Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn JavaScript in Arabic" |
"-DOM - var letVariables Hoisting and ScopingConst Strict Mode - JSON - JavaScript Object Notation"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Einsteiger Braukurs" |
"Du mchtest als angehender Hobbybrauer dein eigenes Bier selber brauen, hast aber keine Lust dich lange durch Foren zu lesen, unzhlige YouTube Videos zu schauen oder langweilige Chemie-Bcher zu lesen?Ich glaube es geht auch einfach! Der Einsteiger Braukurs ist darauf ausgelegt mit ganz wenig Ausrstung und einfachsten Mitteln selber zu brauen. Du bentigst kein Braukit, Brauset oder Brauanlage, denn das meiste hast du bereits in der heimischen Kche: Kochtpfe, Nudelsieb und Schpfkelle. Das einzige was du bentigst, sind die richtigen Zutaten und ein paar Brauutensilien, die du vermutlich noch nicht besitzt (keine Sorge, diese sind nicht teuer und du wirst sie immer wieder bentigen).Am Ende des Kurses kannst du dich ber mehrere Liter selbstgebrautes Hefeweizen/Weibier in Bgelflaschen freuen und genieen.Mit der Buchung des Kurses besttigst du, dass du das gesetzliche Mindestalter fr Alkoholkonsum in deinem Land erreicht hast."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Practical Guide: Using CBT for Childhood Complex Trauma" |
"The art of understanding and engaging with clients who suffer from complex trauma is often viewed as a complicated approach reserved for clinicians. This course is designed to support you as a beginning practitioner, empathizer, friend, family member, community worker or academic in understanding the background of complex trauma and subsequently using tried and tested cognitive behavioral therapy techniques and tools to support children and young people to better understand their thoughts, feelings and emotions. This course is designed to be concise and to the point and in just under an hour, you will be able to:Define complex trauma compared to traumatic eventsIdentify warning signs of complex trauma for children and young peopleDevelop your own reflective practiceDescribe Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)Identify the foundations of CBT and the underpinning theoriesRecognise the importance of implementation of CBT for psycho-emotional growth and developmentBe introduced to tried and tested tools which work when engaging with children and young people in exploring and clarifying traumaFollowing this course, you will be able to deliver all of the above in a confident manner with clients and loved ones alike. So who is this course for?Beginning practitioners in allied healthCommunity care workers looking to expand their knowledge and understandingPeople who want a step by step system which worksIndividuals with loved ones who have experienced complex traumaIndividuals with an interest in complex trauma and CBTIndividuals who was to increase their confidence and knowledge of complex trauma and CBT"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Growth Marketing 101 - strategies for growing any business" |
"Growth Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for growing an audience, community or customer base in a dynamic market with resource constraints. The need for growth marketers has exploded over the past several years. Born out of the concepts around Growth Hacking popularized by Sean Ellis and others, Growth Marketing has emerged as the biggest trend for both high-growth startups trying to ramp their revenue quickly, and for more established firms who are looking to improve the ways they go to market and connect with potential buyers.This course is the starting place for students or professionals who are trying to improve their marketing skillset by learning all about Growth Marketing basics and how to apply them to their own organizations. In this Growth Marketing 101 course, youll get a brief history of traditional marketing, learn what growth marketing it is and why its different, and then get into the specific practices that modern marketers employ to help their companies scale up and out. This course is taught by a senior marketing executive with over 15 years of real-world marketing experience. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
marwanosmanmarketing |
". . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - ( ) ."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Phoptoshop Bildbearbeitung Portrt" |
"Bildbearbeitung Portrt- kompletter Workflowhier bearbeite ich ein Portrt. Du lernst eine einfache Technik der Hautretusche, wie du die Augen zum Strahlen bringst, Doge & Burn Techniken, Vignetten und 5 Farblooks erstellst. Der Camera RAW Filter ist ein integriertes, mchtiges Werkzeug von Photoshop. Hier kannst du Looks generieren und abspeichern. Deine Portrts mit einem malerischen Look und dem Bild final den Kick an Schrfe verleihen. Alle Bearbeitungen sind non destruktiv, d.h. sie sind jederzeit anpassbar.Wie Du deine Bilder ganz einfach mit der Adobe Bridge verwaltest gibt es als Bonus oben drauf."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Der Beste Fitnesskurs fr zu Hause (mit Resistance Bndern)" |
"Du suchst einen Fitness Kurs fr zu Hause ? Du mchtest in mglichst kurzer Zeit viele Muskeln aufbauen und deinen Krper definieren ? Dann knnte dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich sein. Ich bin Gianni und habe 5 Jahre lang ein Hochpreis Personal Training Studio in Kln am Mediapark besessen und all meine Leidenschaft und Expertise in diesen Kurs gepackt. Ich fhre das Workout genau so selber durch.Seien wir mal ganz ehrlich, die meisten Fitnesskurse da drauen sind einfach nicht sauber durchdacht und lassen sich nur schwer in der Praxis umsetzen. Ich habe wirklich drauf geachtet, dass ich den Kurs genau so aufbaue wie ich mein Workout auch seit Jahren selber durch fhre. In diesem Kurs sind wirklich alle bungen drinnen die du brauchst. Du wirst keinen weiteren Kurs mehr kaufen mssen. Alle bungen zielen wirklich auf deinen Muskelaufbau ab. Und die Workouts sind so aufgebaut, dass du dabei auch noch Fett verbrennen kannst. Dabei ist es ganz egal, ob du deine Brust, deine Arme, deine Schultern, deinen Rcken, deinen Bauch oder deine Beine trainieren mchtest. Ich habe wirklich alle Muskelgruppen abgedeckt. Du kannst in diesem Kurs vollkommen flexibel entscheiden, ob du einfach meine 20 Minuten Workouts durchfhrst, oder ob du dir mit den besten Einzel- und Doppelbungen dein eigenes hoch effektives Training zusammen stellst.HIGH INTENSITY PRINZIP. Ich kenne einen ganz simplen und einfachen Trick, der es dir ermglicht, in nur 20 Minuten ein Muskelaufbau Training zu absolvieren, bei dem du auch noch fitter wirst und Fett verbrennst. Meine Kunden haben es geliebt und ich Trainiere selber seit Jahren genau so. Das ist meiner Meinung auch der Grund, warum es andere nicht zu Erfolgen schaffen und schnell aufgeben.Du erhltst in diesem Kurs meine effektivsten bungen, die du mit Resistance Bndern berhaupt durchfhren kannst. Das ganze ohne Fitnessstudio oder sonstige Hilfsmitteln. Damit du ganz bequem von zu Hause aus deinen Traumkrper erreichen kannst. Ich habe auch eine Workout Sektion, wo du einfach fr jeden Kalendertag ein Workout findest. EINFACHER GEHT ES NICHTIn meiner Zeit als Personaltrainer haben mir Kunden bis zu 200 im Monat gezahlt, damit ich Sie einmal die Woche fr 20 Minuten trainiere. ber 300 Menschen habe ich in dieser Zeit geholfen, mehr Muskeln aufzubauen und fitter zu werden. Warum sollte das mit dir nicht funktionieren ?Ich habe hier extra darauf geachtet, dass es fr dich maximal einfach ist, massive Muskulatur am Krper aufzubauen und deine Muskeln zu definieren, ganz egal ob du Fitness zum ersten Mal betreibst oder bereits Fortgeschritten bist. Was du mit diesem Kurs bekommst :Die 26 Effektivsten bungen, die du mit Resistance Bndern durchfhren kannstFr jeden Kalendertag ein effektives Workout. 365 Tage im JahrDie Besten bungen fr Brust, Arme, Rcken, Arme, Schultern und BauchDie Besten Beinbungen zum maximalen FettverbrennenDas HIGH INTENSITY Workout - Die besten DoppelbungenMeine Expertise aus ber 5 Jahren Hochpreis Personal TrainingVideos die dir genau zeigen, wie du jede einzelne bung durchfhren musstDu brauchst dir kein Wissen oder bungen anderswo mhsam zusammen suchen. Alles was du brauchst steckt in dem KursViel Spa damit"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MS Excel 2019 From Beginner to Advanced With Macros(VBA)" |
" (Pivot), ,, , , 2013, 2016 2019 (VBA) .8+ VBA & VBA ----------------------------------------------------------------- / MIS"
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"TOEFL iBT Complete Speaking (26+) Course" |
"This (New) TOEFL iBT Complete Speaking 26+ Course provides specific strategies for every question on the exam: Personal Choice, Campus Announcement, Academic Text + Lecture, and Academic Lecture Summary. We walk you through each question step-by-step with methods that are designed for students to reach scores of 26+. After this course will be able to confidently sit for the TOEFL iBT exam and provide speaking responses that are exactly what the graders want. Many students have requested that we provide our Speaking Course as separate from our TOEFL iBT Complete Online Course, and we have responded to that request.We are known for our practical style of teaching that enables students to immediately apply strategies on the real exam. We show you how to do it, not just tell you what to do. We are professionals at what we do and we believe you can succeed!!Learning the TOEFL iBT is a challenge because it is not simply about knowing English, but actually requires test strategy and tactics that have proven results. The TOEFL iBT is a complete online exam and so your taking this online course will allow you to study in the format that is best for the exam. Getting a high score on the TOEFL test is not easy, but it can be done as we have shown thousands of students how to do over the last 15 years. You need an experienced and well-trained TOEFL teacher to show you EXACTLY what the examiners want.What You Get From This Course Over 60 Lectures Strategies and Tactics for Question Instructor Led Examples of Mastering Questions Proper Organization and Delivery of Questions Exam Advice From Past Examiners/Graders Embedded Student Practice All QuestionsCourse Benefits Understand Grader Requirements Clarity Answer Organization Learn 4 Possible Templates for Personal Opinion Question Learn Difference Between Good and Great Answers Learn to Avoid Low Score ErrorsBy the end of this TOEFL course, you will: be familiar with all parts of a Question know exactly how to structure each answer understand how the TOEFL test is assessed Course Structure This TOEFL Speaking Course is organized by: Starting out: introducing the strategies and tactics for each question. Explaining Question types and providing on how to prepare. Advice and tutorial videos: Our experts explain the application of the tactics and strategies.Course Requirements A minimum of Intermediate level English Ability to Actively and Consistently Participate You Want a Score of 26+Target Audience A student applying for Bachelor, Masters, or Doctorate programs in the USA, UK, Australia, or Canada. An international medical graduate taking the PLAB test to register with the GMC (General Medical Council)? A qualified pharmacist, dentist, nurse or physical therapist that needs this course for licensing? A non-EU trained health professional applying to register with the NMC (Nursing & Midwifery Council)?. An international medical graduate applying for residency in the USA or Canada.How Effective Is Online LearningThe TOEFL iBT is an online test and so studying the the Speaking Section online is the best preparation for the test. Studies around the world reflect that universities and university students are embracing online learning and that this concept is here to stay. Almost every university, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and M.I.T. significantly increased and promotes their online course offerings."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al HTML y CSS" |
"Tanto el lenguaje HTML como los estilos en cascada, CSS, son fundamentales para la creacin de pginas web en la actualidad. Para el presente curso, no es necesario que seas experto en programacin. Con que tengas una computadora con un editor de textos y una navegador (y la mayora los tiene), puedes iniciar a aprender estos fundamentales lenguajes. Aqu aprenderemos desde las etiquetas bsicas, las principales reglas de estilo en cascada, los selectores, unidades y validadores CSS. Tambin analizaremos los formatos de mrgenes y el modelo de caja. La navegacin y formularios, asi como el flujo y posicionamiento de elementos. SECCIN 1 De qu est hecha la web? Breve historia de Internet Breve historia del HTML SECCIN 2 Principios de HTML Qu es una etiqueta? La directiva DOCTYPE Los metadatos Comentarios en HTML SECCIN 3 Las principales etiquetas de HTML El manejo de prrafos con la etiqueta de prrafo < p > Los encabezados, etiquetas h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 y h6 Enfatizar un enunciado: strong y em Listas ordenadas y sin orden Listas de definicin Hipervnculos Navegar dentro de la misma pgina: anclas Manejo de imgenes, etiqueta img Tablas en HTML Otras etiquetas Divisiones, la etiqueta < div > SECCIN 4 Formatos y colores con los estilos en cascada Principios de los estilos es cascada Manejo de colores con Estilos en cascada Manejo de fuentes con CSS Modificar los links o hipertextos Lugares donde se pueden escribir estilos y sus reglas SECCIN 5 Selectores y unidades de los estilos en cascada Los selectores bsicos Selectores compuestos, el !important y el selector global Unidades flexibles y fijas en CSS Validar estilos en cascada SECCIN 6 El modelo de caja Los mrgenes Los bordes El padding La propiedad auto El fondo de la caja: la propiedad background SECCIN 7 Navegacin e impresin con Estilos en cascada Crear un men de navegacin con CSS Simular tabuladores con CSS Modo de impresin SECCIN 8 Posicionamiento y flujo El flujo natural de las cajas Hacer que las cajas floten Posicionamiento absoluto Posicin fija:fixed SECCIN 9 Formato de pginas con CSS Formatos de pginas fijos Introducir los contenidos y los estilos en formato fijos Formatos flexibles Tamaos mximos y mnimos Formatos responsivos para telfonos inteligentes y tabletas Conclusin"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Non-Clinical Options For Health Care Professionals" |
"Are you a health care professional who loves helping others?Maybe you are a bit stressed or burned out? Maybe all you are looking for is a bit more time and income. This course is all about capitalizing on your unique advantages as a health care professional to take back control of your time and life.I feel your painI'm one of youI'm here to help you solve this problemThis course lays it all out for you in a step by step progression. You could try to figure it out on your own or hire me as a 1:1 coach, but my clients tease me that I charge lawyer rates. I think my coaching fees are more in line with what my plumber charges, but that's another story.I struggled for years learning this all on my own. Early mornings and late nights were consumed learning this and it took awhile to perfect a system that allowed me to essentially retire from a full time career in Emergency Medicine. I'll share with you the exact structure of my day and how it allows freedom and income. My days are open to do the things I want to do. My family and especially my kids have benefited from the transformation from burnt out emergency medicine doc to fully present dad. I never miss a game, play or event any more. I have time to work out, take walks with my dogs, even take a nap when I'm tired or bored. This course is more than just a few lectures and PDF guides. If you watched video 3, you noted several different avenues that are already available to you as a healthcare professional to earn income, control your time and get your life back. I cover each in depth to help you maximize success and limit the hassle factor. I show how to get it done though screencasts, video, written guides and help you create your own prescription for success.Like any course, you'll get out what you put into it. There are no easy push button solutions. You'll be learning how to create a viable and sustainable model. We have a lot of fun on the way and you can go at your own pace. What I want to share next is pretty exciting. It's my favorite part of teaching and that's interacting with my students. If you're ready to escape your bar-less prison (current job) and sucking it up is not a viable option but rather just tired and old rhetoric shared by those who are too afraid to make the effort and take the risk of starting something worthwhile, then you are on your way to joining the ranks of other successful health care professionals.Can you imagine waking up and deciding at that moment what your day will look like? You get to decide based on how you feel and what is going on with your family and friends.There is only so much time in a day and as a member the Entrepreneurship For Health Care Professionals Course you'll avoid the headaches and frustration of lost time, wasted effort and the stumbles of going it alone. If you are ready to take back control of your life, then dive in and start this course today. It will take some work and I'll be here to help you along the way.With gratitude,Mitchel Schwindt, M.D."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Sew and Make Cute Stuff for Babies and Toddlers" |
"This online course walks you through how to make and sew Cute Stuff for Babies and Toddlers. Its a curated selection of some of the cutest projects you can make for babies or toddlers to give as gifts or start your home-based business. You will learn how to make baby and toddler hats, sun bonnets, baby blankets and baby booties! Empower Your Creativity! Lots of videos show you how to follow along at your own pace in a well organized manner. No ads or sponsored content."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Blank - Excel pentru incepatori" |
"Excel, ai mai auzit pana acum cuvantul asta, parca e ceva aplicatie din suita MS Office. Cei din jurul tau iti tot spun cat e de util si cate lucruri interesante poate sa faca, insa pare ceva foarte complicat. Multe butoane pe acolo, formule, clar trebuie sa fii ceva om de stiinta ca sa o folosesti.Nu te contrazic legat de importanta, dar Excel-ul nu e doar pentru genii, e pentru oricine lucreaza cu date si informatie, adica o buna parte dintre noi.E adevarat ca nu e usor sa inveti de la 0, sunt multe butoane si functii pe acolo, nici nu stii de unde sa incepi. De asta am creat Blank - Excel pentru incepatori, un curs online care te va invata ABC-urile pornind de la presupunerea ca nu stii absolut nimic.Incepem de la intrebarea ""Ce e Excel-ul"" si apoi trecem prin cateva lucruri esentiale cum ar fi filtre, formatare sau formule si altele. In mai putin de o ora vei scapa de frica de Excel, si vei vrea si lucruri mai complicate, cum ar fi Pivot Table si VLOOKUP."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis for Anxiety" |
"Welcome to banishing anxiety using hypnosis. Calm and gentle hypnosis has been used for many years to change human behaviour. And one of the things you'll love about hypnosis is that it works directly with your unconscious mind with little effort on your part. Which means you don't have to consciously make the changes you desire.Everyone can benefit from these techniques. Whether it is to deal with stress better at work, improve your relationships or even improve performance in any area, you can make amazing changes and feel calmer and more in control.You'll learn about hypnosis and how to use these amazing techniques to help you in your life.You'll be guided through different visualisations that will help you feel more confident.Discover exactly how to relax easilyOverwrite old negative beliefsBe guided into hypnosis to become calmer and more confidentLearn the secrets of visualisationChange your existing behavioursIMPORTANT INSTRUCTION: Please listen to the hypnosis session every day for 30 days continuous for the best results.Prior Warning:All of the following groups of people should consult their doctor before listening to the hypnosis session.People who have diagnosed mental conditionsPeople on heavy medications (whether for mental or physical reasons)Pregnant womenPeople whove experienced bouts of epilepsyDisclaimer:This program is not intended to replace professional care in any way. If in doubt about this program, please consult your doctor or mental health practitioner in the first instance."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Fotografia Masterclass: Guida Completa alla Fotografia" |
"Corso di Master in Fotografia: una guida completa alla fotografia.Questo corso di fotografia online ti insegner come scattare e persino vendere immagini straordinarie, sia che tu usi uno smartphone, una fotocamera mirrorless o una fotocamera DSLR.(creati professionalmente in italiano)Questo corso di fotografia progettato per insegnare i meccanismi interni della fotografia, anche se hai poca o nessuna esperienza, per aiutare a creare immagini redditizie che ti consentano di distinguere e vendere.Padroneggia le tecniche fotografiche per creare immagini straordinarie! ci sono molti corsi di fotografia digitale incentrati su ancora specifici o sull'uso di attrezzature, difficile trovare un corso completo come questo per principianti e fotografi esperti.Questo corso progettato per i fotografi di tutti i livelli che migliorano le proprie abilit, acquisisci immagini stellari e guadagna denaro con le loro foto, l'ideale per qualsiasi utente di una reflex digitale o una fotocamera non digitale. specchio.Cosa imparerai:Comprendere come funziona le telecamere e l'attrezzaturaScatta foto in modalit manuale e capisci la tua fotocamera.Scopri quali attrezzature acquistare richiesto dal tuo budgetSegui le nostre dimostrazioni prathe per vedere come ci trasformiamo in scenari realiUsa la composizione, l'illuminazione e le impostazioni appropriate per scattare foto migliori.Modifica le tue foto in modo professionale per renderle ancora miglioriScopri come l'utente ha acquistato la fotografia e guadagna con le tue nuove competenzeStili fotografici che imparerai:Fotografia di ritrattoFotografia a lunga esposizioneFotografia di paesaggioFotografia del prodottoFotografia in condizioni di scarsa illuminazioneFotografia sportiva e d'azione.Fotografia di stradaFotografia di architetturaFotografia di eventi e matrimoni.Fotografia aerea e droneFotografia naturalisticaFotografia notturnaFotografia DSLRFotografia senza specchioFotografia per smartphonee altro!Migliora le tue tecniche fotografiche, migliora i clienti e guadagna di piQualunque sia il tuo livello di esperienza o il tipo di fotocamera che usi, questo corso di profondit offerto per offrirti tutto il necessario per migliorare le tue abilit fotografiche.Sia che tu preferisca scattare foto di natura, animali o persone, un grande fotografo come venire, scattare e modificare un pianoforte. Sviluppando queste abilit, puoi vendere le tue foto e trasformare la tua passione in una carriera. Questo corso ti mostra come.Una differenza di altri corsi di fotografia che hanno una portata pi limitata, questo corso completo ti insegna come scattare foto fantastiche e fare soldi vendendole.Contenuto e panoramicaQuesto corso ha lo scopo di insegnare ai fotografi cosa serve per migliorare le loro tecniche e guadagnare di pi.Inizier con le basi e coprir il funzionamento di una fotocamera, i tipi di fotocamere e gli obiettivi disponibili e le attrezzature fornite per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi. Quindi ti immergerai nei diversi ancora di fotografia su cui puoi concentrarti.Imparerai di pi sulle impostazioni della tua fotocamera (DSLR, mirrorless o altro), incluso lo scatto in modalit manuale. Utilizzerai strumenti di stabilizzazione e imparerai a comporre e illuminare correttamente una scena. Imparerai anche come scattare splendida foto con uno smartphone o un tablet e modificare le immagini.Quindi puoi vendere le tue foto, imparare come taggarti, creare un portfolio e un sito e trovare lavoro freelance o una posizione a tempo pieno. Ottieni informazioni sulla licenza, correttezza e altro. E seoioi inizia nella fotografia di matrimonio, imparerai come svolgere la tua attivit.Alla fine di questa master class, la tua fiducia come fotografo salir alle stelle. Avrai una conoscenza intensiva della tua fotocamera e attrezzatura in modo da poterli utilizzare al meglio delle tue capacit per scattare foto indimenticabili e iniziare una proficua carriera fotografica.Che fotocamera dovresti usare?Una fotocamera DSLR o una fotocamera mirrorless un'ottima opzione per seguire questo corso. Non deve cercare un costello o un modello elegante. Qualsiasi fotocamera con un obiettivo intercambiabile, come una reflex o una fotocamera mirrorless, perfetta. Puoi anche usare uno smartphone o una fotocamera compatta, anche se potresti non avere tutte le impostazioni e le opzioni manuali descritte in questo corso.Chi sono gli istruttori?Phil Ebiner, Sam Shimizu-Jones e Will Carnahan, tutti professionisti che si guadagnano da vivere con i loro talenti come fotografi, sono uniti per creare questo incredibile nuovo viaggio.Phil e Sam, creatori della master class nella fotografia originale, hanno preso nota dei commenti degli studenti per migliorare questo corso. Avr collaborato per condividere con la sua passione e la sua profonda conoscenza della fotografia.Con 3 istruttori, integrato supporto e feedback di alta qualit per aiutare a diventare un fotografo migliore!La nostra felicit garantita ...Abbiamo una garanzia di rimborso dal 30% al 100%, quindi se non sei soddisfatto del tuo acquisto, ti rimborseremo il corso, senza fare domande!No vediamo l'ora di vederti sul corso!Registrati ora e ti aiuteremo a scattare foto migliori che mai!Phil, Sam e Will"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gestin de Compras y Suministros" |
"Por qu tomar este curso? Todos tenemos conocimientos comerciales de algn tipo, o de alguna forma. Internet hoy provee todo tipo de informacin sobre todos los temas en forma gratuita. Pero no contamos con la ayuda en forma estructurada de expertos que nos expliquen como en realidad funcionan las cosas no solo en la teora, sino en la prctica. Un experto te explica desde un enfoque practico cada uno de los temas de una forma simple, con clases en su mayoria con explicaciones en vdeo, para que vayas comprendiendo aspectos de la realidad de como Gestionar Compras y Suministros.Es para mi la informacin que esta en este curso? Si! Este Curso de ""Gestin de Compras y Suministros"" es para todos. As es, todos deberamos poder saber sobre este apasionante, complejo y extenso tema sobre el cual el mundo est ayudando a sentar bases para lograr el intercambio comercial, y de la que en buena parte, depende el intercambio de las mercancias.Que aprender con la toma de las clases? Con este curso, te estaremos preparando o reforzando, para realizar compras y actividades de suminisotro con explicaciones simples. Aprenders de una diversidad de temas que te permitirn bsicamente lograr conocimientos sobre: 1. Gestionar Compras y los objetivos de estas 2. Como es el proceso de compras y suministros 3. Como manejar los procesos de Compras y Suministros y porque 4. Vision sobre que aspecto debes cuidar en la Gestin de Compras Detrs de estos hay una serie de conocimientos, de detalles, de dinmicas y de procesos que debes conocer para poder realizarlas como una visin profesional, y no solo con conocimientos bsicos generales. As como todos tienen conocimientos bsicos sobre como comprar. Esto es parte de ese nuevo mundo interconectado, donde las compras son una herramienta comn de trabajo entre las personas y las empresas, y no solo una herramienta solo para algunos cuando ""coquetean"" con esta rea. Puedo convertirme en un experto una vez finalice este curso? Por Supuesto que si! Muchos saben de compras, pocos poseen la experiencia y los conocimientos para hacerlo mas exitosamente. Ciertamente se requiere mucho ms que un curso para ser un experto, pero si te entregaremos lo necesario para que puedas empezar a serlo, alcanzar los resultados para hacer experiencia esta a la vuelta! Se bienvenido al mundo de la ""Gestion de Compras y Suministros!"". Con solo un click, comienza ahora! "
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Teacher Training - How to Teach Online - Remote Teaching 1Hr" |
"(Please note this is a beginner course designed to be completed in less than one hour for classroom teachers who are looking to become more comfortable and confident teaching online.)Online Teacher TrainingThe Coronavirus has changed the world. Teachers who have spend a lifetime teaching students in the classroom must now learn (quickly!) how to teach students online and in virtual classrooms.This course is designed for busy, stressed teachers who are battling numerous crises at the moment and don't have time for a 1-3 day course on online teacher training. This course can be completed in less than one hour!For anyone used to teaching in front of real students, the prospect of talking in an empty room to a video camera can seem intimidating and even scary. But it doesn't have to be!TJ Walker is a teacher who has taught online for more that 20 years. In addition to conducting online teacher training, Walker has conducted online and in-person media training and public speaking workshops for Presidents, Prime Ministers, Nobel Peace Prize winners and network news anchors. Traditional Teacher Training has not included techniques to help teachers communicate effectively and confidently in front of a video camera. This course fills that gap. If you want to learn all the fundamentals on how to speak with confidence and poise on camera AND to engage your students effectively, then this course is for you.Teaching online is not harder than teaching in a live classroom, but it it different. The skills needed to excel as an online teacher aren't difficult, but they aren't common sense either. TJ Walker will guide you through the process, step-by-step, on how to be equally confident and competent in the online classroom as you are in the real world classroom.You will never be nervous again in front of a video camera or in front of students you can't see.Learning to teach effectively on camera in an online environment is now an unfortunate but necessary ingredient in teacher training. Please enroll today to get your teacher training skills prepared for the current times."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Video Conferencing Zoom Skype WebEX Tech Presentation Skills" |
"Best Presentation skills and Tech skills and practices for Video Conferencing - Zoom, Skype, WebEX and Google HangoutsBecome an effective communicator and leader in all your online video meetings, conferences, and webinarsTeleconferencing, telecommuting, remote meetings - these are the new normal.Social Distancing has resulted in a need for all skilled workers to be able to communicate digitally through video platforms like ZOOM, WebEx, Skype, and Google Hangouts. Its no longer a luxury to be able to telecommute; it is a basic necessity. And you must have strong presentation skills and tech savvy for all online video-based meetings.If the idea of having to speak to a little camera in a room all by yourself seems strange or alien, you are not alone. Communicating virtually through video platforms is uncomfortable for everyone at first. But once you know the secrets of communicating on live video conferencing platforms, it will be as easy as riding a bike or driving a car for you.Instructor TJ Walker has taught thousands of executives like you how to speak effectively in front of a video camera. He will walk you through, step-by-step, on everything you need to do in order to communicate effectively during video meetings.After finishing this course, you will know how to look comfortable confident relaxed on camera, youll be able to communicate a message and have The other participants in your meetings understand you and remember your messages.You will learn the ins and outs of the technology you will need and the platforms you will use. Most important, youll learn how to save time and focus only on what is most essential for you to communicate effectively using virtual teleconferencing technology.This course is designed to improve your Presentation skills, Communication skills, Remote speaking skills, Virtual meeting planning, Zoom conferences, Skype meetings, and Webex calls.There are clients, customers, prospects and colleagues who need to not only hear from you, but see your face today. Video teleconferencing is the way to do that. Enroll in this course now to upgrade your presentation skills and tech know-how for all of you online video meetings, conferences and calls."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CrowdFunding / Financiamento Coletivo - Curso Completo" |
"Nesse curso so abordados todas as etapas de planejamento e produo de uma campanha de financiamento coletivo: planejamento, identificao de pblico apoiador (pblico-alvo), produo de contedo, plataformas, divulgao, cronograma, oramento, recompensas e finalizao da campanha. Voc vai compreender as diferenas entre a captao de recursos por meio de editais, patrocnio e pelo financiamento coletivo. Os desafios entre os diferentes modelos de captao, qual a importncia e como formar uma rede de apoio para iniciar sua mobilizao com mais segurana. Como identificar e se organizar para iniciar uma campanha. Entender quais as etapas da criao de uma campanha e o que ser necessrio para gerar confiana no pblico apoiador."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Uygulamal SQL Veri Taban Dersleri: MySQL & MsSQL" |
"Gnmzde SQL veri taban kullanmayan uygulama yok denecek kadar azdr dolaysyla hangi yazlm aracn kullanyorsanz kullann mutlaka iyi bir ekilde SQL veri taban tasarm yapabiliyor olup, etkin bir ekilde kompleks SQL sorgular yazabiliyor olmalsnz.Tm sql dersleri daha nce sql veri taban ve sql sorgular hakknda her hangi bir bilgi sahibi olmadnz dnerek sfrdan anlatyoruz. Kursumuzda SQL dersleri srasyla;** SQL veri taban tasarmlarn en temelden balayarak detaylca reniyoruz. Farkl tasarm rnekleri yaparak ilikisel veri taban mantn gzel bir ekilde anlyoruz.** SQL sorgularn (Select, Insert, Update, Delete) nasl yazabileceimizi yaln ve sade ekilde rnekler yaparak hem mysql veritaban hem de sql veritaban zerinde farkllklar grerek reniyoruz.** SQL Sunucu tiplerini (Mysql ve sql server) renerek, rnek sql veri taban tasarmlarn popler SQL veri taban aralarndan olan MySQL Workbench ve SQL Server Management Studio ile hazrlyoruz. Dolaysyla farkl sql veri taban sunucular ile nasl kolaylkla alabileceimizi renmi oluyoruz.** Sfrdan ilikisel bir veri tabann MySQL Workbench ve SQL Server Management Studio aralar ile farkl yaklamlar kullanarak nasl oluturabiliriz, reniyoruz.** Hazr bir sql veri tabann MySQL Workbench ve SQL Server Management Studio aralar ile nasl inceleriz detaylca reniyoruz. ** Forward Engineering, Reverse Engineering ve Generate Scripts yntemlerini reniyoruz. ** Join odakl ileri seviye SQL sorgularn detaylca reniyoruz.** Son olarak tm rendiklerimizi toparlamak adna profesyonel bir e-ticaret veri taban tasarmn batan sona hazrlyoruz.** SQL sorgularmzn daha performansl almas iin gereken Index yntemini (Clustered ve Non-Clustered) inceliyoruz.** Kurs sonunda mysql veritaban ve sql veritaban servislerini iyi bir ekilde kullanabiliyor olacaksnz.Kursumuz veri taban bilginizin olmadn varsaymaktadr. Kurs sonunda geleceimiz nokta ise; SEKTRN LER DZEY KULLANIM TEKNKLERN biliyor olmanzdr.Zaman kaybetmeden kursa katln ve balayalm!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"70-779: Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft Excel" |
"This course covers the visualizations and analysing content required for Microsoft's 70-779 certification exam.----------------Do you already use Excel to create data analysis, but find that you need to create more advanced analyses? Do you want to combine various sets of data, and or manipulate existing data sets? Do you want to save time, and have your analysis be automatically refreshed with new data? In this course, learn the skills that Microsoft want you to know, and add another tool to your CV, and even go for the Microsoft certification.Excel is one of the most requested analysis tools that are requested in the job market, and the ability to being able to use it at an advanced level could be very useful for your current work, and your next job hunt.This course comes in three parts:Part 1 - Creating Pivot Tables and Pivot ChartsThis part of the course covers one of the most useful, but scariest-sounding, functions in Microsoft Excel; PIVOT TABLES.It sounds difficult, but in fact can be done in just a few clicks. We'll do our first one in a couple of minutes - that's all it takes. We'll also add a chart as well in that time.After only these first few minutes, you will be streets ahead of anyone who doesn't know anything about Pivot Tables - it is really that important.After this introduction, we'll go into some detail into how to set up your Pivot Table - the initial data, and the various options that are available to you. We will go into advanced options that most people don't even know about, but which are very useful.By the end, you will be an Expert user of Pivot Tables, able to create reliable analyses which are able to be drilled-down quickly, and you'll be able to help others with their data analysis.Part 2 - Get and Transform Data (also known as Prepare the Data)We see how data can be transformed, saving you time in analysing the data. We'll look at sorting and filtering, split columns, and other transform activities. We'll merge, append and combine queries together. We'll Pivot and Unpivot, and transform text, numbers, dates and times, and create custom columns using the M language.Part 3 - Refining the model (also known as Model the Data)We'll see how relationships can be made through multiple tables, and refine the data with custom columns and measures using the DAX language.The course will take around 16 hours to complete, but completing this will enable you to create vizzes, dashboards and stories of your own, and know how to overcome common problems.The course increases in difficulty slowly, so you'll create for instance a table or basic bar chart, then turn it into a stacked bar chart, and investigate more of their properties, step by step.The course is fairly relaxed - there will be a few ""wrong turns"", so you can see what problems might arise, but every lesson works towards an end goal at a relatively slow pace, so you can follow on your own computer easily. I assume that you know how to use a computer, including installing programs, but the actual analysis will be at a basic level, and I'll introduce every component as we go on.At the end of the course, you can download a certificate of completion, so you can show everyone your new-found skills, and be able to start creating analyses for yourselves.Please note: Microsoft will retire the 70-779 exam on 31 January 2021. No replacement has yet been given by Microsoft."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Algebra 2 Video Series" |
"This course is designed to be your companion throughout your Algebra 2 journey, and also a helpful support tool once you move on into new math courses. This course will cover all topics typically taught in an Algebra 2 class. Our lessons are detailed and we provide explanations behind concepts as well as the concepts themselves."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a programar en C# en 6 horas: C# para principiantes" |
"Hola, todos y bienvenidos a nuestro curso Aprende a programar en C# en 6 horas: C# para principiantesQuieres aprender el C# pero no tienes ninguna experiencia en progroamacin? Nuestro curso de fundamentos de C# para principiantes es el lugar perfecto para que empieces. En este curso, diseamos el curso de C# .NET para darte todo lo que necesitas para que seas muy productivo con el C#.Aprende a programar con C# hoy mismo.Inscrbete y domina los fundamentos del C# y la programacin con la librera .NET, porque tendrs muchas opciones de trabajo disponibles en LinkedIn. Puedes elegir entre crear aplicaciones para mviles o cambiar de trabajo y dedicarte a la programacin web. Queremos que sepas que cuando conoces bien los fundamentos, es ms fcil cambiar de tecnologa. Por eso ests en un buen lugar para empezar desde cero con C#.Todos mis alumnos tendrn la oportunidad de aprender no slo lo qu de programacin, sino tambin el por qu y el cmo.Qu aprenders?Programacin y funciones de C#.Cmo utilizar el IDE de Visual Studio.Crear aplicaciones de la consola.Variables.Tipos primitivos y tipos no primitivos.Expresiones de control de flujo.Arrays y listas.Manejo de errores y depuracin.Funciones.Lectura de Archivos.Escritura de Archivos.Uso de fechas con DateTimePor qu deberas tomar este curso?Nuestra respuesta es simple: La calidad de la enseanza. Cuando te inscribas, sentirs la experiencia de los desarrolladores creadores del curso. No se necesitan conocimientos previos. No se necesita ningn conocimiento previo para aprenderlo y C# es fcil de entender para los principiantes.Este curso comienza con lo ms bsico. Primero, aprenders a instalar las herramientas junto con algo de terminologa esencial. Luego comenzars a programar y aprenders todo con prcticas y ejercicios detallados. Tambin te ensear las mejores prcticas y los atajos.Paso a paso, sencillo y fcil de entender con ejercicios prcticos.Al final del curso, tendrs una firme comprensin del lenguaje C# y valiosos conocimientos sobre cmo funcionan las cosas en un programa informtico y tambin tendrs mucha confianza en los fundamentos de la programacin y el desarrollo de videojuegos, y estars impaciente por aprender ms (por ejemplo con un curso de Unity). La buena noticia es que durante el curso utilizaremos herramientas gratuitas y populares, y que por tanto no es necesario comprar ninguna herramienta o aplicacin.Calidad de produccin de vdeo y audio.Todos nuestros videos son creados/producidos con la ms alta calidad para proporcionarte la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje.Podrs:Ver los videos claramente.Escuchar las explicaciones claramente.Moverte a travs del curso sin distracciones pues tienes todo el material desde el inicio.Tambin tendrs:Acceso de por vida al curso.Soporte rpido y cordial en el foro de preguntas y respuestas. Ofrecemos apoyo total, respondiendo a cualquier pregunta del curso.Certificado de finalizacin de Udemy listo para ser descargado cuando termines el curso.Vamos a empezar!Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso iniciacin - SAP ABAP Web Dynpro" |
"Web Dynpro ABAP es la tecnologa estndar de SAP para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Web en el entorno ABAP.La tecnologa Web Dynpro ABAP se compone de un entorno de tiempo de ejecucin y otro entorno grfico de desarrollo con herramientas Web Dynpro especficas integradas en el ABAP Workbench y Eclipse ADT con un acceso completo a todos los objetos del repositorio (clases ABAP, mdulos de funciones, objetos del diccionario de datos, etc.). La utilizacin de estas herramientas declarativas y grficas reduce significativamente el esfuerzo de implementacin y mantenimiento de las aplicaciones."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"77-725 Microsoft Word 2016 Core Certification" |
"Microsoft Certification in Core Word(MOS 77-725)This course will prepare you for the Microsoft Office Specialist Exam 77-725. Developed by University Lecturers who are also Microsoft Certified Professionals and MOS examiners, no course on Udemy or any other educational platform can surpass this content. With over 90 lectures covering every possible aspect of the 77-725 syllabus, you can be 100% certain that your knowledge of the skills required to succeed will be excellent. In addition to an explanation of every required certification technique, the course provides an overview of the exam, the objective requirements set by Microsoft, tips on how to prepare and what to expect on the day of the test. It includes a comprehensive bank of test exercises which reflect the style of questions asked in the 77-725 Microsoft Core Word exam.Become a Microsoft Office Specialist and Enhance Your CareerNo prior knowledge requiredStart from scratch and get Microsoft to certify your skills in this hugely important technical skillUnderstand the requirements of the 77-725 Certification ExamLearn how to correctly prepare for the testGet advice from seasoned professionals who know how to pass the examCore Word with the MOS 77-725 ExamThis course is suitable for people at all levels of proficiency in Microsoft Word. If you are new to the subject, then the course will lead you step by step through every single technique which is tested in the 77-725 exam. If you are already proficient in the use of Word to some extent, then this course will help you to understand what is required in order to obtain a valuable certification in the subject. Every element of the objective domain (Microsoft Syllabus) for the 77-725 exam is comprehensively covered, together with exercises designed to ensure that you know the style and types of questions which you are required to answer in the exam.When you pass the 77-725 exam, Microsoft issue you with the MOS, or Microsoft Office Specialist certification status, in Core Word. Obtaining this certification provides tangible evidence that you are proficient in your use of Microsoft Word and your LinkedIn profile will be automatically adjusted by Microsoft to reflect this achievement. If you follow and complete the course and exercises you will really optimise your chances of gaining that qualification, you will enhance your status in your existing job and boost your job prospects in the marketplace. Content and OverviewSuitable for beginners or for anyone who has a reasonable knowledge of Microsoft Word, this course is aimed at you obtaining certification status from Microsoft by passing the 77-725 exam. Rather than simply provide sample questions, the course explains how the exam is structured, the way that the questions should be approached and how to study successfully to pass.The course also includes invaluable advice on the best way to prepare and what to expect from the testing process. "
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Diplomado Farmacologa Deportiva - Mdulo 4 (BODY BUILDING)" |
"En este Diplomado, buscamos profundizar el conocimiento adquirido sobre las caractersticas de los principales esteroides anablicos andrognicos (EAAs) as como una visin sobre su uso en el deporte del fisicoculturismo, especialmente enfocado a aquellos deportistas que ya han probado con anterioridad su uso para el desarrollo de masa muscular.Asimismo, ampliamos la informacin sobre la posible combinacin de los mismos para maximizar la ganancia de masa muscular, o mejorar la apariencia del msculo ya obtenido, con fines de modelaje o competencia.Se incluye una revisin ms completa sobre las caractersticas de las principales protecciones requeridas en cualquier ciclo anablico o de definicin, que involucren el uso de los EAAs.Los cuidados generales de nutricin y suplementacin que deben seguirse durante la fase de entrenamiento, anabolismo, recorte y depletacin previa a una competencia de fisicoculturismo, con la finalidad de maximizar las ganancias musculares, mejorar la apariencia en la competencia, y prevenir daos tanto al msculo, articulaciones o estado de salud general, como consecuencia de la aplicacin de los ciclos que involucran EAAs y el uso de SARMS."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SAP Cloud Platform for Developers" |
"En el curso, entenders todos los conceptos a nivel de arquitectura y desarrollo de manera practica y sencilla, teniendo acceso a todos los recursos en diapositivas y en vdeo, permitiendo el fcil entendimiento y aprendizaje. Conoceremos los servicios mas importantes de SAP Cloud Platform para aplicarlos en el mundo real. Veremos como trabaja la base de datos HANA , creando aplicaciones SAP HANA XS con las cuales todos los conceptos quedaran claros y entendibles para aplicar a proyectos.Aprenderemos a utilizar el motor de reglas de SAP, con el cual podremos configurar reglas de negocio que suelen cambiar con el tiempo, optimizando los tiempos de desarrollo y costos en los proyectos exponiendo su lgica mediante APIs.Crearemos aplicaciones con SAPUI5, utilizando esto mismo para la creacin de aplicaciones SAP HANA XS y aplicaciones para el servicio de SAP Portal. Analizaremos las diferentes arquitecturas que convergen en la plataforma de SAP. Espero les guste!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Writing for Business Communication" |
"Most non-native speakers of English find it difficult to blend in the workplace where English is mandatory. Many people find structures of business correspondence so daunting and overwhelming. Nonetheless, these are vital skills that every employee should have. In this course, you will be introduced to the various skills that will equip you with a solid foundation of business writing, communication, and correspondence. Thus, the course covers a wide range of topics ranging from basic business English to email writing and report writing as well. The curriculum is straightforward and concise. An introduction to basic business EnglishIntroducing Business WritingWriting GenresIntroduction to business correspondenceIntroduction to business writing genresThis is the course's structure. In addition to the central business lessons, you will also find a selection of grammar and language lessons. These lessons cover the most common grammar errors you may encounter, and errors caused by confusing certain types of words. By the end of this course you will be able to:Use business English correctlyIdentify different business writing genresWrite the various business writing genresCorrect the most common grammar errorsWrite effective business correspondenceThis course is designed for employees in an English-dominated workplace, freelancers, and business enthusiast."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Must Know Object Oriented Programming in Java" |
"Learn object-oriented programming in the most popular programming language behind your favorite apps and websites.Must-Know Software Developer Fundamentals CourseJava is the most in-demand and widely used programming language.That's why we designed this absolute beginner's course on only everything you must know about Java.Get up and running with your first object-oriented programming projects.You'll learn all the core fundamentals you need to become a rockstar Java developer.Start here if you have no programming experience or are coming from another programming language to learn transferable, actionable skills.What you'll learn:Fundamentals of object-oriented programmingVariables and data typesControl flowClasses and objectsMethods and constructorsConcatenationObject stateArray and ArrayListCollections and LoopingInternal and external method callsIdentity vs equalityImporting packagesException handlingThe Iterator classPlus:Mistakes to avoidReal-life small projectsDebugging Java applicationsAbstraction and modularizationWith projects like:ChessBank accountGeneric gameAnd much more!No prior experience necessary!COURSE AUTHORAlexandra Kropova, Software Developer at Mammoth Interactive INC.Alexandra Kropova is a software developer specializing in Java and JavaScript, with extensive experience in full-stack web development and app development. She has helped produce courses for Mammoth Interactive INC. since 2016.Enroll in this intensive introduction to Java today to begin your career as a software developer.About Mammoth InteractiveJoin 700,000 students in high-quality courses featured at HarvardLifetime access that never expiresProject-based curriculum to superboost your portfolioGraduation certificate for every courseAbsolute beginner-friendly20-60 hours of new content added every monthStudent Reviews from the Community""Captivating voice, easy to follow at a rapid pace, get some paper and fasten your seat-belts. I'm enjoying every second of this."" PHILIP MURRAY""100% worth the time invested."" DEREK HASSDon't wait. Start now with an amazing Udemy sale."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Six Sigma Black Belt Certification: Six Sigma Phase 4 & 5" |
"Start your Six Sigma Black Belt Certification journey today from Advanced Innovation Group Pro Excellence (AIGPE).The Six Sigma Black Belt Certification is a gold standard for Process Improvement, with over 10,000 open Six Sigma jobs in the US alone.In this Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Video based boot-camp, you will get all our Six Sigma Black Belt Phase 4 (Improve) and Phase 5 (Control) videos, downloadable slides for both the phases, 30 practice questions, and answers to key questions asked by upcoming Six Sigma Black Belt professionals.The only three prerequisites to apply for this Black Belt Certification course is that you should have completed: AIGPE's Six Sigma Green Belt TrainingSix Sigma Black Belt: Phase 0 & 1 TrainingSix Sigma Black Belt: Phase 2 & 3 TrainingThere is no other prerequisiteIn Phase 4 (Improve) we will cover:Introduction to Improve PhaseBrainstormingBrainwritingAssumption BustingAnalogy TechniqueChanneling TechniqueAnti-Solution Technique5SHeijunkaGeneric PullJidokaJust-In-TimeTheory of Constraints (TOC)Solution Selection MatrixImplementationSWOT AnalysisPilot PlanPoka-YokeFMEAImplementation PlanningCost-Benefit AnalysisMeasurement System Analysis (MSA)Process Capability ReanalysisIn Phase 5 (Control) we will cover:Introduction to Control PhaseVisual Management Board (VMB)Team HuddlesControl PlanStandard Operating Procedures (SOPs)Go GembaIndividual Moving Range (I-MR) ChartMean Range (X Bar-R) ChartMean Standard Deviation (X Bar-S) ChartNP ChartP ChartC ChartU ChartTotal Productive Maintenance (TPM)Sustain ImprovementsBest Practice TransferPost-Implementation ReviewCelebrate and Recognize SuccessKey topics that are covered in AIGPE's Green Belt training are recalled in this Black Belt training. Hence, it is critical that you should have completed AIGPE's Green Belt training before applying for this course.Prepare for the 2020 version of AIGPE's Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Exam.You'll Also Get:Lifetime access to the course and all course updatesFast and friendly support in the Q&A SectionA Udemy ""Certificate of Completion"" for download Bonus materials: 30 Six Sigma Black Belt Practice Questions for Phase 0 and 1Bonus materials: Downloadable Six Sigma Black Belt Phase 4 and 5 slides (in pdf format)30-days no questions asked, money back guaranteeClick the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button to start your Six Sigma Black Belt Certification journey today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"C# Console and Windows Forms Development with LINQ & ADO.NET" |
"OverviewIn this course, you will learn C# programming for desktop applications. This journey will have you becoming proficient inVisual Studio Interface and ShortcutsConsole Application Development with C#Data Driven Graphical User Interface Applications using Windows Forms Managing Databases with SQL Server Management StudioDeveloping User and Roles Managed Interfaces and functionsUsing Utility Classes for cleaner codeDeveloping Multi-Document Interface (MDI) ApplicationsApplying Object Oriented Programming with C#Adding a Visual Studio Project to Source ControlThese lessons assume no prior knowledge of programming or the C# language, and will have you up and running in no time. By the end of this course, you will have enough knowledge to build a functional Windows Forms Application, connected to a Microsoft SQL Server Database, with all your program code and changes being tracked on GitHub. Get an ""Entry Level"" .NET Developer job in an organization, with the skills you will get from this course.Why Learn C# LanguageC# is the most versatile programming language in .NET Framework and .NET Core. Not only can you build Windows client applications, but you can also use C# to build Web and mobile apps.C# can be used to build:Windows client applications using Windows Forms, WPF and UWP.Web applications with ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core.Native iOS and Android mobile apps using Xamarin.Libraries, components, and console applicationsCloud and Azure appsBlock chain appsNot only is C# language supported and maintained by Microsoft, but it also has a strong community support. More than 5 million developers use C# language. .NET Core and C# compiler are open source and the adoption is growing in open source community.Build A Strong Foundation in C# Programming: Understand C# SyntaxUnderstand Datatypes and VariablesUnderstand Sequence, Decision and Repetition Control StructuresUnderstand String ManipulationUnderstand Date and Time ManipulationUnderstand Object Oriented Programming, Classes and ObjectsUnderstand Visual Studio Understand Debugging TechniquesUnderstand Event Driven DevelopmentDevelop Console ApplicationsDevelop Windows FormsDevelop Data Driven ApplicationsUnderstand LINQ and Data Queries with C# SyntaxSetup Login and User Management FunctionalityContent and OverviewThis course is very beginner friendly and chock full of development tips. This huge course offers premium content, smartly broken up to highlight a set of related activities based on each module. We will also look at troubleshooting and debugging errors as we go along; implementing best practices; writing efficient logic and understanding why developers do things the way they do. Your knowledge will grow, step by step, throughout the course and you will be challenged to be the best you can be.By the time you have finished the course you will have moved around in Visual Studio and examined logic and syntax errors so much, that it will be second nature for you when working in the .NET environment. This will put your new learned skills into practical use and impress your boss and coworkers.The course is complete with working files hosted on GitHub, with the inclusion of some files to make it easier for you to replicate the code being demonstrated. You will be able to work alongside the author as you work through each lecture and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.Clicking the Take This Course button could be the best step you could take towards quickly increasing your income and marketability! Also, remember that if you don't think the course is worth what you spent, you have a full 30 days to get a no questions asked refund!It's time to take action! This deal will not be available forever!Click the ""Buy Now"" button Today!Every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |