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"SQL Server : L'administration d'un serveur SQL Partie 3" |
">>>Ce cours vous intresse ? Et vous souhaitez y bnficier d'une rduction ? Alors envoyez moi un email (une surprise vous attend :) <<<Bienvenue dans ma troisime partie sur l'administration d'un serveur SQL :)Nous allons dans ce cours aborder deux sujets importants : La scurit et la gestion des privilges (1h30 de cours) : Les roles fixes de serveurFaire un rle personnalis pour le serveurQu'est ce qu'un schema ?Qu'est ce que le chanage multibase ?Qu'est ce que le Row Level Security?Et bien plus encoreDtecter et rparer la corruption sur une BDD. (1h30 de cours) :Quelles sont les causes frquentes de corruption ? Comment vrifier la cohrence des donnes ? Comment rparer en cas de corruption ?Quel faire lors de la corruption avec les logs ?Et bien plus encorePourquoi se lancer dans l'administration SQL?SQL est une des comptences trs activement recherches sur le march de l'emploi.Administrer un serveur SQL aujourd'hui, c'est s'assurer avoir un job a plein temps.De plus SQL Server par sa simplicit, permet assez rapidement a monter en comptence sur des sujets assez pointus. Vous tes Tech Lead, developpeurs, futur DBA, ou autre mtier qui va s'attaquer a SQL, alors ce cours est fait pour vous :)Une fois ce cours termine, vous serez bougrement plus l'aise avec l'administration d'un serveur SQL.J'ai tenu aussi a que les vidos nexcdent pas les 10 minutes, pour que ce ne soit pas trop soporifique :)>>>Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entre-aide, tutos de mes formations<<<>>>Tapez dans FaceBook: Formation SQL by Olivier Thuillier<<<"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server : Apprenez les bases du TSQL, dans ce cours de 4h" |
">>>Ce cours vous intresse ? Et vous souhaitez y bnficier d'une rduction ? Alors envoyez moi un email (une surprise vous attend :) <<<Vous tes un (trs) grand dbutant sur SQL, et vous voulez apprendre rapidement a faire des requtes en TSQL ? Ce cours sera donc idal pour vous.Aprs avoir appris SQL server sur votre poste,on va aborder dans ce cours dans l'ordre : La cration et la dfinition d'une base de donneLa cration et la dfinition d'une tableSlectionner, mettre a jour, supprimer et insrer des donnes.(SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE) Allez plus loin dans le TSQL en abordant les LIKE,ORDER BY, GROUP BY, DISTINCT, SELECT INTO etc...Allez encore plus loin en TSQL en dcouvrant le AND et le OR, le BETWEEN, le COUNT etc...10 Tips sur Management Studio qui vous simplifieront grandement la vie :)Et pour finir nous verrons les fameuses jointures (INNER JOIN,LEFT/RIGHT JOIN FULL OUTER JOIN etc...)Bien sur avec des exercices et des corrigs.Une fois ce cours termine, croyez moi que vous serez bougrement plus l'aise avec le langage SQL.J'ai tenu aussi a que les vidos nexcdent pas les 10 minutes, pour que ce ne soit pas trop soporifique :)Pourquoi se lancer sur la technologie SQL?SQL est une des comptences trs activement recherches sur le march de l'emploi.Administrer un serveur SQL et faire des requtes en TSQL aujourd'hui, c'est s'assurer avoir un job a plein temps.De plus SQL Server par sa simplicit, permet assez rapidement a monter en comptence sur des sujets assez pointus. Regardez la moyenne de mes autres cours (4,4/5), et vous verrez que mes cours sont des cours de qualit :)>>>Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entre-aide, tutos de mes formations<<<>>>Tapez dans FaceBook: Formation SQL by Olivier Thuillier<<<"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
recruiting |
", , , . . , . , , . : , . Facebook Google. : , , , . , . , . , HR!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Sponsorship Marketing" |
"Are you just starting out with Sponsorships? Or perhaps looking to improve your existing Sponsorship campaigns? Perhaps you are looking to become an all-round marketing expert and wish to tie your performance marketing knowledge with branding and sponsorships? Then this is the course for you!Many marketers who are focusing on digital marketing skills are forgetting some of the core marketing techniques that still exist in abundance, and one of those is Sponsorships. Sponsorships are a $billion industry and are mastered by some of the biggest brands out there; Pepsi, Emirates, M&S and Samsung. It's vital that budding marketers grasp this topic and ensure they tie it into their wider marketing mix to achieve their multi-attributed marketing objectives.What's more, Sponsorships have evolved. No longer is it simply a logo on a billboard. Sponsorships have now moved online and they've become trackable. Marketers are forgetting this fact, and this course aims to teach you not only traditional offline sponsorship methods, but the advancing online options too.I bring my 12 years experience in UK start-ups to FTSE 100 companies, where I've managed multi-million pound Sponsorship campaigns. I've also written for some of the UK's largest marketing publications; EConsultancy and PerformanceIN, on the topic.In this course I aim to teach you everything there is to know about Sponsorships: Understand the many types and branches of sponsorship, from corporate to influencersLearn how Sponsorships are created, scheduled, measured and analysedLearn how to plan, strategise and deploy specific sponsorship tacticsHow to utilise sponsorships not only offline but also onlineBecome an expert in sponsorship campaigns, running them from start to finishAdvanced tracking and attribution techniques....And plenty of up to date examples!To truly become an all-round marketer one needs to understand the techniques of Sponsorship Marketing!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"R komplett: Data Science, Machine Learning & Neuronale Netze" |
"Werde zum gefragten Data-Science-Spezialisten mit R!Data-Science-Experten sind nicht nur gefragt wie nie, sie bekommen auch ein berdurchschnittliches Gehalt (laut Indeed Jobbrse). Mit diesem Kurs mchte ich dir den besten Einstieg bieten.R ist eine unglaublich mchtige und effiziente Sprache, sowohl ob fr Data Science als auch Machine Learning. Leider ist der Einstieg allerdings oft sehr trocken - nicht aber in diesem Kurs, alle Themen lernst du Schritt fr Schritt und am Beispiel.=> ""Wie auch bei Jannis' anderen Kursen ist alles top! Gute step by step Introduction."" (, Markus Dunkel)Besonders viele bungen + Beispiele:In diesem Kurs werden alle Themen anschaulich erklrt - du analysierst Geburtsstatistiken & echte Gehlter aus San Francisco, erstellst ein Modell fr Diabetes, extrahierst Raketenstarts aus einer Webseite (Web-Crawling) oder visualisierst in einer Grafik die Ausbreitung von Ebola bzw. dem Coronavirus. Schritt fr Schritt lernst du also alles was du zum Thema R wissen musst - und zwar nicht nur die Sprache selbst, sondern auch alle wichtigen Tools drumherum, und wie R angewandt wird. Dadurch kannst du das Wissen aus dem Kurs sofort anwenden. Mit ber 200+ HD-Videos und mehr als 23 Stunden Videomaterial ist dies der umfangreichste Data-Science Kurs mit R auf Udemy.Was lernst du alles?R Grundlagen:RStudio (unsere Entwicklungsumgebung)FunktionenVariablen,...Data Science:Lese Daten einErstelle anschauliche Visualisierungenberzeuge deine Kollegen durch berzeugende PDF-ReportsDiverse Beispiele!Machine Learning mit caret:RegressionKlassifizierungDaten aus Text extrahieren (Natural Language Processing)Diverse Beispiele!Deep Learning:Trainiere ein einfaches Neuronales NetzNach Abschluss des Kurses bist du in der Lage, Daten auszuwerten, Machine-Learning-Modelle zu trainieren, berzeugende PDF-Reports zu erstellen und Daten aus Webseiten zu extrahieren. Das sind genau die Fhigkeiten, die du als Data-Scientist beherrschen musst.Kurz: Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses beherrscht du nicht nur R, sondern auch Data-Science und Machine Learning - sowohl fr eigene Analysen, als auch fr einen Job als Data-Scientist."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Freedom from being Separate - Embodied Forgiveness - A5.7" |
"This is One Course within a Seven part Course-Series entitled Embodied Forgiveness. This course is complete in itself focuses on utilizing forgiveness to liberate ourselves from Being Sepporate and un-aware of Unity.Key: When forgiven properly, you experience a natural authentic appreciation.Forgiveness has many degrees of application ranging from a mere pardon of sins as discussed in ""A Course in Miracles"" to the extreme extent, where ""A Course in Miracles"" could take you; complete forgiving of all the definitions of all physical existence, leading to transcending this physical dimensional plane. This course, however, intends on assisting you to comprehend and apply forgiveness to liberate yourself from current suffering and pain residual from your previous experiences.Forgiveness in itself is almost impossible to teach because authentic forgiveness is an absence of doing something. It develops a shift from perceived imprisonment or struggles to freedom and enjoyment. These principles have been taught by religious and spiritual leaders for eons however it is hardly taken to the extreme of transcending time and space. Your professor Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne however fully embodied forgiveness on his five-year vision quest, where he sought to transcend the world by forgiving every degree and aspect of the world. Not only does forgiveness become a way of seeing, where it is applied instantaneously but it eventually dissolves the physical perspective and allows you to experience the multidimensional Spiritual Universe.So if you are ready to be free from being Being Sepporate and un-aware of Unity, this course is what you have been looking for. It is a beautiful addition to any spiritual practice, if you know of ""A Course in Miracles"" or not."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Becoming an Unreal Automation Expert" |
"In this course, three leading industry experts will teach you how you can automate Unreal Engine 4 to handle tedious/repetitive tasks. We will use the same examples to show you how you can create tools that will tremendously decrease the time you spent with those tasks. You can follow along with Blueprints, Python, or even C++. This way, you will also gain great insides on the different approaches, how they can work together, and what differentiates them."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Cell Signalling and DNA Structure MCQ (Bio Chemistry)" |
"Signal transduction is the process by which a chemical or physical signal is transmitted through a cell as a series of molecular events, most commonly protein phosphorylation catalyzed by protein kinases, which ultimately results in a cellular response. Proteins responsible for detecting stimuli are generally termed receptors, although in some cases the term sensor is used. The changes elicited by ligand binding (or signal sensing) in a receptor give rise to a biochemical cascade, which is a chain of biochemical events known as a signaling pathwayWhen signaling pathways interact with one another they form networks, which allow cellular responses to be coordinated, often by combinatorial signaling events. At the molecular level, such responses include changes in the transcription or translation of genes, and post-translational and conformational changes in proteins, as well as changes in their location. These molecular events are the basic mechanisms controlling cell growth, proliferation, metabolism and many other processes. In multicellular organisms, signal transduction pathways regulate cell communication in a wide variety of waysIn molecular biology, DNA replication is the biological process of producing two identical replicas of DNA from one original DNA molecule. DNA replication occurs in all living organisms acting as the basis for biological inheritance. The cell possesses the distinctive property of division, which makes replication of DNA essentialDNA is made up of a double helix of two complementary strands. During replication, these strands are separated. Each strand of the original DNA molecule then serves as a template for the production of its counterpart, a process referred to as semiconservative replication. As a result of semi-conservative replication, the new helix will be composed of an original DNA strand as well as a newly synthesized strand. Cellular proofreading and error-checking mechanisms ensure near perfect fidelity for DNA replicationIn a cell, DNA replication begins at specific locations, or origins of replication, in the genome. Unwinding of DNA at the origin and synthesis of new strands, accommodated by an enzyme known as helicase, results in replication forks growing bi-directionally from the origin. A number of proteins are associated with the replication fork to help in the initiation and continuation of DNA synthesis. Most prominently, DNA polymerase synthesizes the new strands by adding nucleotides that complement each (template) strand. DNA replication occurs during the S-stage of interphaseDNA replication (DNA amplification) can also be performed in vitro (artificially, outside a cell). DNA polymerases isolated from cells and artificial DNA primers can be used to start DNA synthesis at known sequences in a template DNA molecule. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), ligase chain reaction (LCR), and transcription-mediated amplification (TMA) are examplesThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Cell Signalling, transduction and DNA Structure and Replication. Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 135 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ber 40 Email Tipps & Strategien Email Selbstvermarktung" |
"Was sind die grten NO GOs bei Emails?Wie knnen wir professionelle Emails schreiben?Wie knnen wir zielfhrend mit Emails kommunizieren?In diesem Videokurs lernst du ber 40 interessante Email Tipps & Strategien kennen, wie du professionelle Emails schreiben kannst.Dabei liegt der Fokus darauf:den optimalen Aufbau einer Email zu finden.Emails zu schreiben, die andere begeistern.Email zu schreiben, die zielfhrend sind.eine sinnvolle Emailorganisation aufzubauen.Wer es nicht versteht Emails professionell zu schreiben, der:verliert potentielle Kunden.verliert wertvolle Zeit.fordert Unklarheiten und unntige Konflikte.wird sich selbst schlecht vermarkten.Worauf wartest du?Schreib dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein und erhalte ber 40 interessante Email Tipps & Strategien fr eine professionelle Selbstvermarktung.Wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion,dein Leon Dawi-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen knackigen Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >>-----------------------"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Zoom: Le guide pour des runions plus efficaces" |
"Vous souhaitez faire des runions en ligne mais vous ne savez pas par o commencer?Rejoignez-Nous cette formation 100% pratique en Visioconfrence avec la plateforme Zoom et apprenez lancer des runions efficaces.Nous avons pris l'initiative de crer ce cours pour vous donner les comptences techniques dont vous avez besoin pour animer vos runions et/ou vos sance de formation en ligne avec succs. Ce cours traite des cas rels, de runions lances dans le domaine de l'ducation Vers la fin de ce cours vous allez tre capable de:Lancer efficacement une runion sur ZoomFaire le paramtrage ncessaire Faire les tests de dbit, de son, de vido...Mieux organiser votre sance/runionInviter les participantsEnregistrer les sances en format vido, mp3... et la partager avec les personnes concernesRejoignez-nous ce parcours qui va vous transformer ""From Zero to a Hero"" en visioconfrence sous la plateforme Zoom.Nous sommes toujours disponible en cas de besoin, nous serons heureux rpondre vos commentaires et vos question et vous accompagner la russite de votre parcours.Obtenez un certificat d'achvement lorsque vous avez termin le cours!Avec notre garantie satisfait ou rembours de 30 Jours, vous n'avez pas hsiter!!INSCRIVEZ-VOUS MAINTENANT!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Get your Desired Job by Networking" |
"I had to often move to different locations, say different states or countries. This made me change jobs a number of time. each time I had good experiences and landed a number of interviews with companies I wanted to work for. I have compiled all that I have learnt from my experiences with networking with people across the globe and their advises to put in this course. I hope this course value adds to your learnings and you land your interview to get your dream job. However, my video is only for landing job interviews and do not guarantee you getting any job."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Best business opportunities during the recession" |
"This course helps you understand the cycle of recession. Once you understand the traits of the recession that is will be much easier to cope with the effects of the recession.This course helps you identify the best business opportunities during the recessionThe course has been proven to set in motion the right mindset to deal with a situation effectively.Once you have completed the course you would have identified the best business opportunities during the recession.After completing the course you'll be able to help yourself and your near and dear ones overcome the effects of the recession, you will know and avoid the recession traps created by the situations out of your control."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Make your own Pet Portrait with Hand Embroidery" |
"I remember looking at Instagram and seeing all those talented artists making amazing pet portraits with thread. I started learning the technique on my own and sharing it on my own Instagram, and soon enough I had people asking me for commissions.In this course we will go over the following:What tools do you will needHow to trace your picture and how to transfer it to the fabricHow to pick out your colors and what contrasting colors you needShading techniques useful for portraits of long haired dogs and short haired dogsHow to do the details - the eyes, the nose."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Investire in Criptovalute" |
"Tra tecnologia ed economia, i bitcoin non smettono di fare notizia.Il volume di scambio e la capitalizzazione di mercato presentano andamenti che sorprendono e catturano l'attenzione degli addetti ai lavori. In tutto il mondo ormai centinaia di migliaia di persone utilizzano i bitcoin per piccole spese, mentre sempre pi operazioni finanziarie vengono eseguite anche in altre criptovalute, Ethereum in primis.Creato con la consueta semplicit che contraddistingue i percorsi dellAcademy di TraDetector, questo nuovo percorso completo risponde alle domande di chi guarda con interesse ai bitcoin e alle altre principali criptovalute con un focus sulla piattaforma Ethereum.Iniziare a utilizzare le criptovalute o fare investimenti mirati stando lontano da rischi e truffe alla portata di tutti e per i pi timorosi esiste anche la possibilit di accumulare piccole somme senza investire direttamente di tasca propria. L'importante iniziare a orientarsi in questo nuovo mondo ricco di opportunit.La peculiarit di questo corso, che lo distingue dagli altri, lattenzione che Sidoti ripone nel protocollo Ethereum, che non solo ha creato una nuova valuta, ma un modo completamente nuovo di sviluppare ed eseguire programmi web e per computer. Grazie alla creazione dei contratti Smart sulla sua rete, Ethereum sta cambiando anche il modo in cui le aziende gestiscono i contratti. Questa rivoluzione informatica ancora all'inizio, ma comprendere il funzionamento del suo protocollo potrebbe fornirvi una conoscenza anticipata di una delle maggiori rivoluzioni tecnologiche nei prossimi anni.Allinterno di questo nuovo percorso di formazione, il dott. Gianluca Sidoti, CEO di TraDetector, descrive con dovizia di particolari le principali caratteristiche delle criptovalute, a partire dalla loro definizione, dal loro utilizzo, dalla blockchain e dalle varie metodologie di investimento intelligente, con un focus su trading e investimenti, lending, mining e la partecipazione alle aste e alle pre-aste in fase di ICO.Tra gli argomenti trattati:- La differenza tra valute tradizionali e valute digitali- Definizione e caratteristiche dei bitcoin- Il protocollo Bitcoin- Satoshi Nakamoto- Identificazione delle principali criptovalute (Altcoin)- Come aprire e gestire un Wallet e un Exchange- Ethereum e la sua Blockchain- Le App Decentralizzate- Gli Smart Contract- Gli sviluppi futuri delle criptovalute- Trading e Investimenti in criptovalute- Il lending di bitcoin- Il mining di criptovalute- La tassazione delle rendite- Le ICO- Lezione Bonus: Tutorial sulla Piattaforma di TradingCome per tutti i Corsi presenti su Udemy, anche questo percorso di formazione coperto dalla garanzia Soddisfatto o Rimborsato entro 30 giorni. Acquisti, segui il corso e se non ti piace, chiedi il rimborso!Come per tutti i Corsi dellAcademy di TraDetector su Udemy, inclusa lassistenza e il supporto dei nostri Consulenti per chiarire dubbi o fare qualsiasi domanda."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CBSE Class 10 Math (follows 2020 syllabus of NCERT) in Hindi" |
"Me, Subrat Dash, teaching Mathematics and Computer to School students science last 12 years. Mathematics is considered as one of the tough subjects for students. Therefore I have designed this course by keeping in mind all the needs of students. This course is explained in Hindi language.-Who can take this course?This course is specially designed for students of Class 10 CBSE board however it can be taken by the students of any other board if they have these chapters as a part of their curriculum.-Benefits of taking this Course:Explanatory videos ensures complete concept understanding.Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz video helps in testing your knowledge.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.On completion of this course, you will have detail knowledge to score good in exams.So hurry up and enroll now!!Who this course is for:Students of CBSE Boards Class 10 and Teachers.Anyone who wants to learn MathematicsTeachers who wish to teach their students mathematics in a simpler way"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
SQLite |
"SQLIte ; ; ;SQL ; ; INSERT INTO; ; SQLite; SELECT ... WHERE ... ORDER; COUNT() SUM() AVG(); ; JOIN; JOIN ; ; ; ; ; SQLite;GUI SQLite"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Power Engineering: Power System Analysis - Part 2" |
"This course is the second part of a multi-part course series about one of the main areas of electrical engineering: power system analysis. Power system analysis is the core of power engineering and its understanding is therefore essential for a career in this field. In this second course of the multi-part course series, you will learn about generators, electrical transformers, and transmission lines and their use in power system analysis. The course is divided into the following sections:1. Generator Models: in section 2, we will introduce the synchronous generator, which is where all the power in power systems comes from. We'll begin by defining the circuit model of the synchronous generator so that we can analyze its performance. We will then continue to discuss key concepts, such as voltage regulation and the power angle, and will end with several examples.2. Transformer Models: in section 3, we will introduce the power transformer (also called electrical transformer). Transformers allow power systems to operate at different voltage levels and are an essential part of any power system. We will begin by defining the equivalent circuit model of a power transformer, and will then move on to discuss the approximate and simplified circuits. We will also solve several examples along the way.3. The Per-Unit System: in section 4, we will introduce the per-unit system. The per-unit system is a technique used extensively in power system analysis and is therefore essential that it is understood. This technique allows for the analysis of a power system, which may have components operating at different voltage levels, into one continuous circuit. We will solve several examples to illustrate how the per-unit system can help with the analysis of power systems.4. Transmission Line Models: in section 5, we will discuss the different transmission line models depending on their length, as well as why these models are good approximations of real-life characteristics.In each section, several examples are solved to illustrate how to analyze real-world power systems.By learning all the different circuit models of the components used in power systems, you will be able to continue your study of power system analysis for a career in power engineering and electrical engineering. Remember that Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. I am also always available for questions while you go through the course to ensure everything is clear.See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning: Vision Computarizada (OpenCV, SSD y +Mas!)" |
"Vamos a tender un puente entre la arquitectura bsica de la CNN que ya conoces y amas, y las arquitecturas modernas y novedosas como VGG, ResNet, e Inception (llamada as por la pelcula que, por cierto, tambin es genial!)Vamos a aplicar esto a las imgenes de las clulas sanguneas, y crear un sistema que sea mejor experto mdico que usted o yo. Esto nos da una idea fascinante: que los mdicos del futuro no son humanos, sino robots.En este curso, ver cmo podemos convertir una CNN en un sistema de deteccin de objetos, que no slo clasifica las imgenes sino que puede localizar cada objeto en una imagen y predecir su etiqueta.Se puede imaginar que esa tarea es un requisito bsico para los vehculos de autoconduccin. (Debe ser capaz de detectar coches, peatones, bicicletas, semforos, etc. en tiempo real)Estaremos mirando un algoritmo de ltima generacin llamado SSD que es a la vez ms rpido y ms preciso que sus predecesores.Otra tarea de visin por ordenador muy popular que hace uso de las CNN se llama transferencia de estilo neural.Aqu es donde tomas una imagen llamada imagen de contenido, y otra imagen llamada imagen de estilo, y las combinas para hacer una imagen completamente nueva, es como si contrataras a un pintor para pintar el contenido de la primera imagen con el estilo de la otra. A diferencia de un pintor humano, esto puede hacerse en cuestin de segundos.Tambin les presentar la ahora famosa arquitectura GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks), donde aprendern algo de la tecnologa detrs de cmo las redes neuronales se usan para generar imgenes de ltima generacin y foto-realistas.Actualmente, tambin implementamos la localizacin de objetos, que es un primer paso esencial para implementar un sistema completo de deteccin de objetos.Espero que estn emocionados de aprender sobre estas aplicaciones avanzadas de las CNN, los ver en clase!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trance Psychic Mediumship Masterclass" |
"Trance Psychic Mediumship MasterclassOur Masterclass is an innovative, intimate and compelling enhancement of Trance Psychic Mediumship and SpiritualityThis course is certified by the teachers and a personal certificate is issued on request at the end of the courseThis course is designed for those who want to challenge themselves within their trance mediumship. We have put together informal talks on the subject matter, which are then linked to exercises and demonstrations, to help the student progress in and develop their trance psychic mediumship to the next level. Students coming onto this course must have an understanding of trance mediumship and have carried out eitherThe Definitive Guide to Trance MediumshipThe Simple Guide to Trance Healing courses"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"(CISA) Certified Information Systems Auditor: Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for (CISA) Certified Information Systems Auditor : Tests 2020ISACA CISA certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in IT Audit domain.Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification is for individuals who have interest in information systems auditing, control and security. It is a globally recognized certification for IS audit control, assurance and security professionals.CISA is world-renowned as the standard of achievement for those who audit, control, monitor and assess an organizations information technology and business systems.This practice test will help you prepare for the real CISA official exam test environment. ISACA CISA exam improve the following skills questions:INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDITING PROCESSGOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF ITINFORMATION SYSTEMS ACQUISITION, DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATIONINFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND BUSINESS RESILIENCEPROTECTION OF INFORMATION ASSETSThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISACA CISA in any way.Best of luck for your exam !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Productivity Unlocked: Productivity Hacks to Have More Time" |
"DescriptionI'm going to help you increase your productivity. This is a completely new way to think about how to take productivity to the next level fast!My goal is to make you more productive, increase your focus, reduce stress, feel more in control, and have more free time!Our Approach:My teaching method can be summed up in two steps: Science-Based Tactical and ActionableI take a science-based approach to become more productive. These aren't tricks or gimmicks. They are easy steps based on years of research out of academic institutions and journals.I created this course concise, compact, and actionable because you're busy and you want to change NOW!Let's Banish: Procrastination Junk From Your Life Distractions Saying YES All The TimeWhat People Are Saying About My Courses:- ""That's an amazing course! I recommend"" Malak Youssef- ""All went well... Precise and to the point ... Some more examples would add weightage to this course... speed may be a bit slow .. "" Atul Rastogi"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-1084-20 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer Associate" |
"Use This Coupon : LESS_THAN_10 to get discount more than 60%Use This Coupon : ONLY-BY-12 to get discount more than 52%Prepare For Oracle 1Z0-1084-20 Exam Related with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate Certification.We Provides 100% Valid Oracle 1Z0-1084-20 Exam Questions and answers which can helps you to Pass Your Certification Exam in First Attempt.You have to pass 100% like real.Exam Topics:Developing a high available, highly scalable & secure cloud native application- Develop high performing applications & API- Develop a serverless application- Develop a secure application- Manage application persistence- Develop application using OCI Developer tools, such as, APIs, SDKs and CLIDeploying a cloud native application- Deploy the code using existing CI/CD pipeline on OCI- Deploy a serverless application- Manage & store the application code runtimes- Manage the deployment strategy such as blue/green, canary, rolling upgrade- Deploy an application on Oracle Kubernetes Engine- Deploy and manage autonomous database for application persistence- Deploy the base infrastructure using Resource ManagerSecurity- Make authenticated API calls to OCI- Use Encryption in Application Deployment- Use IAM for Authentication and Authorization- Use 3rd party tools for secret managementLogging, Monitoring and Alerting- Develop applications such a way that uses the logging service & send metrics to telemetry service- Enable logging for OCI services such as Events, Object Storage, Oracle Function- Enable compute resources for monitoring- Monitor the application metrics in Telemetry DashboardApplication Modernization on OCI- Lift & Shift existing application on OCI- Craft new Microservices based on Microservices design pattern such as Circuit Breaker, Bulkhead Pattern, API Gateway etc"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
sew_syzran |
"- ! , . ! ! : , , , , . . fashion , . . - ."
Price: 2799.00 ![]() |
sathunqe |
": "
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Comment trouver le job idal ? Soyez heureux en travaillant!" |
"Un problme ?Vous en avez ras-le-bol de vous lever tous les matins pour un travail qui n'est pas ""VOUS"" ?Votre seule raison d'aller travailler est votre salaire qui tombe tous les mois ?Vous n'aimez pas ce que vous faites mais il faut bien travailler ?Une envie ?Vous ne vous tes jamais dit qu'il tait possible d'aimer un travail au point d'tre prt(e) vous lever un dimanche matin 05h00 quitte ne pas tre pay pour le faire ? LA solution :L'Ikigai ou le WHY, est l'quivalent japonais de la joie de vivre et de la raison d'tre . Vous trouverez au travers de cette formation, votre vrai ""SOI"". >>> Dfinissez-le avec moi puis trouver enfin le travail qui vous correspond vraiment :-)J.D."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diritto d'autore e privacy per creatori di contenuti" |
"La formazione legale per chi crea contenuti online parte dal sentito dire.Non ci si aspetta nemmeno che ci sia qualcuno online che possa aiutare a capire, invece di confondere idee con ""codici"" e ""dipende"".Invece Valentino Spataro e Andrea Ciraolo si sono incontrati e si sono detti: dobbiamo farlo. L'uno la voce del giurista che anche smanettone, l'altro la voce del content creator. Entrambi podcaster.Tutto iniziato con l'idea di semplificare e divulgare, ma senza disperdersi in questioni teoriche. Domande semplici, risposte brevi e operative. Un lavoro realizzato insieme con passione, professionalit e anche divertendoci.Siamo gi pronti alla versione 2.0, tu?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Menjaga Motivasi Diri untuk Mencapai Tujuan Menggunakan NLP" |
"Di kursus ini, akan dibahas teknik-teknik NLP atau neuro linguistic programming yang dapat membantu Anda menjaga motivasi diri untuk mewujudkan target-target atau tujuan Anda. Diantaranya, Anda akan dapat:Mengetahui strategi utama Anda dalam membangkitkan motivasi diri.Memahami pembentukan perilaku manusia melalui prinsip-prinsip NLP.Memanfaatkan prinsip-prinsip NLP untuk mendapatkan perilaku yang mendukung target-target Anda.Lebih baik dan jelas dalam mengelola pikiran.Menggunakan NLP outcomes dalam menjaga motivasi untuk diri sendiri dan mencapai target.Mengenali dan mengatasi kemungkinan hambatan untuk mencapai target.Melatih pikiran untuk melihat kesempatan dan mengatasi keterbatasan.Setelah mengikuti ecourse ini, Anda akan mengetahui teknik-teknik NLP agar Anda dapat memegang kontrol atas hidup Anda sendiri. Melampaui keterbatasan Anda, dan lebih termotivasi untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan Anda."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Ludzie wiedz, co w ich yciu jest bez sensu. Nie chc gupiej pracy, za krtkich urlopw, za maych pienidzy, braku czasu dla bliskich i nieznonych ludzi wok. Moe wiesz to ju od dawna. Moe by nawet czas, gdy chciae podj decyzj o duej zmianie, ale czego Ci wtedy zabrako. Zapytam Ci dzisiaj: czy gdyby wtedy podj decyzj, to czy dzi byby w zupenie innym miejscu?W takim razie, co ma sens?Co sprawia, e masz odwag do zmiany, przepenia Ci energia, ktra pozwala wsta, otrzepa si i dziaa dalej? Skd bierze si optymizm, ktry mimo wszystko i wszystkich, zawsze niesie wiatr w agle Twoich marze?Jak by czowiekiem, ktry nawet, gdy si boi - ma odwag? Nawet, gdy brakuje mu si - ma energi. Nawet, gdy upad - wie, e droga daje mu rado i spenienie.Kim jeste? I co prowadzi Ci w yciu?Kady modu tego kursu pomylany jest tak, by nis Ci satysfakcj odkrywania siebie i kady ma gboki sens - postanowiam poprowadzi Ci za rk. To co wicej, ni kurs, to yciowa przygoda, ktra dotyka rzeczywistoci. W kadym odcinku dostajesz to, czego potrzebujesz: przyzwolenie i odwag do sigania po wicej, energi, wyciszenie i uwano, by by czowiekiem gotowym na pytania do siebie, ktre pozwol Ci zrozumie, co jest rol Twojego ycia.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dowiesz si czym s i jakie znaczenie maj wszystkie jakoci Twojego ycia oraz jaki maj dla Ciebie przekaz. Zobaczysz, co stanowi sens Twojego ycia. Odkryjesz kim jeste, czego najbardziej w yciu pragniesz i jaka moc prowadzi Ciebie do najlepszych wyborw, decyzji i efektw! Finaowy odcinek to przestrze na dopenienie transformacji i stanie si swoim powoaniem. To wito.To wtedy w yciu pojawia si wicej odwagi, przyzwolenia, optymizmu i energii do robienia tego, po co si tutaj pojawie. To wtedy zaczynasz czu, e nie masz potrzeby szuka radoci. Ju jest. W Tobie obecna od zawsze. Teraz przebudzona do ycia. Do zobaczenia, Joanna"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Pengenalan Sistem Informasi untuk Pemula" |
"Course ini akan memperkenalkan berbagai bidang mendasar sistem informasi, teknologi, dan isu terkini yang hadir di perusahaan era digital. Course ini juga membahas teknologi terkini yang akan memprediksi dampak di masa depan bagi komunitas atau bisnis. Konten akan dikirimkan dengan kira-kira. 60 menit video. Terdiri dari 3 bagian dan 3-4 modul di setiap bagian.Course ini disajikan sebagai berbagai teori mendasar di bidang sistem informasi. Di sini, student akan belajar tentang berbagai jenis sistem informasi, teknologi, dan sekuritas. Mereka juga diperkenalkan ke beberapa metode tentang cara memperoleh sistem informasi dan aplikasinya."
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Ableton Brazil - Curso Iniciante Side A" |
"Ableton foi desenvolvido em 2001 e desde ento ganha a cena da arte e musica ao redor do mundo. Uma plataforma de desenvolvimento de musica pra Gravao porem tambm uma plataforma ""Viva"" Live, que liberta o artista a tocar as produes ao vivo. Eleve sua dinamica musical! Aprenda Ableton!No curso Side A iremos fazer 4 musicas, inclusive uma Demo pra Radio ! Utilizando uma metodologia de fazer e praticar. Voce o aluno sair ao final do curso entendendo Midi, Audio e Retorno os trs principais dispositivos de uma session Live, o que eles so, como mexer neles alem de tambm aprender a Gravar, Recordar, Automatizar e comprimir. Durante o Curso todo o professor ir incentivar o aluno a fazer sua propria musica usando as aulas como base pra praticar no seu computador. Esse curso o primeiro curso da Ableton Brazil e a inteno ensinar por pratica, as informaes nesse curso so menos tcnicas e mais ldicas numa tentativa de ensinar por fazer, desenvolvendo uma conexo entre o aluno e o Software.Pra voce participar desse curso, voce ira precisar somente do software, um computador e um headphone pra voc ouvir sua produo. E o programa baixado.Ao final do Curso O aluno ter aprendido as diferenas entre audio, midi e tambem a gravar Organicamente seus instrumentos pra projetos de banda. O curso ira ser um otimo inicio pra aprender a mexer no Programa. Se divirtam Padawans e parabens por escolher aprender a produzir musica!"
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Live Blog Creation , watch me customize a website" |
"How to Start a Blog in 5 Steps:There are five main steps you need to do in order to start a blog. If you follow this guide exactly, youll have your own blog set up in less than 1 hour or less.Choose a great blog platformChoose a web host for your blogHow to Set up a blog on your own domainDesign your new blogUseful resources for blogging"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |