Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn How to Ace an Impressive Job Interview" |
"At the start of the course, you will learn about how external image plays an important role in creating positive impressions to help you ace a job interview and the elements of a job interview that help you gain confidence.As we proceed you will learn about the Attire and grooming needs for a job interview.You will also learn about the much needed etiquette or good manners to be used at a job interview. Learn about body language, gestures and postures and vocal, verbal conversation used at a job interview.Before the start of the lessons, you can use the 'Expectations Form' to write down your list of expectations from the session. You will find it in the resources. There are exercises to complete as we proceed. Doing these in sequence with the session will help you understand better and implement the learning.Happy Learning!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Collective Decision Making" |
"Solving problems in a group is a tremendous opportunity to find unconventional solutions, and reach a higher level of collaboration. Yet, teams are often challenged to come to a good, consistent, and sustainable decisions together. It is possible when the team has awareness and process in place to go through the decision-making exercise. In this training, we lay out the process, and offer tools and techniques that can help you guide your team through defining the problem you need to solve, coming up with possible solutions, and choosing the best solution in a collaborative approach."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Google Data Studio 2019: The Complete A-Z Guide" |
"You've just stumbled upon the most complete & in-depth online course on Google Data Studio. This course covers everything you'll ever need on Google Data Studio, in a format that is fun and engaging.What you'll get from this course.I'll show you how to uncover important data patterns such as customer purchase behavior, sales trends or production bottlenecks.You'll learn all of the features in Google Data Studio that allow you to explore, experiment with and present data easily, quickly and beautifully.Because every module of this course is independent, you can start in whatever section you wish, and you can do as much or as little as you like.Each section provides an interesting new data set, solving real world problems that will challenge you so you can learn by immediately applying what you're learning.This course is updated constantly, as new Google Data Studio features are released.Why learn Data Studio?The reality is there are better data visualization products out there, like Tableau. But Google Data Studio is without a doubt the best completely free product available. And after coming out of beta in September 2018, Google has been rolling out improvements and rapidly closing the feature gap. In a few years, Google Data Studio will most likely dominate this space. And with this course constantly being updated, you'll always have the most up to date and relevant content, to keep you on the cutting edge.What if I have questions?I offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).This means youll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With my hand-holding guidance, youll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.Theres no risk either!This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and Ill refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.You either end up with Google Data Studio skills, go on to develop great visualizations and potentially supercharge your career, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like itYou literally cant lose.Ready to get started?Enroll now using the Add to Cart button on the right, and get started on your way to becoming a data viz pro. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you.See you on the inside (hurry, your first class is waiting!)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Django 2 para iniciantes" |
"Ol, o meu nome Luiz Maciel . Seja muito Bem vindo ao curso Django 2 para iniciantes.Neste curso voc ir aprender a instalar o Python, instalar a virtual env e o web framework Django, ir aprender conceitos como models, views, Admin e rotas do Django. Alm de construir uma aplicao com CRUD do Zero.Bons Estudos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Educao Financeira para no Financeiros" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender a cuidar melhor do seu dinheiro!E o melhor de tudo que no precisa entender de finanas para realizar esse curso. Basta ser iniciante e ter fora de vontade para aprender.As pessoas falam que querem se organizar financeiramente, mas na verdade no sabem como fazer. Esse curso de Educao financeira veio para ensinar os conceitos e prticas de como administrar as suas finanas de maneira estruturada e fcil.Os estudos de caso que sero abordados ao longo do curso, iro lhe abrir os olhos para as diversas formas para lidar com as dvidas.Voc ver que possvel lidar com as finanas de maneira simples, de modo que isso te leve para uma vida mais saudvel e prspera.Mas e a, ser que voc est fazendo parte do grande grupo de brasileiros endividados?Voc no est conseguindo pagar as suas contas em dia?Estudos afirmam que quanto mais as famlias ganham dinheiro, mais elas gastam com suas vontades e desejos. Mas posso dizer com total propriedade, que a culpa no s delas, e sim de um sistema social que no s educou desde que eram pequenas.Nossa vontade de comprar algo, nos torna consumidores natos. Nosso perfil de gasto est to entranhado em nossas mentes que por muita vezes queremos parar e no conseguimos.Devido a isso, as pessoas tm medo do seu prprio dinheiro, ficando dia aps dia, angustiadas, aguardando o ms seguinte, tendo a certeza que no conseguiro pagar todas as contas.Esse um dos maiores e mais amargos problemas que incomodam a maior parte das famlias.Por esse motivo, temos que aprender a lidar com o nosso dinheiro, assim obtendo alguns hbitos do tipo fazer uma poupana para guardar dinheiro, ou at mesmo investir, com o objetivo de buscar mais qualidade de vida para ns mesmos e toda a nossa famlia.E eu j posso te dizer que depois desse aprendizado, voc estar pronto para construir uma vida financeira saudvel. Para isso, basta somente voc se comprometer com os seus sonhos e seus propsitos de vida. Eu tenho certeza que voc vai conseguir chegar aonde voc quiser.Estarei aqui a todo tempo para ajudar com os conceitos e prticas, para chegarmos juntos, rumo a sua independncia financeira.Vamos juntos?!Mas antes uma informao importante: Esse curso ainda est em desenvolvimento e mais aulas e exerccios sero adicionados semanalmente. Ainda vem muita coisa boa por a!Giselle"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Solutions |
"A solution is a mixture in which substances are intermixed so intimately that they can not be observed as separate components. The dispersed phase or the substance which is to be dissolved is called solute, while the dispersion medium in which the solute is dispersed to get a homogenous mixture is called the solvent.Solubility : Solubility of a substance may be defined as the amount of solute dissolved in l00 gms of a solvent to form a saturated solution at a given temperature.A saturated solution is a solution which contains at a given temperature as much solute as it can hold in presence of dissolving solvent. Any solution may contain less solute than would be necessary to saturate it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Secrets for Beginners - A Complete Course" |
"Are you looking for a course that can offer you the hidden secrets of the digital marketing trade from the very beginning?You're in the right place!This course covers all of Digital Marketing's major topics through 10 modules with a focus on Inbound Marketing and Growth Hacking techniques.I have created this digital marketing course because I believe that everyone should have access to cheap education and I felt the need to share my knowledge with the world. This course is a summary of everything that I've ever read, watched, listened, and made throughout my career.Despite the title of the course, you can learn many useful digital marketing and marketing strategy tips and tricks even if you are not a beginner in this field. I have compiled a list of both basic information and secrets unknown to many marketers which I have personally learned through trial and error in the past few years.These online marketing lectures are full of unique tools andways of promoting a product, brand, or service.I have created this course in a way that it would be easy for you to acquire the new information. This is why every lectureis followed by assignments, quizzes, or exercises. The skills you will acquire should help you:GROW any businessLAND a job in digital marketing or a similar fieldDEVELOP your own marketing strategies,tools, or promotionchannels ... and much much more! + all skills are transferable so you can use the knowledge for any job you have or business you will ever ownOnce you have enrolled in this course you will get lifetime access to all lectures and updates. If you successfully complete the course and its assignments, you will receive a Udemy certification of completion you can display on your LinkedIn profile or website or blog. Also, please take a look at all the auxiliary materials (reading materials and video) I've added for you.The design of the course is very simple and straight-forward as it was created to make it easier for you to focus on practice, rather than just theory. I have made the presentations as clear as possible to make you wantto test out all of the methods I'm talking about and search for even more information as the course plays in the background.You'll also get: Lifetime access to the course Practical tips that will bring you results Fast & friendly support in the Q&A section Udemy certificate of completion A 30-day money back guaranteeJoin 25,000+ students and see what other students became successful:A wonderful long course which is very well explained. The fun quizzes keeps the pen on the notebook. The assignments are easy and engaging. Would definitely recommend this course as i got to learn so much more and see things from a different perspective. The tips given in between are extremely useful. I'm glad to have picked this course. - Sheetal Prasad, Udemy studentVery good information. I also like the tests after each module. It helped me see if I was really paying attention. Very well put together course so that students can get the benefits of the instructors experience and knowledge. Loved it! - Mina Stanovich, Udemy studentGreat content and step by step execution. - Amber Sharma, Udemy studentIt was a very good learning experience. The instructor was very good at explaining the subjects. - Nicole, Udemy studentThis tutorial was really helpful. It was an eye opener to a whole lot of things. - Michael Ezeagwula, Udemy studentCourse is very informative and useful for everyone. - Sumeet Shah, Udemy studentI am always available for any questions you might have related to the topics discussed in this course or regarding your future career and I try to answer your inquiries as soon as possible but keep in mind I get hundreds of daily questions so answers may be delayed.2019 Update: Added English captions and new assignments.Remember this course on digital marketing strategy is only 2.5 hours long so I tried to include lots of useful information on the Internet marketing field in a short amount of time. There's approximately one new information every 3 seconds. Keeping up with its fast pace may be a challenge for any beginner in this industry so take your time and pause the video whenever needed.See you inside the course and don't forget to give your best!***Things to keep in mind before starting the course:If the captions are covering something I'm showing you on the screen, make sure you go to their settings and change the opacity.If my speed pace is too fast and you want to take notes, you can slow down the video from the player.Assignments and quizzes are there for you to practice. If you want to skip them it's fine but make sure you come back to them once you get the time. Theory is nothing without the practice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo de API REST utilizando Spring Boot 2" |
"El presente curso tiene la finalidad de crear API REST, utilizando Spring Boot 2. En donde el alumno aprender a desde configurar su entorno de desarrollo hasta lograr implementar los servicios REST. Los cuales lo puede integrar con cualquier framework del lado del front end.El curso principalmente est divido en 5 captulos:1.- Captulo 01: Introduccin al curso en donde se muestra las distintas herramientas que se va ha utilizar.2.- Captulo 02: Captulo relacionado a la configuracin del entorno de desarrollo. El alumno aprender a instalar PostgreSQL, Java, DBEaver, Apache Tomcat, Spring Tool Suite.3.- Captulo 03: Creacin de base de datos, en donde se explica conceptos core de lo que es una base de datos, tipos de datos, relaciones entre tablas, creacin de vistas.4.- Captulo 04: Desarrollo de una aplicacin base utilizando la herramienta Spring Initializr, el cual permite crear apps utilizando Maven y Gradle. Adems que permite definir los dependencias y genera un proyecto plantilla en .zip el cual podemos descomprimirlo en nuestro workspace y comenzar a desarrollar nuestras apps Spring Boot.5.- Captulo 05: Desarrollo de una app utilizando el patrn de diseo Facade. Se pondr en prctica todo lo aprendido en el curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Big Data Hadoop and Spark with Scala" |
"This course will make you ready to switch career on big data hadoop and spark.After this watching this, you will understand about Hadoop, HDFS, YARN, Map reduce, python, pig, hive, oozie, sqoop, flume, HBase, No SQL, Spark, Spark sql, Spark Streaming.This is the one stop course. so dont worry and just get started. You will get all possible support from my side. For any queries, feel free to message me here.Note: All programs and materials are provided."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Beat the Codility Coding Interview in Ruby" |
"This course has been designed to help you pass your next coding interview. It focuses on puzzles from Codility's training lessons, so if you have an online coding test coming up, this course is perfect for you.The key to passing coding interviews is to practice as much as possible by solving various types of coding puzzles. In doing so you sharpen your problem solving skills and eventually you will start to see patterns amongst the different coding solutions. You also increase your chances of being asked a problem youve already solved.In this course youll get to practice many of these coding puzzles. In every section we introduce the topic, explain the problem and later provide you with a few hints that help solve the puzzle. In the end we arrive at the solution together.Along the way you'll learn how to ride a motorbike, surf, scuba dive and fly an aeroplane. *Join me on this course, and lets get you to pass this interview!*Not really, however this course is pretty fun regardless.All code in this course can be found on github, username/project: cutajarj/CodilityInRuby"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vegan and Gluten-Free Baking - Easy and Delicious" |
"This course is for people who love breads, cakes and muffin and want to enjoy them vegan and gluten-free. It is for people who love learning and want to become expert home bakers in an easy and fun way.If you want to avoid gluten and follow a vegan diet, baking seems difficult and your options appear limited. Most breads and cakes in the stores have gluten, eggs or option for you. And on top of that, baking can seem complicated, and there is no place to learn everything from scratch. The internet is crowded with tons of blogs, videos and recipes, while none of them teaches the system, the structure, or the the know-how that is essential to learn vegan and gluten-free baking.So many questions remain unanswered: Which flours can I use? How can my dough stick together? How much of each ingredient should I use? How can I replace ingredients that I don't like?What ingredients should a vegan and gluten-free dough consist of? How can I adjust recipes to my own liking?All of this, and more, will be covered in this course. You will learn all everything you need to know:How a recipe is build Which flours, flavors and baking ingredients you can useThe simple tools you need for bakingHow to knead a doughHow you can adjust recipes to your personal likingHow to bake 21 different recipes: Delicious vegan and gluten-free breads, cakes, brownies, muffins and cookiesHow you can create your own recipesAnd moreBaking will no longer seem like a mystery, on the contrary, you will find baking easy, clear and enjoyable.Become the baker your friends will love. Stop looking around, and start creating your own delicious recipes.Start baking now!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"TRACCE GPX Come seguirle, scaricarle e gestirle" |
"con questo corso imparerai ad utilizzare al meglio le tracce GPX, questo genere di file lo standard internazionale per le tracce di percorrenza, in pratica se sei un escursionista e vuoi visitare un posto nuovo nella maggior parte dei casi avrei a disposizione appunto una traccia GPX che ti permetter di percorrere un determinato itinerario.questo accorgimento ti permetter di godere a pieno del percorso senza preoccuparti troppo di capire o interpretare le classiche mappe cartacee."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SOLID Principles in PHP : Learn how to write better code" |
"Object Oriented Design principles, SOLID, either you love them or hate them. However, they are the crucial building blocks of your software's architecture. Unfortunately, as useful as they are, most of the material available on this subject is either too abstract or use impractical examples. Now, they do help in understanding these principles conceptually, but they lack the depth and understanding as how and where these principles can benefit you the most.Well, in this course, I will walk you through these principles step by step. I have structured the course in such a way that by the end of it, not only you will have completely understood these mystical concepts but also you will be ready to apply them in your projects straight away. I will also show you how these principles can rescue you from the darkness of messy code by giving you practical examples.In addition to that, I will also show you a few tips and tricks along the way in Laravel and a gentle introduction to testing."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
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Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Central de Servios com GLPI" |
"Um treinamento todo baseado no nico livro em Portugus sobre Central de Servios com o GLPi.Neste treinamento, voc aprender no apenas a usar a ferramenta GLPi e entender como ela organiza e estrutura toda a informao para entregar resultados e agregar valor para a Central de Servios e para a empresa, aprender acima de tudo a responder as perguntas necessrias para o Negcio de sua Organizao. Para alm de uma viso tecnicista, voc receber os primeiros inputs necessrios para caminhar na Trilha de Gesto de Servios em TI.Seja voc um prestador de servios interno (departamento de TI)ou externo (empresa de prestao de servios),ter uma viso clara e objetiva quanto a estruturao do sistema e como sua utilizao pode lhe ajudar no dia a dia."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"ABAP Orientado a Objetos" |
"Esse curso foi criado com o intuito de lhe ensinar de maneira prtica todos os conceitos bsicos da Orientao a Objetos e como as mesmas funcionam dentro do ABAP. O curso possui uma carga horrio no muito grande, porm, com aulas prticas e rpidas, o mesmo traz cada conceito de maneira individual para que, caso voc necessite, voc possa revisitar um conceito ou contedo em especfico sem necessitar assistir uma aula gigante.Voc aprender:A finalmente a programar Orientado a Objetos e o melhor, dentro do SAP;Otimizar seu desenvolvimento Orientado a Objetos no ABAP e at mesmo seus desenvolvimentos estruturados;O curso conta com um frum de perguntas que o professor ir responder o mais rpido possvel. Novos contedos sempre podero ser adicionados, assim como o contedo j existente, poder sempre ser atualizado."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Resume-To-Go: Proven Structure Models to Upscale a Resume!" |
"Are you in a hurry? Do you need to submit a resume in the next few days? Do you want immediate responses that get the interviews and jobs you desire? Whether you have no job experience or you're a college/ high school student or you're the average job seeker, Resume-To-Go SAVESYOUTIME and uncovers document models and structures to have your resume STANDOUTfrom other candidates and get you the responses you want. Having had experience in the higher education industry and employment industry as a hiring specialist, Ihave worked with hundreds upon hundreds of job seeking resumes and have discovered a fast and response-driven process into getting employers to react to my resume model. Here is what you will get out of this course:An overview of the different types of resumes available for job seekingAn inside look on what employers are seeking from job candidatesA Combination and Skills-Based Resume A Soft Skill/ Hard Skill Cheat Sheet A Bullet Point System that includes EXAMPLESInside tips to expand your resume beyond the course Resume-To-Go is user friendly and explains everything with step-by-step instructions for the student to follow along with their own computer or laptop. With tutorials that are under 10 minutes and a subtitle addition to view further, everything is provided to have the OPTIMAL resume building experience. REMEMBER! YOUWANTRESPONSES!YOUWANTTOSAVETIME! With a 30-day back guarantee, there is absolutely no risk in you obtaining a results-driven resume. The decision is up to you. If you are stuck in anyarea of the program, you will have access to contact me for questions and support. I am at your services!Can't wait to see you in class! :) Yours Truly,Dylan Moncus"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sculpting in Zbrush" |
"Updated videos with Dynamics Zbrush 2021 added!!Learn how to create amazing 3d sculpts, using industry's top digital software- Zbrush!Guiding you on this journey is an award winning digital sculptor, Art Academy professor and a studio head with over 15 years of industry experience! Every section comes with written learning material summarizing the most important points of the section!Every section comes with a Quiz that will test your knowledge so you can make sure you learned all you need! Download written learning materials and Zbrush tools so you can learn even when of-line!Updating with new videos as Zbrush updates!Do you want to learn digital sculpting in Zbrush, by an instructor that's not only a seasoned professional but also a studio owner, sitting on the other side of the hiring table?! Learn the best possible approach and workflow to get from start to finished design, use essential tools that enable you to create any design in Zbrush. Get tips and tricks of the trade, inside thoughts of a studio project lead that will give you an edge when getting jobs in the industry! A shout out to my friend Martin Punchev Vertexbee, how did the 2d design for the Turtle you see in the course title image!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Vagrant - Simplificando entornos de desarrollo" |
"Aprenders en profundidad como utilizar esta magnfica herramienta para crear entornos de desarrollo de una manera muy simple, portable y reutilizable.A lo largo del curso aprenders a medida que haces.Al finalizar sers capaz de montar entornos de desarrollo que incluirn mltiples mquinas virtuales, de una manera muy sencilla y eficaz, ahorrndote un montn de tiempo y evitando problemas del tipo ""en mi PCfunciona"". Estos entornos podrn ser utilizado por todos los integrantes de tu equipo de desarrollo(DevOps, Desarrolladores de software, Arquitectos de software, Diseadores Web, Testers, etc), sin importar los conocimientos en la materia que estos tengan."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Fotografa desde cero hasta el mximo de ti" |
"Vas a sacar lo mejor de ti con tu cmara DSRL. Aprenders los trucos esenciales y cmo se manejan en condiciones especiales para que logres lo que siemnpre has soado. Nunca ms dirs ""cmo se hace eso?"".Los cursos de fotografa, en general, te ensean conceptos sin tener en cuenta lo que piensas. Yo te enseo los conceptos y te invito en cada seccin a que lo practiques y, sobre todo, a que le apliques tu personalidad.Aprenders lo esencial y cmo se pueden lograr todos los efectos que siempre te has preguntado y ms, los tuyos, tus propios trucos, los que t crees basndote en lo aprendido.Aprenders:Cmo se maneja una cmara profesional (o semi o normal, todas funcionan igual).Qu accesorios necesitasUna prctica tras otra para que toques lo que aprendesA revelar tus archivos RAW de la manera ms sencilla y contundenteA crear composiciones nicas, que solo puedes lograr t con tu toqueA obtener fotografas de calidad tcnica impecableA elegir tus objetivosA crear profundidad en tus fotosA comunicar emociones o sumergirte en la fotografa artsticaAprenders a leer las fotos de todo el mundo, sabrs por qu son buenasY mil trucos ms, como el efecto bokeh, las claves alta y baja...Da igual la formacin que tengas. Con las claves que se enseo en este curso-taller aprenders ms, hasta el mximo de ti.Esquema de contenido18 mdulos con vdeos y pdf. Cada mdulo cuenta con con varios ejercicios para que pongas en prctica lo que aprendes. No te puedo prometer que aprenders si no trabajas (nadie puede). Los ejercicios son muy importantes, diseados para que aprendas y, al mismo tiempo, te descubras.Te ensear qu es una cmara rflex (las mirrorless, semiprofesionales, analgicas o DSRL bsicas funcionan todas con la misma tcnica).Es importante que conozcas la luz como aliada esencial para tu trabajo. Te la presentar de muchas maneras durante el curso.Los tipos de archivo y cual te dar mayor poder. Una foto se crea antes del clik, durante y despus del click (ahora y siempre ha sido as).Vas a jugar para comprender el tiempo, el diafragma y el ISO de manera virtual. Y despus, con tu cmara, vas a lograr el dominio total .Elegir los objetivos y cmo manejar tu cmara de una maner prctica y alejada de complicaciones tcnicas (aunque las domines; lo ms importante es crear, no darle a los botoncitos).Compondrs tus encuadres como los genios para que el mensaje de tus fotos sea impactante.Y sabrs revelar tus fotos para que sean nicas. En color o en blanco y negro.Al final, descubrirs tcnicas que encantan a todos.Quin te ensea y qu haceXisco Fuster es fotgrafo desde la era analgica. Enseo fotografa desde que tengo 20 aos. La fotografa es mi pasin. Con ella vivo los mejores momentos. Esta pasin es lo que atrapa a mis alumnos. La pasin se contagia, sobre todo si por tus venas corren las ganas locas por flirtear con la luz.""La luz est por todas partes, sabras fotografiarla?"" Este fue el ttulo del taller que impart a unos 40 alumnos en el Banco de la Repblica (Colombia). Me encanta este ttulo porque marca una definicin exacta de lo que somos: vamos tras la luz reflejndose en los objetos, en las personas y nos interesa conmover con nuestras capturas.Tambin he enseado en escuelas de nios, de Fotografa, he impartido conferencias y talleres de fotografa en universidades.Normalmente trabajo en una inmobiliaria de Mallorca, fotografiando casas de lujo, pero no te omaginas cuanto deseo salir de ese trabajo mecnico para dedicarme a lo que tanto amo, la fotografa artstica.Vuelco mi experiencia en fotos y artculos del blog La Fotografa es mi Pasin. Si te das un paseo por la web que lleva este nombre, me descubrirs y descubrirs la fotografa seria, aquella que te lleva a ser nico.Para quin es este curso?Para chicos, chicas, trabajadores, jubilados o lo que sea, pero que sienta la fotografa adentro, que sientas las ganas para no perder el tiempo en un curso ms, sino en invertir en un cambio como persona que te har ms grande.Para los que necesitan saber cmo funciona la captura de la luz en una fotografaPara los que no saben nada y quieren aprender de una manera seria y profunda (al mximo de ti)Para los que algo saben y quieren perfeccionarse (al mximo de ti)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create 3D Home Tours for Real Estate with Matterport" |
"Matterport 3D tours are the latest high tech media used by real estate professionals all around the world. In this course you will learn everything from the equipment needed to create 3D tours, shooting technique, tips and strategies and post production flows.Real estate photographers can easily add this service to their business as another layer to offer clients. Construction companies can benefit from the incredible detailed modelling.This media can be offered to your local businesses to be embedded on their website allowing customers a window into their location.Utilizing panoramic photography and inferred technology Matterport makes capturing, creating, and distributing beautiful, interactive 3D models easy and affordable.Regardless of your level of experience, Matterport makes it accessible and affordable to create interactive 3D experiences of real-world spaces. This course will help you quickly and professionally learn to create 3D home tours to offer your clients."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Trading Investing In Financial Markets" |
"New to Finance or need to know more? We invite you to join us for an upcoming course. Our experienced mentor is here to help you achieve your financial goalYou don't have to be an expert to do this course you just need basic common sense to learn stock markets as Warren Buffet says you don't need an IQ of 150 to make money from stock markets avg. IQ will do wonders. Get complete knowledge of trading in Stock Markets and practically jump into stock markets to generate above average returns.Trading is a competition between two sides where there is always a winner and a loser. In our Basic course, you will learn skills and techniques to help you buy and sell Shares with a deep insight. We will teach you a simple, rules-based strategy which is designed to keep you on the safe side and acquire profits. This strategy helps you to identify key market turning points."
Price: 7360.00 ![]() |
"Arduino para Iniciantes - Crie 10 projetos bsicos" |
"Esse curso ensina a hobistas e profissionais da rea de eletrnica a criar projetos eletrnicos atravs de uma linguagem simples e de forma prtica utilizando a plataforma Arduino. O curso abrange o estudo em detalhes da placa Arduino, sua pinagem e a correta conexo com os componentes, a instalao e utilizao do Editor de Cdigos, a linguagem de programao C especfica para o Arduino e o conhecimento de vrios componentes eletrnicos, alm do desenvolvimento de vrios projetos ."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Liderana Brasileira" |
"Este curso introdutrio para aqueles que comeam a entender que o maior ativo que o Brasil tem o brasileiro. Os maiores desafios da humanidade agora esto entre as imigraes, multiculturalidade e crenas. A Europa comea a ter crises polticas, de mercado e culturais por conta desses novos desafios.Boa notcia: apesar de todos os nossos gaps sociais, ns lidamos precisamente com esses problemas h 500 anos com relativo sucesso!Dada nossa construo e fundao, os problemas mundiais agora encontram cases de sucesso nos relacionamentos interpessoais brasileiros.Sempre fomos profetizados como o pas do futuro, quem sabe, de fato, agora no tenha chegado nossa vez de interferir e modelar um estilo de liderana criativo, aglutinador, leve e adequado ao futuro?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Scientific Wing Chun for Effective Self-Defense" |
"72% rated this course with 4 - 5 stars! Check out for yourself what is Smart Research Wing Chun about!""I had tried out the course and tried the actual lesson, found that the technic did work and is it important for us to think logically and scientifically on martial arts which deliver the actual result. I think is vital for us to understand more about how the technics actually works. This course really help me a lot, many thanks to the instructor ???"" - Adalyn Kayne (Udemy review)Note: - Ignore the negative reviews of this course as they may be meant for the quality of presentation than what this course can do to solve Wing Chun problems which have been plaguing the mainstream Wing Chun practitioners.- Go to YouTube and search for Smart Research Wing Chun, then check out the video of Wing Chun vs Karate to get an idea whether Smart Research Wing Chun can work in a noncooperative setting.Are you frustrated by the fact that most Wing Chun programs in the marketplace aren't delivering good results?Do you want to learn effective Wing Chun techniques that give you powerful self-defence capability?Do you want to get the best Wing Chun experience and results with the least effort and time?If yes, then buy this course now!This course solves some of the major instructional errors of the mainstream Wing Chun instruction which you see in the marketplace which cause the techniques to malfunction.This is the ultimate disclosure of Wing Chun that exposes that Ip Man, Bruce Lee and most of the mainstream Wing Chun practitioners have been practicing Wing Chun unscientifically and wrongly and thus explains why the mainstream Wing Chun has been failing frequently on Youtube.After going through this course, you shall have the highest level of understanding of Wing Chun which the mainstream Wing Chun community doesn't have because Smart Research Wing Chun has restored the techniques of ancient Wing Chun.In this disclosure, we categorize Wing Chun into 2 versions: mainstream vs corrected. - The mainstream version contains scientific errors- The corrected version is the more scientific version which may be similar to the original version of Wing ChunAfter going through this course, you shall possess these abilitiesDeliver strong Wing Chun punch with penetrative triangular force and knockout capability (mainstream Wing Chun doesn't have this ability)Develop natural instinct for sparring and self-defense purposeUnderstand how to use scientific method to research martial arts - this would make you a faster learner of martial artsExecute Wing Chun techniques correctly: Wing Chun punch, Tan Sao, Bong Sao, Gang Sao, etc.3 Gems of this course:Lecture of Smart Research Scientific Siu Nim Tau: This is the secret sauce that greatly improves the performance of Wing Chun techniques which other mainstream Wing Chun practitioners have no access to.Lecture of Techniques: We renamed some of the techniques (still in Cantonese) to help the students understand the intentions behind the techniques so that it is easier to execute the techniques more accurately. This reduces the chances of misinterpreting the techniques.Research knowledge: With this knowledge, students may apply the same process to learn other martial arts easily and quickly.Why buy this course?Lifetime access (via and by Udemy).30-day refund policy by Udemy.Over 2 hours of content. (Learn 10 minutes per day to complete the course at a steady pace.)You get to learn the scientific and workable version of Wing Chun instruction for practical self defense.The instruction is easy to follow.Value for money for the high-quality instruction.Extra Information:Smart Research Wing Chun is probably the only group to have posted videos of Wing Chun techniques being usable on non-Wing Chun opponents on YouTube. And the sparring was done with pure Wing Chun techniques and footwork instead of mixtures of kickboxing stance and footwork which the mainstream Wing Chun practitioners often have to do so because their techniques aren't workable.Smart Research Wing Chun group had trained people from Asia and Europe; and it had conducted workshops in India.Smart Research Wing Chun had been tested by people who had experienced the mainstream Wing Chun.By taking this course, you may save thousands of dollars and lots of time as you learn faster and deeper than those who practice the mainstream Wing Chun.The demonstrations are presented by one demonstrator. If you wish to check out our demonstration, then go to our profile page and click on the YouTube channel link.Click ""Buy"" now to learn the secret of our Wing Chun success!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"10 Schritte zum erfolgreichen Start als Fhrungskraft" |
"Herzlich Willkommen zum Seminar10 Schritte zum erfolgreichen Start als Fhrungskraft.In diesem Seminar erklre ich Dir in insgesamt 10 einfachen Schritten step-by-step, was die Dos, aber auch die Donts sind, wenn Du einen neuen Fhrungsjob antrittst.Wir beschftigen uns dabei unter anderem mit den folgenden Fragestellungen:Wie stimme ich mich mit meinem Vorgesetzten ab?Wie lerne ich mein Team besser kennen und kommuniziere meine Erwartungen?Welche Ziele soll ich mir fr die erste Zeit vornehmen und in welcher Form soll ich sie an die Auenwelt kommunizieren?Warum ist es wichtig, in den ersten Tagen nicht gleich alles zu verndern, aber dennoch erste Akzente zu setzen?Welche Hilfsmittel gibt es, um besser ""Nein""sagen zu lernen und warum ist das als Fhrungskraft erforderlich?Wer auer meiner Fhrungskraft und meinen Mitarbeitern hat noch Interesse an meiner Ttigkeit und wie soll ich mit diesen Leuten umgehen?Was hat es mit der Flughhe beim Fhren auf sich?Ein Versprechen:es erwartet Dich kein theoretisches Geschwafel ber Fhrung und mgliche Fhrungsstile, die vielleicht im Moment gerade modern sind, sondern Du bekommst konkrete Tipps an die Hand, die Du vom ersten Tag an sofort umsetzen kannst.Damit Du fr die ersten 100 Tage einen roten Faden fr Deinen Fhrungsjob hast, erklre ich Dir, wie Du Dir den perfekten Plan dafr erstellen kannst und welche Vorteile dieser Plan sonst noch so mit sich bringt."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Auditor ISO9001:2015 - Contedo completo em 1h" |
"Curso de Auditor ISO9001:2015 - Contedo completo em 1hObjetivos do curso:Capacitar os participantes para que possam conduzir auditorias e atuar como auditores internos no sistema de qualidade;Explicar os tipos e as etapas que compoe uma auditoria;Orientar quanto aos principios e a finalidade de uma auditoria;Orientar quanto aos principios de um auditor na conducao de uma auditoria.Sobre a MaKe Treinamentos:Foi idealizada levando em conta anos de experiencia no Sistema de Gestao da Qualidade, Gestao de Pessoas, Seguranca no Trabalho e Gerencia Organizacional. A MaKe Treinamentos e Consultoria e uma empresa especializada na Implantacao do Sistema de Qualidade (nas normas ISO9001 e PBQP-H), Gestao em Projetos, Gestao Organizacional, Gestao de Pessoas, Gestao de Recursos Humanos, Inteligencia Emocional, Psicologia Positiva, Relacionamentos Interpessoais e Seguranca do Trabalho.Como todo projeto e unico e exclusivo, assim somos nos, tratando a cada cliente com exclusividade, analisando e orientando a sua equipe na busca de uma melhoria continua. A Missao da MAKE Treinamentos e Consultoria e fazer o que gosta compartilhando Conhecimentos com as Pessoas em niveis pessoal e profissional."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos da Instrumentao Analitica: Analisadores de PH" |
"Curso de instrumentao analitica basica, foco em analisadores de PH, nesse curso voce vai aprender um pouco da teoria basica desses equipamentos to usados em todos os tipos de industria. Vamos abordar principalmente aspesctos praticos, ou seja aqui voces vo aprender realmente como na pratica a manuteno desses equipamentos, os principais problemas e como resolve-los."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Decoracion Holistica-Diseo- feng shui y numerologia" |
"El Curso de Decoracion Holistica consta de :6 CLASES DE VIDEO6 PDF PARA REFORZAR LA INFORMACIONCONTACTO DE SEGUIMIENTO VIA MAIL-SKYPE -WHAS APPCONSULTA PUNTUALRECIBI TODA LA INFO EN FORMA PERMANENTEDIPLOMACon este curso podrs aprender y aplicar los conocimientos de las nuevas tendencias en diseo y decoracin en tu nuevo proyectoConocers el procedimiento de la decoradora profesional con 20 aos de experiencia y aplicarlo en tu vidaDescubrirs que la decoracin es importante en tu vida mas all de lo esttico sino tambien en la importancia que tiene en tus emociones y tu saludEn un lenguaje coloquial y simple podrs descubrir tus necesidades,y zonas a ambiarveras como te acompaa en procesos de cambioPodrs organizar tus proyectosConocers un poco de historia de la decoracionSabras que tener en cuenta a la hora de tomar decisionesEn definitiva,TE ACOMPAARA EN EL PROCESO DE DISEO"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Modelagem Hardsurface com Autodesk Maya" |
"O curso cobre os mais bsicos fundamentos do software ( da introduo interface e customizao a menus, panels, shelves, nodes, tool kits e hotkeys ) e explora as vertentes do Maya voltadas para a criao de assets 3D at se aprofundar no estudo das tcnicas mais refinadas de Modelagem e Texturizao. Voltado para a criao de modelos complexos tanto em forma quanto em detalhe, em MAYA: Modelagem e Texturizao o aluno produz obras completas desde a modelagem poligonal at a finalizao passando por UV Mapping e texturizao, shading e princpios bsico de iluminao e render."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Amliorer Sa Vie en 3 tapes & Transformation Personnelle" |
"Avez-vous envie de Transformer votre vie ? Vivre vos Rves?Amliorer vos relations ? Trouver votre mission de vie ? ...99% des gens nappliquent pas les principes que contient cette formation et cest pourquoi 99% des gens ne russissent pas transformer leurs vies.Seul 1% de la population applique les principes contenus dans cette formation et bizarrement seulement 1% de la population russit transformer sa vie!!!Si vous tes prts changer, vous trouverez dans cette formation tous les outils pour vous accompagner dans cette transformation personnelle !En 3 tapes simples et concrtes, vous saurez prcisment o aller et quoi faire pour amliorer tous les domaines de votre vie.Vous dcouvrirez des outils puissants de Coaching personnel, des Techniques de Thrapie, des Mthodes de Communication et bien plus...Je vous donnerais au fur et mesure, les clefs dont vous avez besoin pour y voir plus clair, ainsi qu'un plan d'actions concrtes que vous pourrez suivre tout au long de cette formation pour atteindre tous vos objectifs !Avec plus de 15 annes d'exprience dans le Coaching de vie, l'utilisation de Techniques de communication, de Thrapies Holistiques, la publication de 8 livres ainsi que des stages et sminaires autour du monde, j'ai permis plus de 1350 personnes de Transformer leurs vies que ce soit au niveau Mental, Physique, motionnel et Spirituel !Les rsultats sont garantis et vous aussi vous pourrez vivre une vie plus panouissante et harmonieuse, une vie qui a du sens et qui vaut la peine d'tre vcue !La clef principale de cette transformation est l'action !!!""La dfinition de la folie, c'est de refaire toujours la mme chose et d'esprer des rsultats diffrents..."" Albert EinsteinN'attendez plus, aujourd'hui vous avez la solution..."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |