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"The Ultimate Vegan Cooking Course" |
"This course is designed to teach people that eating a predominantly plant based diet does not have to be difficult or complicated. In this course we help all kinds of people, from people who eat meat, but want to add more plantbased options in their diet to people that are vegan or vegetarian or people looking to transition to a more plantbased lifestyle put together simple delicous plantbased foods. As a Certified health coach of over 7 years I have seen a lot! One of the biggest problems people face is diet and nutrition. This becomes especially difficult when we look at diet and nutrition from a plantbased perspective. This isn't because its difficult but really has more to do with the conditioning of a meat diet, which has lead you to believe that a plantbased diet is boring and unsustainable. The truth is we have never lived in a more better time to incorporate more plantbased meals into your diet. These meals will not only blow your taste buds and get you thinking from a new perspective of diet and nutrition, but it will also help reduce inflammation in your body and improve your overall health!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Practice CompTIA PenTest+ Exam: 340 Questions, PT0-001" |
"CompTIA PenTest+ is for cybersecurity professionals tasked with penetration testing and vulnerability management.CompTIA PenTest+ is the only penetration testing exam taken at a Pearson VUE testing center with both hands-on, performance-based questions and multiple-choice, to ensure each candidate possesses the skills, knowledge, and ability to perform tasks on systems. PenTest+ exam also includes management skills used to plan, scope, and manage weaknesses, not just exploit them.PenTest+ is unique because our certification requires a candidate to demonstrate the hands-on ability and knowledge to test devices in new environments such as the cloud and mobile, in addition to traditional desktops and servers.About the examCompTIA PenTest+ assesses the most up-to-date penetration testing, and vulnerability assessment and management skills necessary to determine the resiliency of the network against attacks.Successful candidates will have the intermediate skills required to customize assessment frameworks to effectively collaborate on and report findings.Candidates will also have the best practices to communicate recommended strategies to improve the overall state of IT security.CompTIA PenTest+ meets the ISO 17024 standard. Regulators and government rely on ANSI accreditation because it provides confidence and trust in the outputs of an accredited program. Over 1.3 million CompTIA ISO/ANSI-accredited exams have been delivered since January 1, 2011.What Skills Will You Learn?PLANNING & SCOPING: Explain the importance of planning and key aspects of compliance-based assessmentsINFORMATION GATHERING & VULNERABILITY IDENTIFICATION: Gather information to prepare for exploitation then perform a vulnerability scan and analyze results.ATTACKS & EXPLOITS: Exploit network, wireless, application, and RF-based vulnerabilities, summarize physical security attacks, and perform post-exploitation techniquesPENETRATION TESTING TOOLS: Conduct information gathering exercises with various tools and analyze output and basic scripts (limited to: Bash, Python, Ruby, PowerShell)REPORTING & COMMUNICATION: Utilize report writing and handling best practices explaining recommended mitigation strategies for discovered vulnerabilitiesJobs that use CompTIA PenTest+: Penetration Tester, Vulnerability Tester, Security Analyst (II), Vulnerability Assessment Analyst, Network Security Operations, and Application Security Vulnerability.The CompTIA PenTest+ certification verifies that successful candidates have the knowledge and skills required to plan and scope an assessment, understand legal and compliance requirements, perform vulnerability scanning and penetration testing, analyze data, and effectively report and communicate results.PenTest+ Exam details: Number of Questions, Time, and languagePenTest+ exam will consist of 85 questions and they will be multiple choice and performance based questions. The time allotted to complete the exam is 165 minutes. It is available in English, Japanese, Portuguese and Simplified Chinese.Passing score for PenTest+ ExamThe exam is graded on a scale from 100 to 900, with a minimum of 750 (on a scale of 100-900).What Are the CompTIA PenTest+ Exam Domains, and What Do They Cover?The CompTIA PenTest+ exam includes the following domains and topics:Planning and Scoping: Explain the importance of planning for an engagementInformation Gathering and Vulnerability identification: Conduct information gathering using appropriate techniques and perform and analyze a vulnerability scanAttacks and Exploits: Compare and contrast social engineering attacksPenetration Testing Tools: Use NMAP to conduct information gathering exercisesReporting and Communication: Recommend mitigation strategies for discovered vulnerabilitiesThis CompTIA PenTest + course consists of 340 multiple choice questions divided on four exams, each should be completed in 165 minutes as per the real CompTIA PenTest+ exam. In this CompTIA PenTest + exam preparation course, you'll be challenged with 340 CompTIA PenTest + practice exam questions. These question have been written to emulate the CompTIA PenTest + exam.CompTIA PenTest + Exam One: 85 questions across all exam domains (165 minutes)CompTIA PenTest + Exam Two: 85 questions across all exam domains (165 minutes)CompTIA PenTest + Exam Three: 85 questions across all exam domains (165 minutes)CompTIA PenTest + Exam Four: 85 questions across all exam domains (165 minutes)Use this practice exams course to prepare to pass the CompTIA PenTest + exam. Exam taking instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.(as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.This course is considered as a great tool to prepare and pass the CompTIA PenTest + exam, each question of the four practice tests was written, and audited by our experts at elite minds, who passed the exam from their first trial. Don't forget that you have 30 days money back guarantee! so you have nothing to lose, enroll now and make use of this course."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"AZ900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: preparacin examen 2020" |
"El mejor curso Azure Fundamentals AZ-900T01 en Espaol! El curso Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 (Course AZ-900T01-A: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals) est diseado para que comprendas los conceptos de la nube, los servicios centrales de Azure, los precios y el soporte de Azure y puedas prepararte para conseguir la certificacin de Azure Fundamentals AZ900.**Microsoft actualiz el contenido de este examen el 23 de octubre de 2019. Este curso AZ-900 Fundamentos de Microsoft Azure incluye las ltimas actualizaciones.** Este curso AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals incluye tips sobre las preguntas del examen de certificacin pero NO incluye las preguntas y respuestas del examen de certificacin. Este curso Az900 Azure Fundamentals pretende ayudarte a tener las bases y preparacin sobre Azure y en ltima instancia como material de apoyo para la certificacin AZ900 Azure Fundamentals. Por favor revisa la descripcin completa del curso.El examen de certificacin Az900 Azure Fundamentals es ms terico que prctico, por lo que encontrars lecciones que te ayudarn a comprender Azure desde cero con ms teora y algunas prcticas.Ten en cuenta que constantemente se actualiza el contenido de este curso, por lo que siempre tednrs acceso a las ltimas actualizaciones por la misma inversin inicial.Objetivo del curso AZ900 Azure FundamentalsEste curso te brindar los conocimientos bsicos de los servicios en la nube y cmo se proporcionan esos servicios con Microsoft Azure. El curso se puede realizar como un primer paso opcional para aprender sobre los servicios en la nube y Microsoft Azure, antes de realizar ms cursos de servicios en la nube de Microsoft Azure o Microsoft.El curso abarca conceptos generales del cmputo en la nube, as como modelos y servicios generales de computacin en la nube, como la nube pblica, privada e hbrida y la infraestructura como servicio (IaaS), plataforma como servicio (PaaS) y el software como servicio (SaaS).Tambin incluye material sobre servicios y soluciones principales de Azure, revisaremos conceptos y servicios relacionados a seguridad, privacidad, cumplimiento y confianza. Finalmente cubriremos los precios y los servicios de soporte disponibles con Azure adems de cmo puedes ahorrar en costos de infraestructura.AudienciaEl curso es ideal para ti si:Requieres los conocimientos necesarios para realizar el examen AZ900 de Microsoft Azure Fundamentals.Deseas obtener un conocimiento bsico de AzureCuentas con antecedentes no tcnicos, si ests involucrad@ en la venta o compra de soluciones y servicios basados en la nube.Necesitas aprender sobre los servicios en la nube y cmo usar Microsoft AzureDeseas validar el conocimiento de nivel fundamental y tomar el examen AZ-900 Azure FundamentalsTemarioEl Curso Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 te va ayudar a validar tu conocimiento de Azure antes de tomar otras certificaciones basadas en Azure y en ultima instancia te ayudar a obtener un conocimiento bsico de los servicios en la nube y cmo se proporcionan esos servicios con Microsoft Azure.Incluye sesiones tericas y prcticas para que puedas aprender fcilmente los fundamentos de Microsoft Azure.Habilidades a evaluar en el examen AZ-900 Microsoft Azure FundamentalsEste curso incluye el contenido alineado a la ceriticacin AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals que evala los siguientes puntos:Comprender los conceptos de nube (15-20%)Describir los beneficios y consideraciones del uso de servicios en la nubeComprender trminos como alta disponibilidad, escalabilidad, elasticidad, agilidad, tolerancia a fallas y recuperacin ante desastresComprender los principios de las economas de escalaComprender las diferencias entre el Gasto de Capital (CapEx) y el Gasto Operacional (OpEx)Entender el modelo basado en el consumoDescriba las diferencias entre Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) y Software como servicio (SaaS)Describir infraestructura como servicio (IaaS)Describir la plataforma como servicio (PaaS)Describir Software como servicio (SaaS)Comparar y contrastar los tres tipos de servicio diferentesDescribir las diferencias entre los modelos de nube pblica, privada e hbridaDescribir la nube pblicaDescribir la nube privadaDescribir la nube hbridaComparar y contrastar los tres modelos de nube diferentesComprender los servicios principales de Azure (30-35%)Comprender los componentes arquitectnicos principales de AzureDescribir regionesDescribir las zonas de disponibilidadDescribir grupos de recursosDescribir Azure Resource ManagerDescribir las ventajas y el uso de los componentes arquitectnicos principales de AzureDescribir algunos de los principales productos disponibles en AzureDescribir productos disponibles para Computo como Mquinas Virtuales, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, App Service, Functions, Instancias de contenedores de Azure (ACI) y Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)Describir productos disponibles para redes como Red Virtual, Load Balancer, VPN Gateway, Application Gateway y Content Delivery NetworkDescribir productos disponibles para Almacenamiento como Blob Storage, Disk Storage, File Storage y Archive StorageDescribir los productos disponibles para bases de datos como Cosmos DB, Azure SQL Database, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, servicio de migracin de Azure Database,Describir Azure Marketplace y sus escenarios de usoDescribir algunas de las soluciones disponibles en AzureDescribir Internet de las cosas (IoT) y los productos que estn disponibles para IoT en Azure, como IoT Hub e IoT CentralDescribir Big Data y Analytics y productos que estn disponibles para Big Data y Anlisis como SQL Data Warehouse, HDInsights y Azure DatabricksDescribir la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) y los productos que estn disponibles para la IA, como Azure Machine Learning Service y StudioDescribir serverless y los productos de Azure que estn disponibles para la serverless, como Azure Functions, Logic Apps y Event GridDescribir las soluciones de DevOps disponibles en Azure, como Azure DevOps y Dev Test LabsDescribir los beneficios y los resultados del uso de soluciones de AzureComprender las herramientas de administracin de AzureComprender las herramientas de Azure como Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, la CLI de Azure y Cloud ShellComprender Azure AdvisorComprender la seguridad, la privacidad, el cumplimiento y la confianza (25-30%)Comprender cmo proteger la infraestructura de red en AzureDescribir grupos de seguridad de red (NSG)Describir grupos de seguridad de aplicaciones (ASG)Describir las reglas definidas por el usuario (UDR)Describir Azure FirewallDescribir Azure DDoS ProtectionElegir una solucin de seguridad de Azure adecuadaDescribir componentes de Azure Identity servicesComprender la diferencia entre autenticacin y autorizacinDescribir Azure Active DirectoryDescribir Azure Multi-Factor AuthenticationDescribir las herramientas y caractersticas de seguridad de AzureDescribir Azure Security CenterComprender los escenarios de uso de Azure Security CenterDescribir Key VaultDescribir Azure Information Protection (AIP)Describir Azure Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)Describir metodologas de gobernanza de AzureDescribir polticas e iniciativas con Azure PolicyDescribir el control de acceso basado en roles (RBAC)Describir LocksDescribir la asistencia de seguridad de Azure AdvisorDescribir Azure BlueprintsComprender las opciones de supervisin e informes en AzureDescribir Azure MonitorDescribir Azure Service HealthComprender los casos de uso y las ventajas de Azure Monitor y Azure Service HealthComprender los estndares de privacidad, cumplimiento y proteccin de datos en AzureComprender los trminos de cumplimiento de la industria como GDPR, ISO y NISTComprender la Declaracin de privacidad de MicrosoftDescribir el centro de confianzaDescribir el Portal de confianza de servicioDescribir al Gerente de CumplimientoDeterminar si Azure es compatible con una necesidad empresarialComprender los servicios en la nube de Azure GovernmentDescribir los servicios en Azure ChinaComprender los precios y soporte tcnico de Azure (20-25%)Comprender las suscripciones de AzureDescribir una suscripcin de AzureComprender los usos y las opciones con las suscripciones de Azure, como el control de acceso y los tipos de ofertaComprender la gestin de suscripciones utilizando grupos de administracinComprender la planificacin y gestin de costesComprender las opciones para comprar productos y servicios de AzureComprender las opciones en relacin a la cuenta de Azure FreeComprender los factores que afectan los costos, como los tipos de recursos, los servicios, las ubicaciones, el trfico de entrada y salidaComprender las zonas para fines de facturacinEntender la calculadora de preciosComprender la calculadora de costo total de propiedad (TCO)Comprender las prcticas recomendadas para minimizar los costos de Azure, como realizar anlisis de costos, crear lmites y cuotas de gasto y usar etiquetas para identificar a los propietarios de costos, usar reservas de Azure y usar recomendaciones de Azure AdvisorDescribir Azure Cost ManagementComprender las opciones de soporte tcnico disponibles con AzureComprender los planes de soporte que estn disponibles como Dev, Standard, Professional Direct y PremierEntender cmo abrir un ticket de soporteComprender los canales de soporte disponiblesDescribir el Centro de Conocimiento (Knowledge Center)Describir acuerdos de nivel de servicio (SLA) de AzureDescribir un Acuerdo de Nivel de Servicio (SLA)Entender los SLA compuestosEntender cmo determinar un SLA adecuado para una aplicacinComprender el ciclo de vida del servicio en AzureEntender las funciones de vista previa pblica y privadaComprender el trmino Disponibilidad General (GA)Comprender cmo supervisar las actualizaciones de funciones y los cambios de productos**El curso no incluye la descarga de las presentaciones"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Juniper JNCIA Junos (JN0-103) Latest Exams 2020" |
"Juniper JNCIA Junos (JN0-103) Latest Exams 2020The Juniper Networks Certification Program (JNCP) Enterprise Routing and Switching track allows participants to demonstrate competence with Juniper Networks technology. Successful candidates demonstrate thorough understanding of networking technology in general and Juniper Networks enterprise routing and switching platforms.This exam is designed for networking professionals with beginner-intermediate knowledge of networking, this written exam verifies the candidates understanding of networking fundamentals, as well as core functionality of the Juniper Networks Junos OS.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking JNCIA exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Juniper in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus JNCIA JN0-103 exam Certification questions :Junos OS FundamentalsUser InterfacesConfiguration BasicsOperational Monitoring and MaintenanceRouting FundamentalsRouting Policy and Firewall Filters"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"2V0-621D VMware Profession Review Delta Center Practice Exam" |
"211 UNIQUE practice questions for 2V0-621D VMware Profession Review Delta Center Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 2V0-621D VMware Profession Review Delta Center Practice ExamTotal Questions : 211Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (158 of 211)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Hyperion Essbase 4H0-002 Certified 5 Review Practice Exam" |
"129 UNIQUE practice questions for Hyperion Essbase 4H0-002 Certified 5 Review Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Hyperion Essbase 4H0-002 Certified 5 Review Practice ExamTotal Questions : 129Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (96 of 129)"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Procreate - Einsteigerkurs fr Digitale Illustration" |
"Der Procreate Kurs fr das IPad.In diesem Kurs lernst du alles Wichtige rund um die App Procreate.Wir starten mit den einfachen Grundlagen, um ein Verstndnis fr die Benutzeroberflche und dessen Tools zu entwickeln. Wir gehen auf alle wichtigen Punkte im Detail ein und sobald wir mit den Grundfunktionen durch sind, wenden wir das gelernte auch gleich praktisch an.Da man am besten lernt beim mitmachen, beginnen wir mit dem erstellen von einfachen Grafiken und Zeichnungen, schauen uns an wie man am besten vorgeht, wenn man Grafiken nachbilden mchte und gehen auch auf das Isometrische Zeichnen ein, zum erstellen von 3D Grafiken.Whrend dem gesamten Kurs, werden alle Arbeitsschritte genau erklrt und auch optisch auf dem Bildschirm gekennzeichnet."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
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"! 20 . ( ) , , - , :* * * * * * * * / * / ( ), . , , , - . , , ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Illinois Nursing Home Administrator Practice Test" |
"This 50 Question Illinois Supplemental Jurisdictional Exam NHA EXAM practice test is designed to give people who are planning to take the Illinois Supplemental Jurisdictional Exam NHA EXAM a chance to practice questions Similar to those found on the test. This Practice test is excellent for the following but not limited to Healthcare Administration Students, & Administrators In Training."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Success for 2020 Managers and Leaders - The unfair Advantage" |
"Go from Novice to crushing it! Leadership Skills don't just arrive with a new Stack of Business to hire and retain great TeamsFinance humanisedfat-free Communicationpositive Habit-CreationMaster...your transition from Buddy to BossMonkey-ManagementMeritocracy la Ray DalioLeadership from BehindImprove...your Negotiating SkillsInfluencing Othersyour Stress ManagementThis course is based on our global live Webinar, screened across Europe, Africa, USA and India. Its a complete Toolbox packed with Skills and KnowledgeThe outcome-focused Course Framework for YOU:Learn from the Mistakes we made before You, for YouBenefit from Experience in the Trenches, latest Research and Neuroleadership ScienceDiscover Bio-Hacking Tools, Ray Dalios foundation of Success, the Science of Flow and a new approach on MotivationBONUS Interviews on Finance, building your Own Brand and on Leadership which is mindful of LGBT+ and Gender-EqualityWe share the Level-UP Time Creation Matrix and how to decide if you want a Mentor or Coach>>> 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee <<<16 Worksheets, Checklists, Tools and TemplatesYour monthly Self-Assessment - a life-long Tool to keep3x monthly access to personal dilemma-coachingDont delay! Dont be like the sheep, who say theyll do it next time, some other time. Act now and get massive Value for your future-Self today."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 40.Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (350-401 ENCOR) Test seriesIt cover 100% of Cisco exam 350-401 ENCOR certification syllabus.Exam overview:This exam tests your knowledge and skills related to implementing core enterprise network technologies, including:Dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) architectureVirtualizationInfrastructureNetwork assuranceSecurityAutomation"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Implementing & Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine" |
"Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (300-715 SISE) Test seriesIt cover 100% of Cisco exam 300-715 SISE certification syllabus.Exam overview:The Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine v1.0 (SISE 300-715) exam is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Security, and Cisco Certified Specialist - Security Identity Management Implementation certifications. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge of Cisco Identify Services Engine, including architecture and deployment, policy enforcement, Web Auth and guest services, profiler, BYOD, endpoint compliance, and network access device administration. The course, Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine, helps candidates to prepare for this exam.This exam tests your knowledge of Cisco Identify Services Engine, including:Architecture and deploymentPolicy enforcementWeb Auth and guest servicesProfilerBYODEndpoint complianceNetwork access device administration"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Escritura teraputica" |
"Escribir siempre ha sido una de mis grandes pasiones. Quizs porque soy una persona soadora, a veces demasiado incluso, o tal vez porque es la manera que tengo de desconectarme del exterior y conectarme conmigo misma. O puede incluso que porque durante toda mi vida y sin ser consciente de ello, haya sabido en lo ms profundo de mi ser, que escribir era mi propia terapia. Como ya he comentado en otras ocasiones, recuerdo tener diarios en los que escriba siendo nia. Cuando llegu a la adolescencia devoraba los libros, me encantaba explorar otros mundos, y sobretodo, quera aprender a escribir mejor. Pasaba noches en vela escribiendo historias, tratando de dar forma a personajes que inventaba, los cuales, por supuesto, reflejaban todo mi mundo emocional. Lo cierto es que cuando terminaba mis historias no es que me gustasen mucho, porque mi imaginacin y creatividad en ese sentido, estn algo dormidas. As que comenc a practicar poesa. Es tan liberador expresar tus emociones a travs de los versos! Ah pude ser consciente de la fuerza y el torbellino emocional que anidan en mi interior. As pues, podra afirmar que las emociones y la escritura siempre han ido de la mano en mi vida. Esas fueron las semillas que aos despus uniran dos de mis grandes pasiones: la Psicologa y la escritura.Aos despus, habiendo finalizado ya mi licenciatura y habindome incorporado al mercado laboral, tuve la certeza de que ambas disciplinas tenan que ir de la mano en mi vida. As que comenc a investigar. No recuerdo haber profundizado en la universidad en el paradigma de la escritura teraputica, as que no tena muchos conocimientos al respecto. Simplemente saba que la escritura poda ayudar muchsimo, tal y como haba hecho conmigo misma sin apenas darme cuenta. Lo cierto es que la gran mayora de investigaciones y artculos cientficos sobre el tema estn en ingls por lo que el acceso a los mismos es algo ms complicado. Aun as, descubr a James Pennebaker, profesor e investigador de la Universidad de Texas y pionero en las investigaciones sobre escritura teraputica.Comenc a utilizar la escritura como herramienta en el espacio inter-sesiones con mis pacientes. Justo acababa de comenzar a trabajar como psicloga, as que podis imaginar el miedo que tena a equivocarme. Trataba de ser lo ms directiva posible en las sesiones y pasaba horas en casa preparando dinmicas y actividades que pudiesen ayudar a los clientes con los que trabajaba. A partir de ah, pude integrar y comprender de manera consciente cmo funcionaba la escritura en las personas. As que poco a poco fui creando mi propio material para trabajar en consulta. Y as es como naci Transformacin emocional. Un viaje a travs de la escritura teraputica (Descle de Brouwer, 2017).Ha pasado ya tiempo desde que cre los ejercicios que componen dicho libro, y desde he entonces, he continuado investigando y practicando la escritura teraputica. Poco a poco, a travs de la prctica clnica diaria, y gracias a mi propio proceso personal, he ido creando una serie de metodologas que nos permiten utilizar la escritura teraputica de diferentes modos para avanzar y crecer en nuestras vidas.Este curso explica paso a paso cmo utilizar la escritura para lograr beneficios teraputicos. En concreto, se presentan diferentes mtodos para trabajar aspectos como el desahogo emocional, la resolucin de conflictos, elaboracin de duelos y experiencias dolorosas, creatividad, cambios en las creencias y patrones disfuncionalesEn definitiva, se trata de aprender a utilizar la escritura como herramienta de desarrollo personal y gestin emocional."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
hawiateycourse1 |
": 30 + +"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Pratique pour l'examen Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071" |
"Ces tests sont des simulations de ce quoi ressemblera le vritable examen. Si vous russissez ces tests, vous serez en bonne forme pour l'examen proprement dit.Chaque question a une explication dtaille et des liens vers des documents de rfrence pour soutenir les rponses qui garantissent l'exactitude des solutions aux problmes.Les questions seront mlanges chaque fois que vous rptez les tests, vous devrez donc savoir pourquoi une rponse est correcte, et pas seulement que la bonne rponse tait le point ""B"" la dernire fois que vous avez pass le test.Ce qui est couvert dans les tests de pratique:Concepts de base de donnes relationnelleRestriction et tri des donnesUtilisation des fonctions de conversion et des expressions conditionnellesAffichage des donnes de plusieurs tablesUtilisation des oprateurs SETGestion des synonymes et des squences d'indexGrer les vuesGestion des objets avec les vues du dictionnaire de donnesRcupration de donnes l'aide de l'instruction SQL SELECTUtilisation des fonctions une ligne pour personnaliser la sortieRapport des donnes agrges l'aide des fonctions de groupeUtilisation de sous-requtes pour rsoudre des requtesGestion des tables l'aide d'instructions DMLUtiliser DDL pour grer les tables et leurs relationsContrle de l'accs des utilisateursGestion des donnes dans diffrents fuseaux horairesCes tests pratiques vous aideront vous prparer l'examen pratique Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071 mais ne devraient pas tre la seule source de formation que vous utilisez."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AWS DVA-C01 Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The developer writes an application that will run on -premises. but the need to access AWS services via the AWS SDK. As a developer can enable SDK to access AWS services?a) Create a lame EC2 role of the relevant rights and assign it to a local serverb) Creating P users with appropriate privileges, to generate an access key and store it in a credential AMCAc) Create a lame role of the relevant permissions and roles request STS markerd) Creating a lame users with appropriate privileges, to generate an access key and keep it in the table Dynamo DB. e) NoneQ) Developer migrates a local web application AWS cloud. The program is currently working on 32 co-processor server and stores the session state in memory. On Friday afternoon, the server is running with 75% CPU utilization, but only about 5% of CPU usage in the other cases. Show the developer must modify the code to better take advantage of working in the cloud?a) Compression session state information in memoryb) store session state on the EC2 instance store 1c) Encryption of session state information in memoryd) Store session state in an elastic Cache Cluster.e) NoneQ) organization program must monitor the application of certain events using standard AWS services. The service will record the number of Internet users and the initiating events in the future. At peak hours. frequency of monitoring will be done every 10 seconds. What should be done to meet these requirements?a) Create an alert Amazon SNSb) Creating a standard definition adapted Amazon Cloud Watch Journalc) Create high resolution adapted Amazon Cloud Watch metricd) Create custom Amazon Cloud Trail smiled.e) NoneQ) The developer writes the application on EC2 instances and stores 2 GB of elements as the S3 bucket. The developer wants to minimize the time required to download each item. Developer API which should be used to minimize charging time?a) ~~ = TRUNC up multi POSb) Batch Get the pointc) Batch printing pointd) insert recorde) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"HP0-091 HP-UX System Administration Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) How to set up the swap unit and make sure it is active whenever the system is started?multiple-choicea) Start pumping unit using the swapon existing file system mount points.b) Run the swapon unit changes the logical volume; add an entry in / etc / Fstab.c) Run the swapon unit changes the logical volume; add an entry in / etc / Sbtab file.d) Run the swapon unit changes the logical volume; add an entry in / etc / Vfstab.e) NoneQ) Commands can be used to create the device files? Choose two.a) mkdeviceb) INSffsadmc) mksfd) devstartQ) What is the purpose of the lost + found directory?a) allow Fsck recover lost files and directoriesb) required JFS file system journalingc) It serves as garbage cans for file systemd) temporary storage for deleted filese) NoneQ) Which command is used to re-create the / stand / system file?a) system_preb) mkkernalc) v systemd) frecovere) Sysgen"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Phlebotomy Technician Video Series" |
"How to obtain a blood specimen (as a phlebotomy technician/EMT) from the antecubital fossa region. I hope you not only enjoy but truly grasp the various skills shared as you strive to obtain proficiency within a medical field serving many in need of the compassion which 'you' possess.I believe that this is the main reason that you are interested in this course.Good luck and I look forward to hearing from you!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAS A00-212 Advanced Programming Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Given the following SAS program: proc SQL; Choose the product, type, sum (sales) as revenue from a product group, type; stop; Which of the following clauses should be added to the program to sort the Output by product and revenue down?a) order from 1, 3b) order from 1, 3 descc) Product orderby, disk revenued) by product order, the disk revenuesQ) Which of the following techniques concatenate the data into SAS?a) the procedure of addingb) pass data with a MERGE statementc) passing data with a statement COMBINEd) the INTERSECT operator in the SQL procedureQ) Which of the following should be avoided when creating and using a SQL procedure?a) using a HAVING clauseb) using summary functionsc) reference to a view of several times in the same programd) creating views of tables whose structures remain constantQ) Which of the following statements about the number of compressed SAS data is always true?a) Each observation is treated as a single byte string.b) Each observation occupies the same number of bytes.c) An observation date is stored in its original position.d) The new observations are added at the end of the SAS data set.Q) The following SAS program is presented: Temp data; Matrix points {2,3} (10,15,20,25,30,35); to run; What impact has the ARRAY statement they plan vector data (PDV)?a) No variables are created in POVb) The variables named POINTS10, POINTS15, POINTS20, POINTS25, POINTS30, POINTS35 are created in the PDVc) The variables referred to in points 1, POINTS2, points 3 points 4 points 5, 6 points are created in the PDVd) The variables named POINTS11, POINTS12, POINTS21, POINTS22, POINTS23 are created in POV"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA LX0-102 Linux Part 2 Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The files in the etc skel are used by:a) command pwconvb) command pwunconvc) useradd commandd) passwd commandQ) Which of the following SQL statements, select the name and address of the contact table fields?a) SELECT (name, address) by contact;b) SELECT (name address) by contact;c) SELECT name, address from your contacts;d) address select the name from contacts;Q) Which of the following is not a mail transport agent?a) eximb) postfixc) Send a maild) qmaile) mailQ) All of the following are mail transport agents except:a) eximb) postfixc) Send a maild) qmaile) mailQ) Which of the following is not contained in the settings of the operating system?a) Currency Symbol.b) Languagec) Time zoned) thousands separator"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"1Y0-264 Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 Support Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) An administrator has implemented QoS (priority) to ensure that ICA traffic is prioritized appropriately. Reliability session uses the default port. What should be the firewall administrator check to verify that Session Reliability work?a) 1494 TCP is open for incoming traffic to the server.b) 2598 TCP is open for incoming traffic to the server.c) TCP 1494 is open for outgoing traffic from the server.d) TCP 2598 is open for outgoing traffic from the server.Q) Scenario: An administrator is attempting to restart one of a farm Presentation Server. However, the IMA service fails with an error message that reads: ""The installation program could not start the IMA service."" To solve the problem in this scenario, the administrator must verify that the ____________. (Choose the right phrase to complete the phrase.)a) the server name was not changedb) type of the IMA service startup is set to Manualc) WMI service is started in the Administrator contextd) Print Spooler service is started in the system contextQ) An administrator has received calls from users who are able to bypass authentication when logging on their disconnected sessions. What is the reason for this problem?a) NTLM v2 is not enabled in Active Directory.b) The administrator has not enabled the trust Streaming Client.c) Smart Card Authentication is not enabled on the Web Interface sited) The administrator has not set a policy for the application delivery method.Q) Users in different time zones notifies an administrator of a Presentation Server environment that the time displayed on their application is incorrect. How can the administrator to correct this problem?a) Configure your client rule molten zone (CTZ).b) Configure the estimate local time for all users.c) Triggering the rule of the time zone for the server in the policy.d) Turn off the rule of the time zone does not use local time in the client policy.Q) Scenario: Users are able to access their desktop in a Presentation Server farm. The users all receive a message that reads: ""You have no access to access this session."" As the administrator can fix this?a) Check the listener from the Presentation Server Console.b) Check the settings on the listener port in Terminal Services Configuration.c) Look for user accounts in the synthesis report for the user in the resource management node.d) Looking at the amount of sessions on the server in the Server summary report by the Resource Manager node."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"ECCouncil 412-79 Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) One way to identify the presence of hidden partitions on a hard drive is to suspicions:a) Add the total size of all known partitions and compare it to the total hard disk sizeb) Examine the FAT and identify hidden partitions noticing a H in the Partition Typec) You can not have a hidden partition on a hard driveQ) What does mactime, an essential part of the toolkit coroner do?a) Cross the file system and produces a list of all files under the amendment, access and modify the timestampb) You can save space for deleted files and searching for data. However, it does not allow the investigator t preview themc) It is the specific tool MAC OS and is a key component of the toolkitQ) The use of warning banner helps companies avoid litigation by passing an employees hired ____________ When you connect to the intranet Companys, network or Virtual Private Network (VPN) and will allow the company's investigators to monitor, search and retrieve information stored within network.a) Right to workb) Right of free speechc) Right to privacyQ) Chris was called to investigate a hacking incident reported by one of his clients. The company suspects the involvement of an accomplice in insider attack. After reaching the accident scene, Chris protects the physical area, record the scene using visual media. It shuts down the system by pulling the power plug so that it does not disturb the system in any way. He labels all cables and connectors before disconnecting anything. What do you think would be the next sequence of events?a) Connect the target media; prepare the acquisition system; Attach the evidence; Copy the mediab) Prepare the acquisition system; Connect the target media; copy the media; Attach the evidencec) Attach the evidence; prepare the acquisition system; Connect the target media; copy the mediaQ) When a Windows system, it is important to view the contents of the page or swap file as:a) Windows stores all system configuration information in this fileb) This is the file that Windows uses to communicate directly with Registryc) This is the file that Windows uses to store the history of the last 100 commands that are executed from the command line"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Complete Facebook & Instagram Ads Course for Ecommerce 2020" |
"Do you have an Ecommerce store and want to use Facebook & Instagram ads to generate MASSIVE revenue? Then this is the course for you! If you don't don't have an Ecommerce business this course is NOT for you!JOIN THE 200+ ECOMMERCE STORES WE HAVE CONSULTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AND INCREASED CONVERSIONS FOR VIA FACEBOOK ADS!Just Take a Look At What Our Customers Have To Say:""Great service, it's so nice to have someone who takes care of everything, online marketing, graphic design or web design. Thanks for everything!"" - Agnes Kr Gestsdttir, CEO & Owner at Leanbody""There's nothing that Key Of Marketing can't do, they have solutions that are suitable for us - we look forward to working with them in the future."" - Sigurln Margrt, CEO at Deaf Iceland""Great service and great working methods. I sincerely recommend Key Of Marketing."" - Bjrn Loftsson, CEO & Owner at BjrninnBecome an Ecommerce force! This complete course will take you step by step from creating your first ad to running advanced campaigns to increase sales and profits.Inside the course, you'll learn how to:How to find your target audience with audience targetingTrack Conversions with the Facebook PixelHow to Track Conversions CORRECTLY with Facebook's Event Set Up ToolIncrease sales by up to 10XWrite KILLER ad copy that will make you customers NEED to buy your product with the WWW method (Who, What, Why)How to effectively target the people that visit your websiteAdvertise on InstagramGenerate leads in two taps with Lead AdsTurn lookers into buyers with a super targeting sales funnel!And much muce more!You'll also get: Lifetime Access to All Future Facebook Ads Updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!This offer won't last forever.Take this course and become the best and biggest Ecommerce website out there!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Angular 9." |
" ! , , . , , . Frontend Angular Google. , - Angular. Angular?Angular - ! -. Angular , , -.Angular . , . , Angular , , , , , HTTP ! . Angular . : Angular TypeScript Angular ( Reactive Forms ) ( ) (Pipes) ( HttpClient ) ( Interceptors ) Angular - , ( ) ! GoogleAngular - Google, , -."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Java Course - Learn From Scratch" |
"Whether you want to learn Java because:You are a beginner and want to learn programming.Enhance your programming skills.You are an existing programmer and want to learn Java from scratchApply for Java related jobsGet started with Web Development, App Development, Game Development or any other area that Java specializes inThen you have come to the right place. This course is designed to teach you Java from scratch and raise your status from a beginner Java programmer to an intermediate Java programmer.Why learn Java?Java is one of the most used programming language. Game developers, Web developers, Machine Learning experts are using it to program and making projects. Demand for Java programmer and developers is increasing in the industry and it is a prerequisite that can help you enter some of the most exciting job fields. This course will help you to stay ahead in the ever growing race of career opportunities.Why This Course?Learn Basics and Advanced Of Java.The course is well structured and easy to learn.High quality support from an professional Java programmer.Start as a beginner and go all the way to making your own applications, games using Java."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Become A Freight Consultant" |
"In this course you will learn you do NOT need a college degree to make a $100,000 a year income!You will learn about an exciting opportunity in which you can participate and how you can make money in the world of transportation sales and logistics consulting.You will learn how commissions are generated in this industry.You will learn sources to find manufactures who transport products - the accounts you will be calling on.You will understand the backend of the business and the web based platforms (known as load boards) which list all the available trucks ready to transport your orders.You will understand overages, shortages and damages, as well as a bill of lading. You will gain the knowledge needed to avoid the brokers who do not pay their bills.You will have the advantage of understanding where the industry is heading and the role technology will play in this ever changing industry.You will work with data and realize the dominant role it will play in the future of trucking.You will download the FMCSA database, import it into Google sheets and then export .csv files into the contact manager of your choice.You will be ready to prospect for business and have chosen a CRM.You will understand what a Paydex is and how import a role it plays.You will be able to find a broker to work with using the Data Driven Shipping website.You will be taught ways to get hired in the industry and you will have the ability to use the data to reach out and make contacts and offer your sales services.Finally you will be given an overview of starting your own business as a sales agent or logistics consultant.Good luck with your journey and email me at and let me know how it goes."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Hard Surface Vehicle 3D Modeling in Maya" |
"Hard Surface Vehicle Modeling - Maya Tutorial[11hr 40min] Project Files IncludedThis a step-by-step tutorial showing how to model a realistic motorcycle in Maya. This course is designed to teach you how to take your hard surface modeling skills to the next level. You will see this motorcycle created from start to finish. Start by learning advanced reference techniques using Sketchfab. Master techniques such as Circularize, Lattice Deformer, Append to Polygon, Quad Draw, Bevel, Snap Together, Extruding Along a Curve, Animation Snapshot, Importing Vector Art and more in over 11 hours of instructional video. Watch this video from start to finish to see the entire process or jump into any lesson to see how a tool or technique is done in a practical way. This tutorial assumes you have a understanding of the Maya Interface. You will be provided a project files to follow along.Files: All files need Maya 2020 or newer to openVideo TutorialsThere are 57 Video Tutorials averaging about 10 minutes per video. These can be viewed in order or feel free to jump into any lesson to just learn a specific technique. This is part of the Creating Advanced Hard Surface Vehicles in Maya Series: The series is designed to show the workflow from Modeling to Rendering and Lighting but any part can be viewed as a stand alone lesson. Other Lessons that will continue on what you learned here will included, UV Mapping, Creating Color IDs, Materials in Substance, and Rendering and Lighting. You will be provided the proper starting files to follow along."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fsica Experimental" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a medir, coletar e analisar diversas medidas para se obter um valor que represente determinada varivel fsica num evento ou experimento fsico, alm de analisar a disperso dos valores e os erros dos instrumentos utilizados, para assim obter o erro da medida fsica coletada. Sendo assim, abordaremos os seguintes tpicos no curso: Teoria de Erros, Grficos e Leis de Potncia, Propagao de Erros, Mtodo dos Mnimos Quadrados e Passo a Passo para resoluo analtica de experimentos fsicos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
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Price: 3299.00 ![]() |
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Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Watercolor lesson - Mountain with waterfall - Landscape" |
"You will create a beautiful mountain landscape during this tutorial! Waterfall, hills, stones, and mountains! I'll share my ideas, tips, and tricks, to make watercolor for you easier. You will learn several watercolor techniques with me: freestyle calligraphy technique, wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry, layering, gradient, glazing. All steps in this tutorial are easy to follow and going in real-time!You will also receive traceable for this tutorial! Easy to print and transfer all the lines you need. You can add any details you like and create unique art based on this tutorial.I'm sure - everyone can paint it! My mission is to motivate you to believe in yourself. Paint with me and open the talent you have!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |