Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Innovacin y Design Thinking en 5 pasos 2019" |
"** Actualizacin Septiembre 2019: Agregamos 1.5horas de contenido, 1 caso real de aplicacin por etapa para que tengas ejemplos sobre cmo aplicarlo, herramientas, templates y un nuevo ejercicio con feedback individual. Escuchamos a nuestros alumnos y mejoramos aplicando este modelo. Te esperamos!!Innov aplicando el modelo Design Thinking. En este curso, cubriremos desde la innovacin hasta cmo aplicar efectivamente el modelo. Tendrs teora, templates de aplicacin y ejercicios. Este programa no es slo terico, te brindaremos herramientas y ejemplos para que una vez completado el curso puedas aplicar el modelo sin problemas. "
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Big Data on Amazon web services (AWS)" |
"This AWS course is primarily to simplify the use of Big data tools on AWS. With the unstoppable growth in the organizations moving towards data science and big data analytics there is a dearth need of trained professionals who are well versed with both Big data and AWS technologies. This course helps the learners get the best of both worlds (Big Data analytics and AWS Cloud) and prepare for the future. We cover the following topics in this course:Overview of Big Data on AWSBig Data Storage & databases on AWSBig Data Analytics Frameworks using AWS EMR, Athena and ElasticsearchData Warehousing on AWS RedshiftReal-Time Big Data Analytics on AWSArtificial Intelligence/Machine LearningBusiness Intelligence on AWSBig Data Computation on AWSHow does it all work together"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Security SOC Analyst - Network Attacks from Scratch" |
"What is SOC Analyst Training ? As cyber attacks are rising, Comapanies are providing building Security Operation Centre in which SOC Team is responsible for the Detection, Investigation & Remediation.There is very demand for SOC Analyst (L1) and Sr SOC Analyst (L2) in Security Operation Centre.Analyst is responsible to monitor the company infrasturcture in 24*7 and respond to all kind of cyber attacks. Analyst works on SIEM tool for monitoring and analysis of cyber attack.You will learn about working of devices, protocol, ports and servcies.You will learn about the real world cyber attacks and investigating on attacks with the help of network packet and device log.You will learn about the day to day activity performed by Analyst in their job and learn about varioius attacks and remediation from very basic. Real Time Attack Investigation :-Handle the real challenge faced by SOC Analyst professionals in their job responsibilities in our SOC analyst training.Interview Preparation :-Answer the scenario based interview question from our training.Life-Time Training Access :-Access to our training on your device (Mobile, Laptop, Tablet etc.) anytime anywhere.Learn From Basic to Advanced :-Learn the technology on which cyber security works and step followed by professionals to stop and prevent attacks in real time"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Security SOC Analyst :- System Attacks from Scratch" |
"What is SOC Analyst Training ? As cyber attacks are rising, Comapanies are providing building Security Operation Centre in which SOC Team is responsible for the Detection, Investigation & Remediation.There is very demand for SOC Analyst (L1) and Sr SOC Analyst (L2) in Security Operation Centre.Analyst is responsible to monitor the company infrasturcture in 24*7 and respond to all kind of cyber attacks. Analyst works on SIEM tool for monitoring and analysis of cyber attack.You will learn about working of devices, protocol, ports and servcies.You will learn about the real world cyber attacks and investigating on attacks with the help of network packet and device log.You will learn about the day to day activity performed by Analyst in their job and learn about varioius attacks and remediation from very basic. Real Time Attack Investigation :-Handle the real challenge faced by SOC Analyst professionals in their job responsibilities in our SOC analyst training.Interview Preparation :-Answer the scenario based interview question from our training.Life-Time Training Access :-Access to our training on your device (Mobile, Laptop, Tablet etc.) anytime anywhere.Learn From Basic to Advanced :-Learn the technology on which cyber security works and step followed by professionals to stop and prevent attacks in real time"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Phn tch s liu vi phn mm R" |
"Kha hc ny s gip cc bn tm hiu v vic s dng phn mm R trong phn tch, x l v trnh by s liu. Kha hc s chia thnh cc phn chnh sau:- Gii thiu v phn mm R, cch thit lp mi trng lm vic v ci t.- Cc cu trc d liu c bn trong R: vc-t, ma trn, danh sch (list), data frame.- Import v export d liu t Excel vo Rv ngc li.- Trnh by s liu bng biu .- Cc cu trc lp trnh c bn trong R: vng lp for, vng lp while, iu kin (if then else)- Xy dng cc m hnh Machine learning bng phn mm R"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"BGP Labs: A Premier to BGP Routing Protocol" |
"This course is all aboutBGPand all features that you can find to use your router as a Border GatewayProtocol router.I have explained all commands in detail so that you can easily get a grab on that feature. If you cannot find a feature, this means either it is obsolete and a better feature replaces that or I have forgotten to include it. In the latter case, I will be more than happy if you let me know what you want and I will add it to the curriculum.I have used GNS3 for the simulation. However, you can execute all commands on a real gear without any change."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Qualquer profissional de TI, quer seja da rea de Redes, Banco de Dados, Desenvolvimento de sistemas ou mesmo de gesto necessita dominar conceitos importantes de Redes TCP/IP.O presente curso de REDES TCP/IP - COMPLETO E TOTAL foi desenvolvido com o intuito de apresentar de uma forma direta e os conceitos fundamentais relacionados s Redes TCP/IP, desde a comunicao de dados, histrico das redes e da internet, a organizao do modelo em camadas e o detalhamento de cada uma das funcionalidades das principais camadas, com nfase para as camadas IP e de Transporte (TCP/UDP). Com foco na vertente prtica, este curso traz um conjunto de aulas prticas de ANLISE DE PROTOCOLOS, ou seja, um estudo detalhado das transmisses de dados TCP/IP e como interpret-las em nossas redes. Assista e aplique imediatamente !!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Herkes in Python Programlama" |
"Python programlama dili ile ilgili kapsaml almalarn yoksunluundan ortaya kan kurs sayesinde ilenen konularda baka kaynaa ihtiya duymadan detayl bir ekilde reneceksiniz. Kurs temelden balanarak ilerlediinden python programlama dnyasn kefetmek isteyen her bireye hitap etmektedir.Kurs Kapsamnda lenecek Konular:Python tanml veri tipleri ve veri tipi dnmleriPrint fonksiyonu ve parametreleriKarakter dizileri ve metotlarListeler ve metotlarKmeler ve metotlarDemetler ve metotlarFonksiyonlarDngler Koul BalalarArayz TasarlamaVeri Taban ProgramlamaHata ve istisnalarThreading lemleriNesne Ynelimli ProgramlamaVeri AnaliziVeri grselletirme3 Boyutlu Modelleme Ve SimlasyonGrnt lemeGerek Dnya Uygulamalar"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Registros Akshicos y Viajes Astrales." |
"Este curso nos brinda herramientas que le permitirn al receptor; conectarse con su Yo Superior y a travs de ello; ser capaz de sanar fsica, emocional y mentalmente.Aprenders a trabajar con tu campo mrfico; accesar a registros akshicos, abrir tu 8vo chakra y alinear a otras personas.Sern capaces de enfocar sus mentes y abrir los canales para recibir abundancia y prosperidad.El curso es completamente dinmico e interactivo. El curso incluye audios, vdeos, manuales y diploma."
Price: 2520.00 ![]() |
webpack |
"webpackv4.43.0## webpack 5~610webpack ##"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Long Term Investing Strategies for Maximizing Returns" |
"Retirement Planning with the Best of them College debt, rising rental rates, credit card debt, and an aversion to trading on the stock market since the 2008 recession, have caused citizens in developed countries to decrease their savings and investing for retirement. Americans in particular delay investing, thinking it is too early to start, and are ill-informed of how to safely invest. Over a 3rd of Americans have no money for retirement. For many, the reason is that they cannot afford to invest; additionally, 11% think it is too risky, and 7% do not trust advisers and brokers (Shekhtman, 2016). PNC Financial Services confirmed in a study that the previously mentioned credit card and tuition debt create a setback to preparing for retirement. The problem is related to unfamiliarity with common retirement tools like freely offered, employer-sponsored retirement accounts and accounts available at investment banks; and lack of knowledge specific to investing in stocks using the brands we love and support for the long term. A solution is necessary because any increase in the number of people preparing for their retirement future will decrease the number of retirees that depend on part-time jobs, and are forced to work after reaching retirement age. Social Security (SS) and pension benefits have an uncertain future in America and within the European Union (E.U.) with government-run pension systems seeing costs exceeding total income worldwide. In the U.S., the phenomenon is projected to occur by 2020 (SSA Report, 2016). Additionally, private pension plans are not immune - corporations can rise and fall, taking everyone's savings with them - in Enrons case a significant portion of the plan's investments were in Enron stock (Appleby 2016). Even if the SS program survived, its objective is only to provide a basic minimum standard of living in old age. If there are any unforeseen medical costs, a common occurrence in old age, or unexpected disasters, retirees should be flexible to those changes (Elmerraji, 2017). Finally, let this be the start of your journey. After this course, you should understand employer-based retirement tools as well as being able to analyze individual stocks/companies from a fundamental and technical analysis point of view. For those interested in Day Trading, this course can be a prerequisite. It will be dangerous to start Day trading, without knowing the underlying details of the companies you'll trade.References:Appleby, D. (2016). Business Owners: Avoid Enron-Esque Retirement Plans. [online] Investopedia.Elmerraji, J. (2017). Retirement Planning: Why Plan For Retirement?. [online] Investopedia.Shekhtman, L. (2016). Why so few millennials invest in the stock market. [online] Business Insider.Disclaimer: The advice in this course is based on substantial research, but I am not the oracle of knowledge in this. It is only to advise your free choice, but not to form the basis of sound financial advice for any specific market strategy. The idea is to give you enough information for your own decisions, but not to make decisions for you. The strategies listed are available on the internet from a variety of resources, such as self-directed brokerage companies, white papers, and investment banks. This course is not responsible for any losses as a result of implementing said ideas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Twinflames VS Soulmates" |
"If you are frustrated in the dating world or are experiencing another failed relationship, I know how you feel. Can you not get over this person? Is the connection just so passionate and just as painful.Remembered that you a powerful creator and that I create your own reality. And when it comes to your TWIN FLAME, the journey will just be a little bit more difficult. Life doesn't have to be lonely. Love doesn't have to suck. You CAN have everything you've ever dreamed of and MORE..... you just have to know how to create it and wait for divine timing. Come find out signs he's your twin flame? OR merely a soulmate. Maybe a toxic karmic? And BONUS - concept of False Twins. A great course to get to know your twin flame relationship better and self help methods to guide you on this journey. A twin flame relationship if not handled well can become toxic and self destructive. So come learn is he's your twin flam. Very interesting information.TOPICSCOVEREDTwin flameKarmicFalse TwinWays to deal with the journey"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"One of the most challenging issues we all face is weight loss. Of course, this depends on from where we are starting. If they are eating lots of junk food, not exercising, and not sleeping well, weight loss can be pretty straightforward. But if they are already doing all the right things but still not losing weight, it can be tough. In this course, I am going to talk about one of my secret weapons when it comes to losing weight; the potato weight loss diet.The Potato Hack Simple Weight Loss DietThe potato diet has been around since the 1800s as a weight loss approach. I know you must be thinking its crazy! CARBS ! it works on some key scientific theories.-good benefits of carbs-food rewards system-calorie reduction-resistant starchThe Potato Weight Loss Diet is an affordable, and handy advanced tool for weight loss. The diet can work when everything else has failed, and because cooked and cooled potatoes have lots of resistant starch, its often safe for everyone. It's a quick fix for fat loss. Come learn from my personal experience."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HELP ME ! Get the archangels to help your life become better" |
"This is a Quick Course To Give You Some Very Valuable Information About Angels, especially ARCHANGELS No Matter What Your Philosophy Or Outlook On Life Is....This course in informative - It is designed to give a quick lesson in something we all have heard of but never really think of very often.Most people do not realize that we are all surrounded by heavenly angels and we often hear about angels in the media and through reference books, but if we wanted to know more than a simple definition - it would be difficult to know where to look for more information.Angels help us through our lives and we will focus on our the archangels in this course. What you will need to take this course will be a computer and about 30 minutes of time to view the video lessons. There are no tests to take in this class and no homework assignments to complete - just enjoy the quizzes.So many people are reaching out to find more meaning in life. Having some current information about spiritual development will assist you in being more effective and successful in life. If you are the type of person who is headed down a path towards new awakenings, and you want to follow your dreams to advance - take a big leap forward and connect to your angels. the knowledge gained will have a wonderful influence on all that you experience....."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
development |
": PHP ( WordPress) ( HTML WordPress) ( ) JavaScript """" ( CRUD ) """" """" ( ) !"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to Create, Package and Pitch a Reality TV Show" |
"The ultimate goal of this course is to instruct you on how you can conceive, create, package, pitch and ultimately have your reality show optioned by a reputable production company or producer that specializes in reality TV. You'll learn the nuts and bolts from the ground up including brainstorming ideas, creating the pitch packet with the right elements, to pitching in person and signing an option agreement. What took me years to learn and achieve is all contained in this course so you can learn how to navigate Hollywood landscape and avoid costly mistakes. Hollywood is a very close knit community and it's hard to break in and rarely will someone give you a leg up. Basically I paid my dues so you don't have to. You can concentrate on being creative and coming up with the next great reality TV show."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"10 Steps to a Fluent English" |
"PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THIS IS NOT A GRAMMAR COURSE. READ BELOW TO LEARN MORE:Do you want to learn how to be better at learning English?Do you want to read, write, listen, and speak English more effectively?Are you stuck and don't know how to improve your understanding of English?Do you want to make foreign friends and socialize but don't know how?Did you answer ""YES"" to any of the above questions? Then, this course will help you A LOT!Learning any language, like English, is hard. While learning this language, you're also learning a completely new culture.I know how you feel because English is not my native language too! But I found out something that most people are never aware of!When you are studying English, maybe you think ""my English teacher can't understand how I feel because s/he is a native speaker"" or ""S/He never felt the things I feel when I study English"". I know exactly how you feel because I learned English later in life and I'm also trying to learn another language and experiencing the same things over again. But I have developed some tips to improve my reading, writing, listening, and speaking. I believe these tips are valuable for you and will help you reach your dreams faster. SPEAK BETTER ENGLISH!So what will I learn?Learn how to improve your reading, writing and speaking in English with some of easy to understand tips.Learn how to Think in English. Do you want to stop translating from your native language? I explain it here.Learn different methods for studying English. And choose which one is better for you. Not everyone is the same.Make new friends, speak English with them! You don't have to be alone anymore! I will tell you some of the best resources.Different resources for improving your Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. All available for your consumption.Learn to Live the Language, that is the only way to become better at English. I explain this inside.Make Study Schedules that will help you with your English listening, speaking, reading, and writing.Learn how to properly study for your upcoming TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, etc. exams with the above Study Scheduling and Learning Paths.If you are not satisfied yet, check out my reviews below and how my students rated this course! I want to help you why you're looking at learning English wrong! There are enough grammar courses on the market but not enough courses for these kinds of things that most people ask. Don't wait anymore, join me and learn how to overcome some of the most important obstacles you didn't know existed.I'm waiting for you inside!Gokberk"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"English Pronunciation and Accent Training Course" |
"Did you know that Spoken English has written rules? Most schools or English language courses don't teach you how Spoken English is different than Written English. When we speak naturally, we do not pronounce words, stop and then continue where we left off. Fluent speech flows with a rhythm and the words are actually sounds linked to each other in a particular way. They change depending on the sounds at the beginning and end of these words. This course will help you understand what is different with Spoken English. All your answers about this course is explained in detail below. Be sure to read well and watch the preview courses. This is NOT a grammar course. It is a course to help you understand what Americans and British sounds are and how they are made.What's inside this course:Speaking English can be hard if you don't know how you to properly make all the vowel and consonant sounds in English. This is the first thing you will learn when you start this course.Our mouth is an organ that produces different sounds, Learn to properly position your mouth and produce the sounds necessary for the English language. Understand what the terms Place of Articulation, Manner of Articulation and Phonation are.Sounds in every language have their own alphabet different than the normal alphabet called the International Phonetic Alphabet. Learn to use the IPA to decode the sounds in English, correctly pronounce the words you want to produce. Don't copy wrong pronunciation, learn how the sounds are meant to be produced.British English and American English pronounce words differently. You will understand the difference thanks to the International Phonetic Alphabet.Learn how words are stressed and pronounced the correct way. Understand what weak and strong stress is. Prefixes, Suffixes, Phrasal Verbs and Compound Words all have different rules for correct pronunciation. You will learn about all of them.If you incorrectly stress a word, it can change from a noun to a verb. People will misunderstand you. You will learn how to understand this difference.English has a rhythm, if you master it, you will sound more fluent and sound like a native English speaker. You will also learn this in this course.Do you know what Connected Speech is? These are written rules used when speaking English. Native speakers, Americans and British use them. Why don't you start using them too? You will learn all these rules with this course!What is different about this course?You will get a 100+ page course book to accompany you with your learning experience.You will get a nice Vowels and Consonants IPA Chart to use at home or wherever you like.This course is meant to be a time-saver course, I get straight to the point and cover many topics with enough examples. You will see a difference in you English speaking level, immediately after you finish this course. I will support you all the way, even after you finish this course, you can always use the discussions board or personally contact me.In conclusion:You will learn the correct pronunciation of all the sounds in English. That's the first step!You will be able to eliminate your accent and sound like a fluent English speaker.You will learn important terminologies that will aid you if you're studying English Linguistic or Literature at a university.You will learn the real written rules of Spoken English that native speakers use when they speak English - Connected Speech.You will understand the difference between British English and American English and be able to speak whichever accent you want.You will be able to use the rhythm of English correctly and sound more fluent to Native English Speakers.So what are you waiting for? Let's learn how to speak natural and fluent English like native English speakers!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Building a Mastermind Group" |
"Masterminding is a confidential peer support environment that allows members to present their issues and gain structured advice from the other members and expert speakers, be held accountable for the actions they commit to whilst continuously being supported along the way. Masterminding teaches how to be truly honest and open with others about what you are looking for and trying to achieve. If you dont know exactly what you are trying to achieve, how can anyone help you? Being honest with others, showing that you dont know all the answers, are scared about the next move or need help, is a massive hurdle for most.Once you are involved in a mastermind, that feeling of ""being alone"" while building an empire or just being the best version of you is gone."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Smart Home Automation with openHAB 2" |
"This is a Beginner Course!Smart Home Fundamentals will teach youbuild your own cloudless, technology and manufacturer independent smart home automation. We will useopenHAB 2 (open HomeAutomationBus). You will be able to integrate the most important technologies like Z-Wave (e.g. Fibaro) and ZigBee (Philips Hue). Whymanufacturer and technology independent ?As long as the technology is supported you do not have to fear of vanishing manufacturersYou will be able to combine the best products of any technology supportedWhy cloudless?You will not be impacted by downtimes of cloud servicesYou will not have to pay any extra money for the servicesYour local home will be secureSmart Home Automation Fundamentals will cover all you need to get your own smart home automation running, including:Smarthome basicsInstall openHAB 2 on a Raspberry PiMake basic settings on the Raspberry Pi and learn most important commandsConfiguring and administration using Paper UIConfiguration and Structuring of IoT Devices using Things and Itemsinstall add-ons (Bindings, Transform, Persistence)smart home visualization using the Basic UI (openHAB Sitemaps and Elementtypes)Storing your smarthome data in a database (openHAB Persistence)Smart home automation using rules... see the curriculumWhy am I qualified?I set up my own smart home in 2010 and started a blog in 2016. In 2018 I made my first smart home course in German and it got on of the best selling online courses. I am consulting customers and help building barrier free smart homes in a non profit organisation.My promiseI will help you master this course. Simply use platform to ask questions. I will answer as soon as possible.Enroll now and start building your smart home and make your life smarter.See you in lesson 1,ThomasImage source: Pixabay (Creative Commons CC0)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Commercial Real Estate Fundamentals Part 1" |
"A primer on commercial real estate for the real estate agent, real estate investor, business owner or business consultant. This is part one in a series outlining the fundamentals of the industry and the different property types.I am a full time commercial real estate broker and commercial real estate entrepreneur. My experience is broad across most commercial property types with both sales and leasing. I advise business owners and commercial real estate investors on how to maximize their returns with their commercial real estate assets."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn Intro for Freelancers Master Your Profile" |
"A well-crafted LinkedIn profile can be far more powerful than a single resume, cover letter, or website, and well show you how to set up your profile the right way. LinkedIn is incredibly powerful and personal social media tool. I've had great success in both growing my network and attracting clients on LinkedIn, and I will help teach you how to use it in a fun and professional manner. In this fast-paced course, we'll cover the basics of LinkedIn so that by the end, you'll learn: how to set up a complete, all-star profilehow to stand out from the virtual crowdestablish your expertisegrow your network and maybe even pick up a new client or two. WHAT STUDENTS WILL LEARN:Cover your entire profile from top to bottom so that you get a sense for how important each section is.Set goals that will determine how you should best use LinkedIn. Talk about how to optimize your profile and background pictures so that your profile pops. Implement strategies to increase your ranking (and searchability) within the platform.Learn strategies to make your summary section shine. Set yourself up as an expert in your industry (and talk about why this strategy is so awesome).Learn about a free tool to automate content (like articles or videos about your niche) and share on LinkedIn daily. Ask for recommendations with a pre-written script, making it easy and stress-free.WHO THIS COURSE IS FOR:This course is geared towards freelancers, but the content is applicable to any industry.This course is for true beginners and is perfect for those who aren't sure how to showcase freelance work on their LinkedIn profile.You'll also get some nifty downloads to help ensure your profile is on fleek (as the kids say). Don't forget to leave a review for this course! We want to ensure that we bring value to students, and the only way to do that is through your feedback and input. WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING:""Tips are given step by step for creating an appealing portrait photo, how to become more visible and searchable, dos and don'ts for content creation in each LinkedIn section, references to external resources eg. stock photos and guidance for pre-scheduling content. Thanks, Erin, for presenting them with such great energy!""""I love the way Erin has laid out the course content. As I followed along, I stopped and fixed my profile, each step at a time. She's a great teacher and easy to understand. Thank you, Erin.""""I wasn't a beginner on LinkedIn when I took up this course, but I was just looking to cross reference the course and see if I missed something! Its a perfect course for anyone starting a new profile on LinkedIn! Gives you great insights into being visible in your industry!""""Appreciated the simple strategy of completing my LinkedIn Profile. Working alongside the suggestions helped me finish my profile completely and I feel really good about it. Thank You Erin!""MEET THE INSTRUCTOR:I'm Erin, I've been freelancing since 2012. Several years ago, I decided to get serious about LinkedIn. I learned how to create a perfect profile that attracted my ideal clients, how to network effectively, how to use SEO and rich-keywords to my advantage, and much, much more. My efforts paid off - and I soon began attracting clients who wanted to work with me. I can't wait to teach you how to set up your profile, too!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan SketchUp Kursu renciler ve Yeni Balayanlar in" |
"SketchUp program hakknda hi bir bilgiye sahip deilseniz bu kurs tam size gre. Bu kurs sayesinde sketchup ile istediiniz izimleri yapabileceksiniz. Bu kursta gereksiz bilgilere yer verilmemitir. Bu kursta sketchup programnda en ok kullanlan komutlara yer verilmitir. Bu kurs temel sketchup kullanmn retmektedir. Eer renciyseniz snavlarnzdan yksek not almanz iin bu kurs yeterli olacaktr. Bu kursta renilen komutlar sketchup programnn kullanld her yerde geerlidir. Eer takldnz bir nokta olursa soru-cevap blmne bakabilir veya yeni bir soru sora bilirsiniz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Keyword Research & Local SEO Strategies" |
"Ultimate Keyword Research & Local SEO StrategiesDiscover The Best Keyword Research and Local SEO Strategies That Will Boost Your Search Engine Rankings.Do you want to learn how to find the best keywords that will help you to rank higher in search results?Are you interested in learning Local SEO to help your brick and mortar business earn more traffic?My name is Anthony from BlackBrick training, and I have built this course to help you to become a pro at keyword research and local SEO.In this course, there are 2+ hours of content that will teach you how to find keywords, and optimize your business for local searches.Course Benefits (What You Will Learn):The basics of search engine optimization.Ultimate keyword research tools and strategies that will help you to find the best keywords.Dominate localised searches & grow your brick and mortar business with Local SEO.Purchase the course today, and learn how to find high-quality keywords and rank a local business in search results & Google maps.Secret keyword research methods & tools.Local SEO strategies that increase localised traffic.Exclusive access to our Digital Marketing Facebook group.Quizzes to test your knowledge after each section.Best for: Business owners & digital marketers that want to learn how to boost local businesses in localised searches."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Presentable! |
"Even experts struggle with how to best present their ideas to an audience.With the unprecedented growth of video content, experts and thought-leaders are increasingly expected to appear on camera despite having no formal training in presenting skills. Whether youre self-shooting, or in a studio, you want your presenting skills to carry the same weight and authority as your expertise, but all too-often the alien nature of filming and speaking under pressure can be our undoing.This can lead to under-performance, negative experiences, and future avoidance of projects which could raise your profile and catapult your career to new heights!But it doesn't have to be this way. Presenting is a skill - not an inborn talent. Armed with these extensively field-tested techniques and in-depth industry knowledge, Presentable will make sure you're never caught short on camera again.This course will teach you how to: Deliver clear, professional, and powerful performances and presentations Tackle & harness stage -fright and nerves Feel comfortable and project confidence on camera Succeed in video & audio interviews (as host or guest!) Understand the power of non-verbal communication and body language for the screen How to harness and bring out the best in your facial expressions Use the correct posture & breathing techniques Work with the camera, line of sight and walking whilst on camera Increase your vocal power, and speak with clarity Tailor your scripts and reports for the screen into a style that suits you Work comfortably with a prompt or Autocue Know what to expect on set & working in television Recover quickly and gracefully from on-screen fluffsYour videos are only as strong as your presence on camera! I'll take you through all the core skills I've honed in my time as a subject-communicator- with over a decade's worth of experience on major networks like Sky and the History Channel.Our Alumni includes presenters on Bloomberg, Nat Geo, History and The Science Channel! - Join us and own the only presenting course tailored for experts, thought-leaders, subject-communicators and instructors!A New Way of LearningThis course includes self-assessment exercises to track your progressBroken down into 10 categories with manageable sub- topicsBuilt-in exercises & self-testingNot just a filmed seminar or screen-captureTwenty-five tailored video topics, with ten sections & assignmentsCommunicate ideas that create impact. You'll need clarity, confidence, and poise to get your ideas across. To maximize impact, the quality of the medium has to match the quality of the message. Don't let inexperience on camera water down your impact on screen! Learn how the professionals stay on point, and deliver with authority!Learn from an industry expertTaught by an industry professional, with over 15 years of tuition and a decade of professional media experience, Dr Paul Harrison has appeared on major networks, working with industry titans like Sky News, The History Channel, The Science Channel, and Sega. But don't let his experience fool you - he's the first to admit that his early camera appearances were less than dazzling! And having worked consistently at his craft, he's aware of the most common pain points and obstacles to progress.Learn how to harness your camera presence and capitalize on the video marketing explosion.Sign up now to take advantage of the fastest growing marketing medium on the Internet, and learn wherever you want, at your own pace!ZERO RISK 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - WHY DELAY? SIGN UP TODAY!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Geospatial Data Analysis in Python" |
"This Python for beginner course will get you up and running with using Python for data analysis and visualization. You will learn how to download and access a Jupyter Notebook environment. You will have sample Python scripts and example data so that you will get a chance to practice manipulating GIS data. Additionally, you will get HD videos to guide you through out the course.The course assumes you have no prior knowledge of Python, so you also get to learn the basics of Python in the first two sections of the course. However, if you already know Python, the first two sections can serve as a refresher before you jump into the data analysis and visualization part. In the course, you will learn how to install conda and various libraries that are necessary for geospatial data analysis such as basemap, geopandas, pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn. We will also use the popular open source tool, the Jupyter Notebook.You will learn how to integrate different spatial libraries within your Python code. We will walk you step by step to apply various Python packages to manipulate GIS data, visualize geospatial data to get better insights. I will provide you with all the data that I demonstrate in the course. By the end of this course, you will be able to download Jupyter Notebook, install conda, and perform various spatial analysis including manipulating, aggregating, and visualizing GIS datasets using Python."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Vendre sur Amazon FBA comme un pro" |
"Avec la formation AMZPRO, vous allez apprendre vendre sur Amazon comme un pro. Comment dbuter, quoi acheter, o, quel prix, comment vendre, quel prix, comment faire grer son business par amazon FBA...Grce Amazon FBA votre business sera semi-automatis, vous choisirez selon votre implication et temps disposition quel est le revenu que vous voulez en tirer."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"3 Professional Stock Trading Set ups (Day/Intraday Trading)" |
"Learn 3 Professional Swing trading Setup that You Can Master in Just one day. Proper Entry Exit & Stop loss Plan Is Discussed in this video. Even a Beginner can Learn it without facing any difficulty. Lets us make trading an simple art. Make it your Profession. Learn From the Master Trader an NISM certified trainer. 12+ year experience. For day trading use 30 min chart"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Gemologia" |
"Quieres adentrarte en el mundo de las piedras preciosas? O Eres un profesional de la joyera y te falta dominar algunos conceptos que son necesarios para tu desarrollo personal?Este es un curso ideal para aficionados y dependientes de joyera o profesionales que quieren tener una idea muy general de las gemas sin profundizar demasiado en aspectos demasiado cientficos. Analizamos gemas como diamantes, rubes, esmeraldas, gemas orgnicas.Las clases son impartidas por D.Alfredo Gonzlez Notario director de CEIG AGN GEMOLOGOS S.L y de gemologiayciencia. Lleva mas de 35 aos dedicado a la docencia y a la tasacin de joyas y gemas, especialmente en diamante en bruto para lo cual se desplaza continuamente a pases africanos, Israel, Europa, Sudamrica y Estados Unidos."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"What do You Really Want to Do? Defining Your Passion" |
"Most people work hard, accomplish much, and yet find themselves not getting the promotions they want, the respect they deserve, or the new job that they need. The question of why? was answered in our previous two courses. This course focuses on the first two steps of the Road Map for Career and Job Search Success and helps you answer the foundational question of, What do you really want to do?Until these questions are answered, you will waste time and money while those you thought could help youwont help you. Other people, including highly connected friends, can only help those who can tell them what they want to do and how they can be helped.The first step, and the foundation of success, is to understand what you are passionate about doing. Passion is the energy for success and perseverance. The second step is to understand which of your passions is marketable for someone to be willing to pay you to follow your passion. We call this step your Vision. Your Vision is what your Passion looks like in the real world, how you can tell others what you want to do, and how you can identify gaps between what you want and what the Decision Maker needs and wants. By closing these gaps, you begin the process of revolutionizing your competitive edge."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Pronncia de ingls Americano com um nativo" |
"Este curso trata da pronncia inglesa das combinaes de letras mais difceis na lngua inglesa. Este curso para qualquer um (bsico para avanado) que quer aprender a falar ingls corretamente. Seu professor um norte-americano com muitos anos de experincia no ensino. Se voc seguir minhas instrues simples, eu prometo que voc estar falando melhor em ingls e com muito mais confiana."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |