Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Excel Courage Blueprint by using NLP" |
"This Course is best to make step by step changes in person's thoughts so that one can start leading life courageously.Most of the people have so much talents and wants to live life fully but somewhere in their mind they are stuck because of their fears, some wrong beliefs because of that they face failures or did not get enough courage to take steps to bring success in their life..Continuous thoughts of wrong beliefs and facing failure they create their low self image .Such people lead life with low self esteem and not able to see their bright future.This Program helps in improving thought process and from that helps in creating new beliefs.Relaxation techniques are there to remove mind's blockage.Through this blueprint ,person is able to create his/her good self image and able to see bright future through NLP based exercises.With repeatations and consistency, this program will help in making person more courageous and more positive towards different phases of life."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Writing in Science and Research" |
"This course is dedicated to undergraduate or graduate students in science, engineering, medicine, nursing, or pharmacy schools, all who are interested in writing and editing their research or summer project professionally. The course covers four main areas:1- Writing a proposal, and solving problems during research.2- Writing research in parallel to lab-work.3- Writing tools and styles, writing 4- Editing research papers and thesis."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teach yourself: Jaw and Face Massage" |
"Need a quick massage? Are you getting Headaches?Are you having Sinus issues?Do you clench your Jaw?Learn how to give yourself a quick face, head and jaw massage. If you have tightness in your jaw, learn how to massage inside the mouth. This can help when you can not get in for a massage. Great on your coffee or lunch break or just before bed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kako sloiti eBook, landing page i privui hrpu lidova?" |
"Ovu edukaciju svaki poetnik moe svladati, tako je sve koncipirano. Za sve kupce edukacije osigurana je i posebna Facebook grupa podrke u implementaciji nauenoga.Upravo zato vas vodim korak-po-korak i objanjavam to trebate znati, govorim ono to neete moi proitati ni u jednoj knjizi. Ono to bih ja volio da je bar meni neko rekao, kako bih izbjegao mnoge greke koje sam napravio do sad.Prije svega, trebate biti svjesni da postoje 3 vrste prometa:Promet koji kontrolirate - na nain da objavljujete na npr. Facebooku, Instagramu itd., ali tamo imate organski doseg od mizernih cca 7-10%Promet koji zaradite - to je promet oko kojega se namuite, a radi se o dogovorenim gostovanjima, plaenim oglasima itd.Vlastiti promet - to je promet koji je najvaniji! Jer ti kontakti koji se skupe na ovaj nain, ostaju samo vama! NOVAC LEI U VLASTITOM PROMETU koje imate u svojoj bazi! Sve ostalo je doslovno bacanje novaca, jer Facebook i druge platforme uvijek e vas ograniiti u objavama i praktiki, iako ih ""platite"" kroz oglase, ne moete doi do njih svih. Upravo ete u ovoj edukaciji nauiti kako doi do velikog broja kontakata koje ete imati na raspolaganju u bilo kojem trenutku i za bilo koju kampanju koju elite! Idem biti skroz precizan - kako ete baciti mamac i upecati upravo one ""ribe"" koje elite!Inae bi vam za tako neto trebalo sljedee:DizajnerWeb dizajnerProgramerAnalitiarCopywriterOsoba koja e kreirati oglaseNakon ove edukacije, koja e vas voditi korak-po-korak, moi ete sve uiniti sami!Vjerojatno se pitate: ""Kakvo on iskustvo ima?"", iskustvo je sljedee:Postavljanje ovakve kampanje u COTRUGLI Business School (vodeoj poslovnoj koli u Jugoistonoj Europi), preuzeto vie od 3000 primjeraka - case study u edukacijiPostavljanje kampanje za eBook Iskakanje iz patete, koji je preuzet u preko 600 primjeraka - case study u edukacijiPostavljanje kampanje za eBook fitness trenera koji je preuzet u vie od 3000 primjeraka - case study u edukacijiPostavljanje kampanja za eBook i skupljanje lidova za poslovni tjednik Lider, preuzeto vie od 2000 primjeraka - case study u edukacijiUjedno sam i autor knjige Atomski marketing koja je najprodavanija knjiga o marketingu u Hrvatskoj u 2019. godini. Knjiga je iskljuivo promovirana putem digitala, bez velikih budeta, sponzorstava i medijskih partnerstava. Zahvaljujui tome prodana je u vie od 1000 primjeraka."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Vulvete un profesional del diseo CAD con ZWCAD desde cero" |
"Qu es el ZWCAD?ZWCAD es un software de diseo asistido por computadora (CAD) compatible con el formato de archivo DWGSiendo el mas estable y rpido del mercadoProporciona una amplia gama de caractersticas de dibujo compactas y livianas que hacen que funcione ms rpido y supere los desafos clave de CAD.Algunas de sus caractersticas clave incluyen modelado slido 3D, dimensionamiento, creacin y edicin de objetos geomtricos 2D, intercambio de archivos y trazado.Adems, ZWCAD viene con otras caractersticas innovadoras, personalizables y colaborativas que incluyen paletas de herramientas, centros de diseo y personalizacin de API para aumentar su eficiencia.Beneficios de ZWCAD:Obtendrs una licencia temporal de 3 meses de ZWCAD PROPrecio preferencial en productos ZWCAD La solucin proporciona herramientas de innovacin nicas y caractersticas CAD que hacen que la redaccin diaria sea fcil y efectiva.Sus licencias son permanentes lo que te permite ahorrar en altos costos de licenciamientoProporciona las interfaces clsicas y de cinta comunes que permiten a los usuarios seleccionar el entorno de trabajo que prefieran.No se requiere capacitacin para comenzar a usar este programa, ZWCAD viene con comandos y alias que ha usado antes."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"GR20 : Prparer sa Randonne travers la Corse" |
"Comment bien prparer son GR20 pour ne pas se blesser, ni rveiller de blessures tout en profitant 100% ?C'est que nous ferons ensemble dans cette formation en 4 points essentiels :) - Bien choisir son matriel et ses chaussures- LifeStyle en Haute-Montagne pour en maitriser les risques- L'itinraire du GR20, avec ses tapes, ses passages difficiles, les refuges, les ravitaillements...- La prparation physique pour partir avec son corps prt"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"200-901: Cisco DevNet Associate" |
"Achieving Cisco Certified DevNet Associate certification proves your skills in developing and maintaining applications built on Cisco platforms. To earn DevNet Associate certification, you pass one exam that covers the fundamentals of software development and design for Cisco platforms.This exam tests your knowledge of software development and design, including:Understanding and using APIsCisco platforms and developmentApplication development and securityInfrastructure and automation"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Chiffon Cake Baking: A Complete Introduction" |
"Is it possible to make a light fluffy chiffon cake without adding any chemical leavening agent, such as baking powder and baking soda?YES, it is possible.I don't know about you, but I find that baking fluffy chiffon cakes with the right texture seems to be daunting, when I was a complete beginner. However, once you know the secret to making the perfect chiffon cakes and keep practising, chiffon cakes will be a breeze to bake.Join me in this course to make chiffon cakes from scratch, without any chemical leavening agent added.==============This class provides all of the information you will need to get started in the kitchen and on your way to baking the perfect chiffon cakes. It's packed with instructional videos and downloadable recipes.There are 6 valuable recipes:Lime chiffon cakeEarl Grey chiffon cakeSweet Corn chiffon cupcakeCarrot & Orange chiffon cupcakeMatcha Oreo chiffon cakeTofu chiffon cakeAnd from these recipes, you will learn how to creatively modify them so that you are free to create and experiment.Whether you are a complete beginner, want to start a home baking business, or just want to make your chiffon cakes a little bit better, this course will set you up for success!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Otomatisasi format dokumen dengan MS Word" |
"Otomatisasi format dokumen di MS Word adalah sebuah kursus yang membantu seseorang agar memiliki keahlian pengeditan setara dengan profesional. Seluruh pembelajaran di kursus ini membantu anda dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pengeditan dokumen yang sedang anda kerjakan. Anda akan terhindar dengan kondisi stagnan, jenuh dan frustasi akibat pengeditan secara manual yang akan menghabiskan waktu anda. Melalui metode otomatisasi maka anda akan lebih nyaman, ringan, dan cepat dalam proses pengeditan dokumen. Selama satu jam lebih anda akan bertemu dengan saya yang akan mengajarkan tentang bagaimana cara untuk mengedit dokumen khususnya memformat dokumen dengan metode yang cepat, singkat dan menyenangkan."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Tutto sulle pivot Excel: calcoli, analisi,relazioni" |
"Imparerai ad analizzare i dati con le tabelle pivot, dalle piu' semplici alle piu' complesse.Ti spiegher tutte le loro caratteristiche e come formattare e filtrare i dati di una pivot.Fin dalla prima lezione sarai in grado di analizzare i tuoi dati in pochissimi clic. Con gli esercizi che ho preparato per te potrai subito prendere la mano anche con le lavorazioni piu' complesse.Andremo a vedere come aggiornare in automatico i dati, approfondiremo ancora di piu' l'analisi utilizzando le relazioni tra tabelle, generando una pivot che acquisisce dati da due o piu tabelle contemporaneamente.Impareremo ad effettuare calcoli con i valori generati dalle pivot, argomento sempre un po' spinoso anche per i pi esperti.Infine vedremo come rappresentare i dati su mappe geografiche e creare dashboard accattivanti, quindi non solo grafici pivot ma vedrai i tuoi dati prendere vita!Al termine del corso sarai un esperto di pivot!Se non sarai soddisfatto potrai essere rimborsato entro 30 giorni, perch non provare?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Well-being |
" ( , ) , . . well-being , (, Unilever .), . 5 , . : 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Power BI for Data Science" |
"Learn from industry experts & get hands-on training to transform your business.Become a Power BI expert and learn the employer's most required skill of 2020!This course will help you to achieve expertise in Business Analytics. This course helps you to build your capability to analyze, visualize and report data by using Microsoft Power BI. This Microsoft Power BI course covers the important tools to monitor business growth and quickly get answers through rich reporting features and interactive dashboards. The course may help you learn to connect and import business data, publish reports, create dashboards, and share with the business users. This course is best suited for Business Intelligence professionals who are required to generate reports and analyze data using Microsoft Power BI.In this course, we will cover all the topics from Power BI Desktop and Services, including.Power BI Desktop for Visualization (50 plus visuals)Power Query Editor for Data TransformationData Modeling DAX Calculations (50 plus Advanced DAX Calculations)Power BI ServicesIn this course, you will work hands-on multiple case studies from different domains like Finance, Retail, Pharma, and HR."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Career Hacking Script Masterclass for Any Interviews" |
"After spending 100+ coaching hours (in just 2 months) , were revealing our proven system in our Career Hacking Scripts Masterclass so that you can Straight Up Copy and Deploy It right away.If youd like to consistently ace your IB applications like crazy regardless of what position you are in right now, this masterclass will be the most important masterclass that you will ever attend.More than 80% of our penultimate students have received Front Office offers from Bulge Bracket banks in 2019 recruitment season. And our 2019 students achieved: Morgan Stanley Institutional Equities Division, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, HSBC Investment Banking Division, J.P. Morgan Transaction Banking, HSBC Private Banking, Deutsche Bank Transaction Banking, Standard Chartered Transaction Banking, Citi Commercial Banking, DBS Debt Capital Market Division, DBS Treasury, Deloitte Financial Advisory, Accenture Strategy, PwC Auditing, And more....More Notable Facts:HSBC IBD offer with less than 8 coaching sessions45% received FO offers with GPA < 3.2PwC offer at year 2 with no prior internship and major in EnglishAverage amount of offer for our 2019 penultimate students is 2.34When you compare results, you should look at offer percentage (average scenario) as well as how even our most disadvantaged students (worst case scenario) perform under our coaching.EVERYONE can make it to investment banks. Our students this year are the most striking examples.We believe in you, but do you believe in yourself? Are you a believer?Here's Exactly What You Are GettingInner Game - Mindset and Conceptualization (Min: 00:00 - 07:55)In this section, we are going to teach you:- How to Achieve Greatness- How to Develop Unshakable Confidence (so that you won't be afraid in interviews anymore)- The Underlying Fundamentals of Career Hacking (this is useful not just for interviews but your entire career progression after getting into IB)Outer Game - The Hacking Triangle (Min: 07:55 - 25:03)In this part, you are going to learn the exact mechanics of our system that created tremendous result for our students:1) Hacking Intention- Understand the Essence of any Interview to anticipate questions- Learn Question Classifications in order to find the correct answers- Reason unanticipated answers via Backward Induction2) Hacking Narrative- Drag and drop the 5 Scripts our students used to create your own unique answer- 8 template answers that can be used in ANY interview questions- See the real infield transcript from our Morgan Stanley S&T student3) Hacking Delivery Patterns- STOP Approach that you can use in all Fundamental Questions- Pyramid Approach in any Systemic Level 2 Questions- CR Approach in Advanced Questions and more...Practicality - Application in 8 IB Questions (Min 25:03 - 39:09)In this section, you will see:- Real Answers by our students at HSBC Investment Banking Division- In-depth Analysis of Hacking Scripts in Different Questions in reality- How you can straight up COPY our answers to give you an unfair advantageBonus - Brainteasers, Extras (Min: 39:09 - 48:58)In Bonus, we are raising the bar of the course higher to offer you immense value:- Hacking Scripts in Brainteasers (how to approach them systemically and correctly)- How to do Mental Math (what's 487 * 75%?)- 4 Extra Powerful Scripts (for advanced students after obtaining mastery in fundamental scripts)Moving Forward and Beyond (Min: 48:58 - 1:39:00)In this session, you will find:- 4 key career hacker mindset shifts- 3-step actionable regular assignments- How to succeed in the long term as a Career Hacker"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Aprende R con RStudio desde cero (para principiantes)" |
"Quieres aprender a programar en RStudio? Quieres dar tus primeros pasos en el mundo del Data Science? Y, adems, quieres que esto aparezca en tu CV? Entonces, este curso esta diseado para ti!Si ests buscando un curso que vaya al grano, sin rodeos. Que explique directamente las utilidades que nos ofrecen R y RStudio. Estudiando directamente la parte prctica y funcional de este lenguaje. Ests en el lugar indicado.Este curso de Rstudio te ayudar, paso a paso, a iniciarte en el mundo del anlisis de datos y toda su ciencia (Data Science). Aprenders a manejarte con el entorno de RStudio y todo lo que ello conlleva. Desde las simples matrices y arrays, a grficos, pasando por estructuras de control de flujo y funciones. Lo que te dar el impulso necesario para dominar de forma muy aceptable el programa.Al finalizar el curso, tendrs los conocimientos necesarios para analizar los datos de tu negocio , aprobar una asignatura con temario de R y/o RStudio, y cualquier cosa relacionada con este software. Adems de poder aadirlo a tu CV!Temario por secciones de este curso:Seccin 1 (Entorno de R, RStudio): Comenzaremos el curso viendo los elementos y herramientas esenciales del entorno de R, RStudio, y toda su interfaz. Adems aprenderemos a crear un directorio de trabajo y veremos los primeros programas.Seccin 2 (Manipulacin de datos): En este tema veremos TODO lo referente a la manipulacin de datos (vectores, matrices, arrays, data frames y listas) de R y RStudio.Seccin 3 (Estructuras de control y flujo de ejecucin): Seguiremos con el estudio de los condicionales (if, else), los bucles (for, while, repeat, etc) y la ""Familia Apply"" (una serie de funciones caractersticas de RStudio).Seccin 4 (Funciones definidas por el usuario): A continuacin veremos como crear nuestra propia funcin, que nos ayudar a resolver los problemas de forma genricas, a tener un cdigo ms elegante y ptimo.Seccin 5 (Cadenas de caracteres): En esta seccin estudiaremos la manipulacin de cadenas de caracteres en RStudio y la impresin de estas cadenas.Seccin 6 (Grficos): Veremos como representar de forma ms visual (y atractiva) los datos. Todo tipo de grficos para expresar de forma ms clara lo que queremos transmitir.Seccin 7 (Estadstica, funciones y grficos): En este ltimo tema estudiaremos la parte ms estadstica de RStudio. Tanto las funciones estadsticas ya definidas en R (Normal, Binomial, Uniforme, Exponencial, etc). Como los grficos referentes a las mismas. Con el fin de entender mejor como funcionan.Espero que ests listo. Nos vemos en clase!Roberto Fajardo Duro"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01)" |
"This Video Course Training for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is packed with comprehensive video lessons, hands-on labs,FREE 350+practice exams, FREE AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner EBOOK If you are new to Amazon Web Services / Cloud Computing and looking to confidently pass your AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam first time - then this highest-rated ALL-IN-ONE course is for you!As a special bonus offer, we are now offering $9.99 worth Ebook of AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner and $9.99 Practice Questions for free with the training!!!ALL IN ONE OFFER FOR THE PREPARATIONS OF AWS CERTIFIED CLOUD PRACTITIONER:VIDEO TRAINING = FREE 350+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS+ FREE STUDY GUIDEWHAT MORE TO ASK WHEN WHEN YOU CAN PREPARE FOR EXAM ONLY BY PURCHASING THIS VIDEO TRAINING COURSE!!!!HOW THIS COURSE IS DIFFERENTWe have closely aligned this course with the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam blueprint and structured the course so that you can study at a pace that suits you best. We start with some basic background to get everyone up to speed on what cloud computing is and its benefits, before progressing through each knowledge domain.We are big believers in using practical exercises to improve memory retention and contextualize knowledge, so we have included many (optional) hands-on guided labs for those who have the time and desire to build a practical skillset. With this ALL-IN-ONE Exam Preparation, you'll be ready to pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam first time.Watch the intro video to learn how this course will fast-track your exam success!REASONS WHY THIS TRAINING COURSE IS YOUR BEST CHANCE TO PASS THE AWS CERTIFIED CLOUD PRACTITIONER (CLF-C01) EXAM HIGHLY FLEXIBLE COURSE STRUCTURE: We understand that not everyone has the time to go through lengthy lectures. Thats why we give you options to maximize your time efficiency and accommodate different learning styles HIGH-QUALITY VISUALS: We've spared no effort to create a highly visual training course with lots of table and graphs to illustrate the concepts. All practical exercises are backed by logical diagrams so you can visualize what we're building. FREE STUDY GUIDE EBOOK: Not only the training but you will also get free access to AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner EBook by IPSpecialist. FREE PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 350+ Practice questions with detailed explanations will be given for free with the video course. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS & REFERENCE LINKS: Every question includes deep-dive reference links and detailed explanations that explain why each answer is correct or incorrect ASSESS YOUR EXAM READINESS: We recommend that you repeatedly retake the practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score BONUS Quick Reference Sheet: Fast-track your exam success with our bestselling quick reference sheet of AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner PRESENTED IN A PROFESSIONAL WAY: The instructor uses clear and easy to understand language and presents the material in a professional way - focused and to the point with professional subtitles ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our teachings reflect the latest CLF-C01 exam blueprint. All students have lifetime access to all future updates RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT: Our team of AWS experts comprehensively respond to all of your questions, concerns or feedback within 24 hours. You can contact your instructor directly or via the students Q&A forum ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD: Join the discussion on AWS related topics in our discussion forum where our students share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered MOBILE ACCESS: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile phone - anywhere, anytimeMONEY-BACK GUARANTEEWe are totally confident in the value of our Practice Exams which come with a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. To fast-track your AWS exam success - get lifetime access now - risk-free!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Become assertive: improve your confidence and communication!" |
"Sometimes it just starts with difficulties saying NO. And then it takes over our life. Lack of self-assertiveness and self-esteem can be hard, because it undermines our value and diminishes self and others' respect. Here we learn how to recognize one's lack of assertiveness, tackle it, changing into a new mindset and gain wonderful self-esteem and communication skills! By learning the basics of an assertive mindset and use practical communication skills, based on non-violent communication and constructive feedback rules, we improve our quality of life and decrease our anxiety."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Revit Structure 2020 - Arabic" |
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Financial Projections for Entrepreneurs" |
"More than a course, this is an interactive workshop. Our goal is to have you experience your business before having to take any big financials steps. Your financial projections will allow you to see the viability of your business idea. It will help you strategize your expenses, prices for your products/services, and sales goals to achieve the desired stability and growth for your business. We will do this by having you create the financial projections of your business idea as you watch us create our own."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
learn-microsoft-project-2019-in-less-than-85-mins-in-bangla |
", , , , , , ,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ad agency course in 2020" |
"1. In this course, you will learn, Facebook ad expert, You can start your Facebook marketing agency. 2. Grow your customer through this super energetic Facebook Marketing & Facebook Advertising.3. After the completed this course you can start your own agency or work as a freelancer.4. All FACEBOOK VIDEO CREATION with professional input by a creator with experience producing content 5. Boost your business with the Facebook business manager, advanced pixel settings & catalog feeds6. Learn Facebook Local Ads using targeting through Facebook Ads7. Set up Facebook Business Pages & benefit from all Fb Page features8. Learn the Facebook leads magnet and Business Growth9. Learn how to get clients for your social media agency10. Be a Master of FACEBOOK ADVERTISER."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Learn DBT from Scratch" |
"What you'll learnWelcome to this course, Learn DBT from Scratch. DBT lets you build a system of transformations on your data, with tests, scheduled runs, multiple environments, flexibility, and more all without needing a team of engineers to set up and manage your workflow. By the end of this course, you will have:set up DBT locally and on the cloudconnected DBT to Snowflake (or a data warehouse of your choice)create your own SQL transformations on datatest your transformationssnapshot your data to keep track of how your data changes over timelearn DBT best practicesIn this course, you'll be presented with the summarized information you need so that you can quickly get DBT implemented in your data pipeline (or in a brand new, data warehouse).Why you should learn DBTDBT is not one of the first technical skills most Data Scientists or Analysts think to learn. Its not as exciting as machine learning algorithms, and its not as easy to show off as a fancy data visualization. But DBT is an absolutely fundamental skill for any Data Scientist or Analyst due to all of its capabilities. Because DBT is so flexible, there are almost an endless amount of ways you can integrate DBT into your data architecture. Some features that DBT provides you that all Data Scientists and Analysts should be using in their work include:Creating consistent aggregations for your analysis in a single locationConsistently testing your transformations and underlying dataRunning your data transformations on a scheduleTest your code in a DEV environmentAbout DBTDBT is pioneering modern analytics engineering. DBT applies the principles of software engineering to analytics code, an approach that dramatically increases your leverage as a data analyst. They believe that data analysts are the most valuable employees of modern, data-driven businesses and they build tools that empower analysts to own the entire analytics engineering workflow."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Beginners Guide to Removing any Phobia using Hypnosis" |
"A step by step, proven process with clear demonstrations, humorous explanations and truly awesome hypnotic trances. Any and all phobias can be removed from Public Speaking to flying, Injections to Heights, anything in the animal kingdom and everything in-between. If you want to remove your fear and improve your life then this course is for you!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Power Point 2019 -" |
": 1- 2- 3-"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microencapsulation 101: Introduction to Microencapsulation" |
"Welcome to the Basics of Everything 101!This course will teach you a lot about Microencapsulation and answer those questions of you.What you will learn?What is Microencapsulation?When / How was Microencapsulation process invented and developed?Why are Microcapsules so important?What are the advantages that Microcapsules have?What are the types of Microcapsules?What is the use of Microencapsulation in industry?How can Microcapsules be prepared?What should i pay attention while obtaining Microcapsules?How can Microcapsules be characterized after formation?Microencapsulation 101: Introduction to MicroencapsulationOutlineHere you can reach informations about the following parts;General informationsHistorical BackgroundProperties & MorphologiesApplicationsPreparation MethodsCharacterization MethodsWho this course is for:My course is designed for chemists, chemical engineers, science students and anyone that loves science and wants to learn the basics about everything in a short time.If this sounds like you, enroll right now.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?No prerequisites requiredIf you have an idea / some basic information about chemistry / surface chemistry, it will help you a lot."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Corso Base di QGIS" |
"PROGRAMMA CORSO DI QGIS BASEIntroduzione ai Sistemi Informativi Geografici: fondamenti di GIS: definizioni e concetti fondamentali, strutture dei dati (raster e vettoriale), struttura di un GIS, principali applicazioni, panoramica dei prodotti software presenti sul mercato; Installazione di QGIS: modalit di scaricamento e procedure di installazione; Introduzione a QGIS: interfaccia utente di QGIS, pannelli e barre degli strumenti, modifica delle impostazioni di sistema, il progetto di lavoro e la gestione dei collegamenti ai geodati; Inserimento e gestione layer raster e vettoriali: la mappa di QGIS, caricamento dei geodati, strumenti di navigazione nella mappa, principali formati GIS vettoriali e raster disponibili (es. ESRI Shapefile, Geotiff, ecc.), gestione dei layer nella legenda, importazione di dati CAD e gestione GIS-oriented; Visualizzazione e tematizzazione dei geodati: vestizione dei dati e legende, simbologia per simbolo singolo (categorizzata e graduata), gestione degli stili, etichettatura dei geodati; Gestione dei Sistemi di Riferimento (SR): cartografia (sistemi di Riferimento, datum e sistemi di proiezione), I sistemi WGS 84 UTM, ETRF2000 UTM e Roma 40 Gauss-Boaga, gestione dei sistemi in QGIS (i codici EPSG), tecniche di allineamento dei SR, la riproiezione al volo; la base cartografica in ambiente GIS: la produzione cartografica in Italia (cenni), caricamento e mosaicatura dati, CTR (Carte Tecniche Regionali) e database topografici nel progetto di QGIS, utilizzo dei servizi web (es. WMS, WFS, WCS), il plugin QuickMapService; Database e gestione tabellare: il database (apertura e utilizzo di tabelle degli attributi), selezione degli oggetti e collegamento con database, Editing tabellare, la struttura del database, i tipi di dati, creazione e modifica di campi; Interrogazione dei dati: la maschera di filtraggio, estrazione dei dati, esempi di interrogazione SQL; Funzioni di editing grafico: creazione di nuovi layer, modalit di inserimento geometrie, strumenti e opzioni di editing vettoriale (tools di disegno, snapping), misurazione di aree e distanze, creazione di un layer puntuale a partire da file di testo (x,y,z); Georeferenziare una cartografia: il georeferenziatore di QGIS, inserimento Ground Control Points ed impostazioni di trasformazione, valutazione degli errori; I layout di stampa: problematiche di plottaggio e procedure di stampa, redazione di una tavola di stampa, inserimento oggetti ed immagini esterne; Geoprocessing di dati vettoriali e raster (cenni): il plugin Processing."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curs Reiki in limba romana - Nivel 1,2, Master" |
"Acest curs furnizeaza toate informatiile necesare pentru a deveni un bun Terapeut sau Practician Reiki : Veti invata principiile de baza dar si despre potentialul fara limite al terapiei REIKIVezi reusi sa va conectati la Energia Cosmica si veti stii cum sa vindecati traume in trecut, prezent si viitor folosind simbolurile REIKIVeti invata cum sa folositi aceasta technica sa puteti vindecati la nivel emotional, mental, fizic si spiritualVeti invata cum sa va tratati singur dar in acelasi timp sa-i tratati si pe cei din jur (copii, adulti, batrani, animale de companie, plante, etc.)Veti invata sa transmiteti Reiki la distanta oricui are nevoieVeti putea practica meditatiile din curs nu numai pe durata cursului, dar si mai tarziu, accesul fiind nelimitat. Veti simti beneficiile rapid cu conditia sa practicati zilnic atat meditatiile dar si sa oferiti Reiki celor dragi sau in nevoie, dar si plantelor sau animalelor de companie. Veti beneficia de o evolutie spirituala si personala si veti simti o stare de bine in general. InitiereStudentii vor primi initierea la distanta pentru toate cele trei nivele Reiki. De asemenea, un certificat in format pdf va fi eliberat la terminarea perioadei de practica. Durata medie de completare a cursului este de trei luni. Atat practicarea notiunilor invatate cat si exercitiile din acest curs sunt ESENTIALE pentru a reusi cursul. Deci acestea sunt obligatorii pentru a obtine certificatul FINAL. Important!Daca doriti sa obtineti un certificat la sfarsitul cursului se cere sa trimiteti informatii personale, cum ar fi numele, prenumele si adresa de mail. Aceste informatii sunt necesare pentru a va inscrie pentru initiere si pentru obtinerea certificatului Reiki. Aceste informatii NU sunt partajate cu absolut nimeni. STOP.BREATHE.LEARN.@copyright Empreinte Violette - 2020"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
prkybsgj |
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Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Time Management Revolution" |
"Do you want to learn how to skyrocket your productivity while cutting your schedule in half?You have always wondered why common Time Management tips and tricks did not work for you as an Entrepreneur?Do you feel that you rather have a job than your own business? Feeling a longing to escape the prison of yours?Or you are thinking about starting a business, but are afraid that it will take over your whole life?Welcome to ""The Time Management Revolution""!Most other Time Management courses are directed at employees of big companies although most businesses are small ones.This course finally fills the gap for those who don't just want to be effective and productive in how they do things, but also who want to learn what it takes to be a good Entrepreneur.This course is based on the four essential pillars of successful time-management.Planning - the foundation of Time Management:It does not make sense to save minutes while losing years, nor to increase the speed when you are in the wrong way.Productivity only counts if you accomplish the things that pave the way to who and what you want to become.We do not plan to fail, but we rather fail to plan. But how do we plan right? How could we increase the probability of reaching our long-term goals?In this section, I will introduce to you the effective productivity planner that I use. You can download it and use it for yourself.Focus - how to manage your time with the right priorities:Some always have great ideas, but never manage to start to work on them. Why? Because they always get something else another more promising idea.Others are trying to do too many things at once. While trying to keep too many balls up in the air, they lose control, and all balls fall to the ground.Not a few are chased around by the upcoming problems that dominate their day. They are firefighters who continuously work on at least one fire that keeps them busy every day, all week long.But busy does not mean productive. Movement is not necessarily progression.The answer to these three problems is the right focus. Guided by the planing the first pillar focus helps to stay on what is essential. Automation - boost your productivity and Time ManagementSome are trying to reinvent the wheel, again and again, to improve it. Others use the success formula of the successful. Watching the process of small businesses to become big international players like Amazon or McDonald's will help to get a good understanding of what Automation means. You can use the same system for yourself by copying their way.Think like a franchisor, create your business in such a way that you can duplicate it without any problem.Thus, you can scale your business without getting overloaded or worn out.Create a system and the needed processes to train new employees quickly. This does not only make things faster, eliminating training time and unneeded searching but also ensures quality and thus customer satisfaction.SYSTEM that stands for ""Save Yourself Stress, Time, Effort and Money"". A system that is running and could be continually improved.Do you know what a possible investor looks for? He or she is not just looking for great people, because great people could leave, get sick or at the worst suddenly die. She or he will look for a system that is working.Learn how to start a company the right way. To make it run without you.Delegation - An essential Time Management Skill:Delegation is a must for everyone who wants to take his business off the ground. To be honest, I am terrible at doing the things that I do not like to do. I assume that you are just the same. Does it sound too good to be true that someone could like the stuff that we can't stand? Who finishes it in better quality and quicker than we could?Some entrepreneurs would feel wrong to delegate or outsource their work. To them, it seems like they are not doing what they should do. As if they are not faithful to the task set before them.However, the moment, the understanding of what an entrepreneur is, sinks in things will start to change.This course will tell you how to know when to delegate and when you should not, by giving the real understanding of the worth of your time.It is not about tricks, tactics and strategies that improve your productivity by 5, 10 or 15 % but rather a Time Management Revolution.It shows the proven path of getting free from being trapped in your own business.Time Management is not only about HOW to do things (efficiency etc.) but also of WHAT to do. To know what to do is just as essential, as knowing how to do something.You are going to learn not to work ""in"" but to work ""on"" your business. Get a good look of an outside investor to spot and solve the weaknesses of your company because you and your business are not the same.If you are the business, guess what would happen if you get sick, leave or take time off? Yes, you are right; there would be no business until you come back.This course is going to teach and coach you to get the right mindset to start and run your business successfully. It is about getting the proper understanding and chunking it down to small executable daily steps.Time is your most valuable resource. If you have time, you can improve your business idea, develop the breakthrough innovation or get more investors to join your vision.Don't be like Louis E. Boone who sarcastically said:""I am definitely going to take a course on time management ... just as soon as I can work it into my schedule"".Buy now and see me inside. I am looking forward to meeting you."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: Make Money Online" |
"This course was created to help beginners who have never done any form of online marketing or those who have done online marketing but were not able to make a business out of it. If you are tired of working at a job and not having enough quality time to spend with your loved ones and want to make a difference in the world, then this course is for you. Even if you have no online experience whatsoever, you can literally start your business in 14 days or less and earn your first online commissions. This is the best time to build yourself a passive income and do from the comfort of your own home and not have to report to a boss everyday and have the fear of losing a job due to the economy. This course will teach you how to create your ""own economy"" so that when and if you lose your primary source of income, this business will give you enough income to continue living your same lifestyle or better.My goal with this course is for you to earn enough income so that you have the option to completely leave your job and focus on this full time and let this passive income last generations for you and your familyIn this affiliate marketing course, I am going to hold you by the hand as you watch over my shoulder how to start from ZERO and setup your own affiliate marketing business in 14 days or less and make money at the same time. We will cover the following topics and you will master these skills after completing the course:1) Understanding Sales Funnels and Building High Converting Funnels2) How to find Digital/Physical Products to Promote and GUARANTEE they will be profitable3) How to setup your very own Landing Page in 10 minutes or less, Even if you are not a Techie!!4) How to generate on demand traffic online to get daily leads and sales WITHOUT BREAKING THE BANK!!5) Creating an Email List to continuously promote products and generate sales without spending another dollar6) How to write Email and Sales copy that captures your audiences attention to drive them to buy the product you are selling7) How to scale your affiliate marketing business8) Online coaching from me as part of you enrolling in the course9) Monthly Course Updates to Content to remain fresh and relevant to today's time10) Get my Done For You Templates for funnels to expedite your learning curve from the massesThe knowledge you gain from this course will allow you to live the dream life you have always wanted. Affiliate marketing is the best way to get started as the tactics and strategies learned here can be leveraged into all other forms of online marketing. It is a highly sought after skill to learn how to make money online and this course will give you all that plus more.Get enrolled in this course and watch your confidence and financial goals become much more attainable by following the path of those which are successful. I believe in each and every one of you and all you have to do for this course is believe in yourself and the rest I will show you the way to freedom.Hope to see you inside. I am there to help answer any questions you may have."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Film on your smartphone like a PRO" |
"This is the smartphone video production masterclass. Do you want to know how to get the best from your phone? Create stunning engaging video? Well let me show you how!I created this course to help people create their own videos with their smartphones, whether youre a business owner wanting to get a message out to your staff or team. A marketer who want to push out a certain product or business, a blogger thats looking to really engage with their audience or maybe just a keen hobbyist that wants to make an awesome looking holiday video. You dont need to have any experience in filming, we designed this course for beginners so we have cut out all that technical jargon. My name is Graham Allsopp and I am the lead camera operator at Ark Media, an award winning video production company. I am an Royal Television Society nominated and award winning camera operator and editor. I have a wealth of experience in filming and editing on multiple cameras and set ups. I have produced videos for all aspects of the profession, from producing high quality promotional videos, overseas documentaries and even feature films. I have compiled all my knowledge and now I am excited to be able to pass it on to you.Now if this is something that interests you, lets get started on your film making journey!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Data Storytelling and Data Visualization 2020" |
"The most updated and complete Storytelling with Data and Data Visualization course on Udemy! You'll learn the skills that make up the entire Art of Speaking the Language of Data: from communicating with data, to creating impactful data visualizations, to storytelling with data, to driving action with data-driven decisions and finally to creating stunning communications, that will leave a lasting impression on an audience and get results.Right now in 2020, there is a huge shortage on people who can effectively communicate with data - recruiters and businesses the world over are seeking professionals who can turn data into a meaningful story.The demand for talented professionals who can do Storytelling with Data and Data Visualization is increasing at an insane rate. More and more companies are finally figuring out how important it is to be able to converse with data and the role it plays to their success.But how exactly do you get into the field? There aren't any degrees in Storytelling with Data & there are no certifications. Most data visualization experts get into the field through luck or connections. That ends here - we'll get you up to date on ALL the skills you need to learn Storytelling with Data AND have the best chance at getting the job you want. There's no more ambiguity to it. We'll show you what you need to know and what you have to do - all taught from a data visualization insider.Students aren't required to know anything beforehand - we'll teach you the fundamentals, how to apply them, how to develop into an advanced data visualization expert.Who this course is for:Anyone who has an audience who would benefit from insightful data communicationsAnyone wanting to learn how to tell stories with dataAnyone who wants to create impactful Data VisualizationsAlready established Data Scientists who want to advance their skill setEntrepreneurs looking to master the art of communicating with data"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |