Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Foundation Customer Experience Masterclass" |
"This course is an introduction to understanding the customer and employee experience. It is simplistic but powerful in how it defines the concepts that are necessary to build a strong foundation in order to transform the customer and employee experience through service design methods.After watching this masterclass, I want you to feel more confident and more courageous to take part in conversations about customer and employee experiences. I want you to have the foundational knowledge to know when and where to ask for help and which steps to take to get closer to activating a remarkable experience for your brand.Help me to make the world a kinder, more understanding and a little simpler place by applying specific service design methods."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing 2020 Grow Organic Followers Naturally!" |
"Welcome to the Social Savvy Insider***Over 10,000 students enrolled in 3 days of this course going live.***Language: EnglishThis is the most educational course under 2 hours on the market. This course is hyper-focused on the most effective tactics of marketing through Instagram. For this course to be applied to your page, you should have an intermediate level of understanding of the platform and its basic functionality. Instagram is one of the most powerful social media platforms to this date and only growing. As a free platform with over 1 Billion Instagram users, you have endless opportunities to grow and increase your business revenue through Instagram marketing. You just need to know the latest tips and strategies. In this course, we teach you the most lucrative and valuable strategies to date resulting in targeted traffic, organic followers, and loyal customers.Follow us on Instagram! @weresocialsavvyInstagram is one of the most effective marketing platforms to gain new customers:THIS course will change your perspective on Instagram marketing and teach you everything you need to know to successfully market your business on the platform.My team and I spent months making a course that is strictly the most effective information on Instagram Marketing! We did not want to waste students' time with nonsense episodes youre not likely to even finish. This course is full of the MOST crucial Instagram Marketing knowledge to date.We made it easy to follow along with screen recordings and step-by-step breakdowns of techniques. Not to mention, we make it fun to watch so you dont get bored learning. This course contains the knowledge you should know to be ahead of your competition in 2020. We show you all the tools to create/source quality content, properly edit photos, post accordingly to your analytics, grow your Instagram followers, and many more tactics. Ultimately resulting in sales to your business from targeted customers.Online shoppers measure your trustworthiness and credibility based on your Instagram presence. By learning the ins and outs of profile presence and how to gain thousands of active followers, your profile will have a higher conversion rate of follows, sales, and professional business connections.Social Savvy Insider OverviewThis Instagram course contains over 50 lectures and 1 1/2 hours of content. It's crafted for anyone who wants to learn how to use Instagram to grow your page with REAL organic followers. We pride ourselves on being up to date with new Instagram algorithms and updates for Instagram growth and sales. You will have lifetime unlimited access to this course.A bonus episode will be coming soon!As an owner of a digital marketing agency thats served hundreds of clients, PR agencies, and big brands, Ive learned the ins and outs of modern-day Instagram marketing. My team and I have had many clients who could not afford our services but wish to work with us. After many months we decided to create a course full of the knowledge we provide through our services at an affordable price for everyone. The tips and secrets we share in this course come from our services that large brands pay us thousands per month to provide. Were excited to share this knowledge with the public through a fun and exciting course thats not too long! At the end of every chapter, we always recap the lectures you learned while making a cup of coffee.We look forward to connecting with you as well. We are here as a team to answer questions, feedback, and hear your success stories.After you complete this course, you will have a high-level understanding of Instagram marketing in 2020 from the millennial perspective.Were excited to see you in the course!- Skyler and the Social Savvy Team"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Hipnose e PNL para profissionais da Sade" |
"Aprenda a evitar o estresse no atendimento de pacientes ou clientes, alterando sua postura e quebrando a resistncia do outro, seja ele beb, criana, jovem, adulto ou idoso, evitando gerar ou reforar traumas na realizao de procedimentos, usando tcnicas de hipnose. Aprenda tambm a desenvolver uma postura acolhedora e tranquilizadora no exerccio de sua profisso. E como bnus, aprenda a vencer ansiedade com dois exerccios simples."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Unternehmensgrndung von A-Z - Der Komplettkurs" |
"Wie grndet man sein eigenes Unternehmen und wird sein eigener Chef?Wenn du dir diese Frage stellst, dann bist du bei diesem Komplettkurs ""Unternehmensgrndung von A-Z"" genau richtig!In diesem Kurs werde ich dir zeigen, wie du dein eigenes Unternehmen grnden kannst.Welche Rechtformen es gibt und welche fr dich geeignet ist.Wie du einen erfolgreichen Businessplan erstellst und verstehst.Grundlagen zum Thema Buchhaltung und Jahresabschluss.Auf was du beim Finanzamt achten solltest.Wie du dein eigenes Produkt konzeptionierst und richtige Preise findest.Dieser Kurs ist deine Chance erfolgreich und sicher mit deinem Unternehmen durchzustarten.Zustzlich erhltst du eine 30 Tage Geldzurckgarantie, sodass du bei Unzufriedenheit geschtzt bist."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Docker: The Ultimate Docker Containers Developer Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Ultimate Docker Containers Developer Course. Docker is an open source software platform that helps you with creating, deploying, and running your applications using containers. This course is your ideal introduction to Docker and containerization. This course not only demonstrates how to use Docker more effectively, but also helps you rethink and reimagine what's possible with it. You will learn how to set up a Docker development environment, and learn your way around all the commands to run and manage your Docker images and containers.In this course, you'll learn: Learn about Docker networks, Docker swarm, and Docker volumesExplore the Dockerfile and learn how to build your own enterprise-grade Docker imagesBecome fluent in the basic components and concepts of DockerSecure your containers and files with Docker's security featuresLeverage Linux containers and create highly scalable applicationsLearn how to use these features with Docker stacks in order to define, deploy, and maintain highly-scalable, fault-tolerant multi-container applications.You'll find everything related to extending and integrating Docker in new and innovative ways. Docker Swarm and Docker Compose will help you take control of your containers in an efficient way. At the end of the course, you will have a broad and detailed sense of exactly what's possible with Docker and how seamlessly it fits in with a range of other platforms and tools."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Elementor ile cretsiz WordPress Web Siteni Yap" |
"Daha nce web sitesi yapmam olabilirsiniz, bu nemli deil! Bu kurs ile herkes kendi web sitesini kolayca yapabilir. En sade ekilde bunu reneceksiniz. WordPress'in ve temalarn sizin ihtiyalarnza artk karlk vermediini dnyorsanz Elementor ile kolay, hzl ve hayal ettiiniz ekilde web sitenizi tasarlayabilirsiniz. Siteniz iin faydal WordPress eklentilerinin, cretsiz SSL sertifikasnn yer ald eitimlere srekli olarak yeni videolar eklemeye devam edeceim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Silhouette Studio V4" |
"Nesse curso vou te ensinar todos os segredos do studio V4 de forma simples e direta. Voc vai mudar sua opinio sobre o Studio V4 e ver que ele no o Bicho Papo que voc pensava. Curso 100% prtico, direto ao assunto, com garantia de satisfao e certificado de concluso. Conhea as vantagens: Conhecimento geral do studio V4.3 Edio de imagem Tcnicas avanadas para texto Vetorizao de imagem Projetos de corte simples e especial Criao de artes em geral Certificado de concluso"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Material Design Library for AnyLogic" |
"Learn how to build beautiful AnyLogic models that look and feel like modern apps by using the Material Design library.We will show you how to install the library, set it up and how to get started quicky. Moreover, we will take you through converting a conventional AnyLogic model into a beautiful Material Design app step-by-step. There are also detailed videos on the capabilities of each library element as well as best practices tips and tricks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tensorflow Tutorial: Hands-on AI development with Tensorflow" |
"Undoubtedly, TensorFlow is one of the most popular & widely used open-source libraries for machine learning applications. Apart from it, TensorFlow is also heavily used for dataflow and differentiable programming across a range of tasks. Because of this and a lot of other promises, hundreds of individuals are keen on exploring TensorFlow for AI & ML, Data Science, text-based application, video detection & others.In order to cater to all our students needs for learning TensorFlow, we have curated this exclusive practical guide. It will teach you Practical TensorFlow with more from a training perspective rather than just the theoretical knowledge.What makes this course so unique?It will help you in understanding both basics and the advanced concepts of TensorFlow along with the codes in a practical manner! Upon completing this course, you will be able to learn various essential aspects of this famous library. It will unfold with the basic introduction covering graphs, Keras, supervised learning and others.In the later sections, you will learn more about AI & ML models like decision trees, linear regression & logistic regression along with evaluating models, gradient descent & digit classification. Concepts of CNN are also covered along with its architectures, layers, K-means algorithm, K-means implementation, facial recognition & others.This course includes:Section 1- TensorFlow 2.0, Graphs, Automatic Differentiation, Keras and TensorFlow, Intro to Machine Learning, Types of Supervised Learning.Section 2- Decision Trees, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Model Evaluation.Section 3- Gates and Forward Propagation, Complex Decision Boundaries, Backpropagation, Gradient Descent Type and Softmax, Digit Classification.Section 4- CNN, Layers of CNN, Famous CNN Architectures.Section 5- K-Means Algorithm, Centroid Initialization, K-Means ++, Number of Clusters, K-Means Implementation, Principal Component Analysis, Facial Recognition using PCA.Searching for the online course that will teach you TensorFlow practically? Search no more!! Begin with this course today to get your hands dirty with TensorFlow!!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Fuerza Mental: el Poder de una Voluntad de Hierro." |
"Por qu debes inscribirte?Porque la Fuerza Mental fue, es y seguir siendo la llave maestra que abre todas las puertas. Esta llave te permitir cambiar tu vida en forma extraordinaria y deseo de corazn que, definitivamente, lo hagas. Tu puedes cambiar tu vida y quiero desafiarte a que lo hagas. Te animas? Aceptas el desafo? Si tu respuesta es s, te esperan los das ms emocionantes e intensos de tu vida. Vas a desarrollar una Voluntad de Hierro, a toda prueba. Vas a conseguir desbloquear el mayor poder de la mente: la Fuerza Mental capaz de llevarte a conseguir todo lo que desees y te propongas obtener.Las personas me preguntan cmo pueden lograrlo, cmo hacer tantas cosas en tan corto tiempo y siempre les contesto lo mismo: con Fuerza Mental, el poder de la mente ms fabuloso con el que cuenta el ser humano, capaz de desbloquear y liberar todo su potencial.Qu vas a aprender en este curso?Para explicarte mejor te voy a hacer algunas preguntas para que las pienses:Planificas metas y te desanimas cuando tus planes no funcionan?A veces sientes que a otros no les pasa lo mismo? Hay personas que parece que hubieran nacido para tener xito, ya sea en el dinero, los negocios, los deportes o en lo que sea que se hayan propuesto, siempre logran sus objetivos. pero... Cmo lo hacen?Ms all de cul sea tu camino siempre encontrars obstculos que lo bloqueen y podrs evitarlos o enfrentarlos para avanzar a pesar de ellos, fortalecindote en el camino. La Fuerza Mental es la llave que te conducir a travs de los obstculos abrindote las puertas de todos y cada uno de los logros que te propongas alcanzar.La Fuerza Mental te permitir seguir empujando, aun cuando las cosas se complican o no salen como esperabas, es decir, que avanzars en los momentos en los que los dems abandonan. Si quieres hacer cambios positivos en tu vida y lograr tus objetivos a largo plazo, no puedo pensar en una mejor manera de hacerlo que aprender a ser ms Fuerte Mentalmente.En este curso aprenders formas prcticas de entrenar tu Fuerza Mental . Descubrirs algunas de las tcnicas ms importantes para aumentar tu Auto Control y mejorar tu resistencia a la gratificacin instantnea.Vamos compartir los ""por qu"" detallados, pero ms importante compartiremos los ""cmo"", para que puedas hacer con xito los cambios que desees en tu vida.Te invito a ver las clases de muestra y si te gustan, te inscribas. Nos vemos en la primera Clase!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Defining Emotional Intelligence" |
"The Defining Emotional Intelligence course is the first of five included in the Developing Emotional Intelligence Program, also presented as individual courses for your convenience.Deep feelings and emotions act as necessary guides when humans face situations too important to defer to the intellect alone. Situations that arouse such emotional responses include:facing danger,suffering a painful loss,pursuing goals despite frustration,bonding with fellow humans, building a family.In all decision-making and action situations, feelings count as much, if not more, than rational thought. In fact, there has been far too much emphasis on rational thought (IQ) in the past when evaluating human behavior and potential.In this course you'll gain an understanding of the emotional intelligence theory, and you'll explore the basis of emotional intelligence by examining the following four areas:the purpose of emotions,managing emotions,the impact of emotional intelligence,what it takes to become emotionally literate.Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SAT Math: Guaranteed Results" |
"This course will teach you how to ace the SAT Math sections in two main areas. First, you will learn three methods by which you can tackled any math problem. Second, I will take you through the core content areas you need to know to solve the entire scope of SAT math."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes and Azure DevOps" |
"200+ Videos. 20+ Hours. 6 DevOps Tools - Docker, Kubernetes, Azure DevOps, Jenkins, Terraform, and Ansible. 3 Different Clouds - AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.Do you need more reasons to enroll in this amazing course on DevOps?******* Some Amazing Reviews on our DevOps course From Our Learners ******* The best instructor of Udemy! This is a great course to understand about DevOps, the involved concepts, and to apply the concepts. Great hands-on experience of learning DevOps using Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes on GCP, AWS, and Azure. Each topic explaining very well with hands-on which is helping us to understand the concept easily. Awesome Great Information and solid teaching of the core concepts as well as the technical implementations of DevOps It's easy to understand, very complete, and good for the beginners to start learning about DevOpsDo you have ZERO experience with DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes, Azure DevOps, Jenkins, Terraform, Ansible, AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud? No Problem.Do you have ZERO experience with DevOps Containers and Container Orchestration with Docker and Kubernetes? No Problem.Do you have ZERO experience with Continuous Integration or Continuous Delivery in DevOps with Azure DevOps and Jenkins? No Problem.Do you have ZERO experience with the Cloud? No Problem.Are you ready to learn DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, Jenkins, and Azure DevOps in multiple clouds - AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud?Do you want to join 300,000+ learners having Amazing Learning Experiences with in28Minutes?Buckle up and Get ready for this wonderful ride on DevOps, Microservices, and the Cloud.Look No Further!******* DevOps Course Overview *******DevOps is all about People, Process, and Tools. In this course, you will understand the basics of DevOps and learn to do DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, Azure DevOps, and Jenkins. You will learn to implement DevOps with Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Infrastructure as Code. You will play with 3 different clouds - AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.You will do DevOps with Docker to create and run Docker images for:Hello World Applications - Python, JavaScript, and JavaMicroservices - Currency Exchange and Currency ConversionYou will learn the basics of Kubernetes on the Google Kubernetes Engine implementing Service Discovery, Centralized Configuration, and Load Balancing for Microservices. You will do DevOps with Kubernetes using Terraform (Infrastructure as Code) and Azure DevOps (Continuous Delivery) on multiple cloud platforms (AWS and Azure)You will learn the basics of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery and implement them using Jenkins and Azure DevOps. You will learn to Create Kubernetes Clusters and Deploy Docker Containers of Microservices to Kubernetes using Azure DevOps Pipelines on the Cloud with AWS EKS and Azure AKS.You will learn the basics of Terraform and Ansible and implement Infrastructure as Code. You will provision a number of AWS Resources - EC2 Instances and Load Balancers - using Terraform and configure them with Ansible. You will learn to provision Kubernetes Clusters in AWS and Azure using Terraform. You would learn to run Terraform Configuration in Azure DevOps Pipelines.This course would be a perfect first step as an introduction to DevOps with Docker and Kubernetes.******* Important DevOps Sections *******Quick Overview of DevOpsMaster DevOps - Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform and Azure DevOpsStart DevOps with DockerDevOps and ContainerizationDocker and DevOpsUnderstanding Docker Popularity - My 3 Top ReasonsLearn Docker CommandsBuild and Push Docker Images to Docker HubDocker and Microservices - Quick StartExplore Docker ComposeDevOps with Kubernetes on Google Kubernetes EngineDocker, Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes EngineCreating a Kubernetes Cluster with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)Kubernetes Concepts - Pods, Replica Sets, and DeploymentGenerate Kubernetes YAML Configuration for Deployment and ServiceUnderstand and Improve Kubernetes YAML ConfigurationDeploy Microservices to KubernetesMicroservices and Kubernetes Service Discovery - DNSMicroservices Centralized Configuration with Kubernetes ConfigMapsDevOps Infrastructure Provisioning with TerraformCreating and Initializing First Terraform ProjectCreating AWS Resources with TerraformTerraform State - Desired, Known and ActualTerraform ConsoleUnderstanding Terraform tfstate files in-depthCreating Terraform Project for Storing Remote State in S3Creating multiple environments using Terraform WorkspacesCreating multiple environments using Terraform ModulesLearn Azure DevOps - Continuous Integration, Deployment and DeliveryGetting Started with Continuous Integration, Deployment, and DeliveryGetting Started with Azure DevOpsExploring Azure DevOps PipelineVariables and dependsOn for StagesAzure DevOps Pipeline VariablesRunning Azure DevOps Jobs on Multiple AgentsAzure DevOps Deployment Jobs - Environments and ApprovalsAzure DevOps ReleasesCI, CD and IAAC on Azure AKS Kubernetes Clusters with Docker, Azure DevOps and TerraformIAAC for Azure AKS with Azure DevOps, Terraform and KubernetesCI, CD and IAAC on AWS EKS Kubernetes Clusters with Docker, Azure DevOps and TerraformIAAC for AWS EKS with Azure DevOps, Terraform and KubernetesLearn Azure DevOps with Boards and BacklogsAzure DevOps with Demo GeneratorAzure DevOps - Boards, Wiki, Repos and PipelinesAzure DevOps Boards - Epics, Features and User StoriesUnderstanding Sprints in Azure DevOpsCreating Azure DevOps QueriesAzure DevOps ReposAzure DevOps PipelinesLearn Continuous Integration with JenkinsLearn DevOps Configuration Management with AnsibleCreating EC2 Instances for Ansible - Manually and with TerraformAnsible CommandsAnsible PlaybooksAnsible VariablesEC2 Dynamic Inventory with AnsibleAppendix - DevOps Best Practices and PerspectivesStep 01 - DevOps - Break down the wallStep 02 - DevOps Perspectives - CAMSStep 03 - DevOps Best PracticesStep 04 - DevOps Perspectives - Continuous DevOpsStep 05 - DevOps Maturity Assessment - Questions to askStart Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Physics - Rotational Motion 2 - Dynamics - College and AP" |
"This course is one of several courses designed for Algebra Based AP Physics 1. In this course we will dive into Rotational Motion, specifically Rotational Dynamics, which includes Torque, Center of Mass, Balance, and Rotational Inertia. The videos and resources will include lectures, demonstrations, and plenty of worked out example problems with High School physics curriculum and the AP Physics 1 curriculum in mind. This is perfect for any student planning to take the AP exam or any Introductory College physics student. While this course does not cover calculus based physics, any student enrolled in such course will still benefit from the ground work laid out here.While this course does have sections for both High School and AP Level Physics, the videos intended for the AP crowd will be clearly labeled."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Physics - Periodic Motion - High School and AP Physics" |
"This course is one of several courses designed for Algebra Based AP Physics 1 and College Level Physics. In this course we will cover the topics of one and two dimensional motion. The videos and resources will include lectures, demonstrations, and plenty of worked out example problems with High School physics curriculum and the AP Physics 1 curriculum in mind. This is perfect for any student planning to take the AP exam or any Introductory College physics student. While this course does not cover calculus based physics, any student enrolled in such course will still benefit from the ground work laid out here. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprendendo tudo sobre PDO" |
"O curso de PDO com PHP7 possui 52 aulas, neste curso mostramos o passo a passo de como usar a conexo do banco de dados Mysql com PDO bem como todos os comandos gerados no banco de dados, como insert, update, delete, select entre outros, desenvolvemos um pequeno sistema prtico para poder montar a estrutura com PDO, para quem j conhece PHP cerca de 95% semelhante com PHP Estruturado, voc pode aplicar o PDO em estrutura Orientada a Objetos, MVC ou qualquer outra, super indicado usar PDO pois ele te d uma segurana maior no banco de dados evitando SQL Injection ou qualquer outro tipo de injeo de forma maliciosa, adquira j nosso treinamento e domine o PHP com PDO."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Besser Verkaufen: Das komplette Sales-Training von A bis Z" |
"Life is a sales talk das Leben ist ein Verkaufsgesprch so lautet sehr treffend ein amerikanisches Sprichwort.Gut verkaufen zu knnen ist unbestritten eine der wichtigsten Fhigkeiten im Business. In der Vergangenheit war erfolgreiches Verkaufen ein Buch mit 7 Siegeln. Doch seit ca. 50 Jahren sind die Prinzipien des guten Verkaufens in klassischen Verkaufs-Bchern niedergeschrieben. In diesem Verkaufs-Online-Kurs mchte ich dir die besten Verkaufstipps kurz und prgnant prsentieren. Ich freue mich, dir die wichtigsten Verkaufs-Skills nahebringen zu drfen! In diesem Kurs lernst du:(1) Das Mindset eines erfoglreichen Verkufers(2) Die 5 Phasen des Verkaufsgesprchs(3) Die Vor- und Nachbereitung eines Verkaufs(4) Die gefrchtete Telefonakquise(5) Wie du dich weiter verbessern kannstInkl. bungen!!Mein Name ist Wladislaw Jachtchenko. Ich bin Verkaufstrainer und Rhetoriktrainer und Grnder der Argumentorik-Akademie in Mnchen. Seit ber 10 Jahren mache ich nun Inhouse-Verkaufstrainings fr mittelstndische und groe Unternehmen. Doch meine Passion sind Online-Kurse: ein toller Weg, um Wissen schnell aufzusaugen. Mittlerweile habe ich knapp 30 Kurse mit ber 30.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. Und in diesem Kurs hier geht es um die wichtigsten Prinzipien im Verkauf von A bis Z.Egal, ob jetzt neu im Vertrieb oder alter Hase, es ist fr jeden was dabei und das Beste: die Theorie des Verkaufens ist im Vergleich zum Programmieren oder im Vergleich zur Astrophysik relativ einfach und in wenigen Stunden erlernbar."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Practice Tests VMware Certified Professional 6 (NSX v6.2)" |
"These practice tests of VMware Certified Professional 6 (NSX v6.2) are intended to ensure that you are making your concepts firm. While proceeding with the practice tests, you will numerous questions regarding VMware Certified Professional 6 (NSX v6.2) and it will help you to find out your dark or grey area in this course which you still can improve by going through these practice tests.Don't take take test for certification in haste, ensure that you completely grasp the under ideas and concepts and then you should also keep consulting the books to reach a position where you can find yourself at ease of appearing in the exam. Note: if there is any ambiguity in the practice tests, please let me me know before leaving the bad review as it will help the other students to enrich their knowledge.thank you :)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Der HTTPS-Crashkurs: Dein Einstieg in SSL/TLS!" |
"HTTPS ist seit einigen Jahren in aller Munde. Es stellt eine Transportverschlsselung fr Webseiten dar und ist teils gesetzliche Anforderung fr Webseitenbetreiber. Dieser gut dreistndige Crashkurs ermglicht dir den schnellen Einstieg in diese Technik.Der Kurs beginnt mit den Grundlagen von HTTP und HTTPS, um den Gegenstand des Kurses nher kennenzulernen. Ein kurzer Exkurs in ausgewhlte Themen der Kryptographie festigt das Verstndnis, um die Hintergrnde einzuordnen.Im praktischen Teil wird nachvollziehbar lokal die grundlegende Konfiguration von selbstsignierten Zertifikaten in den bekanntesten Webservern, dem Apache HTTP Server (apache2) sowie NGINX (nginx), gebt.Hiernach wird der Einsatz des certbots fr apache2 und nginx sowie von Certify The Web fr die IIS gezeigt, um Zertifikate von der kostenlosen und allgemein akzeptierten Zertifizierungsstelle Let's Encrypt zu beziehen. Voraussetzungen hierfr sind ein ffentlich erreichbarer Server sowie eine eigene Domain mit DNS-Zugriff.Der Kurs ermglicht einen anschaulichen Einstieg fr alle, die ihren Webserver um die HTTPS-Funktionalitt erweitern mchten! Ein Muss fr jeden Webseiten- und Webserverbetreiber!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Advanced Forex Trading Strategy With Real Account Trades" |
"Every Retail Trader Always Dreams OF Becoming a Successful trader,and ofcourse every trader has a unique different personality,what i mean to say here is that some traders like Scalping,some traders like intraday trading while some others like Swing trading as well.I am Back With One Of My Best course, to be honest i really love this course because of its power and profits also. The name of this Course is ""The Advanced Forex Trading Strategy With Real Account Trades"""". Yes its a complete system because here we are going to get everything in full details like proper buy Entry,with stop loss and take profit also similarly in sell entry also which we are going to see in this course in full details also.My Students success in trading is my 1st preference , and therefore i always try my best to upload best content here for my students than can help .so lets see what we are expecting from our this strategySimple To The Point SystemHuge Reward, Low Risk Very Easy Set Up Of Trading, You Would Have Never Seen BeforeEasy To UnderstandProper Buy Entry With Proper stop loss an take profitProper Sell Entry with Proper Stop Loss and Take Profitstop loss and take profitLow Risk High Reward upto 1:3 to 1:10Works On All Time FramesGet Alerts Proper with full Explanation how to take buy sell entrySignals AlertsAlways SupportAccess to Investor Password"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Taking Full Control of Your Finances" |
"Break free from paycheque to paycheque. Bring clarity and confidence to your financial life.Its time to start making intentional decisions that will bring you closer to your dream lifestyle.In this course, you will learn a step by step method to take full control of your finances.You will learn:How to become aware of your current situationHow to create a detailed budget. How to integrate extra expenses like Christmas, vacation, retirement.How to organize your financial lifeHow to organize your finances with your partnerHow to understand your cashflowHow to compare options so that you can make confident decisionsHow to create healthier habits around moneyIt's a very PRACTICAL course that you will be able to follow.Are you ready to change your financial situation?See you inside the course."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Gatsby JS & Prismic: Build RAPID Gatsby sites Gatsby 2020" |
"Do you want to improve your React JS skills and increase your value as a front-end developer?- ""Gatsby lets you build blazing fast sites with your data, whatever the source. Liberate your sites from legacy CMSs and fly into the future.""In this course we'll be building a Gatsby site from a Prismic CMS data source!Level-up your React skillset by learning Gatsby.js with a Prismic CMS backend! Gatsby JS uses React JS and GraphQL to generate and build static pages from a given dataset. This course will look at setting up Prismic as a headless CMS while using GatsbyJS to generate a blazing-fast server-rendered React website from Prismic data, such as pages, menus, media, (and more!) using GraphQL to query that data.We'll be creating a landing page website in this course, looking at initial setup and development of Gatsby JS and Prismic locally, creating React components in Gatsby based on Prismic data, and querying Prismic data with GraphQL to automatically generate our static pages. No landing page is complete without a contact form so we'll be creating a dynamic contact page in Gatsby where we can update our form fields within Prismic and use Netlify forms to capture our user's email address and various other details.We'll look at how we can query Prismic data with GraphQL using the GraphiQL browser tool. Once we're familiar and comfortable developing with GatsbyJS and Prismic, we'll progress onto setting up and deploying a live website using Netlify that re-builds our static web pages every time we update content in our Prismic backend.It's recommended you have rudimentary knowledge of React. We'll be covering everything else from Gatsby.js, Prismic, GraphQL, and styled-components!Speed past the competition with Gatsby!Gatsby.js builds the fastest possible website. Instead of waiting to generate pages when requested, Gatsby pre-builds pages and lifts them into a global cloud of servers (we'll be using Netlify for this) - ready to be delivered instantly to your users wherever they are. Some advantages of using Gatsby include:No waiting for API responsesNo waiting to render components based on requested dataNo loading spinners!No waiting for a server to compile a page to serve to the browser - these pages are already pre-compiled with Gatsby and ready to serve instantly to your users!We certainly cover a lot in this Gatsby course!What other students are saying about this Gatsby course:5/5 stars ""It's been honestly super helpful and as someone who just started to learn some code I was able to create the website I wanted with Gatsby and Prismic."" - Leon Stern"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Science of Size - Training for Hypertrophy and Strength" |
"This course is focused on understanding muscle fiber recruitment, mechanical loading, and programming for gains.There are many things that come to mind when you think of bodybuilding. Typically you thinks of the massive people on stage with very little body fat. Many people avoid training for hypertrophy because they don't want to look like a freak beast. Lets not get ahead of ourselves. There are many benefits of hypertrophy training that help people of all ages.Your workout plans have to be organized and progressive! This gives the Individual security and confidence in the trainers abilities. When you are organized and have a thought out plan, the explanation and workout session will flow. This will lead to clients making progress and resigning training agreements.My programming and exercise selection follow a few principles of lifting including: the overload principal, the principal of specificity, and the F.I.T.T. principle. This helps us stay organized and focused when creating goals and programming the get the best results.I use science back information and list many of the resources at the end of the article. The infographs are a great blend of visual and written material. Comes with several workout plans that can be customized to anyone!For starters: First, lets take a look at what happens in the body to build muscle. The physiology is fascinating! To start - Muscle fibers adapt and hybrid fibers change characteristics Muscle fiber recruitment Mechanical loadingThen we will talk about the steps you need to take when programming for yourself or your clients.How to make plans specific to people and goalsA progressive plan is a game changer We will program several different workouts for hypertrophy. Covering different methods of structuring a periodized plan.Different workout splitsHow to program effective drop setsI will also talk about the benefits of training accessories such as, bands and chains.How these effect motor unit thresholdsWhen to use themThis course will be a mix of video lectures with written material and example workout plans to reinforce the message. I will have downloadable and external resources as well. Also, see your instructor in action... there will be a few videos of myself performing Overloading Techniques; using bands, performing a drop-set, and partial range of motion lifts (half-squat and rack-pull).I strongly believe in the material I present. Using this knowledge I have led many clients to achieve their goals, students to being successful trainers, and myself to victory in many of my strongman competitions.Good Luck!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Lead Guitar Lesson #7 - The Number System" |
"On this lesson I will talk about something more on the theory side of music, but it has a fundamental importance. I am going to reveal to you everything you need to know about the Number System. You will master the understanding of the Number System, and after that I will show you how I use this in real life. I will teach you how I apply this to my playing and how practical this is. So we are going to talk theory, yes, but having the practice as our final goal. So hang on, dont skip this lesson, take courage and lets get this down, once and for all."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Lead Guitar Course Level 2 - Lessons #5-7" |
"This is the Level Two of my Lead Guitar Program. However, with this lesson alone you guitar playing will already be transformed from playing boring chords and simple rhythms, to playing in the wholeness of the neck of your instrument and soloing over backing tracks.The truth is that, nobody starts playing guitar thinking that justplaying the basic chords and rhythms is all they want to learn. Everybody wants to be a lead guitarist. And this is what I am offering you: to become a Lead Guitar Player.On this level I will teach you the introduction of the basic tools I use every time I am on stage, in studio, or even when I am just playing with my friends and having fun with my family.This course will simply transform the way you play guitar. The lessons I teach you here, will be presentevery time you play guitar.Here are the things you'll learn on Level 2:Learn how to use Triads as part of your lead linesGet your chops sharpened and get better playing guitarPlay with more feeling and express yourselfBring your music vocabulary to the next levelUnderstand how music worksAll lessons have a handout and support material like TABs and backing tracks.Enrol today and get your guitar playing to a whole new level.See you inside!Thomas V. Dekker"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Lead Guitar Course - All The Lessons (#1-7)" |
"This is the complete series of lessons of my Lead Guitar Program. With this lesson alone you guitar playing will already be transformed from playing boring chords and simple rhythms, to playing in the wholeness of the neck of your instrument and soloing over backing tracks.The truth is that, nobody starts playing guitar thinking that justplaying the basic chords and rhythms is all they want to learn. Everybody wants to be a lead guitarist. And this is what I am offering you: to become a Lead Guitar Player.On this level I will teach you the introduction of the basic tools I use every time I am on stage, in studio, or even when I am just playing with my friends and having fun with my family.This course will simply transform the way you play guitar. The lessons I teach you here, will be presentevery time you play guitar.Here are the things you'll learn:Find all the notes using only two string;Power Chords all over the guitar;Alternate Picking Technique;Understand how Major and Minor Keys work;Solo and Improvising - intro level.Learn how to use Triads as part of your lead linesGet your chops sharpened and get better playing guitarPlay with more feeling and express yourselfBring your music vocabulary to the next levelUnderstand how music worksAll lessons have a handout and support material like TABs and backing tracks.Enrol today and get your guitar playing to a whole new level.See you inside!Thomas V. Dekker"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Water Supply Engineering MCQ Practice Questions (Civil Eng)" |
"Water supply is the provision of water by public utilities, commercial organisations, community endeavors or by individuals, usually via a system of pumps and pipes. Irrigation is covered separatelyIn 2010, about 56% of the global population (5.9 billion people) had access to piped water supply through house connections or to an improved water source through other means than house, including standpipes, water kiosks, spring supplies and protected wells. However, about 13% (about 900 million people) did not have access to an improved water source and had to use unprotected wells or springs, canals, lakes or rivers for their water needsThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Water Supply Engineering Practice questions for Civil Engineering.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 360 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Anatomia e Biomecnica da Coluna Vertebral" |
"Nesse curso foi feito com o objetivo de ajudar profissionais da sade a conhecer melhor a coluna vertebral. Aqui ter conhecimento de Anatomia e Biomecnica.Porm no um curso comum de anatomia, nem um curso comum de biomecnica. Eu no falo especificamente de todos os nomes das estruturas do corpo como msculos, ossos, nervos e vasos. Cito s os que, na minha opinio, tem relevncia prtica.Em relao biomecnica, tambm no vou ficar falando de alavancas, no vou falar de conceito de fora, massa, etc. Mas sim de como o nosso corpo funciona e como ter mais segurana tanto para atender, como para prevenir e at tratar algumas patologias da coluna vertebral."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Telefon zerinden Etik Hacker Kursu ( Termux )" |
"Bu vermi olduumuz kurs tek olup btn seviyeleri ierisinde barndrmaktadr.Eitimin amac bilgisayarsz ortamda telefon ile yaplabilecek maksimum ileri gstermektir.Bu eitim iin hi bir ey bilmenize gerek yoktur.Elinizdeki o telefonlarn ne kadar gl makine olduunu rendiinizde ok olacaksnz.Sadece oyun veya sosyal medya ilerine yaramadn nice hazinelere ulatn greceksiniz.stelik bunu yatarak yapmann zevki ayr bir durum :)Hadi ne duruyorsunuz Balayalm yleyse :)"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Stretching For The Inflexible - Beginner Stretching" |
"In This Online Course You Will Learn The RIGHT Way To Stretch. I Designed This Course For People Like Me, Who Are Inflexible And Have Difficulty Stretching. This Will NOT Be Your Typical Beginners Stretching Course.In This Stretching Training You Will Learn The Hidden Reason Why You Have So Much Trouble Stretching And How To Beat It. Learning This One Amazing Secret Can Help You To Stretch Despite Any Failed Efforts Before.Most Stretching Courses Only Teach Static Stretches But This Is Only One Type Of Stretch. There Are Actually THREE Main Ways To Stretch And We Will Teach You Every One Of Them.By The End Of This Course, You Will Discover 1) The Right Way To Stretch2) Unique Techniques To Help You Stretch3) MULTIPLE Systems Of Stretching4) How To Safely Go At Your Own Pace & Level5) How To Get The BEST Results6) BONUS - Learn About Special Stretching ToolsThis is NOT a course that is designed to show you a 250 different stretches But rather will show you a handful of simple stretches and the concepts and theories behind WHY they work. By understanding these simple concepts and theories, youll be able to apply them to ANY stretching technique and greatly multiply their benefits.Dont Miss This Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To Learn The Secrets Of Stretching From Prof. Paul - Who Has Condensed His Many Years Of Learning, Training & Testing Into This One Quick & Easy Course For You."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |