Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"ECDL / ICDL Word Processing Level 2" |
"__________Course Overview:This module allows candidates to demonstrate the ability to use a word processing application to accomplish everyday tasks associated with creating, formatting, and finishing small-sized word processing documents, such as letters and other everyday documents. Upon completing the course, candidates will be able to:Work with documents and save them in different file formats, locally or in the cloud. Use available help resources, shortcuts and the go to tool to enhance productivity. Create and edit word processing documents that will be ready to share and distribute. Apply different formats and styles to enhance documents and recognise good practice in choosing the appropriate formatting options. Insert tables, pictures and drawn objects into documents. Prepare documents for mail merge operations. Adjust document page settings and check and correct spelling before printing.__________Benefits Of This Module:Covers the key skills needed to use a word processing application.Can be applied to a range of word processing software from vendor packages to freeware.Certifies best practice in effective word processing software use.Developed with input from computer users, subject matter experts, and practising computer professionals from all over the world. This process ensures the relevance and range of module content.__________Syllabus Overview: Using the ApplicationWorking with DocumentsEnhancing ProductivityDocument CreationEnter TextSelect, EditFormattingTextParagraphsStylesObjectsTable CreationTable FormattingGraphical ObjectsMail MergePreparationOutputs_________Enrol today and start your journey to becoming a certified ECDL/ICDL Word Processing User!See you there!-Richard Walters (ECDL/ICDL Accredited Trainer)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Love Challenge" |
"Dive into this ten-day love challenge and connect with your loved one more often, more deeply, and more joyfully than ever before! This course can be taken individually or as a couple and is excellent for anyone who wants to learn key relationship principles and put them into action. Why a love challenge?Schools teach math, history, and science, but provide little instruction on how to do relationships well. As a result, far too many couples are stuck in a bland limbo. Many, white-knuckle it, remaining together by sheer grit alone. Others fall asleep, back to back, each night, wondering, When will the pain end? Fortunately, couples don't need to fall victim to these dreary relationship statics. Couples can bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be. And if your relationship is already amazing, then this course can help you take your love to the next level. In this relationship course you will:Lean one key relationship connection principle each day for ten days.Practice putting this core connection principle into practice with the daily love challenge (Ten printable PDF worksheets are included).By taking daily action, couples will grow their love and develop new relationship habits.Couples will learn how to apply ""the domino-effect"" or the power of tiny habits to their bond so they can experience exponential growth.Because attitudes are contagious, it only takes one person to change a relationship. Whether you are looking to strengthen your marriage or dive deeper into your dating bond, these relationship-building activities are sure to help you grow!So what are you waiting for? Enroll now. Then connect with your loved one more closely, more deeply, and more joyfully than ever before. This love challenge for individuals and couples will guide you on the journey!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Intermediate Turkish Course" |
"Are you ready to learn intermediate level Turkish? Do you feel that you need to level up your Turkish to intermediate level?With Turkishaholic's ""Intermediate Turkish"" video course, you can do just that with easy to understand grammar explanations and examples. Don't look anywhere else for an intermediate level Turkish video course. You found the best one here!The contents of this course:The Obligation MoodPast Obligation MoodEvidential Past Obligation MoodObligations & Necessities Additional Usages 1Obligations & Necessities Additional Usages 2ReciprocityReflexive VerbsReflexive PronounsHypothetical ConditionalsDerivational Suffixes Gerunds - 1Real ConditionalsCausativesPassive VoiceSubject Relative ClausesObject Relative ClauseAdverbial Verbs Gerunds - 2Adverbial Verbs Gerunds - 3Reported SpeechReasoningConstrastingWhat's so different about Turkishaholic's Turkish Video Courses?All the topics explained in this video course was made by a Native Turkish Teacher with more than 15 years of teaching experience.Explanations are easy to understand with no schmooze! (I get to the point and don't waste your time with random chit-chat).Lots of example sentences and dialogues to see the newly learned grammar in action.Interactive video lessons where you see the teacher in front of you (not just a simple Powerpoint presentation with dubbing).56 Page Course Booklet to Follow Along with the Video Course. All the explanations and tables also available inside!The teacher (Gokberk) will support you with your progress, whenever you need. Just contact me!What are you waiting for? Let's learn intermediate Turkish together! I'll be by your side from step one!Your Turkish Teacher,Gokberk"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin Forms: Validacin de Formularios" |
"La validacin en los formularios, es necesaria en las aplicaciones, para asegurarnos que exista una validacin e integridad de la informacin, antes de ser guardada en cualquier base de datos.Dale retroalimentacin inmediata a tus usuarios, sobre qu informacin no es vlida en tus formularios basados en Xamarin Forms.En este curso, veremos diferentes estrategias con las que podrs validar formularios basados en Xamarin Forms, desde aquellas sencillas, como el uso de Triggers para validar si existen campos vacos en la UI, pasando por la implementacin de la interfaz INotifyDataErrorInfo, la cual es una poderosa interfaz para llevar a cabo la validacin de datos.De igual forma, veremos cmo utilizar Data Annotations, un tema que seguramente has visto si vienes del mundo ASP.NET.Por ltimo, examinaremos el plugin Fluent Validation, una biblioteca bastante robusta que nos permite validar datos a travs de reglas."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"R e R Markdown: Completo sem mistrios" |
"Voc chegou at aqui por que deseja aprender a Linguagem R. Voc j percebeu que a grade de nosso curso muito grande, que o contedo super rico, que realmente vai atender as suas expectativas.Todo o curso de Linguagem R tem MATERIAL PRPRIO, um texto com tudo passo a passo, nico e bem articulado.Agora vamos a descrio do nosso curso de Linguagem R. O objetivo principal do curso permitir que aspectos bsicos com nfase no entendimento da linguagem R como sua estrutura e a forma de operao sejam compreendidos. O curso foi preparado e estruturado para que desde o iniciante at o mais avanado em tcnicas estatsticas aprenda a trabalhar com a ferramenta R. O material pode ser acompanhado utilizando o R instalado em outros sistemas operacionais, tal como Windows ou Linux.Durante o curso, o aluno ter que assistir as videoaulas e praticar diretamente no seu computador. A ementa sumarizada :O que a Linguagem R, Instalao da Ferramenta, Aprimoramento do Uso doR-Studio, Entendimento do Uso dos Objetos no R (Vetor, Matriz, Data Frame, Lista e Funes),Uso de Pacotes no R, Leitura de Arquivos no R, Sumarizando Dados, Grficos com o R, Anlise Estatstica e o Uso Geral da Estatstica, Uso de componentes como Minerao de Dados e o GOOGLE VIS.J no R Markdown, antes de apresentar seus dados estatsticos que iro conter modelos de regresso, grficos ou simplesmente apresentar estatsticas elementares, saiba que existe um grande aliado a linguagem R para que isso possa ser realizado de forma profissional. Saiba que os seus dados contam uma histria, transforme suas anlises em documentos, relatrios, apresentaes e painis de alta qualidade. Tudo isso ser possvel com o uso do R Markdown. Para criar texto e cdigo narrativos para produzir uma sada formatada com leveza e muita, mais muita elegncia. Voc ainda pode contar com a incluso de scripts em Python, Linux e outros.Junte-se aos seus colegas e aprimore seu conhecimento em R Markdown.Aqui voc contar:VOC AINDA GANHA Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso; Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy; Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador; Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro; Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana ao instrutor atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas.SEJA MAIS UM ALUNO DESTE CLUBE QUE NO PARA DE CRESCER!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Construa painis, relatrios com Power BI e R Markdown" |
"Este um dos mais modernos e preparados cursos na rea de construo de sadas de dados. Aqui a ideia criar um conhecimento agregado de como podem ser estruturados as apresentaes de resultados tanto no POWER BI quanto no R MARKDOWN. Ambas ferramentas que permitem a construo de relatrios, painis e grficos de forma elegante e prtica.O POWER BI conhecido no mercado como uma das principais ferramentas da Microsoft, criada como um sucessor do EXCEL, ela permite que os profissionais leiam diversas fontes de dados (TXT, EXCEL, Banco de Dados, JSON, entre outros) para ermitir a integrao e apresentao de dados. Aqui no treinamento demonstrado como realizar a integrao com a linguagem R, que utilizada no R MARKDOWN.J O R MARKDOWN facilmente construdo por meio de scripts em R, dentro do R-STUDIO possvel gerar relatrios dos mais diversos formatos, permitindo que voc tenha uma facilidade na preparao dos chamados relatrios tcnicos, para quem pesquisador, para que analista de dados, para quem cientista de dados, a ferramenta fundamental para apresentao dos seus dados pesquisados.COm isso, aproveite o curso e tire o melhor para o seu dia adia profissional, Venha e inicie hoje mesmo."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Trabalhando com dados, anlises em ORANGE e Rmarkdown" |
"A construo do curso de ORANGE e R MARKDOWN foi motivada pela crescente necessidade de tratamento e apresentao dos resultados com os dados analisados. A ideia promover um treinamento que permita a construo de anlises envolvendo as necessidades em Machine Learning e que possam ser preparados e disponibilizados em relatrios e documentos apropriados por meio do R MARKDOWN.O ORANGE ferramenta de ltima gerao na preparao, ajuste, explorao e predio de dados. uma ferramenta 100% visual e permite que o profissional construa suas prprias anlises sem a necessidade de criao de nenhum cdigo para isso, lembrando que tudo que gerado no ORANGE construdo em PYTHON.J o R Markdown a porta de sada da linguagem R, possvel com ele criar relatrios extremamente elegantes em formatos variados (PDF,DOC,LATEX, dentre outros). Voc constri um script na linguagem R com diretivas do R MARKDOWN que automaticamente produz as sadas nos formatos j mencionados. algo muito controlado e fcil de ser implementado.Sou profissional com + 15 anos da rea de dados e trabalho com diversas ferramentas na rea de dados. O mercado est em busca de pessoas que trabalham com o ferramental visto neste curso, portanto vamos comear?"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Learn Windows PowerShell Commands & PowerShell Scripts" |
"Welcome to Windows PowerShell Commands Tutorial Course. Learn PowerShell scripting tutorials with real-world examples. Complete PowerShell for beginners Course. Learn how to use PowerShellFew Highlighted Sections has been mentioned below :-1. What is PowerShell?2. Installing and Setting up PowerShell.3. Powershell Version Check.4. Powershell Loops.5. Powershell Variables.6. Powershell Constants7. Powershell Working with Files and Folders.8. Powershell Arrays.9. Powershell Conditions.10. Powershell File Operations.11. PowerShell try-catch.12. PowerShell execution policy.....Not only these, but there are also a lot of different lectures in this course.Once you have completed this PowerShell course, you will be able to use Windows PowerShell for your automation needs."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Raliser une tude de march efficace et professionnelle" |
"Une bonne tude de march va vous aider dcouvrir tous les aspects des produits et services de vos concurrents, leurs stratgies marketings, ainsi que leur clientle cible. Vous ne devez pas sous-estim votre tude de march : L'tude de march est l'une des cls du succs de votre entreprise ! Alors n'attendez-plus, rejoignez cette formation ds aujourd'hui et apprenez raliser une tude de march efficace et professionnelle !Dans cette formation, nous allons voir : Qu'est-ce qu'une tude de march et quoi sert-elle ? Les diffrentes tapes d'une tude de marchComment prparer une interviewLes outils pour raliser une bonne tude de marchQuels sont les erreurs viter ?et bien plus !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Online vs Aplos Not for Profit Accounting" |
"This course in progress.Learners will understand how to set up QuickBooks Online & Aplos accounting software.QuickBooks Online is very popular accounting software. Aplos is less popular but is specially designed for Not for Profit Accounting.The course will show how to use free resources to optimize learning.We will demonstrate the use of funds and tags to generate Not for Profit reports.The course will demonstrate how to enter and track restricted resources.We will enter month end adjusting entries.Learners will see how to allocate expenses to programs and administrative categories.We will record net assets released from restriction.The course will show how to generate, analyze, memorize, & export to Excel financial reports."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn to build an e-commerce app with .Net Core and Angular" |
"Have you learnt the basics of ASP.NET Core and Angular? Not sure where to go next? This course should be able to help with that. In this course we start from nothing and build a proof of concept E-Commerce store using these frameworks.In this course we build a complete application from start to finish and every line of code is demonstrated and explained.Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course:Setting up the developer environmentCreating a multi project .net core application using the dotnet CLICreating a client side front-end Angular UI for the store using the Angular CLILearn how to use the Repository, Unit of Work and specification pattern in .net coreUsing multiple DbContext as context boundariesUsing ASP.NET Identity for login and registrationUsing the angular modules to create lazy loaded routes.Using Automapper in ASP.NET CoreBuilding a great looking UI using BootstrapMaking reusable form components using Angular Reactive formsPaging, Sorting, Searching and FilteringUsing Redis to store the shopping basketCreating orders from the shopping basketAccepting payments via Stripe using the new EU standards for 3D securePublishing the application to LinuxMany more things as wellTools you need for this courseIn this course all the lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio Code, a free cross platform code editor. You can of course use any IDE you like and any Operating system you like... as long as it's Windows, Linux or Mac. Is this course for you?This course is very practical, about 90%+ of the lessons will involve you coding along with me on this project. If you are the type of person who gets the most out of learning by doing, then this course is definitely for you. Important: If you have never coded before and you want to learn .Net and Angular you would be better starting with my other .Net Core and Angular course before this one.On this course we will build an example E-commerce store, completely from scratch using the DotNet CLI and the Angular CLI to help us get started. All you will need to get started is a computer with your favourite operating system, and a passion for learning how to build an application using ASP.NET Core and Angular. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Flutter For You" |
"In this course, we will start with developing applications using Flutter, which is one of the most amazing frameworks to develop an application. We will be building a variety of applications starting from the beginner level. This course doesn't expect you to have a app development or a programming background and anyone can get started with it easily (this is a course for absolute beginners)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Retrofit 2 complete course in Kotlin" |
"This is the most complete resource online for learning about Retrofit for Android developmentThis course will take you step by step, through each concept related to Retrofit, discuss it in detail, then apply it in a practical project.We will cover topics such as:Basic Retrofit implementationLoggingURL resolutionGET, POST and other request methodsQueriesURL manipulationRequest bodySending form data HeadersCanceling requestsCachingPaginationSynchronous vs asynchronous communicationsRetrofit with RxJavaAuthenticationIn addition, we will also be working on two Android apps to apply the knowledge we learned.StockOverflow communication appGitHub authentication and data retrieval appThis course is great if you want to take your Retrofit skills to the next level. Sign up today and let's start learning about Retrofit for Android."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Library Functions for C Programming MCQ Practice Questions" |
"The C standard library or libc is the standard library for the C programming language, as specified in the ANSI C standard. It was developed at the same time as the C library POSIX specification, which is a superset of it. Since ANSI C was adopted by the International Organization for Standardization, the C standard library is also called the ISO C libraryThe C standard library provides macros, type definitions and functions for tasks such as string handling, mathematical computations, input/output processing, memory management, and several other operating system servicesThe application programming interface (API) of the C standard library is declared in a number of header files. Each header file contains one or more function declarations, data type definitions, and macros.After a long period of stability, three new header files (iso646.h, wchar.h, and wctype.h) were added with Normative Addendum 1 (NA1), an addition to the C Standard ratified in 1995. Six more header files (complex.h, fenv.h, inttypes.h, stdbool.h, stdint.h, and tgmath.h) were added with C99, a revision to the C Standard published in 1999, and five more files (stdalign.h, stdatomic.h, stdnoreturn.h, threads.h, and uchar.h) with C11 in 2011These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Library Functions for C Programming.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 29 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Practice Tests-2020" |
"Are you ready to take the Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam ?This is the perfect course for you to give preparation series of 6 practice tests (one easy, one moderate, three difficult and one bonus) With Detailed Answer Explanations to understand your preparation levels.********* More than 800 Student Reviews : SEP 2020 & AUG 2020 REVIEWS ********************Students have passed the exam with a score of over 90% in AUG 2020 - check the student reviews for yourself!SEP 26,2020 : Thank you very much for creating the course. Yesterday I completed the Tableau Desktop Specialist certification. I got 4 to 5 questions from Paper 3 and 4.SEP 17,2020 : I cleared the exam :)SEP 15, 2020 : Good Exams. Good Explanations.SEP 9, 2020 : Helped me clear the Certification exam. Recommended.SEP 2, 2020 : The test papers are very good for practice, gives an idea on how the questions would be appearing in the main exam.I have taken the test on 29-Aug-2020 and I cleared the exam with 81%.AUG 31, 2020 : Thanks. I took practice test a day before exam. it really helped me. I got 83%. one key thing i learned is you can use google while doing exam.AUG 30, 2020 : Practice tests and most questions were very similar to the format of the real thing. Overall though, if you can speed through all the practices and score well about 80%, you're guaranteed set for the real exam. I just took mine and passed with a 97%.AUG 25, 2020 : I would highly recommend this course to all the Tableau Certification aspirants. This course really helped me to achieve the title of 'Tableau Desktop Specialist'.AUG 19, 2020 : Great way to prepare for the cert exam.AUG 15,2020 : The course has proved very helpful to set the pace of your exam preparation. Great job Aruna and team!Features:180 QUESTIONS - Varying difficult levels to give you a real feel of exam. Focus has been given on multiple choice, multi-answer and hands-on questions similar to the actual exam.VERSION - Latest Tableau Version used for explanations is TABLEAU 2020.2 versionFREE EXAM TIPS GUIDE - Announcements shared regularly on weekly basis for you to crack the exam.PREPARATION GUIDE - A Self Preparation Guide providing references to all the knowledge areas for preparation.WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS - Weekly assignments shared with new questions apart from the mock tests.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - Unconditional 30-day money-back guaranteeCOURSE UPDATES - Course content is regularly updated. Latest version update date is Sep 26, 2020.UNLIMITED EXAM ATTEMPTS - Exams can be retaken any number of times.MOBILE ACCESS - Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileEXPLANATIONS AND REFERENCES - Detailed explanations for correct and incorrect answers with images, and supporting references/Knowledge areas to understand the concepts behind. This helps to understand whole concept rather than just that question.INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT - Responsive instructor support for any questions, concerns or suggestions.WEEKLY UPDATES - Based on student feedback.LIFETIME ACCESS - You will have lifetime access to the resources and we update the course regularly to ensure that its up to date. Who this course is for:Students preparing for the Tableau Desktop Specialist examAnyone who is keen to learn Tableau through the questions and answers, explanations, knowledge areas and reference links.Students have trusted us and enrolled from 66 countries with 18 languages across the globe.Enroll now to fast-track your preparation for Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate guide to clear Scrum Master Interviews - 2020" |
"Are you willing to learn about the Agile Scrum concepts or will be attending an Interview soon !This is the perfect course for you to give preparation series with short videos to easily crack the Agile Scrum Interview along with Practice tests at the end.Topics Covered -Agile Scrum Introduction, Dealing with Scrum Meetings, Refactoring, Pair Programming, Metrics, Introduction to Kanban and tools, Behavioral Questions, Feedback Series ( For questions asked by students), Critical Interview Questions.Special focus on Scrum Master Interview preparation.Features:SCRUM MASTER INTERVIEW TIPS - For entry level/first timers, Experienced Scrum Masters and Aspirants from Non-IT background.PRACTICE TEST - To enhance Agile Scrum understanding.REAL TIME EXAMPLES - Focus has been given on real time project examples for easy understanding and demonstration.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - Unconditional 30-day money-back guaranteeUNLIMITED QUIZ ATTEMPTS - Quizzes can be retaken any number of times.MOBILE ACCESS - Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileINSTRUCTOR SUPPORT - Responsive instructor support for any questions, concerns, suggestions or interview questions.LIFETIME ACCESS - You will have lifetime access to the resources once you purchase the course.Course updated on: 17th Aug 2020Who this course is for:Highly recommended for anyone attending Agile Scrum Interviews, especially for Scrum Masters.Developers/ Testers/ Product Owners/Managers willing to know more about Agile Scrum concepts and ImplementationAny team who is willing to move from Waterfall to Agile Scrum modelEnroll now to fast-track your preparation for Agile Scrum Interviews !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"API for Product Managers 101" |
"Are you willing to learn about the API concepts in the easiest way !This is the perfect course for you to give preparation series with short videos to get quick API knowledge and hands-on .Topics Covered :API for Product Managers - Introductions, Business Use Cases - Role of PM's, Different ways to utilize API's, Introduction to XML and JSON, API Types - SOAP/RESTful, HTTP Requests, Responses,Codes, API calls, Payloads, Headers and Authentication, Documentation of APIs.Features:REAL TIME EXAMPLES - Focus has been given on real time project examples for easy understanding and demonstration.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - Unconditional 30-day money-back guaranteeUNLIMITED QUIZ ATTEMPTS - Quizzes can be retaken any number of times.MOBILE ACCESS - Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileINSTRUCTOR SUPPORT - Responsive instructor support for any questions, concerns, suggestions or interview questions.LIFETIME ACCESS - You will have lifetime access to the resources once you purchase the course.Course Last updated on : 2nd Aug 2020Who this course is for:Highly recommended for Product Managers looking for API knowledge.Developers/ Testers/ Product Owners/Managers willing to know more about API concepts and ImplementationEnroll now to fast-track your learning on API's !"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate guide to clear Program Manager Interview - 2020" |
"Are you willing to learn about the Program Management concepts or will be attending an Interview soon !This is the perfect course for you to give preparation series with short videos to easily crack the Program Manager Interview.Features:PM INTERVIEW TIPS - For entry level/first timers, Experienced and Aspirants from Non-IT background.REAL TIME EXAMPLES - Focus has been given on real time project examples for easy understanding and demonstration.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - Unconditional 30-day money-back guaranteeUNLIMITED QUIZ ATTEMPTS - Quizzes can be retaken any number of times.MOBILE ACCESS - Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileINSTRUCTOR SUPPORT - Responsive instructor support for any questions, concerns, suggestions or interview questions.LIFETIME ACCESS - You will have lifetime access to the resources once you purchase the course. Who this course is for:Highly recommended for anyone attending Program Manager interviews.Anyone who would like to learn about Program Management space.Enroll now to fast-track your preparation for Program Manager Interviews !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Interpretacin del Lenguaje Corporal en las Negociaciones" |
"Las personas suelen creer en lo que ven; decirles lo contrario simplemente no surte efecto. Imagnese a una persona que cada maana se presenta en el ltimo minuto con un maletn de mensajero lleno de papeles viejos, e imagnese que cada vez que le pregunta algo mira hacia otro lado porque no puede aguantar su mirada, que juega nerviosamente con el cuello de su camisa y que carraspea todo el tiempo.Estara seguro de que esa persona est haciendo bien su trabajo? Esperara que fuera eficiente? Si l le dijera que confa en sus propias habilidades y que sabe dnde est cada cosa en su desordenado escritorio, usted le creera?Pues bien, el lenguaje corporal es uno de los principales factores que determinan la primera impresin cuando conocemos a alguien. Solemos juzgar a las personas ms por su apariencia que por lo que realmente nos dicen, pero este juicio es en gran medida subconsciente. Y si hablamos del mundo de los negocios si que es importante.El lenguaje corporal es la expresin de lo que sentimos y de lo que creemos, de manera que lo primero que debe hacer es convencerse a usted mismos de que realmente es confiable y el mejor para llevar adelante el proyecto que quiere vender, porque cuanto ms crea en usted, ms confianza transmite a travs de su cuerpo.No hay nada menos fiable ni verosmil que el lenguaje corporal no coincida con lo que decimos. Por eso lo invitamos que aprenda con nosotros todos los aspectos del lenguaje corporal El discurso verbal y el no verbal deben estar compenetrados, ser coherentes.Cuando no son congruentes desaparece la autenticidad de la persona. As que lo invito a que empecemos."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to build chatbots with IBM Watson" |
"In this course you will learn how to use IBM Watson to build clever conversational interfaces. You will not require any development knowledge and I will take you through all the steps to building a bot!This course is perfect for curious developers and or entrepreneurs who want to give life to their business, or simply improve their customer service agility.If you've taken any of my courses, you are familiar with my agile approach to teaching, I teach theory through practice, instead of the common ""practice after theory"" approach that bores most students to death and has them drop out of the course before they learn anything meaningful. This is a bite sized course that will give you all the tools you need to progress."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to have WOW Classroom Culture in Schools?" |
"Teaching is a one of the noble professions and to the surprise of many, the most trusted profession in the world, next comes nursing. To teach is to preach and there has to hence some innovation in teaching practices with the march of time. We just can not teach the way we were taught and there comes the importance of WOW TEA CHING IDEAS towards quality spectrum for all at all levels of teaching and learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"E Kitap Yazma ve E Kitap Satarak Para Kazanma Rehberi" |
"Birok kiinin hayalidir e kitap yazmak, yaynlamak ve e kitap satarak para kazanmak. Ancak nereden balayacanz ve nasl yazacanz bilmediiniz iin srekli erteler veya vazgeersiniz. Ayn sreten bende getim. E kitabm yazmak ve yaynlamak istiyordum ancak nereden balayacam ve nasl yapacam bilmediim iin vazgeerdim. En sonunda kitab ne olursa olsun yazp yaynlamaya kesin karar verdim ve uzun aratrma, ura ve kiisel abalarmla e kitap yazmay, google playde, google kitaplarda ve amazon kindle'da e kitabm yaynlamasn ve e kitap satarak para kazanmasn rendim. Bu yazy yazdm bu gnlerde 2 adet kitabm google play ve google kitaplarda yaynda ve kitaplarm satldka para kazanmaktaym. 3. Kitabm ise yazmaya devam ediyorum. Tamamladmda ayn ekilde yaynlayarak sat yapmaya ve kazan elde etmeye devam edeceim.Bu eitimi hazrlama amacm e kitap yazmak isteyen ancak nasl yapacan bilmeyen ve renmek isteyen sizlere her ynyle e kitap yazmasn, yaynlamasn ve sat yaparak para kazanmasn retmektir. E kitap bir kez yazldktan ve yaynlandktan sonra bir ey yapmanza gerek kalmaz. rnein 1 ayda yazdnz kitap size mr boyu kazandrmaya devam eder. 10 adet kitap yazarsanz kazancnz ayn oranda artar. Kitap yazmay seviyor ve bu konuda iyiyseniz dier yazarlarn nne geer ve daha ok sat yapabilirsiniz. Hatta kitaplarnz tutulursa daha ok insan tarafndan tannr ve btn lkede tannan bir yazar haline gelebilirsiniz.E kitap yazma, yaynlama ve e kitap satarak internetten para kazanma eitiminin ieriinde neler var?E kitap nasl yazlr.E kitap yazma hakknda temel konular.Wordde e kitap nasl yazlr.E kitap PDF ve EPUB formatlarnda nasl yazlr.E kitabn konusu ve alt konu balklar nasl belirlenir.E kitap kapak fotoraf nasl tasarlanr/ oluturulur.nternette e kitap nasl yaynlanr / satlr.Google playde, google kitaplarda, amazon kindleda ve kendi sitenizde e kitap nasl yaynlanr.Yabanc dil bilmeseniz bile kitabnz yabanc dillere evirterek ve yabanclara e kitap sat yaparak para kazanabilirsiniz. Avrupa lkeleri ve amerikann alm gc ok yksek olduu iin trkiyede elde edeceiniz gelirden daha fazlasn elde edebilirsiniz.Basl kitap yazmas ve yaynlamas uzun uralar ve maliyetler nedeniyle zordur. Ayrca basl kitab yaynlamak iin bir miktar sermayeye ihtiyacnz olacaktr. Ancak elektronik kitaplar bu konuda ok avantajldr. E kitap yazmann ve yaynlamann maliyeti 0dr. Hibir harcama ve yatrm yapmadan risk almadan para kazanmaya balayabilirsiniz. E kitab bilgisayardan hatta telefonunuzdan bile yazabilirsiniz.( telefonda e kitap nasl yazlr konusu eitim ieriinde mevcuttur.)E kitap yazmak iin herhangi bir siteye veya uygulamaya ihtiyacnz yoktur. Eitimde rendiklerinizle kitabnz batan sona yayna hazr hale getireceksiniz.E kitaplar bilgisayar veya telefonlara indirilerek veya indirmeden okunabilir.Teknolojinin hayatmzdaki yeri arttka telefondan, tabletten ve bilgisayardan e kitap indirme ve okuma oranlar gnden gne artmaktadr. lerleyen yllarda e kitaplarn satn alnma ve indirilme oranlar artka e kitap yazan yazarlar daha fazla kazanmaya balayacaktr. Bu nedenle sizde imdiden geleceinize yatrm yaparak kendi e kitabnz yazabilir, gelir elde edebilir ve lke apnda tannan yazarlar arasna girebilirsiniz.Kitabnz isterseniz cretsiz olarak yaynlayarak kitap okumay seven okurlara katkda bulunabilirsiniz.Hangi konularda e kitap yazlabilir. Kitap konular. Ak, psikoloji, roman kitaplar. Genlik, din tarih, siyaset-politika kitaplar. Kiisel geliim, ocuk macera-aksiyon, felsefe-dnce kitaplar. iie, korku-gerilim,polisiye, hikaye, edebiyat, fantastik, bilim kurgu, sosyoloji kitaplar. Biyografi, deneme, ekonomi, i dnyas, elence mizah kitaplar. Salk tp, eitim, bilim, teknoloji, bilgisayar internet kitaplar, sanat, spor, kadn erkek kitaplar. Uzman olduunuz/ iyi bildiiniz konular. Vd.E Kitaplarnz (elektronik kitaplar) belirlediiniz konuda, wordde, PDF ve EPUB formatta yazarak, google play, google kitaplar ve amazon kindleda yaynlayarak kitabnz internetten satarak para kazanmaya balamak iin e kitap yazma ve e kitap yaynlayarak para kazanma eitimine imdi kaydolabilirsiniz."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Elementor - Make Amazing WordPress Pages With Elementor" |
"Would you like to learn how to build amazing responsive pages for your WordPress website with ZERO coding? If so then you have come to the right course.With more than a million downloads already, Elementor is one of the very best and most popular plugins for building pages in WordPress. The plugin is extremely fast and comes with a variety of widgets and elements making it very easy to build any kind of web page imaginable without using any code.Course Content:You will learn the following things in Elementor Page Builder:-How to work with sections, columns, and widgetsHow to do a motion effect to a text and imageHow to work with title widgetsHow to work with video and text boxesHow to add an image How to insert number counters as well as toggle elementsHow to add a Google map to your web pageHow to create and insert a contact formHow to build responsive web content and structureHow to work with page templatesand so much moreYou will learn how to make different pages by using the Elementor Page Builder:-How to add home pageHow to add a services pageHow to add a contact pageHow to add an about us pageThis course will be updated continually to ensure that it always describes how to use the latest features of Elementor.By the end of the course, you would have mastered how to use the Elementor plugin to build any type of web page that you want."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Conversions Ads Marketing For Selling Any Product" |
"I have been selling online with Facebook ads for my Shopify eCommerce business and making a lot of money with this strategy even if you are dropshipping. I have broken down these simple steps for you so that you can get started without wasting any time. All you need is a website and ad account to get started with Facebook marketing. You will learn:Installing facebook pixelCreating conversions Facebook adsDropshipping targetting strategyCollecting videos for marketingCreating a perfect adCBO marketing strategyLive results from my successful campaignsHow to measure your resultsSetting columnsImproving your Facebook adsThis is a complete practical course that will help you get started in no time. Don't waste time enroll now"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"BOLLYWOOD DANCE with Dr.Srijith" |
"Learn Bollywood Choreography Indian dance style which is an amalgamation of all genre usually used in Indian movies. Despite of age everybody can learn it. This is basically an enjoyable dance. It is on song Mummy ne pasanth which is a hindi song. is a well choreographed first half and second half will be on next lecture."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"El Sistema Neuroendocrino" |
"En el siguiente curso, se abordaran temas relacionados con el Sistema Neuroendocrino. Observaremos los elementos que integran el Sistema Neuroendocrino, ya sea las glndulas que lo componen as como las hormonas que estas secretan. Observaremos que dichas hormonas tienen cierto tipo de calificacin dependiendo de su solubilidad, por ejemplo las liposolubles y las hidrosolubles "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Investire in Covered Warrant" |
"Erano i tempi della new economy e di internet, del boom delle borse, del Nasdaq e di tutti i titoli tecnologici; erano i tempi dell'euforia, della nascita del trading online e della grande propensione al rischio quando sul mercato azionario italiano si consacrava il successo dei Covered Warrant. Da allora il loro fascino si un po appannato, ma stanno tornando in voga proprio negli ultimi mesi grazie alla loro versatilit: possono infatti essere utilizzati come strumento speculativo ""naked"" o come copertura dei rischi di cambio valutario e di Portafoglio, soprattutto nelle fasi di ribasso del Mercato.DI COSA SI TRATTA NELLO SPECIFICO?I Covered Warrant sono strumenti finanziari derivati che conferiscono il diritto di acquistare (Covered Warrant CALL) o di vendere (Covered Warrant PUT) unazione o unaltra attivit finanziaria, chiamata sottostante, a un prezzo prestabilito, lo Strike Price, contro il pagamento di un premio entro la data di scadenza.I Covered Warrant rappresentano unevoluzione dei tradizionali Warrant, derivati emessi da societ per azioni nellambito di un aumento di capitale condizionato, e sono quasi sempre abbinati a unobbligazione (si parla, infatti, di Obbligazione Cum Warrant). Con lesercizio del warrant la societ aumenta il capitale proprio e il numero delle azioni in circolazione. A emettere Covered Warrant, invece, sono soprattutto le banche o loro societ affiliate. Questi Warrant hanno come sottostante attivit gi negoziate su diversi mercati.COVERED WARRANT E INVESTIMENTO SPECULATIVOLa contrattazione avvengonotra le 9.05 e le 17.30, con quotazione in continua, con una fase di pre-negoziazione a partire dalle 8.45. Forse anche grazie a questo che hanno preso piede, soprattutto, tra i piccoli risparmiatori pi disposti a rischiare. Investitori per lo pi giovani (ma non solo) che cercano di trarre i maggiori vantaggi dai movimenti di breve periodo del sottostante, siano essi al rialzo o al ribasso, con finalit, quindi, prevalentemente di trading e speculazione.COVERED WARRANT E LE STRATEGIE DI COPERTURAOltre a questo, che sicuramente l'uso principale che ne viene fatto, i Covered Warrant possono essere usati anche a fini di copertura, ovvero per proteggere il valore di singole azioni detenute (o interi portafogli titoli). Se le aspettative di un investitore sono di un ribasso momentaneo dei corsi dei titoli in suo possesso, per compensare le perdite potenziali si possono acquistare Covered Warrant di tipo PUT aventi come sottostante i titoli stessi; in questo modo si cerca di guadagnare con lo strumento derivato quanto potenzialmente si va perdendo con il sottostante, immunizzando il portafoglio.Questo il vero motivo per cui essenziale conoscerne i meccanismi e il funzionamento. Si tratta di strumenti finanziari che non possono mancare all'interno di un Portafoglio ben diversificato.COVERED WARRANT E INEFFICIENZETerzo e ultimo motivo per il quale un investitore pu, teoricamente, approcciare un Covered Warrant (cos come altri strumenti derivati simili) quello di sfruttare momentanee inefficienze nel mercato e in particolare nella quotazione dello strumento stesso. Pu accadere, per piccoli periodi di tempo, che un Covered Warrant quoti a prezzi non ragionevoli con quello che dovrebbe essere il suo Fair Value (valore reale) e alcuni operatori, i pi esperti, possono cercare facili profitti attraverso un allineamento delle quotazioni stesse.IL CORSO INVESTIRE IN COVERED WARRANTIl nuovo percorso di formazione proposto da TraDetector ti spiega tutto quello che necessario conoscere sui Covered Warrant, in particolare:Introduzione ai derivatiConcetti di ATM, ITM, OTMNegoziazione e MercatiRedditivit dei CWEsercizio dei CWLeffetto levaIl concetto di ""Premium""I vantaggi dei CWLe Greche e il loro scopoBen 9 Strategie di investimento (sia speculativo sia di copertura)Glossario con la terminologia da conoscereVari Bonus (da scoprire a fine corso!)"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC for English Language Learners: Photoshop Now!" |
"Photoshop CC for English Language Learners: Photoshop Now! is a Photoshop course specifically designed for non-native English language speakers to learn the basics and essentials of Photoshop CC in the English language.Photoshop CC for English Language Learners: Photoshop Now! is taught by a professional English language teacher with many years of experience, and who is now teaching the essentials of Adobe Photoshop CC so that you can learn and understand how to use Photoshop CC in the English language.All the vocabulary and the Photoshop tools are clearly explained, demonstrated, and then tested in this Photoshop course. This is a very practical course, so you can use Photoshop CC in various projects as you learn how everything works. At the end of each section you will take a quiz on the new English language you've learned.In Photoshop CC for English Language Learners: Photoshop Now!, you will learn how to:navigate Adobe Photoshop CC in the English languagecreate a canvas in Adobe Photoshop CC in the English languageuse all of the tools in the toolbar in the English languagecrop pictures in Adobe Photoshop CC in the English languagetransform images in Adobe Photoshop CC in the English languageuse layers effectively in Adobe Photoshop CC in the English languagecreate amazing text in Adobe Photoshop CC in the English languageuse selection and masking in Adobe Photoshop CC in the English languagecreate a logo or advertisement in Adobe Photoshop CC in the English languageuse filters in Adobe Photoshop CC in the English languagecreate stunning thumbnails or social media pictures in Adobe Photoshop CC in the English languagecreate pictures using cool techniquesunderstand and use all of the important and essential English vocabulary in Adobe Photoshop CCfollow instructions in Adobe Photoshop CC in the English languageAND MUCH MORE!Photoshop CC for English Language Learners: Photoshop Now! is THE Photoshop course where your English language fluency will not hold you back from understanding! At last, all Photoshop vocabulary is clearly explained with simple-to-understand instructions."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Bioplastics and Biopolymers" |
"We enter the fourth industrial revolution with much uncertainty and new challenges to all aspects of life, economy and environment. Polymers and plastics are involved in every aspect of human life and other life forms on earth as we know it. Biopolymers offer many promising solutions towards sustainable advancement of the technologies which will form significant part of the new age. This course is designed to equip you with the fundamental knowledge in this very diverse and interesting field. Because biopolymers are so ubiquitous, this course takes you through an intriguing journey through different industries and touches different fields, at the end of which you will gain a rich understanding of the world of biopolymers. What you will gain includes:Understand plastics beyond the fossil derived plasticsThe roles of these biopolymers in natureBe informed on the current direction of industries towards more sustainable materials and processesKnow the existing and potential applicationsUnderstands the pros and cons of biopolymer production and applicationApply in your business, processes, research or daily life to make informed and more sustainable choices on materials and products"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como produzir e publicar PODCASTS" |
"Podcasts tem se tornado cada vez mais comum, e a cada dia aumenta o nmero de amantes desta mdia, fazendo do podcast uma excelente forma de se produzir contedo para internet, seja com fins profissionais ou at mesmo hobby.A grande dificuldade que muitos encontram ao fazer um podcast, o tempo de produo e edio de cada episdio, no entanto, neste curso utilizaremos um processo de produo mais rpido e verstil para obtermos um podcast completo, com msicas de fundo, efeitos sonoros e at mesmo um vdeo/podcast para subirmos para o YouTube.Este curso ideal para aqueles que querem se aventurar no mundo dos podcasts, para produtores de contedo que precisam dar um upgrade e oferecer um novo formato de contedo e tambm para empreendedores que almejam utilizar o podcast como forma de divulgao dos seus produtos e servios."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Kostenrechnung und Kalkulation fr Hotellerie & Gastronomie" |
"Im Rahmen dieses Videolehrganges ""Kostenrechnung und Kalkulation fr Hotellerie und Gastronomie"" lernen Sie ausgehend von den Begriffsbestimmungen ber die einzelnen Kostenpositionen das notwendige Rstzeug um Ihre eigenen Verkaufspreise fr die angebotenen Leistungen (bernachtungen, Speisen, Getrnke) richtig und Kosten gerecht zu berechnen. Durch die Schritt-fr-Schritt-Videoanleitung werden Sie durch die einzelnen Teilbereiche durchgefhrt. Sie erhalten bersichten, Formulare und Tabellen fr die Arbeit. Am Ende bekommen Sie nicht nur die Antwort auf die Ursprungsfrage ""Lohnt sich der Betrieb eines Hotels?"" sondern Sie lernen auch unternehmerische Entscheidungen richtig zu treffen. Sie werden wissen, welchen Deckungsbeitrag Sie erzielen und kennen neben den Preisuntergrenzen auch die Gewinnschwelle, die Sie erreichen mssen. Denn nur dann ""rechnet sich das Hotel!""Eckpunkte zum Videolehrgang Kalkulation in der Hotellerie und Gastronomie Schluss mit der Preisschleuderei! 6 Abschnitte mit 37 Lehrvideos Lektionen Ca. 3 h Videozeit 3 bis 5 Schaubilder und bersichten als PDF 8 bis 10 Formulare und Tabellen Beispiele mit ECHT-Werten (anonym)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |