Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso completo de Zoom" |
"Hola a todos los que imparten clases a los maestros, empresarios, personas que estn interesadas y ejercen una profesin para ensear a un grupo selecto de personas, este curso est destinado para ti, se que son tiempos difciles ahora que estamos en la fase 3 de contingencia por coronavirus en todo el mundo debemos apoyarnos y quedarnos en casa."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Cantonese Grammar for Absolute Beginner" |
"Cantonese Grammar for Absolute Beginner. We keep each lesson short to have better understanding of the beginning level. We also insert captions into the videos. It is easier to follow. 1. Pronoun 2. Possession: ge 3. Possession and existence: 4. Being: Besides of the video, we also provide other supporting tools to improve your learning efficiency, including online learning app, printable writing pads (including at least 1,000 Chinese characters)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Secrets of How to Draw - Drawing Guide" |
"Are you looking to increase your drawing skills right now? Are you having trouble drawing original life-like drawings? Are you frustrated with your illustrations? Do you want to take your drawing skills to the next level?There's light at the end of the tunnel.You'll learn the basics of drawing. You'll be able to apply the skills that you'll be learning into drawing excellent life-like portraits. And you'll be able to draw anything with accuracy.And you'll go through all the levels, starting from level I (the basics) up to VIII (figure and portrait drawing)Sign up now and turn your drawings into life.I'll see you in the lecture."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de italiano para falantes de portugus - segundo nvel" |
"Benvenuti a questo corso di italiano di livello A2Questo corso prosegue il corso di italiano A1 (A1.1+A1.2)Le frasi, i dialoghi e le parole che uso in questo corso sono frasi utili, tuttavia in questo corso ci sono anche parole di bassa frequenza ma indispensabili per l'esame di certificazioneLe lezioni del Corso di italiano A2 si dividono in:1. Lezioni di comunicazione, testi, dialoghi e monologhi + quiz2. lezioni di vocabolario tematico + quiz3. lezioni di grammatica + quiz o esercizi in videoBuono studio!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"les thories d'apprentissage" |
": : : : :"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MailChimp: Email Marketing Desde Cero Para Negocios" |
"En este curso quiero darte un poderoso activo para tu negocio, que podr representar para ti una mina de oro: la oportunidad de tener una base de datos de clientes en constante comunicacin.Este curso de MailChimp que hoy te presento para negocios y personas ha sido diseado especialmente para ayudarte a crear y hacer crecer tu lista de contactos de clientes. Esta plataforma de email marketing no solamente es fcil de utilizar, sino que te permitir utilizarla de forma gratuita por tiempo indefinido (con unas pocas limitaciones).MailChimp es una de las plataformas ms populares de Internet, y en este curso te estar explicando:Cmo utilizar toda la plataforma, de manera detallada, herramienta por herramienta.Le dedico una clase a cada tema.Estar actualizando con mis propios experimentos, compartiendo mis resultados contigo.Cmo hacer crecer uno de los mayores activos de tu negocio: tu base de datos de clientes.Cmo construir efectivas campaas de email fcil y rpidamente, ahorrando valiosas horas.Este curso es muy completo, y lo podrs finalizar prcticamente en un fin de semana para que comiences el lunes con nuevas habilidades digitales que te ayudarn a alcanzar tus objetivos de negocios."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Hacking Windows 10 Using Metasploit From Scratch" |
"In this course, you will start as abeginnerwithout any previous knowledge about the hacking, the coursefocuseson the practical side and thetheoretical side to ensure thatyou understand the idea before you apply it.Thiscourse is intended forbeginners and professionals,if you are abeginneryouwill start from zero until you become an expert level,and if you are a professional so this course will increase your knowledge about the this course you'll learn how the black hat hackers hacks Windows OS using advanced techniques, and also you'll learn how the white hat hackers Secure Windows OS by analyzingit, and how to detect the hackers identity. This course is divided to eight sections:Preparation:In this section, you will learn how todownload and setup Kali Linux 2.0 properlyas avirtual machine and also how to install itas your main OS, and you'll learnhow to setup Windows 10 and Metasploitableas a virtual machine,this will help you to create your own safe Environmentto perform any kind of attacks without harming your main OS. Information Gathering:After preparing your penetration testinglab, In this section you'll move to learnhow to gather as much as possible of information from your target, because this will help you a lot to identify and determine your target and see the weaknesses in his OS. Gaining Access:Now you'll startdealing with Metasploit framework byusing msfconsole interface and how to use it like professionals, after that you will begin bycreatinga simple payload using msfvenom, and after that you'll learn how to create an encoded payload using an encoder from within msfvenom,and lastly youwill learnhow to have the full access of the target Windows OS by testing the Payload that we have created. Encoding and Combining the Payload:After learning how todeal with Metasploit framework and how to createa simple payload using msfvenom, now youwill learn the advanced techniquesto create anencoded payload that's undetectable from almost all the antiviruses, and also you'll learn how to spoof the backdoor extension and how tocombine it with any kind of file whether it's an Image,PDF,MP3,EXE,Word,Excel file, and we learn all of this techniques to make your backdoor unsuspicious and convince the target to download and tun your backdoor. Post Exploitation:After gaining the full access over the target OS in this sectionyou'llwill learn how to interact with the compromised system using Meterpreter command lineand the best modules that you can run onthe compromised system such as (Cracking the admin pass,persist your connection,escalate your privileges) and much more.... Hooking with BeEF: in this section you'll learn what is BeEF Project how to hook and deal withany userfrom yourBeEF control panel, and alsoyou'll learna verysophisticated methods to hook any client over the internet with your BeEF control panel, and evenyou'll be able to perform a very sophisticated attacks to get the full control of the target OS through BeEF. Perform the previous attacks over WAN network:so far we seen how to perform all of the previous attacks in our LAN network,soin this section you'll learn how to perform itover WAN network,that's mean even if your target wasn't connected to your LANnetwork you'll be able to hack him, you'll startlearning the theory behind hacking over the internet and how you can configure the router to get a reverse connection over WAN network, and then you'll learn other methods to get a reverse connection over WANnetwork and this is by using a VPN to hide your identity or you can port forward the reverse connection to your Kali machine byusing VPSSSH tunneling. Protection & Detection: finally it's the time to learn how to detect any kind of the attacks that we've learned and how to prevent yourself and your Windows OS from it, so i this section you'll start by learning how to detect any kind of backdoor whether it's combined with an Image,exe,PDFfile etc.... using more than method, and also you'll learn how to analyse your Windows OS like expertsto check whether it'shacked or not, and lastly you'll learn how to prevent yourself from any kind of the attacks that we've learned. Notice:This course is only for the educationalpurposes and all the attacks that have been carried out are in my own Penetration testing lab and against my own devices.theseAttacks works againstany Windows OS whether it'sWindows 10/8.1/8/7/Vistaetc....You must practice what you'velearned to become an advanced level,because this coursefocuses on bothpractical and theoreticalside.This course is going to be always up to date.This course is only for Ethicalpurposes.All the videos are downloadable.If you have any question you can send a message to me and i'll be glad to response.After finishing this course, you will get a certificate directly from Udemy.All the people who enrolled in this course will get discounts for future courses."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC" |
"Sem dvidas Photoshop o principal editor de imagens profissional, com uma enorme distncia de seus concorrentes, o Photoshop j assumiu a muitos anos a liderana do mercado obrigando a qualquer aspirante a designer, publicitrio, fotgrafo, videmaker, artista grfico e arquiteto a se familiarizar com o programa e sobreviver a concorrncia do mercado de trabalho. Com ferramentas fceis de manusear, o software realiza com preciso retoques fotogrficos e uma montagem com um alto nvel de qualidade. Em funo de sua expanso e consolidao no mercado, a abrangncia do uso do programa realmente impressionante, o encontramos praticamente em qualquer atividade comercial.CONTEDO:- Workspace-Tratamento bsico de imagem-Preferncias-Crop bsico e em perspectiva-Levels-Brilho e contraste-Sombras-Curves-Autocontrast-Como funcionam as camadas-Entendendo a Transparncia-Histrico normal e aleatrio-Rotao-Adicionar seleo-Rguas-Borracha-Varinha mgica-Objeto inteligente I e II-Auto save-Mscara-Salvar e carregar seleo-Mgica seleo rpida-Refine edge-Brushes + atalhos-Misturar foto PB e colorida-Tirar rugas e manchas-Tratamento avanado de imagem-Ferramenta Pen-Combinao de seleo-Color range-Fuso de imagem por mscara-Content aware scale-Redimensionando uma imagem-Select focus area-Save hue saturation preset-Layer create clipping mask-Adjustment layer-Fill layer-Ferramentas I, II, III, IV-Artboards-Slice-Substituir cor-Como emagrecer com o Liquify-Panormicas-Foto sequncia-Seleo por mscara-Efeitos-Blur-Shear-Pinch-Lens Flare-Efeitos de luz-Galeria de filtros-Fill content aware-Suavizar a pele-Combinao de mscaras e efeitos-Corrigindo ngulo-Como fazer o efeito Tilt-shift-Textos-Combinando shapes-Editando video no photoshop-Como criar um brush a partir de uma imagem-Como salvar estilos prprios no programa-Colorir foto PB-Diferentes formas de salvar uma imagem para print/web-Clareando os dentes-Recorte de cabelo"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sing Like You've Always Imagined Level 1" |
"Rapidly transform your vocal tone quality and agility with Sing Like Youve Always Imagined.In Level 1, you will learn quickly, efficiently, and concisely using 2 months of various vocal workouts designed for you to:Discover your breath managementTall lengthened postureRelease your voiceSing with ease and attitude of a strong resonant humStart building your ears Gain at least one octave in your vocal range7 Downloadable MP3's to practice with every dayI take out the material you dont need which slows your transformation down. Im a no fuss, straight-shooter. Simply follow this course each day and enjoy taking your voice to the gym. Youll get in shape fast while protecting your voice, and then keep building and discovering new ways to use less effort. Get to what you really desire, to sing freely with emotion and style as you Tap Into Your Artistry!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Anime Drawing Course How to draw BODY" |
"*Attention* The content will be delivered in Thai. However there is an English subtitle for it :)What you will become after the course...You will be improved because of practical and concise tricks that you can implement right away after watching. The content will not be too theoretical and boring as I would like to focus on 'practising right after watching' which is the most important elements of all! You will save your 10+ years of trials and errors as I have already summed up my 10+ years of experiences in this course!To help you to the fullest, you can join my facebook group called ctclockwisescoursecamp to send homework and ask about anything after full purchase. Homework can be sent at any time you want. However, I would encourage you to follow the schedule I have provided in the group to see the result faster. Former Students ReviewsI have watched this so many times! I just knew that my picture does not have any variation in line weight at all... I will definitely use your techniques! Your instruction is really great and clear. - Giggle YansriI really like how you explain everything in really clear and concise ways. I also have never known that the pressure of the line is really important! Everything is so smooth and not boring at all. Thank you! - Naveeta U-maI do like how you put in so many details on each step! I was nervous at first when I saw the homework xD but you did make it sound easy! - It's really nice how you demonstrated everything you explained and used an easy-to-look-at table for the important lines! Another thing I like a lot about this video is showing your old drawings as examples for mistakes and giving us a checklist.- Luu Pandanerd"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar Boss: Structures of English Sentences" |
"In this course,you will learn to demystify the structures of English sentences.Besides,he knowledge that you will achieve from this course will help you to open your third eye to English grammar.I know you know English but this course will give you something that can change your skill in English grammar.At last,I can assure that you can see your change in your mind's mirror and you will be a hero in English grammar.Keywords:English Grammar AdvancedEnglish Grammar for BiginersAdvanced English GrammarEnglish Grammar for IELTSEnglish Grammar for KidsEnglish Grammar for English Language English Grammar for Speaking Learn English GrammarBasic English GrammarEnglish Grammar RulesReview English Grammar RulesFundamentals of English GrammarEnglish Grammar for WritingEnglish Functional GrammarThe Complete English Grammar CourseEnglish Grammar"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete SEO Course + 100% Practical In Hindi Urdu" |
"This course, SEO 2020 Training: The Complete SEO Course for WordPress Websites is all about 40 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) factors on how to reach top spot on Google search with Search Engine Optimization.Each SEO factor is explained in the following ways:> Why is that a SEO factor?> Trend analysis for the SEO factor in the recent years> Live example of how that SEO factor delivers results> When and how to use these SEO factors?SEO is NOT a Cost but an Investment. This course is specially designed for Webmasters, Bloggers, Business owners, Search Engine Optimization Beginners / Experts and Website owners, who want to rank #1 in Google.SEO requirement explained in detail on the importance of it and how to achieve it. Really Excellent Course.If you are owner of a WordPress website, or developing for others. This will really help you. Fully recommended""This is a no fluff SEO course. Each and every lecture is prepared and polished with loads of rare information, SEO tutorial that produces results and examples or research data to justify those SEO factors."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Edio de Vdeos Para Fotgrafos" |
"O salto da fotografia ao vdeo digital pode ser um desafio at mesmo para o profissional mais preparado. Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar um relatrio audiovisual a partir do zero e fazer clipes automaticamente. Voc vai descobrir a diferenas fundamentais entre foto e vdeo, vai rever a base para o trabalho com a imagem em movimento, aprender a usar aplicativos CC de vdeo da Adobe em um exemplo prtico e atingir um fluxo constante e rpido de trabalho."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PI-201 Top 10 Classical Piano Pieces for Elementary" |
"PI-201 Top 10 Classical Piano Pieces for Elementary In this course, I will show you how to play ten of the most beautiful and famous classical piano pieces for elementary. I am always available for feedback, dialogue, and questions. As a teacher, my goal is to help you master the piano as I do. Teaching you to play the piano is more than a task, it is my passion. I am only satisfied when I see you succeed! It is my hope that you will like my teaching style and that we will hit it off as we together venture out on this musical journey towards piano mastery. Easy piano is my mantra and making it as easy as possible for my students is my goal. I show you how to play the piano one hand at a time: first the right hand, then the left hand, and lastly both hands together. We start with easy songs and gradually move on to pieces that teach you new and better techniques. This is fun: you start out knowing very little, and before you know it you are playing famous classical piano pieces by Ludwig van Beethoven, Claude Debussy, and Johann Strauss! I cant wait to get started. PI-201 is the second in a series of courses designed to teach you to play some of the most famous and beautiful classical piano pieces. If you have not taken PI-101, I encourage you to do so first as PI-101 lays the foundation for PI-201.Check out the schedule for PI-201 below. Learn to play the piano for elementary through step-by-step instructions by experienced and professional piano teacher:1st Week: Introduction. Scales. Chords.2nd Week: Learn to play Lyrical Etude by Ferdinand Beyer.3rd Week: Learn to play Romance by Heinrich Wohlfahrt.4th Week: Learn to play Carefree by Daniel Gottlob Trk.5th Week: Learn to play Classic Minuet by Jennifer Linn.6th Week: Learn to play Dance by Cornelius Gurlitt.7th Week: Learn to play Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven.8th Week: Learn to play Minuet"" by Ignacy Jan Paderewski.9th Week: Learn to play Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy.10th Week: Learn to play ""The Blue Danube by Johann Strauss.11th Week: Learn to play Etude in E Minor by Cornelius Gurlitt.12th Week: Conclusion. Piano Exercises. Good luck!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Global Citizenship - Your path to the globalized world" |
"The Global Citizenship programenvisages a world in which increasing connections lead to positive outcomes with social initiatives. The course features a comprehensive study about the concepts of active citizens, globalization and active citizens learning journey. When asked to define the ideal citizen, many would emphasize conventional traits traditionally associated with citizenship. Such skills and smarts are necessary but are insufficient without any point of action. Studies indicate a more stable and peaceful social domain can be achieved by individuals if they attempt to learn about themselves and start valuing others perspectives as well. This course will help individuals toexplore the vision of a world where people feel empowered to engage peacefully and effectively with others for the sustainable development of their communities."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Lead - The Leadership Journey" |
"Learn to Lead is a comprehensive course, designed to deliver the concept of how leadership can be achieved through discipline, hard workand a commitment to improvement through experience. These key components exactly resonates with the idea of the course as the subject matter will give you a learning experience about who the leaders actually are and how can you be one of them. Additionally it aims to encourage participants about implementing the leadership skills in intense practical and decision making situations. When asked to define the ideal leader, many would emphasize conventional traits traditionally associated with leadership. Such skills and smarts are necessary but insufficient qualities for the leader. Often left off the list are softer, more personal qualitiesbut they are also essential. Although a certain degree of analytical and technical skill is a minimum requirement for success, studies indicate that emotional intelligence may be the key attribute that distinguishes outstanding performers from who are merely adequate. This course will help you explore emotional intelligence as a chief component of Leadership, how and why it connects to performance, and how it can be learned."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comienza con Excel Aade valor a tu CV en 2 horas!" |
"En este curso Excel bsico queremos ensearte desde el principio que es Excel y para qu nos puede servir.Excel es una herramienta que nos permite hacer clculos de manera rpida y sencilla, dibujar grficos a partir de la informacin que hemos dibujado, hacer anlisis profundos de grandes cantidades de informacin y muchas otras cosas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"magical way to learn calculus" |
"The course is divided into 3 parts.It starts with basic identities; followed by fundamental rules ; and then methods of differentiation. Even the beginners will be able to solve college level problems.The exampes selected are very easy in order to avoid any confusion to a beginner.Just spend an hour on this course to know all the basics of derivatives."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The complete graphic Designer and web designer with freeware" |
"If you need to develop your company image, or website, or to make small videos, you can DIY - do it yourself. Learning technology doesnt need to be complicated.Three things that you can do easily and with professional quality:- Filming & audio- Graphic Design- Web DesignMany of these software options are inexpensive or Free; for example:. Movie Maker (Free video editor). A Free and user friendly image editing software. Wix (the basic website account is completelly Free)This course is divided this way:FILMMAKING:. Audio options and gear. Video setup and video gadgets. Editing movies on Movie Maker. Some filming tricks. LightingDIGITAL IMAGE:. Installing and Using the Freeware. Layers, tools, panels, text menus. Tips and tricks. Resizing anf flipping images. CharacteristicsWEB DESIGN:. Advantages and downsides of Wix system. Other options out there. Administration tools. Site manager. Editing the menu, photos, text. Installing a site store. Wix Apps. Checking pagespeed. Wix SEO Wiz and visitor analytics App. BlogMake your own future!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to control your mind?" |
"Welcome to training course ""How to control your mind""Do you ever before think that our mind and intellect both are different? if not, then this particular training course will certainly uncover secret of it. You definitely understand that people are making numerous mistakes simply due to the fact that the mind has all power to them rather than intellect. Our mentality has shaped us to do the activities that we are doing now without thinking its upcoming consequence. Your very own life might become extremely effortless if you make use of your intellectual power.Are you thrilled to understand the use of intelligence to resolve your greatest dilemmas with ease?Why don't we have a complete demonstration punctuated with real life examples of How to control the Mind."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Analiza tu web con Google Analytics y Google Tag Manager" |
"Importante: es un curso bsico para aquellos con nulos o muy pocos conocimientos en analtica web. Si es tu caso, te invito a apuntarte! Si ya tienes cierta experiencia en el mundillo, seguramente te parezca demasiado bsico.Con este curso aprenders a manejar un gestor de etiquetas gratuito como Google Tag Manager para instalar tu etiqueta de Google Analytics. De esta manera, podrs implementar los cdigos necesarios para analizar cmo interactan los visitantes con tu pgina web utilizando las etiquetas de Google Analytics. Adems, se ver de forma muy somera cmo ver estos datos en la propia herramienta de Google Analytics y configurar algunos de sus parmetros bsicos. Es un curso eminentemente prctico, en el que partiremos de una pgina web bsica ya creada en WordPress y comenzaremos su medicin desde 0 creando las cuentas en Google Analytics y Google Tag Manager. Posteriormente haremos una configuracin bsica de ambas herramientas y conoceremos los parmetros ms importantes para finalmente realizar la implementacin de las etiquetas y analizar las interacciones de los usuarios."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Start an Amazon FBA Store even IF you work Full Time" |
"According to an authority website, WebRetailer, it shows there are currently 39.6% of Amazon sellers that are making over $100,000 a YEAR or more on Amazon.That ismindblowing.PROOF! + Many Of My Successful Students!Do you think this will CHANGE your life?The course will show you EXACT, step-by-step strategies that have worked PERSONALLY in my Amazon business that are generating me multiple 6-figures/year in PROFIT.It will show you EXACTLY how tofind the perfect product, how tocontactandnegotiatewith suppliers, how tobuild out your listing, how toDESTROYyour competition, how to launch,build out your brandand scale,and secret strategies to automate your online business so you can travel and make automated passive income.Seriously, whatare you waiting for?Click ENROLL NOW."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to live stream, step by step with Open Broadcaster (OBS)" |
"In this course you will learn to operate the Open Broadcaster Software (OBS Studio), so commonly used by online streamers to get themselves online with platforms like Youtube, Facebook and Twitch. This course shows you how to get your computer setup and doing your first Live Stream on Youtube Live. I help you be stepping you through and answering your questions along the way."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Macros y VBA para Microsoft Access" |
"Tomando como ejemplo una base de datos de facturacin, aadiremos funciones mediante macros independientes e incrustadas, y analizaremos el cdigo VBA, as como dnde y cundo utilizarlo.El mtodo de aprendizaje es en su mayora, vdeos de ejemplo basados en un programa de facturacin.El curso sigue la estructura paso a paso. Comenzaremos con una base de datos previamente con la mayora de funciones previamente diseadas. La base de datos de ejemplo est disponible como recurso de la primera leccin.En la seccin 6 se encuentra una amplia exposicin del cdigo VBA con ejemplos de uso prctico.Durante el desarrollo del curso se explican las macros, y se profundiza sobre VBA, el lenguaje de programacin de Microsoft Access.En resumen, tienes ante ti un curso que una vez completado, te ayudar a mejorar tus proyectos con potentes macros y cdigos de Visual Basic para Aplicaciones."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Easy Sewing For Your Home" |
"You will learn how to create a sponge that has a cloth side as well as a textured side for scrubbing. This course is a great beginner project or great for kids. The sponge can be tossed in the wash, eliminating the need to continuously purchase and throw away sponges."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Positive Parenting Skills to Help Your Child Grow" |
"In this course, we'll dive into a multitude of positive parenting skills that you can pass on to your kids. These simple skills are often referred to as coping strategies. They help kids bust stress, boost their mood, and feel happier as they move toward their goals. According to the famous Stanford Marshmallow Experiment, kids who can self-regulate have a higher rate of success in nearly every area of life. This includes higher test scores, a lower rate of divorce, and a higher rate of overall happiness. The coping skills taught in this course will not help your child become outrageously happy, but they will help him or her patiently persist. Although this is a parenting course packed with invaluable life-skills that parents can pass on to their children, these ideas work for adults too. Don't just hope your child succeeds. Take action with these positive parenting strategies that help kids manage stress, reduce anxiety, push through fears, increase their happiness, and reach their goals."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads + Marketing MASTERY in 2020: 8-Figure Blueprint" |
"If youve not tried using Facebook Ads to promote your business online, then today is the time to start!Never before has there been an advertising platform of this magnitude that will allow you to reach an audience of billions and rapidly grow your business online at next to zero cost!Become The Ultimate Facebook Ads Master and join this course today to learn the same PROVEN success strategy Kevin David, Digital Marketing expert and world-leading Amazon FBA seller used to build this course.In just 2 hours, Kevin will explain in SIMPLE terms how to harness Facebook Pixel and other Facebook Ads elements to skyrocket your campaign success rates and keep the conversions coming in thick and fast.Dont believe us? Check out these reviews! In just 2 hours I gathered all the information I needed to transform my marketing strategy for the better. Cant recommend it enough! - Tom Carrol I was always baffled by things like Facebook Pixel and Split-Testing but Kevin smoothed out the creases and made it all seem so simple. The positive results Ive been getting since completing the course still shock me! Ian McShane Ive never experienced lead generation like it in all my years as a business owner. Transformative, to say the least John RyderThe Facebook Ad Course For EVERY LevelThis course is your fast track to Facebook Ad success and will provide long-lasting value from your very first ad build right through to advanced Facebook Marketing campaigns.Join now and youll learn how to: Build your first campaign with ZERO experience Sidestep common mistakes made by most first-timers Generate Lead Ads at the click of a button Measure ad performance with Split Tests Attract new customers with Discount Coupons Leverage Instagram & other social media channels into your ad campaigns Use Facebook Pixel to track conversions Create engaging Video Ads Create a Facebook Sales Funnel Include discount coupons with Offer Ads Find out what ads perform best with Split Tests Start a Facebook Ads Business Plus, SO much more!No experience or Facebook audience required. We'll cover strategies to grow from the ground up and you only need a budget of $5 to start advertising!Remember you need ZERO prior experience or skill to join this course. Well provide everything you need to grow your online business on a budget of next to nothing!You'll also get:All the support you need from an extensive Q & A sectionA 14-day satisfaction guaranteeFirst-hand access to any future Facebook Ads Course updatesLifetime Access to All Future Facebook Ads UpdatesTake advantage of this fantastic offer today while you still canThe ONLY course youll EVER need for a LIFETIME of Facebook Ad and Facebook Marketing SUCCESS."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA Mastery 2020 FREE Top 50 Hottest Product List!" |
"My exclusive course teaches you how to start a successful Amazon FBA business from scratch with zero experience. As one of the worlds leading Amazon sellers, I, Kevin David, will personally teach you the same proven strategy I used to build my Amazon empire from nothing.Start a lucrative and sustainable Amazon FBA business today with this complete A-Z guide designed to help everyone from beginners to existing sellers looking to increase conversions.In just 8 video-modules, I will explain in SIMPLE terms how to leverage the might of the Amazon marketplace to build yourself a 100% passive, recession-proof income that will last a lifetime.Dont believe me? Check out these reviews! Joined this course a couple of months back and I never imagined it would result in this much success. My conversions are going through the roof! Peter Hendrick Ive been looking to start an online business of my own for years but never knew how easy it was until I found this course. Thanks, Kevin! Sally Durham The ONLY course you will ever need for not just understanding Amazon FBA but MASTERING it! Cannot recommend enough Sam ChamberlainThe Amazon FBA Course For EVERY LevelThis course is your fast track to Amazon FBA success and will provide long-lasting value from your very first product launch right through to advanced sales and marketing campaigns.Join now and youll learn how to:Find The Best Amazon Products that sell FAST!Identify Top Amazon Suppliers you can trust!Launch Your First Amazon Product Successfully with ZERO experience.Sidestep Common Mistakes made by 99% of beginners.Implement a 100% Proven Amazon FBA Sales Strategy that WINS!Begin on a Small Budget and Scale Quickly.Optimize Product Listings to improve Amazon ranking and reach.Utilize Social Media Marketing to increase brand awareness.Build Powerful Facebook Ads to increase product sales.Create Winning Sales Funnels that skyrocket conversion rates.Plus, SO much more!No experience or prior skill required.Well cover strategies that grow your business from the ground up and well even show you how to make money from Amazon as you learn!Remember you need ZERO prior experience or skill to join this course. Well provide everything you need to grow your online business on a budget of next to nothing!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"EU funding: How to access programmes and projects - Module 1" |
"In this short course we provide the basics of how to participate in Eu programmes and European grants. This is the first of three modules. In this First one we provide an overview of the whole process, what is an EU programme and the basics of how to participate and approach European grants.In the second Module we look at how to prepare a successful proposal with a view to get European grants and get the project funded.In the third module we will provide information and knowledge about how to manage a running project..The second and the third modules are under construction and will go online in the next few months.Enjoy the course and send me as many feedbacks as possible on how to improve it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"UI/UX with Adobe XD" |
"Adobe XD 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12-"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Quit Smoking" |
"Have you ever tried to quit the destructive habit of smoking, but without success? Have you ever wondered what you would need to do to stay clean, even after quitting? Then this course is definitely for you! In this video course, I will show you the best program I've ever seen (and used) to help people quit smoking.It has been tried and tested and proven to be successful many times. You will not be on your own. You will get the support you need with these steps. So, don't wait and make the decision to take your life back, to have more energy, time, money, better sex and health, and freedom from addiction.In the first part of this course, I will try to boost your motivation by showing all the disadvantages and dangers of smoking, the intensity of the numbers and the death toll, and of course, the many benefits of quitting. Later, the course will go through 15 steps. Some of these steps are more important than others, but if you are committed to quitting this harmful habit, then I encourage you to take each step seriously. I have personally helped people quit forever by following up and helping them stick to all the steps."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |