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"Mindfulness - techniki i narzdzia poprawy jakoci ycia" |
"Kurs video ""Mindfulness: techniki i narzdzia poprawy jakoci ycia"" skierowany jest zarwno do tych osb, ktre chc poprawi jako swojej yciowej aktywnoci w relacjach z innymi - przyjacimi, partnerami czy rodzin - jak i samymi sob. Rwnie do tych, ktrzy chc wykorzysta techniki i narzdzia mindfulness do poprawy jakoci swojej pracy - zwikszenia jej efektywnoci przy jednoczesnym wyeliminowaniu efektu zmczenia, czy wypalenia zawodowego. W dzisiejszym, rozpdzonym wiecie coraz trudniej o uwano - im wicej otaczajca rzeczywisto produkuje bodcw, tym czciej im ulegamy, przez co tracimy nie tylko efektywno, ale te yciow harmoni i rwnowag. Pojawia si stres, natok myli, spada umiejtno koncentracji i odporno na przeciwnoci losu, czy zawodowe wyzwania. Rozwizaniem nie jest udawanie, e nas to nie dotyczy, ale akceptacja takiej a nie innej rzeczywistoci i znalezienie w nas samych najlepszych sposobw na odzyskanie rwnowagi w naszych dotychczasowych systemach i rodowiskach - zwizkach, rodzinie i pracy. Nie znam szybszego i bardziej skutecznego sposobu na popraw jakoci naszego ycia w tym zakresie ni techniki i narzdzia mindfulness. To dziki nim nasza gowa wraca na swoje waciwe miejsce, by maksymalnie czsto znajdowa si dokadnie tam gdzie w danej chwili znajduje si nasze ciao. Powraca efektywno, sprawczo i spokj. Pojawia si rwnie to, co najcenniejsze - rado ycia, spenione budowanie relacji, a praca zaczyna nas cieszy, zamiast jedynie mczy.Uwiadomienie sobie mechanizmw dziaania wasnego mzgu bywa niezwykle odkrywcze i pomocne w szybkiej rekonfiguracji naszych nawykw, przekona oraz rodzaju aktywnoci. To pierwszy i niezbdny krok na drodze do uwanoci. Kolejny krok to wykorzystanie najbardziej skutecznych narzdzi. Gro z nich wypracowano w wielu tradycjach i kulturach przed setkami i tysicami lat. Jeli s skuteczne do dzisiaj, to wystarczy je obra z niepotrzebnego bagau wierze, czy wiatopogldw, by skorzysta z ich uzdrawiajcej siy. Wwczas na efekty naprawd nie trzeba dugo czeka."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
yknmdjmz |
"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Logo Go3 ile Bilgisayarl n Muhasebe" |
"Eitim tamamen i odakldr. Bu eitimi aldktan sonra logo go3 programyla alan firmalarda ie girebilirsiniz. Tek Dzen Hesap planna gre anlatm yaplmtr.Muhasebe bir bilimdir. Ezberlerseniz anlamazsnz, anlamazsanz da renemezsiniz! Bu kursun amac muhasebeyi ezberlerden, zihin bulandran tekrarlardan kurtararak nasl ve neden sorularna cevap vererek rencilerine muhasebeyi ok fazla rnek yaparak kavratmaya almaktr. Muhasebeyi anlamaya baladnzda greceksiniz ki, aslnda her ey olduka sistematik ve bir o kadar da kolay. Muhasebenin mantn kavradnz zaman artk i hayatna hazr olacaksnz.Neden mi? nk artk siz, muhasebeyi biliyorsunuz!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
dyzinterior |
", . , . , . , -. , !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel com nfase em R.S.V.P." |
"Atualizao: Nos vdeos onde constam as teclas de atalhos ""CTRL + A"", favor considera-las para a verso em ingls. Para a verso em portugus as teclas para seleo total da lapela ""CTRL + T"".O curso composto por 11 video-aulas, mais o video de apresentao, com os principais temas relacionados s ferramentas do Excel, com nfase em R.S.V.P.Frmulas, funes e procedimentos que resultam em maior produtividade e qualidade do trabalho.O contedo bastante volumoso e recomendo a anotao de dvidas, relacionadas aos minutos do vdeo, para posterior resoluo.Todos os temas so relevantes para a elaborao de procedimentos e operaes no cotidiano da pr produo de eventos, tambm estendendo-se a outros objetivos, pois o formato e modo operante similar, baseado na formatao da planilha operacional. Ainda, esse curso oferece base metodolgica e conhecimento para posteriores cursos de reas especficas: Excel com nfase em roominglist e Excel com nfase em transfer."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
managementbasics |
", , . : ? ? , , ? ? ? """" """"? ? ? ? ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Practice Exams" |
"We are offering lot of scenario-based practice questions for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification exam.We offer detailed explanations to each and every question that will help you to understand the question.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.We assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Travel Agency's Business Plan (Arabic)" |
"- . - - - - - - - - - - -"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"React Native (2020): Le guide complet (+Redux & Hooks)" |
"React Native est devenu en quelques annes un framework incontournable dans le dveloppement d'applications mobiles. Bas sur React, qui s'enrichit chaque anne de nouveaux concepts innovants et performants, React Native permet aux dveloppeurs front-end de publier des applications natives Android et iOS avec Javascript. la fin de ce cours, tu auras dvelopp plusieurs applications et tu sauras les publier sur l'App Store et le Play Store. La difficult des concepts sera graduelle : nous commenceras par des concepts de base pour terminer par le dveloppement d'une application ralisant des requtes Http vers API. Si tu dbutes avec React, pas de panique ! Nous verrons ensemble les concepts de base de React. Tu apprendras tout ce qui est ncessaire de savoir sur React pour se lancer avec React Native.Tu pourras aussi me contacter pour poser toutes les questions que tu veux. Chacun est diffrent et je comprends trs bien que certains passages peuvent tre complexes. Alors n'hsite pas m'crire !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Impara il tedesco con Vale&Tomy" |
"ll corso di ""tedesco online con Vale e Tomy"" ha come obiettivo quello di trasmettere in maniera semplice e divertente le nozioni base della lingua tedesca. Attraverso la realizzazione di mini-video lo studente avr la possibilit di avere sempre a disposizione la spiegazione dell'insegnante e del suo amico inseparabile a 4 zampe, Tomino. Oltre al materiale video lo studente potr scaricare tutto il materiale didattico nonch fare degli esercizi sugli argomenti trattati per valutare il suo stato di apprendimento."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Le basi del pilates" |
"Il Pilates un ottimo alleato per tonificare tutti i muscoli del corpo e migliorare la postura. Puoi iniziare con alcuni degli esercizi base proposti in questo corso e grazie alla pratica e costanza raggiungerai presto i benefici che cerchi.Gli esercizi sono semplici e tutti possono eseguirli. Potrai rivedere e riascoltare le indicazioni fermando il video tutte le volte che servir finch non ti sentirai sicuro/a di aver imparato bene, inoltre potrai contattare la tua insegnante se dovessi avere dubbi o domande specifiche.Alla fine del primo modulo in cui avrai imparato ad eseguire accuratamente gli esercizi proposti, ne troverai un altro in cui potrai seguire delle sessioni di allenamento insieme a me applicando quello che hai imparato precedentemente.Nel secondo modulo potrai accedere a 3 sessioni di lavoro pi articolate in cui andrai ad applicare tutte le abilit che hai appreso nel primo. Questa impostazione ti permette di seguire le lezioni del secondo modulo evitando di fare errori basilari."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende robtica con Abilix Krypton 5" |
"En este curso aprenders a construir un robot Abilix Krypton 5 listo para un torneo, lo que incluye dimensiones reglamentarias y tips recopilados durante 3 aos de competencias. Tambin aprenders a utilizar la aplicacin Abilix Krypton con la que podrs programar tu robot de una manera sencilla. Adems de eso aprenders a identificar las fallas ms frecuentes y cmo solucionarlas. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fondamenti di Project Management" |
"Corso introduttivo alla disciplina del Project Management.A partire dalla definizione di progetto, vengono discussi i ruoli del team e la relazione con tutte le parti interessate (Stakeholders).Il focus del corso, infatti, definire come il progetto possa nascere e relazionarsi con le varie organizzazioni che lo ""ospitano"".Il riferimento che viene seguito in questo corso, come glossario e come approccio, lo standard di Project Management del PMI, Project Management Institute."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Remove Your Negative Energy" |
"We want to life our lives to the fullest, somehow, there is something holding us back. We do not know what it is. This course lets the participants see the little things that can lead to massive difficulty in their lives. They will be exposed to the tools that can be used in their quest to achieve dreams. Participants will be brought into the realms of understanding what it means to lead themselves and have their negative emotions being removed in the process."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
PowerPoint |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"ngilizce Kursu Animasyon ve Diyaloglarla Gerek ngilizce" |
"ngilizce renmeye alyorsunuz ancak bir trl doru yntemi bulamadnz m? Geleneksel dil kurslarndan, gramer arlkl eitimlerden bunaldnz m?te size gerek ngilizce konumay retecek elenceli ve bir o kadar da bilgi dolu bir kurs.Dil renme srecinizde animasyon karakterlerimiz sizlere yardmc olacak. Derslerdeki karakterlerimizin diyaloglar gnlk hayattan zenle seilmi ve belli bir sistematie gre sralanmtr.Gnlk konumada sklkla kullanacanz cmle yaplar ve kelimeler derslerdeki diyaloglara zenle yerletirilmitir ve her video ders sizin de tekrar etmenizi salayacak ekilde dizayn edilmitir.Tm seslendirmeler Amerikal eitmenler tarafndan yaplmtr. Bylelikle gerek telaffuzu ve aksan renebileceksiniz.Kursumuzun animasyonlarnda kullanlan cmle yaplar diyaloglardan sonra yazl bir ekilde de size sunulmakta ve Trke karlklaryla kyaslayarak renmeniz pekitirilmektedir.Derslerimizde rendiiniz cmleleri birebir tekrar edebilecek ve bylece doru telaffuz ve aksan renerek nceki yanl renmelerinizi de dzeltebileceksiniz.rendiiniz cmle yaplarn daha iyi anlamanz ve ayn yaplara kullanarak daha fazla cmle kurabilmenizi salamak iin Gramer konu anlatmlar da ekledik. Bu anlatmlar da Amerikal eitmenlerimiz tarafndan seslendirilmitir.Ayrca, derslerde diyaloglar PDF dosya olarak da kursa ekledik. Bu dosyalar indirerek dersin sonunda yazl da alabilirsiniz. Bu dosyalar unlar iermektedir:Animasyonlarda geen gnlk konuma diyaloglarDiyaloglardaki cmlelerin Trke karlklarKullanlan cmle yaplar ve kelimelerBu yaplar ve kelimelerin Trke karlklarEk konu anlatmlarDersleri tamamlayc ilave konularKursumuz sayesinde ana diliniz gibi ngilizce konumann birinci aamas olan doru aksan dinleyebilecek ve gnlk konumada kullanlan tm kelimeler ve cmleleri doru telaffuzlaryla renebileceksiniz.Bylelikle,Yurt iinde veya yurt dnda karlatnz yabanclarla rahatlkla iletiim kurabileceksiniz.Okuduunuz ve dinlediiniz gnlk konuma cmlelerini anlayabilecek ve ifadeleri kullanabileceksiniz.zlediiniz ngilizce filmleri, dizileri ve haberleri daha iyi anlamaya balayacaksnz.Ayrca, soru & cevap blmnde dilediiniz zaman bize sorularnz sorabilirsiniz.Kursa bir kez kayt olduktan sonra mr boyu gncellemelerden ve yeni eklenen derslerden faydalanabileceksiniz. Kursa srekli yeni animasyon video dersler eklenecek ve ierik srekli zenginletirilecektir.%100 renci memnuniyeti ve 30 gn para iade garantisiKursumuz %100 memnuniyet garantilidir. Eer memnun kalmazsanz 30 gn iinde iade edebilir ve dediiniz tm paray geri alabilirsiniz.Sayglarmzla,Corpus Academy"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"AD2- E551 Adobe Experience Platform Qualified Certification" |
"Hi Students,Adobe Experience Platform (formerly the Adobe Cloud Platform) is the most popular and demand in the market.AD2- E551 Adobe Experience Platform Qualified Certification:The questions are 100% appear in your exam.This practice test will let you know the pattern.Before giving this certification you should be expertise in Adobe Experience Manager product family.This certification should enhance your profile Many Thanks!"
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"Classic & Volume Eyelash Extensions" |
"Jump start your lash knowledge with this lash training that teaches you all you need to know to apply fabulous lashes. Learn the ins-and-outs of the lash industry, as well as tips and techniques to start lashing right away. This course is ideal for beginner lash stylists or lash artists who want to improve their lashing game.*Disclaimer*I teach this lash extension training course on a mannequin head & also show you behind the scenes of an eyelash application. Before you practice on a live model I always recommend you do so under the supervision of a lash trainer or a licensed technician.The Full Time Lash Artist's complete manual is provided for my in-person trainings/ workshops or for my one on one coaching clients. For this online training, we have provided the essential documents to complete your beginner level training. If you are interested in learning more, please contact me thru my Udemy account.The resources can be found in the following lectures:1) Lecture 1 - Lash Tools & Products Needed2) Lecture 2 - Lash Workbook3) Lecture 3 - Classic Lash Application [Mannequin training]4) Lecture 4 - Volume Lash Application [Real Client application]5) Lecture 12 - How To Customize The Lash Foam Tape Who this course is for:Beginner Lash ArtistBeauty professionalsBeauty ConsultantsEstheticiansCosmetologistsMassage TherapistsMake-Up ArtistsNail Technicians"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Photoshop. |
"Photoshop. , ! 2 . PSD- . : . . """". . . . .. . . . . Camera Raw."
Price: 5299.00 ![]() |
"Rumba Solo Tanz Choreografie" |
"Wir starten bei 0 und steigern das Wissen. Die Levels bauen von 0 bis ca. Stufe 5+ auf.Rumba ist ein Charaktaristisch romantischer tanz. Weiche und zackige Bewegungen finden Einklang miteinander und lassen viel Spielraum und Freiheit fr Ausdruck. Man kann das Tanzen leben! Wir lernen alleine und knnen das anschlieend auch paarweise anwenden."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Drehtechnik - Wir machen das tanzen leichter!" |
"In diesem Kurs werden einige Drehungen die in Standard- und Lateintnzen, sowie auch anderen Tnzen blich und relevant sind, gezeigt und erklrt. Die ntige Technik, um stabil zu drehen, und auch dabei gut auszusehen, flieen ebenfalls mit in den Unterricht ein. Auerdem bekommen Sie eine bersicht der Drehungen mit den dazugehrigen Details, wie z.B. Drehgrad, Figur..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Financial Management 1: Complete Course for CA/CFA/FRM/CMA" |
"To become an expert in finance, one needs to thoroughly understand all basic concepts of it. Hence, this course will cover all important financial management concepts such as Time value of money, Present Value, Future Value, Annuity, Bond valuation, Stock valuation, Cost of Capital, WACC, Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity to give more clarity about the subject. This course needs no prior knowledge to start with. Any one from any department can take this basic course and polish their understanding about Finance. The entire course is composed of 5 topicsIntroductionIt includes the list of contents for all topics .one can get complete view of the entire course by going through the introduction partTime Value of MoneyIt includes the time value of money conceptsExamples for demonstration of concept and understandingBondsit includes Concept and calculation of Financial terms related to BondExamples for demonstration of concept and understandingStocksIt includes Concept and Calculation of Financial terms related to StocksExamples for demonstration of concept and understandingWaccIt includes Concept and Calculation of Financial terms related to WaccExamples for demonstration of concept and understanding"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Metodologa para coaching virtual" |
"El curso presenta un mtodo para realizar sesiones de coaching con una mayor efectividad, que si nos guiamos solo por nuestro instinto. Si bien, cada escuela de coaching prepara a sus alumnos con una cierta estructura, esta no necesariamente muestra un proceso lgico con el cual el coach se pueda guiar. Adems conocers cuales son los ingredientes necesarios para que la intimidad y cercana de las sesiones presenciales, puedan replicarse a las sesiones virtuales sin que stas puedan resentirse por la separacin de una pantalla."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mercadea y vende con tu portafolio artstico y/o creativo!" |
"Este curso est dirigido a diseadores, fotgrafos y artistas, el cual entregar el conocimiento necesario para que armen su portafolio artstico o creativo. Guiar a los estudiantes a crear un copy exitoso que capture la atencin de sus compradores y sean re dirigidos a su website o portal de venta, donde podrn cerrar la venta de sus piezas artsticas, creativas, productos o servicios.A travs del uso de las herramientas y de los tips que entregar en esta clase, cada estudiante podr garantizar que su portafolio sea visto de principio a fin, despertando inters en el pblico, garantizando que las personas a quienes les gusta su trabajo, compren sus productos o servicios."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PPLIAPI2020-02-PSAK 71: Instrumen Keuangan" |
"The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) menerbitkan versi final dari IFRS 9, Financial Instruments pada bulan Juli 2014. IFRS 9 tersebut akan menggantikan IAS 39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurements serta mulai berlaku secara efektif setelah tanggal 1 Januari 2018.Di Indonesia, DSAK telah menerbitkan PSAK 71, Instrumen Keuangan yang berlaku efektif sejak 1 Januari 2020. PSAK 71 merupakan standar baru yang akan menggantikan standar yang berlaku saat ini (IAS 39 atau PSAK 55), yang akan berlaku efektif 2018 hampir di seluruh dunia dan pada 2020 di Indonesia. Tantangan yang dihadapi dalam implementasi PSAK 71 adalah ketersediaan data dan kualitas data untuk melakukan prediksi dengan menggunakan risk management technic dan pentingnya tools statistic untuk mendukung perhitungan tersebut.Pelatihan ini dilengkapi dengan isu penerapan PSAK 71 dalam Laporan Keuangan. Manajemen Perusahaan, Akuntan, Akuntan Publik, dan staf Auditor di Indonesia, diharapkan meng-update kompetensi dan pemahamannya, sehingga kualitas pelaporan keuangan dan auditnya semakin meningkat, serta dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna jasa dan mengemban kepercayaan publik."
Price: 980000.00 ![]() |
"Basics Of Java Programming Language: Concepts and Coding" |
"This course has been developed to give the detail understanding of core concepts of java to the students to start developing the program with java. Along with the understanding of the concepts this course also explain how to write the program and give the major description of the core component of java program structure, implementation of OOPs concepts, user inputs, loops,constructors , inner-outer classes etc. along with live demo.After completion of the course learner can write the good programs with detail understanding of concepts."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
FX |
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
"A dan Z ye Microsoft Exchange Server" |
"Exchange Server dnyann en ok kullanlan mail ve mesajlama sunucusudur. Bu eitim sonrasnda Microsoft Exchange Server ihtiyalarn belirleyip Exchange Server 2016'y sfrdan kurup deploy edip ve yneterek, mesajlama ve altyaps uzman olarak alabilirsiniz.Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 srmn rendikten sonra ok kolay bir ekilde Exchange Server 2019 ve Exchange Online srmlerini kullanabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate T-shirt Design Course with Canva for Beginners" |
"Welcome, and thank you for checking in.This course is a step-by-step guide to designing t-shirts using Canva. I'll walk you through the details of each design and make sure to keep you at the same pace. At the end of this course, you'll be able to design your own t-shirts whether you're a complete beginner or with no experience in graphic design at all. I'm excited to launch these lectures and share my expertise with you.In addition to design lectures, we will go through uploading artwork on a print-on-demand platform and creating mockups of our designs.After taking this course you will:Be able to design your own t-shirtsLearn to use Canva efficientlyDevelop a sense of creativityBe confident in choosing the right fonts and colorsHave your own fully-fledged print-on-demand store live and sellingCreate mockups of your designs for adsI'm looking forward to seeing you in my course, and I hope you'll enjoy the process!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Gratitude Map: 10 Days to a Grateful Mindset" |
"Embark on a personal growth adventure and re-discover what matters most in life. What do you get when you combine the power of science, tradition and 10+ years of coaching experience?A unique Map to guide you through all of life's challenges:Learn to create a state of productivity every day for the rest of your lifeMaster the 8 Obstacles in between you and total happinessLearn the 12 most powerful, time-honored habits for success and build your own, custom Daily Gratitude PracticeDiscover the ""Secret Weapon"" for massively increasing your fulfillment and purposeUncover ""The 3 Pillars"" for creating satisfying, long-lasting relationships with others...Plus BONUS content, training videos, guided meditations, music and more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
wyjflloc |
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |