, hacer crecer tu perfil de la manera correcta y proponer las colaboraciones de la forma correcta para ganar dinero como influencer.Bienvenido al curso ms directo y prctico donde aprenders todo sobre cmo ganar dinero trabajando como influencer.En menos de dos horas y algunos archivos PDF descargables que he preparado para ti, repasaremos exactamente en qu estrategias debes enfocarte y en qu invertir tu tiempo y esfuerzos, para que puedas obtener las mejores colaboraciones con marcas.Mi nombre es Itziar Tros y llevo desde 2015 trabajando el marketing de influencers desde mi agencia Friday. elaborando estrategias para marcas y ayudando a influencers a crecer como profesionales en las redes sociales. Esta es una oportunidad nica para aprender los secretos ms recientes del mundo de personas influyentes, as como la perspectiva de la marca que quiere colaborar contigo. Saber lo que se necesita y as obtener esas colaboraciones remuneradas. Ests listo? Empezamos!- Itziar Tros"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Transio de Carreira" |
"Voc quer realizar uma transio de carreira certeira, ns temos o passo a passo para construir sua estratgia e garantir a carreira dos seus sonhos.Nesse curso voc aprender:Estruturar um currculo atrativoEntender suas motivaes e qual trilha de carreira ir desenvolverFortalecer sua presena online nas maiores empresas de recrutamento onlineCriar um perfil campeo no LinkedInAprender a se comportar em dinmicas de grupoAprender como se comportar nas entrevistas com profissionais de recursos humanosEntender as motivaes e questionamentos dos gestores de vagasReflexes sobre as trilhas de carreira"
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Simple Way to Learn HTML & CSS" |
"Beginner course to learn basics and fundametals of Html and Css.(HTML (the Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are two of the core technologies for building Web pages. HTML provides the structure of the page, CSS the (visual and aural) layout, for a variety of devices. Along with graphics and scripting, HTML and CSS are the basis of building Web pages and Web Applications. Learn more below about:)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Eletrnica de forma simples e didtica." |
"Este curso tem como finalidade ensinar os fundamentos de Eletrnica de forma simples e didtica.Utilizaremos neste curso vrias animaes e simuladores para facilitar ao mximo seu aprendizado.Comearemos nosso estudo a partir do absoluto zero, passando pelos fundamentos de eletricidades, sempre de forma simples de didtica.Chegaremos at a criao de uma placa eletrnica em 3D usando software de simulao."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Preparatrio para Certificao PMP - PmBok 6 Edio" |
"Este curso composto por aulas gravadas de cursos distncia alinhado com a ltima verso do Guia PmBok (Verso 6) , desta forma as aulas so dinmicas e com uma didtica natural permitindo ao aluno ter a mesma experincia de sala de aula presencial.O contedo composto de todos os processos do guia PmBok , passo a passo para que o aluno tenha a total compreenso dos conceitos. um curso ideal at para os alunos que esto iniciando na carreira de gerenciamento de projetos, com uma linguagem simples e repleta de exemplos prticos o assunto facilmente compreendido e pode ser aplicado para qualquer rea de atuao.Ao trmino do curso o aluno recebe o certificado de concluso em nome de Play Consultoria e Treinamentos, empresa que treinou e certificou mais de 1.000 alunos nos ltimos 15 anos.Apostila em PDF com mais de 700 slides.Consultem as avaliaes no LinkedIn por Armando Monteiro ou no site da Play Consultoria."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pole Dance With World Champions - Beginner & Intermediate" |
"This Course will suit to all levels of training, starting from Beginner Level and up to Advanced, it is intended for students who just started their training in pole dancing and for students who would like to polish their skills and learn new tricks from the world champions.Learn from world Pole Dance Champions and StarsMaster the ins and outs of pole dancing by learning some secret tips and famous movesLearn anytime you want!Take your fitness to a whole new levelBe more creative with this amazing suave form of dancing and infuse more creativity in your life"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ingeniera de Requisitos" |
"IntroduccinQu es y par sirve la Ingeniera de Requerimientos Qu es Requerimiento?Nivel de detalle de la Especificacin de RequerimientosCriterios de Calidad para la Especificacin de RequerimientosImportancia de la Ingeniera de Requerimientos Principales dificultades con RequerimientosTipos de RequerimientosRestricciones y PremisasRequerimientos de NegocioRequerimientos de InteresadosRequerimientos de TransicinRequerimientos Funcionales Requerimientos No Funcionales Requerimientos Inversos Tareas de la Ingeniera de RequisitosLa Influencia del Anlisis de Viabilidad del Proyectos en la Ingeniera de RequerimientosIdentificacin de los Interesados Definicin de las Necesidades de NegocioDefinicin del alcance de la Solucin Elicitacin, Anlisis y Gestin de RequisitosElicitacin de Requerimientos Anlisis de documentacin existenteGlosarioObservacinEntrevistaCuestionarioAnlisis de RequerimientosOrganizar RequerimientosEspecificar y Modelar RequerimientosVerificar y Validar RequerimientosDescomposicin funcionalModelado del procesoModelo de dominioCasos de UsoHistoria de usuarioChecklistsInspeccinPrototipos Gestin de Requerimientos Control de cuestionesGestin del alcance de la Solucin/Requerimientos Trazabilidad de Requerimientos Priorizacin de Requerimientos"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Overcoming Retroactive Jealousy - 5 Easy Steps To Freedom" |
"Do you find yourself obsessing over your significant other's past? Do the thoughts of their past sexual encounters, and relationships cause you to feel extremely unpleasant and painful emotions and feelings?Do you feel like your relationships may be in jeopardy if you don't do something about it?You aren't alone. I use to be in this exact spot! What you're feeling is a condition known as Retroactive Jealousy! My name is Matthew and I was an RJ (Retroactive Jealousy) sufferer for more than 13 years!I had several relationships that I ended due to my RJ but the problem was, I never thought it was my fault.I thought if my partner just wouldn't have performed any sexual acts or had any relationships before me then I wouldn't be feeling this agonizing pain... but boy was I wrong!I finally realized something was truly wrong with me and I sought out to find out how to overcome it.After several months of research and studying I finally found a way out!There are a handful of books and courses on overcoming RJ, however, most of them are pricey and loaded with way too much information. All of this additional information can be confusing and overwhelming... and really there is no need for it!This formula that I lay out in this course is the no BS approach to Retroactive Jealousy!It's a simple 1 hour long course that gives you everything you need to know without the extra mumbo jumbo!There is no need for therapy, hypnosis, or medication... it is straight forward and to the point!I put together this course to show you the simple 5 step formula I used to defeat my 13 years Retroactive Jealousy in just days!It all comes down to understanding EXACTLY why you feel the way you feel and then attacking it head on! This is the only way to put your Retroactive Jealousy to rest once and for all!Heres what you get:The Complete ""Defeating Retroactive Jealousy"" Video Coursea 68 minute audio/video course that teaches everything you need to know about overcoming your Retroactive Jealousy and stopping all these painful emotions associated with it.2020 Bonus Add-On Videos and Exercisesan additional 45 minute of audio/video courses and exercises that expands on everything learned in the initial course while taking your power and knowledge on overcoming Retroactive Jealousy to a whole new level!""Defeating Retroactive Jealousy"" Powerpoint Presentation to provide easy access for note-taking and review you will receive the entire Powerpoint Presentation for your own records.Best Negative Thought Crushing Affirmationsa list of some of the best affirmations for you to mediate to and/or recite in your every day life to start destroying your Retroactive Jealousy once and for all!This Video Course includes topics likeMy personal Retroactive Jealousy storyImportant things you need to know before you start to defeating your RJWhat it is you are truly feeling when you feel an RJ emotion come upWhy you are an RJ suffererWhat George Clooney and Retroactive Jealousy have in commonHow to defeat your Retroactive JealousyThe simple 5 step formula in order to overcome your Retroactive Jealousy and get your life back!This stuff does require some practice and not everyone is guaranteed to succeed unless you offer up some will-power and put effort into it, however, I learned how to cure my RJ the hard way and had to do months of research! These months of research led me to this easy 5 step RJ overcoming formula that I am going to share with you!I feel confident that this course will give you the information you need to defeat your Retroactive Jealousy once and for all and enable you to proceed with a healthy life and a healthy relationship with your parter!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Book Factory: How to Make a Steady Income Writing Novels" |
"Want to learn my secret behind making 6-figures as an at-home full time writer? Becoming a prolific author is one way to guarantee financial freedom and a flexible lifestyle for you and your family.What does it mean to be a prolific author? Find out in The Book Factory!Is life getting in the way of you completing that novel? Ever think theres not enough hours in the day to find time to write? Have a full time job distracting you from your real passion of being a novelist? Are family responsibilities weighing you down and interfering with your writing goals?Im here to tell you that YOU CAN DO IT ALL and DO IT SUCCESSFULLY!In 2009, I successfully managed one husband, two jobs, three children, a difficult pregnancy, AND still managed to write twelve books, sell ten of those books (including all the editing and promotion), and coped with other various life challenges thrown in just for fun! How did I do all of that and still find time to eat and sleep? I developed a method of writing known as The Book Factory Method""--that's how! It does require commitment and desire to get it done, but if youre willing to put in the effort, you can produce multiple books in one year. Whats the benefit of completing multiple books in one year? The more books you have ready to submit, the more chance youll receive contract offers on one or more of those books. Or, the more books you can independently publish and get those consistent (passive) income dollars rolling in.Why shouldnt you just focus on one book and continue polishing that book all year long? The cold, hard truth is that you might not ever sell that one specific book. You should always have more than one project in the works at any given time.Are you one of those writers who starts multiple projects but never finishes any of them? Then this class is for you as well. Well talk about how to finally see those projects through to completion. Have trouble with time management or procrastination? Well address methods for getting organized and staying focused. Plus much, much more! If you want to learn how to get started, stay on track, and get those books ready to submitthis workshop puts a method to the madness of novel writing. WHAT'S INCLUDED WITH THIS COURSE?1. Seven Lessons Teaching the Book Factory Method (with Assignments): Available in Video, PDF, and Audio Formats2. Bonus Master Q&A Guide Book3. PDF Copy of the book The Book Factory Method: Your Guide to Producing Multiple Novels in One Year 4. Printable Book Factory Method Planner5. Printable Book Factory Method Workbook6. BONUS (4 Module) Perfecting Your Pitch Audio Course7. BONUS Pitch Class Notes Guide8. BONUS Synopsis Guide"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"NanoSatellite Engineering Professional Certification" |
"NEP Chapter Tutoring Videos- Nanosatellite Engineering Professional Certificate: NEP is the worlds first and only program of curriculum developed by engineering professionals from the KSF Space Foundation that is targeted for universities, startup companies and all of the space industry worldwide to enlighten engineers, teachers and students on construction and development of your very own Nanosatellite. The program will provide essential information on the process from mission development and design all the way to launch and policy regulations.With three major components that are:-How to employ nanosats/ (Building a mission)-How to develop a nanosat/ (Design and build the system)-How to operate a nanosat/ (Operation, end of life, standards)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Anxiety, Autism & Picky Eating" |
"It is time to take a see picky eating in a whole new light - one that science-based and full of empathy for how hard the act of eating can be for many children.This course will help you: Gain more understanding of picky eatingLearn why nutrition matters for your picky eaterLearn why old school picky eating strategies don't workLeave with 10 strategies you can use right away"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Leer alles over je Pioneer DDJ 400 van professionals!" |
"In deze cursus nemen we je mee en leggen je stap voor stap uit hoe je met deze controller moet werken. De volgende dingen worden behandeld:Het aansluiten van je controllerHet installeren van je programmaVolledige uitleg van je DDJ 400 inclusief effectenComplete uitleg van REKORDBOX SoftwareMuziek downloaden (bijgeleverd)Ontleden van een trackLeren beatmixen (2 tracks in elkaar mixen)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Credit Education, Credit Reports and FICO Scoring" |
"We live in a time in which credit scoring, specifically FICO scoring, means everything.Your score determines when and if you can purchase a home, when and if you can obtain a credit card and at what interest rate, where you rent or where you live, how much your transportation will cost you, what type of employment you have and how much you pay for insurance.It is virtually impossible not to have your credit score affect you. You would literally have to be living off the grid for credit scoring to not affect you. Not many people can live off the grid.My point with this course is for everyone to be well informed about credit and credit scoring, especially the FICO method. As you will see, the truth will probably open most of your eyes.Even if you have great credit and a great credit score, you will benefit, sometimes immensely. Just by applying some of my principles, you could see your credit score go up significantly."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"UK Family History Research for the Beginner Genealogist" |
"Have you ever wondered how to start genealogy research? This course will take you, step by step, through the most important processes of researching your family history. After learning how to construct your own family history charts, and find family photographs and other ancestral documents, you will learn how to use the most important sources used in searching for ancestry: civil registration, census records and parish registers. The course covers mainly genealogy in England and Wales - but there will also be useful information about Scottish and Irish genealogy."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Strategies (English Version)" |
"This course is about strategy for IELTS. It focuses on what to do when a candidate takes the IELTS test and how to do it. As such it is not designed to be an English language development course. Although some grammar is covered, this is not the central purpose of the course."
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Pengenalan Artificial Neural Network (ANN) untuk Pemula" |
"Materi ini menjelaskan tentang pengenalan ANN(Artificial Neural Network) yang merupakan representasi dari otak manusia. Materi ini terdapat dua paradigma pembelajaran, yaitu supervised learning dan unsupervised learning dengan perceptron, backpropagation neural network dan algoritma self-organizing map. Pada bagian terakhir, terdapat teknik untuk dimension reduction dan Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Semua materi akan dijelaskan menggunakan slide dan beberapa komputasi tangan untuk setiap algoritma. Materi ini dapat diselesaikan dalam 2.5 jam. Pada akhir kursus ini, siswa akan memahami algoritma dasar ANN dan menerapkannya untuk memecahkan masalah yang nyata."
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Pengenalan Blockchain (Bitcoin Cryptocurrency) untuk Pemula" |
"Materi ini terdiri dari 10 Sesi yaitu:Apa itu BlockchainEvolusi blockchain (ver 1.0 Cryptocurrency)Evolusi blockchain (ver 2.0 Smart Contract)Blockchain saat ini (Ver 3.0 Enterprise)HashingPseudonymPeer-to-peerMerkle TreeDampak Industri dari BlockchainPro dan Kontra blockchainMateri ini dapat diselesaikan dalam 2 jam. Setelah materi ini selesai, diharapkan Pelajar dapat memahami apa itu Blockchain dan dapat menerapkannya dalam dunia nyata."
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Curso Avanzado de Nutricin y Longevidad Saludable" |
"Este curso est basado en los fundamentos y evidencias de la ciencia en la alimentacin y salud para una mayor Longevidad, adaptando la complejidad de la ciencia a una forma ms sencilla, prctica y amena de comprender sus implicaciones en la salud y el envejecimiento. Con este curso se revisan:Las claves basadas en la ciencia y culturas centenarias que se han relacionado con la Longevidad y la salud.Las claves para alimentarte de una forma saludable de verdad sin contar caloras.Las bases y evidencias cientficas relacionadas con el envejecimiento.Las causas y factores implicados en el envejecimiento acelerado y enfermedad.Hbitos saludables para envejecer con salud y prevenir enfermedades.Principales causas de mortalidad y su relacin con hbitos de vida.Cmo alimentarte para prevenir enfermedades y vivir de forma saludable.Cmo cuidarte para tener una buena salud y mayor longevidad.Alimentos anti-aging.Suplementacin ortomolecular en la Longevidad.Mecanismos de detoxificacin del organismo y cmo potenciarlos.Incluye gua completa del curso con hbitos prcticos para llevar a cabo tu alimentacin diaria, recetas, suplementos... efectivos aplicados en mi consulta que han ayudado a cientos de personas a mejorar su salud.Librate de las dietas y aprende a comer de verdad!De dnde nace este curso?Gracias a mi mpetu por intentar descubrir las causas que afectan a la salud de la humanidad y mi motivacin por ampliar mis conocimientos para ayudar a aquellas personas que lo necesitan me embarqu en mi formacin y camino personal en el campo de la salud natural y de la nutricin, pude conocer la implicacin de diferentes corrientes dietticas y de estilo de vida sobre el correcto funcionamiento del organismo( desde la paleo, ancestral, evolucionista, vegetariana, mediterrnea, higienista, cetognica, dieta DASH... ), intentando averiguar cual era la mejor y descubrir porqu unos eligen una y otros otra as cmo averiguar cual produca ms beneficios para la salud y las distintas enfermedades...Tras un largo estudio, investigacin personal y profesional , probando y descubriendo la verdad que hay detrs de los alimentos en m y en cientos de pacientes a los que he ayudado he elaborado este curso resumiendo lo importante que ha cambiado la salud de muchas personas incluyendo la ma, sin irte a extremos ni dietas concretas para llevar una alimentacin ms fcil y equilibrada; as nace este curso concentrando la base que tienen en comn todas estas corrientes que han mostrado beneficios sobre la salud para ajustarnos ms a la verdad, abarcando la complejidad de la investigacin y anlisis de mltiples sabiduras sobre la nutricin, extrayendo de forma sencilla lo que ha demostrado mayor evidencia y tiene un verdadero impacto sobre la salud y la vida. Simplemente me gustara compartir este conocimiento contigo y espero que pueda ayudarte a ti tambin a cambiar el curso de tu vida y tu salud.Recuerda...La Victoria est dentro de ti!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Criando Animao de Personagens para jogos com Spine2D" |
"Ol meu nome Diego sou desenhista e animador de persoangens para jogos, voc que quer aprender a animar personagens, ou at mesmo se voc j anima e quer dar um Upgrade nesses personagens, esse curso foi feito para voc.Spine2D um software poderoso de animao de persoangens para jogos 2D que possibilita uma infinidade de opes de criao, aqui no curso iremos utilizar os conceitos bsicos dessa poderosa ferramenta, do inicio at o desenvolvimento da animao completa do seu primeiro personagem.Esse curso o mdulo bsico, ou seja, voc no precisa ter conhecimento nenhum de animao de personagens para jogos, porm no final do curso voc ter muito conhecimento desse mundo da animao.O curso foi elaborado com carinho, e espero de corao que possa ajudar a voc. isso ai, espero voc na nossa primeira aula. At l"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"21 Days Of Modern Meditation" |
"Thank you for enrolling in Meditation Masters: 21 Day to become pro at meditation and Up-Level Your Life.Meditation Masters is an entirely new type of learning experience, because it is completely adapted into the Quest format and contains bite-size content.This course is structured in the following way:Part 1 is all about 'getting good' at Meditation. It gives you a morning practice to prime your brain for optimal performance.Part 2 is all about 'getting good' at life. You'll learn a unique series of guided visualizations to help you show up as the most amazing version of you when it really counts at work, in your relationships and for yourself.So, let's get started."
Price: 7680.00 ![]() |