Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Master Python language - MySQL connector" |
"Python is most popular programming language. Python is easy to learn and write coding in shortest possible time.Our course is presented in with explanations and practice simultaneously for quick learning. 1.1 Python - introduction00:09:551.2 Install Python on Windows00:04:481.4 Understanding Python language00:10:191.5 Python coding style PEP800:08:312.1 Data types - Strings and numbers00:10:212.2 Comments and docstrings00:03:432.3 Control flow statements00:08:502.4 Data structures - Lists and Tuples00:11:003.1 Functions00:11:273.5 Modules and Packages - I00:10:083.6 Modules and Packages - II00:08:054.1 Classes00:08:544.2 Classes - inheritance - multiple inheritance00:09:494.3 Classes - Method Resolution Order (MRO) - multiple inheritance00:07:337.1 Standard libraries00:05:145.1 File read write IO operations00:12:03MySQL connector for Python00:05:00Connecting to MySQL Using ConnectorPython00:17:49TOTAL < 20 Lectures > 3+ hrsPlease watch MySQL course on Udemy with below URI:/learn-mysql-server-administration-workbench-sql-language-easily"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn - MySQL Server, Python Language and DB Administration" |
"This course contains below: 1. MySQL - 19 lectures and 3+hrs duration2. Python Language - 16 lectures and 2.5 hrs duration--------------------------------------------------------------------------Course 1 - MySQLTopicDuration (hh:mm:ss)1.1 MySQL introduction00:08:131.2 MySQL - install on Windows00:11:221.3 MySQL Shell00:06:551.4 MySQL Server00:02:531.5 MySQL Workbench - Part 100:12:171.6 MySQL Workbench - Part 200:09:522.1 SQL introduction00:06:342.2 SQL Data types00:09:152.3 DDL - Data Definition Language00:07:022.4 DML - Data Manipulation Language00:11:362.5 DCL - Data Control Language00:05:222.6 DTL - Data Transaction Language00:10:322.7 Primary key - Foreign key00:13:092.8 SQL Joins00:09:372.9 SQL Views00:13:112.10 Stored programs - Triggers00:10:032.11 Stored programs - Stored procedures 00:08:343.1 MySQL Connector for Python00:05:003.2 Connecting to MySQL Using ConnectorPython00:17:49----------------------------------------------------Course 2 - Python Language 1.1 Python - introduction00:09:551.2 Install Python on Windows00:04:481.4 Understanding Python language00:10:191.5 Python coding style PEP800:08:312.1 Data types - Strings and numbers00:10:212.2 Comments and docstrings00:03:432.3 Control flow statements00:08:502.4 Data structures - Lists and Tuples00:11:003.1 Functions00:11:273.5 Modules and Packages - I00:10:083.6 Modules and Packages - II00:08:054.1 Classes00:08:544.2 Classes - inheritance - multiple inheritance00:09:494.3 Classes - Method Resolution Order (MRO) - multiple inheritance00:07:337.1 Standard libraries00:05:145.1 File read write IO operations00:12:03"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Data Science - Master Analytics and become Data Scientist" |
"Data Science and Data Analytics course covers wide range of topics from language to tools and softwares.49 videos of around 8 hours duration.SectionTopicDuration (hh:mm:ss)1. Data Science1.1 Data Science introduction00:09:501.2 What is the most powerful language00:09:361.3 Data Science Tools00:15:461.4 Deep Learning00:14:532. Python Language1.1 Python - introduction00:09:551.2 Install python on windows00:04:481.4 Understanding Python language00:10:191.5 Python coding style PEP800:08:312.1 Data types - Strings and numbers00:10:212.2 Comments and docstrings00:03:432.3 Control flow statements00:08:502.4 Data structures - Lists and Tuples00:11:003.1 functions00:11:273.5 Modules and Packages - I00:10:083.6 Modules and Packages - II00:08:054.1 Python Classes00:08:544.2 Classes - inheritance - multiple inheritance00:09:474.3 Classes - Method Resolution Order (MRO) - multiple inheritance00:07:335.1 File read write IO operations00:12:037.1 Standard libraries00:05:143. R Language1.1 R Lang introduction00:09:571.2 Installation of R and R Studio00:14:462.1 R Language Intro, Vectors and Objects00:13:332.2 R Language Objects factors00:04:412.3 R Language Arrays Matrices00:12:572.4 R Language Lists - Data frames00:10:352.5 R Language File IO - reading from and writing to files00:15:202.6 R Language Control flow statements2.7 R Language Functions2.8 R Language Statistics, Probability distributions00:11:332.9 R Language Packages - Create, build, install and package00:13:472.10 R Language Plots2.11 RLang and DataScience - Tidyverse00:06:542.12 Tidyverse - ggplot200:10:453.1 R Language secrets4. KNIME1.1 KNIME Introduction00:04:431.2 KNIME installation and setup00:07:121.3 KNIME Analytics Platform Practice session00:15:435. SciPY1.1 Scipy introduction00:10:242.1 Numpy introduction00:06:152.2 Numpy - practice session00:12:363.1 Pandas-Python Data Analysis Library00:06:313.2 Pandas- practice session00:14:294.1 Matplotlib - introduction00:04:384.2 Matplotlib - practice session00:10:155.1 Interactive Python - IPython introduction00:05:066.1 SymPy00:08:246. Tableau1.1 Tableau - introduction00:11:371.2 Tableau Desktop public - Practice session 100:17:461.3 Tableau Desktop public - Practice session WDC00:06:21Data Science is evolving science and have appetite for analytics and this course will walk you through the required skills."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tech Wonders For Teachers" |
"Tech Wonders For Teachers is a module to exhibit and deliver the priorities towards excellence in teaching and learning as a priority. The contents related to experienced sharing and teaching practices of years of experience by the instructor as a National Teacher Award Winner. It is encapsulated towards Teaching with WOW feature through the adoption of Technology in Education and academic delivery in totality."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Health and Well-Being Beginners to Advance masterclass" |
"The most awaited course on Yoga where each anatomy of the body is closely broken down with one of a kind exercises that engages and tunes in both mind, spirit and body. You will learn over 50 asanas (postures) and the latter video shows how to put all the learning together into a seamless flow of Yoga from head to toe accompanied with a soulful music to strengthen yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. It is a full body toning, stretching and relaxing to rejuvenate and make you more nimble, agile and balanced. There are series of exercises that focuses on strengthening, balance and medical poses to strengthen the nervous system and prevent stress related diseases, diabetes, arthritis, blood pressure etc. The course has a clear progression with basic to advance movements. The course perfectly differentiates each movement extending from absolute Beginners to Advance practitioners. You will be guided by the renown practitioner who has years of experience in physical movements with scientific knowledge and medical benefits for each movement. You will gain lot of knowledge with the movements and the sanskrit terminology for the yoga movements."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Enneagram Doesn't Have To Be Hard" |
"Learn about Enneagram !! Through this course, you will be able to understand enneagram easily and this is a lifetime course. I want this amazing system to reach more people. I have given the simple idea on how to find it.How does it help you???It can improve your life. I am a type-4 personality and I need to do the tasks that are closely related to the enneagram type number 5 and type number 3. These are called as the wing numbers which can improve your life and you will find each chapter interesting and it can be learnt with practice. parenting becomes easy , knowing your child behaviour can help you to improve their life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python PCEP Certification Practice Tests" |
"This course contains practice tests to prepare for PCEP (Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer). This course covers the questions from various topics : 1. Introduction to Python and computer programming 2. Data types, variables, basic input-output operations, basic operators 3. Boolean values, conditional execution, loops, lists and list processing, logical and bitwise operations 4. Functions, tuples, dictionaries, and data processingPCEP Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification shows that the individual is familiar with universal computer programming concepts like data types, containers, functions, conditions, loops, as well as Python programming language syntax, semantics, and the runtime environment.Becoming PCEP certified ensures that the individual is acquainted with the most essential means provided by Python 3 to enable her/him to start their own studies at an intermediate level and to continue their professional development.PCEP main exam will contain 30 questions to be solved in 45 minutes.Passing score- 70%Certification Exam Fee from Python Institute is $59Delivery Channel - OpenEDGRegardsDhananjay"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Tai Chi; Beginner Yang Style Tai Chi" |
"Learn an easy Tai Chi form set based on Yang Style Tai Chi. Additionally, you will learn the basic principles of Tai Chi including proper Tai Chi stance, posture and weight transfer. Each movement (called a ""form"") is taught in detail as well as the entire form set. This course gives you plenty of opportunity to practice along with Susan to increase your understanding and independence in moving through Tai Chi! Susan teaches through mirror teaching, so you do not have to reverse the movements when you watch her. This makes learning the movements much easier. Susan is a kind, gentle and knowledgeable Tai Chi instructor. You will learn Tai Chi well and in a comfortable, stress-free manner. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Revit download and install" |
"This course is designed to help you download and install Revit with ease. I will help you create an Autodesk account, explain the system requirements to run the software and how to ensure you get the correct certified hardware. Once the software has been downloaded and installed, I will then guide you through the process of configuring the library file paths and templates. I will not only guide you through the installation process but you will be able to direct message me for further assistance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Event Planning and Organization Course: 8 Tools for you!" |
"Over these 10 years as an event manager and producer and 4 years of being an instructor (both here at Udemy and in face-to-face course), I have developed tools to make my team more manageable, my tools more didatic and my life as an event organizer easier. And here am I sharing with you for free! I have a course on event organization as wel, but thought it would be cool to make these tools widely accessible, so more people can have these unique tools at their disposal when they are planning and organizing their events, be it corporate, fairs, educational or social events!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Organizao de Eventos: 8 Ferramentas Prticas" |
"Depois de uma dcada trabalhando como produtor de eventos e meia dcada como professor na rea e sendo uma pessoa ao mesmo tempo pragmtica e visual, eu mesmo desenvolvi 8 ferramentas para me auxiliar no processo de planejamento e organizao de eventos e tambm ensinar meus alunos de maneira muito prtica, que voc pode baixar agora mesmo e comear a aplicar com sua equipe (ou contigo mesmo, se voc for um EUrganizador de eventos, como j fui por muitos anos).Tenho muita confiana que esse o curso mais rpido e que mais trar impacto na sua vida profissional!O que temos nessa caixa de ferramentas:Auto-avaliao TARGET: os seis pontos para voc mesmo avaliar como voc est no seu planejamentoOs 3 Pblicos: tome controle sobre os trs tipos de pblico para seu evento e deixa o processo mas fludoEstruturao de Time: distribua os seis papeis que todo evento tem que ter entre a sua equipe (ou voc mesmo)Controle de Energia: aprenda a aproveitar o foco e energia da sua plateia a seu favorEscada de Oramento: modelo nico, intuitivo e que ajuda na priorizao do que gastar (BNUS: template de oramento)Limiar de Ao: como convencer seu pblico a ir ao seu evento sem estragar as surpresasTomada de Deciso: matriz para te ajudar a escolher as coisas que mais impactaro seu evento (positiva e negativamente)Design de Patrocnio: como definir as cotas de patrocnio do seu evento de uma maneira intuitivaComece agora mesmo este curso se voc deseja afinar sua habilidades de Planejmento e Organizao de Eventos!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Analysing Tweets using R" |
"People around the globe make over 500 million tweets per day. So, one can only imagine the sheer volume of data available with Twitter. This data is a treasure trove of information. However, one needs to know how to gather this data and then conduct the needed analysis.This course provides all the information regarding How to gather data from Twitter using R ProgrammingHow to conduct basic analysis of the data gathered from TwitterHow to extract the Emotion expressed in the Tweets gatheredWe will use R Programming throughout this course. Thus, this course requires that the participants are conversant with R Programming.If you prefer any other programming language (like. Python, etc.), then you can use this course to learn all the nuances of analysing Twitter Data and apply the same in programming in your language of. preference."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"FON PORTFY YNETM ( Hisse,Altn,Dolar Bazl Portfy Yap )" |
"Merhabalar ,Bu kurs Para Kazanma Sanat Kursunun devam niteliinde bir kurs. Fonlar hakknda bilgiye sahip deil iseniz , ncelikle o kursu izlemenizi tavsiye ederim. lk kursta fonlar tanm , trlerini ve nelere yatrm yaptklarn renmitik ve kurs sonunda ise Gvenli , Dengeli ve Riskli portfy yapmay renmitik.imdi ii PROFESYONEL SEVYEYE IKARACAIZ :BLM 1 : Piyasalar Okumay reneceiz. Kendi Grafiimizi Oluturmak , Giri-k Sinyallerini renmek , Teknik Analiz ve Takip Listesi Oluturmak.BLM 2 : Dolar Ykselii ngrldnde Hangi Fonlar Kullanlabilir ve Nasl Bir Portfy Dalm Yaplmal ?BLM 3 : Altn Ykselii ngrldnde Hangi Fonlar Kullanlabilir ve Nasl Bir Portfy Dalm Yaplmal ?BLM 4 : Bist Borsa - Ykselii ngrldnde Hangi Fonlar Kullanlabilir ve Nasl Bir Portfy Dalm Yaplmal ?BLM 5 : Amerikan Borsar - Ykselii ngrldnde Hangi Fonlar Kullanlabilir ve Nasl Bir Portfy Dalm Yaplmal ?BLM 6 : Sinyal Yok, Bekleme Modunda Hangi Fonlar Kullanlabilir ve Nasl Bir Portfy Dalm Yaplmal ?BLM 7 : Fonlara Giri TeknikleriBLM 8 : Performans Takibi ve Beenmediimiz Fonlar Deitirmek.BONUS : PERFORMANS TAKP , EXCEL TABLOSU :)Artk tam manas ile bir profesyonel yatrmc oldunuz. Tebrikler :)Sayglarmla,Okan"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Nornir - Network Automation" |
"Hello,This course is about network and linux automation via the famous nornir framework. In this course you will get a strong fundation to use for your daily network automation struggles, an linux versions. We will learn how to initialize the project, how to execute commands on linux devices, and how to configure network devices in your infrastructure. There are extra videos which will give you more insight as to what it's like to really get the job done.Hope to see you in the next video.Cheers,Daniel"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mixing 101" |
"How are your Mixing and Mastering skills? Does watching Youtube tutorials have your head spinning with contradictory information? Perhaps you are experienced but you feel there are gaps in your understanding?My name is Eddie Grey and I have been Producing/Composing now for 6 years. I have learned and accomplished a lot in that time frame.At this juncture, I have connected with and helped thousands of people all over the world and now I AM GOING TO HELP YOU. This 101 Basics Mixing course is not what you think it is. I encourage you to sign up and when you do, I guarantee your experience with Production will NEVER BE THE SAME.Say ""Goodbye"" to being stuck and feeling lost andSay ""HELLO"" to better mixes, a Clean Workflow, and Complete Clarity."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Customer Success na prtica: Principais processos de CS" |
"O curso Customer Success na prtica: Conhea os principais processos de CS, apresenta mtodos e dicas para estruturar a rea de CS.O contedo foi dividido em aulas com os temas:Quem precisa de CSComeando pelo Mapa de SucessoDefinindo os indicadores para anliseCriando os playbooksOrganizando a jornadaEscutando o clienteO instrutor d dicas e mostra como estruturar os processos da rea de maneira simples e funcional.Aps o curso os alunos podero aplicar as metodologias no seu trabalho e melhorar a forma como cuidam dos clientes de sua base."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Design Profissional de Capas de Livros e Ebooks com o Canva" |
"Quer desenhar suas prprias capas de e-books e livros comuns mas est sem ideias ou no sabe por onde comear? Quer aprender design grfico para produzir capas de livros e e-books para outras pessoas ou empresas? Ento esse curso de Design Profissional de Capas de Livros e E-books com o Canva para voc.O Canva um site gratuito de ferramentas de design grfico muito utilizado no mundo todo. Ele foi fundado h alguns anos e j atraiu a ateno de empreendedores e outros entusiastas em design por conta de sua acessibilidade e facilidade de construir Ele tem uma interface muito fcil de usar, baseada em ""arrastar e soltar"", contando ainda com mais de um milho de fotografias, grficos e fontes que podem ser usadas em inmeros projetos. uma ferramenta usada por amadores e profissionais em projetos de design grficos para mdias impressas e tambm para a internet. Para se ter uma noo, milhes de designs so criados anualmente somente com a utilizao do Canva.Neste Design Profissional de Capas de Livros e E-books com o Canva voc vai aprender a fazer design de capas para livros fsicos e e-books de uma maneira simples, rpida e econmica, j que a ferramenta gratuita e voc no precisa arcar com custos de profissionais caros.Ao se inscrever nesse curso voc ter todo o meu suporte para tirar dvidas e completar o curso com mais rapidez.Ter tambm direito, ao completar todo o curso, a um certificado gerado pela Udemy. Esta uma excelente maneira de dar um upgrade no seu currculo. Diversas empresas de sucesso e bem famosas utilizam os cursos da Udemy para aumentar o conhecimento dos seus funcionrios diariamente.Ser um prazer ser seu instrutor nesse Design Profissional de Capas de Livros e E-books com o Canva.Te vejo dentro do curso.Um abrao.Michael"
Price: 534.99 ![]() |
"Chatbots con Inteligencia Artificial - Paso a Paso" |
"Los chatbots y la automatizacin en lnea, el modelado del lenguaje, la extraccin de eventos, la deteccin de fraudes en contratos enormes son habilidades en alta demanda!Aprender Procesamiento Natural de Lenguaje es clave para aportar soluciones reales a las necesidades de tuus clientes.Aprovecharemos la enorme cantidad de datos de voz y texto disponibles en lnea, y exploraremos el muundo de los chatbots con inteligencia artificial 1) Primero, nos sumergiremos en las Redes Convolucionales para crear una aplicacin de anlisis sentimental. 2) Luego iremos a los Transformadores, reemplazando a Redes Neuronales Recurrentes, para crear un sistema de traduccin de idiomas.Puedes utilizar este modelo Seq2Seq y adaptarlo para cualquier necesidad de chatbot que veas posible!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Juniper JNCDS-DC and JNCDS-SEC: Practice Test (Updated)" |
"Practice test for Juniper JNCDS-DC and JNCDS-SEC: Practice Test (Updated 2020)Data Center Design Specialist Exam JN0-1301(JNCDS-DC) exam practice test for designed for networking designers and professionals with intermediate knowledge of data center network design, theory, and best practices, this exam validate the candidates understanding of data center network design skill. JNCDS-DC Juniper Official Exam Details :- Exam code: JN0-1301Administered by Pearson VUEExam length: 90 minutesExam type: 65 multiple-choice questionsPass/fail status is available immediatelySecurity Design Specialist (JNCDS-SEC) Exam JN0-1331(JNCDS-SEC) exam practice test designed for networking designers and professionals with intermediate knowledge of network security, theory, and best practices, this exam validate the candidates understanding of designing secure networks.JNCDS-SEC Juniper Official Exam Details :- Exam code: JN0-1331Administered by Pearson VUEExam length: 90 minutesExam type: 65 multiple-choice questionsPass/fail status is available immediatelyThis practice test will help you prepare before taking the real main examThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Juniper in any way.Best Wishes for your exam"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Nota Okuma Solfej Dersleri Lavinyak Lavignac 1A" |
"Mzii tek bana notalar oluturmaz. Mzik eserleri, notalarn zamansal organizasyonu ile anlam kazanr. Bu organizasyonu renmenin yegane yolu solfej dirSolfej: Notalar adlaryla,sesleriyle ve sreleriyle okumaya denir.Bona: Notalar sadece adlar ve sreleriyle okumaya denirKursumuzda solfej ve bona okumaya rnekler bulunmaktadr. Derslerimizde basitten karmaa doru pek ok etd yani alma eserlerini beraber seslendireceiz. Amacmz teknolojiyi kullanarak elimizden geldiince iinizi kolaylatrp hzl renmenizi salamaktr.Alternatif renme ekileriniz ya konservatuara gidip renmek yada zel dersler alp renmek.Bu renme ekillerinde belli bir sre ve mfredata bal olmak zorundasnz.Fakat buradan renmeye karar verdiyseniz yeteneiniz dorultusunda ok ksa srede byk mesafeler katedeceksiniz. nk eitimciniz dilediiniz yerde ve zamanda yannzda olacaktralmalarnz buradaki sralamayla yaptnz takdirde ksa bir sre sonra nota okumaya balayacaksnz Peki! Bu ne iinize yarayacak? yleki nasl bir ressam renkleri tanmadan doru drst bir tablo meydana getiremez ise Yada bir air harfleri bilmeden iirini kada dkemez ise mzisyenlerde nota bilmeden eserini kada dkemez yada yazlm bir eseri seslendiremezler. una emin olmalsnz eer mzisyen olmaya karar verdiyseniz Nota yazmay ve okumay renmelisiniz. Tek yapmanz gereken almak almak almak."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Intelligent Investieren lernen - Investment Masterkurs" |
"Denk an ein wichtiges Ziel, das du willst oder vielleicht eines, an dem du bereits arbeitest.Vielleicht hast du viele Rckschlge erleben mssen, viele Enttuschungen, einige Niederlagen.Vielleicht hast du bereits aufgegeben.Aber vielleicht brauchst du nur ein wenig Feuer, um wieder ins Spiel zu kommen.Es gibt Gewinner,es gibt Verlierer und es gibt Menschen die noch nicht entdeckt haben wie man gewinnt. Und alles was sie brauchen ist ein bisschen Coaching alles was Sie brauchen ist etwas Hilfe , nur ein klein wenig Untersttzung. Alles was diese Menschen brauchen ist einen Einblick eine andere Strategie EINEN PLAN , um mit Hilfe der uneingeschrnkten Macht die Sie in sich haben Anpassungen vorzunehmen die den Wege zu einer ganz neuen Zukunft erffnen.In diesem Kurs werden wir die Grundlagen des Investments besprechen. Sie erhalten Einblicke und Gedankenanste darber, wie Sierichtig mit Geld umgehen.Intelligent Investieren lernen.Methoden der erfolgreichen Investoren bernehmen.einen Plan entwickeln um mehr Einkommen zu erwirtschaften.verstehen wie das Investment-Spiel funktioniert.Tipps und Einleitungen erhalten, die Sie konkret umsetzen knnen.ein ""Steuer-Verstndnis"" entwickeln, welches Ihnen einen Vorteil als Unternehmer verschafft.Investitionsmglichkeiten erschaffen.Grundlagen des Geldes und die Funktionsweise von Einkommen und Geschften unterscheiden knnen.Auerdem erhalten Sie einige Unterlagen, um Ihren Individuellen Plan direkt in die Tat umzusetzen.Ich wnsche Ihnen viel Spa mit diesem Kurs und vor allem viel Erfolg!Adam J.Jackson"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Online Business and Marketing Made Simple" |
"These days everyone wants to make money and be ahead in what they do. It is also true that we all know one thing or another hence we should try to share this knowledge that we have. There is no restriction to knowledge sharing hence the reason for this course. Online business gives you the opportunity to make passive income.I have put all these together from what I have learned. Go and sell!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mediumship and Psychic development" |
"Mediumship and Psychic development course will provide you with the skills and techniques used by professional mediums to contact and work with spirit, this course will guide you and take you on a journey to meet your spirit guides and help you balance your energy centres for optimum development. I am absolutely passionate in my work as a medium and helping others develop their own Mediumship skills motivates me to be the best medium I can be, at the end of this course you will have the knowledge and skills to communicate with spirit in any situation, the course will also open you up to new areas of mediumship and give you the foundations to develop further."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Past life regression" |
"This course will take you to the Akashic records hall and you can see your soul book and observe your past lives, you will meet your Akashic guide who will help you on your journey and once you know the way, you can visit as many times as you like and learn about phobias or desires to visit other countries, you can cut Karmic ties and build a stronger life moving forward by avoiding past influences."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Using Crystals and Stones in Your Chakra Work" |
"Would you like to learn about the chakras, how to tell if they are in a state of imbalance, and how to use crystals and stones to help bring them into balance? Have a love of chakras but would like to know what crystals work for which chakra? This is the course for you!Bonus Mini Reiki Section."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Using Aromatherapy in Your Reflexology Sessions" |
"Learn about essential oils, dilution, making master blends, ways to use oils in session, and how to market it to your clients in this course! Designed for bodyworkers and massage therapists as there is no sections on massage techniques, only focusing on the aromatherapy side and how to use it on reflex points."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Weka: Minera de Datos, Preprocesamiento y Clasificacin" |
"Un curso enfocado en mostrar el uso de las herramientas para el preprocesamiento de datos, en el que el alumno debe practicar con la dems data que proporciona Weka para afianzar sus conocimientos.Adems mostrar algunos clasificadores y cmo funcionan.Si el alumno tiene alguna pregunta, o quiere que se mejore algn material, o que se explique ms detalladamente debe consultarle al profesor. Para que el curso gane calidad y cantidad."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Forense - Aprenda fazer Pericia em Celular" |
"O curso de MOBILE FORENSE, para voc que est iniciando ou j tem habilidades, detetive, advogados, tcnicos em informtica, magistrados, ou quem j atua como Perito Forense, e precisa aprimorar com novas ferramentas e tambm para as pessoas que tem curiosidade em entender como realizado uma pericia em um celular. Faa extraes de relatrios para os laudos ou parecer tcnico."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Curso de trading enfocado en la accin del precio + recursos" |
"Aprende todo lo necesario para crear tu propia estrategia de trading basada en la accin del precio, si operar con indicadores tcnicos te ha causado ms de un dolor de cabeza, este curso es para ti.El 99% de los indicadores tcnicos toman informacin del pasado, informacin con retraso para tratar de predecir el futuro.Llenar la pantalla con demasiados indicadores hace que pierdas de vista lo que es verdaderamente importante - el precio, lo que se traduce a decisiones equivocadas y por ende tus probabilidades de xito disminuyen.En este curso aprenders una metodologa de operacin simple y descomplicada, a travs de la accin del precio tomars decisiones basadas en lo que esta haciendo el precio en el momento presente (al momento de operar), es decir informacin sin retraso, y lo mejor de todo, puedes aplicar esta estrategia a cualquier mercado que elijas: acciones, divisas, ndices, materias primas.Al finalizar el curso tendrs acceso a varios recursos gratis:Manifiesto de un trader - mejores tips para invertir.Estrategia detallada paso a paso para saber cundo entrar y cuando salir, tanto para un mercado bajista como alcista."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guided Cacao Ceremony: Activation" |
"Join us for an online Cacao Ceremony. We will guide you on a journey of transformation for 2 or more people! The Ceremony Includes:An intro to Cacao Ceremonies w/ prep infoA guided MeditationA mantraA dyads practice w/ introductionA Sound bathDo the process in order and give it 100 percent of your commitment and you will receive maximum benefitsYou can revisit this process again and again, as you will have lifetime access!This is also a great template that can be followed for your own Cacao Ceremonies & Community Gatherings!I look forward to taking you on this process! :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 ile Yeteneklerinizi Kefedin" |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CC; film, TV ve web iin sektr lideri video dzenleme yazlmdr. Yaratc aralar, dier uygulamalar ve hizmetlerle entegrasyonuyla video ekimlerini k filmlere ve videolara dntrmenize yardmc olur. Bu eitimle Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 srmnn zelliklerini ve yapabileceklerini reneceksiniz. Eitimi tamamladktan sonra Premiere yazlmn renmekle kalmayacak yapacanz uygulamalarla kendi profesyonel kliplerinizi yapabileceksiniz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |