Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"SESGADOS: sesgos, falacias y modelos mentales" |
"IMPORTANTE: si llegas a este curso mediante un enlace directo del autor del curso la mayora del beneficio ser para el autor. Si llegas mediante bsqueda interna en esta plataforma, la mayora del beneficio ser para la plataforma. Por ello, si quieres ayudar directamente al autor, vuelve a entrar haciendo click en el enlace al curso desde nuestra web en Pldoras del Conocimiento (bscanos en Google o simplemente el nombre acabado en .com) REGALO. Pertenencia a la comunidad: acceso al grupo de alumnos de Fb y Telegram. Cul es el objetivo del curso? T PROBLEMA: Mi toma de decisiones es claramente mejorable. LA SOLUCIN: Aprenders a tomar mejores decisiones teniendo en cuenta: sesgos psicolgicos, falacias lgicas, modelos mentales, influencia, juegos de poder y teora de juegos. Por qu tomar este curso y no otro? ""Elige mejor y tendrs una vida mejor"".El proceso de tomar decisiones, y en particular a la hora de invertir, la parte psicolgica juega una parte esencial. Los ltimos descubrimientos en neurociencia estn demostrando que somos los humanos mucho ms emocionales y menos relacionales de lo que nos gustara. Hoy da sabemos que cuando nos decidimos a realizar una inversin intervienen una gran cantidad de factores que son inconscientes y que no controlamos. Este curso emplea los ltimos conocimientos de la neurociencia para explicar cmo nuestro cerebro se enfrenta a estas decisiones econmicas. En definitiva, tendrs una nueva herramienta, avalada por estudios cientficos y la propia experiencia para lograr tus objetivos. Concretamente:La checklist emocional: Analizaremos todos los posibles sesgos psicolgicos involucrados en la toma de decisiones.Veremos cmo se relacionan estos sesgos con el proceso de inversin.Analizaremos los modelos mentales que permiten la toma de decisiones.Presentaremos la teora de juegos y como se ve afectada por los sesgos cognitivos.Veremos los ""juegos de poder"" en los que se ven involucrados los humanos en su trabajo, con su pareja...Estudiaremos las emociones que socavan al inversor y que anulan el control de riesgos.Podrs descargar todas las diapositivas del curso para imprimir.Veremos una serie de modelos mentales y falacias lgicas que ayudan a comprender mejor el mundo y tomar mejores decisiones. Principales fuentes de inspiracin? Para la elaboracin de este curso ha sido necesario del estudio de ms de cuarenta libros y estudios relacionados con la inversin, psicologa y sociologa: Daniel Kahneman, Eric Benner, Charlie Munger, Peter Bevelin, Jim Collins, Ray Dalio, Richard Thaler, Dan Ariely, Viktor Frankl, Nassim Taleb, Howard Marks, Peter Lynch, Robert Cialdini, James Montier, Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Pedro Bermejo, Marcos Vzquez...Ejemplos:La disciplina que es ms importante no es contabilidad o economa, sino psicologa. El precio de un activo puede estar casi por todos lados en el corto plazo, sin importar sus fundamentales. Howard MarksLos pensadores de primer nivel concluyen lo obvio, los de segundo nivel preguntan Y quin no sabe eso? Howard Marks""Las personas que no pueden controlar sus emociones no son aptas para obtener beneficios mediante la inversin."". B. Graham""El principal problema del inversor, e incluso su peor enemigo, es probablemente l mismo"" B. GrahamNo permitas que las modas y las quimeras de Wall Street, y su bsqueda constante de dinero fcil, te desven de tu objeto: mantenerte fiel a tus principios. B. Graham""Incluso el inversor inteligente necesitar una considerable fuerza de voluntad para dejar de seguir a la multitud."" B. Graham""S temeroso cuando los dems sean avariciosos y s avaricioso cuando los dems sean temerosos"". W. Buffet""Si llevas media hora jugando al poker y no sabes quin es el pardillo de la mesa, el pardillo eres t"" W. Buffet""Uno no se hace inversor en valor para recibir abrazos en grupo"" Seth Klarman. Nuestra toma de decisiones se ve afectada por la ""qumica""? Dopamina: placer. Aumentarla consiguiendo objetivos.Oxitocina: alegra. Aumentarla mediante el contacto fsico: abrazos, besos...Serotonina: equilibrio mental. Mantenerla en un nivel adecuado mediante alimentacin, luz solar, dormir bien. Endorfinas: bienestar. Generarlas mediante deporte.Cortisol: estrs. Disminuirla mediante la meditacin y el autocontrol."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Event Management in 3D Virtual Worlds" |
"""Virtual and augmented reality techniques are changing the way that organizers, sponsors and vendors engage with attendees at various events.""Virtual 3D worlds are becoming a lot popular nowadays. With portals like SecondLife, AltspaceVR, Sansar, you can host events with unlimited attendees in totally 3d immersive environments. This mind-blowing course ""Event Management in 3D Virtual Worlds"" created by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" is a game-changer when it comes to creating virtual events in 3d environments.You can simply learn to customize your space from a wide selection of environments and be the host youve always wanted to be. You can learn amazing technologies in this course on organizing Virtual events. Virtual reality events are conducted in three dimensional completely computer generated environments. You can even make use of virtual worlds on PC. Even, users can wear a Virtual Reality headset and get compatible gloves or handsets to be able to effectively interact with this world in 3D avatars.This course will teach you even how immersive meetings like tele-presence is actually possible. This incredible technology is just for you to know that hologram meetings that are futuristic are still possible to happen in today's world.You will need to install AltVR compulsorily to know and make use of this tech for you to conduct 3D virtual meetings in different immersive environments or what we call - ""Virtual worlds."" Enroll now and let the excitement begin this New Year."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Communication Expert: Become An Effective Communicator" |
"Effective communication skills are needed in every area of our lives. Effective communication skills give access to opportunities, help build and maintain relationships, promotes understanding and likability.In this course, you will learn effective communication skills that will help you develop into a strong communicator; as such become better equipped to perform any communication duty.You will learn how to fine-tune your message to gain influence so that you can get the result you want."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"courses inside a planetarium" |
"some vidoes about the arabic stars name ....the passage from the sentence to a simple word .the images are here to support a perfect meaning of the issue .the work it is inside the inflatable planetarium.the software is Stellarium ,the projection it is done by the LSS block invented by Yves lhoumou"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ambiente di sviluppo php con homestead, laragon xampp." |
"Non c' dubbio che php il linguaggio di programmazione pi utilizzato per lo sviluppo webSapere come avere un ambiente di sviluppo non solo per laravel ma per php in generale, un requisito fondamentale per tutti gli sviluppatori php in modo da aumentare la produttivit Configurare tutto l'ambiente di sviluppo php per creare pagine web dinamiche oppure per sviluppare con il framework laravel, pu essere complicato e talvolta confusionale.Questo corso ti insegner passo a passo come installare tutto il software necessario per avere un ambiente di sviluppo virtuale senza inquinare la macchina dove si installa, utilizzando VIRTUALBOX, VAGRANT, programmi gratuiti ed installabili su WINDOWS, MAC e LINUXSe sei su windows imparerai anche ad utilizzare LARAGON E XAMPPAlla fine di questo corso saprai come creare un ambiente di sviluppo LAMP completo per sviluppare con php 7 e soprattutto pronto per sviluppare con il framework LARAVEL."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Key Non Tech Skills IT Pros Need to Succeed" |
"People with information technology skills are some of today's most in-demand workers. In fact, employers are having a hard time finding people with the right IT skills to fill open positions across the globe. And with the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic driving more of the workforce to work remotely, the importance of the IT infrastructure that makes it all possible is more important than ever.While technical skills are naturally important to employers seeking qualified candidates, IT skills are not all it takes to get a job or be successful in an IT role.IT is extending its reach into every area of business. Whether it's the finance department storing information and data in the organizations server or a cloud-based solution, or a promoting team collaborating remotely, the IT department is tasked with keeping the flow of information and data running without hiccups. They need to implement solutions with many different end-users in mind, meeting with every functional area to make certain their IT wants are met.As the reach of the IT department becomes wider and its responsibilities increase, the need for competent professionals who can communicate effectively with a range of individuals in each department becomes ever more important. Studies have found that when it comes to advancing in an organization, interpersonal skills and smart reasoning are a lot more important than technical skills. Its assumed you know computers, but thats only half the job.In other words, you need some key Non-Tech Skills to be successful. You cant ignore them, because sooner or later youll find theyre necessary criteria for you to land that promotion or get that high paying consultant role.Here are some of the crucial soft skills that can make the difference between a competent IT professional and a great one who can rise to the highest level of his profession. Though other soft skills are equally important, these are absolutely essential for success. And in todays working environment, where even large companies once deemed safe employment environments are being severely affected by pandemic-related workplace and economic restrictions, its vital for you to make sure you have every advantage possible."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understand and Elicit Requirements with Business Analysis" |
"WHILE THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BUSINESS ANALYST ROLE VARY WIDELY FOR EACH ORGANIZATION, THERE IS ONE BA SKILL THEY ALL ASK FOR - THE ABILITY TO ELICIT REQUIREMENTS. And that is because requirements are at the core of every change, every project. They explain exactly what needs to be created, updated, and accounted for in the solution. Achieving the requirements is ultimately what brings value to the stakeholders and the organization. But in order to achieve the requirements, you must first know how to elicit them.We'll start things off by teaching you all about requirements - their levels, their types, and the often confusing terminology utilized to explain them. We'll move into teaching you how to extract and elicit those details using popular elicitation techniques. These techniques can then be utilized to dig deep into the wants and needs of your users, which helps to ensure a successful end solution. Regardless of whether your project is large or small, in finance or in manufacturing, creating new systems or providing support to a workforce,...Requirements are always at the center, and that is precisely what you are taught in this course.Your course enrollment includes:5 hours of high-quality video lectures that break down all the concepts covered into an easy to understand, step-by-step format.A 30-page Student Workbook that will enhance your learning and give you a reference resource after youve completed the course.9 Business Analysis Templates so you have all the tools you need to immediately apply your new skills on the job.19 Practice Activities and Quizzes to help you retain your learning and give you an opportunity to put your new knowledge to the test.In addition to all the tools youll need to start successfully eliciting requirements, youll also get a foot into the industry by way of an industry expertIm not just the instructor who wrote this course, I will also act as both a resource and a mentor to guide you to a long and rewarding career in Business Analysis!Looking to get ECBA certified? - This course also qualifies for 5 hours of Professional DevelopmentLets hear what students are saying about our Business Analysis Process Series: ""These courses are so dependably excellent. Jeremy is deeply knowledgeable & experienced as a BA, and his presentation skills are superb. He also provides templates that alone are worth the price of the course. I can't recommend this series enough."" - Liz Z. ""The course is awesome! The content is a treasure. I definitely recommend this course and previous ones if you want to become a true professional in Business Analysis field."" - Aykhan Z. ""Great quality work. I like how Jeremy breaks everything down, so it's understandable even if you don't have any background in business analysis. Awesome courses!!!"" - Oleg L. ""I am impressed about the worksheets. Printing them out and writing notes on them has made the course very interesting to me."" - Adewole A.This course is the fourth course of the Business Analysis Process Series:Identify and Define the ProblemConduct a Strategy AnalysisPlan the Project=> Understand and Elicit Requirements <=Analyze, Model, and Organize RequirementsManage, Prioritize, and Validate RequirementsTransition to the SolutionComplete a Solution EvaluationWhilst taking the previous courses is not required, I do recommend it as it will help your understanding of the material covered as we will be building on skills and techniques taught in the previous course lectures. In any case, this course will provide you a tremendous amount of value.Whether you are an aspiring or a seasoned Business Analyst, this course is a must.By the end of this course, youll have a much deeper understanding and appreciation for requirements along with the skills necessary to successfully elicit those requirements from various types of stakeholders.So, if youre ready to take your requirements knowledge and skills to the next level, this is the course for you - enroll today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Anlisis Multicriterio usando ArcGIS" |
"Este curso introductorio al Anlisis Multicriterio te permite conocer las herramientas necesarias para resolver los problemas espaciales para tomar las mejores decisiones.No es un curso bsico por eso es necesario que tengas como mnimo conocimientos bsicos de ArcGIS u otro software de Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica (SIG), lo qu si es totalmente obligatorio tener claros los conceptos de SIG.Al finalizar el curso estars en la capacidad de tomar decisiones multicriterio para resolver problemas como la determinacin de pesos, encontrar la ruta ptima entre dos puntos, realizar mapas de amenazas, mapas de vulnerabilidad, mapas de riesgos, buscar el sitio ideal para el establecimiento de un cultivo, fbrica, escuela, etc."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Como Fazer Qualquer Coisa Voc Mesmo - DIY" |
"Intuito do Curso:O intuito desse curso no te ensinar a fazer algo especfico mas sim te mostrar o caminho pra comear a se envolver com Faa Voc Mesmo, Bricolagem, Artesanato DIY, Do It Yourself ou seja l qual o nome que voc queira dar a essa prtica!Contedo do Curso:Alm de te convencer de como legal botar a mo na massa, eu vou te mostrar como buscar inspiraes no Instagram e principalmente no Pinterest que uma ferramenta muito til mas que algumas pessoas tem dificuldade de lidar.Vou falar da aquisio de materiais, da execuo do projeto e te dar dicas de canais com tutoriais que voc pode seguir.E se a sua ideia for ganhar dinheiro com isso, vou te mostrar os primeiros passos pra se tornar um microempreendedor.Enfim, a ideia desse curso aguar sua criatividade pra que voc comece a se desenvolver como artista! Vamos l?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn to create custom QR codes with colour and images" |
"QR codes are a fantastic concept and can be used for a huge range of both business and personal purposes. This course will help you understand the use of QR codes and how to create them as well. At the end of this course you will know: What a QR code is What QR codes can be used for How to read QR codes with your phone How to create a standard black and white QR code How to make more advanced and stylised custom QR codes with colour and images! This course contains both video and text versions of each lecture to suit every type of students individual learning style."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blender 3D - The Ultimate Introduction Course" |
"Learn the Basics aboutBlender and much more.This Class is great for all People who are interested in 3DWhy should you learn online?Udemy is an online education platform where revolution taking place. You may have heard already about udemy in the news, or over ""google"" or you heard it already from a friend. Education is going to be changed forever.I promise that this course will be better and much more effective than reading books.Pre Requirements/What you need?You need to have an internet connection and a new, complete free copy ofBlender 3DMotivation to learn new Things!What you will learn?YouLearn the Basics of Blender and much more"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Easy Beginner Guitar Lessons" |
"This online guitar course will cover mastering the basics of learning how to play frets, tune the guitar, good exercises to warm up, playing in time strumming chords, playing songs like Stand By Me by Ben E. King, Diablo Rojo by Pascuala Llabaca, I'm Yours by Jason Mraz, how to play a song in 6/8 timing, introduction to plucking, playing with bass notes, learning the reggae strum and how to play bar chords on the guitar. Suitable for beginners of all ages.Most of this course was shot near a paddy field in Bali :)LEARNProper techniques of holding, tuning and playing guitarDifferent strumming patterns and chords for the guitarTo read guitar notation and play some popular tunesLearn from 46 video lessons averaging 2.5 mins a lesson"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blues Guitar Made Simple" |
"This online course teaches well known blues guitar techniques to help you play blues guitar like a pro. Master the essentials of playing blues rhythm and form, pentatonic scale licks, bends, hammer on, pull offs and trills. These blues guitar lessons contain detailed demonstrations and practice exercises to help make learning easy. Accessible anytime on mobile or desktop with an internet connection. Learn from Canadian blues guitar master Jon Adessky.BENEFICIAL FOR1. Beginner and intermediate guitarists2. Blues music lovers3. Musicians, Teachers, Students to have new material for classesADVANTAGES* Control the speed at which you learn with lifetime access to the course* Accessible on mobile or desktop with an internet connectionCONNECT TO FRIENDS & FAMILY* Share or gift this course to friends, musicians, students, teachers and guitar lovers"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crea libert finanziaria e la vita che vuoi in 21 giorni.N4" |
"Modulo N.4Come progettare il tuo futuro economico e imparare a creare soldi e abbondanza e creare la tua libert finanziaria e la vita che vuoi in 21 giorni con esercizi pratici da compiere con successo ogni giorno e con la praticit che viene dalle discipline cinesi e dal loro rispetto per le leggi dell'UniversoAVVERTENZA : PREPARATETUTTOILMATERIALECONVOIASCOLTANDOIVIDEOESEGUITEOGNIGIORNOSENZASALTAREGIORNI;ALTRIMENTIRICOMINCIATE.Potrai iscriverti su FB alla Palestra di Marketing Emozionale 2.per approfondimenti"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence" |
"Why take this course:Do you feel like artificial intelligence is everywhere? Do you hear devices verbally answering your questions? Do see artificial intelligence affecting people's jobs?What you will learn:Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more commonplace. Learn how this technology works and what you need to know to be prepared for it.How to apply course material in real life:Learn how artificial intelligence is being utilized today and how you might already be using it. Artificial intelligence will have an impact on jobs. Learn where the greatest impact will be and what you need to learn now. Finally, we'll also describe what we see coming in the not-so-distant future.Who should attend:Students entering the workforce, those already in the workforce who are unsure how their jobs may be affected by artificial intelligence, anyone beginning their study of artificial intelligence."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to become a Real Estate Agent.... FAST!!" |
"This course is for those who are interested in becoming a licensed Real Estate Agent fast. You are either considering a new career or you have already completed the Real Estate courses in your state. No matter where you are in the process, this course can help you to get closer to accomplishing the goal of becoming a licensed Real Estate Agent.The focus of this course is on providing practical information. Upon Completion of this course students will know what the next step is in the process and how to actually start that next step. Too often these courses will show you what is needed but not how to get what is needed to succeed. Join 400+ other students as they learn what it takes to become a licensed Real Estate Agent"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introductory Microeconomics" |
"A comprehensive study on 'Introductory Microeconomics' is designed keeping in mind the Principles of Microeconomics as part of syllabus covered for high school undergraduates at central universities in different parts of the world. At 'The Saviour Academy', we welcome you all to learn such a platform wherein we'll be focusing upon the most important concepts from the examination perspective used under 'Introductory Microeconomics' such as ""Production Possibility Frontiers"",""Demand & It's Elasticity"", ""Supply & It's Elasticity"",""Consumer Choice & Indifference Curve Theory,""Income & Substitution Effects"" as well as 'Forms of Market' like its ""Perfectly Competitive Market"",""Imperfect Competition"", ""Monopolistic Competition"",""Monopoly"" and ""Input Markets"" with the help of technical tools, educational software and indeed with a lot of self-explanatory diagrams in a three-dimensional platform and then we say it had revolutionized the method of smart classes very well."
Price: 6400.00 ![]() |
"Google Hangouts for Business - Your Blueprint for Success" |
"Learn How Use Google Hangouts to Grow Your Business by Cultivating Relationships, Hosting Webinars, Mastermind Groups, Collaborations, and more… for Zero Cost! Watch step-by-step, click-by-click, how to use Google Hangouts and how to increase your web traffic, generate leads, and skyrocket your sales conversions at the same time. It is becoming common knowledge that Webinars are the #1 online sales and marketing tool, not to mention using Webinars as an effective training and communication platform. If you haven't tried Google Hangouts, then the time to do so is now… Gather in the same room as everybody else, see their actual faces, interact, and use it as an instant relationship builder... with zero cost! Collaborate in meetings with your co-workers, business partners, or prospective customers… with zero cost! Present more effectively than ever before, show viewers files that you have working on, share your computer screen, and much, much, more… with zero cost! Broadcast live on YouTube and host replays on one of the largest and most frequented websites in the world… again with zero cost! What makes Google Hangouts so powerful is its integration with powerful apps that truly make the possibilities endless… Why spend hundreds of dollars a month on a webinar or meeting system with far less limiting features? And it doesn't stop there… Google Hangouts is also compatible with mobile and tablet devices… yes, your iPhone and Android too. That means more people and more prospective customers to interact with anywhere... and as a business owner, that is huge! Whether you want to use Google Hangouts for your business, non-profit organization, church, blog, website, or more… in this video series you're going to learn everything to get started using Google Hangouts right now and the right way! Please enjoy!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Video Mastermind: Communicate, Teach, and Sell" |
"“Learn Everything There Is To Know About How To Create And Edit Videos Or Run Live Events With The Greatest Of Ease And How To Multiply Your Profits by Doing So” Not too long ago, I was just like you. I was unable to create my own videos and quite frankly I was intimidated. While I knew and understood that video content makes marketing, training, and selling, one thousand times easier I just did not know where to begin. This is your chance to create your own high quality, professional videos or webinars in less than 1 hour from start to finish… for FREE! It is true. Everything you need to make quality videos, or run live meetings or webinars, are freely available from the internet. Video Mastermind is your complete quide that will walk you through how to use those those free softwares and services along with going over many of the paid options... and the benefits of each. To create Video Mastermind, I partnered up with a video expert friend of mine and asked him to help create this super simple training that is unlike any before. His expertise, combined with my experience of running my own multi-million dollar businesses will prove to be invaluable to you for years to come. You no longer need to be a techie to become the King of the Video in your niche or industry. Discover... How to use videos, webinars, and live broadcast’s in your business, easily, and effectively for far less money than you think you need right now! Why fancy “live person” videos are NOT the best option for selling and marketing products online and how you can create effective videos in under an hour and increase your profits by as much as 200%. 15 FREE (Mac and PC) video editing and creation tools that multi-million dollar businesses are using that are 100% free to you. This alone will save you hundreds of dollars and you will save time learning how to use these tools yourself. How to instantly tap into an almost unlimited source of free video traffic and force Google to place your video in front of millions of targeted viewers. SEO has never been easier than this. The most downloaded FREE audio capture and editing software and we give you a free walkthrough video and guide to help you use it as part of this training! Our Million Dollar revenue generating webinar and sales script writing system with checklists, email templates, press release samples that will make your live events run smoother… including how to invite guest speakers in your industry to join your webinars! The “big" lie is that creating great video is expensive, difficult, and only for professionals. Heck, you don;t even need to get behind the camera at all. Video Mastermind is a 9-part coaching system giving you the skills and confidence to create and edit your own professional quality, money making videos faster and better than anything else. With Video Mastermind all your fears and frustrations will be blown away as you join the elite marketers cashing in on the number one method of online communication, sales, and marketing. Enjoy!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Piggyback Method - Unlimited Cheap Traffic" |
"This is NOT a course on "How to promote your YouTube videos." Although you can, if you want to. It is a legitimate method of leveraging YouTube's unlimited targeted traffic to promote and market almost anything you want. This simple, yet powerful training demonstrates step-by-step how you can siphon unlimited targeted traffic from YouTubes 4+ billion video views a day. Plain and simple, this method works! With the YouTube Piggyback Method you will learn from live walk-throughs and real-life case studies how you can easily promote almost anything on YouTube. Leverage the hard work of others to promote your website, blog, product, or service, without needing your own videos and improving your search engine rankings at the same time! Oh, and as a special bonus you will also receive a crash course training in important Internet Marketing concepts that you can use in your business right away. What else can I say? Please enjoy."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"2 Cent Facebook Clicks - Cheap Targeted Traffic" |
"Learn how to funnel responsive targeted buyers on demand to your offers using Facebook Ads at almost zero cost! If you've done online advertising before, you will know that a winning ad campaign can literally make you a fortune, but a losing ad campaign could cost you a fortune. But the truth is, you should never be in a losing situation if know what your doing. Pay-per-click advertising, specifically FB Advertising, does not need to be risky or costly! As a matter of fact, it is possible to get Facebook Ads for as little as 2 cents per click... today, and everyday, without any tricks, gimics, or anything unethical. With 2 Cent FB Clicks you will master and learn... how to create highly targeted FB custom audiences and user lists how to create, write, and optimize your Ads for maximum conversions when and when not to use Facebook Ads for your offers and why how to leverage the viral nature of social media to get more traffic and most importantly how to get people to buy your offer It's always a good feeling to know that you can get quality traffic whenever you want it. This comprehensive series of step-by-step training videos will walk you through the exact same process that we use to profit "big time" with Facebook Ads... time and time again. Put this training to work for you now, and ensure your next level of success. Are you willing?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Einstein Discovery - Easy AI and Machine Learning" |
"Salesforce has done it again. They are taming the complexity of Artificial Intelligence, enabling you to make massive amounts of decisions and discover patterns in reams of data, all with clicks instead of code.This course is for the absolute beginner to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Science. If you are feeling overwhelmed by either the tsunami of data that you are tasked with trying to make sense out of, or overwhelmed by the tsunami of media coverage around Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Data Science, andMachine Learning, Iam here to sharea competitive advantage. There is an AI and Data Discoveryplatform that can be constructed and configured with clicks instead of code. That platform? Salesforce Einstein. The disruptive power of this is that Artificial Intelligence is now available to the masses, and not just to the quants and data scientists among us. You can now not only catch the competition, but leap frog past them, by leveraging Salesforce Einstein as your On-Demand Data Scientist.Salesforce is the revolutionary company that disrupted the ITIndustry with the advent Cloud Computing. What started as a cloud-based CRMsystem is now a best-in-breed, world class enterprise platform-as-a-service for Marketing, Sales, Service, eCommerce, Health, Government, IoT, and now AI, with the release of Salesforce Einstein.In this course, we will work throughthe core concepts of Artificial Intelligence, in plain English. From there, we will work through signing up for a freeSalesforce Einsteinaccount (that you can keep for life) that has the new Salesforce Einstein AIengine enabled. This deep learning engine is a historic breakthrough on the computingcapabilities of AI and are accessible to the masses by way of clicks instead of code.We will then work through several different practice exercises and modules to get you hands on experience with building enterprise level apps with AIbaked right in. There is no coding required - you can build AIenabled apps with clicks instead of code, thanks to being able to leverage the Salesforce Einstein AIframework. Iwill show you how in this quick and fun course that will get you well on your way to becoming an AIexpert.Are you ready to become an AIdeveloper? Let's get started immediately!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coding for actual beginners (C# / Unity / Game development)" |
"Are you tired of watching coding tutorials that claim to be for beginners but talk to you like you've been coding for years? Looking for a course that is actually for beginners with zero coding experience or knowledge? Welcome!If you are intimidated by code or have never touched code before you will be totally fine. Concepts are presented thoroughly and using real life analogies that anyone can relate to. This course is also great for anyone who has some coding experience but wants to learn how to apply that to game development or just reinforce important coding concepts and skills.You will learn core programming concepts that can be applied in any other programming language for any other purpose. You will also learn the basics of coding in the C# language specifically for game development using Unity.I believe in learning through immersion and doing rather than simply observing. The course uses a ""work along with me"" format instead of a traditional ""lecture - test"" format. I highly encourage you to have two monitors so you can work more efficiently with me through the lessons; and you should have two monitors for this line of work anyway.This course is an introduction that will give you a solid ground to build off of. Even veteran coders always have to adapt and learn new things, so it is important to understand that you will always have to be learning, researching, and experimenting over your entire career. You will not be able to build a full game from start to finish just after working through this course, but with the basis you gain you will be able to confidently branch out and discover what you need to build your game.The course may also expand. If there are topics brought up to me that I believe are important for this basic beginner course I will add more lessons.I also encourage you to contact me with questions and issues you came across while doing the lessons so I can add those questions to the 'Troubleshooting' sections of the lesson documents. This will greatly help future students and will reduce redundant questions."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Dog Massage Training Course" |
"Dog massage may reduce stress and anxiety, increase circulation, decrease pain, and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Dog massage can be offered for sport dogs (agility, herding, flyball, sledding, etc), working dogs (search and rescue, military and police K9, guide dogs, etc), for rehabilitation (dogs with injuries, post-surgery, rescue dogs, etc) and for relaxation/well-being.This online dog massage course will give you the skills set to give your dog an amazing massage experience. You will be taught Sports and Relaxation massage techniques and the correct ways to apply pressure. At the end you will understand the general principles of giving an exemplary massage to the dog. Learn what are important factors when it comes to dog massage and adopt new and unique massage techniques."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Robtica Industrial com Simulador Industrial Robotics" |
"Ol! Meu nome Wallace Alves, sou Bacharel em Engenharia de Controle e Automao, Especialista em Engenharia de Software e atualmente sou Programador de Robs. Estou h 10 anos no ramo da automao industrial e h 5 anos trabalhando com robs industriais Articulado, Scara e Delta. Esse assunto sempre me fascinou, porm a escassez de contedo bom e com custo acessvel foi um fator que dificultou bastante meu crescimento exponencial. Pensando nisso, desenvolvi este curso para lhe apresentar os princpios e funcionalidades dos robs industriais de forma genrica. O contedo voltado para o rob industrial Articulado Hiwin, porm a mesma base utilizada quando vamos aprender outros modelos e marcas de robs industriais.Os Robs industriais revolucionaram as Indstrias de manufatura e hoje so fundamentais para transformao digital que vivemos. Vivenciamos a era da Manufatura Inteligente, e os Robs Industriais fazem parte dessa revoluo. O curso de Robtica Industrial (Industrial Robotics) com Simulao voltada para o Rob Articulado Hiwin, permite a aproximao de pessoas que desejam adquirir novos conhecimentos e criarem habilidades para que sejam capazes de lidar com a realidade das Indstrias: os Robs. O contedo foi desenvolvido para agregar conhecimento prtico (simulao) e terico para Iniciantes (leigos, Tcnicos ou Engenheiros). Aproveitem essa oportunidade nica e bons estudos!Be a Robot Programmer! Take your first step with the Hiwin Articulated Robot Industrial Robotics Course.Hi! My name is Wallace Alves, I have a Bachelor of Control and Automation Engineering, Software Engineering Specialist and I am currently a Robot Programmer. I have been in the field of industrial automation for 10 years and for 5 years working with Articulated, Scara and Delta industrial robots. This subject has always fascinated me, but the scarcity of good and affordable content has been a factor in my exponential growth. With that in mind, I developed this course to introduce you to the principles and functionality of industrial robots in a generic way. The content is geared towards the Hiwin Articulated industrial robot, but the same basis is used when learning other models and brands of industrial robots.Industrial robots have revolutionized the Manufacturing Industries and today are critical to the digital transformation we are living. We live the era of Intelligent Manufacturing, and Industrial Robots are part of this revolution. The Industrial Robotics course with Hiwin Articulated Robot Simulation enables people who want to gain new knowledge and build skills to be able to cope with the reality of Industries: Robots. The content was developed to add practical (simulation) and theoretical knowledge to Beginners (technicians or engineers). Enjoy this unique opportunity and good studies!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency Trading Bots" |
"This course takes you from not knowing what a cryptocurrency is to the basics of automation trading and the ability to understand important indicators & how to manage a online portfolio. We are mainly going to focus on automation trading & compounding percentages between market rhythms. But this is perfect for the new traders or seasoned cryptocurrency professional. You'll come to find a professional course structure that will challenge you as a investors as I open you up to the new & growing industry of trading bots."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"R ile Uygulamal Veri Bilimi: statistik ve Makine renmesi" |
"R'da Veri Bilimi: statistik ve Makine renmesi Eitimi Sizleri Bekliyor!R'da veri bilimine ynelik programalama, istatistik ve makine renmesi teknikleri iin detayl olarak hazrlanm bu eitimde, gerek i hayatnzda gerek okul hayatnzda ihtiyacnz olacak bir ok bilgi sizleri bekliyor. Tm tekniklerin detayl olarak anlatld 50 saat ve 300'den fazla ders ieriinden oluan bu eitim, balang dzeyinden ileri dzeye eitim almak isteyenler iin R Studio zerinde hazrland. Eitimimizde farkl veri setleri ve farkl R paketleri kullanarak bir ok istatistik ve makine renmesi tekniini hem teorik hem de uygulamal olarak reneceiz! Bu eitimde ele alnan konular; R'da statistiksel teknikleri hem teorik hemde uygulamal R'da makine renmesi tekniklerini hem teorik hem de uygulamlVeri Bilimine ynelik R Programming (R Programlama)R'da tanml farkl veri yaplar ve veri trleriMatematik ve tanmsal istatistiklerVeri maniplasyonuAlgoritma ve fonksiyonel programlamaVeri grselletirme teknikleriOlaslk dalmlarParametrik ve parametrik olmayan istatistik testleriVaryans analiziKorelasyon testleriKayp ve aykr deer kontrolleriKayp gzlem doldurma teknikleriVeriler zerinde dnm ilemleriNormalizasyon ve standartlatrma ilemleriRegularization ilemleriModel dorulama ve model tuning ilemleriRegresyon, Snflandrma ve Kmele problemleri iin farkl Makine renmesi teknikleristatistik ve makine renmesi kapsamnda neredeyse tm konularn ele alnd bu eitim sonunda; r, veri bilimi, istatistik ve makine renmesine hakim olabileceksiniz. Bununla birlikte Sizden Gelen Sorular blmnde eitim kapsamnda anlatlan konularda yaadnz problemlerin zmlerini grnt olarak takip edebileceksiniz. Baarl, etkili ve ie yarar bir eitim sreci olmas dileiyle...."
Price: 379.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Algorithms" |
"Hi, it's me, Rob - Front End Engineer and online instructor with over 15,000 students.If you are a beginner JavaScript students wanting to prepare yourself for your first JavaScript coding interview then this course is for you!An algorithm is like a recipe. It takes inputs (the ingredients), and performs a set of simple and (hopefully) well-defined steps, and then finishes after producing an output (the meal).Each lesson will present you with: An algorithm for you to solve. This is like challenging you as a chef to produce a specific meal.I will share with you the JavaScript tools that may be helpful to solve this challenge. This is like knowing the ingredients, tools and techniques of cooking.I will then teach you to write out pseudocode, how you would solve this problem in your own words. This is where we will write out the recipe together.Finally, Ill present you with multiple ways to solve each challenge. Just like there are variations in how to make a meal, so there are a number of ways to solve an algorithm.Check out any of the sample videos for this course to get a feel :)Many algorithm courses will present you with a challenge then have you passively watch them solve the challenge. This course will guide you as a beginning in breaking down a problem and learning to solve on your own.This isnt the only algorithms course you should ever take. But it should be your first!Lets get cooking with JavaScript!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Game Development with ROBLOX" |
"**2019 & 2020 Featured Roblox Educator**This Roblox course is a official 2019 & 2020 Featured Roblox Educator course.Together we try to make it easier for starting game developers and dreamers to make there very own games and start earning there first bits of Robux.Roblox is more than an entertainment platform. Its an immersive educational tool where the opportunities for creativity and imagination are limitless. Anyone can build a game on Roblox. It doesnt matter if youre new to coding or youve never designed your own virtual world. With a little imagination and the right tools, youre already well on your way to taking the first leap into game development. Join the course to start building your own worlds on Roblox today!Why taking this course?2019 & 2020 Roblox Featured EducatorDeviac Education is one of the 2019 featured educational schools that got featured by Roblox.Online support Get help when you need it 5 days a week. Fast responses from the instructor team Support for ParentsFor parents, we offer active support on how to block certain features on the Roblox platform to make sure your child stays safe and protected while being able to learn to create games.Create your first games within hoursFollow the video tutorials step by step to make your own Roblox games.Become a coding proWrite real Lua code easy, quick and on a fun and easy to follow way.Publish your games and play with friendsLearn how to share your creations with the world and earn Robux.Create Commercial-Grade Roblox gamesThis course will make you able to create Roblox games of commercial quality. Games that have a minimum of +10k times played and 8 out of 10 ratings.Most advanced Roblox courseThis course is the first every created Udemy Roblox development course and with that also the most advanced Roblox development course ever created. The games you create in this game are not just easy & simple looking games no they are commercial quality games with a real player base and a community behind them.30 Day Money Back Guarantee Together with Udemy we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee no questions asked. This means that you got nothing to lose but need to be aware of the case that when you dive too deep into the course that refunds are not possible anymore.Features you'll love Web ExclusiveCheapest Lua course among all on the webVideo TutorialsLive UpdatesCommercial-Grade GamesReal Lua CodeEasy & FunExercisesQuizzesQ&A SectionPublish GamesBuild a CommunityEarn RobuxHow it works Watch the easy to follow videos teach you how to code step by step. Listen carefully to the instructor as not everything in the course is just about watching a video and writing down what he or she writes down.Learn the Lua code to build & expand your own Roblox games. This won't always as easy as you would like to but it's important you keep pushing yourself to the limits to every time reach a higher level and become better every step you take.Share your games with friends and publish them online. Start playing together with them, ask them for feedback and let them invite there friends to build your community. Host small events and expand your game based on feedback of friends and other Robloxians.Earn Robux thanks to what you learned and created during the course. Keep thinking about new ways of activating people to spend a little Robux on your game so you may start making a living out of your game business. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel. ." |
""" Excel"" , , . Excel Excel Excel!"
Price: 3299.00 ![]() |
"Pivot Table in excel" |
"Microsoft Excel Pivot Table Pivot Chart Dashboard ? ... .. "" SourceData 5 1 2 3 4 5 Udemy "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |