Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Controller Area Network(CAN)" |
"CAN protocol overview: Introduction to the CAN protocol, Overview of Reasons for the development of CAN Comparison of CAN with other serial communication protocols, ISO-OSI layers of CAN, CAN vehicle network Architecture, Features of CAN protocol, Frame formats of CANCAN physical layer: CAN nodes, CAN Bus voltage levels and node interfacing techniques, CAN bit timings and baud rate settingsCAN data link layer: CAN Bus arbitration, CAN Bus Fault Confinement"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Anlayarak Hzl Okuma Eitim Seti" |
"""Snavlarda zamanm verimli kullanamyorum.""""Kitap okumak istiyorum ama kaln kitaplar okurken sklyorum.""""Yalandm ben artk okuyamyorum.""Bu tr yaknmalar, neredeyse her ortamda duyabileceimiz derecede sk rastlanan ancak hayat ierisinde bilgi edinmek ve ardndan para kazanmak asndan ciddi eksikliklere yol aan sorunlardr. Bunun temel sebebi, eitim sistemimizde bilgi vermeye odaklanrken bilgiyi nasl renmemiz ve hafzamzda tutmamz konusunda hibir ey retilmemesidir. Okumay ilk rendiimiz zamanlar her kelimeyi heceleyerek ve sesli syleyerek rendik. Bundan bir sre sonra kelimeleri tek seferde sylemeye ve gitgide hzlanmaya baladk. Daha sonrasnda iimizden o kelimeleri okumay baardk ve nihayet normal okuma seviyesine ulatk. Aslnda bunun sonraki seviyesi de var. Bu seviye de gz ile hzl okumaktrBu eitiminde kullanlan teknikler bilimsel olarak geerliliini kantlam ve bizim de uzun yllardr eitimlerini verdiimiz 1000 den fazla renciyle etkinliini kantladmz tekniklerdir."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Programacin de Microcontroladores de 16 bits DsPIC" |
"En este curso aprenders como programar un microcontrolador de 16 bits, ademas podrs realizar tu propio entrenador, saber cual es la conexin mnima para que funcione de manera adecuada tu DsPIC , conocers los registros adecuados de las comunicaciones mas usadas. Como el UART.Control de ADC, control de motores por medio del PWM.Conocers como usar el mplabX, configurar para tu proyecto, elegir el dspic adecuado para tu proyecto.Aprenders ejemplos bsicos hasta el mas avanzado, este curso cuenta con actualizaciones frecuente por ejemplo, tipos de comunicaciones especiales, como gps, iot, entre otros.Tambin puedes externar al instructor todas tus dudas e inquietudes y el se pondr en contacto contigo a la brevedad para que tengas una experiencia de aprendizaje completa.Cada vdeo explicativo le corresponde su diagrama en Proteus y su respectivo cdigo fuente."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Manual Prtico do Deep Learning - Redes Neurais Profundas" |
"J pensou se as Redes Neurais viessem com um Manual Prtico de instrues passo-a-passo sobre como constru-las?Pois , esse manual agora existe!Com ajuda desse Manual, voc vai implementar desde os neurnios mais bsicos (como o Perceptron, o Adaline e o Sigmoid) at uma Rede Neural completa com:learning ratemomentumdropoutregularizao L1/L2tcnicas de inicializao de pesos (normal, uniform, e glorot/xavier)mini-batch Gradiente Descendentefreezinglearning rate decayearly stoppingbatch normalizationAlm disso, esse Manual tambm contm segredos e dicas de especialistas pra lhe ajudar a treinar suas prprias Redes Neurais bem mais fcil, como:quais os melhores valores para cada hiperparmetro (learning rate, qtde. de camadas, qtde. neurnios, tamanho do batch, etc)?o que fazer quando a rede no converge?como evitar os problemas de vanishing/exploding gradients?como identificar e resolver underfitting e overfitting?Esse Manual tambm acompanha a ferramenta essencial pra implementao de Redes Neurais: a Backpropagation.Poucas pessoas sabem utiliz-la, mas nesse Manual voc encontra um mtodo nico e memorvel de ensino conhecido como ""deriva quem t dentro e multiplica por quem t fora!"".Tudo isso feito pelo autor desse Manual, que: Google Developer Expert em Machine Learning desde 2018trabalha com Machine Learning e Deep Learning desde 2016 professor de Ps-Graduao em Machine Learningfaz doutorado em Deep Learningtem um nanodegree em Deep Learningtreina Redes Nerais desde 2015"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Temel Siber Gvenlik ve Farkndalk Eitimi" |
"""ok baarl bir eitim. zellikle kvkk ve netwokr gvenlii alannda alan arkadalarn ok faydalanaca bir eitim. ben network mhendisi olmama ramen bir ok konu hakknda detayl birekilde bilgilendim. bundan dolay hocamz bar bey ok ter ediyorum. ders ve videolarnn devamn bekliyorum."" RENC YORUMU""Gnlk hayatta karlatmz fakat farknda olmadmz parola, e-mail ve mobil cihaz gvenlii konusunda bilgi sahibi oldum. Akc ve anlalr dil kullanlm, memnun kaldm. Teekkr ediyorum "" RENC YORUMU""Son kullanclarn dijital dnyada korkutucu tehdit ve risklerden kanmalar iin sade bir anlatm ile farkndalk seviyelerini arttrmaya ynelik gayet tatmin edici bir kurs olmu. Emeinize salk."" RENC YORUMU""Balang eitimi olarak ieriinin dolu olduunu dnyorum. Siber gvenlik hakknda fikir sahibi olmak isteyenler, kurumlarnda personeline siber gvenlik farkndalk eitimi vermek isteyenler bu eitimden ok ey renecektir."" RENC YORUMU""Kurs, Siber Gvenliin temellerini ve uygulama ekillerini bir akademisyen titizliiyle anlalr bir ekilde ortaya koyuyor, normal internet kullanclarna Siber Gvenlik okur yazarl kazandrrken, benim gibi farkl IT departmannda alanlar da daha iyi bir seviyeye getiriyor. Nesnelerin nterneti ve 5G yaygnlamasyla hayatmz ok daha fazla kapsayacak olan Siber Gvenlik alanndaki bu kursu, tm internet kullanclarna ve kurumsal farkndalk balamnda btn kurum ve kurululara tavsiye ediyorum"" RENC YORUMUEitim ile ilgili her trl konuda (indirim kuponu ihtiyac dahil) benimle e-posta ya da Linkedin zerinden irtibat kurabilirsiniz...English version of this Course: Introduction to Cyber Security and Awareness CourseAmac Kullanc Seviyesi Siber Gvenlik ve Farkndalk Eitimi siber gvenlik konusunda bilgilerinizi gncellemeye, btnlemeye, gelitirmeye, daha gvenli bir siber dnyada yaamaya ve almaya, kendinize ve iinize yatrm yapmay amalamaktadr. Ayrca tm bilgisayar kullanclarnn hem irketteki hem de gnlk yaamlarndaki IT operasyonlarn mmkn olduunca gvenli bir ekilde yrtmelerini salayacak bilgi ve donanma kavuturmaktr.Eitimin zelliiSiber gvenlii tehdit eden risklerin banda alanlarn siber gvenlik konusundaki farkndalk eksiklii gelmektedir. Dnyaca nl biliim firmalarnn son yllarda yaad siber gvenlik ihlal olaylar detaylca incelendiinde sorunun ana kaynann alanlarn siber gvenlik farkndalklarnn eksiklii olduu ortaya kmaktadr. Farkndalk seviyelerinin arttrlmasnda en nemli maddelerden biri dzenli olarak eitim verilmesi ve eitimler sonras farkndalk senaryolarn ieren saldr simlasyonlarnn gerekletirilmesidir.Eitim eriiBilgi Gvenliinde Kullancnn RolBilgisayar ve Eriim GvenliiParola GvenliiE-Posta Gvenliinternet Eriim GvenliiYazlm GvenliiMobil Cihaz GvenliiBilgi Ortamlarnn Oluturulmas, Deitirilmesi ve Yok EdilmesiDosya Eriim ve Paylam GvenliiYedekleme GvenliiSosyal MhendislikKullancnn Uymas Gereken PrensiplerBilinlendirme Web SiteleriKatlmc ProfiliSiber gvenlik konusunda bilgi almak isteyen kullanclar ile biliim sistemleri ve teknolojileri hakknda genel bilgi sahibi olan tm alanlar katlabilir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
everything-about-white-hat-hacker |
". DVWA . , . SQL , , . , , , . . . . ( ) ."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como Implantar Google for Education na sua Escola (COVID-19)" |
"Voc sabia que as todas as escolas e universidades tm direito a uma conta educacional do Gsuite do Google?Sua escola pronta para a Educao 4.0 com recursos poderosos e gratuitos para oferecer aulas a distncia.Prepare sua escola para aproveitar as novas tecnologias dentro e fora da sala de aula.Tudo fica armazenado automaticamente na nuvem. Arquivos acessveis a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar. Aprenda como implantar o GSuite na sua escola, nesse curso voc ver o passo a passo do processo de liberao e configurao da conta educacional.Essa conta vlida para escolas qualificadas pelo Google, sendo necessrio um domnio para ser utilizada.ATENO: Se voc no gestor ou responsvel pela TI da escola, mas quer saber mais sobre as ferramentas Google para Educao, sugiro outros cursos: Certificao Google for Education para Professores, Google Drive e Documentos para Iniciantes e Google in Review: recursos para professores e estudantes aqui mesmo na Udemy."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Shopify Sales Machine : Build Your Tribe" |
"Welcome to the 'The Shopify Sales Machine: Build Your Tribe'! In this course I'm going to teach you innovative techniques to boost your Shopify sales, while also building a tribe of loyal customers that you can continuously advertise to for FREE, slowly reducing your need to pay for advertising should you so wish.My name is Tim Sharp and I've been a successful online entrepreneur since 2004. Over the years, I've builtseveral successful businesses in eCommerce and I haveextensive knowledge of the complete business cycle and a wealth of real world experience. And now I'm one of the most successful ecommerce instructors on Udemy with over 80,000 students and a thriving private Facebook group of over 16,000 members - and yes, you will get an exclusive invite:)! So let's get going, I have a ton of knowledge that I can't wait to share with you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"FINELIFE : learn how to stay healthy in life" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understand how electricity is generated" |
"Course is design to understand how electricity is generated. It is about role of Faraday's law in energy conversion and role of Lenz's law in satisfying ""Law of energy conservation"". It covers all from fundamental concepts to strong mathematical explanation, to understand magnetic field and its role in generation of AC voltage. It also includes basic working principle of AC generator &its practical arrangement."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
how-to-get-in-hidden-job-market |
", .. 50 - .. , , . , , , . : ? . ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? !!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Vocal Warm Up Course, Find Your Voice Type" |
"Want to warm up your voice but don't know how? Let me show you step by step on this course how.Every singer should warm up their singing voice if they want to sound their best. A good vocal warm-up like the one on this course will:Wake up your breathing - You learn this automatically on this course through the sounds we use on the warm-up that has been designed with your specific voice type in mind.Wake up your vocal folds and line them up ready for singing with more focus - so a less airy sound.Wake up your resonance so your voice projects better.balances every element of your singing voice leaving your voice sounding warmer and stronger than before.Help to protect your voice against vocal damage.leave your voice feeling freer and more responsive so your voice will be more predictable when you go to sing - no strange surprises when you open your mouth!Not sure if the vocal warm-up will cover your vocal range?I have taken the time to create 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups for each of the main voice types for the Female and Male voice ensuring that you get the best vocal warm-up for your voice. Here is a list of the main voice types covered on this course...Female High voice = Soprano ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups).Female Middle Voice = Mezzo-Soprano ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups).Female Low Voice = Alto ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups).Male High Voice = Tenor ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups).Male Middle Voice = Baritone ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups).Male Low Voice = Bass ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups).The vocal warm-ups are not only designed to fit your voice type I have also made sure to keep them very clean so there is not too much interruption from lots of instruments just a simple piano part so you can focus on your technique and good pitching.The vocal warm-up you learn on this course is a vocal warm-up that all my students use all the time and I do as well. It's a great vocal warm-up that you will find yourself coming back to over and over, as it does the job of warming up your voice very well.So click on the enrol button under the preview video and I look forward to seeing you on the course.See you on the course...Vocal Coach Dylan :)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Speak Dutch for Beginners" |
"Dutch is the official language of the Netherlands and Suriname, and is commonly used by millions in Belgium, Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaao. Many Dutch will appreciate it when you learn to speak their language, and when you make an attempt to communicate with them on their level.The Netherlands and Belgium are huge trading partners for multiple businesses and are among the top economies in the world. Many Dutch travel and are savvy when it comes to cultural, financial, technical, and social developments. Learning to speak Dutch is a noble cause. You will find your confidence in yourself and your language skills grow as you become familiar with the details of this language.Learn to tell time, to exchange money, understand basic sentences, read words and spell or pronounce them correctly, tell the doctor where it is hurting, or ask the waiter at the restaurant for a certain meal when you visit the Netherlands, Belgium, or Suriname. With these basics, you'll see how easy it is to recognize specific words and see where they come from and why they mean what they mean. This is at the center of learning any language. It will greatly help you to grasp the essence of the Dutch language.Don't wait and indulge in the interesting, fun knowledge of learning how to speak Dutch!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dutch Language Conversation at Its Best" |
"Conversations and small sentences are some of the best ways to become better at a language. Everyday situations will show you that knowing certain phrases will be beneficial to you. If you're planning a visit to a Dutch speaking country like the Netherlands, Belgium, Suriname, or the Dutch Antilles, or if you know someone who speaks Dutch and appreciates the effort, this course is definitely for you! Became more skilled at the language and understand the meaning and explanation of where each word comes from.Well go over handy words and sentences you can use to get around when you are visiting, such as restaurant talk, asking questions about the internet, having discussions about religion, hobbies, shopping, or the hairdresser, romantic phrases and dating, asking directions, the weather, asking questions in the post office, understanding times and dates, staying the night, public transportation, health and emergencies, and lots lots more.Feel free to slow down or speed up the video if you are more interested in one topic than another. You might want to listen carefully to the pronunciation of some of them, but I promise you that once you get into it, it all makes sense. And thats what Im here for.Learn more Dutch phrases today! Get the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dutch Language & Grammar Immersion and Insights" |
"Grammar of a language can get pretty complicated. And yes, there are many exceptions to the rules. However, knowing the grammar rules in a language can help you understand their logic. You see, each language has a certain logic to it, and that logic may vary from the language you speak, so in some cases, it's important to change your mindset to comprehend why they talk the way they do.In Dutch, they do things a little differently than in English too. One example is inversion, which is when toss the verb in certain sentences all the way to the back of the sentence. Other sub-topics that will be addressed in this course are conjugations, superlatives, opposites, adjectives, the past tense of verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and so much more.The idea is to give you a basic comprehension of all the odd, strange, basics of the Dutch grammar that they use. Some of these things may seem controversial at first but seem to all add up to a smooth language later.Aside from this, be prepared to be taught by someone who grew up in the Netherlands and speaks the language fluently. Ive spoken Dutch for more than 30 years every day and am now teaching it to my kids as well, even though Ive moved to the United States. This way, there will be no doubts about pronunciation or confusion of the grammar rules I am teaching you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"iOS, Swift" |
"() - , . : . , iOS . 22 (. ), , . Xcode ( playground), Swift."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Business Intelligence 12c (OBIEE)" |
"Coupon : ONLY-BY-50.00 to get course by 50 $Oracle Business Intelligence Course (Creating Analysis and Dashboard Track) is first course in Arabic .Join the most comprehensive and popular Oracle Business Intelligence Course (Creating Analysis and Dashboard Track) on Udemy, because now is the time to get started!From basic concepts about Business Intelligence, Architecture, Analyses development, Filters, Selection Steps, Graphs, Visualization, Dashboards, Dashboard Links, Prompts, Agents, Add-ons this course covers it all you need to know to become a successful OBIEE Developer!But that's not all! Along with covering all the steps of OBIEE developer functions, this course has quizzes and projects, which allow you to practice the things learned throughout the course!You'll not only learn about the concepts, but also practice each of those concepts through Projects.And if you do get stuck, you benefit from an extremely fast and friendly support - both via direct messaging or discussion. You have my word!With more than two decades of IT experience, I have designed this course for students and professionals who wish to master how to develop and support industry standard business intelligence and data analysis development.This course will be kept up-to-date to ensure you don't miss out on any changes once OBIEE 12c is required in your project!Why OBIEE?Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is a leading enterprise Business Intelligence and Analysis software. Oracle is completely focused on keeping its lead and capturing market by investing a lot in this tool.Oracle has a lot of customers using it's Oracle ERP application. For these customers OBIEE is first choice for Business Intelligence solution.Oracle Discoverer is end of life now. All Oracle Discoverer customers are moving to OBIEE.Oracle is enhancing its packaged business intelligence application (BIAPPS) which is developed on OBIEE platform.If you are looking for a thriving career in business intelligence and analytics, this is the right time to learn OBIEE.Get a very deep understanding of OBIEE Developer activitiesEvery new OBIEE version is coming with added features. Success of OBIEE implementation and its performance depends on OBIEE developer.Pay once, benefit a lifetime! This is an evolving course! OBIEE12c development and later future versions will be covered in this course. You wont lose out on anything!Dont lose any time, gain an edge and start now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for Sedentary Lifestyles - Certification Course" |
"Yoga for Sedentary Lifestyles Certification Course, comes with a Beautiful, Professionally designed Certificate offered by your Instructor!CERTIFICATE of ACHIEVEMENT (CoA) In order to earn it, just follow these simple instructions:Take the Final Exam and make sure to score at least 50%. Then fill out the provided form. The Certificate will be sent directly to your inbox!According to your exam score you are awarded one of the following grades:High Distinction (HD) 85-100% Work of outstanding quality on all objectives of the subject.Distinction (D) 75-84% Work of superior quality on all objectives of the subject.Credit (C) 65-74% Work of good quality showing more than satisfactory achievement on all objectives of the subject.Pass (P) 50-64% Work showing a satisfactory achievement on all objectives of the subject. Yoga to the Rescue: How to Survive sitting all day at Work! Fix your Posture & Change Your Life with Yoga!Anyone who sits behind a desk all day knows only too well the aches and pains that can creep into their body. Sitting for long periods of time while doing office work all day is clearly very unnatural for humans! According to the U.S Bureau of Labor, there are jobs that workers have to spent 90% of their workday sitting! Think about it! You might drive to work, sit down to work at your desk for at least 8 hours, then drive back home. And what exactly do you do there? You sit down again to eat, watch TV or read a book. Right? All this comes with some serious health risks!Sitting for long periods of the day has now been equated to smoking, in terms of the damage it has to your health. Little or no physical activity, in conjunction with stress from work can literally strip years off your life, unless necessary action is taken. Fortunately, practicing yoga can counteract the variety of negative health effects an office job can bring. Yoga has countless benefits for people who sit at a desk job. Yoga can reduce stress and tension. It can improve your focus and concentration. It also detoxifies and tones your muscles. Yoga can relieve head, neck, and back strain along with carpel tunnel syndrome and high blood pressure. It can improve your posture and flexibility and also improves your outlook for a better day!Yoga has become increasingly popular in the corporate world and for good reasons too. Proven to be beneficial for overall physical, mental and emotional well-being, yoga is the ideal practice for any professional in the corporate world looking to de-stress, be healthy and happy. With corporations such as Apple, Nike and Google, along with numerous companies in London incorporating yoga into the work week for their staff, its clear that yoga has something vital to offer to your everyday office worker.Be Proactive! As nothing is more important than your own Health and Happiness, it is important to look after your body in the best possible way you can. Being Healthy is a Choice. Make it! Yoga CAN and WILL Help You!For a better student engagement and for a better learning experience, this Yoga Course comes with English (machine-generated) Subtitles! Surely there are questions about this Course you need answering. Let's see some of the most common ones.WHO is this Yoga Course for?Does your job require you to spend many hours sitting while working?Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?Do you want to reverse the long-term effects of your sitting job?Do you want to get instant relief, right at your workplace, that will give you the necessary boost to come by the day?Do you want to Be & Feel Healthy, not only for you bur also for those who need and love you? Remember! You Health is their Happiness!If you have answered YES to any of these questions, then this Course is for YOU!WHAT will we be covering in this Yoga Course?This is not another typical yoga stretching program. Sure, we have stretches too and we'll also give you a FREE Yoga Stretching Guide, but our main emphasis is given on how to undo the damage of your sedentary lifestyle! We will primarily focus on the following: Yoga for SORE SHOULDERS & NECK, Yoga for TIGHT CHEST MUSCLES & CHEST FLEXIBILITY, Yoga for WEAK BACK MUSCLES, Yoga For TIGHT LEGS,Special Yoga exercises for OPENING THE UPPER TORSO, Yoga for SPINAL FLEXIBILITYWHAT do I need for this Yoga Course?For this Yoga program you will need:A Yoga mat or big towelA Yoga blockA Yoga strapA Yoga chair or any chairA Yoga Blanket or any BlanketA Foam RollerTwo dumbbellsAm I getting any FREE stuff?Sure! Except for the lectures in the course you'll be getting the following FREE Resources:Our FREE Office Yoga stretching guide,The Anatomy and Physiology e-Book,Online Access to stunning 3D Human Anatomy software andour Motivational Info-graphics! So, at this point you really need to ask yourself, can you afford not to take this course? Everyone in your life deserves, but most of all, YOU deserve the best you! I believe everyone is entitled to a healthy life. But you won't get it unless you decide to take action. And you won't get it just by reading free material, without actually diving in! Make your decision now! Make it well!Join the thousands of students in our other Yoga courses & start experiencing for yourself, the health benefits of Yoga! Yoga CAN & WILL help you! Please, STOP damaging yourself and start taking care of you! Don't let another day go by, without taking action! So go ahead & hit that enroll button, now! You have nothing to lose & a brand NEW, HEALTHY LIFE to gain! Act smart and give this gift of GREAT VALUE to You AND your Loved Ones! Enroll now and be the next person to tell me, this Yoga course has changed my life!Being Healthy is a Choice. Make it! Yoga CAN and WILL Help You!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for Back Pain Relief & Prevention-Certification Course" |
"Yoga for Back Pain Relief & Prevention Certification Course, comes with 2 beautiful, professionally designed Certificates offered by your Instructor!FIRST CERTIFICATE (Certificate of Achievement) + DIGITAL BADGE (SoA)In order to earn them, just follow these simple instructions:Take the Final Exam and make sure to score at least 50%. Then fill out the provided form. Your Certificate & Badge will be sent directly to your inbox!According to your exam score you are awarded one of the following grades:High Distinction (HD) 85-100% Work of outstanding quality on all objectives of the subject.Distinction (D) 75-84% Work of superior quality on all objectives of the subject.Credit (C) 65-74% Work of good quality showing more than satisfactory achievement on all objectives of the subject.Pass (P) 50-64% Work showing a satisfactory achievement on all objectives of the subject.SECOND CERTIFICATE (Certificate of Completion) + DIGITAL BADGE (SoC)Are you maybe enrolled as a Udemy for Business student? Did you know that as a UFB student, you are entitled -for free- to an additional (second) Certificate & Digital Badge (SoC) offered by your Instructor? That's right! All you have to do is complete this course (by 100%) and then message me through Udemy. I will be pleased to send you a beautiful, professionally designed Certificate of Completion! Remember: In order to get this additional Certificate & Badge, all you have to do is just finish the Course you've started! Yoga for Back Pain Relief & Prevention Certification Course is THE longest Lower Back Pain Yoga Course Online! Back Pain Facts:Did you know that experts estimate that as much as 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some time in their lives? Think about it. Thats 8 out of every 10 people! And theres more!Low back pain is considered to be the single leading cause of disability worldwide! (Source:Global Burden of Disease 2010)One-half of ALL working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each yearAmericans spend at least $50 billion each year on back pain50% of all pregnant women will suffer from some kind of low back pain at some point during their pregnancies Welcome to Yoga for Spinal Health! LOWER BACK PAIN Course! This amazing Therapeutic Yoga Course is a Yoga Combination Program in which more than one exercises for different body parts is recommended for addressing the area of pain. (e.g if a problem exists in the upper part, exercising the lower part is equally essential).For a better student engagement and for a better learning experience, this Yoga Course comes with FULL (NOT Auto-generated) English and Spanish (machine generated) Subtitles! Most Yoga programs do not properly understand back function as it relates to the rest of the body.They just recommend upper extremity exercises in the same rep and set sequence with no diversification.No back flexibility, core, or leg exercises are recommended. A balance of strength and flexibility of all the muscles around the back is essential for injury prevention. In addition, proper back function is linked to the movements of the lower extremity, the pelvis, and the trunk. This Yoga program includes dozens of different strength and flexibility exercises for the back, core, and legs that are performed in small groups with changing set and repetition sequences.It's no secret that the medical community is slowly but surely accepting the idea that Yoga can bring relief for persistent back pain, and it is taking notice of how healing Yoga can be for back pain. According to N.I.H (National Institutes of Health), one of the world's foremost medical research centers ""Yoga is Similar to Physical Therapy in Helping Low-Back Pain in a Diverse Urban Population"" Moreoverin NCCIH's (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health) Scientific Results of Yoga for Health and Well-Being Video there's an overview of a rigorously designed study that shows Yoga may benefit people with chronic low-back pain, a common and difficult-to-treat problemSo, WHO is this Yoga Course for?Really, its anyone who wants to address any of the following conditions. In particular People with chronic spinal problems (sciatica, vertebral stenosis, inter-vertebral disc disorders, posterior joint disorders)People who are still in severe lower back pain after following the treatment suggested by their doctor (acute phase)People who are in less pain or the pain is intervalPeople who are in no pain at all but want to avoid having any in the future (prevention)People who do sedentary work (office work)People with a sedentary lifestylePeople whose work requires long hours on their feet (e.g waitresses, sellers, hotel receptionists)People who do heavy work (weight lifting, pulling or pushing an object, continuous vibrations, vibrations, intense bending, extension and turning)Athletes who have still intense lower back pain, after following the treatment suggested by their doctor (weightlifting, gymnastics, wrestling, American football, diving)Please note that this is NOT a Yoga Teacher training Course WHAT will we be covering in this Yoga Course?Well, first we'll be starting out by finding the available course programs with the help of our Online Program Finder Tool!Next, we'll see how to properly perform the specialized healing Yoga exercises for your each type through our detailed video lessonsEach Yoga program includes stabilization, flexibility, strengthening, isotonic and isometric exercises for a the back, torso, legs, arms, and abdomen as well as restorative poses.For all types, you can download and print the Yoga Exercise Routines with the instructions that come along.By the end of this Yoga Course you'll be able to1) Reduce your lower back pain through regular exercise of all related body muscles2) Strengthen your body muscles through empowerment exercises 3) Increase your flexibility and elasticity through the stretching exercises4) Increase your stamina through aerobic exercise5) Strengthen the deep muscles of the spine through the stabilization exercises6) Take care of your spine and keep it healthy in your everyday life by avoiding unnecessary injuriesWHAT do you need for this Yoga Course?For this Yoga program you will need:A Yoga mat or big towelA Yoga blockA Yoga strapA Yoga chair or any chairA Yoga Blanket or any BlanketA Pilates RingA Foam RollerWith over 14 hours of video content and more that 130 lectures, this is THE longest Lower Back Pain Yoga Course Online! Act smart and give this gift of GREAT VALUE to You AND your Loved Ones! Your back, will be grateful to you! Enroll now and be the next person to tell me, this Yoga course has changed my life!Being Healthy is a Choice. Make it! Yoga CAN and WILL Help You!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Be Your Own Life Coach! How to Create a Well-Balanced Life" |
"The man who represents himself has a fool for a client and an ass for an attorney Everyone in the legal world knows that self-representation in court is likely to end badly. Could this be true for self-coaching as well? Well this can be answered relatively easy. Just read the following quote and think about it for a moment..Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. Did you know that 99% of clients who hire a coach are satisfied and that 96% of them would hire a coach again? Moreover 80% improved their self-confidence, 72% improved their communication skills and 57% improved their time management skills. Life coaching really works and the sooner you understand this the better for you!Now having read that, try to answer the following questions. Just be honest!Can you see the benefits of changing your behavior?Are you willing to change your behavior permanently?Do you have the ability to change?Are you ready to change?Are you willing to change?If you have answered YES to most of the above questions, then this Course can definitely help you in the process of self-coaching.Be Proactive! As nothing is more important than your own Health and Happiness, it is important to look after your body in the best possible way you can. Being Happy is a Choice. Make it! Life Coaching CAN and WILL Help You!For a better student engagement and for a better learning experience, this Life Coaching Course comes with English (machine-generated) Subtitles! Surely there are questions about this Course you need answering. Let's see some of the most common ones:WHO is this Life Coaching Course for?Do you want to Become Your Best Self?Discover the Values that Motivate You the Most?Develop and Grow?Attract the kind of Life You Want?Coach Yourself to Happiness?If you have answered YES to any of these questions, then this Course is for YOU!WHAT will we be covering in this Life Coaching Course? Well, we'll start off by explaining the differences between Coaching, Counseling, Consulting and Mentoring. We will then analyze the 5 aspects of Well-Being. These are:The EmotionalThe PhysicalThe IntellectualThe SpiritualThe PsychologicalFor each we will see the Definitions, lots of Real Life Examples and Top Tips in order to Boost them!We've also included dozens of Exclusive Quizzes that will help you understand yourself better and unlock your true potential! Moreover we've included dozens of Powerful Motivational Quotes that are sure to inspire you in order to achieve your Goals!WHAT do I need for this Life Coaching Course?No prior knowledge or tools are required. Just an open mind to change! After all, as Albert Einstein put it: ""The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.""Am I getting any FREE stuff?Sure, with 3 Self-Development e-books, 5 healthy recipes and a Deep Relaxation technique, we've got you covered!So, at this point you really need to ask yourself, can you afford not to take this course? Everyone in your life deserves, but most of all, YOU deserve the best you! I believe everyone is entitled to a happy life. But you won't get it unless you decide to take action. And you won't get it just by reading free material, without actually diving in! Make your decision now! Make it well!Join the thousands of students in our other Courses & start experiencing for yourself, the Wind of Change in your Life! Please, STOP neglecting yourself and start taking care of you! Put yourself first! Don't let another day go by, without taking action! So go ahead & hit that enroll button, now! You have nothing to lose & a brand NEW, HAPPY LIFE to gain! Act smart and give this gift of GREAT VALUE to You AND your Loved Ones! Enroll now and be the next person to tell me, this Life Coaching course has changed my life!Being Happy is a Choice. Make it! Life Coaching CAN and WILL Help You!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"() Hi.This is konomi!im glad to see you^^i started my own yoga studio in japan.i want many people to know a good quality of practice make you more beautiful happy healty...and more!i wanna enjoy Yoga with you !This program is 20min 10poses 10days!How simple it is!we can try to easy this program.Lets enjoy together and always be Happy!!!!"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"SharePoint 2019 Development from Zero to Hero" |
"Join Now Because it's time to get started The SharePoint Complete Development Course with loads of Examples and projects. it's covers everything and will be contentiously updated. with more lectures every period. Let's Build an SharePoint Portal from A-Z Step by Step, not just Theoretical and ABC examples.This course is recommended as it covers not only SharePoint topics But additional material and concepts of Object orientated Programming and Data structure and Design Pattern The course Cover:-Object-Oriented Programming All SharePoint topics in one course.SharePoint Project Structure Building and deploying web parts, Visual web Parts, Applications pages, Site Columns, user controls and much moreUsing CAML Queries and LINQ to fetch data from SharePoint.Event ReceiverSecurity Impersonation Custom Actions Client Side Rendering Accessing external data using BCS.Create SharePoint Site, Lists through Code and much moreCreate event receiversREST API, HTTP Request interview questions with answers.Tips and tricks.Daily work tasks. Are There Lots of Examples? There are loads of examplesPay once, benefit a lifetime! with 30 Days money-back guarantee. Certification after course completion"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"R -()" |
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"I Will Teach You to Read! - Course #1 (of 5)" |
"This course is the first of five, and includes Lessons 1-20 of the Ready, Set, Read: Reading Program (100 lessons in all).Ready, Set, Read, taught on video by teacher and author, Vera Clark, teaches a person how to read fluently, using the phonics-based, Ready, Set, Read: Reading Program. Beginning with learning the sounds of the letters, then learning to blend letters to make words, I then teach 100 reading lessons leading to fluent reading at a 6th grade level approximately. (Each lesson is about 10 min., but Lesson 1 is 17 min.)Lesson 1 starts out with 3 letter words with 'an' plus four simple sight words in a vocabulary box, then uses them in short sentences. By Lesson 20, the student will be reading fluently sentences containing any of the 5 short vowels, double consonants and ""ck."" The plan is to slowly build reading skills with each lesson, until complete reading fluency is mastered at approximately a 6th grade level by Lesson 100. Each lesson is two pages long, shown on screen as well as attached as a resource for printing. A student should continue practicing each lesson with me until they can read it well by themselves, then they progress to the next lesson. Students should not progress to next lesson until they have fully mastered the one they are on.There are five courses, each containing 20 reading lessons on video. This course is appropriate for young children, as young as 3, if they are alert and able to focus attention, as well as for adults. All ages enjoy the adorable dog, Buddy, who points to the words being read, as well as the pleasant music. I Will Teach You To Read! - Course #1 print the following:*Success Chart your ""log"" to chart student's progress. This chart motivates the student. Parents or tutors may offer an incentive to the student for reaching certain goals.*Flash cards for learning the sounds of the letters.*Print the List of ABC sounds and pictures (which contains the same info as the flash cards, but in list form).*Print the Lesson Index, which lists the skills being taught in each lesson.*Print the Reading Lessons, for student practice and independent reading.Finally, you have an easy, fun way to learn to read, with short lessons, which motivates your student to learn! Let Vera Clark teach your student to be a confident reader with Ready, Set, Read!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Vedic Maths : Fastest Mental Calculation Techniques" |
"Without using calculator or other equipments, we can calculate the answer directly. Applicable from simple arithmetic to advance level quadratic equations,Square, Cube,Algebra , geometry etc.,. Easy to learn and start to enjoy Mathematics. Very Useful for students, teachers and Parents. Useful for Students preparing for academic Exam like GMAT, BPO, PSC, ACT, SAT, IBO, IAS, RRB, Engineering and Medical entrance and other exams."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"After Effects & Photoshop Scripting" |
"Quem j usa com o Photoshop ou o AfterEffects sabe que o trabalho pode se tornar repetitivo e automtico em determinadas situaes.Justamente por isso, criou-se uma Linguagem de Programao prpria para os Softwares da plataforma Adobe, o Adobe Script.Programar Scripts e automatizar tarefas pode ser uma tima idia para profissionais que precisam trabalhar com grandes volumes de arquivos, realizar tarefas repetitivas, ou utilizar matemtica para criar efeitos de cores e movimentos para animaes.Vejam o que aprenderemos neste Treinamento:(PARTE 1 - AFTER EFFECTS SCRIPTING) - AULAS 1 A 113+ Adobe After Effects Bsicoprimeiros passos no programaprincipais ferramentas, janelas e interface+ Lgica de Programaoprimeiros passos da programao utilizando o JavaScriptcriar rotinas, ferramentas e pluginsAdobeScript e do IDE ExtendScript Toolkit.+ Programao no After Effectsprincipais recursos da programao aplicados ao fluxo de trabalho no After, como identificar os footages, criar e manipular composies, trabalhar com as propriedades dos objetos, componentes de texto, efeitos sadas de render+ Objetos de Dados e Arquivos JSONcomo manipular objetos de dados complexos (ou Dicionrios)como se cria, l e manipula os arquivos de dados do tipo JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).+ Criar 6 Projetos de Animao Utilizando Scripts e Expresses+ Cartela Automtica de Vdeos.(PARTE 2 - PHOTOSHOP SCRIPTING) - AULAS 114 A 202+ Lgica e Automao no PhotoshopVamos rever a parte introdutria de lgica aplicado ao Script do Photoshop. + Projeto do Carto de Natal do Felpudoautomatizar processoscomo se manipula um arquivo PSD atravs da programao.+ Slides do FelpudoVamos automatizar a produo de slides com textos e imagens.+ Arquivos JSONestrutura de dados JSON para inserir contedo no arquivo do PS.+ Slides com JSONexportador Automtico de Slides ondecontedo lido de dentro de um arquivo de texto..Conhecimento ideal para quem trabalha com grande volume de grficos ou vdeos, para que otimizem seu tempo de trabalho, salvem tempo para fazer coisas mais importantes, isto aumentar sua produtividade ao longo da carreira.Eu indicaria este curso principalmente para quem trabalha com e-Learning, possui canais de vdeos no YouTube, ou simplesmente gosta de aprender mais sobre programao e engines grficas de animao ou CG.Visitem a pgina do curso e confiram a lista completa de aulas e os videos abertos com os projetos que iremos desenvolver."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Bioethics - the ethics of everyday life" |
"You cant open a newspaper or go to any news site without seeing at least one news item that has to do with bioethics.Bioethics? Much more than medical ethics. It includes how we look after the planet and other species on it. It was Fritz Jahr in 1927, who came up with the word ""bioethics"" when he published the article: Bio-Ethik: Eine Umschau ber die ethischen Beziehungen des Menschen zu Tier und Pflanze. The article introduced what he would later call ""the Bioethical Imperative"".""All living beings are entitled to respect and should be treated not as means but as ends in themselves.""Bioethics is a challenging and exciting combination of policy, law, ethics, science & technology, politics, philosophy and even more, such as economy.Literally, bioethics means the ethics of life.WHO YOU AREYou care about what goes on in the world, and you have guts.You want to accomplish positive change, but may not always know what approach to take and may sometimes find yourself at a loss during discussions with certain professionals, business people and politicians. This course may be able to help you with that.Bioethics, the ethics of everyday life is a relatively academic course, one that will strengthen your critical thinking muscles and help you approach difficult topics from various viewpoints.WHAT YOU WILL GAIN FROM THIS COURSEDepending on your current skill level and attitudes, it may teach you new skills and will certainly hand you arguments that you can use in discussions and in written communications.It will likely provide you with a better foundation to negotiate for what you believe in and help you build a better future for all. It can also make you see more easily where other people's opinions are coming from, which can enable you to build bridges to cross such chasms.After this course, you will likely find that you are more motivated and continuing to develop your critical thinking skills.You will gain a greater awareness of innovative views in areas of diversity and inclusivity.You will build up more knowledge to support so-called green choices.You will be more skillful in formulating and supporting your own views during meetings and negotiations.You will gain more flexibility in countering traditional arguments during meetings and negotiations.You will be able to add much more variety and strength to your written communications.COURSE CURRICULUMThe course is shaped like an ocean wave. It builds up from a light beginning into pretty heavy and theoretical stuff, in longer lectures, and is rounded off with a return to lighter, shorter lectures.SECTION 1: INTRODUCTIONThis section sets out what this course is about. Surprise surprise.Lecture 1. IntroductionThis lecture gives you information to do with this course and looks into the use of rhetoric, as a tool you can use and as something you need to be aware of.SECTION 2: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE HUMANThis is a question many philosophers ponder and that is highly relevant for the bigger picture in all sorts of discussion. It can serve as a tool to base arguments on.Lecture 2. What does it mean to be human?In this lecture, we discuss a definition a particular philosopher came up with.Lecture 3. But what about animals?Definitions we come up for what it means to be human may also apply to other species.Lecture 4. Should we respect other species more?Other species are not as different from us as we used to think. Shouldn't that have consequences for how we treat them? Fritz Jahrs bioethical imperative says we have to treat then with respect.Lecture 5. The new eugenics, introductionIn addition to the old Nazi-style eugenics, we now have the new eugenics. This development raises many questions and we should all contribute to this debate.SECTION 3: DISABILITIES AND DIVERSITYHuman diversity is much more varied than most of us assume. This diversity enriches our lives, our knowledge, our progress and our societies. Yet variations on human life are still often seen as defects, but that view short-changes us all.Lecture 6. Are people with disabilities expensive?An argument sometimes made for removing certain variations of humans from future populations is that they cost more. Is that true? Is it relevant?Lecture 7. Many so-called impairments are created by societySociety makes the lives of some people much more difficult than they need to be. Thats slowly starting to change.Lecture 8. Why we may need diversityMany disabilities are natural variations of the human species and come with special abilities and characteristics. In the future, we may need these abilities badly.Lecture 9. Mental health versus physical healthIt is time to start seeing mental health conditions in a new light, as brain-related conditions that deserve the same care, respect, and attention as purely physical conditions.Lecture 10. Discrimination. Stereotypes. Prejudices. Stigmas.Stigmas debilitate. Stigmas render people powerless. Stigmas are mostly figments of other peoples imagination.Lecture 11. Gender is a dial!Gender is not an either/or switch. So does it even make sense that some people travel to foreign countries because they only want a male or female baby?Lecture 12. Skin tone is not black and white!Just like gender, skin tone is not exactly an either/or switch either.Lecture 13. Trends of emancipation give hope.It looks like one day, we will have a world in which everyone is equally accepted and allowed to flourish to the best of his or her abilities and to his or her hearts content.SECTION 4: HUMANS' RIGHTSHumans have rights, right? But your rights can only be upheld if other people respect them. That's your duty too, toward others. So what are we doing with the rights of humans, in practice? And how did they come about?Lecture 14. Human rights, where do they come from?How the universally accepted and locally adapted human rights came about.Lecture 15. Should prisoners be allowed to vote?In Britain and in some American states, (many) prisoners are not allowed to vote. Human rights are not automatic.Lecture 16. Should we ban tasers?Tasers seem to do more harm than good. Tasers are disproportionately used on people with mental health issues and disabilities. And that is not even the whole story.SECTION 5: THE NEW EUGENICSNew technologies are making more and more possible when it comes to selecting the properties of our offspring. Some say that we will never have designer babies. To some degree, however, we have already been making them for a while.Lecture 17. Should we ""erase"" certain people from the planet?Would we be saving them from pain and suffering? Or is that merely an excuse? The result of myths such as that all disabled people lead miserable lives, perhaps?Lecture 18. What is a life not worth living?A useful concept within this context is the so-called life not worth living. Defining it is hard and finding a definition that can work universally and hold up in practice is even harder.Lecture 19. Are tall people better than short people?Some proponents of the new eugenics may cling to the notion that tall people are more successful. Is it truly better to be tall?Lecture 20. Its the fashion, stupid!Many of the properties that the new eugenics may enable people to select in their offspring one day designer babies sensu stricto are merely dictated by fashion trends.Lecture 21. Gestational surrogacy as a window into the new eugenics If you look at cases in which the use of gestational surrogacy goes wrong, you get a view of what could go wrong when techniques like CRISPR were to get free reign.SECTION 6: WHAT IS PROGRESS?I love technological progress, but not all progress is good, even though the word sounds so positive. We should keep an open mind, both ways. It is not a discussion of science versus nature. Its about science & technology and nature.Lecture 22. Climate changeA hot topic, with lots of myths and mud-throwing... This lecture shows that it is important to keep an open mind. Besides, there is a heck of a lot more stuff going on, besides climate change. If only climate change were the only challenge that we face on the planet.Lecture 23. Why didnt we foresee this?Looking back into history, we can see choices that we made that now look incredibly dumb. Technological progress is not always progress, even though a lot of it certainly is.Lecture 24. Geo-ethicsHumans are becoming more conscious of what they are doing to their habitat and the other species in it. Among other things, this is leading to the development of the new discipline geoethics.SECTION 7: HOW TO MOVE FORWARD AFTER THIS COURSELecture 25. How to move forward?A few final tips for how to move forward in your own life and work regarding what we've talked about."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketplace: Venta efectiva de artculos de 2mano." |
"CURSO DE VENTA EN FACEBOOK MARKETPLACECurso prctico para aprender Facebook Marketplace de MANERA SENCILLA y con XITO.Vender en Internet, nunca antes haba sido tan fcil.Puedes poner TODO A LA VENTA, hasta aquello no esperes vender.++++++ 1,5 HORAS DE CONTENIDO PRCTICO +++++++Te haces las siguientes preguntas?Quiero aprender Facebook Marketplace pero no s por dnde empezar , ni si lo har bien? S el Potencial de Facebook Marketplace pero realmente no s hasta dnde puede llegar este tipo de venta.Quiero que lleguen visitas de personas que realmente estn interesadas en mis artculos cmo lo hago?Necesitas Dominar el Marketplace de Facebook para lograr ventas efectivas y gratuitas, sin gastar en anuncios. Este curso lo he estructurado de una manera muy sencilla en 3 principales bloques :Lo que debemos saber antes de empezar: Introduccin y acceso a la plataforma. Principales normas y polticas de seguridad.Compra y venta: Aqu presento lo principal a tener en cuenta tanto en la compra como en la venta en Marketplace. La estructura y una breve explicacin del Buyer's Journey.Artculos y Post Efectivos: Veremos cmo crear post que llamen la atencin (imgenes, textos, etc.). Prcticas Reales : El bloque donde pondremos todo en prctica. Descubrirs como realmente se crean y generan las ventas de principio a fin para todos los objetivos y posibilidades gratuitas de Facebook. Este gran bloque veremos como llegar a nuestro pblico, con los mejores detalles, ttulos e imgenes que generen inters y destaquen en el Marketplace.Si quieres Dominar de una vez por todas Facebook Marketplace y mantenerte al tanto de NOVEDADES Y ACTUALIZACIONES no lo dudes , dale a COMPRAR ESTE CURSO y...Nos vemos dentro!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop master I Nivel cero a nivel Profesional" |
"Si no tienes idea de como funciona adobe Photoshop y tienes ganas de aprender a un ritmo propio, te recomiendo tomar este curso, donde aprenders de lo bsico a lo avanzado, trabajaremos composiciones complejas, aprenderemos a clasificar cada parte del software y sers capaz de plasmar tu creatividad con uno de los mejores programas de diseo grfico y edicin en el mundo."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Eetkamerstoelen bekleden" |
"Welkom in mijn wereld van het vak meubelstofferen.Mijn naam is Marja, professioneel stoffeerster, ontwerper, auteur en uitgever van de serie E-boeken meubelstofferen.Na het volgen van deze online video training heb je voldoende kennis in huis om zelfstandig aan de slag te gaan. Gedurende het gehele traject zal ik je stap voor stap vanaf het begin de basis leren van het modern meubelstofferen.Een paar voorbeelden zijn :Het vervangen van schuimrubber.Aanbrengen van singelbanden.Hoe vouw je de hoeken van de stof.Welke gereedschappen gebruik je waarvoor.Verder zal je me veel bij mijn gereedschapsbord vinden. Ik laat je zien welke specifieke gereedschappen er zijn en bovenal hoe je ze moet gebruiken.Na het volgen van deze cursus heb je de basis techniek en kennis van het meubelstofferen onder de knie. Echter je moet wel oefenen.Even voor de duidelijkheid, deze cursus gaat niet over mooie sociaal media klare fotos, maar gaat vooral over de techniek en close up instructies. Dit allemaal om een goede fundering te leggen en vanaf het begin hoge kwaliteit te kunnen leveren. De traditionele technieken zoals werken met crin, paardenhaar en het koppelen van veren op de klassieke manier wordt niet besproken. Hiervoor zal ik tzt een aparte cursus maken.Als je wil weten wat je te wachten staat aan oefeningen en specifieke onderdelen, check dan de competentie matrix die je in het menu kan downloaden"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Become An Olympic Or Elite Level Judo Player" |
"This video course was inspired through the various conversations that I've had over the years with parents, athletes and coaches. It was also inspired through my coaching system and process. Essentially what I am giving away for free here is the first session that I go through with many of my clients before they being training with me. Of course, every session is different because every clients is different and people have different goals but there are some staples to my process that will always be in place. What you get to see here are the questions that you must ask yourself and that you must get answered before you start on the elite training track. Also this video will help you identify what has you ""stuck"" in term of your progress. Many times we think that we have it all figured out and that we know what is best for us and for our children but we may not be correct. This video series will allow you to have some very real conversations with yourself, with your students and with you childrenihope you find it helpful and refreshing. And Ialso hope that you choose to hit me up via email or on any one of my social media sites to watch more videos and to continue to get more information."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |