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"Iniciacin a la programacin en Lenguaje C y C++" |
"En este curso, podrs aprender los fundamentos bsicos para iniciar en el maravilloso mundo de la programacin con dos de los lenguajes mas potentes y vigentes aun en la actualidad; que sirven de fundamento para muchos otros lenguajes, como lo son C y C++. Contars de forma breve y resumida con la informacin que necesitas para desarrollar programas en estos lenguajes, que por ser histricamente tan importantes te servirn para fortalecer tus habilidades de programacin y para aprender con mayor facilidad cualquier otro lenguaje posterior que desees. Espero lo disfrutes y sirva de apoyo para iniciarte o fortalecer tus habilidades de desarrollo de software tanto en el paradigma de la programacin estructurada como en la programacin orientada a objetos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress: Crea Tu Primera Pgina Web Profesional" |
"Si estas pensando en crear tu sitio web o quieres aprender a disear sitios web profesionales aunque nunca antes lo hayas intentado, este es definitivamente el curso que puede ayudarte a hacerlo. Este curso esta basado en el gestor de contenido ms popular y utilizado a nivel mundial ""WordPress"". WordPress es una plataforma muy versatil y de fcil aprendisaje que te va a permitir crear pginas web de alto impacto y que enamoren a tus clientes. En este curso voy a mostrarte como utilizando las herramientas adecuadas, puedes conseguir crear sitios web:Con diseo profesional De forma rapida y sencillaSin tener que programar ni una sola linea de cdigo100% responsive (adaptable a cualquier dispositivo)Optimizado para SEOQue carguen rapido para la mejora de la experiencia usuarioSeguros - para evitar hackeos"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certification Google TOOLS Le Cours Complet" |
"Le cours sur les outils de Google le plus complet sur Udemy : comment russir votre intgration et gestion du trafique de votre site web avec 3 Ateliers pratiques. La rfrence depuis 2019 Cours jour + Accs vie + Des nouvelles vidos rgulirement : Dernire mise jour le 07/09/2020 SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours !NOTE (07/09/2020): J'ai mis jours la formation avec la dernire interface de Google Marketing Tools 2020.Pour raliser cette formation, j'ai lanc de nombreuses compagnes Google Ads pour plusieurs entreprises pendant une dizaine d'annes. Aujourd'hui je suis certifi et expert Google et je vais vous aider augmentez le chiffre daffaires de votre entreprise grce aux Recherches avances de mots-cls.Tenez, saviez-vous qu'en Europe, un quart des entreprises qui ont un site font de rfrencement naturel ou payant ? C'est un levier marketing qui a donc fait ses preuves, que ce soit pour attirer de nouveaux clients, faire revenir les anciens ou accrotre la notorit dune marque. Mais le problme que 40% de leurs budgets est gaspills parce qu'il y a un mauvais choix de mots cls!!Est-ce que a vous intresserait d'apprendre comment trouver les meilleurs mots cls pour faire un bon rfrencement et lancer une campagne optimise?Autrement dit, au-del de savoir trouver les meilleurs mot cls vous apprendrez aussi (et surtout) les optimiser !Dans ce cours vous apprendrez :Cibler les Meilleurs mots-clsMatriser Outil de planification des mots clesApprendre le rfrencement naturelUtiliser les Meilleures Stratgies dEnchres des mots-clsGrer ses concurrents (et bien plus) sur Google Loptimisation dune campagne : les mots-clsLoptimisation dune campagne : le ciblageAssocier Google Analytics et Google AdwordsJai tout fait pour que ce cours soit aussi passionnant, pratique et complet que possible. Il est ouvert et la porte de tous alors nhsitez pas vous inscrire et me rejoindre au premier chapitre ! ? la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble les quizz : obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certification After Effects CC version 2020" |
"NOTE (02/08/2020): J'ai mis jours la formation avec la dernire interface de After Effects CC 2020.After Effects 2020 De Dbutant Expert en moins de 5 heuresCette formation d'initiation After Effects est ddie prendre en main le logiciel travers un programme simple et efficace.Le point le plus important lors d'un apprentissage est de ne pas se laisser envahir par la quantit d'informations. C'est sur cette ide que cette formation After Effects version 2020 t ralis. Tous les chapitres ont t mis en place dans un ordre logique, afin que chacun de vous puisse prendre en main les outils indispensables sans se laisser perturber par des informations juges non ncessaires.Car il est important de pratiquer pour matriser !Grce cette formation After Effects 2020, vous pourrez :tre entirement laise sur After Effects, mme si vous naviez jamais ouvert le logiciel,Crer des effets visuels professionnels qui amlioreront considrablement vos projets vidos,Apprendre les notions essentielles du logiciel,Matriser les animations grce aux images cls,Dcouvrir comment transformer chaque lment et les rendre visuellement intressants.Dynamiser vos vidos grce lapplication de nombreuses techniques professionnelles,Professionnaliser vos vidos laide de nombreux trucs et astuces,Exporter correctement vos projets vidos termins...Vous ferez le tour des fonctions du logiciel pour tre capable la fin de cette formation de sortir un projet vido complet.Cette introduction vous permettra de vous diriger ensuite vers des ateliers plus complets pour aller encore plus loin avec After Effects et les techniques spcifiques au trucage vido et l'animation.EXCLUSIF : SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours ! la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Temelden ileri dzeye betonarme ve elik ieren.bu kurs sayesinde hem tbdy2018 i anlamaya alacaksnz hem de oktan semeli sorular sayesinde pekitirmi olacaksnz. bunun dnda sap2000 program ile betonarme ve elik projenin analizi yaplp detayl bir ekilde analiz yapld. ayrca kursta kullanlan excel ve dkmanlar sayesinde i hayatnzda pratik bir ekilde kullanabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Como Ganhar Dinheiro Usando Apenas o Celular e Internet" |
"Aprenda como Ganhar uma Boa Comisso Apenas Divulgando Imveis dos Outros. Neste Treinamento eu Ensino como consegui Ganhar 15.000 em um Ms Apenas Divulgando Imveis na Internet.Vo no Precisa ser Corretor ou Ter Imobiliria, Basta Apenas um Celular, Internet e Participar do meu Treinamento.Vou te Mostrar este Segredo e Vo vai pensar: Como que Eu no Tinha Pensado Nisto Antes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Authentic Assertiveness: Next level communication skills." |
"Would you like to be able to speak your mind and ask for what you want in a way that is comfortable both for you and for others?Would you like to be the kind of person that people listen to because they want to listen, and not because theyre forced to?Or maybe you just want to learn a few techniques that will help you communicate more clearly and assertively - and make you more influential?This course, filmed in a high-quality studio environment and taught by top-rated Udemy instructor TJ Guttormsen - an expert on communication with over a decade's worth of hands-on experience with clients from all over the world - will help you achieve all these things and more!""This is a comprehensive course that provides both the psychological background for assertiveness, along with easily understandable examples and exercises. Highly recommended!"" - 5-star rating from Tor Anestad, Udemy student.Assertive communication is widely regarded to be the most effective style of communication.Its important for nearly all aspects of our lives. From friendships, relationships, and family, to work and success if we are able to communicate assertively, we are much more likely to create the results that we want.Since 2009, TJ Guttormsen has worked with people from all over the world to improve their communication skills. He has done over 100 national media appearances, published several books, written hundreds of articles, and taught seminars and courses to thousands of people from all walks of life, from over 135 countries.His other courses on Udemy have several times been the highest-rated courses in their categories, and the positive feedback from students getting real-world results keep flowing in.Now he has put together a comprehensive course on Authentic Assertiveness that will teach you how to communicate in such a way that it will inspire others to truly want to listen to you.When you master authentic assertiveness youll be the kind of person who can comfortably ask for what you want, share your opinions, make decisions, take initiatives, and more in ways that will make both you and the people youre talking to feel good about it all.Authentic Assertiveness.Authentic Assertiveness is not your average assertiveness course. It's not about being the loudest or most insisting person in the room. It's not about having to always be in charge. It's not about using power to get your way.Authentic Assertiveness is about being comfortable speaking your mind, asking for what you want, saying no, saying yes, taking initiatives, handling disagreements, setting boundaries, giving invitations - and all the other things that make our lives better.Its about communicating with others in a connected way which will make you stand out as not just assertive and influential but also respectful and more socially intelligent than most.In other words, people won't listen to you because you're loud, forceful, or domineering. They'll listen to you because you're connected with them and because they'll WANT to hear what you have to say.They'll listen because you'll know how to skillfully share your thoughts, opinions, needs, and wants. They'll listen because they trust your judgment and respect your insights. They'll listen because they want your input - or because they want to help.To help you achieve this, the course covers the psychology of assertiveness, how to create habits that will make assertiveness feel natural, conversational techniques that will help you handle a variety of situations, as well as how to deal with disagreements and conflicts in a productive and positive way.So you see, this is not yet another quick-fix, fake-it-till-you-make-it course with a bunch of superficial advice that sounds good but works poorly. This courses purpose is to help you become an authentically assertive person inside and out.And the best part about it?You dont have to become another person or act outside of your own values or ethics at all. Authentic assertiveness is all about learning how to be an assertive you.So, if that sounds like something you might want to learn more about, sign up now and take your first step towards new and better social results.""The course is amazingly helpful. It contains a lot of information, backgrounds, explanations and examples about the common issues with communications and how to solve them. TJ explains the subject clearly and simply, and takes the necessary time to explain everything. The course covers a lot of topics to be studied and practiced, and it is necessary to go back and listen again to the lessons, but every time it seems that you learn something new. 100% recommended"" - 5-star rating from Moises Lorenzo Len, Udemy student."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"49 Derste Asp.Net ile Web Gelitirici Olun" |
"Css/Html, JavaScript konularnda giri seviyesinde mi bilginiz var? Basit yaplarla DevExpress kullanarak bir web projesi gelitirmek iin yeterli.Bu kursta bir bootstrap template i nasl giydirilir renmi olacaksnz. Program zerinden mail gnderme, dosya ykleme, zip halinde dosya indirmeyi reneceksiniz.OOP mantnda hazrlanm bu eitimde nasl basit ve hzl ekilde kod yazabileceinizi grm olacaksnz.C# Asp net ado net yeteneklerinizi gelitirin."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Venda mais, com o ps-venda para iniciante" |
"Com o incio das vendas no mercado digital, o resultado no somente a vazo dos seus produtos do estoque, mas sim o marco da construo do patrimnio essencial para seu negcio alcanar o sucesso: O CLIENTE. Sem sombra de dvidas, o patrimnio mais valioso de uma empresa o cliente. Ele o termmetro necessrio para aferir o sucesso de seus produtos, por isso, merece ser tratado com muito zelo e responsabilidade. A maioria dos empreendedores que vendem nas plataformas digitais ou em seus prprios sites, por falta de preparo e conhecimento, deixam passar a grande oportunidade de FIDELIZAR o cliente desde a realizao da primeira compra, ocasio em que perdem a chance de concretizar tantas outras vendas.Sabemos que os clientes so os maiores disseminadores de opinio e, certamente, quando esto satisfeitos com uma compra, se tornaro compradores em potencial e iro propagar sua marca entre os amigos, familiares e at mesmo no ambiente de trabalho, de modo que sero seu verdadeiro carto de visitas e iro alavancar sua reputao no universo das vendas online. Por isso, a importncia de aprender e colocar em prtica a mais poderosa frmula de fidelizao de clientes denominada Ps-Venda."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Market Research based on Social Media and Network Analysis" |
"The course gives an overview of the use of Social Media for Market Research by means of Network Analysis. It contains a concise and pragmatic view of the use of social media in today's digital world. First, it introduces Social Media basics. Second, it shows how network analysis is becoming an alternative way to listen customers. Third, it shows the potential of market research based on digital social networks and the hidden opportunities for businesses."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
kak_stat_freelancer_s_nulya_bez_opyta_pervyy_etap |
"? , , . - , , - , , . - , , , . ! !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"zel Yntemlerle km YDS-Ykdil Paragraf Soru ZMLER!!" |
"UZUN VE KARMAIK PARAGRAF SORULARI ARTIK KABUS OLMAKTAN IKIYOR!EN GNCEL SINAV SORU ZMLER VE KELMELER LE HEDEFNZE ULAIN !Sadece Ezber Yapmann ve Snav Taktiklerini Bilmenin Yetersiz Kald Snavlarda Uygulama Ksmna Odaklanarak Snavlarda km Sorular zerinden Altrmalarn Yaplaca Bu Eitim Seti Snavlarda Yksek Puanlar Almay Hedefleyen rencilere Yneliktir.YDS, YKDL, YKS Dil, TOEFL, IELTS, ngilizce Hazrlk (Proficiency) gibi ngilizce Snavlarndan Yksek Puan Almak steyen rencilerimiz in Snavlarda km Paragraf sorularnn: Detayl Okumas/Analizi, Mecaz Anlam ve Deyimlerin incelenmesi,Daha Hzl Bir ekilde Anlalmas veSoru Trlerine Gre Deien Bak Alar Ele Alnacaktr.Bunlarn Yannda rencilerimiz;zel Soru zme ve Zaman Kazanma Taktiklerini,Yzlerce Kelime ve Phrasal Verb'n cmle ierisindeki anlamna gre kullanmn,Gerektii Yerlerde Konu Anlatmlar le leri Dzeyde Gramer Bilgilerini renebilecektir.SZ DE NGLZCE SINAVLARINDA YKSEK BAARIYA ULAMAK STYORSANIZ, BU SET TAM DA SZE GRE !"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Curso Instalao de Cmeras CFTV 2.0" |
"Aprenda a instalar sistemas de cmeras de Segurana do jeito certo, do conector ao gravador de vdeo, passo a passo, ao finalizar este curso voc ter conhecimento suficiente para instalar seu prprio sistema ou iniciar o trabalho como instalador.J se perguntou quem ir atender esse enorme mercado daqui alguns meses? hoje difcil encontrar instalador de CFTV, principalmente em cidades pequenas, s os mais espertos esto vendo essa oportunidade, e espero que voc me conte sua histria de sucesso."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Como vender no ifood?" |
"O Curso vender no ifood do zero, te prepara para tirar uma ideia da cabea e colocar em prtica de forma estruturada e validada diminuindo os riscos de falha.Para voc que pretende vender pelo aplicativo do ifood, mas ainda no tem empresa, restaurante ou lanchonete, Aprenda dicas fundamentais e tudo o que mais importante para INICIAR uma empresa delivery vender pelo app.ideal para pessoas que pretendem vender em sua prpria casa ou espao pequenos, produtos como: Pizzas, Lanches, Sanduches, comida japonesa ou chinesa, Almoo, jantar e muito mais."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Forex Robot Yapm Eitimi - Meta Trader 4 iin Mql4 Dili" |
"Forex sadece temel bilgi ve analizlerle bir yere kadar ilerleyebilirsiniz. Size anlatacam yntemlerle teknik bilginizi yazlmla birletirerek daha bilinli ilemler yaparak hesaplamalarnz kolaylatrabilirsiniz. lemlere girmeden nce ne kadar kazanp kaybedebileceinizi grmeniz gerekir. Size ok ksa srede bunlar yapabilir hale getiriyoruz. Bu ilemleri bakalarna baml kalmadan kendiniz de yapabilirsiniz. Balang seviyesi ile gnde 1 saatinizi ayrarak hzl bir ekil de ilerleyebilirsiniz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mekanik Tesisat Proje izim Eitimi-Mesleki Bilgiler erir!" |
"Mekanik Tesisat Projesi izimi Kursu'na Hogeldiniz!Bu kursumuzda tamamen sfrdan balayarak detayl bilgilere kadar Mekanik Tesisat Projesi izimi nasl yaplr reneceiz. Hi bir n bilgiye ihtiya duymadan, bu sektrde alan makine mhendislerinin bir bina projesini nasl inceledeini, shhi tesisat projesi ve stma tesisat projesininin nasl izildiini, s yaltm ve s kayb hesaplarnn nasl yapldn detayl bir ekilde reneceksiniz. Ayrca bu kursu sahada tecrbe etmi bir makine mhendisinden almak size ok ey katacaktr! Kursumuz kapsamnda mekanik tesisat projesini izeceimiz binann tesisat uygulamasn da yapm olmamz, size teorik bilgiler dnda pratik & hayattan bilgiler ieren bir eitim sunmamz salamtr.Kurs Makine Yksek Mhendisi ve bir mhendislik firmas sahibi Kemal Aydn tarafndan veriliyor! Siz de mekanik tesisat mhendislerinin dnyasna adm atmak istiyorsanz aadaki detayl aklamay inceleyip hemen kayt olabilirsiniz.Aada kurs boyunca ileyeceimiz konulardan rnekler grebilirsiniz:Mimari projenin incelenmesi (n tasarm),Mimari projenin temizlenmesi,AutoCAD hakknda baz pf noktalar ve pratik bilgiler,Temiz su tesisat projesi izimi,Temiz su tesisat kolon emasnn hazrlanmas,Pis su tesisat projesi izimi,Pis su tesisat kolon emasnn hazrlanmas,Yamur suyu tesisat projesi izimi,Yamur suyu tesisat kolon emasnn hazrlanmas,ZODER - TS825 Is Yaltm programnn tantm,Is Yaltm Hesab,Binamzn Is kayb hesab,Binamzn Radyatr tasarm ve hesab,Istma tesisat projesi izimi,Istma tesisat kolon emasnn hazrlanmas,Doalgaz Kolon tesisat projesi izimi Doalgaz tesisat projesi izimi Doalgaz Kolon ve tesisat Boru ap ve Kritik Hat Hesaplar Su deposu, Pompa ve Hidrofor tasarmlar ve hesaplar"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Doalgaz Tesisat Projesi izmeyi renin" |
"Doalgaz Tesisat Projesi izimi Kursu'na Hogeldiniz!Bu kursumuzda tamamen sfrdan balayarak detayl bilgilere kadar Doalgaz Tesisat Projesi izimi nasl yaplr reneceiz. Hi bir n bilgiye ihtiya duymadan, bu sektrde alan makine mhendislerinin konutlarda doalgaz tesisat projesi iziminin, kritik hat hesabnn nasl yaplacan, rleve yani l alrken nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektii, doalgaz konusu ile ilgili n bilgileri, teknik esaslar, ve bu sektrde yer almak isteyen arkadalarmn ne gibi belgeler edinmesi gerektii konusunda detayl biigiler reneceksiniz. Ayrca doalgaz tesisat eitimini sahada tecrbe etmi bir makine mhendisinden almak size ok ey katacaktr! Bu sayede size teorik bilgiler dnda pratik & hayattan bilgiler ieren bir eitim sunmay salayabildim.Doalgaz Tesiat Eitimini;- ""Makine Mhendisleri"",- ""Makine Teknikerleri"",- Sahada alan ""Doalgaz Tesisat Ustalar"",- Doalgaz Konusunda Kendini Gelitirmek isteyen ""renciler"",- Ve bu alana ilgi duyan ""Herkes"" bu kursa kayt olabilir.Kursumuzu, sizi sfrdan, doalgaz hakknda bir bilginiz olmad, ve hibir yazlm bilmiyormusunuz gibi deerlendirerek oluturduumuz iin ""ben anlayamam, yapamam"" gibi kalplardan kamanza gerek olmayacak. Yaklak 20 saati bulan bu eitimi adm adm takip ettiiniz taktirde, doalgaz tesisat projesi izebiliyor, ve bu konuda bilgi sahibi biri olmay baardnz tecrbe edeceksiniz.NOT: Doalgaz tesisat projesi her ilde, farkl teknik esaslara, ve farkl yazlmlarla izilebildii iin, bu kursu hazrlarken Eskiehir ESGAZ Tesisat Teknik Esaslarna bal kalnmtr. Tm projeler bu teknik esaslara bal kalnarak izilmitir. Doalgaz projesini en temelinden AutoCAD ortamnda anlatyor olmamz, dier illerde de sizin doalgaz konusunda alabilir olmanza olanak verecektir.Aada kurs boyunca ileyeceimiz konulardan rnekler grebilirsiniz:Doalgaz Projelendirme Sreci Hakknda Genel Bilgiler,Doalgaz Tesisat Genel Teknik artnamesi,Firma Yetkisi, Mhendis Yetki Belgeleri ve Mesleki Yeterlilik Belgeleri,AutoCAD'in cretsiz Olarak ndirilmesi,Proje iziminde Kullanlacak AutoCAD Ksayollar,Doalgaz Tesisatnda Kullanlan Malzemeler,Doalgaz Tesisatnda Kullanlan Ekipmanlar,G ve Tketim Birimleri Aras Dnmler,[DARE] - Doal Gaz Tesisat Projesi izimi (Rleveli) [OCAK+KOMB]Rleve izimizometri izimiKat Plan izimiKritik Hat Hesab[DARE] - Doal Gaz Tesisat Projesi izimi (Mimari Projeli) [OCAK+KOMB]Rleve izimizometri izimiKat Plan izimiKritik Hat Hesab[BNA - 1.Seviye] - Doal Gaz Kolon+ Tesisat Projesi izimi [OCAK+KOMB]Rleve izimiMimari Projenin izilmesizometri izimi-KOLON TESSATIKat Plan izimi-KOLON TESSATIzometri izimi- TESSATKat Plan izimi- TESSATKritik Hat Hesab - KOLON+ TESSAT[BNA - 1.Seviye] - DEVAM - Tesisat Projesi izimi [OCAK+KOMB]Rleve izimizometri izimiKat Plan izimiKritik Hat Hesab[BNA - 1.Seviye] - DEVAM - DUBLEKS Tesisat Projesi izimi [2 OCAK+KOMB]Rleve izimizometri izimiKat Plan izimiKritik Hat Hesab[BNA - 1.Seviye] - DEVAM - DUBLEKS Tesisat Projesi izimi [2 OCAK+KOMB]Rleve izimizometri izimiKat Plan izimiKritik Hat Hesab[BNA - 2.Seviye] - Doal Gaz Kolon+ Tesisat Projesi izimi [OCAK+KOMB]Rleve izimiMimari Projenin izilmesizometri izimi-KOLON TESSATIKat Plan izimi-KOLON TESSATIzometri izimi- TESSATKat Plan izimi- TESSATKritik Hat Hesab - KOLON+ TESSAT[BNA - 3.Seviye] - Doal Gaz Kolon+ Tesisat Projesi izimi [OCAK+KOMB]Rleve izimiMimari Projenin izilmesizometri izimi-KOLON TESSATIKat Plan izimi-KOLON TESSATIzometri izimi- TESSATKat Plan izimi- TESSATKritik Hat Hesab - KOLON+ TESSAT[MSTAKL EV] - Doal Gaz Tesisat Projesi izimi (Rleveli) [OCAK+KOMB]Rleve izimizometri izimiKat Plan izimiKritik Hat Hesab[1+0 APART] - Doal Gaz Tesisat Projesi izimi (Rleveli) [KOMB]Rleve izimizometri izimiKat Plan izimiKritik Hat Hesab[VLLA] - Doal Gaz Tesisat Projesi izimi [2 ADET OCAK+KOMB]Rleve izimiMimari Projenini Temizlenmesizometri izimiKat Plan izimiKritik Hat Hesab"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yerden Istma Proje izim Eitimi - Mekanik Tesisat Projesi!" |
"Yerden Istma Mekanik Tesisat Projesi izimi Kursu'na Hogeldiniz!Bu kursumuzda tamamen sfrdan balayarak detayl bilgilere kadar Yerden Istma Mekanik Tesisat Projesi izimi nasl yaplr reneceiz. Mekanik Tesisat balang eitimini alan yada bu alana ilgi duyan herkes, bu sektrde alan makine mhendislerinin bir bina projesini nasl inceledeini, shhi tesisat projesi ve yerden stma tesisat projesininin nasl izildiini, s yaltm ve s kayb hesaplarnn nasl yapldn detayl bir ekilde reneceksiniz. Ayrca bu kursu sahada tecrbe etmi bir makine mhendisinden almak size ok ey katacaktr! Bu kurs Makine Yksek Mhendisi ve bir mhendislik firmas sahibi Kemal Aydn tarafndan veriliyor! Siz de mekanik tesisat mhendislerinin dnyasna adm atmak istiyorsanz aadaki detayl aklamay inceleyip hemen kayt olabilirsiniz.Aada kurs boyunca ileyeceimiz konulardan rnekler grebilirsiniz:Mimari projenin incelenmesi (n tasarm),Mimari projenin temizlenmesi,AutoCAD hakknda baz pf noktalar ve pratik bilgiler,Temiz su tesisat projesi izimi,Temiz su tesisat kolon emasnn hazrlanmas,Pis su tesisat projesi izimi,Pis su tesisat kolon emasnn hazrlanmas,Yamur suyu tesisat projesi izimi,Yamur suyu tesisat kolon emasnn hazrlanmas,ZODER - TS825 Is Yaltm programnn tantm,Is Yaltm Hesab,Binamzn Is kayb hesab,Binamzn Yerden Istma Tasarm ve n Hesab,Yerden Istma tesisat projesi izimi,Yerden Istma tesisat kolon emasnn hazrlanmas,Ozalit lleri ve ayarlamas"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
egyptcatrus |
": . . . , . ! : ! , . . , , . , , , . . , , , . , !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Splunk Core And Power User Practice Tests" |
"This course is built for students who are ready to take Splunk Core and Splunk Power-user certifications. The Splunk Core Certified User exam is the final step towards the completion of the Splunk Core Certified User certification. This entry-level certification exam is a 57-minute, 65-question assessment that evaluates a candidates knowledge and skills to search, use fields, create alerts, use lookups, and create basic statistical reports and dashboards. Candidates can expect an additional 3 minutes to review the exam agreement, for a total seat time of 60 minutes.The Splunk Core and Power User exams are final steps towards the completion of the Splunk certification. This exam is a 57-minute, 65-question assessment that evaluates a candidates knowledge and skills of field aliases and calculated fields, creating tags and event types, using macros, creating workflow actions and data models, and normalizing data with the CIM. Candidates can expect an additional 3 minutes to review the exam agreement, for a total seat time of 60 minutes. Please reach out to me if you need any support on Splunk Development. I am happy to help.Topics Include:1.0 Using Transforming Commands for Visualizations 5%2.0 Filtering and Formatting Results 10%3.0 Correlating Events 15%4.0 Creating and Managing Fields 10%5.0 Creating Field Aliases and Calculated Fields 10%6.0 Creating Tags and Event Types 10%7.0 Creating and Using Macros 10%8.0 Creating and Using Workflow Actions 10%9.0 Creating Data Models 10%10.0 Using the Common Information Model (CIM) Add-On 10%"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Engineering Drawing - Simplified & Amplified" |
"Engineering Drawing is the most effective and powerful mode of communicating engineering content for engineers in a consistent and uniform manner. With this in view, this course lays emphasis on introducing real life application of Engineering Drawing beyond the create and Read Objectives of such course, which we undertake as beginners.This course is not a digitized version of course curriculum, but emphasis is more on select difficult concepts in a visualized environment with industry insights applications use cases. The format of the course is designed to encourage self paced learning using 3D visualized and simulated environment with immersive experience.The course is logically structured in two distinct parts, the part A primarily is to deal with enhanced understanding of some difficult concepts through immersive visualization format of learning along with real life use cases, whilst Part B is more focused towards application and extension of Engineering Drawing in real life situations in different industries."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Manufacturing Processes - Factory At Your Desk" |
"Standing means moving backward is more than true for Manufacturing Industries as it keeps challenging the challenges continually to create opportunities for all.While we study the course as part of our curriculum large attention is around the 3Ms of Manufacturing with a relatively deeper dive to Machines their principles , mechanisms and supporting tools etc, however mostly the discussions on 4th and the 5th Ms of Manufacturing Process namely the Methods and their Measures remain limited.This course is uniquely designed, which while one hand provides you supplementary information with experiential learning platform of some manufacturing processes as part of your curriculum such as Metal Cutting, Metal Forming, Metal Joining etc,More importantly, on the other hand it provides the opportunity to learn more on the 4th and 5th Ms of Manufacturing Process which are key to Manufacturing company to address the challenges of complex networks of Demand, Supply, Knowledge Capital, Resources and more.The course presents an opportunity to see through integrated manufacturing process as in real life situation with all 4Ms (Men, Material, Machine and Methods) playing their role to achieve common tangible goals.The course also briefly explains the changing trends of manufacturing technologies and their impact thereon to the industryUniquely designed Case based assessments to drive inherent abilities of learner beyond knowledge assimilation."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"AWS SYSOPS Administrator Associate Practice Exam New 2020" |
"This course :1- very simulated A actual exam environment2 - Detailed Explanation and Reference links.3 - Updated weekly - Based on student feedback from the real exam4- Multiple-choice and multiple-answer questions5- More than 300 Questions - Questions are 100% scenario-based6-30-Day Money-Back Guarantee from Udemy.7-Success in the AWS SysOps Administrator Associate exam can make a lot of difference in your career especially if you are IT professional.8-Test Reports.9-Q&A Discussion Board with Responses from the InstructorThe AWS SysOps Administrator Associate Associate Certification exam objectives is:Exam Duration :130 minutesNumber of Questions : 65 (may vary)Registration Fee : 150 USDExam Format : Multiple-choice and Multiple-answer questionsExam Language : English, Korean, Japanese, and Simplified ChineseRenewal : Every 2 yearsThese AWS SysOps Administrator practice exams are designed as per the official guidelines on using specific domains as defined below,Domain 1: Monitoring and Reporting1.1 Create and maintain metrics and alarms utilizing AWS monitoring services1.2 Recognize and differentiate performance and availability metrics1.3 Perform the steps necessary to remediate based on performance and availability metricsDomain 2:High Availability2.1 Implement scalability and elasticity based on use case2.2 Recognize and differentiate highly available and resilient environments on AWSDomain 3: Deployment and Provisioning3.1 Identify and execute steps required to provision cloud resources3.2 Identify and remediate deployment issuesDomain 4: Storage and Data Management4.1Create and manage data retention4.2 Identify and implement data protection, encryption, and capacity planning needsDomain 5: Security and Compliance5.1Implement and manage security policies on AWS5.2 Implement access controls when using AWS5.3 Differentiate between the roles and responsibility within the shared responsibility modeDomain 6: Networking6.1 Apply AWS networking features6.2 Implement connectivity services of AWS6.3 Gather and interpret relevant information for network troubleshootingDomain 7: Automation and Optimization7.1 Use AWS services and features to manage and assess resource utilization7.2 Employ cost-optimization strategies for efficient resource utilization7.3 Automate manual or repeatable process to minimize management overheadQuestions in this course cover all these in depth to understand the correct answers and check your knowledge of these concepts.Best of luck for your test and Be sure that you will pass the exam on very first attempt."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Improve Your Surroundings Using Bagua and Crystals" |
"This course has been designed to give you a comprehensive introduction into the ancient practice of Feng Shui and how to apply it in your home along with the use of crystals known to increase mindfulness to get you on route to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling home, work, and any environment in your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become a Probability & Statistics Master" |
"ObjectivesThe broad objectives of teaching Mathematics at senior school stage intend to help the students: to acquire knowledge and critical understanding, particularly by way of motivation and visualization, of basic concepts, terms, principles, symbols and mastery of underlying processes and feel the flow of reasons while proving a result or solving a apply the knowledge and skills acquired to solve problems and wherever possible, by more than one develop positive attitude to think, analyze and articulate develop interest in the subject by participating in related acquaint students with different aspects of Mathematics used in daily develop an interest in students to study Mathematics as a develop awareness of the need for national integration, protection of environment, observance of small family norms, removal of social barriers, elimination of gender develop reverence and respect towards great Mathematicians for their contributions to the field of Mathematics.Conditional probability, multiplication theorem on probability, independent events, total probability,Bayes theorem, Random variable and its probability distribution, mean and variance of randomvariable.Disclaimer: This course is mix English and Hindi language."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Food Culture in Afghanistan" |
"People also connect to their cultural or ethnic group through similar food patterns. People from different cultural backgrounds eat different foods. The ingredients, methods of preparation, preservation techniques, and types of food eaten at different meals vary among cultures. The areas in which families live and where their ancestors originatedinfluence food likes and dislikes. These food preferences result in patterns of food choices within a cultural or regional group. In this beginner course I tried to cover many topics briefly about afghan culture mainly focusing on food and big events in connection to food. In this training you will learn about the following topics:Food cultureAfghan food cultureAfghan women and food cultureDisterkhanAfghan hospitalityAfghan cooking methodsSpecial equipment for Afghan cookingCommon food dishes and drinksAfghan food tradition and festivalsDinning etiquette in AfghanistanNutritional profile of Afghansconcluding remarks"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"crire Un Livre Le Publier Et Le Mettre En Vente En 7 Jours" |
"-Les stratgies et secrets expliqus dans ce livre peuvent non seulement vous aider crire un livre succs le publier et le mettre en ventes en moins de 7 jours!Mais aussi,vous avez la possibilit d'adapter,les stratgies enseignes dans ce livre pour augmenter vos chances d'atteindre n'importe quel objectif,que a soit pour attirer ou garder russite,bonheur,productivit,amour,confiance en soi,libert financire,minceur,gratitudeJe tiens remercier les milliers de personnes (plus de 100 000 personnes) de centaines de pays du monde entier qui m'ont fait confiance pour acheter mes produits sur et hors Internet ! (pourtant au dbut, on m'a dit que malgr mes diplmes de (docteur...), les gens comme moi n'ont le droit de russir que dans le sport ou le rap...) ce qui est certain, j'ai d battre des records pour prendre ma place et j'ai russi... -Aprs ce programme, vous pourrez adapter les stratgies et secrets expliqus pour acclrer la ralisation de vos rves ! Vous pourrez galement dvelopper votre bien-tre, votre force mentale, votre bonheur..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre Faire Sance Sophrologie Pour Russite Bonheur" |
"-Les techniques et secrets expliqus dans ce programme vous apprendront faire d'excellentes sances de sophrologie!Mais aussi,vous avez la possibilit d'adapter,les stratgies enseignes dans ce programme pour augmenter vos chances d'atteindre n'importe quel objectif,que a soit pour attirer ou garder russite,bonheur,productivit,amour,confiance en soi,libert financire,minceur,gratitudeJe tiens remercier les milliers de personnes (plus de 100 000 personnes) de centaines de pays du monde entier qui m'ont fait confiance pour acheter mes produits sur et hors Internet ! (pourtant au dbut, on m'a dit que malgr mes diplmes de (docteur...), les gens comme moi n'ont le droit de russir que dans le sport ou le rap...) ce qui est certain, j'ai d battre des records pour prendre ma place et j'ai russi... -Aprs ce programme, vous pourrez adapter les stratgies et secrets expliqus pour acclrer la ralisation de vos rves ! Vous pourrez galement dvelopper votre bien-tre, votre force mentale, votre bonheur..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Anlisis y Diseo de Estructuras con STAAD.Pro - Nivel 1" |
"El curso Anlisis y Diseo de Estructuras con STAAD.Pro - Nivel 1 proporciona los conocimientos necesarios para el manejo de este programa. Se explicarn los conceptos fundamentales que hay que conocer de modelado, anlisis y dimensionamiento mediante la realizacin de ejemplos sencillos, adecuados para que el alumno fije correctamente los conceptos.STAAD.Pro es un programa de clculo de estructuras por elementos finitos, de uso muy intuitivo y con una gran cantidad de opciones y cdigos de diseo para el dimensionamiento de todo tipo de estructuras metlicas y de hormign.El programa ofrece distintos tipos de anlisis estructural, desde el anlisis ms bsico esttico lineal hasta no lineal de 2 orden (p delta), y contemplando tambin pandeo global y anlisis ssmico con un gran nivel de detalle en la obtencin de esfuerzos, movimientos, tensiones y ratios de aprovechamiento de la estructura."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Test 300 preguntas explicadas, temario comn sanidad OPE GVA" |
"La presente recopilacin de preguntas de legislacin sanitaria comn, forma parte de la preparacin necesaria para conseguir con xito y superar una oposicin para el acceso a las distintas categoras de las Instituciones Sanitarias de la Conselleria de Sanidad Universal y Salud Pblica de la Generalitat Valenciana.Est compuesta por preguntas de tipo test, de 4 tems, cuya la funcin es la favorecer al alumno el aprendizaje, mediante respuestas razonadas.Los exmenes son de 1 hora aproximada de duracin, agrupando las preguntas por leyes para favorecer la relacin de conceptos. Estas preguntas han sido recopiladas de exmenes reales de las OPEs 14/15/16.Al finalizar cada examen, el alumno puede consultar un grfico de los ttulos o captulos de cada ley que mejor conoce y cuales debe mejorar. Desde aqu puede acceder a la revisin del examen en donde encontrar la explicacin las preguntas acertadas o falladas.Adems el alumno tiene acceso de por vida a los exmenes incluidos en el curso as como tambin a las consultas personales con el tutor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Droit de la famille [Droit priv, droit civil]" |
"Dans cette formation, Le Petit Justicier va vous enseigner le droit de la famille, une branche du droit priv et plus prcisment du droit civil. Pour les tudiants en droit cela correspond la matire de premire anne ""droit de la famille"" ou ""droit civil"" selon les universits. Ce cours est accessible tous et constitue une base solide pour commencer une formation en droit mais peut galement servir tous les curieux souhaitant tendre leur connaissances de nouveaux domaines."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |