Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Working from home - Set yourself up successfully" |
"If you are going to be working from home there are a lot of things you need to be prepared for.It can be very intimidating, lonely and physically uncomfortable on top of it. It doesn't have to be! I will teach you how to prevent all that.This course will go over everything you need to know and do to make working at home as comfortable and successful as possible for you.In the first chapter we will go over Preparation, what spot to pick for your office, the things you will need, what to expect, every last detail.Then we will talk about Time management. How to set up your day, when to take breaks, your routines, that is all very important!Next is Communication. The danger of working at home is that you become invisible to people.You will learn what to watch out for and how to deal with it in the best way.Of course your Physical Well Being is extremely important.The way you sit, the placement of your monitor, the way you handle your mouse and keyboard,..Those are all things that can get you back pain, headaches, carpal tunnel or other types of pain and discomfort.Meanwhile, working too long and hard without a break is not healthy either. So I will show you what the dangers are and easy ways to prevent them.Then of course there is the mental way of dealing with working from home; your Mindset. It can be very lonely and depressing for the one working, but also for the others in the house that have to make sure they don't disturb you.You will learn how to avoid loneliness, stay positive and also some cool ways to maintain a much needed feeling of community.It is a lot of information, and at the end of the course there is a little quiz to revisit the most important aspects."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Momento da Virada - Como Comear a Empreender" |
"Do Zero ao Primeiro ClienteDescubra finalmente como comear o seu negcio do zero de forma estruturada e lucrativa usando os seus talentos.O treinamento Momento da Virada um mtodo que ajuda pessoas como voc a comear a empreender fazendo o que AMA e ser muito bem remuneradas.Ao aplicar o treinamento completo Momento da Virada voc ser capaz de:Criar do zero o seu negcio atravs de ferramentas e um passo a passo detalhado;Escolher a ideia perfeita para empreender;Comear a empreender de forma estruturada para ter sucesso no longo prazo;Montar um negcio alinhado com quem voc e o que quer para a sua vida;Conquistar os primeiros clientes e ter o retorno financeiro que merece;Transformar o seu propsito em negcio;E ainda estar preparado para:Fazer uma transio para comear a empreender com segurana;Compartilhar a sua melhor verso com o mundo atravs dos seus produtos;Conquistar a autonomia e a segurana interna para viver fazendo o que ama;Retomar o controle e a direo da sua vida;Liberar crenas limitantes e gerar coragem para empreender;Ser quem voc de verdade, e no quem dizem que voc deveria ser;Tomar conscincia dos seus valores, talentos e da histria de vida que deseja viver;Independente se voc:no tem ideia do que empreender ou est inseguro se a sua ideia boa;se sente perdido por no saber por onde comear;no tem dinheiro para comear;tem um emprego que te sustente;tem pessoas na famlia que no te apoiam e acham isso uma loucura;diga para si mesmo que no tem tempo para se dedicar ao negcio, tem filhos, est cheio de tarefas atrasadas e tem muitas distraes no seu dia a dia;E at mesmo caso voc secretamente se sabote por acreditar (l no fundo) que no sabe o suficiente para comear."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"It carries 100 Exam-style MCQs from Chapter 3 AML / CTF Compliance Program from CAMS Textbook Edition 6 in 2 volumes. This exam will not only test your theoretical knowledge that you have taken from the textbook, but it will also prepare you how to respond to the case studies/case scenarios style questions in the exam. Completing this test will give you a boost in confidence that you have a good grip on the topic. All answers are supported with Textbook page references so that you can easily refer back to the textbook."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Informacja Zwrotna" |
"Ten kurs nauczy Ci wszystkiego, czego potrzebujesz wiedzie o udzielaniu informacji zwrotnej. Nauczysz si wszystkiego od podstaw.Poznasz gotowe metody komunikacji, ale co bardziej istotne - nauczysz si, jak wykorzystywa je w praktyce, dziki przykadom z ycia i materiaom dodatkowym do kursu.Dla kogo jest ten kurs?- Wanie awansowae na stanowisko managerskie i szukasz podstawowej wiedzy, ktr musisz zdoby w pierwszych krokach, aby dobrze wykonywa swoj prac?- Szukasz gotowych rozwiza, ktre pozwol Ci lepiej komunikowa si w zespole?- Masz do bycia niezrozumianym, kiedy przekazujesz konstruktywny feedback?- Chcesz mie pewno, e Twoja informacja zwrotna realnie wpynie na sposb wykonywania zada przez wsppracownikw w przyszoci, dziki czemu pozwoli zapobiec opnieniom projektw?- Szukasz sposobu, jak zbudowa partnersk relacj ze wsppracownikami, opart na wzajemnym szacunku, zrozumieniu i szczeroci?- Chcesz pracowa w zespole, ktry wzajemnie pomaga sobie dostrzec popeniane bdy i motywuje do rozwoju?- Dostrzegasz, jak wane s umiejtnoci komunikacyjne w codziennej pracy?Jeli odpowiedziae twierdzco na chocia jedno powysze pytanie, ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie!Czego si nauczysz? 1. Podczas kursu poznasz podstawowe zasady udzielania informacji zwrotnej, ktre od razu wykorzystasz w swojej pracy. Dziki nim polepszysz jako Twojej komunikacji. Czy miae kiedy wraenie, e podczas rozmowy z szefem lub pracownikiem, wzbudzasz irytacj, zniechcenie i poczucie niezrozumienia? Dziki temu kursowi udzielisz skuteczniej informacji zwrotnej, ktra zostanie pozytywnie odebrana i zmotywuje do dziaania.2. Nauczysz si stosowa a cztery efektywne metody udzielania informacji zwrotnej. Dziki temu byskawicznie dostosujesz sposb udzielania feedbacku do sytuacji i osoby, z ktr rozmawiasz. Bdziesz mie pewno, e Twj komunikat zosta waciwie zrozumiany i realnie wpynie na zmian zachowania odbiorcy.3. Od razu wdroysz nabyte umiejtnoci do codziennego ycia, dziki praktycznym przykadom i dodatkowym materiaom pomocniczym. Dla kogo nie jest ten kurs?Ten kurs nie jest dla Ciebie, jeli:- jeste dowiadczonym menaderem- znasz wiele metod zarzdzania zespoem i od lat stosujesz je w praktyce- posiadasz bardzo rozwinite umiejtnoci komunikacyjne- nie zaley Ci na tym, aby Twoja informacja zwrotna bya odbierana jako pozytywny bodziec do zmiany i przekadaa si na faktycznie dziaanieDlaczego potrzebujesz tego kursu?Kady z nas ma swoje nawyki. Najczciej nabywamy je niewiadomie, przez co cz z nich ma negatywne skutki na wielu polach. Udzielanie informacji zwrotnej to jedna z najwaniejszych umiejtnoci, niezalenie, czy jeste szefem, pracownikiem, czy czonkiem zespou projektowego. Im wczeniej wiadomie wypracujesz w sobie nawyk prawidowego udzielania feedbacku, tym bardziej skuteczna i efektywna bdzie Twoja komunikacja. Jeli zaczniesz kurs dzisiaj, ju jutro unikniesz puapki komunikacyjnej w pracy, ale te w yciu prywatnym."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"German Vocabulary Course" |
"Would you like to learn German rapidly, effortlessly with effective retention?Snapshot German words and phrases to your brain for amazing easy recall ... at super fast speeds ...while you learn to avoid the most common German language learning errors.This course is specially designed for students who want to improve there German easily. Cartoons will function like memory triggers and help to remember the newly learned words. Build up your vocab quickly and effectively. Every word is linked to a practical sentence, written and recorded by native speakers. Photographic visuals based on traditional flashcard methodology to consolidate your learning. See, hear and learn a sentence for every word.All aspects of life coveredAdjectives We would like you to know that, we started with theHome - Bathroom principle of equality in education. For many years, weHome - Garden continue to produce contents with our highlyHome - Kitchen professional trainers.FoodHealth You can reach us 24/7 on any subject you hang outSchool during the course.CountriesShopping Pls. note that education scores are really valuable for us.Cars We care to increase our quality day by day in line withRailways the comments and scores we receive from our students.Airport We would appreciate it if you put us on a fair evaluationAnimals after completing the course.PostBank See you in the course!ExpressionsEnvironmentOn The RoadSportsAt The DoctorHospitalCareersSundryCelebrationsTimeMaterialsFriendsHouseworkWorkIllnessesWeatherIn The TownLeisureTrainingPrepositionsConjunctionsMusicShapesFormsNumbersOn Holiday"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Auto CAD Tutorials Essentials - Fast Paced Learning 2019" |
"You will learn Auto CAD Essentials in just over 30 minsYou will learn how to prepare Auto CAD drawings and convert them into PDFYou will get familiar with Command bars, Icons, Menus and Short keys in Auto CADYou will learn how to draw shapes, how to modify the shapes and how to prepare the sheets for printing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica Bsica: 4 OPERAES FUNDAMENTAIS" |
"Curso rpido, com consistncia, sem lenga lenga, mas trazendo tudo que foi esquecido sobre os conceitos mais bsicos da matemtica.Reveja todo o contedo sobre as 4 OPERAES FUNDAMENTAIS DA MATEMTICA:ADIOSUBTRAOMULTIPLICAODIVISO.Aprenda de uma vez por todas a DIVIDIR, nunca mais passe vergonha em qualquer situao, e tenha a oportunidade de avanar o conhecimento matemtico desenvolvendo assim o seu raciocnio lgico e o seu pensamento quantitativo"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Secure your Home Network with a Raspberry Pi and Python" |
"This course will allow you to apply your basic knowledge of Python and Linux, which runs on the RPI, in your everyday life. You will use your knowledge to secure your own home network with a Virtual Private Network (VPN), send alerts when new devices attach to your network and monitor your internet activity by parsing DNS files?I will walk you through each installation step and each line of code for you to follow along on your system. If you dont have a raspberry Pi, you use a compatible device or virtual machine to run Linux and then download some free software including Python itself.Linux and python are critical components to IT security and IT administration.And, because Linux runs on so many business servers today, knowing how to navigate its interface and leverage its power with python scripting, is an invaluable skill for todays IT job market"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"All-Levels Yoga for Lower Back and Hips" |
"This one-hour yoga class in vinyasa style is focused on strength/stretch for lower back and hips. Centering and warm up will allow you to link breath and movement. This mind-body link will help reduce stress and increase focus for the class. In the main section of class, challenge yourself to find your edge in the stretch and find inner strength. Full savasana offered for silent reflection and meditation. Listen to the birds and wind peacefully in the background. I will gently reawaken you at the end and offer a closing to complete the class."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Docker - Let's learn through doing" |
"Want to learn how to use Docker practically? Then this course is for you!This course is divided into 5 small projects, and each project will be set up in Docker:ApacheMySQLMongoDBWordpress and MySQLNginx, Drupal, and MySQLLearn how Docker and containers can speed up deployment and testing.In this course I will be using a local Linux PC. You can do this course using Linux installed on pretty much any computer such as a Raspberry Pi, or by using Linux installed in a VM."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso base di cartamodelli livello 2" |
"Dopo il corso di primo livello, dove spiego le due gonne primarie e pi semplici da realizzare, in questo corso completiamo la conoscenza di tutti gli schemi di tutte le gonne. Ho voluto aggiungere anche schemi che normalmente non vengon spiegati (gonna a portafoglio e gonna a sirena), perch nei libri questo tipo di schemi non esistono e normalmente ci vogliono anni di pratica per capire queste che sono semplici trasformazinicdella gonna base. Grazie a questo corso potrete realizzarli sin dal primo momento. Inoltre trovate glki schemi per la gonna a mezza ruota e la gonna a ruota intera, due gonne splendide e sempre di moda, che comportano qualche problema nella realizzazione delle curve. Ma ho studiato un modo che vi consente di creare gonne perfette sin dal primo cartamodello."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Wonderwoman |
"Zweifelst Du oft daran, ob Du gut genug oder ob Du liebenswert bist? Vergleichst Du Dich oft mit anderen und fhlst Dich unsicher? Machst Du Dich oft klein und wertlos? Wenn Du auch nur den Ansatz einer dieser Fragen mit ja beantwortet hast, dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr Dich! In unserer Leistungsgesellschaft verlernen wir, auf uns selbst zu achten, uns gernzuhaben und unsere wahre Schnheit zu entfalten. Was wir hingegen intensivst lernen und einben sind Selbstkritik, eine Menge hinderlicher Glaubensstze und eine fast grausame Art mit uns selbst umzugehen! Dieser Kurs setzt auf drei verschiedenen Ebenen an, um Dich erfolgreich ""umzuprogrammieren"". Zum einen arbeiten wir an Deinen Mindset, zum anderen beziehen wir die Weisheit Deines Krpers und Deiner Emotionen mit ein und zu guter Letzt erhltst Du praktische Hausaufgaben mit bungen, die Dich das Gelernte auf einer anderen Ebene erfahren lassen. Die drei Anstze in Kombination sind unglaublich effektiv und bringen Dich ganz schnell auf ein neues Level! Die einzige Voraussetzung fr Deinen Erfolg ist Deine aktive Mitarbeit."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Piattaforma di eToro : Approccio al Social Trading." |
"Per essere un trader di successo sono obbligatorie alcune Competenze.Dobbiamo essere padroni della piattaforma perch dobbiamo essere tempestivi e pronti a sfruttare l'occasione di trading. La conoscenza del campo di battaglia requisito essenziale per una soddisfacente vittoria. A volte una scorciatoia, un trucchetto possono fare la differenza per un'operazione in profitto o in perdita. Questo Corso ti far conoscere il campo di battaglia.Dobbiamo conoscere gli strumenti Macroeconomici che governano i mercati. Solo conoscendo il macro-scenario possiamo comprendere i movimenti ed anticiparli. Non possiamo guidare con gli occhi bendati.Dobbiamo conoscere lo strumento grafico. Cos come ci si orienta sul terreno di battaglia il grafico rappresenta la mappa. Possiamo capire dove si sta muovendo il mercato, dove vanno i volumi e dove tira il Sentiment.Questo corso solo la prima tappa di un lungo percorso. Lo troverai volutamente breve, facile e poco tecnico. Abbiamo voluto renderlo fruibile proprio a tutti, senza entrare in alcun tecnicismo. Lo faremo nei prossimi corsi, per ora rilassati e cerca di capire bene tutte le funzionalit di una straordinaria piattaforma di trading."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso De Ingls - Mtodo Incrvel - Valor Promocional" |
"APRENDA INGLS COM TEXTOS+ DE 150 TEXTOSudios gravados por nativosDilogos e ReportagensSituaes reaisSituaes do cotidianoDo bsico ao avanadoO MTODO MAIS RPIDO E FCIL PARA QUEM EST COMEANDOO curso rene mais de 150 textos no formato dilogo, relatos de histrias, reportagens e outros.So textos com estruturas que vo desde o bsico, para quem no sabe nada, at o nvel avanado.Te levando do absoluto ZERO do Ingls ao nvel CONVERSAO.Isso porque os textos vo apresentando estruturas gramaticais em nvel gradativo, a cada texto voc aprende uma estrutura nova e a gramtica vai sendo absorvida de forma natural, o que segundo psicolingusticos o melhor mtodo de aprendizagem de uma nova lngua.O curso tem foco total em LISTENING (ouvir), essa a principal habilidade para quem quer falar Ingls, voc s vai conseguir falar corretamente uma palavra e ter um dilogo, se voc treinar seu ouvido para que ele compreenda os sons e voc consiga reproduzi-lo, por isso voc conta com tcnicas exclusivas com este propsito.Alm disso voc conta com tcnicas de memorizao e pronncia para te ajudar aprender qualquer palavra ou estrutura de modo muito mais rpido."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Conhea todos os segredos dos grandes canais de youtube, cresa e tenha milhes de inscritos em seu canal com tcnicas de SEO, Ranqueamento de Canais, Palavras chaves, e muito mais informaes que voc no ir encontrar na internet ! Frmula de Sucesso no Youtube aplica por canais que esto em crescimento constante ! Ganhe dinheiro com seu canal de yotube."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Twrz i zarabiaj na apkach - Kompleksowe Szkolenie Apkademii" |
"Kompleksowe Szkolenie Apkademii to kurs online, ktry krok po kroku nauczy Ci tworzy wasne aplikacje i strony internetowe.Obejrzyj bezpatn lekcj(podgld kursu) i skorzystaj ze zniki!Z Kompleksowego Szkolenia Apkademii:Dowiesz si skd wzi pomys na aplikacjPoznasz prosty proces tworzenia wasnej aplikacji lub stronyNauczysz si zarabia na Twoich aplikacjachPokaemy Ci gdzie szuka inwestorw oraz jak sprzeda im udziay w Twojej aplikacjiBdziesz umia pozyska artykuy na temat Twojej aplikacji w najwikszych mediachOtrzymasz prestiowy certyfikat ukoczenia szkolenia, ktry zwikszy Twoje uznanie wrd pracodawcw, wsplnikw i kontrahentw.Kompleksowe szkolenie nauczy Ci od A do Z jak znale pomys, jak go zrealizowa i jak na nim zarabia.Dlaczego wanie APLIKACJE?- Aplikacje mobilne to najszybciej rosncy segment rynku internetowego- Aplikacje mobilne generuj setki miliardw dolarw rocznie- Aplikacje mobilne s proste w tworzeniu(nie trzeba umie programowa!)- Aplikacje mobilne umoliwiaj wiele moliwoci generowania pienidzy(reklamy, mikropatnoci, subskrypcje i wiele innych)- Z aplikacji mobilnych korzysta 3 500 000 000 osb na wiecie- Aplikacja z 25 000 uytkownikami moe zarobi milion zotych w rok(jest to wyliczone i udowodnione w bezpatnej lekcji!)"
Price: 609.99 ![]() |
"Schler-Salze einfach und leicht verstndlich erklrt" |
"Die Schlersche Heilweise ist eine wunderbare Mglichkeit, dem Krper diejenigen Funktionsmittel zur Verfgung zu stellen, die fr den physiologischen Betrieb vieler wichtiger Krperfunktionen bentigt werden.Schler Salze sind hochverdnnte Mineralstoffe, die sehr leicht vom Krper aufgenommen und an den Ort des grten Bedarfs transportiert werden knnen. Schler-Salze werden in erster Linie zur Gesundheitspflege und zur Krankheitsvorsorge eingesetzt. Auerdem knnen hochverdnnte Mineralstoffe angewendet werden, um den natrlichen Alterungsprozess aufgrund der Anti-Aging-Wirkung sprbar und sichtbar zu verlangsamen.Auerdem kann die Schsslersalze begleitend zur rztlichen oder zahnrztlichen Therapie eingesetzt werden."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Rsoudre un Rubik's Cube pour dbutant" |
"Bienvenue sur ""Rsoudre un Rubik's Cube pour dbutant"" ! Apprenez rsoudre le Rubik's Cube 3x3x3 classique, en moins d'une heure, du dbut jusqu' la fin, et partir de n'importe quelle configuration. Je vous guide pas pas, en vido, chaque tape de rsolution du cube et je vous fournis le PDF la fin du cours. Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre : l'histoire de ce casse-ttela composition du cube, la manire dont il fonctionne, et la notation des algorithmesla rsolution des diffrentes tapes (la croix blanche, la deuxime couronne, la croix jaune, etc)Je suis Florence Porcel et j'aurai le plaisir de vous guider travers ce cours. Je suis autrice, comdienne et animatrice, et ces dernires annes, j'ai mis ces comptences au service de la vulgarisation scientifique. C'est ma rencontre avec un astronaute, Jean-Franois Clervoy, qui a emmen avec lui son Rubik's Cube lors de ses missions dans l'espace, qui m'a donn envie d'apprendre. Depuis, je suis accro !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Google Drive" |
"Learn to collaborate and store, share, and access your files any time from any deviceIts time to leave attachments behind. Google Drive is an accessible, secure, and free tool for collaborating, sharing, editing, and storing your files in the cloud. If you have a Google account, you already have a Google Drive! In this course, Google expert Laurie Sherrod shows you how to make the most of your Google Drive including all the tips and tricks that will make it easy and fast to get started. Its already integrated with other Google Apps like Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. By the end of this course, you will understand the purpose and features of Google Drive and be ready to use the application to store, edit, and share files and folders any time and from any device."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Java 11 For Complete Beginners" |
"This course teaches you computer programming in the Java language from scratch.I'll be typing all the source code in front of your eyes and we'll be using Java version 11-12, taking advantage of many features that have been added to Java over the past few years -- including streams, method references and lambda expressions.Along the way we'll create a number of projects, including two desktop apps.This is a completely updated and revised version of my popular Java for Complete Beginners course, which has gathered over 1.3 million subscribers on Udemy. In addition to newer Java features, this revised course includes lots of exercises to increase your fluency."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MikroTik Network Management with LABS" |
"As being a network engineer, you would need to manage your network correctly. Fortunately, MikroTik provide us a lot of features and tools that are available on the MikroTik Router so we are able to manage on our network in a better way.Some of those features are also unknown for engineers and some are hidden, so my task is to show them for you and show their tasks so you can use them in your network.In this course, will explain and show you how you can use the following features from MikroTik:MikroTik Kid ControlMikroTik Neighbor DiscoveryMikroTik Router Management Overlay Network (RoMON)IP Cloud System Back on MikroTikMikroTik application for smart phones/tabletsMikroTik USB ManagementMikroTik Server Message Block (SMB)In each of those topics, I will do a lot of LABS so you can see practically how this can work then you can easily apply it on your network.If you want to have a better management of your network using MikroTik, I advise you to join this course and learn the best features and tools for network management that MikroTik is providing to us.See you in the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Sales Skills Master Class - Sales Marketing B2B" |
"The Complete Sales Skills Master Class - Sales Marketing B2BMaster Sales Skills, Marketing Strategy, B2B Sales, Business Development, Lead Generation Using Top Social SkillsSales skills trainingNobody is a natural born sales person. Anybody can learn to improve their sales skills, no matter their current level.You can learn to master all levels of sales skills including B2B sales, creating your own sales funnel, and devising a marketing strategy that works for your business.Whether you are in business development, or a sales associate, or just been asked to do cold calling, you will benefit from this course.Instructors TJ Walker and Bob Berkowitz have been conducting sales skills training seminars and workshops around the globe for decades. They will share with you the very same expertise they deliver to top CEOs and sales managers of Fortune 500 corporations around the globe.During and after a global pandemic, many sectors and industries fall out of favor. But one skill that will remain essential, no matter what, is the ability to sell. When you improve your sales skills, you improve the lifetime value of your career.If you are ready to start making more sales now, then please enroll right away."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Organization Masterclass - Organize - Decluttering" |
"Complete Organization Masterclass - Organize - DeclutteringOrganize for a Peak Performance Life - Improve Organization Skills Time Management Personal Productivity DeclutteringYou can live a well organized life! Imagine if every aspect of your home, your office, your health, and your life were well organized?You can make this happen. Organization can become part of your self identity.Self development expert TJ Walker is a master at developing organization habits and individuals and organizations around the globe. Walker will teach you his unique self speak programming method for learning new organization habits. Once you master the skills of prioritizing, decluttering, and focusing on what is most important to your life, Organization becomes easy.Solid Organization can become a part of who you are and how you operate your life. Once you become well organized, you will become more productive, more for filled, and lead to less stressful and more purposeful life.Are you tired of being disorganized? You dont have to go through life one more minute like this. Enroll now and this complete organization master class to get your entire life in order."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The 2020 Beginner to Advanced Link Building & Backlinks" |
"If youre looking for link building strategies that produce big results for your website, this is the ultimate resource for you. You're about to go from beginner to advanced link builder. Link building can feel like a complex task to master but it doesn't have to be. In this course, we're going to go in-depth into a 3 step link building strategy and cover a wide array of link building strategies that will help you achieve the ultimate goal of the website. These steps to link building success are:Step 1: Link building foundationStep 2: Determine your objective(s)Step 3: Link building the natural wayIt's important you have a solid foundation of link building so you know what a high quality backlink looks like and which ones will positively impact your website This section includes a 9-Point checklist you can use to recognize a high quality backlink.You're going to be strategic about your link building so you're only focusing on the links that are going to be an excellent addition to your backlink profile. Having a strategy is far more effective and results are achieved faster unlike randomly building a link here and there.After all, your goal of link building is actually not to acquire backlinks. Your goal is the result link building will bring you whether that is more subscribers, more leads, more sales, more revenue, etc. Keeping this in mind, we will go after the backlink strategies that will help you achieve that ultimate goal...and not just randomly build a ton of backlinks. By the end of this course you will understand:The 3 types of anchor text, how to use and whenThe 9-point criteria for identifying a high quality backlinkNoFollow vs DoFollow linksHow to give you new webpages a boost before you begin backlinkingHow to benefit from 20+ high quality link building strategiesSpecific search queries to use to find lots of link building prospectsStrategies for email outreachand even moreI know that there are plenty of ways to cut corners with link building, however, my focus is on not only your short term wins but making sure the work you do today will continue to pay off years into the future. We will NOT be covering any link building strategies that could result in your website be penalized. We want to focus on the strategies that compliment our work so our results get better and better, year after year.If you're ready to simplify the link building process so you can immediately start acquiring high quality backlinks, this is your go to resource."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Simulado Exame AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - 2020" |
"Provas sempre trazem uma presso para nossas vidas! Especialmente se for um exame que poder mudar a nossa vida profissional.Pensando nisso os simulados foram criados!OBS: Hoje estamos com 65 Questes que foram totalmente atualizadas em Maio/2020Simulados so nada mais do que um grupo de questes, relacionadas e bem parecidas com o exame original, com a funo de testar o seu conhecimento, sua velocidade de raciocnio e claro, agilidade nas respostas. Este simulado para o exame AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) vai te ajudar muito!Alm disso os simulados acabam ensinando! Ao final de cada questo voc ter acesso a um link relacionado a pergunta! Assim voc conseguir testar o seu conhecimento e aprender ao mesmo tempo!Ser que a Certificao AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner importante? A Certificao AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ajuda os alunos a criarem credibilidade e confiana, validando sua experincia na nuvem com uma credencial reconhecida pelo setor e ajuda as organizaes a identificar profissionais qualificados para liderar iniciativas de nuvem usando a AWS.A mdia salarial de um profissional Certificado AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner de R$3.000 a R$3.500 reais.Finalizando....Se voc est a procura de um simulado completo para sua preparao, este o seu simulado!OBS. Este simulado no um ""brain dump"" onde todas as questes so iguais ao exame. Este simulado uma fonte de estudo e prtica para melhorar em muito as suas chances de aprovao. Se voc est procurando por um simulado que tem as mesmas questes do exame onde vc simplesmente decora, esse no !No mais.... Adquira o simulado e vamos estudar rumo a sua Certificao AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01)!!!Sucesso! :)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Remote Team Management & Leadership - Manage A Remote Team" |
"An Introduction To Remote Team Management & LeadershipDo you want to learn how to approach remote working as a manager?Do you want to learn the best practices for remote management?Are you a complete beginner as a remote manager?If you said yes to each of the above questions, then this course is for you!What You Will Learn:In this course you will learn how to:Work from home as a manager.Answer common questions about remote working.Apply practical tips for your home working.Understand how to be a manager who CARES.Understand the basics of holding virtual meetings.Identify the differences between virtual meetings and real world meetings.Understand the mental health challenges of remote working.Understand how to implement some work life balance strategies.Understand the basic principles of leading a remote team.Identify what type of leadership style you might need to adopt.Join Us:If you find the above helpful subjects, then join us on the other side and learn how to deal with the challenges of managing a team remotely."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Living Your Dreams With Unstoppable Passion" |
"Everybody has a passion. Some people live it every day. Some people dont know what it is and are searching and still, some others have gotten lost in the daily grind of life and dont even realize that they have a passion. This is designed to help you understand what passion is, what it is not, and how to find your passion so you can start living your life to the fullest!You will discover:What Is Passion?How do we define passion?What is NOT PassionFinding Your PassionGetting UnstuckThe E-MythAnd much more...Enrol today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"IoT Internet of Things Crash Course" |
">>> IoT Internet of Things Crash Course: Step by step is a course specially created for Electronic Geeks & Engineers who want to take their Electronics and Microcontroller Projects to the next level, adding Wifi, Bluetooth connectivity and more processor power while maintaining battery life <<<Welcome to this course.The course lesson will explain How to work on ESP32 Board by using C Language and the famous Arduino IDE development environment. This course will work best for you if your basic knowledge of Electronics and Arduino. You will learn how to interface the ESP32 Board with your Computer and Control it in no time.ESP32 can be used in your Engineering projects, Industrial Projects, or IoT Home Automation related projects.Why Learn ESP32?If you an Engineering or Science student you might come across projects in which you want to control or monitor via internet, ESP32 with it's Robust Design, Ultra-Low Power Consumption, High Level of Integration and Hybrid Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Chip is the best fit to get started in Internet of Things World.We will explore:Digital Output: Blinking a LEDDigital Input: Reading a Touch SensorAnalog Input: Reading a variable voltage from a potentiometerAnalog Output: Controlling a LED brightnessAnalog Output: Controlling a Servo PositionReading Temperature/Humidity Data with a Digital sensorConnecting to the Internet and getting local timeReceiving data from a simple local web page, turning on/off a LEDTransmitting data to a simple local webPageAt the end of this course, you can create Innovative IoT Projects. The only thing that you need to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Plan and Define Project Scope (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Plan and Define Project Scope (PMI - PMP) is course 6 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). The course is aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK6) developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI).Your project is all approved, and you're ready to get started. What's the first step? You need to figure out exactly what the end result is going to look like based on the customer's needs. In this course, you'll learn how to plan scope management for your project, use the collect requirements process to gather and refine stakeholders' requirements. And then how to turn those into your scope statement with the defined scope process.1. Defining Project Scope2. The Plan Scope Management Process3. Inputs to Collect Requirements4. Tools and Techniques for Collecting Requirements 5. Characteristics of Effective Requirements6. Outputs of Collect Requirements7. Techniques for Defining Scope8. Outputs of the Define Scope Process9. Components of a Project Scope Statement10. Exercise: Planning and Defining Project ScopeThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to write a resume for a Defense Contractor job." |
"This training will walk you through a step-by-step method to write a powerful and targeted rsum. Bruce provides an easy way to translate your military experience and an easy way to target your rsum. Bruce uses his trademarked Battlefield Rsum Methodology in showing you how to gain an advantage over other applicants."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Building E-Commerce Applications with Express" |
"Every day, the modern economy moves a bit more online. Will your business, or your technical skills, at the necessary level to thrive, or will you find it harder and harder to survive?This is THE course for:Business owners who want an online solution with maximum controlDevelopers who want to build practical, in-demand skills in order to get hiredPeople unsatisfied with existing ecommerce solutionVendors tired of paying exorbitant fees to payment processing partnersWe're going to cover SO MUCH STUFF in this course it's better just to have a look at the curriculum, but here's an eagle's eye view of everything we're going to learn:Templating websites with ReactTemplating Emails with ReactBuilding a REST API with ExpressStoring data forever on MongoDBConnecting Express to MongoDBStoring credit card information in databasesValidating credit card informationUsing Babel to compile Express applicationsUsing Webpack to build a React clientSource control with GITManaging state with ReduxRunning subroutines with Redux SagaWorking with Browser routing using React RouterThis is a MASSIVE course, you will learn a TON!To beguile the time,Look like the time.-- ShakespeareDon't hesitate, enroll RIGHT NOW!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |