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python_for_newbie |
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Price: 22000.00 ![]() |
"NodeJS for non-nodeJS developers" |
"Who is this course for?Curious about how back-end functions? (Spoilers:- It's easier than you think)Want to able to spin off a backend quickly for your pet project?Annoyed with backend developers?I chose NodeJS from the languages I know because it gives you flexibility and visibility you require to alter and understand what is happening under the hood"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"BDD & TDD in Practice: How to ""Build the Right Thing""" |
"When developers and non-developers such as product owners, customers or project managers work on a project, it can quickly happen that there is a gap between what one imagines and what the other implements. To avoid this, we work with the software development process Behavior Driven Development - but what exactly is BDD?In this course we will give you an introduction to Behaviour Driven Development and how we can use and implement it using JavaScript. In our course ""BDD & TDD in Practice"" you will get an introduction to Behavior Driven Development and how to use and implement it with JavaScript. Using the example of a task list, you will learn what scenarios can look like, how tests are written and how to write down the appropriate code. In addition, of course, we also go into what ""Gherkin"" and ""Cucumber"" are. In addition to the video units, we have put together summaries and useful links that can help you understand.Also we will code a small project together, but not in the normal, boring way you are used to. No, this time you will do it using the BDD approach!See you in the course,Alex"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Criatividade e Inovao" |
"Objetivos (ementa):Adaptao e necessidades do mundo moderno - velocidade, volatilidade, complexidade, incertezas e ambiguidadesTransformaes tecnolgicas, sociais e nas relaes de trabalhoInovao: o que , principais caractersticas, fases e processosCriatividade nas organizaes e na vida cotidianaCriatividade na identificao e na soluo de problemasCaractersticas individuais que favorecem a criatividadePrincipais metodologias de gesto e as tcnicas que favorecem a criao de uma cultura inovadora.Ferramentas e plano de ao para potencializar e canalizar a criatividade para resultados empresariais.Desmistificar a Inovao, tornando-a acessvel ao dia a dia empresarial, facilitando a inovao incremental nos processos diriosExerccios e prticas das ferramentas apresentadas"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Wildlife Photography" |
"Are you ready to begin your exciting Wildlife Photography journey? If so, this class is a great place to start. I share all kinds of information, such as: What gear you need to start off withHow and where to find economical photography gearSafety during wildlife photography adventuresWildlife ethicsThe basics of shooting in manualShutter speed, aperture & ISOTips for photographing animals in motion (with real-life examples)Shooting in low-light conditions (with real-life example)Shooting in broad daylight (with real-life example)The benefits of using a tripodCompositionAdditional tips for photographing wildlifeRecommended editing software & storageHelp with identifying wildlife (sharing my favorite free resources)Tips for finding wildlifeAnd more! The first half of the class, which includes the most technical and dense information, is taught with video lectures and PowerPoints I've created. The second half of the class is taught through easy-to-look-through slides -- photos of real-life examples included!Additionally, there are optional quizzes you can take to test your knowledge, if you so choose. And, I've linked out to plenty of cool resources you can check out. (These external sources can be found under the ""Resources"" tab of each chapter.) Of course, I'm always here if you have any questions or need any help!*This class is also great for intermediate Wildlife Photographers who are looking for a refresher course.* Cheers,Emily"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Statistics in R - R" |
"* R * * * * : , , , , , 1, 2"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MySQL com Kodular/Appinventor" |
"Aprenda de maneira fcil a manipular banco de dados MySQL usando a plataforma Kodular, uma continuao do MIT App Inventor 2, porm com muito mais recursos, uma ferramenta gratuita e online.Voc aprender do ZERO (No requer conhecimento prvio com programao).Voc vai aprender:-PHP bsico-SQL bsico-Iremos fazer 4 CRUD, que consiste nas quatro operaes bsicas de um banco de dados:-Create => Inserir dados-Read => Ler dados-Update => Alterar dados-Delete => Apagar dados-Configurar projetos com MySQL-Cadastro de Usurios -Lista preenchida por Banco de Dados-Tela de Adio de Dados-Atualizar Informaes online-Cadastrar, Editar, Visualizar e Excluir cadastros"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Kettlebell" |
"Learn to kettlebell safely and effectively in the comfort of your own home. Kettlebell training will teach you movement patterns that you'll have for the rest of your life. These are lifelong skills that will lay the base for your fitness future. As a StrongFirst Kettlebell instructor, I'm proud to deliver high quality technique from a school of strength with a well-respected reputation.This course will be a dynamic investment in your strength, cardiovascular health, and overall fitness."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Escritrio de engenharia com pouco (OU ZERO) dinheiro!" |
"O curso Empreender na Engenharia foi feito para voc que est se formando ou recm se formou em engenharia e diante do mercado desaquecido de oportunidades deseja abrir seu prprio escritrio com pouco ou nada de dinheiro!Vamos te ajudar com o passo a passo para voc ir do zero ao seu primeiro cliente! Todo contedo est em vdeo aulas e e-book e traz no final de cada aula uma ou mais atividades prticas para voc fazer no final de cada captulo.E os primeiros dez alunos ganham de cortesia uma mentoria gratuita, voc poder enviar sua dvida pessoal no e-mail, e receber a resposta personalizada!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Guitarra Iniciante" |
"Voc pode aprender facilmente conosco do absoluto zero. Se voc nunca tocou guitarra antes e no sabe nada sobre o instrumento, agora o momento. Esse curso foi desenvolvido para que voc entenda a teoria musical e a prtica de uma maneira bem simples, adicionando teoria gradualmente mas focado principalmente na prtica."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"ORSE - oramento de obras" |
"Neste curso ser mostrado como utilizar a ferramenta ORSE. Uma ferramenta gratuita que utiliza em seu banco de dados composies do SINAPI e composies prprias do estado de Sergipe.Pode ser utilizado por pessoas de qualquer estado do pas atravs do banco de dados do SINAPI ou mesmo criando seu prprio banco de dados, pois a ferramenta permite."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master the Basics of Pharmaceutical Calculations" |
"In this course we review commonly misunderstood pharmaceutical concepts related to ratios, proportions, solid and liquid dilutions, molar masses, displacement values, aliquots and alligation. My aim is to help you gain confidence in the application of these concepts so that you can enhance your accuracy in the measurement of, prescribing and dosing dosing of patient medication, thus not only enhancing the therapeutic benefits to your patients; but also minimising the risk of harm."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How To Eliminate Anxiety At Its Roots" |
"Included With This Course:Lifetime UpdatesCourse Completion Rewards (Physical Products)This course will NOT teach you how to ""Cope"" with anxiety. It will teach you how to Eliminate the anxiety symptoms you feel during social interactions, moments of pressure and judgement, and when you overthink and worry about past/ future moments (Racing heart beat, sweaty palms, dry mouth, brain fog/ unclear thinking, nausea, speech stuttering, feinting, jittery hands, fidgeting, loss for words, panic attacks, and feeling like you're dying).This course will be one of the best investments you ever make in yourself. Understanding your own mind and learning to take control of its automatic processes will be THE most important tool you ever learn. Without this ability your life is on autopilot, your decisions are already made up before you even think about them. With the powerful subconscious reprogramming techniques In this course you will have the ability to choose how you feel in any given moment. The methods you learn can also be applied to anger, sadness, jealousy, hatred, and pain. This course will not SHUT OFF your anxiety, but it will give you tools to CONTROL when you want it to be felt (like if you are in a real life threatening situation)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Montaje de Video para Redes Sociales" |
"Crea tus propios videos para tus redes sociales y canal youtube con adobe Premiere (nivel iniciacin). En slo 4 leccionesIntroduccin al montaje / Edicin al corteEfectos de vdeo (ajustes de luminancia, color, tonalidad) / Transiciones de vdeoMezcla y efectos de audio / Creacin de ttulosRenderiza y exporta tu proyecto para su publicacinQu necesitas?Un ordenador y el programa de montaje Adobe Premiere (preferentemente) Puedes hacerlo cuando quieras."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Make BIG MONEY with Self-Storage Facilities" |
"By joining this course, you will discover how you can build your own self-storage business that generates strong cash flow and builds long-term wealth. As we are thrust into economic turmoil, it is more important than ever to discover how to invest smarter, in one of the strongest and most recession-resistant asset classes.This 6-Part Class on Self-Storage Investing is comprehensive online training that will give you the knowledge you need to find, purchase and run a profitable self-storage investing business. It will help you avoid common pitfalls that strike new and seasoned storage investors."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Estratgias Bet365 - Manual Apostas Esportivas" |
"Saiba tudo o que precisa para comear a operar do mercado de Trading Esportivo hoje!Aprenda a ganhar dinheiro na Plataforma Esportiva BET365 utilizando conceitos e estratgias poderosas.Se voc um iniciante ou um trader mais experiente que ainda no atingiu a consistncia na BET365, este curso nasceu justamente para te ajudar a entrar no time dos Campees.O Verdadeiro Campeo acredita no impossvel. Aprenda agora a realizar este impossvel AQUI!! CONQUISTE A SUA LIBERDADE AGORA!!#LIBERDADE DE TEMPO#LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA#LIBERDADE GEOGRFICAMuitas pessoas vivem uma vida dos sonhos apenas com o trading esportivo online, mas elas no divulgam suas tcnicas, muito menos admitem essa real fonte de renda.Eu fiz uma anlise detalhada, observei estatsticas, porcentuais e grficos de comportamentos de cada partida durante meses, e cheguei em Nmeros Mgicos e Situaes nas quais as previses praticamente se tornam certeiras.GANHE DINHEIRO EM QUALQUER LUGAR DO MUNDOAs vantagens deste curso:Aprenda a analisar o mercado esportivo de forma prpriaAprenda Estratgias que otimizam suas chances de vitriaAprenda de forma simples mtodos para aplicaoReceba um manual para ampliar suas fontes de renda ""Ebook - Estratgias BET 365""Aprenda a investir sem sair de casaVoc tem acesso vitalcio ilimitado sem custos extras, sempre.Estarei sempre disponvel para voc, se ficar confuso ou tiver uma dvida conte comigo.30 Dias de Garantia para solicitar o reembolso integral do valor do curso Se voc ainda no tem certeza, aqui vo trs perguntas para ajudar na sua deciso: Voc gostaria de ganhar mais dinheiro? Voc gostaria de descobrir um novo caminho para o seu sucesso financeiro? Voc gostaria de poder trabalhar de qualquer lugar do mundo com apenas um smathphone com acesso a internet?Se voc respondeu SIM a alguma destas perguntas, tenho certeza que este curso foi feito para Voc! Faa Parte Desse Time e Comece a Sua Jornada Rumo ao Sucesso Financeiro."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
Storytelling |
"Zahlen, Daten oder nchterne Fakten gibt es in Prsentationen meist eine Menge. Hufig fehlen jedoch die emotionalen Momente. Und die stecken in Geschichten. Storys sind Emotionen pur und machen aus einem Vortrag ein packendes Erlebnis. Sind es nicht die gut erzhlten Storys, die Anderen noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben? In diesem Videokurs bekommst du das ""Handwerkszeug"", um mit professionellem Storytelling zu begeistern.Von Helden, Bsewichten und Happy Ends: Mit professionellem Storytelling begeistern.Nackte Fakten, eine Agenda, Projektablufe oder textlastige Folien begeistern Menschen nicht. Wer das besser kann sind Storys. Das Gute: Wir alle lieben Geschichten - frher die von Knigen und Prinzessinnen - heute die von Harry Potter oder Game of Thrones. Menschen erzhlen sich sein Millionen Jahren Geschichten und nutzen sie (nicht offensichtlich) als Best Praktice des berlebens und zur Weitergabe von Informationen. Warum also nicht in Business-Prsentationen oder Videos, Blogs, Mails, ... die Macht von guten Storys nutzen? Falls du denkst... Ich kann dem Team, der Chefin oder Kunden doch keine Geschichten erzhlen! Doch. Wenn die Botschaft dieselbe, dafr aber einprgsamer und spannender verpackt ist, warum nicht? Vor allem, wenn du in einem Zahlen-Daten-Fakten-lastigen Thema unterwegs bist, peppt zwischendurch eine Story deinen ganzen Vortrag auf. Auerdem bleiben die Inhalte von Storys besser im Gedchtnis als langweiliger Faktenkram. Doch Storys mssen gut aufgebaut und spannend prsentiert werden, damit sie beim Publikum znden. Alles was du dazu brauchst erfhrst du in diesem Videokurs.Wenn du andere begeistern, motivieren oder besser verkaufen willst, kommst du um Geschichten nicht herum. Doch wie wirst du ein guter Geschichtenerzhler oder eine gute Geschichtenerzhlerin? Was macht eine gute Story aus? Und wo findest du gute Storys fr deine Botschaften? In diesem Videokurs erfhrst du, wie professionelles Storytelling gelingt und wie du so dein Publikum fr dich und dein Thema begeisterst.Freue dich auf...Storytelling Wozu eigentlich? (Video 1)ber die Macht von Geschichten in Prsentationen. (Video 2)Was gehrt in eine spannende Story? (Video 3)Wie eine gute Story aufgebaut ist. (Video 4)So feilst du an deinen Geschichten. (Video 5)wenn dir keine Storys fr deine Prsentationen einfallen (Video 6)plus BONUS Du bekommst...6 Videos gespickt mit Infos und Tipps, damit du gute Storys findest sowie in Prsentationen, Videos oder im Schriftlichen damit punktest (Dauer gesamt etwa 60 min).Alle Tipps in der Prsentation und und die Vorlage fr gute Storys zum Download.Das STARK mit WORTEN Template als Download zur Vorbereitung fr Prsentationen, Vortrge oder Videos mit dem du garantiert nichts mehr vergisst, immer gut vorbereitet bist und strukturiert arbeiten kannst.Danach weit du, wie und warum gute Storys funktionieren und kannst deine eigenen Geschichten ""bauen"", um damit deine Vortrge, Videos, ... aufzupeppen und erfolgreicher zu prsentieren.- Ein Rhetorik-HACK von STARK mit WORTEN -"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"La Netiquette per i Social Media" |
"La Netiquette un insieme di buone pratiche che dovrebbero guidare il comportamento on line nel rispetto degli altri utenti.Regole che anche se informali perch non ancora ben regolamentate, in realt disciplinano il buon comportamento di unazienda sul web, andando a capire bene come rapportarsi agli altri utenti attraverso risorse come newsgroup, mailing list, forum, blog, reti sociali e sistemi di mailing in genere.Il rispetto della netiquette non imposto da alcuna legge sotto un aspetto giuridico, invece spesso richiamata nei contratti di fornitura di servizi tra grandi aziende, lo sapevate?Obiettivi del corsoNati per comunicare, i social network mettono a disposizione strumenti che assolvono a molteplici scopi per i quali sempre opportuno avere indicazioni per gestirli al meglio secondo le loro regole, regole che importante conoscere."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vendi iI tuo Infoprodotto (eBook, Corso, Audio) con Gumroad" |
"Questa guida dedicata a tutti i creator che stanno cercando un modo semplice e economico per distribuire e vendere i propri infoprodotti. In questa guida passo-passo imparerai a sfruttare al 100% il potenziale del servizio gratuito Gumroad.Ti accompagner nella creazione di un mini e-commerce professionale. Imparerai a caricare online i tuoi prodotti, a personalizzare la landing page, a gestire i clienti, a creare codici sconto e ad incassare i pagamenti in maniera intuitiva e soprattutto con una bellissima interfaccia in italiano.Inizia il tuo viaggio nel mondo della vendita online in maniera veloce, senza fronzoli e in meno di un'ora.Sei pronto a fare la tua prima vendita?Ci vediamo dall'altra parte!Indice delle lezioni:1. Introduzione a Gumroad: come vendere i propri file?2. Cos' un digital good? eBook, video corsi, template ...3. Primo accesso a Gumroad: la dashboard dei prodotti4. Aggiunta del tuo primo prodotto 5. Prodotto classico, pre ordini e abbonamento6. Pagina di creazione del prodotto e dettagli7. Aggiunta di foto e video in descrizione + copertina8. Creare un mockup realistico del vostro eBook9. Modifica dell'immagine di copertina + anteprima10. Pulsanti d'azione, sommario e dettagli11. Caricamento dei file (.pdf, .mp3, .mp4 ecc)12. Limitare le vendite del prodotto13. Ricapitolando ...14. Il checkout + i codici sconto15. Url personalizzato e anteprima16. Incorporare il prodotto nel tuo sito web + rating prodotto17. Il nostro prodotto online!18. I nostri clienti + email automatizzate19. Mandare email ai nostri acquirenti20. Le statistiche delle vendite21. La ricevuta via email22. Personalizzare la homepage e il profilo + Paga quello che vuoi23. Conclusioni: il tuo primo prodotto su Gumroad!24. Come ricevere i pagamenti25. Ringraziamenti e saluti+ BONUS: 267 eBook di Copywriting & Digital Marketing (link nell'ultima lezione)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Minimalist Lifestyle - Complete Course - Decluttering Life" |
"Minimalist Lifestyle - Complete Course - Decluttering LifeLearn Minimalism for your home, office and life. Minimalist interior design for all facets of your life and careerYou can live a healthy, calm, and relaxing minimalist lifestyle. Imagine everything in your home is clean, beautiful, and devoid of clutter. Your possessions are beautiful. Your life is filled with purpose because you are no longer wasting time managing all of your stuff.The minimalist lifestyle is attractive to many, but most people cant figure out the first few steps to head in this direction. It can seem overwhelming. Personal development expert TJ Walker is an expert guide to help you through this process of decluttering your life so that you can maximize the possessions and people and experiences and content that will give you the most meaningful lifestyle.Getting more out of life; that is the ultimate goal of the minimalist lifestyle.When you surround yourself in your home just with the essentials that bring you joy, Then you will experience the pleasure of the minimalist lifestyle.Many people claim to want a minimalist lifestyle, but were living in a consumerist culture, its easy to get sucked in to the concept of more, more, more. Between Amazon one click and Groupon discounts and other always-on Internet stores, its never been easier for people to fill their homes and lives with clutter, stuff, and, well, junk.Its time to make tough decisions and to get rid of clutter destroying the beauty and sense of calm in your life. Today is the day to begin your journey toward a happy minimalist lifestyle, one that you can sustain forever.Enroll in this minimalist lifestyle complete course today."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
Assertiviteit |
"Heb je weleens last van het feit dat je tijdens een vergadering niets durft te zeggen? Of dat je geen 'nee' durft te zeggen, waardoor je met werk komt te zitten waar je eigenlijk geen tijd voor hebt? Voel je je alleen op netwerkbijeenkomsten?Assertiviteit is niet altijd maar vanzelfsprekend.Veel mensen komen niet genoeg voor zichzelf op. Zij vinden het moeilijk anderen te laten weten wat zij denken, voelen en willen. Ze zijn bang die anderen te kwetsen. Maar tegelijkertijd doen ze zichzelf zo tekort.Als je je assertief gedraagt, laat je je gedachten, wensen en gevoelens zien op een manier die de relatie met de ander niet in gevaar brengt. Het is echter niet gemakkelijk om je assertief te gedragen als je dat niet gewend bent. Je moet allerlei spannings- en vermijdingsdrempels over waar je tot voor kort veilig achter bleef staan. Maar als je eenmaal de eerste stappen hebt gezet, wordt het steeds makkelijker om assertiever te zijn en op te komen voor jezelf. Hoe word ik assertiever? helpt je over de eerste drempels."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Feedback geven" |
"Slik je je kritiek op anderen soms in? Maakt het je wat uit of je commentaar geeft aan je medewerker, collega of baas? Vermijd je het wel eens om positieve feedback te geven? Veel mensen zullen deze vragen bevestigend beantwoorden. Zij vinden het moeilijk om met feedback om te gaan en lopen er liever met een boog omheen. Toch is open communiceren onontbeerlijk voor het bereiken van (top)prestaties in organisaties.Leer op een goede manier feedback te gevenDit praktische boek leert je luisteren naar wat anderen je zeggen en je eigen commentaar zo te geven dat anderen naar je luisteren. Je leert hoe je op een duidelijke manier commentaar kunt geven, zonder met je waardeoordelen anderen te kwetsen of af te kraken. Je krijgt inzicht in de angst en emoties die daarmee gepaard kunnen gaan. Zo verbeter je het persoonlijk functioneren van jezelf en de mensen om je heen."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
Communiceren |
"Je collega negeert je al de hele dag, je hebt zeker iets verkeerd gedaan. Een voetganger steekt over zonder uit te kijken en je slingert van schrik een reeks scheldwoorden uit het open autoraampje. Het avondeten thuis is al koud, terwijl je toch duidelijk had gezegd dat je een uur later zou zijn Allemaal misverstanden die terug te voeren zijn op n en hetzelfde: communicatie.Goed communicerenMaar goed communiceren valt te leren! In Communiceren kun je leren staan alle basisvaardigheden beschreven. Je leert hoe je een gesprek ontspannen op gang brengt, tussen de regels door luistert, hoe je iets ingewikkelds op een eenvoudige manier zegt. Ook krijg je onder de knie hoe je je in discussies en bij meningsverschillen het beste opstelt, en hoe je in een groter gezelschap vaardig je verhaal doet.PraktischCommuniceren kun je leren is een heel praktisch boek met checklists, talktools en zelftests bij elk communicatiethema. Geschreven in een vlotte stijl, met veel diepgang en toch toegankelijk. Voor iedereen die communiceert en dat zijn wij dus allemaal!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SwiftUI - The Complete Developer Course" |
"Welcome to ""SwiftUI - The Complete Developer Course""My name is Steve DeStefano, an iOS / macOS developer, and working together with the brilliant programmer J.D. Gauchat, I have turned his best selling book ""SwiftUI for Masterminds"" into this complete developer course.If youre not familiar with SwiftUI, its a new way to program that uses a declarative approach, which lets us build incredibly cool apps, using about 5 times less code than previous programming paradigms. Gone here are the familiar story boards, as well as auto layout, which was at times very frustrating to work with this has all been replaced with intuitive new design tools within Xcode that make building interfaces with SwiftUI as easy as dragging and dropping.SwiftUI includes all of Apple's platforms so build the app once, and deploy it on the other platforms very easily.What is Declarative Programming?Declarative Programming is a non-imperative style of programming in which we describe, or declare, the desired results without explicitly coding out the commands or steps that must be performed. imperative programming is a style of programming that uses statements, in explicit steps to change a program's statemeaning, we would have to code the various components or views ourselves to make them show and hide...this is what we do with UIKit and storyboardsThe key contrast between the two styles can be summed up with two words - WHAT and HOW -Declarative programming focuses on what the program should accomplish, and imperative programming focuses on how the program should achieve the result.And this course is different than other courses, in that we dont just scratch the surface, or build a few simple apps in here, I give you the SwiftUI framework, explained.All the instruction, all the examples, and all the tools that you need to build your own insanely cool apps, without any wasted time or chatter putting together tip calculators or dining out apps, that you may not be interested in.Here we take a smarter approach, first, youll learn how to use the SwiftUI framework, and its tools, and technology.Then build the apps that you want to, with this new knowledge.You get the step by step instruction for each technology in the SwiftUI framework, and see how to use the different views, initializers, methods, and modifiers that are available for each of those technologies.Also included in the course is the corresponding code file for every lecture, so you can download it and use in your apps right away, all built with the latest release, and tested to run perfectly. This is a huge library of code, hundreds of examples highlighting the SwiftUI Framework, neatly categorized for easy look up and reference so you have everything you need to create your own stunning apps to submit to the App Store.No more fumbling through the convoluted Apple docs for hours trying to find the code you need, or wasting time looking on Stack Overflow, your getting all the instruction and code you needyou just need the idea for the app, and youre ready to go.If youre new to Swift, no problem, there is a language section in the beginning of the course that will walk you through the Swift Language and get you up to speed, fast.If youre an experienced programmer, this course is perfect, because it is a huge data base of instruction and downloadable code thats perfect to add to your own SwiftUI libraryits similar to a cookbook of code but with very detailed instruction.You will learn all about:App Development Swift 5 Language (complete language) Protocols Frameworks User Interface View Protocol Opaque Types Text Modifiers Color View Image View Event Modifiers Custom Modifiers Layout Safe Area Priorities Alignment Guides Groups Custom Views Previews Preview Modifiers Environment Property Wrappers @State @Binding @Environment Model Observable @EnvironmentObject View Model Combine Framework Publishers Subscribers Transforming values Operators Subjects Controls Button View TextField View SecureField View Toggle View Slider View Stepper View Navigation View NavigationLink View TabView View Sheets Popovers Alert Views Action Sheets Split Views Custom Navigation Size Classes Orientation GeometryReader View Preferences Mac Catalyst Conditional Code Menu Multiple Windows Support Lists ForEach View ScrollView List View Sections Edition Mode Custom Buttons Search Picker View DatePicker View Forms Shapes Gradients Images Paths Custom Shapes Transformations Animations Hit Testing Transitions Gesture Notification Center System Notifications User Notifications Provisional Notifications User Defaults File Manager URLS and Paths Files and Directories Bundle Archiving Encoding and Decoding JSON Core Data Core Data Model Core Data Stack Sort Descriptors iCloud Testing Devices Key Value Storage UIKit Integration Web Safari View Controller MapKit Camera Photo Library Custom Camera AviKit FrameWork Custom Video Player Collection View Apple Developer Program Publishing to the App Store Certificates, Provisioning Profiles, Identifiers App Store Connect Swift Language . And much more.So come code along with me working with an incredibly cool and insane set of design tools, and learn everything you need to know about the SwiftUI Framework, and how to implement and leverage all of its great new technologies."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Launch Your Home Business - Online Business Ideas Course" |
"In this course, I share my time-tested best practices for helping you identify and leverage your own core-competencies to maximize your ability to make money online. This provides you the flexibility and freedom to work from home and enjoy passive income.Theres a myriad of options and choices to make when launching an online business, so this course is packed with a myriad of home business options for selling digital products, tangible products, and/or your services.The beauty of owning your own Online Business is that you can be paid to promote and sell other people's digital products, tangible products and services as well.I show you how to identify online home business opportunities that you can start today.If you are reading this, you know that you need to find a way to start your own business, especially one that can be run from the comfort of your home. Due to the recent Coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic, we are now in a new normal. It is time for you to adapt and pivot your career into a home based business.The first step in your journey is identifying what you are going to sell online. This is the sole focus of this course. Equipping you with a multitude of home business ideas.As a matter of fact, I share with you my own framework to Online Business Success by drawing from my own personal journey over the past 15 years, going from a Product Promoter, to a Product Owner, to finally a Platform Practitioner.About MeMy name is Mike Wheeler, and I have been leveraging the Internet to run my own home business since 2004. I've actually created several home businesses over the past 16+ years and have made a lot of mistakes along the way. In my Home Business series of courses, I share with you my time-tested best practices so you can avoid the mistakes that I've made and hasten your own journey to online business success!In 2009 I launched a website devoted the Snuggie, the Blanket with Sleeves. That website went from inception to the top of Google Trends in less than 3 weeks. I rode that fad for several years, making a great amount of money through Content Marketing and Affiliate Marketing.Once Snuggie mania died down, I next pivoted to learning Salesforce and enjoyed a successful time of working on various software development projects. In 2016 I launched my first paid course on the Udemy platform which became one of the top-performing IT Certification courses on the platform. I have since launched over a dozen courses, amassed well over 100,000 students whom consume well over a million minutes per month of my instructional content.In 2019 I launched my own Salesforce learning platform, Mike Wheeler Media+.Now I am creating a series of Home Business courses to teach you everything that goes into discovering, building and growing your own online business.This course before you today is the start of that journey - discovering what your own Home Business will be.Join me in the course and I'll see YOU in the Cloud!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maya 2020 e Substance Painter Criando Assets Para Games" |
"Curso Maya 2020 e Substance Painter Criando Assets Para Games, aprenda passo a passo o processo completo de produo de assets para games e animao utilizando o Autodesk Maya 2020 e Substance Painter Criando Assets Para Games, comece do zero e produza um modelo completo estilizado.Preparao do projeto, modelagem poligonal criao do modelo high poly, criao do material ID, criao e configurao dos materiais e finalizao da pea pronta para usar no seu game ou animao e tudo de forma prtica e objetiva, assim voc no perde tempo estudando ferramenta por ferramenta para finalizar e entender a produo de um modelo completo.Inscreva-se no curso e comece uma nova carreira."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"8 Resistance Traits: How to identify them & remove them from" |
"Resistance Traits are never positive but most of us have at least one or two that we use to try to get out own way when we don't like the options being offered. In this course you will see how to identify eight resistance traits in writing, and how to remove them from your writing, should you wish to do so. Life is much easier when we can accept the inevitable and move calmly through even turbulent waters.Clear illustrations and descriptions for each traits, plus a quiz at the end of each lesson help you learn this easily and in a way that will allow you to use the information you gain immediately. It is also helpful to be able to identify these personality traits in other people's writing.The class project is to complete the quiz at the end of each lesson that illustrates a personality trait. The final class project is to choose at least one of these traits that you find in your own writing and practice writing to remove it. If you have none in your writing, practice by looking at as many writing samples as you can find to identify the resistance traits."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Paint a Snow Scene in Watercolour Learn AMAZING Techniques" |
"When I first started using Watercolour in 1980 I was inspired to copy the great artists such as Constable, Quinton and others. I couldnt get on with oil or acrylic so turned my hand at watercolour. As I had never gone to art school I just went with my instincts and had fun! Because I tried to copy the great artists, the techniques I developed were completely unique and unlike any other watercolour pictures I saw.I remained self taught, learnt as I went along and what youll see in this course is a result of years of learning through mistakes and finding what worked. Youll also see techniques never before attempted with watercolour (as far as I know). My watercolour pictures, even though theyre impressionistic, have a sense of realism about them.In this course Ill give you an outline drawing so that you can print this straight to watercolour paper or trace it using a carbon. Ill also show you the materials I use in my watercolour work. Then well get started with the paintings which are split into easy to digest parts.With this course you will learn to paint a Winter landscape of Smarden in Kent - the ""Garden of England"" . In this course you'll learn to paint snowy trees, foliage, buildings, skies and more!I hope you enjoy learning my watercolour techniques, once you are finished, please do share your artwork via the Q & A section or message us using Udemy's messaging tools."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Exam MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams Scenario Questions" |
"Welcome! - Want to pass the Exam MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams? Look no further. I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the newest Microsoft MS-700 Exam.You will take several practice exams (Multiple Choice, Testlet, HotSpot with diagrams). All are includedMicrosoft Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integrationI am 3x AWS Certified and work with Microsoft Teams every day within my organizations.Validate your technical skills and expertise with an industry-recognized credential and grow your career. The Microsoft MS-700 Exam Practice Actual Scenario Questions exam is intended for individuals who perform a Administrator or power user role and have one or more years of hands-on experience with Microsoft platformExam DetailsExam MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams. This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: plan and configure a Microsoft Teams environment; manage chat, calling, and meetings; and manage Teams and app policies. Price based on the country in which the exam is proctored.This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: plan and configure a Microsoft Teams environment; manage chat, calling, and meetings; and manage Teams and app policies.Skills measuredNOTE: The bullets that appear below each of the skills measured in the document below are intended to illustrate how we are assessing that skill. This list is not definitive or exhaustive.Plan and Configure a Microsoft Teams Environment (45-50%)Manage Chat, Calling, and Meetings (30-35%)Manage Teams and App Policies (20-25%)FormatMultiple choice, multiple answer, scenario based, Testlet, HotspotSee what our students say It is such a comprehensive course with several tests that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all important questions, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Maria JulesThis is such an awesome exam course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience! Jen Smith.Note: This question is part of a series of questions that present the same scenario. Each question in the series contains a unique solution that might meet the stated goals. Some question sets might have more than one correct solution, while others might not have a correct solution.After you answer a question in this section, you will NOT be able to return to it. As a result, these questions will not appear in the review screen.Your company has a Microsoft 365 subscription.You plan to configure the environment to allow external users to collaborate in Microsoft Teams by using guest access.Note: For the actual exam, you would have to register yourself at Microsoft authorized testing center and pay the test fees separately. Currently, it is $165 USD. (may change)Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!Enroll now in Exam MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams Scenario Questions today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of certification - and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Myra GulTeam ClayDesk"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Strengthen your courage!" |
"Courage is like a muscle to practice. Whoever starts with weak muscles should exercise carefully and slowly and then become stronger. Dont push yourself! This course gives you the necessary inspiration.You have enough courage in you. Find your own way. You don't have to be a (courage) muscle hero. And stop accusing yourself of being a coward! That only discourages you even more.Relax and trust that you will go the right way and be courageous when necessary!The course consists of a blend of exercises. I offer you methods from NLP, hypnotherapy and trauma work to support you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de Pascal for Windows" |
"O Curso bsico de Pascal for Windows curso voltado para estudantes de Cincias de Computao ou rea afins. Tambm, podero se inscrever, no curso, qualquer pessoa que goste de programao e que tenha interesse, nessa rea. O curso conta com 3 horas de durao e 16 exerccios prticos, alm de ter vrios exemplos prticos, no decorrer do curso. No curso, abordo os seguintes temas: introduo, variveis, estruturas de condio e, muito mais temas para te auxiliar. No perca essa oportunidade, pois o curso est sensacional!!!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |