Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"FOREX Trading for Beginners - Everything about FOREX Trading" |
"FOREX Trading comprises of 2 words ie FOREX which stands for currencies & everything that has to do with the FOREX Market while Trading is the skillful buying & selling. FOREX Trading is an art where you pair 2 currencies together where one is weak and the other is strong. It's a business where Profit is realized from the fluctuations in Price.You will learn from a Beginners point of view (pov), how to use the Metatrader4 trading application to Open, Modify & Close trades. You will be knowledgeable on the many FOREX terms such as Pips, Swap, Spread, Equity, Leverage, Margin, Free Margin etcYou would also know how to calculate your Stop Loss and take profit parameters using PIPs. Risk Management techniques to minimize losses and maximize profit with the aid of the volume/lot size calculation.You would be able to develop a solid trading strategy to effectively trade and be consistently profitable in the FOREX Market.From over a decade of experience, you'll undergo the Mentor-ship program that will guide you as a Newbie in this shark infested waters of the FOREX Market.This is for Beginners but Intermediate & Advanced traders are also welcomed to take the course.Who this course is for- Anyone looking for extra source of income.- Beginners, Intermediate & even Advanced traders yet to be consistently profitable.- Forex Trainers looking to improve on their craft.- Anyone looking to learn the Art of FOREX Trading the proper way."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Start Oil painting seascape, sky, clouds & flying bird" |
"This course is for beginner and Intermediate artist who want to learnHow to start your first oil paintingWhich brushes should be used for which purposehow to create realistic sky with fluffy cloudshow to create a realistic seascape, sea waveshow to create stones and waves splashing on stonehow to draw and paint a flying seagull"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-068 : Oracle Database 12c: RAC and Grid Practice Dumps" |
"Dumps are 100% verified and passed using this.( Make sure take up all the 3 test sections or parts ) You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"1Z0-067 - Upgrde Oracle 9i/10g/11g OCA to Oracle DB 12c OCP" |
"Dumps are 100% verified and passed using this. ( Make sure take up all 3 Practice Sections ) You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Airbnb Bali Workshop - Deine eigene Traumimmobilie vermieten" |
"Planst du auf Airbnb oder hnlichen Plattformen wir Booking oder HomeAway dein Apartment zu vermieten? Willst du vielleicht sogar Apartments mieten, nur um sie an Kurzzeit-Gste weiterzuvermieten?Egal ob du schon Host bist oder erst in der Planungsphase bist: In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie dein Apartment zum besten Listing deiner in Bali wird.Ich werde dir nicht nur zeigen, wie du dein Listing startklar machst und gute Bewertungen bekommst, sondern auch wie du deinen optimalen Preis ermittelst und alle Ablufe des Apartment-Business mglichst automatisierst, sodass du am Ende des Tages mehr Geld zum Leben einnimmst, aber auch mehr Zeit hast, um deinen wahren Interessen nachzugehen.Dieser Kurs wird dir praktisches Wissen vermitteln, dass du sofort in der Praxis umsetzen kannst.Ich zeige dir in diesem Kurs mein gesamtes Wissen, dass ich in der Zeit als Host erwerben konnte und hoffe, dass du von diesen Videos bestmglich profitieren kannst!Wir sehen uns im Kurs"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
jhetdsep |
". / ? 1. 2. 3. 4. . .... 85% , , , "". 12 50/50, 12 . , !!! , !! , . , ! , . !"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Devenir Freelance pour tre libre : Thorie + pratique !" |
"Bonjour,Et si quelqu'un vous montrait de A Z comment crer un produit en freelance et le vendre cela serait mieux que de la thorie ?Oui ?Bien, on verra ensemble dans cette formation la thorie autour de la freelance et ce qu'il y a savoir et par la suite nous prendrons un objectif fictif d'une personne souhaitant travailler en freelance et ensemble nous verrons tapes par tapes le plan suivre pour devenir freelance et la mise en place d'un produit/prestation de service.Oui, vous verrez donc non pas seulement la thorie et les connaissances avoir pour devenir freelance mais comment un produit ou prestation peut tre crer et mit en ligne afin de recevoir vos premires commandes.De plus vous verrez le business plan suivre pour augmenter vos revenus avec la freelance.Evidemment ce plan prend du temps, la freelance est un marathon et non un sprint ! ps: Nous verrons aussi comment tre protg en tant que freelance car vous n'avez pas la scurit qu'un employ peut avoir.On se retrouve sur la formation, portez vous bien,Valentin,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intensivkurs Akquise" |
"Die erfolgreiche Akquise von Geschftskunden stellt immer wieder eine groe Herausforderung fr dich dar? Du mchtest dein Leistungsniveau im professionellen Akquise-B2B-Geschft deutlich erhhen? Investiere jetzt clever in diesen praxisorientierten Profi-Kurs und hebe dein Akquise-Know-how auf eine ganz neue Stufe!berlegst du noch oder arbeitest du schon am Erfolg?Warum dieser Akquise-Online-Kurs?Wenn du fr den Vertrieb von Produkten zustndig bist oder sogar deine finanzielle Sicherheit vom Erfolg deiner Vertriebsfhigkeiten abhngt, sind Abschlsse sehr wertvoll fr dich.Im Grunde bist du das Gesicht deines Unternehmens und vertreibst Produkte und Dienstleistungen direkt beim Kunden. Dein Alltag ist geprgt von Verkaufsgesprchen, die so manches Mal eher in Verhandlungen ausarten. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob du Software oder Maschinen, professionelle Dienstleistungen oder Beratungsprojekte anbietest - du willst verkaufen! Besonders schwer gelingt das hufig bei Geschftskunden. Und genau da setzt dieser Online-Kurs an! Du lernst, wie du wertvolle Abschlsse und zufriedene Kunden bekommst, deine Ziele schneller erreichst und auch bei deinem Gegenber schnellere Entscheidungen bewirkst. So werden deine Projekte besonders ertragreich."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to skateboard - Foundation" |
"In this course, you will learn all the basic skateboard tricks and all those tricks will help you to build a rock-solid foundation for you to learn all the other skateboard tricks. You dont need to know the basics of skateboarding before starting this course as we going through all of them step by step.This course will get you to be able to land basic and some intermediate skateboard tricks.In this course will be always something to learn as I will always update and add new tricks to learn so you can keep on improving your skateboard skills. You will be able to ollie and land different flat ground tricks you will learn skating in the ramp and after you can show your new skills to your friends or use these techniques to help others to learn to skateboard faster.In this course you will learn:You will learn about your board, trucks wheels and lots of basic skateboarding tricks on flat ground and ramp so you can build a solid foundation for learning all the other skateboard tricks.Easy, Beginner and Intermediate Tricks and More!Make sure to wear your helmet, wrist guards, elbow pads and knee pads when first starting to skate this will give you more confidence and will help to learn faster."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"ANSI/ASNT CP-105 Edition 2016 (Practice Paper)" |
"This Quiz provides ANSI/ASNT CP-105 practice questions and mostly similar to exam equivalent type questions to get certified as ASNT NDT Level III. The practice of these papers will increase the confidence level of exam-taking candidates.These questions are completely based on the ANSI/ASNT CP-105 2016 Edition. Upon completion of this quiz, you will familiarize the way of questioning of ASNT BA Level III Examination to cover this document. All the best for your examination."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Windows Command Line (CMD) Bootcamp 2020" |
"This course has everything you need to start learning about the windows command line.You are going to learn about the windows command line and batch scripting from the very basics.In this course you will learn the basic level commands for the command prompt application in windows Commands such as DIR, IPCONFIG, ATTRIB, TASK will all be discussed in detail with Example .Each video averages about 3 min to 9 min .We have 4 Sections in that section We discuss 1] Directory Commands 2] File Commands 3] Network & System Commands 4] Basic of batch scripting What are you waiting for?Enroll NOW to get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server Query-based Real world Interview Questions" |
"Do you want to know the most commonly asked Query-based Interview Questions that can help you earn nearly $100,000 per year? If so, then this course is for you! This course will teach you the most commonly asked Query-based Questions in Microsoft SQL Server developer Interviews along with Answers. SQL questions are extracted(via LinkedIn) from REAL candidates who attended SQL Server developer Interviews. SQL Queries in this course can be practiced using both Azure Data Studio (or) SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS).We will be using Azure Data Studio in this course to run the SQL Queries on Windows, macOS, and Linux. SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS) can also be used to run the same SQL Queries.In the scenarios you will use T-SQL, but the knowledge is easily transferable to other databases. The standard SQL is the same in all ANSI-compliant SQL databases.Structured Query Language(SQL) is supported by various database management systems(DBMS).Even if you use a different DBMS like MySQL, you can benefit a lot from this SQL Course as more than 90% of the SQL skills you learn in this course is easily transferable to other database management systems(DBMS) like MySQL. Microsoft's SQL Server is one of the most popular database management systems(DBMS) in the world and learning SQL using SQL Server can help you earn nearly $100,000 per year.By the end of this course, you will be in a position to answer the most commonly asked SQL query-based Interview questions.This course will be your first and most important step towards getting prepared for the SQL Server developer Interview."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Executar consultas SQL no Protheus com AdvPL" |
"#Adquira este curso com desconto com o Cupom de Agosto/2020: PROMOCAO_AGO2020Aprenda uma metodologia simples e prtica para desenvolver relatrios em AdvPLNeste curso iremos abordar os seguintes pontos:. Configurador- Criar uma tabela customizada- Criar ""Consulta Padro""- Criar ""Pergunta"". SQL - DBeaver- Configurar o DBeaver com o Banco de Dados do Protheus- Criar sentenas SQL com DBeaver. AdvPL - Desenvolvimento- Criar uma tela para exibir a consulta SQL- Criar de um fonte padro para consumir sentenas SQL gravadas na tabela customizada- Criar fontes para consumir o fonte padro- Criar a funo de exportar os dados da sentena SQL para o Excel no formato .xml"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"VOC DESEJA COMANDAR SUA VIDA? S MUDAR O SEU MINDSET. VEM COMIGO!Este um curso rpido de treinamento online que tem como proposta ensinar voc a compreender como funciona a sua mente e praticar tcnicas que ajudaro voc a dar um novo rumo a sua vida. um curso extremamente didtico e fcil, indicado para todas as pessoas, especialmente as que no tem muita familiaridade com a PNL e parapsicologia (cincia que estuda a mente) e que desejam de maneira rpida, aprender tcnicas que ajudaro voc a mudar sua vida. Voc comear a entender como funciona seu sistema de crenas, entender como os hbitos influem de maneira positiva ou negativa em sua vida e conhecer tcnicas que ajudaro voc a COMANDAR sua VIDA.Voc aprender passo a passo, de forma simples , com aulas prticas e tericas. Tambm poder me acessar a qualquer momento para que juntos eu possa ajudar voc a conquistar seus objetivos e tirar suas dvidas.O que voc aprenderAprender como funciona o subconsciente e as ferramentas da PNL que ajudaro voc a transformar sua vida.Aprender ainda a criar novos caminhos neurais de maneira que, aos poucos, voc mude suas crenas e hbitos dirios.O curso dividido em 4 etapas (tambm chamados de sees). Cada etapa dever ser estudada com foco e dedicao para que voc possa aproveitar bem as informaes. Voc aprende tcnicas para criar novas crenas positivas a seu prprio respeito.Voc aprender a criar um MindSet positivo, focando a sua mente aos seus objetivos pessoais e livrando-se de pensamentos negativos.Voc vai aprender sobre a importncia da visualizao e imagem mental na sua vida e de que forma voc poder reprogramar seu subconsciente com essa tcnica.Aprender termos especficos da PNL como Ecologia humana, ancoragem, imagem mental, crenas, sistemas representacionais, valores, modalidades e submodalidades, Swish, linhas de tempo e squash visual.H algum requisito ou pr-requisito para o curso?Ter desejo de aprender e querer desenvolver seus potenciaisDedicar-se de 15 a 30 minutos por diaTer comprometimento com voc mesmoDedicar-se a praticar as tcnicas diariamente.Para quem este curso:Quem deseja aprimorar seus talentos e melhorar capacidade de lidar com mudanas.Quem quer construir uma nova maneira de mudar o seu mundo.Quem possui uma grande vontade de se desenvolver-se e tornar-se uma pessoa melhor.Todos aqueles que perceberam que a sua vida precisa mudar para voc se tornar uma pessoa mais feliz."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Adobe InDesign 2020 - Corso completo" |
"Ti sembra che InDesign sia un programma complesso, difficile da imparare? Non preoccuparti, alla fine di questo corso scoprirai che tutto sommato InDesign facile da usare e che sarai in grado di lavorare in modo autonomo. A corso completato sarai pronto per inserire InDesign come competenze nel tuo CV.Partendo dalle basi, creando un semplice biglietto da visita che per ci far capire il completo flusso di lavoro, passeremo alla creazione del documento e all'inserimento della grafica, del testo, a formattare e posizionare il tutto per poi preparare il documento per la stampa. Nei capitoli successivi affronteremo con esempi pratici alla mano tutto quello che riguarda l'impaginato con InDesign. Ti spiegher come realizzare un flyer a 3 ante, come creare un layout di riviste con vari articoli, gestire i testi in modo univoco con gli stili, come realizzare un documento PDF interattivo e come preparare il documento per la stampa. Imparerai concetti di tipografia base e avanzata, la gestione del colore, come creare un layout con testo, tabelle, automatismi di stili, pagine mastro, funzioni dinamiche come variabili, rimandi, sommari ed indici. Alla fine del corso saprai realizzare PDF interattivi con collegamenti ipertestuali, QR codes, video, ecc.Nel corso sono inclusi i file di esempio (nei formati .indd e .idml) e le immagini in modo da seguire gli esercizi passo per passo. Hai ancora dubbi di non farcela da solo? Sappi che puoi chiedermi sempre aiuto con una domanda in 'D&R' e sar felice di risponderti.Nel corso c' tutta la mia esperienza di 20 anni di lavoro come graphic publisher per varie case editrici nonch per la mia (MOMOS Edizioni) e sar felice di condividerla con te perch tu passo migliorare i tuoi skills con InDesign.Alla fine del corso sarai in grado di:usare InDesign in modo professionalecreare biglietti da visitacreare flyer, brochure,impaginare articoli e rivistepreparare documenti PDF pronti per la stampacreare PDF interattiviseguire un flusso di lavoro professionalegestire gli automatismi in InDesignCosa aspetti?, impara con me a conoscere InDesign e ad amarlo come faccio io da molti anni!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"kursumuzda elektronik blmn okuyan ve elektronik merakls giriimci arkadalar iin uygun bir derstir kursumuzun okuyan renciler iin birebir pratik ders olarak ve uygulamal dersler vardr derslerimiz 7 den 70 iin uygundur btn renciler iin verimli olacana ve pratik yapma el beceri ykseltme bilgi sahibi olmak iin birebirdir derslerimizde uygulamal ve detayl bir ekilde ilenmektedir tm renciler iin iyi bir platform olmutur derslerimizde ince detaylarla anlatlmaktadr elenceli bir i olduunu ve yapacamz ilerden severek yapacamz bir i olacaktr"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Anlisis de Ecosistemas de Cero a Experto" |
"El planeta y las formas de vida son valiosas, el conocimiento te da autoridad para resolver problemas, problemticas que t, como profesor, ingeniero o estudiante dentro de las ciencias ambientales debe tener la habilidad de analizar y entender para la toma de decisiones importantes sobre los ecosistemas y la biodiversidad.El curso se centra en el anlisis de los ecosistemas de pramos de Colombia, la metodologa de anlisis que aprenders se puede aplicar al anlisis de cualquier ecosistema que desees investigar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kapsaml Google Ads (AdWords) Eitim Seti" |
"Google Ads (AdWords) internet reklamclnn amiral gemisidir. Google reklamlar sayesinde irili ufakl tm firmalar kendilerine en uygun google reklam trn kullanarak potansiyel mterilerine rahatlkla rn ve hizmetleri ile ilgili tantmlarn gerekletirebilir.Kapsaml Google Eitim Setinin Baars Neye Bal?Bu eitim setinden en st dzeyde verim alabilmeniz iin tm konular eksiksiz bir ekilde izlemeniz olduka nemli. Bunu yannda eitimi tememlam olmanz sizin iin yine yeterli olmayacaktr. Ayn zamanda rendiklerinizi uygulamanz byk nem tayor.Bu Eitim Setinin Hedefi Nedir?Bu eitim seti ile nternet reklamclnn amiral gemisi olan Google Ads ile ilgili uygulanabilir tm ayrntlara sahip olarak keni hesap ve reklam kampanyalarnz oluturabilmeniz hedeflenmektedir.Bu Eitim Setinde Neler Var?nternet Relamclnn TemelleriGoogle Ads Hesab OluturmaArama A Kampanyas OluturmaReklam Grubu OluturmaReklam Metni TrleriReklam Metni OluturmaAnahtar Kelime Eleme SeenekleriReklam UzantlarKampanya HedeflemeleriDnm TakibiBu Eitim Setine Hangi Konular Eklenecek?Grntl Reklam AGmail ReklamlarAlveri ReklamlarVideo ReklamlarEvrensel Uygulama Reklamlar"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Learn Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing" |
"Welcome to Learn Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing!This course will teach you the techniques used by professional penetration testers and ethical hackers world wide. By the end of it, you will have the skills to hack systems and networks in the same ways that a black-hat would, as well as the knowledge to secure those same systems against such intrusion.Whether you are an IT professional or just starting out, this class is for you. No prior knowledge of hacking or coding is required. Everything is laid out and explained step-by-step through practical demonstration. You will not only master the tools of ethical hacking, you will also learn the theory behind their use. The skills you acquire here will give you the foundational knowledge needed to keep up in this ever growing field.This class is arranged into nine modules, and moves from beginner to advanced subjects. Each lecture is designed to lead into the next, so that students with no prior knowledge will find the flow easy to follow. At the same time, with only a few noted exceptions, each lecture can be treated as being stand-alone by advanced students who already have the prior grounding.What you'll learn:Module One: Setting Up The Lab* How to install VirtualBox on a Windows operating system.* How to setup dual booting for Windows and Linux* How to install Kali Linux on a portable USB device with persistence* How to install Kali Linux (or the pentesting distro of your choice) on Virtualbox* A deeper explanation of VirtualBox configurations.* How to install Metasploitable on VirtualBox to serve as a training target for the development of your skills.By the end of the first module, you will acquire the knowledge to setup your own hacking lab. Even if you only have a single computer to work with, you will be able to create virtualized systems within your primary operating system. This will give you many options for how to follow along with the lectures in this class, and remove the need to install a second operating system on your main computer if you prefer not to. It will also give you targets that you personally own and control to conduct penetration tests against, allowing you to try out what you learn on your own network without concern!Module Two: Information GatheringAny successful penetration test begins with the information gathering phase. Whether your objective is direct network penetration, social engineering, or simply research, knowing a target before you proceed is crucial to victory.* Learn how to conduct deep research against a target or entity using open source intelligence tools.* Use OSINT techniques to become your own private investigator!* Gently transition from fun graphical tools to Linux command-line tools seamlessly.* Acquire the skills to build detailed profiles of any subject, and establish attack vectors for later exploitation!* Become familiar with and ultimately master network scanning with tools such as Nmap and Zenmap.* Learn to identify weaknesses in any system, be it a network or even a corporate structure.* Get your feet wet with the basics of exploiting a few of these weaknesses in a user friendly GUI environment.With the skills you learn in this module, you can pretty much become your own Private Eye. Open source intelligence is the way of the future, and the amount of information that is generally available online about any subject is truly staggering. Beginners will find these tools easy to use, and the transition from graphical utilities to the command-line should be both fun and gentle.Module Three: Vulnerability Analysis* Go deeper than you have thus far. Use what you have learned already to find vulnerabilities in web-based applications and services!* Learn the tools and techniques to begin exploiting these vulnerabilities.* Develop the skills to audit services. Use what you learn here to harden the security of online services that you create and defend.* Master the very techniques that black hats will use against such services.With a focus on web services, module three continues the transition into command-line based utilities in fun and easy to master steps.Module Four: Web Vulnerability, Recon, SQL Injection & Database ExploitationTake the basics you learned in the prior module to the next level!* Master the art of finding hard to spot vulnerabilities in web services and network systems.* Learn to use the legendary Burpsuite in several easy lessons.* Become skilled with SQL Injection and SQLMAP, and learn how no website or database is truly safe!* Basic introduction to proxies. Learn the basic concepts that will be expanded upon later for staying safe and anonymous while conducting operations.* Spider the internet for secrets like a pro, with just a few simple key strokes!Now that you have learned to spot vulnerabilities, the basics of gaining web access, and how to obtain secure databases, it is time to take your training to a higher stage with what you'll learn in the following module.Module Five: Password Cracking* Take the techniques of brute forcing passwords and logins to the next level.* Create custom wordlists that are intelligently suited for a particular target. Greatly increase the speed and success rate of cracking any given password even on less powerful computer systems.* Learn all about Hashes and how to crack them. Decode the coded information from any database.* Gain familiarity with cross-platform tools, allowing you to conduct your cracking operations from any operating system.* Obtain the knowledge to make use of Rainbow Tables, which will open the door to attacking even the tightest credential security.* Pick up and use legendary tools like HashCat and John The Ripper with ease.Progress from the cracking of passwords, logins and database security directly into the sixth module. Here you'll learn all about hacking WIFI networks, and what you can do once you've penetrated the network.Module six: WIFI Hacking* Easy-to-learn introduction covers all the basic commands you'll need to get started.* All major methods covered, from old to new.* Identify vulnerable access points (that you have legal permission to test) and watch them fall!* Learn how to grab the encrypted handshake from any router device and crack it.* Know what to do with network access once you achieve it.* Learn about Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and how to guard against them!As both a system administrator and ethical hacker, knowing the weaknesses in any Wifi network is essential. Whether you are trying to secure your grandmothers internet connection against the kid next door, or the internal network of a Fortune 500 company, these skills are crucial.By this point, you'll have learned all the basics. You'll know how to scope your targets, gather information, identify vulnerabilities, crack passwords, and achieve access to secure networks. Now the fun begins...Module Seven: MetasploitThe bread and butter of ethical hacking, this module focuses entirely on the Metasploit framework. While other lectures can treated as stand-alone, the videos in this section must be viewed in order from start to finish. You will take everything you have learned so far and translate it into real action.* Master Metasploit and it's graphical cousin, Aritmage.* Take what you have learned so far and use it to penetrate any system.* Conduct your experiments using your own virtual machines as targets.* Feel the satisfaction of exploiting all those weaknesses you've found against systems you personally own, and the fearful realization that no system is truly secure.* Use what you learn to harden the security of the systems you protect. Know what to look for to avoid being hacked yourself!* Learn how to hook browsers and take control of the information going through them, without the end-user even being aware that anything is happening!* Generate your own malware for testing purposes within the Metasploit framework. No prior coding knowledge required!* Employ crypters on your own malware, so that it will evade even the most advanced detection scans.* Learn how to identify such disguised malware when it is employed against you!* It isn't enough to simply gain access. Learn how to escalate your privileges once you are inside a penetrated system.* It isn't enough to simply become admin. Learn how to establish a long-term presence on a system or network in the form of persistent access. Don't work hard over and over. Work hard once, then reap the benefits of what you now own!Module 8: Encryption and Anonymity* Learn how to create encrypted containers to secure important files for both storage and transit.* Learn how to fully encrypt any Windows operating system, from XP all the way to Windows 10.* Learn how to create an encrypted Decoy, as well as an encrypted Hidden, Windows operating system. Done correctly, no one will be able to identify and prove the existence of the hidden system!* Learn how to create an encrypted Decoy, Hidden AND Linux operating system, then boot into whichever one you want. This one isn't for the faint of heart though!* Learn how to erase a drive or even an entire system in a secure manner, so that no trace of your activities can be found by even the most determined cyber forensics!* Master the art of PGP (Pretty Good Encryption). Send and receive communications with military level security. Learn how people remain anonymous while still proving who they are using PGP Public and Private keys.* Understand how to easily verify any file or communication, making tampering impossible.* Learn all about the TOR anonymity network, and the Deepweb (aka DarkNet). Ensure secure lines of communication with other penetration testers and ethical hackers across the world.* Become familiar with the TAILS operating system and how to use it quickly and easily on any computer system through a live boot. Leave no trace of your activities behind on the system once you are done!* Learn about and implement Virtual Private Network (VPN) security to conceal all that you do online from other hackers and watchful internet service providers. Spoof your IP and Geo Location information with ease. Get around regional blocks and establish secure VPN tunnels through network firewalls.* Use ProxyChains in Linux to further secure your penetration testing activities.* Understand the nature of cryptocurrency and so-called Blockchain technology.And because no level of security and anonymity is ever truly enough, learn all about virtual private servers in the next module.Module Nine: Virtual Private Servers* Learn what a VPS is and how to select one that is suitable to your needs.* Use what you have learned so far to connect securely to a VPS that you have chosen, then conduct your activities from the VPS itself, which may also be made to employ the same connection security methods.* Learn how Virtual Private Servers can be used as Command and Control stations for BotNets, and what to look for as a system administrator who is facing constant attacks.* Learn about so-called free community BotNets so that you can defend against them.And so much more!Who this class is for:*Anyone interested in penetration testing and ethical hacking. This class is designed to assume no prior knowledge or experience in the field. Advanced students need only skip ahead to the material they wish to study.* Those wishing to advance their career in the field of IT and achieve a better rate of pay.* Students who plan to freelance online, through resources such as Linked-In. Use what you learn here to create the job you want!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Logical Tarot learning as a Healing tool" |
"This is not your usual tarot course!You are few minutes away from discovering something very special and precious.Once you learn this unique way of reading, you will never go back to your old ways. If you are familiar with tarot reading already, you will be absolutely amazed. Your reading will shift to a deeper level, as I experienced myself 16 years ago.This course is designed both for complete beginners and advanced professionals. If you know nothing about tarot reading, you are lucky to learn this approach and never need to know a different way. As an advanced reader this course will give you a new perspective and deeper understanding. Accuracy of reading will come naturally by following my teachings. As a professional tarot reader, we look for the potential in a reading.Accurately communicating the message from the tarot cards can lead to a shift in mindset and perception. In many cases you will be able to provide clarity, allowing inner healing to occur. I believe that this is a requirement to become an authentic tarot reader. If you would like to experience this amazing method, please watch 100 minutes of free videos I offer here. They all have important messages for anyone who uses tarot cards. If you would like to get your own reading, before actually start taking the course, you are most welcome to experience it yourself. Please reach out to me via my website. I have been teaching tarot by being asked to teach for those who I have given the readings in London, Tokyo, Mumbai and New Jersey.I believe that many of you will benefit from this healing tool for yourself and others around you. This course is an investment for the future you and consider it to be value for money if you want to learn tarot seriously and professionally. With over 8 hours of unique and original content, ""Logical Tarot as a healing tool"" will help you feel confident in giving therapeutic level of Tarot Card Readings rather than story telling.Inspired? Just open the door. Potential is always within you!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Dashboards, Storys & Datenupload - Cognos Analytics 11.0.13" |
"Der Kurs IBM Cognos Analytics Dashboards, Storys & Datenupload enthlt 8 Abschnitte. Zum erfolgreichen Abschluss werden zu jedem Abschnitt Fragen gestellt. Der Abschluss aller Abschnitte kann vom Trainer mit einem Zertifikat besttigt werden.SEMINARBESCHREIBUNGIn diesem Kurs wird die Erstellung von Dashboards und Storys erlernt. Es werden Grundlagen fr die Erstellung von Analysen auf eigenen Daten behandelt, sowie das Bereitstellen von Unternehmensauswertungen und Prsentationen.ZEITAUFWAND FR DIESEN KURS8 StundenABSCHNITTEErstellen eines einfachen DashboardsVisualisierungenWidgetsFiltern von DatenSortieren von DatenBerechnungen erstellenErstellen von StorysHochladen von eigenen Daten"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sistema en Laravel, Tu propio CMS que crea sitios webs" |
"EL CURSO EST SIENDO REESTRUCTURADO Y MEJORADO (Todo el contenido ser modificado).CUPN DE DESCUENTO: E7346B19C3F9C84099AD, recomendable si Udemy no ofrece descuento.En este proyecto aprenderas a crear un CMS donde tus usuarios podran registrarse y crear sus pginas con sus propios dominios, seleccionar una plantillas personalizables 100% para su pgina, crear su barra de men, crear blogs, paginas independientes, tener su propia galeria, gestionar los usuarios desde la cuenta ADMIN y muchas caracteristicas ms."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP - NS0-160" |
"This simulation allows those who are preparing to take the Prepare for the exam NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP - NS0-160 to have contact with issues similar to what falls in the exam, this better prepares the student and trains him in studies and preparation. With these questions students live a little bit of what happens during the exam"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NetApp Certified Storage Installation Engineer,ONTAP NS0-182" |
"This simulation allows those who are preparing to take the Prepare for the exam NetApp Certified Storage Installation Engineer, ONTAP - NS0-182 to have contact with issues similar to what falls in the exam, this better prepares the student and trains him in studies and preparation. With these questions students live a little bit of what happens during the exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer - SAN Specialist" |
"This simulation allows those who are preparing to take the Prepare for the exam NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer - SAN Specialist NS0-509 to have contact with issues similar to what falls in the exam, this better prepares the student and trains him in studies and preparation. With these questions students live a little bit of what happens during the exam.Note:This simulation aims to help students and may have questions and incorrect answers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Linux Server Administration : to Get Your Dream IT Job" |
"*Master the Latest & Fastest Growing centos 7 Linux Server and Become an ""administrator ""*===========================================================================Linux is an Operating system which was developed in early 1990s by Linus Torvald at University of Helsinki in Finland . Then it was further joined & modified by group of thousands of computer geeks all around the world .Currently there are lots of Linux Distributions are available in the market like Redhat , Debian etc . But now centos7 server is becoming more popular in these day's because it is easy to use & free . Following are the main sections of the course which contains different tutorials in detail :Module 1 Understanding Linux Concepts : what is linux? who created linux? operation System? linux operation System architecture? the benifit of using linux? Basic commands?Module 2 Download, Install and Configure : How to install a virtual machine how to download an image ISO centos7 how to install and configure centos 7Module 3 servers administration : *""with subtitle""* Server name configuration server network card configuration DHCP server FTP server with & without authentication SSh server ***Enroll now and start learning the skills you need to level up your career!*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Matrisez le serveur Linux centos 7 le plus rcent et le plus rapide et devenez un ""administrateur"" *Linux est un systme d'exploitation dvelopp au dbut des annes 90 par Linus Torvald de l'Universit d'Helsinki en Finlande. Ensuite, il a t rejoint et modifi par un groupe de milliers de geeks informatiques travers le monde. Actuellement, il existe de nombreuses distributions Linux disponibles sur le march comme Redhat, Debian, etc. Mais maintenant, le serveur centos7 devient de plus en plus populaire de nos jours car il est facile utiliser et gratuit.Voici les principales sections du cours qui contiennent diffrents didacticiels en dtail:Module 1 - Comprendre les concepts Linux: qu'est-ce que linux? qui a cr linux? Systme d'exploitation? opration Linux architecture du systme? l'avantage d'utiliser linux? Commandes de base?Module 2 - Tlcharger, installer et configurer: Comment installer une machine virtuelle comment tlcharger une image ISO centos7 comment installer et configurer centos 7Module 3 - administration des serveurs: * ""avec sous-titres"" * Configuration du nom du serveur configuration de la carte rseau du serveur Serveur DHCP Serveur FTP avec et sans authentification Serveur SSH*** Inscrivez-vous maintenant et commencez acqurir les comptences dont vous avez besoin pour amliorer votre carrire! ****"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Stretch for Martial Arts, MMA and Self Defense!" |
"Revealed: The stretches to help you kick higher, strike faster and move with more flexibility than ever before!You may already know how important flexibility is for boosting your physical performance in training, sparring or just staying fit, but most stretching methods are not only slow and unreliable but could actually be secretly reducing your power!So how do you release the potential in your body and teach your muscles to be more relaxed, unlocking full range of motion in a fraction of the time?It takes more than just stretching, it takes the right kind of stretching. Proven methods specifically designed to quickly and safely coach your muscles to be more flexible without sacrificing power.In How to Stretch for Martial Arts, MMA and Self Defense, youll discover the exact techniques used by top martial artists and sports coaches to increase long-term flexibility, warm-up without wasting energy and unlock full mobility faster than you ever thought possible!Whether you are a martial artist, MMA fighter, self-defense fan or simply training to improve health and fitness, you can develop greater flexibility starting today.Ready to use the secrets of flexibility training to skyrocket your performance?Join How to Stretch for Martial Arts, MMA and Self Defense now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pulling Strings : Hack your job interview" |
"This is something NO ONE talks about.After talking with hundreds of students and schools over the past few years - I uncovered something truly shocking.And heres the thing:Schools & students, what Im about to reveal is not even your fault.The interview process for GAFA companies is surrounded by myths, misleading stories and lies used by newspapers and websites to have views on their articles. This is crazy.But heres the really crazy part:I get messages from students that dont know how to fight their lack of knowledge and whose chances to succeed are down to zero.This is exactly why I created a system to help students and schools across the world overcome this.I teach your students this system.They start applying it.And its GAME ON.See, over the last few months Ive been teaching in-person to students.The results have been transformational and truly life-changing.But I realized that I cant be in two places at the same time and the in-person coachings arent cheapAnd thats if students pass the application process.On top of that, Ive been receiving messages asking if there are other options to learn from me...So I sat down with my team and had a meeting.I thought to myself...How can we take our breakthrough proven system and turn it into an online program?What if we could create a program people could watch from the comfort of their own home, and pull strings so students get the info they need?And so, this is what we came up with...Ive been tirelessly working on this for the past several months.And finally, its ready.So weve decided to release it to you right here, right now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Google Tag Manager 2020 (GTM) with 16 real projects" |
"In this course you will learn the following with step-by-step videos You will Learn basics to Most Advanced Google tag manager with a live website New Account creation for Google Tag manager, Google Analytics and connecting them together using specific tags Testing and Troubleshooting with GTM on our websiteCustom messages on specific web pages and conditions Advanced concepts of google tag managerGoogle Tag Manager used for Enhanced E-commerce GTM with Facebook pixels , marketing & Re-marketing Social media & Wikipedia tracking using google tag managerLinkedIn Marketing using google tag manager Quora Marketing using google tag manager Tracking of all events in Google analytics using google tag managerCopy text tracking using google tag manager Google ads Marketing & re marketing with the help of google tag manager Google tag manager with Shopify and its limitationsMuch more"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Emigrar o viajar al extranjero es una desicin que no se toma la ligera. La expatriacin es como un juego en el que si no conoces las reglas estars perdiendo cada oportunidad para poder ganar la partida, as mismo para tener ventaja del resultado final, una estrategia es conocer a tu adversario y conocerlo bien. Entre ms conozcas sobre tu adversario y las reglas del juego, ms probabilidades tendrs de ganar. Existen muchos elementos que debes tomar en cuenta si quieres tener xito en el extranjero ya que 7 de cada 10 personas que viajan al extranjero por ms de 2 meses caen en una depresin o angustia de algn modo u otro y ste programa te ayudar a ser parte de sas 3 personas restantes y cumplir todo aquello que te has propuesto en tu nuevo pas. Mi experiencia como expat por ms de una dcada me ha permitido descifrar el sistema que me ha ayudado realizar mis objetivos, metas y sueos en el extranjero y quiero compartirlo contigo. Pasa de ser un turista despistado a un Expat Exitoso! Recuerda que la ltima frontera est en tu mente!Este programa es para ti si:Viajas a un pas extranjero como expat por estudios, trabajo, negocios, emprendimiento, amor, aventura, curiosidad y quieres sacar el mayor provecho de ello.Quieres clarificar tus objetivos y concretarlos en un pas distinto al tuyo.Quieres ganar tiempo, dinero y energa en tu proceso como expatriada (o).Buscas un programa que te acompae paso a paso en el desarrollo y conclusin de tus objetivos personales y profesionales en esta nueva aventura de tu vida.Quieres ganar ms confianza aprendiendo la lengua del pas que te recibe.Te interesa conocer personas de todo el mundo que te ayudarn a crecer.Te gusta salir, viajar, conocer, disfrutar y ayudar a los dems en el extranjero.Te interesa superarte y dejar un impacto positivo en la vida de las personas.Gracias a ste programa tu:Ahorrars tiempo muy valioso durante tu estancia pues tu adaptacin ser eficaz y efectiva.Ganars amigos de todas partes del mundo ya que trabajaremos en tu persona e impactars tu nuevo entorno de una manera positiva.Ahorrars mucho dinero que pudiste haber malgastado dando vueltas en crculos sin un objetivo concreto.Ganars en todas las reas de tu vida gracias a tu desarrollo personal y profesional que es en lo que se enfoca esta gua. En resumidas cuentas, vas a ahorrar, ganar, ahorrar y ganar es la ecuacin perfecta!Al final del programa descubrirs como:Tomar la decisin firme de cumplir lo que te propones en un pas extranjero.Clarificar tus objetivos como expatriado y estos estn alineados con tus valores.Crear un plan de accin (M.A.P.A.) desglosndolo en meses, semanas y das que seguirs al pie de la letra para ganar tiempo y energa en el desarrollo de tu meta.Conocer las estrategias que te llevarn a una integracin exitosa en tu nuevo pas: (comunicarse con locales, vida social, trabajo, informacin importante).Tener una mente ms positiva, ms abierta al mundo y ms creativa.Reconocer tus reas de mejora y puntos fuertes que podrs utilizar a tu favor para relacionarte ms fcilmente con los locales.Tener ms confianza en ti y en lo que puedes lograr en el extranjero.Encontrar la motivacin necesaria para trabajar da a da en tu desarrollo personal y la concretizacin de tus metas y objetivos como expatriado.Estar ms consciente del momento presente, lo que te permitir captar oportunidades claves que sern de vital importancia para logar lo que te propongas.Ser ms feliz y vivir plenamente sta aventura como una de las mejores de tu vida.Utilizar estas herramientas y tcticas para mejorar cualquier otra rea de tu vida.Este curso te proporciona:Informacin muy valiosa que ser de mucha ayuda antes y durante tu viaje y proceso de adaptacin en tu nuevo pas. Estrategias y dinmicas ldicas que te permitirn sacar el mximo provecho en sta nueva etapa de tu vida.Podrs descargar Audiolibro de 2 horas 34 minutos asi como E-book directamente en tu smarphone, tablet u ordenador.Obtendrs acceso a una gran cantidad de materiales, informacin elemental, las experiencias de10 aos de vida como expat , audios privados y mucho ms. No hay una fecha lmite para terminar, tu vas a tu ritmo. Puedes regresar a cualquier parte del curso para tomar nota y descubrir algo nuevo no solo en los videos o audios sino en ti mismo.Al terminar el curso, habrs obtenido la confianza necesaria para dejar un impacto positivo en el lugar que te recibe y tu podrs ayudar a los dems con tus conocimientos y personalidad intrnseca enriqueciendo tu personalidad y aportndo a tu nueva cultura.Al final del curso de igual manera recibirs el e-book completo para que puedas traerlo contigo en tu tablet, ordenador o smartphone.Yo como t soy expatriado, aventurero, mochilero y un alma libre que tiene la curiosidad de decubrir lo que hay del otro lado del mundo, pero sobre todo, yo como tu quiero cumplir aquellas metas que me he propuesto cuando dej mi pas, mi familia, mi pasado... y es por ello que he creado ste programa para ti, porque quiero mostarte ""Cmo Tener xito en el extranjero"".Hay requisitos para realizar el curso?Tu no necesitas conocimientos previos sobre expatriacin, ni tampoco necesitas haber viajado antes, por el contrario, ste programa es como tu MAPA, o tu GPS, que te guiar y acompaar del punto A al B, proponiendote atajos para que puedas llegar sano y salvo a tu destino final.Este curso es sobre todo un viaje personal de transformacin y descubrimiento. A travs de tu proceso como expatriado, te encontrars con situaciones nunca vividas, explorars lugares nunca descubiertos por ti, conocers personas y te encontrars en situaciones innimagibales, es por ello que sta gua ser tu fiel compaero de viajes en donde te encontrars a tu mismo, explorars tus valores, creencias y cualidades personales y te abrirs a las diferentes culturas y situaciones en las que te encontrars.EL curso contiene ms de 30 videos, audios privados, eBook y experiencias de una dcada como expatriado.Este programa est diseado para mejorar no solo tu vida como expatriado sino tu vida personal y tambin profesional.Este programa te permitiera estudiar y aprender desde la comodidad de tu casa, cuando quiera. T tienes acceso ilimitado a cada seccin del curso desde tu computador, laptop, Tablet o mvil.Este curso ha tomado ms de 10 aos de estrategias y experiencias que te ahorrarn errores y malos ratos que personalmente yo pas. Pero lo lo ms importante es que te divertirs en el proceso de convertirte en un Expar de xito.Contenido del programa:Es de vital importancia utilizar un bloc de notas (descargable) que utilizars nicamente para este programa donde escribirs tus metas, tus planes de accin, observaciones, ideas, notas y todo aquello que pueda acercarte a manifestar aquel sueo que quieres hacer realidad en el extranjero. Estudia el lugar al que emigras La primera est dedicada al conocimiento y estudio del pas que al que emigras. Una documentacin precisa para conocer el terreno en el que caes. Es como saber las reglas del juego y analizar a tu contrincante. Gracias a esta informacin y anlisis tendrs un panorama ms completo y global de la situacin a la que te enfrentas. Concete (Audio cuestionario Descargable) Haremos un auto anlisis para que te conozcas mejor, sta es una estrategia esencial para guardar tu identidad intrnseca en un pas extranjero. Tu identidad intrnseca es aquella que te identifica y la utilizars a tu beneficio para dejar un impacto positivo en tu entorno multicultural. ""Ponte un objetivo"" (Audio ejercicio descargable) Cuando adquiriste este gua que te ayuda a tener xito en el extranjero lo hiciste con un objetivo: COMO TENER XITO EN EL EXTRANJERO. Ahora bien, pondrs a trabajar tu mente y tu yo interior para definir una meta que vaya alineada a tus valores y convicciones.""Plan de accin M.A.P.A."" El Mejor Atajo es un Plan de Accin, te mostrar la manera ms efectiva para poner en marcha tu plan. Todos tienen sueos, pocos le ponen fecha limite parar convertirlo en meta y muy pocos hacen un plan de accin para hacerlo realidad. ""Motvate, Insprate y empodrate"" Trabajaremos en tu crecimiento personal enfocndonos en 4 caractersticas esenciales, yo las llamo el principio de las 4 P: Proactividad, Positividad, Persistencia y Paciencia. A lo largo del programa retomaremos este principio para hacer ms fcil tu camino al xito. Haremos un anlisis de tu motor en tu vida, de tu visin y de tus recursos internos para que encuentres la motivacin necesaria en ti. ""Disfruta del viaje, el presente"" Nos anclaremos en el presente para disfrutar al mximo tu experiencia en el extranjero. Yo te dar tcnicas que te traern de regreso al presente, una herramienta eficaz para evitar lo que pasa a muchos expatriados: ansiedad y depresin. Pero sobre todo para vivir el aqu y el ahora, esta oportunidad que tienes nica en la vida. ""Ya lo has logrado, y ahora qu?"" Al trmino del programa hars un resumen de tu resultado, de tu proceso y de tu personalidad. Confirmars que tu situacin ha cambiado porque has cambiado t, para bien.Al trmino del programa hars un resumen de tu resultado, de tu proceso y de tu personalidad. Confirmars que tu situacin ha cambiado porque has cambiado t, para bien.Responde a stas preguntas:Viajas o ests en el extranjero y quieres sacar el mejor provecho de tu estada?Quieres desarrollarte personal y profesionalmente en tu nuevo pas?Quieres clarificar tus objetivos y concretarlos en un pas distinto al tuyo? Quieres ganar tiempo, dinero y energa en tu proceso como expatriada (o)? Eres expatriado, aventurero, mochilero, turista de larga estancia, estudiante de intercambio, trotamundos? Quieres descubrir el secreto para cumplir tus sueos en el extranjero?Si has respondido SI a la mayora, recuerda que:Emigrar al extranjero nunca fu tan fcil.Cumplir tus sueos y disfrutar del proceso de expatriacin es posible!Desarrollarte personal y profesionalmente en tu nuevo pas puede ser divertido.Entonces, acompame en este viaje y vers que no tienes nada que perder y s mucho que ganar!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Contrappunto Rinascimentale a 2 Voci - Tecniche Compositive" |
"Alla fine di questo corso l'allievo sar in grado di comporre dei piccoli Bicinia nello stile Rinascimentale.Il corso affronter gli aspetti pi comuni della scrittura Rinascimentale a due voci, dalle specie, ai canoni, al contrappunto doppio ecc...Durante il corso, saranno anche spiegate alcune regole della Solmisazione, fondamentale per alcune regole del contrappunto osservato, come il Mi contra Fa."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |