Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso prctico: Cmo leer etiquetas nutricionales." |
"Te ha pasado que compras un producto en el mercado y te ponesa leer latabla de informacin nutricional, pero no entiendes qu significa cada uno de los componentes ni si las caloras que dice son muchas o pocas? Pues te dir quees normal porque la realidad es que las empresas hacen la informacin tan confusa que casi nadie sabe lo que quieren decir.En este curso te ensear a dar una correcta interpretacin de cada uno de los componentes que se denotan en las tablas y en la etiqueta completa del envase. As, la finalidad del curso es que tu puedas saber qu es lo que ests comiendo, cuntas caloras y nutrimentos contienen y le ests aportando a tu cuerpo para mantenerte sano y bien nutrido.Ser ms sencillo de lo que crees, pero esta informacin de servir cada vez que vayas a hacer la alacena al supermercado."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"MATLAB para Ingenieros y Cientficos" |
"Quieres aprender a explotar el potencial de Matlab ?MATLAB se ha convertido en uno de los entornos de programacin ms utilizados por cientficos e ingenieros. Si estudias (o estar por estudiar) una disciplina del rea cientfica, tecnolgica o de ingenieras, es imprescindible que aprendas a utilizarlo.En ste curso aprenders las funciones y Toolboxes que posee Matlab con aplicaciones en ingeniera y ciencias.Los temas que desarrollaremos en ste curso son:Creacin de grficos 2D Creacin de grficos 3D Visualizacin de campos vectorialesMatemtica simblica Trabajando con polinomios Races de funcionesSistemas de ecuaciones linealesClculo diferencial e integral en una y varias variablesModelado de ecuaciones diferenciales parcialesInterpolacinAjuste de curvasOptimizacin matemticaMaterial adicional: Ebook complementario del curso con cdigos para aplicar mtodos numricos con Matlab.No se requieren conocimientos previos de Matlab, ya que se incluye una seccin que cubre dichos temas."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Cmo Hacer Webinars Gratuitos En Facebook Y Youtube" |
"ACTUALIZACIN MASIVA del 31/agosto/2020: Todo el contenido ha sido hecho nuevamente, para tener las mejores estrategias y mejores prcticas.Quieres hacer webinars gratuitos para atraer clientes potenciales?Quieres que tus videos se vean geniales con efectos y material multimedia?Quieres destacar a travs de la calidad de tus contenidos digitales?Te gustara tener una poderosa estrategia que trabaje por ti y tu negocio para atraer constantemente prospectos?En este curso aprenders cmo hacer webinars gratuitos utilizando Facebook Live y Youtube Live utilizando un poderoso software gratuito llamado OBS Open Broadcaster Software. Crears geniales videos especialmente para capacitacin virtual, como webinars y videoconferencias y hasta cursos online. Adems, te mostrar cmo puedes ahorrarte dinero en plataformas de webinars utilizando los grupos de Facebook o un canal de Youtube para hacer tus transmisiones en vivo. Adems tambin aprenders cmo ir haciendo crecer tu comunidad en redes sociales.Tambin te dar una lista exacta de todo el equipo bsico necesario para tus transmisiones en vivo, aunque puedes comenzar simplemente utilizando la webcam y el micrfono integrados de tu computadora laptop.- - - - - Y tambin te incluyo 2 bonos adicionales GRATUITOS en el curso:->Bono #1: Funnels para instructores digitales.Aprende cmo crear un mecanismo que atraiga en automtico 24/7 a los clientes potenciales para tu negocio. Aprenders qu es un funnel de ventas, cmo crear un lead magnet y herramientas que te ayudarn a entregar en automtico tu contenido gratuito.->Bono #2: Funnels de venta para grupos de Facebook.Te comparto la estrategia de webinars que me ha ayudado a facturar haciendo eventos virtuales de capacitacin a travs de grupos de Facebook de forma gratuita.- - -Te espero en el curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Complete Complex Numbers Course for complete beginners" |
"Welcome to Our Course ""Complete Complex Numbers for Electrical Engineering""This course is designed for complete beginners who want to learn everything about complex numbers.In this course we will discuss:Definition of imaginary numbersProperties of imaginary numbersDefinition of the complex numbers.Operation and properties of complex numbers.Graphical representation of complex numbers.Polar form, trigonometric form and exponential form of complex numbers.Cubic roots of unity.We will also have step by step examples on each of these topics."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ASP.NET Core: Aprendendo do zero ao avanado (v 1.1 e 2.0)" |
"Quer aprender o que h de novo nessa plataforma? Aqui o lugar certo.ASP.NET Core o novo framework open-source e cross-platform para construir aplicaes modernas. ASP.NET Core pode executar sobre .NET Core e .NET Framework. Tem uma melhor performance sobre a plataforma antiga e pode ser desenvolvida a partir de qualquer editor de cdigo fonte e em qualquer sistema operacional.Nesse curso voc ir aprender todas as mudanas que aconteceram na nova plataforma de Microsoft. O curso abrange as verses .Net Core 1.1 e 2.0.O curso ir abranger os seguintes tpicos:MudanasComo configurar uma aplicao webMVCEntity FrameworkIdentyClient SideConstruindo uma aplicaoPublicaoConvertendo uma aplicao de .Net Core 1.0 e 2.0"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Develop Facebook Quiz Fun App from Scratch Using PHP" |
"Finally this is going to be my first course ever on Udemy and hopefully more will come soon so this course if mainly for those who wants to learn more about Facebook PHP SDK and Facebook Graph API that how they can develop amazing apps using different ideas and one of the widely used idea is to make fun quizzes using Facebook platform and this course will teach you from a-z that how you can create a full working Facebook quiz fun app from scratch and the beauty is you can make many and many quizzes using the same technique used in the course videos so what are waiting for you just get into it, learn it and do it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java Basics: The Complete Guide" |
"This course teachesyou all that you need to know aboutJava before you learn the Object Oriented concepts of the Java programming language.Are you starting out programming for the first time?Are you confused about which programming language you should learn first?Have you spent a lot of timetrying to figure out where to begin in Java programming?Do you want to develop a programmers logic?If you haveanswered yes to any of these questionsthenyou'rein the right place!I created thiscourse specifically toteach people like YOU.Learn everything there is to Java before you start learning Object Oriented Programming!Once enrolled, you'll go through detailed programming lectures, and rigorous programming exercises to hone your programming skills, and to help you develop programming logic.In this course you will learn:Java CompilationElementary Programming ConceptsSelection Programming TechniqueLoopingArray Data StructureException HandlingText Input & OutputYou will also:Develop a simple Command Prompt Application - A Game Application.Get access to programming exercises.Developprogramminglogic.Whether you just want to develop your programmingskills or get started with learning to code, this course is for you. You will be guided every step of the way, to ensure your success!I amalways available to answer any questions, feedback,messages, ordiscussionsthat you have.Get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!With the30-Day 100% money back guarantee, there isno reason hesitate!ENROLLNOW!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IT Security Issues When Working Remotely From Public Network" |
"There are unique security issues related with working remotely when connected to a corporate environment using public Internet connections. Many of the security vulnerabilities are not well known, nor are the techniques on how to secure such a work environment common knowledge.This course discusses these security issues in detail, as well as best practices related to working remotely in public locations.This course will explore why working remotely in public locations like hotels, coffee shops, etc presents a different set of security challenges to working in secure office locations. Identify the precise security vulnerabilities with working from remote locations, and learn the best practices for working remotely."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2018 le Profesyonel Teknikleri Kolay renme!" |
"Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 eliinde Muhteem Grseller Farkl Teknikleri renerek Uygulayn.Bu kurs 20.000'in zerinde rencisi bulunanEDUKEY Eitim AkademisiDanmanlnda Uzman Eitmen Batuhan AKGN tarafndan hazrlanmtr. Kursta yer alan mfredat konunun bandan sonuna kadar rencinin renme disiplininde ilerlemesi baz alnarak ve proje retmesini salamak zere kurgulanmtr.Kursun AmacBu kurs ile birlikte eitmen Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 eliinde Muhteem Grseller Farkl Teknikleri renerek Uygulamal olarak rencilerini uzmanlatrmay hedeflemektedir.Kurs Mfredat Blm BalklarEitime GiriPhotoshop Karakter & YazBackground TeknikleriKaliteli TekniklerCC EffectsManiplasyon TeknikleriSupervisor Hediye Paketizel Ders - Maniplasyon almaszel Teknikler BlmProfesyonel Teknikler ve GFXPhotoshop'ta Animasyon YapyoruzExtralarGrselleri Profesyonel RenklendirmeAltn BilgiEitim Sonu"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"SeismoStruct Balang Seviyesi (SeismoStruct Starter level)" |
"Eitimle sfrdan SeismoStruct programnn temel yaps renilecek.eitli rneklerle ve basit anlatmlarla reneceiz.Tm eitimi pratik zerinden yapacaz.Akademik olarak ilerlemek yada aldnz dersi verebilmeniz iin uraacaz.Balang seviyesindeki arkadalar iin uygundur.Gereklilikler nelerdir? Temel mhendislik bilgisine sahip olmalsnz.Kurs bana ne katacak?Eitim bittiinde programa aina olacaksnz.Piyasada ok bilinmeyen bir programn ncs olacaksnz.Hedef kitlesi kimlerdir?MhendislerMhendislik rencileri"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Portfolio Management" |
"This course covers the basics of portfolio management. It covers common stock return models , portfolio construction methods and optimization models, and capital markets more generally. The aim of the course is to equip students with the knowledge necessary to form a basic portfolio and to understand the drivers of stock returns and of alpha. In many places, the course includes practical examples, including in Microsoft Excel. Key concepts covered include: Stock return models and alpha (i.e., single index model, fama french three factor model, CAPM).Portfolio construction methods (i.e., minimum variance, mean variance, markowitz)Additional things to look for when trading."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Trading y Bolsa desde Cero" |
"Los temas que aprenders son:Requerimientos para hacer trading.instalando y personalizando la consola de ninja trader.Diferencias entre Anlisis tcnico y Anlisis fundamental.pre anlisis del mercado.Trazando Soportes y Resistencias.Trazando Canales.Detectando Las Tendencias.Las Velas Japonesas.Las Formaciones Chartistas.Medias Mviles.La Gestin Monetaria.Todo Sobre el stop Loss.Que Son Los Puntos, Ticks y Pips.Setup de Trading Ganador.Las 3 simples Reglas de un Trader exitoso.La Evolucionan de un Trader exitoso.Los Mercados De Futuros y El Day TradingEl Diario de Trading.Redactar El Plan De Trading.Cierre Curso de Trading desde cero."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux Device Drivers Development training" |
"This is course is designed for the freshers or professional who wants to learn or enhance their skills on Linux device drivers. This course contains prerecorded Linux Device Driver video classes or Linux Device Driver video tutorials on linux device drivers concepts , which covers from basic to advance concepts . Below is the course outlinesTraining LessonsIntroduction to Linux kernelKernel configuration and buildIntroduction to Device DriverIntroduction to modulesHello World ModuleWriting basic character driverModule Parameters"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Fast MBA - Projects Gerenciamento de Projetos" |
"O curso de gerenciamento de projetos mais prtico, objetivo e completo que voc vai encontrar na Udemy!Gerenciar projetos de forma profissional, alm de ser uma carreira promissora, ajuda qualquer pessoa a transformar sonhos em realidade.Transformar ideias em um plano de ao objetivo e executar este plano de ao para gerar resultados tangveis o maior super poder de um(a) gerente de projetos que sabe o que est fazendo.Nesse curso eu vou te ensinar tudo para gerenciar qualquer tipo de projeto do incio ao fim, com um planejamento completo e simples, alm da forma correta de gerenciar a equipe, de manter as expectativas bem alinhadas e de realizar as entregas com qualidade.Se voc quer aprender sobre gerenciamento de projetos com prticas, ferramentas e aes que so implementadas de verdade em qualquer tipo de empresa, esse o curso certo.Este um curso para quem quer entregar um projeto muito bem feito, porm, tem averso a burocracia e exageros com documentaes que ningum l e processos que ningum segue.Depois deste curso, voc vai poder:Transformar uma demanda de negcios, uma demanda de cliente ou uma demanda pessoal em um plano de ao completo.Minimizar riscos na execuo dos projetos com um planejamento adequado e sem burocracia.Garantir a entrega de projetos dentro do prazo, do escopo e do custo esperadoAlavancar o resultado dos projetos com um gerenciamento adequadoSe comunicar de forma efetiva do incio ao fim do projetoGarantir que todos sabem o que fazer, o que ser entregue e quando ser entregue em um projetoQuem vai gostar deste curso:Analistas que querem se tornar gerentes de projetos ou aprender a gerenciar melhor suas iniciativas na empresa.Coordenadores e gerentes que esto o tempo todo gerenciando equipes, recursos e tarefas para gerar resultados.Empreendedores e empresrios que querem transformar suas ideias em algo tangvel.Engenheiros, arquitetos, consultores e outros profissionais que costumam trabalhar o tempo todo envolvido em projetos.Account Managers, arquitetos de solues e outros profissionais envolvidos com pr-vendas e querem melhorar a qualidade tcnica das suas propostas.Customer Success e SDMs (Service Managers), que se envolvem o tempo todo com projetos de clientes e querem fazer isso com qualidade.Chega de ""tocar"" projetos e passe a GERENCIAR projetos de verdade.Sobre o InstrutorSou certificado PMP (Project Manager Professional) pelo PMI, gerencio equipes de projetos a mais de 10 anos e j implementei escritrios de projetos em multinacionais e em pequenas empresas.Hoje, como scio diretor responsvel pela rea comercial, projetos e ps vendas em uma empresa de tecnologia, lido diariamente com a venda e a entrega de projetos de clientes.A certificao foi muito importante para mim, mas os anos de prtica me mostraram o que realmente funciona na maioria dos projetos e o que no funciona.Quando idealizei os cursos da franquia Fast MBA, meu objetivo sempre foi levar para os alunos de forma ridiculamente simples, porm abrangente, qual o mnimo necessrio para conseguir os melhores resultados.Voc vai gostar! Aproveite!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"SQL Exam & Interview Questions" |
"Throughout the training, we did not apply the classical question-answer methodology and divided the training into sections. The training consists of two parts, which are the practical level, as well as the test sections consisting of beginner, intermediate, advanced and expert levels. Each question in the content of the training was reviewed by taking the opinions of the experts in the world's leading companies according to the degree of difficulty.In this training, which we use the capabilities of Oracle database, you will be able to prepare for the exam questions asked in the world's leading companies as well as the certification exams.I have shared the scripts and data of the tables we use to test the codes.The questions in the training will be constantly updated and new ones will be added.Why this courseLet's list a few of the reasons for attending this course;1- You will have a question pool for each level2- You will see the types of questions you haven't seen before3- You will have 150 questions pool and new questions to be added continuously4- You will consolidate your theoretical knowledge and you will understand what level you are5- If you do not understand the questions and answers, you will be able to follow your progress with the trainers you can always ask questions.6- You will also be able to test the Oracle database-specific codes.7- You will not have difficulty in SQL exams or interviews.8- You will have the opportunity to repeat the integrity of the subject and review the codes through your research.If you can't find the answers to the questions, you can contact us through the training page section.For challange you should research and learn ! I wish to have a pleasant and useful education"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"HTML: The first step for absolute beginners" |
"Yes!! this is the first course you should start with when think of developing web pages by yourself.Yes!! this is the right course for you if you are absolute beginner.Yes!! this is the right course for you even if you don't ever touched programming.Yes!! this is the right course if you don't have any IT background.Yes!! this course will teach you in very simple steps how to develop your first web page using HTML. Even if you have only 10% ( yes ten ) of trusting your abilities, it is enough to enjoy the course.Remember, everything in this lifecould seems difficult at the first seconds, but by keep going and practice, nothing will be difficult.See you guys in the class :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Educao Financeira para Crianas" |
"Todos os pais se sentem responsveis pelo futuro dos seus filhos, eles se esforam para promover e patrocinar a melhor educao, afim de formarem homens e mulheres de sucesso, que tero suas carreiras e independncia. Olhando por essa tica, senso comum trabalharmos para ensinar nossos filhos a ganharem dinheiro, mas poucos pais se atentam para ensin-los a administrarem seus rendimentos.Como um balde furado, no adianta entrar muito recurso, se ele se esvai atravs das fissuras, ento ganhar mais no ressorve o problema.Esse curso se prope no s a vedar os buracos existentes no balde, mas a no os produzi-los desde cedo. Portanto, to importante quanto a carreira e escolhas profissionais, a educao financeira prope formar uma mente consciente, econmica, empreendedora, que faz por merecer, que valoriza seus bens e conquistas e no se deixa influenciar por uma cultura manipuladora e consumista."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Power Of Manifestation" |
"Discover The Foolproof Principles And Strategies That Will Enable You To Finally Manifest Your Greatest Desires In 365 DaysPower Of Manifestation is a personal step-by-step course designed to help you - or anyone - discover his or her inner desire and passions, and manifest them into reality.When you follow this training, you work on your inner self to re-align your balance, cleanse your personal energy...... And ultimately transform yourself to be the beacon that attracts success, wealth, happiness, meaningful relationships...ALL of them.Most courses are 'surface level' or disrespect the spiritual process of learning.This is why unlike most 'get spiritual quick' programs out there, I heavily emphasize on building a ritual or habit that you can follow everyday...So you go from self-discovery to self-mastery and eventually to manifesting the things they truly desire in life.Learn the art of self-mastery so you will understand your true self and ignite your true potential in lifeLearn how to activate the power of the law of attraction and bend the universe to your willLearn how to activate your ""invisible shield"" that will protect you against countless negativity in lifeBe able to achieve crystal clear mental clarity and missile-like focus so you'll only manifest what truly matters.Be invincible in face of fear and able to face them hard on.Begin to notice that the right people, the right resources, the right relationships and the right circumstances just magically appear in your life without any prompting or effort from youLearn how to create your own legacy that is everlasting.... and many more profound wisdom waiting to be revealed.Can Anyone Do This?YES, ABSOLUTELY.The idea of manifestation does not discriminate your age, profession, gender, current circumstances in life, religion, or creed.The only criteria is having an open mind and willingness to try.The principles and strategies take only 10 minutes a day (or less) to do - and after consistent practice, the manifestation of your desires becomes automatic.Imagine how your life would be if you could manifest all your desires into existence:A loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a luxurious vacation, a brand new car - or anything you want - and it magically materialized in your life.When you combine the principle and strategies in Power Of Manifestation with your desire, you enter the realm of miracles where your desires can and MUST necessarily manifest into existence.In addition to Udemy Completion certificate, I also provide all my students an external certificate from my academy which is an accredited training provider of the International Association Of Therapists."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Your Destiny" |
"There comes a time in every person's life when they stop and wonder, Am I doing enough?Sure, working a regular 9 to 5 job and spending your time working your way up in your career can be satisfying, but sometimes the process of paying the bills can become tiresome and tedious, and you may find yourself wondering if you've lost sight of what is really important.All of us have great talents and aspirations that drive us forward in life, but if we aren't taking steps every day to help us to achieve our goals, our passion for life begins to dwindle.That's no way to live, and many of us begin to feel stuck and confined as we wonder about the things that might have been, were we offered better opportunities, or had been able to make more time to work on the things that we find the most important to us."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Forex Bsico - Ejemplos EN VIVO de Trading Real" |
"Este es un programa bsico de formacin integral para todas las personas que quieren iniciarse con buen pie en el mercado FOREX. El objetivo principal del curso es aprender cmo funciona el mercado, entender su terminologa bsica y conocer los indicadores tcnicos bsicos, incluyendo su correcta interpretacin.Al finalizar este curso tendrs una visin de 360 sobre el mercado Forex, lo cual es un requisito previo indispensable si realmente quieres generar buenos ingresos.Iniciaremos con los aspectos bsicos y gradualmente iremos avanzando hacia las lecciones ms complejas.Una gran ventaja de este curso es que revisaremos ejemplos EN VIVO de trading real, donde aprenders cmo se aplican tcnicas de forma sencillas para obtener resultados ganadores.Asimismo, dedicaremos un segmento del curso a explorar cmo dominar las emociones durante el trading, cmo minimizar el riesgo en cada operacin y los mejores mtodos para gestionar nuestro capital de forma altamente eficiente.Este curso ser actualizado continuamente con nuevas lecturas y materiales, y yo estoy aqu para responder cualquier duda que tengas.Espero verte pronto en clases!Atentamente, Jess Planas"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Full-stack Web Developer - Web Uygulama Gelitiricisi" |
"Merhaba Arkadalar,ncelikle yazlma ve web teknolojilerine merak olan herkese unu belirtmek isterim, her eyi temelden yani sfrdan kavramak normal bir gelitirici iin yllar alrken bu kursumuzda u an dnyann en popler teknolojilerini saatleresdrarak ok salam bir temel almanz salamaya altm.Gnmzde bu tr teknolojilerin ana kaynaklar genellikleAmerika asll olduundan ve bu yzylda bilimin dili ngilizce olduundan, genelde salam kaynaklar ve kurslarn hepsi ngilizce olarak bulunmaktadr. Bu kursu oluturmamdaki bir dier sebebim ise elinizde gzel bir Trke referans bulundurmaktr.Bu kursun sonunda gzel bir tam donanml web sitesi yaplmaktadr. Ancak konularn sonlarnda sizlerin daha iyi anlamnz salayacak olduka fazla rnekler de yer almaktadr.stersenizbu kursumuzu almakla reneceiniz teknolojilere yakndanbakalm:HTML5CSS3BootstrapJavaScriptDOM ManipulationjQueryUnix(Command Line) CommandsNodeJSNPMExpressJSRESTMongoDBDatabase AssociationsAuthenticationPassportJSAuthorizationKURSVDEOGNCELLEMELERu anki kurs 26 saat gzkmektedir ve unu belirtmek isterim ki bu uzunluk aslnda benim elimden geldiince indirgemeye altm bir uzunluk. Bunun birka sebebi bulunmakta ve bunlardan ilki sizlerin deerli zamannz iyi kullanmak istemem.Dier nemli sebebi ise, bu eitimin gncellenecek olmas. Eitim alanmzWeb Developmentolduu iin, konular olduka fazla. lk aamada sizlere en nemli paralar gstererek nasl bir btn proje karacamz retmeye alsam da asl amacm gncellemeler ile su stne kacaktr.Sizlerin orta dzeyde bilgi sahibi olaca bu konularn hemen hemen hepsinin zerine ileri dzeyde dediimiz bir seviyede eitim seti daha gelecektir. Bu eitim setini zaman ierisinde sizlerle paylaarak bilgilendireceim elbette.Eer yle kk bir bilgilendirme yaplmas gerekirse gelecek yeni videolar u ekilde planlamaktaym:leri Dzey CSS3 - CSSAnimations - Layout with Flexbox - KeyframesBootstrap - Daha fazla arayz projeleriAjaxNodeJs Advanced ( with ES6 syntax)MongoDB AdvancedNodeJS - MySQL ProjesiNodeJS RESTAdvanced AuthenticationAngularMEANStackSEOOpt.Umarmiinize okyaryacak bir eitim seti - referans olucak.imdiden iyi almalar ve mutlu kodlamalar :)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Aula Power" |
"Voc sabia que pode tornar suas aulas mais atrativas?Que voc pode ser reconhecido por utilizar diferentes mtodos de ensino em suas aulas?Que os seus alunos lembraro significativamente de suas aulas?O Ensino passa por momentos de reflexo em que toda e qualquer aprendizagem precisa apresentar significado para o discente, sem mecanizao, estando correlacionada com seus conhecimentos, vivncias e experincias.Neste sentido torna-se necessrio que professores e futuros professores reflitam sobre as problemticas e desenvolvam habilidades de ensino inovadoras para que faam a diferena em sala.Este curso abordar estratgias prticas para voc desenvolver uma Aula Power, insights para criar aulas com o poder de transformao para seus alunos. .Depois deste curso voc far a diferena!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Qt - QML with C++" |
"A complete guide for Qt-QML with C++.This course covers all the basic and fundamental concepts for QT-QML development, which would be helpful for beginners. This course includes all the advanced and intermediate topics in QML development with C++. A detailed explanation and examples about various QML constructs. A dedicated section covers integration of C++ and QML interns of models and controllers.All the examples codes and projects are available as downloadable resources in respective sections. This will help users to practice and tryout the programming concepts learned in this course."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Hiring Great People: Recruiting & Talent Acquisition" |
"Learn how to recruit, select, develop, and retain the best talent in your industry so you can enjoy your business.This course is for small business owners who are confused and frustrated about how to hire, manage, and keep great people on their staff. After completing this course, you will understand:What people really want from a job (Hint: Its not always the highest pay and benefits)How to position your job opening as exactly what Im looking for for that right personHow to write an employment ad that will immediately grab that persons attentionHow to quickly sort through online responses to find those diamonds in the roughHow to confidently conduct effective interviews on the phone, by Zoom, and in person.How to make the first 30, 60, and 90 days as productive as possible, in order to maximize your new hires short-term job satisfaction, and long term success.You know, How to Hire and Keep Great PeopleOver the course of my career, I've made over 200 individual hiring decisions at my own companies, spent millions on paychecks, benefits, and withholding taxes, and once made payroll for 728 consecutive weeks.I've also helped other companies in a variety of industries achieve dramatically better hiring results for a wide range of skilled positions.And, at a few points in my career, I've sat on the other side of the interview table as a job applicant, watching a manager or business owner completely blow the interview, causing me to decide to seek employment elsewhere.Ive put all of that experience into a system for hiring and keeping great people, and brought it to you in this course.This system will work for you, even if:Youre hiring your first employee everYou think your company is too small, too new or too whatever for anybody to want to work forThe job youre offering is part-time or low payYou dont offer health benefits or paid time offYouve had nothing but terrible hiring results in the pastYou dont know how to write a job descriptionNo one seems to respond to the employment ads you postYou dont know what to say when interviewing candidatesIn addition to the video content, every lesson is also provided in audio format for you to download and listen to while you're exercising or in the car.You also receive a number of bonuses, including:An optimized job description you can download and editAn over-the-shoulder view of me quickly sorting through a large number of online responses and narrowing them down to the handful of people I want to talk to on the phone.A great employment ad you can customize and post anywhereAnd, my secret weapon 10-question general knowledge test that I spring on applicants right at the end of our initial telephone call.I cant tell you how many people revealed their true personality to me after taking that short testSo youve got everything to gain and - with Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee - nothing to lose.Click the button, to learn How to Hire and Keep Great People.Ill see you on the inside."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Power BI Desktop - Query Editor Master data transformation" |
"Microsoft Power BI is a suite of Business Intelligence tools, designed to help the BI professionals get easier, quick and crucial business insights from their data. It contains three main tool set combined in one single software:Power QueryPower PivotPower ViewPower Query lets you to connect to hundreds of data sources, simplify data preparation and drive ad-hoc analysis. It is also know as Power BI Query Editor.Power Pivot is the analytical tool in Power BI. Using various DAX formulas you can drive your analytical journey. This is the second step after you import the data into Power BI using Power BI Query Editor. Power View builds dynamic and interactive visualizations, dashboards and reports based on the results of DAX.This course will focus completely on features for Power BI Query Editor.Before you can present any analysis or insight, you need source data. Your source data could be in many places and in many formats. Nonetheless, you need to access it, look at it, and quite possibly clean it up to some extent. You may also need to join separate data sources before you can shape the data into a coherent data set using PowerPivot, deliver the results using Power View or Power Map, and then share it using Power BI.Discovering, loading, cleaning, and modifying source data is where Power BI Query editor comes in. Itlets you load, shape and streamline data from multiple sources.Power BI Query Editor allows you to do many things with source data, but the four main steps are likely to be Import data from a wide variety of sources. This covers corporate databases to files, and social media to big data.Merge data from multiple sources into a coherent structure.Shape data into the columns and records that suit your uses.Cleanse your data to make it reliable and easy to use.There was a time when these processes required dedicated teams of IT specialists. Well, not any more. With Power Query, you can mash up your own data so that it is the way you want it and is ready to use as part of your self-service BI solution.This coursewill start with the basic installation and configuration of Power BI Desktop, and go on to connect your data sources with it. Youll transform and get your data ready for analysis, and create effective data views using it. You would be performing following tasks mainlyData Discovery Find and connect to a myriad of data sources containing potentially useful data. This can be from both public and private data sources.Data Loading Select the data you have examined and load it into Power Query for shaping.Data Modification Modify the structure of each data table that you have imported, filter and clean the data itself, and then join any separate data sources.Although I have outlined these three steps as if they are completely separate and sequential, the reality is that they often blend into a single process. Indeed there could be many occasions when you will examine the data after it has been loaded into Power Queryor join data tables before you clean them. The core objective will, however, always remain the same: find some data and then load it into Power Query where you can tweak, clean, and shape it.This process could be described simplistically as First, catch your data. In the world of data warehousing, the specialists call it ETL, which is short for Extract Transform Load. Despite the reassuring confidence that the acronym brings, this process is rarely a smooth logical progression through a clear-cut series of processes. The reality is often far messier than that. You may often find yourself importing some data, cleaning it, importing some more data from another source, combining the second data set with the first one, cleaning some more, and then repeating many of these operations several times.This course will excite and empower you to get more out of Power BI Query Editor via detailed recipes, development tips and guidance on enhancing existing Power BI Projects."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Excel Power Query-M language, troubleshoot, Pattern" |
"Hello and welcome to Excel Power Query Advanced course.At the outset I thank you for showing interest in this course. In this video I will provide overview of all the contents of this course and what are basic requirements before you enroll into this course. So lets get started. There are four major areas I will be covering as part of this course. The first one is for troubleshooting the Power Query errors and workaround for limitation of Power Query. In real any software is not foolproof and has its own limitation. Also, if you dont use the software as programmed you may encounter errors. And I hope you would agree that error codes or description in most of the software are not that user friendly or they do not provide appropriate solution to resolve the error. Hence in this first section I will show some of the common areas where you face Power Query limitation and erros. Some of them are as follows: Error encountered with adding / rename / deleting a particular column headings. Handling null values during arithmetic calculation. Identify error rows encountered while creating or on refresh of query. Multiplying effect when you JOIN queries Issues with filters and how to use advanced filters. Then the next area is for advanced case studies. Similar to my starter course of Excel Power Query where I have shown you more than 20+ real life case studies of applying power query, here also I have taken some real life case studies which require some more in depth knowledge of Power Query and workaround. This section will be updated new case studies as and when I see some interesting datasets. The current video are related to Applying local setting when converting the dates fields Leave dataset which needed leave details to be broken into separate rows from a single cell. Unstack the dataset which has uneven details Combine multiple rows data back to single cell. Then next section is for advanced M concepts. Here I will give you more information related to M Language in Power Query. What syntax is to be used under advanced editor. How to create parameters and use it inside your power query. How to create new custom M function using PQ interface or through advanced editor. I will also show how you can troubleshoot the custom M function you have created using advanced editor. Then I will show you how you can organize your multiple queries in separate groups. Further I will also show how to use Query Dependency view which will give you visual presentation of all the queries inside your excel file. This will help you understand the flow of all the data from source till the final output, where it is loaded or which queries are referenced to each other. All precedents and dependents to your queries can be easily identified. And now finally in last section I will be providing some readymade patterns for power query. I will provide all the power query code which you can copy paste into your file and start using it. You will not need to create any new query for these patterns. Since creating these patterns using power query requires lot of efforts and also very complex I am providing you these as ready to use. So now before you enroll I would like to tell you that there are few requirements. First one is that you should have latest version of Power Query installed if you are using Excel 2010 / 2013 or if you are using Excel 2016 then it should be updated. Second and most important is that you should have prior knowledge of using Power Query. So that is it. There are no further requirements other than these two. So what are you waiting for, enroll now into the course."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Excel Power Query Combo - Beginners + Advanced M language" |
"This course is COMBO of my two individual courses -Excel Power Query - BeginnersAdvanced Excel Power Query - M Language, troubleshoot, Custom M function, Power Query patternsHere are some of the reviews for above courses -""A great class - worth the money and time investment. Instructor convey's knowledge with a clear and concise approach. He continues to offer little nuggets of information where you will find yourself saying: 1 - ""whoa - wait a second, rewind - he did what?"" 2 - ""WOW - now that is cool!"" The level to training you receive from Abhay - well worth the investment. "" - Bart W.Awesome, must for beginners and advanced users of Power Query. I simply had to question myself whether i should enroll in multiple courses or this single course? And deciding factor for me was learning in multiple courses would have been similar and enrolling in this single course i would have learn more areas compared to multiple courses. - Morgan SethAbhay has produced an excellent course on how to manage some of the more complex tasks in PQ. In particular the thought processes applied in utilising patterns in data cleansing are extremely useful in understanding how to massage data into a usable format. A Goto video for me when struggling to get data how I want. - Mike PeaseIt seems to be the course on Power Query that I was looking for. I had enrolled into multiple course but learned the same thing over again, this course covered lot of things. Better to enroll into this one course instead of multiple courses. - MGAt the outset I thank you for showing interest in this course. In this video I will provide overview of all the contents of this course and what are basic requirements before you enroll into this course. So lets get started. There are four major areas I will be covering as part of this course. The first one is for troubleshooting the Power Query errors and workaround for limitation of Power Query. In real any software is not foolproof and has its own limitation. Also, if you dont use the software as programmed you may encounter errors. And I hope you would agree that error codes or description in most of the software are not that user friendly or they do not provide appropriate solution to resolve the error. Hence in this first section I will show some of the common areas where you face Power Query limitation and errors. Some of them are as follows: Error encountered with adding / rename / deleting a particular column headings. Handling null values during arithmetic calculation. Identify error rows encountered while creating or on refresh of query. Multiplying effect when you JOIN queries Issues with filters and how to use advanced filters. Then the next area is for advanced case studies. Similar to my starter course of Excel Power Query where I have shown you more than 20+ real life case studies of applying power query, here also I have taken some real life case studies which require some more in depth knowledge of Power Query and workaround. This section will be updated new case studies as and when I see some interesting datasets. The current video are related to Applying local setting when converting the dates fields Leave dataset which needed leave details to be broken into separate rows from a single cell. Unstack the dataset which has uneven details Combine multiple rows data back to single cell. Then next section is for advanced M concepts. Here I will give you more information related to M Language in Power Query. What syntax is to be used under advanced editor. How to create parameters and use it inside your power query. How to create new custom M function using PQ interface or through advanced editor. I will also show how you can troubleshoot the custom M function you have created using advanced editor. Then I will show you how you can organize your multiple queries in separate groups. Further I will also show how to use Query Dependency view which will give you visual presentation of all the queries inside your excel file. This will help you understand the flow of all the data from source till the final output, where it is loaded or which queries are referenced to each other. All precedents and dependents to your queries can be easily identified. And now finally in last section I will be providing some readymade patterns for power query. I will provide all the power query code which you can copy paste into your file and start using it. You will not need to create any new query for these patterns. Since creating these patterns using power query requires lot of efforts and also very complex I am providing you these as ready to use. So now before you enroll I would like to tell you that there are few requirements. First one is that you should have latest version of Power Query installed if you are using Excel 2010 / 2013 or if you are using Excel 2016 then it should be updated. Second and most important is that you should have prior knowledge of using Power Query. So that is it. There are no further requirements other than these two. So what are you waiting for, enroll now into the course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Power BI Desktop Combo - Query Editor, Data Modelling, DAX" |
"Microsoft Power BI is a suite of Business Intelligence tools, designed to help the BI professionals get easier, quick and crucial business insights from their data. It contains three main tool-set combined in one single software:Power QueryPower PivotPower ViewPower Query lets you to connect to hundreds of data sources, simplify data preparation and drive ad-hoc analysis. It is also know as Power BI Query Editor.Power Pivot is the analytical tool in Power BI. Using various DAX formulas you can drive your analytical journey. This is the second step after you import the data into Power BI using Power BI Query Editor.This course will focus completely on features for Power BI Query Editor, Date Modelling and DAX inside Power BIDesktop.Before you can present any analysis or insight, you need source data. Your source data could be in many places and in many formats. Nonetheless, you need to access it, look at it, and quite possibly clean it up to some extent. You may also need to join separate data sources before you can shape the data into a coherent data set using PowerPivot, deliver the results using Power View or Power Map, and then share it using Power BI.Discovering, loading, cleaning, and modifying source data is where Power BI Query editor comes in. Itlets you load, shape and streamline data from multiple sources.Power BI Query Editor allows you to do many things with source data, but the four main steps are likely to be Import data from a wide variety of sources. This covers corporate databases to files, and social media to big data.Merge data from multiple sources into a coherent structure.Shape data into the columns and records that suit your uses.Cleanse your data to make it reliable and easy to use.There was a time when these processes required dedicated teams of IT specialists. Well, not any more. With Power Query, you can mash up your own data so that it is the way you want it and is ready to use as part of your self-service BI solution.This coursewill start with the basic installation and configuration of Power BI Desktop, and go on to connect your data sources with it. Youll transform and get your data ready for analysis, and create effective data views using it. You would be performing following tasks mainlyData Discovery Find and connect to a myriad of data sources containing potentially useful data. This can be from both public and private data sources.Data Loading Select the data you have examined and load it into Power Query for shaping.Data Modification Modify the structure of each data table that you have imported, filter and clean the data itself, and then join any separate data sources.Although I have outlined these three steps as if they are completely separate and sequential, the reality is that they often blend into a single process. Indeed there could be many occasions when you will examine the data after it has been loaded into Power Queryor join data tables before you clean them. The core objective will, however, always remain the same: find some data and then load it into Power Query where you can tweak, clean, and shape it.This process could be described simplistically as First, catch your data. In the world of data warehousing, the specialists call it ETL, which is short for Extract Transform Load. Despite the reassuring confidence that the acronym brings, this process is rarely a smooth logical progression through a clear-cut series of processes. The reality is often far messier than that. You may often find yourself importing some data, cleaning it, importing some more data from another source, combining the second data set with the first one, cleaning some more, and then repeating many of these operations several times.This course will excite and empower you to get more out of Power BI Query Editor via detailed recipes, development tips and guidance on enhancing existing Power BI Projects."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"beginning accounting" |
"here you will learn about chart of accounts, trial balance, T accounts, double entry accounting and more.. owners equity of sole profietor, partnerships, S-corporations C-corporations. statement of owners equity Payroll, Depreciation, Profit Loss statements and Balance sheets. I have a bachelor of science degree in accounting and in business finance, Iuse a white board so its easy to follow along with my presentationchart of accountstrial balancedouble entry accountingT accountsprofit loss statements and balance sheetowners equitypayrolldepreciationpartnership balance sheetC-corporation retained earningsS-corporation retain earnings1040 tax form individual tax form IRS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business is always evolving especially with advances in technology. Business and technology topics can be new and novel or difficult to understand. John has the ability to frame and present business topics in a way where the audience feels like they can quickly grasp concepts, define strategy, and begin to execute.Why take this course?Since you are here reading this, chances are you want to make something meaningful happen like start a business, get a promotion, be more successful and fulfilled, or make your mark on the universe.It is also likely that a few things are holding you back from achieving your dreams:Business Fear. The feeling that you dont know much about business and could never start your own company or take more responsibility for your current situation. Better to maintain the status quo and stay within your comfort zone than to face the fear of the unknown.Certificate Intimidation. The idea that business is super complicated is an area best left to highly trained elite experts. If you don't have an Ivy League MBA or similar expensive and time-consuming credentials, who are you to think you know what to do.Imposter Syndrome. The gnawing fears that you're inadequate and already in over your head. It's only a matter of time before you're exposed to be a total ""fraud"" and ""phony.""We don't rise to our expectations; we fall to the level of our knowledge. If you feel you are functioning below the level of your potential, maybe its time to level up!Here is the good news, everyone has these unfounded fears, and you can quickly put an end to them. All you need to do is learn a few simple concepts that will change how you think about the way business works.Once you have conquered your fears, you can do anything!No matter who you are or what you are trying to accomplish, you're about to discover a practical new way of looking at business that will help you spend less time worrying about your fears and more time doing things that make a difference.Let's get started!This is your portable and personal MBA. It is a world-class MBA education in a single online course. Here are the subject areas I cover in this course. These make up the disciplines of Business Administration. Entrepreneurship and Startups Ethics Financial Literacy: Understanding Financial Statements Marketing in the Digital Age Accounting Management & Leadership Negotiations Operations and Supply Chain Management Corporate Finance Economics Understanding the Financial Markets Business Law Human Resource Management Statistics for Business Intellectual Property Strategic Planning and ImplementationThese 16 subjects constitute an MBA program. These are the Rules of the Game of Business. You become a Master of Business Administration when you understand these 16 subjects.You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone else."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Archicad con enfoque BIM" |
"Comienza a manejar Archicad como un profesional!ESTE CURSO ES UNA SINTESIS DE TODOS MIS AOS DE TRABAJO CON ARCHICAD Y BIMSi ests buscando dar un paso en tu profesin como arquitecto y aprender a utilizar mejor tu tiempo, Archicad es la mejor opcin. Puedes modelar en 3D, Documentar planos, Renderizar, y muchas otras cosas ms, que no te cuento porque te sorprenderas demasiado. Modela una casa con enfoque BIM mientras aprendes ArchicadEste curso es totalmente prctico. Algunas lecciones son tericas, pues son necesarias, pero se desarrolla en base a un ejercicio que vamos construyendo paso a paso, elemento por elemento. Al final del curso, tendrs un proyecto arquitectnico modelado en 3dTe ensear en este curso a utilizar las herramientas de archicad a nivel intermedio, lo suficiente para que potencies y mejores tu trabajo diario.Por qu te puedo ensear Archicad?Mi nombre es Ivn Guillermo Gmez y trabajo en Arquitectura desde hace ms de diez aos, y soy arquitecto desde el 2015. Durante todo este perodo Archicad ha sido mi compaero de batallas y he aprendido a utilizarlo a travs de la prctica y el error. Quiero compartirte mi experiencia para que tu ahorres un buen tiempo y des un paso de gigante. Esto es lo que dicen algunas personas sobre otros de mis cursos de Archicad:""Esta el curso super dinamico, facil de entender, no conocia este sotfware pero ahora lo usare, el coordinador o el presentador del curso super explico todo de una manera super """"Me alegro mucho de haber tomado el curso gratuito, ha sido muy til. En general ha resultado ser claro, conciso y muy detallado. Espero que en lo posterior, hayan ms cursos de niveles ya ms avanzados.""""Me gusta que el instructor explique todo paso a paso, eso es fundamental. Como el nombre lo dice es sper bsico el curso y es muy til para aprender desde cero. Buen ritmo de los vdeos y va directo al grano. Me gusta! "" Mi PromesaEnsearte Archicad de forma prctica y estar ah para resolver tus dudas. Esto de ensear On-line me apasiona y, aunque tengo otros trabajo, siempre dedico tiempo a resolver las preguntas de mis estudiantes. De qu va el cursoEn este curso aprenders a utilizar Archicad como un PRO. Aprenders a utilizar las herramientas y opciones, a configurarlas y editarlas, para obtener el resultado que deseas. Este curso cubrir todo lo que necesitas para aprender a utilizar archicadDescarga e instalacin del programaConceptos BIMConfiguraciones iniciales de ArchicadDefiniciones y uso de las herramientasModelado 3DEdicin de elementosY mucho ms...Aprovecha para aprender de alguien que actualmente trabaja en la industria de la construccin, usa Archicad, y alguien que es graduado de Arquitecto y de BIM Manager.Al final de este curso aumentars tu conocimiento y tu confianza al utilizar Archicad. Entenders cmo funciona este maravilloso programa y podrs utilizar este aprendizaje en tu desarrollo profesional.Vamos adelante y da click al botn de ""Inscirbete ya"" Nos vemos en las leccionesSaludos,Ivn Guillermo."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |