Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Writing a Screenplay" |
"In 2001 I began writing feature length scripts and, in this course, I share with you insights I've learned along the way . You'll learn how to identify the theme of your story, who your hero is, what they want and how to construct the journey for your audience. We'll look at the three act structure as well as writing descriptively and actively. Finally, I'll discuss the need for feedback and revisions. Let's start writing because you're only a writer if you write!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"First-Time Manager" |
"Pamitam dzie, kiedy po raz pierwszy zostaem dyrektorem i musiaem stworzy, a potem pokierowa duym zespoem 50+ pracownikw. Wydawao mi si, e dla mnie uznanego ju w firmie eksperta kariera menedera bdzie kolejnym, naturalnym i atwym krokiem na drodze rozwoju zawodowego. Jake bardzo si myliem. Meneder odpowiada przecie na zupenie inne pytania ni ekspert. Na kiedy bdzie gotowe? Za ile? Dlaczego tak drogo? Skd opnienia? Skd wzi ludzi do pracy? Jak rozwizywa konflikty midzy ludmi? Jak zwalnia z ludzk twarz? A ja tego przecie zupenie nie umiaem.Ty dzisiaj jeste prawdopodobnie w podobnej sytuacji. Troch podekscytowany/a, troch przeraony/a nowymi wyzwaniami jakie stoj przed Tob. Ten kurs stworzyem wanie dla Ciebie. Przekazuj w nim elementarz umiejtnoci skutecznego menedera. Menedera, ktry jeszcze niedawno by specjalist, a teraz mierzy si z wyzwaniami zarzdzania ludmi. Kurs jest bardzo praktyczny. Znajdziesz w nim konkretne umiejtnoci jak budowa swj autorytet, jak delegowa zadania i z nich rozlicza. Jak prowadzi trudne rozmowy dyscyplinujce i radzi sobie z konfliktami. Wszystko w praktycznej formule do natychmiastowego zastosowania i bez zbdnej teorii. Kurs nauczy Ci si szybko i skutecznie jak sta si ""ulubionym szefem swojego zespou""!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Facebook (Marketing) 2018 Made Easy: Fast Track Training" |
"Facebook (Marketing) 2018 Made Easy: Fast Track TrainingNOTE: This extensive video training is still valid for 2020By taking action NOW, you can speed-up your learning and get best results using Facebook Marketing with our easy and pin-point accurate video training that is...A LIVE showcase of the best & latest techniquesEasy to understand and has a professional U.S voiceoverMost important to get best results with social media marketingThese simple and over the shoulder videos will enable you to increase your learning and make the most through Facebook Marketing for your business.Its a proven fact that VIDEOS are the best way to PUMP UP your learning, so you dont go in the wrong direction and apply the latest Facebook Marketing tactics in the right way to get more traffic, sales and profits* ultimately, higher ROI for your business. It also helps to...Drive relevant website traffic to increase salesEarn cool passive income from the comfort of your homeShow your products and services easily to globally scattered audienceExpand your market reach without much hasslesIncrease revenue, sales and profits for your businessThis is a complete collection of High Definition videos with step by step content. Heres the breakdown:Section 1: Facebook Marketing BasicsVideo 1: What Is Facebook All About? Video 2: What Is Facebook Marketing? Video 3: How Can Facebook Marketing Help Your Business In 2018? Video 4: Shocking Facebook Marketing Facts To ConsiderSection 2: Facebook Marketing in 2018 - Step by StepVideo 5: Facebook WalkthroughVideo 6: Creating A Facebook Page for MarketingVideo 7: Creating And Promoting A Facebook Page PostVideo 8: The Facebook Ads ManagerVideo 9: Creating Your First Facebook Ad CampaignVideo 10: Creating A Lead Generation Campaign On FacebookSection 3: Advanced Facebook Marketing StrategiesVideo 11: Using Facebook Live For MarketingVideo 12: Creating A Facebook Remarketing PixelVideo 13: Creating A Custom AudienceVideo 14: Creating A Facebook Remarketing CampaignVideo 15: Facebook Marketing Strategies That Convert In 2018Video 16: Crazy Simple Tricks To Boost Your Organic Reach In 2018Section 4: Additional Tips to considerVideo 17: Do's And Donts Video 18: Premium Tools And Services To Consider Video 19: Shocking Case Studies Video 20: Frequently Asked Questions"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Programming Inside Out. A Total Reference" |
"Features. Interactive mode vs Script mode programming. Identity and membership operators, Data Types: Numbers, Lists, Tuples, Strings, Dictionary, Set. Tuples are immutable data types while Lists are mutable. The while loop and for loop. The break and continue statements,The if, elif conditions. Types of arguments like Required Arguments, Keyword arguments, Default Arguments and Variable length Arguments. Functions in Python. The def keyword. Lambda / anonymous functions. Python matrix. Python Comprehensions. List, Dictionary, Set Comprehensions in Python. File handling. Reading and writing to a file. Object Oriented Programming in Python. Python Inheritance. Python Garbage Collection . Encapsulation and Polymorphism in Python. Database applications using MySQL database server. Exceptions in Python. Network programming in Python. Socket programming. Client-server programs. Simple Chat server. Multi threaded programming. Synchronizing and locking threads. Python XML processing. Parsing XML files. GUI programming using Tkinter module. Turtle programming in Python. Python Generators. Python Closures. Closure Definition. Python Decorators. Property in Python."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Uncover the Secrets of Deep Web" |
"Are you looking to understand the Deep Web? Wondering how Deep Web can serve you? Want to know how to wield Deep Web?Or any other reason, we have covered all the necessary details you need to have to start using Deep Web on your own, safely.Dive into the hidden parts of the world wide web whose contents are not recorded on standard web search engines. This course is thoroughly focused on providing practical knowledge. You will learn to find legal websites, hiring a hacker, selecting a bitcoin wallet and safe use of Deep Web under this course.You can start as a beginner in this practical course and become an experienced deep web user who can operate all the functions effectively & safely. This course is designed by an experienced ethical hacker with extensive knowledge of this field. So, if you have no experience of the deep web, you can pursue this course to learn how to operate its web services safely."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SAP S4HANA for Financial Accounting(C_TS4FI_1809/1909) Tests" |
"Scenario based exam questions for SAP C_TS4FI_1809/1909 - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA 1809/1909 for Financial Accounting Associates.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam.This certificate is the ideal starting point for a professional career as a Financial Accounting consultant on SAP S/4HANA 1809/1909.Topic Areas :Financial Closing> 12%General Ledger Accounting> 12%Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable> 12%Asset Accounting> 12%Organizational Assignments and Process Integration> 12%Overview and Deployment of SAP S/4HANA< 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_TS4FI_1809/1909 - SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting AssociatesActual exam contains 80 questionsType of Questions : Multiple choice/Multi OptionTime : 180 MinutesPassing Score : 57%"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cantonese Flashcard Set 2" |
"The course targets both non-Chinese and Chinese speakers who are new to Cantonese language. It is optional to know Chinese characters. Simply follow the video and pronounce the vocabulary in Cantonese. Topics include opposites, sports, toys, transport, chore, clothes, drinks, kitchen, summer, school supply, hobbies, feelings and animals. The pictures help you remember the vocabulary easily.Printable flashcard decks are provided for revision and games."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads [CBO] Der ultimative Werbeanzeigen Kurs" |
"Egal ob fr Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing, Dienstleister oder Coaches und Berater Facebook Marketing ist unabdingbar. Facebook Marketing ist sogar Bestandteil von erfolgreichem Email Marketing. Und das will was heien. Gerade im Bereich Dropshipping kommt es oft nicht mal darauf an was man verkauft, wie die Erfahrung gezeigt hat, sondern wie gut man Werbung dafr schaltet und welche Strategie man dabei benutzt. Und wenn man dass dann richtig macht, dann kann man mit Facebook Marketing ordentlich und systematisch seine Umstze steigern. Ich will gar nicht lange drum herum reden. In meinem Videokurs lernst du das erfolgreiche Schalten von Facebook CBO Werbeanzeigen fr deinen Dropshipping Store, dein Affiliate Marketing Business, dein Dienstleistungsunternehmen oder fr dein Coaching und Berater Business. Solltest du meinen ultimativen Dropshipping Videokurs schon kennen, dann ist dieser Kurs sowieso das richtige fr dich, denn mit diesem Kurs lernst du noch einmal ne Schippe mehr ber Facebook Marketing und verbesserst diese Fhigkeit um ein Vielfaches.In jedem Falle bist du dann in der Fit fr Mai 202 - wenn Facebook CBO zur Pflicht wird. Ich bin bereit dir zu zeigen wies geht, wenn du auch bereit bist dann wrde ich sagen, sehen wir uns in meinem Kurs."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Vuex Complete Course (Vue State Management)" |
"Hello In this Course Where We Going to Talk in depth About Vuex As a stand alone Library And We will Cover the following Topics:What Is VuexWhy VuexHow VueX WorksCreate todo App with fake rest apiCreate a vuex StoreLearn About stateLearn About gettersLearn About MutationsLearn About ActionsKnow Whats the difference Between Mutations And Actions"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gesto e Desenvolvimento de Equipes Educacionais" |
"Este mais do que um curso online, eu o considero um Programa de Mentoria Online em que eu te conduzo na aplicao de cada uma das ferramentas que so apresentadas.Se voc entende a necessidade de integrar prticas e ferramentas que nascem na Gesto ao mundo Educacional, este curso para voc!Voc quer organizar melhor a sua rotina de trabalho?Quer saber como a gesto se transforma em soluo para o contexto da Escola?Quer conhecer ferramentas estratgicas de gesto voltadas ao desenvolvimento de equipes educacionais?Quer entender sobre perfil comportamental da equipe e utilizar estrategicamente os talentos de seus professores?Quer realizar reunies mais eficientes e eficazes?Quer dar um novo sentido para a formao continuada da sua equipe?Se voc respondeu sim para alguma dessas questes (ou para vrias), este curso para voc.IMPORTANTE: Este curso foi idealizado por mim j h algum tempo. Mas, foi no perodo desafiador que o Mundo vive, em abril de 2020, com a pandemia do novo Coronavrus, que ele tomou forma e ""saiu do papel"". Essa foi a minha maneira de, ao mesmo tempo, dar vida a um projeto Profissional de levar conhecimento ao maior nmero de pessoas que eu puder, e ainda, ajudar profissionais da Educao no desafiante papel de lidar com pessoas, especialmente em tempos de trabalho remoto.Um curso online, que nasceu no contexto do ""trabalho distncia"", mas, que ajudar tambm na execuo do trabalho offline, realizado ao pisar no ""cho da escola"".Considerando os meus estudos do Doutorado, minhas experincia de quase 20 anos na docncia e como gestora educacional, e, as queixas que chegam at mim pelos meus alunos durante as minhas mentorias e aulas, identifiquei 5 grandes dificuldades entre os gestores educacionais e escolares. Dificuldades essas que so facilmente superadas por alguns e que se tornam barreiras para outros. Tais dificuldades so trabalhadas em cada um dos mdulos do curso.O meu objetivo maior apresentar um curso com ferramentas e estratgias eficazes e humanizadas que ajudem gestores educacionais, professores e outros profissionais da educao na conduo e desenvolvimento dos profissionais da escola.Eu quero te guiar neste processo! Ento, eu te convido a iniciar o programa de formao.Alm disso, voc poder contribuir enviando suas dvidas, experincias e sugestes durante todo o processo de aprendizagem. Voc perceber que dialogaremos bastante.Se ficou alguma dvida, voc encontra os meus contatos no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness for Kids Emotional Wellness" |
"This is an online course based on the popular children's book about feelings, 'How's the Weather Today? - My Feelings Forecast' by Dr. Ashleigh Stewart. Featuring brightly illustrated images and fun weather themes, this course has been created to help educate children about the daily awareness of their feelings in a way that is light-hearted and fun. This online course features workable lessons in identifying, understanding, expressing and managing different emotions. The exercises are based on variations of yoga pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, mindfulness exercises with crafts, and even yoga nidra for kids! I wrote and illustrated the original book 'How's the Weather Today? - My Feelings Forecast' with my children several years ago and feel so proud of our work! I am now even happier to share the online version complete with exercises to help balance, or enhance all the emotional states covered. I really wish to support you if you are a parent with children at home, or are a teacher or guardian with children in your care in a way that is easy, yet effective and fun. I hope this course will help you support your children emotionally stressful times, as well as offer some fun activities you can share with your child and family too for fun! "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Start Conversations with Anyone" |
"Do you shy away from starting conversations even though you wish you could meet more people? Perhaps youre afraid of being rejected, ignored and feeling awkward.Do you feel that you have no idea on how to start a conversation or break the ice?In this conversation and communication skills course on how to start conversations you will overcome all of these problems and be able to strike up a conversation with anyone, anywhere. The course includes some very simple social skills tips and conversational openers to start meeting people today!The course outlines how to start conversations in 4 easy ways, how to overcome fears (specially of rejection), correct confident body language, and specific examples/scenarios on how to apply the 4 ways to start conversations. Towards the end of the course you will get the chance to come up with your own unique conversational openers to start practicing!A key to understanding how to be successful starting conversations is that the first impression is made before you even open your mouth. As you get a hold of your mindset (internal dialogue), and body language youll be able to say almost anything and it will work!!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Data Visualization with R and ggplot2" |
"Today we live in a world where tons of data is generated every second. We need to analyze data to get some useful insight. One of the strongest weapons for data insight is data visualization. Probably you have heard this one before: ""A picture tells more than a thousand words combined "". Therefore to tell stories from the data we need tools for producing adequate and amazing graphics. Here R as one of the most rapidly growing tools in the fields of data science and statistics provides needed assistance. If you combine R with its library ggplot2 you get one of the deadliest tools for data visualization, which grows every day and is freely accessible to anyone.This course is designed to first give you quick and proper theoretical foundations for creating statistical plots. Then you dive into the world of exploratory data analysis where you are confronted with different datasets and creating a wide variety of statistical plots.If you take this course, you will learn a ton of new things. Here are just a few topics you will be engaged with:The grammar of graphics (the idea behind statistical plots, the foundation of ggplot2)Data transformation with dplyr and tidyr (crash course included)Exploratory data analysis (EDA) (statistical plots for exploring one continuous or one discrete variable)EDA for exploring two or more variables (different statistical plots)Combine ggplot2 with RMarkdown to wrap up your analysis and produce HTML reportsCreate some additional types of plots by combining ggplot2 and supplementary libraries (word cloud, parallel coordinates plot, heat map, radar plot, ...)Draw maps to show the spread of coronavirus diseaseCustomize the plot's themeCreate subplots using cowplot libraryHighlight data on your plot with gghighlight libraryand much more...Course includes:over 20 hours of lecture videos,R scripts and additional data (provided in the course material),engagement with assignments, where you have to test your skills,assignments walkthrough videos (where you can check your results).All being said this makes one of Udemy's most comprehensive courses for data visualization using R and ggplot2.Enroll today and become the master of data visualization!!!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Digital marketing for startups" |
"The essential course for startup founders who want to use modern digital marketing tools to advance their projects.An experienced expert will go through examples in detail of the necessary first stepsIt's all about how content marketing and social media helps attract investors.Receive practical information and specific recommendations in this online tutorial as well asa quick quiz for checking key points andan activity checklist to help you put into practice everything you hearOur expert a former CMO and Founder of digital marketing agency QmarketingVias Roman Kumar, Co-founder at Qlean, Founder & CEO at QmarketingOur course consists of the following sections:End-to-End Analytics. Multi-sourcing and Multi-channel analytics set up.Channels. Facebook and Instagram. Look-alike lifehacks.Facebook Ads: Formats, Creatives.Low-Budget Marketing.Tests & Quizzes.Marketing Funnel. Acquisition Funnel (scaling).Messenger Marketing."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"De 0 a programador en Python" |
"El curso constituye un curso bsico en Python, permitiendo al alumno aprender los fundamentos de este lenguaje a fin de poder empezar a trabajar en el desarrollo de software empleando Python. Asimismo, a pesar de ser un curso bsico, cubre todo lo necesario para entender los aspectos fundamentales del lenguaje y como lanzadera para programar software ms complejo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to write a Business Plan to get a loan from a bank" |
"You will see EXACTLY the business plan I used to get an almost 200 thousand dollar loan from the BDC. I break down each lecture to explain what the bank wants to see in YOUR business plan and why. No banker wants to read a stuffy 30 or 40 page business plan. I break it all down for you in only 11 pages with a BONUS 12th page. This bonus will save you tons of time and headache - I explain it all in a simple to follow format that you can use to make your business plan, regardless of industry or type, get funded by a bank."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"30 Das Para Una Mejor Voz De Canto" |
"Cantar es difcil!Cualquiera que haya intentado cantar sabr cmo se siente.No poder cantar en el tono justo...Cantar mal frente a amigos y familiaresSer llamado ""sordo de tono"" cuando intenta cantar para s mismo, alrededor de personas o en un bar de karaokeTratando de aprender durante semanas, meses e incluso aos, pero no lo logra.""Los artistas nacen con talento natural, no hay forma de que pueda hacer esto""Incluso si tengo lo que se necesita, por dnde empiezo? Qu tengo que hacer?""Ves a tus vocalistas favoritos haciendo locuras con la voz, y te preguntas qu se necesita para llegar all, si es que puedes llegar all ...Desearas poder cantar algunas de tus canciones favoritas en cualquier momento,O para tu parejaTal vez en una fiesta especial ...En una fogata por la noche con personas, cantando junto a la meloda de una guitarra acstica ...---------------------------------Ahora, tengo una pregunta ...Te gustara eliminar todas las dificultades que has enfrentado al cantar?Te gustara romper estas barreras que te has impuesto?Quieres demostrar a tus amigos, familiares y, lo ms importante, a TI MISMO, que realmente puedes aprender a cantar?Si la respuesta es S, NASE A NOSOTROS en esta gua paso a paso para cantarEste curso es tu entrenador personal.Es un curso en lnea directo, que le ensea cmo cantar mejor que antes, en SOLO 30 DASEste ser su mapa, que le mostrar EXACTAMENTE qu hacer y cundo.Aprenda conceptos importantes tales como la alineacin del cuerpo, las posiciones de la lengua, los ejercicios vocales, las modificaciones vocales y mucho ms.Qu esperar de este curso 2.5 HORAS de video de entrenamiento duro Acceso a un servidor exclusivo de Discord para conectarse con Adam y otros estudiantes! Organizado en un diseo paso a paso, fcil de seguir.Puedo ensear a personas de todos los niveles ya que literalmente comenc desde abajo y puedo empatizar con estudiantes de cualquier nivel, y dirigirlos en su progreso vocal.Soy un entrenador vocal y cantante con ms de 200,000 suscriptores en mi canal de YouTube. Es posible que me conozca por mi video de Singing Transformation que se volvi viral en YouTube.A travs del trabajo duro y la persistencia, pude esforzarme con los aos y convertirme en la persona que soy hoy. Si hay algo que mi viaje me ha enseado, es que CUALQUIERA puede aprender a ser un gran cantante, y que NO ESTS CONDENADO solo porque no tienes el llamado ""Talento Natural"" para cantarPero no me crea""... En solo unos meses pas de que mis amigos me pedan que no cantara en el auto, a que unos extraos me felicitaran por mi voz y dijeron que desearan haber nacido con ese tipo de talento""- Meital V.""..... Despus de solo 5 lecciones con Adam, pudo identificar y corregir muchos de los problemas que tuve con mi voz"".- Dean D.Adam es un mago cantante, su experiencia es amplia y su conocimiento no tiene precio! Si quieres aprender a cantar realmente, Adam es el indicado""- SethVea el resto de las reseas a continuacin.Y la lista va en aumento. De hecho, tambin me encantara tenerte como uno de mis testimonios...Despus de todo lo dicho, si ests listo para dar el siguiente paso ...Si te ves siendo el vocalista del que TODOS hablan...Si ests dispuesto a poner el trabajo duro y la dedicacin que se necesita ...Si te ves CANTANDO desde el CORAZN cada vez que quieras, o demostrndote que LO HICISTE como vocalista, incluso cuando las probabilidades parecan estar en tu contra ...Entonces nete a m, y MILES de mis estudiantes que ya estn dando sus primeros pasos para cantar con xito.No podemos esperar a que te unas a nosotros!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint Presentation Crash Course" |
"One of the most effective ways to communicate clearly with your audience is through beautiful looking slides. In this course, you'll learn how to design modern animated slides and also have a lifetime access and updates. I've seen a lot of powerpoint presentations and trust me, good ones always stand out. You'll learn how to create and animate your slides in this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft MS-101 Certification: M365 Mobility and Security" |
"With the NEW MS-101 Certification Course: M365 Mobility and Security, youll be able to take and pass the MS-101 exam. This exam, coupled with the MS-100 exam, will award you the Microsoft 365 Certified Enterprise Administrator Expert certification.As a prerequisite for this course, it is recommended that you:Have some foundational knowledge of Microsoft 365 features and services. If you are looking to gain a base knowledge of M365, check out the Skylines Academy MS-900 M365 Fundamentals course.Have taken and passed the MS-100: M365 Identity and Services exam. If you havent taken the course or exam yet, have a look at the Skylines Academy MS-100 M365 Identity and Services course, also by David Hood.This course includes the following curriculum: Introduction and Study Resources Implement Modern Device Services Implement M365 Security and Threat Management Manage M365 Governance and ComplianceLectures will educate you on the terms and principles of the M365 platform and demos will enable you with a hands-on experience using scenarios to empower you in the real world.Welcome to the Skylines Academy MS-101 course! Were happy youre joining us!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How NOT to Get Promoted, or 25 Mistakes Every Employee Makes" |
"Feeling Stuck In Your Career? Find out what you have been doing wrong!Promotions: Who Gets Them And WHY?Only 10 15% of all promotions are given to the people who are most qualified85% - 90% of promotions are given to people who know how to get promotedThese figures tell the whole storyIf you re ready to improve your odds, register for this course TODAY!What Youll Learn:How to avoid 25 BIG mistakes every employee makes when they are trying to get promoted.Youll learn from everyone elses mistakes, such as: Throwing Your Colleagues Under the Bus To Get Ahead Marketing Yourself As A Person Instead Of a Product Misjudging Your Boss Focusing On Your Weaknesses Instead Of Your Strengths Working Without Professional Support Systems Not Having Concrete Goals Misunderstanding How Others Feel About You... and many more!You'll also learn... Why You Shouldnt Oversell Yourself Why You Need to Play Well With Others Why You Shouldnt Take ANY Promotion Just To Be PromotedYour official call to actionIts time to learn the right ways to get promoted!Still Not Sure? Have you ever thought or said any of the following? I aced the interviewWhy didnt I get the job?! Im going to change who I am to get that job! Once they know what a jerk my boss is, theyll get rid of him and promote me! If Im so good at my job, why cant I get a promotion? I dont need anyone to get ahead in business! I dont really want that jobbut its a promotion!Have you reached the point where youre ready to walk the talk and work smart?Its time to learn how NOT to get promoted!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Diseo 3D con 3D Builder, Arranc ya mismo!" |
"Con este curso vas a aprender el 100% de las herramientas del software 3D builder, desde instalarlo hasta cubrir la totalidad del mismo.Vas a poder crear objetos 3D a partir de figuras bsicas y editar modelos prediseados de forma profesional.No te vas a arrepentir, aprend a usar este maravilloso software ya mismo!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dialectic Behaviour Therapy (DBT)" |
"In this course, Dr. Conor Hogan delves into the creation of this type of therapy and then breaks down the terminology of 'Dialectic', 'Behavior' and 'Therapy' in very simple terms, before explaining the therapy`s importance in modern living and how it can and has helped many people nowadays. He gives practical examples and makes the difficult things simple within this mastery course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"7 Basic Miracle Memory Techniques" |
"How many times in a day do you feel lost? Searching for something, searching for papers, wondering if you turned the stove off or not, struggling to remember list of work to be done,grocery, or remembering numbers?If answer to any of the above question is yes, you are at the correct place.Why one more memory course? When you search for Memory courses, either you get technical heap of techniques and or a combination of Theoretical knowledge that is not definitely interesting to learn. Even I have wasted lot of money on these as I always wanted to present myself with that factor of WOW that comes when you use and show your memory.After lot of struggle I could actually master the Memory Techniques, and as I demonstrate them as a part of my presentation to the crowds,they are just left out tongueless and astonished with my memorizing capacity.So I planned of sharing such simple techniques,not overloading you with too much theory or too heavy techniques. But a set of basic 7 techniques, which are simple but powerful tools you can use in your Daily life to help yourselves.As is in any technique, you will need practice to Master each of them, but be rest assured once you get expertise in this you will transform your memorizing and remembering capacities to an unbelievable, extraordinary and miraculous level.This one hour 40 minutes of Practical Course contains Practice Worksheets included as resources for further explanations. You can approach me anytime throughout the lifetime, as this course is available to you for lifetime once you purchase it, so you can stay in touch for the lifetime with me.Do not forget to visit the course page even after completion, as I will keep on adding newer techniques and more refined skills as I get feed-backs and am always ready for improvisations:Course Goals:To teach my students basic memory techniques to improve Day-to-day Memory skillsTo teach Miraculous and Extraordinary levels of Memorization skills with simple and basic techniques.After this Course you will be able to,Memorize lists, numbers and remember things easily.Cure your ""ABSENTMINDEDNESS"" once for allI Welcome you to this simple yet Miraculous Memory course.Ahoy,Let's Take a dive...."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Know Purpose of Your life - Live Satisfied & Long Life" |
"This course is designed for the people who always looking to find their purpose of life. Though they are alive and working for their livelihood but they are not satisfied with their life. They want to do something but what exactly they do not know and in this process, they pass their major part of their life without doing what they really wanted to do in their life. Consequently they fall sick very often, they don't enjoy their work, they don's spend quality time with their family and attracted to bad habits and become addicted to social evil.So if you want to live satisfied and long life, you should make effort to find the purpose of your life. In this course, i have shared simple yet effective technique which will help you to find the purpose of your life. All the very best."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Salkl Yaam in Spor Yapyoruz. (Kadnlara zeldir)" |
"Bu program, kadnlara zel bir alma programdr. Salkl yaamak ve baklk sistemimizin kuvvetlenmesi iin dzenli olarak spor yapmamz gerekir. Bu programda 4 haftalk egzersizleri her ay tekrar ederek. Bedenimizin izin verdii lde tekrar ve set saylarmz arttrarak gelimeye ve daha salkl olmaya balayacaz.Punch Ekibi; Raif, Enes ve Ezgi hocalar ile hazrladmz bu program ile hem ok elenecek hem de hzla gelieceksiniz."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Amazon VPC Networking - AWS Virtual Private Cloud 2020" |
"One Stop to start if you are are planning to learn AWS VPC or starting in Cloud architect path. AWS VPC is a virtual network which helps you to build and manage cloud resources. It builds a virtual private network (VPC) environment with public and private subnets where you can launch AWS services and other resources.Welcome to AWS VPC Journey!! This is the right place to learn VPC Concepts and it's components in step by step approach theoretically and practically.After the course completion, you will be able to,Architect a Virtual Private Cloud across multiple availability zones within a Region.Demonstrate concepts of different VPC Components confidently.You will be able to Secure your VPCs and protect your resources in them.Assess different methods of connectivity to your Virtual Private Clouds to suite various business scenarios.Answer any question related to VPC concepts in any AWS certification exam"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Professional Node.js Crash Course (with Resource Files)" |
"A Course Designed and Created in February 2020 with the Latest Approach.This Course is for everyone who wants to learn Node.js for any purpose.What you will learn?Asynchronous behaviorNodes REPL, patterns, globals and utilitiesNPMWorking with common js modulesWeb servers and the operating systemTopics in this course:Installation and Environment SetupFirst Demo ProgramNode.js File SystemNode.js EventNode.js with MongoDBNode.js with Express frameworkNode.js and REST full APIAfter this course, you will be able to create and execute code for Node.js.Resource Files available.Easy to implement and practice with the Codes. Download code files with Lectures."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
family_education_arabic |
". . Health and sexual education in Arabic"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Build a Simple Database in MS Access" |
"After completing the course, you will be able to build a simple database in MS Access. The real benefit of this course is that you will also learn how to adapt the database and use the power of MySQL technology so that anybody with internet access will be able to use the database remotely.This is not a comprehensive course into the theory of MS Access. The idea is to build a database quickly in MS Access with the bare minimum and then from there, see how easy it is to adapt it for use with MySQL.Bright Future by Keys of Moon used in the Introduction Video"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mediumship Beginners Course Level 1" |
"Learn what a psychic and medium is and the differences between the twoLearn the fundamentals of meditation, in both importance and actionHelp to reduce the fears that may be associated with Mediumship and Spirit connectionLearn about protection, intentions and setting boundaries - and why these actions are importantWhat are non-physical energies? Learn about who/what is around usHow to, and why you may or may not choose to work with divination tools; such as, crystals, Tarot and Oracle cards [to name a few]How to clear energies, and why Be shown the gateway steps for connecting with Spirit, and passed loved ones"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"STOP WAITING FOR YOUR JOB PROMOTION CYCLE to PROGRESS IN CAREER.How do you get your job promotion faster & fast track your career progress, get to the next level promotion in a multinational company?Digital era requires different approach & skills in order to fast track your promotion in career development, & journey at work, & ITES & BPO, KPO and other multinationals industries where you have a multiple levels of hierarchy compete with.This Course tackles each of the challenges by breaking into step by step guide to fast track your promotion in Multinational companies.Professionals in Middle Management seeking fast promotion in their career & job in Multinationals can learn from this course :1. Blueprint for creating a roadmap for your promotion2. Tracking your performance vs expectations3. Strategic, & Tactical ways making progress4. Creating a mindset of a winner5. Importance of documenting progressEven if you are in new role or transitioning to a new career, or opted for a new job, this guide will help you, how to progress further in a career faster than your peers and deserve high paying rewards.Wish you a FAST growth & Success."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |