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"Domine AutoML: Machine Learning Automatizado" |
"Se voc j implementou modelos de Machine Learning sabe que existe uma gama muito grande de classificadores e de configuraes diferentes. Testar cada configurao possvel um processo penoso, em termos de tempo e de custo computacional. Ao mesmo tempo, uma pequena diferena na preciso de um modelo pode significar a diferena entre o lucro e o prejuzo de uma empresa, a cura ou no de um paciente ou o sucesso ou fracasso de uma campanha de marketing. Com este curso voc ser capaz de:Criar Modelos Melhores!Participar de Competies de Machine Learning!Criar Produtos Orientados a Dados!Este curso mostra como podemos usar o poder computacional para otimizar hiper parmetros, criando modelos melhores do que aqueles que humanos, mesmo experientes, poderiam conseguir. Neste curso voc estudar:O que Auto Machine Learning e qual sua importncia para a Inteligncia ArtificialComo Auto Machine Learning funcionaComo o processo de otimizao de hiper parmetrosImplementao prticas com Python usando H2O, AutoKeras e MLBOXConstruo de uma aplicao web com RBnus: Auto-WekaO curso ainda inclui cdigos fonte de exemplo e slides em formato pdf para download."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Financial Intelligence" |
"You have been working for a while or you have achieved certain academic achievements. Yet you know that the one and only subject that is seldom taught in schools, including MBAs, is the skill that is the most important: Financial Intelligence. Whether you are working in the finance and accounts department, sales, operations, engineering, research and development, management, human resource and administration, you want to make sense of numbers and increase value for your company. This course on Financial Intelligence is taken from our multi-day MBA at Work programs, now condensed into a 2-hour lively video course for you. It rewards you with power-packed contents including:Why Companies Fail: Lack of Sales, Lack of Finance and No Financial KnowledgeValue and Cash Flow: what do they mean for Your Company Now How to have passive income even when you receive a fixed salaryWhat are True Profits and why Do Profitable Companies Collapse so fast?Contribution Margin Analysis and Break-Even AnalysisWhich product should you focus on? Andy's 5-Ways Leverage to Increase Profits by 61%Human Resource cost reductionHow to Increase your staff pay and get a reduction in staff costOther ways to reduce cost: purchasing and operatingTop 20 + 5 Financial Engineering ways to cut cost happily and sustainablyFinancial Statements AnalysisHow to spot companies in troubleCash Flow SuccessProject EvaluationTime value of money: how everyone can be a millionaire easilyBudgeting SuccessHow 1% Increase Can Increase Value by 3 timesThe Ultimate of Financial Intelligence: Upgrade your Being with Be-Do-Have formula"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Essere genitori al tempo del coronavirus" |
"Il corso mira a dare una panoramica sui primi segni e sintomi della paura e delle altre emozioni negative nei bambini, i quali spesso non le sanno esprimere esplicitamente all'adulto di riferimento e rimangono intrappolati in comportamenti fastidiosi e poco contenibili.Prima di arrivare alle punizioni e al sentimento di rabbia e frustrazione, ladulto ha la responsabilit di comprendere ed aiutare il proprio figlio a ritrovare la fiducia nell'altro e nelle proprie risorse per superare le difficolt. Mantenendo attiva la sua energia e alta la sua autostima."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Web Development - PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS & Bootstrap," |
"Here is the Complete Syllabus of the course Section 1:IntroductionLecture 1:Course IntroductionLecture 2:Installation of Tools Needed to Run PHP Section 2:Basic HTML For Web Design Development from ScratchLecture 3:HEADING and PARAGRAPH Tags in HTMLLecture 4:IMAGE tag and its attributes in HTMLLecture 5:Unorder List and Ordered List in HTML - Basic HTMLLecture 6:TABLE Tag in HTML Part 1Lecture 7:TABLE Tag in HTML Part 2Lecture 8:Html Tags for Text FormattingLecture 9:Anchor Tag in HTMLLecture 10:FORM Tag for Creating Web Forms Part 1Lecture 11:FORM Tag for Creating Web Forms Part 2Lecture 12:FORM Tag Radio Button and Select Tag in HTML FormsLecture 13:FORM Tag - ALL Other input tags in HTML Forms Section 3:Basic CSS for Web Design Development from ScratchLecture 14:CSS - IntroductionLecture 15:Benefits or Purpose of writing CSSLecture 16:Simple Selectors in CSS - id, class and name of tagLecture 17:Different Ways of Writing CSS in a Web PageLecture 18:Colors in CSS - on Text, Background and BordersLecture 19:Backgrounds Related Properties in CSSLecture 20:Width and Height Related Properties in CSSLecture 21:Height and Width Inherit ValuesLecture 22:Text Related Properties in CSSLecture 23:Anchor Tag Related CSS PropertiesLecture 24:Margin and Padding Properties in CSSLecture 25:Fonts Related CSS PropertiesLecture 26:CSS Properties for TablesLecture 27:CSS Properties for Lists Part 1 (For UL and OL Tags)Lecture 28:CSS Properties for Lists Part 2 (For UL and OL Tags)Lecture 29:Display and Visibility Properties in CSSLecture 30:Creating a Simple Web Page Layout using DIV and CSS Part 1Lecture 31:Web Page Layout Using CSS and DIV Part 2Lecture 32:OVERFLOW Property in CSSLecture 33:Creating a NAVBAR using CSS and UL, LI Section 4:Core PHP for Web Development From ScratchLecture 34:Writing First Statement in PHPLecture 35:Variables in PHPLecture 36:Datatypes in PHPLecture 37:Constants in PHPLecture 38:User Defined Functions in PHPLecture 39:Simple Calculator using GET and POST Superglobals Part1Lecture 40:Simple Calculator using GET and POST Superglobals Part 2 Section 5:Operators in PHPLecture 41:Assignment Operators in PHPLecture 42:Arithmetic Operators in PHPLecture 43:Comparison Operators in PHPLecture 44:Logical Operators in PHP - TheoryLecture 45:Logical Operators - Example - PHPLecture 46:Increment and Decrement Operators in PHPLecture 47:Ternary Operator in PHPLecture 48:String Operators in PHP Section 6:LOOPS in PHPLecture 49:Nested For Loop and fetching Array values using For LoopLecture 50:FOR Loop Part 1Lecture 51:WHILE Loop in PHPLecture 52:DO WHILE LOOP in PHPLecture 53:Foreach Loop in PHP Section 7:Arrays in PHPLecture 54:Arrays - Indexed Arrays in PHPLecture 55:Associative Arrays in PHPLecture 56:Multidimensional Arrays in PHP Section 8:Bootstrap for BeginnersLecture 57:Bootstrap IntroductionLecture 58:COLORS in Bootstrap - TheoryLecture 59:Bootstrap COLORS - ExamplesLecture 60:Installing Bootstrap by Downloading the CSS and JS FilesLecture 61:Creating an HTML Form With Dynamic Dropdown List in PHPLecture 62:Creating A Simple Web Page Layout Using Bootstrap - Part 1Lecture 63:Creating A Simple Web Page Layout Using Bootstrap - Part 2Lecture 64:Creating A Simple Web Page Layout Using Bootstrap - Part 3Lecture 65:Creating Hotel's Web Application - Basic Home Page - Banner and Services SectionLecture 66:Creating a Responsive Navigation Menu Using BootstrapLecture 67:Bootstrap Creating Template having Sliders Part 1Lecture 68:Bootstrap Creating Template having Sliders Part 2Lecture 69:Bootstrap Responsive Tables and Classes for Table TagLecture 70:Creating and Designing a Registration Form Using Bootstrap Part 1Lecture 71:Creating and Designing a Registration Form Using Bootstrap Part 2Lecture 72:Other Important Classes Related to Forms in Bootstrap Section 9:PHP with MySQL - Databases and TablesLecture 73:Creating Database and Table for Application Using MySQLLecture 74:Creating a Table with Foreign Key Constraint in MySqLLecture 75:Connecting to MySQL Server using PHPLecture 76:Show Databases and Show Tables - SQL Query Using PHPLecture 77:Insert Records in MySQL Table From HTML Form using PHP Part 1Lecture 78:Insert Records in MySQL Table From HTML Form using PHP Part 2Lecture 79:Insert Data Into MySQL Table Using PDO - PHP Data ObjectLecture 80:View Records from a MySQL Table using PHP and Select StatementLecture 81:Update Records of MySQL Table Using PHP and MySqli Prepared Stamenet Part 1Lecture 82:Update Records of MySQL Table Using PHP and MySqli Prepared Stamenet Part 2Lecture 83:Update Records of MySQL Table Using PHP and MySqli Prepared Stamenet Part 3Lecture 84:WHERE CLAUSE in MySQL with Example QueriesLecture 85:LIKE Operator in Where ClauseLecture 86:Creating a Login Page using HTML and PHP Part 1Lecture 87:What are Session Variables - IntroductionLecture 88:How to Modify Destroy or Unset Session VariablesLecture 89:Fixing the Login Page for Logged In and anonymous usersLecture 90:Creating User Profile Page in PHP - with the help of SessionLecture 91:Creating Dynamic Navigation Bar and Logout Page in PHPLecture 92:Creating Role Based Access on Pages in PHP Part 1Lecture 93:Creating Role Based Access on Pages in PHP part 2Lecture 94:Using MySQL Joins for Joining 2 Tables and Fetching Results in PHPLecture 95:Web Hosting of PHP and MYSQL Application - IntroductionLecture 96:Deleting Records of MySQL Table using PHP and MySQLi Prepared Statements part 1Lecture 97:Deleting Records of MySQL Table using PHP and MySQLi Prepared Statements part 2Lecture 98:How to Create Views in MySQL - Using PhpMyAdminLecture 99:Transferring PHP Project from Local to Web Hosting - part 1Lecture 100:Transferring PHP Project from Local to Web Hosting - part 2 Section 10:Functions for STRINGS in PHPLecture 101:Strings in PHPLecture 102:Addcslashes and Addslashes - String Functions in PHPLecture 103:str_word_count String Function in PHP PVLecture 104:Crc32 and Explode String Functions in PHPLecture 105:Chunk_split and Count_chars String Functions in PHPLecture 106:Htmlentities and Html_entity_decode String FunctionsLecture 107:Implode and Join String FunctionsLecture 108:Stripslashes and Stripcslashes String Functions in PHPLecture 109:Strcmp String Function in PHPLecture 110:SHA1 and SHA1_FILE Functions in PHPLecture 111:MD5 and MD5_FILE Functions in PHPLecture 112:Implode and Join String Functions in PhpLecture 113:Lcfirst Ucfirst strtolower strtoupper String FunctionsLecture 114:Ltrim,Rtrim, Trim String Functions in PHPLecture 115:SOUNDEX , SIMILAR_TEXT and METAPHONE Functions in PHPLecture 116:Str_rot13, Str_Split and Str_shuffle String Functions in PHPLecture 117:Stripos String Function in PHPLecture 118:Strchr String Function in PHPLecture 119:Strip_tags String Function in PHPLecture 120:Str_replace String function in PHP Section 11:Object Oriented Programming Concepts in PHPLecture 121:Object Oriented Programming - PHP IntroductionLecture 122:Use of Instanceof Keyword in Object Oriented Programming - PHPLecture 123:__destruct() Function in Object Oriented Programming"
Price: 10880.00 ![]() |
"Make Money In Stocks With Django Angular And Docker" |
"In this course we will use Django Rest Framework Angular and Docker to build an application that will allow the user to track stocks that pay dividends and determine the type of transaction they need to take. We will be using Yahoo Finance to get the data from the stock market."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build your own Automated Dustbin using Raspberry Pi 2020" |
"Hello Everyone, I would like to introduce you to a brand new online course where you can learn to build an automated smart dustbin from scratch. I have always been a firm believer in learning by doing and in this course, you will learn what you need to know by hands-on experience. You dont need any special knowledge except basic computer skills to get started with the course. Every one of you comes from a different background and hence; the course is crafted from basic to advanced level with minute details in every lecture.The course is divided into 6 sections. In the first section, you will learn about the project concept and the working principle of the HCSR04 distance measurement sensor.In the second section, we will understand in detail about the circuit diagram which will help us to establish the connection between the Raspberry Pi and the distance measurement module, once we are done with this we will go ahead and explore the program which will help us to test whether the module we have purchased online or from the local market actually works or not.In the third section, we will get to know about the working principle and the inside mechanism of the servo motor. We will learn what is pulse width modulation and how this technique is implemented in programming. Going ahead we will also understand how the servo motor is connected with the Raspberry Pi and what are the power requirements to operate the same.The fourth section begins with the coding phase where we will first learn how we can achieve zero degrees and 180 degrees by supplying the required duty cycles. Once this result is achieved, we will then implement the mathematical formula through which we can derive the required duty cycle to achieve any user choice angle.In the fifth section, you will come to know how IoT is the game-changer. We will learn how we can design our own dashboard and analyze the data in real-time from anywhere. We will then practically test this by implementing a basic program and checking how data is being sent to the backend server and displayed in real-time on the dashboard.The sixth section exposes you to the final phase where you will understand the main program of the automated dustbin. The program includes all the activities that have to be carried out for the dustbin to work. Apart from this it also includes the IoT section which is responsible for carrying out the data to the backend server.Please note that the project covered in the course will work on any version of the Raspberry Pi.All the lectures contain English subtitles for clear and better understanding. If you face any technical issues, please post your query in the question and answer section and I will get back to you within 1 business day.At the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation on servo motor, distance sensor, IoT dashboard implementation, etc. So apart from building this project, you will also find it easy to build any other project of your choice."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PHPUnit in 2020 - Unit & Selenium Testing For PHP Developers" |
"Welcome to the brand new and very comprehensive PHPUnit (testing framework for PHP) and Selenium for PHPUnit course. PHPUnit is a tool for testing code written in PHP language. And Selenium is a tool for automating web browsers that we will use in this course to test application interfaces. You will learn not only about unit tests but also what integration, functional and acceptance tests are. Particular emphasis will be placed on php unit testing.Code testing is very important. Here there are most important benefits: you don't waste time as a web developer for manual testing in a web browseryou find mistakes in the code fasterwhat's more, by mastering PHPUnit you will start to write code that is testable (you will learn in the course what is non-testable code!)and your code will be easier to maintain, i.e. it will be easier to adapt it to the changes you might needIn short: if you haven't known phpunit yet, you'll simply be a better PHP programmer after completing this course. PHPUnit is a very important skill and if you're looking for a job as a PHP developer, it will allow you to increase your chances to get hired.During the course, we will be discussing the most important aspects of PHPUnit and Selenium for PHPUnit on practical examples with hands-on coding, such as assertions, data providers, mocks and others (see the curriculum for more information). You will also learn how to test api clients.The most interesting part of this course is building from scratch a real MVC-based application in PHP and PHPUnit using TDD - Test Driven Development approach. This is an application for managing product multi-level categories - which is not easy to implement. PHPUnit will be particularly useful here. It will be a very comprehensive TDD - not only unit tests but we will also test the user interface of this application using Selenium WebDriver. The HTML template of this application built using the Zurb Foundation Framework will be available to download (not because I think it is the best, just the template for this particular application was easiest to build using Zurb). We will be coding the backend from scratch using Slim Microframework for PHP. We will also use a great package from Laravel called illuminate/database for Laravel Eloquent ORM, thanks to which database operations are very easy.To better consolidate the acquired knowledge the course includes, in addition to lectures, coding exercises, quizzes, assignments and other practical activities.***For each lecture that requires coding, there are file resources that you can download and copy & paste, but I encourage you to write code from the screen.***I promise that you'll be a better PHP developer after completing this PHPUnit course. And even if for some reason you will not like this course, Udemy always offers you a 30-day money back guarantee. But I doubt that you will not like it. I am 100% sure that you will be happy with this course and your PHP code will be better from now!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint. . ." |
"PowerPoint. . . ""PowerPoint. . .""! . :1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 2.1. 2.2. 3.1. 3.2. ?4.1. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. POWERPOINT6.1. CANVA6.2. CANVA6.3. CANVA6.4. CANVA: 6.5. CANVA 7.1. POWERPOINT7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 8.1. 10 , 9.1. 10.1. ""PowerPoint. . ."" : Canva Power Point"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Rust lang: The complete beginner's guide" |
"Why learn RustRust is a blazingly fast, but at the same time easy to pick up language, designed for reliability and memory management. Hundreds of companies around the world are using Rust in production today for fast, low-resource, cross-platform solutions. Software you know and love, like Firefox, Dropbox, and Cloudflare, uses Rust.According to the StackOverflow developer survey, Rust is the most loved programming language among developers, for the fourth year in a row.This course teaches you:to install Rust on a PC or Macthe language basics likefunctionsdata typesvariablesetcthe fundamentals offlow controlcomplex data typesexception handlingmacrosetcadvanced topics such asmemory managementownership and borrowingsructures and traitsconcurrencyetcpractical applications of all studied concepts plenty of projects to get you practicing the languageWe will apply everything we learned through coding small applications to solidify what we are studying.This course opens up many opportunities to work in a growing market, where your skills will be highly values by employers. There is a huge shortage of Rust skills, and you can claim the top spot.Sign up today and let's start learning Rust together."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NMR and FT IR Spectroscopy MCQ Practice (Bio Chemistry)" |
"Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, most commonly known as NMR spectroscopy or magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), is a spectroscopic technique to observe local magnetic fields around atomic nuclei. The sample is placed in a magnetic field and the NMR signal is produced by excitation of the nuclei sample with radio waves into nuclear magnetic resonance, which is detected with sensitive radio receivers. The intramolecular magnetic field around an atom in a molecule changes the resonance frequency, thus giving access to details of the electronic structure of a molecule and its individual functional groups. As the fields are unique or highly characteristic to individual compounds, in modern organic chemistry practice, NMR spectroscopy is the definitive method to identify monomolecular organic compounds. Similarly, biochemists use NMR to identify proteins and other complex molecules. Besides identification, NMR spectroscopy provides detailed information about the structure, dynamics, reaction state, and chemical environment of molecules. The most common types of NMR are proton and carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy, but it is applicable to any kind of sample that contains nuclei possessing spinNMR spectra are unique, well-resolved, analytically tractable and often highly predictable for small molecules. Different functional groups are obviously distinguishable, and identical functional groups with differing neighboring substituents still give distinguishable signals. NMR has largely replaced traditional wet chemistry tests such as color reagents or typical chromatography for identification. A disadvantage is that a relatively large amount, 250 mg, of a purified substance is required, although it may be recovered through a workup. Preferably, the sample should be dissolved in a solvent, because NMR analysis of solids requires a dedicated magic angle spinning machine and may not give equally well-resolved spectra. The timescale of NMR is relatively long, and thus it is not suitable for observing fast phenomena, producing only an averaged spectrum. Although large amounts of impurities do show on an NMR spectrum, better methods exist for detecting impurities, as NMR is inherently not very sensitive - though at higher frequencies, sensitivity is higherFourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a technique used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid, liquid or gas. An FTIR spectrometer simultaneously collects high-spectral-resolution data over a wide spectral range. This confers a significant advantage over a dispersive spectrometer, which measures intensity over a narrow range of wavelengths at a time.The term Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy originates from the fact that a Fourier transform (a mathematical process) is required to convert the raw data into the actual spectrumThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on NMR and FT IR Spectroscopy. Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 23 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gas Chromatography MCQ Practice Questions (Bio Chemistry)" |
"Gas chromatography (GC) is a common type of chromatography used in analytical chemistry for separating and analyzing compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition. Typical uses of GC include testing the purity of a particular substance, or separating the different components of a mixture (the relative amounts of such components can also be determined). In some situations, GC may help in identifying a compound. In preparative chromatography, GC can be used to prepare pure compounds from a mixture.In gas chromatography, the mobile phase (or ""moving phase"") is a carrier gas, usually an inert gas such as helium or an unreactive gas such as nitrogen. Helium remains the most commonly used carrier gas in about 90% of instruments although hydrogen is preferred for improved separations. The stationary phase is a microscopic layer of liquid or polymer on an inert solid support, inside a piece of glass or metal tubing called a column (a homage to the fractionating column used in distillation). The instrument used to perform gas chromatography is called a gas chromatograph (or ""aerograph"", ""gas separator"")The gaseous compounds being analyzed interact with the walls of the column, which is coated with a stationary phase. This causes each compound to elute at a different time, known as the retention time of the compound. The comparison of retention times is what gives GC its analytical usefulnessThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Gas chromatography. Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 26 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bilind letiim ile Etkileyici Sunum" |
"Birinin ynlendirip, dierinin takip ettii bir dans gibidir. Uyum iinde olan kiiler, mterek ve ahenkli bir birliktelik iindedir, karlkl olarak birbirlerini kabul ettikleri bir anlaya sahiplerdir ve kendileri olmann sorun yaratmayacan bilirler.Herhangi bir cmlede, iinde sakl olan komutu vurgulayabilir ya da tonlamayla ortaya karabilirsiniz. Komutu, uzun bir cmlede gizlenmi ekilde verirsiniz ve bylece bilind zihne daha fazla iletilir. Sylediklerinize uyulmas bu ekilde daha muhtemeldir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Rhythmus verstehen, der schnelle Weg" |
"In diesem Lehrgang erklre ich Schritt fr Schritt die Noten- und Pausenlngen, sowie andere Schreibweisen und Phnomene, die das Thema ""Rhythmus"" umfasst. Dir stehen gehaltvolle Videos mit zahlreichen praktischen bungen zur Verfgung. Dieser Kurs ist fr alle Instrumentalisten gedacht und ist nicht nur an Pianisten gerichtet. Deshalb sind alle Notenbeispiele einstimmig gehalten. Die gleichzeitige Aktion verschiedener Rhythmen in beiden Hnden ist nicht Inhalt dieses Kurses.Sowohl Kinder als auch Erwachsene sind sich oft sehr unsicher, wie rhythmische Schreibweisen zu lesen und zu verstehen sind. In der Umsetzung, also beim Instrumentalspiel, kommt es oft zu massiven Problemen und Frustration. Damit war ich in meiner ber 20 - jhrigen Unterrichtspraxis oft konfrontiert. Aus meiner Erfahrung kann ich von vielen ""Aha-Erlebnissen"" und zahlreichen Momenten der Erleichterung berichten, nachdem ich meinen erwachsenenen Anfngern oder Wiedereinsteigern die Rhythmussprache erklrt habe und die Klavierschler das System sofort mit Erfolg anwenden konnten. Jedem Rhythmuswert seine Silbe! Kein mhsames Zhlen mit""eins und zwei und...."", um dann doch nicht sicher zu sein, ob es stimmt.Beim Musizieren ist der ganze Mensch einbezogen, mit seinem bereits vorhandenen Gefhl fr Sprache und Atmung. Warum also sollte ich diese wertvolle Fhigkeit nicht einbinden? In der Musik wird das kontrollierte Durchzhlen oft zum Hindernis, weil man sehr viel Aufmerksamkeit dafr braucht. Hren, Fhlen und Empfinden sollten mehr Raum bekommen und das gelingt mit Hilfe der Rhythmussprache.Du kannst ohne Vorkenntnisse (manchmal ist das das Beste) in diesen Kurs einsteigen. Ich wrde dir empfehlen, die Lektionen parallel zu deinem Instrumentalunterricht bzw. ben anzuschauen. Die Lektionen enthalten sehr viele Informationen und es ist gut, wenn du dir ausreichend Zeit dafr nimmst. Es gibt schlielich keine zeitlichen Beschrnkungen in der Nutzung. Wenn du kein Anfnger mehr bist, und Dir bei der Umsetzung der Rhythmik eine grere Sicherheit wnschst, bin ich berzeugt, dass die in diesem Kurs zugrunde liegende Methode der Rhythmussprache fr Dich sehr hilfreich sein wird."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Computer Vision: Python OCR & Object Detection Quick Starter" |
"Hi There!welcome to my new course 'Optical Character Recognition and Object Recognition Quick Start with Python'. This is the third course from my Computer Vision series.Image Recognition, Object Detection, Object Recognition and also Optical Character Recognition are among the most used applications of Computer Vision. Using these techniques, the computer will be able to recognize and classify either the whole image, or multiple objects inside a single image predicting the class of the objects with the percentage accuracy score. Using OCR, it can also recognize and convert text in the images to machine readable format like text or a document.Object Detection and Object Recognition is widely used in many simple applications and also complex ones like self driving cars.This course will be a quick starter for people who wants to dive into Optical Character Recognition, Image Recognition and Object Detection using Python without having to deal with all the complexities and mathematics associated with typical Deep Learning process. Let's now see the list of interesting topics that are included in this course. At first we will have an introductory theory session about Optical Character Recognition technology. After that, we are ready to proceed with preparing our computer for python coding by downloading and installing the anaconda package and will check and see if everything is installed fine.Most of you may not be coming from a python based programming background. The next few sessions and examples will help you get the basic python programming skill to proceed with the sessions included in this course. The topics include Python assignment, flow-control, functions and data structures. Then we will install the dependencies and libraries that we require to do the Optical Character Recognition. We are using Tesseract Library to do the OCR. At first we will install the Library and then its python bindings. We will also install OpenCV, which is the Open Source Computer Vision library in Python. We also will install the Pillow library, which is the Python Image Library. Then we will have an introduction to the steps involved in the Optical Character Recognition and later will proceed with coding and implementing the OCR program. We will use few example images to do a Character Recognition testing and will verify the results.Then we will have an introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks , which we will be using to do the Image Recognition. Here we will be classifying a full image based on the single primary object in it. We will then proceed with installing the Keras Library which we will be using to do the Image recognition. We will be using the built in , pre-trained Models that are included in Keras. The base code in python is also provided in the Keras documentation. At first We will be using the popular pre-trained model architecture called the VGGNet. we will have an introductory session about the architecture of VGGNet. Then we will proceed with using the pre-trained VGGNet 16 Model included in keras to do Image Recognition and classification. We will try with few sample images to check the predictions. Then will move on to a deeper VGGNet 19 Model included in keras to do Image Recognition and classification. Then we will try the ResNet pre-trained model included with the Keras library. We will include the model in the code and then we will try with few sample images to check the predictions. And after that we will try the Inception pre-trained model. We will also include the model in the code and then we will try with few sample images to check the predictions. Then will go ahead with the Xception pre-trained model. Here also, we will include the model in the code and then we will try with few sample images.And those were Image Recognition pre-trained models, which can only label and classify a complete image based on the primary object in it. Now we will proceed with Object Recognition in which we can detect and label multiple objects in a single image.At first we will have an introduction to MobileNet-SSD Pre-trained Model, which is single shot detector that is capable of detecting multiple objects in a scene. We will be also be having a quick discussion about the dataset that is used to train this model.Later we will be implementing the MobileNet-SSD Pre-trained Model in our code and will get the predictions and bounding box coordinates for every object detected. We will draw the bounding box around the objects in the image and write the label along with the confidence value.Then we will go ahead with object detection from a live video. We will be streaming the real-time live video from the computer's webcam and will try to detect objects from it. We will draw rectangle around each object detected in the live video along with the label and confidence.In the next session, we will go ahead with object detection from a pre-saved video. We will be streaming the saved video from our folder and will try to detect objects from it. We will draw rectangle around each object detected along with the label and confidence.Later we will be going ahead with the Mask-RCNN Pre-trained Model. In the previous model, we were only able to get a bounding box around the object, but in Mask-RCNN, we can get both the box co-ordinates as well the mask over the exact shape of object detected. We will have an introduction about this model and its details.Later we will be implementing the Mask-RCNN Pre-trained Model in our code and as the first step we will get the predictions and bounding box coordinates for every object detected. We will draw the bounding box around the objects in the image and write the label along with the confidence value.Later we will be getting the mask returned for each object predicted. We will process that data and use it to draw translucent multi coloured masks over each and every object detected and write the label along with the confidence value.Then we will go ahead with object detection from a live video using Mask-RCNN. We will be streaming the real-time live video from the computer's webcam and will try to detect objects from it. We will draw the mask over the perimeter of each object detected in the live video along with the label and confidence.And like we did for our previous model, we will go ahead with object detection from a pre-saved video using Mask-RCNN. We will be streaming the saved video from our folder and will try to detect objects from it. We will draw coloured masks for object detected along with the label and confidence.The Mask-RCNN is very accurate with vast class list but will be very slow in processing images using low power CPU based computers. MobileNet-SSD is fast but less accurate and low in number of classes. We need a perfect blend of speed and accuracy which will take us to Object Detection and Recognition using YOLO pre-trained model. we will have an overview about the yolo model in the next session and then we will implement yolo object detection from a single image.And using that as the base, we will try the yolo model for object detection from a real time webcam video and we will check the performance. Later we will use it for object recognition from the pre-saved video file.To further improve the speed of frames processed, we will use the model called Tiny YOLO which is a light weight version of the actual yolo model. We will use tiny yolo at first for the pre-saved video and will analyse the accuracy as well as speed and then we will try the same for a real-time video from webcam and see the difference in performance compared to actual yolo.That's all about the topics which are currently included in this quick course. The code, images and libraries used in this course has been uploaded and shared in a folder. I will include the link to download them in the last session or the resource section of this course. You are free to use the code in your projects with no questions asked.Also after completing this course, you will be provided with a course completion certificate which will add value to your portfolio.So that's all for now, see you soon in the class room. Happy learning and have a great time."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Game Plan for clearing Level 1 Enterprise Architecture Exam" |
"The course helps with getting certified in preparing for the Level 1 Foundation TOGAF Standard 9.2 Exam from the Open Group. It is assumed that one has already studied the Level 1 syllabus and only needs to brush up the concepts. Ideally a week before actually taking the exam this course can be useful to cram the concepts quickly.Quite useful for candidates to do the last minute brush up to gain confidence that the preparation meets the demands of the TOGAF 9.2 Level 1 exam. Useful for the candidate opting for the self study route to get the industry leading TOGAF Foundation Level 1 certification for IT professionals and architects."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Excel in Hindi" |
"This course will give you a deep understanding of the advanced formulas and functions that transform Excel from a basic spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool. While most Excel courses focus on simply what each formula does, I would teach you on how to apply the formula and understand its business and analytical application as well.By the end of the course you'll be writing robust, elegant formulas and functions which would help you to analyze data by allowing you to:Understanding basics:AutoFill a SeriesCreating a Custom ListData ToolsData ValidationDrop-Down ListsText to ColumnspmtGoal SeekScenario ManagerData TableVlookuphlookupImporting and Exporting DataIdentifying and deleting duplicates Outline, Sort, Filter and SubtotalIntroductionGroup and Ungroup and subtotalsSubtotalsConsolidate Pivot TablesIntroductionCreating Pivot TablesChoosing FieldsPivot Table LayoutFiltering Pivot TablesModifying Pivot Tables DataPivot ChartsSpecial FunctionsCount / Counta / Countif / CountifsSum /sumif / sumifs Macros Mail merge"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Structural Engineering: Design of Steel Connections 2" |
"Course overviewIn this course the determination of forces as well as design calculations for bolts and elements in connections are covered. Prior knowledge requiredIt would be beneficial to have the knowledge from the course ""Structural Engineering: Introduction to connections design"". Course contentThis course is essentially divided into three broad topics: The first topic of the course covers the deformations and capacities of bolts. The second topic of the course covers the deformations and capacities of plates.The third topic of the course covers the concept of prying.In the final topic bolt groups are covered. Specifically how to calculated forces on individual bolts due to in-plane and out-of-plane forces.Course aimsProvide learners with a sound introduction to connection design.Teach learners how to calculate forces within bolts and subsequently design those bolts using capacity equations to BS5950Learning outcomesIdentify when bolts are loaded in shear and tensionConfidently calculate the forces applied to bolts in isolation and bolt groupsConfidently calculate the capacities of bearing bolts and HSFG bolts Confidently calculate the capacities of plates.Establish comfort in the design of bolts and plates."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Projektmanagement: soft skills 1 (IPMA Level D Vorbereitung)" |
"Als Seminarleiter und Trainer fr Projektmanagement hre ich in oft: ""Ich habe da ein neues Projekt bertragen bekommen... . Kannst Du mir dazu ein paar Tipps geben...?""Fragen, die sich zu Beginn eines Projekts stellen:Wie fhrt man ein Projektteam? Was kennzeichnet ein Team?Kommunizieren und motivieren kann doch jeder, oder gibt es da etwas zu beachten?Wie geht man mit Konflikten und Problemen um und worin besteht der Unterschied?Diese und weitere Fragen rund um die sog. ""soft skills"" werden in der Kursreihe ""Projektmanagement: soft skills"" beantwortet, verbunden mit zahlreichen Tests. Hierdurch werden gleichzeitig die Grundlagen fr die Vorbereitung zur IPMA Level D Prfung (sozialer Teil) gelegt."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Projektmanagement: soft skills 2 (IPMA Level D-Vorbereitung)" |
"Als Seminarleiter und Trainer fr Projektmanagement hre ich in oft: ""Ich habe da ein neues Projekt bertragen bekommen... . Kannst Du mir dazu ein paar Tipps geben...?""Fragen, die sich zu Beginn eines Projekts stellen:Wie fhrt man ein Projektteam? Was kennzeichnet ein Team?Kommunizieren und motivieren kann doch jeder, oder gibt es da etwas zu beachten?Wie geht man mit Konflikten und Problemen um und worin besteht der Unterschied?Diese und weitere Fragen rund um die sog. ""soft skills"" werden in der Kursreihe ""Projektmanagement: soft skills"" beantwortet, verbunden mit Tests. Hierdurch werden gleichzeitig die Grundlagen fr die Vorbereitung zur IPMA Level D Prfung (sozialer Teil) gelegt."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Projektmanagement: soft skills 3 (IPMA Level D-Vorbereitung)" |
"Als Seminarleiter und Trainer fr Projektmanagement hre ich in oft: ""Ich habe da ein neues Projekt bertragen bekommen... . Kannst Du mir dazu ein paar Tipps geben...?""Fragen, die sich zu Beginn eines Projekts stellen:Wie fhrt man ein Projektteam? Was kennzeichnet ein Team?Kommunizieren und motivieren kann doch jeder, oder gibt es da etwas zu beachten?Wie geht man mit Konflikten und Problemen um und worin besteht der Unterschied?Diese und weitere Fragen rund um die sog. ""soft skills"" werden in der Kursreihe ""Projektmanagement: soft skills"" beantwortet, verbunden mit Tests. Hierdurch werden gleichzeitig die Grundlagen fr die Vorbereitung zur IPMA Level D Prfung (sozialer Teil) gelegt."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Projektmanagement: Methoden 1 (IPMA Level D-Vorbereitung)" |
"Als Seminarleiter und Trainer fr Projektmanagement hre ich in oft: ""Ich habe da ein neues Projekt bertragen bekommen... . Kannst Du mir dazu ein paar Tipps geben...?""Fragen, die sich zu Beginn eines Projekts stellen: Was ist eigentlich ein Projekt - und was nicht? Was sollte man zu Beginn beachten, damit es zu einem erfolgreichen Projekt werden kann ? Muss man eine Projektplanung machen und was ist dabei alles zu bercksichtigen? Wie plane und steuere ich ein Projekt einfach und effizient? Wozu brauche ich einen Projektabschluss?Diese und weitere methodische Fragen werden in der Kursreihe ""Projektmanagement: Methoden beantwortet, verbunden mit einfachen Tools aus 20 Jahren Projektttigkeit und Seminarleitung, die die Projektplanung und -steuerung erleichtern. Hierdurch werden gleichzeitig die Grundlagen fr die Vorbereitung zur IPMA Level D Prfung (methodischer Teil) gelegt."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Projektmanagement: Methoden 2 (IPMA Level D-Vorbereitung)" |
"Als Seminarleiter und Trainer fr Projektmanagement hre ich in oft: ""Ich habe da ein neues Projekt bertragen bekommen... . Kannst Du mir dazu ein paar Tipps geben...?""Fragen, die sich zu Beginn eines Projekts stellen: Was ist eigentlich ein Projekt - und was nicht? Was sollte man zu Beginn beachten, damit es zu einem erfolgreichen Projekt werden kann ? Muss man eine Projektplanung machen und was ist dabei alles zu bercksichtigen? Wie plane und steuere ich ein Projekt einfach und effizient? Wozu brauche ich einen Projektabschluss?Diese und weitere methodische Fragen werden in der Kursreihe ""Projektmanagement: Methoden beantwortet, verbunden mit einfachen Tools aus 20 Jahren Projektttigkeit und Seminarleitung, die die Projektplanung und -steuerung erleichtern. Hierdurch werden gleichzeitig die Grundlagen fr die Vorbereitung zur IPMA Level D Prfung (methodischer Teil) gelegt."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Projektmanagement: Methoden 3 (IPMA Level D-Vorbereitung)" |
"Als Seminarleiter und Trainer fr Projektmanagement hre ich in oft: ""Ich habe da ein neues Projekt bertragen bekommen... . Kannst Du mir dazu ein paar Tipps geben...?""Fragen, die sich zu Beginn eines Projekts stellen: Was ist eigentlich ein Projekt - und was nicht? Was sollte man zu Beginn beachten, damit es zu einem erfolgreichen Projekt werden kann ? Muss man eine Projektplanung machen und was ist dabei alles zu bercksichtigen? Wie plane und steuere ich ein Projekt einfach und effizient? Wozu brauche ich einen Projektabschluss?Diese und weitere methodische Fragen werden in der Kursreihe ""Projektmanagement: Methoden beantwortet, verbunden mit einfachen Tools aus 20 Jahren Projektttigkeit und Seminarleitung, die die Projektplanung und -steuerung erleichtern. Hierdurch werden gleichzeitig die Grundlagen fr die Vorbereitung zur IPMA Level D Prfung (methodischer Teil) gelegt."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Projektmanagement: Methoden 4 (IPMA Level D-Vorbereitung)" |
"Als Seminarleiter und Trainer fr Projektmanagement hre ich in oft: ""Ich habe da ein neues Projekt bertragen bekommen... . Kannst Du mir dazu ein paar Tipps geben...?""Fragen, die sich zu Beginn eines Projekts stellen: Was ist eigentlich ein Projekt - und was nicht? Was sollte man zu Beginn beachten, damit es zu einem erfolgreichen Projekt werden kann ? Muss man eine Projektplanung machen und was ist dabei alles zu bercksichtigen? Wie plane und steuere ich ein Projekt einfach und effizient? Wozu brauche ich einen Projektabschluss?Diese und weitere methodische Fragen werden in der Kursreihe ""Projektmanagement: Methoden beantwortet, verbunden mit einfachen Tools aus 20 Jahren Projektttigkeit und Seminarleitung, die die Projektplanung und -steuerung erleichtern. Hierdurch werden gleichzeitig die Grundlagen fr die Vorbereitung zur IPMA Level D Prfung (methodischer Teil) gelegt."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye SEO Yeni Balayanlar in Sertifikal" |
">>> Geni Bir Dkman Destei le <<<cret demeden Yapabileceimiz Etkili SEO almalar ve Dk/Yksek Bteli SEO almalarBir web sitesi sahibinin arama motoru optimizasyonu ile alakal bilgi sahibi olmas gerekir. Bu eitimimizde A'dan Z'ye SEO diyeceiz ve detaylaryla temel seviyede ele alacaz.SEO = Sadece Kelime DEMEK DELDRcret demeden etkili SEO almas ile web siteniz arama motorlarnda ilk sralarda yer alabilir. Dk bteli almalarla bunlar daha da verimli hale getirebiliriz.Genel hatlaryla zerinde duracamz konular;SEO nedir ve neden nemlidir?Arama motorlarnn alma mant nedir?Gelimi Arama Parametreleri nelerdir?Etkili Arama Optimizasyonu nasl yaplr?Pf Noktalar nelerdir?Site yaplar - SEO eitleri - StratejilerYandex Metrica Semrushrobots.txtWebsitesi yapsDoru kelime seimiGoogle Analytics Search Console Web Master Tool"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ISC2 SSCP Certification Exam Prep (All Domains): Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for ISC2 (SSCP) Systems Security Certified Practitioner Certification Exam Prep (All Domains): Tests 2020ISC2 SSCP certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their future in Cybersecurity domain.SSCP certification demonstrates you have the advanced technical skills and knowledge to implement, monitor and administer IT infrastructure using security best practices, policies and procedures established by the cybersecurity experts.Prove your skills, advance your career, and gain the support of a community of cybersecurity leaders here to help you throughout your career.This practice test will help you prepare for the real SSCP official exam test environment. SSCP DomainsDomain 1. Access ControlsDomain 2. Security Operations and AdministrationDomain 3. Risk Identification, Monitoring and AnalysisDomain 4. Incident Response and RecoveryDomain 5. CryptographyDomain 6. Network and Communications SecurityDomain 7. Systems and Application SecurityThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISC2 SSCP in any way.Wish you all the best for your exam !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Crer une canette de A Z" |
"Blender est un logiciel libre et open source. Le parfait outil pour dcouvrir, son rythme, un mtier, une passion ou une envie.Apprenez les basiques de la 3D : modlisation, texture, lumires, rendu, compositing et sauvegarde.La canette reste un objet du quotidien : simple dans sa forme et ses couleurs. Son approche reste abordable. Pour obtenir un rsultat convaincant.Ralisez votre propre visuel, partagez-le.Je serai heureux de voir vos crations."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Become an Azure Container Hero" |
"The guide to deploying containers on Microsoft Azure!This course isn't just a bunch of theory on how we think you should use containers on Microsoft Azure. This is a hands on deep dive into how to deploy containers on the Azure Platform.Docker is at the heart of creating containers, we are going to teach you how to configure your mac or windows machine to build containers locally.We have developed a simple container and we will teach you to do the same. These will be used to deploy to each of the Azure Services.The Azure Services we are going to cover are:Azure Container InstancesAzure Container RegistriesWeb App for containersAzure Kubernetes ServiceOnce you have finished this course you will be able to apply this knowledge to your own projects and ship containers to Azure.But most importantly we are going to teach you how to select the correct azure service for each of your use cases.In this course you will get online support so if you have any questions you can post them in the discussions and we will get back to you as soon as we can."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos do Storytelling" |
"Imagine que uma apresentao de produto ou um servio fosse to cativante quanto aos filmes e sries que voc assiste na Netflix. J pensou que isso pode se tornar uma realidade? Tornar o seu pblico parte da sua apresentao, com aquele envolvimento que gera empatia e a sensao de fazer parte daquilo.Com o curso de Storytelling, voc no aprender apenas os conceitos, ter contato tambm com as tcnicas, atravs de cases reais e ser capaz ao final do curso de apresentar uma ideia, servio ou produto de forma estruturada e muito envolvente."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Dieta Cetogenica. Aprende a comer bajo en carbohidratos." |
"En este curso aprenders la importancia de llevar una dieta baja en carbohidratos. La cual ayudara a reducir tu porcentaje de grasa y potenciar todo el funcionamiento corporal.Tradicionalmente nuestras dietas se basan en carbohidratos que han contribuido con la acumulacion de grasa visceral y subcutanea (alrededor de los rganos y bajo la piel.) Esto ah llevado a enfermar a toda la poblacin mas que nunca se han disparados los casos de diabetes, hipertensin, resistencia a la insulina y diferentes enfermedades metablicas que estn directamente relacionadas con la manera como nos alimentamos. La obesidad y el sobrepeso tambin son temas preocupantes, ahora tenemos mayor acceso a un sin numero de productos procesados altos en azucares, harinas refinadas y grasas trans. Dichos productos son poco tolerables por nuestro cuerpo, nos enferman, nos engordan y nos vuelve adictos.Este curso te proporcionar los conocimientos necesarios para cambiar la forma como te alimentas, tendrs una alimentacin ms funcional que te ayudar a bajar de peso y mejorar diferentes marcadores en tu salud.Aprenders:Diferencias entre una dieta tradicional y un cetognica.Que es una dieta baja en carbohidratos.Diferencias entre los macronutrientes.Por que no hay que temerle a las grasas saludables.Por que tener una glicemia elevada altera tu metabolismo y te hace ganar grasa.Y lo mejor, tendras el paso a paso de las recetas para que hagas en casa."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |