Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Creando Juegos en Godot 3: Super Mario Bros (Capitulo 1)" |
"En este curso enseamos a utilizar Godot 3 para la creacin de videojuegos gratis, de forma sencilla y explicado sin tecnicismos innecesarios, buscando los mejores resultados posibles a traves de la experiencia. En sta ocasin recreando el juego de Super Mario Bros aprenderemos los fundamentos bsicos que nos permitirn disear ste clsico en sus aspectos bsicos y personalizables, comprendiendo las caractersticas fundamentales para llevarlo a cabo, as como features que lo conforman.Recreamos los siguientes aspectos iniciales del juego:- Mapeado de Nivel 1 con colisiones y elementos base.- Creacion de Player (Mario) con movimientos bsicos, animaciones y deteccin avanzada de suelos.- Elementos extra interactivos del nivel: Cubos y Ladrillos.- Hongo, Flor y otros Elementos Interactivos.- Transformacion Mario Chico, Mario Grande y Mario Fuego.- Lanzamiento de Proyectiles (Fuego) con movimiento sinusoidal y colisiones.- Enemigo Base e IA basica.- Transicion de Muerte.Se exhiben lgicas y algoritmos ante diferentes aspectos de videojuegos de ste tipo y manejo del lenguaje GDScript."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aromaterapia para Professores em Sala de Aula" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender as formas seguras de usar a aromaterapia dentro de sala de aula, com crianas, desde a Educao Infantil at o Ensino Fundamental.O objetivo trazer para dentro da sala de aula solues naturais que ajudem os alunos em momentos de estresse, desateno, agitao extrema e muito mais.Atravs do uso aromtico dos leos essenciais em sala de aula, voc poder proporcionar aos seus alunos mais foco, aumento da imunidade em pocas de doenas sazonais, tranquilidade, alegria e relaxamento."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
wvqhunmt |
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"Operatore Reiki per animali" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come operatore Reiki per animali, Animal Reiki Pratictioner.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Otterrai l'attivazione necessaria, imparerai la teoria e attraverso le esercitazioni pratiche sarai accompagnato passo passo in modo da essere in grado, appena finito il corso, di fare trattamenti professionali agli animali e alle piante.Ti viene spiegato il modo di entrare in questo nuovo mondo dalle innumerevoli possibilit, dato che una professione che in Italia semi sconosciuta.Inoltre, solo cos avrai il vantaggio di poterti rivolgere in ogni momento al tuo Reiki Master per qualunque domanda, problema, necessit."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"How To Ace Your UX Design Interview and Land Your Dream Job!" |
"SEARCH MY PROFILE AND FIND MY NEW COURSE FOR THE UPDATED VERSION: How to Ace UX Interviews, Show UX Portfolio & Land Dream JobHow do you ace your UX Design Interview? Discover the most common questions during your UX Job Interview and how to answer them intelligently.In this course, Deby - an Award Winning Lead UX Designer with 10 years of experience in the industry, will help you to prepare for your UX Design Job Interview. From the beginning until the end, whether you are a junior, senior, expert, or even high-level UX Designers - you will learn how to prepare and tackle skill-based interview questions and challenges.UX Interview is full of surprises. Some interviews are more relaxing chat, whereas other are more formal and intense conversation. Each interviews have its own process and steps, but the good things is each have its own benefits as well, to help you closer to your goal, get hired and land your dream job.In the UX Design Interview, potential employer will assess your capability, your attitude, your strength and weaknesses - whether you are the right fit for their company. User experience design specifically focused on business goal, user needs and technology capabilities - how you can align all the crucial elements and bring more value to the organisation.Understand UX Designer Job Market and Salary PotentialDevelop Confidence and The Right Skills to Get Your UX Job!Learn the UX Designer Interview Preparation and TipsHow to Ace UX Designer Interview Question and AnswersShowcase Your UX Portfolio Case Studies with The Right FormulaHow To Excel at Multiple Rounds of UX Design Interviews How To Negotiate Your Salary and Land Your Dream JobHow Do You Build Your Self Image and Become UsefulHow to Build Reputation by Learning The UX AlignmentHow You Can Get Noticed, Going The Extra MileUser Experience Design and User Interface DesignHow to Answer Strategic QuestionsWhat is Your UX Design ProcessHow to Deal with Rejections, and still WinHow to Impress Your Interviewers and Get The Job!and So Much More...Every question should be answered strategically to help them knowing more about you as a UX Designer - the right one for them. This course will help you to ace you next UX Design Interviews, how to answer questions, with tips and insight how to make potential employer to like you and believe in you.This is the common frustration of traditional education. Most of the teacher in your bootcamp are not real-world practitioner, only learning by the books. (I understand your frustrations, I have done a lot of job interview and see many types of UX portfolio - more or less the same quality)By the end of this course, you will get the actionable insights you need to land your dream UX design role, ready to impress the interviewer and land your UX Dream Job!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies -Practice Test" |
"Why Azure Certification?Azure is now most popular cloud service.95% of Fortune 500 companies use Microsoft Azure.No startup cost.You can enroll in Azure with $200 credits for 30 days absolutely free.Why this course?50+ questions.New questions added frequently.Covered all topics in AZ-900 exam.Why Udemy?30 days money back guarantee.Lifetime accessWhy wait? Let's jump into the course and practice now.Wish you all the very best for the exam!Skill Measured :Deploy and configure infrastructure (40-45%)Implement workloads and security (25-30%)Create and deploy apps (5-10%)Implement authentication and secure data (5-10%)Develop for the cloud and for Azure storage (15-20%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo ser Inversionista? Mejora tus Finanzas personales" |
"Ests buscando en qu invertir para hacer crecer tu dinero y cumplir tus metas? Aprenders a poner en orden tus finanzas a travs de la creacin de un presupuesto, identificacin y control de gastos innecesarios, definicin de metas, consejos para adquirir el hbito del ahorro y ms de 15 estrategias distintas que mejoraran tus finanzas de forma ordenada, manteniendo e incrementando tu bienestar financiero.El mtodo que estas a punto de adquirir funciona incluso...Si empiezas desde 0 en el mundo de inversiones.Tienes poco capital inicial (En Mxico puedes invertir desde $100).No tienes tiempo para dedicarle a tus inversiones (Hay estrategias para que administren el dinero por ti)Nunca has estudiado temas financieros a detalle. Las inversiones son para todos!Quieres ser parte del 0.4% de los mexicanos?No es una pregunta trampa, en Mxico solo 4 de cada 1,000 invierten en estrategias burstiles. Mientras que en pases como Estados Unidos 600 de cada 1,000.Pero NO te preocupes... despus de este taller conocers estrategias como Fondos de inversin, ETFs, Bolsa, Fibras, Fintechs, Planes Personales de Retiro, CETES, Bonos, Afores, Commodities, Divisas, Metales, Rentas Vitalicias, etc.Qu aprender en el taller?Antes de Invertir: Recorrer el camino del bienestar financieroPasos y herramientas para elaborar un presupuesto eficienteConstruccin de tu fondo para emergenciasDeteccin y eliminacin de Gastos VampiroCmo adoptar el hbito del ahorroDefinicin de metas de ahorro por plazosPrimersimos para arrancarte a invertirEvita caer en fraudes al momento de invertirEstrategias: El Paso a paso para convertirte en inversionistaLa economa afecta a tus inversionesProyecciones financierasInvertir en MxicoConceptos financieros antes de empezarControl de riesgos en inversionesErrores comunes al invertirEl arte del perfil del inversionistaInstrumentos de inversinVehculos de inversinManolo de El Lago de los BusinessManolo, Director del Programa de Educacin Financiera Lago de los BusinessMi pasin siempre han sido las inversiones desde que trabaje en el sector financiero, tanto bancos como casas de bolsas enfocado a puestos de estrategias de inversiones. Siendo mi ltimo puesto Director a nivel nacional de inversiones en unos de los principales bancos del pas.Mi ""hobby"" favorito es estudiar, de ah que despus de graduarme como economista, hice 3 Maestras (Finanzas, Psicologa y Fintech) ms las que se acumulen. As mismo cuento con la certificacin Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) la cual fueron 5 aos de estudio arduo estudio financiero para lograla.Actualmente dirijo la empresa de educacin financiera El Lago de los Business. Puedes encontrar cientos de videos de inversiones en el canal de YouTube del mismo nombre donde para el da del evento. Ya somos una gran comunidad con +150Mil financieros en nuestras redes pero no descansar hasta ayudar a ms de un milln de personas a mejorar sus finanzas.Ya conoces a Daniel de Cooltura Financiera...Hola, Soy Daniel Urias, fundador y Director del Cooltura FinancieraPor ms de 10 aos hablando de temas relacionados con la educacin financiera. Mi objetivo es generar informacin divertida basada en la vida real para motivar a la toma de decisiones financieras mejor planeadas que ayuden a lograr el bienestar financiero.Actualmente me dedico a la creacin de contenido de bienestar financiero. Adems imparto plticas y talleres de finanzas personales, desarrollados en un lenguaje cotidiano y fcil de asimilar. Soy creador y director de Cooltura Financiera, una plataforma con ms de 300 mil seguidores en Mxico y Latinoamrica.He participado en ms de 80 plticas y conferencias para empresas, universidades y eventos financieros. En 2019 como parte de FINFEST Company, fui uno de los creadores y organizadores del primer festival de finanzas personales en Mxico: MoneyFest.Tambin colaboro con distintos medios de comunicacin entre los que se encuentran Entrepreneur, Imagen Televisin y Exclsior TV.He tenido la oportunidad de participar en distintos proyectos para empresas nacionales e internacionales como Citibanamex, GNP Seguros, PayPal, JAFRA, Museo Interactivo de Economa (MIDE), Startup Mxico, Skandia, Viva Aerobus y ms.Estas a un paso de mejorar tus finanzas personales"
Price: 1320.00 ![]() |
"AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Practice Exam Questions" |
"Skills measuredThe bullets that appear below each of the skills measured in the document below are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that skill. This list is not definitive or exhaustive.Deploy and configure infrastructure (40-45%)Implement workloads and security (25-30%)Create and deploy apps (5-10%)Implement authentication and secure data (5-10%)Develop for the cloud and for Azure storage (15-20%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"10 errores que NO debes cometer en una negociacion" |
"En este curso aprenders 10 de los mas frecuentes errores que se cometen cuando se negocia!Muchos de esos errores se dan pues uno cree que esta bien....pero ac aprenders como mejorar y sacar provecho a las situaciones de negociacin que enfrentes!Una explicacin de porque se da el error y tips para que no los cometas o entiendas cuando alguien los comete!Un curso muy practico y aplicable a las cosas cotidianas del da a da....desde arrendar un depto, comprar un vehculo, elegir donde salir a comer en una pareja, etc...."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Arte para Mdias Sociais" |
"RequisitosVoc precisa ter o Photoshop e CorelDraw instalado, mas no precisa ter nenhum conhecimento sobre ele. Voc aprender tudo do zero.Neste curso eu uso o Photoshop 2018 e o CorelDraw X8 em portugus , se voc estiver usando verses anteriores ou em outro idioma, isso no dever ser um problema. Mas tiver alguma dvida, em qualquer momento do curso, voc pode me perguntar.Nesse Treinamento voc vai aprender a criar Artes para Mdia social de forma prtica e rpida. Do bsico ao avanado. Com passo a passo que funciona.E voc ainda vai ganhar como BNUS um super Pacote de Fontes e Banco de Imagens do Shutterstock.Seja bem vindo ao Curso Arte para Mdias Sociais. Aproveite bem o seu curso!Para quem este curso:Este curso para quem deseja trabalhar como profissional de Mdia Social e para profissionais que desejam aprimorar suas habilidades.Donos de pequenos negcios tambm podem aprender a criar suas prprias artes. Um design de qualidade agrega valor ao seu produto ou servio."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Cordova/Phonegap App Development Course" |
"In This Course, U Will Learn How to build interface For Apps.U Could Start As Absolute Beginner Everything is Well Structured And Source Code Is Also providedU will Also Learn How to Integrate Your App With Ammob And Show Banner And Interstitial Ads.In Order To Take This Course u should Have Basic Knowledge Of HTML And CSS"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Hypnotic Pain Relief With Hypnosis & EFT" |
"In this course Mark Stubbles and Francesca Molinari show natural and effective ways to reduce pain using hypnotherapy, NLP and EFT Techniques. In many cases physical and mental pain of all kinds can be completely eliminated in a safe and natural way without the need for medication or medical intervention of any kind. Extremely powerful exercises and techniques are taught on this course, the techniques on this course will help you to manage your pain, after completing this course you will have reduced your suffering, you will have much better control over your pain, your mind and your body.This course comes with more than 2 hours of self-hypnosis downloads, a comprehensive eft tapping section, lots of resources and downloads are available including bonus calls and 1 months membership to our exclusive Facebook group. This course will be of benefit to anyone who is suffering with physical pain. This course is for pain relief only, it is not intended to treat or heal any pre-existing medical conditions."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"TABLEAU: Business Intelligence BSICO de gestin comercial" |
"Este curso te ayuda a cambiar la forma de comprender el Business Intelligence solamente como algo muy informtico, sino que lo veremos ms desde el punto de vista del analista de negocios, el administrador o el Gerente, porque al fin y al cabo son quienes terminan siendo y necesitan ser los usuarios cotidianos de estas herramientas en las empresas.Veremos cmo crear un modelo de anlisis de la gestin comercial de una empresa estndar, creando Dashboards en Tableau Public de manera sencilla sin tanto tecnicismo y as poner a disposicin del rea comercial informacin muy dinmica y contextualizada, contribuyendo de esta forma a mejorar la gestin del rea.Es un curso Bsico hecho y pensado para personas NO expertas y que se estn introduciendo en el tema de Business Intelligence y el uso de la gran plataforma Tableau"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certified Associate in Python Programming (Practice Test)" |
"PCAP Certified Associate in Python Programming certification is a professional credential that measures your ability to accomplish coding tasks related to the basics of programming in the Python language and the fundamental notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming.Duration: 65 minutes (exam) + 10 minutes (Non-Disclosure Agreement/Tutorial)Number of Questions: 40Format: Single-choice and multiple-choice questions Python 3.xPassing Score: 70% (PCAP-31-02)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"RxJS 101" |
"RxJS is known to have an incredibly steep learning curve. This course is designed to help Javascript programmers of any experience level learn all the basics you needed to be effective with the RxJS library. This course is also framework agnostic, so you don't have to know React, Vue, or Angular to follow along. I've intentionally created the course in vanilla Javascript as well, so you won't need to know Typescript either."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tout le monde joue sur le prix, avec des produits tout similaires les uns aux autresSeuls ceux capables d'articuler une valeur suprieure aux clients pourront s'en sortirC'est pour a que dans ce que cours nous allons apprendre Comment vous diffrencier de tous vos concurrents pour gagner et conqurir votre march Comment communiquer vos valeurs et votre vision pour que tous vos clients parlent de vous et vous soutiennent Renforcer la perception positive de votre produit pour gagner beaucoup plus dargent O sont les opportunits dans votre marche Comment crire et raliser une pub pour que tout le monde vous connaisse et parle de vous Comment raconter votre histoire pour engager vos clients dans votre entreprise Comment commander et crer votre produit sans vous faire anarquer Des principes efficaces du marketingSi vous voulez conqurir votre march sans perdre votre vie gagner 2 centimes par vente, vous tes au bon endroit"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Vous recherchez un cours complet de marketing numrique pour vous apprendre tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour devenir un expert en marketing numrique, non?je peux vous affirmer que vous avez trouv le bon cours pour promouvoir votre message et creer de l'influence juste ici!Grce aux comptences acquises dans notre cours de marketing numrique, vous pouvez: Developper une puissante strategy pour votre contenu en ligne se qui vous donnera loccasion de toucher enormement plus de personne et de crer linfluence que vous voulez Construire des videos pour creer une forte influence dans votre secteur Developper des competences en digital marketing transposable sur toute les plateformesNous nous engageons faire tout notre possible pour vous aider avec toutes ces stratgies de marketing numrique et de marketing sur les rseaux sociaux a travers une analyse pouse qui vous amnerons les rsultats que vous mrit :Dfinir des objectifs pour faciliter votre volutionDfinir une vision et des valeurs vous amenant normment de soutien37 principes de storytellingApprendre a faire des recherches pour savoir qu'est-ce qui vous donnera du soutient dans la populationDvelopper une stratgie marketing efficaceDvelopper une structure vido avec un fort impact motionnelCrer une vido pour promouvoir votre brandTous les principes et technique que vous devez maitriser pour crer une bonne stratgie marketingQu'est ce qui fait une bonne vido pour communiquer votre causeNous voulons vous aider promouvoir votre message grce des principes et formule qui ont prouv leur efficacit pour les grandes associations et businessALORS QUEST CE QUE VOUS EN DITESEssayez-nous SANS RISQUE grce remboursement gratuit"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft MB-300 Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Financed Exam" |
"This is the right IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for instructor to Design these kind of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of exam.If you want to looking for how the questions are asking in exams These kind of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about CertificationExam MB-300: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.Use common functionality and implementation tools (20-25%)Configure security, processes, and options (45-50%)Perform data migration (15-20%)Validate and support the solution (15-20%)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Corso di lettura dei Tarocchi" |
"Hai sempre pensato che apprendere l'arte dei Tarocchi richieda anni e anni di studio e di approfondimento?E' vero...per molti versi cos! :DTuttavia questo Corso nasce con l'intento di fornire un metodo pratico, intuitivo e veloce per iniziare fin da subito ad utilizzare i Tarocchi. E, per chi gi li conosce, la finalit del Corso trasmettere un nuovo modo per osservare i Tarocchi, come se li approcciassimo per la prima volta, in modo semplice, essenziale, intuitivo.I limiti degli approcci tradizionali ai TarocchiI Tarocchi sono una vastissima enciclopedia di simboli e immagini archetipiche. Eppure, moltissimi, nell'interpretare i Tarocchi, ricorrono sempre ai soliti significati standardizzati e codificati. I neofiti, in particolare, cercano di imparare a memoria il significato di ciascun Arcano Maggiore. In questo modo le immagini simboliche vengono inscatolate in significati preconfezionati, imbavagliando la capacit dei Tarocchi di ""parlare"" con voce propria e di trovare sempre nuove espressioni.Della serie: "" uscito l'Appeso...che cosa significa gi? E la Temperanza? Ah s, significa che passer del tempo e che ci vuole calma nell'affrontare la situazione"".Il tutto si complica, nel formulare un consulto, quando siamo di fronte a due o pi Arcani Maggiori: si ricorre spesso ad una lettura ""statica"" dei Tarocchi. Ci significa che ciascun Arcano Maggiore della stesa che abbiamo sotto gli occhi viene interpretato a compartimenti stagni, senza investigare le relazioni che si instaurano tra i vari Tarocchi e la dinamica sottostante. Non a caso, molte stese di Tarocchi che vengono insegnate ai principianti - ma utilizzate largamente anche da cartomanti e tarologi professionisti - fanno corrispondere ad una particolare situazione un particolare Tarocco estratto (esempio: il Tarocco in posizione X sei tu oggi, il Tarocco in posizione Y sono le forze che ostacolano il tuo progresso, ecc.). E' sempre un modo per interpretare i Tarocchi in modo statico, senza cogliere le infinite interrelazioni tra le immagini e la loro capacit di raccontare una storia.I Tarocchi e il linguaggio simbolicoCi che rende cos difficile leggere i Tarocchi dipende da un solo fattore: l'uomo moderno ha perso la capacit di cogliere la potenza del linguaggio simbolico. L'uomo, pur vivendo nell'era dell'immagine, non sa pi ""leggere"" i simboli.Imparando ad osservare le immagini con un approccio primitivo, spontaneo, elementare, possibile riattivare questa ancestrale capacit. Una volta che avremo compreso come lavorare con le immagini simboliche, il linguaggio segreto dei Tarocchi ci verr rivelato.La capacit di leggere i simboli non si apprende (solo) con lo studio e con i libri; un fatto di pratica, di esercizio costante, una volta che si appreso cosa guardare, ma soprattutto come guardare. E del resto, gli stessi Tarocchi ci insegnano che l'attivit pratica del Bagatto deve venire prima dello studio della Papessa...Contenuti del Corso di Lettura dei Tarocchi Questo corso, unico nel suo genere, insegna a leggere i Tarocchi risvegliando la capacit di guardare ed interpretare le immagini simboliche, attingendo agli insegnamenti di Carl Gustav Jung.Ciascun Arcano Maggiore viene innanzitutto analizzato secondo una metodologia intuitiva che consente di generare miriadi di significati e di stabilire una relazione viva e pulsante con ciascuna immagine.In secondo luogo, viene narrato lo sviluppo degli Arcani Maggiori come il viaggio che il Matto sta compiendo per giungere alla totalit del Mondo, che in termini junghiani corrisponde all'archetipo del S: la piena e totale realizzazione, il centro di noi stessi.Infine, viene trasmesso un metodo per leggere le sequenze di Tarocchi, sia nell'ambito di stesure tradizionali (quando un consultante ci formula un quesito), sia come strumento di autoconsapevolezza (per ""leggere i Tarocchi"" a noi stessi).Obiettivi del Corso di Lettura dei TarocchiL'obiettivo principale dei Tarocchi, per come affrontati in questo corso, riguarda la capacit di analizzare il presente. Tuttavia, gli insegnamenti trasmessi sulla simbologia degli Arcani Maggiori possono essere utilizzati anche per chi volesse cimentarsi con pratiche cartomantiche.Ma c' di pi. Il Corso non solo intende offrire gli strumenti per leggere i Tarocchi, ma vuole offrire un approccio per decodificare qualunque tipo di immagine simbolica, entrando in relazione con essa e cogliendo i misteriosi fili invisibili che collegano la nostra esistenza alla potenza del linguaggio dei simboli e degli archetipi.N.B.: Questo Corso include contenuti gi presenti nel Corso integrato ""Lettura dei Tarocchi e Interpretazione dei Sogni"". Se oltre ad approfondire la lettura dei Tarocchi ti interessa anche scoprirne la loro simbologia onirica consigliabile acquistare il Corso integrato, sempre qui su UDEMY."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Grow Your Business by Improving Your Customer Experience" |
"A study conducted by American Express finds that 33% of customers say theyll consider switching companies after just a single instance of poor service. Furthermore, companies like Amazon and Apple are setting customer's expectations higher and higher. This means that all companies regardless of industry or size are being compared to these customer experience powerhouses. This course is designed for anyone that wants to grow their business by improving their customer experience. You will learn the fundamentals and tactics to make an immediate impact to your business."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Texas Special Rules And Requirements Practice Test" |
"In order to get your Commercial Learner's Permit (CLP) or Commercial Driver's License (CDL) in Texas, you'll first need to pass the Special Requirements Test. It's Texas-specific (other states don't have this requirement) and you'll need to pass it before you are allowed to proceed with other exams at the TX DMV. This test will need at least 70 to pass. The information on this test can be found on the DMV website. Try to do you best, this is not a very hard test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ST0-10X of Veritas Storage Foundation 5 For Unix Exam" |
"192 UNIQUE practice questions for ST0-10X of Veritas Storage Foundation 5 For Unix ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ST0-10X of Veritas Storage Foundation 5 For Unix ExamTotal Questions : 192Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (144 of 192)"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Laravel : Crer un site e-commerce de A Z" |
"Dans cette formation sur Laravel, vous allez apprendre crer un site ecommerce de A Z.A la fin de cette formation, vous serez capable de construire et scuriser votre propre site web, via un systme d'authentification.Vous apprendrez les notions essentielles de Laravel, telles que le routing, l'utilisation du modle MVC, la cration de Model, l'utilisation d'un moteur de template, la communication avec une base de donnes etc..Nous aborderons aussi comment grer les relations entre models, l'enregistrements de message flash, la ralisation de paiements, l'envoi d'emails, le filtrage de donnes, l'authentification, la mise en place d'un dashboard admin, l'upload d'images etc..Bon apprentissage !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Let's Master British Slang & Colloquialisms" |
"Hello, My name is Jade. Welcome to my course: Let's master British Slang & Colloquialisms!As a native British English speaker, I'll take you through the different slang terms and regional differences which will be incredibly useful in harnessing your British dialect. We'll work through lots of different practice exercises together to develop your confidence, and discover some common misconceptions along the way!Suitable for beginners through to advanced English speakers, this course is designed to introduce new terms and phrases so that you can become a confident speaker. After this course, you will have discovered new words and phrases to introduce to your every day speech to help you sound more native. So let's begin!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Anti Money Laundering & Counter Terrorism explained" |
"What is Money Laundering & Terrorism Financing? What is there importance? How Can we fight them? In today's society crimes are huge. One major factor of the crimes happening is either money or society's 'cause' in people's minds. Both cause big damages with the victims being innocent civilians and decent business men.Both Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing are equally important for a better future, a better tomorrow.Stand with us in the fight against both!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Eigenes Lied Schreiben" |
"Hi und willkommen zum online Video Kurs: Eigenes Lied SchreibenWolltest Du schon immer ein eigenes Lied schreiben, wusstest aber nie so genau, wie Du es angehen solltest? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig! In 13 Lektionen bekommst Du all mein Grundwissen ber das Lieder schreiben und eine Menge Inspiration geliefert. Am Ende wirst Du Dein erstes Eigenes Lied in Hnden halten.Mein Name ist Dominik Schwarzer und ich bin professioneller Musiker. Meine Produktionen laufen Weltweit im TV unter anderem bei The Voice of Germany und Germanys Next Topmodel. Ich habe schon in den Hollywood Hills im Studio gearbeitet und Matthew McConaughey wurde weltweit auf meiner Musik positiv auf HIV getestet.Ich durfte an der School of Music in Hamburg studieren und als Musical Darsteller unter anderem fr Stage Entertainment auf groen Bhnen in Deutschland stehen. Ich arbeite mit Verlagen weltweit und schreibe und produziere jeden Tag Musik.Dieser online Kurs richtet sich an Anfnger, die es gerne simple und unkompliziert mgen. Noten Kenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich. Falls Du schon 3 Lieder auf der Gitarre oder dem Klavier spielen kannst, wre das hilfreich. Am Ende des Kurses wirst Du Dein erstes eigenes Lied besitzen. Falls Du mal nicht weiter weit, werde Teil unserer Facebook Community wo Du Hilfe bekommst und Dich mit anderen austauschen kannst. Es ist ein rein subjektiver Kurs, der meine Sichtweise wieder gibt. Er dient auf der einen Seite dazu, Dir alle ntigen Grundkenntnisse zu geben, die fr das Lieder schreiben ntig sind, aber vor allem dient er dazu, Dich zu inspirieren.Du bekommst hier:Inspiration und StarthilfeEine bersicht, ber alle Elemente, die fr das Songsschreiben zur Verfgung stehen.Konkrete Tipps, wie Du eine gute Melodie schreibst.Auerdem gibt es mein Album ""Echt"" gratis als Download dazuAlso, worauf wartest Du noch? Werde jetzt Teil der Eigenes Lied Schreiben Community und freue Dich jetzt schon auf Deine Ergebnisse!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"LEGO EV3 Temel Seviye Robotik Eitimi" |
"Lego EV3 ve programlama temellerini bu eitimde kolaylkla renebilirsiniz. Programlamann ve robotik tasarmn temellerini uygulamalar yaparak reneceiniz bir eitim tasarladm. Motor ve sensr kullanmnlarnn detaylarn renerek turnuvalarda, yarmalarda ve organizasyonlarda rendiklerinizi kolayca uygulayabilirsiniz. Her eyden nce Lego Ev3 ile dnsel ve algoritmik becerinizin gelieceine kalpten inanabilirsiniz. Bu eitimle zgemiinize deer katacanza gnlden inanyorum."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Effective Writing in Business Communication" |
"This course is all about writing a good business letter. Discover how to write a letter that will make you stand out. Learn the types and purposes of letters, what contributes to a good letter, and how to put together the perfect letter. From Business letters, cover letters, job application letters, to all kinds of professional letters used in daily life. This course will cover all the basic skills, techniques, and strategies to write basic professional letters."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
basic-concepts-of-service-management |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Plan Writing for Entrepreneurs" |
"Join us and learn how to write a compelling business plan that brings your idea to life. This course throws light upon entrepreneurship outlining its ecosystem and various stakeholders to then introduce you to LivePlan business plan writing platform and get you the tools to set up the financial, marketing plan, strategic management and exit strategy of a startup business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"This course is designed for those who are interested in learning about the fundamental issues related to starting and managing technology-based new ventures. The course encourages students to consider how technology-based solutions can solve economic and socially oriented problems. This course introduces the fundamentals of technology entrepreneurship, pioneered in global competitive environment that now spreading across the world. You will learn the process technology entrepreneurs use to start companies that involves taking a technology idea and finding a high-potential commercial opportunity, gathering resources such as talent and capital, figuring out how to sell and market the idea, and managing rapid growth. The multidisciplinary nature of technological innovation and entrepreneurship demands an interdisciplinary and innovative approach to the course structure and delivery. Therefore central to this course is the development within learners of the knowledge and skills necessary to bridge functional areas, to span boundaries and to manage your associated interfaces."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |