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"The Blender 2.8 Encyclopedia" |
"Welcome to The Blender Encyclopedia, the most comprehensive training course available covering all aspects of Blender 3D, a completely free 3D production suite. The newest releases have seen the biggest upgrades yet, with many new features and improvements.With the tools and techniques covered in this course by CG Masters' lead instructors Christopher Plush and Lee Salvemini, you can take full advantage of this completely free & open source software to:Create Your Own Video Game or Virtual Reality Assets (Do you have a game idea you'd like to create assets for? What about a stand-out character idea for VRChat?)Effortlessly handle Animation, Film, and Television Productions (Blender features a full video editor, and advanced 2D & 3D compositing. Whether you have time to focus on the details for a fantastic short film, or need motion graphics for the next morning.)3D Printing (A great way to impress everyone you know with a physical representation of your art. Also great for practical purposes like replacing tools or parts with your own custom design.)Architectural, Industrial, and Product Visualization (Make your mark in these industries without multiple expensive software subscriptions, or long waits for bug fixes and upgrades.)Music Videos & DJ'ing (Make the hit music video people have been waiting for, or light up the stage with your real-time visuals that change with the beat at your command.)Even niche avenues like medical visualization, book illustration, and so many more.The Blender Encyclopedia will be of use throughout your entire 3D journey. No matter what job you've been entrusted with, or creative idea you want to make a reality, this is the most important reference guide you'll own.Our aim is to cover every facet of Blender, a software built over decades by developer ingenuity mixed with creative input. Everything you'll be using for your projects that Blender can facilitate, we'll be covering.Further than the tools alone, we've made sure this course contains not just the how, but the why. Throughout the course, we've crafted example demos, as well as step-by-step projects, that will take what you've learned to the next level. The focus here is how to use this information in real life scenarios. We want to see you get that career at a top studio, or to realize your dream project that has been bouncing around your imagination.Our pledge for this course is to provide everything we've picked up in our combined 30 years of experience, distilled into a one-stop resource.What will you get with this course?Over 52 hours of video training will be yours right way. We cover each topic in detail, and you'll be led step-by-step through the content. Plus, check out the resources included with the lectures throughout the course:All the Blender files used in the lectures, complete with models, textures and other resources. This includes starting files so you can join in!Diagrams used in the lectures covering Blender tool details, examples of techniques we use, and even math related info-graphics.And all resources can be used in your own projects as well! Just contact us first for license details.You will get full access to this course forever with this one-time fee, plus you'll get access to all future updates and additional content as well! We have created this course specifically for Udemy, and you will have unlimited support from us in the Q&A section of each lecture.An Overview of the Contents of this course:A complete User Interface & Navigational guide. Created specifically for you to stay ahead of the pack with Blender new 'Workspaces', and layering systems. Learn all the latest catered hotkeys, which Blender is well known for. You will appear to be playing a piano concerto to others as you zoom around the software. After these lectures, you're ready to put some headphones on with your favorite music and get in the creative zone!Master how data is handled in Blender, starting from right under the hood, to practical production methods. Knowledge on the foundation of the software instantly gives you the power to be responsible for larger complex projects. This is the difference between making a single asset, and leading the charge on something bigger.All the chapters are made to work as single references, but we made sure to create a learning path along the way. After covering why 3D animation is possible, and the placement of all the UI and tools, it's time to learn about Modeling in Blender. Here you'll learn more than just the tools and techniques for modeling, but important concepts and technical aspects that help you truly understand what's going on.Using the last decade of working as an industry animator, Lee Salvemini covers Rigging & Animation on all fronts. Lee: ""Learn about Blender's unique digital skeletal system (the best 3D joint system around for rigging and animating in my opinion!). Along with the methods to easily pose or animate a simple character, all the way to an accessory or armor covered video game hero character.""Things get really epic from here, we move into Drivers, Constraints & Modifiers. This trinity of tool sets is your access to some of the most amazing effects possible in 3D that enable you to make the most of the software for Modeling and Animation. The outcomes from your work when combining these available tools will be outstanding.The next areas covered are all about getting the realistic or stylistically believable materials for your creations. This is done through the magic of Shaders, material properties that you have access to in Blender, that combine to make any and all objects you see in the world (or your imagination), such as cloth, wood, metal, and everything in between. The options here are endless, and these lectures will cover everything. You'll be amazed by how good the combination of materials look on your character, vehicle, spaceship, or anything else.Next we dive into UV Mapping. Now that you know all about shaders you'll learn how UV Unwrapping works. UV Unwrapping lets you unwrap a 3D model onto a flat plane so that you can texture it more easily. This is an absolutely essential to learn about, and this section was our first new section added after publishing.You're now an artisan with Blender, packed with all the information and knowledge to turn your dreams into a real, shareable output. The final stage of this process is Rendering. There are a couple of ways to do this, depending on the type of look you want to go for. The render engine Eevee is a new entry to Blender, and mimics the efficient, real-time rendering found in the AAA games you play. The other major one is Cycles: A fully ray-trace based render engine, used for realistic film VFX or Video Game cutscenes, and films like Wreck It Ralph. CG doesn't stop there, and we don't either!The more successful the course is, the more we can add to it! Past the main areas of Blender, the uses extend so far out, and we aim to cover it all. With continued success of the course we will be creating further content FREE OF CHARGE. This will include areas like Texturing, Game Asset Exporting, Scripting, Camera Tracking & Green Screen VFX, as well as helpful preference settings and presets to make your Blender experience smoother.We also aim to update and evolve this course with each new version of Blender. There are topics we are busting to cover for you in this course, and new features we are following that are yet to be released. Our wish list is ready, and you can let us know what topics you'd like us to focus on and delve deeper into as well! We will be working closely with you all, and you will decide where The Blender Encyclopedia evolves.See you in there, and Happy Blending!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"WordPress SEO 2020 Easy On-Page SEO for WordPress" |
"Complete WordPress SEO training with Yoast SEO Plugin SetupWordPress is easy to use and powerful CMS for any type of website. I will teach you how to create your professional WordPress website within a few hours and make it SEO friendly for search engines. I will also teach you how to do on-page SEO for single posts in WordPress as well as link structure for your WordPress website. WordPress Website Speed Optimization Many WordPress site owners are struggling with slow site speed which is now a big SEO ranking factor (announced by Google). I am going to show you a WordPress theme which is the fastest loading theme available in the market and I will show you practically how you can make 90+ site speed scores on both GtMetrix and Google Page Speed Insight tools. Complete Yoast SEO Plugin Integration Yoast is the most popular plugin for WordPress SEO but I will give you a list of the best SEO plugins for WordPress so you can decide for yourself. However, we will use the Yoast SEO plugin in this course because that's very easy to install and easy to use. I will show you the proper setting and integration of the Yoast SEO plugin for the best results. This is just a two hours short weekend course. If you want to learn a new skill in just two hours then join it now."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Hacer Un Doblaje o FanDub Paso a Paso y Desde Cero!" |
"Hola, que tal! Mi nombre es Mauro Martnez!! Te doy la bienvenida a este curso donde aprenders a realizar desde cero un Doblaje o FanDub!! Adems de ser entretenido, te servir en el caso de ser locutor/a (de conocer otras facetas en mbito de locucin y grabaciones) y si eres un apasionado del doblaje, poder perfeccionar tu trabajo o tus Fandub. Y por supuesto, no descartes tenerlo como ingreso o posible salida laboral, dado que hoy en da, todo lo referente a la multimedia, esta en permanente crecimiento y las demandas se van acrecentando...El doblaje es un proceso audiovisual que consiste en grabar y sustituir la voz o voces de un una pelcula, animacin o documental, sustituyendo el idioma de las voz o voces originales en otro idioma para que sea ms fcil su comercializacin o entendimiento. Es decir, son una especie de subttulos hablados. Los dilogos tienen que ser idnticos o casi idnticos. A veces se puede llegar a sustituir determinadas palabras o dilogos para que se adapten ms al tiempo que dura la palabra o el concepto del idioma original para que sea ms realista y se sincronice ms con los movimientos de la boca de la persona que habla en el idioma original. Eso s, lo que nunca debe cambiar es el concepto o significado del idioma original.Por otro lado tenemos los Fandub, que es un doblaje igual que el anterior, pero como indica su termino, realizado por seguidores, fanticos o simpatizantes de alguna serie o dibujo animado. Uno de los fines de de los fandubs es poner al alcance de los aficionados aquellas series o pelculas que no estn dobladas y solo se encuentran en idiomas diferentes al de determinada audiencia. Pero tambin, aficionados al doblaje, realizan doblajes amateur de sus series favoritas en el mismo idioma. Por ejemplo, se puede hacer un doblaje del espaol al mismo espaol pero con voces diferentes de sus seguidores de la serie o dibujo animado... En este curso y junto a las herramientas Adobe. Audition y Vegas Pro aprenderemos juntos a Cmo Hacer Un Doblaje o FanDub Paso a Paso y Desde Cero!Los espero para iniciar el camino de la construccin, hacia el apasionante mundo del doblaje!! Muchas gracias!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Reactv16 & intgration Redux : fondamentaux et avanc" |
"Un cours orient projet pour consolider ses acquis en React et Redux, avec :Des vidos tutoriel de type ""how to"", pour apprendre :Les types et crateurs d'actionL'objet reducerLe store (store.dispatch, store.getState())CombineReducerfonction async & appels rseaucompose et middlewareredux-thunkLes redux Hooks (useSelector, useDispatch)Usage des bibliothques HTML et CSS pour acclrer le dveloppement : Bootstrap 4 et Font AwesomeUn projet entier pour :Apprendre les concepts avancs de React, Redux et le contexte API pour maintenir une gestion simplifie de l'tat de l'applicationImplmenter la logique async/await avec ReduxFractionner et combiner les fonctions reducer la clart du code avec combineReducerMme en gagnant en complexit, la gestion d'tat de votre application reste simple et organis.Aussi :Utilisation des composants de la librairie front Bootstrap 4 pour un dveloppement acclre de l'interface visuelle de la Todo ListExemple de la TodoList enrichi par les icnes de FontAwesomeLes pr-requis :HTML, CSS et JavaScriptReact : les fondamentauxUtiliser Redux avec React Recommand, mais pas obligatoire : Librairie Bootstrap"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Full Stack (MERN) : MongoDB Atlas, Node, ExpressJS & React" |
"Objectif du cours : apprendre dvelopper une application fullstack avec la solution MERN : MongoDB, Express.j, React.js et Node.js En plusieurs tapes et en moins de 3 heures, vous apprendrez :la configuration du serveur avec Node.js et Express.js pour construire une API Gateway et dfinir les routes l'implmentation de la base de donnes avec mongoDB Atlas as a service (dans le cloud) grce au fournisseur Amazon Web Services (AWS)le dveloppement d'un interface riche avec le framework React.js, les librairies Bootstrap et Font-awesome Au programme de cette classe, les sujets :Introduction JSX, ES6 et ES7,composants React (stateless et stateful )et les propsle cycle de vie du composantla mise en page avec les librairies Bootstrap et Font awesomeLes opration CRUD : read, create, update et deletetest des routes API avec l'application PostmanCe tutoriel sadresse un public expriment sur les technologies web tel que le javascript, html, css ainsi que sur les requtes HTTP et les bases de donnes. Il est vivement recommand de connatre quelques bases de dveloppement front avec les framework JS."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Learn Likee Boost to promote Videos" |
"You will learn that how you can promote your Videos or others Videos using Likee Boost, one more good service offered by Likee App which is available at free of cost on both iOS & Android platforms. I have explained everything using live examples. I also shot one live Video & then immediately promoted it using Likee Boost. I have also explained the recharge options & how you can get diamonds to boost Video. I have also explained other options related to Likee Boost including its benefits."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On WebAssembly for C++ Programmers" |
"Due to recent trends, companies are looking to design their applications live on the web. However, it's easy to grow frustrated with JavaScript, which offers limited scope for fine- tuning performance.If you want get ahead of your competitors by working in a language you're comfortable with, one that is designed for speed? WebAssembly is your answer. Starting with first principles; you'll learn is why WebAssembly is so powerful and why C++ is a natural fit. The you'll look at compiling a program for WebAssembly using C++.This course looking provides code examples, rather than slides so that you can really delve into the depths of WebAssembly. Allowing you to go beyond simple toy examples and learn about how real programs compile to WebAssembly.You'll find out that not everything works out right the first time, and it's just as important to learn how to debug and profile your programs.By the end of this course, you will have gained all the skills you need to get a speed advantage over pure JavaScript applications, leaving your competitors behind.About the AuthorPatrick Viafore is a software engineer with 12 years' experience writing C++ and web applications. From meteorology software to telecommunication firmware and operating systems in the cloud, he's been involved in many facets of the software world.Patrick has seen new technologies grow and blossom, and knows how hard it can be to stay on the cutting edge, especially given the lightning-quick pace of web development.He focuses on distilling the concepts that you care about, and reinforcing them with real code. In this course, he will be pulling code excerpts from real, open-source libraries and showing you how to transform them into WebAssembly.Patrick enjoys teaching and has given conference talks, hosted workshops, and mentored many developers."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Beyond the Java Language" |
"This course will take you step-by-step through the most popular tools used with the Java languageall with practical use cases. In order to introduce you to the broader aspects of what you need to know as a project team member. After years of application development experience and scores of interviews, our author has compiled the perfect guide to becoming a Java developer.You'll gain hands-on experience of working with Spring and Spring Boot, SQL/MySQL, Hibernate, JUnit, and the other tools that are part of the Java Stack and are essential in a production environment.Apart from learning how and when to use each of the tools, you will also scale-up your knowledge of Java by learning some lesser-known tips and tricks that will set you above the rest.By the end of the course, you'll be fully prepared to take on your next big project.About the AuthorGregory Guy is an instructor is a qualified broadcast engineer and has been teaching Java programming since 2000. His programming experience started back in college when he was taught to program in assembler language and C.When he entered the Television industry, he did programming in assembler and C, then turned to Object Oriented programming, moving on to use C++ and Java. He has been teaching Java since 2000.Teaching is his passion, so it has never been just a job but a hobby as well. Soccer happens to be a great passion of his too.Colibri Digital is a technology consultancy company founded in 2015 by James Cross and Ingrid Funie. The company works to help its clients navigate the rapidly changing and complex world of emerging technologies, with deep expertise in areas such as big data, data science, machine learning, and cloud computing."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Geospatial Analysis with QGIS 3.10 and Python" |
"Given the increasing amounts of open geospatial and remotely-sensed data and the vast amount of information it provides, GIS is an essential instrument for geographers, engineers, geologists, architects, ecologists, and agronomists who recognize the complex operations required to wrangle, analyze, and visualize their data.If you're a professional using GIS in your daily work and already have some knowledge of Python, QGISaligned with Pythonwill give you compelling opportunities to streamline workflows and maximize your data analysis and manipulation.This course will get you up-and-running with geospatial analysis using QGIS 3.10 and Python.Learn how to use data queries, create a 3D map on a web server, and interact with Python and QGIS. You will learn to distinguish between vector and raster layers; which will give you flexibility when considering data sources and processing methods for problem-solving. While understanding how to process remote sensing data and output terrain maps, and customize and automate geo-processes effectively for your work.By the end of the course, you will be able to use QGIS 3.10 and Python together to create interactive geospatial maps.About the AuthorJane Wang is a Geospatial Developer and Master in Geospatial Sciences with experience in research, teaching, data analysis, and visualizations. She has 6 years' professional experience in Academia and spent 4 years working with geospatial products and communicating scientific information in appealing visual outputs using GIS, Python, R, and Adobe Suite.She has been awarded for her creative and novel geospatial work at international conferences and is also an active member of the Geomatics community. She has actively communicated with, and taught, a wide-ranging audience."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Data Center Essentials: General Introduction" |
"Learn the basics to enter into the world of data centers, the fastest growing sector in the design and construction industry. By the end you will know the lingo and more about data centers than 90% of those in the industry. From Google to Microsoft, 5G to blockchain, selfies to self-driving, the internet is expected to become an even bigger part of our lives - and it's all supported by a growing legion of mammoth facilities known as data centers. Our digital footprint grows phenomenally every year and that data passes through, is stored and processed by the contents of these largest of energy intensive buildings on the planet.This course is intended to give you a jump start into the world of data centers. We will cover the many standards, terminology, and acronyms used when talking and walking through these mission critical facilities. In this course we cover:History, types, and sizes - what are the data centers you may see & walk intoStandards & goals - what are tiers of reliability, what is important to which type of ownerComponents - the equipment & systems that support the data centerTerms and acronyms - most common descriptions, definitions, and practicesSecurity, safety & more - all of the other major considerations that go into data center"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SAP Fiori Application Development" |
"This course explains SAP Fiori application development . Learn how to navigate and personalize your Fiori app as well as how to add new groups, tiles and apps. Also, understand how to work with Fiori apps & tiles. After you have completed this course you will be able to work with Fiori Apps."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Sites Google Apps Script File Sharing Mini Web App" |
"Explore how you can connect GSuite together to create a webapp that can upload files to your Gdrive folder, and track uploads into a spreadsheet while notify via email.Step by step of building web applications that make use of GSuite connecting varies Classes together to rapidly build powerful applications.JavaScript is a prerequisite to this course - Prior coding experience is required!!!!Source code is included so that you can build your own version of the application.Course covers applying Google Script Code - JavaScript and HTML to build a web application that can upload files into Google Drive. Also track uploaded file details within a Spreadsheet while sending notification emails as new content is uploaded.Course cover coding relevant to the project - SCOPE OF THIS COURSE IS BUILDING THE WEB APP - and will not cover basics of coding using JavaScript.Lessons and Learning Objective for this courseGoogle Script editor and how to setup a Web AppGetting a web app and how to develop and update codeSetting up Google Sites page to host your Google Scripts Web AppFrontend client side code to upload file and send data to Google Scripts Server SideHandling of data with Google Scripts - use of Utilities Class to manage file dataCreating Blob and copying file blob to Google Drive Selecting specific Drive using ID valueGetting File Object details and saving to SpreadsheetSelecting of files on the drive getting file object details from Google ScriptSending Email on File UploadTaught by an instructor with many years of web development experience ready to help you learn about Google Apps Script and how you can write code to create custom applications. You have nothing to lose, start building your application today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 Canvas Element - Quick Introduction to Canvas HTML5" |
"Learn HTML5 Canvas Element - Quick Introduction to Canvas HTML5Introduction to drawing using JavaScript on HTML5 Canvas Element - This course requires JAVASCRIPT CODING!!!!!Do not take this course without prior coding experience - JavaSCript and HTML and prerequisites Explore how you can use JavaScript to draw within the HTML5 Canvas element on your webpagesSource Code included - step by step lessons with an introduction to basics of drawing on canvas. Course will walk through how to use JavaScript code and syntax to create visual content within the HTML5 canvas element on the webpage.The canvas element is part of HTML5 and allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images.Course covers Getting started with HTML5 Canvas DrawingHow to Start Drawing on Canvas with JavaScript.Learn Basics of Drawing on CanvasColor Units and options for line and fill Color within Canvas objects Strokes and Lines drawing more objects on CanvasHow to create Draw Arcs and Circles.Add Text to Canvas JavaScriptOptions and how to draw Line Styles CanvasUsing Images - Image Options Canvas HTML5 JavaScript drawingColor Gradients and Styling Fun radial and linearApplying Text Shadows to text content within CanvasHow to use Save and Restore.Scaling reverse Text mirror your text contentCreating Canvas animations using JavaScriptProject how to create Image Rotator.Canvas Drawing Draw a StickMan ChallengeThis course is a fast paced course with all the source code included - Please try the code as you got hough the lessons to learn.There are prerequisites to this course - please ensure you do have the skillset to learn the content presented within the lessons. The design is to explore HTML5 Canvas and how it works. Scope of this course is HTML5 Canvas and content related to the learning objective will only be covered in the lessons of this course. Perfect to get introduced to HTML5 Canvas or as a refresher to anyone already familiar with web coding.Taught by a web developer with over 20 years experience - ready to help you learn and answer any questions you might have.Fast friendly support is always available within the Q&A section"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Art for Kids: Drawing & Watercolor Painting With Bold Color" |
"Are you looking for a beginning painting course for your child? Would you like an experienced art teacher guiding your child through the creative process?The Art for Kids: Drawing & Watercolor Painting With Bold Color course may be just what you are looking for! Designed with beginners in mind, this course is perfect for children ages 7+. With a total of 8 fun and unique drawing and watercolor painting projects, your child will learn the skills to create masterpieces of their own long after the course is complete.There are two steps in each art project: Step 1: Draw the Subject Step 2: Watercolor Paint the Subject and the Background The teaching process used for the drawing portion of the project is a kid-tested, step-by-step method that will inspire and delight your child into drawing action! This process involves organizing shapes and lines together until a recognizable outcome is achieved. After students complete the drawing portion of their project, they will move onto painting the project. Students will learn basic watercolor techniques and apply these techniques to complete their project. The Art for Kids: Drawing & Watercolor Painting With Bold Color course is designed to give young children the tools they need to begin their artistic journey into self-expression, reflection, and creative thinking.Supplies and materials needed for this course:thick white paper (watercolor paper works great!)watercolor paintspaintbrushespermanent marker (Sharpie marker works great)crayons or oil pastelspencil with eraserpaper towelsbowl of watermat to protect workspaceI would love to hear from you. Please let me know if you have questions, comments, or suggestions. I am here to help:)About the Instructor:My name is Miss Em and teaching art to children is what I love to do! I pride myself on creating dynamic, meaningful, and engaging art lessons that are taught in a relaxing and joyful way. I have over 20 years teaching experience in the elementary classroom and in the art studio, and I feel that I have a good grasp on how to create an environment that makes children feel happy, motivated, confident, and successful.I look forward to seeing both you and your child in this Art for Kids course. Let the creative fun begin!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build a Database driven Application with Python and MySQL" |
"In this course you learn how to interface a Python application program with a MySQL Server Database. Python has various modules that you can use to interact with databases. We will install CX_ORACLE connector module to enable us interact with MySQL Server database from our Python application.We will be installing Python and MySQL database server and also create a new database and table that our Python application will interact with.We will create the Python application frontend using Tkinter which is a built in Python module used to create graphical user interfaces . From tkinter module we will import ttk module which is a themed widget library that contains various types of widgets like buttons,labels etc that we can use to build the graphical user interface for our Python application. We will also import other bits and pieces from the tkinter module that our Python application will use.Also we will create a database configuration file that twill be used to interact with the MySQL Server database from our Python application. We will also be creating a class with methods and also stand alone functions for our application.When the application is complete we will be able to perform CRUD operations on the MySQL database from our Python application."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to create a CRUD Application with Python and Oracle" |
"In this course you learn how to interface a Python application program with an Oracle Server Database. Python has various modules that you can use to interact with databases. We will install CX_ORACLE connector module to enable us interact with Oracle Server database from our Python application.We will be installing Python and Oracle database server and also create a new database and table that our Python application will interact with.We will create the Python application frontend using Tkinter which is a built in Python module used to create graphical user interfaces . From tkinter module we will import ttk module which is a themed widget library that contains various types of widgets like buttons,labels etc that we can use to build the graphical user interface for our Python application. We will also import other bits and pieces from the tkinter module that our Python application will use.Also we will create a database configuration file that twill be used to interact with the Oracle Server database from our Python application. We will also be creating a class with methods and also stand alone functions for our application.When the application is complete we will be able to perform CRUD operations on the Oracle database from our Python application."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SOLID - Os 5 Princpios para as Boas Prticas da POO" |
"Bem vindo ao curso SOLID - Os 5 Princpios para as Boas Prticas da POO, o curso mais completo da categoria!O curso conta com 38 aulas totalizando mais de 7 horas de videoaulas.Para iniciar esse curso necessrio que o aluno possua conhecimentos prvios em programao orientada a objetos.O curso foi produzido utilizando a linguagem de programao PHP, mas os princpios ensinados nesse curso so universais, ou seja, podem e devem ser aplicados a qualquer linguagem de programao que suporte o paradigma de orientao a objetos.Confira abaixo tudo o que voc vai aprender nesse curso:SRP - Single Responsibility Principle (Princpio da Responsabilidade nica)Extra - Implementando testes de unidade automatizadosOCP - Open/Closed Principle (Princpio Aberto/Fechado)LSP - Liskov Substitution Principle (Princpio de Substituio de Liskov)ISP - Interface Segregation Principle (Princpio da Segregao de Interface)DIP - Dependency Inversion Principle (Princpio da Inverso de Dependncia)Junte-se a mais de 100 mil alunos que j fizeram e aprovaram os nossos treinamentos!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Experto en Seguridad y Salud en Obras Menores y de Reforma." |
"Experto en Seguridad y Salud en Obras Menores y de Reforma.Conoce de una manera prctica las medidas necesarias de proteccin, seguridad y salud en obras menores y de reforma.Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca e Ingeniero de la Edificacin Jaime Lpez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020En este curso experto aprenders de una manera prctica y sencilla como controla la seguridad y salud en obras menores y de reforma en edificacin.Tomaremos conciencia con las principales causas de accidentes en obra, y trataremos cuestiones tan importantes como:* La mejor manera de acometer los trabajos en altura.* Uso de epis adecuados para cada trabajo.* Delimitacin y sealizacin.* Equipos de emergencia a tener siempre en obra disponibles.* Importancia del orden y limpieza en obras de edificacin.* Acopio y almacenamiento en obra.* Uso seguro de escaleras y andamios en obra.* Trabajo seguro en instalaciones con riesgo elctrico en baja tensin. Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Puedes elegir ver todos los mdulos de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovechar al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Los mdulos y clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo los mdulos que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. La totalidad de estos son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto, no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel bsico. Recuerda que este curso no sustituye a ninguna formacin certificada y homologada que te permita desarrollar la profesin de seguridad y salud de manera acreditada. Este curso, es la mejor herramienta y forma de aprender en seguridad y salud para aquellos profesionales que desarrollan su actividad principalmente en fase de proyecto y no conocen los puntos mas prcticos y bsicos de esta disciplina en fase de ejecucin. El curso est orientado a aquellos profesionales que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del arquitecto lvaro Garca y el ingeniero de la edificacin Jaime Lpez. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos y descargarte la documentacin facilitada para que puedas usar en tus obras...Recuerda que este curso global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, recursos descargables, , acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y soluciones en el mbito de la seguridad y salud de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso online preparacin del ttulo oficial de ingls C1" |
"Curso online preparacin del ttulo oficial de ingls C1Curso de ingls preparacin ttulo oficial. Ttulo Aptis del British Council. (Tasas de examen oficial no incluidas).Instructores: Freddy Augusto Piango y lvaro GarcaContenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Por qu este curso de ingls es diferente?Aptis es un ttulo oficial del British Council, con reconocimiento internacional y centros de examen en todas las provincias de Espaa. Pases de todo el mundo de habla hispana como Colombia, Mxico, Per, Venezuela, Chile, y otros como Portugal o Polonia tambin reconocen y examinan de este ttulo oficial.Si siempre has estudiado ingls y ests valorando ahora obtener una certificacin oficial que acredite tu nivel de ingls, has llegado al curso adecuado! En el mercado existen muchos ttulos oficiales. Algunos tienen muchos aos de vida como Cambridge, y otros son ms recientes como TOEIC o IELTS. Para nosotros, estudiar ingls sin tener un objetivo de una certificacin oficial, es cosa del siglo pasado. La competitividad profesional a nivel interprovincial e incluso trasnacional exige que puedas demostrar tu capacitacin en un nivel de ingls determinado. Hoy en da la mayora de Universidades y escuelas de negocio exigen, o bien para su acceso, o bien para graduarse, o ambas, la prueba de unas ciertas capacidades con el idioma ms hablado del mundo. Para oposiciones para el acceso a puestos de trabajo pblico, en procesos de seleccin de multinacionales o para ejercer una carrera de maestro, tambin te van a solicitar acreditar tu nivel de ingls con un ttulo oficial.Antes de realizar este curso por favor revisa estas recomendaciones:Tu plan de carrera de estudios o trabajo: dependiendo de para qu quieras tu ttulo oficial, es muy importante que revises la validez del mismo. Aptis es aceptado en el 98% de instituciones pblicas y privadas, pero la validez de un ttulo oficial no la da la entidad que la emite sino la institucin que acepta dicho ttulo. Aptis es un examen creado y cuyo ttulo emite el British Council, institucin con base en el Reino Unido, con ms de 80 aos de historia y cuya misin es difundir el conocimiento de la lengua inglesa y su cultura mediante la formacin y otras actividades educativas.Tu nivel de ingls actual. Este es un curso de preparacin a examen, no es un curso de ingls al uso. Aptis es un examen multinivel y sirve para acreditar los niveles B1, B2, C1 y C2 de ingls, que equivalen respectivamente a Intermedio, Intermedio Alto, Avanzado y Bilinge. Para realizar este curso necesitas tener un nivel avanzado del idioma ingls, o complementar el trabajo del curso con el apoyo de un profesor cualificado en esta lengua.Dnde te vas a poder examinar al terminar el curso. El examen oficial se realiza por ordenador en una de las cientos de sedes del British Council en el mundo. No confundir por favor que el examen sea por ordenador a que puedas realizarlo desde tu casa. Cuando te sientas preparado, debes abonar las tasas de examen (que son ms econmicas que el resto de exmenes oficiales), reservar un da y hora (el examen dura entre 3-4h) y acudir a la sede de examen. En 48 horas tendrs tu ttulo por email y en una semana el original en papel. Puedes consultar ms informacin sobre este examen en la pgina web del British Council de tu pas.Sobre Aula ingls AcademyAula ingls es la primera academia de Espaa que empez a preparar el Aptis hace ms de 5 aos y est completamente especializada en este examen. Miles de alumnos han pasado ya por sus aulas y el 98% ha superado el examen y conseguido su ttulo oficial. Nuestra metodologa ha sido testada tanto en clases presenciales como virtuales, as que no encontrars un curso ms especializado y con una metodologa ms orientada a superar el examen que la nuestra. Aula ingls Academy es reconocida en Espaa por su metodologa y sus cursos innovadores con material propio que han ayudado a cientos de estudiantes a desarrollar y mejorar sus habilidades lingsticas y por consiguiente, posicionarse mejor en el mercado laboral. Aula ingls pertenece al British Council Aptis Network, lo que la reconoce por su conocimiento de este examen y estar al da de todas las novedades con respecto al mismo.Cmo funciona el curso?Hemos diseado un curso de 20 horas especializado en el examen Aptis Advanced del British Council que va orientado a conseguir el nivel C1 o C2 de ingls. Es un curso dinmico basado en videos explicativos donde se desarrollan detalladamente todos los aspectos y ejercicios que conforman esta versin del examen, todo con la finalidad de maximizar a travs de trucos y tcnicas las posibilidades de alcanzar el nivel avanzado del idioma. Adems, el curso ofrece la posibilidad de hacer dos modelos de examen completos con todos sus componentes: Grammar and Vocabulary, Speaking, Listening, Reading y Writing.Lo que aprenders:Tcnicas de examen para superar los 5 componentes del examen Aptis Advanced.Trucos para minimizar tu esfuerzo y las posibilidad de cometer errores en el examen.Ejemplos de respuestas apropiadas para los componentes de Aptis Speaking y Writing.Consejos para entender mejor textos escritos.Ejemplos de cmo escribir emails y artculos.Formatos de presentaciones orales.Gramtica esencial para ser ms avanzado al hablar y al escribir.Practicas de examen a travs de dos modelos completos de Aptis Advanced que incluyen todas sus partes: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening y Grammar & VocabularyRequisitos:Nivel intermedio alto/avanzado de ingls.Ordenador y acceso a internet.Cuaderno y lpiz para apuntes.No olvides seguirme en mi canal de YouTube y en Instagram: FREDDYEXPERTOENAPTIS donde encontrars videos sobre tcnicas de examen Aptis para todos los niveles.**********************************************************************************Welcome to the only English course with right to an official exam!Why is this English course different?Aptis is a British Council official title, recognised internationally and with examination centers in each Spanish province. Spanish speaking countries all around the world like Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, and others, like Portugal or Poland also recognise and prepare examinations of this official title.If you have always studied English and you are considering obtaining an official qualification that certifies your English level now, you have arrived to the right course! There are many titles available in the market. Some of them have been operating for many years like Cambridge, and others are more recent like TOEIC or IELTS. For us, studying English without the goal of an official certificate is a trend of the past. The competitiveness in the professional sector, both at inter provincial and international level, demands that you demonstrate your abilities in a specific level of English. Nowadays most universities and business schools demand, either for being part of them, and/or as a requisite for graduating from them, proof of certain abilities regarding the most widely spoken lenguage in the world. For competitive exams, where you access civil servant positions, multinational selection processes or in order to work as a teacher, you will always be asked to certify your English level with an official qualification.Before completing this course please review these recommendations:The requirements of your university degree or job: depending on what you want the official qualification for, it is very important that you check its validity. Aptis is accepted in 98% of both public and private institutions. It is the institution that accepts the qualification the one that actually gives effect to it, not the one that delivers it. Aptis is an exam created by the British Council, which also issues the certificates. The British Council is based in the United Kingdom, it has been active for more than 80 years and its mission is to spread the knowledge of the English lenguage and its culture through training and other educative activities.Your current English level: This is a course designed to prepare an exam, not to learn English. Aptis is a multi-level exam which attests levels B1, B2, C1 and C2 of English. These levels correspond to Intermediate, High Intermediate, Advanced and Biligual respectively. In order to be part of this course you need to have an advanced knowledge of English or to reinforce the course's work with extra classes with a qualified teacher.Where are you going to be able to take the exam when the course is finished?: The official examination is computed based and it takes place in one of the hundreds of locations the British Council has in the world. Although the exam is computer based that does not mean you can take it at home. When you feel you are ready, you should pay the exam fee which is more affordable than other official exams save a day and a time the exam lasts between 3 to 4 hours and go to the location of the exam. In 48 hours you will have your certificate via email and in a week you will recieve the original certificate in paper. For further information you can visit the British Council website in your country.About Aula Ingls AcademyAula Ingls is the first academy that started preparing the Aptis in Spain, five years ago and it is fully specialized in this exam. Thousands of students have studied there and 98% of them have passed the exam and obtained their certificates. Our metodology has been tested both in face to face classes and virtual. You won't find a more specialized course and with a methodology more oriented to pass the exam than ours. Aula Ingls Academy is recognized in Spain because of its methodology and innovative courses that have helped hundreds of students develop and improve their lenguage abilities, and thus, to find better opportunities in the labor market. Aula Ingls is part of the British Council Aptis Network, which aknowledges its expertise in this exam and being updated in all its changes.How does the course work?We have designed a 20 hour course focused on the British Council Aptis Advanced, which is oriented to obtain a C1 or C2 level of English. It is a very dynamic course based on informative videos, where all the aspects and exercises of the exam are explained in detail. All of this with the purpose of maximazing, through tips and techniques, the posibilities of obtaining the desired level. Also, the course includes the possibility of completing two complete exams that include all the components: Grammar and Vocabulary, Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.What will you learn:Techniques to complete the five components of the Aptis Advanced Exam.Tips to minimize your effort and the possibilities of making mistakes in the exam.Examples of appropiate answers for components like Speaking and Writing in the Aptis.Tips to understand written texts better.Examples on how to write emails and articles.Oral presentation formats.Essential grammar to have an advanced level when speaking or writing.Exam practice with 2 full samples which include all the parts in Aptis Advanced: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening and Grammar & Vocabulary.Requirements:Medium high/ Advanced Level of English.Computer and access to Internet.Notebook and pencil for taking notes.**********************************************************************************Sobre la Formacin:La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los instructores Freddy Augusto Piango y lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos interioristas lvaro Garca y Mariangeles Fernndez Blanco . Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Siscont Contable Empresarial" |
"Siscont es uno de los softwares mas usados en el entorno contable , su uso es simple y sencillo. Siscont viene desarrollando ao tras ao mejoras en su interfaz pero sin dejar la esencia de la ubicacin de las opciones por lo cual uses cualquier versin de siscont vas a poder entender con facilidad, se entiende que las mejoras mas actuales son en base a los requerimientos de sunat como son los libros electronicos , pero siscont esta preparado para eso y mucho masa lo largo del curso tocaremos temas como:- Creacin de empresas- Manejo de tablas- Plan de cuentas- Creacin de documentos- Mantenimiento de datos- Reportes en Excel- Asientos contables- Backupsy mucho mas"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"251 Simple Ideas to Kill Boredom" |
"Cool ideas to zap boredom. Here is an amazing collection of ideas on how to keep boredom at bay when there is nothing to do! Try these activities and have a ball!Have you ever heard of balcony bingo? It got rave reviews from participants. It involves just what it sounds like people on each on their own balcony playing bingo together. Just send out the bingo cards electronically, choose one person to pull the numbers and youre off and running. And alternative can be music bingo. This, being noisier, is better suited to a group on Zoom or Skype, but it works just as well. It may sound crazy but isnt that what youre looking for to get yourself motivated to participate?From cooking, to gardening, to fun stuff around the house, to beauty and health, clothes and accessories, paper activities, reading, personal development, self-care, listening, watching, learning, all sorts of online, social media and tv ideas, things to do on your phone and computer, online shopping and research, how to have fun with virtual connections, hobbies and some miscellaneous items that didnt fit in any of the other categories I have accumulated a fabulous list of possible activities to keep you not only busy but happy and engaged."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Serverless Framework Bootcamp: Node.js, AWS & Microservices" |
"Ever felt like you would like to build a back-end application that can handle millions of users, but you were terrified by the idea of managing (or learning how to manage) the infrastructure behind it?Ever felt like you would like to focus on delivering valuable features, rather than making sure your services are up and running?Ever felt like you are paying more than you should be?Good news!Serverless Architecture takes the pain of site reliability off your shoulders. With Serverless Architecture, you and your team can focus on feature development. Your application will scale effortlessly, serving users reliably. You do not need to be an infrastructure expert to serve an application at scale. With Serverless, you only pay for what you use.Serverless Framework revolutionizes the way we develop Serverless applications, by providing a developer-friendly API that supports dozens of cloud providers including Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and more.More than that, Serverless Framework intelligently helps you manage your infrastructure as code (IaC), which eliminates the chance of paying for services that are not in use.With an active community and a rich ecosystem of plugins, you can get things done at lightspeed and without boilerplate code.Serverless Framework is language-agnostic, which means you can use the language and runtime of your choice (Node.js, Ruby, Python, Go, C#, Java, etc).With over 450,000 downloads per week and x5 growth over the past two years, demand for Serverless experts is on the rise. It is one of the most in-demand skills in the market.___In this course, you will learn how to develop reliable and scalable Serverless applications, following the microservices architecture. This course will be 100% hands-on, and you will be developing a real-world application;REST API and CRUD endpoints (AWS Lambda, API Gateway)Data persistence (AWS DynamoDB)Message Queues for cross-service communication (AWS SQS)Scheduled event triggers (AWS EventBridge)Cloud stack management (AWS CloudFormation)Object storage on the cloud (AWS S3)Email notifications (AWS SES)MiddlewareAuthentication and Authorization (Lambda Authorizer)Data validation and error handling... much moreBesides that, you will get hands-on experience with some of the most popular and useful services on the AWS platform. Demand for AWS experts is continuously on the rise, as AWS holds the biggest stake amongst all cloud providers.If you are a hobbyist or professional developer with basic back-end development knowledge and want to dive into Serverless or Microservices architecture, this course is for you. Basic JavasScript/Node.js background is recommended, but not mandatory.Join me today to learn one of the hottest skills in 2020."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Successfully Find Remote Work in 2020" |
"We are living something that we were not prepared to. The Coronavirus outbreak is having a massive impact in our lives and in the society we live in.From one day to another we had to adapt the way we work and how we interact with others in order to stay safe and keep the ones we love safe.We bring you a actionable guide so you can learn what is Remote Work and how you can adapt to it.Throughout this course, you will learn all the secrets you need to understand how remote work can be the answer to the current situation and tips to start your job search and land a successful and fulfilling remote job that you love.We will help you in the process to plan your remote success byExplaining what remote work isWhy companies are turning to remote workHow to think about new opportunties in a time of crisisIdeas fo common remote jobsHow to create a resume for remote jobsFind and apply to the most suitable remote jobsTips to successfully land a remote jobSeveral Bonus and Secrets TipsThis course will introduce you to remote work and share information and knowledge you need to start your job search for a well-paid and fulfilling job in an established remote company.By the end of the course you will have a good foundation to start lookong for remote job positions and be on your way to achieve your goals.We want you to know that you can work remotely and have a healthy and balanced life with some simple changes, and those small adjustments will have a huge impact in your professional and personal life.Let's get started"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
PhotoshopYouTube |
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Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Sketchnotes fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene" |
"Dieser dreistndige Workshop vermittelt dir alles ber die Grundlagen, die Entstehung und die Einsatzmglichkeiten von Sketchnotes.Sketchnotes sind eine wunderbare Mglichkeit, deine persnlichen Projekte mit Hilfe kleiner Bildchen ganz individuell zu gestalten und andere Menschen damit zu begeistern. Deine Projekte werden mit Hilfe der Sketchnotes in den Kpfen deiner Mitmenschen viel besser haften bleiben, da die kleinen Bildchen die emotionale Ebene ansprechen.In jedem Bild steckt die Energie des Zeichners! Egal, ob du eher zurckhaltend oder eher impulsiv bist, deine Zeichnungen werden es wiederspiegeln. Fr diesen Kurs musst du jedoch kein Knstler sein. Die Freude am Zeichnen reicht hier vllig aus.Du erlernst zunchst die Grundlagen des Sketchnotings, wie beispielsweise den Einsatz von Containern oder die Schattierungsmglichkeiten kennen. Im nchsten Abschnitt erstellen wir dann gemeinsam deinen Lebenslauf mit Hilfe der Sketchnotes. Du erfhrst von mir, als Dozentin aus Leidenschaft, auch, wie du Inhalte und Wissen mit Hilfe der kleinen Bildchen teilen und weitergeben kannst. Du wirst nachvollziehen knnen, wie die kleinen Bildchen eine Powerpoint Prsentation individualisieren oder wie man ein kleines Handlegevideo daraus produziert, dass deine Zuschauer begeistert.Am Ende des Kurses kannst du selbst mitreiende Sketchnotes erstellen und diese nach deinen ganz persnlichen Vorlieben und Wnschen individuell einsetzen."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Selenium Framework Development with Junit5 & Allure" |
"In the last few years, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of businesses that are now making it easier for consumers to do business online. Websites that can perform seamlessly on multiple browsers & platforms are necessary for a company to thrive & excel. So testing & automating the testing of these applications is essential for providing quality to customers who use these applications.""The demand for engineers who have the niche skill of automating the testing of web,api & mobile application has increased.""""Selenium has been the most preferred library when it comes to automating UI tests."" Other than just automating a user workflow, it is also necessary to have the ability to execute tests multiple times with data, execute tests in parallel, group tests, run tests in Selenium Grid, capture screenshots, video recordings to provide additional information on test runs.However, Selenium alone may not provide all the features to perform the activities as mentioned above. A combination of many libraries will be necessary to build a robust, effective & easy to use, reusable framework.In this course, you will be learning exactly how to build a robust, simple, effective & reusable UI automation framework using Selenium 4, Junit5 & many other cool Java libraries. Below are the features that we will be building into this frameworkDependency management & build execution using MavenProperty Reader using Singleton design patternMultiple browser binary management techniques using WebDriverManagerRobust Webdriver design with Threadlocal using FactoryPattern, using enums to manage browser configurationGeneric setup, teardown using junit5 annotations(@BeforeAll,@AfterAll,@BeforeEach,@AfterEach)Implement the Page Object Model pattern to automate e-commerce application(JPetStore)Creating generic element identification, element interaction & synchronization methodsBuilding steps for functionality using Allure Library(@Step)Implementing Page & Element screenshotsCreate TestListenersGrouping of tests using tags(@Tag annotations)Retrying flakey testsExecuting tests in parallel using maven-surefire(parallel & fork techniques)Driving parameterized tests using excel & CSVImplementing maven SystemPropertyVariables to override properties via command lineCreating awesome reports using the Allure Library.Executing tests in Grid (Docker Selenium Grid, Zalenium Grid)Source control with git & GitHubExecuting builds in Jenkins""At the end of this course, you will master the techniques needed to build a robust, effective & easy to use, reusable framework. The knowledge learned will also help you with interviews."""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Blues Guitar" |
"The BluesStarter Level One course is designed for the beginner guitar player who would like to learn how to play the Blues. The course is laid out in a very structured and systematic way, with every topic/ technique taught in extensive detail.In BluesStarter Level 1, we start with some basic theory review and discuss how chords are made, and then we will explain what a standard 12 Bar Blues Progression is and how to play it in any key. You will then learn how to play a shuffle blues feel and well explore some different blues rhythm techniques/ tricks.Next we explain how to make Dominant 7th chords, which make your chords sound more bluesy and youll learn two different classic blues style turnaroundsThere is a complete acoustic blues solo piece that is taught in its entirety, which you will be able to play and impress your friends!You will also learn some alternate ways to play Dominant 7th chords and 9th chords opening up the guitar neck and providing more options.Next you will learn the Minor Pentatonic scale and how to use it for soloing and we will play along with a blues backing track to practice some solo licks. You will finish things off by learning a staple blues technique; vibratoThis course is packed with information, but it is presented in a structured, and systematic way. Each step of the way you will be building upon the knowledge you have learned in the previous lessons, so you will never feel overwhelmed or in over your head. You can move through these lessons at your own pace and watch the videos as many times as you like."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"STORYBOARD: Le cours complet" |
"Besoin de crer des storyboards pour des publicits, des court-mtrages ou des films? Ce cours va vous donner toutes les explications de comment le storyboarding fonctionne et pourquoi et comment les utiliser. Que vous soyez un dessinateur ou non, ce cours va vous donner toutes les astuces pour russir les storyboards. Nous allons parler des valeurs de plans, de leurs dfinitions et de quand vous devez les utiliser. Aussi, nous allons voir les logiciels que vous pourrez utiliser pour faire de vritables rendus professionnels de storyboards."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to CSS Grid" |
"Grid is the best way to create website layouts in CSS. If you like flexbox, you will love grid.This course will provide you with a concise and comprehensive introduction to grid. We will start with the fundamentals and move on to applying the techniques to real-world projects.Follow along using the example code provided and quickly get up to speed with the latest and most powerful CSS layout tool."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Dropshipping: How to succeed in 2020 !" |
"We all dream about creating our own business and being financially free! I bet you do!Starting a business can be very costly and risky that is why ecommerce is currently one of the best business ideas! Thousands and thousands of people try daily to run profitable ecommerce stores and only VERY few of them succeed!With the huge competition and the high ads costs, succeeding in ecommerce (dropshipping) is becoming more and more difficult!People fail with ecommerce (dropshipping) because:They dont work on building a brand or on being professionalThey dont put effective marketing strategies to target their prospects and customers. So they fail at converting their prospects into customers, and on turning the one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans.They dont work on increasing the average cart value of their customers thus increasing their sales and profit.They run ads, they fail at making sales and they give up!Fewer and fewer people have been able to build a store and truly make profit out of it.Hi There! I am rihab a digital market and bestseller online instructor with more than (26,756) students! I have helped hundreds of my students to launch their online stores and succeed online and in this course I will give you the top 5 ingredients to succeed in ecommerce (dropshipping) in 2020!I have been helping people to succeed online for years, I see and review tenth of stores every day! And unfortunately most of the stores I see dont have any chance of succeeding!Many people think that ecommerce is easy and that they can build any store, add some products to it, run some facebook ads and make money! Well unfortunately, they ARE WRONG!Building an ecommerce (dropshipping) store is a business that requires a lot of work and RESEARCH and succeeding on it requires a lot of advanced marketing strategies and skills that only few people know and apply! And those are the ones who succeed.So in this course, I will show you how to succeed in ecommerce and how to make your store profitable by giving you my top 5 secretes ingredients to succeed! If you are not willing to put time and effort on your store, this course is not for you! But if you are willing to do what it takes, you are in the right place!And Here is what you will learn in hereFirst you will discover how to find hot products from suppliers that are not shipping from china. So you will be able to ship your products from the same countries where you are selling and thus you will be reducing your shipping time and you will be improving your customers experience! and you will not be relying on china in case the international trade was disrupted for some reason.Second you will learn how to create a brand not just another ecommerce (dropshipping store) and how to make your store look professional and trust worthyThird you will learn how to lower your marketing cost, by learning how to market for the people who know you beforehand! Together, we will see how to properly use Facebook ads retargeting campaigns and email marketing campaigns. and what are the best practices you should use to transform someone from a onetime customer to a loyal one!Forth you will learn how to maximize your profit per customer by learning how to increase the average cart value of your customers. In this section, you will have a detailed look on very advanced marketing strategies and how to apply them correctly on your store.In the final section, we will discuss what is the right mindset you should start your business with and why having the wrong mindset will hold you back from succeeding no matter what!After finishing this course, you will be armed with the rights skills to succeed! And the only thing that will be standing between you and your success will be your willingness to take action and start working in the right direction!So dont waste any minute Start now! Take action! Enroll in this course! Learn how to succeed in ecommerce and how to make your store profitable!This course has a 30 days money back guarantee, so whenever you feel, for any reason at all, that this course doesn't suit you, you can easily ask for a refund. NO RISK TAKEN!Act quickly ! enroll now and let is start making your store profitable now!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Animal Communication 101" |
"In this course I share the experiences I have had while communicating with animals over the years to guide you through your journey of learning to communicate with animals, from a beginner level to a more advanced level. As these secrets range from different areas of animal communication this course is not aimed at any particular skill level and contains information that is valuable to those at the very start of their journey as well as those who have been practicing for quite some time. Although you should have taken my beginners course first or an equvilent beginners so you are aware of how to connect telepathically before starting this course. The secrets and tips that I am sharing in this course are things that often go unsaid when learning animal communication but that can be of great benefit to your journey. I will teach you the fundamental skills of connecting and understanding intuitively what animals have to say. I will share my experiences, stories, and methods with you, so that you can begin to open to this wonderful practice yourself. You'll learn your responsibility as a voice for the animals. How to set bourndaires and why they are so vital to your progress. In 60 lessons packed full of information on a wide range of different topics from Chakras and crystals to self-care that will help you to further develop your skills as an animal communicator. I provide insight into what you can expect once you start communicating on a regular basis with animals and guide you through many of the challenges you may face as a budding animal communicator. I have included detailed guidance on how to deal with the blocks you may encounter in the process of learning animal communication and tips to help ease your way as your skills develop. So if you are having problems or doubts about communicating with animals. Or, if you just want to make sure you know all those secrets tips about how to be the best budding communicator you can be then this course is for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |