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"Angel's Massages for Humanity" |
"Seven days, Seven steps for personal awakening. The Angels invite you to participate in the global change. Any disease is a wake up call for transformation, on a personal level and on larger scales. But, how do you do that? What to meditate on? what are the insights and energies that knock on our door? Tami from Israel is leading you into an intimate and powerful journey, The awakening journey we've wished for. I'm sure you will feel the Deep, gentle and blessed Angels touch surround you."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Overcome Anxiety and Build Calmness Without Drugs" |
"WHO THE COURSE IS FORThe course is for people that struggle with anxiety and desire a life that allows them to move past anxiety and stress.You are here because you want to wake up to a life with better stability and peace of mind. A space that lets you feel authentic, confident, and strong.You may find yourself experiencing:Problems sleeping because of a racing mind.Difficulty making decisions.Feeling worried or on edge.Struggling to move forward in life because of your anxiety.This course is for you. The person that struggles with anxiety and is ready to transform your life. Ready and committed to change. Everyone needs a system with a step-by-step process. A plan that works. You desire to experience:Confidence in the decisions you make.Stability in your mood and thoughts.Strength in your ability to manage anxiety.Peace of mind and less anxiety.WHATS INCLUDEDPowerful techniques aim to help you build a clear state of mind, reduce anxiety, find clarity in your life.The course is structured in a 4-week sequence. Each week you are given exercises and videos aimed to give you the tools to build confidence, calmness, and manage anxiety. This is an all-inclusive online course full of videos and worksheets aimed to help you tame anxiety and build confidence."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sun Tzu wrote the military classic Art of War more than 2,500 years ago. Today this book is more relevant than ever. As the concepts and strategies in the book are very powerful, many people have applied them into business, especially sales. This course combines two of our most powerful sales courses: How to Close Every Sale and Sun Tzu Art of War into one course: SUN TZU ART OF WAR FOR SALES.This course is for people who are:Looking for ways to achieve breakthroughs in their salesFind the answer to close every saleInterested to apply Art of War concepts into their daily work and lifeNot interested to just know the Art of War, but to make it part of their lifeIn this course you will all the important points to win per Sun Tzu Art of War, and How to Close Every Sale. We have conducted this course since 2009 in more than 13 countries. Now you can learn it anytime anywhere at a fraction of the cost. Enroll for this course now! "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel: Beginner to Advanced 2020" |
"Why this course is for youYou want to increase your Excel skills to become more efficient at work, school, or any personal project. You want to learn powerful Excel functions that will allow you to automate much of your work and make your life easier. You want to learn how to setup clean spreadsheets and use Excel's functions to work much more efficiently and with less effort.The functions and formulas you will learn will teach you how to use Excel from beginner to an intermediate level. Along the way I will teach you shortcuts and tips that will impress any employer or teacher.What you will learn:The basics of excel: how to input numbers, how to input formulas, and the different functions of ExcelAdvanced functionsProper formattingGraphs and chartsPivot tablesExcel's lookup functionsHow to build dynamic queriesFinancial functionsHow to create macrosEncrypt file with a passwordExcel's what if toolsAnd much much more!What you will need:A computer, laptop, or tabletMicrosoft ExcelWillingness to learn 30-day money back guaranteeIn the rare case that you feel the course was not helpful or isn't for you Udemy will refund your money up to 30 days. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking: Conceito + 25 Mtodos de Design" |
"Este contedo est dividido em quatro partes para voc entender os mtodos que os designers usam e test-los por conta prpria. Com base nas etapas do Double Diamond, uma maneira simples de mapear o processo de design em quatro etapas: Descobrir, Definir, Desenvolver e Entregar.Use os mtodos de Design para :manter suas perspectivas amplas, permitindo uma ampla gama de ideias e influncias. revisar e refinar suas ideias e estabelecer o principal desafio do seu projeto. debater conceitos de design, testar o que funciona e descartar o que no funciona.finalizar, produzir e lanar seu projeto e obter feedback sobre ele."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen" |
"Dieser Kurs ist ein Must-Have fr alle Informatiker. Im Studium eines der Pflichtfcher, mittlerweile sogar in vielen Schulen unterrichtet, so ist Algorithmik und algorithmisches Denken so wichtig wie nie zuvor, denn Algorithmen bestimmen unser Leben. Suchalgorithmen bestimmen, welche Plattformen wir nutzen, welche Inhalte wir sehen und welche Filme und Serien wir konsumieren. Doch wie funktionieren sie? Das lernt ihr hier!Der Kurs umfasst nicht nur ausgiebige und anschaulich visualisierte Theorie-Lektionen, sondern auch hufige Python Implementierungen der Algorithmen.Also warte nicht, sondern verbessere deine IT-Grundlagen auf Profiwissen jetzt!Dazu gehren lebenslanger Zugriff auf den Kurs und 30 Tage Rckgaberecht!Dieser Kurs verfolgt zudem ein innovatives Konzept, bei dem regelmige Updates von User-Anfragen oder besonders wichtigen Algorithmen kommen - ganz ohne Zusatzkosten.Viel Spa beim Lernen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Quarkus com MongoDB" |
"O que um banco de dados?O que um dado?O que informaoSGBDsInstalao do MongoDBBaixar o Mongo CompassCriar nossa primeira base de dadosCRUD utilizando o CompassCriar vrios registrosBuscas utilizando o findGerenciamento de UsuriosPerfis de acessoListar usuriosAutenticar usurioDeletar usurioImportar dados de um CSV para o MongoDBConsultas mais interessantesAnlise dos dadosInstalao do MySQLMySQL WorkbenchCriando nossas tabelas com MySQLDiferenas entre MySQL e MongoDBQuando utilizar o MongoDBQuando utilizar o MySQLConsultas utilizando 3 milhes de registrosDocumentos embeddedCriar IndexesAggregationDistinctGoogle CloudCriar uma mquina para o MongoDBInstalar o MongoDBLiberar acesso externoReplica setClusterAlta disponibilidadeBackupReplica Set MongoDBComo funcionaPrimarySecondaryReplica Set na prticaConfigurao de rplicasGoogle CloudNa parte de Quarkus:Iniciar um projeto com o QuarkusDocumentao QuarkusProjetos no Github do QuarkusProjetos da aula no GitlabUtilizando o Swagger em nossa APIConfigurao simplesLive reloadProgramao rpida e produtivaUtilizar o H2Persistir dados com o Panache Entity no modelo de entidadePersistir dados no padro RepositoryQuarkus com o MongoDBPanache Entity para o MongoDebug o Quarkus no IntellIjUtilizar o repositoryAgradecimentos"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fremdenergien lokalisieren und ablsen" |
"Fremdenergien lokalisieren und ablsen Erlerne eine Methode die jederzeit einfach und effizient anwendbar ist Fr wen ist dieser Online-Kurs erstellt? Fr alle Menschen die feinstoffliche Energien spren und diese verndern wollen. Diese gehren durch eine gezielte Methode der Vergangenheit an. Was bekommst du? Durch Kniffs und Tricks erlernst du diese Methode der Fremdenergieablsung, und wendest diese in deinem Alltag an. Video-Clips mit bungen! In verschiedenen Clips zeige ich dir genau den Ablauf und die wichtigsten Punkte. Zusatzunterlagen als PDF! In einem mehrseitigen PDF erhltst du den genauen Ablauf zu jeder bung mit Foto und Text. Professionelle Erfahrung! Alle meine Erfahrungen aus ber 20 Jahren, habe ich fr dich zusammengefasst. Direktkontakt bei Fragen!Wenn etwas unklar sein sollte oder du Fragen hast, kannst du dich gerne bei mir melden. Warum knnen Fremdenergien wahrgenommen werden? ber unsere 5 Sinne nehmen wir jederzeit Eindrcke wahr. Ob du Bilder siehst, Gerusche hrst, Dfte riechst, Gegenstnde sprst oder Geschmcke schmeckst. All diesen 5 Sinnen vertraust du, da sie in unserer Gesellschaft gefrdert werden.Was ist mit dem 6. Sinn? Kannst du ein Gefhl wie Hass oder Liebe mit einem der 5 Sinne aufnehmen? Die Antwort ist nein! Denn alles was bei uns im Unterbewusstsein abluft und uns ein Gefhl ausdrckt, luft ber den 6. Sinn ab. So knnen wir Menschen und Tiere Energien aufnehmen, die in uns ein Gefhl auslsen. Ob das ein gutes oder ein schlechtes Gefhl ist steuert das Unterbewusstsein, das wiederum von feinstofflichen Energien angestossen werden kann. Wir nehmen Schwingungen auf und knnen diese oft nicht zuordnen, da unser 6. Sinn in der Gesellschaft nicht gefrdert wird. Lsung! Mit dieser Methode des Lokalisierens und dem Ablsen dieser Fremdenergien verwinden strende Schwingungen, die dich belasten knnen. Das Fazit ist ein Wohlgefhl und eine Gelassenheit. Ein lockeres Gefhl tritt nach der Ablsung ein. Dabei hilfst du dir und vielen anderen. Struktur & Ablauf! Durch das Lokalisieren dieser Fremdenergien erfhrst du mehr ber sie. Durch das Verbindung mit dem Feinstofflichen, erhltst du eine Mithilfe des Unsichtbaren. Du sprichst mit deinen Geist-Helfern und gibst ihnen den Auftrag zur Harmonie. Durch mentales Ansprechen vernderst du den Schwingungszustand dieser Fremdenergien. Nach der Ablsung bedankst du dich fr diese wundervolle Arbeit. Anwendbar bei folgenden Empfindungen! Hast du hufig extreme Gefhlsschwankungen? Fhlst du dich beobachtet? Hast du das Gefhl, etwas verfolgt dich? Bekommst du Gnsehaut, wenn du abends alleine unterwegs bist? Nimmst du Stimmen, Gerche oder fremde Eindrcke wahr? Begleitet dich ein imaginrer Freund? Schlft dein Kind schlecht und schreit in der Nacht? Spricht dein Kind mit unsichtbaren Wesen? Hast du dauern Angstzustnde? Bist du oft kraftlos? Leitet dich eine innere Stimme? Fhlst du dich krank und der Arzt kann bei dir nichts feststellen? Leidest du unter Alptrume? Bist du immer wieder unruhig? Ist eine erhhte Aggression bei dir feststellbar? Sind grosse Vernderungen bei dir erkennbar? Hast du Haustiere die gewisse Rume oder Orte nicht betreten? Erlebst du oft deine Katze mit von sich gestreckten Haaren und Katzenbuckel? Hast du das Gefhl, dass dich eine Besetzung umgibt? Im Zusammenhang mit deinem Aufenthaltsort Bei unerklrlichem Unwohlsein innerhalb der Liegenschaft, hufiger Mdigkeit, unruhigem oder schlechtem Schlaf, Krankheitsanflligkeiten von Kindern und Erwachsenen. Wenn du das Gefhl hast im Haus spukt es. Bei harzigem Geschftsgang Bei unerklrlichen Schwierigkeiten bei Neu- oder Umbauten oder beim Verkauf von Liegenschaften Informationen! Als feinfhliger Mensch mache ich die Erfahrung, dass oftmals zulange gewartet wird, bis sie etwas unternehmen und etwas in ihrem Leben verndern. Sie halten den Druck eine Zeit lang aus. Wenn es nicht mehr geht, suchen sie nach Lsungen im Internet, da sie meistens nicht darber sprechen knnen. Das muss nicht sein. Beim Akut-Fall oder auch prventiv knnen das Ablsen von Fremdenergien bedenkenlos angewendet werden. Danke fr das Bestellen meines Online-Kurses. Wir sehen uns ;-) "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to become an event manager" |
"This on line events course 'How to become an event manager' helps those thinking of becoming involved in events understand what event managers do: the opportunities that exist and how to get started in events.SoAre you thinking of getting involved in events but dont know if its for you?Do you want to know what event managers actually do?Are you looking for a change of direction and think events might be for you?Do you want to run events but dont know where or how to get started?Do you already know events are for you but want to know how to get your first events job?Do you want to know what its like to be an event manager and know the types of skills event managers typically display?Are you a school or university leaver and think events could be a great option for you?IF SO.. THIS HOW TO BECOME AN EVENT MANAGER COURSE SHOULD BE FOR YOUHow to become an event manager: Course IntroductionEvents play an ever-increasing and important part of our everyday lives. We love our events! They can encompass anything from festivals and conferences to food and craft fairs to parties and celebrations - just about anything can be turned into an event. For every event organised, there is an event manager behind the scenes making it happen.The fact is:I believe event management is a learnt skill (I learnt to be an event manager) and with a little of the right kind of help and a can do attitude you can learn to be an event manager.On this on line events course How to be an event manager I am going to teach you everything I know about getting started in events. I am going to give you examples of the various types and styles of events you could get involved in: provide you with an overview of how to run events: explain what I consider to be useful event management skills and importantly show you what steps you should take on your journey to becoming an event managerin just 2 1/2 hours!The truth is:Many of us, me included, dropped into event management by accident, it wasnt the day job but I discovered that I appeared to have a talent for organising events that I didnt know I had.and of course you may also have such a talent?The courseThe Event Expert on line events course How to become an event manager is a high content course designed to give you a good understanding of world of events and how to confidently create a plan of action to get that first events job or role.You will get clear, logical, honest and easy to follow advice.You will also get high quality course materials which include:A full and comprehensive slide deck covering everything you need to know about becoming an event manager with accompanying voice overs and videos.A selection of practical event examples to illustrate the vast range of events that existAn insiders guide as to how event managers plan and deliver events: in other words - what do events managers actually doAccess to my unique 7-step event planning process. NB: Its the same one I use to run my own events. I have been designing, planning and delivering events for the past 20+ years.The truth of the matter is:Events are no soft option. However with the right kind of help and a positive attitude, I believe we can all be great event managers. This course will certainly set you up nicely to enter the wonderful world of events planningbe it as a professional or voluntary events managerthey both need the same skills!And to me.well, I knew nothing about events when I was asked to run my first event. I learnt quickly and happily survived. I think you will too.It is suitable for all types of public, voluntary and business events.Course durationI would recommend you set aside about 2 1/2 hours to review the presentations and audios.Your tutor, Chris Powell, The Event ExpertChris Powell is Director of The Event Expert. Chris has been designing, planning and delivering events for 24 years. In that time he has been a local authority events manager and events director of a range of events and festivals, as well as helping a variety of organisations to deliver their events as a freelance events manager and consultant.For the past 19 years he has also been helping clients from the world of business, exhibitions, education, sport, the public and charity sector, training, tourism, creative agencies and festivals develop the ideas, skills and confidence to go it alone: run their own events. He specialises in providing in-house and on line events training and consultancy services to accidental, occasional and professional event managers across the UK, Europe and the Middle East. His clients include some very well-known names. Hes an in demand event specialist.He is a regular blogger on all things events, a speaker and author of two event planning books. Work with or listen to Chris and you will get clear, logical and easy to follow advice based on his 20+ years of practical events management experience. He does indeed practice what he preaches. He is not somebody who once ran an event or never ran an event and thinks they can now write a authoritative course on planning an event. He has successfully completed over 500 events and taught over 5000 events managers: its safe to say that there is not much Chris doesnt know about the how to of successful events. His client list is testimony to that. Here are a few comments from previous clients who have worked with Chris PowellThank you for leading the Worcestershire events and festival workshop last week. The feedback we received from those event organisers who attended was fantastic you hit just the right level and I am sure they will put many of your suggestions for running successful events into practice over the coming months. I look forward to working with you again soon!Knowing the considerable knowledge and experience that Chris has of the events industry left me in no doubt about his suitability to run a training workshop session on event management. The day was perfectly balanced and extremely informative. Chris maintained our interest and attention throughout, even though some of us have spent many years in event management. If you, or your organisation, are involved in special events then Chris is definitely worth talking to: if you invite Chris to run a similar session it will be an investment worth making.Excellent! Most enjoyable day - very helpfulExcellent - great all round view of the sector - good humoured and clear useful factsI attended Chris Powell's Organising Successful Community Events course and found it to be thoroughly enjoyable and informative, Chris has the ability to impart knowledge without lecturing, and he made sure everyone became involved. He has a wealth of knowledge in the events field and has no qualms about sharing his knowledge and experience with others. I look forward to attending further courses run by ChrisGreat - covered all the crucial points, broad enough taste of all elements in event management, Chris was superb - very clear, kept your attention 100%Jam packed full of information that is really useful, relevant and reliableWOW! What a comprehensive course, I found it jam packed full of information that was really useful, relevant and reliable. The course literally covers everything a new event manager could possibly need to know in a simple and easy-to-understand manner with the course elements covered in a logical and common sense order which helps it flow easily. I like the way the way you have used a combination of narrated presentations, PDFs and fun aspects like the quiz / survey at the end, this makes it varied and interesting to read. With so much information to take in, the individual slides are simple, easy to digest and absorb. The visual of where you are in the course in the left hand side column is helpful and useful to keep track with. If you are thinking of or new to events, this course is a must do!I have attended two of Chris's courses, Organising Successful Major Events and Festivals and Organising Successful Community Events. I am relatively new to the events industry and found both of these courses very informative, relevant and useful to the work that I am doing.Chris is an excellent tutor. His experience, coupled with his delivery style, made the training courses I attended a very entertaining but informative way of developing the skills required to deliver successful events.""Very informative, fun trainer with great sense of humour!Excellent, well presented, very relevant, good speaker and informativeAn extremely helpful events course.I found the course extremely helpful. I have learnt things I never knew before. The workbook provided during the course is great for taking notes and the reference manual is full of so much useful information about everything you need to know. I have kept a copy of both for myself to refer back to when I need a bit of guidance. I really liked the fun test at the end of the course to the quiz after module 8. I fully enjoyed the blog posts; I especially liked reading about Chris's own personal experiences. I particularly liked the blog titled ' is finding the perfect venue really such a big deal'. I believe reading about his personal experiences as an event manager really helps understand all aspects in organising an event. I will recommend the course to anyone who is truly interested in the events industry, but be sure to read into the industry before you really make your decision to go ahead. I imagine it is feasible to complete the course in a week, even alongside other commitments.Definitely fulfilled my expectations, packed itinerary, good to relate experiences, good mix of materials and discussions, good relaxed style, good professional deliveryExcellent thorough, informative, structured and very useable enjoyed it, thanksOn behalf of the community involvement team at Testway Housing I would like to thank you for your brilliant training on event organising. You will be pleased to know that despite our concerns and anxiety we managed to organise a really successful fun day. Over 500 people attended and the day went without any major problems. I think you would have been quite proud of us. Thank you once againThe course was great! Very much enjoyed the course, good content, good delivery, realisticHere are some phrases that have been used to describe Chris taken from recent course evaluations and testimonials are: They include:Creative, personable, expert, very keen attention to detail, enthusiast, inspiring, passionate, engaging, funny, relaxed, captivating, knowledgeable, meticulous, real can do approach, really reallyknows events, practical, excellent communicator, approachable, has a wealth of event experience.Now heres something else to consider - a not so little THANK YOU for taking the course. Heres how it works:Complete this How to become an event manager course right to the end and you find a discount coupon for my On-line How to organise successful events course.Why you - well thats because as you are now a signed up member of my events crew and I want to give you the best possible start I can on your road to becoming an event manager. Thats it!When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic.Your 100% No-risk money back GuaranteeThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed. I really do believe that you will find the course incredibly helpful as you seek to learn the event planning ropes but should you not: You can have your money back. No questions asked.Interested? Want to learn to be a great be an events manager? Then dont delay sign up nowit could be the start of something very specialPS: Imagine having the confidence to run your own events? To lead or be part of an event planning team organising charity, arts and sports events: exhibitions, shows and fares, parties and celebrations and know you did yourselfwith a little help from someone who startedjust where you did knowing very little about events!Go on: give it a go: you could have a talent for event management?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server: Le cours complet sur les performances" |
">>>Ce cours vous intresse ? Et vous souhaitez y bnficier d'une rduction ? Alors envoyez moi un email (une surprise vous attend :) <<<Questions frquentes sur les forums SQL : Quand je rejoue la procdure stocke, pourquoi prend elle 3 minutes a lieu de 5 secondes ? Pourquoi quand je joue ma procdure stocke avec une variable diffrente, cela explose les temps ? Quand je change le mode de compatibilit de ma base de donne, pourquoi mon serveur rame t il ?Les Mise a jour des statistiques plombent elles les performances sur mes procdures stockes ?On me parle de FILLFACTOR mais qu'est ce que c'est ? Toutes ces questions se trouvent dans ce cours.Enfin un cours en franais, qui est ddi exclusivement a la performance sur SQL Server ! :)Dans ce cours de 5 heures, venez dcouvrir l'importance d'une bonne mise en place des index sur vos tables, ainsi que les piges eviter lors de la cration de vos procdures stockes.Nous apprendrons aussi, quels options a valider, lors de l'installation de votre moteur SQL, pour amliorer les performances.Vous avez des problmes de lenteurs sur vos serveurs SQL, et vous souponnez la mise en place de vos index ? La formation en dtail:Les fondamentaux de l'indexingCas pratique sur l'indexingQuels critres pour l'index clustered ?Pourquoi et comment liminer la fragmentation sur vos indexEnsuite on verra comment amliorer vos performances sur vos procdures stockesEt voir d'autres cas de performance (SARGABLE etc...)Ce cours s'adresse tous les administrateurs de bases de donnes et dveloppeurs qui traitent de l'optimisation des performances et souhaitent utiliser des index pour amliorer les performances du serveur.Suivez ce cours, vous aidera vous dmarquer techniquement de vos collgues, ou lors d'un entretien d'embauche.J'ai tenu aussi a que les vidos nexcdent pas les 10 minutes, pour que ce ne soit pas trop soporifique :)Regardez la moyenne de mes autres cours (4,4/5), et vous verrez que mes cours sont des cours de qualit :)>>>Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entre-aide, tutos de mes formations<<<>>>Tapez dans FaceBook: Formation SQL by Olivier Thuillier<<<"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ASL Personality Q&A American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, were going to learn how to create and answer YES/NO questions in ASL using personal pronouns and personality vocabulary. Well learn to make positive and negative sentences so we have multiple answers to the YES/NO questions. The vocabulary for this course consists of ASL personal pronouns, twelve (12) adjectives that describe personality, and the signs for YES, NO, MAYBE, NOT. There will be hands-on practice and testing to make sure you can sign and understand what is taught.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.THE TARGET SIGN LANGUAGE SKILLS ARE:Signing, recognizing, and understanding personal pronouns in ASLExpanding vocabulary skills with twelve (12) personality adjectives in ASLLearning to use YES, NO, MAYBE, NOT signs in different situationsCreating questions, positive statements, and negative statements in ASLVocabulary enrichment through hands-on, step by step creation of each signCreation and use of practical sentences which can be used immediatelyIN THIS COURSE:Students will learn how to sign the following personality adjectives: ARROGANT, FRIENDLY, GULLIBLE, HONEST, LAZY, MEAN, NICE, POLITE, RUDE, SMART, STUBBORN, and STUPID.Students will learn how to sign the personal pronouns: I/ME, YOU, HE/SHE/IT, WE/US, THEY/THEM, and YOU (plural).Students will learn the ASL signs for YES, NO, MAYBE, and NOT.Students will learn to create and answer YES/NO questions in ASL with appropriate body language and facial expressions.Students will learn how to combine the personal pronouns, adjectives, and YES/NO/NOT signs to create three types of sentences: positive statements, negative statements, and questions.Each individual sign will be taught step by step to ensure correct hand position and hand shape.Students will be tested on their ability to sign and recognize ALL material taught in the course including questions and statements.AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will be confident creating personality questions and answers in ASLStudents will be able to create sentences using personal pronouns, personality words, and YES/NO/NOTStudents will have a larger vocabulary and understand the mechanics of each sign taught in the courseStudents will feel more confident as they continue their journey of becoming proficient in ASLQUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on learning the necessary skills to create and answer YES/NO questions in ASL using personal pronouns and personality vocabulary. Students will learn how to create positive and negative sentences and be able to answer YES/NO questions.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs are taught in the course including the personal pronouns, personality signs, and YES, NO, MAYBE, NOT signs.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains multiple sections of review and testing where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your signing and recognition skills in ASL.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"BEST of Facebook Ads: Facebook Ads 2021 ULTIMATE PRO Edition" |
"Upskill yourself and ensure you're never out of work or out of clients, with the BEST OF FACEBOOK ADS & INSTAGRAM PRO EDITION 2021. Learn everything you need to know to become a Professional Facebook Ads Consultant, and start a new career online, or boost your local or e-commerce Business.""I love this course. All the points related to Facebook Ads were explained in-depth by Tom. You will feel pretty confident about launching Facebook Ads after finishing this course. Highly Recommended!!"" Muhammad""I've taken a few different courses regarding FB ads but this one is by far the best. What makes it even better is that the instructor is very quick and responsive when you ask questions."" Fumiyuki Suzuki""This program is well-organized and easy to follow. I am able to keep up with the pace. Thanks!!"" August MDear Students,Hi, it's Ing. Tomas Moravek here again, your Internet Efficiency Award Winning Digital Strategist and Marketer, with my latest and most powerful course, FACEBOOK ADS MARKETING MASTERY. This is the ONLY COURSE ON UDEMY TO TAKE YOU THROUGH THE NEW FACEBOOK ADS EXPERIENCE, helping you get up to date with the most current techniques.I'm super excited to bring you this new material, as it's the result of months of hard work, and will help you quickly gain the digital skillset so essential in today's competitive marketplace.Time is of the essence right now as business makes the complete switchover to digital. If you get in on the action today, I promise you'll reap huge rewards later.In this easy-to-follow, quick-learn course, I'll be laying out the basics of modern marketing, including EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO MARKET SUCCESSFULLY ON FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM.This course is perfect if youre looking to promote an ecommerce site, expand your brand reach, get more traffic and win more conversions. Youll also discover how to conduct thorough, modern market research so you can give your customers what they crave, and Ill also be teaching you how to create sleek looking professional websites without any coding experience whatsoever.With all this knowledge, you'll be equipped to SUCCESSFULLY MARKET YOUR OWN BUSINESS, or qualify for a Junior Facebook Ads Consultant position working for yourself, a company, or a marketing agency.Facebook and Instagram are so essential to your business, and are hugely profitable, if you know how to game them right. In this course, I'll teach you the ins and outs of marketing on these social platforms, and will lay out every type of Facebook Ad, so you know when to use what, and how.After you've been through this course with me, you'll learn the true secret to becoming a marketing pro - efficiency - and will understand how to optimise your budget, ad content, and strategy for ULTIMATE MARKETING SUCCESS.What will you learn?As soon as you enrol, you'll start learning the essentials of marketing using Facebook and Instagram Ads. You'll also gain vital digital marketing website creation and market research skills that will help you promote your ecommerce site and will serve you for the rest of your life.I'll teach you how to set up and use Facebook Catalogue Ads so you can AUTOMATE YOUR MARKETING AND SELL, 24/7. If you have an e-commerce site, Catalogue Ads will skyrocket your profits, and the best thing is, you only need to set them up once! Catalogue Ads are o awesome, theyre just like having a sales rep who works for you all day long, even while you sleep.Using step by step walkthroughs I'll show you how to UNLOCK THE FULL POWER OF FACEBOOK DYNAMIC ADS. You'll be able to use this knowledge to smartly target and retarget customers, who are already looking for what you're selling. Dynamic Ads are a superb way of helping your ecommerce store get more customers, as they zone in on people whove already viewed your stuff on social or on your website.When you sign up, you'll also discover how to use Facebook Traffic Ads to pull in endless streams of quality traffic from social media, to your website. This is a real power boost tool if youre running or promoting an ecommerce site, as it helps you focus on customers who are more likely to want what youre offering.You'll also learn how to use Facebook Reach Ads and Custom and Lookalike audiences to EXPAND YOUR CUSTOMER BASE, target more people, and target better. Knowing how to do this right will save you so much money, time, and expense. With my knowledge, you'll be able to achieve 10x the results, for a fraction of the costOf course, Ill be teaching you the latest ways to CREATE HIGH CONVERTING FACEBOOK CONVERSION ADS, so you gain many more customers who will purchase from your ecommerce site. Many people struggle with Conversion Ads, and have disappointing results, finding they are spending far more than they get back. Ill teach you how to optimise Conversion Ads to get more from your budget, so that instead of being a drain on your cash flow, theyll be the tool in your armoury that will help you max out your Facebook and Instagram Ad results.Not only that, but when you enrol, you'll gain website building skills that will help you quickly BUILD PRO LOOKING WEBSITES using WordPress. You can apply this info to get your own site up and running in minutes, or use it to make a second income stream, building sleek, mobile optimised sites for others.If you want to be a successful modern marketer, you'll need to get to grips with proper market research. I'll teach you how to us SEMrush to carry out in-depth research into your customers, so you can serve them up irresistible content and offers they won't be able to say no to!You'll learn how to create great content for Facebook that immediately engages, and you'll understand the 3 stages of the customer journey to purchase. You'll also find out how to combine visuals and text so that users stop scrolling and want to click through to your page!Most importantly of all, you'll learn how to correctly set up Facebook Pixel Events, an essential step which so many people fail to do. This one thing will help you unlock many more marketing possibilities and will enable you to REACH A MUCH WIDER AUDIENCE and promote with far greater reach.Using high quality explainer videos, To Do Lists you can tick off, and success blueprints you can apply instantly, I'll show you how to ACHIEVE TOTAL MARKETING SUCCESS USING FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, AND THE WEB.I've created and optimised all the course modules for super-fast learning. If you get started right away, you could be a Facebook Ads pro within just weeks, with all the knowledge needed to qualify for a Junior Facebook Ads Consultant position. All I ask from you, is that you put just an honest amount of effort in.My course will teach you how to MAKE MONEY FOR LIFE. Once you've completed it, you'll have taken an important step to ensuring a great future income. With this information, you'll be able to SELL ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE using just Facebook, your computer, and an internet connection.What's more, with my course you'll always STAY RELEVANT as I'm constantly updating all my content with the latest and most CUTTING-EDGE MARKETING TIPS, techniques and pro tricks.There are no gimmicks here, only solid proven, tried and tested techniques that really work, brought to you by an Internet Efficiency award winning digital strategist with decades worth of marketing experience.So, what's inside when you sign up?Enrol today to become my newest student and you'll get immediate access to all of this:My ULTIMATE PRO GUIDE to using FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM for marketing successHow to use Facebook Business Goals to PROMOTE YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS and get more customers quicklyComplete Walkthrough Guide to Facebook Pixel Events - open the door to MANY MORE CUSTOMERSFacebook Ads Essentials for the NEW FACEBOOK ADS EXPERIENCE all the latest info you need to know to THRIVE!Facebook Engagement Ads walkthrough - get more likes, clicks and shares and BOOST YOUR FACEBOOK RANKINGFacebook Traffic Ads How To - reel in endless new streams of quality TRAFFIC FROM FACEBOOK to your ecommerce siteFacebook Conversion Ads How To - CONVERT BETTER, convert more, & convert fasterFacebook Messenger Ads How To - this is like having A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT WHO WORKS 24/7 FOR YOU, 365 days a yearFacebook Reach Ads How To - EXPAND YOUR CUSTOMER BASE, effortlesslyFacebook Catalogue Ads - the automated way to SHOWCASE YOUR ENTIRE PRODUCT CATALOGUE promote your ecommerce site all day, every day!Facebook Video View Ads How To - BOOST YOUR DISCOVERABILITY using the world's most popular content mediumFacebook Ads Best Practices - What works and what to avoid, so you can SAVE MONEY AND GET MORE LEADS!Complete step by step Guide to Modern website creation - NO CODING EXPERIENCE NEEDEDWalkthrough guide to Modern Market Research - with handy tools, tips and tricks this will help you GIVE YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE WHAT THEY WANT!Set up your Facebook Ads Agency - EARN AN UNLIMITED INCOME STREAM through your own profitable Ads AgencyThat's not all. When you enrol, you also get these handy bonuses, to help boost your online marketing efforts. You'll get:Walkthrough Guide to using the invaluable tool SEMrush to conduct modern marketing research - plus GET LINKS TO 188 ONLINE MARKETING TOOLSGet sleek, pro looking WordPress theme Avada - FREE - & quickly build top quality looking business websitesDiscover SEO Mastery Next Steps - know how to use SEO to boost your search engine positionVideo Production and YouTube Mastery Quick Guide - use the fastest growing content medium to promote your businessThese EXCLUSIVE BONUSES will help you conduct thorough market research and create professional looking websites in a flash. You'll also find out how to harness the power of SEO and video, so you RANK HIGHER IN SEARCH and engage people better.Become a Facebook Ads Pro - FastThere is no other Facebook Ads course out there that is as optimised for fast learning as this one. I break the core knowledge down digestibly, so that even novices with no Facebook Ads knowledge whats over can GO FROM ZERO TO PRO in a matter of weeks. This is currently the only course on the entire Udemy platform that will take you through the New Facebook Ads experience from start to finish.Helping students upskill quickly was a major goal of mine when I sat down to create this course. I wanted to develop a structure that would teach students how to QUICKLY THRIVE USING FACEBOOK ADS.With this course, I'm satisfied that I've exceeded that goal.Now I am happy to present my knowledge to you at this LIMITED TIME SUPER LOW PRICE, as I'm aware it's never been more important for you to gain essential digital marketing skills.Take the first step to securing a solid income stream for lifeI really hope you decide to take advantage of the knowledge I'm sharing with you for this limited time price. I know that if your goal is to be a successful online marketer, with no more money worries, this course will help you attain that dream.With my help, you'll gain vital online marketing skills that will be highly sought after in the upcoming months and years. The world is changing fast, and we all need to adapt to survive. Join me and I'll equip you with the digital marketing skills that will give you a SECURE INCOME - FOR LIFE.Wouldn't it be great not to stress about your future income stream, or to upgrade your existence and afford the quality of life you really want?Wouldn't it be great to work smarter, not harder?Sign up now for my limited time offer price and I'll ensure you're never out of clients!Inside I'll be teaching you the skills every tech firm, marketing firm, and business will pay 100's of 1000's for, forever. You'll NEVER BE OUT OF WORK OR CLIENTS once you know how to work Facebook Ads, Instagram, and the web to your advantage.Imagine the boost to your income stream, when can quickly create pro looking websites for all those newly created digital start-ups?I'm going to be teaching you all this and more in my quick learn total Facebook Ads & INSTAGRAM Mastery Guide, so you can BOOST YOUR TRAFFIC STREAM, convert faster, and sell, sell, sell.I've genuinely put so much into this, because sharing marketing knowledge and success secrets is a passion of mine. There's no better satisfaction for me than when one of my students leaves me great feedback or tells me how I helped them take their income from lacklustre to luxe.I know it's not just about the money.It's about the security, opportunities, and peace of mind that comes when you have in demand skills that ensure you're always employable. It's the serenity that is attained when you can generate a stream of clients and leads, using only an internet connection and your laptop.You can take what you've learned from me and work from anywhere, in your own time. This is the meaning of true independence, and this is the gift I want to give to you.Marketing is an art form and in my EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL COURSE CONTENT that you cannot access anywhere else, I'll teach you the INSIDER SECRETS ONLY THE PROS KNOW.With a full, no quibble, 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you're not completely satisfied, there's absolutely no risk and a world of opportunity waiting.Make the first step to ensuring a secure income forever and take advantage of my super-low limited time price offer by enrolling right now to become my newest student.I wish you every success and can't wait to welcome you on board,Ing. Tomas Moravek"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Teach English online" |
"In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to become an English teacher online (and not just English, but any subject you would want to teach!)From the very scratch, let's see what you need to start and be the best you can!The online teaching industry is growing and, more and more teachers are needed on a daily bases, so use your creativity and my advice to develop (or improve) your skills!From the teacher's point of view, I will show you what you should do to have a nice, relaxed class and a good student base and, from the recruiter's point of you, I will tell you what you need to do to get the job!This course is divided into sections and, each section consists of several lessons.We will cover everything:Basic information about the jobEverything you need to know about the lessonsEverything you need to know about the studentsMethods and Technics of teachingWhere to get your certificates and where to look for the jobHiring processA whole bunch of tips and tricks"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Word 2019 : Intermediate" |
"You've learned the fundamental skills in Microsoft Word Basics (Part 1) you need to build a broad variety of streamlined business papers. However, if you consistently use Microsoft Word, the next move is to boost your effectiveness. You'll be incorporating related programming skills in the Microsoft Word Intermediate class to hold your resume up to date.For this part, the way Microsoft Word functions with you will be tailored and streamlined. You will also increase the consistency of your work by incorporating intermediate and advanced Microsoft Word features to your documents."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Word 2019: Advanced" |
"With Microsoft Word, you can do more than just word processing. Word provides advanced technology for image editing, sharing software, resources for cross-referencing and connecting, entry and data processing methods, authentication software and applications for automating document creation.Our Microsoft Office training equips candidates with Microsoft office skills and knowledge. MS Office is a string of applications that offer powerful and flexible ways to manage, present, and organize information. Our program will enhance applicants' knowledge of MS Office tools.You can create truly professional looking documents from a wealth of templates, create mailing lists and so much more!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"English Abroad: VAMOS DE VIAJE Y Compremos Pasaje!" |
"Esto te ser una gran idea si deseas mejorar tu ingls desde este preciso momento. No olvides que eres un guerrero del idioma y que definitivamente puedes viajar cmodamente si usas el videocurso English Abroad: VAMOS DE VIAJE Y Compremos Pasaje! En lugar de ir a una carsima institucin tal vez sea mejor que uses algo prctico y sencillo para entender el ingls, despus de todo, para algo est la tecnologa y los videocursos. You will make it and this is going to be the beginning of your adventure. Remember that you can surely make it and that there will no be obstacle that you can't overcome."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Japons Intensivo: Aprende de Japons Online" |
"Queras aprender japons sin tener que pagar mucho por ello? Entonces esta es la alternativa para ti. Aprende japons con un sencillo curso explicndote Hiragana, Katakana, partculas japonesas, vocabulario, gramtica bsica, verbos en japons y tips para aprender ms rpido que generalmente no vers en cursos promedio. No queremos ensearte algo bueno sino LO QUE NECESITAS SABER."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TALK TO ME! Videocurso de Ingls EN CORTO TIEMPO" |
"TALK TO ME! Deseas aprender y no sabes por dnde empezar? Te gustara viajar a los Estados Unidos o Inglaterra y no sabes absolutamente NADA DE INGLS? NO TE PREOCUPES! Tenemos justo lo que tu necesitas! Con el videocurso ""TALK TO ME! Videocurso de Ings Para Principiantes"" Seguramente quieres aprender lo bsico del ingls de la manera ms bsica posible y en poco tiempo y aqui te entrenars con muchas lecturas y videos de vocabulario del idioma ingls para que puedas hablar y escribir lo bsico de forma sencilla. TALK TO ME! APRENDE EN CORTO TIEMPO"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Muay Thai Basics Videocourse" |
"If you decided to start into Muay Thai and you do want to learn what is first so you get a nice idea on what your Muay Thai trip will look like, then this is the videocourse for you. Remember that you are going to be seeing how this interesting art can help you and also lots of practical tips to get you started. Time for some Muay Thai!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Music Production Fundamentals: Make Beats Like The Weeknd" |
"Want to learn how to make vibey beats like The Weeknd?In this course I'll teach you the fundamentals of music production to make your own vibey beats.Are you curious how he's able to achieve that 80s retro sound?Do you wish you could make your own beats to sing, rap, or chill to?Now you can.The Weeknd beats seem simple on the surface theres more to them than you'd expect.How do you get your drums to bounce?How do you achieve that gritty, dusty, analogue sound?Where do you find the right chords for this genre?It took me hundreds of beats to finally figure out what was missing in my production.I tried to learn on my own through random youtube tutorials and blogs I read online.I spun my wheels for years.And after teaching hundreds of students I know now why.The answer is simple:We think because the information is out there we can do it ourselves.But with the internet sending us new tutorials every other day it leaves us feeling even more confused than when we started.How do you apply sidechain compression?What plug-ins are best for beats like the Weeknd?There's no clear cut path.It took me years of trial-and-error, wasting time trying to learn concepts I thought I needed only to end up months later in the same spot.So whats the alternative?----After being frustrated with how confusing my own journey was learning music production I decided to do something about it...I created Beat School, an online academy that teaches the foundational elements of music production in a simple and effective way.This course on lofi music production is one of the beginner programs designed to help students gain an understanding of beat making with a step-by-step approach."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Seja bem vindo ao Curso de Photoshop para Mdias Sociais, Marketing Digital e Empreendedorismo (startup). Esse um curso indito porque 100% dedicado a empreendedores digitais que atuam com marketing digital e social media, pois nele ensinarei voc a usar o photoshop da maneria mais eficiente possvel usando mockups e templates de alta qualidade e resoluo. Resumindo, vou mostrar o pulo do gato para quem no tem experiencia no programa, no sabe design e ainda sim quer usar o Adobe Photoshop CC de forma mais rpida e eficiente possvel gerar resultados profissionais focado em empreendedorismo digital. Nesse Curso de Adobe Photoshop CC voc aprender:Como utilizar o Photoshop da maneira mais eficiente possvel.Como criar postagens rpidas e profissionais com auxilio dos Templates.Como utilizar os Mockups para apresentar seus produtos de forma profissional, encantar seus clientes e aumentar a converso.Como criar postagens profissionais para Instagram, Facebook, Twitter e Linkedin.Aprender como usar o photoshop com agilidade mxima.Aprender os fundamentos do Adobe Photoshop.- - - - - - - - - - -APROVEITE O VALOR PROMOCIONAL DE LANAMENTO DESSE CURSO, POIS EM BREVE ESTE VALOR SER CORRIDO E VALE DIZER QUE ESTE CURSO TER SEU VALOR FINAL FIXO E NO IR ADERIR AS PROMOES DESSA PLATAFORMA.APROVEITE!- - - - - - - - - - -Esse curso foi projetado pensando em quem deseja usar o Photoshop CC como uma ferramenta poderosa de vendas e marketing digital, pois ir contribuir a criar postagens e fazer marketing para as redes sociais, isso inclui pessoas com interesse nas seguintes reas:Marketing para InstagramMarketing para FacebookMarketing para TwitterMarketing para LinkedinMarketing para YoutubeDesign DigitalMdias sociaisSocial Media MarketingNegcio DigitalWeb designDesign GrficoMarketing DigitalGanhar dinheiro onlineGanhar dinheiro pela internetTrabalhar pela internetComo vender pela internetVendas pela internetComo montar uma startup- - - - - - - - - - -Nota sobre a verso do programa (Curso de Photoshop CC 2020):Esse curso de Photoshop foi criado utilizando a verso Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 e Adobe Photoshop CC 2019, porm caso voc utilize outras verses como por exemplo: Adobe Photoshop cc 2017 e Adobe Photoshop cc 2018 esse curso tambm compatvel.- - - - - - - - - - -O que mais interessante desse curso que ele vai tornar o Photoshop no seu maior aliado, contribuindo para quem est buscando se aprimorar em diversas reas, no se limitando as reas de vendas pela internet, social media design e marketing digital, mas tambm para quem esteja fazendo outros cursos como por exemplo:Curso de Marketing DigitalCurso de Facebook ADsCurso de InstagramCurso de marketing para InstagramCurso de como divulgar seu negcio onlineCurso de vendasCurso de vendas onlineCurso de Funil de vendasCurso de como vender maisCurso de tcnicas de vendas onlineCurso de StartupCurso de como montar um negcio digitalCurso de Business Intelligence BICurso de Facebook ADCurso de email marketingCurso de Marketing de contedoCurso de Marketing orgnicoCurso de gesto de MarketingCurso de PublicidadeCurso de PropagandaCurso de EstratgiaCurso de Planejamento e MarketingCurso de Marketing PessoalCurso de AfiliadosComo se tornar um AfiliadoCurso de Marketing de AfiliadosCurso de Marketing OrgnicoCurso de Amazon AfiliadosCurso de vendas pela internetCurso de Afiliado DigitalCurso de Afiliado HotmartCurso de Instagram MarketingCurso de Instagram BusinessCurso Instagram para negciosCurso Instagram BusinessCurso Instagram ADsCurso como ganhar dinheiro na internetCurso como ganhar dinheiro onlineCurso como trabalhar pela internetCurso de como vender pela internetCurso de Youtube marketingCurso de SEO orgnicoCurso de SEO LocalCurso de Influenciador DigitalCurso conquistar seguidores reaisCurso de Instagram StoriesCurso de Facebook orgnicoCurso de Facebook MarketingCurso de estratgicas para facebookCurso de estratgias para InstagramCurso de Design GrficoCurso de Design DigitalCurso de WebdesignCurso de App DesignCurso de UI DesignCurso de UX DesignCurso de UI UX DesignCurso Designer de sucessoCurso de como trabalhar pela internetCurso de FreelancerCurso de Analista de redes sociaisCurso de Analista de Social MediaCurso de como vender pelo facebookCurso de como vender pelo instagramCurso de negocio digitalCurso de como vender pela internetCurso de como montar uma startup de sucessoCurso de Processo criativoCurso de como conquistar clientesCurso de empreendedorismo digital- - - - - - - - - - -Tpicos relacionados ao curso:Curso de Photoshop CC 2020, Curso de Adobe Photoshop CC 2020, Curso de Photoshop CC 2019, Curso de Adobe Photoshop CC 2019, Curso de Photoshop CC 2018, Curso de Adobe Photoshop CC 2018, Curso de Photoshop CC 2017, Curso de Adobe Photoshop CC 2017, Curso de Photoshop CC 2016, Curso de Adobe Photoshop CC 2016, Curso de Photoshop CC 2015, Curso de Adobe Photoshop CC 2015, Curso de Adobe Illustrator, Curso de Illustrator, Curso de Corel Draw, Curso de Lightroom, Curso de tratamento de imagens, curso de manipulao de imagens, curso de desenho digital, curso de ilustrao digital, curso de pintura digital, empreendedorismo digital, curso de diagramao, curso de teoria do design, curso de fundamentos do design, curso de criatividade, curso de design thinking, curso de processo criativo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Certification CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-004)" |
"Tu cherches prsenter tes comptences Linux des employeurs potentiels?L'obtention de la certification CompTIA Linux+ peut grandement prouver ton expertise.Cette certification populaire base sur l'emploi est mme requise par de nombreux employeurs comme condition de base pour l'administration des serveurs Linux.Je mappelle Landry AHOUANSOU, je suis ingnieur, certifi en Tlinformatique et je serai ton hte tout au long de cette formation pour taider te prparer pour passer l'examen XK0-004 de la certification CompTIA Linux+.Cette version de l'examen a t introduite en 2019 et remplace les examens LX0-103 et LX0-104.Cette formation qui dure plus de 12H comprend plus de 100 vidos, un examen blanc de plus de 150 questions/rponses, rpartie en 15 chapitres couvrant en dtails chacun des sujets cls traits dans l'examen XKO-004.Dans le premier module, je te donnerai toutes les informations claires et concises sur lexamen XK0-004 de CompTIA Linux+, comme les domaines de comptences valus, le nombre de points dont tu as besoin pour russir lexamen, son prix, les types de questions poss, les langues disponibles ainsi que tous les dtails sur linscription et la planification de ton examen. Dans le mme module, je vais taider pas pas installer et configurer ton propre environnement de travail constitu des distributions CentOS et Ubuntu qui sont la base de toutes les vidos pratiques de la formation.Le deuxime module intitul Matriel du systme sera consacr une bonne comprhension des processus internes de dmarrage du systme dexploitation Linux. Nous verrons galement comment grer les modules et mettre jour un noyau Linux. La configuration statique et dynamique des connexions rseaux, tout comme le bonding rseau seront abords dans ce module.Lune des comptences les plus fondamentales de tout administrateur systme Linux est la gestion des disques de stockages. Cest pour cela, que tout un module, le troisime de la formation, te permettra de comprendre en dtail les diffrentes mthodes dadministration des stockages disponibles sous un systme Linux. Nous verrons comment lister, crer, supprimer, sauvegarder et restaurer des partitions de disques MBR et GPT. La gestion des volumes et groupe de volumes LVM, la cration et la rparation des systmes de fichiers EXT et XFS ainsi que ladministration de RAID seront traits dans ce module.Au cours du quatrime module, je texpliquerai comment Linux gre les applications grce APT ou YUM et comment installer des packages logiciels sur les diffrents types de distribution Linux en utilisant DKPG et RPM ou directement depuis des sources. Nous explorons galement durant ce module la gestion des comptes d'utilisateurs et ainsi que laffectation des utilisateurs des groupes afin de grer de manire trs scurise l'accs aux fichiers et aux rpertoires.Comprendre les rles de chaque serveur Linux dune infrastructure, dcouvrir les concepts du Cloud Computing et de la virtualisation ainsi que les types dhyperviseurs associs, feront lobjet de la premire partie du cinquime module. En deuxime partie du mme module, nous verrons en dtail, comment dmarrer, arrter, suspendre, connatre ltat et rendre persistants les diffrents services excuts en tches de fond sur un systme Linux. Les tches ponctuelles avec AT et les tches rcurrentes avec CRON seront galement abords dans ce module.Au cours du sixime module, nous aborderons les diffrents environnements graphiques disponibles sous Linux ainsi que les types de serveurs graphiques et les diffrentes mthodes scurises pour sy connecter.La gestion des dossiers et des fichiers tant indispensable dans toute administration systme, nous couvrons alors dans le septime module, les commandes Linux de base pour travailler avec des fichiers et des rpertoires partir de la ligne de commande. Au cours de ce module, nous verrons galement comment crer, diter, rechercher et remplacer du texte dans lditeur VIM et nous traiterons en dtails des diffrents outils fournis par Linux pour travailler avec des fichiers texte comme FIND, LOCATE, GREP pour ne citer que ceux-l.Comprendre la structure et explorer les multiples mthodes disponibles pour protger les fichiers et les rpertoires sur un systme Linux seront les comptences dvelopper au cours du huitime module. Nous aborderons en dtail la configuration des bits de fichiers spciaux SUID, SGID et Sticky ainsi que les listes de contrles daccs.Apprendre scuriser son infrastructure Linux dans un environnement rseau tant obligatoire, nous verrons durant le neuvime module, la configuration tape par tape dun pare-feu Linux. Au menu, il y aura le filtrage des paquets, la gestion des zones, lutilisation du NAT et la cration des rgles dynamiques via FIREWALLD.A la fin du dixime module, tu comprendras de faon simple et claire, comment Linux enregistre les vnements systme et surtout trs important comment tu peux utiliser les journaux systme Linux pour rsoudre les problmes sur ton systme Linux au travers des filtres, des actions et la mise en place des rotations Rsyslog.Comment sauvegarder et restaurer un systme de fichiers EXT sous Linux, comment archiver et compresser les fichiers avec les outils comme tar, gzip, bzip2 et xz, tels sont les diffrentes comptences qui seront dveloppes dans le onzime module.Tout le douzime module se concentrera sur les diffrentes mthodes de dpannage pour rsoudre les problmes de stockage, d'application et de rseau qui peuvent survenir sur un systme Linux.Lun des modules passionnants de cette formation certification CompTIA Linux+ est le treizime module intitul Contrle de version o nous explorons ensemble le monde du contrle de version du logiciel et je te montrerai tape par tape comment tu peux utiliser le logiciel de contrle de version Git le plus connu pour grer tes propres applications et scripts.Lavant dernier module, le quatorzime te permettra dacqurir des notions indispensables pour automatiser ton systme Linux. A la fin de ce module, tu seras capable de crer tes propres scripts shells BASH pour automatiser les tches courantes sous Linux.Et le dernier module le quinzime, intitul Orchestration du systme , texpliquera comment utiliser des moteurs d'orchestration dans ton environnement Linux pour contrler les environnements de dveloppement d'applications et dployer des applications dans des environnements contrls. Tu comprendras aussi de faon dtaille certains systmes de gestion de configuration comme Puppet, Chef, Salt et Ansible et comment tu peux utiliser Git pour les piloter.A la fin de cette norme formation, tu auras toutes les cls en main pour prparer et russir ton examen XK0-004 de CompTIA Linux+, avec ta certification en poche.Pour terminer, sache que tu auras accs un examen blanc de 10 questions/rponses la fin de chaque module, couvrant les notions abordes dans ce chapitre, et tu peux galement acqurir tous les slides et la liste de toutes les commandes dtailles en format PDF en menvoyant un courriel ladresse qui saffiche actuellement sur ton cran.Donc sans plus tarder, dmarrons l'aventure ensemble en commenant par le premier module...."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Como aumentar em mais de 90% a chance de arrumar um emprego" |
":::> Muitas pessoas esto entrando em depresso por no ter emprego, bate o desespero por no conseguir uma vaga e o tempo passando. Se voc passa por isso... venha comigo aprender a fazer seu currculo, se posicionar no Linkedin e participar de entrevista de emprego. :::> Tem muita vaga de emprego que no preenchida por falta de perfil dos candidatos e tem muito candidato que procura emprego e qualificado. Quero te mostrar que possvel voc ter a sua chance.:::> Vou ensinar como funciona os bastidores do RH, como pensam os profissionais que contratam, aprender a fazer seu currculo passando pelo filtro dos Selecionadores, como participar de entrevista de emprego. :::> Para quem esse curso: profissionais que buscam emprego e querem aprender a fazer o currculo, passar no filtro dos Selecionadores, se destacar nas redes sociais e no Linkedin. :::> Sou a professora Cleia Elaine Soares. Atuo h mais de 20 anos na rea de Gesto de Pessoas. Minha rotina divulgar vagas e fazer processos seletivos. Fiz este curso porque acredito que voc pode aprender um mtodo definitivo para passar no filtro dos Selecionadores e tambm na entrevista. :::> Agora sou sua Professora e Mentora neste caminho. Estou junto com voc!!! Me procure no Linkedin: Cleia Elaine Soares - diga que voc meu aluno aqui na Udemy - estou ao seu lado!!!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Chemistry Course- One Stop solution for Chemistry Students" |
"In this course I have attempted to give equal weight to the three fundamental aspects of the study of chemistry : Organic ChemistryPhysical chemistryInorganic ChemistryThis course provides a deeper understanding of the reactivity and properties of organic compounds. Reactions and the mechanism of the reactions is the major portion of the organic chemistry part.In this course you see a lot Practice Problems on each and every topic that will make the things really easy for you and you get a good command on the concepts and their applications.If you want to be a master in Chemistry and get a good score... This course is for you!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Data Structures for Optimal Solutions in Python" |
"Python is the chosen language to learn programming for obvious reasons:Python is easy to masterIt is easy to solve complex problems in an elegant manner...and it is a used by many professionals in most professionsPython is the chosen language to master Data StructuresIt is easy to turn drawings of Data Structures into Python code.No overhead syntax is needed to express functionality.You only need to master how to get from a drawing to Python code - this course will give you that.Why master Data Structures?The simple solution to problems like the Balancing Bracket Problems, Nearest Smallest Element Problem and many more... are not efficient and are too slow for large input sizes. They kill your programs performance.With the right Data Structure problems like that have fast and optimal run-time.Also, it teaches you how performance is measured and what matters when solving your programming challenges.How will you benefit from this course?You will master the simplest way to turn drawings of Data Structures into Python code.Understand how and when to use Data Structures.Implement proven efficient data structures like Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues in less than 5 minutes.Know what Data Structures to use to solve Programming Challenges in the optimal way.How to check the performance of your program and Data Structures like a professional.Simply, you will take your Python skills to the next level.If you want to become a effective programmer you need to have some basic understanding of the underlying programming concepts. The more programming concepts you understand, the more problems you can solve efficiently in Python.In this course we will cover the essential proven Data Structures in an straight forward and easy to understand way. You will be learning along the way and implement the Data Structures to get an understanding of it. This course covers the followingUnderstand why Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues are essential to understand in programmingMake simple and easy to understand implementations of Linked Lists, Staks, Queues, and Double Linked ListsLearn how to reverse a Linked ListHow to solve programming challenges like the Balancing Bracket Problem and Nearest Smallest Element ProblemUnderstand performance of programs and Data StructuresWhy do the chosen data structure matters in your solution.The course is structures in an easy understandable way.How to simplest turn the concept of a Linked List into beautiful and readable code.Why you use a helper class to make the operations on Linked Lists.Showing why the Linked List is an efficient Data Structures for implementing Stacks and Queues.How to solve problems with the Data StructuresAlso, how to test performance of your solutionsYou code along - you only learn by trying yourselfAt each small step you make the implementation along with me.You implement it on all stages to increase your understanding of the data structures.Basically, we learn along the way.Who is this course for?You have used Python on any level.You may be a beginner that want to program as a professional....or you have been programming for years, but need to understand the basics betterYou do understand the concepts of Python functions, if, for and while-loops....that's all you need - still uncertain of your skills - check out the prerequisite lecture that takes you through the requirements.The course has a 30 day money back guarantee that ensures if you are not satisfied, you will get your money back. Also, feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Leading a Digital School" |
"The priority of teaching and excellence is made due to the effective learning via the cloud mechanism of investing on the learning aspects via technology. The ultimate objective is towards taking learning and teaching at a higher level towards excellence and delivering teaching as a WOW learning approach. The priority is Get the Learning Encapsulated Towards Excellence as a habit among the students at large."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Planning and conducting qualitative interviews" |
"""Really clear information, well paced so it is easy to come back to each day, good personal viewpoints as well as techniques and references"" In this course, you will learn how to plan and conduct a study involving qualitative interviews. I gained my experience as a research assistant at the universities of Oxford and Edinburgh, and then set up a research consulting company, helping over a 100 individuals and institutions to develop and conduct their research studies. I have also taught qualitative research methods at the University of Edinburgh.In this course, my aim is to teach you everything I know about interviews - both the theory, including different types of interviews and interview questions, and practice - how to develop a good interview guide, how to act during the interview, how to elicit questions, how to start and end the interview, how to transcribe the interview, what to do with the interview data...While doing so, I also point to specific sources in the literature, so that you can find them and support your arguments with academic references.Watch the course trailer, explore the curriculum and ... enroll in the course. I have a feeling that you will like it! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Postman API Testing 2020 Step by Step for Beginners" |
"This course is created for complete beginners. I will start from scratch and teach you Postman Step-by-Step with examples and hands-onIf you are a complete beginner on Postman, this course is for you. Very basic step by step videos to guide you from scratch. We will learnWhat is POSTMANHow to download and installUnderstand Postman GUICreate Collections, Variables, Environments and TestsData-Driven TestingCommand LineHow to create and host local REST API Run from command-line and JenkinsMocking, Monitors & DocumentationA Bonus crash course on PostmanI will be guiding you and will be here to resolve your queries.Let's Get Started...Raghav Pal"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"TCC Completo Passo-a-Passo" |
"Este curso ensina, passo-a-passo, como fazer um TCC desde a ideia do tema at a delimitao temtica, passando por todas as etapas deste tipo de trabalho. Se voc fizer sua pesquisa com o curso, baseando-se em cada mdulo proposto, ao final, ter seu TCC pronto. um curso muito prtico que ir surpreender voc."
Price: 414.99 ![]() |
"Camtasia 9 For Beginners : Quick Master Guide of Camtasia 9" |
"Learn to use Camtasia 9 like an expert. Camtasia is a powerful screen capture tool that can also be used for editing. This course covers the workings of the latest version of Camtasia that was released in mid-October 2016. With easy to follow, video tutorials, taught by an instructor who has been using Camtasia for over 4 years, you will be creating a professional, high-quality video in no time.In this course you will learn:The basic features of CamtasiaHow to record your screenHow to edit your screen recordingsExporting your edited videoIf you are looking for a fun, easy to follow the course that shows you the ins and outs of Camtasia, then you have come to the right place. Included in this course are all of the project files needed to work through the examples given along with step-by-step tutorials aimed to help you get the most out of Camtasia.Take the next step to learn Camtasia 9 and enroll today!I will guide you every step of the way and I am always available to answer any messages, discussions, questions, or feedback that you have.Get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!With our 30-Day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason hesitate!ENROLL NOW!Regards,Gurpreet Singh"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |