Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Get Rid of your Accent Part One" |
"Are you tired of being asked to repeat yourself? Is your strong accent dragging you down? This course is based on more than 25 years of teaching experience. We have been helping hundreds of people to get rid of their accents and become confident communicators. All our courses, books and apps are very practical and to the point, they are focused and contain 10% of theory and 90% of practice. This course teachers you how to speak without an accent. During this course students will learn all sounds of Received Pronunciation (RP). RP was called in the past the Queens English, Oxford English or BBC English. Today, RP is simply a neutral pronunciation of educated Southern English; it is also called Standard English. RP is associated with good education, high class and success. This course will provide you a short cut to a more valuable enhanced image, which in turn will open doors to greater opportunities. Content of the courseThis course consists of 42 private video lessons and three lectures. Linda James, one of the top speech tutors in the UK with over 25 years of experience explains and demonstrates how each English sound is formed in the mouth. Her student, Olga Smith tries to produce the sounds and then Linda offers very effective exercises for Olga. The atmosphere of a private lesson is wonderful. Olga highlights to Linda main difficulties that different nationalities have with particular English sounds. Linda offers very useful tips which cannot be found in books or apps.Together, Linda and Olga have co-authored several international bestsellers in the series the Get Rid of your Accent. The popularity of their books led to creating accompanying apps. Lesson numbers in the video course, books and apps correspond to the same sound. Audio books are available on Audible, paperback books and e-books on Amazon.This video course is designed to support our existing apps and books in the series ""Get Rid of your Accent"" with a demonstration of speech organ positions, providing a total solution for accent reduction on line. The main benefits of this course to students1. You will have fun learning English sounds in the atmosphere of a private lesson. 2. You will get useful tips and techniques for accent reduction which are unique to this course.3. You will learn pronunciation rules that make your speech grammatically correct.4. The course is adapted for smartphones, tablets, and computers, allowing you to study at any time, anywhere.5. If you are taking private lessons, the course makes your lessons more effective and helps you to save money on a number of lessons you take."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Character Creation Guide: Intro to PBR Assets for Games" |
"Hi there! Welcome, and thanks for choosing Class Creatives Complete Character Creation Guide: Intro to PBR Assets for Games!!In this foundational course we will be learning the fundamentals of Character Modeling, where we will cover the following core skill sets:Sculpting, Optimization, Texturing, and Character SetupWell be utilizing the latest software packages that top tier gaming studios of today use to create all of your favorite titles! The software packages that well be covering are:Zbrush, Maya, Substance Painter, Unity Game Engine, and Marmoset Toolbag 3.Why Learn From Class Creatives?Over 20 years of professional industry experience and nearly a decade of accredited university level instruction. Instructors featured from Studios such as Walt Disney Animation Studios, Walt Disney Television, Google, Nintendo, Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Sony Computer Ent, Sucker Punch, Guerrilla Games, Infinity Ward, and more!Who This Course is For:The great thing about this course, is that we has something in store for everyone. Whether you are just a beginner interested in Character Creation, or a Master professional looking to brush up on your current skill set, this course has material you surely wont want to miss!As with all Class Creatives courses, weve laid out a structure that covers the full spectrum of industry standard character workflows from start to finish.Please remember, if this is your first time creating a 3D character, we highly recommend that you follow the outline carefully, according to how our instructors have structured the course. We wouldnt want you to miss out on any details!However, if you are an advanced user and are looking for something specific to add to your repertoire feel free to dive in and skip to any sections youd like to focus on."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Substance Designer Basics: Create a Video Game Material" |
"Substance Designer is a revolutionary package that has changed the way video game art is being made. With such a powerful tool, the learning curve is steep and knowing where to start can be difficult.This online course is a comprehensive guide for the novice Substance Designer user. Learn the interface and most commonly used shortcuts. Then learn the most efficient workflow before diving deep into creating an industry standard material.Course Outline:Introduction to Substance DesignerWhat is Substance Designer?Introduction to the Interface Create a Substance Designer ProjectTarget and ReferenceCreate a Package and GraphOutput NodesIdeal workflow: Height Map drivenCreate a MaterialTile NodesDamage and WeatheringGrout DetailsRoughness MapBase Color/AlbedoExposing ParametersExporting Outputs"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Programming Google Blog" |
"Step by Step Programming Google Blogger. There are 14 step to create Google Blog. You can follow EP1.0 - EP14.0 I provide coding for download and you can copy and paste for build info web."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Intelligence 101: Become the Master of Your Life" |
"WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT THE COURSE:""You can see much of time and love has been put into this course. Thank you Jellis for creating this beautiful course :-)."" - Lv""This course is incredible. Learning so many new things about myself! Thank you!"" - Steven Pootmans""So far, this course is fascinating! Thank you Jellis, I absolutely love it. Can't wait to learn more :D."" - Michelle S""Wow my time to get started has arrived! Jellis this truly changed my life & especially made me aware of mistakes and lots of things to be worked on & changed. This practical guide to a better happier you is epic. I'm surely going to be happy! Jellis may you be blessed loved and happy & know how much you make the world a better place. Yah!"" - Andries Grobbelaar_______________________________________Life isnt always comfortable. I think thats a universal truth we could all agree on.Life can throw a great deal of suffering at us. This indeed can be overwhelming and quite confusing.The main problem is that from the start of our journey in life, the schools, and many times our parents, help provide us with the knowledge and the tools for how to deal with those challenges in a healthy way.The purpose of this course is to supply you with that knowledge and those tools.In this course, you will get a better understanding of yourself and about some fundamental topics that can greatly reduce pain and suffering, and about how to carve out a happier, healthier, and more meaningful life.This is not a sit-down-and-motivate-me course but an intense course you actively participate in. Divided into three chapters that progress deeper and deeper into developing, understanding, and creating a more meaningful life for yourself.Here are a few things you will learn:Chapter 1 Awareness: Understanding Emotions & What Is Emotional First Aid? What Is the Mind and How Does It Work? Which Poisons Are You Taking in Your Life? What Is Love? - A Deeper Look at Understanding Love Learn about the Purpose of Life And much more Chapter 2 Facing the Self The Wheel of Life What Is Lacking in Your Life? What is your Love Language? Are You Traumatized? Signs and Symptoms of Trauma And much moreChapter 3 IMPLEMENT: Practical Techniques for a Healthier, Happier, and More Meaningful Life Mindfulness Exercises How to Deal with Trauma in a Healthy Way How to Find Your Community, Meet Like Minded Friends, and Obtain Meaningful Relationships How Quality Questions Make a Quality Life How to Ask Quality Questions And much moreIf you are feeling a lack of energy, purpose, meaning, or happiness, if you feel stuck in life, or simply want to bring the quality of your life to a higher level, you are invited on this wonderful and most exciting journey of inner exploration and transformation.Additionally, you will enjoy:Stunning animations from two talented animatorsBeautiful and insightful illustrationsThe Practice Book, a book filled with exercises to observe certain feelings, answer specific questions, or do a list of activitiesThis course from The IPS Project, the educational platform on life, will help open doors to new insights, opportunities, a higher understanding, and ultimately bring positive change.A course crafted with a deep sense of love by the founder of The IPS Project, Jellis Vaes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Votre serveur Ebooks en ligne en une heure !" |
"Calibre-Web, bas sur Calibre-serveur, est un serveur web d'ebooks puissant, permettant daccder aux livres lectroniques partout dans le monde, de partager sans limitation des livres ou encore de dvelopper un projet commercial (abonnement /vente) une bibliothque d'ebooks en ligne. Ce serveur comprend un navigateur lgant et de haute facture, adoss une base de donnes de grande capacit, qui permet de rechercher et de tlcharger des livres partir de la bibliothque. Il intgre galement un site compatible avec les appareils mobiles, facilitant le tlchargement de livres directement sur n'importe quel lecteur lectronique et tous les formats (epub, kindle etc.)Calibre-Web est une application Web quiI offre une interface claire pour la navigation, la lecture et le tlchargement de livres lectroniques l'aide d'une base de donnes Calibre existante.Ses fonctionnalits: Interface Bootstrap 3 HTML5 configuration graphique complte Gestion des utilisateurs avec des autorisations par utilisateur prcises Interface d'administration Interface utilisateur en nerlandais, anglais, franais, allemand, hongrois, italien, japonais, khmer, polonais, russe, chinois simplifi, espagnol, sudois, ukrainien Flux OPDS pour les applications de lecteur de livre lectronique Filtrer et rechercher par titres, auteurs, tags, sries et langue Crer une collection de livres personnalise (tagres) Prise en charge de l'dition de mtadonnes d'eBook et de la suppression d'eBooks de la bibliothque Calibre Prise en charge de la conversion de livres lectroniques via des fichiers binaires Calibre Limiter le tlchargement du livre lectronique aux utilisateurs connects Prise en charge de l'enregistrement public des utilisateurs Envoyer des livres lectroniques des appareils Kindle en un seul clic Prise en charge de la lecture de livres lectroniques directement dans le navigateur (.txt, .epub, .pdf, .cbr, .cbt, .cbz) Tlcharger de nouveaux livres dans de nombreux formats Prise en charge des colonnes personnalises Calibre Possibilit de masquer le contenu en fonction des catgories pour certains utilisateurs Capacit de mise jour automatique Connexion ""Magic Link"" facilitant la connexion des liseuses numriques"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Elevator Pitch, Convaincre en 2 minutes chrono !" |
"L Elevator Pitch est un argumentaire clair qui a pour but de captiver l'attention de tous vos interlocuteurs !Un pitch de 2 minutes ou moins permet d'attirer l'attention pour promouvoir une ide, un projet, obtenir des rendez-vous ...Votre auditoire reoit un minimum d'informations concises pour comprendre rapidement qui vous tes, ce que vous faites et surtout pourquoi il a tout intrt travailler avec vous !La formation est assure par Isabelle Desmazures, spcialiste de la communication orale et comportementale plus de 30 ans.Grce cette formation simple et oprationnelle,vous construirez un ou plusieurs pitchs convaincants. Ces mthodesen marketing et ses astuces en communicationvous serviront tout au long de votre vie professionnelle pour crer d'autres supports de communication.Pour construire un pitch qui marque les esprits, il ne suffit pas de suivre une trame classique que l'on retrouve partout.Il est indispensable de commencer par une rflexionsur ces cibles, son positionnement marketing pour trouver les bnfices cachs mais aussi ce qui peutvous diffrencier de la concurrence. C'est ce moment l pour vous trouverez les mots qui percuteront dans la tte de vos interlocuteurs.Pour les personnes qui ont peur de s'exprimer l'oral ou qui vive chaque prise de parole comme une contrainte, contactez- moi, je vous aiderai dpasser ces mcanismes rptitifs et ngatifs pour que vous puissiez vous aussi convaincre, vous aussi, avec aisance et pourquoi pas prendre plaisir dire ce que vous avez dire pour vous dmarquer !Je vous aide tout au long de la formation pour que vous puissiez avancer dans les meilleures conditions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Phrasal Verbs: Cracking the Code" |
"This course holds the key to finally understanding and using many common phrasal verbs!Finally step away from memorization and frustration and learn how to use these phrasal verbs in a natural way! With clear explanations and practical examples that students can use in any conversational setting. Unlock the code and start sounding more like a native speaker!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Guerilla VFX for Indie Film Makers" |
"This is an Intermediate Course since I cover multiple software to achieve the desired result. Therefore before purchasing make sure you have a basic understanding of how Nuke, Maya, Substance painter works. Project Files are included if you want to follow along. Also all my nuke scripts too if you want to dig into the nodes ity bity!!While i show you the techniques of finishing a shot all the way from 2d to 3d, I hope after watching this training you will be more confident on approaching a shot. Main goal is to be the Swiss army knife of VFX, specially for Indie film makers on a tight budget.Summary of LessonsKeying in NukeCreating the background matte paintingModeling the rock debris and animating in Autodesk MayaOverview of the Space Ship model & UV unwrapping itTexturing the ship in Substance PainterLook dev our rock debris and the Space shipBringing all the renders to Nuke for our final CompositeMost of the Lessons Folder contains its own project files(nuke scripts,maya scenes)Softwares UsedThe Foundry NukeAutodesk Maya 2018Substance PainterAdobe PhotoshopRedshift Render EnginePdPlayer(for previewing image sequence) not a mustFilmconvert(optional)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The ultimate guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - CBT" |
"This course explores the main aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and provides a general overview of the topic. After an introduction, the following topics are discussed in individual lectures:An outline of the courseReasons to learn about CBT Empirical evidence related to CBT's effectivenessThe following section will cover basic principles of CBT so students can better understand important concepts . The following areas are addressed:The origin and history of CBT therapyTerms and definitions that students will need to knowKey principles of the cognitive modelThe following section of the course will teach students about how CBT is applied and implemented. The following areas are addressed:Understanding which professions use CBTThe structure of CBTThe relationship between therapist and client How homework is usedThe following section will discuss different categories of negative thinking and cognitive distortions. The section afterwards will discuss interventions and techniques that are commonly used by the therapist/counselor. Each category of negative thinking and each intervention will have it's own lecture. The course concludes with a discussion on the limitations of CBT, supplemental therapies and alternative therapies. The course contains a variety of resources that the student can use to improve their understanding of CBT and for practice purposes. These resources are:Linked articles and websitesPowerPoint slides Worksheets and example sheetsA quiz for every sectionThank you for your interest!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crea Planes de Mejora en 1 Semana y Optimiza tus Procesos" |
"KAIZEN, de origen Japons y utilizado actualmente en grandes empresas como Toyota y Renault, es una filosofa de Mejora Continua que tiene como base fundamental realizar Cambios Pequeos y Permanentes para lograr Grandes Resultados, generando ahorros de miles e incluso cientos de miles de dolares a los negocios.En este curso aprenders su Historia, Beneficios, Principios y los Conceptos Fundamentales de Kaizen. Adems de cmo aplicarlo Paso a Paso para que seas capaz de implementar mejoras sostenibles de forma rpida y ordenada en cualquier proceso productivo o de servicio. Como valor agregado, te ensear las Herramientas y Tips ms Efectivos en el Proceso de Mejora de Resultados, aplicadas en ejemplos reales para facilitar y hacer ms dinmico y entretenido tu aprendizaje. Entre ellas estn:Gemba y Genchi GenbutsuPlantillas en Excel para Cada Herramienta UtilizadaPrincipio y Grfico de ParetoAnlisis Causa y Efecto (Ishikawa)Diagrama de FlujoEstar disponible 6 das a la semana en horario laboral para atender a tus inquietudes y realizar seguimiento a tu progreso en el curso.Dale una mirada a las Clases Gratis que pongo a tu disposicin para que conozcas mi dinmica de enseanza. Estoy seguro que te va a encantar!Nos vemos en el curso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mindful Running: Becoming Happy and Healthy" |
"The course is an overview of the mind/body running techniques of Dr. Michael Spino. It has specific methodologies for improving at any level of fitness and health through a mindful stepby- step training structure that improves wellness and running performance efficiently and confidently in as short as three or four weeks. This introduction provides two / 2-week programs introductory trainings, one for beginners and another for experienced runners, and will be followed by two other UDEMY courses for individuals and small groups and another for teen runners and their parents."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda sobre Servidores TeamSpeak/TeaSpeak" |
"Este curso tem objetivo de ensinar a construir um ambiente de servidores virtuais utilizando 2 ferramentas o TeamSpeak e TeaSpeak. Alm disso, vamos aprender um pouco sobre Maquinas Virtuais e Linux que a fonte para que nosso projeto funcione de forma excelente e mantenha o nvel de recursos otimizado!Tambm, utilizaremos plataformas que ajudaram a controlar nossos domnios para que o projeto tenha flexibilidade em sua manuteno futura. O Curso explicado de forma simples e objetiva, garantindo o nvel do bsico ao avanado, lhe preparando com o conceito e a prtica, concentrado nesse contedo e exclusivo.O nosso foco que o aluno no precise gastar basicamente nada para a construo de seu ambiente e que no final do curso voc ainda consiga gerar renda com isso.Pontos do curso:Aprenda a criar VM na plataforma Google Cloud (Gratuitamente).Gerenciar servidores Linux com os comandos essenciais e ferramentas.Conhea a ferramenta VOIPTeamSpeak e TeaSpeak (Utilizada muito por jogadores Online).Aprenda a controlar seu servidores com Domnios e DNS pela plataforma da CloudFlare."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Excel Bsico e Intermedio para la oficina." |
"EXCEL BSICO E INTERMEDIO PARA LA OFICINAEXCEL ES LA MEJOR HERRAMIENTA PARA ANALIZAR LOS DATOS EN UNA OFICINA... Y ES MUY FCIL DE USAR.Este curso ha sido diseado usando un lenguaje amigable, sin tecnicismos, para facilitar al alumno la comprensin de los comandos, las funciones y las herramientas de Excel ms utilizadas en las labores propias de una oficina.Durante ms de 25 aos trabaj en empresas de servicio, en las reas administrativas, financieras y de salud, en todas ellas se manejan grandes volmenes de informacin; listados de facturas, clientes, productos, ventas, compras, produccin, gastos, en fin, parmetros que sirven para analizar y comprender el desarrollo del negocio. Fui testigo de muchos casos de principiantes que ascendieron rpidamente en sus carreras, gracias a que dominaron con mayor profundidad la verdadera esencia del negocio.Para entender un proceso, es necesario conocer y saber interpretar los indicadores que influyen en el desarrollo de la actividad.Microsoft Excel es la herramienta ms popular entre los usuarios de las reas administrativas, financieras, industriales y comerciales, gracias a que le permite a cualquier usuario, sin conocimientos en informtica, procesar grandes volmenes de datos y presentarlos en tablas, reportes y grficos de fcil comprensin.El programa de este Curso Excel Bsico e Intermedio para la oficina, est diseado para ayudar a superar las barreras que intimidan a los que no conocen Excel. En las primeras clases se inicia familiarizando al alumno con el entorno Excel; su pantalla principal.Tal como ocurre el primer da en una clase de manejo, cuando el instructor le indica al futuro conductor dnde se encuentran y cmo funcionan los principales controles; el encendido, el volante, la palanca de velocidades, los pedales, en fin, los elementos ms importantes para aprender a conducir un vehculo, algo muy similar sucede con el proceso de aprendizaje diseado para el Curso Excel Bsico e Intermedio para la Oficina, comenzamos familiarizndonos con los elementos de la pantalla principal, conociendo los accesos a los mens y a los comandos ms utilizados, aprenderemos cmo funcionan y cmo usar todas estas herramientas.Por ser tan intuitivo, al familiarizarse con el entorno Excel y sus capacidades bsicas, el usuario tiende por su propia iniciativa a dominar ms y ms esta extraordinaria aplicacin.Mi experiencia como instructor de Excel me ha demostrado, que en sta primera etapa, el alumno comienza a perder el miedo y se imagina situaciones reales en las que podra aplicar estos nuevos conocimientos.Sabemos que al registrarse en cualquier curso, el alumno desea comenzar la etapa prctica lo ms pronto posible, es por eso que antes de completar la primera hora del curso, comenzamos a trabajar con ejemplos y ejercicios.He ocupado cargos de Jefe, Gerente, Director, Vicepresidente y Presidente, de manera que me corresponda presentar reportes de gestin del rea a mi cargo, desde las primeras juntas de trabajo, aprend que la mejor forma de demostrar que se tiene dominio del cargo, es preparar y presentar informes estadsticos exactos, confiables y agradables a la vista, y hacerlos con Excel, siempre fue mi mejor opcin, claro, con el valioso apoyo de PowerPoint.Tengo varias ancdotas de compaeros de trabajo, que mientras se encontraban haciendo algn trabajo importante, pude observar que estaban Copiando y Pegando, o calculando porcentajes de una larga lista de datos, con una calculadora, o contando a mano, las veces que se repeta algo, en un largo listado, o revisando uno a uno los registros, en busca de coincidencias y diferencias, en todos estos y muchos otros casos, les demostr como, aplicando las herramientas que ofrece Excel, ese trabajo poda hacerse fcilmente, en muchsimo menor tiempo. La mayora de esas veces, not sus miradas de asombro, al darse cuenta que, lo que tanto tiempo les haba tomado, se poda hacer en minutosalgunos en solo segundos.En este curso, evito usar terminologa tcnica muy especializada que pueda intimidarte, y cuando la uso, lo explico de manera simple.La experiencia me ha demostrado que la clave para dominar Excel radica en conocer las herramientas y saber usarlas.Despus de la fase inicial de este curso, comenzaremos a usar los comandos ya conocidos con ejemplos prcticos y reales, posteriormente, crearemos frmulas y explicaremos su estructura.En la primera seccin, Conociendo la Pantalla Principal de Excel hacemos un completo recorrido por los elementos, mens, herramientas y comandos, que se encuentra al abrir la aplicacin. El desconocimiento del contenido de esta primera pantalla, suele ser un motivo de intimidacin, por eso, en este curso ayudamos al alumno a contar con el conocimiento necesario para avanzar en las siguientes clases.As mismo en esta primera seccin, estudiamos en detalle, la Barra de ttulo: la Barra de mens / Cinta de opciones; la Barra de herramientas de acceso rpido; la Barra de frmulas y Cuadro de nombres; la Barra de estado; las Filas y Columnas; las Celdas; los Libros y Hojas de clculo y el Men Archivo. La comprensin de todos estos elementos y conceptos son indispensables para el dominio de la aplicacin Excel.En la segunda seccin de clases, Ingresando y editando datos en celdas el alumno aprender las diferentes formas de ingresar informacin y editarla, esta es una tarea obligatoria para el buen manejo de datos en Excel. Para cumplir con este objetivo, en las clases: Ingresando datos; Cortar, Copiar, Pegar y Pegado especial; Ordenar datos; Subtotales; Filtros; Formato Condicional, se trabaja con casos y ejemplos prcticos, que permiten aplicar los comandos y herramientas.En la seccin Formato de celdas, aprenderemos a dar formato a las celdas y al contenido, utilizando las herramientas y comandos necesarios, para presentar una tabla o rango de datos en un formato ms fcil de leer y estticamente ms agradable.En la seccin Vista e Impresin, aprenderemos a usar las diferentes herramientas y comandos que nos permitirn configurar los parmetros de impresin y la forma como podemos ver la hoja activa en la pantalla.En la seccin Frmulas y Funciones de Excel, conoceremos y aprenderemos a usar una seleccin de las funciones ms usadas en las tareas ms comunes de una oficina. Estas herramientas nos brindan la posibilidad de procesar pequeas y grandes bases de datos, de forma casi automtica simplificando significativamente el manejo de esos datos.Esta seleccin de 29 funciones incluye las 10 funciones de Excel ms populares, segn Microsoft.Una de las principales fortalezas de Excel es la facilidad que ofrece para elaborar cuadros, reportes y grficos en una infinita variedad de formatos, en la seccin Grficas, el alumno conocer y aprender a usar las herramientas necesarias para construir:Grficas de columnas agrupadas, utilizadas para comparar valores entre categoras.Grficas de columnas apiladas, usadas para mostrar como los segmentos de un total cambian con el transcurso del tiempo.Grficas circulares, ideales cuando se quiere mostrar las proporciones del total.Grficas de lneas, tiles para mostrar tendencias en el tiempo (aos, meses y das).Grficas combinadas, una til combinacin de columnas y lneas, en una misma grfica.En fin, los tipos de grficas ms usados en los reportes de gestin.En la seccin Tablas y Tablas Dinmicas, aprenderemos a crear, configurar y modificar una Tabla Dinmica apropiada para resumir, ordenar, organizar y analizar en detalle cualquier rango de datos, sin importar su tamao, ni cantidad de variables, lo que hace ms sencillo el anlisis y manejo de grandes o pequeos rangos de datos.Muchos usuarios de Excel se sienten intimidados al tratar de trabajar con Tablas Dinmicas, pero aunque ciertamente realiza operaciones muy complicadas, gracias a su formato amigable y dinmico, en este curso, aprenderemos a usarlas fcilmente.Tablas Dinmicas es un tema sumamente extenso, de hecho, hay cursos exclusivos para el manejo de las Tablas Dinmicas.En cada una de las clases se desarrollan tareas con listados, cuadros y datos reales, las cuales son explicadas detalladamente paso a paso, para que posteriormente en los ejercicios propuestos, el alumno pueda realizar las tareas de forma independiente.Tener dominio amplio de Microsoft Excel mejorar tu currculo y aumentar tu potencial de ascenso.Despus de culminar este curso podrs actualizar tu currculo y destacar POSEO AMPLIOS CONOCIMIENTOS EN EL MANEJO DE MICROSOFT EXCEL.Te garantizo que, al completar este curso, aprenders algo que te ayudar el resto de tu vida, cualquiera sea la actividad que realices.ANMATE.NOTA: Aunque este curso usaremos la versin de Microsoft Excel 2013, los usuarios de otras versiones, antiguas o ms recientes a esta, podrn seguir las lecciones sin ningn inconveniente."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Frana para brasileiros guia definitivo" |
"Ebook guia definitivo para morar ou estudar na FranaA deciso de sair do Brasil se deve por vrios motivos. Um deles, talvez o mais comum,""""seja por querer aprender outros idiomas, outras culturas. Mas tambm para trabalhar e ganhar dinheiro, conhecer gente nova, fazer novas amizades e at conhecer um grande amor, diferente de tudo que encontramos at hoje... Enfim, existem vrias razes pelas quais temos o desejo de viver em outro pas.""""E por que morar na Frana?""""A Frana est entre os pases mais ricos e desenvolvidos do mundo. Na Europa, ocupa o terceiro lugar entre as economias do continente, superada somente pela Alemanha e pelo Reino Unido. Alm de ser um dos mais bonitos pases da Europa e destino certo para apreciadores da alta gastronomia, observadores e estudiosos de pinturas e esculturas que l esto expostas nos muitos museus espalhados pelo pas, que contam histrias de tempos picos da humanidade desde momentos difceis at as mais comemoradas vitrias."""
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Exercises for MindMapping" |
"This cours is aimed at teachers for students aged 10-14 years, it aims to be a help in expanding the range of tools: it presents a series of exercises that facilitate the assimilation of MindMap technique.This technique helps students organize and structure their ideas, develops creativity and improves reading comprehension. Through its structure, the use of colors and symbols facilitates and deepens learning.The idea is to teach and practice the technique in lower and middle school, to turn it into a skill for the superior courses where the students can take adventage of MindMaps very well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diamante escolar - como se tornar melhor estudante" |
"Neste curso o aluno ser submetido a vrias ferramentas, mtodos e tcnicas que lhe capacitaro para se tornar melhor aluno/estudante na escola, independentemente do seu nvel escolar seja primrio, secundrio ou superior. As tcnicas aqui apresentadas foram testadas e muitas pessoas foram transformadas, algumas das quais estavam desesperadas e pensavam que no foram feitas para estudar.Alm disso, o curso capacita o aluno a saber lidar com o dinheiro, adoptando uma mentalidade financeira dos ricos. Evitar dvidas, poupar, investir e empreender, so matrias tratadas neste curso de forma clara e concisa."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matlab desde cero,Crea tus aplicativos con Matlab Gui!" |
"Quieres aprender a crear tus propias aplicaciones de escritorio? O ests intentando desarrollar una aplicacin de tratamiento y procesamiento de datos e imgenes?Matlab es una herramienta muy potente, esta misma es capaz de hacer tus procesos de una manera gil, tanto si eres ingeniero o un aficionado a la programacin. Aqu aprenders todo lo que respecta a la creacin de aplicativos de escritorio, iremos de la mano paso a paso; ya sea que t nunca hayas escuchado de matlab como si tienes algn dominio de este.En este curso aprenders desde cmo hacer clculos simples hasta los conceptos de programacin que te servirn en tus aplicaciones grficas como un profesional, omit teora realmente innecesaria que lo nico que hace es complicarnos la vida al momento de aprender (No significa que no se importante).Te explicare de una manera amena y amigable.Te invito antes de comprar el curso a que mires las clases que estn con vista previa.Saber un lenguaje de programacin es muy valioso. Existen programas que nos generan clculos y grficas, pero a su vez nos llenan la cabeza con una incertidumbre de su funcionamiento y la verdad es que los resultados no siempre son los mejores por varias razones: por un lado, no siempre estn bien optimizados al nivel que tu deseas y de la manera en que buscas resultados, lo que hace que los diseos creados con algunas herramientas, simplemente no nos generen la confianza como lo es cuando lo hacemos por nosotros mismos.por otro lado, no puedes estar seguro de que el cdigo est bien hecho, lo que significa que tus clculos pueden ser poco eficiente (cargar muy lentamente por ejemplo)adems es ms difcil aprender a manejar un programa externo, que un aplicativo que t mismo has desarrollado.Por eso este curso est enfocado a emprendedores, a personas que quieren enfocarse en lo que hacen (yo uso mis aplicativos en mi trabajo como ingeniero y he ahorrado y generado ganancias) y quieren crear su propios programas.Lo primero que necesitas dominar es el lenguaje m pues con l vas a crear las funciones de tu software, luego implementaremos interfaces grficas para que nuestro programa sea fcil de manejar y eficiente.Realmente es ms fcil de lo que parece y yo te voy a ayudar a que puedas ""pensar"" como programador experto en matlab, disear tus aplicativos bien y rpidamente."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"365 . . . ."
Price: 599.99 ![]() |
"Spanish for beginners - Learn Spanish alphabet pronunciation" |
"38 videos lectures of pronunciation through of sentences with useful verbs and vocabulary. (1.30 hour) 11 videos lectures of review. (30 minutes)13 videos lectures of exercises. (20 minutes)1 video lectures of diphthong, triphthong, hiatus.1 PDF with short information about verbs and vocabulary used in the course.Feel confident in pronouncing correctly the Alphabet in Spanish and the verbs, vocabulary offered in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kizomba-Online Beginners Part 1 with Adi U" |
"This course is part of a series that offers a structured progressive syllabus course designed to give you a three-year professional training program so as to take you from 'Day 1 to Mastery' in Kizomba (Fusion). Kizomba OnlineDay 1 to MasteryPart 1 of 4 of Beginners: This is part 1 of the 4 parts - 1 year Beginners course for Kizomba and this part 1 of the course has 9 videos that should last 3 months.It is recommended that you learn one step per week for the first three weeks of the month and practise all the steps in the fourth week.Practising is the way to go for this course and it helps to go back a few steps and take a break from learning more steps, instead, you should spend more time revising the steps you have already learnt.Have fun with the course and never stop learning."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Requests For Proposal Process" |
"RFPs are the life's blood of most Supply Management Department. Knowing how to craft on that get the desired result. This course walks you through not only each step but the rationale behind those steps. Each step covers the key element of every request for proposal. Understanding not only the what but the why and whose is responsible for the content helps to ensure each party to the RFP is engaged. While every RFP is different with respect to the goods or service being sought the steps are the same. Having a solid understanding of the process makes the end product one that ensures you receive quality and comprehensive response for all bidders."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"CheckPoint CCSA R80.10 [2020]" |
"The following course includes lectures on how CheckPoint features work and the walk-through of the configuration in the lab/production environment.Introduction to CheckPoint TechnologyBuilding the LabInstalling OS / ConfigurationOverview of the productsCheckpoint Stateful inspection firewallLicensingCheckPoint Eco SystemSIC !Restarting SIC without CPstop/CPstart - Extra!BackupsNATPolicy configuration (Access Control) FirewallPolicy configuration (Access Control) APP control/URL filteringUserCheckPolicy configuration (Threat Prevention)Hacking and Protecting by IPSEnforced Suspicious Activity RulesLogging and ReportsVPN (Virtual Private Network)IPSec (Overview)SSL (Overview)Deploy VPN IPSEC [LAB]ClusterXLHigh Availability / Load SharingDeploy ClusterXL [LAB]CCP OverviewHTTPS InspectionHTTPs inspection HTTPs inspection LABCCSE Pre-course (Advanced) [This section will be updated incrementally]Threat Emulation licensing and deployment in the cloudTransparent Upgrade to R80.30 in a clusterBonus: Lab guides included"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Do You Want to Become a Certified Phlebotomist?" |
"This course is entirely online for students who are interested in earning their phlebotomy certification. This course also provides students with the option to sit for the national exam through the AMCAA, NHA, or MedCa or National Association of Phlebotomy Technician Professionals after completion of the hands-on training. The national exam must be proctored in the city where the student lives. What You'll Learn:History of Phlebotomy Venipuncture ProcedureSafety & Infection Control Specimen ProcessingA & P Special ProceduresEquipment & Supplies Quality AssurancePhlebotomy Techniques Caring for the PediatricsSpecial Procedures Challenges Difficult Draws: How to overcome!DISCLAIMER:This online course is affiliated, approved, and accredited; it only provides the didactic portion to become a phlebotomist. To become a certified phlebotomist one must obtain an extern or internship. Externship or internship can be obtained at local facilities by students; however, each facility has its own requirements prior to clinical. The only student who successfully passes the course with 75% will be able to take SITTI Certification Exam (fee isn't included) and allow to provide clinical in his/her internship or externship. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Western Saddle Fit for Horse & Rider" |
"Are you ready to find out how to avoid sore backed horses, crazy built up pads, and a sore aching body after each ride?In this course you will learn: what a great saddle fit looks like, what that means, and what a poor fitted saddle looks like and things to avoid when finding a saddle. If you have questions about western saddles, this is the course for you!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Is Trump's Negotiating Strategy Right for YOU?" |
"IS TRUMPS NEGOTIATING STRATEGY RIGHT FOR YOU?Trump-lovers and aggressive competitors would answer, ""Absolutely! He's gotten some great deals.""Trump-haters and friendly, cooperative people would answer, ""Absolutely not! He's made many enemies.""Smart, objective people would answer, ""I ignore my feelings about Trump and use his strategy only when it fits the situation.People who answer, ""Absolutely, and, ""Absolutely not,"" make the same mistakes. They overreact to their feelings about Trump and their own personalities, and they overemphasize only one of the two negotiating goals: 1. Good deals. 2. Good relationships.You usually want both. Sadly, you must often trade one for the other.Hard bargaining produces better deals, but damages relationships and causes deadlocks. For example, it caused the longest government shutdown in American history.Cooperating creates good relationships, but produces some terrible deals. For example, when you buy a car, youll pay much too much.You dont like trade-offs. Neither do I. But theyre unavoidable. Nave people want simplistic formulas that always work. Be more realistic.Trump is much too aggressive. He always bargains hard. He gets some great deals, but makes many enemies and loses potentially great deals.A best-selling book, Getting to Yes, recommends always cooperating. It dishonestly claims its win-win approach is an all-purpose strategy that always works, even with hijackers. They have no solid evidence to support that claim.There are no all-purpose strategies. A strategy that works in some situations will fail in others.Selecting the right strategy is the most important negotiating skill. If you choose the wrong strategy, nothing else matters much.Negotiating skill can make or greatly improve your career, and it will certainly put money in your pocket.This course has another unusual feature: Instead of just listening passively to lectures, you will learn actively by: 1. Hearing me coach three professional actors and comparing them to yourself and people you know. 2. Participating in discussions in the course Q&A forum. 3. Conducting and analyzing actual negotiations. 4. Analyzing your own style, strengths, and weaknesses. 5. Planning your future development. 6. Getting feedback on your negotiations, self-analysis, & development plans..Youll actively learn how to select and execute the right strategy. To make the right decisions, answer several questions. 1. How much do your interests conflict? The more they conflict, the harder you should bargain. 2. How important is the relationship? The more important it is, the more you should cooperate. 3. How powerful are you? The stronger you are, the harder you should bargain. The weaker you are, the more you should cooperate. 4. What kind of people are they? If youre aggressive toward a people-pleaser, youll get some good deals, but youll often deadlock or destroy relationships. If youre cooperative with Trump (or someone like him), hell run over you. 5. What kind of person are YOU? Many Trump-lovers are competitive; they admire his aggression. Many Trump-haters are cooperative or analytic; theyre appalled that he fights so hard and so often.Some people say, Thats too complicated.If you want a simplistic, one-size-fits-all negotiating strategy, DONT take this course.If you want to BALANCE good deals AND good relationships, you NEED this course."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Visual Effects for Games in Unity - Beginner To Intermediate" |
"This course is about the creation of VFX for Games with Unity. You'll start learning how to create Magic Spells, Fireballs, Special Skills and more effects for games. It will take you from a Beginner standpoint to an Intermediate level in Game VFX. It contains the theory, the practice and the creative liberty you will need in your future Visual Effects career."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Masterclass: Band 8 Template of Writing Task 2 (A>)" |
"You want to learn how to tackle the toughest question in IELTS Writing Task 2, right?Either you are entirely new to IELTS, or youve solved a few mock tests but want to get more comfortable with IELTS Writing Task 2. Either way, this course will be great for you.What is IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Writing Task 2 course all about?The IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Writing Task 2 course is carefully designed to help you with the structure of IELTS Writing Task 2. A smarter way to prepare for the most exciting examination, this is a very comprehensive course available online.The courses is divided into 5 sections.In the first section, you are introduced to the IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Writing Task 2 course.In the second section, we talk about your goals and ambitions for taking up the program.In the third section, the IELTS examination, to the core, is discussed.In the fourth section, we deal with different types of IELTS Writing Task 2 asked in the examination. This includes:Introduction to 5 different question typesIdentify the question typesPlan the essay in the correct wayStructure the planned points properlyFollow the this-is-the-ideal-answer templateHave the correct 3 sentences in the introductionIntroduce a set of ideas with the body paragraphsStart the body paragraphs with correct collocationsEnd the essay with correct wordsand much more!In the fifth section, we go through the quick-win strategies to hone your skillset.After this section, you will successfully be able to:Explore IELTS Writing Task 2Categorize different Writing Task 2 essay typesArticulate with 10 sample answersPlan each essay typeGather relevant ideasDivide ideas into paragraphsParaphrase (restructure) statementsWrite thesis statements and outline sentencesSupport body paragraphs with examplesUse Cohesive Devices and much more!Each part successfully takes you to the next level until you are through with all the types architecturally explained in IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Writing Task 2.Learning every step is very critical because each step carries marks. The structure elucidated in the course helps you with ways to score the maximum in each marking criteria of IELTS Writing Task 2."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Masterclass 2020: Modern & Comprehensive" |
"This is a modern and comprehensive JavaScript course that focuses on the latest version of JavaScript. We will cover some of the latest features of javaScript. Features such as Async Await, Array.from(), Array.Map() that were recently introduced. One of the best feature of this course is its simplicity. All the coding samples are very easy to understand. I prefer to use real world use cases to explain concepts. "
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Temel Hidrolik Eitimi" |
"Bu hidrolik eitimi, teorik bilgilerle piyasa artlarndaki pratik uygulamalarn ideal karmasyla hazrlanmtr. Hidroliin temellerinin anlalmas iin gerekli konular zenle seilmi, pratikte uygulamas olmayan konulara yer verilmemitir.Hibir n bilgiye sahip olmadan hidroliin temellerini renerek kendinizi gelitirebilirsiniz. Bu eitimle akkan gc dnyasna giri yapp pnomatik sistemlerle ilgili de bilgi edinmi olacaksnz.Daha nce hidrolik sistemler konusunda bilgisi olanlar da bu eitimden sonra bilgilerini daha salam temellere oturtacaklar.Konu balklar-Hidrolik sistemlere giri-Basn denetim valfleri-Debi denetim valfleri-Yn kontrol valfleri-Hidrolik giri ve k elemanlar(Pompalar, silindirler vs.)-Hidrolik iletim hatlar-Hidrolik akkanlar ve filtre elemanlar-Hidrolik akmlatrler"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mejora tus finanzas personales y crea abundancia econmica" |
"En este curso aprenders a manejar de forma efectiva tus finanzas personales para generar, retener, ahorrar, salir de deudas e invertir el dinero; tal que puedas tener abundancia econmica el resto de tu vida. Al realizar las actividades forjars una mentalidad de abundancia, inversin y proteccin del dinero para estar en la posibilidad de compartir con los dems los beneficios y lo aprendido durante el proceso."
Price: 420.00 ![]() |