Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Site para Advogados e Escritrios" |
"O curso completo de criao de sites para escritrio de advocacia tem 26 aulas, neste curso voc vai aprender a criar um site bem profissional com html5, css3, bootstrap4 e javascript, este site totalmente responsivo se adaptando a qualquer tipo de mdia e tamanho, voc receber tambm todos os arquivos j com o site pronto, adquira j o curso e monte seu site de forma profissional!"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Learn Pro Forex Trading in 3 Days - Master Program" |
"In This Pro Forex Trading Course, you will get simple details about some most powerful trading tools and plans. In just 3 days you will able to start profitable trading without learn complex technical analysis or buy expensive trading tools. This Course specialize every person who want to became a traders without loosing his money."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Zoom: Curso Rpido de Zoom Video conferencias con Zoom" |
"Note: This course has subtitles in Spanish, audio and resources in English Nota: Este curso tiene subttulos en espaol, audio y recursos en Ingls.Zoom es actualmente la herramienta para videoconferencia ms popular y usada en el mundo. Especialmente, en el mundo de los negocios. En este curso, aprenders los aspectos esenciales de Zoom, sus herramientas bsicas y fundamentales, para poder ser anfitrin de reuniones en linea de una manera exitosa.A medida que las personas comienzan a trabajar ms a distancia o estn trabajando desde casa, aplicaciones como Zoom han crecido exponencialmente. As que, si no has escuchado hablar de Zoom todava, es muy probable que lo hagas pronto. Empresas alrededor del mundo estn depositando toda su confianza en Zoom, para llevar a cabo reuniones en linea, videoconferencias, llamadas de conferencia, presentaciones y lo ms importante, para tomar decisiones de negocios da tras da. Qu puedes hacer con Zoom? - Ser anfitrin de y asistir a reuniones - Colaborar con otras personas que estn trabajando a distancia - Chatear y expresar mis emociones sobre lo que se est compartiendo - Compartir mi pantalla con otras personas - Reuniones online y otras presentaciones__________ Garantas para TODOS los estudiantes (actuales y futuros)1. Los estudiantes son primero. Nunca voy a comprometer su experiencia para hacer dinero. Nunca, nunca. Si, esto tambin es un negocio, pero para m, ensear va ms alla de hacer dinero. Yo ya tengo un trabajo de tiempo completo y no dependo de la enseanza para vivir. Ustedes siempre sern la prioridad en mis cursos y quiero asegurarme de que tengan una experiencia nica, valiosa y memorable. Lo prometo. 2. Apoyo 24x7x365. Ustedes pueden contactarme las 24 horas al da, los 7 das a la semana, todo el ao, incluso durante las festividades, navidad y ao nuevo; yo les responder cuanto antes (en pocas horas) y brindar un servicio de calidad. Lo prometo. 3. Humildad, amabilidad y responsabilidad social. Yo creo en dar de regreso a ustedes y al mundo. Piensen en m como su ""Siri"" humano, en el mundo real. Si necesitan ayuda o apoyo, pregunten. Y si est en mis manos ayudarlos, lo har. Lo prometo. 4. Hecho en Australia. Reconocido en la industria como smbolo de calidad y excelencia. Todos mis cursos son hechos en Australia con alta tecnologa y edicin profesional. Tambin incluyen mi toque secreto: mucha pasin y amor! Yo aplico a mis cursos todo lo aprendido en los ltimos aos trabajando con tecnologa, proyectos, emprendedores y personas de todo el mundo. Lo prometo. 5. Calidad en vez de cantidad. Me esforzar en hacer cursos concisos, al punto y relevantes. Nuestro tiempo es preciado y debemos invertirlo cuidadosamente. No har cursos largos slo por acumular ms horas; slo cuando sea estrictamente necesario. Para m, se trata de calidad, y si puedo ofrecerla en 5 minutos y ahorrarles tiempo a ustedes, lo har. Lo prometo. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Edicin de Vdeo: Convirtete en experto con Adobe Premiere" |
"Si tu sueo es editar, Premiere es la herramienta ms completa y universal del editor. En este curso que ira actualizando podrs aprender de raiz el video, aprenders a formarte un criterio profesional de edicin, usar efectos y por sobre todo el verdadero flujo de trabajo en la edicin.En este curso se incluye:- Materiales audiovisuales- Deberes o Proyectos- Presets & Efectos"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"End to End ASP.NET Core 3.1 API and Blazor Development" |
"OverviewLearn how to build a RESTful API using ASP.Net Core 3.1 API, Entity Framework, the Repository Pattern and various other tools and services for testing and logging; and later consuming it in a modern Blazor App. This complete course will show you how to use Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Server Express and explore developing, consuming, testing and hosting a REST API in a .NET application. By the end of the course, we would have built a single page application using Blazor. We will look at parsing and storing Json Web Token (JWT) information and using it across our application for user authentication and authorization. We will also look at how we communicate with API's in our application. ASP.NET Core 3.1 is Microsoft's modern, cross-platform framework for building enterprise ready web applications. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about building a RESTful API using ASP.NET Core 3.1, from understanding the folder structure and files, to building a complete web API. Why Learn ASP.NET Core 3.1Microsoft .NET is the platform that drives the business technology of many of the top corporations in the United States and many other countries. It is the predominant technology used to drive enterprise-scale business technology. Companies have chosen .NET because for its proven scalability, reliability, and support.The .NET language of choice to learn is C#, as it is among the most widely used languages today. Its a general purpose programming language that can handle almost any problem, from desktop to mobile to dynamic web applications. As such, there is a high demand across the world for .NET developers in a variety of industries, so that means that more jobs are available for candidates with a foundation built upon .NET technologies.Why Develop With Blazor?The most popular JavaScript client-side web frameworks have been Angular, React, Vue and others. In this course, we keep it .NET by using Blazor, which is Microsoft's response to that monopoly.Blazor allows you to create a Single Page Application, on top of .NET Core and continue coding in C# (without needing to flip between C# and JavaScript too much). Blazor apps are composed of reusable web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS. Both client and server code is written in C#, allowing you to share code and libraries.WebAssembly or the serverBlazor can run your client-side C# code directly in the browser, using WebAssembly. Because it's real .NET running on WebAssembly, you can re-use code and libraries from server-side parts of your application.Alternatively, Blazor can run your client logic on the server. Client UI events are sent back to the server using SignalR - a real-time messaging framework. Once execution completes, the required UI changes are sent to the client and merged into the DOMWe will be exploring many intricacies of the Blazor life-cycle, data flow, JavaScript Interoperability and general development activities and nuances. Build A Strong Foundation in .NET Core Programming: Build a fully data driven REST Web API using cutting edge technology Build a Single Page Application client side UI using Blazor Server AND Blazor WebAssemblyConnect to an existing Database using Entity Framework CoreRepository Pattern and Dependency InjectionProgressive Web Application with BlazorSetup Logging using NLogSetup API documentation using SwaggerUIUnderstand the REST design principles Understand C# and .Net Core Web SyntaxUnderstand user Authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) Store JSON Web Tokens using Local Browser StorageHandle Blazor Application User Authentication StateConsume REST Web API in Blazor ApplicationUnderstand how to use Models, DTOs and AutoMapper Manage Packages with NuGet ManagerSetup GitHub for Source ControlContent and OverviewTo take this course, you will need to have some knowledge of Object Oriented Programming, if not C#. Even if you do not have much exposure to the .NET development stack, this course is very beginner friendly and chock full of development tips. This is a huge course. Over 15 hours of premium content, but smartly broken up to highlight a set of related activities based on each module in the application that is being built. We will also look at troubleshooting and debugging errors as we go along; implementing best practices; writing efficient logic and understanding why developers do things the way they do. Your knowledge will grow, step by step, throughout the course and you will be challenged to be the best you can be.We don't do things the perfect way the first time; that is not the reality of writing code. We make mistakes and point them out and fix them around them. By doing this, we develop proficiency in using debugging tools and techniques. By the time you have finished the course you will have moved around in Visual Studio and examined logic and syntax errors so much, that it will be second nature for you when working in the .NET environment. This will put your new learned skills into practical use and impress your boss and coworkers.The course is complete with working files hosted on GitHub, with the inclusion of some files to make it easier for you to replicate the code being demonstrated. You will be able to work alongside the author as you work through each lecture and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.Clicking the Take This Course button could be the best step you could take towards quickly increasing your income and marketability! Also, remember that if you don't think the course is worth what you spent, you have a full 30 days to get a no questions asked refund!It's time to take action! Click the ""Buy Now"" button Today!Every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Formao em Redes de Computadores - Mdulo 4" |
"Este o quarto mdulo da Formao em Redes de Computadores, onde encerramos os tpicos das certificaes Cisco CCNA (200-301) e CompTIA Network+ (N10-007). Neste mdulo, voc aprender:- Servios IP (DHCP, SNMP, NAT e QoS)- Fundamentos de Segurana da Informao (Amea, Risco, Vulnerabilidade, ACL, VPN e Firewalls)- Gerenciamento de Equipamentos Cisco- Implantao de Redes de Mdio Porte- Cloud Computing- Automatizao e Programao em Redes"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Blender 3D Character Creation & Animation Course" |
"Learn character creation and animation from A-Z with the popular 3D program ""Blender""Want to learn 3D character creation and animation but don't know where to start? No problem! In this course we go from A-Z, from the basics to the more advanced of character creation to animation. This course is project based so we will be using the skills we learn along the way to create some awesome animations. Learn The Art of 3D Animation From The Very Basics to The More AdvancedWe will kick it off with learning the VERY basics of Blender. How to navigate around the scene, manipulate objects and everything you need to know to be comfortable in Blender!-Then we will start with our very first animation project! Learning the basics of animation, modeling, materials, shapekeys to animate the face and much more to create our very first animation scene!-Our second animation will be all about curves, animating along curves, using particle systems, modeling, texturing and much more! By this point you will start to feel comfortable with Blender and 3D animation and have the skills and knowledge where you can start doing your own projects!-Our third project is a full blown animation! Just this one alone will teach you everything you need to know about character creation and animation! From making our character to rigging and adding materials to then creating our whole scene, lighting, adding sounds and much more! By the end of this you will have created a full blown animation that looks great and have learned the skills needed to create your own!-Our fourth project leads us to creating a human character! First making the human from scratch to then creating a full body rig that works nicely! In this one we go even more in depth with the node or shader editor and take a look at making different materials such as the eye material, skin shader and cloth material for our character. We will then fully animate this character, see how to make our own sounds and MUCH more!-For our fifth project we will be lip synching and making a character that talks! Firstly we will be modeling and making our alien from scratch! Then adding materials and a rig to fully animate and control him. We will then see how to make a character talk and much more!-Each project we do builds on the previous one and the further you go, the more you will be applying and doing!-End With The Confidence and Know How to Be Able to Create Your Own Projects and Animations From Just An Idea to Finished ProductThe Power to Create in the Palm of Your HandsThis course contains over 30 hours of content!Over 150 video lectures!And one awesome teacher!-Use the skills you learn to then create your own artwork and animations-Learn and follow along with the workflow of 5 complete animations from A-Z-Finish the course with your very own animations and work of art that you can be proud of-Lifetime access!By the end of this course, you will emerge equipped with everything you need to know for character creation and animation! It is PACKED with character animation madness that you will enjoy and benefit from for a long time!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Abstract Techniques Revealed Vol. 2 Create Large Modern Art" |
"In this course we will be creating colorful, large modern abstract paintings. I will show you step by step how to add texture, line and form to a canvas and give you the confidence to paint loose and carefree without the worry of making mistakes. I share my secret techniques that took me over 20 years to perfect.I will cover the usage of unconventional tools and materials to add interest and excitement to your masterpiece.Without spending a fortune on art supplies, you will see the paints and brushes that I like to use and the different mediums to add texture and depth on a budget.I use mainly acrylic paint and some times oil paint to create these beautiful works of art.If you are interested in creating abstract art, this course is for you.With multi-camera angles, you will grasp every brushstroke and every splatter. Even though I work fast, you can take your time, pause and rewind as often as you 'd like and watch the course over and over again. This is not your average, boring art lesson. Get ready to be amazed at your ability to create your own masterpiece."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Edio de Vdeos no DaVinci Resolve 16 para Iniciantes" |
"Este curso um guia rpido de como editar vdeos na ferramenta gratuita e poderosa, DaVinci Resolve 16.Se voc nunca editou vdeos e quer comear a editar, este curso para voc!Se voc j edita vdeos em outra ferramenta (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut, Sony Vegas, iMovie, etc) e quer aprender o DaVinci Resolve, este curso para voc!Alm do bsico de edio de vdeo, vamos abordar os seguintes assuntos no DaVinci Resolve:- Efeitos com Fusion (semelhante a After Effects/Motion)- Correo de cor - Receita de Bolo de como fazer Color Correction- Conceito de Color Grading e aplicao de color grading com LUTs- Como deixar o udio de seus vdeos pronto para a Internet- Efeitos de udio: Reduo ed Rudo (Noise Reduction), Compressor, Expansor (Expander), Limiter.- Dicas sobre sincronizao de udio, converso de vdeos Full HD para 4k com qualidade, etc.Garantia de satisfao ou seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Animating In Procreate for the iPad" |
"The key to making great animations is understanding the 12 core principles of animation. In this course we use the animation assist features in Procreate to learn the basics of animation and apply them to our work in a practical way. We start simple by moving simple shapes and slowly build on those basics with each project. You will be stunned by what you will be able to create by the end of this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Signup And Login System In CodeIgniter 4" |
"You have expertise in Codeigniter 3, so sounds good, but what about the future of the Codeigniter, yes I am talking about Codeigniter 4. The registration system is the part of every application because you can track your users activity by using some information once your user logged in on your system.Creating the registration process in Codeigniter 4 is difficult because they have changed a lot of things in the Codeigniter version 4, they have introduced new session methods, and also they have entered the latest techniques/methods in form validation class/library. However, the point is, how can you use the new libraries in Codeigniter 4.In the series is going to explain each and everything from scratch. You guys can easily understand the basics of the signup/registration process, and we also have some kind of auth system in Codeigniter.But while I am creating this series, the version is not stable, so we cant use it in this series, but we can consider it later.We give you an overview of the session because we are going to use the session library in Codeigniter 4.We discuss the form helper in Codeigniter 4, so you can create the forms by using the form helper in ci; once you create structure, then we discuss the form validation library in Codeigniter 4.Before starting this series, I consider that you have the basic knowledge of MVC (Model View Controller) and also the PHP with MySQL, OOP in PHP are the prerequisite courses you have to familiar with CI 4 before starting the course."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SQL Bootcamp for Business, Product, & Data Analysts" |
"Get Started with SQL Bootcamp for the Business, Product, & Data Analyst and Master SQL Programming allowing interaction with relational data!Are you a student or professional in the field of data science, business or systems analysis, product or maybe even contemplating an educational or career move to the SQL development world? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with SQL Server 2017, SQL Querying & Reporting, and don't want to go through an overwhelming amount of material just to get your environment setup and ready for building your SQL queries that interact with data? Don't worry as THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU! In my course, I will teach you how to get your environment setup for SQL Server 2017 and help you to build your first set of SQL queries/reports that store and retrieve relational data quickly and through a step-by-step guided approach. I will be showing you all the necessary installation and setup needed for SQL Server 2017, SQL Server Management Studio, and converting business requirements into SQL code. Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towards the rewarding field of Software Engineering, Business Analysis, Data Science using Microsoft SQL Server technologies!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Live Stream DJ Sets Using OBS (Open Broadcaster Software)" |
"Hey everyone!Some time ago, I amassed over 40,000 real fans by live streaming my DJing daily. I was routinely streaming for 20,000 people at a time. For the first time ever, I'm going to share with you exactly how I did it in this mini-course.Now more than ever, we need to build our communities digitally, and I wanted to give you all the tools you need to build your own community with people from around the world!This course assumes that you already know how to DJ and that you have your own DJ equipment. If you are new to the world of DJing, I recommend you take my best-selling course on ""How to DJ"" here on Udemy first. This mini-course is an add-on for that course.You don't have to be perfect at DJing at this stage, but you have to be comfortable enough with your DJ skills that you are ready to start performing in front of a digital audience! You do need to have your own DJ decks, a reasonably powerful computer, a (USB) audio interface, a fast internet connection, and a few other odds and ends like a microphone and an external webcam.From physically plugging in your equipment to what software you need to setting it all up to give you the maximum chance of success, this short course covers EVERYTHING you need to know to start throwing your first digital party this weekend!But don't take my word for it --I've had thousands and thousands of enrollments on this platform, so read the reviews from happy students!I tried to pack as much value as I could into this course, and I tried to make something that would REALLY benefit you right now.I also try to answer EVERY question in the Q&A - there's so much more value to this course than just the videos.As with ALL my courses, I only want you to pay for it if you are totally satisfied. If you don't love it, just get a refund within 30 days of signing up.For the price of a couple drinks, what have you got to lose?I love the community we've built here on Udemy, and it's my sincere hope that you find the world of live-streaming DJing to be as rewarding and fulfilling as I have!All the best,Ross"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP MM : Key User ve Modl Uzman Eitim Seti" |
"Merhabalar , SAP MM : Key User ve Modl Uzman Eitim Seti kursuna ho geldiniz. Bu eitim video seti sayesinde sfrdan SAP ERP rn hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz ve eitim sonunda MM modl ile ilgili Key User yada Modl uzmanl yapabilecek duruma geleceksiniz. Sizlere anlatlan uygulamal ierikleri ayn anda sizlerde SAP IDES yada dier SAP ERP rnlerinde tekrar etme imkanna sahip olacaksnz. Eitim ierisinde sizlere SAP MM modl ierisinde kullanlan ekranlar anlatacam. Ardndan SPRO uyarlama ekrannda bir modl uzmannn nasl uyarlama yaptn sizlere anlatacam.Bir SAP MM Key User yada MM Modl uzmannn , SAP ierisinde hangi ekranlara ihtiyac oluyorsa , sizlere bu ekranlarn kullanm hakknda detayl bilgilerde verilecektir. Bu bilgiler sayesinde sizde SAP Danmanlk irketlerinde veya Kurumsal irketlerde SAP MM Key User yada SAP MM Modl Danman olarak alabilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"ifre Gvenlii (Sosyal Medya)" |
"Hayatmzda nemli bir yere sahip olan sosyal medya sizce ne kadar gvenli? Olas bir gvenlik sorununda bize nekadar zarar verbilir? Herkese ak kiisel bilgilerimiz birileri tarafndan nasl kullanlabilir ve kullanrsa bunun sonular nasl olur? Bu sorularn cevabn bu kursta bulacaz? Hackerlerin parolalar nasl krdn ve hangi program veya yazlmlar kullandn bu kursta uygulayarak reneceiz.Tm parola krma yntemlerine ayrntl olarak anlatlyor ve hepsindede uygulamal rneklerle birlik reneceiz. Kursun iinde genel olarak sosyal medya parolarn nasl gvenli hale getiririz ve bu gvenlikleri nasl aabileceimizi reneceiz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Dependency Injection in .NET 5 (.NET Core)" |
"Dependency Injection is one of those terms that are used very often and are not understood most of the time.This course will teach you everything you need to know about using dependency injection in ASP.NET Core. The skills you will learn will help you to build and architect complex ASP.NET Core applications that make full use of dependency injection. We will start with the basics of Dependency Injection and then we would dive into advanced concepts.In old times we had to use third-party libraries for dependency injection but with .NET Core / .NET 5, dependency injection has been an integrated part of the .NET and it has great capabilities!We will learn about all the topics that are needed to master Dependency Injection. By the end of the course, you will be fluent with all questions when it comes to dependency injection."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft 365 Fundamentals: MS-900 +Practice Questions" |
"Course Updates Version 1.0: Updated for Exam changes that become effective July 8th 2020This MS-900 course provides foundational knowledge by using concepts and hands-on demonstrations of Microsoft 365 services. You will understand the considerations and benefits of Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings. You will begin by learning about cloud fundamentals, including an overview of cloud computing and specifically Microsoft cloud services. You will be introduced to Microsoft Azure, and you will examine the differences between Microsoft 365 and Office 365. You will then perform an in-depth review of Microsoft 365, including a comparison of Microsoft on-premises services versus Microsoft 365 cloud services, a review of enterprise mobility in Microsoft 365, and an analysis of how Microsoft 365 services provide collaboration. The course then analyzes how security, compliance, privacy, and trust are handled in Microsoft 365, and it concludes with a review of Microsoft 365 subscriptions, licenses, billing, and support. Hands-on demonstrations include a walk-through of Exchange online, SharePoint online, Teams, OneDrive, Data Loss Prevention, Azure Information Protection, Intune, and many other technologies."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fiverr Masterclass: Earn Money Freelancing on Fiverr" |
"Are you looking for new ways to make money online? And would you like to know how you can build a reliable income on Fiverr? Then this course is for you.In this course I will show you step by step how to create a Fiverr gig, promote it and become a top seller on Fiverr. We will also learn how to build our own agency by using Fiverr freelancers and discuss the so-called service flipping concept.But what exactly will you learn in detail in this course? Fiverr Basics - In this chapter we will look at how to create a Fiverr Seller account and go through the most important features that most people overlook when setting up the accountFiverr Gigs - In this part of the course we will take a step by step look at how to create a gig and optimize its SEO, we will talk about watermarking, gig splitting, statistics and much more.Fiverr Gig Marketing - We'll now learn how to create well-converting Facebook ads, promote our gigs through email newsletters, blogs, social media and more.Service Flipping - Now we take the next step. In this part of the course I'll show you how you can offer services on Fiverr and elsewhere without actually having to do any work on the service. In this chapter you will learn exactly how this works...Agency Concept - Of course you can also build an agency based on Fiverr. In this chapter, I'll show you how to define the services of this agency, set up a website and get customers.After you have completed this course, you will be able to do the following things:Create and promote your Fiverr gigsGenerate sales for your Fiverr gigs & create attractive gig landing pagesFlip digital services via FiverrCreate and scale your own agency for online servicesUse Facebook Ads, Quora, Medium and Mailchimp to promote your gigsWho is this course for? This course is for all the people who want to get off the hamster wheel. If you are an employee and want to earn some extra money, this course is for you. If you are a student looking for a profitable online job, this course is for you.However, this course is NOT for people who don't see a reason to improve their lives financially.If you are one of those people who would like to become financially free and make money online, enroll in this course today.I look forward to meeting you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Freedom from being Suppressed - Embodied Forgiveness - A5.5" |
"This is One Course within a Seven part Course-Series entitled Embodied Forgiveness. This course is complete in itself focuses on utilizing forgiveness to liberate ourselves from Being Suppressed or Censored.Key: When forgiven properly, you experience a natural authentic appreciation.Forgiveness has many degrees of application ranging from a mere pardon of sins as discussed in ""A Course in Miracles"" to the extreme extent, where ""A Course in Miracles"" could take you; complete forgiving of all the definitions of all physical existence, leading to transcending this physical dimensional plane. This course, however, intends on assisting you to comprehend and apply forgiveness to liberate yourself from current suffering and pain residual from your previous experiences.Forgiveness in itself is almost impossible to teach because authentic forgiveness is an absence of doing something. It develops a shift from perceived imprisonment or struggles to freedom and enjoyment. These principles have been taught by religious and spiritual leaders for eons however it is hardly taken to the extreme of transcending time and space. Your professor Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne however fully embodied forgiveness on his five-year vision quest, where he sought to transcend the world by forgiving every degree and aspect of the world. Not only does forgiveness become a way of seeing, where it is applied instantaneously but it eventually dissolves the physical perspective and allows you to experience the multidimensional Spiritual Universe.So if you are ready to be free from being Being Suppressed or Censored, this course is what you have been looking for. It is a beautiful addition to any spiritual practice, if you know of ""A Course in Miracles"" or not."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Flying challenge for me was Helicopters." |
"Learn to fly helicopters on your PC as cheaply as possible. Best to have controllers, Rudder pedals joystick and throttles. It will take you on average about 6 hours to crack flying helicopters. A helicopter, or chopper, is a type of rotorcraft in which lift and thrust are supplied by rotors. This allows the helicopter to take off and land vertically, to hover, and to fly forward, backward, and laterally. These attributes allow helicopters to be used in congested or isolated areas where fixed-wing aircraft and many forms of VTOL (Vertical TakeOff and Landing) aircraft cannot perform.The English word helicopter is adapted from the French word hlicoptre, coined by Gustave Ponton d'Amcourt in 1861, which originates from the Greek helix () ""helix, spiral, whirl, convolution"" and pteron () ""wing"". English language nicknames for helicopter include ""chopper"", ""copter"", ""helo"", ""heli"", and ""whirlybird"".Helicopters were developed and built during the first half-century of flight, with the Focke-Wulf Fw 61 being the first operational helicopter in 1936. Some helicopters reached limited production, but it was not until 1942 that a helicopter designed by Igor Sikorsky reached full-scale production, with 131 aircraft built.Though most earlier designs used more than one main rotor, it is the single main rotor with anti-torque tail rotor configuration that has become the most common helicopter configuration. Tandem rotor helicopters are also in widespread use due to their greater payload capacity. Coaxial helicopters, tiltrotor aircraft, and compound helicopters are all flying today. Quadcopter helicopters were pioneered as early as 1907 in France, and other types of multicopter have been developed for specialized applications such as unmanned drones."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Westland Gazelle Helicopter Navigation IMC conditions" |
"The IMC Rating is a UK national rating and is designed as a 'get you out of trouble' qualification and not as a replacement for the Instrument Rating.The IMC Rating may not be placed onto an EASA licence. However, the IMC Rating is equivalent to the IR (Restricted) which can be put onto an EASA licence. Once you have obtained the IMC Rating you may apply to the UK CAA to have an IR (Restricted) endorsed on your EASA licenceFlying a helicopter in IMC conditions should be avoided. Most helicopters do not have the instruments to navigate safely under IMC conditions. The ones that do the pilots need to train flying on instruments for many hours. Many people have crashed and died flying in IMC conditions. It is possible to get an Instrument rating (IR) on a helicopter but it is very rare. Few helicopter pilots are IR rated.Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) is an aviation flight category that describes weather conditions that require pilots to fly primarily by reference to instruments, and therefore under instrument flight rules (IFR), rather than by outside visual references under visual flight rules (VFR). Typically, this means flying in cloudy or bad weather. Pilots sometimes train to fly in these conditions with the aid of products like Foggles, specialized glasses that restrict outside vision, forcing the student to rely on instrument indications only.The weather conditions required for flight under VFR are known as visual meteorological conditions (VMC). IMC and VMC are mutually exclusive. In fact, instrument meteorological conditions are defined as less than the minima specified for visual meteorological conditions. The boundary criteria between VMC and IMC are known as the VMC minima. There is also a concept of ""marginal VMC"", which are certain conditions above VMC minima, which are fairly close to one or more of the VMC minima."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Let's Describe In English And Boost Your English Fluency" |
"IN THIS COURSE, we're going to improve your English fluency as we explore, analyze, and examine unique and interesting images of people in action.WE'LL ANALYZE each image and situation in five (5) parts:The SummaryThe Setting (Time & Place)The Action (People & Activities)The Story (The Context)Video Quiz & ReviewTHIS COURSE WILL:Improve your ability to summarize and describe people and situations in EnglishImprove your proficiency with important English vocabulary, idioms, and phrasesImprove your pronunciation of essential English words and expressionsImprove your confidence speaking and describing in EnglishTARGET ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS:English vocabularyEnglish idiomsEnglish pronunciationEnglish conversationEnglish fluencyActive English grammarABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Michael teaches American English. He was born and raised in the United States and speaks with an American accent. Michael is TESOL and TEFL certified. Since 2012, he has successfully taught customized English courses to students from around the world.Michael has graduate and undergraduate degrees in Spanish and Criminal Justice. Prior to living in SE Asia, he was a U.S. Federal Investigator. Before that, Michael was a police officer. Hes fluent in the following languages: English, Spanish, American Sign Language, and Indonesian."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vdeo Currculo Currculo em Vdeo" |
"Existem muito mais candidatos procurando oportunidades de trabalho do que vagas a serem preenchidas. Mas, mesmo diante dessa realidade, possvel se diferenciar entre tantas pessoas que procuram emprego. Alm das habilidades profissionais, voc pode apresentar-se para a vaga de uma forma diferente da esmagadora maioria. O vdeo currculo, ou currculo em vdeo, uma maneira moderna, atual e muito persuasiva para que voc se apresente aos recrutadores da empresa onde deseja trabalhar.Ao se apresentar pelo vdeo, voc consegue imprimir sua personalidade, dar detalhes subjetivos de como como profissional e como pessoa, criar conexo com mais facilidade (porque o representante da corporao ter contato com sua voz, seu rosto, etc.)... Voc poder impactar positivamente e at mesmo impressionar o representante de RH se caprichar no contedo do vdeo.Para empresas que esto acostumadas a receber currculos em papel ou em .doc anexado ao e-mail, o vdeo currculo ir surpreender. Para empresas que j fazem questo de receberem currculos em vdeo, voc ir se destacar dos demais candidatos inexperientes nesta rea.Mas, preciso fazer isso da maneira correta para voc realmente obtenha os resultados desejados. Por isso, as instrutoras Camila Augusto (jornalista especialista em vdeo marketing) e Andrea Sarno (consultora da Avena Consultoria de Desenvolvimento Humano) prepararam um contedo completo para te ajudar a criar seu vdeo currculo ideal.Em menos de 2 horas de curso, com aulas rpidas e prticas, bem direcionadas para quem procura oportunidades de trabalho na era da Comunicao, elas vo te pegar pelas mos e mostrar o caminho das pedras para construir um currculo em vdeo que te leve para outro nvel!E o melhor: sem precisar fazer qualquer investimento extra, caso no queira. O objetivo aqui otimizar o seu desempenho, e no criar uma produo hollywoodiana!Quando a gente se destaca da multido, aumentam nossas chances de sermos escolhidos para, pelo menos, passar por mais fases durante um processo seletivo.Tenho certeza que ir gostar muito do contedo que preparamos com carinho para voc!timo curso e boa sorte no mercado de trabalho!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"(110+Saat)Komple Uygulamal Web Gelitirme Eitimi .NET" |
"25 TL lik kupon kodu iin websitemi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.Websiteme google a boz training yazarak ulaabilirsiniz.Bu Kursta lk Bata Front End Teknolojilerinden balamaktayz.Srasyla HTM5,CSS3,CSS GRID,FLEXBOX,BOOTSTRAP4 ,JAVASCRIPT,JQUERYderslerini grdkten sonra C# a uzun soluklu bir dal yapmaktayz.C# da srasyla Temel lemler Windows Form Uygulamalar ,ADO.NET,SQL,,LINQ,,Entity Framework derslerini ilemekteyiz.Daha sonrasnda REACT JS ve gerek Web API Projeleriyle programlamaya hakimiyetimizi iyice artyoruz ve son olarak ASP.NET MVC projesiyle eitimi bitiriyoruz.Bu eitimin en nemli zellii full PROJE odakl olmas.Bu da benim eitim sektrnden deil piyasann iinden geliyor olmamdan kaynakl."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"50+ Saatlik Komple FRONTEND ETM WEB TASARIM 12+PROJE" |
"25 TL lik kupon kodu iin websitemi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.Websiteme google a boz training yazarak ulaabilirsiniz.-Bu kurs sayesinde frontend gelitirme teknolojilerine hakim olacaksnz.-Teorikle kalmayp bol proje yaparak rendiklerinizi uygulama frsat bulacaksnz.-Html 5 diline hakim olucaksnz -Css3 diline hakim olucaksnz-Javascript diline hakim olucaksnz.-Jquery ile bol pratik yapcaksnz -Bootstrap class larn etkin kullanmay reneceksiniz-Facebook un kard React JS ile Modern web gelitirme aralarn reneceksiniz-React js de Bootstrap i nasl kullanabileceinizi reneceksiniz"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Grego na Ponta da Lngua - Curso de Grego Antigo (Mdulo 2)" |
", ! ;Este curso continuao direta do primeiro mdulo do curso GREGO NA PONTA DA LNGUA. Com a finalidade de proporcionar fcil acesso a uma das lnguas mais influentes da Histria, esta srie resulta de mais de oito anos de experincia no ensino do grego antigo. Seja qual for o seu objetivo apreciar as obras de Plato e Aristteles no original, ler o Novo Testamento na lngua em que ele foi escrito ou simplesmente aprimorar o seu vocabulrio , voc encontrar aqui todos os fundamentos necessrios para dominar este idioma, graas combinao de aulas expositivas com um dos mtodos mais utilizados no estudo do grego em nvel nacional e mundial.Neste mdulo, voc aprender, em primeiro lugar, os conceitos essenciais da gramtica portuguesa e da gramtica grega que lhe permitiro traduzir e verter textos com confiana. Posteriormente, estudar a declinao e a conjugao, fenmenos que ajudam a moldar o esqueleto da lngua grega. Finalmente, absorver um grande nmero de vocbulos, sem nunca deixar de levar em conta o contexto social e cultural do idioma. Inscreva-se j e d mais este importante passo em sua formao!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"25 FALLEN auf dem Weg zur finanziellen Unabhngigkeit" |
"Stelle dir ein Leben ohne Geldsorgen und finanziellen Druck vor. Stelle dir vor, du hast dir eine vollkommene Unabhngigkeit aufgebaut bei der Geld gar keine Rolle mehr spielt. Doch warum sind die meisten Menschen noch meilenweit von diesem Zustand entfernt?Die 25 schlimmsten Finanzfehler & Fallen verhindern es....Es sind die Fehler, die dafr sorgen, dass du stndig in Geldsorgen leben musst. Anstatt finanziell durchatmen zu knnen, sitzt das stndige Geldthema wie ein schweres Gewicht auf deinen Schultern.In diesem Videokurs zeige ich dir deshalb, wie du die wohl schlimmsten 25 Finanzfehler vermeiden kannst.wie du dir ein positives Geld-Mindset aufbaust.worauf es bei finanzieller Freiheit ankommt.wie du das Hamsterrad schnell verlassen kannst.wie du deine persnlichen Finanzen planen kannst.Worauf wartest du noch? Dieser Kurs ist die perfekte Grundlage fr deine finanzielle Freiheit. Sichere dir diesen Kurs und schaffe dir deine eigene Unabhngigkeit vom System.Wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion,dein Leon Dawi-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen guten Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >><< Kurz und prgnant, hat mich weitergebracht. So muss das sein! >>-----------------------"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"NLP Practitioner (Trke Anlatm)" |
"NLP ileri seviye konularn kapsamakla birlikte dnce, davran ve alkanlklarnn alt modelitelerini deitirme almalar. Bol rnekli anlatm ve rnek olaylara deinerek anlatlmakla birlikte ileri seviye NLP Practitioner seviyesine ulatrma kursudur. Zaman izgileri, Sabit Travma ve Travma sreci, gndelik hayatmz da var olan apalar, apalar kontrol etme dzenleme ve kendi hayatmza uyarlayarak apalarn etkisini silmek ve apalar kertme altrmalar."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"NLP le letiim ve kna" |
"nsanlarn karakter analizini yaparak iletiim kategorilerini renip ne tr iletiim dili kullandn fark ederek doru tedbir alabileceksiniz ve Her eyden nce alma yaplacak insanlar derinlemesine kavramamz gerekiyor. te burada insanlar derinlemesine kavrayabileceksiniz. Hangi kategori de olduunu tespit etmek bizim iin bir avantaj olacaktr. Bu yzden dir ki kii kategorilerini bilmek gerekmektedir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"NLP Sreci ve Programlar" |
"NLP, bir daha hibir problem yaamayacanza dair bir garanti vermez fakat size yardmc olabilecek eitli kaynaklar ve seenekler nerir. Ayrca dnya modelinizi genileterek, daha yetenekli ve baarl olmanz salar.Mevcut durum arzu edilen durumdan farkl ise ve birey bu durumlarn birinden dierine gemek iin gerekli olan kaynaklara sahip olup olmadndan emin deilse o zaman bir problem sz konusudur."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |