Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Crer des animations et coder en C# 2D Unity 2019" |
"Vous voulez apprendre crer des animations 2D avec unity? Vous tes au bon endroit.Je m'appelle Hozepha, je suis ingnieur en mcanique et dveloppeur de jeux android indpendant.On va revoir les bases de la programmation en C#, et ensuite l'aide du moteur de jeux Unity on va donner vie des personnages dans un environnement 2D."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAT II Chemistry: Part 7 & 8 - Descriptive and Lab Chemistry" |
"With the AP Chemistry redesign and changes in Honors and College Prep Chemistry with the new science standards (NGSS), neither of these courses cover the entire SAT II Chemistry curriculum as prescribed by the college board.Hence, I have decided to fill the void by creating instructional videos for the entire SAT II Curriculum in an easy to understand, comprehensive way. You will find that these 8 easy to understand and comprehensive courses explain even the hardest chemistry concepts in a simple way and are aligned with the College Boards 8 part SAT II Chemistry curriculum.The 8 parts and the corresponding weight in the exam:Part 1: Structure of Matter: (25%)Part 2: States of Matter (16%)Part 3: Reaction Types (14%)Part 4: Stoichiometry (14%)Part 5: Equilibrium and Reaction Rates (5%)Part 6: Thermochemistry (6%)Part 7: Descriptive Chemistry (12%)Part 8: Laboratory (8%)This course covers the following topics: Common elements, nomenclature of ions and compounds; Periodic trends in chemical and physical properties of the elements, reactivity of elements and prediction of products of chemical reactions; Examples of simple organic compounds and compounds of environmental concern."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Project Schedule Management" |
"This is a series of 8 videos. Together, these 8 videos comprise the Schedule Management module, one of 13 modules to prepare you to pass the PMP exam from the first attempt.These 8 videos will explain the Schedule Management Knowledge Area of the PMBOK 6th Edition.You will be able to plan and control project Schedule based on the best practices described in the PMBOK 6th edition.You will learn about the Schedule management plan, the activities definition, activities dependencies, techniques to estimate activity duration, the scope baseline, schedule optimization, project crashing and fast tracking .... etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Becoming A Certified Personal Trainer: THE ""A-Z"" GUIDE" |
"Have you thought about getting your Personal Training Certification?Maybe you are looking to turn your passion for fitness into a part-time job training a handful of clients on the side. Maybe you're considering a full time career change. Maybe you're already working as a fitness or health coach and you'd like to take your business to the next level?Maybe you'd simply like to learn some new tools for your own health & fitness journey and aren't sure where to start.If this sounds like you then you're in the right place!This course will teach you...What to expect in the Personal Training certification processGeneral pre-requisites & requirementsCompare 7 of the TOP Certification programs in North AmericaAverage incomes & typical expenses you can expectThe pros & cons of working online vs in-person as a CPTThe differences between the ""employee"" vs ""self-employed"" structureThe TOP 3 qualities of all successful, Certified Personal TrainersThe difference between Certified Personal Trainers and Fitness & Health CoachesWhat to consider & ask yourself before deciding if getting certified is the right choice for you!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
YouTube |
"- Senior Video Editor AIR Rocket. : I, Kompozit, Hankook, Intertop, McDonalds . , , , , , , ., . -, AIR Academy, . : , , , , YouTube . , , ."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"A Healthy Menstrual Cycle & Menopause : Wisdom From Ayurveda" |
"A woman menstruates about 300 to 400 times in her lifetime. Her entire life is affected not only during her menses but also by the changes in her body, her hormones and temperature throughout the month. Ayurveda offers a great understanding of menstruation, the changes during the month and the causes of menstrual imbalances like Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, Painful periods, Fibroids and heavy/intermittent periods to name a few.In this course I discuss all of the above along with tips and techniques from Ayurveda to have a healthy cycle !I also have a complete section on Menopause . Menopause is a natural transition into the next phase of life for every woman and it does not have to be difficult. Ayurveda has a great understanding of what happens to a woman's body during menopause and how she can prepare herself and reduce the symptoms of hot flashes, poor sleep, bone density issues and more.I have shared those details here as well.To me and to you and to womanhood!Disclosure: Every publication of ayurvedic knowledge draws from the classical texts like charaka samhita, patanjali's yoga sutras, ashtanga hridayam, ramayana, mahabharat and more.No work of ayurvedic knowledge is original except for these classical texts.My courses have materials from various publications, papers and books available freely in the public domain including articles from different websites like banyanbotanicals dot com, mapi dot com, ayurveda dot com, ayurvedasara dot com and lectures by various experts on ayurveda in the public domain.I select those works that have distilled the knowledge of ayurveda nicely from the classical texts and share that with my students along with my own realizations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trigonometry notes -Part 1" |
"Do you need help with understanding Trigonometry? I could help in strengthening your foundations of Trigonometry.In this course, you will learn about degrees and radians and how to convert one form to the other. You will learn about the domain and range of the basic trigonometric functions and how to graph them. You will learn the famous principle of A S T C and how to evaluate trigonometric functions in different quadrants measuring from the vertical and horizontal axis. You are then introduced to Compound angles and how to calculate the sum or difference of these. A wide range of formulae are introduced which are immensely useful in Calculus.I conclude the course with all the formulae learnt , put together for you to refer. There is also an assignment at the end. So jump in and start learning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Communication Skills" |
" "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Specialist - 2x Test" |
"Hello there,Set of Two (2) tests simulating the best way possible Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials 1Z0-447 Exam.Each test has 72 questions, same number of questions the real exam has.Each test has different questions. Total of 144 questions to be memorized.The questions were revised and the correct answers are based on official Oracle documentation.Good Luck.Rod."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A - Z Guide To Trade Forex Fundamental Analysis (2020)" |
"Does the following define you?You're tired of working 9 - 5 and have no time to work on your passions or yourselfYour ultimate goal is to increase your income or you're looking for a new venture to dive inMaybe you're newbie or experienced trader but looking for a well organised and concrete fundamental trainingLooking for a reliable and key reference blueprint to understanding and trading fundamentals like professional bank tradersOr you're just tired of scams, fake gurus who over deliver redundant information that doesn't give you an EDGE to succeed in this competitive game etc.If this is You then this training is for You, and you have come at the great place !Hello there, My name is Thembelani Tim Shozi. I am head trader at ""Educated Trader (edtrader)"". And I have been trading forex for the past 4 years. Honestly speaking, I have learnt alot from this venture and my view of the market is simply summarised by this saying Keep it simple and always do what is probable, its all in the numbers. You see everyone is looking for a holy grail trading system or the next new hot strategy but people don't realise that trading forex is more psychological than mechanical. And in this game, the key to success is to master how BANKS trade forex because these are the real market movers.In addition, I specialise in deep market understanding and having been trained by a former professional bank trader. I'm super excited to share with you on this training some SECRETS in this training concerning the following items:How central banks use their monetary policies to control or stabilize their currencies through whether hiking, lowering or keeping the same their interest ratesThe key monetary policy factors which are GBP, Inflation, Unemployment & Wages/Spending and how they affect the marketThe key fundamentals news releases, their effect and their respective pips movement. And how to take advantage of that!How to master the times of uncertainties and how to protect yourself during these times which happens because of market surprises like rumors wars, tariffs, tensions etc.How banks develop an edge to in-cooperate fundamentals with technicals and take better investing/trading decisions etc. and how to master this strategy to use it on your tradingLastly, your experience in this training is our reality, so we pride ourselves to provide the best training possible under this sector. And to ensure that this happens, I have decided to attach the following 3 Additional Ebooks. This is done to ensure that you are equipped with all the necessities and skills to make your trading journey worthwhile. And the shared material is as follows:Additional Giveaway Ebooks:1) Why 95% Forex Traders Lose Money (This is very special!)2) Who Move The Market? (This one will blow your mind!) - SECRETS REVEALED !!!3) How To Exponentially Grow Your Forex Account (This is simplicity at it best cause!)I hope you'll enjoy this training. And we shall see you inside!Cheers, Tim"
Price: 2100.00 ![]() |
"Exam 70-537 MCSE Mircosoft Certification : Latest 2020 Exams" |
"Exam 70-537 MCSE Mircosoft Certification : Latest ExamsThis Exam 70-537 is basically intended for Azure administrators and Azure Stack operators who are using Azure Stack for providing cloud services to their end users within their own data centers.Candidates for this exam should have significant experience managing and operating Azure Stack Hub environments. Candidates should also understand how Azure Stack Hub enables DevOps processes and the hybrid development model.Candidates should have a strong understanding of Azure as well as some knowledge of virtualization, networking, and identity management.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking 70-537 exam in near future."" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.""Exam Topics covered as per syllabus 70-537 exam Certification questions :Deploying and Integrating an Azure Stack Environment Configuring PaaS and IaaS for an Azure Stack Environment Providing Services to and Enabling DevOps for Azure Stack Tenants Maintaining and Monitoring an Azure Stack Environment"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Cubase |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
150PV |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Forex profesional: Opera como los mejores y GANA" |
"Este curso est diseado para ir al grano: Ganar dinero. Es lo que buscamos cuando operamos como traders, pero menos del 5% consigue rentabilidades positivas. Al igual que t, durante mi carrera como trader me he preguntado como conseguir esas rentabilidades, y tras muchos cursos y meses de ensayo-error, he desarrollado 2 estrategias que, si cumples con disciplina y sigues los pasos del curso, conseguirs esos porcentajes que todos queremos, pero muy pocos consiguen."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Integration Architecture Designer Exam Practice" |
"Boost up your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.The Salesforce Integration Architecture Designer Certification Exam is designed for consultants who have hands-on experience, skills, and knowledge of:> Data modeling/Database Design o Custom fields, master detail, lookup relationships o Client requirements and mapping to database requirements> Standard object structure for sales and service cloud o Making best use of Salesforce standard and big objects> Association between standard objects and Salesforce license types > Large Data Volume considerations o Indexing, LDV migrations, performance> Salesforce Platform declarative and programming concepts> Scripting using those tools (Data loader, ETL platforms) > Data Stewardship> Data Quality SkillsThis practice test is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the Salesforce Integration Architecture Designer Certification Exam.Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Exam OutlineThe Salesforce Integration Architecture Designer exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience with Integration Architecture application and demonstrate the knowledge and expertise in each of the areas below.Salesforce Integration Capabilities: 28%Salesforce Integration Patterns: 17%Enterprise Integration Architecture Concepts: 15%Salesforce Integration Testing: 10%Integrating with Salesforce Security: 15%Tools: 10%Monitoring: 5%Details about the Actual Salesforce Integration Architecture Designer Certification Exam.Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questionsTime allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutes (time allows for unscored questions)Passing Score: 67%Exam Name : Salesforce Data Architecture and Management Designer CertificationTotal Questions in this practice test to check your knowledge: 200"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Behavioral Economics & Consumer Psychology in Marketing" |
"Through this excerpt from our Masterclass you discover some of the most counterintuitive and surprising findings from consumer psychology and behavioral economics to increase conversions.Youll get a wholesome, well-rounded understanding of how to apply 3 of the most powerful psychological principles to improve your business results. It's packed with useful tips, fun facts and even anecdotes so that learning is not dull and guess what? Remembering it is a lot easier this way.Your instructors? Four of the top experts in the field RORY SUTHERLAND, SAM TATAM, MATEJ SUCHA, and one VERY Special surprise guest.This Udemy course contains some of the best parts of the complete MINDWORX Academy Masterclass Behavioral Economics & Psychology in Marketing.But hey, theres more! Additional 11 chapters! So if you want to learn the rest, get it on the Masterclass website.After purchasing this course excerpt on Udemy, you will receive a 35% discount coupon for the Complete MINDWORX Academy Masterclass. Sweet deal, right? (check it out on Masterclass website - you can find the link in our profile).The topics we will cover are:Introduction to the Behavioral Economics & Consumer PsychologyThe practical use of Behavioral Economics in business, marketing activities, and shaping better solutions for your customersFascinating examples of the use of psychology and behavioral economics in Marketing (by Rory Sutherland)A few simple tricks that business owners can use to justify a higher price. We want prices which feel fair otherwise we won't buy. Yet the way we assess fairness is quite arbitrary.One of the most powerful principle - Loss Aversion and specific case studies how it's been used to increase conversions (by Matej Sucha)The power and danger of Choice Overload (by Sam Tatam)Mind-blowing case study by Ogilvy for KFC with the aim to increase sales of potato chips (by Sam Tatam)A beautiful illustration of the power of behavioral insights - unexpected results achieved by a simple direct mail campaign from another case study for a charity organization in the UKTo get the most out of the Masterclass, first, watch the video and then read the corresponding eBook. It's full of additional case studies and examples which will help you grasp every nuance of the principle.Testimonials:''We do growth marketing and have a lot of experience with increasing conversions but this course was the missing piece for us. Its full of eye-opening insights and practical examples but most of all its a step-by-step guide on how to apply them into practice.''- Diederik Gerbranda, Growth Marketer at Scaleup Marketing''Perfectly crafted, well-articulated, highly engaging and enriching program. This is one of the finest online programs I have come across. The case-studies and examples are elaborate and make it easier to understand BE concepts. I found the content informative and it has been designed in a manner such that it kept me engaged throughout.''- Vinita Singh, Senior Research Executive at NielsenCertificate of completion:You'll be issued a certificate of completion after finishing the course. Which you can (and should) easily add to your LinkedIn profile.This course is right for you, if:Youre a business owner or run an e-commerce site and struggle to raise conversion rate and average order value and is tired of trial and error and is ready to get inspiredYoure a Conversion and UX specialist who wants to learn the psychology behind why people buyYoure a Copywriter who wants to enhance their skillset and become more versatileYoure a Strategist and Planner who needs to understand whats behind your customers decisions and how to influence themYoure a Behavioral Economics fan who wants to see how it can be used to solve real-life problems"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Brain Efficiency. How to Increase brain power." |
"Welcome to our lab!Here you can find the best life hacks for an efficient learning! You will see how an effective management of your learning process can double the result of your achievements!Learning management is one of the most important things in our life because it helps us to obtain necessary skill in less time. Learning is always our lifetime companion regardless of already having a successful career or still studyng . The world these days is rapidly changing and one has to adjust to these changes and possess a certain set of universal skills in space, time and information management. It helps us to adapt to a new situation with less anxiety and achieve our goals.Our course consists of 4 modules. Each module has 2-3 short lectures and tasks.In the first module we reveal some secrets of our brain. To successfully arrange our learning process we need to understand how our brain processes the information. In the end of this module you will be introduced to mind mapping and the basis of the brain functioning.In the second module you will learn how to achieve more with putting less effort into it. In 4 steps you will learn how to prioritize using Pareto principle. We will also be talking about how to build a declaration of your life goals.You will learn how to generate new ideas in our third module. And basically in no time you will get a great variety of unique ideas. You will also be introduced to Lotus Blossom Creative technique, which comes in handy when workig on a new project.In our 4th module you will learn about habits. How to track them and how to build the good ones. You will also learn how much time it really takes to build a sustainable habit.We invite you to join our lab. If you really want to know how to make your learning more efficient and double the result of your achievements, watch all of our videos and complete the tasks.see you inside!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Energy Work" |
"This class will take you through nine weeks of simple yet effective exercises that will help you become more in touch with your intuition and the energies around you, while practicing for just five minutes each day. Easy enough, right? We will end the class by learning a basic shielding technique."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
trumpet_ |
Price: 18000.00 ![]() |
"Six Part Guide to Shedding Pounds Off Your Bills And Saving." |
"Our six part course will enable you to reduce your monthly bills by using a search engine to compare prices. To make sure that you never auto renew your insurances as loyalty does not pay. How to shop online for food and other goods so that you get the best deals.How to manage your debts.Get the best deals on holidays, hotels, flights and other means of travel.Use your money to work for you, rather than you having to work for your money."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn About Amazon Marketing" |
"The Learn About Amazon Marketing 20 Videos Training Package will teach you more about Amazon Marketing which there are five modules. The Promotional Video #1 includes the following:Module 1: The Hottest Ways to Make Money with AmazonVideo #1: What's Amazon all about?Video #2: Why you should care about AmazonVideo #3: How you can make money with Amazon"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A Hands-On Guide to Splunk Enterprise Security" |
"You will understand Splunk's user interface -UI. You will be able to navigate UI features on your own: Navigating Splunk web: Splunk home, Splunk bar, Splunk web, getting date into Splunk, how to specify data inputs, where Splunk stores data, getting tutorial data into Splunk, using Splunk search, search actions, and modes, search results tools, events, what are fields, extracted fields, find and select fields, run more targeted searches, use the search language, learn with search assistant.You can start using the Splunk's basic transforming commands, can create reports and dashboards, you will know how to save and share reports and also can create alerts after completing these sections.Hands-on practical videos on Enterprise Splunk Security: ES1, ES2, ES3 & ES4 will help you master Splunk!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Unified Modeling Language[UML] from Beginner to Advance" |
"The Unified Modeling Language (UML) provides a common, standard notation for recording both analysis models and design artifacts. This course deals with UML as the notation language.Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this course, the participant will know:The UML notation and symbols.The object-oriented approach to analyzing and designing systems and software solutions.How to Employ the UML notation to create effective and efficient system designs.All UML Diagrams."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Jzyka Hiszpaskiego cz.1" |
"Ile lat uczysz si jzyka obcego i wci nie jeste z siebie zadowolony? Rok, dwa, a moe kilkanacie. Ja te to przeyam. Nauk jzyka angielskiego rozpoczam w wieku 10 lat i kontynuowaam przez 12 lat a stwierdziam e nauka jzykw obcych po prostu nie jest dla mnie. Poddaam si! Jednak szybko zauwayam i znajomo jzykw znacznie uatwia ycie. Otwiera drzwi w wielu dziedzinach, w pracy, podczas podry, daje Ci wolno w komunikowaniu si z kim zechcesz, otwiera przed tob nowy, lepszy wiat. Znajc jzyki obce cay wiat wydaj si bliszy a cele atwiejsze.Dlatego daam im jeszcze jedn szans ale tym razem z odpowiednim podejciem. Obecnie pracuj dla Amerykaskiej firmy gdzie swoj prac wykonuj w jzyku angielskim. Jzyka hiszpaskiego uczyam si kilka miesicy gdy pojechaam na wakacje do Hiszpanii i oczarowaam swoj pynnoci mieszkacw tego piknego kraju. Zdaam sobie spraw e to co robiam z jzykiem przez 12 lat w cale nie byo nauk. Obecnie mwi pynnie w 3 jzykach i nie spoczywam na laurach. Ucz si dalej!Ty te moesz zosta poliglot. Okiezna jzyk obcy w szybkim czasie. Poznaj najskuteczniejsze metody efektywnej nauki jzykw obcych. Nie musisz ich poszukiwa gdy stworzyam dla Ciebie kurs, ktry nie tylko uczy jzyka hiszpaskiego, ale rwnie uczy jak si go uczy. Podaj za moimi wskazwkami, bd systematyczny i aktywny w swojej nauce.Kurs jzyka hiszpaskiego z serii JAK ZOSTA POLIGLOT cz1. to nauka podstaw niezbdnych. Zapoznasz si tu z pierwsz du grup sownictwa najczciej uywanego, podstawami gramatyki, ktre uatwi tworzenie poprawnie zda oraz z pierwszymi metodami uatwiajcymi nauk. A wszystko to pozwoli Ci w sposb podstawowy pisa, czyta oraz komunikowa si w jzyku hiszpaskim.Przejd do czci drugiej aby dowiedzie si jak wykorzystywa te niezbdne podstawy. Poznasz tam rwnie kolejne metody oraz kolejn grup swek i cz gramatyki aby rozwija swoje umiejtnoci.Cz. 2 w przygotowaniu - ju niebawem dostpna na Udemy."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"5G: Technologies, Architecture And Protocols" |
"This is a very extensive and up-to-date course about 5G mobile networks that will let you understand- The requirements and key drivers for 5G wireless development- 5G use cases and services- the key technologies in 5G NR (Dual Connectivity, small Cells, CRAN, Flexible Numerology, massive MIMO etc)- 5G Radio Access Technology And Frame Structure-Network Virualization and Slicing in 5G-The Key elements/Functions in 5G Core Network-UE and Network Identifiers in 5G-Procedures in 5G (UE Registeration, PDU Session establishment, Paging, Tracking Area Update, Handover) -Handover in 5G, Xn and X2 -Security in 5G Mobile Networks-Voice Over 5G- 5G Air Interface Channels, Cell Acquisition, Data Scheduling, Paging etcThis 5G training is not too long but it is concise, so that you may get started with this 5G cellular technology as soon as possible. This course is designed to provide you with necessary functional knowledge possible in shortest possible time. The course comes with 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.This course is targeted for:Telecom professionalsTelecom studentsNetworking studentsInterview candidates"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Professional Web Development Bootcamp" |
"In this course, we are going to learn about Web Development and some Programming Basics. This course also focuses on hosting up your website, Search Engine Optimizations. This course specially made for beginners but professionals are always welcomed; just to sharpen their skills.In this course, you'll be learning the basic and intermediate level of Web Development. You'll also learn about what other platforms can be used for web development, what is the catch in making a website, ranking it on well know search engines, and much more. This course also tells it's students about Growth Hacking which is an essential personality tool if you are in the technical field.HTML and CSS are the main focus of this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Atencin y Servicio de Calidad al Cliente" |
"Como introduccin del curso se presenta la sintesis curricular del Intructor, se habla de la importancia del curso, los objetivos, los recursos didacticos que se utilizarn para lograrlos y darle la seguridad que lo estaremos acompanando durante el proceso de aprendizaje El Curso cuenta con seis mdulos o lecciones con un trabajo final donde el estudiante tendra la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre los conceptos a traves de la aplicacin de los conocimientos en una empresa .Los recursos didcticos que se utilizan son lecturas,videos y cuestionarios para validar el aprendizaje. Al final del curso los estudiantes tendrn la capacidad de valorar la satisfaccin del cliente como herramienta competitiva, conocer que es atencin, servicio. cliente y calidad, reconocer porque se pierden los clientes,caractersticas, habilidades que debe tener como trabajador de atencin al cliente asi como las reglas y estrategias para fidelizar y los beneficios que obtendr al trabajar con calidad, tendran la oportunidad de aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos al responder una serie de interrogantes relacionadas con los conocimientos adquiridos y aplicados a la empresa donde trabaja. La estructura del curso le permitira al estudiante adquirir los conocimientos necesarioa para analizar y solucionar con mayor competencia los problemas , quejas y preocupaciones manifestadas por los clientes"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chat real time con stack MEAN, Stocketio y Angular 8" |
"Aprenderas a usar el STACK MEAN junto con SOCKET.IO y manejar eventos en tiempo real con este ejemplo de CHAT, donde se podran registrar usuarios, editar el perfil del usuario como su foto de perfil y sus redes sociales, tambien recibir notificaciones y un sonido en el navegador cuando llega un mensaje, se podr cambiar el estado de en linea o desactivo y muchas cosas."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"650-059 Cisco Lifecycle Service Advanced Routing & Switching" |
"Hello, Students!Are you looking for the best course to test your knowledge?So, you are on the right course to examine your skills. Because this course is designed by our IT team members.In this course, there are 2 Practice tests and multiple Case Studies which gives you benefit while doing your real exam. With this course, your self-knowledge will be extended.After completing this course your confidence gets boost up towards your real Exam."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Estadistica y Probabilidad" |
"De mis experiencias como profesora, tutora y coach personal s las necesidades , las dificultades y los miedos comunes de los estudiantes y los alumnos a la hora de enfrentar problemas de estadistica y probabilidad por eso he recopilado todas las preguntas que yo pienso necesarias para ir preparado a un examen de estadistica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |