Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Food Photography 101" |
"With Food Photography 101, you will learn how to get better results with your food photos. When you know how to use your cameras settings and learn some creative composition and styling tips, you will be proud of your food photos and they will get noticed.Master Your Camera and Composition to Take Great Food PhotosLearn what perfect exposure means and how to use your cameras settings to get itUnderstand how technical decisions affect your food photosMaster natural light to bring out the best in your food photographyRecognize how to use or break the rules to make your compositions stand outCreate impact using food styling tips and tricksIf youre frustrated with your food photos, this food photography course is for you.I want to share with you all the things I learned that helped me get my food photos published. Whether you want to be an instagram influencer, food blogger, or magazine food photographer, I designed this course to give you the information and tips you need to take your food photography to the next level.In addition to the video instruction, you get to download lesson summaries that you can save to your mobile phone to have with you at every step of your food photography journey. These portable tips & tricks graphics mean you have me in the palm of your hand during every food photo shoot.And I invite you to use the Udemy platform to connect and stay in touch with me with your questions and success stories!What you will learn:How to make light work for you when taking food photosHow exposure decisions make or break your food photosHow to use your cameras settings to get perfect exposureHow shutter speed, aperture and ISO decisions help you take great food photosWhen to use a tripod or hand-hold your cameraWhat location in your house or restaurant is the best place to take food photosWhat kinds of household tools can help you use natural light to your advantageHow the location of the natural light affects your food photosHow to manage dark locations and still get good food photosWhat composition rules to use and what rules to break to create compelling food photosHow important your background is to help frame your photo and tell your storyWhat angles to shoot at for good food photosHow to use negative space, leading lines and diagonals to make food photos stand outHow to create compelling scenes using food styling tips & tricksWhy simplicity is your friendsHow to have fun when styling your food photosWhat role the color wheel plays in your food styling choicesHow to use texture and other food in food photography styling"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo web de anuncios clasificados PHP y MySQL" |
"En este curso veremos como crear una web de avisos o anuncios clasificados en PHP y Mysql, crearemos un registro de usuario y un login de usuario para que pueda poner anuncios en su cuenta, tambin veremos cmo crear un mapa interactivo de Espaa y cmo crear los formularios de publicacin. Asmismo veremos tambin un poco de seguridad en PHP para futuros ataques."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ABAP iniciante - 3 em 1 - Debug - SHDB - Batch Input" |
"O Cursos esta dividido em trs mdulos, primeiramente iremos aprender sobre o Debug interno, externo e algumas tcnicas relacionadas. No mdulo seguinte iremos entender com aulas praticas a transao SHDB, e finalizando com o Batch Input, tudo em um mesmo programa.Ao conclu-lo voc estar apto a realizar essas trs habilidades, sendo que ao final do curso teremos uma aula com um Overview completo da execuo do programa Z desenvolvido."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"En este curso aprenders a realizar un ciclo de animacin de un personaje corriendo (Run Cycle). Vamos a cubrir desde las bases, pasando por las poses clave y vamos a terminar puliendo la animacin, iluminndola y haciendo el render. Cuando terminis este curso, tendris un ciclo de animacin de gran calidad listo para poder exportarlo y compartirlo, adems, con los conocimientos adquiridos podris realizar vuestras propias animaciones."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Day Trader Opes binarias Inciante e Avanado" |
"O treinamento Trader Profissional do Zero foi criado por, Vinicius Coach , no intuito de ajudar as pessoas a se tornarem profissionais no mercado financeiro, na modalidade de opes binrias, da forma mais completa e simples possvel. Coloquei meu conhecimento de anos no mercado neste treinamento e de forma em que qualquer pessoa possa ter resultado investindo no mercado."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Incerteza de Medio" |
"Nesse curso iremos abordar de forma prtica e descomplicada a estimativa de incerteza de medio em ensaios qumicos e biolgicos, incluindo amostragem.Se voc procurou por esse curso, muito provavelmente esteja pensando: ""como incerteza de medio difcil"" ou ""eu nunca conseguirei aprender"", pois foi tendo esse pensamento que aps ter participado de diversos treinamentos de incerteza de medio direcionados para calibrao, tomei a deciso de criar um curso com exemplos especficos para ensaios qumicos e biolgicos.Entendo no ser necessrio ser um matemtico ou estatstico para avaliar a incerteza de medio do seu laboratrio, at porque os signatrios autorizados responsveis pela emisso de relatrios de ensaios so os qumicos, bilogos, farmacuticos, tecnlogos, etc. com esse pensamento que te convido para assistir esse curso e aprender definitivamente como avaliar a incerteza de medio em ensaios qumicos e biolgicos."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Controle sua ansiedade em poucos minutos por dia" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender meditaes curtas, que te possibilitar controlar sua ansiedade e relaxar. So tcnicas que voc poder aplicar em qualquer hora do dia e local. Te recomendo que faa uma aula por dia e que escolha o horrio em que voc consiga se dedicar por completo. difcil meditar? No consegue ficar parado nem por uns minutos? Vou te mostrar que possvel! Vem meditar comigo!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft AZ-220 Microsoft Azure IoT Developer Latest Exam!" |
"The Azure IoT Developer is responsible for the implementation and the coding required to create and maintain the cloud and edge portion of an IoT solution. In addition to configuring and maintaining the devices by using cloud services, the IoT Developer also sets up the physical devices. The IoT Developer is responsible for maintaining the devices throughout the life cycle.The IoT Developer implements designs for IoT solutions, including device topology, connectivity, debugging and security. The IoT Developer deploys compute/containers and configures device networking. The IoT Developer implements designs for solutions to manage data pipelines, including monitoring and data transformation as it relates to IoT. The IoT Developer works with data engineers and other stakeholders to ensure successful business integration.IoT Developers should have a good understanding of how to implement the Azure services that form an IoT solution, including data storage options, data analysis, data processing, and platform-as-a-service options. IoT Developers must be able to recognize Azure IoT service configuration settings within the code portion of an IoT solution and perform specific IoT coding tasks in at least one Azure-supported language, including C#, Node, C, or Python."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"IIBA - CCBA Certification of Competency in Business Analysis" |
"This is a computer-based exam. The CCBA exam can be taken online via proctor format or at a PSI test center. Our Practice Exam will surely help you to pass this exam with flying score.Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring 12%Elicitation and Collaboration 20%Requirements Life Cycle Management 18%Strategy Analysis 12%Requirements Analysis and Design Definition 32%Solution Evaluation 6%"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Investigacin de desviaciones (No conformidades)" |
"En este curso aprenders a ser un lder en la resolucin de desviaciones. Partiendo desde el entendimiento de la funcin de las desviaciones dentro del sistema de gestin de calidad, hasta el desarrollo de proyectos de alto impacto Lean Six Sigma.Aprenders a utilizar las herramientas de mejora continua y su aplicacin en la industria. Este curso tambin incluye plantillas y ejercicios para que utilices durante las investigaciones.Este curso es una gua completa que detalla aquellas competencias que debemos poder reconocer en todo buen lder de investigaciones y propuestas de mejora continua. Este programa es terico y prctico ya que consta de varios ejercicios prcticos, anmate a elevar tu nivel de conocimiento. Que aprenders?Dominaras la herramienta de investigacin de las 8 disciplinas Aprenders a realizar mapeos de proceso:Diagramas de bloquesDiagramas SIPOCCross Functional process mapAprenders a utilizar las Herramientas de anlisis causa raz:Los 5 por qu?El diagrama de Ishikawa (Espina de pescado)El Coeficiente de determinacinEl anlisis de varianza (ANOVA)Aprenders a implementar Poka yokes para las CAPAsAprenders a aplicar herramientas de Lean manufacturing como:Reporte A3KanbanAprenders a desarrollar un proyecto de alto impacto Lean Six SIgama para la Mejora continua:Utilizando la metodologa DMAICCrearas una base de datos a travs de Excel (Utilizando comandos y tablas pivot)Generaras un Dashboard para el monitoreo y anlisis del sistema de desviaciones (Grficas inteligentes, slicers)Bienvenido!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Remote work Work from home Best practices, 20 free tools" |
"17 downloadable checklists with practical action points20+ free online tools recommendationsVideo lectures with visualisation in powerpoint and screensharingContent:Curated, practical mix from science, news, Feng Shui, Instagram founder lifehacks and our own work from home experienceFull of tipps for:procrastinators who struggle to startperfectionists who struggle to finish,those busy with kids and looking for a right set up with their partners at homethe overwhelmed with the full email inboxcoordinators of meetings who want to avoid pitfalls of virtual meetings and instead leverage what technology bringsmanagers looking for ways to keep the team both productive and happyEasy decision matrix on how to:Prioritise tasks & schedule themChoose a right communication channel (chat, email, call, meeting)Step by step guidelines on how to:set up your home working spaceorganise your to do list and schedule itbuild daily routinesselect the rights tools for you and your team"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sing with Confidence - BASICS" |
"This course is perfect for anyone wanting to build a solid foundation as a singer. Michael Land shares his tips and secrets from over 20 years of professional singing experience. The goal of this course is to help students get beyond common struggles and enjoy singing with freedom. Students will learn the proper techniques for:Breathe control Singing on pitchEliminating stage fright Reaching high notes without strain Erasing vocal breaksPowerful stage presence...and much more!Also included in this course are singing assignments at the end of each lesson that include essential vocal warm ups and exercises, which are actually FUN, enjoyable to listen to, and easy to follow along. Imagine more boring exercises!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Delphi Criando Sistema de Controle de estoque passo a passo" |
"Neste curso o aluno aprender a criar um sistema de controle de estoque passo a passo.Aprender onde baixar as ferramentas originais todas gratuitas.Aprender a criar um banco de dados relacional.Aprender a criar Generator e triggers para auto incremento e aplicar na sistema.Aprender criar telas de cadastros com rapidez usando o conceito de herana.Aprender a criar telas de consultas, onde ter consultas dinmicas.Aprender a criar telas com mestre detalhe sem complicao.Aprender a criar relatrios usando o Fast Report, Insero de Grficos de maneira simples e objetiva.Aprender inserir imagem de logo tipo em recibos de pagamento e relatrios.Aprender a criar rotinas para atualizao de estoque.Aprender a criar uma tela de login com acesso ao banco de dados e separar o sistema por tipo de usurio, onde o usurio apoio no ter acesso total ao sistema, apenas o usurio administrador.Aprender como organizar as pastas do projeto para a distribuio da aplicao e muito mais, tudo de forma clara, objetiva e sem enrolao. Confira!-------------------------------------------------------Contedo das aulas abaixo:"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Bu kurs Yksek Gerilim Elektrik Projesi hazrlamak iin kullanlan EMO ajandasnda yer alan teknik tablolar EXCEL ortamna aktararak mhendislik hesaplamalarn yapmay retmektedir. Ayrca EMO ajandasnda yer alan trafo hesab ile ilgili tablolar kursa kayt olan rencilere EXCEL dosyas eklinde gnderecektir. AUTOCAD ortamnda trafo tek hat emas, trafo binas yerleim plan, vaziyet plan izimini retmeyi amalar.Enerji Nakil Hatt projesi oluturmada kullanlan ablonlar (SWALLOW, RAVEN, PIGEON) AUTOCAD kullanarak ENH projesi oluturmay hedeflemektedir. Kursa kayt olan rencilere SWALLOW, RAVEN, PIGEON ablonlar rnek projelerle gnderilecektir.AUTOCAD VE EXCEL KULLANARAK YG TRANDFORMATR PROJES HEZIRLAMA KURSUPAYLAILAN DKMANLAR1. UDEMY PAYLAILAN DOSYALAR I KLASR :A) 2020 YEN TRAFO KLASR (Komple tasdikli proje)B) ENHSON KLASR (eitli ENH ablon Projeleri ve Autocad de kullanlacak Insert Klasr (Swallow 1.-2.-3. Blge ablonlar, Beton ve Demir direklere ait ablonlar)C) EXCEL Dosyalar: a)Akmson (direk tipi trafo projesi hesaplar) b)Gerilimson (direk tipi trafo projesi hesaplar) c)Alminyum Havai hat hesaplar d) Motor Yolverme Hesaplar e) NYY kablolu motor hesaplar f) Direk tepe kuvvet hesaplar g) ULUSOY OG Kk Projesi hazrlama2. UDEMY PAYLAILAN RNEK TASDKL PROJELER II KLASR : (Komple tasdikli OG Projesi)3. UDEMY PAYLAILAN BETON KKLER III KLASR : (Elimsan Elko Ormazabal RTS Genel Monoblok Kkler klasrleri)4. UDEMY PAYLAILAN PDF DOSYALAR III KLASR :1) EMO TOPRAKLAMA KLASR ( EMO eitimlerinde, seminerlerde paylalan pdf dosyalar)2) ABB KTAP No.2 - MV-LV transformer substations theory3) EATON pct_29971054) VOLTUM Elektrik Tesisat5) Schneider Elektrik Electrical Installation Guide 20166) EMO - EMO ELEKTRK YKSEK GERLM TESSLER LETME SORUMLULUU YNETMEL7) kontrol mhendislii bildirler kitab8) GES PROJE9) TEDA OG_AG_Proje_el-kitabi-510) ebeke-tipleri11) TEDA YETKS KAPSAMINDAK PROJELERN ONAYINA LKN USUL VE ESASLAR (2015-2)12) 2-TEDAS-MYD-95-002.C5. 01072020 KLASR : ORNEK AG Elektrik181120156. ENH GODERILECEK 5 rnek dosyalar"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"TikTok Marketer" |
"Der TikTok Marketer!In diesem Kurs lernst du Strategien fr ein profitabeles Online Marketing Business auf TikTok ohne selbst vor der Kamera stehen zu mssen!Nach der Bestellung erhlst du Zugang zum Mitgliederbereich: Dort ist alles Schritt fr Schritt erklrt und man kann auf verschiedene Module zugreifen.... fr Anfnger geeignet!Kursinhalte:Grundlagen Affiliate Marketing.TikTok richtig nutzen um profitabel zu sein.Content erstellenKostenlosen Traffic generieren"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Reset your business" |
"As we go through a period of unprecedented amount of change, there is now no going back to business as normal in the post COVID 19 world.This course has a simple aim to put you in the best position possible to allow you thrive as we exit Covid-19If you are a business that:Is questioning where you are goingDoes not have a clear documented strategyUnsure how you will exit Covid-19Needs to reflect on your strategyHas not been producing the results you want from businessThen this course is for you.The foundations of the course provides a framework, used successfully with 1000s of businesses to develop your strategy. Importantly we overlay on this framework the impact of Covid-19 and the new business environment that is emerging.In the course we will look at yourVisionYour marketHow you competeHow you implement your strategy in different exit scenariosThe skills you must have as a leader and business in the post Covid 19 worldSo if you want to put yourself and your business in the best position possible to not only survive but thrive post Covid 19 sign up to this course today"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Natural Methods for Helping Multiple Sclerosis" |
"This course discusses the research available regarding the use of nutrition to help Multiple Sclerosis. There are various diets specifically designed for the purpose and also there are various individual nutrients that seem to help.Obviously following your doctor's recommendations is important but it is also good to take responsibility for your own health."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Leadership: Becoming an Effective and Dynamic Leader" |
"A leader is a person who has a vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen. Leadership itself has not evolved, but our understanding of it has. It is important to understand why very different leadership styles can be effective, why the same leadership techniques will not work in every situation, and which leadership style fits your personality best.In this course, you'll learn what it takes to become a great leader, the theories of leadership, and how leadership and management can coexist to achieve results, reach your vision, and empower your team to become better people. We will discuss:What leadership truly isThe differences between leadership and managementThoughts and theories on leadershipYour personal leadership styleSecrets of public leadershipIn this class, you'll learn some immediate techniques to take and apply to your role, regardless of the job title, to become a more effective, engaging, and dynamic leader. Enroll today and continue to work towards your success as a leader."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Paul's First Letter to Corinth: Part Two (Chapters 11-16)" |
"Questions surrounding church traditions, the role of women in ministry, and the ways spiritual gifts are to be understood, embraced, and embodied were as real in the Apostle Pauls time as they are today. Looking closely at the issues the early church faced, and how Paul addressed them, can help us find practical answers that can guide us in living as new, fully realized followers of Christ.In this online course, Professor N.T. Wright explores chapters 11-16 of Pauls first Epistle to the Corinthians, and explains in plain language Pauls mission to unite a diverse, and sometimes fractured congregation through Christs love. Youll learn how Paul described the community of faith as the body of Christ, and how the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth changed everything and continues to transform the world."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CC Essentials Training Course" |
"Hi there, my name is Daniel Walter Scott and I am an Adobe Certified Instructor.I am here to help you learn Adobe Premiere Pro and to show you the tools you need to become a successful video editor.Premiere Pro is the industry standard used by professional designers to create stunning, high class videos and, after completing this course, you too can become a confident, skilful and efficient creator of stunning videos.This course is aimed at people who are completely new to Premiere Pro.""I've purchased some of Daniel's courses in the past. I like his teaching style. This course is excellent so far. I've taken a number of Premiere Pro courses and this one is the best so far. - Larry Farr""If you are self taught using Premiere, this course will show you techniques you never dreamed were necessary or possible and will show you efficiencies to help speed up your workflow.The course covers many topics - all of them on a step-by-step basis. We will use real world video editing examples to work through:An interviewA wedding videoA short documentarySocial media advertising videosYouTube how to videosTalking head footage mixed with screencasts and voiceoversWe will work with text, animation, motion gfx, special effects and we will add music to our video.""The flow, pace and direction of this course are exactly what I'm looking for. I've taken other courses that left me lost, or weren't going in the direction in terms of learning that I wanted to go. This course is exactly what I'm looking for, and Dan is the best instructor I've experienced. A bit of humor, easy to follow, easy to learn. - Tim Weatherall""We will learn how to do colour correction, colour balancing and also how to create amazing video transitions within our movie.Technical guru topics such as HD v 4K, frames per second, exporting work, fixing up bad audio, balancing and synching audio will all become manageable tasks for you.Best of all...I will show you amazing shortcuts and techniques to speed up your workflow.""I absolutely love this class from Daniel Walter Scott! If you haven't figured it out yet, Daniel is the best instructor on Udemy and instructor on the internet. I couldn't recommend this course and all his courses enough. - Brad Boggs""Throughout the course we will work on mini projects and I will be suggesting assignments which will add value to your portfolio.Start your Premiere Pro training now and fast track your career as a video editor."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Data Analytics Power Query and PivotTables" |
"Microsoft Excel's Power Query tool is the biggest feature Microsoft has added to Excel since PivotTables. Seriously, no joke. Read on to learn more about Excel Power Query and how you'll save loads of time as you take advantage of this powerful feature.In Excel 2016, 2019 and Office 365, Power Query is built directly in the Excel interface through the GET AND TRANSFORM command on the Data tab. (Power Query is NOT available on the MAC release of Excel)Power Query is available on Excel 2010 and 2013 through a free download from Microsoft as described in the course.Lets face it, retrieving, cleaning and transforming data to report on can take hours of precious time. With Excel Power Query you can eliminate repetitive tasks freeing your time for other important tasks, like lunch and going home on time. Excel Power Query removes the hassle and complex formulas of manual tasks such as:Finding the Data each time you need a reportCleaning Columns of DataSplitting or Joining Column ValuesRemoving unnecessary characters and extra spacesFormatting data correctlyFiltering data needed for the reportCombining multiple Datasets into a master listManipulating the data layout to work with other tools, i.e. Excel PivotTables and ChartsIn just 3 easy steps, you'll have a final report ready for presentation and your next raise.Get DataTransform/Clean DataReport on DataOnce you've got it all setup with Excel Power Query all you need to do is hit the Refresh button to update the report with next weeks data. Microsoft Power Query remembers all the steps you performed to get, transform and clean the data all you do is refresh and your report is updated.Sounds all too easy, right? Enroll now and let me guide you through Excel Power Query and you'll quickly be on your way to harnessing the power of managing and reporting on data with Excel Power Query.This Excel Power Query Course Includes:6+ hours of video contentDownloadable exercise files to follow alongAccess to the instructor through the QA section"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Visualizzazioni Guidate: per Te e per Guidare gli Altri" |
"Il corso nasce per insegnare l'arte di guidare visualizzazioni meditative e rilassamenti su di s ed include differenti pratiche guidate per neo-praticanti di qualunque livello.E' utile per psicologi, psicoterapeuti, insegnanti di fitness e yoga, operatori olistici e insegnanti che desiderino impiegare il potere dell'inconscio e della visualizzazione per finalit terapeutiche e legate al benessere. Ma anche per persone come te che desiderano conoscere il potere della mente e della visualizzazione e impiegarlo su di s. Include un approfondimenti specifico di 70 minuti sul linguaggio ipnotico (Milton Model) utile nella comunicazione interpersonale e nella guida di meditazioni, visualizzazioni e rilassamenti fisici.Per ogni iscritto, a disposizione una SESSIONE PERSONALE GRATUITA di un'ora con l'insegnante per approfondire e mettere a fuoco le proprie necessit a fine corso.Marco Cattaneo GOTAM, Ipnotista, insegnante di Meditazione e Mindfulness, da oltre quindici anni praticante di meditazione e da dieci insegna teorica e pratica della meditazione a medici, psicologi e psicoterapeuti."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Juz / Part 09" |
"Juz / Part 09 of the holy Quran Self Education in Quran Reading with Tajweed: Juz / Part 09 of the holy Quran Method: learn quran word by word. Quran learning made easy with the help of Video lessons. Live Online Quran Classes on Skype for For kids, New Muslims, adults, beginners and advanced students.Word for word Quran teacher/reciter, Reading and tajweed helper tool. Learning Quran made easy with Quran teaching Videos lessons. Learn Quran with Tajweed series - Quran Lessons for beginners to learn with proper Tajwid.With the video Lessons you learn: * Quran Reading * Applied Tajweed Rules * Rules of Waqf * Correct pronunciationOur Quran Learning videos are best for teaching Quran with Tajweed to your children. Also the Quran teachers can use them to help their students learn Qaida and Quran. If you have any question about our Quran learning Project, then please feel free to contact us. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Branding Strategies To Make Your Dream Job Find You" |
"Dream job is a vague term. It means different things to different people. For me, it is just a job or an opportunity that you like for which you get paid well.So, regardless of whether you are a full or part-time professional, consultant, freelancer, entrepreneur or a coach, we all have our own versions of ""Dream Job"".Regardless of what your ""Dream Job"" is, you and me can follow simple, trusted and proven strategies used by many successful entrepreneurs like Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk and Neil Patel to name a few.In this Course you will learn all the 3 strategies which will help you understand what you need to do in order to Position yourself differently to your competition,Showcase your most confident version to the world,Impress your prospect before the Interview (first meeting), Build an inspiring influence on your network,Create new and unexpected opportunities,Develop multiple products and services using technology & your experienceBuild a business around your Personal Brand using the right technologies We will wrap it up with understanding my best case-study so far and the best tool that you need to start implementing these strategies at the earliest possible."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness Caregiving When Your Loved One has Dementia" |
"Caregiving for a loved one with dementia is rewarding and it is challenging. With so many things on the to-do list and frequently experiencing complex and difficult feelings and emotions, family caregivers very often put their needs last or ignore them all together--which increases their stress and perpetuates their suffering. The Mindfulness Caregiving approach helps caregivers develop a sense of calmness and resiliency, and teaches some tools and strategies for regulating emotions, reducing stress and re-framing life experiences during their caregiving journey in more constructive and joyful ways.This course encourages students to become aware of their habitual ways of being in and relating to the world that may further contribute to suffering, and offers compassionate ways to transform these habits. The Mindfulness Caregiving approach provides tools that cultivate happiness, calmness and promotes optimism, gratitude, connectedness & resilience!The Mindfulness Caregiving course is infused with real-life loving-kindness, creativity, a little humor and recognizes all that you do and connects us as a community of caregivers."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Wolfram Mathematica desde cero a ML." |
"Este curso contiene los fundamentos del lenguaje de programacin Wolfram Language y el software Mathematica. Se comienza desde cero con el proceso de instalacin y configuracin del software para luego ver aplicaciones prcticas de Machine Learning con este mismo. No es un curso especializado ya que est diseado para principiantes, sin embargo podra servir a personas que tienen conocimientos y quieren recordar algunos trucos y usos de Mathematica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Canva for Teachers" |
"This course will teach you graphic design fundamentals and how to employ them to create awesome classroom handouts, posters, lesson plans and other deliverables' using the FREE design tool CANVA.Do you want to create fun and interesting handouts for your classroom, but don't know where to start?Have you tried to piece information together from various sources around the web but end up even more confused?Don't have the money to hire expensive graphic designers for your projects.,..who does right?If you answered yes, to any or all of these questions, then you have found the right course for you.Teaching is hard. Creating handouts that are fun and help your students learn take time to create and can be difficult without the right tools. Using the free online tool Canva is all you need to create everything you need for your class.This is where this class will help. Anyone can learn how to use the free design tool CANVA. In this class you will learn not only to use CANVA, but before we start creating real-world classroom projects we cover the fundamentals of graphic design that will evaluate your classroom to another level.Some of the Fundamentals of Design we will cover are:SpaceLineRepetitionHierarchyWe will use the Fundamentals of Design to create a brand and all the graphics we create in the course will be for an imaginary classroom. You will then learn to use CANVA to create the following social media graphics:PosterPresentationInfographicsCertificateLabelNewsletterLesson PlansBadgesWorksheetsReport CardENROLL NOW!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SKETCHBOOK on IPAD Pro, the complete course" |
"You want to learn a very powerful software to draw? You an try Sketchbook, which is a really powerful software to sue on Ipad! You will find in this course the basic options that will allow you to draw easily and to produce good quality illustrations. You will find with couple of examples how to use the drawing options, the available brushes and how to use all of these to create your illustrations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Potenziare la vita con la Ruota di Medicina." |
"Il corso diretto a chi ha gi una conoscenza di base della Ruota di Medicina, come viene praticata da molte culture native americane. Il corso si propone di approfondire queste conoscenze attraverso pratiche e tecniche complesse che stimolano la consapevolezza e la capacit di orientare il proprio destino.Le tecniche proposte riguardano in particolare:- la costruzione della Ruota di 20/24 sassi, una tipologia pi complessa della Ruota di 36 sassi; - la riflessione sulla simbologia del cranio umano, che richiama quella del Sacro Cerchio;- l'approfondimento della Conta dei Venti, come metodo di numerologia applicata;- l'esplorazione dei 4 sentieri, come percorsi di manifestazione del Centro nella periferia, e come tipologia di iniziazioni, che riflettono le diverse sfumature della spiritualit individuale."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fit fr den Konflikt" |
"In diesem Kurs stellen wir Ihnen vier Methoden vor, mit denen Sie sich besser auf Konfliktsituationen vorbereiten knnen.Lernen Sie zunchst mit Hilfe des Synergos-Persnlichkeitstests Ihre eigenen Werte und Bedrfnisse besser kennen. Mit der Wahrnehmungspositionentechnik zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie auch Ihren Konfliktpartner und dessen Motive besser verstehen knnen. Und wenn der Konflikt auf der Beziehungsebene geklrt ist, geben wir Ihnen mit der Problemlsekonferenz und dem SCORE-Modell zwei Methoden an die Hand, mit denen Sie Konflikte auf der Sachebene klren knnen.Abschnitt 1: Nothing to regretUm auf ein erflltes Leben zurckzuschauen, ist es wichtig, sich an den eigenen Werten und Bedrfnissen zu orientieren. Viele Menschen haben jedoch den Kontakt zu Ihren Bedrfnissen verloren. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, sich Ihre eigenen Bedrfnisse wieder bewusst zu machen und Ihre Lebensentscheidungen daran auszurichten. Machen Sie den Synergos-Persnlichkeitstest und erkennen Sie, was Ihnen im Leben wirklich wichtig ist. Und entscheiden Sie dann, wie Sie Ihr Leben in Zukunft gestalten wollen: Wovon wollen Sie mehr? Was werden Sie verndern? Und wovon werden Sie sich trennen?Abschnitt 2: Fit fr die KonfliktklrungSie stecken in einem Konflikt im privaten oder beruflichen Umfeld? Und Sie haben beschlossen, aktiv in die Konfliktklrung zu gehen und das Gesprch zu suchen?Sehr gut! Denn ungelste und schwelende Konflikte belasten uns nicht nur emotional. Sie sind auch einer der wichtigsten Grnde fr Trennungen und kosten Unternehmen in Deutschland jedes Jahr Milliarden-Betrge.Damit die Konfliktklrung gut wird, ist es entscheidend, dass Sie gut vorbereitet in das Gesprch gehen. Unser Kurs hilft Ihnen, fr mehr Klarheit und Gelassenheit zu sorgen. Auerdem erhalten Sie die Gelegenheit, sich 'auf den Stuhl' Ihres Konfliktpartners zu setzen. Seien Sie gespannt, welche Vernderungen dadurch gedanklich bei Ihnen entstehen werden! Damit Sie klar und gelassen in das Konfliktklrungsgesprch gehen knnen!Abschnitt 3: Lse Deine SachkonflikteSie haben einen Sachkonflikt, fr den Sie keine Lsung finden? Die Gedanken kreisen, Sie grbeln, aber die passende Lsung will sich nicht zeigen?Fr die Lsung solcher Konflikte bieten wir Ihnen in diesem Kurs zwei unterschiedliche Methoden an, um Ihre Kreativitt anzukurbeln und alleine oder in der Gruppe wieder 'Luft unter die Flgel' zu bekommen.Wir stellen Ihnen beide Methoden im berblick vor. Um Sie in der Anwendung zu untersttzen, haben wir fr jede Methode einen Spielfilm gedreht: Sie sehen, wie ein Coach die Problemlsekonferenz fr einen Sachkonflikt aus dem beruflichen Feld des Projektmanagements verwendet. In einem zweiten Spielfilm sehen Sie, wie eine Mutter in einem privaten Sachkonflikt mit Hilfe des SCORE-Modells neue Lsungsideen findet.Hinweis: Dieser Kurs enthlt Auszge aus unserem Udemy-Kurs 'Die Kunst zu streiten', mit denen Sie einfach und gezielt konkrete Fragestellungen fr Ihren Alltag bearbeiten knnen."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Get More Clients for Your Web Design Business / Development" |
"Learn how to land high-paying clients for your web design business or web development freelancing business. In this class I will show you: Specific marketing tactics to acquire new clients Freelancing marketing tips How to get more leads How to get new clients who arent price sensitive How to charge a premium for your services by differentiating your firm How to get noticed and book new client consultations How to get referrals and more business from EXISTING clients How to reframe your messaging around the needs of the client rather than talking about your firm and your servicesand so much more!web design clients design clients web design business web design business from home business web design web design business plan business website design running a web design business home business web development business web design and development business running a web development business"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |